THE BUZZARDS COME HOME TO ROOST Multiple (m/m) Story Complete 15th Dec

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THE BUZZARDS COME HOME TO ROOST Multiple (m/m) Story Complete 15th Dec

Post by Xtc »



The characters in this story were first introduced in the “Land Farmers and Sailor Boys” saga ( They were developed in “Looking After Luke” ( and “Following the Game” ( If this story is confusing, readers might like to check them out first.

The usual rules* can be found in “Following the Game”.
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Setting-Up the Game

The usual rules (They can be found here: ... 407#p73407) would apply, more or less, and the players turned up at Henry’s Holt and pitched their tents. The older boys were starting to drop out of the official wide games but it was always useful to have a couple to act as referees.

Once camp had been established, teams were chosen. This was the first game in which some of the Buzzard patrol were allowed to take part so Long Tom and Sam agreed on some slight variations in play to give them at least a fighting chance of not spending most of the game tied up. Let’s face it: any two little kids were very unlikely to be able to take down Jamie, Zac, Den or Alex so the referees decided to play the “reeds” rule.

Everyone went down to the pond and plaited bracelets from reeds. The bracelets, which were easily broken, would represent “lives” and anyone whose life was taken had to submit in the usual way. Sam and Long Tom collected a supply of reeds for the manufacture of replacements. Any prisoners would be bound and blindfolded as usual but would then be taken to the referees where they would be untied and then re-join the game having made another bracelet but without their t-shirts. The second life lost meant no re-joining the game and being kept prisoner in the normal way.

The youngest players willingly agreed to taking on the older ones. Oh, the foolhardiness of youth! The older ones were very determined not to be taken prisoner. Oh, the shame!

Here’s how the teams lined up:
• Commandos: Alex, Den, Jamie, Vic, Zac, Scott, George and Little Steve.
• Guerrillas: Big Steve, Joe, Budgie, Tarzan, Luke and three newbies: Phil, Russ and André.

Everyone went to their tents and dressed for action. As was customary, everyone had brought both uniforms with them, the spare could always act as a change of clothes for after the game. The older team formed up in their camo gear and the younger team in their olive greens. Even the Buzzards had remembered their boots. It might not seem fair that the newbies should play on ground they didn’t know but, in fact, they had all been to the site for other activities, just not for the wide games.

Sam took the Commandos to their starting point and Long Tom took the Guerrillas to theirs. On his whistle it was game on for the next two hours. During the walk out Sam had a word with the older team about making sure the youngsters enjoyed the game because they were the future of the games. What he really meant was, no cheating! In some ways Sam was the eternal thirteen-year-old but in others the fact that he’d just celebrated his eighteenth showed. The older ones took the point but that was partly because they wouldn’t want Sam and Long Tom “having a word” with them afterwards.

The First Game

The game proceeded and members of both teams had to return and re-make their bracelets. Alex blushed even redder that his normal complexion as Phil and Russ were brought in by Den. They saw that he had been captured by André. The look said, “You two are dead if you ever tell.” But they probably didn’t read the signals. All three boys returned, bare-chested to the game.

The whistle went and everyone returned to the campsite. The refs contemplated their decisions.

The Guerrillas appeared with Phil, Russ, Joe and Big Steve bare-chested, having been killed once but they did have Scott with them who, having lost two lives, was bound and blindfolded. (Observant readers might have noticed at this stage that Scott was already without his t-shirt when he was captured the second time but scouts are adaptable; his captors blindfolded him with one of their own neckerchiefs.) That came as no surprise to anyone, except that he would usually engineer it so that he had to appear in his undies, having tried to escape. Even he couldn’t bring himself to be subject to such treatment at the hands of the younger team.

The Commandos had George and Alex bare-chested but had, obviously, lost Scott. Den was dripping wet. Well, there was nothing in the rules that said he couldn’t go into the pond to escape!

Long Tom and Sam decided that, in order that the afternoon’s game would last long enough to accommodate all the players, any forfeits would have to be delayed but that they could be decided over lunch. Stoves were started and negotiations took place over the eating of what was mainly compo that T-Boy had previously “won” from his cadet unit.

Vic prepared lunch for himself and Scott so that Scott simply remained kneeling, blindfolded with Budgie’s necker and bound with his own. Tarzan was getting to be good at tying prisoners and there was no way Scott could free himself in under an hour even if he wanted to. Vic even went so far as to feed Scott using a spoon while he remained blindfolded with his wrists tied behind him. The inevitable ginger cake and squirty cream left quite a legacy round Scott’s mouth.

It was quickly decided that George and Alex should be “pardoned” in exchange for the Twins but that they should not be allowed to replace their t-shirts again until the start of the next game just to show that they had been captured. Let’s face it: with the number of Scott’s friends playing, there was no way they were going to plead for his release. That was bad news for the remaining t-shirtless Buzzards at least one of whom could otherwise have expected not to have paid a forfeit.

“OK, newbies, as no one will plead for Scott’s release, sorry but you two will have to be tied up after the next game.” Long Tom’s words didn’t come as a surprise to Phil and Russ, they knew the rules and they were prepared to accept their fate. André was feeling smug.

