Nothing Personal 5- Spies Like Them Part 2 (F/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Different options on the table:

1. Natalies Kidnappers got what they want, they exchange Natalie and all people concerned are happy.
2. If Natalies Kidnapper in Chief is associated with Crawford, then Natalie might see Haley again sooner than she thinks.
3. The Cavalary arrives and saves the day - and Natalie :)

So many roads to take :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Personally I would opt for Option 3 :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 6

East Coast of the United States

Sitting bound to the chair Natalie found that she played the events of the day over and over again in her mind, looking for clues and making mental notes to pass on to whoever investigated the case. Every time Natalie got to the moment just after the second handkerchief had been stuffed into her mouth in the store and she paused, there was definitely a hint of recognition in Black’s eyes. Now in her time on the force Natalie had come across a lot of people so perhaps it wasn’t unexpected that a criminal would recognise her. There were also the numerous articles in the local press where her picture had appeared, so that was an option as well so she put that to the back of her mind for the moment. On this occasion a longer period of time expired before the door to the room opened again and Black came in carrying a plastic bag followed by Purple who was struggling with something large with a metal frame. As she watched Purple wrestle with the contraption with interest Black wandered up to Natalie and placed the plastic bag on the floor before leaning down and peeling the tape form over Natalie’s mouth. It came off with relative ease, which allowed Natalie to expel the packing from her mouth. “I have some food and water for you,” Black said just before removing a box and a bottle from the plastic bag.

“Thanks,” Natalie replied, her focus still on what Purple was doing. Then suddenly a spoon appeared in front of her nose and Black blocked her view of what was going on.

“Now just to show that we aren’t that bad my colleague is currently making you up a fold down bed that we found lying around the place,” Black smiled as she said this but Natalie looked under the woman’s armpit and noted that Purple was glaring at her with barely disguised distain. “I even brought fresh handkerchiefs and a nice scarf to gag you with rather than that nasty tape. Now open up and eat some of this food.” For the next five minutes Natalie was fed like a child but she was grateful as it wasn’t until food was mentioned that she realised how hungry she was. After the food and water had been finished off Natalie asked a question.

“Where is that big gorilla with the sweaty palms?” Black paused as she was putting the remnants of the food back into the plastic bag,

“Unfortunately, Mr Hat didn’t make the cut and is no longer with us,” Black said evenly and with a look that told Natalie that particular avenue of conversation was closed. There was nothing further said and the room remained silent as both women pottered around with Black tidying up and Purple completing the task of erecting the cot.

“Now before I gag you again you mentioned a Charlotte back in the store. Is she your partner of flatmate?” Natalie just nodded. “So, she will be expecting you home?” Once again Natalie nodded. “Time to make a telephone call then and you had better make it convincing,” Black pulled out a mobile phone but Natalie’s eyes were drawn to Purple who was now approaching with a gun in her left hand. Purple stopped a couple of steps away, lifted the gun and pointed it straight at Natalie’s forehead. Message received and understood, Natalie trotted out the number of the flat and Black punched it in before putting the phone on speaker.

“Hello,” said a voice once it had been answered. It was then, on hearing Charlotte’s voice; that something almost broke in Natalie. Almost instantly Natalie knew that it was panic, suddenly she realised that she had something to lose.

“Nice to hear your voice babe,” Natalie said.

“Is something wrong? You aren’t calling from your mobile.”

“Yeah, the guys at the station confiscated my own phone for the night. They wouldn’t let me leave without one last wild night out.” Natalie hoped that she sounded convincing.

“They had to drag you out? Did you tell them you had something worthwhile to get home to?”

Natalie blushed and looked from Purple to Black and back again, Purple scowled but Black had a mischievous smile of her lips. “Don’t wait up and don’t worry if I don’t make it home. I will crash at Smith’s.”

“Alright I won’t. See you tomorrow,” Charlotte said.

“I had better go before the guys realise that I have stolen a phone and slipped away.” Natalie nodded her head and Black cut the connection.

“Well done. You may have a future career on the small screen. Now let’s get you gagged and onto the bed for the night.” Purple had built the cot and draped a white sheet over it; the bed was completed by a thin looking pillow and a tatty sleeping bag. They untied the ropes binding Natalie’s legs and helped her onto her feet and toward the cot. Purple flipped open the sleeping bag and they forced Natalie to sit on the cot. “I can take it from here as I don’t think Natalie is going to be any trouble.” Natalie nodded her head as there was no way that she was going to try something when bound against several armed opponents. Black grabbed two handkerchiefs; balled them up and brought them toward Natalie’s mouth.

“Thanks, but is there any need to gag me again. I assume that we are somewhere secluded.”

“Now, Natalie a captive is not properly restrained unless they are gagged,” Black said smiling again, as if remembering a private joke from years’ ago, “and no gag is complete without packing. Now open wide.” Black moved the waded-up handkerchief toward Natalie’s mouth but Natalie didn’t respond at all. The phrase that Black had just rolled out had started the cogs in Natalie’s head turn and they had made the connections to where she recognised the woman from. “Natalie, are you going to accept the gag or do I have to get my colleague back.” Black’s voice had developed an edge that brought Natalie back into the present.

“Err, yes…… problem,” Natalie stumbled out before opening her mouth. “Wait, before I am gagged again just a reminder about the diaper,” Natalie said and kept her mouth open for Purple to stuff two balled up handkerchiefs inside, totally filling Natalie’s mouth with fresh cotton. That job completed Black picked up a long, blue silk scarf and folded it into a band before taking up a position behind Natalie with one knee on the cot. The scarf passed across Natalie’s eyes before being securely fixed in place over Natalie’s mouth in order to keep the stuffing in place. “Now swing your legs onto the cot.” Natalie complied with the instruction and wriggled about so that her head was in the centre of the pillow. Now that Natalie was lying on cot Black picked up the cube of diapers and expertly opened the package, removing one of the large, white blocks before unfolding it to its full size. The two women locked eyes and there was a moment between them that acknowledged that they would deal with this situation in a professional manner. Black placed the diaper on the cot before she removed Natalie’s shoes and set them under the cot. Then she leaned started to take off Natalie’s slacks and doing her bit Natalie lifted her hips into the air and allowed them to be easily slipped off. They were carefully folded and placed under the cot on top of the shoes. Lastly came the panties, once again Natalie raised her hips and allowed them to be slipped off. Once then were off Black noticed that they were damp and gave Natalie a knowing look. That got a blush from Natalie who raised her hips again to encourage Black to get on with it. “I think that I will just dispose of these,” Black commented before sliding the diaper under Natalie’s hips. When she was happy with the positioning Black tapped Natalie on the left hip and Natalie dropped her hips and found the now familiar feel of a diaper under her bottom.

“MMMOOOUUMM,” Natalie moaned as fingers caressed her most intimate parts for a couple of seconds before the diaper was folded back and secure in place with numerous sticky tabs. With her focus now on the ceiling Natalie felt her ankles being tied and then a second length of rope was bound around her thighs which did create a bit of discomfort with the diaper now in place.

“Would you like some chloroform to help you get some sleep?” Black asked. That was nice of her Natalie thought before shaking her head, wanting to keep a clear mind for as long as possible. Now that the job of binding Natalie was completed Black folded the top of the sleeping bag over and zipped it up. “It might get chilly during the night and wouldn’t want you getting cold and complaining, goodnight Natalie.” On her way out of the room Black turned the lights off and locked the door behind her, leaving Natalie with her thoughts. She decided that after trying to loosen her bonds that it was pointless and resolved to get some sleep and be fresh for whatever tests the morning brought her way but sleep came fitfully with the revelation of where she knew the woman that she had been referring to as Black from.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I recognize the phrase, which let Natalie make the connection .... but I do not remember who said that. The gag and the phrase are telling, that there is an connection to Crawford. Black must have worked for Crawford in the past. The sleeping arrangements are another hint. A sleeping bag .... What happens in the morning remains to be seen : A good Cliffhanger [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !!
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Post by Caesar73 »

What I wonder is: Did Mrs. Black recognize Natalie too?? And was Charlotte fooled by Natalies diversion?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Some additional thoughts:

That Natalie sleeps fitfully is no surprise. Considering, what happened in the previous Parts of the Saga. Natalies Captivity on Crawfords Island, their rescue in Nothing Personal 3, Hayleys disappearance in Nothing Personal 4. Who is Mrs. Black? Martinez? But wouldn´t Natalie recognized her sooner? What seems more likely: One former Employee of Crawford, who were tasked with Natalies, Hayleys and Gayles Custody in Nothing Personal 3? If that is the case: Natalie must fear, that Mrs. Black might sell her to Crawford. And she is in no Position to do anything about it in the moment.
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Post by Caesar73 »

If you are not familiar with this Saga:

Natalie, Hayley and Gayle were captured by Crawford and held Captive on an Island for weeks, You can find that after Chapter 10 of Part 3:

Nothing Personal 3

I´m fairly certain Natalie knows her Mrs. Black from that time.

