Too many nephews to babysit (mmmm/F)

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Too many nephews to babysit (mmmm/F)

Post by quietman »

I've had most of this story written for a while, finally put the finishing details on it.

This story was partially inspired by Ianc1980's stories. Give them a read if you haven't yet.

I hope you all enjoy this one, it was maybe the most fun of my stories to write. A kind and innocent babysitter aunt overwhelmed by a bunch of mischievous boys.

Like my other stories, we are middle school age, my aunt is mid 30s.


It was another summer weekend for me, and it would turn into another weekend of me and my cousins being babysat by my aunt. It started when my brother had an out of town baseball tournament all weekend. Initially, my parents were thinking they’d just bring me along, but I had my own little league game on Saturday morning which I said I didn’t want to miss, and my mom really wanted to make the trip. I really didn’t care that much, but I didn’t feel like leaving town for the weekend.

This choice got even better when I found out I’d get to hang out with my cousins all weekend. When my parents asked my Aunt Chrissy if she could watch me for the weekend, it turned out that their parents were also leaving town for a getaway and had already asked her to watch my three cousins Kyle, Alex, and Troy. She loved babysitting us, but it was a lot for her to have 4 rambunctious boys on her hands for the weekend. My parents thanked her profusely, and my mom stocked our kitchen with all kinds of goodies and home-cooked foods. They even offered to make other arrangements, but my Aunt insisted she didn't mind at all.

I spent the night at a friend/teammate's house Friday night, and his parents dropped me off back at my house after our morning game at about 10:30. I immediately got out of my uniform and wanted to hang out with my cousins, who had already arrived with my aunt. I left the dusty uniform in the garage and ran up to my room, while shouting out hello. After changing I came downstairs and was greeted with a hug and a kiss by my aunt.

She worked at a bank, and had to go into work for a short meeting in the morning, which my cousins tagged along to. This meant she was still in her work clothes. She had on a dark skirt that went just above the knee, with light pantyhose and black high heel shoes. On top she had a short-sleeved white blouse with a blue scarf/bandana tied neatly around her neck. She looked awesome, and we loved seeing her in her professional clothes, especially the pantyhose. Her dark hair was down.

Now unfortunately for Aunt Chrissy, she had the unenviable task of watching four mischievous boys (at least when we were all together) in the middle of the summer, with a list of rules from our parents. Our moms had talked and they wanted us all to work on our summer reading. My aunt tried to “make” us do the reading, even though she was really too nice to force us. To add to the situation, my cousin Troy had recently gotten a hamster and brought the little creature along for the weekend. My aunt didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but she couldn’t hide that she disliked the little pet.
“I know that’s your new pet Troy honey, but I just can’t handle him. It’s too much like a rat!”

There was also the issue that as boys, we loved fires and fireworks. My dad had bought a pack of light-duty fireworks and sparklers for the 4th of July. It was still late June, but of course we wanted to set them off that night with our fire. And during the day, we didn’t want to read but play outside, especially “home-run derby" in the front yard. Despite having a decent area to hit balls, our parents insisted we only throw and could not swing a bat out there. I think our parents were trying to make her life easier by keeping us occupied with work, but it turned out they had just given our poor aunt a list of unpopular rules to enforce on a bunch of little banshees. After a good deal of time begrudgingly reading, the three of us older cousins – Kyle, Alex, and me – had a little pow wow and came up with an idea. Kyle did the talking.

“Aunt Chrissy, I think we have a solution that will make everyone happy. We’ve all done a little reading in the last two hours, but we really need a break. So, we can play a game instead. The game will help with our summer work but also let us do something else later, all the stuff we want to do.” My aunt smiled skeptically,
“what kind of a game are you thinking?”
“Well it will be like a spy or war game, but we will use our school work in it.”

Most of the work we had to do we hated. I had to read a novel for English class about some girl in Russia who started writing poetry. Pretty much every boy in the class was dreading having to read it (probably many of the girls too!). Troy had a summer math work book he had to complete. But Kyle, who was going into 8th grade, had to read a history book on modern Europe. He’d read the first several chapters, on the leadup and outbreak of WWI, a topic we all were more interested in and had knowledge of.

