PH : 10 - The Last Weekend of Summer (ffm/fm, fm/ffm)

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PH : 10 - The Last Weekend of Summer (ffm/fm, fm/ffm)

Post by Canuck100 »

PH's stories
10 - The Last Weekend of Summer
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Tue Mar 09 04:44:31 Europa, normaltid 1999

Part I, Remembrance

After a long and happy summer, full of funny and exciting experiences, the last weekend finally arrived. In a couple of days my family would go back to the city. School would start soon and ten weeks of heaven would change for my ninth year in school. Joe and his cousins Sarah and Jenny would also go back to their schools. We all had parents that worked at various positions in the school system, therefore our families could spend these long vacations of ten weeks instead of the usual five people had in Sweden.

I was sad as the last weekend draw nearer. This had been the best summer in my entire life, and I hated to leave my friends. Joe's family actually lived in the same city as mine, but we went to different schools and lived far apart. We seldom saw each other during school terms. Sarah and Jenny lived in a town about thirty miles north of our city.

We had all agreed to have a sleep over the last weekend. I had talked with Joe about having a really spectacular tie-up game and we discussed different ideas for a really fun game. The best part was that we would have their big house to ourselves. Joe's, and Sarah's and Jenny's parents would go away to visit with some other relatives and they were considered old enough to take care of themselves. Jenny was fifteen and the rest of us were fourteen.

Part II, Setting it All Up

We had decided to invite Alex over. We all wanted to get back at her for what she had done at our camping trip earlier. She had convinced a bunch of younger kids that played cowboys and Indians to capture us and keep us prisoners at their camp for several hours. Alex had showed up and organized some "real Indian torture", where they tickled us.

When we asked Alex if she wanted to come for the sleep over she was not so keen at first.

-You'll only tie me up and tickle me, she said.

We promised her that we would not gang up on her, but we admitted we had some really funny games in mind. Alex had developed a taste for tie-up games and agreed to come.

On Friday afternoon we all stood on the porch and waved good-bye to the parents. After what seemed like hours of instructions and exhortations from the two Mothers, they finally drove off. We were alone and free to do what we wanted.

We went inside and started to make dinner. During the preparations of what would be a nourishing meal of frozen hamburgers we talked about what game we would play that evening. After some discussions we agreed to do a variation of "hide and seek", involving searching for a hidden treasure. During dinner we explained to Alex how the game worked.

Part IIb, The Game

We would be in two teams, I would team up with Sarah and the others would be the enemies. Sarah and I would hide a key somewhere in the house and then
hide ourselves. The others would try to catch us, and if they did, they would "persuade" us to tell the hiding place of the key. The persuasion would of course be done by tickling us. Then they would leave us tied up somewhere in the house and hide the key themselves. We would have one hour to get free, and if we succeeded we would start to hunt the others. This game had several variations of it, and we had played it many times.

We gathered in the big spacious living room to start the game. We were dressed as usual in jeans and t-shirts for Joe and me, jeans and sleeveless tops for Sarah and Alex and gray sweat-pants with a short top for Jenny. None of us had socks or shoes. (In Sweden it's almost compulsory to take ones shoes off indoors.) Joe had been out to the garage to gather different lengths of rope and Jenny had brought some scarves and bandanas for gags.

Sarah and I would get ten minutes to hide the key and then the others would hunt us down.

As we rushed away with the key I could feel the excitement and tension in my stomach as the game begun.

Part III, The Summer House

I will have to explain how this big house looked inside. It was very big and made entirely of wood on a foundation of stone and cement. It was constructed in the early 20th century by a great Grandfather of my friends. He owned a lumber business in the nearby town, and this was his "summer mansion" as it was called.
The house had three floors, a cellar and an attic. On the bottom floor was the kitchen, the living room, a library, a study and various smaller rooms behind the kitchen. On the second floor were at least six or seven bedrooms and on the third floor were "the servants rooms". Of course they did not have any servants in the seventies, but these rooms were handy as they got a lot of guests. The cellar was a bit spooky, dark and damp, with a myriad of passages and store-rooms. The attic contained every possible item not used, but not thrown away.

We ran up the main stairs and continued up the more narrow staircase to the servants rooms. We hid the key in one room, behind a painting. We had deliberately made a lot of noise running up the stairs to fool our hunters. Now we doubled back down another staircase at the back of the house, going silently and carefully. We continued down past the kitchen to the cellar. As we started down the stairs to the cellar we felt the cold stone steps beneath our bare feet. The concrete floor of the cellar was the same, but it was not uncomfortable to walk barefoot down there. Sarah looked at me with her special mischievous look, her eyes telling me she was as excited as I was. We decided to hide in a store room that had a small window with a little light coming down through it. We sat down on some crates and waited. The others would be searching for us now.

Part IV, Caught!

We could hear them faintly on the upper floors of the house. Alex' voice could be heard more often and louder as usual. Our trick of making a lot of noise going up had succeeded. We talked in whispers as we sat on the crates with our legs crossed. The excitement of the game was very present at that moment, and I can still remember how I thought right then, looking at Sarah across the room, that I was having the best time of my life. Sarah smiled at me and in the dim light her green eyes sparkled with excitement. She turned her head, listening to a sound, and her braids flapped about with the motion.

