Summer camp (mmmmM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good continuation! Jeremy is a real piece of work :)
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Post by Mask6190 »

Keep up the good work! This story is getting good!
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Post by slackywacky »

Escape and recapture

Slowly Sam woke up when somebody pushed her. It took her a moment to figure out where she was and why she was tied up, but memories flooded back. She looked around and saw it was Caitlin pushing her.

“Hmmpppfffff.” The young woman, restrained similarly to Sam, indicated with her head that something was going on outside of the jail building.

Samantha looked around and noticed that several of the cowboys had gathered just outside the prison building. Somebody opened the door and pushed a young woman dressed in native gear, into the room, before closing the door again. The girl was one of the kids in the Indian camp and Sam remembered seeing her earlier, when she was held captive by the them.

“Hmmpppfffff?” She asked, but unfortunately the gags worked well.

The girl just shrugged and did not bother to reply, as she was similarly bound and gagged as Sam and Caitlin, except for her ankles. Her hands were tied behind her back and ropes were tightly wrapped around her upper body. At least with her ankles not tied, she had a little more movement.

“That’s what you get for trying to help the prisoners escape.” One of the kids on the outside of the prison building said.

At least it explained to Sam and Caitlin what was going on. Why she had tried to help them escape, even when they did not try themselves, was another story, but one that had to wait, as they were all gagged.

“We’ll tell your camp leaders where you are, but don’t expect us to let you go anytime soon.” One of the boys said, before they all left, leaving the three females in the prison building alone again.

The new girl walked around the room, looking outside, and once she was satisfied that all kids had left, and they were alone again, she sat down behind Caitlin. She pushed her back to Caitlin’s back and Caitlin felt how fingers were trying to find the knots that held her captive. Twisting her body, made it easier for the girl to get to the knots and it took a while, but suddenly Caitlin felt the ropes around her wrists loosen. Once her wrists were no longer tightly wrapped, she managed to get the ropes off her wrists and with her wrists free, the ropes around her upper body were soon all removed.

“That feels better.” Caitlin said softly, when she pulled the gag out of her mouth. “Thank you.”

The girl nodded and waited for Caitlin to undo the ropes from her ankles, after which she undid the gag that silenced the 12-year-old.

“Funny how we never thought about trying to escape.” Caitlin said to a still tightly tied and gagged Sam.

Sam just nodded. She had been content just resting, as she had been tied up for a long time, but now that escape was imminent, she wouldn’t mind getting untied.

“Why did you come to rescue us?” Caitlin asked.

“It seemed like fun. I figured that if I got captured, I might still be able to help you escape. It was a shame one of the cowboys noticed me when I tried to get close. I am Wendy. According to my brothers I am good at escaping, they could never tie me up for real.”

“Nice to meet you Wendy.” Caitlin said, while trying to undo Sam’s gag, which took some effort, as the knot was tight.

Wendy worked on Sam’s ankles and it did not take long before Sam was free for the first time in many hours.

“Wow, that feels great.” She said, moving her arms and legs to regain some motion after being tied for so long.

“We should get out of here, before they see us.” Wendy said, looking out through the barred prison windows. ‘It seems they are all working on lunch and ignoring us.”

Wendy tried to reach the garden fence lock on the door, but her arms were not long enough, but luckily Caitlin was able to reach it and the door opened. The three females snug out of prison, leaving the ropes and gags on the floor in the prison, and walked behind the building. They had to cross some open space to get to the cover of trees and bushes, but with everybody focused on lunch, they managed to get away unnoticed.

“I need a bathroom.” Sam said to the others. “I’ll head there first. Where are you going?”

“I’ll head back to the Indians.” Wendy said.

“And I’ll head back to the Cowboys, once I have a change of clothes.” Caitlin added.

“Okay, I’ll see you guys later then.” Sam said, walking away towards the washrooms.

The building was deserted, and Sam did what she so desperately needed to do. When she was washing her hands, she heard a noise outside, and when she walked outside to investigate, she found four boys standing in front of her, their guns pointed at her. She recognized all four of them, as they had been part of the kids that had captured her the first time around.

