A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 12 FINALLY ADDED 11/22)

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Post by Michael-Colin »

Really loving this story so far. Looking forward to the next one.
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Post by notmyusualusername »

I can't wait for the next chapter, this story is great dude!
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Post by bondage1155 »

Sorry for the long wait everyone, I had some family issues that kept me away, but I'm back now and have finally started to work on the next part!! I have tons of ideas but if any of you have any ideas of what Justin should do to Josh and Tanner feel free to private message me. I may or may not put them in the story, I'm just curious about what everyone thinks .If not stay on the lookout for a new part coming soon!! Thanks for all the support!
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Part 10

I awoke the next morning to the feeling of something rubbing on my back. I turned over to see Tanner's yellow pup mask nuzzling the center of my back.

"Finally, I've been trying to wake you up for the past 5 minutes," he said as he stopped nuzzling me.

As I came to consciousness, I was pretty confused. Why was a hot jock like Tanner wearing a yellow pup mask and sleeping next to me? Then slowly but surely I started to remember the events of yesterday.

"You good?" Tanner said.

"What? Oh yeah, I just had to process everything," I replied.

"I had to do the same thing when I woke," he said, "I checked and everything is still the same except for these sweet new trunks we're wearing."

I looked down and sure enough, I wasn't wearing the Addicted brand red jockstrap. Now we both were wearing these 3-inch trunks that both said the word "Pump!" on them on the waistband. They were red, navy, and white, with the crouch pouch being red and the thighs being navy.

"They might feel a little cooler in the back because... well just look," he said.

I turned my head around and I wasn't surprised that I still had the black silicon tail in me but I was surprised that where my ass was, there was a giant hole in the underwear.

"Did Justin like," I started to say.

"No Justin didn't cut a hole in them," Tanner said. Which made sense because around the hole there was an outline of white material.

"They're called bottomless trunks or access trunks," Tanner said.

"Why do you know that?" I asked.

"Well, one day this school year my older brother Dawson stole all of my underwear out of my drawer and left only a pair of this kind of underwear. So I had to put them on and go to school. He smirking at me in the hallway every time I'd see him. When came to getting ready I had to wait till everyone was out of the locker room to get my compression shorts on. Once everyone was out I went in and stripped to my underwear, which was a pair of bottomless trunks. I then heard the door open and someone come in. Luckily for me, it was only Dawson. I told him I was going to tell our mom what he made me do. Then, in retaliation, he took out his phone and snapped a picture me in the bottomless trunks. And then he said if I did then he would share that picture with everyone. I flipped him off and went to get ready for football as he left. When I got home that day, I found all of my regular boxer brief underwear had returned to my drawer. But instead of putting on regular underwear I decided to keep the trunks on. I kind of like them to honest. Sometimes I even wear them around the house when I'm alone."

"I remember when he did that," said a voice.

Me and Tanner looked around and saw Justin standing by the door in his white Nike Compression shorts.

"He showed me, Matt, Jacob, an Alex that picture and holy shit you looked so hot in those trunks. So when I decided I was going to choose you I knew I had to get a pair of those trunks for you," he said with a smile, "Now zip the lips because last time I checked pups don't talk."

We both nodded our heads.

"And I also wanted to see Josh in those trunks and might I say I wasn't disappointed when I put them on you," he said as he threw me a smile.

I wagged my tail to show I wanted to thank him.

"Ok, so today's new day and you guys upgraded underwear, even though we had a rough end to yesterday. Do the same thing today and you'll upgrade again, got it?" he asked.

We both shook our heads and wagged our tails, Tanner even barked.

"Ok but today is going to start a little different than yesterday," Justin started, "You see I have to go grab some groceries since both of my parents will be on a business trip for the entire time you're here. So for me to do that I have to make sure you guys stay here."

I was thinking he was just going to leave us chained to the pole since we hadn't gotten away. But he had something else on his mind.

"Are either of you allergic to latex?" he asked.

Sounds like a random question, me and Tanner both shook our heads no and wagged our tails.

"Good," he said. He came over to where me and Tanner were chained and unchained us. I almost got up on my two legs but Tanner tapped me and made me remember.

"Follow me," Justin said as he led us around the bed we were tied to yesterday as me and Tanner crawled. He led us and stopped us in front of these two black latex cubes.

"Ok, josh sit," Justin commanded and I obeyed and sat with my butt on the ground and my arms in front like a dog would.

"Good boy," Justin said, petting my pup mask and back, "You get to watch the magic."

What magic? I was thinking about what he could be talked about as he said, "Ok Tanner, you first," as he grabbed Tanner by the harness and walked him to the cube on the left.

Justin then unzipped a zipper on the cube and Tanner crawled in. "If this is how Tanner's plans to keep us secure why couldn't he just leave us chained to the pole," I thought to myself in my head.

Justin then zipped the zipper back up and put some duct tape over the zipper line.

"Ok Tanner, do you see the straw in the wall in front of you?" Justin asked.

Tanner barked and hummed mm--huh. I didn't even see it, but in the front wall of the latex cube, there was a black straw that goes through the wall into the cube.

"Ok, put it through the mouth hole in your mask, it should just fit," Justin said.

Tanner hummed "MM- huh"

"Great, now start breathing through it," Justin said as he walked over to the straw to see if Tanner could breathe through it.

"Why is Justin doing this if we are already encased in the cube?" I thought to myself as I sat there.

"Perfect, good boy Tanner," Justin said.

Tanner barked again.

"Ok, are you breathing through the straw?" Justin asked.

Tanner hummed MM-huh again.

"Ok keep breathing through it," Justin said as he got out a vacuum and hooked it up to the back of the cube.

"Ready to see the magic, Josh?" Justin said. I nodded and wagged my tail.

"Ok here we go," Justin said. What happened next, I wasn't expecting at all.

Justin then turned on the vacuum connected to the cube Tanner was in. Instantly the walls started to cave in around Tanner. They kept going and going, curving around Tanner's perfect body until there was no air left in the cube. The end product was true art.

There in front of me was Tanner, kneeling on his knees and hands, encased in latex that hugged his every curve. I could see the curves of his pecs and abs to such perfection, it was breathtaking, and I'm sure his ass looked amazing. Also, I could see his hard raging cock, and DAMN, that was beautiful.

"Josh, you like it? It's called a vacuum cube," Justin asked.

I barked for the first time and wagged my tail excitedly.

"Oh wow, did you just bark? That must mean you really like it," he said smiling, "Go take a look at it," he said as he motioned me to go toward the encased Tanner.

Before I went over to Tanner I went over to Justin and rubbed my head against his muscular thing and wagged my tail.

"Your welcome, now go explore," he said.

I crawled over to Tanner and rubbed my snout all over his pecs and abs. I could hear him moaning every time I made contact with his flawless body. I made sure to spend extra time on his hard cock and when I did the entire cube shook. I made my way around to see his ass and it was so beautiful I could kiss it. I rubbed my snout all over it and the cube shook again.

"Ok Josh, your turn," Justin said.

I crawled away from the encased Tanner and toward the empty cube next to Tanner.

"Ok you know the drill so just make a noise when you're ready," Justin said.

I barked and nodded my head.

Before I entered my cube he grabbed me by the harness and whispered in my ear, "Since you enjoy him so much, I'll let you out first when I get back so you can keep exploring him ok?"

I nodded my head very enthusiastically and wagged my tail fast and rubbed my head against his thigh.

"Alright get in there," Justin said as he pushed me by my bare ass into the cube.

Inside the cube, it was dark and I could barely see anything as Justin zipped up the door and put duct tape over it so no air would enter in. With some difficulty, I found the straw and fit it through the tiny mouthpiece of the pup mask and started to breathe through it. Next, I positioned myself like Tanner, I even had a raging hard cock.

"Ready in there Josh?" Justin asked from behind.

"MMM-huh," I hummed back.

"Ok, here we go," Justin said as he switched on the vacuum.

Just like Tanner the walls instantly started to cave in towards due to the lack of air. They kept getting closer and closer until they were literally on me and just moving around me. In a minute I was just like Tanner, encased in latex. I tried to move but I was literally vacuum-sealed in place. The walls were so tight the compressed on my tail and forced it farther into me, and also it was really tight against my raging hard cock, both of which felt amazing!!!

"Josh, as hot as Tanner looks, you are a very close second," Justin said as he massaged my ass.

"Ok pups, I'll be back in about an hour or two," Justin said, and with that, we heard the sound of door shut and lock.

So there me and Tanner were. We were both in black latex vacuum cubes, wearing bottomless trunks, a pup mask, a collar, a leather harness, and a black tail, all of which were being compressed by the vacuum cubes. I tried to speak but the cube compressed too hard on my jaw and I wasn't able to open it.

"MMM," I hummed, trying to communicate with Tanner.

"MMmmMM," he hummed back.

I didn't know what it meant but at least I knew he was right there next to me.

For the next 2 hours, we sat there, immobilized in latex, humming to each other as we felt our butt plug tails be shoved up our asses more. We hummed songs and tried to hum words but it never worked.

I do have to admit, I did like being in the vac cube. If I tried to struggle and move, all that would happen is that I would bounce around but there was no hope for escape and that was really hot to me. I also did really enjoy the added pressure on the butt plugs, it felt like pure bliss!

2 hours later we heard the door open and Justin's voice saying, "I'm home pups!"

I tried to wag my tail but it compressed by the latex, so it just looked like the entire cube was shaking. And apparently, I wasn't the only one doing it because then Justin said, "Looks like both my boys are happy to see me."

I then felt some hand rub my nipples and then my ass.

I let a moan to show my application.

A few moments later I heard a moan from Tanner and I could only assume he was getting the same treatment.

"You two are such good boys," Justin said in a genuine tone," Let me get you out of the cubes."

I heard Justin come over to my cube and start to open the back. I remembered Justin's promise of me being able to explore Tanner for a couple of minutes and was super excited for that! I heard the zipper unzip and immediately I felt a rush of air fill the cube and the feeling of compression left me as I was once again able to move.

I crawled out of the cube and saw that Tanner was still in his.

Justin then leaned down and whispered in my ear, "You have 5 minutes, he's all yours," as he slapped me on the butt.

"Now Tanner, before I let you out, I want to have a little fun with you," Justin said as he beckoned me to start exploring.

I crawled over to Tanner and started to rub my muzzle over his hot pecs and tight abs. He let out soft moans as I did this and shuddered a few time. He abs were so tight that we a pressed against them they didn't move, they were rock solid. After a couple more minutes I moved on to his ass which was displayed nicely in latex. I rubbed my head all over it which was greeted with more moaning and shuddering. Just like his abs, his gluts were strong and firm, but he also had so much muscle that he was able to be called thick!

As I did this, Justin would say, "you like that boy?" or "Hot ass," or something so Tanner thought it was Justin stroking him and not me.

To alert me that my 5 minutes were up Justin tapped my ass and nodded towards my cube. I nodded and nuzzled his thigh to thank him for my time. He responded by giving me a scratch on the head which I replied with a wag of my tail. I then walked over to my cube and waited for Justin to release Tanner.

Justin unzipped Tanner's cube and the air rushed in, freeing Tanner.

Tanner crawled out and immediately went over to Justin and started to nuzzle him.

"Did you like that boy?" Justin asked.

Tanner barked in approval.

Justin scratched Tanner's head and winked at me.

"Ok, you boys have been patient today, so go upstairs and play. You've earned it," Justin said.

Me and Tanner crawled over to Justin and barked and wagged our tails and then made our way upstairs.

Tanner led the way up the stairs, mostly because I wanted to stare at his ass while I followed him.

It was about noon when we got to the top of the stairs.

"Do you pups want lunch first?" Justin asked.

We both shook our heads yes.

"I thought so," Justin said as he made his way the kitchen and we followed him.