I have a guess now, who that may be ... but I have to reread those part :)

Part 3 is highly recommended!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I did some digging in the archives down below :) At the end of Nothing Personal 3, I found this passage:
“Yes but what do we do with her” Jane chimed in pointing at Victoria “Look I realise that you don’t trust me so let me put on a diaper and leave me tied up here. The only favour that I ask is that when you get back from the island you let me have a head start on the authorities. I believe that there is a basement in this place used for storage of old equipment.” The group all look round each other before Rhiannon nodded at Christina who extended a hand which Victoria shook. Michelle had been searching the hotel owner’s flat and found the bags belonging to Christina, Rhiannon and Jo which should dumped in the middle of the room.
I think Victoria would make a fine candidate, for being Mrs. Black :) Why? Victoria changed sides and helped Christina and Company and their rescue mission. She asks them for a head start to escape the authorities. By helping Christina Victoria also severed ties with Crawford. This would explain, why Victoria does not work for Crawford anymore. Furthermore: IT would explain the connection to Natalie ....

Maybe I´m wrong here - [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] is a master of unexpected plot twists and turns :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

This would explain, why Victoria does not work for Crawford anymore. Furthermore: IT would explain the connection to Natalie ....
And the fact that Victoria betrayed Crawford might help Natalie in the way,, that Victoria might not be too keen to get in the sights of her old boss again, because Crawford might hold grudges :) But it also seems possible that Victoria might think, that delivering Natalie in Crawfords hands might get her in the good graces of Crawford again ... Personally I would prefer the first option: Natalie in Crawfords Hands so soon would make the rescue mission much much harder ...

If Natalie knew, that Victoria might not be to inclined to cross Crawfords Paths again - her sleep might be less fitfully :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 7

An island in the Mediterranean

‘Whack….umph….whack….umph….’ the sounds for the tennis court as Kirsty and Hayley exchanged ground strokes from the back of the court. Although she knew that Kirsty was the superior athlete Hayley had improved both her game and fitness over the past couple of months after Kirsty had suggested that they started working out together. It had seemed like a sensible suggestion as they were now sharing a room after Gayle had been moved out. The events of the previous months had indeed been strange for both of them. The decisions that Kirsty had made and her subsequent actions had led to Elizabeth Crawford losing confidence or trust in her and that meant that she was under restrictions. On the other hand, since her abduction and detention on the island Hayley’s actions had led to an increase in trust to the degree that she now had a level of trust and freedom that surprised even her. In a strange way both Kirsty and Hayley were almost in the same position now, the fallen former star pupil and the outsider turned friend.

“Time is up ladies,” Nicole called from the edge of the court. “It will have to be next point wins.” Kirsty paused her bouncing of the ball and looked at Nicole with a hint of steel in her eyes. Hayley had noted that as time wore on the rest of Elizabeth Crawford’s crew were either losing their respect or fear of Kirsty and that Kirsty didn’t like that at all.

“We can just pick it up next time,” Hayley said as she strode off court toward Nicole and Constance whilst spinning her racket in her hands. Both women were in full work attire which meant stylish, big dresses and short down jackets on top. It had been decreed by Elizabeth Crawford that Hayley and Kirsty were to be kept in full restraints for one week in every four now. There was no explanation for why forthcoming but they both reckoned that their captor is just trying to confirm who is in charge, however Hayley and Kirsty had discussed it briefly and it didn’t bother either of them that much. A clearly unhappy Kirsty soon joined Hayley at the side of the court.

“Spin round and place your hands behind you backs,” Nicole ordered. Kirsty shrugged.

“Is there any real need for this Nicole? Hayley and I have been totally compliant.”

“Whilst that is appreciated you know the rules and we are not going to lower our guard and take any chances,” Nicole replied as both Hayley and Kirsty spun round. As soon as they had complied with the instruction, they both felt a set of leather cuffs around their wrists securing them together followed by the application of a pair of finger control mitts. It was then that Hayley remembered that they would be gagged next and she had something to say.

“Before we are placed in full restraints for the week would I be able to have a private discussion with Elizabeth?” Hayley asked. It was time to have a discussion with Elizabeth Crawford about letting Gayle leave the island. Hayley could sense Constance pause behind her whilst out of the corner of her eye Nicole finished off squeezing a very thick cloth into Kirsty’s mouth and then tying a folded purple silk scarf over that stuffed mouth to make sure the cloth couldn’t be expelled. Hayley knew that it was a risky game she was playing; it took a lot of gumption for one of the girls to ask Elizabeth Crawford anything.

“I don’t know if that would be possible,” Constance said hesitantly, clearly unsure of how to proceed. She must know that Elizabeth treat Hayley slightly differently than your average captive so it was clearly a question of which could annoy Elizabeth Crawford the most. Being asked for an audience or finding out later that Hayley had been asked for one and the request not being passed on? Hayley was betting that it would be the later. There was a pause before Hayley felt the soft, smooth fabric against her lips and opened her mouth to accept the mouth filling cloth part of the gag and didn’t complain or resist as Constance prodded it all of the way in. The gag was completed by the application of a folded silk scarf over her luscious lips. “Can you keep an eye on them whilst I make a call?” Constance said to Nicole.

“Are you sure?” Nicole responded knowing better than Constance the consequences of asking the question. Hayley spun around and noted the nod that Constance gave Nicole as she walked off to the side and found her radio. “Turn around and on your knees ladies,” Nicole ordered and both Hayley and Kirsty complied. To Hayley the wait seemed a lot longer than it probably was until she heard the unmistakable swish of fabric that heralded the return of Constance.

“Miss Crawford has agreed to meet you Hayley. We shall proceed to her study now,” Constance said as she gave Hayley a hand to get back onto her feet. Nicole however did not do the same for Kirsty.
An island in the Mediterranean

As she looked around the room from her position on a hard-backed chair in front of Elizabeth Crawford’s large wooden desk Hayley couldn’t help but admire everything about it. The large bay window behind the desk that gave a stunning view toward the cliffs, the tasteful decoration and the floor to ceiling shelves of leather-bound books. Perhaps she should ask to read some of them. Then Hayley was brought back to the moment as she winched slightly as Constance bound her ankles together with a length of cord. Hayley thought that this was overkill, where was she going to go even if she managed to get free, away from Elizabeth Crawford and the guards that were stationed around the house but she also knew from experience that these ladies were thorough and didn’t take any chances. Hayley just shrugged internally and glanced to her right where Kirsty was sat on an identical chair having her ankles bound by Nicole. That job done the two guards took up positions standing directly behind the two captives. Then the large chair on the other side of the desk spun round to reveal Elizabeth Crawford, long brown hair falling over her shoulders and piercing brown eyes taking in everything in the room. There was a pause whilst the four other women in the room focused their attention on Elizabeth, she did tend to have that affect, before Elizabeth got up and walked round the desk and took a position that meant she was leaning against the desk with her arms folded, Constance, Nicole, Hayley and Kirsty all had their attention focused on her and the stunning, black dress that she was wearing, waiting for her to speak. “Ladies, it is a pleasure to see all of you. Now, Constance, Nicole thanks for your assistance but I would be grateful if leave us now.” Hayley noted that there was a surprisingly warm smile on Elizabeth Crawford’s face.

“Are you sure ma’am?” Nicole asked; a confused look on her face.

“I understand Miss King wants to have a private discussion and I take that request seriously. Don’t worry I am sure that Hayley and Kirsty have no intentions of causing any problems….and even if they did, I am sure that I can handle them.” As they were both gagged Hayley and Kirsty just nodded to show that they would be compliant. There was a look exchanged between Nicole and Constance before they both turned and headed for door as they exited Elizabeth Crawford walked round behind Hayley and undid the knot securing the scarf in place over Hayley’s mouth. After the scarf slipped away so that it hung loosely around Hayley’s neck Elizabeth leaned in and removed the cloth from Hayley’s mouth and deposited it on the desk. “We will get you a fresh one when it comes time to reapply the gag,” Elizabeth said as she walked across to a small table picked up some items, poured a glass of water before returning to stand in front of Hayley. “Would you like a drink?” Hayley nodded and Elizabeth raised the glass to Hayley’s lips and took several large mouthfuls.