Lunch was over and the washing up was done in the usual fashion. That is to say that the cutlery was licked clean before simply being thrown into the porches of the tents along with the dirty crockery and left wherever it fell. More important matters were to be decided: the teams for the afternoon’s game.

As referees, Sam and Long Tom decided that everyone should line up in order of age, without being allowed to speak, a good game in itself. Then everyone was numbered and was assigned to teams on the basis of being odd or even. Because they spoke, Den and Tarzan were sentenced to lie on the ground with their hands behind their heads and, keeping their legs straight, to raise their feet about a foot from the ground. The one who gave in first would have to pay a forfeit later. Den lost!

The refs announced that the normal rules would now apply in full and that the teams were as follows:
• Guerrillas: Budgie, Den (who had to be a Guerrilla due to his early bath in the morning’s game), Jamie, Joe, Phil, Scott, Tarzan, Zac
• Commandos: Alex, André, Big Steve, George, Little Steve, Luke, Russ, Vic

It was friend against friend; that was hard; it was brother against brother; that was OK.

The referees walked the teams to their starting points and Long Tom sounded the whistle. In three hours’ time his whistle would announce the end of the game. Sam and Tom made their way back to the camp-site, made bets on the outcome and decided upon Den’s forfeit.

The Second Game

The game went well. At least no one needed to report to the refs for fist aid. Long Tom’s whistle sounded and the teams returned to site.

It just wasn’t Den’s day. In spite of being the largest and strongest of the players, Alex and Big Steve had managed to ambush him near the beginning of the game. He’d been tied up and guarded for nearly two hours and was now being frog marched to neutral ground. He wasn’t happy. Budgie had obviously made an ill-advised escape attempt and had been stripped to his characteristic black Speedos before being paraded before the free players. Unusually, Scott seemed to have been taking things seriously and appeared fully dressed at the meeting. (Or just didn’t he feel like having to pay two penalties?) Phil had managed to avoid capture during his second game until about half an hour before the end when Luke and Russ took him down and, in line with the rules, tied his wrists with his own neckerchief and blindfolded him with his own t-shirt.

The Commandos had also taken casualties. In spite of his early success, Big Steve had been captured. Being captured by Jamie would have been no disgrace but the fact that Jamie was accompanied by Joe, his own twin, was embarrassing. André was easier game this time; his mate, Phil, used prior experience and surprised him early on in proceedings. Unfortunately, he couldn’t parade his prisoner with pride though, having been captured himself later on. Scott and Zac had no compunction about waylaying their good friend, George, and quickly had him bound and blindfolded. He should have known better. Once he had rubbed the t-shirt off his eyes and tried to escape, he was taken down again and stripped to those appalling blue boxers with the purple stars, and his wrists were cross-lashed and hitched up uncomfortably towards his neck with a halter rope. Zac didn’t think there was any time for niceties.

So, the scores seemed to be even but, by this time, Tom and Sam had had a few and decided that, if all prisoners were exchanged, there would be no one left tied up. That didn’t seem to be a very entertaining prospect to them and, to be fair, not to the others either. So . . . . A contest was proposed.

While each group of prisoners was being tied together by their necks in the traditional coffle and made to kneel, Sam and Long Tom outlined the plan for the forthcoming entertainments. Den and George were to be matched, as were Budgie and Big Steve with Russ and André as the last pair. George and Budgie didn’t reckon much of their matches but honour demanded . . . And then there were the forfeits from the first game!

The prisoners were ignored, other than being guarded, while the camp-fire was organised and stories of bravery in the face of the enemy were related in suitably exaggerated terms. Following his soaking earlier and now his capture, Den was excepted from being ignored and was the butt of a considerable amount of rough humour. Even blindfolded, he could guess which of his “mates” might need a little talking to later on.

Once the fire had been started and everyone (except the prisoners, of course) had settled to a drink and obscene quantities of chocolate and Haribo, Sam outlined the rules.

Each pairing would take part in leg-wrestling, arm wrestling and, if they were tied after that, the best of three falls or submissions. There was some discussion as to whether the prisoners would be allowed to watch or whether they should remain blindfolded. A vote was taken and it was decided that George and Budgie, who had been caught trying to escape, should stay blindfolded but that the others should be allowed to watch.

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Post by Xtc »

Just a rather long intro, really. More tying up to come!
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Post by Socksbound »

It may have been a long intro [mention]Xtc[/mention] but I don’t mind. It’s set up perfectly for the next chapter and the tie ups will be worth the wait ;)

Looking forward to seeing this play out. There is so much work that you obviously put into your writing, I just have to read and reread your works over and over again to understand how good these stories and characters really are.
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Thanks, [mention]Socksbound[/mention], I needed a lift just then.
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Anytime [mention]Xtc[/mention] your writing is amazing.

I love your stories and so glad I get to red them over and over again. The work you put into them really shows from the characters to the tie ups there are so many little details that you can’t pick them all up with just one read of the chapter.