"Go sit," Justin said, pointing to the place me and Tanner sat yesterday. As me and Tanner crawled to the spot Justin got 4 pieces of pizza and put two in each bowl. He then came over and detached the muzzle part of our masks. After he did that he gave us both a scratch on the head and said, "Go eat."

Me and Tanner charged to the food bowls and started to eat. It was a little difficult to eat pizza with no hands but we managed. I got better at drinking out of a bowl since yesterday and that was very refreshing.

After about 15 minutes, me and Tanner were finished eating. Justin came over to s with a cloth and wiped our faces and then reattached the muzzles to our masks.

"Ok, now go play," he said.

We didn't need to be told twice. Me and Tanner went to the living room and immediately started to horse around.

At first, we wrestled and tried to pin each other to the ground. Tanner kept winning, but that was only because he kept stroking my dick with his mitted hand which would make me fall due to the immense pleasure it gave me. I got him a couple of times with that same strategy but overall he was the winner.

We then moved on to keep away with the ball. Tanner would try to keep the ball away from me by pushing me away or tossing the ball and getting to it first. If I got the ball we switched roles, but since Tanner is much stringer than me I was usually the one trying to get the ball. Tanner even went so far as to put the ball in his bottomless trunks once. I then used my muzzle to maneuver the ball around his hip to the hole wear his ass was. I may or may not have "accidentally" nuzzled his dick once or twice.

The last game we played was by far the best. We would get a blanket from the couch and then one pup would sit on the blanket while the other would pull the other pup around with a rope. We took turns doing this. It was really fun but Tanner was really strong so I got tired out quickly trying to pull all of his muscle.

When we were all tired out we hopped on the couch and laid next to Justin. It was about 4 PM I laid my head on his muscular thigh and then Tanner laid his head on Justin's other thigh. Justin was still wearing his Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Are my pups tired," Justin asked, stroking our necks.

Me and Tanner both nodded yes.

"I thought so," Justin said smiling, "Let's watch some football,"

We watched the rest of the football game, I really didn't pay much attention. To be honest I think I fell asleep. It was just so easy to fall asleep because Justin's muscular thigh was so comfortable and I was so tired so put two and two together and you get a sleepy pup.

Apparently, Tanner had the same idea because I awoke to the feeling of Justin shaking me awake and when I awoke I saw him do the same thing to Tanner.

"Wakey, Wakey pups, dinner time," Justin said.

I slowly crawled off the couch, Tanner right behind me and followed Justin to the kitchen. I was really hungry since I spent all of my energy playing with Tanner.

Tonight's dinner was pizza rolls. Justin detached our muzzles and me and Tanner went to work on the pizza roles. They were a little hot, so I needed to drink more but that wasn't an issue since I had mastered drinking out of a bowl now.

"You two seem very tired," Justin observed, "I have a thing that could fix that."

That aroused me but still didn't wake me up. Me and Tanner, in the end, took about 20 minutes eating.

After we were done Justin wiped our mouths and reattached our muzzles.

"Follow me pups," Justin said.

We followed Justin from the kitchen down to the basement and to the door where his fetish stuff was.

"Wait here," he commanded.

Me and Tanner sat down as Justin went into the room alone. We heard some rattling and sliding of equipment.

"I wonder what he's doing," Tanner said as he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Beats me," I whispered back through a yawn, "I just hope it's fun."

"Yeah me too," Tanner whispered back, "I hope it was as fun as when he was stroking me while I was still in the vac cube. Where were you when that was happening?"

I was about to tell him it was me stroking him and not Justin but then Justin opened the door and beckoned us in. I decided I'll tell him when we go to bed.

We crawl into the room to find two bondage slings rigged up where we slept the night before.

I was immediately aroused and I wagged my tail to show that, Tanner did the same.

"Ok pups, I'll help you into them," Justin said.

Tanner crawled off to the left one and Justin picked him up and laid into the sling on his back. He then started to attached his mitted hands to rope and then tie them off to the frame of the sling. He did the same to his ankles. When he was done Tanner's hands were above and behind his head and his legs were stretched out.

"Well doesn't that look like a work of art or what Josh?" Justin asked stepping back to admire his work.

I howled in approval.

"I thought so too," Justin said smiling," Ok your turn."

Justin came over to me and picked me up and laid me on my back in the sling. He did the same thing with my hands and ankles as he did with Tanner.

In no time at all me and Tanner were tied up in bondage sling, wearing pup masks, collars, leather harness, PUMP! access trunks, mitts on our hands, and a silicon dog tail butt plug. In other words, it was a true paradise.

"Ok, so now to wake you two up," Justin said.

He started to walk towards Tanner's sling. I lifted my head to get a better view. Then without warning, Justin started to tickle Tanner relentlessly.

"HAHAHAHAHA," Tanner screamed.

From what I could see, Justin was attacking Tanner's armpits currently and it appeared that that was Tanner's most ticklish spot. Tanner's laugh was so sexy to hear because it was a man's laughter coming from a hot teenager. Tanner's hands and feet went everywhere, or at least tried to, as the torture continued.

Justin continued to tickle Tanner for the next 10 minutes, and hearing Tanner scream laughter made me really hard. Justin stopped tickling Tanner and Tanner was so out of breath I could hear him panting from my sling.

"Wow Tanner, I didn't someone as hot as you could be so ticklish," Justin said, "Now let's see how Josh is."

Justin walked over to my sling and saw I was hard as soon as he got there.

"Well I see that someone is a little excited even before we begin," he said.

Then, without warning, he went for my armpits and I couldn't stop him.

"HAHAHAHAH," I screamed.

The feeling was not containable. I felt my armpits explode into a tingling feeling that tickled so much! Justin showed no remorse and continued to tickle without slowing down ever. I didn't know how long I could take this. His fingers danced around my armpits at just the right speed and pressure that I even started to cry, I was so ticklish.

Justin continued to tickle me for the next 10 minutes, not showing any sign of stopping. When he was finished I understood why Tanner was panting. All that screaming really takes a lot out of you.

"Ok Josh, I'll be back," he said as Justin moved from my sling back to Tanner's

"Hey there, looks like someone has sprouted a boner as well," Justin said.

Tanner barked.

Justin, instead of staying right next to Tanner start to move towards his feet, with something in his hand. I lifted my head to see what it was. It was a feather!!

Immediately, I felt bad for both me and Tanner.


Tanner screamed even louder with laughter. Obviously he was more ticklish on his feet, and unfortunately, so was I.

I watched Justin attack Tanner's beautiful feet as he thrashed around trying to getaway. Tanner's sling swayed in motion as he thrashed around. Tanner's scream was even sexier this time because it was even more genuine than before.

Justin continued to attack Tanner's feet for another 10 minutes. When Justin stopped Tanner's sling was still swinging.

"Wow Tanner, that was intense," Justin said as got up and walked over to my sling. Tanner was panting heavily.

"Oh wow Josh," Justin said as he got to my sling. I looked up and saw that I had popped a tent and was raging hard.

I was so surprised that I didn't see Justin walk to my feet and start tickling them.

"AHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA," I screamed and thrashed around.

This feeling was even more overwhelming than when he tickled my armpits. It was so intense that I didn't know how long I could take it. I tried to get away from Justin's feather but the ropes prevented me from doing so. More tears began to drip from my face because of how ticklish it felt. I was CRAZY!!!! Justin showed no remorse either, he would travel from foot to foot and at times he would tickle one with his hand and the other with the feather.

After about 10 minutes Justin finally stops his relentless attack on my feet.

"Damn, both of you are really ticklish," he says.

My sling is still swaying from the tickling and I'm panting heavily.

"Ok I think it's time for bed," Justin said.

I really wasn't looking forward to sleeping on the ground like last night, but hey, I was exhausted!.

"Ok Tanner you first," Justin said as he untied Tanner's mitts and ankles from the bondage sling frame. Justin then picked up the muscular Tanner and threw him over his shoulder and walked towards the bed that was in the room. Justin set him down on the bed and told him to stay.

Then Justin came over to me and untied me from the bondage sling frame and threw me over his shoulder and carried me over to the bed were Tanner was already laying down and sat me down right next to him.

"I don't I'll have to chain you two by your collars but I will tie one of your ankles just to make sure you guys don't mess around with any of the stuff," Justin said as he tied my right ankle to a handcuff on end of the bed frame and he did the same to Tanner. We could move around still, but we weren't getting off the bed until Justin untied us.

"You two need anything?" Justin asked. We both nodded our heads no and barked.

"Ok well goodnight my pups, see you two tomorrow," Justin said as he scratched both of our heads and left the room.

"Wow that was intense," Tanner said.

"Yeah tell me about it," I replied.

"I don't know about you but I'm pooped," He said.

"Me too," I replied.

"Well goodnight," he said.

"Umm, Tanner, could move closer to me, I'm a little cold," I asked.

"Of course," Tanner said as he flipped over and git close to me. He got so close I could feel his pecs and nipples on my back and he had dick against my ass. He kind of smelled a little bad due to how sweaty he was, but I was much better so I let it go. Besides, it added to the mood.

"Is this better?" he asked.

"Yes sir," I said.

"Goodnight pup," he said as he gave me a little pelvic thrust.

This week was turning out to be the best week yet!!!!


Sorry for the super long wait, I'll try to be better for the next part!
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Post by Jason07 »

This is a wonderful story and I dearly hope it continues!
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Post by Bondwriter »

Great saga, I hope you'll keep having fun writing it.
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Post by NeedControl »

This story is so good! I really enjoy how you keep changing things up, keeping it light, dancing around so much sensuality, occasionally drawing out some really horny action, and narrating his thoughts and feelings in first person! I sure hope you keep this going; I feel like I could read new chapters regularly and it would never feel dull and still really be fun and turn me on to no end! 😛😛😛
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Post by bondage1155 »

Part 11

I awoke the next morning next to Tanner, who was rubbing my back with his muzzle like the morning before, trying to wake me.

"Wow you're a deep sleeper there Josh," he said.

"Yeah, it's like my favorite thing to do," I replied.

He laughed. We were still handcuffed on our ankles to the bed and Tanner's bulge was still up to my ass and it felt amazing!

We both still smelled like sweat and ass from the previous night, I kind of liked it though.

I looked down, expecting to see new underwear, but when I did, we were still wearing the same PUMP! bottomless trunks as yesterday. We were still in our pup masks, collars, leather harnesses, hand mitts, and butt plug tails.

Tanner noticed my look and said, "Yeah Justin never gave us new underwear, either we were bad yesterday or he has something else planned."

"Well we definitely weren't bad yesterday, so something else has to be planned," I said.

"I agree," said Tanner.

"Whatever it is I hope it's hot," I said smiling.

"Me too," Tanner said, giving me a little pelvic thrust.

I shuddered in pleasure.

"You like that?" he asked slyly.

I nodded yes very enthusiastically.

Tanner gave me another pelvic thrust, this time a little harder.

I shuddered again and moaned a little.

"Let's have some fun," Tanner whispered in my ear through his pup mask.

I nodded preparing for what was to come.

"Good morning my pups!" said Justin entering the room wearing only his usual white Nike compression shorts.

"To be continued," Tanner whispered in my ear as he gave me a slight pelvic thrust again.

I wiggled my butt against his bulge.

"Did you two sleep well together?" Justin asked.

We both barked and wagged our tails, Tanner's bugle was still against my ass.

"Well that's good, let's get those cuffs off," Justin said.

Justin went to the end of the bed and unlocked the handcuffs binding our ankles to the base of the bed.

"Ok pups let's go upstairs," Justin said.

I got off the bed first and followed Justin with Tanner right behind me.

"You pups may be wondering why you are both still wearing yesterday's underwear," Justin said.

Me and Tanner both barked as we continued to follow Justin upstairs.

