Recovery Scheme - M/F (more added)

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Recovery Scheme - M/F (more added)

Post by Skizzo »

Hey all,
I've been jotting down lines a little at a time on my phone and ended up completing a story. First one on here so please critique, you can PM me to with idea if you'd like! It's mostly fictional, based on a role play with a former TUG partner (Same scenario....and tie for that matter). Enjoy! I'll try to get another installment in good time. If you ha

Its was a beautiful weekday afternoon. The sun was out, blue skies above and the light hum of the city traffic on the street below. The 4th floor balcony offered a great view of the escarpment and the bay. A beautiful day, but nothing to do. Jane was a bit of a homebody. She lived with her two roommates, they had been together forever, but weren't the most savoury of people. A petty theft here, some vandalism there all with a side of dealing some drugs. Sometimes they'd do some bigger business but Jane liked to keep ignorant of that.

Jane had been single for a while, but had recently met the eye of one of her roommates friends one evening while he was over making an exchange, all she really knew him by was Dave. They'd gone to out a couple times, he always managed to keep a conversation, but he was curiously secretive about his personal life. The conversation almost always gravitated back to Jane. She was a cute girl, 25, medium height, a little on the chubby side, brunette and big bright green eyes, and was always well endowed. It was a lazy day off, so Jane just relaxed in her gym shorts and a tank top.

She had always been a bondage enthusiast, though never really out in the open about it. A few of her previous relationships got to see the contents of her top dresser drawer however. A bright purple ball gag, a couple vibrators, scarves and soft cotton rope. She usually just stuck to using them by herself, though given the opportunity, having a captor always seems much more thrilling. She was bored today, her roommates gone for the last few days, and she found herself messaging her mysterious new man.

J - "Hey, how's your day going?"

D - "Good afternoon, not too bad, just running some errands for a friend."

J - "When you're done do you want to come hang out for the afternoon?"

Just like that her plans were made. It only took about 30 minutes for Dave to make an appearance, she buzzed him up from the lobby and they were promptly sitting close and enjoying a movie together. They ordered some pizza for a late lunch and put on another movie. About halfway through, Jane got up to use the restroom, they paused the movie and she left Dave to check his phone for a few minutes while she was gone. He got up and started to wonder around, most of the things in the apartment were Jane's roommates. New tv, blu-ray player, a laptop here and a desktop computer there, all of which seemed pretty pricey. He grabbed his phone to take a few pictures, and his phone started to ring, his boss' name up on the screen. He walked towards the door to the hall.

D - "I'm stepping outside for a minute to take a call!"

The door closed behind him, he leaned om the wall and put the phone up to his ear.

D - "Hey, I'm in their apartment and they've got your things and then some. More than enough to make up for the missing inventory, not the cash though. I've got in good with their roommate and should be able to wrap this up today."

B - "Good work, all this leg work you've put in has really payed off. I want my shit back from those two, but their stuff will have to do. Find a way to empty them out and there will be a nice end to this all for you."

D - "Will do, I'll message you if I need a hand."

With that he hung up and re-entered the apartment. Jane had taken to cleaning up a bit, and had a bag of garbage in one hand.

J - "I just need to run this down to the dumpster quickly, are you okay for a few minutes?"

D - "Oh no problem, I'm sure I can manage."

Jane slipped out the door, and Dave got to looking around. He started in the kitchen, cupboards full of food, some nice new appliances and he took note of a few paintings on the walls. He walked down the apartment hall, coming to a bedroom door. He opened and scanned the room quickly, keeping the door open to listen for Jane's return. The shelf had a picture of Jane in a graduation gown, so he assumed it was her room. It was clean and tidy, except for the partially opened top drawer of her dresser. He looked out the doorway to listen for Jane, heard nothing, and moved forward. His eyes went wide at the sight of all the things needed to tie someone up. He went through and saw the gag, and all the coils of rope and the vibrators, and with that, he had an idea.

When Jane entered the apartment, Dave was already back to his spot on the couch, scrolling through his phone, when she noticed the movie wasn't on screen anymore.