-Shhhh, they are coming, she whispered.

We quickly hid behind the crates as we heard the padded sounds of bare feet going down the narrow passage outside. As the foot-steps had passed, we darted out of the room and ran the opposite way. We heard Alex cry out behind us, calling for Joe and Jenny to come. Unfortunately for us, they came down the stairs just in front of us, and we were captured. The rules of the game said that if we were touched by an enemy, we would give up, and we literary ran into their arms.

As captives we had to surrender and we were ordered to kneel on the floor, bend over forward and place our hands behind us. Jenny tied my hands together with a cotton cord, making a good job. Joe tied Sarah's hands and Alex tied bandanas over our eyes. We were marched upstairs and they teased us and happily told us how they were going to have such fun with us, now that we were at their mercy.

Part V, Interrogation

Now it was question-time! They would use every way they knew to force us to give up the secret hiding place of the key. We had talked about this as we waited in the cellar, and promised each other to hold on as long as we could. We would not reveal anything. I wondered what kind of horrible torture they would use on us. Tickling was our common way of "having fun" with a prisoner.

We were marched up the stairs to one of the bedroom, I couldn't say exactly which one because of the blindfold, but they pushed us inside and had us sit on a bed. They tied more rope around my upper body, and I could imagine they did the same to Sarah. Then they placed us on our backs, side by side, and tied my feet together and then lifted my legs and placed them on the metal frame at the foot of the bed. My feet were positioned at least half a metre up as they tied them in place. Another rope was attached to my upper body and one end was tied to the bedframe and the other to Sarah. We lay there completely helpless with our feet in the air, unable to move at all.

I could hear Jenny and Alex giggle at our helpless situation and they whispered together about what to do. Joe told us we had one chance to tell where the key was. He was given the Swedish equivalent to "get stuffed" in reply from Sarah. Suddenly a rag was forced into my mouth and a scarf tied over it. From the sound of it, the same happened to Sarah. She started making angry sounds from behind her gag.

Part VI, Having Fun

Now they started to tickle us. They tickled our feet and bellies and soon we grunted and giggled, but the sounds were muffled by the gags. When I just couldn't take any more, they stopped and the gag was removed. They asked us again, but we refused to say anything. This was repeated several times until we finally gave in and told them. Joe went to get the key while Jenny and Alex untied all the rope except the ones binding our hands behind us. The blindfolds were removed and they kindly gave us something to drink.

So now it was time for them to find a good place to leave us tied up for an hour. With our hands still tied behind us we were taken up to the attic. The roof of the house was supported by large thick beams, and in one corner of the attic they decided to leave us. They had brought several lengths of thick rope and started to bind our arms to our upper bodies. Coil after coil was tied around us and knotted off expertly. Then we had to sit down as they tied our ankles and legs with the same sort of thick rope. We were put down on the floor on our bellies and they tied the hands and feet together, leaving very little slack in the ropes. At last they placed us on our sides, with our backs to a vertical support-beam. They tied a rope around the beam and fastened the other end to our feet. As we were tied to two different beams, with about two metres between us, we wouldn't be able to reach each other and untie any knots. This position, hog-tied on the side was not especially comfortable, but what could we do? Finally rags were pushed deep into our mouths and we were cleave-gagged with scarves. As our captors left us, wishing us a pleasant time, we could only respond with that classic reply. "MMMMPHF!"

Part VII, Wiggling Out of It

The attic was lit by sunlight that was filtered through some small and dusty windows. It wasn't very dark, but not very light either. As I lay on the dust-covered floor, hog-tied on my side, I looked over at Sarah. She was positioned facing me, and I could clearly see the determined look in her eyes, she was set on getting free. Her lips moved around the scarf that gagged her, but the sounds that came out were muffled. I could understand however, that she tried to tell me that she was trying to free herself. I tested my ropes and soon found out that I had no chance of freeing myself. Sarah, on the other hand, with her very flexible body, was to perform one of the best escapes I ever had witnessed.

She was in a tight hog-tie, but that didn't stop her from turning on the floor and reaching the knots of the rope that tied her feet to the beam. Her hands hadn't been tied to the small of her back, so she had a little freedom of movement there. After some minutes of struggling, she had untied the knots and rolled over on her stomach. I could see that her hog-tie was so tight that her fingers nearly touched her ankles. She turned and twisted like a snake on the floor and wiggled her way to an old sofa a few metres away. Somehow she managed to get up in a kneeling position by leaning on the sofa. She was now kneeling with her toes on the floor and her back arched so that her fingers could reach the knots of the hog-tie rope by her ankles. After some more work she had untied her hog-tie rope and could now get up in a sitting position on the sofa. From there she got to her feet, standing there swaying a little as her feet and legs were tightly tied. She stood on tip-toe to get a better balance.

Part VIII, The Great Escape

And so came the best part. She started jumping forward, in short hops. Her braids flapped in the air at every hop, and other parts of her bounced as well. It was very interesting to watch. I had done this myself before, being tied hand and foot, and I knew how hard it was to keep balance. Sarah's face was lit by a triumphant grin behind her gag as she hopped merrily towards the middle of the floor, some metres away.