“Looks like we have found our prisoner, again.” Derick said, as he was part of the group, the others being Jeff, Josh and Kevin.

“When we came to check up on our prisoners, they had escaped, but we figured you would head for the bathrooms first and we would be able to recapture you. The others were fun to have as prisoners, but you were the one we really want.”

Sam sighed and raised her hands.

“Can’t we continue this another time, we still have 5 days of camp. I need some rest. How about we meet up later today?” She pleaded.

“How about you turn around and put your hands behind your back?” Derick said.

Sam could see that the boys had brought all the ropes and gags the females had left in the prison building when they escaped. She sighed and resigned to the fact that she would be a prisoner once again. Turning around she crossed her wrists behind her back, but when she felt how Derick moved them to be palm to palm, she knew her bondage was going to be tight.

“We’ll make sure you won’t get away a third time.” He said.

Without any hesitation, Sam’s wrists got tightly bound behind her back again. She felt how they tied several knots, making it harder to escape. Her elbows were next and as before, Derick pulled on the rope until they touched.

“Ouch. Does it have to be this tight?”

“Prisoners should be quiet.” Josh said and before she could say another word, one of the rags was pushed into her mouth and a familiar necker was used to keep it in place.

Sam tried to move the wad filling her mouth around a little, but Josh had tied it tight and the corners of her mouth were pulled back, making adjusting the rag in her mouth virtual impossible.

“Hmmpppfffff.” Samantha grunted, slightly angry.

Jeff and Derick wrapped a rope around her upper body, below and above her breasts, incorporating the ropes around her elbows, making it so tight, Sam had to concentrate on breathing. Another rope was tied around her waist, including her wrists, and Sam knew she was as helpless as she had ever been.

“What are we going to do with her? Put her back into the prison building?” Kevin asked.

“No, they would just let her go a little later today. I think we should hide her so that we can keep her prisoner as long as we want.” Derick said.

Samantha shook her head, she did not want to be a prisoner that long. In the last 24 hours she had been bound and gagged for at least 20 of them. But it was clear from Derick’s reaction that he thought about it differently.

“We’ll keep her near the tree we had her tied to the first day. Nobody ever goes into that corner of the camp, so we should be good. We’ll get her some food and water occasionally, but she will be kept bound and gagged at all times, we don’t want her to escape again.”

The boys tied a rag over her eyes, blindfolding her. As they had done before, a rope was tied above her knees, forcing her to make small steps, when they led her away from the bathrooms towards the outer edges of the camp ground. They encountered nobody during their slow walk. Sam grunted occasionally in her gag when the ground was uneven and she had difficulty maintaining her balance, as she could not see and had to rely on the boys guiding her. It made her feel even more helpless.

“Is this the place?” She heard Kevin ask.

“Yes, but I think we can move a little further towards the outside fence.” Derick replied.

Slowly they guided Sam towards where they wanted her to be.

“This is perfect.” Derick said, although Sam had no idea what he meant, as she could not see. “We’ll keep her between these two trunks, that way she will stay put.”

Whatever was said made no sense to Sam until she felt ropes being tied to the ropes around her upper body. She felt herself being tied between two objects, ropes running from the objects to the ropes holding her prisoner. More ropes were tied from her waist to the objects and soon she could not move in any direction. The ropes tied to the objects, she suspected they were trees, kept her from moving.

“Untie her legs.” Derick said.

The question as to what they were up to, while she felt the rope above her knees being undone, got answered very quickly when she felt a rope being tied around her left ankle and another around her right ankle. Suddenly her legs were pulled apart. She lost her balance, but the ropes tied to her upper body kept her from falling and with her legs being pulled further and further apart, she hung in the ropes that were tied to her torso.

“Hmmmppppppffffff.” She exclaimed, but was ignored.

With her legs barely touching the ground and just over 2 feet apart, her situation suddenly had become more strenuous. She felt more ropes being tied between the trees and her legs, both at ankles and at knee. More ropes were added around her waist, some running between her legs, and when she thought they were finally done, she was almost completely hanging in midair, only held up by ropes.

