Fun with Danny Saga (mm/mm) New on April 26th

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Fun with Danny Saga (mm/mm) New on April 26th

Post by Bondwriter »

This thread is for the repost of the Danny series, featuring a kidnapped babysitter. Smutty content ahead.

I'll just post the first story. There are three more about the same length coming over the next few weeks.

Fun with Danny

By Bondwriter

1. Riding towards Adventure

Danny wondered how this week of babysitting his younger neighbours would turn out. He usually spent his time off school on his own. He had turned fifteen in the spring; he was considered old enough to take care of himself; he could be given responsibilities. And for a few days, at the beginning of the holidays, he would be given some: he had been offered to stay with Greg and Walter at their grandfather’s country house. This had been unexpected, but very much welcome.

It was ten kilometres from the street where Danny and his neighbours lived four houses apart. Danny wondered how he would get along with the younger boys, Greg and Walter; one was blond and the other dark-haired, they both were incredibly cute. They were cousins. Walter’s parents lived abroad, and Walter had stayed at his aunt’s place for two years, on the few weeks they weren’t at their boarding school.

Danny had played football with them the summer before, just after his parents had moved. The cousins had headed to boarding school in September; they had met a few times at weekends. They were very outgoing and they played rough, whereas he was a bit dreamy and liked reading. He liked science, fantasy stories and practicing Tae Kwon Do, which started showing in his arms’ and torso’s teenage muscles. His neighbours were very gregarious and were much into team sports and outdoor activities with lots of friends. They were different.

They were different from Danny; they were also very different from each other. Walter looked the most mischievous, with his thin face, his elfish features; his almond-shaped brown eyes made him look like a character from ElfQuest.

Greg was a blond angel. His ruby lips, his big earnest blue eyes, he was the perfect little boy Danny would have hugged so he wouldn’t feel alone.

Danny had confused feelings towards them; he was old enough to know the nature of the attraction he felt towards them. Spending a little less than a week with such handsome companions appealed much to him. He had thought about the best way to spend time with them, thinking of sports and games they could play together. He was prepared to play football and ride his bike with the boys, so they’d exercise. That and a few board games in the evening, their stay should be relatively fun, he expected, as his parents and the boys’ had insisted he was to be in charge.

All the adults were working that week, and they trusted the boys to play nice and get themselves busy with all the space and facilities, on the estate and in the nearby town. There had been long talks between Walter, Greg, his parents and Danny’s; the contemplated babysitter had listened a lot to what was being said. He was afraid to sound too eager about the plans, so he waited patiently, nodding here and there to approve of what Greg and Walter said. The cousins swore they would behave.

They were thirteen and they would do everything Danny would tell them to do; after a half hour of discussion, as Greg and Walter promised they would make sure Danny didn’t complain about them one more time, the adults yielded. They thought not much could happen; they were close enough that they would be able to let them know. Danny was even officially put in charge of the budget, having to keep the money to do some grocery shopping and pay for the swimming-pool or a couple hours playing tennis.

Having easily fooled both pairs of parents, they had a perfect opportunity to get their revenge on one of their boarding school fellow-students, Scott, who was a member of a very hush-hush club as were the cousins and two other boys. They had started with escape challenges and had grown into some serious tie-up games club. The boarding school offered many locations for elaborate tie-up games. Walter and Greg had discussed for hours at night with their friends of their grandfather’s farm, describing the attic, the cellar, the fifteen rooms in the house, the Summer House and the Hunting Lodge.

Their grandfather’s estate used to be a farm, but for some acres of woods and orchards, a big piece of the land having been sold years before. It still made a huge playing ground for boys of thirteen. There were places and things there that would guarantee Danny didn’t have an opportunity to protest.

A few weeks before the summer, their friend Scott had challenged Walter and Greg to organize a proper initiation. Scott felt they always played very impulsively, but that they lacked the organizing qualities that good tugs required. They had challenged him in return to come to try out. Scott would join them on the second day of their stay.

It had taken a few evenings of discussion among the two cousins to plan what they would do to Scott, when they eventually wondered about Danny; they had suggested him as a chaperone to Greg’s parents, in an animated discussion bargaining about the house rules. Danny was serious and clean-cut. It would be easy to trick him into a tie-up and leave him in the pantry, the cellar or the ballroom closet. They had forgotten about it, as they focused more each evening on Scott, with lots of note taking in code on what they should do to him

Then the news had come in that the next-door boy, Danny, would come over with them for the whole week. Now it was real. They had to find a way to make sure Danny wouldn’t cramp their style with their friend.

“Let’s just kidnap Danny and keep him prisoner at least until Scott leaves. He’s never snitched on us before. Here’s how we’re going to do it…”

Danny had been the witness to a few misdeeds by his neighbours. He had never told about them, always under the influence of these cute and mischievous youngsters, whom he loved seeing all grinning and bragging about stealing apples or breaking a crabby neighbour’s windows. They could be quite ruthless, which impressed Danny. They deemed their temporary guardian able to take the joke they were to pull on him without too much whining.

They had left early in the morning on a beautiful July day. Riding in a single file, with Greg in front and Walter behind, the three boys enjoyed the wind against their bare faces and legs, the cousins having picked up shorts for convenience and as a sign of their acquired independence, being able to wear clothing that wouldn’t have been adequate at home, which their parents reminded them was not a football field. Danny was proudly wearing his blue and yellow biking suit; he thought his growing body looked more impressive in the tight embrace of the thin Lycra outfit. The cut of the assorted jacket made his shoulders look broader too.

The three boys reached the family property after forty-five minutes of an uneventful though pleasant ride. Danny had heard of the place, but it looked even better than what he had pictured in his mind from his friends’ tales. This was a big brick and stone manor; it was over three hundred years old, and it was part of a large estate. He was impressed by the place; he felt some pride at having been appointed the master of the house, as he was in charge of their group. There was an air of mystery to such a big place. The little tower rising above the three floors didn’t make it as quaint as Hogwarts’ peculiar architecture in the Harry Potter movie Danny had loved; nevertheless, this beat his ordinary, even if large and convenient house.

2. Surprise!

Walter and Greg’s plan demanded they act swiftly upon arrival. There was no reason letting Danny wander around, and being seen by a neighbour or a shop owner if he thought of going shopping. They also wanted to keep their promise that Danny wouldn’t complain about them. Their babysitter had to disappear as soon as possible.

Carrying the bags they’d removed from the luggage racks on the bikes, the little trio entered with their usual banter about who would get to open the most windows and shutters first, as it was the tradition. The entrance hall was a big room, with a high ceiling, dark walls with numerous door frames opening on what promised to be many rooms and corridors. The floor was old tiles, but the middle was covered with a large woollen rug.

Danny did not see it coming at all. They were passing the staircase in the entry hall to go to the kitchen first, when a swooshing sound was followed by the contact of the two smaller bodies jumping on him. The blond mane of hair that Danny caught from the corner of the eye meant that the pair of arms hooked around his waist and going down his legs belonged to Greg; his balance was challenged as Walter jumped on Danny’s back, wrapping his arms around his babysitter’s shoulders with his thighs pressing around his waist, his legs closing down around the older boy’s, making any motion much more difficult and energy-consuming.

As brutal as the assault was, it was under control, and the whole bundle fell down on the thick rug slowly and without any unpleasant impact. The cousins jumping him from behind used a technique to force him to fall forward that could be Judo. And they held him at the same time, so his fall was broken. Regaining his senses, Danny wondered aloud what this meant.

“Hey, I didn’t do anything, what are you guys…”

“You’d better keep quiet, if you know what’s good for you.” Walter hissed in his ear.

Danny paused for a second. His nose rubbed against the rug; his little neighbours held on to him, pinning him down, but they were moving around at the same time. What were the tykes up to? He could feel Greg sitting on his thighs and a noose gliding over his ankles.

“What is this rope? What are you doimmmph…”

Walter had performed a slick move. Tightening his grip with his thighs, preventing Danny from leaving his horizontal position, he let go of his arms. He raised his chest, doing a push-up. He then fell on his prey again, his left hand gripping Danny’s left arm in a tight armlock, his right hand covering his mouth and clamping hard over his face so he couldn’t get away from the silencing grasp.

Danny grunted louder in Walter’s hand. He struggled, such an outrage to his pride being insufferable. Of course, he’d though many times about being tied up, but the brutal attack felt just like an aggression at the moment.

The two boys had pinned him down very well. He twisted as much as he could, but to no avail. He could buck around a bit, but Walter never lost his grip. Greg was completely undisturbed as he went to tying a third coil of rope around his babysitter’s legs, above the knees this time. Four turns and a frapping knot at the ankles and knees, Danny wouldn’t run the marathon today. The cotton of the rope felt very smooth against Danny’s skin. It was used, but very solid; he wouldn’t flex his muscles and break it.

Greg turned around, sitting on Danny’s shorts-clad buttocks as Walter moved aside a bit, keeping his armlock tight with one hand, pinning him to the ground; his mouth was maintained closed with the other hand.

“Mmmph! Mmmbllmm!” Danny protested.

“He’s feistier than you said he’d be, Walter,” Danny heard Greg say; “We shouldn’t underestimate him. Let’s give him the full works,” Greg said as he had managed to loop rope around Danny’s wrists, which he slowly tightened until they were inescapable. Getting over the shock of the attack, Danny was now assailed by very weird feelings. His younger neighbour’s round buttocks brushing over his through the gliding layers of nylon between them felt very pleasant. He felt his penis grow in his underwear, as it did after swimming practice, when Danny could ogle all his Speedo-wearing schoolmates. There was something about boys’ bums that appealed to him in mysterious ways.

His legs being imprisoned by coils of rope, Greg could jump down and get to bind Danny’s arms with the help of his cousin. Walter’s handgag was temporarily removed, as Greg slid a piece of rope under Danny’s head. The rope glided over the rug until it was under Danny’s chest. Greg pulled both ends so the arms would be stuck just under the shoulders; he repeated the operation twice, so there were three turns of rope around Danny’s torso.

The older boy’s pleas were still heavily muffled by Walter’s hand.

“I can’t understand anything you say, Danny, so you’d better not waste your energy and just shut up! I see you’re done with the first arms rope, Greg, do you need a hand to tie his wrists?”

Walter’s armlock couldn’t be broken by Danny, the angle being perfect for a sustainable hold; from his martial arts practice, Danny knew that he was likely to hurt trying to force his way out. Gradually, though the attacked boy felt the grip loosen, as Walter was unfolding his arm and bringing his wrist down towards the small of his back. Danny gave one more try at escaping his neighbours; a clove hitch thwarted his move, his wrists already encircled by rope that quickly tightened were useless in two seconds. The looping and knotting that ensued felt like it wouldn’t be easy to get loose. Danny had had a few agitated nights when he’d pictured himself the captive of other boys. His dream was coming true; but would they think him a wimp for getting caught so easily?

Walter had changed position; he was now sitting between Danny’s shoulder blades, his handgag tighter than ever. With the other hand on the side of the head, he had a steady hold.

“Say, Greg, Danny here doesn’t want to shut up. Think of something to help.”

Danny felt another leap from Greg who was now kneeling at his feet. He tried to buck, but Walter put all his weight over his back. Greg laid a hand on the bound ankles, pinning them to the ground to limit the squirming; Walter was not dismounted.

Greg was removing Danny’s shoes, and then his socks. They were low, so it wasn’t too long and difficult to slide them underneath the rope at the ankles.

“I can think of something to turn talkative little blighters into quiet little mice.”

3. Kidnapped Babysitter

This sounded ominous; it was very sophisticated language for Greg. Danny had more or less realized what his blond neighbour was about to do; he got tricked very easily by this younger boy nevertheless.

Walter at last let go of his mouth, but as he opened wide to tell them to stop and release him, the two small socks bundled in a ball were swiftly inserted into his mouth.

“A mouth well packed, good start,” Greg said. Walter had gone back to his previous role, this time to prevent Danny from spitting the wadding. “It stays in Danny, I won’t let you spit it out. Spitting is unhealthy anyway.” The mumbling didn’t exactly sound like approval; apparently, Danny’s neighbours didn’t ask for any. “Get the tape Greg, I’m getting tired of hand-gagging him.”

Danny knew what the word meant, but he had never heard it before, just read in online stories. Greg and Walter seemed to have an extended knowledge of such matters, if only because he was now trussed up, lying on his belly and that he had never been able to fend off his attackers, who were just little kids. “They’re two,” Danny thought. “One on one they’d never had a chance.”

He rationalized. Of course, IF he’d known they would attack, IF they had played fair. Danny enjoyed some horsing around, and being in physical contact with other boys had an effect… Ok, he liked it. Oh, yes, and he wouldn’t hurt younger kids. And a weird feeling of helplessness was getting over him; he would have loved to escape their grip and prove he was stronger; he also loved having them crawl all over him. The feel of the rope restraining his limbs was just as he had imagined. The way he was handled didn’t allow much time for introspection.

Greg was kneeling in front of Danny, at the top of his head. Walter, still sitting between his shoulder blades, lifted his head. He let his gag hand slide upwards to Danny’s forehead, his other hand coming under the older boy’s chin, preventing him to open his jaws. The packed mouth was the target of Greg’s first duct tape strip, running from ear to ear and covering his lips. “This will never hold,” Danny thought, “in five minutes I can spit this gag out.”

His thought coincided with the sound of tape torn from a roll, as Greg was going for a second and third piece. An X was added, going from below his eyes to underneath his chin. Then two longer strips were used to make his opening his mouth more difficult, as they ran from ear to ear, passing over his chin. Greg, in a confident and knowing gesture, then added three turns around his head, covering his lower face from nose to chin.

No spitting the socks out now.

The two cousins stood up and looked at Danny writhing at their feet, making little grunts here and there, but not getting anywhere.

“Let’s move,” Walter said, “We don’t want him in the entrance hall. What if Mrs Winthorpe comes to check on us? We’re going to take you to the kitchen, Danny. If you don’t mind that is.”

“Mggrbllm…” he replied angrily.

Both cousins bent down and grabbed a shoulder each. They got Danny to kneel, and then they lifted him to a standing position. They held on to him; Greg ordered him to hop, and the trio soon had gone the five metres to the kitchen door. The kitchen tile felt cold to Danny’s bare feet; thankfully his neighbours soon had him sitting in a high-backed kitchen chair that had to be a couple decades old, judging on the plush vinyl upholstery padding the seat, the arm rests and the back. It was high too, with the frame thinning at the top.

Greg and Walter helped him settle in the chair; his arms behind his back made it difficult to get his butt completely touching the back. It didn’t seem to annoy the youngsters, as they actually turned to his legs.

This time, Danny could see what they were doing, and he witnessed the coordinated work by the four hands. The coils of rope were removed one by one, only to be replaced by rings of shiny silver, with three turns of the duct tape each time. Greg took one of the coils of rope they’d untied, and used it to pull a clove hitch around Danny’s ankles, the two ends of which he knotted to the chair’s rung.

“So we’re sure you don’t walk out on us,” he teased.

Walter was on the next move, having laid a hand between Danny’s shoulder blades, forcing him to lean forward.

“We’re going to untie your arms, don’t move.”

Greg had joined his cousin, and they loosened the rope and grabbed a forearm each. Walter had Danny’s left arm, which he pushed against the armrest before sitting on it. This time it was Walter’s nylon-clad buttocks that Danny could feel. It tingled everywhere… Leaning across, Walter kept Danny’s arm under his butt as he assisted Greg in taping Danny’s right forearm to the armrest. Walter stood, but not before Greg had come around, and Danny’s flailing arm was seized by two pairs of relentless hands which then fastened his forearm to the armrest. Danny would have never imagined how sticky duct tape could be. The meticulous application made it stronger, no doubt.

Greg ended his tie-up with a strap over Danny’s chest, pulling him against the back of the chair.

“Now that we’re sure you can’t boss us around, we may make you an offer you can’t refuse,” Walter had started as his sibling went over the tape rings all over Danny, making sure there was no loose end.

Now well united to the chair, Danny could only listen to his two impish neighbours. They didn’t seem fazed by the fact they’d more or less kidnapped him; it was a weird prank. Danny had longed for such activities. The way it had gone down was surprising; the glances the cousins exchanged, the way they looked at him, it was definitely an experience that bothered him. He felt humiliated; he could now taste the socks in his mouth, and they had been worn for a while. This triggered a moan of disagreement.


The laughter it triggered didn’t give Danny much peace of mind. His neighbours recovered from their bout. Walter towered over Danny, standing straight in front of him, hands on hips, his thighs sticking out of the legs of his shorts pulled up, making him manlier than he really was.

He looked in his babysitter’s eyes.

“I’m afraid you will have to suck on these socks for a while longer. I was telling you about an offer. We’ve told you about our friend Scott, haven’t we? He’s the one who’s played some nasty tricks on us. With his friend Emmett… But I will have time to tell you about our group of friends. I’m telling you about Scott because we have plans for him.”

Greg barged in.

“Plans that would work better without you.”

“Yes, we lied to the parents for spending the week here, but we don’t plan to play tennis and go to museums with you as a nanny.”

“No. You see, Scott’s parents think he is going to his aunt. But his aunt thinks he’s staying at his cousins. And he’s coming here, in fact. It’s easy to confuse adults with fake phone calls. Well, all these people are quite gullible, and it worked out great. Even Scott hasn’t realized what we had planned for him. He expects to be tied up at some point, certainly, but we have to get our revenge after his last nasty trick. And we’re going to keep him our complete prisoner for a full three days!”

As his cousin burst out laughing, Walter picked up, coming closer to Danny. He put his hand on his left shoulder.


“The consequence is that YOU will have to stay our prisoner too. At least until Scott leaves. If by then you promise not to tattle on us, we might release you, but we will have to get guarantees. Until now, we’ll have to do the baby-sitting.”

Greg had come closer too. He seemed interested in his neighbour’s Lycra shorts.

“I think Danny may even get to enjoy himself,” he said, pointing to the older boy’s crotch. Danny regretted the looseness and big size of his underwear, as he realized he had sprouted a major woody. The biking outfit was tight enough that it remained decent. Danny wondered if they could see how he blushed with all the tape over his face. The boys did not dwell on this issue. They seemed very happy to brag to the bound and gagged victim they had acquired a few tens of minutes before. Walter seemed the mastermind.

“Scott will be there tomorrow only. Today, we’re going to see if you’re nice enough to meet him, or if you’ll remain tied up in a dark corner. We’d have to gag you much better if this was the case. If you behave, that you don’t give us too much trouble, you might get to meet Scott. I’m sure he won’t mind a companion.”

Danny was fascinated by the wide grin Walter bore. He felt eagerness, passion. He thought he knew his neighbours; he never had seen them in their boarding school. He hadn’t imagined they would be into more than the usual self-play that went on in all these places. Now he felt different, because of this grin.

4. In storage

“I should go shopping, Walter, or the store will be closed,” Greg interrupted. He was searching Danny’s bag. He took the purse that contained the money Danny had been entrusted with to feed and entertain his charges. Danny mumbled, not too pleased at seeing the control of the budget escape him.

“I can handle him, no sweat,” Walter said, ignoring the sitter’s pleas for financial responsibility, “Just give me a hand to get him inside the pantry.”


“It’s just for half an hour. It’ll give you time to think. Repeat after me: ‘My name is Danny, I’ve been kidnapped by my little neighbours!’”


“That’s not what Walter asked you to say,” Greg smiled, grabbing the right side of the chair. His cousin caught the other side, and they dragged the chair, bound boy included, all the way to the pantry five metres straight behind the chair. Walter opened the door.

“You have half an hour to take in what just happened. I hope you’ve listened carefully to what I said, because I’m not into repeating. I have tons of very nice stories to tell you, and I may. For now, I want you to think about what happens to you. I expect that at the end of the half hour, you let us know you’re willing to obey. Then we’ll do things the easy way. You don’t want to try the hard way.”

Having dragged Danny to the middle of the pantry, they set the chair down.

“This is where they used to store meat and stuff, before there were fridges. Now it’s the storage place for the cleaning-lady. It’s vented so you won’t lack oxygen, even if we left you in here for hours. Think hard, and enjoy yourself,” Walter ultimately gloated.

They left, slamming the door, Danny remaining in the dark.

His thoughts ran wild. He was harder than before. His neighbour’s taunting left him puzzled, not angry at all, and very much excited. He almost didn’t notice the stale smell of old brooms and rags surrounding him. He didn’t know if it had been five minutes or fifty when the door opened. It was Walter. He turned the light on.

“Everything fine, in there? Your half hour is up. I hope you’ve made up your mind, and the proper way. But I’m getting bored, so I can play a bit with you. We need to wait for Greg; he needs to be here for your giving your answer. He’s not back, yet, though I expect him soon.”

Danny didn’t say a thing, this time. He didn’t really want to scream anyway.

“I just have to think of a game that’s fun to play with a boy who’s trussed up to a chair. Charades is out of the question, because of the gag. Truth or Dare, maybe?

“MMph,” Danny disapproved.

“With my rules, yes, we can. It’s not exactly the same, but I can always ask questions and you answer by yes or no, nicely, peacefully. You can say yes or no with your head, no?”

Danny nodded, with a little grunt.

“You can nod; you don’t have to make noise. Let’s go: do you have hair at your armpits and your dick?”

Danny hesitated.

“I’ll repeat the question this time. I’ll twitch your nipple next: do you have hair under your armpits and on your dick? If you don’t feel like answering, I’ll check for myself.”

Danny’s eyes opened wide. This wasn’t much fun, not at all! He nodded, he didn’t want to see if Walter was serious or not. Of course, he’d long entered puberty. He was way past it, even.

“Have you ever jacked-off?”

Danny wondered what this was about.

“Beaten the bishop? Choked the chicken? Spanked the monkey? Masturbate, if this sounds better to your delicate ears.”

Danny nodded, prodded by Walter’s approaching. He understood he was going to have a lengthy interview about his intimate life. He did. When Greg came back twenty minutes later, Walter knew all about Danny’s self-pleasuring experiments, his jacking-off techniques and his jacking-off buddies from the Tae Kwon Do club. Danny was saved by his blond neighbour at the moment Walter was about to ask about potential tie-up activities.

“Damn, the people in this town are lame,” Greg complained. “It took hours to get to the till. So, is Danny going to behave?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t asked him yet. He likes to wank, though.”

“So?” Greg asked. The opposite would have surprised him. “That’s nice he confided in you. That’s a good sign.”

“Let’s take him out. We’ll remove his gag, so he can say he has understood he is our prisoner.”

The cousins grabbed his chair on both sides, and got him out of the pantry. There was more space to be busy around the trussed-up captive.

To Danny, this didn’t make any sense, yet it kept him excited. He’d have an opportunity to try to talk to them, to let them know they could do this, but not all the time, and… He blushed again at the idea of asking other boys to tie him up.

Greg unwound the turns of tape going around his head. Walter seized the silver plastering of duct tape that stuck to his lower face by the corner above the ear. He pulled briskly. The scream was absorbed by the soggy socks. Greg caught a towel, and put it under Danny’s nose, as Walter admonished: “You’ll speak only if asked. Don’t abuse our kindness.”

Danny spat the socks out; the taste got worse. Greg wiped the drool that followed the socks.

Danny just didn’t think about it. Actually, had there been any appliance running in the kitchen, or an animated conversation, they certainly wouldn’t have heard the faint “Thank you,” that went through his lips. His neighbours had excellent hearing. Walter didn’t think it would be this easy. He clamped his hand over Danny’s mouth. The captive boy got very animated again, shouting his desperate apologies. To no avail. Apparently, Greg being back didn’t mean he would be interrogated and asked if he was willing to obey the cousins.

“Greg, get a water bottle, so we may let him have a drink eventually. And bring material for a number 6.”

Walter had numbers for gags or tie-up positions. It was useful in games at the boarding school, when you needed to surprise the boy you caught.

Keeping a firm hand over his now desperate neighbour’s mouth, Walter spoke softly, being now the best-behaved child in the world.

“This wasn’t nice, Danny. Not nice at all. Why do you force us to use the hard way?”

He held on. As Greg came back, his hands full, Danny had calmed down, the touch of his little neighbour having been gentler. His hand wouldn’t go, but he didn’t crush his lips anymore.

“You’ve tamed the colt, Walt.” Greg turned to Danny: “He’s really good at this, you know?”

Danny waited, silent and motionless. He thought he could expect a drink, if this wasn’t code for some other trick. His socks had dried out his mouth; the taste had subsided a bit, but it still was not too pleasant.

There was no trick. Greg brought a bottle of water close to his cousin’s hand.

“This time, I remove my hand, you open your mouth and Greg gives you water to drink. No funny stuff. No stunt.”

Danny had his drink. He felt if flowing down his throat, relieving him partially. The bottle was taken away from his mouth; Walter clamped his hand over it again.

5. Time for Lunch

“The number 6 is Plasticine, surgical tape and some other tape. Socks are on the outside.”

Danny quickly understood he would have to sniff some socks. He had never noticed his neighbours’ feet smelt stronger than his; he hadn’t had many occasions. He’d have to wait to see how he would feel about it. Danny sometimes enjoyed the smell of his own feet, or of his underwear when he removed his clothing at night. There were stench degrees ranking from guiltily exciting to absolutely disgusting. A little dirty, he would feel aroused. Very sweaty and unwashed feet would make him gag. Other boys liked this too?

Greg rummaged in a bag on the table. Next to it, a plastic bag from the supermarket that had a local branch overflowed with recently purchased goods. Danny noticed paper towel rolls, cling-wrap film rolls, and, as Greg dropped the bag inadvertently, ten or more rolls of surgical tape. Even if he released himself, Danny knew they would no longer have any money to spend on the swimming-pool or on museums.

Greg approached with a huge block of Plasticine. And he didn’t intend to make little models or little figures. He came closer to the other two boys, looking at Danny’s head. He set the block next to his head and took measurements with his fingers. He came back with a knife, and setting the block next to Danny’s face again, he drew lines in the Plasticine with the point of his knife.

“I think I’ve got it Walter. I’ll be back in a sec.”

What had he got? He went to the kitchen table, cut a little bit from the block along the lines. He kneaded the big one in his hands, giving it the shape of Danny’s mouth. He visualized mouths very well. He was good at assessing sizes and measurements. After five minutes, he put a Plasticine rugby ball down on the table. He unfolded a square of clingwrap. He placed the shape in its centre and folded the plastic film around.

Danny didn’t object when Greg came with the thing in hand.

“Just open big and be a good boy,” Walter whispered.

He did. Greg had quite an eye; he didn’t have to adjust or prod too much. Danny tried to close his mouth, and he felt the soft, malleable material spread over the inside of his mouth. Greg wiped the saliva on Danny’s lips; Walter handgagged him again, apparently getting a big kick out of the silencing activity.

“I won’t let you spit it out, but you’ve got to admit, this is much nicer than socks, isn’t it?”

Danny nodded, his approval being felt by Walter who didn’t remove his hand but whispered gentle compliments in his ear. This left time for Greg to get some surgical tape.

It was a wide roll, and no less than six strips were used against his lower face this time. The X. Two under the chin. Two across.

Walter caressed his cheek.

“We’re getting somewhere, now. Electrical tape, Greg?”

This tape was black, shiny, and not as wide as the previous one. But the four turns around his head made the gag even tidier.

“The sock is yours, or mine, Greg?” Walter asked as his cousin came back with a long yellow football sock.

“Mine. I’ve worn it at practice quite a bit, as I forgot to bring in clean ones.”

He set it where Danny’s mouth was, making sure the toes would be right under his nose, and Walter added a black strip to keep it there. The smell was strong. Greg developed luscious feet fumes, and they’d impregnated the socks heavily. The grunt Danny made was not even acknowledged.

“All done, Greg, our guest is going to be very accommodating now. Let’s have lunch.”

For the next ten minutes, modern days cooking went on, as Greg picked a bag of frozen food from the freezer, put it in a dish and stuck it in the microwave oven. Walter was setting the table, taunting their fifteen-year old neighbour who was supposed to watch over them. Restrained without a hope of escape, Danny could only watch what went on: boys who pretended it was all very normal to have a boy trussed up to a chair, heftily gagged in your kitchen as you prepare the meal.

Before they started eating, they dragged Danny’s chair to the table. They set it at the corner of one of the long ends of the big rectangular table; Walter would sit on the short end on Danny’s left, Greg sitting next to him on a chair he’d pulled close to Danny’s, on his right.

But before they sat down to eat, they added a strap across Danny’s forehead, with a ring in the back. Walter threaded a short length of thin rope and knotted it; he then pulled Danny’s head behind; it wasn’t extreme, but he had to keep his chin high.

Greg and Walter could eat at last; they helped themselves to the lasagne; Danny was glad the stinky sock hampered his awareness of pleasant cooking smells, as he was starting to be hungry, and it would have been a dreadful torture to be aware of the appetizing smell of the dish. His questioning was answered even without asking a question.

“You see, Danny,” Walter said, “you’re on a smell diet. You won’t get much solid food, but smelling stuff satisfies the senses. It should keep you from being too hungry.”

Danny was overwhelmed indeed. But his stomach would relish a snack if he got one later on. He watched silent and motionless as the cousins attacked their plates. Once they’d emptied half the content, they were ready to have a conversation again.

“So, Danny,” Greg said, “It seems you don’t mind our little surprise too much. I think we definitely should have you play a part in Scott’s disciplining. There are tons more things to do with two apprentices than with just one.”

“With one, it’s fun also, Greg,” his cousin said, remembering the time they had taken care of their friend Charles for a whole weekend. In the school. They had used all the facilities to have their sweet fun with him. He’d been the naughty schoolboy handled by very strict teachers.

They would have to tell Danny about all the fun things that went on during the time they spent at their boarding school. But for now they had more important things to tell Danny. Walter took a serious, thoughtful look.

“So far you’ve shown some abilities to be a good prisoner. We’re going to test you a little bit over the afternoon, and probably later. I think you’re harmless, and I’m going to make sure you stay so.”

Walter was musing on what they would do to Scott, and how it would be fun having two prisoners. Danny was so glad he was so tightly gagged, so he didn’t have to try and protest his kidnapper; he’d have been embarrassed to have to say what he actually felt.

The conversation drifted to the tightness of the pole tie they’d submitted this boy Charles to. They finished their second bowl of ice-cream when attention turned to Danny again.

“Say, Greg, I think it is high time we actually showed Danny what a hogtie is!”

“Awesome idea, my friend,” Greg giggled. “The hogtie!” Greg bellowed.

6. Main Course & Dessert

The two younger boys just went into a frenzy. They had handcuffs, straps and buckles to assist them, and Danny didn’t actually resist much, but it is certainly because he couldn’t do much else. His legs were freed before they were hobbled again, but as his arms were released from the chair, as was his chest, he was able to stand up. He had his hands handcuffed in the back now, and loose pieces of rope around his legs. They stuck, and he couldn’t run, though.

“Bend over,” Walter said.

He did, laying his chest over the hard surface, only to hear a wolf whistle from Greg, who’d just finished clearing the table where Danny would lie..

“I’d never noticed his butt. Not bad.”

Walter had kneeled and grabbed his ankles. He lifted them, pushing Danny further across the table. He held to them, as Greg was busy tightening the short coils of rope they had used to hobble him. Once his knees were securely held together by three turns of some blue nylon rope, Walter took to binding the ankles. The hobble was green cotton this time. Danny had recognized climbing rope; he wondered where his neighbours got their supply.

“Why have such muscular, wiry legs if you get fooled by little kids?”

Coils were adjusted and tightened, his legs being as one. Both cousins jumped on the table and crouched at his flanks; they were moving on to his arms. And torso.

He was still handcuffed, so he couldn’t do much. Greg was laying the middle of a long rope over his neck; Danny grunted, having had a nightmarish vision all of a sudden.

“Calm down,” Walter said, “He’s not going to strangle you.” The ends were threaded under his armpits. They crossed at the small of his back, went over his hips, back down under his belly, close to an intimate and currently animated part of Danny’s anatomy. Danny felt like they were next pulled along his legs. Greg pushed his hand between Danny’s thighs. It took a while, but eventually, he pulled them back up from between his thighs; he pulled, knowing they were framing his crotch. A reef knot was tied to two ends just after the ropes emerged from between his legs.

“Nothing stuck down there?” Greg asked as he gently tugged on the two bits of rope, bringing them back along his spine. He threaded them between the X they made at the small of his back, pulled gently again. Danny felt the ropes framing his genitals pull against his thighs crease; worse, it was pulling his Lycra shorts up his crack, the reef knot finding his way to rest against Danny’s butthole. The boys then moved Danny on his left side, then on his right to loop three turns around his chest and his arms. Greg tied a reef knot; the two ends hung down on both his sides, leaving some length for further imprisonment.

“Except for your nuts,” Walter explained, “This doesn’t tie much. Your arms a bit. You’ll notice how useful it is right after we take care of your hands.”

There was a discussion to choose how to handle the wrists; his hands were eventually bound palm to palm once the cuffs were removed. A clever braiding of ropes around his forearms was dutifully woven. With each pull, Danny felt a little bit more helpless. To his dismay, he was equally excited.

Walter shuffled back to Danny’s legs, crawling on his knees across the table.

“Time for the fun part. Ready?”

There were grunts from Danny, who was really concerned about his ability to endure such strain, as his bound ankles were pulled towards his buttocks, a rope fixed to them being tied to the ropes around his wrists.

Danny was glad he was quite flexible; if he thought the chair tie had been strict, this time it was testing his athletic abilities. This, and the gag, was some sort of amazing thing that made all his gag-play in his bathroom pale in comparison with the boys’ creation. He should have felt horrified, but the prospect of being the butt of more torments by these two made him feel all special inside.

Danny felt like he was humping the table, with his cock stretching upwards inside his Lycra shorts, permanently defeated by the unbreakable defence of the elastic waistband. He wriggled, genuinely trying to break free from this very difficult situation; but except for a stern warning about falling, he was left on his own.

His mind wandered in a different world; the strain subsided, and he pictured his most lurid fantasies, with Greg and Walter merrily playing their naughty parts.

Danny was wriggling on the table; the boys had gone to put the dishes away. They came back to make it a little bit more stringent for Danny. The harness could be tighter; his arms could be pulled a bit further behind him. Once they had managed their optimal level of tension, they congratulated each other on a job well done, and very quickly moving on to what would come next.

“And now for the dessert you deserve,” Walter announced, “a specialty from my cousin; no, we’re not removing your gag. We are just going to give you something more to smell for finishing your meagre meal. The sock was just the appetizer. You see, Danny, Greg looks angelic, with his little cherub look and smile…”

Greg was in Danny’s eye line, and he took the look in question. Danny melted, it was a magic that worked easily with him.

“… well, Greg has some awfully smelly feet, and in the latest months, since he’s started having hair at his dick and all, it hasn’t gotten any better. Considering you’ve smelled one of his socks for the last forty-five minutes, I’d say you’re aware of this.”

“I must say that if my feet tend to smell; these particular sneakers don’t help.”

He held his sneakers in the air, so Danny could see from the table. It was a pair of black vinyl basketball shoes.

“This plastic looks really cool, see how it shines. At the same time, it causes huge sweating and my feet are always soaked when I exercise in them. I must say this pair of sneakers has a history.”

Danny could now see the shorted bum of the blonde who was leaning down to remove his sneakers. He took the right foot one, and turned back towards Danny.

“A half hour smelling my sneaker will do you good. You’ll enjoy the fresh air afterwards! You’ll realize what happens when you’re a prisoner.”

Greg ripped off the sock from under Danny’s nose, ripping the piece of electrical tape sticking it to the plastering layer.

Danny squirmed, but Walter was in ambush with a shoelace; it took little time and little effort from the two acolytes before the prisoner’s nose was stuck inside the shoe, Walter running the lace in four grommets on each side. He pulled the shoelace, laying it behind Danny’s head so the shoe would remain upon his face, however frantically he would move. The sneaker smelled as promised, and even in ways Danny had not imagined could exist before.

The boys kept fiddling about in the kitchen, Danny could no longer see this well with the shoe fixed to his face, the toe touching his forehead. His senses were overwhelmed with the stench, reminding him of locker rooms, taking clothes off after a hike in the mountains with other boys, and darker views that belong to Danny’s privacy. The sock he’d had under his nostrils before had been an apt prelude to the full symphony of odours he was now experiencing. He was hard as a rock the whole time. It had become normal, so he didn’t notice anymore how horny he was. It was causing a leak that would certainly show over his blue Lycra shorts.

At last, after what could have been ten minutes or one hour, Greg and Walter turned back to Danny. It was half past two; they could move on to the next part of Danny’s initiation. The hogtie was removed, in sync with the application of cuffs linked with chains. Danny didn’t fight, because it was pointless. They never left more than half a limb relatively free; Danny was a bit sore from the position, so he let them stretch his limbs for him, hoping they’d lengthen the tiny moments of almost comfort he felt by being released.

It didn't take ten minutes to have Danny standing beside the table. He had been put in a rope harness that encircled his torso and crotch; a simple one-foot hobble was tied above his knees. A rope collar had been wrapped around his neck. The knot couldn’t tighten if they pulled on the rope, so there was no risk of strangling the babysitter inadvertently.
Last edited by Bondwriter 4 years ago, edited 11 times in total.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

7. Exploration

“Time to give you a little tour of the house, Danny. You’ll see, there are plenty of nice places and nice things that you might find of interest here, if I judge from the wet patch in your shorts.”

The sneaker hadn't been removed, so there was one more thing hiding Danny’s face from his captors’ inquisitive looks. But he could feel the wetness at the tip of his cock. Walter’s remark didn’t get him any calmer, though. Mixed with having to smell the shoe, Danny’s libido was in full overdrive. His breathing was getting short; the gasps raised Walter’s concerns. Walter unknotted the shoelace holding the sneaker, and at last Danny could smell air that wasn’t foul with Greg’s feet’s nastiest odours.

Greg had put on classy sandals, Danny thought. Black, well-polished leather. It really made Greg’s ankle look just… Danny couldn’t find a word, but he was quite pleased with what he saw.

His own feet didn’t remain bare too long. Walter fetched a pair of long football nylon socks; they were red, but the feet had brownish shades. Walter kneeled, and having retrieved the second of Greg’s black vinyl sneakers, he undertook to put them on Danny’s feet. They were a tight fit, but they matched. Danny couldn’t run the marathon with shoes half a size too small; he realized it didn’t matter much for what the cousins seemed to have in mind.

“You can’t know how Greg feels until you’ve walked a thousand miles in his shoes!”

“Do you think he can get my shoes worse than me, Walt?”

There were more giggles, talk about cheese and bacteria.

Walter and Greg then focused on the wet patch Danny displayed; it was the badge showing he had the taste for the proper things. They had to play it smart; they’d done the biggest part of the job. He was already all putty in their hands. Now they had to get him to beg for a wank, or some release. Even from a gagged boy, they could hear this call. They had tried to send such a call themselves, as they had both been captives for long periods of time too. This was mandatory in their club.

“Danny, I’m afraid if we have you walk, your cock will explode. This is a major bulge you show us here. From what you’ve told me, you like wanking and you cum real easily.”

“How should we solve this, Walter? Have an idea?”

Walter had more than an idea; he had a plan. Standing on Danny’s right, he leaned towards him, slightly twisting his hips; he aimed at Danny’s cock with his right hand, his left resting on the small of Danny’s back. He grabbed the whole length with his four fingers closing in on the swollen member tenting the stretchy material. His grip was good, and he gave a little up and down motion. Danny’s muffled grunts acquired a new quality.

When Walter’s hand abruptly left the inflated cudgel, the moan was even more frightening.

“Grrmmph… Mrrrph!!! Ghtmmp!”

“Ha! Ha! You didn’t think I was going to let you cum? I might, later on. But you’ll have to show us you’re a VERY good boy.”

“Mmm,” Danny sighed, understanding he was in for some major kink with these two. They were imaginative; they had also apparently given lots of thought to how to handle a prisoner.

For now, he was not too heavily restrained, at least compared to some of the previous states he had been in. They still had complete control over him, though.

Walter tugged on the leash; Greg was just behind Danny, his hand on his shoulder. They left the kitchen, going back into the hall.

The hall had marble tiles on the floor and dark wood panels on the walls. Danny had been in nice houses before, but this was big and apparently a place of very well-off people.

There was a wide staircase on the right of the hall; Danny had noticed numerous doors in the wooden panels when they’d arrived. This time, he wasn’t brutally assaulted at the moment he tried to assess how many there were, and he could count eight doors in the four walls. It was one of these that Greg opened, showing the inside as a real estate agent showing there was all mod con in this old house: “Bathroom! And a sink. We’ll take you here, but not now.”

He closed the door. He shuffled a couple feet to his right, and started feeling under the ridge of a panel with his fingertips. There was a “Click!” and a hidden panel turned on its hinges. Behind was a narrow spiral staircase.

“This is a place we show only our very good friends, Danny. This is the house’s secret attic. You noticed the spire on the roof?”

Danny nodded he’d seen the elaborate architecture.

“We always say it’s just for decoration, but there’s actually a very nice room at the bottom. Please, lead the way. We’ll follow you so you don’t clumsily fall and break your neck.”

Taking very cautious steps, Danny started climbing. He had gone up three steps when he felt a hand sliding between his thighs, and grabbing his glans with its fingertips.

The voice that went along meant it was Greg’s.

“He’s very wet indeed, Walter. What will we do if he cums in my fingers? I have to support him so he doesn’t fall, and this is the best place to hold on to so he doesn’t fall.”

Danny couldn’t see how physics would support Greg’s assertion, but he still had this formidable gag number 6 silencing him, and he grunted. Had he not been sporting the number 6, the staircase would have resounded with pleas to finish him off.

But he reached the top of the stairs with only furtive caresses from the nimble fingers. He was more titillated than ever.

The staircase landed at the edge of a circular room; it wasn’t more than ten feet in diameter. A beam supporting the spire above was stuck into the wood floor with pins and pegs, in the room’s middle. On the left side, a couch and a coffee table lied, whereas a large wardrobe stood on the right.

“We’ve done the chair tie, the hogtie… For a crash course in being tied up, a good pole tie is a must. See the beam. It’s super solid wood, even though it’s barely one foot wide. It’s a very convenient fixture for tying someone to it. Should we show him, Greg?”

The two cousins made sure Danny couldn’t fall into the staircase by tying his harness to a metal ring in the wall; they then got rope out from the bag they’d brought along. Danny knew enough about knots to identify the clove-hitches that they fastened to the pole in their middle. He quickly visualized, from the height where the rope was fixed to the beam, what parts of his body the white lengths of cotton rope would soon encircle.

Four around the legs and thighs. Two around the waist. Two around the chest. This was promising to be another very strict experience.

“Look, Greg: Danny is clever; he’s understood what’s going to happen to him.”

“I really love pole ties, and seeing how Danny’s built, he should look great once we have him trussed up to the beam.”

“Look good, look good, his shorts are all soaked with his juices. Are you sure it’s not pee?”