There was the chimney, going up through the house from the kitchen. It was big and wide and constructed of very rough and rugged bricks. Sarah kneeled down by one corner of the chimney and put her bound hands to the corner. Her hands were tied side by side, palms out, and cinched with a couple of loops between them. Sarah moved her hands up and down, up and down, scraping the rope against the corners of the bricks. It took her some time, and she paused frequently, but eventually her hands were free.

Triumphantly she put her hands in front of her and undid the ropes around her upper body. Then she undid her gag and spitted the rag out. Laughing she told me:

-That was easy!

She untied her legs and feet and came over to me and removed my gag. I told her she had performed a masterpiece of escaping and she nodded happily. A few minutes later I too was free and we tried to figure out how much time had elapsed since they left us. That was answered as we heard steps outside the attic. They were returning. Quickly we hid just by the stairs, and as Joe, Jenny and Alex came in, we jumped out and gave them a really good scare. According to the rules of the game, they were now our prisoners.

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Part X, Reversed Roles

With the roles of prisoners and captors now reversed, we had the pleasure of tying our victims up. We proceeded with the task, and soon all three of them stood before us with their hands tightly tied behind them. Sarah and I had decided to split the prisoners up and force each of them to tell the hiding-place of the key. This meant that we would have much more fun with each of them, persuading them to talk. Sarah really enjoyed the part of our games that involved torturing a tied up victim, perhaps because she was so extremely ticklish herself, and liked the idea of revenge. My own feelings regarding the tickling part were more neutral. Being tickled when tied up was something that happened, and I saw it more as a contest, where I would try to endure it as long as possible. To tickle a victim was of course very funny, and especially one of the girls.

We decided to leave Alex in the attic. We quickly secured Jenny and Joe by tying their feet, and then walked Alex over to one of the support-beams near the thatched roof. We placed her sitting with her back against the vertical beam and tied her body to it firmly. Then we placed her bare feet on top of a horizontal beam that was on the floor and tied them in place. This position was excellent for tickling her later on. I made a good gag by rolling up a rag inside a folded up bandana and pushed it between her teeth. Alex' eyes widened and she grunted and looked very helpless as I knotted the bandana in her neck. We were going to leave her up in the attic until we had taken care of the other two prisoners. Suddenly Sarah had a bright idea. On the floor of the attic, near where the roof met the floor was some insulation of wood-wool. Long, thin strips of wood that were soft and fluffy. Sarah grabbed a handful and carefully placed some of it between Alex' bare toes.

-Try getting that off if you can, she said with an evil grin.

Alex grunted angrily.

Part XI, A Secure Place for Joe

The other two prisoners were now moved down-stairs. Joe was placed in one of the bedrooms. We tied his arms and legs securely with several lengths of rope, then we placed him on the floor of a big walk-in closet, sitting with his back to the wall, and his hands secured to a rack on the wall. We gagged him with an old sock we had found and placed a scarf over his mouth. We left him in total darkness as we shut the door.

Now Jenny was left. With her hands tied behind her she had witnessed the secure tying of her two friends. She had not said a word during the whole time, just watched us immobilizing her friends. Her blue eyes had that half-scared, half-excited look that told me she thought the game was as exciting as we did. She knew that her sister would perform some extra-cruel torture on her, as they both were very competitive in our games. Jenny had her long, blonde hair in a ponytail, and I remember I thought it would be fun to tickle her belly as her top was rather short and revealed some bare skin between it and her sweat-pants.

Where would we take Jenny? We had talked about different places as we waited in the cellar earlier, and come up with some good ideas, but most of them were more suited for just leaving a prisoner tied up. We wanted something special that was both uncomfortable, and suitable for tickle-torture. Suddenly I remembered a position Joe had tied me in the summer before, as we were playing cowboys and Indians. We would take Jenny down to the cellar and leave her in one of the storage rooms. To make her a little more un-secure we first blind-folded her. We took hold of an arm each and marched her down the stairs to the cellar. In one of the storage rooms there were some metal racks running along the roof. These had been used to hang things from in earlier days.

Part XII, Jenny Puts her Feet Up

We wouldn't be so cruel as to hang Jenny from the roof, but the next best thing would do. First we tied Jenny's arms firmly and secured her hands to the small of her back. We placed an old blanket on the cement floor and lay her down on her back. Sarah tied her feet together, looping the rope about ten times around Jenny's ankles. She then threw one end of the rope over the metal rack by the roof and pulled it down. She made a slip-knot and fastened it around Jenny's feet. Holding the other end of the rope, Sarah slowly pulled on the rope until Jenny's feet began to rise in the air. Jenny squirmed on the floor and complained loudly, but soon she lay on her back with her legs straight up in the air. She had her hands palms out under her bum and the rope holding her feet had been pulled so hard that her buttocks nearly didn't touch her hands. Sarah fastened the rope by tying it to a metal hook in the wall. We gagged Jenny and left her in the storage room, completely helpless. I can still remember the angry look in her eyes, above her gag as she stared at us when we left her.