“Thanks Elizabeth,” Hayley said. Elizabeth nodded and put the glass on her desk then moved across to Kirsty and held up the items that she had picked up from the table.

“UUHHMM,” Kirsty moaned behind her gag.

“There really isn’t any need for that,” Hayley said recognising the items. Elizabeth responded by raising her index finger to her lips before slipping a thickly padded black sleep mask over Kirsty’s eyes then placing an ear plug in each of Kirsty’s ears.

“Now we can talk in private Hayley and that is what you wanted.” Hayley exhaled through her nose but had to admit that it was what she had asked for. “If you want to be really sure than I have a bottle of chloroform in my drawer.”

“No need for that Elizabeth,” Hayley replied.

“Good, keep that for later on then,” Elizabeth replied.

“Something to look forward to,” Hayley hoped that her smile hid her sarcasm. There was a slightly awkward silence before Elizabeth Crawford decided to break it.

“Hayley, I know that we have not had the chance spend that much time together recently and for that I must apologise.”

“That’s fine Elizabeth,” Hayley replied, not quite sure how to phrase a reply. “I am sure that you have a busy schedule.”

“Yes, at the moment I do.” Hayley noted that Elizabeth Crawford seemed to lose focus and gaze off into the distance for a moment like she had several things on her mind before returning back to the current conversation. “You look great by the way. That tennis outfit shows of your assets very well.” Hayley blushed at that comment.

“I have been working out a bit with Kirsty.”

“How are your sessions with Xenia?” Elizabeth inquired.

“They are going well, certainly helping me to adjust,” Hayley replied hoping that was exactly what Elizabeth wanted to hear.

“Good, glad to hear that. I know that this can be difficult so anything that we can do to help.”

“Let me go,” Hayley said. Elizabeth Crawford actually laughed out loud at that one. “Well I thought that it was worth a try.”

“Well I sense that you didn’t request this meeting to pass the time with idle chat or indeed ask me to let you leave. What can I do for you?” Elizabeth Crawford asked.

“Well you guessed correctly. Asking to let me leave was a spontaneous, spur of the moment shot in the dark but I have been thinking about someone else leaving the island….” Hayley let that sentence hang in the air.

“Alright Hayley, I will bite. Who would you like me to let leave the island?”

“Gayle,” Hayley replied instantly and locked eyes with Elizabeth to show the woman that she was totally serious.

“I have to say that I thought that you were going to say Kirsty or Elise?” Hayley had considered about the two women that Elizabeth had just mentioned but reckoned that Kirsty had no chance of being released as she knew too much about the organisation and whatever Elizabeth Crawford was doing at the moment for Elizabeth to take a chance on letting her go. Elise was perhaps a different matter but there was obviously a reason that Elizabeth was retaining the young reporter and Gayle was someone that Hayley owed, after all Gayle had volunteered to return to the island with Hayley. So, Gayle it had to be, beside Hayley could only play her card once.

“So, what do you think? You have no real reason to hold Gayle, she doesn’t give you anything. All she is doing is costing you a slot on the island that could be taken by someone else.”

“What about as leverage on your compliance?” Elizabeth asked, smiling, seeming to warm to the conversation.

“I agreed to come back to stop you selling Kirsty to the highest bidder,” Hayley looked at the woman sitting bound and gagged on the nearby seat and once again wondered if Elizabeth Crawford would have followed through on that threat. “It was nothing to do with Gayle; she just volunteered as she didn’t want me to face you and this alone.” Hayley would have used her arms to indicate on this point but they were cuffed behind her back.

“And if I agree to this Hayley what do I get in return?”

“I stay here for as long as you want me.” There is was. Finally said out loud in the open.
An island in the Mediterranean

Whilst Hayley and Elizabeth Crawford were talking inside the study Nicole and Constance were standing silently at watch on either side of the door. “What do you reckon this conversation is about?” Nicole asked.

“I wouldn’t even like to hazard a guess,” Constance replied.

“Are you not even a little concerned?”

“Why would I be? I doubt that Hayley is making complaints about her treatment. There is nothing to complain about.”

“Diaper rash, liberal use of chloroform….” Nicole said with a smile. “It certainly couldn’t be the food and accommodation.”

“Look every captive on the island is well treated and Hayley especially as we all know that the boss has a soft spot for her….” Constance paused when she heard footsteps coming down the corridor toward them, turning her head toward the sound of the noise to find Kendall striding confidently toward them. Constance shoulders slumped at the sight of the young woman, who Constance considered to be a spoiled brat and very lucky to have the opportunity to join Elizabeth Crawford’s organisation.

“Nicole I am here to relieve you.” Constance doubted that, all that Kendall wanted to do was be involved with securing Kirsty for confinement week and gloat whilst doing it.

“Who gave those orders?” Nicole asked, obviously wary that Elizabeth Crawford would notice the change in personnel and ask a question.

“Harper,” Kendall replied with a wide smile. Constance glanced at Nicole and shrugged. Harper was now de facto Second in Command now that Kirsty had been somewhat side lined. “I think that Harper would like to have a discussion with you regarding shift patterns.” Nicole nodded at Kendall before heading off in the direction that Kendall had come from. Kendall then took up the position on the other side of the door that Nicole had vacated without so much as a nod of acknowledgment toward Constance. Which to be fair; was fine with her on some level but not on others. Constance was surprised and perhaps a bit concerned at this but it did seem that there were factions within the women on the island, those that still felt some loyalty to Kirsty and those that didn’t. Well, there was nothing to do now but wait for the door to open.
When the door did open both Constance and Kendall turned to find a smiling Elizabeth Crawford standing in the doorway. “Kendall, it is so nice to see you. Where is Nicole?”

“Harper wanted to discuss something with her so I volunteered to step in,” Kendall responded.

“Well ladies could you please escort Hayley and Kirsty back to their suite and make them comfortable. I would be grateful if any chat between our two guests could be kept to a minimum.” Both Constance and Kendall nodded and entered the room. Constance headed toward where Kirsty was sitting bound and gagged on a chair in front of the desk but Kendall seemed to speed up and block her line so that Kendall got their first, forcing Constance to take Hayley. They both untied the ankles of their respective captives and helped them to their feet before guiding them out of the room and along the corridor toward the stairs that led to the secure section of the main house on the first floor that housed the guests. Kendall was slightly in front, keeping a firm grasp of Kirsty’s upper arm as she guided Kirsty up the stairs and toward the locked door that acted as the entrance to the section of the main house that contained the guest suites. As Constance waited for Kendall to find her security card and open the door she glanced at Hayley. Now Constance had been complimented on her looks her entire life, but however physically attractive Constance was she reckoned that Hayley would be her equal. Even gagged Constance could tell that the woman was out of this world beautiful, bone structure, cheekbones, perfect skin, luscious dark blond hair and those killer blue eyes. Constance could see why Elizabeth Crawford had a fascination with the woman. Suddenly a buzz brought Constance’s attention back to her current job and she focused her concentration on the job at hand.

There had been a lot going through Kirsty’s head from the moment that Hayley had requested to have a conversation with Elizabeth Crawford as they were being bound and gagged in advance of restriction week. Kirsty had been hoping to find out exactly what Hayley wanted to discuss with Elizabeth when much to her surprise she had been allowed into the same room, needless to say Elizabeth had then seen fit to ensure that Kirsty would not overhear any of the conversation by going almost full sensory deprivation. The whole episode intrigued and she hoped to have the opportunity to take with Hayley about it soon. Kirsty now found herself being led to the suite that they have been getting held in by Kendall, Elizabeth Crawford’s protégé. The young woman clearly had an issue with Kirsty and would take great pleasure in doing her part to secure her for the foreseeable future. The too strong grip that Kendall currently had on Kirsty’s upper arm was testament to that. As they approached the door to their suite Kendall pulled out her security card and when they were close enough used it to open the door and allow the group to enter. The only thing that Kirsty wasn’t going to complain about regarding her current predicament was that at least she and Hayley were now being kept in the best suite in the house. The view from the large windows was spectacular and Kirsty took the opportunity to take it in before having to stare at a ceiling for most of the forthcoming days. Tearing her eyes from the view Kirsty noted that there were already two large purple restraining bags lying out along with a purple down suit. It was almost as if they were expecting a new guest. Then she noted on the floor one of Elizabeth’s new gargantuan restraining bags in a shade of purple matching the bags that she was now being routinely place in and gulped.