“Here’s the game auntie. You are a spy in the early 1900s. But instead of fighting it will be a battle of wits. You’ll be like a female James Bond. He didn’t always fight, sometimes he had to outwit his enemies at the gambling table or at dinner parties.”

My cousin then explained that each chapter of the book had a 10 question quiz at the end. The game would be Alex and Kyle against Aunt Chrissy, Troy as the judge would ask the questions. 3 or 4 vs. 1 would be unfair. The questions were divided in half, 5 per team. At the end of five chapters, whoever had more questions correct was the winner.

After Kyle explained this all, my aunt was intrigued but had questions. “Hmmm, this actually sounds like a good idea. Of course you guys pick the one assignment you actually like … But I did get all As and Bs in history class. But two against one, hmmm.” she sounded like she could go either way. “I do like the idea of being a female James Bond!”

“You play the part well auntie!” I encouraged her, with my cousins all agreeing. She did look the part in her work clothes.

“But I can’t do a British accent?”
Kyle quickly answered, “You’re an American in service of His Majesty. We will be the Germans. Agents of the Kaiser.”
“And what does the winner get out of this?” she asked, almost cautious to hear the answer.
“Well if we win, you’re cover is blown and you become our prisoner.”
Aunt Chrissy rolled her eyes a little, “oh how fun… And what if I win?”
We paused, “I don’t know… whatever you want.”

“Hmm, let’s see…” she twirled the end of her blue scarf/bandana tied around her neck. “Well obviously, you have to do your work. You have to read until 4… and… tomorrow afternoon, you get to wash my car!” We all kind of groaned at the reading part, but it wasn’t a horrible offer. “And one more thing… the next time the family’s all together, you have to let your girl cousins play with you in your games!”

“No way!” We loved our other two girl cousins, but they were too young for our rough games.
I turned to Alex, “You better win this thing!”
Kyle smiled, “don’t worry mein Herr, we are experts!”

As per the rules, I left the room, and began to prepare for our post-victory plans. First, I went to the closet and put on an old black leather jacket of my dad’s, trying to look like a German colonel or field marshal from the movies. It wasn’t a leather trench coat, but with my height, the adult jacket went pretty low. I also found an old pair of play/fake round glasses. They cost about $3, so I broke one of the lenses off and began scotch taping it around my eye as a “monocle” putting the other in the coat pocket. I also rummaged through the basement and pulled out an old 8-foot brown table with folding legs, getting it set up.

I continued making preparations and then waited. We were almost all set to go, I just hoped my cousins were winning upstairs. After another 10 or 15 minutes, Troy came half way down the stairs. “All done, we won!”
“Great! Are they bringing her down now?”
“No, a couple minutes still.”
“Okay good, come down here and help me.”

I called Troy down and gave him a couple of things to do and bring down to the basement. I had the old folding table and several of my dad’s medium strength, yellow ratchet straps in a milk crate. The straps were about two inches wide.

A few minutes later I could hear footsteps coming down the basement, and a I quickly finished with the scotch tape on the eye and picked up my dad’s leather gloves and made sure everything was ready. As they were coming down, I heard one of my cousins say, “By the way auntie, the hero of Tannenberg was Paul von Hindenburg.”

“Oh, well that’s a good thing to know… I don’t think that helps me now.” She was laughing along.

“Is everything ready Troy? Do you have those jackets for them, and the special contents inside the pocket?” I asked. “Yep, everything’s set.”

My cousins descended into the basement holding my bound aunt by the arms. Her hands were tied in front, and they had a single cord around her arms below the shoulders. It was a simple thin white rope for clothes lines from the laundry room.

“We present to you this captured enemy agent, Herr oberst!”

I smiled. “Welcome to our headquarters, Fraulein Chrissy. We’ve been expecting you!” I said in my “bad guy / German voice.”
When she saw my appearance, she started laughing. “Oh my gosh, is my nephew even in there, that coat is so big!”
“I am afraid you are mistaken my dear Fraulein, there is no nephew here. I am Oberst James of East Prussia, and we are loyal subjects of our Kaiser. Thankfully my fellow soldaten have neutralized your threat of espionage within the German Empire and taken you prisoner.”