Part XIII, Having Fun with Our Prisoners

We started interrogating Joe first. We would leave Alex until last, because she deserved to be tied up the longest, and we didn't want to leave Jenny in that uncomfortable position more than fifteen minutes. We collected him from the closet and placed him on the bed, face down and tied his bare feet to the foot-board of the bed. We removed his gag and Sarah started to interrogate him. Joe is hopelessly ticklish, and she soon had him roaring with laughter as she tickled his feet. In just over ten minutes he had told us what we wanted. I got the key, while Sarah marched Joe down to the living-room. There she tied him securely to a chair and gagged him. He would stay there until we were finished with the others.

We returned to the cellar where Jenny was as we had left her. Being tied up with your feet in the air is not too comfortable. When Joe had tied me that way I soon had a tingle in my toes from lost circulation. We removed her gag and I felt her toes. They were a bit cold, but the circulation was OK. We tickled her feet and belly until she nearly lost her breath. She trashed about and cursed us, but after a while she told us what we wanted to hear. We lowered her legs and untied them. Jenny told us we would be sorry for this. She would do something awful to us for leaving her that way. We took her upstairs and tied her to a chair in the same way as Joe was. She sat with her hands tied behind the back-rest and her feet crossed and tied under the seat, with a rope connected to the hands. Loop after loop were tied around both the chair and her legs and arms. A tight cleave gag holding a rag inside her mouth completed the job. Now it was time for Alex.

Part XIV, Alex Gets the Giggles

When we came into the attic Alex was still sitting tied to the support-beam. She had been sitting there for about forty-five minutes now, and she still had some of the wood-wool between her toes. Her forehead was wrinkled from concentration as she wiggled her toes to try and get the wool off her toes. It must have been really irritating for her! he-he! We removed Alex' gag and she started cursing us at once.

-And I thought you liked these games, said Sarah.
-You bastards!, screamed Alex, get that wool away from my feet!
-Oh, but don't you find the tickling sensation a good one, asked Sarah in her nicest voice.
-You who enjoy to tickle us so much.

Alex didn't answer, but simply looked angrily at us.

-Now you will tell us where the key is hidden, Sarah said.
-The others have already told you, said Alex. Why ask me then?
-Because we want to have some fun with you, and you can prove you're not giving up easily, can't you?

Alex' bare feet were tied together and fastened to a beam on the floor. When Sarah started to tickle her soles and toes Alex immediately curled her toes and started to twist her feet about, but that didn't help. Sarah grabbed her two big-toes and held them firmly and continued to tickle Alex. Alex soon screamed with laughter, but she kept her secret quite long. When she finally gave up she was sweating and her hair was hanging down in her face. We undid all her ropes but the one holding her hands tied behind her and helped her to her feet.

-Now you can join your friends downstairs, I told her.

Part XV, We Win the Game

Jenny and Joe were still well and good tied up and gagged in the living-room. Alex was tied to a chair in the same way as they were and gagged. We couldn't help but tickle their feet a bit more before we left them. I tickled Jenny and Sarah altered between Joe and Alex. As they all were tied with their feet under the seat of the chair, and feet and hands connected, we had good access to their bare feet from behind the chairs. The sounds that came from behind their gags were very funny to hear. Joe screamed through his nose so that he sounded like a cow, and the girls giggled and laughed muffled laughs that sounded very funny. They trashed and threw their heads about, but nothing helped. They just couldn't get away. When we were done they were red in their faces and panted with deep breaths. Jenny had chewed her gag wet. Sarah and I went down to the lake and had a nice swim before we returned an hour later, to find our three prisoners still tied to the chairs. We released them and of course they promised revenge. As this was the last weekend of summer, they didn't have much time left. Sarah and I would have to sleep very lightly that night!
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Part XVI, Getting Ready for Bed

At about eleven in the evening we all decided to go to bed that Friday night. The day had been very eventful and funny. We had played one of the best tie-up games of the summer. At first, Sarah and I had been captured by Joe, Jenny and Alex. Sarah had performed a remarkable escape-act in the attic, getting free from a hog-tie. Later we had taken the others prisoners and performed some good tickle-torture on them, and afterwards they had been kept tied up to chairs for the agreed hour. Sarah and I had tickled them some more as they were tied to the chairs, and they would probably take revenge on us. Their parents would be gone for the entire weekend, so we had Saturday and part of Sunday left to play some more during this, the Last weekend of summer.

As always, I would sleep in the spare bed in Joe's room, and Alex would occupy a mattress on the floor of the girls' room. We changed for the night. I always slept in a pair of sports shorts, as did Joe. The girls had big t-shirts and panties. We said good night and before falling asleep, Joe and I talked about the summer that was just about to end. We had had some really good tie-ups during the summer. We agreed that the clever kidnapping of Sarah and Jenny had been one of the best, and also that the incident when we had to "walk the plank", tied hand and foot, hopping out on the jetty had been fun. Just before I drifted off to sleep I could hear Alex' voice chatter away in the other room. If anyone ever needed to be gagged more often, it was her.

