Stan Parks : 01 - The $20 Challenge (F/M)

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Stan Parks : 01 - The $20 Challenge (F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Stan Parks' stories
01 - The $20 Challenge
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By Stan Parks

Tue Dec 26, 2006 3:51 pm

The $20 Challenge

My girlfriend and I have been playing tie up games for the past few months. I've always been somewhat interested in it, but never thought that she'd want to try it. She comes from a very "vanilla" (normal) upbringing, a church family, and definitely isn't the "kinky" type. But as I've found out she really enjoys being in control and her innocent exterior is only a thick facade that houses a dominant and very inventive girl.

I have a ton of stories I could share about us, and can write more in the future, but for now this is a recent one.

My girlfriend has acquired a small collection of handcuffs and other restraints. She likes things that she knows I have no way to get out of. I'm far more excited to be put in a situation that I can't get out of without her using them though. It takes far more time effort and thought to lock someone up without premade restraints. So on this particular morning I posed a challenge.

She was on her way out to Walmart and I gave her a $20 bill. I challenged her to spend no more than the $20 to buy something that would keep me tied down for at least a half hour. The only rule was that she was not allowed to buy anything we already had. So no handcuffs or rope.

I figured there is no way she's going to be able to pull this off, and that right away she'd say that it would be impossible and argue her way into at least being able to duplicate some of what she already had. But to my surprise she said, "ok" and left.

She came home about an hour later and said "no peeking" as she hid away the blue plastic bags. She came out of the bedroom with the receipt folded over so I could only see the total and said, "You're screwed fella, I'm gonna tie you good, and with money to spare" She only spent about $16 on the stuff she bought. She was so confident, and it was definitely a turn on, but I had to wait the rest of the day to see what was in store for me that night.

I came home from being out with a few friends and met her on the couch. She asked "are you ready?". I said "sure". She grabbed my hand and brought me into the bedroom. On the bed were the blue plastic bags, and next to the bed was an armless chair from our kitchen. I tried to look at what was in the bags but she quickly spun me around and said, "I don't like peeking". She grabbed some black ribbon off of her dresser and started wrapping it around my eyes. She backed me up and sat me in the chair, finishing the blindfold with 15 or 20 wraps around my head.

Usually when she blindfolds me she asks, "can you see". Not this time though, she knew there was no way. She was just confident in everything she was doing from when she left to buy the stuff to now when I was being tied up with it.

I wasn't worried though, as the only way she ever successfully secured me to an armless chair was when she handcuffed my hands together. Without handcuffs I figured anything she could tie around I'd be able to wiggle free from in a few minutes, plus i had 30 minutes to do it in anyway!

She moved onto my ankles. This is when I started to worry. She bought a large spool of string-like yarn. She grasped my right foot and put it next to the leg of the chair and started to wind the yarn around my ankle.

I immediately said "Hey wait that's rope, you're not allowed to buy or use something we already have".

She replied, "It's yarn, and I'll even let you read the tag later... if you can get out of it (laughter)"

I said, "that's not fair"

She replied "yes it is, and I guarantee that I followed all of the rules, in fact..." she paused...

She walked back to the bed and returned to my side. She put her face next to mine and said, "there was nothing in the rules that said the order in which I had to tie you up nor is there any reason why I can't gag you right now".

I replied with a wide mouthed "WHAT?" and she pushed a rubber ball into my mouth. I MMPHHHED as she held the ball in place.

She said "shhhhhh. I'm going to continue tying you up now".

Now this was the first time she had ever tried to gag me. I don't know if in the past she was nervous that I wouldn't like it, or if she thought it was too dangerous (back to the vanilla upbringing). But I had wanted her to do it for a while but never said anything. But at the same time I was a little disappointed. This gag wasn't going to be very effective because I could just spit it out whenever I wanted to. She must have seen an old movie where the captive is gagged by putting an apple in their mouth and thought that it really worked? I always hated those movies because they were so unrealistic.

So anyway, I sat in the chair with the ball in my mouth as she wrapped the string-like yarn around my right and left ankles repeatedly. She wrapped the yarn at least a hundred times around my ankles. I was really getting concerned that I may have some trouble if she did the same thing with my arms. Just the number of times she was winding it worried me. But then to my surprise she said, "all out of yarn".

I heard her moving back over to the bed and heard her going through one of the plastic bags. I heard a package opening (like a battery type package with the carboard and plastic fused together). She popped open the package but didn't come back right away. I sat there and struggled a bit with my legs and realized there's no way I can wiggle free. Then I heard something, I wasn't sure what it was until she walked behind me.

She grabbed by left hand and pulled it back behind me and put it against the wood back board of the chair. I then felt some pressure on my wrist as she wrapped this strip around my wrist securing it of the back of the chair. I heard the sound of velcro. She then grabbed my other wrist and did the same, making sure my hands were turned away from eachother. I tried moving and it was as if my wrists were glued to the frame of the chair.

She then stood in front of me and said "what do you think?"


She took the ball out of my mouth and said "Sorry I was having trouble understanding you (laughter)"

I said "is this velcro?"

She replied "Nope. Industrial strength velcro". She had in fact gotten strips of velcro with sticky backs and stuck them to eacother in order to make long strong straps to wrap my arms to the chair with.

She said "what do you think?"

I said "they are too tight"

She walked behind me and said "Too tight that you don't have circulation, or too tight to get out of".

I said "ummmm" as my hands were circulating fine...

She said "That's what I thought" and quickly shoved the ball back in my mouth.

I started to struggle a bit and she said "Wait, I'm not done yet".

I thought to myself NOT DONE? I can't even move my arms or my legs now, what else could she have bought for $16.

The I heard the sound of duct tape coming off a roll. I was about to spit the ball out of my mouth to object when she slapped a piece of the tape over my lips. She then took another piece and put it on top, and another and another. 4 pieces total. I tried pushing the ball out with my tongue but it was too big and i couldn't really get behind it.

I sat there and thought to myself she can't do that, but then realized we never had or used duct tape before so it was fair game. I was pleasantly surprised by this because now I see that she had ever intention of actually gagging me good.

She then said, " I bought the duct tape just in case the velcro didn't do the trick on your wrists but I don't think I need to secure that anymore. Just one more thing..."

I thought "wait, what's left?" Quick addition said the tape, the velcro, the yarn, the ribbon..... this has to be $15 or $16.

She then said, "I got these real cheap" as she made my right hand into a fist and started to slip small thick socks over it. Then she did my left. 3 or 4 small socks, on each hand making a pretty thick mitt that kept me from using my fingers. She finished by wrapping each hand with duct tape tightly to keep the socks on.

I sat there with now silver balls around my hands, wrists locked to the back of a wooden chair with industrial strength velcro, my legs affixed to the chair with an entire spool of string-like yarn, a huge rubber ball lodged in my mouth and secured with duct tape and my eyes wrapped with black ribbon. And all of this for less than $20 at Walmart. She had taken the challenge and done well.

She said "You've got 30 minutes".

I tried my hardest to get out, but after the first 10 minutes I lost hope. I was able to get the gag off after about 5 or 6 minutes when the sweat from my face loosened the grip of the tape, but beyond that I wasn't able to break free of anything. She started tickling me and teasing me when it seemed that I had given up and then finally let me out a few minutes later.

I still can't believe that she was able to do it. Even though we've tied eachother up before, her innocent personality always makes me think I'll have the upper hand and be able to get out.

When it was all over she said, "next time I'll do it with $10!"
I'll save that story for another day...

// Stan \\

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