Can’t wait for the second chapter of this tale, I’ve already read this one 3 times to make sure I’ve picked up on anything that may arise in the next one :D :mrgreen:
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Post by Veracity »

Wait! Is this a new story? I don’t remember reading it before. At any rate, I’m thrilled to see it. You really are my very favorite writer of TUGS, if I haven’t made that perfectly clear in the past.
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You have but I still appreciate it, [mention]Veracity[/mention] .
I think this one was posted before but it would have been some time ago.
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Trial By Combat

Blindfolds were removed and the prisoners were offered water by their mates and the first bout was announced. André and Phil were to arm-wrestle but, being new kids, they hadn’t met the “local rules” before. This was to be bound arm-wrestling. André had a mass of mid-brown hair and he was laid face down on the ground, still bare-chested following his capture, and his boots and socks were removed. Jamie cross-lashed his ankles, leaving his knees apart, freed his wrists and tied his left arm into the same rope that was securing his ankles thus leaving him in a partial hog-tie. Alex dealt with Phil, an intelligent, bright-eyed boy in spite of the fact that he was being treated in a very similar way. The two contestants were then placed right elbow to right elbow. Long Tom knelt and held their joined hands. “Take the strain. Go!”

Tied as they were it was very difficult for the wrestlers to apply much leverage but, after about a minute, André won the first point. By now with the warmth of the evening and the recent drought, both boys were covered in sweat-adhered dust and snorting quite a lot of it from their noses. Point two went to Phil. By now both boys were getting used to the situation and the third point went on for a good two minutes. André was now in the lead, two to one.

Just as André felt his left wrist freed and was about to celebrate, he found his right arm tied again leaving his left arm free. Phil was also re-tied and the two youngsters were helped into position to arm-wrestle with their left arms. Phil was better with his left arm than André was with his and he won two-one. Honours even. The two combatants were then untied completely and allowed a brief rest and a drinks break before the next event: the leg wrestling. Both boys lay on their backs, right hips touching and arms linked. Right hands were rested on opponents’ right shoulders and the count started, “One, two, three” and their right legs were raised to the vertical on each count. On “three” Phil tipped André over forcing him almost to do a summersault. Phil was used to this game; his older brother used to make him take him on. Experience counted and Phil was declared the winner after he had also won the second point.

André knew that he’d now be tied up until the others decided that he should be released. Phil, as winner, was allowed to do the tying but there was no shortage of advice from the older boys on both sides. André ended on his knees with his back against a small fir tree near the camp fire. His arms had been pulled above his head and his wrists fastened behind the trunk of the tree. They couldn’t touch so a short rope cuff had to be fashioned. By the time Phil had hitched the rope up round a handy branch, André was stretched quite tight and his ankles were cuffed behind the tree. There followed some discussion concerning whether André should also be gagged and whether his feet should be raised leaving just his knees in contact with the ground. Sam vetoed the gag on the grounds that he’d have to eat soon and Long Tom suggested that, as it was his first game and because he was so young, it would be too much to extend his torture too far.

Phil dressed and apologised to his friend for treating him like he had but pointed out that all’s fair in tugs and war. He also knew that André would have done exactly the same to him had their roles been reversed.


It was time for the next contest. The competitors were prepared. Big Steve had his boots and socks removed prior to being untied from George. He was bound ready for arm-wrestling and laid in place while Budgie was released from Den and also bound. Big Steve suggested that he should remain blindfolded but most of the others thought that it wasn’t particularly fair when Steve already had the advantage of the longer arms. The result of the contest was never in doubt: Big Steve won two-nil with both left arms and right arms. There was no need to go to leg wrestling and Big Steve, with the usual helpful advice simply completed the hog-tie having drawn it tighter, and blindfolded his prisoner again prior to dragging him away from the wrestling arena.


That left Den and George to fight. George was still wearing nothing other than his ‘lucky’ boxers, perhaps it was time to pension them off; they had seen better days. He only hoped he wouldn’t be dragged around in such a manner that they came down. By the time he had been prepared and his blindfold removed, Den was already in place. It dawned on Long Tom that, if the two oldest contestants arm-wrestled first, the spectators would probably go short of entertainment as, although the tall but skinny George had longer levers, Den had far superior strength and was expected to win easily. By common consent both boys were untied and the leg wrestling contest started.

George’s speed into action won him the first point but Den’s superior strength won him an unusually long second point. “One, two, three, aaagh” came from both boys in unison as Den went rolling across the ground. He was so surprised by George’s easy win that he had the good sportsmanship to congratulate him and shake his hand.

George’s relief was short lived as his feet were cross lashed, rather too tightly he thought, by his friend, Scott. He was laid down on his belly and his left wrist was bound close to his ankles. He was supple and was drawn very tightly into the bondage. Den suffered the same fate at the hands of his mate, Alex. Alex tried to pull him as tightly as George had been drawn but couldn’t get the less supple boy’s left hand quite so near to his feet. George protested but Long Tom said that Den must be more uncomfortable than he was so would he please stop whining like a girlie. Even in his current predicament, George still had his characteristic smile on his face. Well, it was worth a try.

The contest was as one-sided as the spectators had expected, Den won with his right arm two-nil and with his left arm two one even though Scott had pity on George and didn’t tie him quite so cruelly for the left-armed bout.

