Awaiting Rescue (m/mm)

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Awaiting Rescue (m/mm)

Post by Le222olf »

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I have no shortage of stories involving my friends and I tying each other up when we were younger. This one’s a little short, but I remember it quite fondly and vividly.

Like we did every week, Timmy, Samantha, and I were hanging out at Timmy’s house. Timmy’s other friend, Kyle, was also there. He didn’t seem to care much for our games and spent most of the day watching TV. He was a little older than the rest of us, which made him falsely think he was in charge. I think he was only like one or two years older than me.

Anyway, Timmy and I were gearing up to play one of our “capture the enemy” type games. This involved the enemy getting captured and subsequently tied up. We had differing rules from week to week, and it made for a unique experience every time. Since we had Samantha with us this week, we decided to do an interesting take on the game.

Samantha and I were allies, while Timmy was the enemy. We needed to steal a small chest from him, but only he was allowed to use a toy gun. We weren’t sure how we were going to beat him, but we were making it up as we went.

Samantha and I were both wearing t-shirts with blue jeans. Timmy wore a t-shirt with running shorts, which he often did. Kyle didn’t partake in our game at first, but he knew we were doing it. We tried to convince him to join in before, but he wasn’t quite as willing as Samantha. What a shame.

Anyway, the three of us split up to begin our adventure. Samantha and I claimed Timmy’s room as our hideout, while Timmy stayed in the basement. The room’s purpose varied from week to week. Sometimes, it acted as a battleground. Other times, it served as a safehouse. This was one of those times. Samantha and I mapped out our strategy pretty well, but we had one issue. We didn’t know which one of us to send into the basement while the other stayed on guard on the ground floor. We played a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, and sure enough, I lost.

“Just don’t let him see you!” Samantha said as she ushered me downstairs and to the basement door. Of course, that was easy for her to say. She wasn’t the one throwing herself into danger. Still, I was a little excited. At this point, I kind of enjoyed getting captured during these games. As much as I liked to win, it was also a nice consolation to be tied up for losing. I guess my newfound joy for being kidnapped made me put my guard down.

The basement was divided into two major sections. An area with couches, a TV, a table, etc. and an area with a backroom leading to a laundry room. Inside the laundry room was a door that led to a small workshop-like room, which was apparently where Timmy was hiding out. After walking around the basement for a minute, I didn’t see Timmy anywhere. I wondered if he was upstairs stalking Samantha, but that would be a little too lucky for me, and I knew by now my luck was horrible.

I started heading toward the laundry room, unaware of the danger lurking behind the bar up against the wall. Little did I know, Timmy was waiting there for me. As soon as I passed, he took his moment to strike.

“Ha! I got you!”

Timmy came from behind and grabbed me, taking me by the arms and pinning them down. We were used to this whole kidnapping thing by now, so he knew exactly how to get me. Before I could call for Samantha to come and help me, Timmy put his hand over my mouth, keeping me held with his other hand around my waist.

“Mmmmph! Mmmmph!” I shouted into Timmy’s hand. It was happening. I was being captured. Despite my “best efforts,” I had been outsmarted and Timmy got me.

“Come on. You’re coming with me!” Timmy usually said whenever he caught me. He forced me to walk toward the laundry room, and I knew exactly where he was taking me. He brought me into the workshop area, where a single chair sat at a desk. On the floor, Timmy kept a few piles of ropes and a roll of duct tape. We often used these in our games, and I knew they were about to be used on me.

“Stay here, and don’t try to escape.” Timmy said as he pushed me into the chair. I knew the rules. I had been captured, I couldn’t try to escape. I sat fearfully in the chair, awaiting the ropes that were about to meet me.

At first, Timmy taped my hands behind my back. We always had a roll of duct tape on hand for these games. Or should I say, on my hands. Then, he took the rope and tied me to the chair with it. He wrapped it around my torso and tightened it, keeping me in place in that chair.

“Ugh!” I struggled as my brown-haired captor tied me. “Let me go!” I often said things like this to sell the point that I was a prisoner.