I turned to them, “good work gentlemen. I can assure you, you will all be recommended for ze Iron Cross!” I was alternating between a mediocre German accent and a generic “bad guy” voice.

I also fished the other lens out of my coat pocket and handed it to my cousin Kyle with a grin,
“Your monocle, Herr Leutnant.”

He handed Aunt Chrissy’s arm to my cousin Troy and then went about quickly scotch taping the lens around his eye. Troy also handed them each old jackets to put on. Alex’s had some extra material in one of the pockets.

I continued, “I am sorry if you are less than comfortable, Fraulein, but I assure you - provided that you cooperate - we mean you no harm and that you will be released from all restraints… in due time. But for now, soldaten, prepare her for questioning!”
“Jawohl, herr Oberst!”

“Okay, here we go, you guys are probably going to tie me up and tickle me or something” she was a little bit amused and playing along, saying this a second before my older two cousins picked her up and placed her on the brown table. She wasn’t resisting much, but Alex and Troy held her shoulders and legs down while Kyle and I proceeded to break out the ratchet straps. We would start by spreading it over the spot on her body to be tied and then take the S-shaped hooks on each end and meet in the middle below, and then return up top to tighten the slack, giving a couple extra cranks on the ratchets every time.

When we were done, she had a strap above her chest, her midriff, the mid-thigh, and above the ankles. We also kept the chord around her shoulders and her hands tied for good measure. She was strapped down tight, with mostly just her feet wiggling, as we had taken off her high heels. The thigh strap was just above the spot where her skirt ended and her pantyhosed legs began. The skirt had ridden up a couple of inches. The chest strap was tight, just above her breasts and on her bare arms just below her short-sleeved blouse.

She was cooperative and was not struggling, just warning us not to crank them too tight. Kyle and I were positioned on either side of her while Alex stood at her head and Troy at her feet.

Our aunt was completely laid out and strapped down on the table. A little bit above waist height for us boys. We paused for a moment and just observed the straps pressed against her pantyhosed legs and ankles.

“Okay, I’m all tied down. Do you guys just like strapping me down to a table or do you have a point? You’re supposed to be getting back to your schoolwork now.” We all thought to ourselves, “well why can’t both statements be true!”

“Fraulein…” I said, pretending to adjust my monocle, “our… superiors in Berlin inform us that when not engaging in espionage activities, you are frequently involved in babysitting a group of very nice and well-behaved children in the countryside of Bavaria.” I was pacing up and down along the table from her head to toe, fiddling with the leather gloves in my hand.

My aunt rolled her eyes a little bit. “I don’t know about the well-behaved part!” she quipped.

Kyle interjected, “Furthermore, they tell us that these nice, innocent boys are being subjected to rules that are… unreasonable.” We had already decided that the two of us would do the talking.

“Such as? …” My aunt was still amused a little but was also trying to be witty. She would lift her head to speak while her body remained tightly restricted.

I answered, “Berlin tell us you are subjecting these children to the rrrridiculous American custom known as ‘summa reading.’ You will desist from these activities immediately!”

“I promised your moms you would get some of that done! And you promised if we played the game that you’d return to your work!”

Kyle smiled fiendishly, “Oh, but they did get it done Fraulein! Was it not their knowledge of the material that led to your current… restrictive predicament?” We all snickered a little.

After a little sarcastic “haha” she replied “Well of course you all like history and the military. But what about your other books? Jimmy you’re supposed to be reading a novel for your English class about a teenage girl who writes poetry. It looks good... I think there’s even some romance at the end! I’ll even read it with you honey… But you have to get some of it done.” It was a little amusing and endearing that she was still being so nice and offering to help even as her mischievous nephews had her tightly bound.

“ And Troy has to do his math work.” Our damsel was pleading, but we were unconvinced.

I continued pacing, “we are willing to be reasonable my dear Fraulein, however, I assure you that if you insist on forcing zese children to read for the rest of the day… we may have to resort to methods that are more… uncivilized” I was now looking down at her and pulling a leather glove over my left hand villainously.