"Well, I told you two at the beginning of our adventure that I wouldn't change your underwear if you were bad. You can rest assured that that isn't the case," Justin said patting me on the head as we reached the top of the stair and proceeded down towards the hallway.

"You see, while sweat is sexy to smell, it's not sexy to smell all the time and you two reek of sweat," Justin said, "So you two will be showering before I give you the new underwear for today."

I looked back at Tanner and wagged my tail. He wagged his tail too. I couldn't wait for this, I was so hard already.

Justin led us to the bathroom door and stopped us in front of it.

"But before you two shower, you'll need to take off your gear, and you can't do that with your mitts on, so let me take them off," Justin said.

Justin bent down and unlatched strap keeping the mitt on. It fell off following by the left one soon after. I could now move my fingers around and if I needed to I could grab things.

Justin then went over to Tanner and did the same thing and freed his fingers.

"So I'm trusting you two, all of the gear needs to be off before you get in the shower so I can wash it. You'll need to help each other with the harnesses. When it's all off, leave it on the counter near the door and I'll take it and leave your new underwear in its place," Justin said, "Got it?"

We both wagged our tails and nodded.

"Ok, go in there and knock on the door when all the gear is off," Justin said, "Also you guys can stand up in there."

We both nodded and crawled into the bathroom as Justin gave us both a pat on the ass as we crawled by.

We got into the bathroom and closed the door behind us.

"Oh fuck yeah," Tanner said with a sly smile.

"This is going to be so god damn hot," I said.

I reached up and pull off my red pup mask. I could finally see fully and not through two eye holes. I looked over at Tanner and he was taking off his yellow pup mask. Once it was off his hair and was free and DAMN his dirty blonde was hot.

"Whatcha looking at?" Tanner said.

"Nothing, just a super hot jock," I replied.

"Aww stop it," he said giving me a sexy smile.

"Here let me help with your collar and harness," I said as I walked towards him.

He turned around and let me undo his collar. Once it was undone I set it on the counter. I then reached for the back of his harness and unlatched the straps and slipped it off his perfect body.

"Let me help you," Tanner said as he turned around.

I turned around and felt his hands undo my collar and set it counter. Then before he undid my harness he yanked on it which forced me back which made my ass and his bulge meet with momentum.

"This is going to be the best shower you will have ever taken," he said.

"Yes sir," I replied with a smile.

He then started to undo the harness and then slid it off my body and deposited it on the counter.

"So I guess it just leaves the butt plugs and the underwear," Tanner said, "I'm going to take your plug out now, hold still."

I gripped the counter with both hands and braced myself. Tanner then started to yank the tail slowly. I felt it start to leave my asshole. It didn't hurt as much as when it went in but it still didn't feel good.

"Almost there," Tanner said.

I gripped the counter harder as I felt the last of the plug leave my asshole.

"Ok your asshole is open and ready for reentry," Tanner said giving me a slap on the ass.

"Thanks, Dad," I said, "Your turn."

Me and Tanner switched spots and he gripped the counter.

"Here we go," I said.

I grabbed his tail and started to pull slowly. Tanner immediately started to moan. I keep pulling and pulling inch by inch until finally, the entire tail was out of Tanner's beautiful asshole.

Now all that was left were the bottomless trunks we were wearing.

"Well say goodbye to these," Tanner said as he pulled down his bottomless trunks and stepped out of them, leaving his raging hard cock completely visible. I did the same thing and revealed my raging hard cock.

"Impressive," Tanner said staring at my cock.

"Same with you," I said staring at his.

"Ok that's everything," I said, "Bang on the door to let Justin know."

"Ok," Tanner said. He banged on the door to let Justin know that we took off all the gear.

Justin opened the door and said," HOLY FUCK you both look amazing with gear on and without the gear on. Take your time showering, your gear will take a while to wash. Also, I'll get your new underwear as soon as I get your gear in the wash, enjoy yourselves you two, you guys deserve it." He winked at us and took once last look at our naked bodies and then closed the door.

Tanner turned around and looked at me and smiled.

"Shall we get started?" he said.

"Hell yes," I said.

Tanner opened the glass door to the shower and said, "After you."

I nodded and went in first, as I walked in Tanner gave me a slap on my naked ass and followed me in and shut the door.

So there we were 2 naked juniors in a shower, both with raging hard cocks.

"Shall we get this started?" asked Tanner as he reached for the nozzle for the shower.

"Wait," I said, "I know how to start this." I walked over to him and got within an inch of him, our cocks touching. Then without warning, I began to suck on his pecs. First the left one then the right one, I got my mouth to cover the entire nipple. And I didn't just suck, but I kissed and licked and rubbed my face all around his chest. As I did this Tanner leaned against the wall of the shower and kept saying, "Ahhh Fuck yeah, suck you slut." Our cocks continued to touch as well and that just added to the whole experience.

"Wow, you're good at this Josh," Tanner observed.

"I had practice on Matt the last time this happened," I replied as I continued to suck.

"Wow, was he lucky to have you," Tanner said after a long moan.

"You're just as good as Justin as when he massaged me while I was still in that vac cube yesterday," Tanner said moaning loudly.

"Oh yeah about that," I said taking a break, "That was completely me the entire time."

"Really? DAMN you did such a good job," Tanner said patting my head as I went back to sucking, "How long have you been wanting to do this to me?"

"Since the first time, I saw you in freshmen year with your American Eagle waistband sticking out above your shorts," I replied.

"Well the wait's over," he said putting his hands on my head and pushing me towards his beautiful pec as I sucked.

We stood there for about 10 minutes as I sucked Tanner's pecs and he said: "Ahh fuck." Occasionally I would drop down to his tight abs and perform the same treatment. Whether it be his pecs or abs, Tanner loved it and I loved tasting and sucking Tanner.

"Josh," Tanner said as I was still sucking his abs, "Would mind going down a little farther?"

I immediately understood and finished working on Tanner's abs and went below the waistline to his cock.

"Suck it slut," Tanner commanded.

I obeyed and fit my mouth around his member.

"AHhhh," Tanner moaned in ecstasy.

I started to stroke his dick with my mouth slowly and then sped up and then slowed down. I repeated this pattern consistently so that Tanner wouldn't climax immediately.

"Fuck yeah," Tanner said and he grabbed my head and forced me to suck him off at a fast rate and then a slow rate.

I couldn't believe that I was sucking off one of the hottest kids in the school. I was literally on cloud nine.

I was brought back to reality when I heard Tanner moan the loudest he ever had.

"AHHHhhhh Fuck here it comes," he said.

I knew what was coming and I braced myself. In no time at all, I felt streams of hot semen shoot into my mouth and hit the back of my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could and I could barely keep up with Tanner.

Tanner continued to moan until he shot his last stream into my mouth and I swallowed.

"DAMN Josh," Tanner said as I got up, "You really know how to suck."

"Thanks, bro, anything for you," I said.

"Well now it's your turn," Tanner said.

And with that Tanner got on his knees and started to suck my raging hard cock.

"AHHHHhhh," I said.

"You like this?" Tanner asked, "How about this."

Then Tanner stopped sucking my cock and started to suck my nipples and then give me a handjob at the time.

"AHHHhhh oh fuck yeah," I said as I leaned against the wall.

"Yeah I thought you'd like that," he said.

My legs were shaking so bad, I had never felt this much pleasure at once.

"Ahhhhhhh," I said as I felt my abdomen get ready to cum.

"Woah I'm not finished yet," Tanner said realizing I was about to cum and stopped stroking me.

"What?!?! Come on bro," I pleaded, shaking around. I was about to reach for my cock myself but then Tanner grabbed my wrists and pinned them against the wall.

"Your cock is mine until this shower is over, got it?" Tanner said in an angry tone. If I didn't know better I would have actually thought he was mad at me.

"But I..," I started to say.

"I didn't touch my cock when you were worshiping me, so neither can you," Tanner said, "Say yes sir."

"Yes sir," I replied reluctantly. My raging hard cock had started to droop since Tanner wasn't paying any attention to it.

"Good," Tanner said, "Let's get back to it."

Tanner let go of my wrists and went back to sucking my nipples and giving me a handjob.

"Ahhhhhhh," I moaned as my cock went back to be raging hard.

"Oh yeah," Tanner said.

Tanner then went down to my cock and started to suck back and forth. He also moved his hands around my waist to my naked ass and squeezed.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," I moaned even louder.

I felt the feeling my abdomen and I started to moan even louder. Then Tanner stopped sucking again. I was seconds away from climaxing.

"Fuck you," I said as I felt the feeling of climaxing go away.

"This is fun," Tanner said," Ok I won't do it again."

Tanner went back to giving me a blowjob and squeezing my ass. I put my hands on his head and forced to suck me off back and forth to make sure that he wouldn't stop sucking.

I started to feel the feeling in my abdomen.

"Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I moaned as I leaned against the wall.

Next thing I knew, I was ejecting streams of semen into Tanner's mouth. One after the other I ejected and Tanner knelt down and swallowed. After about a full minute I was down ejecting.

"Damn Josh, that was a lot," Tanner said licking his lips.

"Your welcome," I said.

"So, shall we get the actual shower started?" Tanner asked.

"Yes sir!," I said.

Tanner turned the shower nozzle and warm water started to rush out of the showerhead. The water felt so good, mostly because I couldn't remember the last time I took a shower.

"I'll make you a deal," I said to Tanner," I'll wash you if you wash me."

"Deal," Tanner said immediately, "Do me first."

"Yes daddy," I replied.

I grabbed Justin's AXE soap, the same as Matt's and lathered my hands with it. Then I started to rub it all over Tanner's amazing body. I made sure to get it all over his pecs, around his armpits, his tight abs, his cock, and even in his ass.

"Yes, ahh fuck yes," Tanner said as I finished soaping him up.

I then rinsed him off and made sure that every speck of soap was off him and his perfect body.

When I was finished Tanner was sparkling clean and smelled like a hot jock.

"Wow, nice job Josh," Tanner said.

"Thanks, daddy," I replied.

"Your turn you dirty little pup," Tanner said as he lathered his hands up.

I kind of liked how he called me that, it made me feel like Tanner was my master and I really liked that picture.

Tanner then started to lather my body up with the AXE soap. He started from top to bottom and got every part of my body. He soaped my pecs, armpits, abs, biceps, cock, ass, thighs, and then cock again.

"Ahhh," I moaned as Tanner danced his hands around my body. I couldn't believe one of the hottest jocks was showering and soaping me.

"That's it, Josh, I'll clean you," Tanner said.

"Ahhhhhhh," I moaned again.

All of a sudden I heard the door to the bathroom open.

"Underwear delivery for the two most sexy pups!" Justin called, "Make sure you guys grab the correct color."

"Yes sir," we both replied.

Tanner started to rinse me off quickly so we could see the new underwear. I couldn't see much because the glass shower door was so steamy, but I could tell there was black.

"Did I miss a spot slut boy?" Tanner said giving me a slap on the ass.

"No daddy," I replied.

"Good, let's go try on this underwear," Tanner said.

I opened the shower door and stepped out and grabbed a towel for me and one for Tanner. Once we were dry we went to take a look at the underwear Justin left for us.

Both pairs were black, one had red highlights and the other had yellow highlights. They appeared to be almost like boxer briefs but a little shorter on the legs. They did have some interesting features too. For example, the crotch section was just a pouch that appeared to be removable and the ass section had a zipper to expose the ass too. There both had CELLBLOCK13 on the waistbands and looked very sexy like the ones below:



"Wow," Tanner said, "These look awesome."

"Hell yeah," I said in agreement.

"Well let's stop staring at them and put them on," Tanner said.

I nodded and we both grabbed a pair, I grabbed the one with red highlights, he grabbed the one with yellow highlights.