“You’re not getting out of those ropes. Don’t even try.” Timmy tied the ropes off, keeping me in the chair where I couldn’t move. I struggled in my seat, fidgeting my wrists behind my back even though I couldn’t break out of the tape that held them. It held my wrists tight and the ropes held me tight to that chair.

Lastly, with the other rope, Timmy tied my legs in front of me. There I sat. Completely tied up and unable to move from the wooden chair I sat in. I couldn’t do anything except struggle and hope for Samantha to rescue me.

“HELP! HELP ME! SAMANTHA!” I cried out, wriggling and trying to move the chair back.

“Oh no. Let’s shut you up right now.” Timmy said, taking the duct tape and ripping off a piece.

“HEL-MMPH!” I screamed as my jailer sealed the tape across my lips. Now he really had me. “Mmmmph mmmph!”

Timmy placed two more pieces of tape over my mouth to keep me quiet, and his plan succeeded. I couldn’t tell if Samantha heard my calls for help or not, but I was hoping she did. If she didn’t rescue me, who would?

“You’ll never get the treasure now,” Timmy tormented me, knowing I couldn’t do anything to stop him. “Now you stay here while I go get your little friend.”

“Mmmph! Mmmgh!” I struggled and rocked the chair back and forth as Timmy went to claim his toy gun. Now armed, he exited the room and left me alone and imprisoned. I was helpless. There was nothing I could do. I became a prisoner, a damsel in distress waiting for my hero to rescue me.

I squirmed for a bit and fidgeted my wrists, but I soon gave up after a few minutes. I sighed and slumped down in the chair, at least the best I could. Trying to escape on my own was not an option. I needed to be rescued.

Through my struggling, I hadn’t taken the time to look around and view my surroundings. I didn’t even know if the chest was being kept in the same room as me. Even if it was, what difference did it make? I was captured.

After some helpless wriggling here and there, something unexpected happened. The door to the room opened, but it wasn’t Samantha that came in. It was Kyle!

“Whoa, what’s going on here?” Kyle asked, seeing me tied to the chair and gagged.

“Mmmph! Mmmph!” I pleaded with my potential hero to free me from the chair.

Kyle was a little taller than me, and had similar short brown hair to Timmy. He wore a black sports shirt with matching black shorts. He explained to me that Samantha convinced him to join the game, and he decided to give it a try.

“She asked me to come down here and check on you. Looks like you got yourself caught.” Kyle chuckled.

“Mmmph mmmph!” I returned.

Kyle took a little too long to get to rescuing me. It was almost as if he had to take in the entire room before getting me out of my predicament. Before he could get much further, however, we were joined by another.

“Stop right there!”

From across the basement, Timmy had come running with his toy gun in hand and pointed it at Kyle. Kyle confusedly put his hands up and stepped back, now being held at gunpoint by Timmy.

“I’m just passing through, don’t hurt me.” Kyle said, keeping his arms up.

“Yeah, we’ll see about that. You were coming to save him, weren’t you?” Timmy gestured to me. I rolled my eyes, knowing that my potential hero was about to be captured just like me.

“I wasn’t. Honest.” the boy at plastic gunpoint continued trying to prove his point.

“Yeah right. Get on the floor!”

Timmy motioned to a spot on the floor beside the desk, and Kyle didn’t hesitate to follow his commands. Once Kyle sat on the floor, Timmy grabbed the roll of duct tape.

“Put your hands behind your back!”

Once again, Kyle did as Timmy instructed, and put his hands behind his back. Timmy went to him with the tape and began wrapping his wrists up.

“Am I being captured?” Kyle stupidly asked. He had a look of confusion on his freckled face the whole time, but he should have known the situation in his mind.

“Yeah, you are. No one’s gonna find you down here.”

Timmy took another strip of tape and placed it over Kyle’s mouth, gagging him just like he did to me.

“Mmmmmmmmph!” Kyle gave a long drawn-out mmph as Timmy taped his mouth shut. Now he was a prisoner just like me.

Making sure Kyle stayed in place, Timmy used the remaining rope to tie Kyle’s torso and legs. He now had two captives, and neither of us were going anywhere.

“Mmmmph mmmmph mmmnph!” Kyle and I muttered and struggled in our respective spots. Timmy cackled to himself as he watched us squirm, as we were unable to do anything to free ourselves from this undesirable situation.

