My Hero (m+/mm)

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My Hero (m+/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Luke wasn’t exactly the most popular kid in school, his grandmother always said that if he had good grades everyone would want to be his friend. His grandmother apparently was unaware that most 12-year-old kids didn’t care at all about good grades. His grades were good, of course but nobody talked to him about anything outside homework. You can’t blame them, a small, pale, quiet kid was hard to notice.

In fact, Luke didn’t mind that nobody noticed him, he didn’t like the idea of parties and found sports boring, his parents wouldn’t let him play videogames and his favorite pastime was reading books. In other words, he had nothing in common with those kids.

Unfortunately for him, there was one kid who did noticed him. His name was Kyle Takeda who quickly decided to turn Luke into his new punching bag. At first Luke tried to ignore him but as time went on and his harassment grew, the young kid started taking great lengths to avoid him and his gang (because of course he had to have a gang).

One of his more preferred ways was taking detours on his way home. It involved him sneaking through the school’s gym and getting home fifteen minutes later but it was a better option than having to endure two whole blocks of Kyle’s teasing.

That afternoon, as usual, Luke sneaked through the locker rooms and out of the gym, but unlike other times, the moment he stepped out of the building, he run straight into Kyle.

“Lucky! (a nickname Luke utterly despised) What are you doing here? Trying to avoid us?” Kyle teased grabbing his arms and yanking him closer, a grin on his face showing a set of teeth that Luke could swear were sharper than normal. Luke managed to squirm free from his grip and started hurrying away from the group, hopefully he could lose them.

His hopes were crashed when the four kids easily caught up to him “Why such a hurry Lucky? It almost seems like you don’t want to hang out with us!” Luke tightened his grip on his backpacks traps, shaking his head and trying to avoid eye-contact with any of them, suddenly he was starting to feel a lout of empathy for the gazelles surrounded by hyaenas he had saw on TV

“What? You think you are better than us?” asked another kid tugging at his backpack, Luke shook his head, trembling in fear and rage; trying to walk faster, repeatedly telling himself to ignore them. Suddenly, something pulled his ankle backwards, Luke lost his balance and fell flat on his face amidst the laughter of the other kids
“Watch out Lucky! You need to be more careful were you go” Kyle chuckled picking him up by his arm. Everyone has a limit and this was Luke’s limit. Suddenly all the things they had done to him came flashing by and all the anger that had been building inside him finally exploded. Clenching his fist, Luke swing his arm, punching Kyle’s face.

The laughter died as the larger kid stumbled backwards. Luke’s anger gave way to horror as he realized what he had done. He punched Kyle’s face! It felt so good and so horrible at the same time. Kyle glared at him, any trace of that mocking smile vanished

“So, the maggot thinks he can fight?” he growled wiping a little blood from his lip (did Luke really did that?), the other three kids surrounded Luke, menacingly closing around him. Forgetting about his pride, Luke tried to run away but Kyle’s gang closed their ranks trapping him in the middle of the circle. Before he could even think of pleading, a fist went straight into his stomach, kicking the air out of him

“Come on! Didn’t you wanted to fight?” Kyle teased watching Luke curled down in pain

“The baby is gonna cry!” another kid laughed pointing at the tears that were forming on his eyes. A couple pair of hands grabbed Luke’s arms and pulled him up forcing him to stand straight “Come on guys! Let’s dump him in the trash!”

That suggestion was met by sheers but Kyle intervened raising his palm “I have a better idea… Ryan, do you still have that roll of tape?” Luke’s eyes opened wide as Kyle explained his plan in a few words, none asked for his opinion but he gave it anyways along with a coupled of kicks and pleads.

The group dragged him away from the road, into the nearby woods that surrounded the school. Luke let out a quite sob as his faces as pressed against the bark of a tree, scratching his cheek. His backpack was quickly discarded and, despite his pleas, his arms were yanked behind his back and tape was wrapped around his wrists, covering his lower arms.

