PH : 14 - The Summer Camp : The Treasure Hunt (ffmm/fm, mmff/f, mm/ff)

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PH : 14 - The Summer Camp : The Treasure Hunt (ffmm/fm, mmff/f, mm/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

PH's stories
14 - The Summer Camp : The Treasure Hunt
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Wed May 12 01:28:54 Västra Europa, sommartid 1999
The Summer Camp, chapter four
The Treasure Hunt, part I

On Saturday, the last weekend of our stay at the summer camp, the Big Treasure Hunt would take place. The Hunt would decide which one of the competing teams that would win the overall competition. Our team, "the Pine" and our enemies, "the Birch" had competed during the two weeks at the camp. We had scored points in different races and competitions such as canoe-races, swimming, cross-country running and quiz-games. Each team had also scored points by playing pranks on the opposition, as when we kidnapped their councilor, Linda, or when they hi-jacked our bus. We had also stolen the team-mascots, one time each.

The score was fairly even when the treasure-hunt was about to start. The camp-councilors would not compete this day, they would act as referees. The younger kids at the camp also had a treasure-hunt the same day, but they competed against each other's teams. We all gathered in the dining hall for final instructions. All of us were dressed about the same. We had jeans or shorts or track-suit pants and the two teams had their own special t-shirts or sweatshirts with the team-logo on them. We had gray and the enemies black. Maria and Helen, our closest friends at camp, had customized their outfits a bit. Both girls wore cut-off Levi's and had cut their gray sweatshirts so they more resembled sleeve-less tops. Most of us had sneakers without socks, but Helen was barefoot, she said:

-If I get taken prisoner, they take off my shoes anyway and hide them, I can as well go without them. Both girls had their hair in pigtails and wore bandanas as headbands. They only had to put on camouflage-paint on their faces to look like very young, but cute guerrillas.

Our enemies dressed in a similar way. They wore their team's black shirts and most of them had red headbands or scarves. Our special enemies since our successful kidnapping the other night, Victoria and Lisa, both had their hair in braids, wore their t-shirts knotted below their breasts and had faded jeans and sneakers. They stared at us with hateful eyes, remembering how we had humiliated them by leaving them tied to the flag-pole. We had heard rumours that both girls had been severely mocked by their friends after the kidnapping incident.

Our councilors started by telling us the rules of the hunt. We would be given a list of items to collect, some where similar for both teams, and some were "specials" for just one team. Collected items would be brought back to our cabins and in the evening the councilors would check the lists and give points. Extra points would be given if a "special" item would be stolen from the enemy. Some of the items would contain clues on where to find the "Big Treasure". If a team managed to collect enough items with clues, they would be able to find the treasure. The team finding the treasure would be given ten extra points. Almost anything would be allowed, but no violence against the enemy. We would be allowed to take enemies as prisoners and steal any items they had, but prisoners would have to be released within "reasonable time". Noone said how long that was to be for!

We were given our lists, and the hunt was on! We went to our cabin to go over the list. There were an enormous amount of general items such as a fork from the dining hall, a pennant from one of the sailing-boats, a special flower and such things. Special items were a bit more strange, a piece of underwear belonging to Mrs. D. the lady who managed the kitchen, one of the two chandeliers from the small chapel and other more or less strange items. We decided we had to go in pairs to have time to collect everything. I went with Helen, Joe with Maria. We carried knapsacks with useful items, some rope, some torn pieces of bedsheets for gags, pocketknives and other stuff to use on enemies we might take as prisoners.

Helen and I took a path out in the woods to collect things from some of the old abandoned houses a couple of kilometers out. We didn't see any enemies as we walked away from the camp. We chatted happily as we walked through the big forest. I asked Helen how she coped walking barefoot in the woods, but she said that she always did that at home. This reminded me of our summer-house and how we used to spend the days there.

As we came to the first abandoned old house we soon found some of the items on the list. We also found one of the "specials", a small box hidden there by the councilors. Inside was a piece of paper with parts of a sentence on it. Our first clue to the Big Treasure"! As we were about to leave a triumphant voice was heard outside the house:

-Well two dirty enemies all alone in the woods!

It was Victoria and Lisa together with two of the boys from their cabin. The boys carried home-made wooden sticks and looked rather grim. All we could do was surrender. We walked out with our hands in the air and soon they had tied our hands behind us. Lisa said:

-Take off his shoes, we're going to have some fun with these two.

-Little Miss Barefoot is already shoe-less, so I guess they are ready for some fun.