J - "Bored of the movie choice?"

D - "Actually a friend of mine suggested another one to me the other day, and I've seen this one a few times, is that okay if we switch?"

J - "Of course! What is it?"

D - "Its a spy movie, which isn't usually my thing, but I hear it's really good."

They resumed their spots and watched on. The late afternoon sun started to turn orange as the minutes passed. A scene came on where the main character, the spy, was being interrogated. Tied to a chair and questioned.

J - "Pft, the worst. I hate these scenes in movies, they're just never tied too tight that they can't escape, it's just for show."

D - " How would you know? That looks harder to get out of than you might think."

J - "Ah easy peasy, look, the wrists are tied so they can reach the knot."

They watched for a few more minutes, until the interrogation ended.

D - "Want to place a bet then? I could probably tie you up so that you can't get out. If you do, then dinner is on me, where ever you like. If you can't, then it'll be your treat. Deal?"

Jane couldn't believe what she just heard. 'Did he just offer to tie me up?'

J -"You're on, free dinner is the best kind! What did you want to use?"

D - "Well, a chair since thats what we're basing this off of, and rope if there we want to make this like the movie."

Jane walked off to her room, and Dave sat patiently. Was this actually going to work? Would he get his payout?

She returned with some coils of rope.

J -"This should do right? I've got a desk chair in my room if you wanted to use that."

D - "Works for me, when did you say your roommates were going to be back?

J - "Later tonight I think. They're just coming back from a trip."

They moved to Jane's room. A double bed with far too many pillows, a small desk with a laptop and the morning's cup of coffee and the chair in question. High back, arms, and on wheels. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the drawer still open a bit, just enough to see purple.

D - "Take a seat, and get comfy, since you're not going to be going far anytime soon. I'll give you 30 minutes to get free once I'm done, think you'll manage?"

He worded it as a challenge, to egg her on and commit to being his hostage.

Jane sat as she would to work, hands on the arms of the chair, looking up at him, daring him on.

J - "While you get to work, I'll think of what I'd like for my prize."

The first rope, went around one of Jane's ankles, around the post the chair seat sat on, and to the other, shackling her to the seat. The next two went around each knee, tying them apart to the front of each arm of the chair.

D - "Still feeling confident?"

Jane gave a wiggle, her knees tied tightly apart, her ankles swinging and her toes just above the wheels of her chair, tethered in place.

J - "Lots of wiggle room, quit chirping and keep going."

She was getting excited. It was one thing to know you can escape doing this yourself, but a real challenge was something else.

D - "Hands behind your back please. Since that's what our spy was stuck with."

Jane obliged, sitting up and crossing her wrists behind the back of the chair. The next length of the cotton rope went around her wrists, cinching tightly, and then the rest attached to the back of the chair. Dave then picked up a long piece of the rope, first using it to bring Jane's elbows closer together, then the rest of the length around her, above and below her chest all while Jane admired the way the ropes hugged her body.

J - "I dont think I've ever actually used this much rope at once before!"

D - " Well it has to be a challenge doesn't it? Hold tight, I've got two more to use up!" With that, he pulled one more piece around her body, just below the last one, around her stomach and tied to the back of the chair, overlapping her wrist restraints.

D - "Well what do you think about my work? Snug? Give it a test!"

J - "Well I dont want to try too hard and put your hard work to shame."

Jane gave a tug at her wrists. 'Damn, tight' she thought. She tried to move her body, the chest harness and the rope around her middle we holding her firmly down. She couldn't help but feel a little helpless. 'I might actually have some difficulty.' While she focused on testing our her restraints, Dave moved to the side, keeping his back to her dresser, one hand behind his back. Jane looked up and gave one last pull on all the ropes, but not really moving much.

J - "Pretty good, I might have to actually try a bit."

D - "Let me set a timer here." Dave moved behind Jane, going for his phone on the desk, while Jane looking down, tried to get a headstart and pick a knot or two, but her fingers couldn't find any. Calmly and smoothly, from behind, Dave slipped his hand under Jane's chin, lifting it up, and being distracted by the ropes around her body, she didn't fully register the thing being pushed between her teeth, until it was firmly in, and a buckle done up behind her head.