“Let him go!” the grip on Luke was loosened and the small boy was able to slide down to the ground, still sobbing. Through his teary eyes he was able to spot a red-haired kid standing on the edge of the woods. His fists where resting on his waist and his chest was puffing out, striking a heroic position “Why don’t you mess with someone your size!” he demanded. Luke recognized him as the new kid in his class, who moved in a few weeks ago, he also felt a little bit of shame as he couldn’t remember his savior’s name

“Listen kid, we are just having fun right Lucky?” Luke didn’t been replied but he managed to give a hateful glare at Kyle

“Fun my ass! Let him go now you bullies!” the four boys laughed at loud, as if he had just told them a hilarious joke

“Or what?” asked Kyle glancing at him. Luke noticed the kid’s expression transforming into a cocky grin. He clenched his fists throwing his backpack aside and with a lout scream he charged at the gang.

Luke’s eyes opened wide as he saw the kid running towards the bullies wondering if he would be able to take on the four kids. He never got his answer since his hero tripped and felt face flat at the boys’ feet prompting more laughter from them

“Lucky! Take a look at your knight in shining armor!” Kyle teased pulling the boy’s hair forcing his face up. To Luke’s surprised, his failed savior let out a short laugh

“Lucky? Is that the best nickname you got for him? Let me guess, you thought about it a whole week!” Kyle frowned and angrily kicked the boy on his side. The other three laughed as the red-haired boy squirmed in pain
“Awww… the ginger is crying”

“Never… heard… that… one before” he panted before glaring at them defiantly “And yeah, I’m crying cause your faces are too ugly for my eyes!”

Kyle shoot daggers at him, apparently having someone not cowering in fear around him was a mayor pet peeve. Unfortunately, the kid’s silver-tongue didn’t save him from what came next. The bullies taped his hands behind his back followed by his ankles together. He put up a better fight than Luke, maybe because of that they added more layers around his legs and torso, finishing by wrapping tape around his mouth several times

“Nothing else to say?” asked Kyle patting his cheek

“Nhh fmmll lngm grhp!” he grunted defiantly, Luke had to give it to him. He would have long broken down in that situation. Kyle finished taping Luke’s ankles together while his friends dropped the other boy besides him
“Come on guys! Let’s leave these lovebirds alone!” the other kids chuckled

“You can’t leave us here!” Luke exclaimed panicking, they had been dragged away from the street so it might take a while for someone to find them

“Look us do it, now shut up unless you want to end like your boyfriend!” Kyle threatened him, the smaller kid blushed and buried his face in his knees unable to hold some tears of shame, his new friend glared at their captor and let out a couple of muffled insults. The other boys merely laughed at them and walked away taking their backpacks with them.

Luke kept his face buried in his knees, silently sobbing. He always hated Kyle but this was going too far, his face burned were the bark had scratched him, the tape was painfully pulling at his skin and his arms were getting numb.

Suddenly he felt someone bumping his side. He lifted his head and found himself face to face with his fellow prisoner but unlike him, he didn’t seem scared or angry… in fact he was smiling under the tape
“Ghn nhh thgm hff thm thpm?” Luke looked at him confused

“I’m sorry, can’t understand you” the boy rolled his eyes and repeated his question, this time accompanied by a motion from his chest, exposing his right cheek to Luke “I don’t… wait!” Luke’s cheeks turned pink “are you asking me for a kiss?”

The boy’s stopped abruptly and gave him an incredulous look. His cheeks turned as red as his hair and he quickly shook his head

“Okay… you don’t want a kiss…sorry” Luke gave him a sheepish smile “So what’s the deal then?”

The boy glared at him before taking a deep breath and showed him his cheek again

“Gmt hff thm thpm!”


“Gmt. Hff. Thm. thpm!” Luke frowned trying to decipher what he was saying

“Get… off…. wait… get of… the tape? GET OFF THE TAPE!” the kid beamed at him and nodded excitedly

“Oaky let me see…” Luke looked around, his arms were useless so he needed to find another way but the only thing he could think off was his mouth “Perhaps a kiss wasn’t that off” he told the boy shyly and leaned forwards. The other boy gave him a small nod although his cheeks were still bright red and closed his eyes.