“Hmmpppfff hmmpppfffff.” She tried, but again she was ignored.

“Maybe we should gag her even better.” Josh offered.

“Sounds good to me.’ Derick said.

The bandana that had been Sam’s blindfold and Caitlin’s gag, was wrapped around her head, on top of the current gag, muting her sounds even more. To test the gag, Josh tickled Sam. Her screams could hardly be heard.

“That sounds great. I don’t think anybody will hear her, unless they are really close.” Kevin said.

For the first time, Sam was afraid. Maybe this getting tied up thing had gone a little too far. There was no way she could endure this position for very long, but the boys seem to completely ignore her. Even worse, she could hear them talk about packing up, so she started to shake her head and making pleading sounds in her gag, but as before, nobody reacted.

“Let’s go boys. We can leave all the other stuff here. We’ll come back after dinner and check on her.” Derick said.

“Don’t go anywhere.” He told Sam, who started to plea even more.

She heard them laugh and slowly the sounds disappeared and all she could hear was nature. Helpless she hung in her bondage, unable to move more than her fingers, toes or head.

“Some fine mess you got yourself into, dear.” She said to herself, cursing the fact that she had let them tie her up again.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good! But honestly I think it is time for Jeremy to end this "game" - this is not fun for Sam anymore. And Derick has deserved some punishment. Devious little brat. And Sam deserves a Knight in shining armour :)
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Post by BindPam »

I am wondering how all this will end...or if the attitude of the girls will change? Or if the boys will admit to themselves it's more than fun and games for them?
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Post by Caesar73 »

I'm looking forward to the further trials and tribulations of Sam 😁
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago I'm looking forward to the further trials and tribulations of Sam 😁
Your wish is my command :-)
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

To the rescue
“Have you seen Samantha?” Caitlin asked Jeremy, when they were meeting up for a smoke behind the woodshed again.

“Not since she was locked up with you in the jail.” He answered.

“Yes, when we escaped from the jail she went to the bathroom. That was the last time I saw her. Maybe she went for a nap, I know she had been tied up for a long time. I’ll go check the rooms once I finish this cigarette.”

Jeremy nodded in agreement. They finished their brake with a long kiss, before walking back to the leader buildings. Caitlin checked the inside, but found Sam’s bed unused. She walked back outside to where Jeremy was waiting.

“Her bed is still made up, I don’t think she made it here.” Caitlin told Jeremy.

“Let’s check the camps.” Jeremy said and they walked over to the Indian camp.

Once they made sure Sam was not at the camp, they walked to the cowboy camp. Sam was not there either and nobody had seen her since she was locked up in jail. Just as they were about to check the other buildings, they saw four boys come out of the woods and head to the main cowboy area.

“Isn’t that the kid that was organizing the capture of Sam and I, when we came from the Indian camp?” Caitlin asked Jeremy.

“That is Derick, he is a bit of a trouble maker and I would not be surprised if he is involved in Samantha’s disappearance. Let’s ask.”

They walked over to the four boys, who were helping with the chores that needed doing.

“Have you guys seen Samantha, the blond that was captured earlier today and locked up in the jail with me?” Caitlin asked.

The boys looked at each other before Derick answered.

“No, not since she was in the jail.” He said.

“Are you sure?” Jeremy asked.

“Yes, sir.” The boys confirmed.

“Okay. If you see her, let me know.” Jeremy said.

Caitlin and Jeremy walked away, but when Caitlin looked back, she could see the boys talking to each other.

“I think they know something they did not tell us.” She said to Jeremy.

“They were acting a little weird. And did you notice that they all looked at Derick when we asked about Samantha?”

“I’ll keep an eye on them.” Caitlin said, as she was scheduled to supervise the kids during dinner.