Part XVII, Strange Dreams

I had a strange dream that night. As so many times before it involved some situation of being tied up. I remember that I was grabbed and held by many hands, I tried to scream, but couldn't, I tried to see who attacked me, but couldn't. It wasn't really a nightmare, more of an exciting and thrilling dream. Suddenly I woke and realized that I was actually held by someone. I slept on my stomach, and someone was sitting on my back, in the process of twisting my arms behind me. Something was forced into my mouth and I couldn't see anything. As I came all awake I realized that my dear friends had attacked me as I was sleeping. Joe was on my back and he was tying my hands behind me. Jenny or Alex had just pushed a rag into my mouth and was tying a scarf over it. They had also blind-folded me.

-OK, now you're being kidnapped, Jenny said, don't struggle or it will be worse on you!

I was pulled to my feet, standing there helplessly with my hands tied behind me, gagged and blind-folded, only dressed in a pair of sports shorts. I could hear Jenny and Alex giggle and I understood that they had seen that I was in that particular state that most teenage boys are when they awake from sleep. The sports shorts didn't actually help to conceal this fact. I was very embarrassed and very glad I was blind-folded, so I didn't have to look them in the eyes. They giggled uncontrollably, and that helped the situation to return to "normal".

Part XVIII, Sarah and I - Tickled Crazy

I was marched out of the room and downstairs. I was placed on a chair and my hands were secured to the back of the chair. My ankles were tied crossed and my feet drawn under the seat of the chair, connected to my hands by a rope that was pulled very tight. They tied ropes around my upper body, at my waist and around my legs. The blind-fold was taken off and I could see Sarah sitting tied the same way in a chair beside me. She was gagged with a cleave gag that obviously held a rather big rag or sock in her mouth. The others explained that now it was payback-time and started to tickle us.

They attacked our feet with their fingers and soon we were screaming with laughter.

This was really worse than what we had done to them, because they continued to tickle us until we nearly fainted. They had a really good time and at the end Sarah was so hysterical that she couldn't get a sound out from behind her gag. As they finally stopped, I thought this was their revenge, but Oh was I mistaken!

We were untied from the chairs and marched out into the kitchen. Our good friends took off our gags and gave us something to drink. Sarah complained loudly that this wasn't according to the rules, us being kidnapped in the middle of the night. Her red hair was hanging down over her face and she blew strands of it away from her eyes. Her t-shirt had slipped down over one shoulder and with her hands tied behind her she looked very helpless, although very angry as well. Jenny gladly told us that we would have to spend the rest of the night in the cellar. I hadn't the faintest idea of what time it was, so "the rest of the night" could be many hours.

-You're only supposed to leave us for an hour, Sarah said.

-We've just changed the rules, sis, said Jenny with a big smile.

-Anyway, you two are such good pals, I don't think you'll mind keeping each other company for the rest of the night! You won't be able to talk though - she continued looking very mischievous.

Part XIX, We Were so Close That Night

They marched us down into the cellar and the cement floor felt very cold under my bare feet in the middle of the night. Dressed only in shorts I shuddered as the cellar was rather cold and damp. In one of the storage rooms they had laid out a blanket on the floor, very thoughtful indeed! We were ordered to kneel side by side and they tied our ankles with thick rope, then connected this rope to our hands so we were in a kneeling hog-tie. They pulled on the rope so that we sat with our buttocks on our heels, our backs slightly arched. Then they moved us around so we were back to back. We were so close that the soles of our feet touched. They tied our hands together and also our feet. Our arms were connected in the same way and they tied several loops of rope around our upper bodies and waists. Finally they gagged us using the usual rags, held in by a tightly tied cleave gag. When this was finished they put us down on our sides, tightly tied together.

-You look very cozy together, said Alex. Have a good night!

Having said that Alex turned out the light and shut the door, bolting it from the outside. We were in complete darkness.

Sarah grunted loudly from behind her gag. She twisted and turned, testing her ropes. Every move she made, made me have to move too, as we were so closely connected by the thick, harsh ropes. I could feel that Sarah's bare feet were cold as her soles were pressed to mine. We both had our hands tied with the wrists crossed, and they were tightly tied together. I tried to move my hands and make my fingertips find any knot, but I couldn't find any at all. We tried to communicate by slowly pronouncing words, but the rags in our mouths made us sound like:

-Ga-goh mbl-mph.

Part XX, Thoughts in the Night

The room was totally dark. No light came in from the small windows, and the passage outside the door was also dark. All we could do was to stay put and move as little as possible. To keep the circulation in my hands and feet I tried to flex my fingers and wiggle my toes, and Sarah did the same. As her feet were smaller than mine, her wiggling toes tickled me, and I think she knew that and did it on purpose.

The hours passed slowly. We didn't have any idea of how long we had been there, or when we had been left. After what seemed like an eternity I noticed that the sun was rising. A faint light started to drift in through the small windows up by the ceiling. Scandinavian summers have very short nights, only from about ten in the evenings to four in the mornings. It had been completely dark when we were brought to the cellar, so we could have been there for about two to three hours. Being bound and gagged didn't make the time seem to fly, though.

When the room was fairly light I could take a look around. We were in a small storage-room with some crates and sacks of old junk. The room was perhaps three by two metres. I hadn't noticed that as we were brought in. When I turned my head around as much as I could, I could se Sarah as she was tied to me. She had actually fallen asleep for a short while, but now she was grunting and mumbling from behind her gag again. She moved her fingers and toes furiously, and I thought she perhaps was fighting the same stiffness in her legs and arms as I felt. The ropes around my wrists and ankles had cut into the skin and I was rather sore from their rough finish. My mouth felt dry as a desert from the gag and the rag in my mouth seemed to have swelled to an extreme size. My jaw ached from being held open and the corners of my mouth were sore from the tightly tied scarf that held the rag in.