It was honours even but, with the contest to be decided by wrestling, George tried to concede. He could see himself being completely steam-rollered and could see no point in prolonging his agony. “It’s alright, I’ll be gentle. Honest.” lied Den. He intended to enjoy himself, not only was George a Commando in this game while he was a Guerrilla but George was a “Farmer Boy” in “real life” and he was a Sea-Scout. In spite of his suffering and the prospect of it’s being prolonged, that dimpled grin never left George’s face.

“Oh, come on, lads. I’m begging. Please!”

“Nope, sorry. You tried to escape – you have to suffer.”

Then Jamie had an idea. “Why not tie their hands behind them and then make them fight?

“Anything, please!”

“OK by you, Den?”

“OK by me, Jamie. I’ll still kick his arse!”

“OK by you, George?”

“Anything rather than being crushed by the Pie-man!”

Den didn’t mind his reputation as a trencherman, in fact he quite revelled in it. Nevertheless, he thought honour demanded a rejoinder along the lines of snapping the bean-pole without mercy.

The fighters’ ankles were freed and their wrists crossed behind them. To make it fair, Alex tied both boys’ wrists, cinching them firmly but not tightly enough to cause immediate pain. He’d learnt a lot from Action Man. His friend and mentor would have been proud of him. Just for security, Zac then covered the ropes with rather more gaffer tape than was strictly called for.

Den and George were then made to sit cross-legged on the floor facing away from one another while the rules were finalised. They didn’t get a say. The “ring” was to be anywhere between where the tents were pitched and the raised area at the end of the site where the camp fire was. Any fighter who went between the tents would have to kneel so that his opponent could take a free kick or two before he could get up. They would fight for ten minutes, not including breaks, and anyone who submitted would be subject to half an hour’s continuous tickling once he had been tied up even more restrictively. Needless to say, the loser stayed tied at the winner’s pleasure.

The usual bets were made. Would the stronger, big guy win? Would the more supple, longer limbed and quicker skinny kid triumph?


It was agreed that Sam would referee. Any fighter too slow to break when Sam said so would start the next round not just kneeling but face down on the ground. Sam drew his boot over the ground and marked the scratch between Den and George.

“Ready, Den?


Ready, George?


“Come up to scratch.” Both fighters rose and faced one another as closely as they could. “Touch heads.” They did so gently and separated. “Ready. Fight!”

George and Den circled each other and George lashed out with his right leg. Den dodged it and kicked him in the arse. Needless to say, there was much vocal encouragement for both fighters, usually on Commandos v Guerrillas lines. George jumped forwards rather more quickly than he wanted to and Den tried to rake his feet from under him. Unfortunately for him he de-stabilised himself and, with his hands bound, was unable to stop himself and landed on his back. George trampled him on the belly and kicked him in his side. He knew what the others would think if he deliberately kicked him in the crutch and didn’t even try it.

Den just about had time to question George’s legitimacy between his cries of, “Die, Big Man, die.” before Sam called “Break.” George turned his back, took two paces forwards and knelt down facing away from his opponent.

Sam stopped the clock and gave Den thirty seconds to recover and kneel facing away from George. On the call of, “Ready. Fight.” both combatants stood and confronted one another again.

Den reckoned that, if he could keep manoeuvring, he would be able to kick the back of George’s knees forcing him to the ground. He got in several good kicks but George always managed to steady himself before Den could follow up. Then, as George staggered, Den used his weight and barged him to the ground. George lay face down and Den returned the trampling and kicking favours. Being trampled by Den was not a pleasant experience! Amidst the gaspings and “Aargh” noises, Sam could be heard calling, “Break.” This time it was Den’s turn to walk away and kneel. George’s ribs were sore.

Following a further thirty second break Sam announced, “Two minutes and ten seconds gone. Ready. Fight.”

There then followed a prolonged session of mutual kicking and missing with honours more or less even until Den got an accidental lucky strike on George’s nuts. Dressed as he was, George really felt that.

“Oh fuck, sorry mate.” said Den genuinely as George rolled on the floor gasping for breath in between squealed obscenities. Den walked away and knelt. George’s mum was a tolerant person but she certainly wouldn’t have approved of his language at this stage. Unable to grasp his aching bits, George rolled around and scrunched himself up trying to achieve the same effect.

As the laughter and chi-iking of the spectators started to subside, Sam offered George the chance to submit. Between the gasps and obscenities, the words “No way” could be heard. Sam decided that a longer break was called for and that Den should suffer some sort of handicap. Obviously the fall would not count and, once his olive green fatigues had been removed to leave him equally as vulnerable as George, wearing just his loose, fairly long boxer shorts, it was decided that he should start the next round already on his knees.

After about two minutes George got up and knelt down facing away from Den. “Four minutes, thirty –five seconds.” announced Sam. “Ready?” George nodded. “Are you sure?”

“I’m going to get the Pie-man. He’s just so asking for it. He’s a dead man.”


Den accepted his handicap and George kicked him sideways by landing a good shot squarely to his shoulder. He was, understandably, still not moving quite as lithely as he had been previously and Den managed to roll out of his way and, after George had landed a few more good shots, he got to his feet. Den’s unintentional contact with George’s sensitive parts made him very wary of doing it again and he held back quite a bit compared to previous rounds. That made the current round rather prolonged but eventually bungled attempts at tripping one another left both boys on the ground and trying to kick one another. Sam called a break and both boys knelt facing away from one another waiting for the cue.