J - "Mmmphh?" She looked up at him, and tried to push her purple ball gag out, but it was already bucked tight. She was didn't remember mention of a gag nor telling him about it. 'When did he grab it? Why didn't I see?' She began to struggle a little by now. Tied was one thing, but gagged? Not that she minded really, Jane always admired how good it looked on her, but she thought it was put away. Whenever she strapped it in herself, it was always loose enough to push out if need be, so she tried again to no avail. It was snug.

By now Dave sat on her bed, face to face with Jane. She looked down as he was taking the battery and SIM Card from his phone. He met her look and stood up in front.

D - " Ah it's not mine, borrowed it from someone."

And he pulled a flip phone out of his pocket. She began to struggle a bit now, too many odd things were happening.
She tried to ask to be let out, but the gag made her words unintelligible, and moreover, Dave didn't seem to care. He stood and moved behind once again.

D - "Well, this might make things more interesting too. Another treasure from that top drawer." And with that, the room went dark. Jane shook her head but the blindfold held on. "Wait...I forgot, there was one more piece." She felt it being looped around the rope at her stomach, then it went slack for a second. She heard her dresser slide open. 'He knew what was in there already?' Jane began to tug harder, but the ropes held her in place. Trying again to push the ballgag out, only to have it settle back into place behind her teeth.

J - "Mmmmmmphrrrr!"

Again, no words. Something brushed up against the inside of her thigh. She tried to pull away, but her knees were still tied to the arms, leaving her exposed. Then something moved up and pressed right against her crotch, causing her to squeal and struggle again. Immobilized she was at Dave's mercy. She felt the thing move and shift, and the rope tug a little, then felt his hand push the unattached end under her butt, and pulled it slowly, the thing pressing even more. However now when she moved, the thing stayed put, only separated from her skin by the thin layer of shorts.

She heard Dave exit the room, and she took the opportunity to try harder. Jane was certainly turned on, but knew something was up, it didn't feel right. She was tied tight, gagged and blindfolded. She heard the door creak, followed by the sound Dave speaking. The blindfold was pulled off and Jane looked down to see her new wand vibrator between her legs, and tied to her and the chair. Her struggles slightly pushed her chest out of her top, showing off her cleavage and pushing one of her tank top straps off her shoulder. Again she pulled and struggled, moaning into her gag and making gurgled attempts at getting his attention.

It seemed someone answered on the other line of Dave's phone, and she listened while still periodically tugging her ropes, trying to find a knot to pick.

D - "Hey man, I'm here and we're ready. I'll start loading up now." He hung up, and spun Jane so they were again sitting across from each other. "Sorry, but it's time to come clean. My name isn't really Dave, and truthfully I'm not very good friend with your roommates, they're kind of idiots. In fact, they were dumb enough to try to steal some shit from a friend of mine. I got a look around and a lot of this seems to line up with things that went missing. You've got me in nicely though, letting me know when they're away and then giving me honestly, a nice afternoon. But a deal's a deal and I've got work to do. You're just in a bad spot really, so I do have some sympathy. Your things will be untouched, but I can't have you running away until I'm long gone."

Jane, wide-eyed and immobilized, began to complain through her gag, and pull at her ropes.

J -" MMMMPHHHH!!" Dave just watched as his ropework held Jane firmly.

D - "I'm not a bad guy really, I'll make sure you..." He glanced over as Jane's phone lit up on her desk. He picked it up to see a message from Jane's roommate. "Well, doesn't that make your position interesting. Also, 1111 isn't the best password." He unlocked her phone and set it on her lap, a text open on the screen.

'Hey! Our flights been delayed, we won't land until tomorrow morning. :'('

J - "eet nymph oo!" The phone falling to the floor as Jane again tried to get free.

D- "I won't be the one to let you go, that's up to you more than anything, but I've got to get to work."

