A Different Experience (m/m)

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A Different Experience (m/m)

Post by GMen »

If I were to guess, I’d say this story took place a couple of months after my last encounter with my roommate Anthony and his boyfriend at the time, Dave (see Double Teamed for the full backstory.) Since then, my only tie-up related activity was tying my then-girlfriend’s wrists behind her back during an evening of foreplay. That relationship petered out in the meantime while Anthony and Dave were going smoothly. On a couple of occasions, I found myself entering our place as one of their occasional tie-up sessions would be coming to a close. Dave would usually make some comment that I should’ve shown up earlier to take part in the fun (Being courteous, I always made sure Anthony let me know if he planned on having an intimate evening so that I didn’t impose.)

As you’ll see this was a very different experience for me and there were a lot of uncertainties on my end as to what to expect. These were, by the way, uncertainties that I never specifically addressed once the experience concluded and I never shared with Dave of my subtle angst. That is, until I started writing this story. I decided to reach out to Dave (while he and Anthony split a long time ago, it was due to relocation and they have always remained on good terms) to get his side of the story (or at least all that he remembered.) Because I had already written this story, I sent it to him and he provided his own thoughts and recollections which will appear below in italics.

A Different Experience

If memory serves right this took place in the early evening of a Friday. In my line of work, it was not unheard of for Friday afternoons to descend into do-nothing sessions at the office. In fact, in some instances, if the conditions aligned properly, you could go out to lunch and return around 1:30 or so in the afternoon and start day drinking shortly thereafter, hosting bull sessions with co-workers and not doing a bit of work. While quitting time was usually between 5:30 and 6 on a normal day and around 5pm on a Friday, on those particular days, you would see people depart as early as 4pm. On this particular day, I must’ve left closer to the 4pm time because of the time that elapsed when this situation unfolded.

When I arrived at my place, Dave was sitting at the counter we had on the opposite side of the kitchen typing away furiously on his laptop. He was earning his Master’s degree and was a normal sight on a Friday. Without any classes on that day, he would take advantage of the peace and quiet in our apartment to take detailed notes for his thesis before Anthony returned from his job around 5:30 or so. From there, they’d usually go out to dinner and the array of local bars. On some occasions, I’d join them, other times I’d go out with my cadre of associates.

We exchanged pleasantries as I put my bag down and headed into my room to change into something more comfortable (unfortunately the salient details elude me during this particular incident. A safe bet would’ve been that I was wearing jeans and a button down shirt when I arrived, and simply changed my shirt to either a polo or t-shirt. Not sure what my footwear was walking in but I do recall wearing Nike sneakers and white no-show socks later on. Apologies but I don’t recall what Dave was wearing at the time but on days like these, it was usually a t-shirt and shorts.)

I returned in what would’ve been just a few minutes and sat quietly in the living area, not wanting to turn on the TV or do anything that would’ve disturbed Dave, especially as it seemed like he was really fixated on a particular train of thought. I sat on the couch, either flipping through a book or magazine when Dave exhibited the universal sign of completing his task: an extended sigh.

“All finished?” I asked.

“With this section, yep. And I had planned on working on it all weekend, too,” he replied triumphantly.

“Good for you. Now take the rest of the weekend off,” I answered.

He hopped off the stool and walked into the kitchen. He yelled from the kitchen, “I’m helping myself to y’all’s beer, if you don’t mind.”

“That’s fine so long as you bring me one,” I replied.

He came back into the living area, handing me my bottle and pulling out his keychain bottle opener for both his and my beer. We clinked bottle necks, cheered the upcoming weekend and he settled into our chair next the couch. We chatted for a little while on a number of mundane topics, of which I’m certain soccer was one of them (while I had played occasionally, he was a big pro soccer fan and was always trying to get me and Anthony into it.) I remember this detail because I asked him if he was playing his weekend league but he said they had the week off and had nothing major planned for the weekend. Go out on Friday, recover Saturday, go back out Saturday, recover Sunday; that’s what it appeared his schedule would be like. Then he dropped in, “maybe convince Anthony to kidnap you again,” he said, grinning. “C’mon, you know you had fun.” Of course I had; I hadn’t said otherwise either. We proceeded to chat about the scene we did and I provided the full history of Anthony and my involvement in TUGs and how Anthony rekindled that spark after we moved in together. Although he was surprised to hear that I hadn’t had much action since being tied by the two of them. I wasn’t upset about it, I told him, I fully expected that to happen because it would seem weird to continue playing with someone who was in a relationship and could take those games a bit further with their partner than their roommate.

“Nah, that’s not an excuse,” he said. “It’s childish fun with no consequences.”

I just nodded and expected to move on to another topic but Dave persisted. “Want me to tie you up”

I looked over at him, uncertain if he was being serious or not. “Right now?” I asked quizzically.

“Yea. You’ve got all the supplies right here,” he said as he stood up from the chair and retreated into Anthony’s room and returning with some of the rope we’ve used in the past.