Dinner was uneventful for all involved parties. Derick and his gang were behaving nicely, Jeremy was on duty at the entrance of the camp, Wendy sat at one of the tables talking to her friends, Caitlin was busy with the food and keeping an eye on Derick, and Sam was still tightly tied in between the two trees. She was the worst off from all of them. The ropes binding her were tight and cut into her body and with her legs spread wide, she was tiring very quickly. She couldn’t fall, the ropes tied to the trees would keep her up, but it was anything but comfortable.

“Hmmpppfff, hmmppfff, hmmpppfffff.” She muttered in her gag.

She had cried, but with nobody around, there had been no relief. Her arms and hands had gone numb again and the strain of the position was hurting her leg muscles. Bugs were attacking her again and she had a few spots that were itching like mad, but she could not do anything about it.

“Are we going to our prisoner after dinner?” Josh asked, while sitting at the dining tables in the Cowboy camp.

“Hush be quiet. I think the leaders are on to us. Caitlin is constantly looking at us.” Derick said.

“I think she and Jeremy are working together.” Jeff said quietly.

“Maybe we can capture Caitlin too, that will keep her out of the way.” Derick suggested. “Do we still have some rope?”

“There is still some left in the jail.” Josh said, glancing at Caitlin.

When dinner was over, Derick made a bit of a show of helping with the dishes, while Josh ran to the jail to retrieve the ropes that were left. When he was back, he nodded to Derick, who looked as to where Caitlin was and when she turned around for something, the four boys sneaked out of the camp. It took a few minutes before Caitlin noticed.

“Did anybody see Derick?” She asked.

Some of the kids pointed her to where Derick and the others had sneaked off to and she untied the apron she had been wearing for dinner service and followed them in the same direction. She figured the boys had a decent head start, so she wasn’t too careful in following them, she needed to catch up to them, so she could see where they were heading. She did not see the boys, but a trail was visible in between the trees and she figured they had used that, as there were fresh shoe prints on the ground. Soon she was out of reach of the cowboy camp and surrounded by trees. She still had not seen the boys ahead of her, until she entered a small clearing and Derick stood at the other side, looking at her.

“What have you done with Samantha?” She demanded.

He laughed at her.

“The same as we are going to do to you, keeping you prisoner. Nobody knows where you went, so you made it really easy for us.”

“I am not going to let you tie me up.” She stated, a little nervous, as she was not very tall or strong.

Derick laughed again.

“And who said we give you an option? Grab her, boys.”

Three boys ran from their cover behind the trees and tackled Caitlin.

“Ugh.” She exclaimed when they pushed her onto the ground.

Derick also got involved, while some of the boys were sitting on her, keeping her down. Quickly her hands were tied behind her back, crossed at the wrists, before Caitlin had a chance to react. She wanted to shout, but when she opened her mouth, a rag was pushed into her open mouth.

“Hmmppfff.” She grunted, while a rope was wrapped around her head, between her lips, keeping the rag in her mouth.

The boys tied her ankles and then tightly hogtied her, her hands touching her shoes.

“That should keep her.” Josh said, looking at the struggling woman on the floor.

Derick bent down and kneeled next to her head.

“You should have stayed out of this and you would have been left alone. Now we’ll just keep the two of you as our prisoners.”

Caitlin felt dread when he told her that Sam was their prisoner. She had suspected as such, hence the reason she followed them, but she did not have confirmation until now.

“Hmmmppppppffffff.” She tried to say something, but the gag did its job and muffled her speech.

“Let’s get her to the other one.” Derick said.

Caitlin expected to have her feet untied, but instead the four boys lifted her up and carried her, still hogtied. Luckily, they did not have far to go, as it was not very pleasant being hogtied and carried. When Caitlin saw how Samantha was tied, she started to complain and curse into her gag. The boys gently put her down, to her surprise, and she could look at the extreme rope work on Sam. She could see Samantha had heard them, as she was moving her head around, trying to determine what was going on, while still blindfolded. Derick walked up behind her and untied the knot of the rag that kept her blindfolded. She had to blink against the bright light, even though it was evening.

“Hmmmppppppffffff.” She tried to speak when she saw Caitlin lying hogtied on the floor.

“Be quiet.” Derick told her and Sam settled down.

“I assume you would like to get untied?” He asked Sam, who just nodded.