It took a little bit of work but eventually, Luke managed to use his teeth to peel the tape from his mouth “Owww fuck!” he howled


“Not your fault” the other boy shrugged, flexing his jaw “Tape is definitely worse than ropes” he added, Luke had to make a double take

“Wait! Did you say ropes?”

“Long story” he replied deadpan and rolled over to have a better look of his companion “So… I guess your name is Lucas?”

“Luke” he replied shyly looking at his bound ankles “and I’m sorry I got you into this mess”

“I get into messes all time” the boy shrugged “trust me, this is just a minor inconvenience!” he wiggled his arms a little bit trying to lose the tape “Okay, it’s a major inconvenience”

“We are screwed” Luke sighed, tears running down his cheek

“Hey! Cheer up! You should consider yourself lucky!” Luke glared at him “Bad use of words. Anyway! You happened to be kidnapped along with one of the words greatest escape artists!” he exclaimed pulling his chest out, making it bulge against the tape

“That’s stupid! There’s no way you are an escape artist!” Luke exclaimed

“Watch and be surprised!” the boy exclaimed and started twisting his body around, writhing his wrist, letting out exaggerated groans as he struggled, yet the tape didn’t seem to cede, finally, he ended up laying limp on his side, a layer of sweat forming on his skin “Okay, any chance you got a knife?” he asked with a sheepish grin. Luke couldn’t hold back a chuckle

“Yay! At least I entertained you!”

“Of course! Bravo Houdini!” Luke giggled “I would applaud you but my hands are busy!” he squirmed a little bit to prove his point

“Have some patience, I’m rusty! Besides I usually work with ropes, tape doesn’t have any knot to pick!”

“No sherlock! Tape doesn’t have knots? My mind has been blown!” Luke replied deadpan “So you spend your free time tied up?”

“Not always!” he rolled his eyes “I do normal things too. Do you play Call of Duty?”

“Not really… my parents don’t let me play videogames” the boy’s eyes opened wide

“No viedogames? You haven’t lived kid! There’s another reason to get out of this!” he exclaimed resuming his struggles, Luke chuckled as the other kid squirmed like a worm. Despite his best efforts, the kid only managed to slide down on the ground

“Any other plan Houdini?” Luke sighed turning to him but was surprised to see a huge grin on his face

“Actually, I do! Roll over and stay still!” Luke gave him a quizzical look but complied. Soon he felt a bite at his skin


“Sorry… hard to do it from this position” despite the initial setback, the boy kept biting tape around Luke’s wrists until it was weak enough for him to rip. Both kid let out yelps of joy as Luke ripped the tape from his ankles and hurried to free his partner but to his surprise he shook his head “Let me escape on my own!”

“What? I guess… well, if you insist” Luke replied confused “but I really have to go and wouldn’t want to leave you like that”

The kid stopped struggling and looked at him pensively “Mmm… then untie my legs, that way I can walk home” Luke did what was told and helped his new friend get up, even dusting off the branches and leaves that were stuck to his body while he sretched his free legs “Thanks dude! Wanna go to my place? I can introduce you to CoD”

“Actually, I should be going to my place, I have homework…”

“Pleaseee?” he begged making puppy eyes “We can make plans to get back at that jerk! Besides you can’t let me walk home like this! What if I run into a kidnapper!”

“I could just untie you right now”

“But then I wouldn’t be able to escape!” Luke giggled shaking his head, he couldn’t argue with that flimsy logic “Fine but just an hour!”

“Deal!” The boy exclaimed and started happily skipping through the ground back to the street, seemingly oblivious that his arms were still taped down. Luke smiled to himself and followed him out of the woods. Their deal was further sealed when they found their backpacks lying by the road so Luke was forced to carry his and the boy’s backpack

“Don’t worry, my house is not far away” said the boy leaning his head on Luke’s shoulder. He decided to humor him
“Or I could untie you…”

“Then you wouldn’t have a reason to come to my place”