My cousin Kyle then added, “Yes Fraulein, you must know my men are experts in extracting information out of captured enemy agents. We have eyes everywhere; we know every weakness!”

My aunt sighed, “Okay, fine how about this. You guys don’t have to do any more school work the rest of the day, but you’ll at least make an effort tomorrow afternoon?”
I looked at my cousins, “What are your thoughts, Leutnant?”

“I think we can agree to that,” he said then looking down at my aunt, “after all, there are more important things for boys than reading superfluous novels… such as… tying up zeya babysitta!” We all laughed out loud.

“Okay fine so you’ll leave me tied up a little longer just for fun, and then you’ll free me?” she asked innocently trying to follow along with our mischief, while pushing a little against the straps and lifting her head.

I responded “Nein, Fraulein, nein! Before we even consider releasing you from your… predicament, there still are certain… conditions which must be met. For example, with regards to the fireworks for American Independence Day, you must allow zese children to blow off ze fireworks tonight!”

Kyle added, “These fireworks are not dangerous… and the weaza will be perfect tonight!”
“Fine, if you boys want to blow all of those fireworks now, go ahead. But you’ll have to explain to your dad what happened, my hands will be clean!” She moved her bound hands up as much as she could, which was very little.

My cousins looked at me like, “she has a point, what are we going to do?”
I then looked back down at her, “Ah but zeya is another way Fraulein! You see a simple ride in your auto-mobile and you can purchase another pack of zese fireworks. And this… father will never know the difference!” I then broke character and went into regular American talk, “Smith’s fireworks, right down the road, only a 15-minute drive. The whole package only costs 40 bucks. I don’t know why my dad’s being so weird about it!”

My cousins then backed me up, “we’ll even pitch in some money auntie, give us a ride!”
“Alright, alright, fine. We’ll go make a trip later.” She sounded a little annoyed but smiled when she saw how happy we were.
“Yes!” we all pumped our fists, and broke our accents, “thank you auntie, this is why we always have more fun with you!”

“Well great, I guess I’m still the fun aunt! And see, you didn’t even have to ‘torture me’ at all.” She attempted to do air quotes with her fingers.
My cousin Kyle responded, back into accent “Yes… it would be a shame if we would be forced to disfigure such a pretty young Fraulein.”

I followed along, “Yes my dear, it is not every day that we see such dark-haired beauty in our far-away little corner of ze German Reich.” This was also a reference to the fact that 2 of my cousins and I had blonde or light brown hair.

“Well I’m glad my captors are so considerate!” Then she gave a little wiggle against her upper body straps straps and said, “now how about you guys let me go and we can go outside.”
My cousin Kyle held up his hand, “Nein!... There are still important matters to be… negotiated.”

My aunt, who was always very patient, seemed a little annoyed and lifted her head up high and pressed her body against her straps, “What else do you guys want?”

My cousin continued, “Fraulein, it is unreasonable to expect these boys not to play any baseball in the front yard. I’m sure they would promise to be extra careful before hitting any balls, just please let them go do it!”

My aunt sighed, “guys, I am the only adult here. If you hit a car in the road, do you realize your parents could have a lot of trouble on their hands? Sometimes you have to play it safe.”

I jumped in. “Very well then Fraulein, we must play our ace in ze hole. Since you will not permit this innocent game of baseball, we must ask that you take over the duties of hamster care for the rest of the weekend, including pulling him out of his cage!”

She made a grossed-out face, “no way! I’m not touching that little rat! Where is that nosy little critter anyway.” She’d taken our bait!

Right on cue, my cousin Alex stepped right up to her, and pulled the hamster out of his coat pocket, holding it a few inches from her face.
“You mean zis harmless bundle of joy?”

My aunt was now wide-eyed and squirming, trying to push herself against the table, which actually pushed her breasts up a little. “eww, get that thing away from me!”

Kyle then made the offer, “If you would just allow this innocent baseball game to occur, the hamster will be put away. And on the tiny, tiny, miniscule chance that a car gets hit… you promise that whatever damages there are, will be covered… by Fraulein’s insurance.”