“Eight minutes, twenty-three seconds. Ready. Fight!”

Both boys circled warily. They both knew that the next score was likely to decide the competition. George was starting to move more freely again and, although Den was aware that he mustn’t kick George in the balls again, neither did he want to lose. Den landed several hefty kicks with the side of his foot on George’s arse but George nearly managed to trip him when he lost his balance and fell to the floor with Den on top of him. Being winded, George failed to get up before Den managed to do so. Just as Den was getting down to a serious trampling of his helpless opponent, Sam called “Break” and “Time.”

George knew he had lost but, in between the gathering of breath, he was still grinning and managed to say, “Well done, Big Guy. You win.” Den got down on his knees and touched heads with his former opponent.

“Well done, yourself, Twiggy.”


Normally Den would have had the privilege of tying his vanquished opponent in any manner of his choosing but Long Tom pointed out that he had a forfeit to pay for losing the challenge following his speaking earlier on. Let’s face it: Den was stuffed.

Luke thought that it would be a good idea to tie the two boys together and the others agreed so Luke and Scott got down to business. Luke ordered Den to tuck his thumbs in and make fists. He’d “found” some gorilla tape (He was turning into an evil little bugger.) and bound it tightly round Den’s hands rendering them useless and then repeated the process with George.

In spite of the fact that George’s eyes were still sparkling and his face was still smiling, he pointed out that Luke had better watch his back on his way home from then on.

“Ooo, I’m scared.” Where there’s no sense, there’s no feeling.

Luke then helped his brother sit the two prisoners back to back and wrapped more gorilla tape round their necks. “Take it easy, Shithead,“ counselled Scott, “it’s only a game.” Luke still had a lot to learn but he did make sure that his taping was not dangerously tight.

George and Den had both made the mistake of wearing belts at the start of the game and now Scott was buckling them together. “Breathe in, Guys.” said Scott as he fastened the joined belts round their midriffs and pulled them tight drawing the boys very close together. The two brothers then decided to use the discarded neckers to fasten their arms to those of their fellow sufferer. The brothers had their work critically examined by the assembled company who decided that they had not done enough. Zac and Long Tom lifted the two bound boys, not without difficulty. Zac then took a short rope and tethered their right ankles not too tightly together before ordering them to kneel. That pulled the ankle rope tighter. The assembled company considered that to be better. Den and George begged to differ.

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Post by Xtc »

OK, next part coming up. A bit more tying this time.
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Evening Assizes

It was decided that dinner was next and then judgement would be passed on the prisoners from the morning game. Nevertheless, Long Tom insisted that “those who were about to die” should remove their t-shirts as a sign of having lost a life and that Scott should be blindfolded and have his wrists bound behind him because he had lost two lives. Long Tom’s words did seem to have pre-judged the situation. That pleased the two remaining free Buzzards rather less than it pleased Scott.

As was usual at the games the prisoners’ meals were prepared by their mates and ‘administered’ to them in either more or less embarrassing/inconvenient ways. Alex prepared food for three people: himself and Den! As Den was firmly tied to George, Alex had to spoon-feed him, once he had eaten his share, while Vic did the same for George. Both boys being fed at once caused them certain difficulties whenever they moved, being tethered like that was not the most stable position and both boys were soon wearing the dish of the day quite extensively, especially George who, being the lighter of the two, was affected more than his fellow diner.

Phil thought that it would only be fair if he fed André as he had tied him up at the end of their contest. In spite of Phil’s generosity, once he had been fed and watered, André couldn’t resist taunting his mate about what would happen to the other bare-chested new boys afterwards. Phil knew what to expect, as did all the boys who chose to play. He merely retorted that they hadn’t started torturing him yet. “ . . . Unlike you!” And he launched into a five-minute tickle session on his friend’s unprotected armpits and sides. Even pulled as tightly as he was, André managed some quite impressive convulsions as his torturer dug in mercilessly especially around his lower belly once he had noticed the reaction. Phil didn’t understand all those names he was being called by his friend.

“Oi, Braniac,” called Long Tom in reference to the younger boy’s known intelligence, “Can’t you shut Frenchie up before you do any more of that to him?” I think that was when their Scout names were decided. André was, indeed, born French – in France, the son of a French father and an English mother - but, other than speaking fluent French, he was to all intents and purposes a true “Rosbif”. Phil found his neckerchief and André’s and started to improvise. He wrapped André’s scarf several times round his own and knotted it in place with the ends hanging down. Then he plumped the wadding up a bit, compacting the width and offered it up to his victim’s mouth. André tried to refuse. Scott was unavailable, already having been bound in preparation for torture, but his little brother, Luke, demonstrated his family technique. He squeezed André’s face near his cheeks and forced his jaws open. Phil quickly stuffed the knot into his prisoner’s mouth, squidged it up a bit and pushed it behind his teeth. A tight, multiple knot behind the neck, having first forced André’s head down, secured the gag. With work, André could have forced it from his mouth but he knew that even worse things might happen if he did.