The boys worked together, releasing all the ropes that held Sam in the spread position, but not untying any of the ropes that were wrapped around her body. At least she was able to close her legs again, standing shakily, while one of the boys held on to her, supporting her.

“We’ll have to make you comfortable for the night.” Derick told them.

“We won’t be able to come until the morning. We brought some food and water. Are you giving us trouble when we take your gag out?” He asked Samantha.

She shook her head, she really wanted some food and a drink, and she kept her word when they took the gag out. She got fed by Jeff, while the others untied Caitlin’s hogtie. They lifted Caitlin up and pushed her with her back against a tree in a sitting position, legs stretched out in front of her. Without untying her hands, they used ropes to tie her upper body against the tree. Caitlin knew she would not be going anywhere, but at least the position was one she could endure for a while, compared to the way they had tied Sam before she was captured.

“Hmmpppfffff.” She mumbled in her gag.

She pointed her head at the water bottle, but was ignored. Jeff fed Samantha some bread and some water, before he picked up the gag again. Sam sighed but opened her mouth and let herself be gagged again. She knew that resisting them would only cause more issues.

“We’ll tie her to the tree across from Caitlin.” Derick told them.

A short time later, Samantha was just like Caitlin, sitting tied to the tree. Her arms and wrists were still tightly tied and numb. Her legs had been tied at her ankles, just as Caitlin, but no ropes had been applied to their knees.

“We’ll be back in the morning. Don’t do anything stupid.”

The boys checked the women’s gag and bonds one more time, before walking away. To Sam’s delight, they did not blindfold either woman, but she still knew it would be a long night, sitting tightly tied against the tree. She could see that Caitlin knew they would not get out on their own, and both women settled in, waiting for things to come.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Solarbeast »

I’m glad you decided to keep the women tied up. Yet again nice continuation on this story as well as your other story.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Caitlin got herself into trouble too - at least Sam has some Company now :) I wonder, when Jeremy will realize that Caitlin and Sam are missing. Time for the knight rescuing the damsels in distress :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Caitlin and Sam together in trouble.... ) I'm curious what happens next :)
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Post by Emma »

And the plot thickens......
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by brashieel »

Wow. Great story so far. Thanks for sharing it!
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Post by slackywacky »

Lost and found

“Nothing to report, no visitors.” Jeremy said to the person who was replacing him.

He looked at his watch, it was just after nine in the evening and he was off-duty for the next twelve hours. Checking his phone, he was surprised there were no messages from Caitlin. They agreed to meet behind the wood shed again for smokes when his duty finished, but she had not texted him.

“I wonder where she is?” He said to himself, while walking to the wood shed, using his flashlight to see where he was going.

However, there was nobody waiting for him. He texted her, but there was no reply. He knew she was keeping an eye on Derick when he had left for his guard duty at the entrance, but had not heard from her since, which was weird, as she would constantly text him. Walking over to the cowboy camp, to check if she was there, he considered asking Derick if he had seen her. Although he suspected he might not get a straight answer. Derick was in his cabin, with most of the others, when Jeremy walked in.

“Derick, where is Caitlin?” He asked the boy.

He could see a smug smile on Derick’s face, before he replied.

“I have no clue. Isn’t she with Samantha?”

“Neither Samantha, nor Caitlin have been seen for a while. I suspect you know more than you let on. We’ll pay a little visit to the camp leader. Let’s go.”

Together, although Derick was not very willing, they walked towards the cabin that housed the camp leader. However, before they got there, Derick made a run for it and left Jeremy standing alone.

“Come back here.” Jeremy called out, but Derick did not respond and disappeared between the trees.

Jeremy tried to follow, but in the dark it was virtual impossible to see where Derick went and Jeremy had to give up. Using his flashlight, he walked back to camp and found the others that belonged to the group that always hung around Derick.

“Who is going to tell me where Caitlin and Samantha are?” He asked them.

The kids had been ready to go to bed, but Jeremy had gotten them out of the building and was standing on the front porch of their sleep building. None of the kids was eager to give him an answer, so he had to press them a little.