I stepped into the underwear and pulled it up, but there was something different. My cock wouldn't go into the pouch.

"Having trouble?" Tanner asked.

"Yeah," I replied, completely confused.

"Watch me," Tanner said.

I watched as he unsnapped the buttons that were supporting the crotch pouch. That pouch then fell down, revealing a ring that was attached to the underwear. Tanner grabbed his cock and shoved it through the ring. He then grabbed the pouch and snapped it back into place.

"Just like that," Tanner said.

Tanner looked so hot in the boxer brief like underwear.

"I'm still confused, can you just do it for me?" I asked.

"Sure," he said.

I actually totally understood how to do it but I just wanted Tanner to touch my cock again.

Tanner walker over and unsnapped the pouch and let it hang. Then he grabbed my cock and after stroking it a couple times he shoved it through the ring of my underwear and snapped the pouch back into place.

So there me and Tanner were, in these boxer briefs like underwear. Tanner walked behind me and put his hands on my shoulders and said, "I can't wait to unzip your ass when we go to bed tonight."

My cock in my pouch began to get harder as I looked at Tanner in the mirror and smiled. He smiled back and gave me a pelvic thrust that I thoroughly enjoyed.

"You guys done in there?" Justin called.

"Yes sir," Tanner said.

Me and Tanner both walked out in our new underwear to meet Justin outside of the bathroom door in his white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Shit, you two look hotter than I imagined you would," Justin said as he checked us out.

"Thank you, sir," I said.

"Ok so we have a change of plans, your gear is still washing so I was thinking, why don't I see what you two want to do?" he said.

Me and Tanner looked at each other confused.

"Let me rephrase that," Justin said, "What I meant is that I was going to let you tie each other up for like an hour or two and play with each other just to see what you guys are into."

"Hell yes," Tanner and I said.

"I thought you might like it," Justin said with a smile.

I couldn't believe it!! I would get the chance to tie up the hottest jock in my grade!!

"Now the only question is who's going first?" Justin asked.

"I'll let Josh tie me up first," Tanner said.

"How thoughtful," Justin said, "Now let's go over a few ground rules. There is no fucking at all, at least not yet. You two are not allowed to take off the underwear you are wearing. Anything in the basement is fair game for use. Any questions?"

"Yeah, I got one sir?" I asked, "There's football gear down there right?"

"Oh yes there is, a full set for each of you," Justin said with a smile," Also one more thing, when one of you is tied up, you must address the other as sir."

I was so excited!! Tanner, the hottest jock, would have to call me sir too!!

"Ok go, fun kids," Justin said, "If you need me, I'll be up here."

"Yes sir," I said, "Come on slave," I said to Tanner as we started to make our way back downstairs.

"Oh wait, one more thing," Justin said, "Here."

He handed us the leather harnesses.

"Put there one," he said, "It makes any bondage scene so much hotter."

Tanner helped me put on mine and I helped him put on his.

We went down the stairs and back into Justin's fetish room where every toy was at my disposal to use on the hot Tanner.

"Ok so first you put on some football pads and some football pants and I'll do the same," I said.

"Yes sir," Tanner said with a smile. I still couldn't believe that I was in charge of one of the hottest people I know.

We both walked over to the hanger we both grabbed some football gear, both were blue with white lettering and very tight. We both put on the pants with the pads over our existing underwear and then put on the shoulder pads with the jersey.

So there we were two juniors in football uniforms.

"Ok slave let's get started," I said.

I led Tanner over to an open area in the room.

"Stay here," I commanded.

"Yes sir," he said.

I squeezed his ass and left him standing there and went to go look for some rope. I went over to a closet and opened and was greeted by all the rope anyone could ever want. I grabbed 3 coils of it and returned to Tanner who was standing in his football gear.

"Let me see your hands," I said.

Tanner extended his hands out in front of him. I then started to tie with the rope by looping it and tying a knot to make sure he couldn't get out. I then took the other end of the rope and threw it over an I-beam that was supporting the ceiling. Once that end fell over the other side of the I-beam I took it and tied it to a pull so it forced Tanner's hands to raise above his head as far as they would go.

So there Tanner was, with his hands tied up and high above his head, in a full football uniform, under my complete control.

"One more thing," I said as I made my way to where Justin kept his gags. I went over and grabbed a muzzle gag and went over to the tied up Tanner. I slipped the muzzle gag over his head and tightened so that he couldn't speak.

"Test it out for me," I asked.

"MMPPHH," Tanner tried to yell.

"Good, now we can get started," I said with a smile.

I walked to the back of Tanner where his beautiful tight ass was.

And then I...SMACK!

"Mpphhh," Tanner yelped.

"That wasn't even that hard," I said as I gave him another spank.


"MMPhhh," Tanner yelled.

"Oh don't worry slave, we have much more this," I said.

I continued to spank Tanner's hot ass for the next 10 minutes and listen to his cries of pain, it was so hot. I really liked how the tight football pants really showed off his ass and it's every curve. But I wanted to see more of Tanner.

"Let's make things interesting," I said.

I walked over to the front side and put my hand on his crotch. I proceeded to move it around until I got to the belt of his football pants. I undid it and loosened his pants and unlaced the crotch. Once the pants were loose I pulled them done to reveal the Cellblock 13 underwear he was wearing. I lifted both of his feet out of the pants and threw them aside. Next, I went to get some scissors off the desk in the corner and came back and cut the football uniform off his body.

Once I was done Tanner was standing there with his hands tied above his head in only his football shoulder pads, the leather harness under the pads, the muzzle gag on his face, and the Cellblock 13 black boxer briefs with green highlights.

"Now that's better," I said with a smirk.

I moved to the back of him once again and grabbed both of his ass cheeks with both of my hands.

"Damn Tanner, I would kill to have your ass," I said as I started to massage them with my hands. His ass was still tender from me spanking it so much which made it tighter which made it so much hotter.

I kept massaging his ass with my hands for the next 5 minutes occasionally rubbing my dick against which Tanner replied with a moan of ecstasy.

I then moved to the front of him where his tight abs and pecs were. I wasted no time and started to rub my hands all over his abs and under his shoulder pads to his nipples. He was so muscular and tight, it was so hot!! I started to kiss his abs one at a time. Each time I would do so, I would be met with a "mmmmm" from Tanner as I saw his eyes close and his dick get harder and harder.

I kept kissing him until I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and the door open. It was Justin who was still in his Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Damn Josh, you really have a trophy here," Justin said.

"I sure do," I said giving Tanner's abs one last kiss.

"Yeah great job restraining him too," Justin said, "Unfortunately, your time is over and it's Tanner's turn now."

"10 more minutes?" I pleaded.

"Sorry Josh, but I must be fair, now untie him," Justin said.

"Yes sir," I said, sadly.

I went over and untied the rope from the pole which released Tanner's hands and allowed him to drop them below his head. Next, I untied his hands and took the muzzle gag off his face. Tanner was now only in his leather harness and Cellblock 13 underwear.

"Nice going Josh," Tanner said, "I hope you're ready for what I have planned for you."

My dick started to grow at the sound of that.

"Ok same rules apply, Josh you must address Tanner as sir from now on," Justin said, "He's all yours Tanner." And with that Justin closed the door which left me in my football uniform and Tanner in his underwear.

"Ok let's get started slave," Tanner said, "First of all, that off all that football gear slave."

"Yes sir," I said as I took off all of the pads leaving us both in leather harnesses and underwear.

"Follow me, slave," Tanner said. He led me to a low lying table. "Get on it," he commanded.

I did as he said and got down on my two knees.

"Spread your knees," Tanner commanded.

I spread my knees out farther.

"Good, now stay like that," Tanner said as he walked behind and tied my ankles together with rope so that I couldn't move my knees at all. Next, he walked over and grabbed a ball gag and forced it into my mouth and tightened it around my head. Lastly, he tied my hands together with rope. When he was finished, he took the other end of the rope and tossed it over one of the I-beams in the ceiling and then tied it to a surrounding pole. By doing this, it forced me to sit up straighter and taller since now my hands were being forced to be at a specific height.

"Now let's begin," Tanner said as he got on his knees making him about the same height as my crotch.

He then started to unbutton the crotch pouch on my underwear which exposed my dick and let it hang out.

Then without warning, he opened his lips and started to suck my dick.

"Mmmmm," I moaned through my ball gag.

I was a little confused because I should be sucking Tanner's dick since I'm the slave, but hey, at least I was getting a free blowjob.

Tanner continued to thrust his lips up and down my cock, and as he did so, it got harder and harder. If Tanner kept sucking, then I would surely be forced to blow my load into his mouth, which I wanted so badly.

"Ahhhh," I sighed into my ball gag as I rolled my eyes in ecstasy. I could feel my load getting ready to launch and Tanner was still sucking so that meant that I would get to blow it right into his mouth!!

Just a little longer...

Almost there...


Tanner removed his lips and as he did so he lips smacked together. I looked at myself and my cock was hard and I was breathing heavily as I was about to blow my load.

Tanner looked up at me and smiled and said, "I think I'm going to put this away for right now."

He grabbed the crotch pouch and buttoned it back into place so that my dick was no longer exposed. I shot Tanner an angry glance because I was so close to blowing my load but he just stopped me.

"Besides, I've been treating you too well," Tanner said as he started to rub his hands over my chest, "sucking your dick when you're the one that's all tied up," he said with a devilish smile.

Tanner then got off his knees and stood up and said, "How about you suck my dick now?"

He removed the ball gag from my face and tossed it aside. Once it was out he unbuttoned the crotch pouch on his underwear and let his dick hang out.

"Go ahead slave," he said.

He then grabbed my head and forced me towards his cock. I opened my mouth and allowed for his dick to enter my mouth.

I started to suck his dick back and forth as he started to moan and say things like "Fuck yeah."

I honestly didn't mind giving him a blowjob, he had a beautiful cock and I was honored to suck it.

"Faster slave," he said.

I started to suck back and forth quicker but apparently, it wasn't quick enough because Tanner then grabbed my head and said: "Like this."

He then started to push my head back and forth to make my lips suck faster. He was also pushing me farther up his dick. Because his dick was so long, it kept touching the back of my throat which made me gag. But Tanner didn't care and continued making me deep throat him.

Suddenly he stopped pushing my head around and I knew what was coming. I felt his dick begin to pulse in my mouth before I knew it, I had a mouth full of his warm semen. I could feel every time he squirted because it would hit the backside of my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could but no matter how much I swallowed Tanner would just spew more.

Finally, the squirting stopped and Tanner let go of my head which allowed me to catch my breath. Tanner grabbed the crotch pouch and buttoned it back up to put his dick back in place.

"Damn that was intense," Tanner said.

"You could say that again," I said as I still was breathing heavily.

"Oh but don't you worry," he said, "Because we're not done yet."

Just as Tanner said that the door opened and Justin walked in only in his White Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Wow, you two seem out of breath," Justin said.

"Oh we are," Tanner said.

"Ok, well, unfortunately, times up," Justin said.

"Sir, I humbly ask you to give me more time with Josh, he got more time with me when I was in the vacuum cube," Tanner pleaded.

"Well that is true," Justin said as he contemplated the proposal.

"Only 20 more minutes," Tanner begged.

"Ok fine," Justin said, "But only 20."

"Thank you, sir," Tanner said.

"Ok have fun you two," Justin said as he walked out and closed the door.

"I was hoping I was would be able to play with you more, there's something I want to do," Tanner said with a smile.

Tanner then started to untie my hands and knees so that I could stand and move my arms around.

"Don't get used to the freedom slave," Tanner said as he started to lead me to the bed in the corner of the room and grabbed a ball gag on our way there. I noticed some black things on the bed. As we got closer I realized what they were. The bed had 4 leather cuffs, one in each corner, to restrain a person's ankles and wrists.