“MMMEEEWWW,” Hayley moaned having obviously noticed the bag in her colour.

“Sorry Kirsty but Miss Crawford is adamant that Hayley and you are subject to the new three bag system. From what I hear the comfort and feeling is unbelievable,” Kendall said. “Now the pair of you can stand still whilst Constance and I sort a few things and grab a couple of diapers.” The two guards went off and Hayley and Kirsty exchange some non-verbal communication with Kirsty trying to ask what the conversation between Hayley and Elizabeth Crawford was about. The moment was broken when Kendall returned and stood between the two captives. “Constance can you secure Hayley then help me with Kirsty. It will be better if we secure one of them at a time in case there are any issues. Ladies, just to confirm if there are any problems,” Kendall paused and looked from Kirsty to Hayley and then back. “Then the chloroform will come out. The choice is entirely up to you.”

“Can you sit down on the bed for me Hayley?” Constance asked. It wasn’t elegant with her wrists bound behind her back but Hayley complied and Constance quickly bound Hayley’s ankles with a length of cord then leaned down and placed her lips close to Hayley’s ear whilst letting a hand linger on Hayley’s thigh. “Sorry about this,” Constance whispered into Hayley’s ear.

“Kirsty I am going to remove the cuffs and finger control mitts but no funny business and no taking the gag off, instructions from Elizabeth,” Kendall said. The young woman was obviously going to take this very seriously despite Kirsty having no interest in resisting. “Obey our instructions at all times and we won’t have to apply a chloroform dosed cloth.”

“Take it easy Kendall,” Constance said having dealt with Hayley and now made her way across. “Kirsty has no intention of resisting.”

“I think that we are past taking it easy Constance. Kirsty is still under investigation and therefore must be considered a threat and be treated as such. Miss Crawford may consider getting just get rid of her and potentially anybody that is loyal to her.” Kendall pointedly looked at Constance when she said this. “But I can see you maybe being an asset further down the line. I will put in a good word for you as long as you perform well.” Constance looked shocked as she glanced at Kirsty for reassurance. With her gag in place Kirsty couldn’t communicate verbally but hoped that Constance could read her eyes, stay calm and don’t do anything stupid. Kendall turned her attention back to Kirsty. “Now please strip.” Slowly and deliberately as there was no rush, Kirsty to slip off her garments, including her panties, as she knew a diaper would be applied and folded them carefully before placing them on a chair. “Constance, help me restrain Kirsty and you will be alright for the moment. I promise, otherwise I can’t guarantee your safety.” Kirsty thought that Kendall was slightly playing up her current position as Kendall thought as herself as a favourite of Elizabeth Crawford but there was something about that young woman that she did not like at all. Constance had indeed noted Kirsty’s gaze and understood what Kirsty was trying to communicate and was currently taking deep breaths. She also couldn’t help and glance across and admire what an impressive figure that Kirsty possessed. Lying on the bed Hayley had rolled over on the smooth silk covered down comforter to watch what was going on. It wasn’t the process of Kirsty being restrained that she was interested in; she knew that process intimately from having been its recipient on more occasions know than she could count but it was the dynamic between Constance and Kendall that had caught her attention. Beside Hayley also wanted to work out if Constance was sorry for the way that Kendall was treating them or for that lingering touch on her thigh.

“First things first; hands out in front of you” Constance commanded; she had decided that it would be best if she took the lead. At least it would deny Kendall the pleasure of having all of the power over Kirsty. Kirsty complied and Constance picked up a pair of fresh finger control mitts and proceeded to put one of each of Kirsty’s hands. Although she couldn’t speak Kirsty hoped that Constance could tell that she appreciated the gesture. The mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Constance tightened to lock the mitts in place. Kirsty winced as the buckle was secured and tried wriggling her fingers. The mitts were thickly padded and severely limited the movement of her fingers. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible rendering her hands useless. Kirsty gulped as the realisation of what was about to happen, she knew that she would be totally helpless once in her down filled cocoon. Although she had been kept restrained by Raquel English this was different, Kirsty knew that there would be no chance of escape for the week. Well, that was assuming that they got released after a week. Kirsty was sure that the whole week had been extended on at least one previous occasion. Whilst looking at her hands Kirsty hadn’t noticed that Constance had moved behind her. “I am going to remove that gag and put your permanent one in place,” Constance slipped into what she had been trained to say even though Kirsty knew better than her what was going on. Constance undid the knot and removed the scarf and then reached round and removed the cloth form Kirsty’s mouth. “Keep your mouth open” Kirsty jumped slightly then did as instructed. Constance brought something over her head. It was a large padded gag with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into her mouth. Kirsty reacted and closed her mouth around the ball as the pad was pushed against her lips. Kirsty felt it push down on her lips as a buckle was used at the back of her head to secure it in place.

“TGTAHT HATSHT GFRATJ” Kirsty mumbled.

“Yes, very effective gag detective and definitely required” Kendall commented with a smirk.

“HEW MOOOTTHH” Kirsty said something rude in reply which she knew would be come out as a low mumble from behind her gag.

“You will be restrained for long periods of time so I will now be putting a diaper on you. Just lie down on the bed.” Kirsty complied and Constance collected the diaper and associated materials.

“Raise your bum like a good captive” Kendall shouted. Kirsty lifted her hips from the bed and after a couple of seconds Kirsty felt a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to lower them again. When she did Kirsty felt her bum land on something soft and thick and lay perfectly still as Constance finished the process of putting on the diaper by applying cream and talcum powder before bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. “Not so bad that was it. Right get back up off the bed.” With her hands in the mitts and the diaper firmly in place this more difficult than normal. Constance grabbed the purple down suit from the bed and held it up to Kirsty then positioned it on the floor in front of Kirsty. “Step into the legs if you please” Kirsty once again complied and with a little help from Constance, especially with the arms found that she was now wearing a down filled suit again. Once again, she noticed its thickness and smoothness of the fabric that it was made from. Constance zipped up the front of the suit, flicking up the hood and then even closing the front flap over the gag so that only a box around Kirsty’s eyes was visible. “Looking good Kirsty” Kendall commented.

“Look those comments aren’t helping,” Constance said in a harsher voice than she meant to. “At least act professionally. I am sure Miss Crawford would expect nothing less.” There was a retort on the tip of Kendall’s tongue but she thought better of it and Constance returned her full attention to the task at hand. “Hands out again” Kirsty raised her arms and watched as Constance placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap. Kirsty watched as Constance picked up two straps from the bed and used them to secure her arms of her body. Constance was picking up the pace now as her training kicked in, next she fully opened up one of the sleeping bags and guided Kirsty down so that her bum was resting on the inside of the sleeping bag. “Legs together Kirsty” Constance then used three more of the straps to secure Kirsty’s legs at the ankles, just below the knees and around the middle of the thighs. Kirsty felt slight discomfort as the thigh strap was tightened due to the thick diaper that she was wearing and was now glad that she wore a diaper in bed overnight once a week even when not on restriction. “Swing your legs up and get in the bag” Constance commanded. Once again with a little assistance Kirsty managed to do as instructed. Lying perfectly still Kirsty waited as Constance pulled the top of the bag over her and zipped the bag. Out of the corner of her eye Kirsty could see Kendall approach the bed. “Kirsty please do not struggle whilst Kendall and I put you in the second restraining bag. Kirsty lay motionless as she felt her legs get lifted as they were slid into another bag. Kirsty didn’t struggle but she wasn’t going to help her captors either so she lay there as dead weight as the two women managed to slip the bag under her body, finally getting the hood under her head. This bag had a centre zip so Constance and Kendall brought the two halves of the top bag together and zip them in place, fighting against the loft of the down to get the zip up to the top before locking it off. “We will require some help assistance to get both you and Hayley into the final bag so we will take care of Hayley then come back and finish your bondage.”