They tied our arms very tight and walked us over to two trees, growing about two metres apart. We were placed face-down on the ground and soon our bare feet were tied tightly and connected to our hands. They tied a long rope to one of the tree-trunks and then connected it to my feet. From there they tied it to Helen's feet and at last to the other tree. We were completely helpless and could not move our feet at all. They started to tickle us and both Victoria and Lisa had a great time paying us back for what we had done to them. After what seemed like forever, they stopped, gagged us good with big rags in our mouths, covered with tightly tied bandanas.

-Have a nice time, we'll see you tonight, they mocked as they walked away, leaving us on the ground completely immobile.

Will be continued after the weekend

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Mon May 17 01:17:27 Västra Europa, sommartid 1999

The Treasure Hunt, part II

In the last part of "The Treasure Hunt", Helen and I had just been left out in the woods, nearby some of the old abandoned houses there. We had found some of the items on the Treasure Hunt-list, and just as we were leaving, we had been taken prisoners by our worst enemies, Victoria and Lisa and two of the boys from their team.

Our found items were stolen by the enemies, together with my sneakers. Helen and I were hog-tied on the ground, our bare feet securely fastened by a long rope stretching from a tree to my feet, then to Helen's, and finally to another tree. We both wore our team-shirts in gray, Helen's slightly customized to a sleeveless short top. I had jeans and Helen Levi's cut-offs and she had been walking barefoot from the start of the hunt. Our enemies had tickled us for fun and then gagged us and left us there.

-See you tonight, were their last words as they walked off with our items.

Spending some time together with Helen wasn't that bad, but being tied up and gagged, and completely helpless was a bit worse. We tested our ropes, turning our hands, feeling for knots, but without result. As we looked at each other I could see in Helen's eyes some excitement from the situation, mixed with an angry determination to get free. The bandana holding the rag in her mouth was tightly tied in her neck, forcing the corners of her mouth back. Her teeth could be seen above the bandana, and as she tried to communicate her nose wrinkled in a cute way.

-Mgwghagh, gmbl, she said, raising her eyebrows.

At the same time she twisted her body so that her back turned towards me. With her feet tied the way they were, she couldn't turn completely to her side, but only twist her upper body a bit. Our feet were about three decimetres from our hands, and about a metre apart. The rope to the trees was tightly tied, and allowed our feet no movement at all.

Apparently Helen wanted me to twist the same way, so that our hands could touch, but when I tried we were still too far apart to untie each other. Panting heavily from our tries, we finally stopped and rested. We rested our heads on the ground and understood that without help from some of our friends, we would remain hog-tied on the ground until Victoria and Lisa would come and release us.

-See you tonight, had been their last words.

The time passed slowly, I could only guess how long we had been there by how the sun moved. We both tried to free our hands as we lay there, but the knots were out of reach, and the ropes tied very tightly. We had some company by a few mosquitos and flies passing by and I studied some small ants marching on the ground a few centimetres from my face with fascination.

-Don't come here! Don't come here, I tried to say to them.

Suddenly some cracking sounds came from behind us. We turned our heads as far as we could, and to our relief saw Joe and Maria coming through the woods. They pointed at us and laughed.

-Gmoghm mmb mbeghweegh ugh, Helen tried to shout through her gag.

Of course that meant "Come and release us!"

They took off our gags and with dry mouths we explained what had happened as they untied us. Sitting on the ground, we massaged our wrists and ankles. They informed us about the time, and I understood we had been tied up for about two hours. We both had red marks on our wrists and ankles.

Joe and Maria told us they had started to worry when we weren't back for over an hour, and had decided to go and look for us. The team had been quite successful. A number of items and clues had been found, and two of the boys had returned to the cabin with one of the girls from the enemy-team as prisoner. She was at the moment held hostage in the cabin and the rest of the team enjoyed questioning her under severe tickle-torture. We headed home, Helen and I walking barefoot, and discussing revenge on Victoria and Lisa.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Sat May 22 01:15:28 Västra Europa, sommartid 1999

The Treasure Hunt, part III

Helen and I had been rescued from a two-hour hog-tie in the woods nearby one of the old abandoned houses in the area. Victoria and Lisa and two boys from the enemy-team had taken us prisoners and stolen the items we had found, and my sneakers too. We were walking back to our cabin to plan the next moves in the treasure hunt. Our respective teams were battling to score the most points in the treasure hunt by finding certain objects on a list given to us. We were also supposed to find "special items" with clues on them, that would finally lead us to "the Big Treasure". As the enemies had stolen one of our items with a clue on it, we were behind in the race. We would have to retaliate by kidnapping some of the enemies and steal their items. Preferably we would like to get Victoria and Lisa, to give them back for leaving us tied up in the woods.