Part XXI, Have You Learnt Your Lesson?

Although tie-up games were exciting an funny the present situation was getting a bit irritating.

Suddenly the door was opened and the single light-bulb in the ceiling was lit. We turned our hands and there were Joe, Jenny and Alex. They were dressed in shorts and t-shirts and barefoot as always.

-Rise and shine!, they said merrily. It's a beautiful morning, why are you two lazy bums hanging around here?

This was met by a furious muffled outburst of profanities from Sarah.

-Well, guys, said Jenny. Do you think we shall untie them now? They have been down here for over four hours.

Slowly they started to undo the ropes. First they untied the ropes around our bodies. Then they undid the ropes binding our hands and feet to each other, turning us both over on our stomachs. They untied the hog-tie ropes and our feet. It felt like heaven to be able to stretch my legs. They stood us up and took the gags off. Sarah tried to talk but her mouth and throat were too dry. They gave us water from a bottle, and finally we could ask them to untie our hands.

-I think we should keep their hands tied for the rest of the day, said Alex, but then Sarah tried to kick her and they decided to untie us completely. When free we massaged our wrists that had deep red marks on them. We had actually been tied up for more than five hours, including the near hour on the chairs as they tickled us.

-Have you learnt your lesson now?, said Jenny.

But of course we hadn't. There was still all of Saturday and the coming night to get them back!
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Part XXII, Saturday

When Sarah and I were released from our four-hour tie-up in the storage-room in the cellar we were really exhausted. Joe, Jenny and Alex had kidnapped us in the middle of the night. Dressed only in shorts (me) and a t-shirt and panties (Sarah), we had been marched downstairs and tied to chairs. Well tied and gagged we had been tickle-tortured for very long time before they took us down to a storage-room in the cellar. We were left hog-tied back to back and gagged in the darkness until morning. This was our friends revenge for what we had done to them during a hide-and-seek game the day before. We had left them tied up in various uncomfortable positions, then tickled them and finally left them tied to chairs. Before releasing them, we had given them a really bad tickle-torture.

The others wanted to go down to the beach to swim and hang out in the sun, this the last day of summer for us. Sunday evening our families would return to the city and our boring schools. Alex would remain in the small town where nothing happened once the "summer-people" had left. Sarah and I decided to stay at the house and rest for a couple of hours before joining the others. Later we met in Sarah's room to discuss revenge on the three others.

Sarah had done her hair in braids as usual. She was dressed in her favourite patched and faded Levi's and a short top. She lay on her bed on her stomach, resting her chin in her hands and with her legs bent and bare feet crossed at the ankles. This must have been her favourite position. I sat on the floor with my back to the wall, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. We talked about how we would catch them all and tie them up for the evening. We would keep them just as long as we had been prisoners, just over five hours. We tried to invent some horrible torture to perform on them, it must be worse than the intense, but usual tickle-torture of the feet they had subjected us to.

Part XXIII, Joining the Others

During the whole summer we had played a number of tie-up games. There had been kidnappings and retaliations, and always had the prisoners been tickled. It was a compulsory part of our games. This time we had to invent a new and better way to play with our prisoners. Sarah said she wanted something that involved tickling, but was more inventive. We both remembered when we, earlier in the summer, had been left tied up at the far end of the beach. We had been tied kneeling, me to a post on the beach and Sarah to a tree at the edge of the forest. It was Joe and Jenny who had invented that position. Sarah had been tied with her hands behind the trunk of the tree and one leg on each side, with the feet tied together behind the trunk. As she had stayed there for one hour, she had been tormented by some small ants that had walked up and down her bare feet. Sarah wanted to do something similar to her beloved sister and cousin. Alex hadn't been in on our tie-up games then, but she had pulled some really good pranks on us, once she joined us. We would have to do something special for her too. We continued to plan the events of the evening, and then joined the others at the beach.

As we walked down across the soft, warm sand of the beach, I had a very sad feeling, knowing this was our last day of the summer. I really wanted the evening to be as good as it could get. Our friends were tanning themselves just below the boat-house. They had spread blankets and big towels on the sand and lay there happily chatting. Sarah and I went into the boat-house and changed into swim-suits. Trunks for me and a two-piece bikini for Sarah. When we joined the others the obvious topic of conversation was last nights kidnapping. We still had red marks on our ankles and wrists from the ropes.

Part XXIV, Planning a Kidnapping

Sarah took every opportunity to tell everybody that they were going to "get it" this evening.

-How do you plan on catching us, then, asked Jenny.

-You I'll just hit over the head with the frying-pan, answered Sarah quickly.

-No, we figured that if we manage to grab you one by one, you'll have to be prisoners, Sarah continued.

-Fair enough, but we'll stick together, and perhaps we'll kidnap you instead, said Jenny.