“Two down, one to go.” Timmy retrieved his gun and headed for the door. Kyle and I continued struggling, and I’m pretty sure Kyle tried to move himself toward Timmy across the floor. “Struggle all you want, you’re not getting out of here.”

With that, Timmy left Kyle and I alone. Two bound captives in a dark basement workshop with no hope of escape. We could either wait for Samantha to rescue us both, or we could at least make an attempt to get out on our own.

“Mmmmph…” I started wriggling again in my chair, but tried my best not to knock it over. I didn’t want to deal with the pain of falling on the floor. I saw through the side of my eye that Kyle was also wriggling in place, trying to free his hands from the tape behind his back.


Kyle and I “mmmphed” to one another continually, as if we were making some sort of conversation. We threw in a few muffled cries for help, such as “HLLLPH!”, but we didn’t think anyone would hear us. After a while, we got used to each other’s company and we decided to just sit and wait. We weren’t going anywhere.

Finally, after who knows how long we waited, the door opened and someone we were happy to see came inside.

“Smmnthh!” my captive partner and I exclaimed as Samantha entered to see us in our mess.

Taking one look at us, Samantha couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Her two partners in crime were caught and helpless, and only she could save them. Kyle and I looked at each other in embarrassment.

When Samantha finished laughing, she closed and locked the door to ensure Timmy could not get back inside. Something I wished Kyle had done earlier.

“Okay, boys, I’m here to save you.” Samantha boldly stated as she came over to me. After taking a good look at me and giggling to herself, she decided to untie me. It took her a while to undo the ropes around my legs and torso, but she didn’t have much trouble tearing through the tape around my hands. Once I was free, she asked me to help her untie Kyle. I stood from the chair and peeled the tape from my mouth, which wasn’t very pleasant, then I joined her in freeing our companion.

While we freed Kyle, Timmy stood outside, waiting for us, but it didn’t entirely matter. With all three of us free, we decided to look around the room for where Timmy was keeping the chest. Sure enough, behind a box on a small desk, we found the chest we were looking for. With that, we had won the game.

“The box! We found it!” Samantha said loud enough for Timmy to hear outside. I could tell he was angry about this. I guess that’s what he got for keeping his prisoners in the same room as the treasure.
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Post by FelixSH »

That was cute and fun. Thanks for sharing your memory with us.

I wished I had had a chance to play games like this, as a kid. That I'm now straight up too old just makes me sad.

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Post by Killua »

It's a fun story. Well written. Thanks for posting it.
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Post by Canuck100 »

When I read a story I really like, nothing pleases me more than reading “I have no shortage of stories involving my friends and I tying each other up when we were younger”. I really enjoyed this one, can’t wait to read about your other tugs!
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Post by Ebascoray »

Great story! Thanks for sharing it, and posting it!

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Post by SFPGBondage »

Great story. Hope you post more so we can hear all those stories.
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Post by cj2125 »

I really liked this story! You are lucky of having grown up with friends with whom you could play tie up games! I hope to read more of your stories
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Post by Le222olf »

FelixSH wrote: 3 years ago That was cute and fun. Thanks for sharing your memory with us.

I wished I had had a chance to play games like this, as a kid. That I'm now straight up too old just makes me sad.
Don't worry, I've had plenty of experiences being tied up at older ages. I'm just starting from the beginning with my stories here. :D
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Post by Le222olf »

Thank you for the kind words, everyone! It's always a pleasure sharing these stories of how I came to enjoy being tied up.

Post by Drake4 »

This was an amazing experience, i really wish to be tied by a friend like you in such funny games
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Post by slackywacky »

Great story and I have to agree with [mention]Canuck100[/mention], your statement of having more stories makes me want to read more stories written by you. And if you call this a 'short' story, I would not mind seeing what a long story looks like.

So please post more. Have a great 2021!
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Post by thas2200 »

Your stories is really great, I hope they will more !
Sorry for my english, stupid french here ! :twisted:
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Post by rattybat »

I too hope there are more stories from you on here in the future. I wish this kind of stuff had happened to me when growing up...
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