Scott had it rather easier. Zac fed him patiently, while he sat cross-legged on the ground, and he even sacrificed one of his cans of coke to his friend. There wasn’t too much detritus attaching to Scott at the end of the meal.

Tarzan offered to feed his friend, Budgie. Budgie being hog-tied didn’t make things easy for either boy. After a few spoonfuls, Tarzan just left the bowl by his face and left him to it. That was much more entertaining. The sarcastic, “Thanks, Mate.” almost had, “You just wait.” tacked onto the end of it.


The camp-fire was built up to its usual far too high level but André, Budgie, Den and George certainly didn’t object although Den and George could really have done with being able to turn round every so often to get their other sides toasted.

The court was in session. Scott was already bound and blindfolded so all that was left was to do the same to Phil and Russ. The three “defendants” were given the opportunity to plead their cases but, all the while Scott refused to plead to be exchanged, the other two had no chance. It was eventually decided that Russ and Phil should be tied the same way as the other newcomer, André, had already been bound. As the gags were prepared, Russ pointedly “thanked” Phil for making sure they had to be gagged! Another score to be settled later. All three of the youngest members were “legally” bound to trees and they awaited whatever was to become of them with some trepidation. Let’s face it, even if they hadn’t been legitimately caught during one of the games, some excuse would have been found to prepare them for their initiation into the “Tie Up Games” club. Justice might not always be fair among the boys but it is always consistent! The Buzzards now had to wait for Scott’s trial before they found out what was to become of them.

Scott was hauled into place and made to kneel before the court. “Prisoner at the bar,” demanded Judge Sam, “how do you plead to the charge of being a totally useless pillock who got himself caught twice in today’s first game?”

Scott didn’t think it was a real tie-up unless he was gagged and deprived of his trousers and he wanted the others to see his newly acquired, “best boxers in the world”. He’d just got his mum to buy him a special, very tight white pair into which he could insert his box to keep himself safe while he played hockey. The tactic was simple and, obviously, understood by both sides.

“Christ, you guys suck! You know I’m not going to plead to you. You might as well get on with it.” That was probably enough.

It was.

“Alex, silence the prisoner.”

Alex took up one of the several discarded neckerchiefs, tied a hefty knot in the middle and cleave-gagged Scott with it. Then he called, “Luke, be so kind as to finish the job.”

The sounds coming from Scott could just about be made out to be a combination of, “No”, “Not that little shithead”, and “Oh, fuck”. Another one who should have known better. This was why Luke wanted to join the rival Troop to Scott’s and why he wanted to join in the games: the chance to have his older brother at his mercy.

The sounds coming from Luke’s roll of gorilla tape preceded its very tight application around Scott’s head. Luke thought that about four rounds would do the job. They did. Then, just for good measure he added a few more rounds to hold Scott’s blindfold in place.

“Reckon his wrists are tied securely?”

“Doesn’t look like it to me.”


“Needs more.”


He didn’t need telling twice. The “Tzzkk” sound of tape being unrolled was heard just before Scott found his already firmly bound wrists wrapped with layer after layer of very sticky tape. Luke made sure to bind the tape higher than necessary round his brother’s arms, ensuring that his arm hairs would embed themselves well into it before he tried to remove it. Luke was sorry that Scott couldn’t see his grin.

“Luke, you know that stuff sticks like superglue. That isn’t fair.”

“I know what loosens it.”

“What’s that?”


I think Scott’s next remark was “Bastards” but it was difficult to tell. He liked a good tie-up but wasn’t always so keen on the tortures that sometimes accompanied it.

“Twins, we mustn’t get his trousers wet. He might need them in the morning.” Big Steve and Joe did the honours. I suppose Scott got some of his own way but he wasn’t sure what was about to happen to him.

“Little Steve, you’re our expert swimmer. Go and give Scott a lesson.”

“OK. Jamie, give us a hand.”

Jamie and Steve hauled the helpless Scott to his feet and dragged him to the pond. By now Scott thought he knew what was about to happen. When he felt the landing stage under his feet, he was sure. There was no point in struggling; he just tried to relax.

“Any last words?” asked Little Steve.

“Uuu’ ‘oo.” said Scott.

Jamie and Little Steve walked him to the end of the landing stage.

“You gonna jump or uh we gonna push?”

Steve didn’t give him a chance to answer and gave Scott a hefty shove.

To a considerable cheer Scott went into the pond. It didn’t take many seconds for him to regain his feet and end up standing waist deep in the water. He had no idea which way he was facing but the barracking from the shore soon gave him a good idea about which direction he had to go in.

He struggled to the shore and Vic took him by the arm. “OK, mate?”

Scott shook himself all over his comforter, nodded and tried to say, “Yes.” Vic and Zac took an arm each and escorted their friend back to dry himself out by the fire. Scott knew this was too good to last.

Scott’s “best boxers in the world” were not looking so pristine now but they did protect his modesty quite efficiently. He was made to sit and forced into a lotus position. Tarzan produced a roll of gaffer tape from his rucksack and painstakingly taped Scott’s lower legs together. He then used the rest of it to bind his lower legs and thighs together. Several boys expressed their approval saying that it was “impressive” and “innovative”. Some of these younger kids had obviously been researching.