For the rest of the day we just had a lovely time at the beach. At one time I watched curiously as Sarah walked away from the rest of us towards the edge of the forest. First I thought she had just gone off "behind a bush" as we used to say, but I noticed how she carefully studied the ground and looked at the trees there. The others didn't notice, but I understood what she was looking at: ants.

At about five we went back to make dinner and afterwards we gathered in the big living-room to play some board-games and watch some TV.

Joe sat in the sofa and watched a game of tennis. Alex and Jenny were playing Chinese checkers and Sarah and I played cards. For this, the last night, we had changed into formal evening-clothes, and for us that meant jeans and t-shirts or sleeveless tops for the girls - the usual clothes in other words. There was some tension in the air, like the others anticipated us to start the game formally by some challenge, but we knew better. To be able to get them, we would have to separate them, and get them one at a time.

Part XXV, We Catch Them

Of course they knew this too, and according to the informal rules of the game, they played along. Sarah and I went upstairs and prepared ropes and scarves, bandanas and rolled up rags for gags. Then Sarah called for Alex and said that her Mum was on the phone. Alex picked up the phone downstairs, and heard nothing. I had disconnected one of the wires inside it before. We heard the padded sounds of her bare feet running up the stairs and when she went for the extension in the upper hall, we grabbed her. I held her firmly while Sarah pushed a prepared gag in her mouth, a rag rolled up in a bandana, and tied it at her neck. Alex had her long, dark hair gathered by a rubber band on top of her head, and it fell down over her face as we struggled to gag her. She grunted loudly, but the others downstairs didn't hear anything. We pushed Alex on to the bed in one of the rooms and I tied her hands behind her and cinched the rope quickly. Sarah grabbed Alex' kicking legs and bent them up to her buttocks, and I tied them together, ankles crossed. Then, of course , there was a hog-tie. To be sure she couldn't get her bound hands down around her bum, we secured her hands to her waist by looping a rope around her wrists and then around her waist. We left Alex there, put out the light and locked the door. One down - two to go!

This was going too easy! Soon after we had left Alex we heard more footsteps in the stairs. It was Jenny, coming up to see what had happened to Alex. They weren't that dumb, I guess they wanted to be caught to get the game going. We grabbed Jenny and gagged her like we had Alex. Jenny, however, managed to scream before the gag was pressed into her mouth. Joe came running and I jumped him and wrestled him to the floor. As we tumbled around in the upstairs hall Sarah sat on top of Jenny, pinning her arms behind her back in what we used to call a "police-hold" Jenny's hands were up between her shoulders.

Part XXVI, Putting Alex Away

We had two separate plans for our victims. Alex would be left in the house, and Jenny and Joe taken out to the beach. We would prepare Alex for her stay in the house first, and so we tied Jenny's and Joe's feet and left them on the floor for a while. To make sure they couldn't free each other we secured their hands to the sculptured wooden posts in the upper-hall banisters. They were several metres away from each other. Now it was time to prepare Alex for our little revenge. We went in to her room and untied her feet and instead blindfolded her. We led her downstairs and then down into the cellar. In one of the storage rooms we had prepared a heavy chair in the middle of the room. We placed Alex in the chair and proceeded to tie her up very thoroughly. She sat with her hands behind the back-rest, arms and waist secured by many loops of rope. Her bare feet were crossed at the ankles and tied under the seat. More rope surrounded her legs and finally we tied a rope from her hands to her feet, drawing them back as far as they would go. She was already gagged and blind-folded. I patted her on the head and said we would be back in an hour. Alex's only response was: GMGBLGBMPH!

While Alex sat in her chair, contemplating her fate, we went and fetched our other two prisoners. They lay on their sides on the floor, angry eyes staring up at us, teeth clenched around their gags. We let them up from the floor and took off their gags, then we marched them out of the house. They did as we ordered and walked down to the beach. Once at the beach we stopped for a while to blind-fold them. We turned them around several times to make them lose their sense of direction. Then we grabbed a prisoner each and led them across the sand to the edge of the forest, on the far side of the beach.

Part XXVII, Joe and Jenny in the Woods

This was the place where Sarah so curiously had looked at the ground beneath two trees. We had selected two pines for them. Quickly we untied their hands, pushed them with their backs to the trunks and re-tied their hands behind the trunks. We proceeded to roll up the legs of their jeans a couple of turns and then tied their feet together, and to the tree. The ground was covered with white moss and blueberry-sprigs and Sarah had been out before, brushing the area nearest to the trees free from pine-needles and twigs so there was a small, flat roundel by each tree. Our prisoners stood with their bare feet secured to the trunks, not able to move them at all, except for wiggling their toes a bit. As we tied them to the trees they kept asking where they were, and why we had taken them out to the forest. We completed the tie-ups by winding very long ropes around their entire bodies, pinning them to the trees very efficiently. Sarah then removed their blindfolds.

They both looked curiously around, starting to understand where they were. Sarah now told them this was revenge for when she had been tied to a similar tree.
They desperately looked at the ground. Soon the first little ant came walking and it proceeded right up onto Jenny's toes. She shrieked and started wiggling her toes desperately.

To add to her sufferings Sarah pointed to an anthill not far away.

-There are plenty of ants here, and I think they'll like you both, she said with an evil grin.