“Touché” Luke smiled to himself while he listened to the boy talk about his videogame collection. He couldn’t help but blush when a couple of adults passed by and looked intrigued at the taped-up kid but he didn’t seem to mind, in fact he almost looked happy taped up like that. That boy was certainly strange but Luke only found that more appealing, if something good could come out of Kyle’s fiasco was the fact that he got to meet him. The kid whose name he still didn’t know

“Umm... one question” Luke said nervously as they stopped in front of a two-story house “I never got your name” he smiled shyly glancing at his friend. The boy burst out laughing

“Dam that’s right! We were never properly introduced!” he pulled away from Luke and straightened himself up trying to look solemn, although the tape pinning his arms down ruined the effect “It’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Max!” he offered him his leg which Luke awkwardly shook

Max was indeed strange but Luke was liking him more with each second they spent together
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for posting. Looking forward to any continuation.
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Post by drawscore »

Revenge is sweet, but also, a dish best served cold. My idea would be to pick them off, one by one, then have them wear mattress covers and flip-flops. Be sure and cut a hole in the top of the mattress cover for them to put their heads through, then tape them to trees. Come back in an hour, remove the tape from Kyle's mouth, and ask him if he and his friends are going to leave you alone.

Of course, being the cocky and arrogant little SOB that he is, his reply is going to be "F*** you!"

The answer would be laughter, then "No, Kyle. F*** you!" Then the tape gets wrapped over his mouth again. (At this point, he has learned an important life lesson: "Don't piss off the guy who has your hands taped together inside a mattress cover, then has you taped to a tree. Especially if he has taken several pictures with his smart phone, and says he'll put them all over the internet."

When you come back in another hour, he and his friends are much more accommodating.

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Post by fratboydanny »

Thank you, CJ, for the fun read. I hope we will get to read more adventures of Luke and Max. But, rather than their revenge I hope we get to read about the two of them getting bound together some more.
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Post by tony2 »

cute lead in to a potential wild time -- keep it up...
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Might this be a fron-the-frying-pan sort of moment for Luke? :lol:
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Post by FelixSH »

From all the stuff you wrote up to now, this one is my favourite. This here is my favourite part:
cj2125 wrote: 6 years agoLuke’s eyes opened wide as he saw the kid running towards the bullies wondering if he would be able to take on the four kids. He never got his answer since his hero tripped and felt face flat at the boys’ feet prompting more laughter from them.
It is so adorable and funny how Max just plays hero. Or at least tries to, and fails completely. The portrayel of him as this little wierdo is great and a lot of fun to read, especially with the part at the end, where he wants to go home with his upper body still tied. Wierdo is also not an insult, I would love to have Max as a friend, and not just because he would be a great TUG partner. ;)

Another reason why I like this story is the whole idea of the hero who tries to come to the rescue, fails and is also captured. I would generally like to know how these two would deal with the bullies from now on. :)

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Post by Xtc »

It ceratinly looks as if you have a hit on your hands, [mention]cj2125[/mention] .
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Post by Pup »

Love it so far, just generally light hearted and cute.
Wow what kind of dark depressing crap do I read where I find a kid getting bullied the crap out of light hearted...

Still awesome asf, though it seems to be missing some chapters, I'll just sit here and wait for you to rectify that.
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks for all the coments, It was fun writting this story and I really liked the characters!
FelixSH wrote: 6 years ago Another reason why I like this story is the whole idea of the hero who tries to come to the rescue, fails and is also captured. I would generally like to know how these two would deal with the bullies from now on. :)
I am a sucker for underdog stories, but for them to be losers, obviously they are gonna have to loose a few more times before achieving their cathartic victory!
Pup wrote: 6 years ago Love it so far, just generally light hearted and cute.
Wow what kind of dark depressing crap do I read where I find a kid getting bullied the crap out of light hearted...
Things ended well for him so I guess there was a silver light? Not depressing at all if there is a happy ending right?

This story is over, sorry but no more chapters (I tend to lose control of long stories so I avoid writting them if I can) but that doesn't mean the kids adventures are over, feel free to read my other stories, Luke and Max appear on some ofthem and since you asked, Kyle the bully is gonna make a reuturn soon (which means probably my next story) so you'll see our heroes try to beat him once more (and probably failing once more)
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