Ex-leech : 07 - Mrs. Mason get tied (fm/F)

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Ex-leech : 07 - Mrs. Mason get tied (fm/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Ex-leech 's stories
07 - Mrs. Mason get tied
Story index at the bottom

By Ex-leech

Tuesday January 18th 2000 06:11:39

Hello again,

It's been 7 or 8 months since I posted one of the stories in the saga of my teenage adventures with Nancy. I have seen a lot of new names since I last posted so this story is going to seem a little strange unless you've been introduced to the characters. Here's a list of the past stories (note from Canuck: list is at the bottom of this post) and where they are if you want to read them. I know I had to go over them again, to see what I wrote and which stories have yet to be posted.

Life for me has been quite busy and I forgot all about this story I was working on. Sorry for leaving you hanging like that. If it weren't for someone reading the archives and asking me questions about it I probably would never have remembered. So here's is another installment. Hope you enjoy it.

Nancy and I were playing a game one summer day during the year when all the neighbor kids were playing the Game. We had decided today that we would take a break from the neighborhood Game, and without us nothing usually happened. Today we were at the table, and Mrs. Mason was working really hard trying to clean up the house. I don't know why I said it but Nancy sure was shocked.

"Mrs. Mason, could we tie you up sometime." I said while Nancy's jaw hit the table.

Mrs. Mason, calmly turned around with a smile on her face and said, "You know the deal, if you and Nancy can escape from one of my tie-ups than you can tie me up."

My last experience with Mrs. Mason told me that Nancy and I would never escape from her tie-ups so I tried a different plan. "What if we were to tie you up, and then while you try to escape we would finish vacuuming the house and cleaning up everything," I asked.

Mrs. Mason began to think and Nancy began to choke.

"You've got yourself a deal, but to make it more interesting, if I escape you have to clean and vacuum the house next week too." Mrs. Mason declared.

"Why don't you go get ready and I will talk to Nancy to figure out what we want to do." I said.

Nancy's face was a mixture of anger, excitement and embarrassment, "What are you doing, getting us saddled with housework like that."

"Oh come on, isn't it worth it for a chance to get your Mom back for what she did to us in the mountains."

"I don't know, I really hate housework and I am not sure it's worth it, " she said.

"Oh come on, do it for me. I'll owe you one," I begged.

She got a familiar gleam in her eye, and I nearly changed my mind but the thought of tying up Mrs. Mason quickly changed any doubts I had.

"Ok, you owe me one, how do you want to do it."

"Well, unless you want to clean house next weekend we better to a real good job."

"That's for sure," Nancy agreed.

"I'll get the chest, and we'll do it in your Mom and Dad's room so she won't feel too exposed."

"Sounds good, I'll go see what she's doing." Nancy said. "Bring the chest upstairs."

I ran downstairs to get our chest full of ropes and stuff. When I got to the bedroom Nancy and her Mom were both talking. Mrs. Mason had changed into black lycra leggings and a too-big red sweat shirt. Nancy was asking what all had to be done to finish cleaning the house.

"Ok where do you want me?" Mrs. Mason said, "and Nancy, makes sure he keeps his hands to himself, I know you teenage boys."

I probably turned three shades of red and both Nancy and her Mom laughed.

We decided that she would be most comfortable lying on the bed. Nancy's parents had a iron framed canopy bed that was really sturdy which created many points that we could use to tie her up. I was really concerned that we do a good enough job that she would never be able to get out without help. I mean after all I wasn't too crazy about having to clean up the entire house again.

First we decided to use a spread eagle that was not uncomfortably tight, we would take the slack out later. Nancy and I each took a side I tied one of her feet to the King size bed and Nancy tied the other. The black leggings she was wearing were like hosiery in that they covered her feet but they were thick and opaque. The bed was so wide that when we were done her legs formed probably a 60 to 70 degree angle. She didn't indicate any kind of discomfort. We were using long strips of soft cloth and practiced enough to know exactly how tight to tie the bonds without cutting off her circulation.

Next we moved to her hands. Pushing the sleeves of her sweatshirt back revealed a tight red sleeve that probably belonged to a leotard that she was wearing underneath. We were smart enough to wrap her hands several times but we knotted it near the bottom of the bed rail where she would never be able to get to it. I then went to the chest to get the making for a gag and when I turned around I noticed that with her legs spread the large sweatshirt had moved up her thighs revealing that she was indeed wearing a red leotard beneath it. Little sweat beads of sweat formed across my forehead watching her test the bonds. "Open wide," I said.

"I don't suppose there is anyway I could convince you to not gag me," she asked.

"Well we really wouldn't be tying you up unless you were gagged. I mean after all you gagged us in the mountains right."

"Ok," she said as she opened her mouth to accept the large wad of silk scarves I had in my hand.

Nancy was waiting behind me with an ace bandage, which she wrapped around her head while I helped hold her head up.

As I mentioned before there was a bit of slack in all the ropes that led from her wrists and ankles to the bedposts. To remove this, we tied more cloth strips just below her knees and then tied that rope to her elbows forcing her to bend both her elbow and knee joints, which removed the slack. It also had the duel effect of forcing her to split her legs even more since her knees were now bent towards her elbows.

At this point I suggested to Nancy that we inspect each other's knots before proceeding just so we don't miss anything. We switched sides of the bed and looked carefully at each other's knotting technique. There were a few minor adjustments but overall we were both pretty confident that she would not be able to get out of them, but we weren't finished.

The rope that was tied between her knees and her elbows was used as an attachment point for another rope, which we ran underneath the bed to the other side where we re-attached it to its twin on the other side of the bed. This pulled on that rope even tighter bringing her knees and elbows closer together and completely eliminating any movement since the ropes attached to the bed frame wouldn't allow her knees and elbows to bend any further.

We still weren't finished. We took a small nylon rope and tied it to each of her thumbs and fastened them to the bottom supports of the bed frame. Next we tied her index finger and her middle finger together and then tied her ring finger and her pinky finger together. We tied each set of fingers to a separate rung of the bed. The combined effect was that her fingers couldn't clasp or grab anything since they were anchored apart to different parts of the bed.

The finishing touches were a blindfold and a set of earplugs so she wouldn't be able to tell if we were actually cleaning the house or not.

She made quite a sight straining at the ropes. Her efforts didn't change her position even the littlest bit and Nancy and I left the room to go clean the house. We spent the next few hours cleaning the house. Nancy would check on her Mom every once in a while, making sure she wasn't in any pain.

Once we were finished with the house Nancy had come up with an idea.

"Why don't we leave Mom like she is for Dad to discover?" Nancy said excitedly.

"I don't know, I got in trouble last time I left you tied for your parents to discover."

"Yeah, but this time we'll leave a note on the door telling him there is a surprise for his Birthday which is next month. And I'll call him to make sure he is coming home alone."

"Well as long as you tell your Mom it was your idea."

"Great I'll write the note and call Dad. I'll then have to go over to your house until Dad gets back. So why don't you call your family and see if I can come over."


Nancy's plan went off without a hitch and she stayed at my house until 9:00 pm.

"Call me and tell me what happened, I hope we don't get in trouble," I said as she left my house.

"Ok, see ya later. Remember you owe me one" Nancy said as she ran back home.

Great, I thought, she didn't forget about that little debt.

I'll let you know what happened in my next post. I hope it won't be another seven months.

Ex-leech 's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section