As we stood there watching them, several ants went on our feet as well, so we wanted to get away fast. We gagged our helpless victims and left.

-Bye bye, said Sarah. See you in an hour!

Part XXVIII, Alex is in the Dark

When we returned to the house it was time to take care of Alex. For all we knew she was still sitting in a chair, bound, gagged and blind-folded in the cellar. Our revenge on Alex would consist of both tickling and a great deal of scaring her. We walked very silently once back at the house. Before returning down to the cellar we took a feather each from an old Indian plume Joe had had some years back. We tip-toed down the stairs to the cellar and waited outside the open door to the room Alex was in. She was sitting there, tied up and helpless. We could see how she slowly turned her bound hands, trying to reach a knot, but she was still totally helpless. As she was blind-folded she had no idea that we were there. A blind-folded person tries to listen very carefully to every sound around, and we were as silent as we could be. Our bare feet went over the concrete floor without a sound as we entered the room. I kneeled behind the chair and Sarah stood before Alex. I think Alex had a feeling that something in the room had changed, because she stiffened and cocked her head, listening very carefully. She breathed short breaths through her nose and sat very still, turning her head back and forth.

Slowly I reached out with the feather and very lightly let it touch the sole of one of her bare feet under the chair. First she didn't notice, then she shrugged and tried to move her feet, but couldn't.

-Mgggwh, she shouted through her gag.

I touched her toes, and she shouted again. Then Sarah touched the tip of her nose with her feather, and Alex went completely crazy. She screamed and twisted her head, and Sarah continued to tickle her upper lip and her nose. I joined in and tickled her feet and Alex trashed in the chair, screaming with laughter behind her gag. We tickled her until she was totally exhausted. Then we took off her blind-fold and gag, and she cursed us for scaring her that way.

Part XXIX, Releasing Joe and Jenny

We untied all her ropes except the one binding her hands behind her. She had some more time as our kidnap-victim. We took Alex upstairs and gave her a drink and then we brought her along to the beach to look at the other two prisoners. Alex seemed very glad to be out of the dark and cold cellar. Although she still had her hands tied behind her, she walked along with us like we just took a stroll along the beach. When we reached the far end of the beach our two prisoners were as we had left them an hour ago. Alex laughed when she saw their situation, and they both shot angry looks at her as she was supposed to be their ally. I knew exactly the agony they had felt during the hour they had been tied to the trees. The irritation and soft, tickling sensation given by the small ants, scurrying across their feet and toes, must have felt very annoying. We told Alex to sit down in the sand and removed our prisoners gags. They each got some water and then we untied them. They were given time to massage their wrists before we tied their hands behind them again. Like Alex', their hands were tied not too tightly, but very securely. We still had plenty of revenge to dish out, so we took our three bound prisoners back to the house. Soon it was getting dark, and we wanted to make the most of the situation.

The first part of our revenge, the last revenge to be taken this summer, was done. They had tickled us, while we sat tightly bound to chairs, and we had paid them back with Alex in the cellar and Joe and Jenny bound to the trees. The second part of our last tie-up was when we had been left in the cellar, hog-tied back to back, and left for a considerable longer time than usual. With our sense of "an eye for an eye" revenge, they would be prisoners for an equal time. They had been our prisoners for about two and a half hours now, and had as much time left.

Part XXX, The Last Revenge

When we came to the house we marched them into the living room. We ordered them to sit on the floor and proceeded to tie their feet, ankles crossed. I continued to tie Jenny up by tightly binding her arms and legs, using so much rope that she was nearly covered in it. We didn't have enough, so Sarah went down to the cellar to get more. When she returned Jenny sat on the floor looking very helpless with all that rope wound around her. We continued to do the same with Joe and Alex and after a while we had them just as we wanted. They didn't say much during this time, not even Alex, who usually let her mouth work hard.

Sarah spoke to the three captives:

-There's a movie on TV in a few minutes, and I know you all want to watch it. If you behave you can watch it with us, but you will be quiet and sit still!

She went upstairs and returned with three dirty socks from the hamper. We rolled them up and put each of them in a bandana that we twisted so the socks were rolled up in the middle. We made a knot on each side of the socks and thus had three very big, and useful gags. Alex' reaction came at once:

-You're not putting that thing in my mouth!

I did the honors and pressed the gag into her mouth. It filled her mouth completely and left her jaws wide open because of its large size. I tied the lose ends in her neck and Alex was silent. The two others got their gags and we placed them side by side, resting their backs to the sofa. Sarah and I settled down in another sofa and we all watched the movie together.

Part XXXI, Conclusion

When the movie was over we released them, and that was the end of the tie-up games that summer. Sarah and I feared more revenge during the night, but it never came. The day after we all returned with our families to our respective cities and schools. During the following year I longed to come back next summer, to see my friends again, and play some more. Unfortunately that summer wasn't at all as exciting and funny as this one had been. Sarah and Jenny went with their parents on a trip through Europe. We met with Alex and her brother a couple of times, but nothing exciting happened. Later that summer our parents decided that Joe and I would enjoy spending some weeks at a summer camp organized by the local church.

We didn't agree at first, but the camp was fun, there were both boys and girls there.

Perhaps I'll tell a story about that camp someday!
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