A few confessions here, the biggest one being that I had been hoping and expecting a moment like this for quite some time. By this point, GMen had been returning home early on Fridays on a consistent basis. Since the time when Anthony and I kidnapped him earlier, I did want to engage in another opportunity to kidnap him sans Anthony. I know that sounds terrible but it was an exciting idea to have a straight guy at your mercy, even if it was just for fun and games and for a limited period of time. Since I know he will read this, I’ll say he was devastatingly handsome and I distinctly remember his scruff start to come in which made him even more alluring (I had tried - and failed - to convince Anthony to let his facial hair grow in but he insisted on shaving every morning.)

Anthony had already told me about his and GMen’s tie up experiences, but on this particular afternoon, I played dumb, hoping the longer the explanation GMen gave about their history, the wider the opening I had to bring up the possibility of fulfilling my fantasy. Between his answer and the mention of having any fun on that front for awhile, I had to drop the bait and he took it.

When he returned, he came up with a quick scene that involved him needing to keep his roommate’s friend out of the way for awhile. He said that he slipped something in my beer and that I would eventually succumb to its effects. It seemed harmless enough and we went back to chatting as I finished my beer. After about ten minutes or so, I started getting into my role. I would double-blink or pretend to slur my words or rub my temples as if I was getting dizzy. At first, Dave played the concerned friend, asking the questions you’d expect: “hey buddy, are you alright?….You don’t look so good…etc.” As I continued to play the confused victim, he stood up from the lounge chair and sat next to me on the couch, slowly pushing me into horizontal position. “That’s it, just relax, pal. Nice and easy.” He lifted my legs up, plopping them on his lap where he proceeded to untie my shoelaces.

I don’t remember all too much of the scene we picked. I was more interested and focused on actually tying him down. I knew I wanted him to feign unconsciousness so that I could operate slowly, taking my time to examine the specimen. Anthony had said GMen embraced the idea of a backstory with particular zeal, either as the kidnapper or the victim - and this time was no different. I do distinctly remember his moaning from the “drugged” drink and I admit I got excited. I had immediate goals in mind: get him barefoot and then get him shirtless. After reading of how he described his previous kidnapping, I will admit I have a foot fetish. I do. Sue me. It didn’t matter to me in the least that GMen was my boyfriend’s roommate, I can now admit that I would ogle him anytime he wasn’t wearing shoes (sorry pal). My only regret was that I didn’t have an iPhone yet, I still had one of those older Blackberry phones that didn’t come with a camera. Once his left arm went limp and hung off the couch, I knew he was “out” and got to work. Off came the shoes, off came the socks. I was in heaven.

I was barefoot but some time elapsed before my ankles were actually tied. Dave seemed content to give me an unnecessary foot massage with his hands and, eventually, his tongue. For a time, I wondered if there was actually going to be any tying at all, but then I felt him take some nylon rope and wrap it around my ankles a few times. I could tell he was still a novice at this, and I suspected he played the victim more times than he had the captor in his times with Anthony.

Anthony and I had played maybe a dozen times by then and I don’t remember being the captor more than once. And if I remember right, he escaped within a few minutes. I didn’t know how to tie well. I had an interest in light bondage but never mastered any of the technique. You could call me a lazy captor in that I just wanted to admire the final product and not have to be the one responsible for getting the captive to that point. Despite this, I never panicked. If need be, I had duct tape around that would easily do the trick. GMen is accurate, however, when he says I took my time getting him tied. Again, I knew I could use probably up to twenty minutes if I wanted before tapping him on the cheek to have him “awaken” so there was no rush. Because of my other prevailing fetish, I sought to satisfy those urges first, as I knew my captive wasn’t necessarily having the best of times as i indulged myself in his helpless state.

With my ankles secured, Dave raised my arms above my head and pulled my shirt off, just as had been done the last time. I wasn’t sure where this was necessarily heading, as clothing had never been removed in my other one-on-one sessions with Anthony (except maybe for shoes.) In scenes that required tickling, Anthony would simply run his fingers up my shirt and never take it off. However, come to think of it, that was probably because in those instances I was already tied. He never took the meticulous time that Dave was in preparing his victim. With my arms above my head, he took a smaller length of the nylon rope and hastily tied my wrists together. He didn’t hold my wrists together very long and as a result, I could feel there be enough slack to get out with just a little struggling. He ran his hand across my chest, commenting on its smoothness and eventually ran both of his hands down my legs to my ankles.

Yep, I had what I considered to be a stud at my disposal, so much so that I rushed through the tying. For me, it was the appearance of him tied and while I hoped he’d remain tied for hours on end, I was just lucky if I could keep him like that for ten minutes. All that was missing was a gag and I always preferred a bandanna tied in between the guy’s teeth. After reading the first story, I do remember it was not very efficient at keeping him quiet, but the look was just irresistible. I wasn’t too familiar with gags, as Anthony and I never used them extensively in our games which could evolve into make-out sessions. But I retrieved one from Anthony’s room and wrapped it around before jamming it in his mouth, closing his mouth, and then tying it nice and tight behind his head. I remember standing up from the couch and looking at my prize. Again, I wish I had a camera.