Dave left the room, leaving the door cracked. Jane heard him moving about outside of her room, and took to trying to get loose. 'Damnit, this isn't good!' She looked down to take inventory or what's going on. The ropes around her chest held her back to the chair, pushing her slightly further out of her top. She gave her wrists a tug, firmly held together and again tethered to the back of the chair, the rope around her elbows making arm movements all the harder. Her knees held tightly apart to the arms of her desk chair, she could move her feet a bit, but only as far as the make shift rope shackle would allow. Her toes just brushing the floor,not enough hold to push herself.

Dave returned after what felt like an eternity. By this time Jane was sweating from her struggles, slightly out of breath, her chest glistening as a result of the purple ball gag. He leaned down to meet her eyes, hands on the arms of the chair.

D - "Well that's what I came here for, so I'm going to head out. Don't think I forgot about you though. I'm making you sit here, the least I can do is make it enjoyable." He stepped around behind Jane, and again she could see nothing as the blindfold was put snuggly back over her eyes. The strap of her tank top that had previously fallen off her shoulders was pulled back into place, albeit as soon as she struggled again, it slipped, threatening to expose her even more. Jane felt him move again, only this time the wand between her legs shifted a bit, and she let out a small 'eek'.

D - "This is for you, have fun, when your roommates do get home, tell them I say hi. Happy struggles."

With that final word, there was a click and a buzz, followed by many sensations. The feeling of the wand kicking on caused Jane to stir, whine and try once more to get free. Dave stood and watched for a minute to make sure nothing came loose, took a picture or two for his own keep sakes, and left Jane to struggle and moan in the darkness of her blindfold. As he packed the remaining laptop on the kitchen counter, he could hear Jane's struggling intensify, as the vibrator brought her closer to climax. He slipped out the door, down the elevator into the building lobby to a waiting car, and was gone.
Last edited by Skizzo 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by TheEngineer »

Great read!
No harm in wanting to try new things!
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Post by WyattW5 »

very good story.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Very Good and Awesome story and Great Read
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Dpsiic »

Terrific story, maybe continue with Jane’s roommates returning to find her bound and gagged.
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Post by Skizzo »

Shhhhhh you'll spoil the surprise!
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Post by rafeylovesbonds »

Terrific story, readable and I enjoyed reading!

Is she out there, she who ties you up and then you stay tied up?
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Post by Rtj65 »

Fantastic story, really love the premise and it was really well written, thanks for sharing!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Trickster »

That was wonderful!
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Post by tieduptee »

This was a great story! So well written and loved the premise of it all! Keep up the great work :)
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by Skizzo »

Thanks for the kind words folks! Truthfully I was feeling bashful about posting it, buuuuuuuut I'll keep writing lines in my downtime. That being said, feel free to PM me ideas and suggestions to carry on!
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Post by Skizzo »

Here's a quick bridge into the next part. Just a small tease to what's coming up! As always, feedback and suggestions are welcome! Either here or PM me!

It had been a couple months since Jane's run in with 'Dave'. She had since moved from that apartment, out into her own space. Smaller, and a bit too expensive, but she wanted to distance herself a bit from Emily. Jane came to find out that Emily and her boyfriend were not on the same page with many things. The theft that resulted in Jane's being detained and tormented was purely her idea, so at least now she had someone to blame. Jane sat at her desk, thinking back to the morning after.

The sun cracked through the blinds, and Jane slowly brought her head up. Tired and slightly sore, still bound to the chair in her room. Thankfully the batteries in the vibrator wore out before too long. After...well she couldn't remember how many orgasms, it finally fizzled out and she passed out, albeit the best sleep she's had in a while. She faintly heard a key in the door to the apartment, the handle turned and someone coming in. She called out, the purple ball in her mouth still muffling her voice. She heard Emily's voice as she started to swear once she saw the apartment had been cleaned out. After a couple minutes Jane's bedroom door opened, as she looked up, still blindfolded and began to pull again at her ropes. Between angry rants and swearing, Emily untied her and Jane filled her in, and didn't speak again for some time.