“I’ll be calling the police and report them missing, giving your names as possible suspects. Is that really what you want?”

He could see that Josh and Jeff were not impressed with the threat, but Martin seemed less confident. Jeremy decided to take Martin aside and send Jeff and Josh back inside. When questioned more directly, Martin caved and told Jeremy of what they had done. Unfortunately, Martin had not paid much attention to where they went, as he was just following the group, so he could not tell Jeremy exactly where the girls were. But he did give a general direction and told Jeremy it was close to the fence that ran around the property.

“Head to bed. Don’t talk to Josh or Jeff. I’ll tell the other leaders to keep an eye on you.”

Martin was clearly relieved he would be watched, as he did not want to be seen as a traitor in the group, but he also didn’t want to go along anymore with what Derick had been doing. Jeremy talked to the other camp staff about Martin and what he was going to do, before walking out of the camp in the general directions of where the girls should be. It took him a good half hour before he discovered some tracks that indicated people had been coming by there.

“Caitlin? Samantha?” He called out.

There was no reply. He followed the tracks as well as he could, they were not very easy to follow, and ended up at the location, although he was not aware of it, where Sam had been tied to the tree the first time during camp. Nobody was there, but he could see that there was a lot of disturbed earth around the lone tree, but no indication as to where the girls could be.

“Caitlin? Samantha?” He called out again.

He listened and thought he heard a faint noise. He called out again and now he was sure he heard the noise again. It came from his left and he walked in that direction, calling out again. The noise was getting a little louder and he didn’t have to call out again, as the noise did not stop. Carefully he walked through the darkness, shining his flashlight ahead of him. The sound became louder and suddenly he was in a small clearing and he saw Caitlin sitting against a tree.

“Are you okay?” He asked, rushing over to her.

“Hmmmppppppffffffffff.” She replied, looking very happy to see him.

With some difficulty he undid the gag.

“Thank god you are here. I thought we had to spend the night here.” Caitlin said once her mouth worked normally again.

“Where is Samantha?” Jeremy asked.

“Derick came back a short while ago and untied her from the tree across from me and took her away. I don’t know where he went. He was not happy.” She replied.

“That was because I called him out, but he got away.”

He used his knife to cut the ropes holding Caitlin prisoner.

“Thank you.” She said, being able to move her arms again for the first time in a few hours. “They tied us very tight, we would never have gotten free without help.”

“Any idea where he might have taken her?” He asked Caitlin again.

“They went to the left, that is all I can tell you. She was still bound and gagged. He just untied her from the tree and untied her ankles, before he dragged her along. That kid has some serious issues.”

“He will now. This game went too far. I am sorry I got you involved, but I did not know this was going to happen.”

“No worries.” She said, getting up as Jeremy had removed the last rope.

She turned towards him, slung her arms around his neck and kissed him.

“Thank you for being my knight in shining armor.” She said to him.

“Now we have to find Samantha.” He said.

They checked the ground to see if they could determine which way they had gone. Caitlin noticed a trail, it looked like somebody was dragging their feet and it left a trail that was not too hard to follow.

“Samantha must have done that.” Caitlin said and Jeremy agreed.

They followed the trail, which occasionally disappeared, most likely because Sam was not able to drag her feet, but always continued a little further on. The trail led to the outside fence. The fence was just a 5 feet high welded wire mesh fence, nothing fancy with posts every few yards. The trail followed the fence. Suddenly Jeremy raised his hand and indicated to Caitlin that she should be quiet.

“Look, a light.” He whispered.

Ahead of them a flashlight shone. Quietly they got closer to the light and when they were close enough, they could see Derick and Samantha. They sneaked closer, as quietly as they could, but it looked like Derick was not paying attention. He seemed angry.

“It will be a while before they find you here.” He said to Sam, who was sitting with her back to a fence post, while he tied a rope around her and the post. “I am in enough trouble as it is now, and I know Jeremy knows that we kidnapped you and Caitlin. The game got a little out of hand and we thought we could get away with what we did, but we were wrong.”