A few minutes passed before he tossed my head side-to-side telling me to wake up. I did so, pretending to still be out of it for a little while before realizing the pickle I was in. I instantly embraced the role of duped friend and started shouting obscenities - muffled, of course - at him, while leering at him. Dave could definitely play the deviant, complete with a Cheshire cat grin and maniacal demeanor. I gave the usual performance of struggling and muffled protests, but it didn’t take long before I felt my wrist knots start to give. I had two choices. Either I could struggle the hardest I could, thereby ensuring my freedom in a matter of minutes, or I could tone it down and see how far to take it. I chose the latter.

It’s refreshing to see that GMen was patronizing me. Again, I was pitiful at tying and by this point, I had already succeeded in my mind. But I was ever aware that this could very well be a one-time only deal and felt the need to capitalize on it.

I faux struggled for a few minutes, but even just the twisting and turning on the couch was proving rigorous enough for the knot to continually loosen. Based on Dave’s behavior, it was clear he didn’t have a Plan B, as he just stood over me, smiling and making a few of the comments you’d expect from some super villain character. Occasionally he’d scrape his fingernails up my soles or up my legs, but that was about it. Then, out of nowhere, he said, “fuck it,” and leaned in and planted his lips right on mine. It was brief, but my eyes widened for a moment, and I shook my head furiously. As soon as he pulled away, he pulled out the knot around my wrists with relative ease and slyly asked, “was it good for you?”

It was meant to be a joke but also - and GMen didn’t realize this - he had been the topic of a couple of drunken conversations I had previously had with Anthony. An unofficial challenge of sorts had been laid down some time before any of this ever happened. The goal was to see which one could kiss him first, thinking we could one-up each other during a game of adult Truth of Dare or just get him hammered enough that he wouldn’t remember it in the morning. Needless to say, the challenge never went anywhere and I had nearly forgotten it until it popped into my head as I was tying him up. In my defense, I pressed my lips to his for less than five seconds, there was no tongue or anything like that. I distinctly remember untying him immediately afterwards.

I pulled my gag out as Dave untied my ankles. Before I could say anything, Dave assured me, “don’t worry, it was just to settle a bet. It won’t happen again.” Regardless, I told him, he wasn’t to tell Anthony. I put my shoes and socks back on and went about my evening.


That was the only time Dave had ever tied me, and I believe the last time he was ever present for a tie up involving me. At some point later, I found out Dave did tell Anthony about what he had done, which led to another tie-up game involving Anthony and me. Recently, I reached out to Anthony to see if he’d consent to me posting it but he demurred (I figured he would given the sordid details). If he changes his mind in the future, I’ll be happy to write it up.
Last edited by GMen 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Meac »

Thank you both for sharing your thoughts and memories.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I hope Anthony will eventually change his mind, because you write great stories!
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Post by MaxRoper »

Good story, well told. However I couldn't read the blue print. What's up with that?
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Post by cj2125 »

Thans for the story! Simple and cute, glat I could read it from the perspective of both sides involved and how the felt about it. Too bad it was so short but what can you do? :lol:
MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago However I couldn't read the blue print. What's up with that?
I had a hard time reading it too until I highlighted it in my pc, I guess he was using different colors to differentiate the narrators.
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Post by Veracity »

I enjoyed the story, but I have to agree that the blue print made reading difficult. If you want to indicate a change of POV may I suggest that just switching to italics would be a good solution?
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Post by GMen »

Blue came out alright on my end, but I'll change it back to white for you folk.
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Post by bondagefreak »

I seem to have missed this one over the weekend.
I'll be reading this over later tonight. Bookmarking it so that I don't forget.
Always nice to see more stuff from you [mention]GMen[/mention]

UPDATE: A delightful read to say the least!

Beautifully related and refreshingly tame compared to the stories I find myself in the habit of reading, but enjoyable nonetheless. The level of detail here really stands out, and the writing flows nicely.

Well done!
Always looking forward to more from you.

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Post by GMen »

Thanks, as always, for the compliments [mention]bondagefreak[/mention].

My stories are fairly tame if for no other reason than they're true stories. The more outrageous and outlandish some of these "true" stories are, the less likely they are at actually being true. I wish I remembered every salient detail to my stories, but it's impossible. So rather than pretend or make something up, I try to make it as real as I can. For some of these exploits, if I do eventually put them down on paper, I'll probably stick them in the fiction section and say they're based off of real events, to be as truthful as possible.

As for [mention]Canuck100[/mention], I am highly skeptical that Anthony will allow me the opportunity to put the story into words. All I will say is that he definitely crossed a line and we had to have a chat once the gag was taken out of my mouth!
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Post by fratboydanny »

Can’t believe this is theorist I am seeing this. Thanks [mention]GMen[/mention] for sharing this story with us. It was a fun read!
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Post by GMen »

It's the first you're seeing this [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] because you've been AWOL!

Next you should read The Trick Photographer.

Or the precursor to this story Double Teamed.
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