max cuff : 03 - Afternoon at the pool (m/f)

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max cuff : 03 - Afternoon at the pool (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

max cuff's stories
03 - Afternoon at the pool
Story index at the bottom

By max cuff

Wed Jul 07 14:11:14 1999

During middle school summer vacations, I used to do lawn work in the neighborhood. Big customers of mine were the Van Gorwickas. One day I was cleaning their empty pool. It was hot work scrubbing the concrete. I had removed my T-shirt and shoes, since It was early in the summer, I was wearing my blue Speedo swim trunks to get a tan going. I was lost in my work when Holly splashed me with one of the hoses.

"Hey, cut it out!" Although the cool water felt good, I continued my scrubbing. Soon, I could hear her padding down the concrete steps that were built into the shallow end. I turned around just in time as she blasted me again with the garden hose! Holly and I both laughed, we knew each other from school, and lived just a few houses apart.

"Hey, I said cut that out!" She just giggled, as she opened the valve at the end of the hose to squirt me again. I dropped my stuff and took a few steps and wrestled the hose from her, then gave her and her black one-piece swimsuit a good soaking!

"That's not fair, you're the pool boy!" She said between laughs. She looked around for another way to fight back, (I had the hose,) She reached up to the pool lip and pulled down the rope that was used to divide the deep end from the shallow.

I put the hose down, and smiled inwardly.

She rushed me, and reached for my wrists. Holly is in the same grade as me, but she was much more petite. Soon, not only had I wrestled the rope from her, but I was now tying her wrists behind her back. She continued to struggle and giggle through the whole thing.

"That's not to tight is it?"

"It's tight enough!" She said still laughing as she continued to twist and squirm.

"Y'know," Holly said as she continued to struggle, "There still is a lot of rope here." As I watcher her jet black hair flip from side to side, and her twist her body this way and that to try and get free, my mind raced. I think she knew that 'cause Holly's green eyes were simply ablaze.
I walked around her, surveying the scene. Then I grabbed her shoulders and gently laid her down on her back. I straightened out the rest of the rope and looped it around her gorgeous knees. Once they were secure I took the rest and bound her slender ankles together. I stood up to survey my handiwork.

Holly continued to struggle, then began rolling around on the smooth concrete. She was really enjoying this. Then she made a request;
"Can you pull that towel over her, the concrete is hard on my arms." I straightend out a large towel I had, and placed it, then her on the gentle incline of the pool. (The incline that goes from the deep end to the shallow end.) She just lay there and struggled as the sun beat down.

"I like this, now I can get a tan."

"You're going to have funny tan lines." I commented. She seemed to blush, but kept on trying to get free. I continued to check her bonds, and asked her if everything was okay.

"Don't be such a spoilsport!" She chastised. "Evil villains aren't supposed to care about their victims."
(Oh happy day! I thought to myself.)

I got a wry smile on my face, and picked up the hose.

"Don't you dare!" Holly shrieked. I paused for a second, or two, before I sprayed her with the hose. This brought out more giggles followed by shrieks of laughter. I sprayed the bottoms of her feet, as well as her sides. Holly seemed to really enjoy what was going on. (I know I did!) Anyway...

"So," I began as I twirled an imaginary mustache, "I want to know where the pool chemicals are stored!?"

"What?" I sprayed her again. "I don't know where the pool chemicals are stored you fiend!" She said through fits of laughter. She continued to struggle. Holly was quite a sight as her now soaked swimsuit clung to her body. I decided to spray her some more. "Perhaps I should leave the hose on," I said in my best evil voice, "As the water rises perhaps your memory will return?" I sprayed her feet again for good measure.

It was then that both of us heard the back door slam shut.

"Holly, you out here?" It was Cindy, Holly's older sister.

"I'm saved!" Holly said as the giggles subsided. Peering over the edge of the pool Cindy surveyed the situation. "You guys okay down there?"

"Yes." We both replied. (My heart sank.) Cindy had just come back from track practice and was still in her running shorts and sleeveless top. Holly then gave me an idea.

"Spray her with the hose." She said lightly. I did, but missed. Cindy was too quick. "Try again." Holly encouraged. "This is my immobilizing ray!" I shouted up at Cindy. I sprayed again and got her right in the stomach. She was drenched. Cindy, liked her sister, squealed with laughter as the water sprayed over her.

"More like a tickle ray." Cindy observed. "I have to get changed." An idea shot into my head. I grabbed the wet blanket that holly was on, and pulled it up to the shallow end. I then went to there storage shed and grabbed more rope.

I found some more rope, and went back over to Holly. I then pulled her over to the foot of the concrete steps that led into the pool. I took a length of rope, and wraped it around her waist sever times. Then I wrapped it around the stainless steel railing, and back around Holly. Tying the whole thing off around her shoulders.

"Don't go anywhere."

I then went back up into the shed, grabbed more rope, and waited for cindy to come out of the house.

max cuff's stories
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Post by redlukas »

Is there another chapter to this story?
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Post by Canuck100 »

redlukas wrote: 3 years ago Is there another chapter to this story?
Everything I could find from this author has been published. The links are at the bottom of the story.
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