“Hmmpppfffff.” Sam said in her gag.

“If they don’t find you in the morning, I will tell them where you are when they kick me out. Maybe I am lucky and the police will not get involved, but I suspect that will not be the case. The feeling of having you at our mercy was too good to be true.”

Jeremy and Caitlin listened while Derick was talking to Samantha. He was done with tying her and just stood there talking. He looked more like a frightened kid than the bully he played before.

“Anyway, I am sorry, but I cannot let you go yet, I need time to get my stuff and leave camp. My brother will pick me up soon. I have not told him what I did, but I suspect he will find out soon enough and tell my dad. I will probably be grounded for a long time.”

After checking her bonds, he walked away. Jeremy and Caitlin waited a little while. They did not want to confront Derick while being out here in the woods, as he might do something stupid, they figured dealing with it at the main camp was easier. Once they were sure he was gone, they headed over to Samantha.

“Hmmmppppppffffff.” She said, when she saw the two of them approach her.

“Jeremy found me and we followed your trail.” Caitlin said. “Are you okay?”

Sam nodded. Jeremy removed the rope holding her to the post, which had not been tied very tight and they helped Sam up. using his knife again, Jeremy cut the ropes holding Sam prisoner, while Caitlin undid the gag.

“Oh, that hurts.” Sam exclaimed when the blood rushed back into her arms and hands.

“You okay?” Jeremy asked.

“Yes, I am fine. Sore and tired from being bound this long, but happy to be out again. When I came to this camp I hoped to be kidnapped, but I did not think it would be this though.” She confessed.

“I am sorry I did what I did, which meant you were kept a lot longer tied than you could have.” Jeremy apologized.

“It was fine. My brother had warned me, and he was right, but it was still though. I am glad to be free. But, I think I do not want the police involved.”

“Why not?” Caitlin asked.

“I think Derick and the others will get enough trouble from their parents when we inform them, but I do not see a need to give them a record.”

“But they kidnapped you and Caitlin.” Jeremy said.

“I let myself get kidnapped, so I am partly to blame, and I apologize to you too, Caitlin, for getting you involved, but not all that happened was up to them.”

The others agreed that Sam was right. Jeremy had played a role in keeping them tied, which could not be blamed on Derick, and therefore they were partly to blame themselves.

“Let’s get to the camp buildings.” Sam said. “I need a bathroom and a bed.”

With those words they found their way back to the main camp. Jeremy informed the camp leader, who expelled the kids involved and informed their parents, and both Caitlin and Samantha went to bed, after a light meal and a warm shower.

“I hope I can get tied up again soon.” Sam thought, before falling asleep.

** The end (for now) **
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Great finish of a very good Story!! Good Work!
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Post by Mask6190 »

Well done!
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Post by zarquon »

Thank you! I loved this story!
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Post by slackywacky »

Thanks for the comments. When I have some time, I might continue this story, but it might take a few month. I have some other projects going on.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Solarbeast »

I'm glad you decided to continue this story from the first post in the contest, and I seemed to be the only one that wanted to see Sam's adventures continue for as long as they did. The story, as usual, was amazing and although I do want you to continue it, I am fine with waiting until you want to come back to this story as the most recent new story is starting out with the same amazing atmosphere that I love to read from your stories.
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Post by iliketights »

This was soooo good! I was feeling pretty sorry for Sam (did I read that she was tied up for something like 20 of the past 24 hours?). Still, I enjoyed this story a lot, and to think after all she's been through, she's still hoping to be tied up again soon! My kind of girl!
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Post by slackywacky »

I am publishing this story on DA for those interested. Once I am done with (one of) my main stories, I might continue this story.
Thanks for all that commented on this story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by laz »

great story, hasn't it been long enough for ** The end (for now) ** to be "the continuing exploits of Sam", I think this is a better story than All in the family
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Post by slackywacky »

laz wrote: 1 year ago great story, hasn't it been long enough for ** The end (for now) ** to be "the continuing exploits of Sam", I think this is a better story than All in the family
I am considering it, yes.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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