“Check for yourself…”

Walter wasn’t shy, and the suggestion inspired him. Rubbing the wet and sticky patch with the tip of his index finger, he collected enough liquid to taste it. Sucking eagerly on his own finger, Walter beamed.

“Pre-cum, cum, boy juice, I don’t know for sure, but this is no pee! It doesn’t look clean, anyway. I was starting to think we should take a few pictures of our pretty captive, but he needs to be decent.”

8. Under Strict Control

Greg knew how to solve the issue – and how to pick on what his cousin implied.

“There’s the cupboard there, the one with Uncle Jerry’s old sports outfits.”

“Football and basketball, we should find something for our young athlete.”

They rushed to a big wardrobe on the left side of the room. Danny couldn’t see much, but there were shelves and a rack.

“Just what I was looking for; the black football shorts. The classy ones with the yellow stripes on the side.” Coming next to Danny leaning onto his wall, Walter put his hands in the shorts and stretched them in front of him.

“Perfect fit,” Greg exclaimed. “Let’s put them on.”

“Great idea. There’s just one thing I need to do…”

Walter stood hip to hip with Danny again. He did the same motion than before, grabbing his dick while holding on to him.

Walter reproduced this magic motion from earlier, and he got the same result; in a few seconds, Danny was on the verge of orgasm.

The hand was swiftly removed. Looking at his fingers, smelling them and displaying an appearance of disgust.

“Ugh! We’re going to have to do something about hygiene problems, Faucet Boy!” “We could be Mario and Luigi, the heroic plumbers who come and rescue Leaky Faucet Boy!”

The heavy gagging also prevented Danny to make the curt remark about younger kids’ video games humour that would have put them in their place. But he couldn’t; and had he been able to talk, he would have begged for Walter to finish him off. Danny gritted his teeth, hoping his ordeal was temporary, and once he’d be deemed suitable, he would be granted such favours.

Danny was panting heavily; Walter didn’t have any intention to take care of his captive. His hand had left the damp area and went to work on removing the knees hobble.

“Let’s get you in some clean shorts. I know you’d love me to give you a handjob, but you still have to deserve it... I love the shorts we’re going to put you in, so we’re going to clean you up a little first; you may thank us for starting over with a clean slate.. From now on, I expect these black shorts to remain spotless. You’ve been warned.”

Danny’s harness was released from the metal ring that had kept him the helpless witness to the preparation of his next ordeal. There was something about a boy tied to a tree that made him feel all special; it seemed his turn had come to try out being trussed to the torture pole.

They first changed his shorts for the thick soft shiny black ones. Danny couldn’t believe how well they fit him. He appreciated it, since they’d removed his Lycra shorts and his shiny swim briefs underneath. Walter adjusted the black garment around Danny’s waist.

“I knew this was your size. Remember, Danny: they might be very soft and pleasant, but you will not wet them with any fluid. They will remain dry. Failure to keep them dry will result in a very drastic punishment.”

His point being made clear, they could move on to binding Danny.

Greg and Walter worked in two stages, once they’d brought Danny next to the beam. They started by taking care of his legs, encircling them in the ropes tied to the pole at ankles, above and below the knees, in the middle of his thighs and at the very top, slightly brushing his scrotum.

They untied his wrists, to put them in leather cuffs linked by a chain behind the beam. From there, the whole harness was removed. The ropes meant to hold him at the waist, just below his ribcage and over his chest were wrapped around his torso; he was pulled tightly against the wooden post.

They roped his elbows to the post with new coils. Danny felt each turn make an escape more unlikely. Even when they started using more pieces to reinforce the groundwork with ropes tightening the previously laid-out coils, none of the turns actually hurt. There were four turns, and where they were located made it unnecessary to really tighten them to the point of cutting blood circulation; Danny could only feel the end result: he was not in pain, and his mind focused more on what his cheeky little neighbours would do to him once he would be bound to the beam.

After they had added ten more metres of slightly thinner rope with various criss-crosses and turns that looped and tightened around the beam, their work was done. He was the ideal kidnapped football player, with his revealing black shorts, black sneakers, long red socks and his gleaming yellow jacket.

Greg didn’t waste time proudly looking over his handiwork. He liked what he saw, but he had more ideas.

“I’ll go get the camera, Walt. And a few things that can be handy to go on. Maybe you can get things that may be useful from the wardrobe and the chest.” Turning to Danny, he cheered him up: “It’s going to be a fun afternoon, Danny, I’m sure you’ll love it!”

He soon disappeared, leaving Danny with Walter standing in front of him; he had one hand on his hip, the other supporting his chin in an intensely reflective look.

“You look absolutely great, my dear captive: trussed into complete helplessness, gagged with an invading block of Plasticine in a well shut mouth. Each of your limbs linked to the beam, so you can’t move them. There’s one thing missing, maybe, but we’ll see when Greg is back. I’ll go get a few things that we keep in storage here, in case we have guests such as you.”

Walter disappeared from Danny’s sight line, as he went to the wardrobe that was behind Danny. He was facing a dark brown leather couch. It looked clean; it didn’t lack polish.

Danny tried to writhe around with stronger force than he had when the cousins had been close, not wanting to trigger a tightening of his bonds from the restless kidnappers. But he couldn’t twist his wrist, his legs were kept uncomfortably straight, and his back didn’t break contact with the wood when he bent forward, testing the chest ropes’ strength.

He moaned in despair; but the long wail was taken as one of ecstasy.

“Hold your britches, here, Danny, we’ll take care of you in time. But you’ll get relief only if you are extra obedient, OK?”

This was hopeless, and they could hear the door opening two floors below, and steps in the staircase.

It was Greg, so there was no unpleasant surprise. He had a large metal tray, with the camera, a pitcher, a bottle and a few biscuits. Walter came back to join his cousin in front of Danny.

“It is hot indeed, Greg. You did bring the water bottle to give Danny a drink, didn’t you?”

“Yes. Do we have everything we need for a number 9?”

“Yes, we do. I just got the needed items over the small pedestal table in the corner. Let’s give Danny some water, so he doesn’t die of thirst in the heat of the attic.”

They took turns removing the various layers: the electrical tape, then the white surgical tape. It was Greg who collected the Plasticine block. It was drowned in saliva, and Greg went to put it somewhere behind the bound boy.

Walter had pressed a hand holding a thick cotton napkin over his mouth, wiping his lips. He kept his hand over the mouth anyway, waiting for Greg to bring the bottle to their captive’s lips.

Danny was starting to know how it worked with his captors. He held his breath, not wanting a sigh to be deemed an attempt at calling for help. He grabbed the bottle’s neck with shy lips. He waited for the bottle to be tipped to open them; once again, there was no cruel trick, and he wasn’t prevented from quenching his thirst. There were biscuits, and more water; Danny was getting used to having Walter’s hand over his lower face. He liked the smell, and the way it clung to his skin, on top of being well silenced and having no control over his captors.

“Now we’ve shown how humane we are, it’s time for the number 9!”

9. The Torture Pole

Repetition and context allowed Danny to understand they were about to gag him next. He just had to wait to find out what this particular number entailed.

“Here is for the wadding,” Greg said, having picked up Danny’s soiled shorts from the pedestal table.

“Bad boys with poor hygiene have to learn the hard way. You soaked your shorts with some of your juice; we had forbidden you to do so. Now you’re going to do a little prewash before they are laundered.”

“Mmmmph! Mmgrbllm?”

“No, they’re not too big. We just need to get them into your mouth slowly, but it’s going to work. OK, I’ll remove my hand…”

Danny didn’t even have time to try to plead his cause; the crotch entered his lips, with four hands and twenty fingers holding his head and pushing the thin Lycra garment inside his mouth. Walter was right. They poked and pushed, filling his cheeks, covering his teeth, and soon his cum-stained shorts perfectly lined the inside of Danny’s mouth.

Walter’s ever gagging hand held his mouth well closed and his lips well sealed; Greg had gone to get another roll of surgical tape. It was thin, a little over one centimetre wide at the most.

“I don’t want to get too technical, Danny, but this next gag is called a Nautilus. Don’t ask me why, but that’s the way it is.”

As Greg approached with the thin length unstuck from the roll, Walter didn’t remove his hand. With his thumb and middle finger, closing his hand, he brought the corners of the prisoner’s lips together. Greg stuck them together, and turned around Danny’s head, the next turn coming to cross the first one between his lips that had been brought together.

“His face looks a bit pinched, Walt,” Greg joked, eliciting some good humour from his cousin.

“Ha! Ha! Nice one Greg. And now, our prisoner has to keep chewing on his dirty shorts until we decide to remove the gag. Maybe we could add some more tape to make sure he can’t cut the tape with his teeth. And I know what looked wrong when I looked at him just before.”

Greg didn’t ask, knowing Walter wouldn’t leave him in the dark for long; he had likely thought of further bonds. For now, the number 9 required a bit of wider tape plastered over Danny’s lower face. Walter pulled his lips together over the thin strip of tape gluing the corners together. Once the X and four more pieces of the sticky and shiny material had sealed his lips, spitting the shorts had become totally impossible. It didn’t really hurt, but it wasn’t as comfortable as the taping he’d been given in the kitchen.

“What I thought was wrong is that his head is still highly mobile. We don’t want that.”

From the supplies behind, Walter brought a little cushion and a roll of coban wrap.

“I’m going to see to it.”

He put the cushion between Danny’s head and the beam. He handgagged him again, this time to hold his head tight against the cushion. His free hand started wrapping the coban wrap across his forehead and around his head and the post. The third turn was overkill. The first two were sufficient to keep the prisoner’s head pinned to the post.

“What’s the cherry on top, for the number 9, Greg?”

Before he knew where he’d disappeared, Danny had Greg in front of him again, holding his soiled underwear he’d been rid of before they bound him standing against the post. It was neatly folded; Greg used the thin tape again, and he fixed the shiny briefs so the spots that had been in contact with the tip of his dick would be just under Danny’s nostrils.

His own smell was surprisingly strong to Danny. Having worn the nylon underwear almost non-stop for forty-eight hours, and knowing of the masturbatory activities he’d undertaken during this time, it wasn’t completely unexpected. What troubled Danny was that it made his little friend inside his black shorts grow. He was eager not to disobey the order; he didn’t want to find out about what Walter considered a drastic punishment.

Summoning enough self-control to pass the test required major concentration. It became crucial to master his erection when Greg explained why he’d brought the pitcher.

“And before we leave you for a little quiet time against your pole, we’re going to make you comfortable.”

He came closer, the pitcher in his hand.

“An empty bladder helps for meditating,” he giggled.

Greg pulled the black shorts down, as swiftly as he could with only one hand. Danny was relieved that his manhood didn’t stick upwards as it did when he sported a hard-on. It was turgid, but was slightly under the horizontal position. To counter the effect of the little hand grabbing his member, Danny visualized his oldest and meanest teachers; it worked, and as Greg presented the pitcher to his cock, Danny had deflated enough; the stream of urine flowed freely upon Greg’s order for his prisoner to relieve himself.

Walter looked at the scene with interest; when the now flaccid cock had passed all the water it had to, the brown-haired boy came closer. He had a small dish towel which he grabbed the penis with.

“You now know how nice I am, Danny. I’m making sure your dick is wiped dry; we wouldn’t want you to have wet stains in your shorts, would we?”

As he kept kneading Danny’s meat, he bent down to look at the shorts that were folded down.

“No stain yet. I’d say you’re quite an obedient fellow. I hope you can keep up with this attitude; failure to do so would lead to ordeals you don’t want to experience.”

This threatening tone was annoying; Danny still didn’t know what punishments the two cousins could inflict upon him. All he could do for the moment was to please them and do as he was told; he couldn’t help but think that whenever they would want to actually punish him, they would find a reason, however poor it was. Danny also realized that, regardless of a possible penalty, he wanted to please the cousins anyway.

Walter’s cleaning was getting him hard again. The captive was thankful when it stopped. His tool was put back in the shorts. Danny felt good; the drink and the snack, and the peeing made him able to stand his ordeal with much more optimism.

“Before we let you know a bit more about our plans, we should test our rope work and the gag. Greg will you give me a hand?”

“Of course. How long should we go?”

“Five minutes should be enough.”


This inarticulate question soon got a non-verbal answer, as twenty nimble digits attacked Danny’s sides, his belly, and most of the body parts that could be reached, trying to find the ticklish ones. The area between his navel and his pubis proved the most sensitive very soon.

The torture victim could feel the helplessness of being so tightly restrained; he had to submit to the ordeal by the hands; he could not dodge, he could not beg for mercy. He was wondering how long it would last, and what could happen if the trial went on when Greg gave up.

“He can’t move, Walter. And the gag works well; we can barely hear him whine through his shorts. Time for a break.”

Walter went on for another minute or so, but tormenting Danny was more fun when he did it with his cousin. He quit too, joining Greg on the couch; they faced the detainee who had no choice but to look at them, with the total immobilization he endured. He liked the show, as the two boys in their eye-catching outfits were sitting cross-legged over the couch.

“OK for a break, Greg. There are things we need to tell Danny anyway. Should we tell him about Scott, or should we give him an idea of the tests he’ll have to go through today?”

“No use spoiling his adventures with Scott. He’ll find out once our other captive is here. Let’s tell him about what is in store for him this evening.”

“Good. I’ll let you explain, then.”

Greg had a high-pitched voice, but he exposed the situation clearly and in a very grown-up way.

“You’ve passed all the tests so far. It’s not like it was difficult, but as you didn’t cry or throw a tantrum, we’ll say you can handle restraints and gags. Not everybody passes, by the way. We had a boy at school, Tommy, who broke down after…”

“We’ll tell him about the school later on, Greg. Danny would love to know what we’re going to do with him later on.”

Greg didn’t get upset. He nodded and went on.

“You can handle being bound and gagged. The issue with a bound and gagged boy is it’s a lot of work. You may have noticed that we’ve spent most of our time since we got here taking care of you.”

“Mmmph! Grmdnnntvmm… Mrmmmph!”

“I agree, you didn’t ask for it. This doesn’t make our work any easier. So, we’re going to spend a little time in the attic, until Mrs Winthorpe comes to check on us. Then we can take you back to the ground floor. This is where we’re going to test your obedience when you’re not completely immobilized in bonds, just restrained and hobbled. How does this sound to you?”

“Mmmph!” Danny replied, not even trying to pronounce a word, as this endeavour would be futile.

10. Revelations

“For now,” Walter continued, “you’re in a perfect position to listen to us. I don’t know how much you’ve understood from our talking about the school, so maybe I will start from the beginning. The beginning took place before we went to our boarding school, actually.”

“It started when we were little kids right here on the estate; we were ten, so it was three years ago,” Greg clarified. Walter wasn’t annoyed; he had not been interrupted. Danny noticed for the first time that they managed to hand over to each other flawlessly. There were small gestures, slight inflections in tone that the other boy picked up immediately. The story unfolded; Danny could now witness how it worked from his pole, the narrative duo working smoothly. The blond boy kept on.

“It was the first time since we were toddlers we stayed over here together. I had spent a few weeks in my granddad’s manor the summer before, with my mom. It lacked other kids to have fun with. No sports, no hanging outside until dusk as I did at home. When I was told in May we would spend three weeks at the manor that year, I sulked. A week later, my mom told me that my cousin Walter would be here, as his family came to spend the summer in England.”

“We lived in Kenya at the time; my dad had a very important job, and we had been in Kenya for two years without going back to Britain,” the impish dark-haired boy stated.

“I was quite relieved to have company. This is a big place, and there are tons of games we can play here, but playing games on your own is quickly boring. Do you remember when tie-up games first came up that summer?”

“Nice one, Greg, you’re going to pretend you don’t remember for the benefit of Danny? They came up when you challenged me to restrain you after we’d seen a magic show on the telly with the magician being chained before he was dunked into a huge fish tank.”

“Is this how it really started?” Greg asked cheekily, “I must have been influenced by your commenting on how loosely the Team Rocket tied up Ash when we watched some Pokémon episode…”

Danny wondered whether he’d have a comprehensive review of all popular culture sources that had made the boys think about tying up.

“There was this, of course, but you’re the one who asked! Anyway, it doesn’t matter; we didn’t discuss this much, but we both liked the idea. The first times we played, the game was for the ‘kidnapper’ to tie his knots well enough so the ‘prisoner’ wouldn’t escape. It took a few times to have enough practice. I’ll admit, Walter was the first one to win.”

“Yes, I had Greg well bound to a chair in the Hunting Lodge; we had a half hour to free ourselves. I couldn’t believe I had managed to tie him strictly enough; I held my breath until the timer on my watch displayed 30:00:00.”

“We hadn’t really discussed what would happen once there would be a win. Walter had some idea, though. He can be a major pain in the butt when he wants to.”

“I had thought about it myself,” Walter grinned widely, “my victory would be rewarded with having a prisoner for a whole hour. As Greg started whining and tried to argue, even threatening to call out,”

“Which would have been useless from the Hunting Lodge anyway…”

“Indeed, so I had to take the necessary measures: filling his mouth and keeping his mouth shut. I used a big bandana for the wadding, and two scarves to trap the bandana inside his gob.”

“This worked really well. I couldn’t call or even talk! It was a bit loose, though, and after ten minutes I managed to slip the scarves down.”

“I saw this, and Greg almost managed to shout, but I caught the bandana before he completely expelled it from his mouth.”

“Walter had grabbed some duct tape. He tied the scarf that went between my teeth again,”

“The cleave-gag, Greg.”

“Yes, the cleave; it was really tight, and then he put strips of duct tape over my mouth, and then the last scarf, to top it all.”

“He didn’t give me any trouble for the next forty-five minutes. When I freed him, he promised he would get his revenge.”

“And I did!”

“After three more tries, since I could escape rather well, I’ll say.”

“Braggart! The time I eventually pinned you down to the bench, you couldn’t have escaped without my help.”

“I did a good job showing you how it’s done, I guess.”

Danny didn’t perceive an actual rivalry; this was boasting from 13-year old boys, nothing out of the ordinary for someone who was just a couple years older. Having thus taken the floor, Walter went on.

“The reason we’re telling you this, Danny, is that a few days before our stay ended, something happened.”

“We got caught!”

“Yes, we got caught, thanks to Greg’s shrill voice as he was keeping me his prisoner; it was on the manor grounds. There was a coppice with a really nice beech, all straight and smooth. We had used it a couple times as a torture pole. Greg had bound me to it,” he paused, looking at Danny, and then at his cousin, “rather well as I couldn’t escape.”

The blond cousin’s beaming smile got Danny’s heart to melt. Greg wasn’t cute; he was the ultimate definition of beauty if you asked Danny.

“Maybe I was a little loud, playing the role of the pirate who’d captured a wealthy man for ransom. I had been loud enough to attract Uncle Jerry.”

“I felt super helpless when he came! I saw him before Greg could, but no matter how hard I tried to warn Greg, he never understood what I was telling him.”

“With both my socks in your mouth, you weren’t supposed to come across.”

“True. It was frustrating to see Uncle Jerry. He didn’t make a noise, and seeing how stealthily he moved, I thought he was about to grab Greg and kidnap him.”

“Our Uncle Jerry is my father’s kid brother. He isn’t super old compared to his siblings; he’s twenty-eight. And he’s always been into games, sports and Boy Scout stuff.”

“The way he said ‘Well, well, well’ got me to think hard and fast. Greg was startled and he stayed there awestruck.”

“Yeah, we both stayed mute, not for the same reasons, of course. I didn’t have to wait for long before Uncle Jerry spoke up. He asked me to take Walter’s gag off.”

“He asked me if I had agreed to this and if it was a game. Then we had a chat about such games. Neither Jerry nor Greg untied me as we chatted, but I didn’t mind. I was relieved Uncle Jerry didn’t get mad at us, or think we were weirdoes.”

“Yes, Danny, our uncle told us he’d played tie-up games when he was a kid too!”

“And he let us know of all the cool places there were to have tie-up fun! This room, for instance. But there are lots of places around that are cool to keep a prisoner. Uncle Jerry had lots of stories of the games he played when he was a kid. His brothers and cousins were much older, but he invited friends and he actually made lots of friends through tie-up games at school.”

“He went to the same school we did,” Greg exclaimed, “and we got tons of advice about the school too.”

Danny had questions about this peculiar relative pop up in his mind; he had to wait for the answers to come, if the boys gave a more detailed description of their uncle and of the relationship they had with him.

“Uncle Jerry saw to it that we could play safely and without being disturbed,” Walter continued. “My grandfather is seldom here. He spends the winter in sunny places, and in the summer he usually spends a few weeks in Scotland to play golf. Our uncle has run the manor for a while.”

“And there have been renovations since then; the Hunting Lodge, and there’s a really nice hidden room in the Summer House!”

“No spoiler, Greg, Danny will have plenty of occasions to see the special rooms we have. What we can say is that we have all it takes to accommodate Scott and Danny.”

Greg giggled and applauded.

“I can’t wait until tomorrow when we have two guests!”

11. Moving On

Danny was looking at the two relatives sprawled over the elegant couch. The sight was great; their banter was pleasant. Except for a little soreness in his knees, he felt like he wanted this moment to never end.

A bell ringing in the entrance hall, twenty feet below, got him out of his reverie. Greg jumped to his feet.

‘Must be old Mrs Winthorpe. I’ll go and take care of her.”

He waved his finger in a threatening manner at Danny.

“You stay where you are and you don’t make a sound. Or Walter will take care of you.”

“I might take care of him anyway,” the dark-haired cousin smirked.

Greg grabbed a few of the things he’d brought before, and put them on the tray; he headed quickly downstairs. Walter got off the couch also, coming closer to Danny.

“Let’s see if you’ve been an obedient captive,” he said, using his index finger to check the gleaming black shorts were still dry. Danny was really wondering about it too. He couldn’t look down, and he’d been hard the whole time; he thought he had done OK, but he couldn’t be sure. Walter’s words reassured him.

“Good boy! You’ve kept your shorts clean so far. Keep up the good work. I’m even going to make you a bit more comfortable as a reward.”

Walter picked the end of the coban wrap that pinned Danny’s head to the pole, and unwrapped it. The diminishing pressure felt like a huge relief to the trussed up older boy.

He didn’t even mind the ruthless ‘Nautilus’, whatever this name was, pulling the corners of his mouth together and pinching them with tape.

“You may stretch your neck, now, Danny.”

Danny hadn’t waited and he was moving his head to relieve the tension on the top of his spine. He was enjoying the motion; he didn’t feel an urge to be untied right away. There was something weirdly exciting about being thus restrained. Certainly the skill his younger neighbours displayed in their rope work made it enjoyable.

“I’ll wait for Greg; then we may show you another room that’s quite a bit of fun in the house.”

Walter patted the bulging shorts.

“I’m sure you will like this next step too.”

He let his hand wander a bit; as the cock writhed and grew within its nylon confines, he soon withdrew his caressing digits. A frustrated moan begged for more.

“I could help you out and get you to cream your shorts, but I would have to punish you then. So I’d better be nice.”

“Hey, Walt, Mrs Winthorpe’s gone. She didn’t seem to mind me being on my own. I told her you’d gone with our babysitter to visit the Hunting Lodge. She told me to give you her best. She insisted on us being nice, and listening to what he told us.”

“I think we will, anytime he can make sense, but so far, I haven’t heard him giving us any grief.”

“Mmmh… Mmmbllmm…”

“Leaving him gagged is the best way to prevent him from saying anything stupid. He hasn’t uttered an unpleasant word since we got here, so I think we should have this continue,” Greg cheerfully replied to Danny’s mumbled pleas, “What should we do next, to assess if he may join Scott tomorrow?”

“Why don’t we check he’s suited for our special brand of academics? Let’s take him to the classroom!”

“Another brill idea, Walt. This could be fun.”

Danny couldn’t really imagine what fun there could be in a classroom; considering Greg and Walter’s idea of fun, he knew they would keep him bound and gagged, but that they would have ways to entertain him too. To find out what was in store for him, he let his captors handle him; he was released from the post, and his hands were tied behind his back again. His arms were folded, with his wrists crossing between his shoulder blades. This was strict, and with his arms folded behind, and some ropes run where his arms folded, his elbows were soon pinioned back to his sides. His legs were hobbled, at knees and ankles. And Walter produced a silk scarf that he tied above the layers of tape covering his pulled lips.

Greg went to the wardrobe that contained all the gear and he came back with a long leather strip. As he brought it to Danny’s neck, standing in front of him, the older boy saw he was to be collared. Walter fetched the matching accessory, and he snapped the link of the leash to a D-ring just above his Adam’s apple.

“I like my pets obedient,” he grinned. “Would you open the way, Greg, we need to step in front of Danny to climb down the stairs.”

“Sure,” Greg replied. He had grabbed a bag that he had filled with items laying around or hidden in storage so far, unseen from the prisoner.

Walter stepped behind. The leash was not much use as long as they were in the staircase; Danny felt Walter’s strong grip on his shoulder; the boy was uncannily safety-conscious for a thirteen-year old. As they emerged inside the hall again, Greg led them to the right. He opened a door that was opposite the kitchen’s. A long hallway unveiled itself. Both boys were ahead of the captive now, Walter tugging on the leash.

“Don’t dawdle, prisoner. You don’t want to get us mad before we get you inside the classroom.”

From the length of the walk, Danny guessed the hallway had to run across the whole building. It was not very wide. On their left, there were windows opening on the outside, and they went past several thick wooden doors. The dark wood panels, the thick dark green carpeting covering the mahogany floor, these were all features of country chic Danny knew from films and novels more than from real life.

12. The Belly of the Beast

At the end of the hallway, there was another bigger hall. Greg came close to the wood panelling to the wall in front of the trio. He slid his hand below a ridge in the wooden wall. Danny heard clicks. There had to be buttons, but Greg didn’t click in a random order. There had to be some combination, and the concentration befitted Greg’s handsomeness well. A louder click could be heard, and Greg pulled the panel aside, as it glided on hidden rails, revealing the entrance to the nether regions of the house. A wide stone spiral staircase plunged into the ground, right in front of their eyes.

“We’re taking you where we’re sure you won’t be heard as we don’t know how you’ll handle our next treatment. We’ll keep you gagged, of course. It’s out of the question you might give us any orders we don’t want to hear.”

A concerned grunt resounded across the stone walls.

“Glad you realize how much of an honour it is for you to be granted access to this secret lower room. Our uncle lets us use it. We’re allowed to enjoy all of the equipment down there, and so it is a place where we take only our best behaved prisoners. So far, I must say, you’re doing rather well,” Walter cooed. Tied to his leash, heavily restrained and utterly silenced, Danny felt a pang of privilege. From what the boys had told him so far, he was eager to find out more about secret locations within the mansion. He was especially anxious to be handled longer; it hadn’t taken too long before Danny had felt like all these things they did to him were a very playful way to spend time with other boys. The older teenager couldn’t decide which of the cousins he liked best. They were both very handsome, though not exactly in the same way.

Walter’s mischievousness was overwhelming, but Danny would have felt more like cuddling with Greg, the blond angel with such a bright and sexy laughter. As both of them were paying attention to him, there was no choice to be made anyway. Walter couldn’t keep talking, and was always explaining what was to happen in an immediate future. The poor victim could only listen, trying to picture what was next, to be prepared. So far he kept relative control over his erection. Maybe his wanting to pee helped, but his semi-hard cock felt like it remained dry so far.

“This is Uncle Jerry’s classroom for naughty boys. Uncle Jerry has other men who come and stay in here to be treated like little schoolboys. We should be down there often over the weekend. We had planned to play schoolboy with Scott downstairs,” Walter said as they were almost completely down the wide flight of granite stairs leading to the mysterious underground chamber.

“This is going to be the final test to see if you’re up to becoming a student in our own school.”

“We may even call it Greg and Walter’s Academy for Naughty Boys!” Greg piped in.

“Yes, though the Walter and Greg’s Academy for Naughty Boys has a better ring to it.”

The cousins didn’t argue over the best name for their school. At the top of the stairs, they had gotten through another hidden entrance, as Greg had released the mechanism that turned shelves into a door. At the bottom of the stairs, it was a big door that Greg opened with a key that was dangling from his neck along with many other smaller keys. He pushed the door. It was thick, and Danny could discern the general layout of this secret room. Assessing the dimensions and the limits as Walter pulled him inside, Danny realized that it looked and felt just like a classroom indeed. It was eight metres long, six metres wide, and the ceiling had to be a solid metre above his head. It was a mix of stone and wood, and the temperature wasn’t as chilly as he had expected.

Danny used the metric system to assess the size or weight of things. He had been convinced to do so by a science teacher two years previous. The argument of a more enlightened system appealed to his rational mind. There were four stone pillars that seemed to support the whole room. They were set as a square with three-metre sides, set to fit symmetrically within the room.

At the back, there was a desk on a small platform. Walter pointed to it, as he was proud to show his guest the very special room.

“The teacher’s desk is on a rostrum,” Walter said pompously, “and we have desks for up to six students.”

There were three desks, but each was designed to receive two people. They were old-fashioned wood writing desks; the enhancements that had been made by screwing rings in it jumped to Danny’s eyes immediately. He had been made keenly aware of the special features that were likely to please his two authoritarian captors very much. These could be used as anchor points to restrain him to the desk, and school him whether he liked it or not. Danny didn’t let his mind wander around too much, as he didn’t want to stain the shorts by getting overly excited.

“As you see, there is all the furniture needed for teaching a proper class. Two wardrobes, a big chest, and a chest of drawers with all that we need to have you work as we intend.”

Danny liked the room. He saw the air vents. It was air-conditioned, and it wasn’t too cold. There was a faint smell of polish. And though it was almost imperceptible, there was a male overtone that could be smelled as the gag forced him to use his nostrils fully.

“It has all modern comfort, too,” Greg said, taking over to introduce another nifty feature of the room. There was another concealed panel, on the left of the room. It slid open.

“We have a bathroom so we can keep our students clean and tidy without having to go back upstairs.”

Greg switched on the light inside the bathroom. A bright white reflected over the tiled walls and floor. It was three metres by four, with a toilet, a sink and what looked like a shower in the far-end corner.

“And since we’re going to keep you well-restrained as we give you the rules and guidelines for our classes, it might be time we let you relieve yourself. A little cleaning afterwards can’t help anyway. As with the shorts, the outfit we’re going to put on you next requires a clean and tidy boy to wear it.”

Danny was slightly puzzled at the idea of an outfit, but the immediate satisfaction of relieving his bladder appealed to him, and he didn’t ask with wide eyes and a small concerned grunt. “Golly,” Danny thought, “I’m really getting used to this! I feel like I could actually let them know of a question…”

Greg came over to him.

“Let’s get you a little comfortable,” he smiled.

“It won’t last, so enjoy the moment,” Walter snarled.

Both cousins were framing him, as Danny was standing in front of the toilet. They bent down; kneeling, they removed the hobbles that imprisoned his legs. Then, without so much as touching him, they grabbed the sides of his shorts and slid them down his thighs to his ankles.

“We’ll give you three minutes to do your business. No funny stuff, of course,” Walter said, wagging his finger in a threatening way.

Danny was left sitting with the hole filled with water available for its excretory purposes. Actually, Danny only needed to pee, and very soon his semi-erection subsided, and a warm stream of urine flowed for what seemed an eternity. He knew he was a late evening person for number two, and so he had no urge to take a shit. The cousins waited for three minutes nevertheless. Danny had thought of calling them, but he didn’t know if they would come, or if they would not give him ‘bad grades’ for this. He let his mind wander a bit, revelling in the prospect of being handled by the two cute and ruthless teachers. He felt his cock grow hard again. He tried to concentrate so he wouldn’t go full mast as his carers would come and see where he was at. The idea of Walter announcing a strict hogtie in retaliation had the opposite effect. His cock was brushing over the white and immaculate porcelain as Greg and Walter leaped inside the bathroom.

“Cleaning time, Danny!” Greg sure had a high-pitched voice. Very cute.

“See, Greg, Danny is naughty again.”

“Yes, you can’t leave him on his own for a couple minutes without him growing a big woody!”

“Had we forbidden him to grow hard?” Walter inquired.

“Mm, let me see. No, I don’t think so. We still have to give him the rules and guidelines. Let’s get him cleaned up and dressed so we can start his schooling.”

Walter had grabbed a towel he’d put under the faucet at the sink. He twisted it eventually. He jumped back to Danny. Grabbing his cock through the lukewarm material of the cotton towel, he pulled it up and forward a bit. Greg had a hand under his left buttock. Danny had caught what came next, and he pushed on his legs to stand up as their gestures requested him to.

“Very good, Danny, I can’t believe how easy you are to handle. I would advise you actually join our class tomorrow.”

“Having him as our pupil wouldn’t be too much effort, Walter. You know how Scott can be difficult. It’s good if half our students are cooperative; we may even use Danny as a restrained assistant, if Scott pulls another one of his rebel tricks.”

Danny had to step out of the shorts bundled up around his ankles. Walter’s soft but firm grasp over the erect penis didn’t dwindle.

“Get the leash so it doesn’t drag on the floor as we take him back to the classroom, Greg. I have found a better way to lead Danny boy where I want!” Walter beamed proudly.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

13. First Day of School

The fourteen steps needed to get back to the classroom were walked under the intense supervision of the two cousins, who were handling their charge as a very precious cargo.

“You can’t walk around naked in our room all the time,” Greg explained, “I think there must be a uniform that fits you in the wardrobe, so you’re dressed in compliance with our rules.”

“This is rule number two, Danny. ‘At Walter and Greg’s Academy for Naughty Boys, students must wear the regulatory uniform, which consists in short shorts, the school shirt and blazer, and the school shoes and stockings.’”

The mention of stockings had Danny open his eyes wide. He couldn’t keep a little grunt from being heard through the gag. His captors didn’t scold him for this, though. Greg just laughed.

“These are not women’s stockings, silly! It’s just that they are fancy old style socks. They look way better than the grey woollen socks that are worn with regular uniforms!”

From the corner of his eye, Danny could see Walter ogling him, now that he had let go of his dick, having laid the towel down on a metal stool.

“I never thought I’d want to dress up an older boy in a cute outfit this much,” the brown-haired boy sighed. “You know what size our boy is, Greg?”

“I have an idea, but I’d better make sure.”

The three writing desks were passed quickly, and Greg leaped onto the platform. He opened a drawer from the teacher’s desk, and produced a measuring tape. He was back in the centre of the room, where Walter was still contemplating the helpless naked body.

“We’ll need to shave him a bit, Greg. Danny’s a bit hairy for a little schoolboy. And we don’t want Scott to be jealous, as we’ve always insisted on him on having baby-smooth skin.”

“Should we do it now? I mean, once we dress him up, it will be more difficult.”

“Nah. No time for this now. It’s already late in the afternoon, and we have some more things to explain to Danny. See what size he is and get him some clothing. We still need to bind him tightly afterwards.”

Greg took a few measures, which he wrote down in a little notebook he’d picked up with the tape. After having measured his chest, his torso, his limbs and several other distances over Danny’s naked, and yet slightly hairy body, Greg scribbled a bit more.

He then rushed to the wardrobe. Meanwhile, Walter was caressing Danny’s chest.

“It’s not like there’s much to shave,” he said pulling on the rare hair that had grown halfway between his nipples, “but not much is already too much.” He then rubbed the nipples.

They could hear Greg thinking aloud: “I have the underwear, the shorts and the shirt. Let’s start with this.”

He shouldn’t have been surprised, but Danny couldn’t help but admire the garments he was to don right away. It was thin material, supple and gleaming, flowing like liquid through Greg’s nimble fingers.

The boys got working right away. The underwear was silk. It was not the manliest possible, being some sort of bikini. The feeling over his legs was incredible as it was pulled up by both boys, who had gotten back into the position they had helping him onto the toilet seat earlier on.

There wasn’t much material, except for the pouch that was apparently designed to host well endowed boys. His buttocks weren’t fully covered, but it was better than nothing, and it wasn’t a string bikini either, or a jock strap. A small triangle of gleaming nylon stretched over his butt crack, concealing his intimacy. He just had to hope that no wedgie was on the way.

Once the skimpy underwear was well adjusted, and made him a tad more modest, the shorts were put on.

They were grey, but not made of flannel as Danny had expected. They were made of three layers of silk, the outward one possessing a deep sheen that made the captive boy very anxious to try them on; if they felt as good as they looked, he was in for a treat.

“I think that Danny likes the uniform already,” Greg joked. “I can’t believe his tastes match ours so closely.”

Danny reciprocated the feeling, informing them of this by a shy “Mmm.”

“Yes, boy, yes, we’re getting there.” Greg playfully rebuked him.

Taking their position at the ankles, they put a leg at a time through the holes. Then they slowly lifted the shorts, letting them glide over his skin, leaving goose bumps in their wake. Once they had reached his waist, Danny realized that Greg’s measuring was genuine. He had already shown a certain talent at crafting a proper shape to fill his mouth; for the clothes, he had an eye too, and he had to know how to translate the measuring into the proper choice of outfit. This also certainly meant that there was a choice in sizes in the wardrobe.

“He’s decent,” Walter stated, taking a couple of steps back to see if the shorts were adjusted properly. “You don’t wear shorts like these every day, boy. I would even risk saying you’ve never worn such shorts. There is no zip in front, and just a satin belt to tighten them. They go much higher than your regular shorts. Half an inch below the navel, that’s where they should reach, isn’t it, Greg?”

“Half an inch, exactly. I’m really happy that I picked this pair. I wondered if they would show his bum as I like it. They do, actually. Well, Danny, if you were a girl, they’d be called bloomers; the space in front, that you have started filling with your hard on, isn’t necessary on girls’ clothing, though.”

“We’ve given you a hint of rule number six with the black shorts in the attic. Here it is in full: ‘Students will be masters of their domain, and no arousal will be responsible for soiling their underwear.’ So, beware, boy, as I will certainly inspect you later on. No discharge, no leak, no cum, no liquid.”

Danny would have understood without the enumeration.

He nodded docilely; he twitched a bit. It would be tough to obey this order. The various layers glided against each other, their caress reminding him with the faintest move how his hard dick was satisfied with the silky touch. He looked at the boys, trying to think of something else. So much for this technique to recover control; the boys were still wearing their shiny sports kits, and his eyes now stimulated his brain to provide the same effect as the shorts.

“I’ll get the blazer so we put it with the shirt once we free his arms. We can’t be sure he’s really docile yet.”

“Well said, Greg, he might be trying to put our attention to sleep with his obedience. No risk should be taken.”

No risk was taken indeed. His legs were hobbled first; Danny complied as his arms were untied. Cuffs and straps were used throughout the change of clothing. Ten minutes later he was wearing the shirt and blazer. They were a tight fit too. His arms were tied behind his backs, with cuffs at his elbows and ankles. And he was still sporting the muffling gag they’d put on him in the attic.

“Let you have a look,” Greg said, “Come with me, there’s a mirror over there.”

At the back of the room, there was a big mirror hanging to the wall. The boys positioned Danny straight in front. The prospective schoolboy was amazed at the sexiness of his outfit. He felt very comfortable, yet, the material stretched over his body like if it had been tailor-made. The kinkiness of his bare thighs ending in the glimmering mass of the shorts at the top was incredible. The football socks and Greg’s sneakers didn’t match the rest of the costume. Danny didn’t have to worry. His hosts were sticklers for such details.

“The footwear now and we can get started,” Greg announced.

He fetched the stockings and shoes from the wardrobe. Walter removed the two hobbles, as he needed access to Danny’s legs; he then untied the shoelaces. He pulled the left sneaker off. Even Danny’s nose, a metre and sixty centimetres above, caught a whiff of the strong smell the sneakers provided.

“Pew! It’s high time we put him in cleaner shoes. I can’t say for sure, Greg, but it seems our little friend has added his own odours to yours.”

Greg was back with the final touch for the costume. He kneeled next to Danny.

“Let me see. Or smell, for that matter,” he giggled, ”these are my sneakers, no doubt, but yes, there is some slight tang that I can’t quite say is mine. We’ll have Danny check out for himself later on, I guess.”

There was a grunt of genuine disapproval. It was ignored.

“Let me save them for later on,” Walter said as he discarded the two socks he’d removed carefully, making sure that Danny kept his balance throughout.

Greg was already performing the same task in reverse. He pulled the stocking together, and slid the toe over Danny’s foot. He tugged on both sides and pulled them up over Danny’s ankle and shin.

Elegant patent leather shoes were put on. They had no laces, but they also fit well. Looking at himself thus dressed, bound and silenced, got the shorts to display some quivering from underneath.

“Now that we have you dressed as a pupil of our Academy for Naughty Boys, we’re going to put you in one of the lecturing positions. Should we do the X, Greg?”

It had certainly been the plan all along, but Greg pretended the idea came out of the blue.

“Yes, we did the chair before, and the writing desk is almost like the chair.”

The boys marched Danny a few steps, between the two stone pillars that were the closest to the door. There was nothing between them, which was not the case of the two upfront; they had a writing desk in between. For clothing issues, Greg led the way; when it came to tying, Walter took control. He came back with cuffs and rope.

“We’ll start with your legs,” he said, kneeling down to the ankles.

“I removed your hobbles just the time to change shoes. For a lecture, we don’t want our audience to run away.”

Danny could feel two sorts of bracelets wrapped and strapped around his left ankle first; the second followed quickly. The end of a piece of rope was threaded to a D-ring on the outside of each cuff. Danny now pictured perfectly well how he was going to be the X.

Walter was in charge of the left leg, and Greg was on the right one. They passed the rope around the stone pillars, and they tugged gently. Moving his feet around so they would glide as his tormentors pulled them outwards, Danny spread his legs slowly, not wanting to fall with no one around. His arms bound behind him would guarantee a bleeding nose. He’d rather avoid it.

Once the prisoner’s legs were almost at a straight angle, Walter and Greg came with the end of their respective ropes. They threaded them through the D-rings, looped them around the pillars one more time and eventually tied them to the D-ring. Danny had to stay with his legs spread wide; casting a glance below, he noticed how obscenely his hard on stuck out.

A similar routine was applied to his arms once they were at last rid of the tight bonds keeping them folded behind him. There were some hooks at the top of the pillars. They enabled a tightening of the ropes linked to his wrist cuffs not only outward but also upward. The ropes formed a straight line with Danny’s arms; the boy hoped the lecture wouldn’t last all evening, for this new position promised to be uncomfortable if it had to be kept too long.

The boys added cuffs at the elbows, knees, and wrapped a thin leather belt just over the shorts’ waistband. More ropes were used to spread the pressure. Now, Danny couldn’t fall. He couldn’t twitch either. Greg was standing in front of him, caressing his chin as he admired his handiwork.

14. Best Seen, not Heard

“This looks really good. I’m glad there was Danny’s size in the wardrobe, for he looks really good in it. What should we use for a lecture gag, Walt?”

“The grain bag, maybe? One of the dunce caps must also fit him, so it would be a nice combination. Silence and tidiness, what better gag can we dream of?”