Now after Jane had time to sort out the aftermath, she was pretty ticked. She tried to stay innocent and away from Emily's corrupted life, but got dragged in anyway, and she blamed only one person. She needed to get back at her, for putting her in that spot, and just needed to work out how. Fate was on her side however, and she had found her edge.

A road trip to a neighbouring town to visit another friend led her to a coffee shop, and sitting in the corner behind a laptop screen was a familiar face. A bit more hairy now though, tanned and adorned with a hat sat none other than her own captor 'Dave'. Jane bought her coffee, marched over and sat down with the man. He looked up and his eyes widened.

D - "Well, this is interesting isn't it?"
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Nice and Good lead in to next part
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Caesar73 »

Absolutely :) And a well placed cliffhanger :)
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Post by Skizzo »

New part added! As always feel free to leave ideas or message me personally. Enjoy!

It was quite a while before the two walked out of the shop. They hatched a plan. Emily, her old roommate and the cause of her humiliation, couldn't get off so easily. Jane shot her a text. 'Hey, how's the new place? Want to meet up? I want to talk to you about something.' It was a quick reply from Emily. 'Hey! Want to come see the new place? I'll order dinner and we can catch up a bit!'

Jane pulled up to the apartment building. It was in a good neighborhood and looked quite new. She walked up the back stairs to the entrance and knocked. Emily opened the door and they hugged and greeted each other. Emily was a bit taller than Jane. She was a redhead, deep brown eyes, trim and a slightly smaller chest than Jane, however her lean frame accented her bust quite a bit. They sat and ate and found themselves just catching up, Jane looked around her, a lot of the things that were 'recovered' were replaced and it seemed Emily wasn't even working full time. However in her conversation back at the coffee shop, it was made clear there were some other dealings still going on. Eventually after pleasantries, Jane sat up and asked the question:

J - "So what happened? What made them come ransack the old place?"

E - "I'm still sorry about supplier and I were meeting up and he jacked up his cost on me, and we were already strapped. So when he wasn't looking it just so happened a couple credit cards fell out of his wallet and into mine. There were other things too, my cuts getting smaller, bad deals, it wasn't a good partnership. I bought what I wanted before it was all cancelled, but I managed to stash a lot of it away." As she said that last line, she held her arms out and flaunted her new things. "I made some cash advances too from them for a rainy day."

Jane stifled the urge to call her friend and idiot and replied.

J - " I still wish you6d have just found a more honest way. Considering I had to pay in a way too."

E - " Well for what it's worth, I'm sorry." She looked down at her drink and slyly looked back up at Jane. "You did look really cute tied up like that though."

J - "It's alright, and thanks. Granted that was a first for me to be tied by someone else that well, and truthfully, he was polite about it. Still hasn't ruined my love for tie ups though....have you ever been tied Em?"

E - "Once or twice. But nothing like how you were. It's been on the list but my ex wasn't that adventurous."

J -"Tell you what, I actually did some shopping for myself on my way over, but if you wanted to try?"

E - "I looked like fun. Sure. I've no where to be! How do you want to do it? What did you buy?"

J - "Some new rope and some bondage tape. A gag or two as well. Go put on something comfy and we'll have a go!"

Emily left the room to change, and Jane pulled out her phone to answer some texts and grabbed her bag and layed out the things she had. She sat for a moment and Emily returned wearing soccer shorts, a black tank top as well as the high knee socks she was wearing prior.

J -"Alright Em, I grabbed a kitchen chair for you, since you said the way I was looked fun, we'll use that."

E -"Uhm...sure, but one thing. This is just for fun so I don't think I'll need the vibrator."

J -"Hey, your choice, but fair enough."

Emily sat, the chair, unlike Jane's desk chair, didn't have arms. It was wooden, no arms, the back was high enough to rest her head on, and the four legs were all connected with cross beams. Jane was feeling hasty. 'So close...soon I'll get what I want and so will he.'

J -" Ready? We'll use the rope, and start with the wrists. If you'd be so kind as to put them behind your back, not around, go through the back of the chair." Emily complied and she got to work.