“Just lay back and relax for ten minutes,” Kendall said with a wink. When Kendall and Constance moved away from the bed on which Kirsty was nicely restrained Constance removed the radio from her belt and made a call for assistance to arrive in about ten minutes. “Now Hayley I am sure that you will behave just as well as Kirsty whilst we make you comfortable.” It didn’t take long for the two guards to undertake the same procedure on Hayley, this time with Kendall taking the lead and the suit and bags being a nice shade of light blue rather than purple. During the process Constance couldn’t help but steal a couple of admiring glances at Hayley’s body before admonishing herself for a lack of professionalism. For her part Hayley obeyed every instruction as there was no point doing anything else. Not only didn’t Hayley want reports of disobedience getting back to Elizabeth Crawford she was in doubt that any dissent would be met with the application of a chloroform laced cloth. Just as Kendall and Constance were zipping up Hayley’s second restraining bag the door to the suite opened and Nicole and Tahani entered.

“We heard that you needed some help ladies,” Nicole said.

“If you could just place the external transportation bag for Kirsty on the bed next to her, we will be over in a minute,” Constance replied. Nicole gestured with her head toward Tahani and they picked up the gargantuan between them and placed it onto the bed beside the down cocoon that contained Kirsty. They were joined shortly by Constance and Kendal. There were straps strategically placed on the external restraining bags, for securing them to beds during transport on trains and boats and each of the four guards took a firm hold of one of these straps and lifted the thick down cocoon containing Kirsty up off the bed and across to deposit it into the larger transportation bag. The bag was that large that there was plenty of room to complete that task although it was slightly more difficult to close and it took Constance and Nicole a minute to get it shut over properly. Constance leaned in and gave Kirsty a reassuring smile and received a wink in return. As she took a step back from the bed Constance took in the scale of the massive down cocoon and wondered what Kirsty was feeling at the moment.

“Let’s get Hayley finished and then we can get back to work,” Kendall said and the four guards quickly completed that task made to leave the room but Kendall made a quick detour back to where Kirsty was lying. “That’s us finished Kirsty. No means of escape but you will be very comfortable for the duration of your captivity as long as you relax and enjoy.” That last statement made the two women disappeared and left Kirsty to her own devices. Taking the opportunity Kirsty had a wriggle but there was no give in her bonds. Despite her situation there was a sense of pride that she had taught Constance so well and that she had followed her training despite what must have been an awkward situation for her. Thumping her head back into the soft, thick pillow she noticed that the thickness of the sleeping bags was increasing as the loft inflated, pushing the soft material of the inner shell against her body. Once again, she marvelled at how comfortable she was despite her movements being severely restricted by the down that totally encased her body.

Walking down the corridor the four guards were chatting when Nicole commented, “I wonder why the boss wanted Kirsty and Hayley in those bags. I thought that they were only for transporting high value guests outside the base?” There was no response as everyone contemplated that question.

“They are massive bags. I wouldn’t have thought that there was really any need for them to be used in the house,” Constance commented. “I wonder what it is like to be encased in one,” Constance said. As part of their training every guard had to submit to a week of being treated like a captive at the base which included being restrained for long periods in the bags.

“Keep talking like that and I am sure that I can arrange for that to happen,” Kendall said, an edge to her voice that sent a shiver down Constance’s spine. Constance lightly grabbed Nicole’s wrist and squeezed so that her colleague stopped whilst Kendall and Tahani walked on engaged in conversation.

“What did Harper want to talk about?” Constance asked Nicole.

“That’s the strange thing Constance. Harper said that Kendall must have been mistaken, she didn’t want to talk to me.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] you posted chapter 6 already, if I'am correct?
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Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Dear @mrjones2009 you posted chapter 6 already, if I'am correct?
Well spotted that man!
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Very voluminous Update, thank you for that! - and very intriguing in many ways .... there were a lot of interessting things that happened. I'll have to read it again more carefully and will comment in more detail later. What I can say: That change of place was very well timed!
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Post by Caesar73 »

First things first: One of my Highlights, was the restraining Sequence. And matching colours: Purpur for Kristy, blue for Hayley :) The improved restraining demands hard work from Crawfords Team. Even with minimal Breaks, diaper change, freshing up and meals - doing this drill two or three times a day - is hard work :)

What do we learn? Kristy has developed a bond witb Hayley. That is good for both of them. Clearly Kristy struggles with her new Position, her demotion - and is not happy about that. If antagonizing Kristy in the long term by Crawford is a wise move? The future will tell.
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A lot happens in this chapter beneath the surface, a lot of subtext, so to speak :) The verbal and non verbal communication between the characters.

Kirsty, Haley and Crawford;
I wonder what Crawfords Plans for Kirsty are? Permanent demotion or at some point a redemption? Since Hayleys return to Mystery Island months have passed and Crawford treats her former second in command like a prisoner still. The longer this situation continues, the more difficult it will be for Kirsty to fulfill her former role - if Crawford intends to redeem her at all. The bond between Hayley and Kirsty has grown, Hayley regards her as a fried. Kirsty could proof very useful at some point: She has a lot of inside knowledge which could come in handy in the future and the sympathy of people like Constance could be of help too, Cleary Constance is loyal to Kirsty still - Kirstys Loyalty to Crawford is put to a test, and may crumble at some point ....

Obviously Halyey has a special position among the Crawfords "guests" - and Crawfords Staff knows that, as their treatment of Hayley clearly show. Hayley still has not given up hope, but she must be patient. Between Crawford and her it seems like a quid pro quo: Hayley agrees to stay permanently on the island, if Crawford lets Gayle go. What Crawfords plans for Hayley are, we still do not know ... she has a soft spot for her, as Hayley know. Crawford leaves no doubt though, who is in command. But to can play a game, as the conversation between Crawford and Hayley clearly shows.

As we know, Crawford has plans for retirement. And the prologue gives us a hint. Why else should Crawford need a lawyer who deals in organized crime across borders? Cleary Crawford could use such expertise if she retires at some point ....

The first seven Chapters were very intriguing, but I guess we are still in the introductory stages of this Saga :)

I wonder, where Chapter 8 will play .... still on the Island, back in the States, or at a totally different place? Time will tell - and there are only two days till Friday :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Obviously Halyey has a special position among the Crawfords "guests" - and Crawfords Staff knows that, as their treatment of Hayley clearly show. Hayley still has not given up hope, but she must be patient. Between Crawford and her it seems like a quid pro quo: Hayley agrees to stay permanently on the island, if Crawford lets Gayle go. What Crawfords plans for Hayley are, we still do not know ... she has a soft spot for her, as Hayley know. Crawford leaves no doubt though, who is in command. But to can play a game, as the conversation between Crawford and Hayley clearly shows.
That Conversation is interessting in certain ways: Crawfords reaction to Hayleys proposal, that she should let her go, or her question after Hayleys Sessions with Xenia shows her genuine inclination to Hayley. How deep her feelings really go, that we do not know. Obviously she has a lot of her mind, at some point she seems preoccupied - if she plans on retiring, there is a lot to consider. Crawford loves it to remind Hayley and Kirsty who is in control: The use of the transportation bags is a fine example for that, she got Hayley and Kristy by surprise :)

All this is typicall for Crawford: Playing her cards close to her chest, compartmentalizing. Only she knows all pieces of the puzzle :)
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Also interessting the relations among the members of Crawfords Staff:

As we learn from Constance there are some of her Colleagues that respect Kirsty still like her, and others that do not: Clearly visible at the Tennis Court: Constance helped Hayley to get up, Nichole did not help Kirsty. And Constance is fascinated by Hayley, that is clear. The subtle gesture, when she touched Hayleys thigh, may indicate that there is more to it. Kendall is a different case: I agree with Constances Assessement of her: She is a spoiled brat, who is much to full of herself :) That there are factions among Crawfords Staff might help in the future ....
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Wow! Thanks for reading the story, over 4k views is amazing! Much appreciated.

Hope that you are enjoy the next chapter.

Feel free to drop me a note with any comments if you don't want to post.
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Chapter 8

The next morning-East Coast of United States

“This is definitely the right place,” Rebecca said out loud to nobody as she swung her car off the main road and into the forecourt of the dilapidated motel. As she drove through the arched entrance that was framed with fake plants Rebecca glanced at the office to find it empty and proceeded into the car park and positioned her car outside the room that was furthest away from the road. After killing the engine Rebecca sat in her car for a minute and looked around the motel, there was no sign of any life which just added to her sense of nervousness. Taking a deep breathe she picked up the bag full of uncut jewels from the passenger seat, exited the car and headed for the door. Once at the door Rebecca knocked and waited before trying the door and finding it unlocked as the note said it would be.