"What are you waiting for?" Tanner asked, "Get on."

I climbed on the bed and laid on my stomach and outstretched my hands and feet expecting Tanner to cuff them to the bed with the leather cuffs.

"No no no, lay on your stomach," Tanner said.

I flipped over on my stomach and outstretched my arms and legs. Tanner then went around the bed cuffing both my wrists and both my ankles to the bed. As he did so I was wondering why he had me laying like this. I felt it was weird because there was no easy access to my dick.

Once Tanner was done cuffing my ankles and wrists, I was completely immobilized on the bed. So there I was, laying on my stomach, ass up, cuffed in leather cuffs spread eagle, to a bed, wearing a leather harness, and Cellblock 13 underwear. Tanner was only wearing a leather harness and his Cellblock 13 underwear.

"I've been waiting to do this since we were both chosen by Justin," Tanner said as he hopped on the bed. "I was beginning to worry I would never get the chance to do this, but thankfully I was able to sway Justin to give more time with you and your beautiful ass," he said.

"Let's get started," Tanner said.

As Tanner finished talked he got on top of me with his dick on my ass. He then started to thrust up and down allowing his dick to push up and down my ass. His dick was still in the crotch pouch of his underwear and my ass was still covered.

"Ahhhh," I moaned loudly, I too had been waiting for him to do this to me. I started to lift my ass so that I could feel his dick harder on my ass.

He started to grab me by the back of the harness and then thrust his dick on my ass with more force. I could feel his dick at all times, but I could also feel his pecs and abs on my back as he thrust.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," I moaned even louder as he started to thrust with more intensity.

"You like that slave boy?" Tanner teased.

As he thrust, he started to move his hands under me and started to rub my pecs and abs. This only made me moan louder and enjoy the experience a lot more.

Tanner continued this amazing treatment for about 10 minutes, and let me tell you, it was some of the best 10 minutes I had ever had in my entire life. Then he stopped for a second, I didn't even look up because I was still in pure bliss.

Then all of a sudden, Tanner grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head back. I kind of felt good because this forced my ass to get closer to his dick which I absolutely loved. He then moved a ball gag into my view and shoved the ball in my mouth and then strapped it tightly behind my head. Now I was unable to speak at all, I could only moan softly.

"There, that's better," Tanner said.

He resumed his thrusting and rubbing all my body. I actually thought the ball gag made the scene even hotter.

Tanner then laid his entire body over my bound body and started to kiss me on the neck and cheek. He first started on my neck and then continued up to my cheek. I'm also pretty sure that he gave me a couple hickey's as he went. As he kissed and sucked he kept whispering:

"Ah, that's my boy"

He then started to thrust into my asshole again which was amazing. He pulled me up by the hair every now and then as he whispered into my ear:

"My beautiful slave boy, ah my beautiful boy."

"Mmmmmmm," I moaned in response.

This amazing treatment continued for about another 10 minutes. Then he stopped and said,

"Justin will come down any minute, better start get you untied."

"Mmmm," I moaned in protest.

"Oh don't worry boy, we'll continue later," Tanner said with a wink at me.

He then started to uncuff my wrists and ankles from the bed I was cuffed to. He then started to unstrap the ball gag and at that exact moment, Justin opened the door and came through.

"Hey there slaves, how goes the playing," Justin asked as Tanner removed the ball gag from my mouth.

"It was fantastic, sir," Tanner said.

"Yeah, it really was," I agreed.

"Well I'm glad you both had a great time, let's go get some dinner in the both of you," Justin said.

"Wow, we've been down here for that long sir?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's almost 6:00." Justin responded, "Come on, and don't worry about crawling just yet, since you both don't have pup masks or tails on, it would feel wrong to have you act as pups."

That was great news because, although I absolutely love being a pup with Tanner, I needed to stand stretch for a while.

Me and Tanner followed Justin up the stairs to the kitchen in our leather harnesses and Cellblock 13 underwear while Justin wore just his Nike white Pro Combat compression shorts.

When we got to the kitchen Justin started to warm up some pizza for the three of us to have.

"So when are we going to get our pup gear back sir?" Tanner asked.

"Well, it's still drying and I thought it was pretty late to start anything right now, so I was thinking we could all watch football together," Tanner said, "How's that sound?"

"Sounds great sir," Tanner replied excitedly.

I was pretty excited too because now I could just relax for the rest of the night and hang out with some hot jocks in just underwear.

Once the pizza was done, we all moved into the living room to watch the football game. We all sat on the same couch regularly while we ate our pizza. Justin sat in between me and Tanner. So there we were, 3 high schoolers watching a football game while eating pizza in underwear and me and Tanner had leather harnesses on. I ate my 2 slices of pizza by halftime and so did the other 2 guys.

"I'll take the plates, sir," I said.

"Thanks, slave," Justin said with a smile.

I collected all three plates and put them in the kitchen sink. I then came back to the couch and instead of sitting regularly I laid myself on my side on the couch and proceeded to rest my head on Justin's spandex-covered thigh. It was comfortable because of how strong he was. He then started to stroke my hair as we watched the game. The game ended up going into halftime so I didn't get over until around 9:00.

"Wow that was a good game," Tanner said as he got up to stretch.

"You got that right," Justin said.

I lifted my head off his thigh and stood up to join Tanner stretch. We both yawned as we stretched out our arms above our heads.

"I see that you both are tired," Justin said, "I bet its from all the fun you had with each other downstairs today."

"Oh you have no idea, sir," I said.

"Oh I think I do," Justin said," I could hear most of it."

Me and Tanner blushed and smiled at each other.

"Why don't we say we hit the hay for tonight?" Justin asked.

"Yes sir," me and Tanner said as Justin got up.

Me and Tanner started to walk towards the basement where we slept last night but we were stopped by Justin.

"You guys were very respectful today and I'm feeling nice, so why don't the both of you sleep in Jack's room?" Justin said.

Me and Tanner both looked excitedly into each other's eyes as we turned around and followed Justin into Jack's room.

Justin flipped on the light switch as said, "Sorry if it's a little messy, Jack doesn't know how to clean anything, but it's definitely better than the basement."

"Thank you so much sir," I said.

"Yeah sir, thanks a ton," Tanner said as well.

"Anything for my two slaves," Justin said, "Ok, well go on in, and remember you two are not allowed to leave this room until I come to get you tomorrow morning got it?"

"Yes sir," we both replied.

"Ok good night slaves, and feel free to explore his room as much as you please," Justin said as he closed the door.

So there me and Tanner were standing in Justin's little brother Jack's room wearing only the Cellblock 13 underwear and a leather harness. Jack's room definitely was a little messy. There were socks and clothes everywhere on the ground and also hanging out of the drawers. The room smelled like Jack too, which was a plus since he wears really hot cologne. I walked over to his closet opened it up. I was greeted with two football uniforms, one for practice and one for games. There was also a lot of basketball shorts littered throughout the closet.

As I was going through the closet, Tanner had made his way to Jack's underwear drawer and had opened it up.

"Holy shit," Tanner said, "Josh come here."

I left the closet and rushed over to see what Tanner was talking about. When I got there I realized why he called me over.

To my amazement, we were staring at Jack's underwear collection, and let's say it was quite the collection. Jack boxer briefs from Adidas, American Eagle, Hollister, Calvin Klein, and even Tommy Hilfiger. Along with his boxer briefs, Jack also had multiple pairs of Nike and Under Armour compression shorts, all different colors.

Me and Tanner both looked at each other.

"This is fucking amazing," said Tanner," I've always wondered how much underwear Jack has because whenever I see him in the locker room he always has a different brand on."

"Really?" I asked," I never get to see his underwear because he doesn't do swim."

"Yeah, I guess he just buys from every brand, which is so hot," Tanner said.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked Tanner.

We both looked at each other and then at Jack's bed and nodded in agreement. I went over to his bed and cleared off the blankets so it was just the bare sheet. Then Tanner took Jack's underwear drawer and removed it from the chest of drawers and then dumped it all on the bed. There had to be at least 60 pairs of underwear on that bed. Tanner put the drawer back and we both hopped on the bed and started to sniff and feel each pair.

"Do you want to put some of these on?" Tanner asked.

"I would love to but I don't Justin wants us to, at least not yet," I replied," Maybe on the last day we are here we can ask him if we can try some on, but I think he wants us to only wear the ones that he provides us with for the time being."

"He's not going to know if we try on a few," Tanner asked.

"He may have a camera somewhere in this room," I said.

"Fine," Tanner said, "Well I'm still going to sleep on them and next to you," he said with a wink.

I smiled back and crawled closer to him.

"Let's see if we can't make some pillows out of these," I said.

We then started to pile about 7 up into a pile so that we could lay our heads on them while we slept. I made sure that this hot pair of pink American Eagle boxer briefs was on top while Tanner had a pair of red Hollister boxer briefs on top of his pillow.

We then started to place the underwear over our bodies like a blanket, I scooted next to Tanner so that his dick was up my ass again and then we placed the final pairs of underwear over us.

So there we were, me and Tanner still wearing the Cellblock 13 underwear, mine black and red and Tanner's was green and black, we were also wearing our leather harness, and we were sleeping on top of mounds of Jack's underwear and under Jack's underwear as well. It smelled heavily of Jack which gave me a boner and it gave Tanner one too, I felt it in my asshole.

"Well see you tomorrow sexy," Tanner said

"Good night hot stuff," I replied as I laid my head down on Jack's underwear and fell asleep next to Tanner.

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Post by NeedControl »

Yaaaaaaayyyyyy, I'm so glad you are continuing this!!! 🤩🤩😛😛🤤🤤❤️❤️❤️
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More more more!!!
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Post by bondage1155 »

Part 12

The next day I woke up surrounded by underwear. It took me a while, but soon I remembered that it was Jack's underwear. I looked to my side to see Tanner sleeping under a layer of Jack's underwear and laying his head on top of a pile of underwear with a pair of red Hollister boxer briefs on top. I looked at my pile and remembered that I had chosen a pair of pink American Eagle boxer briefs to sleep on.

I turned onto my stomach and put my face into the pile of underwear that was my pillow and took a nice long sniff. They smelled just like Jack which was so hot that I started to get hard.

"I know, these smell just like Jack," Tanner said, startling me.

"Yeah they do," I replied.

"Hey, could you take a look at what underwear sir put us in today? I'm still tired," Tanner said as he continued to sleep under the layer of Jack's underwear.

"Sure thing," I said.

I moved Jack's underwear off me and onto Tanner to see was underwear I was in. Whatever they were, they felt longer and tighter.

When I removed all of Jack's underwear off of me, it revealed that what I was wearing.

The Cellblock 13 underwear had been replaced with a pair of red Maskulo spandex underwear. These shorts were super tight and had a removable cock piece, a zipper where my ass was, and it had hot ridges along the thighs which made it extra tight like the ones below.


"Tanner, you've got to see these," I said as I shoved Tanner.

"They can't be any hotter than the ones we had yesterday, let me sleep," Tanner said.

"Oh trust me these are way hotter," I said trying to convince him.

"Oh really? What features do they have?' Tanner asked stubbornly.

"Well let me show you," I said as I shoved all of Jack's underwear to reveal his blue pair of the same underwear.

"It has a removable crotch pouch so I can go like this," I said as I unbuttoned his cock piece and watched his cock pop out. I stroked it a couple of times back and forth. Tanner shuddered with pleasure.

"What other features do they have?" Tanner asked.

"They also have a zipper where your beautiful ass is so I can do this," I said as I unzipped the zipper and put my hand inside, and started to massage his ass cheeks while my other hand stroked his cock.

"I now understand why you think these are hotter than the ones we had yesterday," Tanner said.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards Jack's room.