“No guys. You’re too old to hit balls toward the road! I can’t cover that!”

“Very well. Alex proceed!” We unbuttoned the bottom of her blouse revealing her bare midriff, and Alex then placed some dried-out pieces of hamster food on her stomach and in her naval.
“What are you doing? No! no!” she began really struggling, jerking from side to side.
He pulled out the hamster out of his pocket and placed it on her stomach. She began violently struggling against her bonds, trying to shoo the hamster off with her bound wrists and hands. They were mostly constricted though, by a strap over her lower forearm.

“No! Get it off me! Get it off me! This is gross!... Stop! Stop!...” The hamster walked around her waist a little and then set up shop on her stomach and was chowing down. After a little more struggling, “Fine! Fine, just go outside and play baseball!”

Celebrating, he immediately pulled the hamster, and we rebuttoned her blouse after dusting off her stomach by hand. My aunt was taking a minute to slow her breathing. My cousins almost immediately starting running upstairs.

“Wait! Aren’t you guys gonna untie me?” she was again pressing against her shoulder strap much as she could.
“Uhhh… we’ll come back for you later! I ran back a couple steps to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “thanks Aunt Chrissy!” Then I started running back up. I almost collided with Alex, who ran back down and said, “and don’t worry about the hamster auntie, Troy will take care of it,” and he gave her another kiss on the cheek and ran back up. Then from the top of the stairs, we called back down to her, “and don’t worry about the baseball auntie, we’ll be super careful! We’d never put you in a binding position! HA hahaha!”

I went upstairs to put my dad’s clothes away as well as the other jackets. My cousins followed and took their coats off but then headed back toward the basement. Aunt Chrissy was calling out, “come on guys, you have to free me! It’s okay, you can play baseball, just let me come out with you.” As I was cleaning up upstairs, Troy then descended the stairs back to the basement by himself and approached her.

“Oh Troy honey, thank you, you’ve come to free me! You’re such a good boy.”
Troy stopped and smiled a little, “You guys tied me so tight, how about you get my ha-mmphhh!” Troy stuffed a clean sock in her mouth and kept her hand-gagged after approaching her quietly. Then he took an already ripped piece of duct tape he’d stuck to the back of his shorts and put it over her lips, smoothing out the creases two or three times.

She just muffled into her new gag and gave him a look like, “even you, Troy?” Troy’s two older brothers, who were hanging around at the top of the stairs, were snickering to themselves.

“Sorry auntie but my brothers wanted to keep you quiet. See you later!”

She furrowed her brow and then starting talking into her gag, “mmmmpph, mmph, mmmmphh.” Troy then turned around and turned off all of the lights and stated up the stairs. Aunt Chrissy struggled for a few moments as she yelled into her gag. But after a minute of futility, she gave up, putting her head down on the table in the dark basement, and feeling totally helpless bound and gagged. A minute or two after her struggling ceased, the lights came back on.

“Just kidding!”

My three cousins had crept down the stairs in the almost pitch-black basement and waited for a minute or two, letting her struggle.
As her gag was being removed, Kyle said, “sorry auntie, we couldn’t resist.” They were all laughing. She rolled her eyes, “that wasn’t funny guys, I thought you were gonna leave me here all day!”

“We would never do that to our favorite aunt. Will you still come outside with us?”

“I’d love to but you’re gonna have to actually untie me… this time for real!” They now freed her of all her bonds and we all went outside.
We were of course delightful little angels the rest of the weekend, and even gladly washed her car the next day. It was the least we could do after our Saturday shenanigans.
Last edited by quietman 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Great innocent fun! I’m always partial to the light hearted story, and this one certainly fits the mold! Please keep up the good work! I look forward to reading about future TUGs with your cool aunt!
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Post by Reyez8123 »

Nice story
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Post by elea62 »

Looking for soft role-play
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Post by quietman »

Thanks for the comments. Our aunt really was the perfect fun but innocent babysitter to tie up. It’s too bad I was too shy to ask, I really think she would have let us!
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