“The store owner has arrived and entered the room,” Blue said into her phone as she watched through binocular from the balcony of a hotel suite not far away. Black had thought of everything and had stationed Blue at that location all night to look for anything untoward such as law enforcement staking out the place.

“That is good news. Keep watch and let us know if anything changes or looks off,” Black responded before ending the call and turning to Purple and Natalie. “Now let’s get this show on the road.” They had earlier woken Natalie up from her slumber, changed her soiled diaper for a fresh one and made their way to the van. Natalie found herself now bound in the rear of the van with Black and Purple sitting in the cab. In the motel room Rebecca looked on the bed and found a sheet of paper and next to that were four items, a key, a small glass bottle, a bag of cotton wool and a dust mask. Slightly perplexed Rebecca picked up the note and began to read.


Put the bag with the items on the table and then use the key to lock the door. Then at exactly 9:15am pour the chloroform onto the cotton wool, place that into the dust mask and then place the dust mask over your nose and mouth. We would suggest that you lie down on the bed before you undertake this task. When you are sleeping, and we will check, we will use our copy of the key to enter the room, take the items and return Natalie. Don’t worry we will lock the door behind us again so that your nap is not disturbed. Drop the key into reception when you leave.

The note was written in a stylish handwriting that Rebecca admired, it was far superior to her own barely legible scrawl. However, the content of the note was disturbing, they were asking her to put a lot of trust in them and after all they were criminals. But after thinking it through she didn’t have much choice in the matter as she didn’t want anything to happen to Natalie. So, steeling herself Rebecca picked up the key and dropped the bag onto the table as she made her way to the door and locked it. On her way back to the bed she dropped the key on the table beside the bag, then thought better of that and looked around for somewhere to hide it before deciding that the safest place would be in her bra and secreting it there. All that was left to do was sit on the bed and wait until the clock ticked round to quarter past nine.

“How are we looking?” Black said into the phone as she glanced at her watch again.

“Still all clear,” Blue confirmed from her lofty position.

“Good,” Black replied before turning to Purple. “It is time to move up.” Purple nodded and started the engine.

The time had only moved on six minutes since Rebecca had last checked her watch, it was now ten minutes past nine so close enough. She leaned over and picked up the bottle, twisting off the cap and holding it at arms-length so that she didn’t get a premature whiff of the liquid’s fumes. Carefully she poured the entire contents of the bottle onto the soft cotton wool that she had prepared earlier; then deposited the now damp cotton wool into dust mask. After a quick tidy up Rebecca picked up the dust mask and slipped in on, adjusting the strap so that it was tight before lying down on the bed and making sure she was comfortable. At first, she didn’t think the smell was too bad. Previously when chloroformed using a cloth had been directly applied to her face and she wondered if the fact that it drug wasn’t directly applied over her nose and mouth. It was then that she realised she was holding her breathe and then inhaled deeply. Her eyes widened as the heavy fumes filled her nostrils and hit the back of her throat. The drug didn’t have an immediate effect but she continued to take deep, even breaths that eventually caused her vision to go into soft focus. It was indeed taking longer than with having the cloth directly applied. Further inhalation gave her a pleasant euphoric rush that dulled her thoughts and sent a spreading numbness through her body. Not that she would admit this to anybody but this was not an unpleasant experience. After another couple of breaths of the sweet-smelling vapour, she seemed to be floating and then everything went black.

Lying in the back of the van Natalie deduced that the engine had been turned off as the vibrations stopped. There was the muffled sound of conversation from the front of the van before Natalie heard Black’s voice. “We are good to go,” was all she said. “Better untie our hostage and make the exchange.” Then the side door of the van opened and light filled the interior of the van, causing Natalie to blink furiously.

“Nothing silly now Natalie,” Purple whispered into her ear after untying the ropes that secured her legs together. “You have gotten this far and it would be a shame to get hurt now.” Natalie nodded her confirmation that she wouldn’t cause any bother, she would just have to hope that these women kept their word. After being helped out the van Natalie managed a have a quick look around and noted that they were in the forecourt of a rundown motel, Natalie tried to take in more details but was quickly hustled into one of the rooms. As soon as they were in Black closed the door behind them and as Natalie surveyed the room, she instantly noticed the prone, unmoving form of Rebecca lying on the bed.

“HHUURRMMHH,” Natalie screamed and made to head toward the bed before Purple grabbed her upper arm, stopping her dead.

“Don’t worry Natalie; she is just drugged, chloroformed.” Black said. “Now just relax and this will all be over quickly now.” Black nodded to Purple who escorted Natalie over to the far side of the bed and pushed her down before untying the ropes around Natalie’s body and wrists. Now that her wrists were free for the first time in hours Natalie rubbed them vigorously before reaching up to untie the scarf and remove her gag.

“No, that stays on for the moment.” Natalie’s hands stopped and then came back down to rest on the bed. “Swing your legs up and line down,” Purple ordered, her gun now in clear view. Deciding to comply, Natalie swung her legs up and lay down next to the unconscious Rebecca. From her position lying on the bed Natalie watched the two women move around the room before picking out a cloth with being prepared with chloroform. Black took the cloth from Purple and headed toward the bed.

“Now you can take the gag off?” Black said with a smile. As instructed Natalie untied the scarf from over her mouth before picking the handkerchief out of her mouth and depositing them on the bed. As she looked back up Natalie found Black looming over her wielding the cloth.

“Do you have to knock me out again?” Natalie asked but she was resigned to her fate.

“Yes, it will give us time to make our escape. So, there will be no argument, lie on the bed and get comfortable,” Black replied. After sighing Natalie complied and got comfortable on the bed and watched Purple approach wielding a massive chloroform-soaked cloth. “Just relax on the bed and we will get this over with.” Natalie just nodded and lay down on the bed with her head at the centre of one of the pillows, accepting her fate. Natalie’s recent experience of being on the receiving end of ‘chloroform’ soaked cloths over the past six months had all been for pleasure with Charlotte but the last couple of days had flipped that. Purple leaned in and clamped the cloth firmly over the lower half of Natalie’s face. Purple noted the Natalie’s eyes widened over the top of soft, thick white cloth and then she moaned, no doubt shocked at the strength of the fumes currently assaulting her senses.

“I just wanted to make sure you were properly knocked out,” Purple said cheerily. “Now just relax and I will take good care of you.” Purple looked on as Natalie, having regained her composure, took deep breaths and steadily inhaled the fumes, she could tell that they were having an effect when her limbs started to twitch; her body instinctively fighting against the impending forced slumbered. Purple watched Natalie’s eyelids start to flutter and with a final moan the eyes clammed closed, however Purple held the cloth in place to make sure that Natalie got a good dose. That final job completed Black took one final look round the room before grabbing the bag of stones and heading for the door with Purple following behind. They exited the room, locking the door behind them and found Blue leaning on the front wing of a dark blue SUV.

“Did you wipe down the van?” Black asked.

“Yes, and everything that we need is in the back of the SUV,” Blue replied before getting behind the wheel as Black walked round the front of the car with the bag of stones and got in the passenger seat as Purple got in the back. The car was started and they drove out of the forecourt onto the main road, always obeying the speed limit as they headed for the interstate and their pre-planned escape route.

The light started to appear at the corner of her vision as the chloroform enforced slumber came to an end. Natalie decided to lie staring at the ceiling for a couple of minutes to regain her equilibrium before swinging her feet down and onto the floor. It was then that she noted that her abductors had kindly left a couple of bottles of water, her phone and purse lying on the bedside table next to a lamp. She was about to reach for the phone when muffled groans from behind her on the bed brought her attention to Rebecca and she turned round and carefully removed the dust mask containing the chloroform-soaked cotton wool form over Rebecca’s nose and mouth. “Take it easy and lie still until you feel a bit brighter,” Natalie said to her young friend.

“I take it then have left?” Rebecca asked whilst rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands.

“Yes, they were as good as their word on that,” Natalie replied as she pushed up and got off the bed. It was then that she remembered about the diaper that she was wearing and realised that judging by the feel she had soiled it. Leaning over Natalie picked up both bottles of water and threw one onto the bed beside Rebecca. “Take a drink of that, it will help with the sore head,” Natalie opened the other bottle and took a long drag. It was then that she thought of something. “I can’t see a key for the door,” she stated.

“I have it right here,” Rebecca, now lying with her forearm over her eyes, answered pulling it from its hiding place and holding it up.