Scott was left to sit or lie as best he could. He hadn’t been in the water long enough to loosen his wrist tapings significantly let alone what was underneath them.

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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »


Welcome Aboard, Boys

The next important order of business was the initiation of André (as if he hadn’t suffered enough already), Phil and Russ. This was interrupted at intervals by someone responding to Scott’s desperate attempts to attract attention. They eventually gave up pulling him back up into a sitting position and propped him up against a fence post well away from the fire. In spite of his attempted protests, Alex and Tarzan soon had his arms secured to the lower rail of the fence and his neck and his waist to the post. He was in little danger of falling over again.

“OK, Scott, now you’re in the correct posture, start meditating. You could do with building up all the merit possible.” said Tarzan as he returned to the initiation. You could tell he’d just been studying Buddhism in his R.E. lessons.

Do you think that the term, “Up yours, you little c***!” earns any merit even if it can’t be clearly understood? As Scott tested his bonds and settled into his new position, the only interruptions from him were a series of increasingly lower moans. That was more like it!

Jamie and Long Tom decided that, as senior members of the Scout Troop, they were allowed to “invest” the youngsters with their Scout names but that the rest of the initiation only counted for the “Tie Up Games” club; they could still look forward to their ‘official’ camp christening later. Only three of those present didn’t think that was such a good idea.

Long Tom went to find a permanent marker pen. He had found some superb ones that took a couple of days to wash off! First in line for the naming ceremony was André who found the name “Frenchie” being carefully inscribed on his chest, across his belly, down his thighs and on his upper arms. His back could wait till later. They decided not to write the newbies’ names on their foreheads because they didn’t think their parents would be too impressed about their offspring not being able to remove the ink for the next two days. Phil was next for the treatment. From now on he would be known as, “Braniac”. He wriggled even more amusingly than Frenchie had as the marker pen tickled the various parts of his body.

That left Russ, a boy with a tangle of bright ginger hair. Although the Sea Scouts had several such gingers, Russ was unique in the Scout Troop. He soon found, “Rusty” inscribed on various body surfaces.

Each boy was then asked whether he solemnly swore to keep the secrets of the “Tie Up Games” club and his gag was removed to enable him to affirm his promise. They were also asked to affirm that they would not knowingly harm any other participant in the games on pain of being expelled. After confirming that they would be known by their new name henceforward in Scout and TUGs club circles, the gags were replaced and each of the three initiates was blindfolded with a single strip of gaffer tape. The prisoners’ ankles were untied and pulled in front of them leaving their backsides still clear of the ground when their trousers were pulled off. At this stage they were given the chance to chicken out if they wanted to. All three remained silent.

Frenchie had his hands released first, causing him to drop to the ground with a bump. Before he could react, he was bent forwards and his wrists were gaffer taped palm to palm behind him. His elbows were drawn together with four further rounds of tape to stop him slipping his wrists past his bum or getting any good leverage on the tape around his wrists. He was then dragged to where Braniac was kneeling and left face down on the ground with instructions to raise his feet in the air. He was a briefs-wearer and sported a yellow trimmed pair with cartoon characters on them.

Braniac was then released, retied and laid on the ground next to his friend. White baggy boxers never look their best when they’re coated in sweaty dust. A couple of minutes later and Rusty was dragged next to his mates wearing just his brown Urban Spirit boxers. Zac then tied the boys together by their necks ready to walk them to the next part of their initiation. They could guess what was about to happen, they had expected it and screwed their courage to the mast to help them survive the ordeal.

The order came from Jamie that the initiates were to lower their feet and stand up. That took a surprising amount of time and involved several false starts. Each boy felt a hand take his neck and push him forwards. It wasn’t long before they were standing shoulder to shoulder on a wooden surface. The next stage was inevitable. They were given the choice of jump or be pushed and given a bit more time to decide than Scott had been given.

Jamie’s voice went, “One, two, three, jump.” And they did. They’d figured out that it was better to go on cue rather than risk one of them going earlier or later and dragging everyone under. “Well done, maggots. It’s not over yet. Turn left! Forward march!” Due to their coordinated jump, the boys managed to land on their feet so, on Jamie’s orders they staggered uncertainly to shore. Their tapings were checked and Rusty, who was at the front of the coffle, was dragged forward by the arm with the others following unsteadily.


Once the coffle had returned to the former wrestling site, (it was safer than risking anyone getting too near the fire) Sam explained the next ‘game’. On his count the ‘players’ were to extend either one or two fingers of their right hands. The “odd man out” wouldn’t have his ankles bound but the other two would. If there was no odd man out after two rounds, they would be ducked again.

“One, two, three.” Frenchie extended two fingers, so did the other two. “Round two. One, two, three.” This time Frenchie extended two fingers again but the other two had changed their minds. Then Little Steve hobbled Braniac’s feet quite closely together and did the same to Rusty. The remaining two ‘contestants’ then had to play ‘Scissors, paper and stone.’ The winner would be able to choose whether to have his gag or his blindfold removed. Braniac won and chose to have his gag removed. It came as a bit of a surprise to Rusty when the tape was pulled from his eyes. His gag and Frenchie’s were then reinforced with gaffer tape and so were Brainiac’s and Frenchie’s blindfolds.