When we came back to our cabin we found the two other girls in our team, Ulrika and Camilla, guarding a prisoner from the enemy-team. The other two boys from our group were out searching for more items. In one of the bedrooms Ulrika and Camilla guarded Annika, the prisoner. She was a fairly cute girl with long black hair and beautiful big, brown eyes. Her eyes could not be seen though, as she was blindfolded. She was dressed in jeans and her team's black T-shirt. Annica was on her back on one of the beds, her hands tied together over her head, and tied to the head-board. They had removed her sneakers, and her bare feet were tied together and then to the bed-frame. Her T-shirt was pulled up, leaving her belly bare. Annica had sweat on her forehead, and did not look too comfortable.

She had been brought to our cabin an hour before as hostage. They had tied her to the bed and started questioning her about her team's strategy and what they had found. Ulrika and Camilla told us that Annika had put up a good fight, not revealing much. They had teased and tickled her for quite a long time until Lotta, our camp-councilor had come in and told them to be nice to the prisoner. They could keep her a little longer, but would have to release her in time for lunch. Lotta had then left, and Ulrika and Camilla said they thought we should keep Annika as hostage a little longer, and perhaps trade her for something.

Annika squirmed a little on the bed, pulling at the ropes that held her tied down. We decided to ask her a few more questions. I asked her what her team had planned for the afternoon part of the game, and as she kept her mouth shut we started to tickle her. The girls tickled her stomach, belly-button and under her arms. Joe and I took turns tickling her feet. We used our fingers to gently scratch her arches and she immediately curled her toes, trying to twist her feet away. Soon she was giggling, biting her lower lip and trashing about on the bed. It didn't take long to get some answers.

It was nearly time for lunch. We decided Annika wasn't hungry and would skip it. I collected an old sock from the floor and stuffed it in her mouth before she could react. As she smelled it and felt it she went:


I undid her blindfold and tied it above the sock, pushing it deeper into her mouth, and she bit down on the strip of cloth, grunting angrily. We untied her hands and feet and turned her over. She fought us all the way, but soon her hands were tied behind her back.

A longer rope was tied just above one of her elbows. Joe and Helen lifted her slightly off the bed and Maria and I passed the rope under her and to the other elbow, repeating this several times. Now her arms were pinned to her body. We tied her knees together and finally her ankles, feet crossed. We bent her legs and tied the hands together with her feet in a good hog-tie. All the time she grunted and squirmed about. Together, holding her arms and legs, we lifted her off the bed and carried her to one of the big walk-in closets. We put her down on the floor and wished her a pleasant time. She looked at us with those big, wide eyes and seemed to want to set us on fire that instant. We shut the door and went off to have lunch.

As we came into the dining-hall our enemies were seated at one table, our team-mates at another. Victoria and Lisa started to tease me and Helen immediately.

-Did you have a good time in the woods?, asked Victoria.

Where are your sneakers, big boy?, said Lisa laughing.

I replied that I preferred to go without shoes for a while, and they all giggled.

-By the way, said Maria to Lisa. I haven't seen Annika around for some time.

-Do you know where she is?

Both Victoria and Lisa looked around, and their self-centered minds started to understand that one of their friends was missing.

-You can have her back if we get our items back from you, said Helen.

We walked over to our table and sat down to eat. The other team discussed if they wanted to trade some of the stolen items for their friend. After lunch we were approached by one of the boys in their team and he said they would give us back our clue-item if we freed Annica. We went back and untied her and sent her back to her friends. Soon after they gave us our clue.

Now we only had the afternoon to find the remaining items on our list. We still missed some clues to know where the Big Treasure was, and we went away in pairs to find them. Helen and I searched in about the same area as where we had been taken prisoners before. As we walked along a path in the woods we heard voices, and quickly hid behind some shrubbery. Along the path came Victoria and Lisa, chatting happily about something trivial, we thought. As silently as possible we followed them, and to our surprise, their conversation revealed that they knew where the big treasure was hidden. They were on their way to another one of the old abandoned houses to get it.

We had brought some rope and bandanas and other stuff in a knapsack, and as they came up to the house we decided to jump them. We rushed forward and pulled them to the ground. They were taken by surprise and soon I was sitting across Victoria's back, holding her arms pinned behind her. Helen wrestled with Lisa and after a bit of a struggle she was on top of her, holding her arms to the ground.