“You’re right, Walt. I’ve always wanted to try these dunce caps our uncle holds down here. I really thought Scott would be the first of our guests to test how well they fit. Are you sure we’ve tightened the ropes enough?”

“There’s no harm in checking them once more,” the elfish brown haired boy grinned.

And so, it took another seven or eight minutes of the boys tightening the web of ropes that held Danny in his spread-eagled standing position.

“So far, we’ve used the number 9 and the number 6 gags. The one we’re about to use isn’t in our list yet,” Walter wondered.

“It’ll be number 12, we’ve got eleven types of gags in the list so far. From the puny, mock ones to the strict ones.”

Walter went to a chest of drawers. He pulled out a few plastic sacks; the rustling sound indicated they contained some pebbles or grains, or some powder for the other one. He expected Walter to explain further anyway; Walter especially relished detailing his plans.

“This is advanced gagging technique, Danny. But we’ve determined you had been longing for bonds and gags this afternoon. So you might be introduced to one particular way we’ve found about six months ago. We explained to you how important it was to fill the mouth properly when imposing a gag. We’ve explored various ways. And we found a story on the internet that had two friends playing cowboys and Indians, and one using flour in balloon to fill the mouth. You see, dough grows and hardens when put at body temperature. So if you fill a balloon with the proper amount, it makes for a perfect mouth filling, especially after a few hours.”

This made sense. Danny knew exactly the story the boy was referring to. It was called “Young Outlaw”, and the older teen had read it a few times. It belonged to a set of many stories he read with passion. Or to be more accurate, for nice wanking sessions thinking or reading of complicated tie-up games with large groups of boys.

There were two balloons used as two layers of the same bladder in the story. It was put in the prisoner’s mouth. The captor filled it with flour and then water.

When the ‘number 9’ gag had been applied, Danny had acknowledged it was an improvement over the similar one he’d made. There was know-how to the things the three boys enjoyed, Danny knew it.

“We tried it on Scott, of course. It worked great; it wasn’t easy to put on, though. So we decided we could find another way that didn’t require as much preparation especially with flour and water involved.”

“We could combine it with the grain sack filling we’d read about in another story. You sew a little pouch shaped like the inside of a mouth and you fill it with grain, like wheat or any cereal of your choice. The sewing needs to be top-notch, but this is something we can handle.” Walter knew his stuff; his cousin went on.

“This made for another wonderful evening along with Scott whom we’d brought to a broom closet one floor down from the dorm!”

“To be fair, Greg, we were nice to him. We didn’t leave him on his own much. He was grateful we stayed with him all the time. We weren’t bored; there were many games to play with Scott restrained and so tightly gagged,” Walter smiled.

“The little pouch filled with grain, plus tape plus a rubber swim cap, plus more tape. I think he couldn’t have been heard even if we’d kept him inside our room.”

“Not sure, Greg. The gag worked really well, but the noise Scott can make through his nose when we ‘play’ with him, maybe after a few hours, someone would have picked up on his wails.”

All the while, Danny had seen the two cousins move around. The metal stool had been brought in front of Danny, so they could lay things down for the removal of his current gag, and the imposition of the next one. Walter even fetched a small night table. It was more like a stool too, but with a drawer and a nice wooden square to use as a sideboard. With equipment, time and creativity, Danny realized, his continuing detention could be handled smoothly.

“First step,” Walter explained learnedly, “is to remove your current number 6. I really like the number 6 for effectiveness. It’s not the best for looks. Let’s remove a few layers.”

The tape keeping his smelly underwear under Danny’s nose was removed, and the balled-up briefs discarded on the sideboard.

“This looks great, Walt. See how the tape really clings to his face. Pulling his lips together with the thin tape underneath really gives his face a lovely shape.”

Danny enjoyed Greg’s attention, and his comments on his good looks tended to trigger a realization that he benefited tremendously from the space left at the front of his shorts to let what was inside to expand if need be. And need was.

“Yes, it’s almost too bad we remove it so soon. Say, did you bring the camera downstairs?”

“I sure did!”

Greg leaped to his rucksack. He took thirty or forty shots of the spread-eagled school boy. He experimented with angles and did various close-up shots too. Once Danny’s predicament was documented to his satisfaction, he put the camera back into its case.

“I’ll fetch water, while you remove the tape and collect his shorts.”

“I’ll remove the tape; bring me a pair of rubber gloves from the bathroom, so I don’t get infected by dirty shorts full of saliva!”

Greg was back soon. The removal of the tape, especially the thin one that had pulled the corners of his mouth together actually caused discomfort. It wasn’t before Walter removed it that Danny felt actual pain. But it stung.

“You may move your lips and jaws, but don’t spit the shorts out,” Walter warned, as he put on thin surgical latex gloves. Once they were on snugly, he went around one of the pillars to get behind Danny. He clamped his right hand over his mouth.

“You know us now, Danny. Behave, and do as we say.”

Walter’s grasp tightened, and Danny felt the youthful body flattening himself against his backside. It was not that flat, as Danny could feel, through many layers of nylon and silk, a solid bulge rubbing against his butt crack.

“Open your mouth big, and let me take these shorts out of your mouth.”

Greg was standing just in front of Danny. He frowned as his cousin handed him the soggy nylon mass which he’d picked up slowly from the older boy’s gob.

“That’s a lot of spit! We should put some liquid back in him.”

The rubber-gloved hand softly covered the mouth again. Danny moved his jaws around a bit. The soft massaging actually soothed the upset he’d felt with the tape being unstuck.

“All right, my boy,” Walter said, Greg having gone to get some things in the wardrobe and then dashed into the bathroom, “I’m going to challenge you a bit. You might have noticed that our goal was to prevent you from saying anything, especially if you gave us orders, as we’ve promised our parents to do as you say. I understand the incentive no longer works as much. I’m sure you don’t want this to end.”

Danny didn’t know how to react. He knew the boy’s hand and his body could certainly pick non-verbal messages. But which ones did he want to send, and would he be understood? Would he be deemed a slut? Shaking and grunting could be a start. This was hopeless, but by now his reactions were being closely assessed, and he really wanted to pass all the tests the boys gave him.

Walter held on to his prisoner with more force. His hand now pressed against Danny’s face forcefully, and it also made it tough to open his jaws. Greg was back. He had a baby bottle in his hand, and a small pitcher of water that he put carefully down on the sideboard. Brandishing the bottle, he put it under Danny’s nose.

“Time for little Danny to drink his bottle! Sorry there’s no milk down here, but I’ve put a little strawberry syrup in it.”

“I’ve challenged Danny to manage to give us orders Greg. So we have to be cautious.”

Greg frowned. He was a practical boy, and he knew that if they had Danny drink, they couldn’t manage a hundred percent closing of the mouth. It was impossible to prevent him from saying “Stop!” or even “Set me free!”. He thought quickly, and he smiled. He knew how to move the goal posts.

“Fine. But what do you consider an order, Walt?”

Looking above Danny’s shoulder at Greg, his mischievous cousin grinned.

“If, for instance, Danny managed to utter every word in a sentence like, ‘Greg, Walter, please, be so kind as to remove my bonds and not gag me again!’ I would consider this an order I have to follow. With fewer words, I’m afraid this would just be some random blabber.”

“Perfect, Walt. So, Danny, you remember the magic sentence? I’ll repeat it once, but once only. Anything but every single word of this sentence will be considered a failure. A failure at our school earns you demerits. And demerits lead to punishments. We’ll let you know more about it once we’ve managed to put this new gag on you, and that we can talk without fear of you actually telling us what to do.’”

The bottle approached Walter’s gloved hand. Greg was holding it. The mouth was uncovered, and Danny took up the challenge. Two syllables came out, but he was far from having made any kind of demand, trying to utter the boys’ names. His mouth was plugged with the large rubber teat. It was water with some sweetener in it, and it was satisfying for Danny, even if quite humiliating. The boys were well coordinated, and at the end of the watering, Danny was none the better in terms of words, pronounced. He’d eventually reached the two names. He just hoped saying one syllable at a time would get him slightly off the hook, and possibly discussing a bit about what the cousins had to do to him. He had ideas.

Eventually, the bottle was empty and Walter had gone back to handgagging his babysitter, the rubber glove gripping over the skin tightly. A finger on one nostril prevented too much effort to make noise.

Greg fiddled about with the little sacks; his cousin held on to Danny like vines. Greg turned around to the symbiotic pair; he had a little shape in his hand. It resembled the inside of a mouth, Danny spotted it right away. It was stuck effortlessly inside; Walter was pulling his lower jaw down as he lifted his hand from the lips.

The thing felt like it was made of thick nylon. It glided easily and rested behind his teeth, stretching from the palate to the pressured down tongue. The handgag was back immediately. Danny moved around and grunted. Nothing gave.

Greg picked up a sort of piping bag he had prepared. The stainless steel end was stuck between Danny’s teeth. This time there wasn’t any concern he would be able to add to the magic sentence.

As Greg pressed over the rubber bladder, the shape grew inside his mouth.

“This is water with yeast and various ingredients. The grains should absorb some of the moisture. They will also grow in size. As the pressure will increase, we need to lock your jaws so we get the maximum silencing effect. It’s not our nicest one. But there are a number of things we want you to do with us, and the quicker you get done, the quicker we move on to a less severe gag.”

Greg removed the canula, checking there wasn’t any leak.

Walter’s grip was no longer as strong. Most of the job was done.

“Some tape, Greg. Then the dunce cap, please.”

Greg cracked a most delightful smile looking at Danny.

“Our uncle has some amazing gear, you’ll see. The dunce cap is super kinky. It’s a hood, and we’d seen some in drawings or read about them in stories. But it’s even better when you get to use it in real.”

“We don’t know yet, it’s the first time our uncle let us use this particular equipment. It will tidy up the whole thing, and really make you suited for the academic activities.”

Greg was opening the large chest at the end of the room. He was leaning to pick up what Danny thought was the final touch to his headwear. Once again, the suppleness and sheen of the piece of what could be leather gave a high-grade feel.

Danny soon realized how fully it would cover his head. Beside an opening that lined the eyebrows at the top and framed his nose, covering every other part of his head with a layer of thin kid leather, from the crown down to his neck. There was a slit at the back, which made it relatively unproblematic for the boys to slip the hood over Danny’s head.

Walter was tightening the laces that crossed along the slit at the back. There were tools used to do this. Danny thought he’d seen such things used in old art that featured corsets. These were needles used to pull a corset laces. Danny had been both horrified and fascinated when he had come across corseting stories once or twice. He had seen depictions of such hoods. He couldn’t believe how it actually felt.

Greg was standing in front of the muzzled young man, his hands on his hips.

“Damn, Walter,” he swore, “this looks amazing! But isn’t it a dunce cap?”

Walter was tackling the lower part of the stitch, pulling the part over the neck tight. It didn’t cut Danny’s breath, and his Adam’s apple wasn’t crushed down ruthlessly. But it was so finely cut that it clung to his face. There was some reinforcement around the chin; he couldn’t move his jaws apart at all.

“You see the two small rings sewn in front, on each side of his head? They’re used to fix accessories. We have all sorts of animal ears, and even antlers, if we want to turn our guest into a reindeer.”

“Clever. We can try different ones. It’ll be fun. I’d love to have Danny as our own little kitten. It would be super cute!”

Danny had mixed feelings about this. At the moment, though, he wasn’t preoccupied about being made into Mickey Mouse or into a dog. He was just wondering if it was his mind playing tricks on him or if the thing in his mouth was really expanding.

Walter had tied the two laces together at the back, at the base of his neck. A strap covered the knot. Danny heard a click.

“It’s a padlock. We both have the key, Danny. But even if someone came to save you, you would have to keep the gag on!”

Danny knew shears or scissors would remove the fiendish device. But it was a nice touch anyway. Now, what was expected of him?

15. Laying out the rules

“Now, Danny,” Walter said as he’d joined his cousins and that they both were in front of the prey they’d caught in their web, “we’ll finish with a little lecture. This is not the most usual studying position; we think you’ll have the attention we require when giving out instructions. We will then give you an assignment. We’ll move you to a writing desk. We deal with academics, so expect to write or use a pen and paper.”

“But first of all, Danny, we should tell you the rules. We’ve hinted at them,” Greg said, “Now it’s time you know them. We will read them to you several times. Listen closely. You’ll be quizzed on them very soon.”

Greg moved an eyebrow, and twisted his wrist while smiling. Danny knew this meant he had to memorize what these rules; Greg let the floor to Walter.

“Rule number one: ‘Students at Walter and Greg’s Academy for Naughty Boys will be restrained at all times, so their moves can be closely monitored.’”

“Mmmbbbllmm!” Danny attempted as two pairs of eyes were scrutinizing his helpless form gleefully.

“Why wouldn’t it just be ‘Academy for Naughty Boys’, Walt?”

“No issue with me,” Walter replied; he was eager to go on as interesting activities would follow this lecture. They mattered more than asserting his leadership. “Rule number two: ‘At the Academy for Naughty Boys, students must wear the regulatory uniform, which consists in short shorts, the school shirt and blazer, and the school shoes and stockings.’ You’re following this one already. Rule number three: ‘Students at the Academy for Naughty Boys will use proper language. They will be gagged if they cannot do so.’”

“We’d rather be on the safe side on this one,” Greg smiled.

“Yes, the rule should be ‘if they cannot be trusted to do so,’ I guess,” Walter said, scribbling down a note on the notebook he was reading from, “and in your case, there’s this little matter of you trying to give us orders. Anyway, rule number four addresses this issue too: ‘Students will comply with all instructions given by the Academy for Naughty Boys staff.’ If it wasn’t clear enough, the staff is Greg and I.”

Danny nodded, refraining from protesting through the huge mass in his mouth. He didn’t want to antagonize his captors even when being spoken down to.

“Rule number five: ‘Students at the Academy for Naughty Boys will do their best to achieve excellence. Demerits will be handed for lack of effort,’” Walter paused. He looked straight into Danny’s eyes. “We will be the only judges on what effort we require. Don’t fret too much, we demand good behaviour; we know how to reward it.”

“We know how to punish nasty behaviour too!” Greg piped in again. Danny saw that the mere prospect of punishment pleased the blond boy. Some quivering inside the cute lad’s tight shorts confirmed his appreciation.

“Greg’s right, Danny. Punishing Scott when he didn’t do as told has made him a much better student. We’ll give you more details on the rewards and punishments later. Rule number six: ‘Students at the Academy for Naughty Boys will be masters of their domain, and no arousal will be responsible for soiling their underwear.’ You know this one already.”

Greg took a step towards his spread-eagled captive. He reached for the shorts. They were still dry; this time, the flesh trembling was within Danny’s shorts.

“Feels OK so far, Walt.”

“Good. This is a rule that our unruly student is likely to break; now he’s been warned, though. Let’s move on to rule number seven: ‘Students will respect the timetables and deadlines given by the Academy for Naughty Boys’ staff.’ This one won’t be needed today, as we take you through the routine. Rule number eight: ‘Students will show respect and avoid being rude to the Academy for Naughty Boys’ staff.’”

“You’ve noticed we could hear what you said even with a big gag in your mouth, Danny?” Greg tweeted.

“Mmmh. MMbllmph.”

“You did,” Walter picked up, “That’s good. A good little student shows deference to the instructors. Rule number nine, then: ‘Students at the Academy for Naughty Boys will also show respect to their peers. They won’t pick fights or argue.’ See, if we have some company for you, you’ll be expected to behave well with them too! Not to worry, thanks to rules number one and three, this is rather easy. So, last though not least: ‘Students at the Academy for Naughty Boys will show that they are brave, intelligent and that their mind is pure.’ Greg, go get a feather for the second reading.”

Walter didn’t comment on this latest broad and vague rule. Danny was trying to make sense of all of this. Except for the clothing, the restraints and the gags, there was nothing that couldn’t have been in the guidelines of a school. His own comprehensive had a similar set; but the hours spent under the pair’s control had taught him that deviousness could be expected.

Not being too ticklish, he didn’t fear another bout of this torture. Greg was back with a long pheasant feather.

“Ready for reading, Walter?”

Walter smiled, nodding. The reading started over, uninterrupted this time. The feather came to touch the captive’s thighs; it moved following Greg’s supple wrist. The blond boy was crouching right in front of Danny. This wasn’t too bad, and Danny could focus on Walter’s voice. The feather was brought a little higher. After a little tickling of Danny’s turgid cock through the two layers of silky material, it reached the part just above his pubis. Greg had found his soft spot back when he was trussed to the pole in the attic; now he used this information to make the prisoner’s task more difficult to perform.

This tickled! The web of ropes prevented any motion, and the twitching he could achieve didn’t pull him out of the dreadful feather’s way. Danny realized Walter had gone over the full list, and he had lost track of what was being told. Greg stopped.

“You know the ways, Greg. I think it’s a bit unfair for Danny though. Would you like me to start over, lad?”

Danny nodded, pleading with his eyes, refraining from grunting.

“I feel like being kind. Plus you’ve behaved so far, so there’s no reason to be cruel.”

The reading resumed. So did the tickling, unfortunately. Danny moaned; on top of this torture, the gag he’d somehow forgotten about felt like it was still growing; his mouth felt like it was filling up yet further. And no sound could be made.

Both boys paused as Walter was done reciting the rules. The routine was repeated. Walter voiced out each time how lenient and good they were; the trial started again. It went on seven or eight times. Danny now had a better grasp on the rules; but as Walter’s voice ended, with only the faint rustling of the feather now focused on the squirming boy’s crotch, Greg’s crystal-clear laughter erupted.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Our pupil just had a number six problem!”

Danny felt the dampness spreading around the tip of his cock. It was very hard, and he realized how excited he was by Walter reading these rules, and the mental images it brought to his mind. Danny wished he had actually had an orgasm; he had been denied release for so long now. The pre-cum he was leaking copiously was evidence of his need, that his keepers had no intent of fulfilling thus far.

“Total lack of control, lad,” Walter smirked, “which gets you five demerits.”

Greg’s own smile fainted; he now showed concern.

“Five demerits! This is a lot. Shan’t we be kind to the newbie?”

“No wonder your nickname is good-hearted Greg. You know what I think of being too soft.”

Danny felt comfort in the pleading look the handsome blond lad displayed. It could be sincere, who knew?

“We could reduce the sentence a bit, and punish Danny right away. Then we can set higher stakes for the next test.”

Walter frowned; the boys were great actors, as he really looked like he was thinking deeply. They had likely planned to blow hot and cold.

“All right, Greg, you win. A good spanking now, and it clears the slate for faucet boy.”


“Don’t make me regret defending you, lad. Walter is very generous, and a spanking is not that bad.”

Greg’s smile had turned feral, as his canine teeth were now visible.

“How many smacks for the spanking, Walt? What about fifty?”

“The lad will have to sit afterwards, so let’s rather make it fifteen. If it’s a hand spanking, I don’t have energy for as many as you’d like.”

His captors derived great pleasure from trading the good cop/ bad cop roles swiftly.

“Let’s make it sixteen, eight smacks each so it’s even.”

“Have it your way, Greg,” Walter sighed.

They went around the pillars and stood behind Danny. He could feel their body warmth; he had never been spanked. He wondered if it would hurt.

“Let’s prepare,” Greg whispered.

Danny felt a hand caressing each of his buttocks. The soft feel of the nimble digits brushing against the soft material of his shorts was not what he had expected. It lasted for a while.

“I think I’m ready, and I can aim properly now,” Walter said. The touching stopped. “You’re allowed to scream as we spank you. It’ll be a good way to try out this gag. It looks good, but does it muffle the tries at making noise?”

Danny was reminded of the hefty mass filling his mouth. He was bracing for what was to happen. There was no warning, but from the motions behind him, Danny knew the first blow came from Greg.



This stung; it wasn’t horrible, but it definitely stung.

“One,” Greg counted.

The second blow landed on the other butt cheek.

“Two,” Greg said. The blond boy counted the smacks until the sixteenth that Walter gave rather intensely.

Throughout the ordeal, Danny wiggled and gave out muffled yelps; after the fifth smack, he had gotten used to the feeling. He couldn’t act as if it didn’t hurt; it was a punishment, and his tormentors should know he felt pain. There was rule number ten, though, and there had to be some bravery on display.

The boys were back in front of him. Danny felt a tear rolling from his left eye, and reaching the leather hood soon. This had been a reflex more than a betrayal of his feelings. Somehow, he was glad of this reaction.

“The lad’s crying, Walt!”

“He must be sad that he misbehaved. Is this it, boy?”

Rule number ten was certainly tested. Danny nodded.

“An Academy pupil doesn’t complain about punishments. This seems our young Danny has learned his lesson well.”

“Look, Walt! He’s still hard, too! So it means our little friend likes having his bottom smacked.”

“Indeed. The problem is, if he’s been leaking further, it doesn’t show. We should clean him up before he takes the next test.”

“Good idea. We should help him remaining clean.”

As the discomfort from the spanking subsided lightly, Danny calmed down. He let his wards release him from the spread-eagle and didn’t resist being hobbled anew. He was then led back inside the bathroom.

16. A Class Act

The sight he got in the mirror was incredible. The leather hood covering his head was tight and gleaming. With his arms restrained behind his back, he had been turned into a creature coming from his most intimate, kinky fantasies. The spanking was completely forgotten.

Danny’s jacket and shirt were unbuttoned, and pulled back behind him, until it reached the cuffs just above his elbows. His chest and stomach looked good, thus framed by the fancy material. His shorts and underwear were pulled down to his knees next. It required stretching the silky fabric, as his penis was still rigidly pointing to the heavens.

“We’ll have to do a boner contest when Scott is here. It seems Danny is a contender for hard-on of the year,” Greg noted.

“This could be a nice challenge. Scott has always been enthusiastic about getting a hard-on. A little competition would be good; it’ll keep him on his toes. Let’s clean up fountain lad; it’s getting late, and he has more tests to take before we put him to bed.”

Walter turned the faucet on. Both cousins grabbed a wash mitt; they soaped and soaked them, and started lathering Danny’s torso. They spent time on his armpits; a quick washing of his genitals was next. Walter took care of this; he had a knack for making it arousing while managing to deny orgasm. His hand left the protruding member aiming at the sky.

“Keep calm, Danny. If you really behave, maybe I’ll let you shoot your load!”

An obedient nod confirmed the captive was willing to keep control. The prospect of a reward worked well.

Danny was rinsed. Greg towelled him dry. His shirt and jacket were buttoned anew. Walter added the neck-tie, knotting a masterful Windsor. Greg pulled the underwear and shorts up, tucking the shirt evenly under the waistband. Danny was fascinated by the view.

He was eager to pose when they brought him back to the classroom. Greg had picked up his digital camera, shooting more of Danny standing next to one of the writing desks.

“Smile, Danny!” he joked. Danny tried; his lips were sealed, his mouth was full of the wad that felt like it was creepily growing.

“It may be difficult with the dunce cap. We won’t give you a penalty, then. Will you explain our student what comes next, Walt?”

“Sure; once he’s harnessed!”

Walt went to gather a new accessory; it was a bundle of patent brown leather straps. It was fitted on Danny swiftly. Three rings encircled his torso: just under the armpits, under his rib cage and around his waist. They buckled in front. There were two shoulder straps, and Danny felt a strap linking the others running along his spine. Walter tested it held fast; he tightened the waist strap one notch.

“Time for a little written test, Danny! Please have a seat.”

The cousins helped him to sit to the right of the writing desk. He felt more leather belts hanging underneath. These were used to wrap his thighs just above the knees, keeping his legs. There were cuffs attached at the base of the desk; his ankles were strapped in. Two more leather attachments were fastened around his thighs, at the top this time, keeping him down on the seat.

His arms were freed from the chains keeping them behind; the boys had more cuffs to restrain his hands to the desktop. His wrists were linked by five or six centimetres of a thin chain; a big ring in the middle held another chain that was fastened to a hook at the edge of the table. A few centimetres of chain allowed for Danny moving his hands over an A4 sheet of paper. Greg then put small padlock over the cuffs; Walter fetched a note pad from the teacher’s desk.

He laid them within his student’s reach.

“This is not a difficult assignment. First, you need to list the rules as we’ve read them to you. Once you’re done, write how you feel about number three. Bonus question: how are you fitted for rule number five?”

This was all the instructions they gave him? Danny looked at them wide-eyed. His pleading look didn’t trigger any further explanation.

“Get down to it, we don’t have all night. Twenty minutes for question one, by the way. Come, Greg, there are things to discuss for tomorrow.”

The cousins left Danny at his desk; they sat down at the teacher desk, opened their own notebook. By the time they were whispering to each other and passing the paper to write down ideas on what to do, and replying to the ensuing suggestion, Danny had gotten fully engrossed in the task he’d been given.

He jotted down the assignment in notes form. He then scribbled down the main words or object of each rule in sequence. From there, he wrote the whole set on a new piece of paper, playing Walter’s voice, and then Greg’s inside his mind. It was Greg’s high-pitched and amused tone that helped him the most to write them down as he’d heard them.

He got as much as he could. The general sense, the tone of these rules had aroused him tremendously. Thankfully, he was doing rather fine with playing them over in his mind. He’d focused like crazy when Walter had read them, and then again when they had been repeated by the younger cousin.

Time flew, but soon Danny had covered his first sheet of paper with the ten rules. He now noticed the hushed voices and the conspiratorial murmurs of the boys, fully engrossed in their planning. The smiles promised devious treatments. Danny went on with the next instruction. He thought for a second. Did unruly pupils need to be gagged? There was something exciting being so tightly silenced at the hands of these cuties. How could he tell this in a way that wouldn’t make him sound like a weakling? They had done so to prevent him from giving them orders. He could acknowledge this. ‘If a boy has to be kept silent because his words would endanger the staff’s authority, a gag is a proper way to do so,’ he wrote.

He was expecting the boys to call time out any time, so he had to give them some satisfaction with this rule number five thing. ‘I will do my uttermost to satisfy the staff of the Academy for Naughty Boys in everything they ask me.’

Danny put his pen down. Over a last muffled giggle, Walter noticed Danny was done.

“Just in time. Let’s see how this student has done. This will decide of a punishment or of a possible reward.”

Walter stepped down and grabbed the assignment papers; towering over Danny from their desk, the two cousins pointed to the paper here and then, either rolling their eyes in disbelief or pointing to something and high-fiving each other just afterwards. The show grew long for Danny. He wanted to know whether his efforts paid. After fifteen long minutes, the duo looked at each other. They were done with the show too. Walter spoke.

“You used jacket for blazer, and tainted for soiled. These are the only two mistakes, which earn you three demerits. That’s the lowest number of demerits ever! Scott got twenty-eight.”

Danny smiled under the layer of leather clutching to his face. What Greg said next made him blush.

“And these are perfect answers that you gave. I was afraid you would use the opportunity to give us orders, but you didn’t even try.”

Danny had not even thought of it. It was so obvious he could have fooled them. Yet, after a quick flash of adrenaline at the announcement, he felt relaxed. He didn’t like to lose, but once more his helplessness was an asset to explore further with the creative pair. He went with the flow. Would he be rewarded, then? The blond boy piped more good news.

“You will be fed. Then we will give you a hand job. I think you deserve one.”

“Seconded; we’ll put you in bed afterwards. You need to be in shape for what we have in mind for you and Scott. A good night rest will help. We have more trials and challenges, you would imagine. Naughty boys need to be stimulated to improve.”

The young teen talking like a PE teacher was pleasant. Greg had already volunteered to take care of the food, and he trotted to the door behind Danny. Walter slowly stepped down from the pulpit. Was the feral grin compatible with a reward?

“Let me see how you fare in your uniform.”

It depended on how you judged success. Walter fondled Danny’s crotch, unequivocally trying to feel his penis. It was turgid and it tented the material, creating explicit reflections.

“You’re hard, but you managed to remain dry. Not too bad, Danny. I was sure you were the good horse to bet on. You don’t disappoint.”

There was some more fondling, but of other parts of his body. The reward had to be earned. There were steps down the staircase; Greg had gotten the grub.

“Mashed potatoes and sausages for everyone!”

The tray was put on the next writing desk, and Greg installed plates, once he’d put a spoonful of food on each. They took most of the space but worst of all, Danny realized they were going to empty theirs before having him ingest something. He was getting used to such a routine: he waited patiently.

Eventually, he was fed. It took at least five minutes to remove the leather hood, and get the little bag, now a hefty and solid mass out of his mouth.

Of course the food, then, was lukewarm if not cold. The relative poor quality of the food was easily compensated by the ballet of the boys. They now both wore rubber gloves for the messy task; they alternated handgagging him and pushing food into his mouth when it was briefly uncovered. It had been twelve or thirteen years since Danny was fed by someone. He let them do so there would be no spilling that would make a mess on his clothing.

Greg was appointed to the task of making up Danny’s gag once fed. The captors had agreed not to make it too tough. His idea for a wadding made Danny quite woozy. Greg rushed to the bathroom. He came back with his shorts and briefs off. His cock wasn’t as small as Danny had imagined. The briefs were swiftly crammed inside the older teen’s mouth.

“Here you are, just fresh from today!”

Greg had caught a roll of this evil tape too. He applied nine strips, designed to paralyze his jaws and plastering his lower face; the soft caress of the fingers caressing the tape so it clung well had Danny coo.

17. End of the Day

“I’d say he’s all ready for his wank. Where do you want to do this, Walter?”

“Let’s take him next door. The sink will be a clean way to collect his juice.”

This wasn’t very romantic to Danny. He helped out as much as he could the handling that meant to get him free from the desk. His harness was left on, with his arms restrained behind his back with straps.

“I’ll finish, Greg. You should go get some shorts, instructors at the Academy can’t be naked all the time.”

Greg had a surprised look; he realized his sausage was flapping away in the air freely.

“Oh! Yes, indeed.”

He got back with green nylon wrapping his crotch as Danny was ready for transportation. What was it about shiny shorts that made the skin they covered more exciting than naked flesh?

Danny was frogmarched to the bathroom. His young captors stood him in front of the sink. Walter plunged his hand inside the briefs and pulled the dick out while lowering both shorts and underwear.

Greg was running the water. The rubber gloves were removed, and each boy wet his hands before getting a little liquid soap and lathering it up.

Danny’s cock hung above the sink, quivering upward. It was assaulted by Greg’s left hand and Walter’s right one. They grabbed it, moving up and down and running over each other. They settled, with Greg’s pinky tickling Danny’s ball sack, his fingers locked over the base, whereas Walter’s digits were firmly holding and rubbing the end and the shaft.

Looking at the strange display in the mirror facing him, Danny felt it coming slowly at first, but soon his quivering turned to throbbing and his cock spurted out copious gobs of white cream, lost for reproductive purposes as they hit the white porcelain.

Danny mewled in his gag. This had been much too short. He wanted another round, to get to enjoy it more. He believed in it for a few seconds, as his dick was being cleaned and rinsed.

Alas, eighty-four seconds later the slightly deflated member was sheathed in gleaming nylon again. This had been the reward; there wouldn’t be more.

“We’ll show you to your room, student. We have accommodations for naughty boys so they may rest undisturbed.”

The hobbles were lengthened: Danny had to climb the staircase.

Coming out from the basement, the hall looked different to Danny; he hadn’t noticed the stairs they then took. This was not a secret passage, but a stone staircase covered in thick crimson carpet, with copper bars holding it down. Luxury.

They reached a first landing and went on climbing a narrower, darker staircase. They opened a door at the top.

“This used to be the maids’ quarters when they had staff in houses. It’s all rooms for us kids now. There’s one just for you.”

The door had opened on the left part of an attic that had been converted into sleeping quarters. The corridor had four doors on the left leading to four bedrooms.

Greg opened the second one.

“Get in, then we tuck you into bed.”

“Once we’ve put you in night wear. It consists in your briefs!”

Walter had turned on two lights. They were dim, but sufficient to see the cosy environment. It was a simple and chic countryside bedroom. The spread over the bed was some polyamide fabric, with a refined hunting pattern printed on it. There was a bedside table, a couple chairs and a small chest of drawers. As he examined his surroundings closer, Danny noticed the four rings welded to the bedposts.

His captors were already busy removing the harness and hobbles. Walter had picked up a bag downstairs. He spilled its content on the carpet. Chains, straps, padlocks… The perfect kidnapper kit to be used to control any of Danny’s movements as they would relieve him of his school uniform and restrain him for the night.

Actually, Walter took some leeway with the procedure; Danny wasn’t putting up a fight, it saved time to skip a few steps. It all went seamlessly; the bedspread was removed, as well as the quilt. Danny was tied spread-eagled, lying on his back, dressed in his silk briefs only.

They took much time tuning the tension of the chains linking his cuffed wrists and ankles to the bedposts. The set-up was too simple for them, Danny thought, so they had to check closely. They seized the opportunity for a little tickling.

“He’s having a boner again, Walt!”

"That's too bad, 'cause he's going to stay on his own and I doubt he can do much to wank. He can't use his hands, and he can't fuck the mattress. Let's cover him up so he's not cold. We can go to sleep then. Danny's kept us busy all day, I'm getting really tired."

Walter picked up the quilt they had removed before they spread-eagled Danny. He arranged it with Greg, so it would cover even his lower face. Being swathed in tape to keep Greg's soiled underwear inside, the blanket hid the gag underneath.

"Well tucked in his bed, his hands well away from his willy, our little student is going to have a good night's sleep, so he's in tip-top shape tomorrow morning. We have many tests we have to give him. He will have to meet his fellow-student, and make efforts to get along with him. If they behave in our more academic courses, we might even have them indulge in a few games…"

Greg snarled, hearing his cousin pontificate.

"We're going to have fun, that's for sure. I think we might leave some surprise for tomorrow and not reveal our plans to Danny. I'm tired too."

The cousins silently agreed and left.

"Sleep tight, Danny, don't let the bed bugs bite!"

Danny heard them shut the door. The key turning into the lock sealed his fate. He was their prisoner for the night.

Danny sighed. The big gag wouldn't allow him to sleep much, he thought. He relaxed his limbs. They were taut, but they had not pulled them overly tight. He felt with his fingers. Straps. Chains. Locks. Not much he could attempt.

Being on his own for almost the first time since the morning, except for the little stay in the kitchen closet, he could at last try to gather his wits. I was difficult. He didn't know what hit him; two boys who had fascinated him, who had the same kinky fantasies he'd developed since he was six; he'd become their prisoner. The tight bonds, the thick gags, the taunting, the sex stuff, he was in heaven.

He had a boner indeed. The thing was, the underwear he had on, rubbing against the smooth polyamide material of the quilt did allow for some stimulation. As he ground his hips, he could feel some stimulation. It was faint; he'd have liked grabbing his dick in his hand and jerking on it as he usually did. It provided some faint caress; Danny was imagining what would happen the next day, and Walter's words echoed in his head. There was dread, as the two boys were rather ruthless; there were expectations, and much anticipation for meeting Scott.

Danny had thought of kidnappings, and he'd often fantasized about playing tie-up games with large groups of other boys, with nasty captures, tickling and slight humiliation. The idea of these two younger boys playing the headmasters and talking like the people involved in more adult stories he'd read online got him thinking. This was new. He wouldn't have accepted such drastic discipline in real life, but at the hands of these two, maybe…

His mind was slowly drifting away. His pelvic motion slowed down; Danny was falling asleep, with many sweet dreams and wonderful thoughts.

He heard the key rattling inside the lock. This pulled him out of his slumber. He yelled in his gag, in case it would be someone he didn't know, so they wouldn't think he enjoyed it.

"Hush," Walter whispered. "That's just me."

Danny felt silent. The light was switched on. He blinked before he saw Walter standing above him.

"This handjob you got in the bathroom got me thinking. I'd like you to return the favour."

"Mmm," Danny nodded; it's not only that he didn't want to antagonize his captor; he would have loved to knead his cock too. Walter was dressed in black shorts only.

They were similar to those they'd make him wear earlier on. They wrapped his crotch wonderfully. Danny had noticed a bulge in the shorts Walter had worn during the day. But these were cut wonderfully, and really enhanced his boner, which Danny deemed impressive for a thirteen-year-old boy's.

As he walked around the bed, Danny enjoyed the way it wrapped his bum also. The reflections over the gleaming material caught his eye. This was some sexy sportswear. He wondered if he'd looked as hot when he'd worn his.

The young captor, pulled the quilt down to the footboard, revealing Danny's body down to his knees.

Walter went for Danny's right wrist, to free his arm so he'd return the favour.

"Damn! Greg took the keys!"

Danny would have suggested he go get them, but of course he couldn't. Walter was looking at his arm, and the bed; there was no way he could position himself comfortably to be wanked.

The glimmer in his eye betrayed his new idea.

"I think I'll have to remove your gag; if I can't get a handjob, I'll get a blowjob! I'll remind you only once, Danny, that when your gag is off, you'd better keep quiet."

Danny wondered what it would be like sucking Walter. He relished the idea, overall. He'd thought of this; there was always a little repulsion, especially the first time he'd found out about this, when he was much younger, but he had grown to like the idea since.

18. The Cousins’ Plans

Walter leaped onto the bed; he straddled Danny, lowering his shorted bum slowly on his bare chest, his knees resting against his arms, almost touching Danny's elbows. He leaned towards him; Danny could see the brown eyes shining, and the pointy teeth showing as Walter displayed his cute fierce smile.

"Not a word, hey?" he said as he removed strip after strip of the dreadful surgical tape. He saved each by sticking the top to the headboard delicately. As he was about to remove the final X sealing his lips, Walter grabbed one of pillows they had pushed on the side, and which they'd left at Danny's flanks over the bed before they'd covered him with the quilt.

"So you tilt your head forward," the boy said. With his neck thus craned, Danny was indeed in perfect position to lick the bulge that moved right in front of his eyes. The final taping was removed, and Walter didn't take his disgusted look; no need for rubber gloves, the impulse was too strong to dispense with this kind of details now.

He grabbed the soaked and soiled briefs with two fingers, and ordered, "Eat my shorts!"

Danny caught the reference. But what mattered most was to take the flesh pushing behind the satiny material. His lips opened, his tongue went out, and as Walter pushed himself closer to Danny, still sitting over his chest, the captive's tongue could feel where everything underneath was located. The tip of the cock, the fleshy and engorged lump, the balls moving inside the scrotal sack. He invited all of it inside his mouth; it didn't really fit.

After two minutes of sucking and licking, he could feel, smell and taste Walter's excitation rising. His excitation grew until he realized he had to do without the shorts. Walter stood, still kneeling, and twisted himself out of the now very wet garment. His six inches of manhood, proudly pointing upwards came back to Danny's mouth still agape and expecting the treat. He gobbled up the glans, and as the boy moved his hips, more and more of the cock entered his mouth.

"Swallow me," Walter tenderly said. He didn't really push all the way to get deep-throated; half his cock was in, rubbing against his older friend's palate. His hip motion, though not very ample, increased in frequency until Danny felt the cock tense up; he knew Walter was about to shoot his load. He did.

"Suck me, suck every last drop of me," Walter panted.

Danny sucked and licked, revelling in the taste of another boy's cum in his mouth. The prick deflated slowly, until Walter withdrew. He spread his thighs; pushing on his arms, he glided down over Danny's body until his flaccid sex touched Danny's now very hard one. Lying over his 'babysitter', covering him with his lithe body, Walter whispered what had to be some praise.

"Not too bad, Danny, not too bad."

Danny was about to say thank you, but the hand was clamped over his mouth again.

"Sh. Enjoy the moment. Don't waste it with getting demerits."

The hand stayed on. Danny wondered if Walter was going to kiss him. This would be really weird. He was almost relieved when he heard what was on the other boy's mind.

"I think I must gag you. I don't want you to call Greg. You'd love Greg to come and do things to you, wouldn't you?"

There was some protest, but the hand made it moot. The other had grabbed the briefs full of saliva next to Danny's head. They were crammed back inside his mouth. His captor then plastered a few strips of tape over his lower face. He looked thoughtful, though.

"Not sure if it's going to stick as well now I've removed it."

Danny moved his jaws and lips. They held, but maybe they wouldn't for long.

"Let me see in the drawer."

Walter had jumped down from the bed; he went to the chest of drawers. He came back with two rolls of bandage.

"Wanna play dead Pharaoh, Danny? I'm sure you will love it."

Walter set mummifying Danny's head. He didn't do this at random, of course. Every turn reinforced the previous one, and made the setup hold even better. When he had wrapped both rolls, Danny's jaws were tightly locked, closing over Greg's soggy briefs.

"The thing is, with such a tight gag, I can't leave you on your own."

Danny had doubts about the safety concerns; the one he'd had before was not that much safer. He understood Walter's motives soon.

"I will have to keep you company. Make sure nothing bad happens to you."

Walter lied at Danny's right side; he pulled the quilt over both their bodies. With fingertips brushing his cock through his briefs, his other hand caressing his prisoner's chest, Walter soon fell asleep.

Danny didn't, though he had brief times of slumber; he would wake up suddenly, aware of the tightness of the gag and of how strictly his head was imprisoned in bandage.

His troubled sleep was interrupted by Greg's shrill voice.

"Hey, Walt, we'd said we'd let him alone, and we would let him rest a little!"

Walter was stretching, being disturbed from a much deeper sleep.

"Uh. Yes. I just thought we shouldn't leave him gagged like this, so I came to check on him. He was about to remove his gag, so I had to do something about it."

"Mmmmph! Grmm!" Danny protested.

Greg wasn't too suspicious, and it made sense, considering the past experiences they had with Walter. He had more immediate concerns.

"It's after seven already, and Scott gets here round nine. We've got to move so Danny is ready when Danny's new friend comes."

The prospect of the second prisoner finished to wake Walter up. He jumped out of the bed, pulling the blanket down.

"Didn't little Danny have a small number six rule problem?" Gregory asked.

Walter looked. There was a dark patch indeed.

"Well, just keep note of it, Greg. We'll have to put it in his report card."

“It will be duly noted. I’ll also handle the cleaning up. And do something about excessive hair, which doesn’t look too good on our fine students.”

Danny was also quite awake now; the routine was going to start over. He grunted in protest at the idea of losing his manly features. All he got in response was laughter.

What followed calmed him down a bit. It was actually rather comforting to have four hands taking care of you. He might have been restrained, but somehow Danny felt he had two footmen handling him. It was nice having staff attending you.

After a quick breakfast, Greg led Danny to the bathroom. The older boy had to take a dump; after one day of promiscuity with his captors, he almost didn’t pay attention to being watched while taking a shit. The touching that ensued, what with butt wiping and then inserting the enema nozzle up his butt was a bit more disturbing. With his hands bound behind him and his mouth gagged, he just had to do Greg’s will as ordered anyway.

Having liquid pumped up his stomach was a new sensation indeed. Releasing the content of the enema bag was easy; it wasn’t too messy. Greg pinched his nose; it did smell, but did it smell more than his previous natural excretion?

Greg wore rubber gloves, and he took a while to clean up Danny’s butt crack, once he’d stood him up next to the sink. He dried him up well back there too. Danny felt great.