"Shoot Justin is coming," I said.

Tanner bolted upright.

"I'll zip your ass up and you put the cock piece back in," I said.

I reached for the zipper and pulled it up to the waistband of Tanner's underwear as he buttons the two buttons for the crotch pouch to stay in place. We both finished and laid down as we heard the door being opened.

"Good morning pups!! How are we this fine morning?" Justin said as he opened the door.

Me and Tanner were laying on Jack's bed in our Maskulo underwear and our leather harnesses that had on since yesterday. We both sat up and looked at Justin who was in his usual White Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Good sir, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine thanks, how do you like the new underwear?" Justin asked.

"Oh they're amazing sir, excellent choice," Tanner said.

"I'm glad you like them, it took me some time to find the two of you under all of that underwear," Justin said with a chuckle.

"Was it ok we did that sir?" I asked.

"Oh for sure, I actually wanted you to do something like that. Now you know Jack's deepest secret." Justin said.

"Yeah, I've always wondered how much underwear Jack has. Like every day I always see him having a different pair on," Tanner admitted.

"Oh yeah, Jack has underwear from American Eagle, Hollister, Calvin Klein, Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, and more. He even has some pairs from ADDICTED, PUMP!, Tommy Hilfiger, and Andrew Christian, but I decided to take those out of the drawer since I didn't want you guys wearing them. Speaking of that, did you guys wear any?" Justin asked.

"No sir we didn't, but we were very close to doing so," I said.

"Good, maybe tomorrow you can try some on," Justin said with a smile.

"That would be awesome," Tanner said.

"I thought you'd like that idea, now let's go get some breakfast," Justin said.

"Yes sir," Me and Tanner both said as we got off the bed and started towards the kitchen.

When we got there we saw that there were two plates of eggs at the table waiting for us. Me and Tanner both hopped into a seat and start to eat our breakfast.

"Once you guys are done eating, I'll get you guys geared up and we can start the fun I have planned today," Justin said.

Me and Tanner looked at each other, smiled, and started to eat faster so we can get to the fun Justin has planned faster. About 5 minutes later, me and Tanner we finished with our eggs. We both got up and deposited our plates in the sink and went over to Justin who was sitting on the couch in his compression shorts.

"Wow, done already? You two must be really excited," Justin said, "Follow me."

Justin got off the couch and headed downstairs towards the basement with me and Tanner right behind him.

Once we got down the stairs, Justin led us straight to the table where our pup masks and collars were.

"Come closer pups, time to gear you up," Justin said.

Me and Tanner stepped closer to Justin who was grabbing our collars.

Justin then placed the collars on both me and Tanner and locked them into place with a padlock so that wouldn't come off without a key. Justin then grabbed a red and a blue pup mask and placed the red one on me and the blue one on Tanner.

"Sorry Tanner, I couldn't find that underwear in yellow or green so I have to give you a blue mask," Justin said, "I'm sure you won't mind though."

"Woof," Tanner barked happily.

With the mask on my eyesight was restricted once again to the two eye holes in the mask. To be honest, it felt good to have the mask on again, I missed feeling like a pup.

"Ok pups, time for the fun part," Justin said as he grabbed the two silicon butt plug tails. "Come on over to the bed so I can put your tails in you."

Me and Tanner crawled over to the bed and hopped on and laid on our stomachs.

Justin went over to Tanner and unzipped the rear of his underwear which exposed his ass and said, "Ok pup, here it comes."

With saying that Justin started to shove the tail into Tanner's asshole slowly. Tanner howled and whined as the tail got shoved farther and farther into him until it was fully in.

Justin then came over to me and said, "Ready Josh?"

He then unzipped the rear to my underwear which exposed my ass to a chilly breeze. Justin started to shove the tail up my asshole. I howled and barked over the pain. It was nowhere near as painful as the first time he did, but it still didn't feel great. Once it was in, however, the feeling was pure bliss. I looked behind me to once again see the silicon black tail sticking out of my asshole and wagging around with every movement I made.

"Ok pups front and center," Justin said as he moved to the center of the room.

Me and Tanner crawled off the bed and met Justin in the center of the room.

So there we were, me and Tanner were in Maskulo underwear, mine was red, Tanner's was blue, with collars on, as well as leather harnesses, silicone butt plug tails, and pup masks, mine was red, Tanner's was blue, and Justin was in his Nike White Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Ok pups so I've had an errand pop up and I'm going to have to leave for a couple hours," Justin said.

I looked at Tanner excitedly. "Maybe he'll let us room free," I thought to myself.

'Unfortunately, I still have to tie you guys up because I don't want you guys getting hurt with some of the gear I have," Justin said.

I immediately became less excited, but at least I was getting tied up.

"But since you pups have been so good, I'll let you decide what I tie you up in," Justin said smiley.

I looked at Tanner and Tanner looked at me and nodded. We then both crawled over to where the football gear was hanging and started to paw at it.

"You pups want me to tie the two of you up in football gear?" Justin asked.

"Woof," me and Tanner both barked.

"Ok, start gearing up pups and I'll get some rope," Justin said smiling as he walked to where the rope was hanging.

I look at Tanner excitedly because I love putting on football gear and seeing other people in football gear. I could only assume Tanner was excited too because of how much he was wagging his Tanner, but I couldn't tell from his face because the pup mask was covering his all by his eyes.

We starting putting on the gear by putting on the white football pants. The pants were really tight and made our tails get pushed farther up our assholes which felt amazing, also the pads in the pants made them extra tight. Next, we put on the gray and white shoulder pads. I helped Tanner strap his as tight as it would go and then he helped me do the same thing. Next grabbed the two white football jerseys and slid them over our pup heads and pads.

So there me and Tanner were, wearing our Maskulo underwear under the football pants with pads, as well as leather harnesses under the shoulder pads and jersey, as well as our pup masks and pup tails.

Justin then walked over to us and said, "Damn, you two look smoking hot in football gear!"

"Woof," Me and Tanner said in thanks.

"Come here pups, let's get you bound up," Justin said as he led us to the bed in the corner.

Before we got to the bed, Justin stopped us.

"Have to put these on for what I've got planned," he said which the most devilish smile I've ever seen.

Justin then put a black blindfold on Tanner and strapped it around his pup mask. He then came over to me and strapped a blindfold around me as well. The last thing I saw was the smile on Justin's face and then darkness.

"Stay there Josh, I have to get Tanner situated first," Justin said as I heard him shuffle away with Tanner crawling behind him. I heard the bed squeak when Tanner got on, but other than that I didn't hear anything and had no idea what Justin was doing to Tanner.

About 5 minutes later Justin came back to me and led me over to the bed since I currently couldn't see. I cautiously climbed onto the bed and let Justin take care of the rest.

Justin then laid me on my side on the bed and pushed me towards the center of the bed until I could feel Tanner's football pants pads in my face. Then I felt arms go around my waist and I heard a pair of leather handcuffs clink. I then felt Justin grab my arms and place them around Tanner's waist and then bind them with leather cuffs too.

I was definitely not prepared for what came next. I felt Justin undoing the belt on my football pants and unlacing them until I felt my Maskulo underwear be exposed. I then felt him unbutton the crotch piece of my underwear which exposed my raging hard dick. Then without any warning, I felt Tanner's lips around my dick and his tongue licking my dick; I shuddered with pleasure. Then Justin came over to Tanner's football pants, which were right in front of my face, and begin undoing those and unlacing them. I then heard Tanner's crotch piece be unbuttoned and I opened my mouth willingly. Tanner's dick was then shoved into my mouth and it felt amazing, I started to lick all of it with my tongue.

Justin then started to rope Tanner's waist to my chest and my waist to Tanner's chest which forced us to suck each other's dicks, we couldn't move to do anything else.

So there me and Tanner were, laying on the bed in the basement, wearing football pants, shoulder pads, and jerseys as well as our Maskulo underwear underneath. We also had our leather harnesses on, our pup tails, our pup masks, as well as the blindfold Justin put on us. And to top it all off, we were tied to each other and sucking each other's dicks through our pup masks. We were tied so tight, we could only mouth our heads back and forth but not enough to spit out the cock in our mouth, which wasn't a problem

"Ok pups, I'll be back soon," Justin said as I heard him walk away, "don't have too much fun!" We heard the door close and lock and then we knew that Justin was gone.

Tanner's cock had doubled in size inside my mouth and my cock was raging hard in Tanner's mouth. This was definitely one of the best ways that I had ever been tied up.

I started to thrust my head back and forth so I could start deep throating Tanner's beautiful cock. I also used my tongue and made sure I licked every square inch of Tanner's cock,

"Aaaaaaahhhhh," Tanner moaned

I started to thrust my head back and forth even faster. Tanner responded to this by starting to thrust his hips back and forth so that his cock reached deeper in my mouth.

This made me realize where my hands were tied about Tanner's body. I repositioned my wrists so that they were aligned to Tanner's tight ass. I then used the limited freedom my hands had and started to squeeze and massage his ass.

"AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Tanner moaned even louder.

I felt his cock start to pulse in my mouth and I knew what was coming, I wanted it. I started to thrust my head even faster and massage his ass more intensely. Tanner started thrusting his hips and his cock really started to pulse, here it came.

Suddenly, I felt countless warm streams of cum shoot into my mouth. One after the other, all hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed it all while still licking Tanner's cock, it was so exhilarating.

It was so intense that we both were sweating, I could smell our B.O., and we were both out of breath. Tanner was panting and his cock was throbbing in my mouth. My mouth still tasted like cum, which was totally fine, I relished in the taste.

We laid there for about 10 minutes, cocks in our mouths as we recovered from Tanner getting off.

"Mmmmm mmmm," Tanner moaned as if to say "Thank you"

"Mmmmm mmmmmmmm," I moaned back as if to say "Your Welcome

Once we recovered, Tanner started to lick my cock in his mouth, it literally felt so good! He then started to thrust his head back and forth and I could feel my cock hitting the back of his throat, this along with his tongue was even better. I started to thrust my hips as he thrust his head which made my cock touch the base of his throat all while he was licking it.

I then felt Tanner readjust his body think I did so that his hands were right at my ass. He then started to massage my ass through the football pants I was wearing.

"AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh," I moaned loudly.

This prompted Tanner to reach for the butt plug tail that was still in me under my football pants. When he got his hand on it, he started to pull it and push it which caused the part that was inside of me to go back and forth which was the absolute best feeling!

"AAaAAhhhh AAAAAAAHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh" I moaned. I wish Tanner could talk right so he could say one of his sir quotes like "oh you like that boy?" or "That's it slave," or something like that to add to the feeling.

Tanner continued this glorious treatment for some time until I was ready to cum. I tried to hold it as long as I could so that Tanner could keep going, but I couldn't hold it any longer.

I stopped thrusting my hips and then came all over Tanner's mouth. This had to be the most cum I had ever spewed because I was spewing for a good 30 seconds. One stream after another I spewed and Tanner swallowed.

After I was finished, I realized why Tanner needed to recover when I got him off, I was pooped! My heart was pounding, I was sweating, and my hips were sore from thrusting so much.

For the next 30 minutes, we both laid there, tied to each other in football gear and sucking each other's dicks constantly until Justin got back.

We heard the door open and Justin say, "Hello pups, I'm back! I hope you weren't too bored while I was gone."

"Mmmmm," we both moaned.

"I'll take that as you guys weren't bored," Justin said, "I'll be over to untie in a couple of minutes, I just have to set something up."

For the next 10 minutes, we heard Justin fiddle with something that had metal on it. Whenever it moved around we could hear clanging between metal pieces.

"Ok pups, here I come," Justin said.