I quickly tied Victoria's hands behind her and then went over to Helen to help her tie Lisa up. As we had finished with Lisa, I saw how Victoria was on her feet, running away. We caught her, took off their sneakers and marched them into the old house. We took them down into the cellar and there we spent extra long time to secure them properly. When we were done they were on their bellies, ropes tied around their arms and legs in loop after loop. We had hog-tied them and gagged them with the biggest rags we could find, tied in with bandanas. To be certain they wouldn't try to free each other we tied them to a water-pipe running along the wall. We left them there and went to get Maria and Joe. We would have a good time forcing Victoria and Lisa to tell us the whereabouts of the Big Treasure.
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The Treasure Hunt, part IV

Helen and I walked the two kilometers back to the camp. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was still high, the air warm and nice. The small path through the pine-forest was soft and nice under our bare feet. We talked about how we would "persuade" our prisoners Victoria and Lisa to tell us the hiding-place of the main prize of the Treasure Hunt, "the Big Treasure". Our team had successfully collected almost every item on the list we had been given, but not enough clues to find the Treasure. Victoria's and Lisa's team on the other hand, had apparently figured out the hiding-place of the Treasure. We had jumped them nearby one of the old abandoned houses out in the woods, and taken them prisoners. They were at the moment relaxing in the cellar of the house, tightly bound and gagged. We were on our way to get our two friends, Joe and Maria.

As we came back to our cabin it was four o'clock. At six all items would have to be delivered to the referees of the Treasure Hunt, our camp councilors. We met with Joe and Maria as they were relaxing on the porch of the cabin. We told them we had Victoria and Lisa as prisoners and they were eager to get up there and have some fun with them. We decided that the rest of our team would remain in the cabin and sort all the items out and prepare for delivering them to the referees at six. We hurried away towards the woods again. Maria was so excited she forgot to put her sneakers on, and we all ran barefoot up the path again.

When we arrived at the abandoned house we decided to leave Joe outside to keep watch if any enemies would come this way. I went in together with the girls. The cellar was cold and damp, and I could just imagine how happy our beloved enemies were as they lay on the floor, tied hand and foot and gagged.

We found them exactly as we had left them. Both girls had their hair in braids, their t-shirts knotted below their breasts, and wore faded jeans. Both were barefoot as we had removed their sneakers before. They were on the floor, by a water-pipe by the wall, about two metres apart. We had trussed them up good, looping the thick, white cotton-rope around them from shoulders to their crossed ankles. Their feet were tied to their hands with little slack, and then tied to the water-pipe. They were gagged with rags, held in by their own bandanas.

The cellar was not that light, as only a little sun-shine came in through the small windows up by the ceiling. Both our prisoners had struggled to get free, but that had not helped them. They were as helpless as when we had left them. We had decided on a tactic, and started at once. We untied Lisa first. She struggled a bit as we had freed her hands, but soon we retied them in front of her. We tied a long rope to her hands and threw it over a pipe in the ceiling. We tightened the rope until Lisa was standing on tip-toe with her arms raised, then we secured the rope to a pipe by the wall. We tied her feet together and then repeated this with Victoria. Now we had both our prisoners standing with their toes just touching the floor, their arms raised and completely helpless. We removed their gags and immediately got showered with profanities and the most horrible verbal abuse. This was fun!

As both Victoria and Lisa had knotted their t-shirts below their breasts, trying to look good, we now had a perfect view of their bellies. They had also rolled up the sleeves of the t-shirts, relieving their bare arm-pits. We started with Lisa. I tickled her feet, Maria her belly and Helen under her arms. Lisa started trashing around, lifting her feet above the floor, but this didn't help.

-Tell us where the treasure is, and we'll stop, Maria told her.

Lisa bit her lower lip and continued trying to avoid laughing. We kept tickling her, and she sweated, strands of her hair fell over her face and soon she was laughing hard. As Helen continued to tickle Lisa, Maria and I started on Victoria. We kept tickling them for a couple of minutes, then let them rest. After a few sessions like this, they both broke down and told us what we wanted to know. The treasure was in this house, up on the attic. Maria went after it and Helen and I started to untie our prisoners.

We retied their hands behind them, and gave them some water to drink. Then we gagged them again. We tied a rope around each girl's waist and by the rope, we started to lead them back to the camp. When we got back it was nearly time for the items to be handed over to the referees. They were at the beach, where we all would have a beach-party after the points were counted. Our team arrived, meeting the enemies at the beach. They looked both angry and frustrated as we led our two bound prisoners along the beach and handed them over to their friends. The following beach-party was very nice and we all had a good time. Do I have to say that we won the Treasure Hunt?

Well friends, that concludes the story of the Summer Camp. I hope you enjoyed it!

All my best to all of you!
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