The following treatment, with the liquid hair remover was much, much more troubling. Would it have time to grow back before Danny would get back to school?

Still naked, facing the sink, he had to endure having his legs coated in some scented cream. The touch of Greg’s massaging hands got Danny hard.

“Damn, Danny, you can’t control yourself, can you? I think we have devices for this kind of problem. You, horny little dog…”

The flowery scent soon turned a bit more acrid as the product started working. It started feeling warm; after ten minutes, Greg’s hands, now holding a wet wash mitt, started rinsing the goo. It took several passes over his legs, but they were smooth as a baby’s bottom very soon.

Danny was then dressed up in his school uniform, which Walter brought as he joined them, having avoided the gross stuff. He had the 'dunce cap' put back over his head, the fiendish lower face mask covering the inflatable bulb trapped inside his mouth.

They then walked him to the main hall, the one next to the kitchen. There was a large wardrobe in the middle.

"Here is the deal, Danny. Scott will be coming in with his mom. All you have to do to prevent him from becoming our prisoner and to save you from sharing his fate is to manage to get her to find you."

They opened the door and lifted Danny inside. Greg had a rope that he attached to a hanging bar at the top. He knotted it to Danny's harness, between his shoulder blades.

Walter crouched; he tightened the hobbles at knees and ankles; he took a short piece of rope to bind Danny's ankles to rings on each side of the wardrobe, right at the bottom. It was tightened fast; he could no longer move. The cousins stood in front of the standing captive, quite proud of their handiwork.

They closed the door; the now familiar sound of a key in a lock could be heard.

"Ten to nine, so get ready to try and warn Scott's mom. Or else…" he heard, the voice being deadened by the wardrobe's walls.

End of this episode

To be continued in Fun with Danny & Scott, coming to this board soon.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Joined: 6 years ago

Post by Bondwriter »

Fun With Danny and Scott

Chapter 1 – Meeting in the Hallway

Danny was standing in the wardrobe. He hadn’t decided to hide to play a prank. He’d been ruthlessly caught by the young neighbours he was supposed to babysit. He had not been just grabbed and thrown in the wardrobe just a little while ago. It was close to twenty-four hours now that Greg and Walter, who were cousins, had jumped on him and had conscientiously bound him hand and foot. They’d then demonstrated their skills with rope and various other means, notably tape.

The three boys were supposed to stay a whole week in the cousins’ family’s large countryside estate. Danny being two years older, he was expected to see to it that nothing silly took place. It had turned out that just upon arrival, the boys had chosen to take things in their own hands and warrant a stay without any nagging from their minder. So not only had they restrained him, they had also consistently kept him gagged in a number of creative ways, which had amazed Danny. He was no stranger to tie-up fantasies himself, and gagged characters in fiction sent a faint tingle down his spine; having to endure the boys’ stringent silencing methods had made fantasy a reality.

There had been a number of intimate and sexual activities, from handling his bathroom breaks to having him suck Walter through his shorts; he had been shown the secret basement where Greg and Walter’s uncle had a ‘classroom’, which was more like a dungeon.

On the morning of this second day, after having been dressed up in a kinky school uniform, with an inflated rubber bladder inside his mouth and a kid leather lower face mask to keep it in, he’d been stuck inside a wardrobe, attached to a hanging bar with his ankles tied together and kept in place with rope linking them to two rings at the bottom of each side wall.

The scheme the cousins had hatched was to invite one of their schoolmates from their boarding school. The boy was called Scott, and there had been a few tales of the games that they had played with him. It seemed they liked playing ‘headmaster and unruly pupil’, which had Scott experiment the same ordeals Danny had been given a taste of.

Danny had to wait; without any way to measure time, he was growing impatient fast, locked inside his wardrobe. There was total silence for a while. Eventually, he heard some noise outside; the wardrobe was made of thick wood, so it was muffled. It was a door opening and then voices. He could identify Greg and Walter, and the voice of a woman. He could grasp only bits of conversation.

“… Mrs. Northird, he will be back soon.”

“That’s fine Walter. It’s all agreed with…” The identity of the people it was agreed with escaped him. The next thing Danny grabbed from what he heard caused a more violent reaction.

“… so I’ll be on my way. You have all your things, Scott darling?”

“Hlmmm! Rllm! Mwmm!”

“Yes, mom.”

Danny started shaking and squirming in any way he could; he had to be heard outside. If he didn’t manage to attract this lady’s attention so he would be released, he would be the prisoner of the two playful sadists for a whole week. Along with this boy Scott who would join the class as his fellow-student.

“Mgrmm! Mfffrm!”

The complete immobility of his tongue and filling of his mouth made his own noise faint to Danny.

“What’s this noise, boys?” the lady asked.

“Uh, nothing, the TV must be on in the kitchen.”

There was no TV in the kitchen, but she couldn’t know.

“Good. I’ll leave this time, I need to be back by…”

She was getting farther away. Danny kept trying; he’d been a fraction of an inch away from succeeding; he kept on trying until he heard the large entry door close down, with a formidable reverberation inside the large hall.

Steps came back his way, then past him and he heard the boys -- for he was sure there was more than one – enter the kitchen. Danny had seen a large bag of gear over breakfast; he didn’t know if they had to trick Scott to get all bound and gagged; from their tales he was a young masochist and goaded them into tying him up to do him ‘stuff’.

They were back soon after. Greg’s high-pitched voice was brimming with excitement.

“… he’s going to love seeing us do this to you, Scott. Ha! Ha!”

There was a rattling noise; Walter pulled the unlocked door open to introduce his captive guests to each other.

“Scott, please meet Danny. Danny, please meet Scott.”

“They’re not too polite, they don’t say ‘how do you do’.”

Ignoring Greg’s sarcasm, Danny was getting slowly reacquainted with light. It wasn’t too bright indoors, so he recovered his sight quickly. Facing him, framed by both cousins, a boy, a bit younger than he was, stood in his own school uniform. They were uniforms, so it was the same outfit as he wore: a white shirt and a satiny jacket, some super sexy shorts, long white socks and thoroughly polished black leather shoes. The fourteen-year-old boy in front of him filled the costume quite well. The first impression Danny had was that this was a well wrapped piece of candy.

Scott didn’t look much like Danny had pictured him from the cousins’ tales. He was not a skinny, battered child but a healthy and slightly plump boy a bit taller than Greg or Lester. He had thin light brown hair, and great brown eyes. As for the rest of his face and his mouth, Danny would have to wait until his gag was removed.

Of course Greg and Walter had bundled their schoolmate in ropes: a harness with a crotch rope, and hobbles at the knees. Walter was willing to play the part of the mastermind.

“Glad to see you seem to enjoy each other’s company from the get go. But let’s not dawdle. It is sunny outside, and we wouldn’t want to stay all locked up inside on such a beautiful day. Do we?”

Danny realized the question was for him.

“Mm. Mm.”

Danny had been taught a binary method to communicate, which was to grunt once for yes and twice for no.

“See, Scott, he knows how to answer us the proper way. It took you longer to get it. You remember?”

“MM.” This was an assertive reply, and some of the things they had ‘taught’ him once they’d found out how willing he was to have tie-up fun had been pushed on him with strict methods to say the least. Spending three or four hours wriggling over his bed in a painfully tight hogtie had soon become one of the favourite means his roommates had to submit him to their rules.

“We’ve got a fast learner, and so far you haven’t done anything silly, Scott. So no reason to punish ourselves by having to remain inside these old and dark walls. We may go explore the surroundings; and you’ll benefit from a walk. Some exercise will do you good.”

“They’ll be more focused for the classes later on, so it should be beneficial,” Greg said with an expert tone; he reached inside the wardrobe and started untying the rope keeping his ankles pinned to the wardrobe; then the knot at the hanging bar was undone.

“Step outside, Danny.”

His former babysitter did so and he grabbed the tail between his shoulder blades. It could be used as a leash. Walter was at Danny’s knees, and he bound a hobble at his knees.

“You’re all set, lads, we may get on our way.”

The two pairs of boys crossed the hall, Greg holding on to Danny and Scott being handled by Walter. The black-haired captor opened the door and peeked outside.

“Coast is clear, let’s go.”

Danny knew there was a small portion of house front that could be seen from the road; caution was hence needed.

“Yes, boys, I don’t want some passer-by to see you. We already have to punish Danny for all the fuss he made trying to call Scott’s mom, let’s not add occasions of having him do something foolish.”

The prisoners were made to veer to the right. There were trees and shrubbery in the direction they were heading to.

“My uncle had given us the use of the Hunting Lodge. It’s in the woods, and you both have been told of how nice it is to play, so I can imagine you really would like to see it for real. Plus there are lots of educational activities that can be had in woods.”

Danny imagined that the cousins must have found useful to have nettles or holly under the hand. And binding a prisoner to a tree was certainly something they could do too. The mention of the uncle, who had a weird fascination for tie-up himself was a warning flag for Danny. He had to admit he was confused. The boys were extremely handsome, which was why he’d accepted the babysitting mission in the first place; he got a great kick out of being so thoroughly restrained. He’d had some self-tie-up experience, but it never was as great.

The way Greg and Walter had blown hot and cool, rewarded and punished made the whole adventure a roller-coaster. At some moments he genuinely wanted out, but he no longer had any control over what would happen.

Chapter 2 – Further Introduction in the Hunting Lodge

They were now quite far away from the house and they were into the woods. The walk wasn’t fast but it was steady. It was another bright and sunny morning, and it hadn’t been quite unpleasant so far. They entered a clearing. A wooden hut was built in its middle.

“Here we are, boys, our first stop of the morning.”

Walter was carrying a small bag over his shoulders; he let it slide and got a set of keys out of it. There were two steps to the door; he climbed them in a leap, leaving Scott’s leash to Gregory, who then goaded his charges into following his cousin.

Walter was already opening the shutters so there would be a little sun coming in. Danny had a look; Scott seemed as curious as he was. It wasn’t very big. There were benches, tables, racks on the walls, so it did look like a hunting lodge. Obviously, using it as a hunting lodge would be a bit stupid considering the close distance to the house, Danny thought. But his eyes let him know that the boys’ uncle might have other uses for this place. The hooks, the poles, the rings hanging here and there; in a rather discreet manner the inside had been decorated to accommodate the relative’s bondage activities.

There were two doors at the back of the large room, with a huge chest lying in between. That’s where Walter headed, once he’d opened all of the wood panels to let the light in. He lifted the lid of the chest; the captives got a good sight of his behind.

Greg and Walter on that day had opted for a light and elegant football kit; it sure enhanced their shapes, and viewing the buttocks tenting the satiny fabric almost made Danny forget of his woes and of the feeling of despair he’d felt as Scott’s mother had left, as he hadn’t succeeded in being heard. It seemed the roller-coaster was on a new ride; Danny feared that if it went much higher, it could fall much lower too. The young relatives seemed to be bolder and bolder in their treatments and Danny wondered just how far it would go.

The thing Walter picked out from the chest was a sort of pulley. From having helped relatives who were doing remodelling, Danny knew it was called a pulley block. There were three wheels on this one. Walter grabbed a stool and, now facing his two captive guests, climbed on it; the ceiling was low, and the hook Walter aimed at hung down a four-link chain; he didn’t need to lift his arms too much.

It was high enough to lift the nylon jersey; a line of flesh between the waistband and the hem of the shirt got all the attention from the two prisoners; with their eyes at crotch level, they both looked at the rolling dick that seemed to be crawling under the gleaming shorts. Walter took his time, pretending to adjust the pulley, when it was all well set the first time around. He looked down at the deer caught in the headlights underneath. When he judged they’d ogled his crotch long enough, he let himself down in a cat-like manner.

“My young friends, maybe you want to know a bit more about what we’re about to do. You both know the rules to our Academy, so I won’t repeat you what the number five is.”

Danny had been made to memorize them the evening before; he was good at memorizing stuff, which helped in school, but also came handy when he was the subject of the boys’ devious intentions. Rule number five stated that students would do their best to achieve excellence, and that they would be punished for lack of effort.

“Greg, could you explain which Demerits Scott earned this last term for not trying hard enough?”

The blond beauty had a beaming smile. He stepped a bit forward, so Scott could look at him too.

“Where should we start? Let me see.”

He took out a little notepad from his pocket.

“In May, he had to spend quite a bit of the night in the main hall near the refectory, all bound and gagged, with people around but our little Scott completely unable to get himself noticed. The hall’s a heavy traffic area, and he’d bet that we couldn’t manage to have him bound there without having someone find him. When a large bulletin board was set up there, we knew we could prove him wrong. This had to be some recycled thing from a theatre, the school being notoriously cheap when it came to such things. It was more like a puppet’s theatre; it wasn’t a board set on two posts, as you’d imagine a bulletin board; it was a big rectangle that went to the floor, with sides a little over a foot long. Just wide enough to hide behind.”

“Or in our case, to hide Scott behind!”

“Yes. We got him good. As the place was empty until ten minutes before dinnertime, we lured Scott by telling him he’d been summoned there by the headmaster. He headed there merrily, but we had a shortcut and a large bag concealed behind the board. He didn’t see us coming, and we jumped him and trussed him up in less than five minutes.”

Scott had felt more than once like he was a calf and his roommates were training for rodeo. This time they’d outdone themselves. The gag had been more filling than ever, as he’d had both of their pairs of briefs crammed inside his mouth before he’d had his head mummified in gauze. They had ball-tied him; there was another nifty feature to the newly installed contraption: there were handles inside, which allowed for anchoring ropes. They had set Scott with his back to the board and they’d passed straps through the handles, going across his knees and ankles and pulling his already cramped body against the board. He’d then been warned that if he didn’t manage to get someone to free him before dinner, they would leave him there until bedtime.

There was no one ever coming on his own, from far away, which would have been the only way that the pitiful wails Scott managed through his nose could have been heard. He cursed himself for having challenged Walter and Greg, who seemed to always find a way to trick him into very intense tie-ups.

The stone walls of the gigantic halls made it quite noisy as soon as a few people’s steps and voices entered it. And group after group of boys or even teachers had walked by Scott, totally unaware that a cruelly bound and gagged boy was concealed behind the bulletin board. They whispered to him after dinner that he had lost the bet, but that they would hold their end of the bargain. It was a perilous expedition to go get him two hours later.

One thing could be said in favour of Greg and Walter: they kept their word at any cost, and if the journey to release Scott was quite difficult, especially since their dorm was in another building, they overcame the many obstacles. Of course, Walter and Greg had locks picks and they’d even managed to copy a pass they’d nipped from a prefect; this made the whole endeavour possible.

“So, we ended up releasing him around nine; it took us thirty minutes just to get to Scott, as it is a maze to navigate the buildings with only one specific pass. Some places you can’t reach without other passes, but this one we knew we could.”

Scott had been greatly relieved. He was rather flexible, and he had even improved a bit in this area since last year, when he’d become roommates with the cousins who soon had shown him what their idea of fun entailed.

“Then, one week later, we challenged him again. This time, there was the school cross-country race. We thought that being outdoors would help. We had to plan a bit in advance, and to fool Scott into following us in checking out a shortcut in the morning. Of course, there was none, but there was a bag with a little bit of equipment, just a few tens of yards of cotton rope and little things like socks and tape. Lots of tape, by the way.”

Scott remembered this dual feeling of thinking ‘Shit! Tricked again!’ and ‘Sweet!’ The bark of the tree he was trussed up to didn’t have the comfort of the attic’s beam but it wasn’t too bad. It was late morning when he’d been seized, and the race started at two o’clock. There were two races, one for the lower forms and one for the higher forms, so it meant that for over two hours, trussed up to a tree behind a bush, Scott saw all the school go by; there were five laps, so he could even see who had passed whom from one to the other.

This was all fine and good, but being under the wind, and being very thoroughly gagged, no one ever heard his attempts at calling for someone to free him.

“… We went to see him for tea. We had a little juice for our friend Scott, who didn’t bicker when we had him drink a little. He seemed so content to be where he was that we gagged him again and tickled him for another hour.”

Scott remembered he’d been marched on the way back, and that they released him only when the likelihood of being seen got to be very high.

Chapter 3 – Ordeal

Walter took the floor as Greg was done reminiscing some of Scott’s abductions.

“Now, if our pupils can’t try hard enough to succeed, we might try to develop their endurance. Let’s see…”

He took a long roll of what looked like thick twine.

“This is nylon rope, my friends. This is quite solid. You wouldn’t want us to use it to get you into a hogtie, but this is perfect to do what I have in mind.”

He climbed back over the stool and threaded the end around the central wheel. Greg was at the foot of the stool and collected the thin rope, to pass it through a ring in the floor. They did a few more passes; Scott and Danny exchanged worried glances. Greg and Walter seemed to know what they were doing, and were talking of tension, strain, and how to lift weight effortlessly thanks to pulleys. A second rope of a different colour was passed around the wheels. Walter was very meticulous; he didn’t want to entwine them.

They removed the stool and got Danny and Scott to face each other with the lengths of thin rope dangling from the pulley in between them. The red rope’s end was looped around Danny’s foot, the blue one around Scott’s.

The cousins grabbed the two other ends; Walter turned to Scott with the red end in hand. His cousin was smiling at Danny as he showed him the blue piece of rope and pointed to his crotch. It wasn’t to point out he was having a boner, since they’d seen him with tented shorts more often than ‘peaceful’ ones.

As Greg lowered his shorts and briefs and grabbed the boner, he started picturing what kind of kinky test they were about to take. Danny cast a glance in front of him; as the cousins stood at their sides, he had a fine view of Scott’s erect cock. This wasn’t the largest one he’d seen, but it was no little boy’s; the absence of any hair was certainly due to some devious bet the cousins had made with him too.

He saw Walter turn around the base of the other boy’s dick with three turns of the rope before he knotted it. Soon, Greg had done the same and entrapped his scrotum and penis’ base with three turns of the rope. As Walter then kneeled to Scott’s foot, loosened the turns around it and tugged from above.

Greg was doing the same and Danny’s cock and balls were well bound and his blond captor was also tightening the whole set-up. Once they’d both removed all the slack from the various lengths of this thick twine that went from floor to ceiling, they were pulling on the other boy’s dick.

Walter had Scott lift his foot in the air; he then looped and knotted the rope around it again.

Greg did the same to Danny. It now became clear what would happen; Danny saw what the ordeal entailed. Walter didn’t mind being more explicit; he still had to give a few explanations.

“You’re clever lads, so now you see where the ropes go; put your foot down, and your fellow-pupil will get a nice pull to his cock and balls!”

Their feet were only five inches above the floor and there was still a little slack in the ropes; when Scott, under the crowd’s cheers, eventually put his foot down six minutes later, Danny didn’t get his genitals ripped off as he’d feared. He did open his eyes wide and wailed in his gag from the shock. Scott lifted his knee again, and Danny felt a little relief. It happened once again three minutes later.

Danny was sweating from the exertion; of course, he was bound to put his foot down at one moment or another. He looked at Scott and apologized in his gag. He could see the result as Scott also reacted with wide eyes. He tried to contain himself nonetheless and he must have gritted his teeth hard; Danny didn’t hear a complaint.

Greg and Walter had grabbed chairs and were now betting on who would be next. They would encourage their champion of the moment with language that wouldn’t have been off on a racetrack.

“Yes, Scott, go for it, my lad! You can do it, you can do it!”

Danny wondered if the ropes were slacker and slacker or if he was getting used to the tug given unwillingly to his manhood. He was relieved when after over fifteen minutes the cousins moved to them and untied their feet from the loop of rope.

Both contestants stretched and tried to regain some comfort for their legs.

“This wasn’t bad, yet I can’t say this was good either. Now Greg, should we have another try to see if they pass our endurance test?”

“Mmmph! Gblmm…”

“Mmmh! Rmrmfmmph!”

“I didn’t ask you. So, Greg?”

“They should manage. We can’t go for mid-range results anyway.”

“I agree. The next round will be short if they succeed. You’re going to both keep your foot up for five minutes. Then we can move on to something else.”

Greg and Walter grabbed the feet again; it felt like it was much higher this time; and it was.

“Watch out, this isn’t the wussy way, your foot is a couple inches higher, so imagine the feeling of your partner if you fail.”

The tormentors held on to the feet while Walter was giving a countdown.

“… Three… Two… One… Go!”

Scott and Danny locked eyes. They couldn’t speak, but Danny could feel the sympathetic look of his fellow prisoner. He tried to express a similar feeling. They both lifted their leg as high as they could before letting it down a little. Having a reflection of what happened to him and being in the same predicament as his counterpart, Danny could feel a mysterious force helping him to hold on.

A fine sheen of sweat was now covering the captives’ foreheads. Greg was rooting for Scott and Walter for Danny; it was clear to the two prisoners that they weren’t competing against each other; they had to bring down the cousins and wipe the smirk off Walter’s face. The boys started counting down again thirty seconds before the announced ending time. Ten seconds before the end, they crouched down again, ready to untie the boys’ feet.

There was no trick. It was high time they freed the boys’ feet, as both were about to drop them. While Danny didn’t like the wicked games the boys played, he had to admit they weren’t too unfair. This proved to be the case with this trial once again. As he untied the rope looped around Danny’s genitals, Greg commented.

“This is a good display of stamina and of some kind of team spirit.”

“Yup. They didn’t do too bad. We might make something out of them eventually. There is still work to do, though. Should we go and play outdoors for a little bit of fun before lunch?”

There was another of their comedy act, when they pretended to discuss options whereas the plan had been decided upon long before. It was always an occasion to blabber about captives and get them annoyed, which was always fun with gagged dissidents who wanted in the conversation.

“And since we haven’t tested Danny’s calling out enough, I think he should be the one trying in the game I have in mind. It won’t hurt to develop his talent; he’s been doing well so far, but we shouldn’t let him rest on his laurels.”

With the shorts pulled up and the legs’ hobbles checked, Scott and Danny walked out, followed by the younger boys who held on to the leashes. They were told to take a path on the right.

“We’re taking a walk around the playfield. Where we walk will be the limits, so have a good look if you want to have a few landmarks in mind when you play.”

The group walked three laps around the field the cousins had chosen for the game; Danny was looking around and assessing the environment; he saw distinctive trees and little mounds, some bright paint on trees that had to mean something to the people who took care of woodcutting. The playing field was a square with its side between one and two hundred metres. This made for a big play area; now, what game would they have in mind?

They were back at their starting point.

“So, now you know the limits; it’s simple, really, the paths we’ve taken are the borders, and you shouldn’t go beyond. Clear for everybody?”

Nods and grunts meant he’d made himself clear.

Chapter 4 – Playing in the Woods

“We’re going to play our version of ‘Hide and seek’. Greg will take Danny with him, find a nice tree to tie him up to, truss him up rigorously and then Scott has half an hour to find him. He can use his ears and his eyes for this round. Should we change their gags, Greg? The rubber plug Danny has makes it almost too easy for us to win.”

“Yes, we need a challenge, too. Maybe you can gag him with scarves and socks only.”

“If you use socks, stick them inside his mouth; having some of your stinkers on top of his gag could be detected by Scott from a distance.”

Gregory was only half-pleased at the mention of his feet smelling. He should have considered this a quality considering it provided top notch material for torments when playing tugs; he still had some trouble being proud of his bodily odours.

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry, Walt; I know what to do. Will you keep an eye on Scott?”

“Yes, let me blindfold him so he isn’t tempted to cheat and to look where you’re going.”

Once Scott was no longer able to see, Greg prompted Danny to walk.

“Straight ahead for now, lad; and no funny stuff.”

Danny started as instructed, with Greg behind holding the leash. He was keeping his head up and straight proudly.

“Nice gait, Thunder. I’ll give you a double helping of hay when we get you back to the stable!”

Rather than being freaked out by being compared to an animal, Danny felt a tingle of pride for the praise.

“Turn right after this tree, good…”

He stepped between two bushes; they were quite close to the path, but having stepped through the undergrowth, they no longer could see it. There was a smooth tree trunk right in the middle; a maple tree, possibly, though its leaves were way above and Danny couldn’t be sure.

“This is it, Danny. I’ll remind you once more that you’re still our guest and that we will punish any escape attempt severely. We haven’t been too mean so far, have we? You’ve even enjoyed yourself a bit?”

If a good indicator of Danny’s satisfaction was the ratio of time spent having a hefty boner over time spent as a ‘guest’ of Greg and Walter’s, the kidnapped babysitter couldn’t really say he was unhappy. He chose not to reply; Greg didn’t press the matter. He had Danny stand against the tree. He had him hold a balled handkerchief with the back of his head.

“Not a move. If you drop the hankie, Walter will be told you tried to escape.”

Danny froze, not willing to endure the diminutive black-haired boy’s wrath. Greg retrieved a large bin liner that he had put there in preparation in the morning. It featured a rope set, and the traditional materials needed to restrain and silence.

Greg did the upper arms, shoulders and torso first. Danny had considered an attempt at escape, being one to one with his captor. But Greg knew his way with ropes and used those of the harness to keep him restrained while he released his wrists so he could get him close to the tree trunk. Ten minutes later, his upper body was closely united to the tree; the legs followed suit. Danny was wondering how he could thwart the boys’ plans.

“Now for a different gag, so you have a small chance of winning the game.”

Before he deflated the rubber bulb and removed the mask and bladder, Greg got a small plastic bag from his rucksack. He had it in his hand as he handled the gag’s removal, and the scent, or the stench, rather, struck Danny’s nostrils in full force. His distress showed and prompted another warning from his pint-sized tormentor.

“As Walter said, we can’t have the socks outside the gag. It would be too easy to detect you by smell; there’s one of mine, and there’s actually one of Scott’s. We had him change when he arrived. That’s another way to get acquainted with your new mate. If there is the smallest sound, the game is ruined. We’d leave you here on your own while I go and play with Walt and Scott.”

This was a quandary. Danny was afraid of the toxic fumes; at the same time, the boys kept their word, which not only meant that they released them when they’d said they would; they also didn’t make idle threats.

Greg’s swift flick of the wrist saved him from having to make a choice. As the rubber bladder dribbling with drool was taken out, the ball of smelly footwear replaced it almost instantaneously. The taste was foul; deep inside, Danny felt a dark thrill nevertheless at discovering the appeal this could have.

A long dish towel folded in its diagonal was used as a cleave to keep the bundled socks in. A wide cotton band, probably something cut out of cotton sheets was used as an over the mouth layer. Greg added another layer. The cotton strip was wider and it covered his nose, and went down below his chin.

There was something in the boys’ technique when it came to tightening these that was masterful. They always got all the slack out little by little; when they were done, no matter how he shook his head, the scarves didn’t move.

Greg used this on him again, and as he pulled the ends together tighter and tighter as he started his square knot. This pulled the cotton tight against his face, uniting in one block the whole of Danny’s lower face, mouth-filling included. His jaws were locked as well, and the solid block Greg managed to make the second loop and knot it while giving away very little slack.

Danny realized that this wasn’t any better to make himself heard than the inflatable plug gag he’d been equipped with just before. The reason Greg had put forward to cram the smelly socks inside his mouth was also dubious; unless Scott had the smell of a hunting dog, Danny thought there was little chance he would pick up his presence from a distance just from the socks.

Greg was checking his rope work, tugging here and loosening there. The angles the ropes made with the tree meant there was very little to be gained from moving and twisting. He eventually patted the front of Danny’s shorts.

“Everything seems in order. I’ll rush back to see the others and get Scott started in his quest. You’re always welcome if you want to escape, but then you’d better make sure you can run away fast before we catch you. See you in a bit.”

Danny was alone, trussed up to his tree, a big and naughty gag making him completely helpless. Despite Greg’s threat, Danny couldn’t help but test his bonds to find a flaw he could exploit. It was difficult to picture which coil was linked to which, until of course the moment when he identified which coil was tightened by trying to loosen another one.

At the same time, he was trying to chew off the cleave gag; the size of the ball of socks made it almost impossible to have his teeth touch; he could move his lower jaw around just a little bit, and he didn’t know if the little grinding his back teeth managed would be enough to cut through the cotton.

Time flies when you’re busy, and Danny was well occupied with his attempt at identifying the weakness in the bonds and gag, using all his wits and his strength to succeed in his attempt. It seemed Greg had barely left him when he heard steps close. Through the foliage, he saw two shapes; it had to be Scott and one of the cousins accompanying him. Danny wondered to what extent Scott was willing to be the boys’ prisoner. The stories they’d told, if they were true, made it hard to believe he’d accepted their invitation if he didn’t like these games. He had this look of surprise when he’d seen Danny inside the wardrobe; he’d also seemed genuinely upset by the predicament they’d been put in. And they didn’t leave him seek Danny on his own.

Having no clue if it was a good thing to be found, Danny tried his luck.

“Mmmm! Mmm! Mmm!”

He couldn’t even articulate the smallest sound and the faint hum that came out of his nose barely rang to his own ears. There was a little wind, so the rustling of the leaves was a steady noise that increased in volume when a gust blew over the forest. Danny also realized that he was against the wind for people walking on the path and that these made his chance of having Scott hear him quite faint. The dull colours of his uniform wouldn’t be seen through the bushes, especially if he remained motionless.

Danny didn’t give up, but he saw the pair pass by. The boy leading Scott liked fair-play: he didn’t chat and make noise himself to drown out any muffled call of the target. They disappeared from his sight and he was alone again.

Ten minutes later, the team came back the other way; he was still as undetectable as they passed by him again. Danny wondered what would happen once the half hour would be up. He didn’t have to wait this long; Greg was back three minutes later.

“Game update, Dan. Scott is completely hopeless when it comes to rescuing you. We decided to extend the game so he has a better chance.”

Chapter 5 – Back to the Lodge for Kinky Fun

Greg approached Danny; he started inspecting the ropes, the gag’s knot. He adjusted the over the mouth scarf a little; his subsequent focus was again on Danny’s front pouch. The touch of the fingers and, strangely, the prospect of remaining trussed up to the tree longer both made the kidnapped babysitter really hard.

“I see there’s someone else who would like to escape…”

His hand went from probing to kneading; the tips of his fingers softly touched the erect cock, with the thumb running along, occasionally brushing the cockhead.

“But he won’t… Just as you, Danny, we’re going to keep you our captive for a very long time…”

This was major dirty talk to Danny, he had to shamefully admit, and as Greg went on wanking him while letting him know of all the bondage ordeals they had in store, the expected result came quickly. A spasm ran through the trussed up boy, and he started shooting his load in his shorts. The high-pitched wail lasted until he almost passed out and he had to take in some air. Greg had removed his hand when his orgasm had kicked in. He looked at Danny with a sorry smile.

“Oops. I’m not sure you were supposed to jizz your shorts, Danny Boy. I’ll go see the others; Walter will tell you later what the rules say about this.”

He was gone again. In his post-orgasmic state and with the wetness that had invaded his shorts starting to seep along his thighs, Danny felt the need to escape once again; his restrained twisting and squirming resumed. He gathered his wits; he had to free himself. No doubt Greg knew perfectly well what ordeal they would put Danny through in case of a ‘leak’. If they kept escalating in their bondage enthusiasm, it could reach a point when it no longer would be fun.

The tension he’d exerted over the coils of rope pinning him to the tree had eventually gotten him somewhere. His right wrist felt like it could be pulled out of the loop that kept it against the trunk. Tucking his thumb inside his palm, trying to make his hand the thinnest, Danny started sliding it out, millimetre by millimetre. He got it free after a few minutes; this was stage one only. Now he had to get his elbow unstuck too.

Alas, Danny didn’t have time to apply his problem-solving expertise to triumph of this puzzle. There were cheers and laughter coming his way; it seemed the time Scott had been granted to find Danny was up.

“You lost again Scott; now we’ve passed this place twice and you didn’t see Danny ten feet away!”

Danny could see them now. Scott was on a leash again, and he looked as miffed as the cousins were happy. Walter passed the leash to Greg as he approached Danny. He frowned as he noticed the dark patch in his shorts; it had dried a bit, so the edges displayed a whitish colour that left no doubt as to what had happened. At least, of what Danny had done; Walter was not going to search for fingerprints over the glossy fabric to find out the real culprit was Greg.

“Now, getting an orgasm just from being trussed up to a trunk, this is something new.”

“Mmmph! Mmm! MMm!”

Greg’s fingers weren’t made of wood.

“Danny is a horny lad, Walt. It’s not this surprising.”

“Maybe; it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do anything about it. This is a clear breach of rule number six, and even if we don’t act on it now, it should be written down so we may have remedial action later on.”

‘Remedial action’. Danny was going to be put through some nasty ordeal. Walter was checking the ropes now. Oops.

“Hey Greg, check this out! He got his wrist free!”


Greg was surprised; he came to look at it.

“Yup, I could have tightened the wrists more, but this would have probably cut off his circulation. This means we should really use cuffs and more secure restraints on our Houdini apprentice.”

This bruise to his ego triggered Greg in taking things in his hands.

“Scott lost. Danny came in his shorts and tried to escape. I’d say we’ve been quite nice trying to give them some fresh air and some outdoors fun. Considering that’s how they pay us back, we should take them back to the classroom and have them undergo a less relaxed training.”

“I don’t really disagree with you, Greg. Yet I think our friends might be a bit too happy of meeting another friend they like watching and being close to. I’d say going back to the classroom is an excellent idea; but we could maybe empty their balls so they don’t fear a breach of rule number six in a close future.”

Greg looked at him puzzled; he then had a grin that only Walter caught.

“A milking contest, this would put a little competition among our friends. I’d go for seeing how well they work as a team before…”

“Yes, we might even have them run in a three-legged race to the house.”

“It won’t be much of a race if they’re the only team.”

“This might allow us to set a baseline and see how they improve in the coming days.”

“Great! Let’s do this.”

The two captives were prepared for more fun, with Danny released from the tree only to have his right leg linked to Scott’s left one. He didn’t have much hair and his skin felt smooth. The way their hips brushed against each other’s in their tight shorts made Danny tingle. Ropes were looped and lashed at the boy’s ankles, the knees, both above and below, and at the top of their thighs.

They were the same size, so it didn’t make their progression too difficult. The swishing hazel switches Greg and Walter brandished were more difficult to dodge. If they aimed well, the grunts that ensued came from both contestants.

As they reached the door leading to the kitchen at the back of the building, Walter clicked on his stopwatch.

“Nine minutes and twenty-two seconds. Not bad. I’m sure with a little practice, they will manage to move much faster.”

The four boys crossed the kitchen, with the two bound and gagged captives in the middle, Walter at the front and Greg at the back. They crossed the hall, went past the corridor to the other hall, where the entry to the classroom they had taken Danny to the day before was.

Walking down the staircase required some coordination for the Siamese boys; the count provided by Walter helped them to manage. They were brought straight away in front of the pupil desks.

“It seems a little lesson on rule number six is in order for our two miscreants. Don’t you agree, Greg?”

“I sure do. I know you love rule number six lessons.”

Danny felt a shiver running along Scott; Greg leaned behind them to untie the bonds that made them a team.

“Scott remembers some of the rule number six lessons, apparently, Walt.”

“Oh, yes, though this time our way to handle it will be just the opposite way from this we use on you Scott. No cage for your cock this time; but we’d better milk you boys well. We should help you to release all this pent-up energy that prevents you from performing as good little boys should. And as milking is a hard job, we’re going to let you handle it.”



“They’re enthusiastic about it, at least. Yes, boys, we’re going to have a little contest. Which of you give the best hand job? I see someone’s who’s glad he’s gagged as it saves him from a blow job…”

This person was a figment of Walter’s imagination, as both captives would have been willing to trade their hefty gag against their fellow prisoner’s dick. They were first bound standing, their legs tied to the foot of desks that were close; they stood facing each other, not even two feet apart.

“The rules of the game are simple. In turns, you will have a hand freed, and you will wank your friend. We’ll time how long it takes you to get him to shoot his wad. Then you switch places. If you need more than half an hour to get your mate to cum, it’s over for you. Is it clear?”

It sounded clear, so there were nods and affirmative single grunts.

“Danny, you start working your magic.”

The cousins put a wide belt around Danny’s waist with rings all along. They bound his left wrist to one of these behind his back; his right arm was completely free. Walter had reset his stopwatch.

Chapter 6 – Tending to Others’ Needs

During the time it took Walter to say “Ready, steady, go!” Danny got his first good look at Scott’s face. His big soft eyes and his obedient little boy look didn’t match the boner that distended his shorts and that Danny was to fondle. He was close, he could feel the heat from his body and breathe in the faint sweaty smell of someone who’s been exercising for a few hours.

As the start was given, Danny’s nimble fingers reached for the waistband, removing the button before gripping the fly and zipping it down. The underwear was pulled down, letting Scott’s six inches of cock writhe out in the open air. As Danny grabbed the big tool, he caught a whiff of its fine, stimulating smell.

Danny tried to get a feel of the dick. He had masturbated for three years and had developed somewhat of an expertise. Yet he knew that not all boys reacted the same and liked the same thing done to their dicks. But he was all for exploring what made Scott tick.

He seized it with his fingers tip. It was swollen, and moist and hard. It twitched under his touch. He wrapped the hard mast with his fingers and started shaking, and Scott’s whole body started vibrating in response. Confident he had found the ultimate technique to provide pleasure to Scott, Danny replied in kind by reinforcing his grasp and amplifying the range and frequency of his move. The pair started vibrating at the same rate, which grew faster and faster.

“Forty-three seconds!” Walter announced when Scott blew his load over Danny’s shirt. “That’s our Scott all right.”

Greg found this equally amusing.

“Scott is such a horny little puppy… We’ll see if Danny is up to his promiscuous mate.”

The switch was made promptly, with Scott’s soggy prick put back inside his briefs and shorts. Scott wasn’t bashful either when it came to kneading other boys’ dicks. When he was given authorization to start, he plunged his hand inside the shorts and handled the pulling down of the shorts and undies in three seconds.

Danny had been anticipating this moment for ten minutes; when the warm palm and fingers engulfed his six inches of meat, Danny gasped in the gag. The hand closed on his dick with a good pressure and it started moving up and down.

All this time Danny had his eyes riveted to Scott’s. His gagged face displayed a mild expression. Danny was slowly melting. Scott increased his pace a little and Danny moaned his approval. There was more kneading, more shaking and more twisting, and Danny started a low guttural sound that increased in pitch until he gushed out his seed over Scott’s shirt.

“Four minutes and twenty-two seconds! He’s more demanding, isn’t he?”

“It might be that Scott is just a slut in heat?”

There was laughter and a grunted protest. The cousins wiped summarily the cum from the shirts and fiddled with their captives’ bonds to initiate round two. Danny thought he had the knack to get the other boy to come; he applied the technique that had worked so well the first time. Scott was still as eager. He managed to double his first score, which still left him under a minute and a half.

Danny basked in the smell of cum; it took one more minute to climax. The muffled moans seemed to entertain his young neighbours tremendously.

“We have two puppies in heat. Write down the times, Walt, this might last a while!”

There were five rounds before eventually Danny passed the half hour limit. Scott had always come much faster than he did, so there wasn’t much contest anyway after the third or fourth round. What Danny noticed as the game went on was that Scott explored and tried new things, having finger caress his foreskin or having his pinkie tingle his ball sack.

As Scott experimented, Danny felt like his game partner was reading through his eyes how each little variation affected him. The boy seemed intent on giving him as much pleasure as he could.

“Glad we had the idea of having these two meet. It’s going to be a lot of fun having them around at the same time. Say, Greg, doesn’t it make you a bit horny?”

“Yup. I think it’s time we get our share of the fun. And I’m willing to make an exception to the gag rule so they can suck our cocks.”

Both exhausted contestants in the masturbation contest looked at their captors with wide eyes.


“Mmml Mpmml!”

“Yes, it may be a nice appetizer for them if we have lunch afterwards.”

“Are you kidding? I feel so ready to explode that one of them is going to get his daily nutritional requirements in one shot!”

Greg was really in dire need of relief. He chose Scott, not even asking Walter; their roommate was a true value and there would always be time to try out what Danny was like when giving head later on. Walter stood by Danny who couldn’t do a thing as Scott was untied from the foot of the desk.

The removal of his gag took a while, and Scott was made to kneel down in front of Greg. The blond boy lowered his shorts and let his five and a half inches of manhood spring out from his shorts.

Scott took him with his lips at first, and soon he opened and took the knob of the dick in. He wiggled his tongue and did sucking motions with his mouth and Greg didn’t resist much. The lukewarm and moist mouth welcomed the flow caused by the release that shook Greg from the root of his hair down to the tip of his toes. Scott sucked and swallowed avidly. Danny, still standing bound and gagged, couldn’t believe how easily his fellow-captive had caught the knob and worked it up all the way to what had been an intense orgasm.

Danny had his experience of the previous night with Walter, so he had an idea of how it would go down. His legs were released and he was made to stand in front of Walter. The cunning neighbour removed the gag, after having reminded Danny of the silence rule.

“Not only are you not going to say a word, but I expect you to perform your duties without giving me any teeth, all right? Open big and let your tongue do its job! The older teen kneeled down and got to work, taking half the prick in his mouth, and he started pumping on it. Walter didn’t ram his cock down his throat, for which he was grateful, but he required pace and stamina.

“Good, good, gooood! Faster!”

Danny was willing to oblige; he was glad that Walter happened to be quite stimulated already and that it didn’t take that long before it was over, with a short but plentiful fountain springing inside his mouth and soon retreating.

He kept his mouth open, free from any wadding or dirty briefs, or a cock, for the first time in ages. He savoured the moment and made sure he wouldn’t make any noise that would have them enact some disciplinary action on him. But his obedience wasn’t rewarded with mercy, as a large wad of silk was crammed into his mouth.

While Walter had been busy getting sucked, Greg had put the next gag on Scott. It was his socks, which were quickly removed, and his head was mummified with the expert technique they had developed by actually doing a bit of research and then of experiments. Scott had been a great mannequin so they could try their various finds on how to immobilize a head with rolls of gauze.

So it was Scott’s two wide eyes Danny saw as he stood from having serviced Walter. In white swathing. Danny was lucky, Greg had even had time to rid him of his shorts and soiled underwear, which he was now cramming inside Danny’s mouth.


“Yes, Danny Boy, rule number three is still applicable, and sucking on Scott’s cum-covered undies will make for a nice meal.”

Danny wondered if they would really have him skip lunch. His breakfast was far away and he couldn’t imagine spending the afternoon without something.

“Coban wrap is handy to make a good job with just a few turns. But then you know which angles to attack, and adapt to the morphology of your captive to make sure that he can’t open his mouth to spit out what you’ve crammed inside.”

The demonstration of these sound principles helped as a tactile aid for Danny to understand the theoretical background. His jaws were impossible to pull apart more than a twelfth of an inch, with five rings of the sticky material encircling his head and covering it all. And the piece of underwear, tasting cum only thankfully, made for an effective plug; the white rubbery material outlined his skull as well as it did with Scott. This was quite strict.

“Good, boys, we’ve fed you your lunch but we still have to get ours. I say this’ll be a good occasion to see if you can be of some use to us. Let’s get back upstairs.”