Justin then came over and started to untie the rope that bound our two bodies together. Once that was untied we were both able to spit out each other's dicks. We both did so reluctantly but it did feel good to get a whiff of freeze air. Justin then unlocked the leather cuffs that bound me and Tanner's hands around each other. Justin then sat us both up on the bed and proceed to take off our blindfolds that had been blocking our sight for the past hour and a half.

After he took off the blindfolds me and Tanner could finally see. Justin was standing in front of us in his usual white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts. His abs and pecs as tight as ever and his cock was noticeably hard. After taking a good long look at Justin's hotness, I looked behind him to see what he brought.

Behind Justin were two suspension blackboards hanging from the ceiling with 4 metal rings on each bar. Attached to those rings was a leather suspension harness.

After realizing what it was I started to wag my tail and after Tanner caught on he started to wag his tail too.

"I knew you two would like it," Justin said, "but I can't see your cute tails in those football pants. Why don't you two go take off the football gear and then we can get started."

"Woof," me and Tanner both barked.

Me and Tanner went over to the corner where all of the sports gear was stored and took off the football jersey, the shoulder pads, and the football pants so that we were just left in our Maskulo underwear along with our pup masks, pup collars, pup tails, and leather harnesses.

We crawled back to where Justin was to receive his instructions.

"Ok pups so I'm going to start off with Tanner and then I'll get to Josh after," Justin said.

"Woof Woof," me and Tanner barked.

I crawled a couple feet backward to give Justin room to work with Tanner.

Justin then pulled a table over and made Tanner kneel on it. Justin pulled the harness near Tanner and began his work.

Justin first put two straps around Tanner's thighs. These straps went all the way around Tanner's thigh near the area where the thigh meets the torso. Justin then tightened these straps as tight as they would go. Then Justin attached a shoulder strap around Tanner's left shoulder and did the same over the right shoulder. It was almost like Tanner was wearing a second leather harness. Justin went around Tanner's body and tightened all the straps so that Tanner couldn't slip out.

Once all of the straps were tightened, Justin pushed the table slowly out from under Tanner. Once the table was fully out Tanner was swinging back and forth.

Tanner looked so hot there hanging from the ceiling. I wanted to join him but I was a little nervous that the harness would hurt a lot.

"Ok Josh, your turn," Justin said.

Justin pushed the same table to where my leather suspension harness was, which was about 6 inches away from Tanner. I hopped onto the table and knelt and let Justin do the rest. While Justin was strapping me in, I made eye contact with Tanner. He must have seen I was a little nervous because he nodded his head at me and winked, which was really reassuring.

Once Justin strapped me all up, he started to push the table out from under me. I got really nervous until... I was swinging. I felt great! There were pads in the knee pieces so they wouldn't hurt and none of the straps hurt too much.

"Like it pups?" Justin asked.

"Woof Woof," Me and Tanner barked.

"Good, because I'm not finished yet," Justin said with a smile.

Justin then went over and got some leather cuffs and came back to me and Tanner. He then grabbed both of my hands and placed them around Tanner at his waistline and cuffed them together. Justin then brought Tanner's hands around me and cuffed them.

"I'll be right back," Justin said as he went over to a bag he brought back with him from his errands.

While Justin was gone Tanner gave me a playful squeeze on my ass checks. I felt so good to only be in our underwear because now I could really feel Tanner's hands. I returned the favor to him and winked. He smiled back.

Justin came back with a strange contraption that I had never seen before. I looked like a regular gag with a silicone penis on it but there were two glued together like the one below


"This is called a Double Duty Gag, and can gag two pups at the same time," Justin said smiling at us, "Let's try it out."

Justin then removed the muzzle pieces from our pup masks. Next, he shoved the gag into my mouth and strapped it behind my head, the silicone penis felt amazing! Then he did the same to Tanner and strapped it around his head. Tanner's face was literally inches away from mine, we would be kissing in the position the gag had us in. However, we couldn't kiss since there was a piece of leather blocking us from doing so.

So there we were, me and Tanner were suspended from the ceiling in leather suspension harnesses while wearing our Maskulo underwear,, mine was red and Tanner's was blue, our leather harnesses, as well as our pup mask, pup collars, and of course the double gag. Justin was sporting his white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Damn you pups look great! And I have access to your bodies at any angle," Justin said as he started to move his hands over our suspended bodies.

Justin then put his hands on both me and Tanner's tails and started to push and pull on them and damn did it feel amazing!

"Feel free to squeeze each other's asses during this time, I put your hands there for a reason," Justin teased as he continued to pull on our tails.

Tanner wasted no time and started to massage my checks through my Maskulo underwear. I tried to do the same to him but between him and Justin, I was in total bliss and just hung there with the two jocks touching me.

Justin continued his treatment for about another 10 minutes until he went on to the next thing he had planned.

Justin got on his knees under where me and Tanner were hanging by the leather suspension harness. Justin then unbuttoned the crotch pouches to our underwear and let our cocks hang out. My cock was greeted with a chilly breeze as it fell out after my crotch pouch was undone.

"Now we're talking," said Justin.

I then felt Justin start to stroke my already raging hard cock. Me and Tanner both look down to see Justin stroke both of our cocks.

"Oh please suck me off Justin," I thought to myself.

I could feel the semen rising in my abdomen and I was about ready to burst when... Justin stopped stroking.

"You don't get to cum until I say so," Justin said.

"MMMmmmmmmm," me and Tanner both moaned.

Once me and Tanner calm down, Justin goes back to stroking our cocks until... he stops right before we cum again!

I start trying to thrust my hips to get myself to cum and apparently Tanner had the same idea because I started to feel his cock start to hit my cock. Also, me and Tanner started to swing with all the motion we were generating.

"Woah Woah Woah, calm down pups, you'll get your shot," Justin teased as he went back to stroking.

"Mmmmmmm," me and Tanner both whimper as we both try and get off to Justin stroking our cocks.

Justin tortured us like this for the next 10 minutes until he stopped stroking us,

"I've changed my mind pups, I don't want you two cumming yet," he said with a smile as he got up from the ground.

Justin then started to unstrap us from the leather hanging harnesses. He also removed the double gag that was in me and Tanner's mouth. Once all of the straps were off, me and Tanner were kneeling on the ground in our Maskulo underwear, leather harnesses, pup masks and collars, and our butt plug tails. Justin was still in his Nike White Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Ok pups, it's almost 6 PM and I'm getting a little hungry," Justin looking at me and Tanner," I left a little surprise in Jacks's room upstairs, why don't the two of you go up and see what it is while I get some food going," Justin said with a smile.

Me and Tanner both looked at each other and immediately we were both super excited to see what Justin left for us.

"Woof!," me and Tanner both barked

Me and Tanner then started crawling up the stairs and made our way to Jack's bedroom. Justin made a detour to the kitchen to start making some food, probably more pizza or something.

When me and Tanner made to Jack's room we opened the door and entered the room and closed the door. Once the door was closed we both stood up.

"Damn, my knees hurt from crawling everywhere," I said.

"Yeah dude my wrists aren't feeling too good either," Tanner replied, "Let's see this surprise."

We both turned around to see two pairs of black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts with gray waistbands lying on Jack's bed with a sticky note attached to one of them.

"Fuck yeah," Tanners said as he charged to the bed.

"What's the note say?" I asked.

"Dear pups,
You two have been absolutely amazing this weekend!! I couldn't ask for better pups!! Because of your great behavior, I decided to treat the two of you with these compression shorts, they are yours to keep. Unfortunately, they don't have a hole in the rear for your tails so you guys will have to take them out. Anyways, I've had a great time with the two of you and I hope you're ready for what I got planned next.
Signed Your Loving Master/Owner - Justin"

"Hell yeah," I said, "WIll you take out my tail bro? I'll take yours out if you want."

"Sure dude," Tanner said.

Tanner walked behind me and clasped his hand on the butt plug tail that was currently inside of me. He then started to pull very slightly so the tail would come out slowly. I leaned up against the bed to brace myself as the feeling was pain but also bliss. Once the tail was out I stood back up.

"Ok your turn," I said to Tanner as I walked behind him, "You might want to brace yourself."

I then grabbed his butt plug tail and started to yank on it slowly.

"AAaaahhhhhhh," Tanner moaned softly.

I pushed it in slightly to keep Tanner in the moment of bliss for a couple more seconds and then I pulled it out completely.

"Thanks, Josh, would you help me get the shorts on?" Tanner asked.

"You know I will," I said to Tanner giving him a tap on the ass.

I reached around his waist from the back and grabbed the waistband of his Maskulo underwear and started to pull down on it. As I pulled his cock sprang out as it left the cock piece of the underwear, it was raging hard. I pulled the underwear down to his ankles and Tanner stepped out of them. I looked into a nearby mirror to see the beautiful tight body of Tanner and his raging cock.

"Like what you see?" Tanner said as he noticed me looking in the mirror.

"I love it," I said as I gave his cock a couple strokes.

I then grabbed a pair of the black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts and had Tanner step into them. Once he was in them, I pulled them up to his waist and let them go. They made a satisfying slapping noise as the waistband hit his skin.

Tanner looked amazing in those compression shorts. The shorts showed the true definition of his thighs and his cock which was still super hard. And then there was his perfect upper body to stare at, his pecs and apps being flawless. And don't even get me started on his tight ass in the tight compression shorts.

"Ok your turn Josh," Tanner said turning around to me.

Tanner then put through the same treatment as his pulled down my Maskulo underwear and replaced them with a pair of black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts. I kind of lost track of time though because I could not stop staring at his perfect body, Before I knew I was wearing the compression shorts.

We both looked at the mirror and then he put his arm on my shoulder and said, "I wouldn't want to be with anyone else but you right now." as he gave me a kiss on the neck. I returned the favor but instead of kissing him, I reached my hand to his ass and squeezed it which felt amazing!

"Hey, let's fool around a little," Tanner said.

"What if Justin comes in?" I asked.

"Who fucking cares?" Tanner replied.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Follow me," Tanner said.

We both walked back to Jack's bed which was still littered with underwear.

Tanner then shoved me on the bed and I landed on my stomach. I looked back at him to see him stroking his cock.

He then climbed onto the bed onto me so that his cock was positioned above my spandex covered ass. The next thing I knew, he was dry humping me.

He thrust his hips so that his spandex covered cock would rub against my spandex covered ass. I felt so good!!!

"You like this boy?" Tanner said as he thrust.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh," I moaned.

"I'll take that as a yes," Tanner said as he continued to thrust.

Jack's bed shook violently as the thrusting continued. Justin must have been getting impatient because he soon called, "Come on down pups!"

"Ok I guess we should start heading back out there," Tanner said.

"Fine," I said even though I would give anything in the world to stay with Tanner there.

"Just to let you know, before we leave here, those shorts will be off and I'll finally do what I've wanted to do for a long time," Tanner said giving me a slap on the ass.

"Tanner wanted to fuck me?" I thought with excitement, "That would be amazing!"

We both got on our hands and knees, opened the door, and crawled out towards the kitchen.

When we got there, Justin was already done warming up pizza, which I didn't mind having again.

When Justin saw us, he whistled at us in the way to tell someone that they are hot.

"God Damn the two of you look perfect in those compression shorts," Justin said.

"Bark!," me and Tanner both barked in reply.

"Ok pups, you know what to do," Justin said as he brought the pizza to the dog dishes and me and Tanner went to go sit down.

So there we were, me and Tanner in black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts, me in my red pup mask, Tanner in his blue pup mask, we both had collars and leather harnesses as well while Justin was in his whit Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

Justin put the pizza in the pizza in the dog bowls and then came over to me and Tanner and detached out muzzles so we could eat easily.

"Ok pups, go at it," Justin said.

Me and Tanner then got up and crawled over and started to eat the pizza with our mouths. We didn't care if we were messy or anything, we were pretty hungry. While we ate, Justin sat at the counter and went on his phone.