While the game was explained to the three initiates, Vic remembered that no one had checked on Scott lately. He went to the fence and noticed that his best mate had made very little impression on his bonds at all although he did seem to be trying. “Can you hear me? Scott fell silent and nodded. “What’s the magic word?” Scott remained silent. “OK, suit yourself.” So saying, Vic returned to the entertainment via a short visit to Budgie who had already made quite a good attempt at releasing himself. That was quite within the understood rules and no one was permitted to reinforce the bonds of someone paying such a forfeit. If they hadn’t tied him properly, that was their faults.

The new game started. It was to be a team game. The contestants had an hour to get free. Anyone who was not free would be tied up all night. There was about a metre of rope between their necks to enable the team-mates to manoeuvre with some freedom.

“Can anyone see?” That wasn’t one of Braniac’s best ideas because both boys answered but their answers were indistinguishable from one another. “O.K., O.K., shut up! If one of you can see answer. If you can’t, just keep shtum. Can anyone see?”

Rusty “Ngyee’d” his answer.

“Can you reach one of our blindfolds?”

“Mmm, mm.” That sounded a bit like, “Yes.”

“Can you reach Frenchie’s blindfold? Grunt once for yes, twice for no.”

“Mmmm – mmm.”

“Work your way round to him and see what you can do.” It would have been easier for Braniac to get to Frenchie’s blindfold because Rusty was in the middle of the coffle but Rusty turned his back on Frenchie and tried to reach. All the while Frenchie was standing, there was no way to reach but he did have the sense to kneel down and allow his friend to start clawing at the tape around his eyes. By looking over his shoulder Rusty could see the end of the tape at the side of Frenchie’s head and started trying to claw it free. It was a good job he had a reasonable set of fingernails; if he was a nail-biter, he would have stood no chance.

It took about ten minutes, a large chunk of their time, for Rusty to uncover Frenchie’s eyes. Frenchie noticed that the older boys had taped a pair of scissors into the back of Rusty’s gag. How could he communicate that to Braniac? A further ten minutes was wasted while Frenchie uncovered Braniac’s eyes. He just couldn’t tell him that it would have been better to have undone Rusty’s gag.

“Forty minutes left, losers.” came Big Steve’s voice.

Now the other two could clearly see the scissors and told Rusty to kneel down. He did so, somewhat painfully having his ankles tied, and it took only five minutes to loosen the tape enough to remove the scissors. Rusty still couldn’t speak clearly but the other two didn’t seem to think that was important. Frenchie had the scissors and knew that he could most easily reach Braniac’s wrists. Braniac caught on quickly and, by the time they’d manoeuvred back-to-back and got his wrists free, another seven minutes had passed but at least Braniac could move his lower arms. He told Frenchie to continue and cut the tape between his elbows while he knelt down. Even with the previous practice, it still took five minutes but at least now Braniac’s arms were free.

It took Braniac about four minutes to free his mates' wrists and arms and the boys set about finishing the untying process. After another six minutes all the newbies were free with nearly a quarter of an hour to spare. Big Steve, especially, seemed disappointed but thought he’d have to make do with torturing Scott and Budgie. Things took a turn for the worse for him when he noticed Budgie sitting, still wearing only his black Speedos, enjoying a drink by the fire. George and Den had somehow managed to turn themselves around during the initiation but had otherwise made hardly any inroads on their restraints. By some miracle neither had managed to get himself blindfolded or gagged but mostly they were ignored and left to try to escape.

Late drinks were now well under way and even George and Den were given theirs. Scott wasn’t. That sounds callous but either Vic or Zac would check on him frequently. The boys, including Den and George, passed the time in conversation and telling disgusting stories until it was time for bed. They needed to make an early start to clear up a bit to hide the evidence before the leaders turned up in the morning for the more “official” part of the weekend. There was a tacit understanding that the adults weren’t supposed to know about the “Tie Up Games”, even though it must have been obvious that they did.

Everyone retired to their tents having cut free Den and George and separated Scott from the fence. It had been a good day and no one bothered to wash or even to change, except for the removal of boots by those still wearing them; the boys just got in as they were. The initiates were warned that this WAS a curfew because of the early start next morning. That was probably the harshest thing that had been done to them that day. Three of the Buzzards had come home to roost.

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Post by Veracity »

Another fun story comes to an end. One thing I really like about the “Troop” stories is that they are really and truly about tie up games. Not to condemn other writers, but many of the stories here aren’t really about games at all. (And that’s OK.) This is the kind of thing I really signed up for: a bunch of guys just having a fun time tying each other up. What could be better?
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for that. As you know, I often try to encourage those who write the more innocent-type stories; I don't think we have enough of them. In spite of which, I also write a fair bit of smut as well but I believe that even that counts as "games".
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Post by Socksbound »

Great ending to yet another brilliant story [mention]Xtc[/mention] loved it from start to finish. As always the tie ups are tight, detailed and expertly written.
See all my written works here :

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Post by Xtc »

Thank you; I really appreciate your reaction.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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