Chapter 7 – Adventures in the Kitchen

The transportation took its time, with all the handling and hobbling involved, but twenty minutes later Greg and Walter’s prisoners were hobbled with four inches of slack at wrists, knees and ankles, both naked from the waist down with their young cocks going through various stages of unrest, their heads swathed in the wide cohesive tape; they were toiling for Greg and Walter, who were giving them instructions. The cooking, as Danny had experimented before, was not overly complex, since it consisted in taking frozen food and microwaving it. They were skilled enough to handle this with guaranteed results, and they passed on their knowledge to their elders who did just as they said, picking the things from the freezer, checking the time needed, programming it and starting the machine.

The food the cousins had in their freezer was rather high-grade, and it smelled very good when Scott and Danny were made to serve the meal to Greg and Walter. Scott stood on Greg’s right; Danny mirrored him at Walter’s side. They were to serve the dishes by the right, and remove anything by the left. They’d been warned repeatedly not to get confused. But notes had been taken in their little notebook, as both boys had ended up being confused by a stream of requests. This was great fun for the cousins, who taunted their charges even further.

Now it felt like real torture to Danny. Walter was almost done with his meal, he had an eye on the last plate he had to remove when he would be completely done, and he wondered how far the joke would go. The pleasant fumes from the game they had served had whet his appetite, and made the long eating time of the two chatty relatives become an ordeal as it went.

“You’re too fidgety, Danny. I think I’ll solve this for you, as your service is done for now.”

Walter leaped from his chair and changed the shackles from the front to the back.

“Scott will clean up by himself. You stand on my right so I can reach you if I need to. Don’t try to dodge or you’ll get a good smacking that will let your bottom stinging.”

Danny knew the threat could become reality. It had before. He stood still, and Walter’s hand came crawling over him, caressing his buttocks and then fondling his genitals.

“I want my boy at attention.”

Rule number six or not, under the tutelage of the authoritative younger boy, in tight inescapable bondage and with the sight of Scott being similarly approached by Greg –though with his hands still in front– there was no way Danny could hold on for long. His first shots landed over the tablecloth, which made Greg laugh.

“You see, Greg, I think we really can’t start serious lessons with these two before we have managed to milk them completely dry.”

Greg made a sorry face; then he beamed with a mischievous smile.

“This’ll take time, but this is something we have plenty of at the moment.”

He fondled Scott a bit faster, and had him cream the table cloth also.

“And if they challenge our stamina, we’ll see who gets tired first.”

“Ok, I’ll go get something for them to wear for the early afternoon punishment.”

There were concerned grunts from the two involved parties; it seemed it had all been a punishment so far and there was still the question of the meal.

Walter didn’t leave them for long. He came back with two adult-sized nappies.

“I’m not really sure how long we’re going to leave you inside the food pantry; you both know it, and it’ll certainly be much more fun with two of you. So to avoid having to check on you all the time, it might be better if you are protected. These were left over by friends of my grandparents. The label says they may gather up to two litres of liquid.”

Danny, still standing, was getting frantic. He felt this was gross and he couldn’t imagine having to piss or shit in nappies; he’d been out of them for fourteen years, no way would he be made to wear one.

Resolve isn’t the only thing that matters when you’re a captive. So Danny was wearing just a nappy, as did Scott, and they’d both been bundled inside the large food pantry. The only other thing they wore was the wrapping mummifying their heads. They were facing each other again, but this time their hands were above their heads and their bodies had been tightly pressed against each other with lots of rope and skills. Their crotches were pressed against each other. The thick wadding of absorbent material in the nappy made all this proximity useless, as their cocks were trapped behind the thickness of cotton. It didn’t prevent either of them from sporting an erection, though it was a bit crushed by the nappy, and they couldn’t feel their companion’s cock.

For the rest, Danny was getting some more experience of Scott. His skin was soft, he smelled sweaty but still in a good way, and his subtle squirming kept Danny in his aroused state.

Scott was a mystery for Danny, he seemed very willing, then he showed reluctance or fear. At some point, their gags would be removed and Danny hoped he could find out more about the fascinating boy.

“All right, boys, we’ll switch the light off so you’re not disturbed during your nap. Don’t worry, you’ll be in here five hours at the most.”

The door was closed and locked despite the furious protests inside.

Reality settled in for Danny: he was trussed up closely to a bondage masochist who was super-hot, in a dreaded nappy and possibly in this weird position for the whole freaking afternoon. Wasn’t life grand?

Danny settled down, trying to see the bright side of the situation. Scott’s warm body against his felt nice, it smelled rather good and he was bound and gagged as he’d never been before. This didn’t suppress his hunger and the lassitude he felt at the endless detention he was in.

He kept on yelling but no one came. Scott had fallen quiet too. Danny could feel the grinding motion of Scott’s hips. With the nappy, he couldn’t feel much through his cock; but this was enough to find out Scott was again sporting a Grade-A boner, which he felt peaking through the heavy mass of cellulose.

The motions and grunts were now familiar to Danny. When a longer wail was accompanied by the tense body slumping down as if nerveless, Danny knew his companion had climaxed again. If Scott got punished when he broke this so-called rule number six, he had to be under punishment all the time.

They both relaxed for a while. Danny was now feeling an urge to pee. He hadn’t been for a long time. Yet, the idea of feeling his own piss warm up the nappy and staying there disgusted him. He tightened his sphincters and tried to think of something else.

The door opened with joyful shouts accompanying the light entering in.

“We’re back, pupils! It was just a joke; you’re going to get something to eat! And we’ll even take you to the bathroom!”

The routine was familiar, but there was still as much care involved in handling these matters. The bathroom break at least was first. They put Danny in shorts once he’d performed his duties; thanks for small favours, he was rid of the humiliating accessory.

He heard Walter scold Scott for having sprayed his nappy with boy juice, and apparently copiously. There was some reminder of rule number six.

Greg and Walter had still not left their guard down when it came to preventing Danny from saying anything either. They were as thorough with their new guest. It was too bad Scott hadn’t picked up on the Morse message Danny had tried to cast when they hung in the pantry. With all the fun being kidnapped was, he still had to get Scott as an ally to manage to escape. His neighbours would certainly admire him if he succeeded in getting out from their clutches.

The gag that followed the glass of water and the rice pudding they were given were basic: Greg and Walter had removed their ankle socks and they made two bundles, each featuring one of theirs. Walter removed his hand from Danny’s mouth as he brought the bundle to his lips; Danny opened obediently and the bundle was stuffed in his gob.

“You’ll both get to suck on our feet. This is nothing fancy as a gag, but it always works fine. It’s easy to put it on or to remove it. Not that you’re going to need it removed for a while now,” Greg said.

“They won’t, that’s for sure. Now we have even more reasons to keep you quiet, Danny: you shouldn’t be able to talk with Scott. God knows what wicked plans two little rascals like you could make up if given free rein.”

Walter bound a school tie between Danny’s teeth, yanking on it hard so the socks were to the back of his mouth, the corners of his mouth pulling towards each other as his lips closed as a beak.

Greg had taken a large cotton towel. It was thin; he folded it diagonally and repeated the operation until he got a bandage that was a little over two inches long. This he applied across Danny’s mouth, adjusting it so it would be right under his nose and keeping his chin. He then tightened the scarf gradually. At the end, he yanked one last big time and he tied a square knot at the nape of his neck

“Can you speak now?”

“Mmm Mmm.”

“You’d better not anyway. Greg, can you take him upstairs and prepare him for the game?”

“I’d love to. Should I hide the key so he sees it now?”

“Good idea. Meanwhile, I’ll check Scott’s shorts. We want him to start with clean ones.”

Chapter 8 – Torture Pole

Danny was pushed towards the attic where he’d spent his first afternoon of captivity. He was hobbled, so Greg clung to him so he wouldn’t fall or worse, do something that broke the rules.

Once up there, the coils of rope already wrapped around the central beam allowed for an easy change of position. First the legs, then the torso and the arms eventually. The first sign Danny gave of not obeying totally got him a scalding reprimand.

“You don’t even want to go there, Danny. You’ll get a very warm butt if you go on like this.”

Greg did his job swiftly. Once he was satisfied with his babysitter’s immobility, he took a key from his chest pocket and went to set it under the wardrobe.

“The key to Scott’s cuffs. Hope you can help him find his way. If he doesn’t I’d say your stay here might be longer.”

This was crazy. How could Danny give any indication to someone who didn’t get Morse code and who couldn’t see?

He was behind Danny, seeing to the knots that had been tied behind the beam. Danny heard a whisper in his ear.

“Want to break rule number six again? Walter doesn’t need to know about it.”

He slid his hands inside Danny’s shorts.

“It seems you do, my horny little colt. Let Uncle Greg solve this little inflation issue for you.”

In two seconds, the gorgeous boy was kneeling in front of him, pulling his shorts down and taking the first three inches of his cock inside his warm and moist mouth. The sucking and the caresses from the tongue or palate had Danny slowly rise to orgasm; as he shot his wad, the sucking got stronger as Greg was eagerly swallowing his seed.

The little mouth didn’t want to leave him alone and went on sucking him, like Greg thought that like with an ice-cream cone, the more you sucked the less of it there was.

Danny was about to show that his dick could be made bigger from sucking, as he was feeling growing hard again when they heard the sound of the panel at the bottom of the staircase; Walter and Scott were coming.

Greg stood, pulling Danny’s shorts back up. He looked straight into his charge’s eyes.

“No one will know. This is our little secret,” he whispered, “You can keep a secret, can’t you?”


“Good lad. Not a word, now; they’re coming.”

Greg put a finger over his lips and beamed his cutest smile. He turned around as the other team arrived, Scott chained, gagged and blindfolded preceding Walter.

“It took you ages, Walt, did Scott give you any trouble?”

“Not really, but as I checked his shorts, there was a stain once again so I had to change him.”

“We should start making porn. Scott is as enduring as all these stallions in porn videos.”

“His dick isn’t as big, though.”

“It isn’t small either, if you compare it to say, yours, Walt. But I’m not too much into huge dicks myself. Scott is a vigorous little pup, that’s all. We’ll wear him out.”

“Good, lads, this is all very fine but we’re not here to discuss your horniness. What matters is that Danny may assist Scott in finding the key that opens the padlocks keeping it in chains. You may start.”

The two cousins went to sit down on the sofa, preparing for a display of ingenuity.

Danny said ‘wardrobe’ but it sounded much like ‘grm uhm’. He spoke to himself saying table. This sounded just the same. There were lots of objects and furniture that featured two syllables in their noun, so maybe this wouldn’t work.

He kept an interested eye on Scott, whose tactics seemed unclear. He was taking hobbled steps, slowly, towards Danny. Danny turned towards his neighbours, asking with his eyes what Scott was doing.

They beamed a quietly ironic smile; Scott, much like a zombie who has spotted brains, had used Danny’s voice as a guide for more cock. His hands were chained behind his back. Once he was stuck to the pole-tied boy, he spun on his heel.

He cupped both of his hands to welcome his new friend’s nylon-covered genitals in them.

Greg and Walter laughed, as the fingers, palms and wrists adjusted to find the best position to fondle Danny to orgasm. The feel of Scott’s hands was incredible. Danny moaned in his deceptively effective gag, rolling eyes as he looked at his captors.

“Sorry, Danny; what Scott is doing is completely pointless if he wants to win the game, but it’s not against the rules. What is against the rules, however, is you squirting your shorts with cum.”

Danny screamed in his gag for Scott to stop. But the hands kept their grip over his hard prick. He could hope there would be a time limit. Greg’s masterful blow-job might have let some of the pressure go. He tried to think of his major turn-offs, so he pictured his parents having sex, but Scott’s relentless ministrations and the ceaseless taunts from Greg and Walter always brought back some excitement and he slowly felt himself take off towards another orgasm.


He felt the warmth of his cum filling the front of his shorts, with Scott’s hand pumping on.

“Quite a winning team you boys make,” Walter sniggered, “If your goal is to lose and break rule number six.”

“To be fair, Walt, Scott is really the one who should take the blame for this one.”

The blindfolded boy protested.

“Mph! MMMph! Grmblmm!”

“Yes, we’ll write down some points for Danny, but Scott’s situation should be handled immediately. Let’s make sure his bum keeps reminding him of his failure for a few hours to come.”

Danny couldn’t help watching the ensuing preparations with an interested gaze. Scott’s blindfold was removed. He looked at the boys, and at Danny, without displaying much emotion now that his fate had been made clearer. The cousins had Scott stand five feet in front of Danny, turned sideways so their pole-tied victim would have a profile view of the culprit; Scott’s arms were brought back behind him and solidly restrained at elbows and wrists.

Walter fetched a stool and climbed on it to thread a rope through a hook in the beam above Scott; Greg grabbed it and used it to lash Scott’s bound wrists. They tugged on the other end, which forced the captive boy to bend over. Danny had a perfect view of the fleshy buttocks wrapped in the tight shorts; when his arms were parallel to the floor, Walter yanked it a final time and bound the end of the rope to the elbows. The captors then bound the captive’s legs tightly together.

“All set. The naughty boy will get his comeuppance.”

The wardrobe was filled to the brim with various tools for subjugations; it was the first time Danny saw the thin riding crop the black-haired tormentor got from the large piece. Scott saw the whip and remained quiet.

Greg stood in front of Scott, so the prisoner’s head was blocked by his belly.

“Get ready for fifty cuts of my whip, Scotty. Not a whine, of course.”

The dreadful sound of the leather cutting through the air preceded the sharp crack of it meeting the shorted bottom at high speed.

“One!” Greg counted.

This went on with Scott staying weirdly immobile despite the blows that landed over his bum. At thirty, Walter stopped.

“The last twenty will be given on your bare behind.”

He lowered his shorts and underwear down to Scott’s knees; the boy’s dong clung to his belly; he was hard as a rock, Danny could see.

The fleshy derriere quivered under the resuming assault. The spankee’s dick didn’t deflate at all; at thirty-nine, Danny saw liquid dripping from it. Scott was getting off being spanked. Danny started being fascinated with Scott’s enthusiasm for being submitted to the cousins’ harsh treatment.


“Good. I wouldn’t want to get a sore arm.”

He laid his hand over the buttocks. They were a nice shade of dark pink now.

“You’re not going to be cold down there, Scott. I hope you’ll remember to be a better sport next time.”

There was a grunt. The rope lifting Scott’s arms up was loosened and he was made to stand straight. Walter had him turn so he would face Danny.

“While we discuss what should happen to you next, you lads may make up a better strategy to adopt when we give you tasks to perform together. You’re allowed to speak for now. Just don’t be too loud!”

The two cousins retreated in the couch, keeping close to each other so they could whisper their plot and not be heard from their captives.

The bound boys were quite focused on trying to speak through their eyes; it didn’t work so great without having agreed on how to send each other messages without speaking. Scott’s shorts had been left down around his knees, and his formidable prick, all hard and swollen, was an object of admiration for Danny.

It looked smooth; the thick knob at the end was bright red; it glistened. Scot was still leaking pre-cum. The two gagged boys grunted to each other, and they both noticed that their grunts caused an inflation of the other’s penis. Danny’s was still hidden under his shorts, but the fabric showed what it was like anyway. The glimmers even showed subtle trembling that nudity wouldn’t have revealed.

The talk among the two relatives had been brief. They could punish their pupils all the time if they wanted, but it proved a bit tiring. For the next couple of hours, they thought it would be much nicer to have their prisoners toil at their service. They sprung out from the couch and stood between Scott and Danny, facing each other, so their two guests could see them.

Chapter 9 – Off to Bed

“It seems that enforcing rule number six with you scoundrels could be a full-time job. But we’d love to have some rest and a fine dinner without having to cook, serve or do dishes. We’re going to give you one more chance to prove you’re worthy of our academy and behave properly, just doing the tasks we give you, nothing less and nothing more. There’ll be more bum-whacking if needed. That goes for you too, Danny.”

There was a timid grunt. The cousins got working, to get the boys, still in their ‘school uniforms’ shackled so they could be kept under control while performing the tasks Greg and Walter assigned them. Before they served the meal, and despite Danny’s gagged protests, white nylon aprons with a trim of lace were put on them. Their shorts were removed; they didn’t serve naked this time, but the skimpy briefs under the girly aprons didn’t do much to reinforce the boys’ sense of manhood.

Waiting on Greg and Walter proved tiresome. They had all sorts of demands; their requests had to be fulfilled on the spot. Walter wrote down things in his little notebook throughout the meal. Advice was given, as to how to best hold a spoon. Danny was scolded for having let a drop of water fall from the decanter. Scott was rebuked for having given a piece of bread with his hands.

Every now and then, the young minders felt their charges’ crotch, permanently amazed at the enthusiasm their pupils displayed in tenting their underwear.

“Man, I’m sure we can have them break rule number six again. We’ve scored ourselves two perfect tie-up masochists, Greg!”

“Yes,” the blond boy replied as he fondled Danny, feeling where the tip of his cock was under the satiny fabric for moisture that would break rule number six, “knowing we have them just to us for almost a week makes me real horny too.”

His hand left Danny, very frustrated at not being caressed further, to rest on Greg’s own shorts that were indeed quite inflated.

“OK, lads, thanks for serving dessert. Now, you get on all four and crawl under the table; we’d love to have footstools to enjoy our ice-cream better. Come to daddy, Scott.”

Greg looked at Danny, pointing towards his feet. Danny kneeled down, put his hands over the floor and crawled towards Greg’s feet. He saw the boy shucking his shoes off, and almost immediately he could confirm the boy’s reputation for stinky feet was deserved. The moist socks landed on his back.

“A little bit to your left, Dan. Good, move just a tad forward… Perfect!”

Greg let the weight of his legs rest over Danny’s back. Soon, he was caressing his prisoner’s body with his socked feet. The feeling of the toes caressing his sausage from underneath had Danny gasp.

Walter was more into caressing Scott’s head. His feet had to smell too; the fair-haired schoolboy frowned to convey his displeasure to Danny.

This lasted for another fifteen minutes or so.

“You may come out, lads. You’re good footstools, and we’d better remember to use this particular skill of yours in the days to come. For now, clear the table and tidy the kitchen.”

The two boy-maids obeyed and started picking up dishes and putting food in the fridge. The kitchen was soon clean and tidy.

“You did a good job, boys. We’re even going to reward you with some food. Don’t waste this occasion on trying anything funny. Not a word, not a sound, as usual.”

Walter picked some milk that he sugared and stuck in the microwave. Once the bell rang, the boys saw he poured porridge oats in it. They wouldn’t get any of the tasty foods Greg and Walter had enjoyed.

The feeding was slow, with a constant handgag for the boy who was given some of the mush. They finished the meal with the usual treat, i.e. the gag. They had half-masks with plugs; this was basic and easy to put on while looking really good and being quite effective at preventing their captives from communicating with each other.

“Let’s see, young Scott, does being gagged have a negative effect on your libido?” Walter asked while fondling Scott again, “It doesn’t feel like it. Let me see… You like it when I rub your prick between my thumb and my index finger, don’t you? You like this better than obeying rule number six? Well, it’s sad, really, because your constant issues with number six mean we’re really going to crack down on this little tendency of yours.”

Scott looked at him with inquisitive eyes.

“You’ll wear your cock cage tomorrow.”

Now the boy appeared terrified, his eyes open wide and his garbled cry getting more intense.

There were threats Scott took seriously, then. Danny imagined there had been very peculiar events going on in their dorm.

“But we’ll handle this once we’ve all had some rest. To keep a close watch on our captives, I suggest we take them to our rooms, one each. I’ll handle Scott; will you take care of Danny, Greg?”

“Sure,” the blond boy replied, casting a mischievous smile at their kidnapped babysitter.

Hobbled with his arms pulled behind their backs, the boys were walked to the first floor where Greg and Walter wished each other good night. Greg grabbed his prisoner’s arm and led him to his bedroom.

It wasn’t very big, and the decoration took them back a couple decades in the past.

“I’ve got you all to myself, Danny. I’d say this might do for some fun time together.”

Greg wrapped his arms around Danny’s shoulders, his other hand heading straight to the package the older teen was displaying.

“And I could even provide you with some release. God knows what Walter will do to prevent you from coming tomorrow. You’ve heard him talk about a cock cage; I’ll let our birdie soar a few times more if he decides to trap your cock tomorrow. Let me get you in your nighties…”

The boy had no intent to get Danny in pyjamas; he took a pair of shiny black Speedos from a drawer and went through the routine to remove his clothing and leave him in just the pair of clean swimwear, with his hands cuffed behind his back and his knees hobbled.

“Don’t you look spiffy!” Greg said, patting Danny’s round buttocks tenderly. “Now for the dilemma; should I tie you face down or face up? I really like wanking you, as you seem about as sensitive as our friend Scott. I also think your bum is quite pleasant to the touch.”

Danny liked being wanked better, but he waited patiently; there had been enough surprises over the previous two days that ha knew his opinion didn’t matter anyway. Greg’s face brightened up, as if he’d made a sudden discovery.

“Well, I’ll say let’s do both! I’ll have you on your back for the first part of the night and lying over your belly until morning. I’ll just set the alarm for four in the morning.”

Greg removed the quilt that lied over his bed; he had Danny lie down and he started by roping his ankles to the footboard; the uncomfortable position Danny was in didn’t last long; Greg had him sit up to remove the cuffs from his wrists and complete the spread-eagle.

The tie-up ended with Greg straddling Danny’s torso, his knees pressed against his prisoner’s armpits. This gave Danny an interesting view on his captor’s shorts. Of course, being part of their academy’s ‘faculty’ meant the rules didn’t apply to them; Greg fondled his own package, adjusting his junk so it could unfold properly within the confines of his underwear.

“Looking at Mr. Anaconda?” Greg bragged.

Danny was of course looking at the bulging meat that pushed against the red nylon; he was also getting an olfactory interest in what was a few inches from his face. It didn’t smell like piss; it smelled musky and manly and had Danny’s mouth water; he swallowed the saliva and gulped.

“Want to give him a little kiss? I don’t know, this would mean I remove your gag, and how can I be sure that you won’t call out for help and get me in trouble with my cousin for not following the rules we’ve decided on?”

Danny shook his head, more than willing to be a good boy so he could return the favour Greg had made him earlier on that day.

“You’ll behave? Good, let us give it a try, then. I want you to suck on my knob; no biting, and suck it good.”

He leaned over Danny, reaching for the straps holding the half-mask behind his head. He stood up, on the bed, his feet at Danny’s hips; he stuck his thumbs in his waistband and lowered his shorts and underwear, which he threw down on the floor.

“Time for your treat, boy…” He sat back over Danny’s chest, displaying his six inches of hard cock. He moved forward, holding the headboard with his hands until the turgid member was above Danny’s mouth. The captive boy opened up and caught the glans with his lips. It tasted salty and there were other flavours that made the teenage captive quite excited.

Danny started working his tongue over the foreskin, his lips forming a tight seal. He was sucking the manhood and Greg ground his hips with small motions that grew in intensity until eventually he burst out, his low groan announcing the geyser like eruption of lukewarm thick semen.

“Oh! Man! Good! Suck it all, Danny, suck it all! Swallow my cum…”

Danny obediently licked the deflating member; Greg sat back over Danny’s chest, his clean limp cock resting just under his captive’s throat. He grabbed the half-mask and put it on again. The plug was inflated very mildly.

“This was some amazing job, Danny. Let’s catch a little sleep now.”

Greg stretched and lied down on his side next to Danny, his head brushing against the taller boy’s armpit; he grabbed the quilt and spread it over their two bodies. He was soon snoring lightly, which had Danny fall asleep soon while focusing on his captor’s soft and regular breathing.

Chapter 10 – Agitated Night

Just below from the room they were in, Walter had Scott ready for the night too. He had long silk ribbons that he’d gotten for such an occasion. With Scott standing, his arms pinned to his sides with several turns of tape at wrists and elbows, Walter could start. He used two rolls of different colours that he criss-crossed expertly from Scott’s neck down.

“You’ll be quite comfy, all wrapped in these fine ribbons. Snugly held for the night. I hope this will help you to come down a bit.”

Walter’s voice and the touch of his hands didn’t help the poor horny boy in the least. He was besotted with Walter, and all the indignities he’d been submitted to by the two cousins over the previous months always got him randy and barely able to retain some self-control.

The first two ribbons were red and blue and he finished them above the prisoner’s waist and his gleaming briefs. He’d pulled the turns pinning the forearms tight, and Scott had limited chances to get his arms free now. Walter started a similar job with yellow and green ribbons from the top of Scott’s thighs down to his ankles.

“Wrapped like some candy, Scott. You know how I like your lollipop…”

Scott nodded vigorously.

“This would be wrong, though, wouldn’t it? Getting you to break a rule is rather nasty. You don’t want to be punished.”

The captive boy shrugged.

“Oh! You like being punished, that’s right. What about having Danny’s butt paddled if you misbehave?”

Scott loved being manhandled by Walter. He had no desire to see others endure what actually gave him such a delicious thrill; that which had to make others shudder just thinking about got him so hard and leaky. He shook his head to prevent Walter from having Danny pay for him. This was a good-looking fellow, whom he’d like to have as a friend on top of as a tie-up game partner.

“You wouldn’t want him to be hurt, would you? You just need to do as you’re told, and keep your cool so your underwear remains dry, and nothing will happen to either one of you. Let me get you in bed.”

Holding his waist, Walter helped Scott sit on the edge of the bed; he grabbed his ankles, pushed and turned to have the captive boy on his back, lying over the length of the piece of furniture. Walter jumped in bed, and lied next to his prisoner; his mouth was a few inches from the boy’s face and his hand dangerously resting over the boy’s tented briefs.

“I know you can resist, Scott. You’ve done it before.”

Scott had memories of days spent under the cousins’ control, when he’d ended with some serious case of blue balls.

“And I know you’re a knight in shining armour. You wouldn’t want other handsome fellows end up being bound in strange and difficult positions, with a huge gag so all you can hear from their protesting is some faint mumble. This would be too cruel. Being thus made a helpless prisoner, and having to pay for some nasty, horny little boy. This wouldn’t be fair.”

This speech was the smuttiest dirty talk for Scott. Walter knew it full well; he smiled to himself, hearing the raspy breathing the gagged boy made, as he felt the tension building up within the underwear.

“He would be punished by being bound and gagged in a remote place; we’d make sure no one can find him but us. We’d go spank him every once in a while, of course, just to make sure he doesn’t forget that nasty Scott got you in all this trouble. Who knows? Maybe we could have Danny become your guardian after this? He would be motivated in getting some payback.”

There was a spasm and a gasp; liquid squirted and seeped through the thin material.

“Oh my, Scott, you’re incorrigible. You need your cage, because persuasion doesn’t work. I have actually made one; it’s improved since the last one you had to put on. I think you’ll be grateful of all the punishments we save you from by making your incontinency impossible.”

Walter had grabbed some tissues. He wiped the leaking dick and the soiled shorts until there was only a hint of moisture left. As he finished, his little strokes got softer and he resumed his threats and imaginary scenarios of what awful tie-up punishments could be enacted with Scott. The big brown eyes pleaded with his captor, whose motions became even softer, now letting the soaked tissues next to Scott’s head. The smell of his own cum and Walter’s soft caresses got the machine going again. It took a bit longer this time, but the tormentor reached his goal again and more cream was spurted.

Walter eventually got tired and fell asleep, with Scott basking in the afterglow of this hot and pleasurable evening.

The next morning, each captor handled his prisoner and got him ready before they would join the others for breakfast. The boys were all wearing satiny shorts and gleaming jerseys, as the plan was to have some ‘physical education’ class. Sturdy and thorough chair ties were carried out before Danny and Scott could be given a cup of lukewarm tea, yoghurt and a piece of toast. The sun was already quite high in the sky when they all got up; binding their charges to the chairs helped the captors to wake up, and they then were well awake; both of them were very eager to explain the coming day’s schedule.

“We’ll have some warm-up with escape challenges, and then, depending on how well you’ve performed, we’ll have classes, or maybe, if you’ve been really good, a walk outside so you benefit from the fresh countryside air.”

Gags had been put back on after eating and drinking. This time, Scott and Danny had each other’s underwear in their mouths, with tape plastered down over their lower faces and gauze wrapping up their heads thoroughly.

“If you fail our challenges you will be punished all afternoon. We’ll bind you in crates and have you stay in there for four hours.”

The grunts could be protests; they could also be pleas that they would try their best. Scott’s glances at their captors acknowledged they were serious. Four hours sounded like a long time to Danny.

“Let’s have Danny try first. We’ll have him clean up before we start.”

The ex-babysitter underwent the ritual of getting hobbles and chains on, so he could put things away and wipe the table clean. Walter stayed close to Scott, whispering threats and getting him all worked up with nasty talk; Greg was hovering over Danny, making sure each gesture was done according to his guidelines and standards.

Once the kitchen was spic and span, the two boys gathered around Danny.

“Let’s start with an easy one; by now you should be able, given a little time, to get out of a hogtie. Are you up to the challenge?”

His pride got Danny to nod in approval; if he’d answered using his brains, he’d realized that the two cousins had never left him a chance to get out of their elaborate tie-ups, and certainly not the hogtie he was submitted to the day before.

They tied a rope harness around his torso before they pushed him on the table over his belly. The cuffs were removed as ropes were coiled around his limbs. Once they picked up his ankles and pulled them back until his shoes touched his bum, hence tightening the networks of ropes keeping his legs welded to each other, Danny knew that this would be very difficult to escape from.

His elbows touched, and they even used twine to bind his fingers two by two, his hands being stuck palm to palm. They went over the rope. This was the moment Danny hated. Every time they bound him, it seemed there was some slack or a knot poorly done; as they rigorously reviewed their work, they always spotted the loose knot and took action.

This time was no exception, and the belt around his waist was linked to his arms and legs more thoroughly. He could barely squirm, and his immobilized fingers were a solid foot away from any knot that could help in his release.

He twisted and squirmed nonetheless, under the cheers of the two relatives.

“You can do it, Danny, try harder!”

Then there were threats to Scott and himself.

“Go on, lad, you don’t want to let poor Scotty down. We’ll lock him in the cellar if you fail. I’ve heard the rats are back. And the spiders never left!”

There was a mumbled protest from Danny first, and some cooing by Scott immediately following it, which was more difficult to interpret.

“While you still try, we’re going to have our little Scott join you in your efforts.”

Danny kept on wriggling and sweating as he looked at the show he was growing to love of his companion handled by their captors. The gestures were secure and the victim a delight for Danny to watch. Scott fought them as they got him from the chair to being hogtied alongside Danny, but at no point did Greg and Walter get their guard down. Smacks to the boy’s bottom or thighs got him back in line for a couple minutes before he displayed any feistiness again.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 11 – Escape Artists

It had been almost an hour of hogtie for Danny when the clock started ticking for Scott. They had performed a similar tie-up; the cheers and applause were now directed to both captives. Danny felt like he was managing to loosen his bonds; it all went very slow, though. He wondered how long he had.

Scott’s motions were moderate; he didn’t shake much. Danny turned his head as far back as he could to watch what his fellow-prisoner was doing. Scott was rubbing his hands, apparently, and the small pieces of twine linking his fingers two by two seemed to go off. It was tiring to keep watching, but whenever he looked at Scott’s hands over the next minutes, Danny could see some progress, the rings of twine passing over the knuckles until eventually he slid his fingers off them.

There were contortions next, with Scott getting on the side, and approaching Danny with his hands. Danny understood how to best benefit from Scott’s achievement and performed a similar move, presenting his bound arms to his comrade-in-ropes.

Having their legs pulled back so well actually helped; Scott stretched with muffled grunts betraying extreme effort, but Danny felt his fingertips grabbing some rope between his shoulder blades; the hand followed it and went down a few inches, where it started untying the knot.

Danny’s elbows were free, and another knot was loose, his wrists then being untied. Getting his fingers out of the twine was now much easier. Once his hands were free, he returned the favour; he pulled a few knots loose and felt Scott’s arms moving behind him.

The audience was holding his breath; once it was clear the bound duo had done the hardest part, they could intervene.

“You did well for the first exercise. We’ll concede you victory, Walter said as he cuffed their hands anew.

“Mmmrph! Mrggmphmmbll!”

“Rmmph! Humghmmm…”

“I’m showing some fair-play and all I get is complaints? Watch out, lads, I have ways to handle ungrateful pupils…”

It got both bound boys to quit making noise at once.

“Good, a second challenge, and then you boys are done. We’ll go for ball-ties, this time.”

And more handling took place; they started with Scott. They worked with rope only, which at least made it somewhat fair. Cuffs were more comfortable, but they offered very little hope of escaping a slightly arduous tie-up position.

Danny was on the side, and he had a fine view of the show. He studied with interest the way a rope went from his bound ankles between his legs, pinning Scott’s calves against the back of his thighs. They added rings of rope above his knees. The legs being well folded and kept together, his knees were brought up below his chin, and they were connected to the rope harness they hadn’t removed. More coils were used here and there to further link some of the ropes together. He was left on his back, his shorted behind a foot from Danny’s eyes.

“One down, one to go,” Greg commented as he fetched rope and went to Danny’s side.

They really repeated things as if they’d rehearsed them thoroughly. Danny had no surprise as to what they did, as it was just like what he’d seen. The feel of the various ropes was tighter than it looked on Scott. His captors’ fingers ran along the ropes; when they came close to his crotch, they reached between his feet to feel his crotch.

“Danny’s hard, check if Scotty has a boner too, Walt,” Greg sneered.

There were a few seconds with grunts and the rustling of some fabric before Walter replied.

“This isn’t the most difficult guess to make; he’s hard of course. And it feels a little wet too…”

“…which makes it a rule number six issue?”

“It could, we’ll see later on. For now, lets’ have our two friends try to pull a little escapists trick like they did before. It’ll be fun to watch.”

To the cousins’ great enjoyment, their ball-ties kept their prisoners rather immobile; the two pairs of buttocks quivered under the sheen of the fabric, but there wasn’t much motion from the prisoners. There were eager comments throughout the hour and a half Greg and Walter wriggled in their bonds.

“Come on, Danny, you just need to reach through Scott’s thighs to unknot the clove hitch that will get him loose. Oh, you can’t? Your arms are too well bound? Well that’s too bad.”

Danny had a hard time believing he didn’t manage to gain the smallest slack from all his exertions. He spun very slowly; so did Scott and at some point he got a view on the other boy’s round bum. Danny inspected his fellow prisoner’s bonds, trying to figure out a flaw or a way to weaken the ensnaring rope network. He found none.

The younger boys eventually jumped onto the table, laying their hands over their bound charges. Danny was getting familiar with the touch of Greg’s hands over his bum. Scott purred as the dominating hand of Walter exerted his reign over him again.

“You’re quite hopeless, boys; we thought you’d do much better, didn’t we, Greg? This means we should have more training, and have you grow motivated for this sort of exercise. The best way is obviously to experiment with more tie-ups and give you reasons to try harder. Morning is almost over, so we’re just going to have you serve us lunch, and then we’ll take you outside for some outdoors fun. Fun for us at least, as some of the things I have in mind might put a little strain on you lads.”

The voice was casual. Its tone wasn’t harsh or cold but Walter had a knack of wrapping threats of dire punishments in a very matter of fact voice. Danny pictured the environment outside; it was big and full of spots where the cousins could carry out their devious treatments.

Scott and Danny were released slowly, with each of their limbs allowed to stretch so they wouldn’t be hit by a sudden cramp; this was another occasion for Greg and Walter to fondle them further. Danny derived a great pleasure from being massaged; he’d never thought the feeling of another boy’s hands kneading his thighs could be so great.

Danny didn’t feel ridiculous anymore when shackled to serve their captors’ meals. He was animated by a will to please as much as by a desire not to be punished. And Scott was definitely hot, even hotter when wearing a football kit as he was today. The forced promiscuity they’d shared had aroused both prisoners tremendously, and once their crotches were visible, it was obvious the harsh ball-ties hadn’t calmed them down.

At the end of the meal, both waiters had their hands cuffed behind them again, and some groping and manual stimulation ensued; the ritual breaking of rule number six occurred, but neither Greg nor Walter felt like going for a full flooding of the shorts, hence leaving their captive staff horny and aroused.

The table was cleared and the kitchen tidied. Greg and Walter prepared two large rucksacks that they filled to the brim with gear. They put them over their footmen’s shoulders, before they hobbled and leashed them, keeping their word on the afternoon outing.

“A little walk will do you good. Plus there are some nice games to play in the park, and maybe you can even do some training.”

The rubber plug gags were put back in, with pumping on the tight side. Danny admired the speed and ease with which they were silenced. The sophisticated equipment made for some ruthless silencing, and it didn’t take more than thirty seconds to be put in place. This helped to make him docile, he thought to himself.

Scott and Danny followed their minders obediently; Danny wondered what was in his rucksack, which pulled over his shoulders in a manner that would be unpleasant quickly if they didn’t reach a destination where the burden would be removed soon.

Chapter 12 – In the Deep of the Woods

They left the gravel path and slalomed through a few trees before they reached a small clearing; they were far from the house, close to the estate’s south boundary. This was a spot that couldn’t be seen from anywhere, with trees protecting every angle from prying eyes. It had a patch of thick grass, which had been put to use before by Greg and Walter when they’d had Scott as a guest. They had staked him out, and now they intended to have him and Danny restrained on their backs with their limbs pulled in an ‘X’.

Scott acted nervous as he recognized the place. His protests were more obvious despite the gag.

“Mrphngh! Nnrmmmph!”

“You can call us any nasty name you want, you may also try to call our little session off altogether. We’re prepared to handle such unwanted behaviour.”

Greg and Walter seized him.

“Come on, Scotty, you’re not going to balk now. You liked it last time here, remember?”

Their grasp was real; they pulled him down to the ground. Danny watched, as he’d been left standing while Scott was being taken care of. Scott’s wrists and ankles were wrapped in numerous tight coils of rope, which were then threaded through rings in the stakes. These were long rods of iron with a ring welded at their ends; they were dug four feet inside the ground, which made it impossible even for a large and strong man to rip them off by himself.

They pulled the ropes taut, until no motion was possible for Scott.

“It’s a perfect time for a nap Scotty.”

Greg turned towards Danny.

“I’d bet our babysitter would love to take a nap himself…”

Greg was at Danny’s side; his cousin joined him and they had the older boy kneel on the ground, with his knees between Scott’s ankles. They held his shoulders and tilted him forward, bringing him to lie over his belly, with his nose going down and coming closer and closer to Scott’s stretched shorts front. The smell of the boy’s dick was strong. Lots of pre-cum had leaked, and actual cum had been released too.

The two pairs of hands were now fixing his wrists to Scott’s ankles; they added ropes at his elbows which they bound to the spread-eagled boy’s knees. The leash was used to trap Danny’s neck between Scott’s thighs. He could now barely lift his head, and could not pull his nose away from the smelly boy’s stained shorts and the moist and sweaty dick that was hidden underneath. Scott reacted with an even bigger cock, which triggered a chain reaction with Danny getting hard and humping the ground while rubbing his gagged face over the shorts and making the cycle continue.

The cousins had watched their charges without uttering a word. Scott discharging in his shorts got them talking again.

“At long last. I’m afraid you had no authorization to cum, and Danny, you weren’t allowed to grant some pleasure to Scott.”

The smell filling Danny’s nostrils and the moisture wetting the tip of his nose were intoxicating; the boy didn’t hear what he was told next.

“You can first start thinking about obedience for a while. Keep an eye on them, Greg, I’ll be right back. Behave, lads, if you know what’s good for you.”

Scott and Danny were in a haze, their orgasms being followed by the realization of their straining position. Yet Greg didn’t feel like letting them relax.

“If you like it so much smelling each other’s dick, why don’t you stay at it? I’m just here to make sure you don’t choke or escape, not to let you have fun.”

Walter walked around in search of a tree from which he could get a switch; he needed a tool that would make his pupils more docile. There were some more games in store which implied some participation from the boys. If they proved reluctant, a few stinging strokes applied to their bums would certainly make them more willing to cooperate.

He couldn’t find a proper tree. They had thorns, or the branches were all crooked. He came across a hazel tree. He remembered his granddad showing him how to make a bow and arrows from such wood. It was pliable, yet solid. He cut one branch neatly with his pocket knife. That’s when he heard the bleating.

There were goats in the meadow next to the estate. They belonged to old McInvern, who was a grouch but whom they were supposed to greet politely because he was a tenant of his grandfather. At the moment, some wild idea about goats finding his prisoners ran through Water’s mind. It had to be tried out.

He ran back to the clearing where Greg was hovering over the two bound captives lying over the grass. He went to his cousin and whispered his plan to his ear. Greg beamed.

“Amazing! Yes, do this, and don’t worry, our two friends will be there when you’re back.”

Scott and Danny pricked up their ears; they were now recovered from their last rule number six infraction, and were currently both getting back into the mood for another one. But something was up, and it got both prisoners concerned.

“Walter just had a lovely idea, boys. I won’t spoil the surprise, but I think you will love it. For this, I need to move you a bit, Danny.”

Danny was freed from his current tie-up on his belly with his face over Scott’s crotch, to be spread-eagled himself just like his new friend to his sides. Greg was good at it too, and took out the cuffs that were required to attempt any move with the prisoners. Danny’s right hand and right foot could touch Scott’s left ones, and they could turn their heads to look at each other.

“You’re all wet in front! We’ll have to clean you up.”

Danny grunted an indistinct reply.

“No, Danny, I won’t lick you clean. Nice try, but I don’t think it would be too good to keep you on your toes. Plus you’d be grossed out by someone licking your shorts, wouldn’t you?”

Danny shook his head; tongue flicks from Greg would actually be quite welcome.

“Good to know you wouldn’t mind. I’ll make a note of it.”

There was sarcasm in the boy’s voice, but Danny couldn’t hear it. He was lost in the dimples and blue eyes of the younger boy towering over him. They heard Walter coming back from a distance. He was making more noise than usual. Danny and Scott craned their necks to see him coming inside the clearing. At the end of a tether, Walter exhibited the reason for his noisy appearance: a goat that he’d borrowed from old McInvern for a few hours.

There was a bleat and two mumbling boys replied to the animal greeting with their own inarticulate sounds. Greg was all smile as he welcomed his cousin back.

“Great job, Walt. I think we’re going to be able to have some fun. You got salt too?”

“Yup, I’ve got all we need.”

He stepped forward, with the goat in his steps, apparently curious to see where he was heading.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Goat, I’ve got more salt for you. You see, lads, this animal follows me closely because it knows I have some thing of interest that I’m more than willing to give. Oh, and our young friends sprawled over the floor do have things to give too.”

Walter took a bag of kitchen salt; standing over the two spread-eagled boys, he tilted it and let some salt flow on Scott’s belly first, then of Danny’s. The goat followed the trail and licked their tummies vigorously, causing muffled yelps of horror as the tongue tickled them. The goat had rid their skin of all the salt after two minutes of the excruciating torment

The two cousins were elated and they had the time of their life.