“Good give me five minutes to compose myself and I will make a call and we can get out of here,” Natalie said waddling across to the bathroom to take off the diaper in private.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So all ended well for Natalie :) A clean Operation. Everybody got what they wanted: The thieves, the Jewels and Rebecca got Natalie back.

What did we learn? Obviously Natalie got fond of a little dose of chloroform now and then :) And she likes playing the damsel in distress.

And we know, how much time passed since Hayleys return to Mystery Island.

Now, after Natalie is free, the rescue Mission can begin in earnest. If Crawford lets Gayle leave the Island, she can be of help.

The first step will be the search for the elusive Fallon Bennett. Finding her, won't be an easy task and securing her help might prove difficult :) She must have good reasons for leaving Crawford ... Sooo many open questions :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Chapter 7 was incredible intense with all its underlying currents, beneath the surface. Chapter 8 is different: To me, it seems like an interlude: It remains to be seen, if we are seeing Mrs. Black and Company again.

Finding and rescuing Hayley will - without any doubt - a very difficult task. Natalie, Christina and Charlotte against the well oiled machine of Crawfords Operation. Crawford has done a lot, to convince the outside world that Hayley changed sides willingly.

And there is the Problem of the Mole among the good Guys: Gilian. It remains to be seen, if Gilian - at some point - regrets her betrayal and will try to make amendements.

Even if the rescue misson seems like an uphill battle at the moment, help might be found in unlikely places :)
Natascha and Gabrielle may be of help. And maybe Francis and Sheridan .....

[mention]mrjones2009[/mention] did a hell of a job till now!
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Crawford asked Hayley about her Sessions with Xenia. I wonder what the purpose of this counselling is? Crawford mentioned one, obvious, reason:

1. To help Hayley to adjust, to cope with the situation, that she will not leave the Island in the foreseeable future. To accept this fact is definitely no easy task: Crawford did everything to convince the world outside, that she changed sides, that she became part of a criminal organization. A return to her old life would not be easy, even if Crawford lets her go, which will not be the case. Liz has obviously plans for Hayley. Even if Hayley is treated preferentially, there is no way around the fact, that she is a prisoner. No contact to her friends and colleagues, even on the Island: Gayle has been moved out - and will - if Crawford is true to her word - leave the Island. Even if Hayley forged a bond with Kristy, she is pretty much isolated, and on her own. Here resilience is put to a test. One might read her agreement to stay as long as Crawford wants her to stay as a sign of resignation? What speaks against that: Hayley wants Crawford to believe the sessions with Xenia go well .....

2. I wonder, if there is a second, more sinister, purpose to those sesssions. Obviously Xenia is skilled in the Arts of psychological manipulation. So I wonder if the deeper purpose of the "counselling" is, to manipulate Hayley in a subtle manner. To induce some kind of Stockholm Syndrom .... that takes us to the question, what Crawfords Plans with Hayley are in the end. If you ask me, I would be so bold, to say that Crawfords wants Hayley to be her successor in some way .. but I think [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] has quite a few tricks up his sleeve :)
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Chapter 9

The south coast of France

As she sat sipping a white wine outside the bar Natascha Taylor couldn’t help but think about her friend Hayley King and the events of the last six months. She felt bad about what had happened with Hayley but the evidence against her had been mounting up and there was also the need to protect her own position. After the incident at her flat when her boss Reginald Barton-Smyth discovered an Interpol Agent and an internationally wanted burglar bound and gagged in the spare room it took some persuasion to prevent the subsequent investigation finding her guilty. The fact that it came close on the heels of disappearing for a couple of weeks, well not exactly disappearing, being held by Elizabeth Crawford. It was strange that being released had actually been her biggest problem as if explaining her disappearance wasn’t hard enough, she could not explain why Elizabeth Crawford had let her go. To be fair Natascha could understand why her agency had been suspicious. It left Natascha in no doubt that Elizabeth Crawford had planned for her release to look that way in order to focus attention on others and deflect the attention away from her. In addition to being a sociopath and an international criminal mastermind with a web of illicit organisations with global reach Elizabeth Crawford was also usually one step ahead of everyone else. There was a game being played here and Elizabeth Crawford was one step ahead of everyone else playing it. Eventually Natascha had convinced her organisation that she was not some kind of sleeper agent and was put back on active duty to undertake operations and now found herself following a gentleman called Sergei Chernov. He was suspected of being involved with the international trafficking of arms and Natascha had been tasked with investigating. That was why Natascha found herself sitting at a bar watching a meeting between Chernov and some business associates through the glass in the interior of the bar. Well when she said watching she was actually recording it on her strategically placed phone whilst stealing the occasional glance over her shoulder. “Can I get you another drink?” Natascha turned round to find a waiter standing beside her and then glanced at her glass to find that it was empty. She was considering whether or not to order another when she noticed Chernov and his business associates stand up and exchange handshakes.

“No, just the bill please,” Natascha replied with a smile. Whilst waiting for the bill Natascha grabbed her phone, stopped the recording, attached the video to an e-mail and sent it back to headquarters for analysis. Hopefully they would be able to identify who Chernov had been meeting with. The waiter returned with the bill just as Chernov’s party was exiting the bar which was handy as it meant that Natascha was shielded from view. After settling the bill Natascha sat back and watched Chernov’s party of six leave. There was Chernov at the centre, mid-forties, dark hair; designer stubble and dressed all in black. Then his security detail the Baranov siblings. The leader of the group was Victor, the eldest who was the same age as Chernov. They had known each other since their younger days in the Russian Military. Then there was Ivan who was a bear like presence of six foot six and their sister Luba who was small and slender with short dark hair. Luba had been in military intelligence before her brother had recruited her for Chernov’s team. The last two members of the group couldn’t have been any different. The first was another woman called Alessandra Ambrosio, a tall, elegant and very beautiful Italian with long brown hair who was rumoured to be Chernov’s latest girlfriend. There had been precious little in the pre-operation briefing noted on the woman who seems to have appeared from nowhere about four years ago and had hooked up with Chernov three months previously. The last member of the group was Austin Schwarz, a small, wiry man in his early thirties wearing glasses who was known to be the brains of the outfit, taking care of finances and the logistics of any deals.

Natascha allowed them a decent enough led before getting up and following at a discreet distance. Although it was approaching dusk the summer heat still hung in the air and Natascha only wore a tight-fitting white dress white and a matching patterned white silk scarf along with matching belt, bag and sandals. She would have described the look at stylish but understated. It wasn’t a long walk as the group entered a restaurant at the end of the street. Victor had a brief exchange with the maitre’d whilst the rest of the group walked straight past and took a table at the rear of the main dining area. Natascha slipped in quietly a minute or so later and enquired if there was a table for one available. As it happened there was and Natascha was shown to a little table in the corner where thankfully she had a view of the table where Chernov’s group now sat.

The waiter approached with a menu and Natascha took it with a nod and ordered a glass of wine. Always keeping an eye on what was going on at Chernov’s table Natascha gulped when she caught a note of the prices before ordering a main and dessert, well she wasn’t going to be paying. The waiter retired and Natascha sat back and tried take in everything that happened at without being obvious. There were two empty seats at the table but before long a couple approached. Ivan moved quickly, for a man his size and placed his bulk between the new arrivals and the table. However, Chernov said something softly and Ivan retreated back to his original position and the man and woman took the empty seats. Natascha didn’t get a great look at the new arrivals as the angle of the chairs meant that their backs were to her and unfortunately trying to use her camera to either take a photograph or make a recording. As the evening progressed it looked like Chernov’s table were enjoying themselves and perhaps celebrating, there was the chinking of glasses to go along with the outburst of laughter. It looked like the table to be at in the restaurant if you wanted a good time. As the evening became night and although Natascha didn’t want to let Chernov out of her sight she had to use the toilet, so she waited until between the main course and dessert before making a dash toward the ladies. After using the facilities Natascha exited the cubicle and quickly checked in the mirror. Deciding that her lipstick needed freshened up, look she might be a secret agent but she was also a woman, Natascha unzipped her purse and found her lipstick. Satisfied that the application had been a success Natascha grabbed her purse and was putting her lipstick back in when she heard the door between the toilets and the corridor open. Taking a couple of steps whilst trying to fit her lipstick back in the purse she suddenly stopped as a pair of stylish heels came into the top of her scope of vision. The last thing Natascha needed would be to create a scene and draw attention by having an accident in the toilet so she stopped dead. As she raised her head Natascha had to disguise her shock as she found that she was staring straight at Alessandra Ambrosio. “Sorry,” Natascha said. “I really should look where I am going.”