Once we were finished, me and Tanner both sat by Justin and nudged his leg.

"All done already? Wow, that was fast," Justin said surprised.

Justin then reattached our pup muzzles and started to go clean the dog bowls me and Tanner just ate out of. Me and Tanner sat and watched as Justin cleaned, waiting for his next command. Also, the view of Justin's ass while he cleaned was superb!

Once Justin was done cleaning the dishes he said, "Ok pups, let get some TV in before we go to bed."

We all made our way over to the living room couch where we always watch TV, me and Tanner crawling there. We all got on the couch and I got on Justin's right side and Tanner got on Justin's left side. We both laid our heads on Justin's muscular thighs as Justin turned the TV on. Justin flipped through the channels until he found a football game he wanted to watch. He set the remote down and we all started to watch the game.

So there we were me, Tanner, and Justin on the couch watching a football game. Me and Tanner were both wearing pup masks, collars, leather harnesses, and of course the Nike Black Pro Combat compression shorts while Justin was just wearing a pair of white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

During the game, Justin repositioned his hands so that one of them was on my ass and the other was on Tanner's ass. He then started to massage our checks and hole. It. Felt. AMAZING! I looked other at Tanner and he was enjoying it too, sometimes he would roll the eyes to the back of his head out of pleasure.

We all sat there for about another hour or two watching football games in compression shorts. Also, Justin continued to massage me and Tanner's cheeks throughout the time and that was awesome!

After the game, it was about 9 PM at night and Justin said, "Ok pups, I think we should turn in for the night."

Me and Tanner both whined because we wanted Justin's massages to keep going.

"Hey I hear you, I would love to stay up too but we need our energy for tomorrow, so let's go," Justin said as he got up from the couch and me and Tanner regretfully followed.

We followed Justin down the hall and were about to turn into Jack's room but Justin passed his room so we kept following. A little farther down the hall was Justin's room and Justin stopped in front of the door.

"Ok pups, I've been waiting for this for a long time but I think you're finally ready. How about you guys sleep with me tonight?" Justin asked.

Me and Tanner both looked at each other with multitudes of excitement and went over to Justin's legs and hugged them and pretended to lick them out of appreciation.

"I thought you'd like the idea, let's go," Justin said as he opened the door.

Me and Tanner crawled into the room to find a king-size bed with a desk and closet with bondage gear, and dirty clothes scattered throughout the room.

"Hope you guys don't mind the mess," Justin joked as he shut the door.

I definitely didn't mind, there compression shorts all over the floor which I thought was super hot!

"Ok pup, up on the bed!" Justin said.

Me and Tanner both jumped on the bed and Justin got up on the other side. I sat right between Justin and Tanner.

"I know Matt did this with you Josh so I wanted to try it. Last time with Lucas and Jaden I would have never because they didn't really adapt to the whole pup life. Do you guys want to play Truth or Dare? You guys can talk,'" Justin said.

"Oh I'd love to play," I said.

"Oh hell yeah," Tanner said.

"Awesome, so you guys will play as a team so you guys can only ask me or dare me to do something one time per round, and when I ask you something or dare you to do something, then you both have to do it, got it?" Justin asked.

"Yep," me and Tanner said.

"Ok, so I'll go first," Justin said, "Truth or Dare?"

Me and Tanner both looked at each other and said," Truth."

"Was I a better master than your previous masters," Justin asked.

"Oh hell yeah," Tanner said instantly, "Jacob just kept tying me up and teasing me, but I like you better Sir because it was more than that."

"Thank you, Tanner, how about you Josh," Justin asked.

I thought about this quickly because I definitely liked Matt being my master and I knew whatever I said Justin he would tell Matt and then Matt wouldn't like me as much.

Finally, I said, "It's hard to try and compare you guys because both of you have such different styles of being masters, Sir. I definitely liked doing pup play Sir, it was a lot of fun."

"Fair enough," Justin said, he seemed content with my answer.

"Ok Truth or Dare Sir?" Tanner asked.

"Well I'm not a pussy like you two so dare," Justin said.

Me and Tanner turned around to try and come up with something.

"Dude I'm so glad he said Dare," I whispered to Tanner.

"Dude same, hey I've always wanted to see him in a pup mask," Tanner whispered.

"Yes totally, let's do that," I whispered as we turned around and my cock started to tighten my compression shorts.

"Ok Sir, we dare you to put on a pup mask," Tanner said.

"Good choice, what color if I may ask," Justin said as he got out of the bed and walked towards his closet.

"White, to go with your compression shorts Sir," I said.

"Good choice Josh," said Justin.

Justin then started to rummage through his closet to try and find a white pup mask. While he was doing that he was bending over and his beautiful spandex-covered ass was in a clean view.

"Dude I would kill to have an ass like that," Tanner whispered in my ear.

"Same, I would kill just to be able to touch it," I whispered back.

"Ok got it," Justin said.

Justin got back up with the pup mask in his hand and laid back on the bed. He then shoved it over his face. His already beautiful face was covered up by a black and white leather pup mask and it looked damn hot.

"Now I feel like you two," Justin chuckled, "Ok Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," we both said.

"I dare both of you to get up early to make all of us breakfast. I was texting Matt and he said that Josh can make the best breakfast in the world and I want to try it," Justin said.

"I can't believe it," I thought to myself. I never made Matt breakfast, I just tied him to his bed and sucked him off. Matt knows that I don't make breakfast, he just wants me to tie up Justin. God, I love Matt.

"Come on man, I need my beauty sleep," Tanner said.

"Don't worry about it, its better than you think it is," I said to Tanner.

"Ok it's settled, I can't wait," Justin said excitedly. Justin had no idea what was coming for the next morning.

"Ok Truth or Dare Sir?" I asked.

"Let's do a Dare again," Justin said.

Me and Tanner bot turned around to discuss what we should do next.

"Well we already got him in a pup mask, we should get him in a leather harness too to complete the look," I whispered to Tanner.

"Great idea bro, maybe we can view that ass more," Tanner whispered to me.

"Hopefully," I replied as we turned around, by this point my cock was raging hard. I looked down at Tanner's and so was his.

When we turned around Justin's hand was on his cock and it was the biggest I've seen it be.

"Ok Sir, we dare you to put on a leather harness," I said.

"You got it," Justin said as he got off the bed and went back to the closet where he grabbed the pup mask he was wearing.

He then bent down and started to rummage through the mess to find a leather harness. Once again, me and Tanner had an amazing view of Justin's spandex covered ass. It looked so tight and thick it was all I can do to not get off the bed and go touch it.

"Damn bro, control yourself," Tanner whispered in my ear as he nodded to my raging hard cock.

I looked down and saw that my black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts were exposing how hard I was. I looked over at Tanner's and he had a sizable hard cock too at the moment.

"I'm sorry I can't help it, and besides you're one to talk," I whispered back.

He gave me a playful shove back as we both went back to staring at Justin's hot ass.

Finally, Justin got up from his knees holding a leather harness.

"Sorry it took so long pups, I really should clean that closet out, but judging by your compression shorts you two enjoyed the show. I also got a leather collar to complete the look," Justin said as he made his way back to the bed with the leather harness and collar clinking in his hand.

Justin got up on the bed and slipped the harness over his shoulders and tightened it so that it was secure. He also put on the leather collar as well.

So there we were the 3 of us on Justin's bed. I was wearing a red pup mask with a leather collar and leather harness in black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts. Tanner was wearing a blue pup mask with a leather collar and leather harness in the same compression shorts as me. And then Justin was wearing a white pup mask with a leather harness and leather collar in white Nike Pro Combat compression. To be clear, my raging cock was enjoying this thoroughly.

"Ok pups how do I look?" Justin said.

"Sir I wish you wore this all week," I said.

"Yeah, you look fucking hot," Tanner added.

"Thanks, pups, it's your turn, Truth or Dare," Justin asked.

"Let's do Dare again," Tanner said.

"I dare the both of you to go over to my desk, open the drawer, and open whatever is in there," Justin said.

"Ok..." I said suspiciously as me and Tanner climbed off the bed and crawled over to Justin's desk. We opened the drawer and found two little wrapped square presents. We took them out of the drawer and started to open them. When we got the wrapping paper off we were left with boxes that resembled a necklace holder. Me and Tanner both looked at each other and opened the boxes.

In the boxes were silver necklaces with a silver paw print colored in black on the end of the necklace. I looked over at Tanner and he got the same thing. I turned the paw print around and on the other side my name "Josh" was carved into it. Tanner turned his over and noticed that his name was carved into it as well.

We both turned around to go thank Justin only to find that while we were opening our necklaces, he put on a necklace just like it but his was silver a paw print but instead of colored black it was colored in white.

"Your welcome pups," Justin said.

Me and Tanner both put on our new necklaces and jumped back in bed. We crawled to where Justin was laying and gave him hugs.

"Thank you, Sir," we both said as we sat back down.

"Don't mention it pups, you guys deserve it," Justin said.

"Ok Sir Truth or Dare?" Tanner asked.

"I'll go Truth this time," Justin said.

I nodded at Tanner to tell him that I have something I want to ask. He nodded back.

"Ok, sir, how do me and Tanner compare to Lucas and Jaden?" I asked Justin.

"Oh that's easy, you two are way better! Don't get me wrong, Lucas and Jaden are super hot and all, but they didn't really become until the last day I had them. They felt it was weird, unlike you guys." Justin responded.

"Thank you, sir," Tanner said.

"Yeah anytime pups, you guys are the best!" Justin said.

"Ok I think it's time for bed pups," Justin said, "Josh you're in the middle."

Oh my god, I was so excited to sleep between two amazingly hot jocks who were only wearing compression shorts.

I crawled up to the head on the bed and laid down in the middle of the bed. Tanner then joined me to my front to that my dick was up his ass as far as it would go with the compression shorts in mind. Lastly, after turning off the lights, Justin got in the bed to my back and shoved his dick up my ass as far as my compression shorts would let him.

So there we were, me and Tanner were wearing black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts while Justin was wearing white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts, we all had leather harnesses on as well as leather collars. I had a red pup mask, Tanner had a blue pup mask, and Justin had a white pup mask on. Justin was spooning me and I was spooning Tanner who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it.

"Wait I almost forgot something," Justin said as I felt him leave my back, "Don't look pups."

Me and Tanner laid in the bed without moving our heads as we waited for Justin to finish whatever he was doing. Justin turned on the lights and opened a drawer from what it sounded like. Then after a moment of silence...

It started to rain underwear!! Boxer briefs and compression shorts of brands like American Eagle, Calvin Klein, Hollister, Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, and more fell on to me and Tanner.

We looked up to see Justin dumping his entire underwear drawer onto us.

When the content was all out Justin replaced the drawer back into his chest of drawers and joined us back in bed right behind me. I felt his dick go right up my ass again.

"I thought this would heighten the mood," Justin said as he pushed all of his underwear on top of us.

I got a pair of blue and red striped Tommy Hilfiger boxer briefs in my face and they smelled amazing!

"Good night my pups," Justin said as he put his muscular arm around me and pulled me closed to him so that his dick went even farther into my ass.

I put my arm around Tanner until I felt his tight pecs and pulled him closer to me so that my dick went farther up his ass as well.

This was definitely the life! I was spooning and being spooned by two hot jocks, wearing compression shorts and bondage gear, and surround by underwear, how could anything be better?

Last edited by bondage1155 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by longlong123 »

Please continue this!!! I've been following this story ever since it came out and I just want to say that the way you write stories is absolutely amazing.
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Post by NeedControl »

Wow, [mention]bondage1155[/mention] I just now read the latest chapter, and it is so freaking hot!! 🤩🤩🤩

I sure do hope at some point you will continue this fantastic tale. 😈😛😛😛😛😛
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