“You’re doing wonderfully, lads. Hold on, the goat is soon done…”

Walter had the bag in hand again; this time, he dropped his load from a bit lower, and he was now letting a small pile of crystals over their cocks. Danny didn’t have time to shake it off that the goat was eagerly licking it with its tongue. Scott was grinding his hips, having the salt trail down around his thigh. Danny was feeling the slimy saliva actually removing the salt, but the warm and stimulating touch of the animal grossed him out a bit while he couldn’t help trying to get the most of his encounter with the goat. It didn’t last, though. More salt was poured back over Scott’s briefs and the goat targeted him this time.

The goat went from one boy to the other.

“Be grateful for this noble animal is willing to clean you up. It’ll do it all the way, which is better since it will prevent you from being burned by salt.”

It could be true but the strokes of the tongue did tickle as much as it made them hard. Walter didn’t repeat the pouring of salt over their swimwear-clad packages. He went to their feet.

“Bring me the water, Greg.”

He poured some water on the four feet and then went back to his starting point lightly tossing a large amount of salt that stuck to the wet skin. The goat was finishing its job over their hard dicks; the prospect of more salt seemed pleasant to the animal. It found its way to a position, facing their feet. It lowered its head and could reach them with its big tongue.

The next ten minutes were just some of the most uncomfortable of the whole stay for Danny. The animal showed no mercy, and no amount of mphing appeared to deter the animal from licking their feet relentlessly.

It eventually stopped, as it was Scott’s turn to be the object of the goat’s ministrations. Soon both boys were complete wrecks. At everyone’s surprise, the feet didn’t interest the goat anymore. The tight packages were once more the subject of its licking affection.

“Oh my, it has the hots for you two lads! Don’t forget about rule number six.”

There were wails. It happened that it was too late for Danny already, the heat, the pressure and the squishy touch had taken their toll; the goat’s licking removed some of the liquid that had seeped through the nylon, yet Danny feared that his scrupulous minders would notice what had happened anyway. As the animal seemed to be attracted to Scott’s cock too, Danny secretly hoped his fellow-captive would also jizz his briefs, so at least they both would undergo the nasty treatment he was likely to receive.

Scott couldn’t believe how supple and twitchy the goat’s tongue was, wrapping him in its soggy warmth. Danny had managed to cum without making a sound. Scott wailed so the three other boys knew exactly what was happening. The noise grew dim as Scott panted through his nose. Greg was leaning over Danny.

“This makes two who broke our rules, Walt.”

“They’re incredible. There’s no reason for us to toil further in entertaining them if they can’t behave. Let’s take them back to the house where we’ll put them to do our chores. I’m starting to feel hungry. Plus there are more ways to punish them for their disobedience over there.”

Chapter 13 – Greg and Walter’s Educational System

It was less than fifteen minutes before the quartet left, followed by the goat. Walter took it back inside the pasture; Greg fondled the two prisoners, asking them to promise not to tell anyone. The two pupils were gathering their wits after the mind-shattering torture they’d been submitted to. They felt sticky and gross from the licking of the goat.

“It went smoothly, Greg, old McInvern will never know a thing. Let’s get our two young unruly boys back to the house.”

They each held a leash, Greg pulling Danny and Walter dragging Scott. They walked for a little while, with no resistance; the cousins didn’t pull over the tethers too much, being fully aware of the recovering state of their charges.

“Now my merry pupils, we’re home again. I suggest we walk to the back of the house and use the garden hose to clean you up.”

They went around the building and had Scott and Danny standing over the grass, still in nothing but skimpy swimwear. They stood in the sun; the walk in the woods’ shade hade cooled them down. Walter held the hose and Greg turned the faucet on. The cold splash hit Scott’s chest first, but the cold and liquid snake then writhed from one boy to the other, the cold liquid running over them.

Greg turned the water off.

“We’ll let you dry in the sun so you don’t drip all over the house. Stay still, for any unwanted motion will add to the punishments you’ve already earned.”

The two boys eyed each other as they slowly dried from the light breeze and the sun, which shone warmly at this time of the day. They didn’t dare move. The prospect of corporal punishment, which the ‘academy professors’ were fond of, was a deterrent to the boys; at least Scott pretended he feared it; Danny had seen otherwise. Maybe he just didn’t want to bring any unfortunate consequences upon him, Danny thought.

“Don’t move lads, what do I see in front of your swimwear? There’s nothing stirring underneath, is there?”

The two pupils held on and refrained from reacting to the taunt; more came, and eventually the two pranksters decided it was time to get back inside.

“We’ll take you to the classroom. We’ve got everything we need to have some creative punishments. We don’t want you to get in a routine, do we?”

The hobbles and gags were checked and the boys were marched back through the kitchen, the two large halls and the corridor to reach the secret entrance to the cave where Greg and Walter’s uncle had set up a ‘classroom’ for kinky games with like-minded fellows.

This was a large room with a small bathroom attached. There were desks for eight students and a large teacher’s desk, plus chests, crates, a pommel horse and hooks, poles and more chairs in case of a large affluence or a desire for something different.

Danny knew they were right about the place offering many opportunities for a creative mind. No doubt there was some more gear to be tried out too, hidden in the many storage spaces.

They were left standing behind the desks, as Walter went to sit at the large teacher’s desk.

“The count isn’t in your favour, lads, for you have earned fifty demerits, Danny, and you got ninety Scott. Were he not gagged, Dan, Scott could tell you that one demerit is one stroke of the cane. That makes for a lot of strokes, so we may use our guidelines to see what other way could be used to limit the beating your buttocks are going to eventually receive. What do we have in store to handle this sort of cases, Greg?”

The blond boy was standing in front of Walter. He flipped the pages of a notebook.

“Of course there are domestic duties. Five demerits mean an hour of chores. This might make for a few off, but I’m not sure if we have much more than one hour of chores to be performed. There’s also the ‘sexual favours to professors’ section. Scott brought his number of demerits drastically down this way last month.”

Danny imagined giving them blow jobs redeemed tons of demerits; this was a rather pleasant way to reduce the count.

“A hand-job is five demerits, a blow-job seven demerits. This may help to write a few demerits off, but they’re not going to be sucking on our cocks all day.”

“Right, what allows for more than seven demerits off?”

“Mmmh, let me see,” Greg said following the lines with his finger, as if he actually was looking for some information. “Telling a personal fantasy, ten demerits.”

Walter was scribbling over a piece of paper.

“So, with two fantasies on paper, three blow-jobs and a couple hours of chores if we manage to find stuff for our pupils to do, they might end up with their butts relatively spared. There’ll be residual demerits for sure, but nothing as drastic as what they’re facing now.”

“I’d suggest we remove their gags and give them something to drink, like water and then we should feed them some meat, so as to start helping them to bring their punishment down.”

Danny was looking at Greg and Walter. He hoped they’d kept their cocks clean; he’d sucked on them before, but he was still a bit suspicious of the consequences of having another boy’s penis in his mouth. Germs and bacteria were invisible, after all.

The two cousins released their pupils from their chairs and had them kneel at the side, allowing them to rest their butts over their heels.

Greg went to get some water; Walter removed Danny’s gag, so his cousin could give their prisoner a long sip of thirst-quenching liquid. He kept the plastic container lodged between Danny’s teeth until it was eventually empty.

“I’ll remove the bottle but keep your mouth open so you can suck on Walter’s dick.”

The black-haired boy was lowering his shorts and briefs, revealing a turgid dick. The first touch of the prisoner’s tip of the tongue got the member to swell and rise, with the eager mouth holding on, Danny craning his neck so the hard dick that he had copiously lubricated with saliva didn’t slip out.

Walter felt the danger too, and he laid his hands over Danny’s ears, keeping his head in a tight vice to prevent any mishap that would deprive him of his promised orgasm.

The head and the hips twisted and moved back and forth until Walter groaned his pleasure.

“Damn! Damn: Bloody Hell!”

Cursing was his way to get off some of the pressure. Squirting the semen that flooded Danny’s mouth was another.

“My, Danny, you’re a wonderful cocksucker!”

His cousin’s enthusiasm triggered Greg’s desire to replicate the situation with Scott.

Walter kneeled behind Danny and kept him handgagged while his cousin freed Scott’s mouth to use it for pleasure. The sight of his fellow-student wriggling his butt, gasping and slurping over Greg’s dick was an extremely erotic sight for Danny. He moaned. It felt like forever since the goat had made him spill his juice. And this hadn’t been the most exciting of blow jobs. Now if Walter was willing to return Danny’s favour and take him in his moist and warm little mouth... Danny was even willing to be gagged with some exacting, multi-layered manner in the fashion of Walter if it meant he’d be blown once thus silenced…

Such saucy prospects weren’t on the agenda. The cock sucking, that is, as the gag became a necessity once Scott had gotten Greg to orgasm in his mouth. He’d taken a position similar to Walter’s. They stayed for a while basking in the satisfying feelings a good orgasm could cause, while sniffing their sweaty and randy captives.

The pupils were wondering what was next and were starting to make little prompts.

“Shut up…” Walter whispered, “Don’t spoil this wonderful moment.”

He fell silent for a few seconds and broke the silence again.

“All right, Greg, the little blighters broke the spell. There’s no demerit for this but they actually broke the spell. Let us gag them so they work without making a fuss to redeem some of their demerits.”

They all stood up, the pupils remaining handgagged and within the tight grasp of their minders. Greg and Walter led their charges to the teacher’s desk. Walter lifted the lid and took two large ball gags out. They were red foam rubber. It was dense yet it could be compressed a bit.

“Temporary gags so you don’t chat together while we go get something worthy of you ruining our nice little after-blowjob moment.”

Both captors crammed the balls inside the boys’ mouth. They squeezed them so they would pass the teeth and instructed the students to open as big as they could. Once behind the teeth it was out of the question that they could expel the things without the use of their fingers to pull on it. It didn’t prevent Greg and Walter to tighten the buckles over their necks tightly.

More ropes bound their elbows and knees and Walter dashed out of the room; the sound of his running up the stone staircase faded away.

“You look good with these, lads, but I must say I like sealed lips better. I’m sure Walter will find something really proper to gag you according to the Academy’s high standards. My, Danny, are you glad of seeing me or is it a python you’ve got in your pocket? We don’t like people who smuggle in exotic wildlife. Maybe I should check.”

The nimble fingers resting over his shorts and feeling where everything was underneath was an excruciating torture to Danny. Maybe he would get some relief at last. Greg had been more than keen to grant him a few sexual favours along his stay, why not now?

The blond boy put his hand in the shorts and grabbed the waistband, pulling it and looking down the stretched shorts.

“You’re indeed very happy to see me,” Greg said, releasing the elastic waistband all of a sudden so it smacked the poor Danny’s dick back up.

Steps were coming down the stairs; they were Walter’s, his nervous style unmistakable.

Chapter 14 – In class

Walter burst inside the classroom with two large sports bags in his hands.

“I’ve got all we need for more basic but no less strenuous gags. The sophistication of the masks and the inflatable plugs sure makes things easier, but once in a while I feel like cramming some dirty undies, top them with stinky socks and add a few scarves on top until only the faintest of gurgle can be heard from our unruly students.”

“And we don’t want that, do we?” Greg approved.

Walter’s bags featured dirty socks and undies from everyone in the room.

“I’ve collected stuff from the hamper where we’d put them, dirty clothing from us but from you too,” he said, drawing his index fingers into pistols and pointing to the pupils standing next to each other.

“This gives me an idea, Walt. Why don’t we make this a challenge? If they can correctly identify the wadding and whose sock we lay under their nostrils, then we grant them another ten demerits.”

“What if they fail?”

“We add ten, no?”

Danny feared this trial. He had a tolerably good sense of smell, but he wondered whether he’d be able to identify a clothes’ wearer by their smell. He thought by now he could spot who was who if he could sniff them, but clothes worn the previous day?

He was right to be worried. Speedos were stuck inside his gob in replacement for the ball —that was easier to extract than Danny would have thought. He deemed them Greg’s when they were Scott’s. He rightfully matched Greg with the socks that were laid over the swathing of tape. He’d smelled the boy’s socks long enough not to make a mistake.

Scott correctly identified Danny’s underwear when he had to suck on it, but couldn’t recognize the smell of his own socks he thought were Walter’s.

“Well, they’re not too brilliant, are they? Let’s say we’re going to have to identify lots of household chores.”

“Or tell lots of dirty little secrets,” Greg yelped.

“Indeed. Let’s shackle them so they can cook us dinner.”

Cuffs, padlocks and chains replaced the ropes and the boys were marched back upstairs.

In the kitchen, Danny was starting to know his way; Scott was also familiar with the surroundings so the meal was ready quickly and twenty minutes after coming in, they were standing next to the ‘professor’ they were to wait on for the evening. Danny stood at Greg’s side and Scott at Walter’s.

The micro-waved pasta tasted great and the two cousins rejoiced over a day that had gone so well. They were both a bit worried about how fast time flew. They might have planned tons of possible little games and torments to put them through, and realized their long list couldn’t be completed, Danny thought.

Time came to bring them back to the classroom. Of course, they had to put everything away and clean up first. The cousins’ moms would have certainly loved seeing how aware of household issues they were, considering how diligently they commanded their staff.

The walk back to the secret underground chamber was becoming routine for the small group. With their hands shackled in front, smacking them with riding crops was becoming some sort of tradition too. ‘Don’t dawdle’ was the favourite prompt before the sound of the thin stick covered with leather making contact with the shorted buttocks could be heard, sometimes followed by a muffled grunt. Greg and Walter hit a bit at random, and it could make their strokes actually painful even if the majority of them were a mild sting over their bum.

Once chained at their desks, with pen and paper at hand, the two pupils scratched their head, metaphorically of course, considering how little movement their hands were capable of. They could write, however, and write they did. After way over an hour, they both seemed to be done with their tale.

Danny had written a short account of his masturbatory activities involving some accessories. He told of the time he used a carrot and cooking oil. The cooking oil helped to get the carrot up his bum, and it felt really nice pouring some over his dick before he wanked. He’d hesitated about being really truthful about the whole story. He had wanked this day thinking of Greg and Walter making out. But he’d rather keep this one for another such assignment, because he had a few dirty secrets, but not tons so he’d better distil them one by one.

Scott revealed his attraction to a teacher at their school. It was a man in his fifties; he did look the part of the stern disciplinarian, and this was what attracted Scott; he imagined being the man’s prisoner for the weekends. Danny didn’t know if Scott’s tale was based on some real facts or if it was pure fantasy, but it was filled with lurid details about the precise things he was made to do, eat and all the sex stuff the man did to him.

Greg and Walter knew the teacher also, so they commented on those details with their own take on this man.

“And if you suck his cock, I’m sure it’s all dirty and he will get you to suck off the cock-cheese he’s got under his foreskin.”

Danny knew that such excretion was the sign of very poor hygiene; longing for other people’s dirt and stench wasn’t this cool, was it? Danny felt shame at being judgmental of Scott when the boy had been only kind to him, and brutally frank and honest for the assignment provided by their ‘teachers’. And the grosser the details, the happier were Greg and Walter.

There was little talk beyond the reading aloud of the writings. The teaching staff gathered around their desk and started grading, counting and tallying the day’s performance. Scott and Danny looked at them but they couldn’t understand all of the conversation. To their great frustration, when the younger boys were done, there was no official announcement. Rather, they were told that it was time to go to the ‘sleeping quarters’.

It was meant to be a repeat of the previous night, with Walter taking care of Scott and Greg in charge of Danny. The cousins wished each other good night, with encouragements to make it an educational moment for their charges.

“You’ve heard Walter,” Greg told Danny ten minutes later, as he spread-eagled him face down to the bed, “you need to be really restrained and learn that only we may give you pleasure. So no humping the mattress, right?”

He’d kept his guest in nothing but his shorts; he could only congratulate himself on how good the boy looked so nicely spread-eagled, his pert buttocks sticking up and tenting the satin, which enhanced the curves of his captive’s body.

Danny heard a swishing sound behind him. He turned his head but Greg had gotten into an angle that he couldn’t spot, no matter how much he tried to see his captor. The noise was unmistakably the sound that had grown familiar to the older teen throughout his time spent with the kinky cousins: it was nylon rubbing against another layer of the same material. The length and frequency of the nylon rubs were revealing enough to Danny. Greg was wanking in his underwear.

“Rrha!” the blond beauty groaned from behind. There was some panting and soon Greg entered Danny’s field of vision. He climbed over the bed and kneeled next to Danny. His knees touched his belly just under his ribs. He waved something that he lowered in front of Danny’s gagged face. His shorts and his pair of soft gleaming swimwear, smeared with a thick coat of semen. The smell of the boy’s emissions instantly aroused the older teen who writhed, rubbing his own cock trapped in his shorts against the soft cotton sheet.

He dropped them over the mattress, a couple inches from Danny’s nose.

“Don’t get any fancy ideas, boy, I intend to control you throughout the night. Your shorts will be checked in the morning, and you’d better not be showing any trace of having leaked any fluid; even the tiniest drop of precum will be spotted. I’ll leave it to Walter to decide upon your punishment. I’m confident he’ll have lots of good ideas to make it memorable. Or uncomfortable, or even both!”

The high-pitched laughter resounded in the room with genuine glee.

“Now, boy, as I’ve creamed my Speedos, I’ll have you make some prewash. Saliva is good to remove semen stains, I’ve been told.”

He got off the bed briefly, coming back with his hands full.

“Before I handle you for the night, I will need to be certain that you don’t break our rules concerning silence.”

Greg removed the muzzle once the rubber bulb was deflated.

“Open wide…”

Chapter 15 – Greg’s Attentions

The swim briefs had been bundled up, with no loose end at one end that would threaten to slip down his throat. Danny let them in obediently. The captor’s fingers pushed them to have them fill his whole mouth. Clamping his hand over the babysitter’s filled mouth, Greg moved around and lied on top of his charge. Danny realized soon Greg had not put any underwear back on. The younger teen’s half-hard dick settled along his crack over his shorts. He could feel the warmth and moisture through the layer of silky material.

“We’re doing great here, Danny, aren’t we? Wouldn’t you like me to plough you? I feel there’s a little rosebud underneath twitching, begging for Uncle Greg to come and caress it.”

Danny had never had any offers for anal sex before, but it was worded in a way, and under conditions when he thought it rather pleasant.

“You’d love it, my nasty little pupil. But I’m afraid that me massaging your prostate would have you break rule number six again. You don’t want to break rules, do you?”

Greg accompanied his captive’s head shaking in denial to keep him handgagged while letting him answer the question.

“This settles it, then. You’re not going to be allowed to cum, then. Let me finish gagging you,” he said, clinging to Danny and gliding over his bum a couple more times before he did what he’d announced.

The X over the lips was nice and bearable; yet it was often, Danny had noticed, the prelude to some heavy gagging. This time was no exception, and the boy was granted with the rubber swim cap, the coban wrap and a few extra turns of white surgical tape to tidy up the whole thing.

“You can no longer protest, can you?” Greg whispered to Danny’s ear, having regained his lying position above the bound boy’s body. He’d even pulled the blankets on them so he would be warm despite having shucked off all of his clothes.

“You like another boy over you, don’t you?”

Danny was trying to ignore Greg’s dirty talk, which could trigger unwanted effects. He also kept still, from fear that his motion would stimulate him enough that he would leak precum. The naughty little kidnappers lusted for such finds, and he knew there would be an inspection tomorrow. He felt Greg’s hand slide under him and grab his package.

“It seems you do.” His fingers had found the nylon-covered boner and were softly kneading it. “Now, just because I caress you doesn’t mean “rule number six is off.”

Danny felt Greg’s cock grow along his butt crack. This was going to be a long night.

Scott had similar feelings. Walter had been in less of an amorous mood than the previous evening and he felt like having Scott enjoy some mild predicament throughout the night.

“I know you’ve been bound standing a lot already, but I don’t get tired of getting you lads in pole-ties,” Walter said looking at Scott, who was tightly trussed up to the six-foot bed post. “I know how much you like rope, so having one hundred feet of them wrapped around you must make you feel special.”

He approached the boy and finger-flicked his cock through the shorts. Like Danny, these were the only piece of clothing he’d been left with.


“Hush, Scotty. This doesn’t hurt. In fact, all you want is to have more contact with my fingers.”

The younger black-haired teen then reached with a more tender caress, which didn’t help the erection to recede within the satiny confines of the shorts.

It expanded, actually, and Walter’s voice became a whisper as the tips of his fingers brushed ever so lightly over the wrapped member.

“You do want this, my kinky little one. It’s all hard and rigid in here, which tells me much of what your true longings are, my sweet tie-up pet…”

Walter went on until he felt some tremors and that the moisture level reached by having Scott leak his precum was satisfactory. There would be other moments before the morning when Walter could have another go at keeping some humidity and guarantee that the naughty pupils could be caught in flagrante delicto of breaking rule number six and that it would justify some of the punishments the two cousins wanted to enact.

“I’d better stop now,” he said as he took his hand off Scott’s package, “I can’t be naughty and have you break our rules, though it seems you might already have done so,” he said pointing to the bound boy’s crotch. “I’ll keep an eye on you, Scotty. Don’t worry, you’re in good hands!”

A quick brush from an index finger triggered a frustrated moan.

“I’ll leave you bound to the torture pole, at the mercy of the wild animals roaming the place, sleep tight!”

Walter jumped into bed and switched off the light. Scott could hear the distinct sounds of his captor masturbating in the dark. He didn’t think he would sleep too well; he relished the relatively comfortable pole-tie he’d been put in. It was unlikely to cause pain.

The night was agitated for our prisoners indeed.

Both cousins woke up several times and they always managed to share this fact with their charges, who got disturbing manual handling that made them wet their shorts every time.

The four boys gathered in the bathroom the next day. Greg was done with cleaning Danny up; Walter entered with Scott in tow as their babysitter had been socked and shod and this blond captor was adjusting his underwear around his groin. This was another pair of satiny boxer briefs for lack of a better word. They had more fabric in the back than in the front, so his buttocks would be fully wrapped inside, and the front was scarcer, and cut with a pouch which would allow his sex to grow. Actually, it did allow his cock to grow, which Greg pointed out.

“Hey! You’ve barely entered and Danny is all worked up, Scott!”

He flicked the little satiny pouch with his finger, leaving no doubt as to what ‘worked up’ meant in physiological terms. Walter reached for Scott’s dick through his shorts; his own captive was reasonably hard as well.

“Scott doesn’t fare much better. I’ll remove his shorts before we let him freshen up. We may have a closer look at them; I’m not quite sure he managed to abide by rule number six…”

“Speaking of which…”

Greg turned to a chair where he’d folded Danny’s clothing before cleaning him up. He grabbed a pair of shorts. He stretched the front between his two hands and turned to get them at the proper angle to see if there were stains.

“It’s quite obvious our friend leaked precum, in contradiction with the rule.”

“Let me see.”

Greg handed the pair of shorts to Walter, who picked them by the waistband with his fingertips, with a sneer of disgust over his face. He brought them closer to his face to have a better look. As he got them nearer his face, he frowned.

“I don’t even need to see, Greg. The smell says it all!”

Walter turned to Scott; he grabbed both sides of the shorts’ waist and slid the shorts over Scott’s head, the incriminated front staying just over his nose. The moan that the captive sent through the gag was ambiguous once again, though the twitch in Scott’s shorts did put in on the side of ecstasy.

“Let’s take care of our boy Scott,” Walter cheerfully offered. He’d just cuffed Scott’s wrists behind his back and put on a collar and leash, so it wasn’t too much work.

He lowered his shorts and had the boy lift his legs in turns; Scott wasn’t fully hard but his dong wasn’t at rest. The shorts were the object of a close scrutiny before they were put over Danny’s head.

“We have two faucet boys. It’s really too bad they can’t follow instructions…”

The nylon garment offered its smelliest area to Danny’s nose; he could appreciate how horny Scott had been kept all night. The strong musky smell of his fellow-captive’s leaks told of a wild moment at Walter’s hands. Danny was impressed by Scott’s docility as he went through the motions of the morning’s ablutions. He tried not to let his mind wander so the pouch covering his crotch would be kept in check.

He was put on the toilet stool and complied with all instructions; when they cleaned him up with wash mitts and lots of soap and suds, standing in the bathtub, he anticipated his minders’ moves.

They showed lots of habits they had developed over the year. From the boys’ tales, there had been many moments when Scott’s submissiveness had been put to the test.

After fifteen minutes Scott was standing next to Danny, with socks, shoes and undies on. Having emptied their bladders and bowels and smelling fresh, they felt better. Now, what would their tormentors have in mind to start the day?

Chapter 16 – Incident at Breakfast

Greg and Walter faced their two captives, who were still standing in the middle of the bathroom. They had been fully clothed in their schoolboys’ uniforms. They looked very prim; the chains they’d been fitted with glistened. The smallest move caused them to chime.

“We’re going to start with a little demonstration that you lads are no dunces and you remember what we teach you. You will go and fix breakfast while we shower, and you should wait on us when we come down. We’ve spent enough time showing you what was expected, now it’s time for you to show that you’ve learned your lessons. But first, if we leave you on your own…”

Walter grabbed the rubber gags; he handed one to Greg, as well as a padlock. The rubber bladders were inserted, the straps tightened and the plug pumped. Once the gag sat firmly inside Danny’s mouth, the captive heard Walter fiddling around with something at the nape of his neck. The click was unmistakable.

“You see, lads, if we leave you on your own, we need to be sure you can’t remove your gags, whether it is to call for help or to conspire against us. Now you’re all ready to fulfil your duties, it’s time to go.”

Both boys stood, wondering what to do.

“You know where the kitchen is, don’t you? Don’t dawdle.”

Being thus left unsupervised was a novelty, but they understood the new idea and started moving.

“A little more enthusiasm, lads, or you’ll still be at it tomorrow. Do we need to caress your bums with the riding crop to energize you?”

Muffled groans and the rattling of chains caused by the boys hurrying were the reply to this command.

“We’ll be with you in half an hour, it’d better be perfect, considering that we already have some demerits to write down for last night’s incontinence.”

Danny took the lead, with Scott in tow. They got out of the bathroom, went down the wide staircase until they reached the ground floor; they crossed the hall and entered the kitchen.

Danny turned to Scott, opening his eyes and making inarticulate mmphs. It was time to try and escape from the two cousins. Scott cast a tired look and frowned in disapproval; he went on to the fridge and opened it, before grabbing milk and orange juice and taking them to the table.

He headed back to the fridge to take out eggs and took them to the counter, under his companion’s incredulous stare. He made another trip to get butter and ham. This was a planned move that used all the time given to perform the task so they wouldn’t run in trouble. Danny empathized with Scott, who knew of Greg and Walter’s ways and feared them.

He couldn’t let Scott work on his own. Maybe if helping him to fix breakfast made it faster, then they could have a few minutes quiet and on their own before the little devils came down. He moved towards his fellow-servant, mumbling “what can I do to help?” which, with the rubber bladder occupying his full mouth wasn’t really comprehensible.

Scott got it, though: he pointed to the shelf containing the plates and bowls with his chin. Scott seemed about to make an omelette; Danny could set the table. He got busy doing so. He took only the number of glasses and plates he felt confident he could handle and started making small trips from the cupboard to the table and back. On his way back, he benefitted from the sight of Scott standing at the stove. The shorts never ceased to amaze Danny, and the glimmering satin concealed beauties that, for once, Danny would have liked to see bare.

Once the table was set, Danny reported to the cook, who heard him and turned to show the basket with bread loaves and the toaster a bit to the right. Danny dutifully complied and went to make toast, gathering the brown and hot bread on a tray.

They had been efficient and they hadn’t dawdled or even screwed up in sequencing the tasks they performed, but there was no time to rest. Scott had brought the omelette and everything was set.

Greg and Walter entered, with their charges standing at attention on the right of the chairs they would sit in. The staff pulled the chairs and helped their ‘guests’ sit.

They had showered and put on flannel suits. They were their school’s uniforms, gotten from an outfitter recommended by the school. They were meant to be formal suits, but they didn’t quite cut it. Still, they were tailor-made and they made them look older than their charges.

The staff then managed to pull a perfect breakfast. As the meal went on, Greg and Walter loosened up a bit, ceasing to play the posh customers.

“They get better when they’re given sufficient attention, don’t you think, Walt? We just shouldn’t give them too much slack, that’s when they no longer do as good!”

“Right! I think they’ll benefit from a morning in the classroom with challenging activities.”

“Sure. And what kind of activities do you have in mind, Walt?”

The dark-haired boy leaned towards his cousin to whisper in his ear. Danny stood two feet to their right and he thought he heard ‘gag’, which wasn’t actually a great revelation. He couldn’t get what was being said; the laughter that welcomed the news didn’t bode well for this “class”.

“That’s a good one! This will be educational for sure!”

The servants waited in silence, but there weren’t more explanations as to what was on their timetable.

The hearty breakfast was eaten in full. When they were done, the masters of the estate condescended to deflate their charges’ gag, unlock them and remove them, a napkin at hand to catch the drool. A glass of milk and plain toast was better than nothing and the two boys ate what they were given under the silence rule and Walter’s occasional handgag “to count how many times you chew.”

The rubber apparatuses were fitted over the captives’ lower faces again and they were told to clear the table and clean the kitchen.

“We’ve got to get the classroom ready, but don’t loaf around; it needs to be done when we’re back in, say, twenty minutes.”

Scott led the manoeuvre again. The dishwasher was filled, the table was cleared and everything that hadn’t been consumed was back in the fridge or the shelves.

Danny looked at the clock. They’d done all this in twelve minutes. He stood in front of Scott. Looking deep into his eyes, he pleaded.


Scott opened his eyes wider, trying to figure out what Danny meant. This caused another attempt at inspiring rebellion.


A spark of understanding gleamed in Scott’s eyes. He reached to Danny’s crotch with his cuffed hands.

Danny was desperate; he tried to move away but he hit the counter and Scott started responding with grunts and a firm grip over the boy’s genitals through his short trousers.

Danny definitely heard the plea, and he lost it and pressed against Scott, grabbing his dick too, finding his way around the chains so they could mutually caress each other to orgasm, having totally forgotten about rule number six.

What had to happen happened: they creamed their shorts merrily. They were seconds away from this apex moment when Greg and Walter entered. Their charges were in an embrace, their chins resting on each other’s shoulder.

“What the fuck is…”

Walter didn’t even finish. He rushed towards his ‘pupils’ and separated them.

“They didn’t even sweep the floor, Walt!”

“And wouldn’t you know it, the little wankers have given each other some joy! They’ve soiled their shorts!”


The two cousins sounded more distraught than usual. They were all red with anger, not giving the cold, smug remarks they did when they scolded their charges. They couldn’t believe this had happened.

“First thing with naughty boys,” Greg intervened, “is to have them think about their naughty doings. Go get in the corner!”

He wasn’t kidding, and both boys started mincing towards their designated corner.

Greg took care of Danny and Walter of Scott; they released their cuffs to get their hands behind their backs; there were cuffs above the elbows which were locked together, keeping their arms in an uncomfortable position.

They then shorted their hobbles and locked their ankle cuffs together.

Danny thought this was it and braced for standing in the corner for what could be a very long time; but Greg was back with earplugs and a blindfold.

“Before we get you shut out from the world for a few minutes, you’d better use this moment of quiet to think very hard about what you did. We’ll ask you about it, and about how you want to make up for this afterwards. But while you’re in the corner, not a move and not a sound. We’ll keep track of any, so no funny stuff.”

Chapter 17 – The Teachers Strike Back

Danny was put in the dark and the foam pushed inside his ear canals dampened the outside sound and forced him to focus on his heartbeat. He stood still, feeling awfully guilty for having gotten Scott into trouble. Trying to let him know they should escape, being misunderstood and then going for a beat the meat party… What was he thinking?

His shame fainted a little after the rush of adrenaline from the captors’ intervention receded. Then he started imagining what would happen today, and if there would be more whipping and other real punishments. He heard Greg and Walter talk, so he tried to pick what they said, but he couldn’t or he was imaging their words.

The boy’s mind had thoughts whirling in; eventually the blindfold and plugs were removed.

Danny was marched to the middle of the room where he joined Scott. Their minders were just in front. Walter started, looking at them intently.

“I don’t believe in collective punishment, so before we come to the penalty phase of this little misadventure, I want to know who started it all. Was it you, Scott?”


The single grunt was a wail of admission.

“So it was him, Danny?”

Danny couldn’t let Scott pay for him.

“Mmmph. Mmmph.”

“No? So it was you?”


“This makes for two guilty ones and a liar. I’ll investigate about this liar later on. For now, it seems justice will be served. First of all, this is the end of the easy life we’ve given you lately.”

He went to the table and brought back coils of rope.

“Get closer to each other, yes, with legs touching.”

He handed rope to Greg and they both undertook binding Scott’s right leg with Danny’s left. The turns of white cotton rope were looped around the ankles, the knees, both above and below and at the top of the thighs.

“Good, you’d better not trip or fuck around; get going, off to the classroom.”

We stumbled on our way; going down the spiral staircase that led from the hall to this concealed classroom proved tough to negotiate but we managed.

We entered after they did.

“Welcome to history class.”

We headed to the desks in the middle of the classroom.

“No, lads, no need to sit. No need to write either. Let me help you.”

Greg kneeled and started untying their legs. Walter was in ambush to help out. He picked Danny this time and directed him towards one of the thin stone pillars in the room. He turned him so he could see the teacher’s desk and the other pillar where Greg was taking care of Scott.

“My, Greg, I never get bored of this pole-tie. Should we have a speed challenge to make it even more fun?”

“I’ll take you on this!”

Equipped with white rope, they started working their magic, to Scott and Danny’s dismay. Danny saw Greg better, and he couldn’t help admire the grace with which the blond boy wove his web around Scott. Walter was first though, but Greg finished almost at the same time.

“That’s under ten minutes, we didn’t do too bad.”

They took a few steps back to see if fine tuning was needed, then they both made a new inspection of both captives. Danny felt the rope around his waist tightened.

“Man, with the white crotch rope, the first thing you see is they’ve soiled their shorts.”

“Yes, we should definitely do something about it. At least we got their hands out of the way. Maybe the buggers will be able to focus on an academic task for a while.”

Greg and Walter solemnly went to the teacher’s desk and climbed to their elevated sitting position.

“Nice view of the classroom and our pupils can’t escape our watch. Good. You both hear us well?”

The two simultaneous mmphs confirmed they did.

“It might be school holidays outside, but here at Greg and Walter’s Academy for Naughty Boys, it’s time for a test to test your knowledge. You will be asked questions regarding all sorts of school subjects. Depending on the question, you will be provided with two to four choices. It’s easy to pick one even gagged, as you will grunt the number of your questions. If you get a three-choice question, and the answer you deem right is the third, then you go ‘mmph mmph mmph’. Is it clear?”

The agreement was signalled in the customary manner.

“OK, let’s start with you, Danny. A maths question, two choices.”

“An alternative,” Greg added.

“Yeah, whatever. Is two thousand two hundred and twenty-four times four hundred and eighty five smaller or bigger than twenty-five million one hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and nineteen divided by twenty four?”

Danny could barely picture the numbers and the operations he had to perform.

“You’ve got ten seconds to answer, Danny, your time’s almost up. No answer is a wrong answer.”

With more time he’d managed, but he went with luck.

“Mmmph mmph.”

Scott was asked a history question, who ruled first of Edmund the first or Alfred the Great. To Danny’s surprise, he screwed it up.

“Uh oh, Scotty, it isn’t nice for your friend.”

Walter had already jumped down from the small platform with the nozzle in hand, falling on his prey; he reached for Danny’s mouth and attached the pump to his gag. He squeezed twice, which had the bladder fully developed inside his mouth, but with very little pressure yet.

The interrogation went on, with very little time, but Danny seemed to perform a bit better. Walter acted as the executioner and went from pillar to pillar when needed. Scott failed almost each time: Danny’s mouth was starting to be a bother. The pressure was high and this didn’t let him focus as he should have on the questions the boys asked.

After twelve questions and eight wrong answers from Scott, Walter faced an issue.

“It’s inflated to the max, Greg. I’m afraid the rubber bladder won’t resist overinflating.”

Danny thought he was afraid he wouldn’t resist, but the faint mewling sounds he managed didn’t carry the urgency of his pleas for a break.

“Well, let’s be creative. For each further wrong answer from you, Scott, Danny will be wanked by Walter. We’ll start with thirty seconds and add an extra thirty seconds for each additional wrong answer. And if Danny cannot comply with rule number six, then it’s your bottom that’s going to be whacked!”

The following four sets of questions all elicited wrong answers from both ‘pupils’, which got Scott to feel the compressed air pressure, and which had Danny cream his shorts with the third wrong answer from Scott. This didn’t prevent Walter from wanking his soggy shorts for longer times another four times before the quiz was over at last.

Of course, Danny’s distress had allowed Scott to catch up, and he was also under the substitute wager once his gag was inflated to its maximum; Greg had hands as skilled as his cousins, and Scott had also soiled his shorts.

Walter deflated the rubber bulbs to the captives’ great relief.

“Two completely helpless puppy dogs,” Walter smirked, “so I guess we’ll have to cane both bottoms!”

With the excruciating pressure over, the two prisoners were able to voice their concern with questioning, anguished mmphs.

“Tut, tut. No whining, now. You should have thought about it during the game. I didn’t get a feeling you tried very hard not to come.”

Greg and Walter didn’t mind the attempts, and ignored them completely as they undertook another moving of the boys, this time to the pommel horse.

Before they could bind them to it side by side, they even got them into plastic pants so they wouldn’t stain the leather with their wet groins. The boys’ hands were cuffed in front and they had to lean over the pommel horse that was set at their waists’ height. Walter locked the end of a long chain that went from the wrist cuffs to the ankle cuffs, making the penitents the captives of the pommel horse.

“Now, Walt, ping-pong paddle or riding crop?”

“Let me see. The paddle has more impact but more resistance to air; the crop stings and leaves red marks, but the pain is quickly gone… Why don’t we go for half and half?”

Walter sided with his cousin’s decision.

“That’s twenty cuts for you, so ten of each.”

The sentence was individual and they got twenty thwacks from the paddle and ten cuts of the swooshing riding crop. From the beginning, Scott and Danny’s eyes were locked and silent encouragements helped them to hold on. They both had tears in their eyes when it was over, but the pain didn’t matter: they had a companion sharing their fate.

Walter patted the two bums lightly, to feel whether they were hot.

“Checking they’ve got warm arses? Take their shorts down, Walt!”

“Yeah,” Walter said. His hand went down and slid between the thighs, reaching for the boy’s genitals. “But I’d rather not. They’re both already hard again, on top of not being dry. Uncle wouldn’t be happy they mess up his furniture.”

Chapter 18 – Trials and Competition

“Let’s move them, then. We may clean them up and have them plugged and in chastity for the rest of their school day. This would show mercy and prevent them from breaking rule number six again.”

Both captives moaned at the prospect; they were willing to pay the price for pleasure; having the fiends watch over them meant there would always be opportunities to punish them. Getting an orgasm was worth getting a punishment, which not answering impossible questions or making mistakes waiting on them at the kitchen table were not.

The group moved to the adjacent bathroom with the captives lightly chained. They removed their shorts, which the boys had to hand wash in the sink. Once the dainty garments were cleaned up twice and rinsed well, then carefully laid over the towel rack, the boys were the object of attention.

“Their bottoms aren’t too red.”

“We took it easy on them. But this makes it a challenge for us. Let’s take pics, so we can compare if we get a more satisfying crimson colour next time.”

Walter documented the extent of his mistreatments; meanwhile, Greg was preparing the plugs. They coordinated to stuff them up their charges’ butts at the same time.

“Danny’s arse is getting used to it. It swallowed the plug right up.”

“Maybe tenderizing the meat as we did helps out. Scott took it in well too.”

Then the shorts were replaced with less sophisticated but no less fitting and tight shorts, some sports one. Nylon running shorts, which were just their sizes. They were not too fancy and they required something underneath; Greg and Walter wouldn’t have their boys walk around with a ball coming down the leg of the shorts. There were some swim briefs of course, which sheathed the two sets of genitals in glossy, stretchy fabric which kept them out of sight.

The chastity cages that they’d been threatened with never materialized; Danny couldn’t and wouldn’t remind Walter of this.

Danny was growing fonder and fonder of seeing Scott being dressed up. He had a great body and seeing such enticing clothing on him satisfied Danny’s sportswear fetish.

The hobbles were on the short side and they minced back to the classroom under the keen eyes of their ‘teachers’.

“You may sit at your desks.”

Walter liked watching them contort to sit down, handling the plug in the process. The boys managed well; they wouldn’t have to sit for long but watching their writhing bodies was worth giving the orders.

“Well, you may relax briefly while I give the instructions for our next activity. It’s physical education; we like our pupils to be sound in mind…”

“… and sound in body!” Greg completed as prompted.

“And for this we need some exercise. So we thought a little crawling would do you boys good. I believe in simple routines: you’ll be both hobbled the same way and you’ll carry each other’s padlocks keys. We set you at different spots in the classroom and when we give the go you crawl towards each other, and manage to retrieve the keys or help your buddy releasing himself.”

This sounded simple enough; Scott and Danny saw Walter’s grin. He wasn’t done.

“This is Solidarity Day at Walter and Greg’s Academy for Naughty Boys, and so far, you’ve showed loyalty towards your fellow-student. So this little game is a reward. Of course, any activity at the Academy must also be a challenge to have you really show your worth. We know how brave you are and with the basic objective of the game, I’m concerned you might feel a bit looked down upon.”

Danny and Scott shook their head, disagreeing in advance with a tougher challenge and its likely annoying constraints.

“I think being deprived of sound and sight for such a simplistic game will make it more appealing to the expert tuggers we’ve made out of you. Should we, Greg?”

“We sure should, we don’t want them to wait for their reward.”

The restraints were straightforward: they got them in their upper body harnesses with their hands pinned over their chests. Danny got to see what was to happen to him as they worked on Scott first. The wrists were held together to a ring sewn on the harness with a padlock, and this was the extent of the upper body bondage; the hands couldn’t move much, but his elbows were free. They turned to his head.

“Last guidelines before we shut you off, Scotty. The start signal will be three pats on the head. Then, you need to find Danny who’ll have your padlocks’ keys as a necklace; you’ll have his. If you lads manage to release each other before one hour, you redeem one thousand penalty points.”

The boy nodded. Walter crammed foam ear plugs in his ears. Greg put the swim cap on; he then held the lower side open and Walter slid a folded handkerchief as extra padding over the filled ear. The four mandatory turns of tape mummified his already rubber-muzzled head.

A fifth one was applied once similar folded hankies had been put over his eyelids; a thin strip of tape held them at first and then they were glued down by a turn of the white surgical tape.

They turned to Danny; he docilely let them handle him the same way. He was soon blind and deaf. They then spun him around, which got him completely disoriented. A hand was holding his elbow and pulling him; it felt more like Greg, which was confirmed when he was made to stop and his handler got closer to him to indicate with his hand he was to kneel.