E -"Not too tight okay, and if it's alright could I try that gag to?" She motioned with her chin towards the new pink ball gag on the couch." From behind the chair Jane grinned maliciously.

J -"Of course, I've got another thought too for a gag if you want as well." The rope went around Emily's wrists and was cinched, the extra length going to the chair back and attaching her wrists to it. "Give it a wiggle, how does that feel?" Emily twisted her wrists but the rope held.

E -"Its good, snug but I think it's alright." As she spoke, Jane was already taking Emily's right ankle and pulling it back to the rear leg of the chair. She securely tied both ankles to the respective legs, spreading them at the front. "Feels kind of revealing doesn't it? But its alright."

J -"You'll get cozy, I've got more work to do though so..." Jane crossed and grabbed the gag. "Let's give it a shot until I'm done and then we'll see if you like it." She walked around her redheaded friend and slipped the ball between her lips, and buckled it in. "Shouldn't be too tight, and it looks good!"

E -"Phhnnk ooo."

J -"You're welcome, it's a bit smaller than my other one, which is why you can make a bit more noise than I could." Jane got a long piece now and began to wrap it around Emily's elbows, after a few rounds she brought it through the chair back and around her, below her breasts a couple times, and then around the top the next few, before knotting it behind the chair. Another piece went around her waist, securing her to the chair, and the final two pieces at the knees, ensuring her legs stayed in place. "Alright, I'll give you a little bit to see if you can get out. To sweeten the deal, if you can (Jane was sure she wouldn't) I'll let you do me next."

Emily began to wiggle. Her legs not moving much, the chest ropes kept her firmly seated and her wrists were fully immobilized. A few small grunts into her gag as the tested each rope.

J -"Oh, one more thing." Jane walked back to her bag and pulled out a scarf. "If I couldn't see, then you can't either." Emily seemed a little reluctant, but sat still as Jane pulled it over her eyes and tied a tight blindfold. "Well, I'll let you try to escape. I'm just going to grab a drink." And with that Emily sat still for a moment. She was taking in the new sensation of being restrained, and she rather enjoyed it. She began to tug at the bonds, all the ropes being tested, but unyielding. She tried with a more modest effort but was still stuck. She heard Jane grab a glass, then she began to give it her all. Even with the ball gag she was quite audible. Moaning, grunting and cursing. She heard Jane walk back from the other room.

J -"Even with that thing you're so loud...let's try this." She went around and unbuckled the ballgag from Emily and gave her a second to relax her jaw.

E -"I don't know about getting out though, you might win this one."

J -"You've got some time still. Open up though and we'll try a better gag." Emily complied as she felt something being crammed into her mouth, some sort of...cloth? Her cheeks bulged a bit, and then something was wrapped around her head a few times, holding in said packing. It was definitely tighter than the ball, and not much noise could come out either.

J - "There yah go. The bondage tape is perfect for a good gag, and the couple pairs of your underwear fit in there perfectly too!

E - "MmmPHRrr!" Emily shook her head back and forth and began to struggle. She wasn't a big fan of being told her underwear was what the stuffing was.

J - "You enjoy that, I'm going to use the restroom and we'll see how long it takes to get out, I might bother you along the way." With that Jane walked passed, as she did she reached out and pinched her bound friend's left nipple, causing her to yelp into the gag and struggle.

A minute or two went by and Emily heard a click, not from the direction of the bathroom though, which gave her pause. Then...footsteps? They seemed to come from the entrance to the apartment, which didn't make sense, unless Jane stepped our for a second. She heard the steps stop, a small chuckle, and a man's voice.

"This is the first thing I see? Perfect."

Emily's eye budged under her blindfold and she tried ten fold to free herself. Her gag keeping her silent and the ropes holding her to the chair.

"I hear someone else here too, you hang tight, I'm going to take a look."
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome and Cool chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by slackywacky »

Great chapter again. Looking forward to the next one.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Skizzo »

Thanks folks! Once I get more downtime or a day where I just want to neglect my work, I'll post the rest.
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Post by Guy_Loves_bondage »

Where's the next part?
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