“No problem,” Alessandra replied with a smile and stepping out of Natascha’s path. “It’s a great restaurant. The food is out of this world isn’t it?”

“Unbelievable, but I suppose it should be for those prices!” Natascha added trying to slip around Alessandra toward the door.

“I suppose so,” Alessandra responded with a light laugh and smile. “That is a great shade of lipstick. It really blends in with your skin tones.”

“Thank you and enjoy the rest of your evening,” Natascha said as she practically ran for the door. Once Natascha returned to her table she took a deep breath and cursed her bad luck at coming face to face with her target’s bit of eye candy. Almost as soon as she sat down her dessert arrived and Natascha tucked in, it was divine and didn’t last long. After finishing her food Natascha asked for the bill, paid using the government’s card and slipped out of the restaurant. Natascha didn’t go far, just to the corner of the building across the road from the restaurant and settled in to wait on Chernov and his party leaving. In the end that took about twenty minutes for the party to exit the restaurant, well crash would have been a more apt description as there were arms and legs everywhere, along with the occasional raised voice. Spirits were indeed high which Natascha hoped would make her task of following the group a lot easier. As the group turned down a side street Natascha stepped out of the alley where she was hiding and made after the group. As the group wound their way through the town Natascha used her tradecraft to keep them in sight without being discovered. Natascha had studied a map of the town before this evening and from the route that the group was taking guessed that they were heading for the industrial area of town. She had assumed they would lead her to a hotel or large villa rather than an industrial shed. But perhaps this was a break in the investigation; this could be their base of operations. Making her way down a street between two rows of identical warehouses Natascha heard the sounds of chatter increase indicating that the group had stopped so she stopped and peered around the corner. From the corner of the building Natascha watched on as the group entered a non-descript warehouse through a blue fire door.

Against her better judgment Natascha decided that she should take a look around the warehouse. Maybe it was the situation with Hayley and the shadow that the incident with Elizabeth Crawford had cast but she wanted a position result from this operation and she wanted it as quickly as possible. So, despite not exactly being dressed for snooping around Natascha scuttled across the road to the blue fire door. Grabbing the handle, to her surprise she found that the door had been left unlocked. “Now or never” Natascha thought before opening the door just wide enough to slip through into a dimly lit corridor. Initially all Natascha did was stand still and listen. Catching the faint noise of chatter from her left made the decision for her; she turned right and headed carefully down the corridor. The lighting wasn’t great but good enough to see that she was heading toward a large open area that she took to be a warehouse. Stopping at the entrance to take it in Natascha noted that the roof was tall enough to have allowed a mezzanine to be installed. As she wandered along the edge of the warehouse there was aisle after aisle of racking with different sized and shaped containers and Natascha couldn’t help but wonder what was in them and where they were going and also where they had come from. Picking an aisle at random Natascha walked down it slowly glancing at the various boxes on either side until she reached the end where she found a small office with the door lying open. Natascha glanced left and right to confirm that the coast was clear and went inside. There was standard office furniture and an old computer sitting on a desk inside. Natascha made straight for one of the filing cabinets and pulled open the top drawer and started flicking through the vanilla folders. As she flicked Natascha found nothing of obvious interest and closed it and went to pull out the middle drawer before she heard a noise and spun round and found that she was face to face with Luba Baranov. “What are you doing in here?” Luba asked in heavily accented English. Deciding that she wouldn’t be able to talk her way out of this one Natascha made a break for it, pushing past Luba and headed straight for the door. Natascha only made it two steps outside the office before something halted her progress from behind like she had opened a parachute. Then she found herself embraced in a bear hug with her assailant hugging her close against their body. “Good work Ivan,” Natascha heard Luba say from behind her. “Let’s take her to see the boss.”

The large man wrestled a struggling Natascha back along the route that she had walked, past the blue door, toward an open door further along the corridor and into a room where Sergei Chernov sat behind a small desk, the beautiful Italian woman Alessandra Ambrosio sat crossed legged on the desk facing Chernov and spun round at the sound of the disturbance. “What do we have here then?” Chernov asked in Russian.

“We found this woman snooping around in the warehouse, in the office going through the files.” Luba responded.

“Take her round back and dispose of her. I cannot afford for people to be snooping around.” Chernov instructed. The large Russian nodded and began to drag Natascha back through the door. Natascha thought that was a very quick and impulsive decision and redoubled her efforts to get free of Ivan’s bear like grasp.

“Wait a minute Sergei. I think that I recognise her from the restaurant earlier.” Alessandro commented standing up from the desk and making her way round to get a closer look at Natascha. “Yes, she was in the toilet when I went in.”

“So, she has good taste in food. What has that got to do with anything?”

“Do you not think that it is strange that she happened to be at the same restaurant as us and then turns up here snooping around the back of the warehouse,” Alessandra commented. “I think that we should be asking Little Miss Snoop some questions.” There was silence around the room as everyone took in what Alessandra had said.

“Actually, you make a good point babe,” Chernov said with a nod. Natascha couldn’t be sure but thought that Alessandra winced at the use of the term babe. “What do you suggest?”

“I have something that we can use to subdue her and they we can store her in the basement. That will give us some time to make a decision.” Chernov nodded again and the decision was made. Natascha wasn’t sure what the exchange meant for her but it was surely better than being ‘disposed of’. “Don't let her make any noise and hold her whilst I use the chloroform.” Natascha watched on as Alessandra delved into her bag and produced a small bottle and a white lady’s handkerchief.

“HHAARRUUMMPPHH,” Natascha mumbled from behind the large hand that had been clamped over her mouth for the past five minutes or so. Come on, who keeps a bottle of chloroform in their purse! Then the events of the past six months flashed back across Natascha’s thoughts and her surprised subsided.

"There is no need for any of that. An attractive woman like you should understand that...." Alright so Natascha had been chloroformed before but was Alessandra really telling her that she should expect to be knocked out for snooping around and sticking her nose into people's business! Natascha watched on with grim fascination as Alessandra opened the glass bottle and poured a decent amount of its contents onto the handkerchief that she held in her other hand before casually walking toward her. As Alessandra readied the chloroform-soaked handkerchief, preparing to clamp it across Natascha’s nose and mouth. “Just breathe deeply,” she urged Natascha. “It will all be over in a couple of minutes or so.” Now Natascha had been chloroformed before so was kind of prepared for what was about to happen. Alessandra was now directly in front of her with the laced handkerchief hovering close enough to Natascha’s nose that she could smell the fumes. Without warning the large hand was removed and almost instantly replaced with the handkerchief and instantly Natascha’s eyes widened and the she struggled as instinct took over as the heavy fumes filled her nostrils, causing the room to go into soft focus and the sounds of her struggles to recede as a hollow ringing began in her ears. This was different to the chloroform used by Elizabeth Crawford and her crew, much harsher and with a stronger fragrance. As she continued to inhale the fumes every breath gave her a pleasant euphoric rush that dulled her thoughts and sent a spreading numbness through her body. Her legs buckled and she was vaguely aware of being dragged across the room. After another breath of the sweet vapour and she seemed to be floating, but in fact it was merely Alessandra lifting her by her booted feet and helping to gentle deposit her on the sofa. “Now just relax and take some more breaths and you will be asleep.” Natascha hadn’t realised that the handkerchief had been removed until it was re-applied over her nose and mouth and her eyes glazed above the handkerchief. Natascha fought to keep them open, but her eyelids were fluttering uncontrollably and the soft focus was becoming a slow dissolve into darkness. Her protests had long since diminished to muffled groans, less vocalisations of distress and more expressions of fuzzy-headed murmuring. Eventually, her levels of befuddlement reached the necessary threshold for total loss of consciousness, and she slumped peacefully to sleep, her head lolling to the side with a final low moan.
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Post by Caesar73 »

And Natascha is in trouble again ... why I'm not surprised :) At least Alessandra took care, that she was not killed at once. A little piece of luck.

So it seems, that Crawfords Plan to soll Hayleys Reputation seemed to work. And personally I think, that Natascha did not enough to help Hayley. On the contrary. She was partly responsible for Hayley falling in Crawfords clutches.
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Post by manwithnoname »

This is an epic story! Can't wait to see what develops.
"If you want me to stop struggling you really should use that chloroform."
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