Once on the floor, with his keeper straddling him, Danny knew it was the blond cousin; the thighs and of course the boner tenting his flannel shorts belonged to Greg.

He got in position and grabbed Danny’s ankle to pull him up and then bring it to touch his buttock. He looped rope around his folded leg, caressing his twitching cock as he did. His other leg was given the same treatment; Dany was frogtied, with his hands crossed over his chest. It wasn’t ideal for a marathon, but he should be mobile enough to find another crawling bound boy in a ‘classroom’ that was of good size but no concert hall.

With the three keys dangling from his neck on a shoelace, Danny started moving. He first had to assess his position. He came in contact with some metal. This could be the leg of one of their desks. He went on, and found one of the stone pillars.

The tiles were frigid but he did move and exercise; he wasn’t cold. For one thing, his nicely cleaned up dick was growing again, enjoying the much less stringent state of restraint. There were strange sensations added by the piece of silicone stretching his anus. His motions had the thing glide and roll; Danny liked it.

He didn’t know how long it had been, of course, but there was still much time ahead when he thought he knew where he was. This was a good first step; yet, he hadn’t agreed of anything with his game partner and no strategy had been discussed.

Danny went on, trying to visualize Scott, and imagine how he would react. This didn’t help much, except for making his boner grow further as he pictured the shorts that displayed Scott’s thighs; then the thighs themselves, smooth and creamy with the nice, protruding cock and balls.

Danny squirmed a bit more, grinding his hips against the tiles. He pretended he was moving but wouldn’t his captors catch him in the act of wanking? Would the chastity cages come out eventually?

The smell of fresh sweat alerted Danny to Scott’s presence. He moaned in his gag; they weren’t totally deaf, though no sound from the outside was clear. He made contact with his head. This was his back. Scott stopped moving. Danny got closer, and his head now rested over the other boy’s body. Through the layers of rubber and tape, he could feel there were two mounds of firm flesh which were undoubtedly buttocks.

Danny twisted around; he had to get in a position where they could both grab the keys from their necks. He decided to spin a bit and actually lie over his companion’s body, then he hoped he’d manage to have him understand that by rolling on their sides, they would face each other and they then could take the keys.

The frogtie didn’t allow this, though. So Danny just writhed a bit more to get on the boy’s side.

Danny was surprised by Scott’s sudden move. He was just lying on his right side, ready to turn to face him. This wasn’t Scott’s call.

Danny felt the boy’s right leg take off and land between his. He felt the energy running in the body next to him, and in one unlikely leap Scott was over him; his legs kept Danny’s apart, and the unmistakable grinding of a horny boy started. His assailant rubbed his shorts over Danny’s butt crack. This had the plug move further into him, causing more mixed feelings to the abducted babysitter. Pinned under the weight of his partner, there wasn’t much Danny could do to dislodge the intruder; he resigned to having Scott get his kicks using him as a sex doll. The nylon swished from the back and forth motions of the shorted grinding.

Danny himself realized with horror he was reacting by popping wood also, with lustful thoughts assailing him. The rubbing of the plug felt more intense. As he moaned in his gag, he rubbed against the tiles, and dived into the feelings created by the boy riding his back.

Danny didn’t come, but he leaked massive amounts of precum. His backside was flooded in the sticky goo Scott had squirted.

Chapter 19 – Reflecting on their Sins

There were frank laughs and cheers from the two captors. Even with foam in their ears, the contestants could hear the bursts of laughter from their captors. Greg and Walter kneeled next to their captives; they unwound the tape blinding them and released the swim caps and ear plugs.

They got Scott off Danny and had the boys lean on the side.

“You lads are incredible! I bet that you would really try to win, but all you’re willing to do is fuck.”

He reached for Danny’s crotch.

“You had tiles to rub yourself against and you still managed to leak. Had you been in Scott’s position, no doubt you’d have creamed your shorts the way he did. Anyway, I lost the wager.”

He handed a five-pound note to Greg, who addressed the boys.

“We got it all on camera, by the way. You were funny wriggling like worms, and when you found each other… Priceless!”

“Yeah, now I’m short five quid. This doesn’t really make me a happy camper. I must say enough threats. Chastity cages are in order.”

The ropes were loosened so the captives could stand up; of course, a complete tightening and adjusting was performed, leaving them with legs bound at three points and their arms tightly united behind their backs.

Walter fetched the chastity cages from a drawer at their teacher’s desk.

The translucent plastic slid easily over their deflated cocks, condemning the two wearers to a forced state of rest.

“You might have thought we were joking about rule number six, Danny,” Walter said, “but you’re going to find out how we can really punish repeat offenders. Scott would tell you if he could: a long, lonely stay well bound and gagged usually gets naughty boys to think about improving. For now, we’ll let you take in the new feelings the chastity device provides. You’d better like them, since you’re going to be in it for a very long time.”


Danny didn’t face very bravely the prospect of being not only bound and gagged but also prevented from getting hard. There was no mollifying from the captors, who went to sit at their desk.

“We’ll be busy, so you stay quiet and don’t move,” Walter said in a cold voice.

The prisoners couldn’t hear the exact words of the lively whispers Greg and Walter exchanged; it sounded like they were planning their next torment. Would they have to stay bound and gagged in the kitchen pantry again?

Time didn’t fly by for the two bound pupils; they were glad when at last, after exchanging a last remark that got them to chuckle, Greg and Walter came down to prepare them for their move. The usual shackles and belts were wrapped and fastened over their limbs; collars and leashes were the final touches, the rubber muzzle gags having replaced the briefs and tape.

The procession started; they got up the stairs in the hidden passage and headed straight outside from the hall. Scott and Danny wore large backpacks full of what had to be rope.

“Let’s go,” Walter ordered, “Try to walk like men. I know we plugged up your arses, but we didn’t go for the biggest fillers. We’re not too kind to sissies.”

They were tugged all the way to the clearing where they’d met the goat. Greg and Walter didn’t say much; they shortened Scott’s hobbles and pulled Danny towards a tree.

The familiar pole-tie started. They could have done this in their sleep, Danny thought. Not only the ropes felt inescapable, cuffs were still wrapped around his wrists and linked by a chain, making any release from the ropes useless.

“Sorry, Danny, but this isn’t an escape challenge. You’ll stay here as long as we want you to.”

Once their first prisoner was immobilized, they turned to Scott; they picked a tree ten feet away from Danny’s and they positioned their school fag so he would face his fellow-pupil.

Danny was mesmerized by the show their captors provided. It made it painfully clear what the chastity cage entailed. As if reading his mind, Walter started a tirade that was meant to arouse them, which now was a torture.

“So, Scotty, you’re going to stay nice and quiet here. Isn’t it fun to have a friend to share your fate, this time? Little Danny, with his cute, soft butt that you like rubbing against so much. So how long should we keep you here? What about the whole day? Then you two would have time to meditate and get all your urges under control. I’ve heard some monks in the Far East master their base instincts by spending time away from the world. You’d love such an opportunity, wouldn’t you?”



Their pleading didn’t yield any result.

“We’re glad to give it to you! Greg, let’s go, we’ll have our pupils experience solitary meditation.”

They spun on their heels and left. Scott and Danny looked at each other in disbelief. Danny would have like to ask the more experienced Scott how long they could keep them like. And so the wait started.

The shadows moved, indicating the passing of time, though neither boy could tell how long it had been before the two fiends came back.

“Having regrets about breaking rule number six yet?”

There were two affirmative grunts in reply.

“This is a good start. We’ll need to really get it through your heads, though. But we’re not inhumane. We still have to see to your welfare, so we brought you a drink. You haven’t had one for a while, so we don’t want you to die of thirst. You don’t want to utter a single word or make any noise; we’re kind enough to remove your gags, don’t abuse this privilege.”

Greg took care of Danny and Walter assisted Scott. They had plastic water bottles, which provided a welcome relief to the boys. They’d been bound to their trees for almost two hours.

They gulped down over a litre of water each. The gags were put back immediately afterwards. Then Greg and Walter produced sleep masks which they slid over their charges’ eyes. A little tape ensured the blindfolds couldn’t be removed and the captors were off.

Danny could only hear the faint rustling of the wind. It was warm enough and the ropes were many and not overly tight, yet there was a major difference having this cage over his cock; when he was left in the pantry with Scott, he could think about smutty things. Even when he’d been bound to a pole before and left there for a while, having his boner twitch allowed for some wild thinking time. Now imagining some revenge on Greg and Walter and picturing them all bound and gagged only caused some uncomfortable feeling. His cock was truly captive.

Greg and Walter were back an eternity later, or so it seemed to Scott and Danny. It was roughly an hour and a half; a little over an hour playing Formula One Pro and the time to grab a snack, a drink, and walk back to the clearing.

Walter won the last session, so he chose what they would add to the prisoners’ bondage. He went for some subtle psychological trial.

Danny was first relieved of hearing they’d come back. They released his legs and even his waist; his arms remained sturdily linked to the tree trunk. They removed the ropes one by one. His shorts went down and off his legs.

The noise informed Danny of what the substitute for the shorts was; the touch only confirmed this was a nappy. It felt really thick, because Walter had put two nappies together; they were thick to start with, but this made for a huge bulge wrapping Danny’s loins.

Walter tightened them to his waist starting with the innermost nappy. The second one was pulled taut. Walter patted it all over.

“You can only use your nappy for number one now,” he said, patting Danny’s butt through the thick layers of cellulose and feeling the plug underneath.

Greg had plastic pants they added, keeping the whole thing together and their mid-sections well padded.

“We thought of not giving you bathroom breaks but having you piss yourself would be mean. You’ve got a long time to spend with your back to this tree, so see this as a small favour.”

They undertook tying his legs anew. He was quickly as strictly restrained as before.

Danny heard them doing the same to Scott.

“We’re nice, aren’t we, Scott? We wouldn’t have our friend piss himself in the closet and then leave him in there for a full afternoon. Now, here we are, you boys can relieve yourself, it won’t stain any clothes and it won’t even flow down your legs. These nappies can take several litres, so we’re safe leaving you there for the whole duration of your meditation retreat.

Ignoring the muffled pleas, Greg and Walter were already thinking of the car they would choose for their next round of video games.

Danny felt warm around his mid-section. This was a bulky nappy. As time went by, whether it was seconds or minutes, the urge to pee Danny had mastered half an hour ago was back. The captive boy could find no trick to distract his mind from his physiological urge; it seemed to grow and grow.

It was off. It came back. They didn’t say anything about not using the nappy; if he used it just a little? He decided to go for it… but he didn’t manage to! This seemed weird. He breathed in deep and finally let go. He let out a small warm stream, then another and eventually he’d relieved his bladder completely. The front of the nappy was all moist and warm. It wasn’t totally unpleasant; it smelled of pee only faintly, which Danny was grateful for.

He didn’t know whether there was causality, but soon after, Danny felt a slight sting over his thigh. A mosquito bite. Scratching it was supposed to make the itch worse, which was little comfort to being left as a prey for bugs.

Chapter 20 – Attempts at Redemption

While Danny and Scott struggled with their predicament, Greg had won the game and hence decided what to bring for their final visit to the boys bound in the clearing. With a bag full of equipment, they got there soon.

“Still here, I see,” Walter snarled, “We come and see how you’re doing, as it’s evening already and we wondered if you boys were up for a night of meditation? It would certainly do you good! One day, maybe you’d be able to comply with rule number six.”



“It smells like they didn’t wet their nappies breaking rule number six,” Greg commented.

There were more frantic grunts but Greg and Walter didn’t pay any attention to them. This time Scott was first to get the addition to their bondage; Greg had Coban wrap to mummify his head, Walter slid the small cushion between his head and the trunk and his cousin wrapped three turns of duct tape across his mouth and around the trunk. He tore the tape off the roll and did the same over the sleep mask, effectively pinning Scott’s head immobile.

Danny protested as much as his friend, but to no avail.

“And so you don’t get eaten alive by mosquitoes and you don’t freeze…”


“Grmmmmmbblmm Plllmmm!”

The boys were wrapping a blanket around him, and further straps wrapped the wool cover around the bound boy.

They did the same to Scott and the captives were left there, possibly for the night, despite their begging for release. This soon faded, both lads knowing it was useless.

This was becoming really harsh for the two prisoners. Danny realized it was no joke. He had to face eight hours like this.

He relaxed his muscles and enjoyed the comfort of the wool layer keeping him warm.

He was totally disoriented, so he had no clue how long it had been when he felt hands removing the blanket.

His head was next, and they removed his blindfold; it was dusk. They’d stayed there for a long time but not the whole night.

“You’ve meditated for seven hours, pupils. I hope you’ll have learned your lesson. We’re going to take you back to the house. You’ll show us you’ve reflected on your poor behaviour by being talented waiting staff.”

The prospect of being used as valets felt sweet to the two boys. They let their captors get them from ropes to shackles. They walked back through the woods at a brisk pace, the butt plugs being now fully accepted. The concern was more the bulk of the nappies that forced them to keep their legs apart. The plugs wouldn’t go out unexpectedly, at least.

Greg and Walter stopped at the side of the house to remove the prisoners’ socks and shoes. The wet nappies were next and there was some fiddling around to remove the butt plugs but they both were pulled out.

They could clean them up a bit with the hose and some liquid soap. They’d brought towels too. Once their captives were fresh and dry, Greg and Walter marched them to the kitchen, without shorts or underwear on. The cock cages preserved their modesty.

“We’ve played video games all afternoon, and we wouldn’t mind having a final challenge; this will be a test for you: fix us a good meal and you’ll sleep comfortably. Do a poor job or pull another one of your tricks and we take you both back to the clearing and you’ll go for the same as this afternoon. We’ll even dress you up so”

The shorts they’d cleaned up were now dry. Greg dressed the boys up and Walter put their socks and shoes back on. He also locked the inflatable muzzles which they’d put back on them.

“It’s lasagne this evening; you have one hour to set up the table and get the stuff in the microwave. When you’re done, wait for us in your corners,” he said pointing to the two corners they’d had to stand in before.

Scott and Danny got busy once they were on their own. They took their time: there was no benefit from hurrying things.

They were standing obediently in their designated corners when Greg and Walter came back. It sounded like Walter had won.

“Ha! Ha! No, Greg, we’re not doing another best of three, you lost and that’s it.”

He stopped dead in his tracks when he entered the kitchen.

“Eyes forward! Scotty! You don’t know what standing in the corner entails yet!”

He grabbed a bag from the hall; Greg approached the rule-breaker and held him. Danny didn’t dare move, so he couldn’t see what was happening to Scott. The swooshing sounds were ropes, he figured out.

“Done, if you keep perfectly still and silent while Danny serves our meal, you might get something to eat. At ease, Danny. Turn around and look at Scott.”

The poor Scott was a sight to behold; the frog tie emphasized his crotch and the chastity cage’s outline could be seen underneath. Danny guessed from the chest harness Scott’s arms were in a reverse-prayer position.

“You’re the only hope for your team, Danny. If you fail, you’ll both head back to the clearing where you’ll spend the night. We’ll even release the goats and fill your shorts with salt.”

“Or a pouch over their bellies, filled with salt, Walt. They’d be tickled. With their cock cages, it’s…”

“Yes, Greg,” he interrupted, “We’ll certainly find good ways to make the night memorable. But Danny has proved his worth more than once.”

Danny held the chair to help them sit, he got the lasagne from the microwave oven and he put two nice helpings on his tormenters’ plates. He first served Walter and then Greg, from the proper side every time.

“Thanks. Now, kneel,” Greg said.

Danny lowered himself cautiously.

“Bend over and smell my cock.”

Danny leaned forward; he had a perfect view on the front of the blond cousin’s shorts; they were tenting big time and they smelled of precum and spunk.

“Wank me.”

Danny twisted himself to be in good position, with his hands going over Greg’s thigh and resting over the bulge. Danny didn’t rush. He made sure to get a good grip over the throbbing boner and to get the seam of the shorts out of the way to provide the best wanking possible.

Greg stopped eating soon, focusing on what was going down between his legs. He tried to convey his feelings to his cousin, but he was a bit troubled.

“Uh.. his wrist is… super… Ohhh!”

Danny was impressed that the first squirt started seeping through the shorts’ fabric. Greg patted his head.

“Good boy. Now, go and see Walter, I’m sure he’s got a nice prick for you to take care of.”

“You bet!” Walter joyfully answered. “I wouldn’t mind emptying my balls a little.”

And so Danny went to kneel next to his other abductor.

His kneading and pumping got the expected result; Walter was making little shrieks when he came, which Danny found cute.

“You’ve got the key to his muzzle, Walt. Remove the lock, I’d like him to come back and clean me up a little. It feels a bit sticky…”

Walter obliged and Danny was sent back to the other side of the table. Greg turned his chair sideways and opened his legs to make it easier for his waiter to suck him. He deflated the bladder and took it out, with the express order of cleaning him up right away.

Walter came to watch and encouraged Danny to go everywhere with his tongue. Greg pulled down the shorts’ waistband so his servant could lick his cock clean.

“Nice tongue our little friend has. He might save himself and his classmate from an uncomfortable night.”

“Hey, you’re growing hard again, Greg!”

“Really?” He patted Danny’s head. “Nice little pup, he knows how to please his master.”

This lasted a bit longer than his hand job, but Greg came into his mouth soon enough.

Walter was waiting for his turn and Danny didn’t get much of a respite.

“Go on, lad, first suck all the cum from my shorts. Can you feel the big cock underneath? You want it in your mouth, don’t you.”

He lowered his shorts and Danny could suck on the juvenile dick, get it to grow and to squirt its juice in his mouth again. Walter recovered slowly.

“This was good… I think Danny has managed to save not only himself, but also Scott from a dire fate. Let’s feed them and then see if Scott can be as entertaining. I remember he’s got a supple wrist, but I’d like to see whether it’s better than Danny’s.”

Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 575
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 21 – Wrapping Up the Evening

They took their time releasing Scott, massaging his limbs as they freed them from the ropes.

Greg started binding Danny to a chair, his legs open and his ankles pulled back and tied to its back legs. Walter took care of Scott once he’d recovered, and had him sit with many seat belts on. The two cousins fed the rest of lasagne to their captives at the same time, handgagging them to foresee any attempt at communicating.

Once their pupils had swallowed a reasonable amount of pasta and water, Greg and Walter stuck the rubber bladders in their mouths, fastened the muzzles and inflated the bulbs moderately.

“It’s time for you to prove your worth, Scotty. We’ll release your arms and you can get to work on your wanking skills.”

“His ‘wanking other boys skills’, Walter! He’s proved countless times in the dorm his self-wanking skills were good.”

“True, Greg. Let’s test his ‘pleasing his masters’ skills, rather.”

They untied his arms completely, but his legs were still bound at six places and his torso harnessed to the chair. They pulled Scott a few feet away from the table and turned Danny’s chair also so he could enjoy the show.

Greg stood next to Scott. He was dressed in his stained tight shiny shorts only, and he had his sexy smirk on.

“Come on, Scotty, we’ve freed your hands, now it’s time to use them.”

Scott didn’t think long. He reached for the buttocks with his left hand and laid his right one over the glorious shorts tenting.

“Good start, Scotty. Now do you remember what pressure I enjoy and what wrist moves get me the most aroused?”

Danny looked at Scott’s hands. They’d been trained to perform the task just as Greg implied. They caressed the boy’s groin and buttocks lovingly. Greg surrendered to the kneading and petting and made small yelps when he flooded his shorts once again.

Walter, who had stayed by Danny while Scott proved his talent, became quite aroused by the show.

“OK, my turn. Let’s get him off the chair; I’d like him to suck me off too.”

The cousins got their prey from the chair to a rudimentary kneeling hogtie.

“I’ll remove your gag once you’ve smelled it and you’ve used your nose to get me really hard.”

Walter’s shorts were black, but the front was less shiny from the previous emissions. Scott could identify the smell of his horny little master. He did very small head moves, from what Danny saw, but they worked well.

Greg helped by removing Scott’s inflatable gag before Walter tried his hand at it.

“Remove Walter’s shorts with your teeth, little Scotty,” the blond boy told his prisoner.

Scott eventually managed to get the waistband over Walter’s turgid member and pull down the shorts low enough his whole genitals were freed.

“Good job, you didn’t slap the elastic over my balls this time. It’ll save you some tickle torture; you didn’t sound like you liked it last time.”

“We gagged him, Greg!”

“He did make noise, and it didn’t sound like he liked it,” Walter repeated.

They chuckled. Walter’s cock stood proudly, bobbing around inches from Scott’s mouth.

“You can have it,” Walter said, patting Scott’s head.

Scott gobbled up the lively member and went at it like this was the best dessert he could have. He went back and forth, his head moving slowly; the heavy sucking noises told Danny and Greg that Scott was giving Walter a very good time. The young fellow became vocal towards the end, encouraging Scott to go faster and stronger.

The young masochist complied; he felt the gushing liquid coming and pulled away slightly, keeping the knob in his mouth and swallowing the semen the passionate blow-job had summoned.

Walter panted. Greg was waiting, and as soon as his cousin withdrew from their slave’s mouth, he slid the rubber bulb back in and fastened the muzzle.

“I knew of your talents, Scotty, but it’s always a pleasure to experience them again. You see, lads, you know how best calming us down, now. I expect after such a strenuous day, you lads might be tired. We’re going to have you sleep together this evening.”

This was all the information Walter gave to their captives; the cousins got their prisoners out of their ropes and into the shackles that would make for a safe transportation.

They climbed to the third floor of the house, where the bedroom Danny had been kept in before Scott came was. There was a large bed and very little furniture: a small desk, two chairs and a night table.

Scott and Danny spotted the rolls of cling-wrap film and duct tape stacked over the table.

“We’re going to protect you from too much promiscuity. Your skins shouldn’t touch.”

They grabbed Danny first. Greg removed his shackles so they could take his clothes off. Walter added a belt at his waist and linked his wrist cuffs to the belt. Then they started their prophylactic job with cling wrap film. They made a first turn around his shoulders, passing the roll and lowering a few inches l with each turn. Once they’d reached Danny’s knees, his goose was truly cooked. They went all the way down to his ankles anyway.

“Hold on, Danny, you’ll be in bed soon but you’d better not fall.”

Danny looked around him. Being in the plastic cocoon threatened his balance, but there was room around and no sharp angle in sight.

The two cousins were now processing Scott in the same manner. Danny focused on staying upright, yet he couldn’t help watching the mesmerizing display of repetitive gestures slowly encasing his fellow-pupil into a layer of smooth, stretchy plastic film.

Once Scott was turned into a tube, they laid hands over his shoulders and encouraged him to hop towards Danny. When the two captives were face to face and less than an inch away, Walter picked the roll of film and wrapped a turn around both their waists, keeping them together. He used film to unite them further around their arms and around their thighs.

Greg waited until he was done, two rolls of grey duct tape in his hands. He handed one to his accomplice.

“Now to make sure they stay together…”

Grunts came from behind the rubber gags in protest, but to no avail. The ripping sounds of tape being unrolled paced the captors’ methodical procedure, with a first criss-crossing of each roll from shoulders to ankles. They met in front and back, the boys rolling in different directions.

They ripped the ends from the rolls and started back at a less slanted angle, actually wrapping them horizontally. They had to pick new rolls when they reached their prisoners’ navels, but another roll and fifteen minutes later, Danny and Scott had been turned into a two-headed monster.

“Let’s get you in bed,” Walter said, pulling the quilt to the foot of the bed.

Once the boys had carried them to the bed and laid them in its middle, they looked more like a worm, one that didn’t wriggle much.

“They’re immobilized enough; we don’t even need to add restraints. There’s a little something that bothers me, though,” Greg said. He jumped onto the bed and kneeled next to the pair. They were stably on their side. He pushed Scott so he would tip over Danny.

Walter had joined his cousin and lied on the other side of their bundle.

“Scott is going to be Danny’s blanket, then?”

“Yes, it’s a privilege we can grant our babysitter for all his good deeds. I should keep them warm too, and sleep here.”

“A sacrifice I’m willing to share with you, Walt.”

Greg reached for the quilt and pulled it over all four boys.

“Sleep tight, Walter.”

Sleep tight, Greg.”

“Sleep tight lads!”

Chuckles responded to the indignant groaning coming from the middle of the bed. Danny had three bodies surrounding him and he could feel the heat. The cling wrap film and the duct tape didn’t really help to cool down.

Danny drifted off to some fantasy land despite the discomfort of the weight and temperature. Walter and Greg were cuter than ever, and they pulled him on a leash to lead him into his own bedroom where they would keep him.

After being startled by his own reverie, Danny eventually fell asleep to the sound of the other boys sleeping and the appeased heartbeat of Scott.

Chapter 22 – Obedient Pupils

Greg needed to shake Danny’s shoulder the next morning to wake him up. He was shaking Scott’s at the same time, of course. The two cousins were already dressed up. They had clean shorts, blue for Walter and green for Greg. They had skin-tight T-shirts. However, what got their charges’ full attention were the riding crops in their hands.

“G’morning, friends, well rested?”

Walter waited for some noise from the grey mass. When none came, he gave a quick, sharp cut of his crop over the two buttocks sticking above. Scott was glad to be wrapped in plastic, it made the hit softer. He made a mumbled sound, which satisfied his tormentor.

“I’m glad you are. What about you, Danny?”


“You need your friends Greg and Walter to get you out of this mess?”

The grunts were more expressive this time. Their begging pleased their masters.

“Let’s give you a hand.”

The boys climbed on the bed, each with a pair of scissors in hand. They cut off the tape and the film easily, and in seconds their captives were in the nude except for their cock cages, gags, belts and wrist cuffs.

After standing up, they received knees hobbles, and their wrist cuffs were linked to the belt with one foot of chain.

“You’re all set for being our maids again. Clean up, Scott,” Greg said, pointing to the plastic and tape mess on the bed. Scott leaned over the bed and gathered all the material, rolling it into a ball.

They made a stop at the bathroom so everyone could satisfy their needs. Greg and Walter dressed up Danny and Scotty. They had them in their Academy uniform again.

“Consider breakfast a class. You shouldn’t give us any occasion to criticize your job.”

They headed to the kitchen. Greg and Walter sat at the table and hassled their staff. The two waiters didn’t dare to reply with grunts; they just complied with the advice and orders.

Greg and Walter were satisfied with their breakfast, so they rewarded their pupils with a little porridge, some buttered toast and a cup of tea. There were no sausages left, but the two impish boys suggested some substitute.

Scott and Danny kneeled and promptly sucked on the two proud members. They swallowed all the cum.

Greg and Walter recovered fast. They got their little cocksuckers on their feet and stuffed their gags back into their mouths, keeping the pressure bearable this time.

They took rope out from a cupboard and started weaving chest harnesses around their pupils’ torsos.

They singled out Danny and gathered around him; his cuffs were removed and they undertook getting his wrists between his shoulder blades. Danny could no longer fight, and his little neighbours were now too skilled to make a beginner’s mistake.

It was Scott’s turn, and he let them get his forearms together in this strenuous position.

Greg and Walter took their riding crops.

“Off to class, lads. Walk straight.”

Scott and Danny did their best, but they’d both received cuts from the crops when they reached the secret door to their classroom. In the large corridors, the swooshing sound of the whip, then its making contact with the shorted bottom and the ensuing grunts filled the whole space.

Danny was a bit worried as they went down the stairs. He hoped they would soon be rid of the chastity cages, which would make the day very different from the previous ones.

They sat at their desks, following Walter’s order. Greg fastened Danny onto his seat; Walter handled his boarding school companion. The pupils’ hands were cuffed in front and the chains’ length were a clue they would certainly write today.

The fiendish cousins climbed behind their desk.

“We may start with creative writing today. You’ll spend some time imagining what you would do to each other would you happen to be the one binding, gagging and disciplining your fellow-student. One page minimum and three at the most, and give ideas. You’re allowed to make lists or even sketches. There’s a notebook and pens inside the writing desk.”

The pupils lifted the lid and grabbed them.

“To make it a little more motivating, you’d better be warned that we may reward the best speller. The one who makes the least mistakes gets his cock freed.”

The two boys at their desks waited for more instructions.

“Get to it, boys, no time to daydream. The faster you go, the more time you’ll have to proofread and get the reward.”

Danny thought quickly about how he would take care of Scott. Would he milk him all the time? Would he have him suck his cock? Where and how would he keep him?

He soon had an idea for a fun scene; it didn’t take much imagination to picture Scott being his helpless prisoner. Danny saw the changing rooms of their local cricket club. He didn’t play himself, but he’d gone there a few times to watch games.

Abducting Scott after or maybe even before a game… Hiding him inside one of the booths… Using cricket bats for inventive tie-up positions or even warming up his round bottom… It all fell in place for Danny, who scribbled down sentences.

Scott didn’t remain idle either. Greg and Walter conspired and scribbled things down on paper too, and typed using the laptop. The atmosphere remained studious; the teachers came down from their desks a couple times. They had to go to the bathroom and they quickly checked the bonds held on; they didn’t bother their charges by peeking over their shoulders, which Danny hated.

“It’s been almost two hours, pupils. Ten minutes to put the final touches and we collect your papers.”

They went and picked the stories the captives had written once the time was up; they bound their wrists to the back of the desks.

“You don’t need to write, so let’s get your hands out of mischief.

The waiting was excruciating; both cousins were reading and using their red ball pens a lot. They traded the stories after a long time and the double inspection went on. They whispered some comments but none of them could be heard from the student desks.

Greg and Walter finally raised their noses from the papers and looked at their charges.

“Most interesting reads, boys. And you both have very good spelling. Believe me, we’re also experts. Scott, my lad, it seems we were right in insisting you’d improve on this front: we couldn’t find one in your paper. Danny got an almost perfect score: you have your character say ‘Alright’ in one word when it should be ‘All right’. You win, Scott, you will get some time out of chastity.”

Danny mewled softly in frustration. The boys stepped down from the platform and stood in front of their students. Greg addressed Scott.

“You will get to experience the treatment you designed for Danny.”

There was no indignant reaction from Scott. Danny looked at him: his fellow-captive had a twinkle in his eye.

“Let’s get you ready. You will see how Scott wanted you tied up, Danny.”

They released their two students from their desks and took them to the side of the room. There was a long, heavy wood bench against the wall. They picked it up and moved it away from the wall.

They had Scott lie on it over his back. His wrist cuffs were unlocked only to be snapped shut under the bench. They told Danny not to move and fetched rope.

Danny felt the control exerted over his penis by the dreadful contraption; he was moved by the two cousins restricting Scott’s body gradually in coils of rope; they added them almost scientifically not only to immobilize him but also to enhance his shapes and highlight his sexy body. This was sheer torture for Danny’s lustful and cramped member.

In the end, Scott had his arms bound under the bench, pulled together quite close. His legs were folded at the knees and his ankles touching the underside of the seat.

“All done with Scott, nicely bundled up on his bench. Your turn, Danny. We didn’t tell you of your role in Scott’s plot. Well, you play his part, and in his story he gets caught once he’s put you into this nice bench tie-up. His dreadful captors, who happen to be Greg and me, force him to give anal sex to you. Little trip to the bathroom, Dan?”

They didn’t wait for his reply: they grabbed his arms and dragged him to the small adjacent bathroom. They acted clinically and didn’t dawdle. Danny took his enema like a man. Less than a half-hour later, they had him nude from the waist down, all clean and dry and back to see Scott.

Chapter 23 – Satisfying Some Basic Needs

“At last our boy Scott is going to have his weenie breathe some fresh air…”

Walter undid shorts’ the button; he then pulled down the zipper. He lowered the silk briefs and reached for the lock. The ‘click’ resounded in the classroom. Danny yelped a plea into his gag, wishing he could share his friend’s fate this time too.

Greg delicately tore the corner of a condom package with his teeth. He pulled out the rolled-up rubber sheath and put it over the tip of Scott’s penis. It enjoyed its regained freedom and stood up proudly; the lubricated condom made it even sexier to Danny’s eyes.

They had cuffed Danny’s hands between his shoulder blades: there was no obstacle for the fucking. Danny followed their instructions, both verbal and tactile as they had him raise his leg to straddle Scott and stand facing him.

Their hands held him; they had him sit down over the throbbing latex-clad boner. Both Greg and Walter wore rubber gloves, still much in their nurse roles, leading the crown of the prick against Danny’s anus.

“Now, get down on him, Danny,” Walter whispered.

Danny watched Scott smile and grunt approvingly. Danny flexed his knees further and lowered himself on the hard rod. He took Scott all in.

Danny felt stable and his feet were positioned just the good way so he could wiggle up and down to pump the twitching cock and have his companion enjoy his reward.

He could feel Scott try and grind his hips at the same time, but the careful ropework thwarted any initiative

His moans changed in pitch, intensity and frequency. Greg and Walter watched amused as the pair of boys writhed with more and more passion. A final high-frequency squeal preceded a slow, relieved hiss that came with Scott’s orgasm.

Danny went on nevertheless, frustrated with his own imprisoned penis.

“OK, he’s done, just stand up, doll,” Greg said, patting his babysitter’s shoulder.

Danny complied, lifting himself from the boy who’d honoured him. He watched his little captors deal with Scott’s penis.

Greg had a wipe in hand; he removed the condom and cleaned up summarily the deflating dong. Walter trapped the drained member in its cage, causing a furious moan.

“This is way too much noise, Scotty; we need to do something about it. I’ll take care of Danny but we’ll get down to a better gag soon.”

Greg wiped Danny’s arse clean. He went to get his underwear and shorts from the bathroom and dressed him up.

“The little friend between your legs is awfully crimson. You’d better make sure you win next time if you don’t want your balls to turn blue.”

They released Scott from the bench; they tidied his clothes so he would be prim and proper; they knew how elegant and sexy Scott could look. They tucked everything in and pulled so the shorts, shirts and jacket lined up perfectly with his body. They added hobbles between Danny’s thighs, just above the knee with a hand length of chain to have him mince.

His little steps gave Walter another idea.

“You’re all clean, Danny, so it should be easy to plug up your little arse. I love how it makes you walk!”

“I’m sure Scott will like this too. We’re going to take you for a walk outdoors, pupils. Don’t be afraid, don’t start moaning: we don’t intend to punish you as we did yesterday. On the contrary.”

“On the contrary indeed, Greg. Our boys are going to be rewarded. Let’s not spoil the surprise, though. They still have a few formalities to fulfil. First is waiting on us for a meal; that’s going to come up soon. Then we’ll have a little challenge for poor Danny here”, he said ruffling the bound boy’s hair, “so he gets a chance to get some release as his young friend Scott did. If he wins, we might not have time to get into a full fuck, but a hand and some silk hanky will certainly do.”

Danny mewled in agreement.

The following ninety minutes were an occasion for tight focus and perfect control for the two restrained apprentices. They didn’t blow it: the cooking and waiting on their tormentors went smoothly.

Danny was growing fond of Scott’s silent presence. The boy remained a mystery; they hadn’t talked yet but Danny had witnessed how clever he was with the story. Greg and Walter had been played and Scott managed to fuck him. He’d seen his smile as he brought him to orgasm.

The two pupils also understood each other when they performed domestic chores. They didn’t get in each other’s way and without a word managed to get things done in an adequate order and a minimum of moves.

After a meal of ravioli and ice-cream, Greg and Walter deigned turning their attention to feeding their pupils. They removed both muzzles under the silence rule.

They sat the boys at the table, with two plates in front of them. Their hands were kept cuffed behind their back.

“Enjoy your meal, lads.”

The prisoners knew they would get no help; they were to bend over and eat without their hands. They tackled the ravioli. There was a big amount of sauce and Danny and Scott soon had their nose and cheeks smeared with the red and brown goo.

“We’d feel insulted if you didn’t empty your plate.”

They stuck their tongues out and slurped on the cold greasy sauce. It took some serious tongue-wiggling but soon the plates were fully cleaned up. They could move on to the mostly liquid ice cream in the second plate. This didn’t improve their cleanliness, though they often wiped their lips with their tongues.

Greg washed their faces with a clean towel once they were eventually done. From the corner of their eye, the prisoners saw the pile of supplies Walter had brought over the table.

“You’ve been very nice as our waiters, and there was no whining about eating like little doggies. You’re on the right side of your training now. We’ll start rewarding you with a good traditional gag; the rubber muzzles sure are convenient, but for important moments, more personalized gags are a must at the Academy.”

Sitting on the edge of his chair’s seat, Danny could see the usual diversity of tape, socks, other worn garments, and what had to be swim caps. He also saw some unidentified muzzle or head gear. He rolled his eyes.

Walter caught his amazement.

“I see you’re mesmerized by what’s to come, Danny. Let’s start with you. Scott, you don’t move and of course, not a word or a sound.”

The two little devils surrounded their former babysitter, with all the layers planned and agreed.

Greg didn’t say a word; he opened his mouth wide, looking intently at his pupil. Danny mimicked him. Greg crammed a roll of Lycra stuff between his lips. Swimwear. Worn. Scott’s. Danny closed his mouth, packing the underwear in; the slick fabric expanded to the whole front of his mouth. His tongue wasn’t totally crushed yet its motions were severely restricted.

The swim cap was next. Then a square of thick and stretchy surgical tape was plastered over his mouth.

This was only a prelude to the taping. They had wide black electric tape. Greg laid it out to imprison Danny’s skull; he did so slowly. Walter was a few feet away, and made sure he applied the sticky plastic coating evenly and symmetrically. It felt amazing to Danny. When they reproduced the treatment on Scott’s head with shiny blue tape he saw how thoroughly the pair worked. Rings of wide tape surrounded their heads, leaving only their eyes and nose clear.

“You’re fed and watered, changed and cleaned up, bound and gagged in an appropriate way; your bottoms are plugged up. Let’s go and have our walk!”

Walter waved to the prisoners with the leashes he’d just picked. Greg walked Scott and Walter had Danny following him. They didn’t hurry; their charges could only take small steps so they took their time.

“We should tell them what the last challenge is, Walt, don’t you think?”

“Why not? This is a trial that could give Danny an opportunity to disgorge his cucumber. This is a bit different and it tests your sense of observation.”

Danny looked around him, his sight as sharp as he could to get mental pictures of the landscape. They’d come here before and he could already identify some trees or bends in the path. He took in all he saw with even more attention.

It was clear they headed to the Hunting Lodge. Once in front of the stern wooden building, the procession halted.

Walter and Greg stood in front of their lined up captives. The black-haired boy addressed them.

“We’re going to test how much you want to be with us. We’re going to blindfold you, then spin you around a few times. We then walk you a couple hundred yards from here, both at the same distance, of course, and the one who makes it back to the Lodge first wins. Blindfolds, Greg?”

The blond cousin took two sleep masks and tape from his small backpack. In ten seconds the captives were plunged in darkness.

“OK, I’m going to have you spin, Danny,” Walter said. Greg warned Scott also.

The boys whirled in the hands of their captors. Walter made Danny stop after five or six turns. He led him away, a firm hold over his shoulder. Danny tried to keep his balance; he didn’t go fast. They didn’t go in a straight line; they were following a path, as the ground under the sole of his shoes felt firm.

The walk lasted. His handler stopped Danny.

Chapter 24 – Reward and prizes

“This is your spot, Danny. A few more spins and I can remove your blindfold.”

He grabbed Danny and had him spin more; he went rather fast; he held on to his charge when he stopped his motion.

“You’re not going to fall? There’s space around you in case you do, there’s no rock or log.”

Walter ripped the sleep mask off. Danny was a bit dizzy but he was in a clear spot. The captor sent a text message with his phone. They were at some crossroad, with five narrow paths leaving from the spot they stood at.

“They’re in position too. So three, two, one… You’re on. See you at the Hunting Lodge.”

Walter dashed off over the undergrowth, running into the woods without taking one of the paths. Danny didn’t really pay much attention to the direction his abductor had taken; this could be deceit in many ways.

He’d observed his surroundings when Walter had pointed it out. They’d gone by a huge oak tree that could be several centuries old. It was very big and Danny thought he could see it to his right. This was really close to the Hunting Lodge so maybe this was the shortest way.

Danny started walking on one of the paths; it seemed to head towards the oak tree. He minced as fast as he could, with the plug rolling around as he tried to go faster. After thirty yards, he was certain he wasn’t mistaken. And he soon was on the wider path they’d walked on; Danny minced another fifty yards and the Lodge was in sight. He twisted his hips faster. He had made the right guess and he hadn’t wasted any time finding his way.

Greg and Walter stood on the small deck in front of the Hunting Lodge, looking at Danny. He nodded merrily, grateful to be cheered.

They laughed and pointed to their right. Danny looked and saw his companion struggling to move fast; Scott was trying his best not to lose time, shaking his plugged up booty in the process.

Danny’s keen eye for games and sports assessed the threat. Scott was at almost the same distance from the building as he was. He had to increase his pace. Danny could see only one way to do it. He gathered his ankles together, bent his knees and started jumping forward. His muscular thighs flexed and relaxed in turn as he hopped his way to victory. Every time he landed on his heels, he could feel the shaking plug moving and rubbing his innards; this didn’t slow him down in the least.

Scott didn’t seem to realize right away what Danny was doing. When he tried to replicate his style, he failed. Danny jumped onto the deck and passed the two cousins to cross the threshold to the Hunting Lodge.

“Hooray! Danny wins!”

Scott was still far away from the finish line when his competitor crossed it; he kept waddling along, giving up on the faster leaps.

“You lose, Scott,” Greg smiled cheerfully, “but you don’t get a forfeit. It’s just that Danny is going to get his reward, and I’m sure you’re willing to be the one handing out the award.”

They entered the large dining room with its smell of old wood fire. Walter had heard his cousin’s explanation.

“Yes, this isn’t going to last, so you’d better make sure that Danny gets a big kick out of it.”

The two imps started the preparation by pulling Danny against one of the beams to give him their full attention for twenty minutes, providing seven horizontal coils of rope to pull him against the wood and a few extra ropes to tighten the whole thing and imprison his limbs further. They hadn’t passed on full head immobilization with a cushion and further turns of the convenient black electrical tape over his mouth and his forehead.

They had Scott kneel in front on a pillow. They got his cuffed hands in front, with a short piece of chain linked to his collar preventing him from bringing his hands down. They put on thick fur gloves over his hands.

Greg then took a large green silk hankie; Walter opened up Danny’s shorts and pulled down his silky undies. He fumbled a bit with the cock cage until the liberating click got Danny’s mind to go wild. Walter pulled out the device, which required some tugging. At last, it slid out; the cock twitched.

Greg pulled the silk scarf over Danny’s expanding boner, with its middle over the turgid tip. He pulled the fabric over the member by grabbing it and sliding down to under his balls. He tied a small ribbon at the base, which made the veiled knob throb.

He pulled the scarf’s corners sticking down back over the pulsating sausage; he knotted them two by two to smother it in multiple layers of soft and smooth silk.

“Get to work, Scotty!”

Danny had experienced Scott’s proclivities before. The grip of the fingers and the way he grabbed his tool did for most of the excitement. Scott knew how to make the experience pleasant with just his fingers. This time, he also had another weapon: the fur could create incredible feelings by rubbing over the multiple layers of soft material. The caresses ultimately reached the nerve endings under the skin and arousing Danny.

Walter had his timer on, and Danny lasted two minutes and twenty-eight seconds, which the boy deemed rather long, considering Danny had looked frustrated by the device.

He felt his cock pulsating several times, leaking into the silk layers and flooding the scarf and his prick with warmth.

“Here we are, Greg: both our pupils have broken rule number six now.”

There were questioning grunts. Had they been tricked in a new and unbearable punishment?

“I hear they fear the consequences.”

“We said we were taking them for a reward. We’ll say the fucking and wanking were necessary health procedures. We wouldn’t want them to sprain their cocks.”

“Yeah, a sprained cock is painful.”

“You got them worried for a second, Greg. I really don’t regret yesterday’s disciplinary action. It sure has gotten our friends to be much more compliant.”

Greg patted Scott’s plastic-wrapped head.

“They are. Scott has always been cuddly, he seems even more so with Danny. I could even get jealous.”

The cousins laughed. They didn’t seem willing to untie or move anyone. Danny stood straight; his cock deflated. Greg grabbed the silk sheath he’d wrapped around the bound boy’s member; he pulled it, wiping most of the cum from Danny’s prick. He set the soiled handkerchief on the table while Walter made the boy chaste and decent. Danny had his sex trapped and covered again; yet he felt relief.

“You’re both in a better mood to listen to us now, we’re going to make you a once in a lifetime offer.”

There were just inquisitive looks in reply to Walter’s announcement.

“Will you be our captives for a year?”

There were no grunts, but wide eyes and frowns. The offer’s targets expected more input. Greg obliged.

“What Walt means is, do you guys want to be under the Academy rules for the whole year? Of course, we need to adapt some of them, it would be difficult to be bound and gagged in school without attracting attention.”

“Scott did spend some time bound and gagged at school, but not in public. But just consider that you’re in Academy territory when you’re in your room, Danny, if not at a place we’ve taken you to. We can check on you with a webcam.”

Danny remained still at his pole; thoughts were going through his mind at full speed. He wanted this to last. They could be super strict. He loved being the bound and gagged companion of another boy. But could he take their discipline all the time?

“You’ll get rewards too.”

“And you can keep on bringing down the number of penalty points you earned.”

“You will get great wanks.”

“You’ll have other captives please your hungry little cock.”

Greg and Walter went on and on with more arguments. There were nods from Scott and very intermittent Mmph from Danny, who worked hard to make them yeses.

“This is all settled, then. We may go on with the signing.”

The move to the table was as swift as could be. Walter set papers in front of the two boys whose hands were in front. They were both hobbled at knees and ankles.

“These are the Academy rules. See, I’ve added at the top that the Academy is your room or any place we say is and that it will never be in public. So if we’re somewhere and tell you this is the Academy, you have to do what we tell you. It also runs until next year at the same date.”

As soon as they were allowed to, Scott and Danny signed the papers.

“Glad to see you’re willing. It saves us trouble. This is the first part of your reward only. I think you’ll like the next one. Could you get the crates, Greg?”

The boy dashed to the back of the room; he opened a door with a key and pulled out a trolley from the room behind. It had four small crates stacked on it.

They set the crates over the table. There was just a brand in the wood, which were initials, B&C.

“You’ve tried some leatherwear already, Danny. We waited to get Scott’s stuff, and yours too to have you try out some kinkier gear. There was a delivery yesterday, bringing gifts for both of you.”

Chapter 25 – Try-Outs and Deportment

They opened the crates, unlocking the lids. Danny figured out the items as soon as he saw them: a Gwen hood and a single glove.

“They’re made-to-measure for you, and I can’t wait to try them out.”

“Let’s get them into the gloves first. We’ll try the hoods next time we remove their gags. They look fine the way they are.”

Walter grabbed his cell phone to keep a memory of the fine looks.

Greg and Walter had their pupils stand. They could get busy, lace puller within reach. They started by wrapping the arms above the elbows with a strap they tightened to get the elbows to touch; the arms were free of bonds otherwise. The glove’s end pouch snuggled around the joined hands. The meticulous lacing that ensued closed the leather sheath little by little, bringing the wearer’s forearms close together.

There were grunts from the fitters as they tried to get the final grommets closer and the lace puller was needed. Once they were done with their efforts and both prisoners had their arms welded inside the single gloves, they took a few steps back and had the boys spin around.

“Totally amazing, Greg. It just fits perfectly!”

“Like a glove?”

They chuckled. The prisoners caught glances of their counterpart and had to agree this took their outfit a notch higher in class and elegance. Their captors had them take steps and turn around to get a good look at the final result. There was a small symmetry issue with Danny’s glove lacing, which they remediated by loosening the laces, only to pull them back as tight as ever.

“Come over here, my little models, you should catch a look of yourselves.”

There was a floor-length mirror at the back of the room; both boys took small, cautious steps to join Walter, with Greg following them closely.

“Yes, doesn’t this kid leather look great on you? I’m sure you love the feel of the animal hide restraining you,” Greg said, kneading the boys’ buttocks. Danny couldn’t help finding the scene he was in hot. This glove sure was something.

With his camera, Walter filmed the two captives from various angles. Once he’d taken enough pics, he went to get the hoods.

“It might be a bit of overkill, but this should complete the layers of electric tape already mummifying your head. Could you carry the stools, Greg? We’ll let them see what is going on. There’s nothing wrong in them seeing the great stuff we bought them.”

The models sat facing the large mirror. They saw the thin, pliable leather stretch over their heads, fully covering the tape that had already locked their jaws and prevented them from spitting out the wadded briefs.

Just like with the application of the glove, Greg and Walter displayed a high level of care. The captives’ heads were soon taken in a tight vice.

“You look amazing, boys. After you put on some footwear we may take you for a walk.”

Danny could see the whole scene unfold, thanks to the mirror; it mesmerized him. He could see Walter’s shorted bum as he knelt; Danny’s eyes went to the boots the younger boy was putting him in. It was the same soft leather, wrapping closely around his foot. He noticed a heel; it wasn’t high, but it forced him to arch his foot, and the gleaming leather really emphasized his calves as the lace tightening the front pulled the boot tightly together.

“Stand up, lads, I’d like to take a few more pictures of you walking around.”

It felt weirdly comfortable standing in the boots. Walter admired the appetizing display over the LCD display of his camera for a while, shooting bright and contrasted pictures of the helpless boys for a while.

“It’s amazing how costumes make for great characters. I’m sure we could make an amazing feature film with you, lads.”

Danny had trouble imagining a mainstream film displaying teenage boys in kinky outfits; he’d be game for it, but there didn’t seem to be an obvious mass market.

“Let’s change settings, boys. It’s still bright outside, I’m sure we can get some great pics from having you walk through the woods wearing your fetish costumes.”

Greg and Walter put their captives on leashes and dragged them outside.

There was a small clearing where they made another photo-shoot. They had their captives stand facing them while Walter made hundreds of pictures, circling around them and taking shots from various angles.

“That’s good, Greg, but there’s a little issue. Their cock cages kill all the sexiness. With the shorts they’re wearing, it’s better to have them sprout boners.”

“True, but all shaved like they are, they look more like little boys,” Greg replied.

“Kinky leather-wearing little boys. Not a very common thing. Horny fetish slaves would be better for what I try to get.”

Greg didn’t really mind.

“Let’s get this off, then, Scott,” he said, unlocking the fiendish device, “but this means that they will both have to be even more cautious to comply with rule number six.”

“Of course, Greg, this goes without saying. You’re nice warning them: they’ve signed the agreement, so they know we’ll hold them accountable to the rules. OK, Danny, your dick is dry, so no funny stuff.”

Walter pulled up the shorts, adjusting Danny’s genitals for the best bulging effect. The rapidly growing piece of meat was soon testing the stretching ability of the fabric.

He took a few more shots.

“They look much better this way. Just keep control, lads. I’m sure you can do it. Focus and don’t disappoint us.”

As long as he didn’t move, Danny felt all right. If they caged his cock before the next bout of walking, he felt confident he wouldn’t have an accident.

“We’ll have you take another pose, boys,” Walter said. He approached and spun Danny a quarter turn; Greg did the same to Scott so he’d face his companion. They had their captives mince until their chests made contact.

With leather belts and straps taken from one of their bags, they linked the two standing boys at thighs, knees and ankles, with Scott’s feet between Danny’s.

“Make their bonds tight, Greg, if they can’t squirm then they won’t have a number six issue.”

Despite Walter’s recommendation, the two prisoners felt the lack of a belt at their waists, so their dicks rubbed against each other’s, the caress enhanced by their silky shorts.

They moaned inside their gags, looking into each other’s eyes to find the strength to resist lust. They stayed still and hoped it would be over soon.

“Almost done, but would you mind posing with them, Greg? Just like you did back at the cabin, you caress them and inspect that they’re doing fine.”

Greg was pleased to; his hands caressed the captives, and soon found their way to their soft bottoms, pushing the gloves. With a hand on each pair of butt cheeks, Greg’s petting got heavier, and got the two pelvises to twist around and cause the two throbbing members to stimulate each other.

Moans of despair ensued. Greg went on for what seemed an eternity to the pair of bound boys.

“It looks great, cousin. Don’t be cruel; don’t make them break rule number six.”

The forced rubbing stopped; both Scott and Danny made little yelps from behind the many layers gagging them and resisted the impulse to keep on grinding their hips with the satisfying result it entailed. Danny felt moisture around their groins; he hoped he hadn’t leaked precum.

The two cousins removed the straps and pulled their kinky models apart. Walter kneeled so he could get a really close look. He even sniffed around to detect any manly emission.

“They stayed dry. Not bad.”

He then laid his thumb and index finger on each side of Scott’s cock and started wanking him with a series of very light strokes going along his shaft slowly. The erect member stuck out, the peculiar cut of the shorts being on full display as the young and vigorous rod took full advantage of the space designed for it.

Greg didn’t need being told; he stepped in front of Danny, grinning, and mimicked his cousin’s behaviour. The poor lads moaned and whined through their gags; it was unfair to be toyed with to orgasm when they’d managed such self-control!



“Go ahead, Danny, squirt all the juice you want…”

“Just like Scott, oh, boy, he’s leaking, Greg.”

“They both are!”

Gobs of semen seeped through the fabric and landed over the grass.

“Another failure at self-control. Let’s get them back to the manor, we’ll clean them up and chain them, it’s getting time for tea.”

“You may take other pics as there are still things to try out.”

“Yes, this should be a fun evening, Greg!”

Chapter 26 – A Peaceful Evening

Two hours later, Greg and Walter could comfortably relax in armchairs. It had taken time, but their captives were ready to be bondage maids to their abductors.

The cleaning up had involved the removal of the prisoners’ shorts and a quick stay on the commode while Greg and Walter gave them enemas and got their cock cages back on. Shorts that matched their leather outfits then followed.

The young captors still enjoyed impressing their charges. The wide eyes of their pupils as they saw the shorts they were to be put in didn’t fail to amuse them.

“It leaves you speechless! Look at the grain of the leather, it is so thin. A nice dildo in the seat and you will be walking around while being fucked up the arse. Isn’t this amazing?”

Shy, non-committal nods followed.

Greg took out a condom and unrolled it over the six-inch dildo intended for Danny’s rectum. Walter lubed up their babysitter’s anus and pulled the shorts up, getting the cock-like protrusion in contact with the wearer’s hole.

It slid in easily as they pulled the leather garment up and fastened the belt and the straps hidden under the seams, going along his butt crack and splitting in a V around his genitals, framed by an invisible wire frame pulling their caged penises under thin cod pieces.

“Dam, these shorts are hot! Let me take a few pics, it’s incredible how round and plump it makes their bottoms look!”

The wearers agreed as they checked themselves out in a large mirror in the bathroom. It was true the high-end stuff made them look really good. The boots definitely enhanced their legs.

“Now, we’ll give you a quick drink. Then we can have you wear the hoods as they’re intended.”

The hoods were the same, even though they’d been removed to get rid of the tape and the rubber swim cap. They’d washed their captives’ hair and let them to dry. They had then stuffed their mouth with butterfly gags, a rather welcome novelty for the two prisoners. The inflatable bladders protecting their teeth and gums. The bulbs filling their mouths felt custom-made also, but once properly inflated they sure left no space for any tongue motion and wouldn’t let any air through.

They didn’t need to tape their lips; the Gwen hoods covered all their head except for the nose, eyes and cheekbones, locking their jaws and sealing their lips with the tight layer of kid leather. Greg picked up a vial of fluid and a cotton rag. He poured a few drops of the liquid over the material and rubbed Danny’s hood with it, starting over his lips. He spread some of the polish over every single square of the leather.

He laid the rag down and picked a wool scarf. He held both ends to polish Danny’s head as one would do at a shoe-stand. The feel under the leather was new; it was close to tickling and very erotic at the same time.

Thankfully, it didn’t last. The animal hide gleamed under the bathroom’s bright lights, impressively revealing the captives’ features under the leather; Danny could even see the shape of his mouth.

“We don’t have to fear any impertinence from our butlers, now we’ll have to make sure they may be of some use to us…”

The single gloves were replaced by a pair of regular ones. They were regular only in the sense that there was one for each hand, or rather each arm. They went over the elbows. The chrome-steel cuffs around their wrists shone against the black of the gloves.

Walter took pictures as they toiled. Greg had picked up a video camera, and he documented the bound pair’s work.

They made tea, warmed up scones, prepared some ice cream for their two handlers. Their outfits made them aware of every step they took and every move they made. Danny followed Scott’s lead as he focused entirely on the tasks at hand.

Greg and Walter came to sit once the food was on the table; Danny stood by Greg and Scott at Walter’s side.

“You’re getting better every day, lads.”

“With the proper costume on, it’s certainly easier to play the role.”

The two cousins went on chatting about how else they could put such obedient servants to good use. The boys didn’t react in any way at being the subjects of conversation.

Greg and Walter sipped their tea and swallowed the scones eagerly; they turned their chairs a quarter turn to face their charges, whose hands were bound in front

“Kneel, boys. You can’t suck our dicks, but you should be able to get the same result with your fingers.”

Danny demurely kneeled in front of his young master, who slid his shorts down, revealing some skimpy black swimwear.

“Get a whiff for a start…”

Danny brought his nostrils just above the dick.

“Don’t be afraid, get closer. Yes, just like this… I love your nose caressing my cock.”

Walter was having similar fun with Scott. Then they ordered the two servants to use their fingers.

“Go ahead, Scotty, make me happy. If you make me cum before Greg does, I may think of a reward for you…”

Greg heard the challenge.

“No way, Danny’s supple wrist will have me cum first,” Greg panted, already enraptured by his servant’s soft and steady masturbation.

As their breathing got harder, the cousins stopped talking. Their boners soon became stiff as a rock, twitched, and exploded in the swimwear.

“Oh my… You’re a good servant, Scotty!”

The boys recovered slowly, patting their wanking attendants’ hair and whispering praise; the gobs of cum seeped through the nylon, giving out their distinct aroma.

Walter had a satisfied grin plastered on his face. He turned to Greg. “It’s amazing how far we’ve come with our prisoners. They’ve learned so much.”

Both boys blushed under their leather hoods.

Once Scott and Danny cleared the table off, the captors decided to move upstairs.

“We can get to the attic, boys, you did a good job.”

No leashes were needed; the boys marched in front. They crossed the halls and climbed the stairs to end up in the small room under the roof; it had a central pole and many other fixtures, like a large couch and some chairs. There was storage for rope and supplies; they’d even gotten sportswear the first time they’d brought Danny in the room.

They started with another change of gloves; the fiendish pair had fallen in love with the single gloves and they slid them back ever their pupils’ arms. It was a time-consuming procedure, but Greg and Walter derived an enormous pleasure from uniting the forearms behind their models’ back. They added chains and ankle bracelets to hobble the bound boys.

They had their charges mince and pose for their two cameras again. The old furniture made the surrounding look quaint, and the shots showed the secluded attic in all its glory. They made the boys stand against the pole, back to back on each side, and fixed them to it with belts and straps.

They pictures faithfully documented the kidnapped boys’ total helplessness. It looked real.

“What a great ransom note this would make,” Walter commented.

“The background is perfect for our models. You know, Walter, we should make a video with them. One with a story too, not just shots as we’ve done so far.”

The dark-haired cousin was turning around the beam, looking closely at the details of the captives’ outfits and shooting the occasional close-up.

“Yes, I’m sure our models would love to become actors too.”

The photo-shoot went on for hours, with different positions: the strappado that displayed the leather-clad bottoms, the cuffs and chains linking one’s right leg to the other’s left, even ball-ties, which caused the shorts’ dildo to really be felt.

Even though the models obeyed throughout, they still were relieved when their handlers called it a night. But first, they had to go through the tedious change from their leather outfits to pyjamas before the cousins each took a boy to his bedroom.

It took some time for Danny to get used to the void inside him once the shorts - and hence the dildo – had been removed. That night, he was in Greg’s hands again.

He hoped the cock cage would come off too, but no luck. Sitting on the side of the bed in the small room where he’d spent a few nights already, he had to wank Greg once again.

“Thanks, Danny boy, I’ll reward you by letting you sleep with me,” Greg said, crushing any hopes of getting a hand job in return.

One floor down from the pair, Walter was spread-eagling Scott to his bed: on his belly and without his pyjamas’ bottom.

The captive saw Walter undress, unwrap a condom, and slide it over his turgid prick.

He jumped next to him. “A last hug before we turn the light off…”

Scott felt his captor lie over him, his hard member aiming for his butt. Walter slid inside him and the hip-grinding started, which made Scott really hate the cock cage.

His lover remained over him even after coming; he pulled the quilt over them and they soon felt asleep.

Chapter 27 – Making Up Stories

In the morning, the two pupils joined to prepare breakfast. They were both naked, except for their cock cages, fetters, and gags. Danny wore the leather hood with the butterfly gag; Scott had Walter’s soiled Speedos taped inside his mouth.

The cousins came downstairs to find their foot servants standing in their designated corners.

“Good morning, maids! You aren’t late, and you seem to have complied with our orders.”

The boys stood still, their eyes riveted to the wall; Walter inspected the table and then the boys, who didn’t move.

“At rest. You may wait on us at the table now.”

The meal was short; Greg and Walter seemed in a rush to get the day’s activities rolling, starting with their “classroom”.

Once everything was cleared, they collared their servants and put leashes on them. The pupils were familiar with their surroundings and would have been able to get to the classroom on their own; collars got them one notch higher in obedience, though. The complete nudity was a change: the tiles under their feet felt cold.

They climbed the stairs down to the underground floor and its adapted classroom. There, the teachers had to toil, for a change; they first took their pupils for a quick trip to the bathroom, which saw their bladders and bowels relieved and all their intimate parts cleaned up well, including their feet, which got massaged and scrubbed in the shower.

They had to wear school uniforms, with small plugs in their arses underneath. The silk stockings and briefs, the shirt and jacket all fitted perfectly, giving both wearers a sense of regained pride.

Greg pulled baby bottles with formula from a bag; Scott and Danny were fed quickly. The minders inserted the inflatable gags in their mouths, the bulbs only mildly inflated. They then pulled the hoods over their heads and laced them slowly to get the perfect level of tightness.

Danny sat to his desk in good spirits and Greg restrained him at the nine points the desk provided. Only his forearms could move.

They brought Scott and Danny two laptops and went back to their desk. Walter looked over his students, with Greg nodding as he spoke.

“I’ve enjoyed seeing what you wrote, so another session of creative writing can’t hurt. We’ll have you use a computer so we can use your text later on. We’ve talked about shooting a movie, so you will provide us with a script. I know you boys have imagination, maybe more than we do. We want a short plot in half a page to start with. Imagine that this house has been used for a much more sinister purpose than the playful games you’ve agreed to play. Make up a situation in which a boy or boys are kept in this estate against their will. Think of the boy as yourself, if this helps.”

Walter and Greg got busy with their own laptop, speaking in hushed tones as they looked at the screen.

Danny racked his brains. Why would anyone want to keep him bound and gagged in this large mansion? Anyone other than the two impish tug players, who’d made a duty of keeping complete control over him at all times for the whole week or so…

Danny had daydreamed boy-kidnapping fantasies before. He’d pictured himself the victim of a gym teacher, or even older, masked men who played with his body. Danny opened a new word-processing file and got started, reviewing the story as he typed. He enjoyed the comfort of the more adapted laptop. He was pinned to his desk, but with the trackpad he had lots of control; his fingers flew over the small keys.

Lord Montague was abducted by Hans Von Knebel, who impersonates him to use his large manor as a base for his criminal activities: forgery and counterfeiting, fencing for art thieves, etc. Lord Montague is kept alive in a cell deep down in the bowels of the castle, never to be seen before Von Knebel needs to move away, which he doesn’t feel like doing before long. A young pilferer gets caught by Von Knebel. The teenager is bound and gagged at gunpoint and then he’s kept in various tie-up situations. He almost escapes a few times but Von Knebel and his goons always get him just before he manages to flee.

A friend of the pilferer knew of the plan, and when the teenager doesn’t come back home, he goes to the woods he was supposed to pick stuff in. He finds his friend’s hat and investigates the estate. He finds his friend bound and gagged inside a hunting lodge; he goes to free him, only to have the landlord jump on him with his goons and make him a prisoner too.

The boys suffer various ordeals at the hands of the evil men, until they can eventually escape.

Danny read his final draft. There were details to be filled in, of course, but he liked it. He imagined himself the victim of a beefy German noble with a knack for bonds and kink.

Walter saw Danny was done, so he stepped down and sat next to Danny. He read the text over the LCD display.

“Not a bad start. This has promises. It would require a bigger cast, though. But this is something we may work on too. Now you will tell of the first time the pilferer gets caught; call him Danny, so I can really picture you as the main character. I’ll go and see what Scott is up to.”

Danny dived into the new task. He barely heard Walter pointing out to Scott that his story also required more cast members. The supervisor went back to his desk, where his cousin showed him something on the laptop’s screen.

Danny went on picturing himself in front of the hunting lodge, a large man threatening him with his gun and forcing him to step inside the cabin.. Of course, he went on speaking and revealed stuff about the story.

‘Danny’ was hogtied; when his abductor wasn’t looking, he crawled to the back of the room where the printing press Von Knebel used to counterfeit money was.

The crook told him that now he knew the secret, he would have to keep Danny prisoner until he felt like going away, which could be a long time.

Danny cut, pasted, added, and edited until his scene was OK. Greg and Walter picked up his inquisitive look and came to check what he’d done. They praised him for the first scene, and especially of the tight bonds and gags.

Scott also got positive comments, but not praise. There were even remarks on his spelling.

“You’re doing a better job, Danny. Good for you, it’s your story we’ll take. Don’t fret, Scott, Danny’s story calls for many scenes, you may tell some too; I’m sure you’ll do great.”

The cousins had been awfully civil so far; they hadn’t belittled their charges or made unpleasant remarks.

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to change your script, Danny, so the character who abducts you in the film is our age.”

“I could be a German villain,” Greg said, “The son of Lord Von Knebel?”

“Clever, Greg! What do you think, Danny?”

The captive screenplay writer nodded enthusiastically.

“We’ll have to find actors, though. Scott could be one of my goons, I’m sure he wouldn’t abuse the privileges of being without bonds for a film. So we should have another boy to play the part of Danny’s friend.”

“What about one of Danny’s friends?”

He pricked up his ears. What were they up to?

“We seized your belongings when we arrived, Danny. Of course we’ve taken good care of them. Your phone has been regularly charged and we’ve checked all your messages since.”


“We know your password, silly! And we’ve texted some of your friends. There’s one who has a very nice profile photo. And you’ve got quite a few shots of him in your own photo gallery.”

Graham, Danny thought, his friend whom he’d never managed to open to about his feelings. Danny was in awe of the boy’s deep blue eyes, his slender frame and his long legs.

“We couldn’t help it: we really liked your friend Graham. He’s a cute young man and he really seems to like you. He’s always replied to our messages within five minutes. I’m sure this is the kind of boy who’d love to spend time with you all bound and gagged.”

Danny shook his head vehemently. He couldn’t let them kidnap his classmates; this was no joke, and could land them all in deep trouble.

“Don’t thank us, we’re glad to help. It’s all planned out, you don’t have to worry.”

“Our black-haired servant will have a blond friend, Walt, this will look good in pics we take of them. I feel like grabbing a bite; should we get back upstairs?”

“Sure, then we can take Scott and Danny out for a walk; you seem a bit tense, Dan, you need exercise. And you’d better quit praising us and moving your head around; you’re gagged for a reason and you’ve agreed to obey us.”

Danny knew it was hopeless; his captors applied a high level of control to release him from the desk and march back to the kitchen. They knew he didn’t agree with their scheme and they behaved accordingly.

Chapter 28 – Setting Up a Trap

There were physical activities in the afternoon; they went outdoors, with the prisoners wearing their leather outfits again. Walter had the digital video camera; he filmed his cousin walking the prisoners at the end of their leashes.

“Smile, Greg, show you’re glad to have pets!”

There were more shots of the blond boy dragging his leather-clad captives behind him. They got to the hunting lodge. They entered and had Scott and Danny pose in stricter restraints; the single gloves with a strappado made for great shots from behind.

They then had Scott and Danny stand facing each other and they bound their four legs together with kid leather straps and a belt around their waist.

“Nice thing about the cock cages is that they won’t break rule number six and soil the leather.”

The hooded boys rested their chins over each other’s shoulder.

“We’re all set, lads; now, you’re supposed to be on your own and try freeing yourselves. You can’t, we all know it, but you must pretend you think you may. It will look better. Make noise too, groan and moans will highlight your distress.”

Squirming and grunting ensued from the bound pair.

Walter went for another series of shots; this time the captives stood back to a post, with straps linking the single gloves to it, as well as their knees and ankles.

“Go on, boys, show some despair! You should be trying hard to escape.”

This wasn’t so easy considering how immobilized they were, but Scott and Danny put all their heart into serious acting. Walter moved around to try different angles.

“You’ve been doing well, boys, so no punishment for you. Let’s head back home, we need to do some more planning for our adventures.”

From the corner of his eye, Danny caught Greg fiddling with his phone. The mischievous boy called Walter with a look: they both looked at the babysitter’s confiscated cell phone, exchanging smiles and whispers after looking at the screen.

They inspected their prisoners and withdrew to conspire, the communication device at the centre of their attention. It lasted a while before the young masters decided to head back home.

The abductors each took charge of one of the boys to walk back to the mansion. They traded the single gloves with the long, regular kid leather ones and the steel bracelets and chains upon arrival. The servants served tea; they then had to kneel and pleasure their minders with their hands .

“This is the life, Greg,” Walter told his cousin, once Danny’s caresses made him cream his undies and shorts, “Having our own pets and maids and playing with them is the best!”

There was an electronic beep, which Danny identified right away. It was his phone telling a message had come in. Greg grabbed it from the table. Its rightful owner couldn’t see the blond captor, but the sound of his voice carried his smile through.

“It’s all set, Walt. Graham can come for three days.”


The pitiful wail Danny managed didn’t convince the kidnappers.

“No need to whine, lad, we’ve had some back and forth with your friend. He’s very keen on spending three days with you. He’s quite a flirt, and he sure is willing to wear skimpy and revealing outfits as you do.”

“The exchanges with him have turned naughty quickly when ‘you’ have suggested having some sports activities. Graham would love to see some legs and he’s eager to show his sexy sportswear to you. He’ll ride in tomorrow morning. He thinks you’re at your grandfather’s and you’ll have him as a guest. He still has to find out about us,” Greg said, putting the phone back on the table, “which we make it dramatic enough to pique his interest. I’m sure we can turn him into a bondage lover if our pets give us a hand.”

“Speaking of which, it looks like I could do with some more wanking, lad,” Walter said patting Danny’s head. The prisoner leaned forward, taking in a whiff of the cum-smelling crotch his young master brought forward with a swift hip motion.

The prospect of his friend being the innocent victim of the youngsters’ devious trap distressed the kneeling boy; yet, his fingers almost automatically set to work. Halfway through kneading the hard sausage pushing against the mushy sportswear, Danny wondered if he should go on complying. They didn’t seem to mind his protests in the least; he’d also complied with their orders perfectly, so maybe they hadn’t understood he didn’t agree with their decision to involve Graham.

Danny’s fingers left Walter’s turgid prick. A pat on his head didn’t get him back on track.

“Danny’s going on strike, Greg.”

“He’s been whining non-stop since we were nice enough to let him know we would hook him up with his blond friend, and this is how he pays us back for our efforts: with moans.”

“I’m thinking of a preventive treatment. We should have him spend the evening watching Scott get a reward while he stays well trussed up with his chastity cage on.”


This was the ultimate cry of defeat and despair; it didn’t divert Greg and Walter from their punishing endeavour.

“Let’s get him into the attic. We’ll feed Scott next. I think it’s no use even trying to give Danny a snack under the silence rule: he’s too much of a goody two-shoes. He’s bound to try to plead that we spare Graham.” Walter put a finger over the prisoner’s forehead. “Let’s save him some penalty points. Plus, a half-hour of thinking could do him good.”

Danny squirmed to no end when they cuffed his hands behind his back. They pushed him in front of them, leaving Scott standing in his corner with the camera filming him.

“Don’t move an inch, Scotty. We’ll check that you’ve been obedient when we’re back. You’re on your way to get a reward, but if you misbehave I’m sure Danny will be glad to have some company this evening.”

It took twenty minutes to take the babysitter to the attic and truss him up to the beam. They fixed his gloved arms to the post particularly tight; the kid leather protected them from the tight ropes’ bite and they could trap them in coils of rope without hurting the prisoner.

“All bundled up in ropes, and with a sophisticated gag forbidding any whining. You’re all set to meditate, Danny. Think of the fun you’ll have when your good-looking friend will have been converted into a tie-up fiend like you or Scott!”

The steps going down the staircase faded away; once Greg slammed the thick door at the bottom of the stairs shut and switched the light off, Danny was on his own, with Graham’s handsome face smiling at him. His feelings were mixed; he imagined his friend at the hands of his neighbours and it aroused him, which the cock cage made painfully obvious.

He didn’t have much time to sort his feelings out; the trio was back; Danny had gotten used to the light and he saw Scott’s head appear first from the staircase. His masters followed him and smiled to Danny.

“Glad to see you’ve waited for us patiently.”

Danny didn’t answer Walter’s sarcasm. There was a lesson to be learned from their little episode: they hadn’t allowed him to give any orders for days, and it would remain this way until they had a change of mind .

“Pay attention to what we’re going to do to Scott; we’ve taken him here so you wouldn’t feel lonely. I’m sure you love watching us do sex stuff to him,” Walter said.

Greg was already busy preparing Scott for the first number of their show. He started by pulling down his shorts and swimwear; a turn of a small key signalled the freeing of Scott’s genitals. He didn’t enjoy it for long. Greg had the teen face a chair, standing behind, his prick crushing against the top slat. Danny knew how the blond heartthrob intended to bind his victim from there; his guess turned out to be right.

Walter joined his cousin to get the job done quicker; Scott ended up with a bare bum, folded at the waist over the chair’s back, his wrists bound to the chair’s lower rungs.

The bottom sticking out quivered from the boys’ touch; they added ropes to hold each joint and link it to the chair; Scott ended up stuck like this, bending over the chair and the two horny captors took turns fucking him up the arse.

Danny watched the show, with the plastic device imprisoning his penis reminding him of how harshly it curbed his desire.

“You’ve loosened him up for me, thank you, Greg. I love little Scott’s bum all slick, warmed –up and ready…”

The boys’ dirty talk didn’t help Danny much. They occasionally turned towards him with a grin, before they explained how much pleasure they derived from their bent over captive.

They had satisfied their urge: they pulled their shorts up and tidied their looks. They plugged Scott’s arse up with a dildo before they undertook unbinding him from his chair. They turned him around and bound his ankles to the chair’s back legs, his bum resting over the chair’s slats. His uncaged cock stood out proudly, dripping pre-cum profusely as soon as it had a modicum of space to expand.

“You’re all ready for your reward, Scotty boy. See, Danny, we know how to be nice to boys who behave. Who knows, you might show us enough obedience so you won’t have to wait for days for a little kindness,” Walter said.

His cousin was kneeling in front of the prisoner, his ruby lips having swallowed the erect manhood and pumping on it; this made Danny jealous of Scott. He had to hold on and not show any sign of his discontent. They hadn’t showed too much satisfaction at blue balling him so far, so it was possible the painful, restricting chastity device could be removed soon.

Danny stood stoically: he fought hard to endure Scott’s moans and grunts as Greg slowly got him to orgasm, adding to the arousing sight and smells of boy sex in this confined space. The concern over Graham’s fate overcame him at intervals; yet Danny tried not to display his concern.

This chastity ordeal went on for another two hours. Greg and Walter kept on taunting him as they had Scott kneel, lie down and that they innovated in some intricate rope bondage, with various takes on the ball-tie and the hogtie.

Greg looked at his watch; Walter was making Scott squeal in his gag with another expert blowjob. The blond boy turned to the pole-tied captive, a playful grin plastered over his face.

“He’s behaved for two hours and a half, Walt.”

Walter couldn’t answer and raised a thumb up to let his relative know he approved.

“Good news for you, Danny, you may get some relief. Let’s wait until Scott squirts his jizz.”

They had monitored for any noise from Danny; he hadn’t done any. He’d understood correctly they’d set up a trap. He didn’t reply; he remained upright and silent until there was an ‘official’ command.

None came. Scott came and Walter stood, leaving him with his ankles bound crossed, his hands pressed under him.

“You’re not done, Scotty. It’s time you help your fellow-prisoner out and make sure his balls don’t explode. He’s kept quiet, but I can see that he’s very excited from seeing you being our little toy boy. We’ll even remove your gag so you can suck him off.”

Danny waited without making a sound; they were quite playful, which meant they still could be trying to pull a nasty trick on him. Only when Walter unlocked his chastity cage did he emit a faint sigh from behind his gag. This wasn’t held against him and the warm, moist mouth of Scott grabbed his developing dong with his lips. The sucking and pumping ended up having the pole-tied teen make as much noise as he could through his nose before he orgasmed.
“Ha! Ha! There must have been some pressure building up Danny’s pipes. This is some big milkshake, Scott, swallow it all, and don’t drop cum on the wood floor. It leaves stains on.”

“”So much for you having your gag removed, Scott. Danny can’t behave as instructed. We’ll have to have him experience chastity a bit longer. After all, it’d be only fitting that he gets relief from the boyfriend we’ve found him.”


The wail was echoed by laughter. The boys had fooled Danny once again. The ruthless pair had more plans for him and they involved Graham. The pole-tied victim was overwhelmed by mixed feelings: frustration, anger but also some eagerness at being united with Graham on top of Scott.

Danny’s moans dwindled; his mind was reeling; his captors were bent on causing more frustration and thwart any escape attempt. He could only hope for their failure at luring Graham into their trap.

End of the episode
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Post by Veracity »

I’m so happy to see you here. I missed your stories so much!
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Post by sarumansauron »

Veracity wrote: 5 years ago I’m so happy to see you here. I missed your stories so much!
I agree! Great story! Thanks!
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Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Thanks a lot for your support, guys, it is very much appreciated. Some more Fun with Danny coming your way!

Fun with Danny, Scott and Graham

Third episode of the Fun with Danny series

Chapter 1 – A well-prepared Welcoming Committee

A silver and gold arrow darted through the English countryside, cutting through the fresh morning air, catching the sunrays that made it shimmer. Graham pressed on his bike’s paddles stronger, pumping his thighs and calves that rippled under the thin shiny fabric.

The road seemed flat, but it went slightly downhill. He was in quite a hurry, so the athletic boy seized any opportunity to make his arrival quicker.

Graham was a fair rider, his high-tech bike and gear matching his expertise. Although it was a short distance, he decided to put on his biking outfit — it would make a good impression on Danny, he thought. He would be sweaty, of course, but judging from some of Danny’s messages, this could turn out to be a plus.

The blonde boy’s hair flowed in the wind. He’d taken his helmet off to enjoy the still cool morning air during the fifteen-kilometre ride to the large manor that belonged to Danny’s grandfather. Only then, he began pondering whether his classmate had a wealthy or noble ancestry, but it sure sounded like a nice place to spend the next three days.

What he couldn’t stop thinking about was Danny. The messages he’d gotten from his friend over the last three or four days were hot. They’d traded pics, and he’d gotten some of Danny that had made his blood boil. His friend had managed to get amazingly realistic pics of himself in self-bondage, hinting that he’d love to have Graham make his plea truly inescapable. But Danny also wanted to have him in ropes, which got Graham all woozy.

It was no big secret Graham and Danny had been fooling around for months now. During sleepovers or afternoons spent at either of their houses, depending on which one was emptier, they had wanked each other after wrestling matches and played strip poker with bets involving sex.

When Danny made a hojo-jutsu demonstration a couple weeks before break, it triggered some escape challenges. Graham became fascinated with tie-ups, and he was eager to play more games with Danny. If they had some privacy, he could wear his shiny sportswear and indulge in bondage – a term he’d been familiar with for a few years.

The bicycle followed the road through the fields and the small woods, but Graham didn’t really watch the landscape. He focused on his ride, daydreaming of Danny's in tight black nylon shorts with his hands bound above his head to the low branch of a tree.

From what he'd told Graham, Danny had been busy at his grandfather’s with painting chores. But they were over now and he had his granddad’s house to himself until the end of the week.

Danny’s mother even called and made an official invitation. Graham’s parents were only too happy to have him out of the house for a few days, so they let Graham ride to the country residence. Thirty minutes after the phone call, he had all his bags ready

Graham fixed the carrier that supported the cases on each side: one with clothes, the other with the result of the scavenger hunt Graham had gone on to have stuff to play tie-up games. Ropes, long pieces of torn sheets, rolls of duct tape, belt and straps… He was well supplied if Danny wanted some bondage fun.

Graham soon was in sight of the manor. He’d spotted the place on a map when Danny gave him the address. He knew the place, having ridden across the whole area a lot; there was a long fence wall, lots of trees, and what looked like a big mansion not far away from the road.

Danny had told him to ride to the big entrance door in the middle of the building.

He stepped off his bike and set it against the white wall, near the steps to this front door.

Graham breathed in deep; he took a hand towel from his case and wiped himself. He’d showered in the morning, but if Danny greeted him with a peck on the cheek, he’d better not be sticky with sweat.

His clothes were quite tight and revealing. He adjusted his package so it would stick out a bit, but not like if he had a boner. Once he felt comfortable, he pulled off the cases from the carrier. He put one down to ring the bell, pressing a big brass button. Chimes rang loudly behind the door.

He heard steps trotting towards the door only a few seconds later. Danny had been waiting for him eagerly too, he told himself. The large wood door opened with a loud click from the latch, but it wasn’t Danny standing in the doorway. A cute blond boy two or three years younger than he was showed up.

Graham immediately thought it was one of Danny’s neighbours, because there had been talk of babysitting them. But then, Danny had texted him that their parents had decided to seek instead an institution that offered tutoring for students with poor grades..

Alas, Graham’s attention was caught by the boy’s looks, preventing him from inquiring what the little angel was doing within the mansion's walls. The thirteen-year-old boy had fine and delicate features; his yellow hair framed his face handsomely. To top it all in the eyes of Graham, the lad was outfitted with an old style footie kit, all shiny nylon and super tight, so it clung to his thin and lithe body. The boy smiled.

“Hi, you must be Graham, Danny's friend. He's waiting for you, come on in. I’m Greg, by the way. I’m spending the morning over, as my parents don’t trust me to do my homework unsupervised. I hope you won’t mind.”

“Uh, no, that’s okay…”

“Lay your bags here, and get your bike inside too so it won’t be nicked.”

Graham took his stuff inside and followed Greg.

“Let’s go to the kitchen, there’s tea and toast if you want.”

They crossed the large hall; Graham’s gaze was set over the charming buttocks rolling under the thin layer of red nylon of Greg’s shorts. The lad cast a glance over his shoulder.

“Then we'll leave you and Danny on your own, we have homework to do.”

Graham was a bit short on conversation. He blubbered his answers, not knowing what the boy knew of Danny’s leanings, and not wanting to out his friend. He didn’t even notice that the boy hinted at someone else.

“… we also have homework to do,” Graham replied.


Greg opened the door wide and stepped inside, with the visitor on his heels. Graham froze when he saw a human figure in the middle of the room.

He heard a faint, humming sound coming from the young man standing in the middle of the kitchen, his hands above his head with a great amount of ropes to keep him still, forming a Y facing anyone entering the kitchen.

Awestruck, Graham recognized Danny’s eyes and tried to make sense of the position, the ropes binding him, the sexy uniform wrapping him and the gag that muted his attempts at communication.

He was still taking in what he saw when they assaulted him.

There were others hidden behind the door, whom he heard and felt behind him much too late, thanks to their stealth. In five seconds at the most, his attackers made him helpless, leaving him no occasion to fight back.

Graham felt two knees bumping into the back of his; he fell down and got caught by Greg, who had him in a tight embrace and accompanied his fall to the floor.

The blond lad was kneeling facing his prey; he used his thighs to hold Graham too. Had he been alone, Graham would have certainly been able to get rid of Greg easily. But two more attackers were plenty; his struggle stopped before it even began.

The person who’d knocked him to his knees had grabbed his wrists; he tried to pull them away but the click and the cold feeling informed him that it was too late. He was now properly handcuffed.

He couldn’t even protest. It took him two or three seconds to recover, but two hands held his head already, one of them clamped over his mouth, turning his question into a whine. The other had grabbed a handful of hair, limiting any head motion with a relentless grasp.


Someone had wrapped his ankles in a strap of some sort, keeping them tightly together. Graham saw his diminutive assailant for the first time when the boy who was behind him stood up and came around to face him. He did not address him, but rather the boy who kept his mouth closed.

“Keep your grip tight, Scott. You know what will happen if your guest can say even one word.”

Graham looked at the boy; he was the same age as Greg, but he had dark hair and eyes. He smiled as his friend did.

“I’m Walter. I’m Greg’s cousin; welcome to our grandfather’s house. You know Danny, of course.”

Danny stared at the group; he hadn’t stopped shouting in his gag, which made a background noise that didn’t bother the two cousins. A harness of ropes was woven around him, including some that made it impossible for him to move his head: a sophisticated head harness held it to the black-haired boy’s arms with thin, short and tight ropes.

“You’ll get to spend time with your friend, don’t worry. Now, Scott, I’m going to take care of keeping him quiet so you can step in front.”

Walter came next to the kneeling boy. The manoeuvre went seamlessly, not losing control of Graham’s head and mouth for the shortest moment. Walter's hand was as strong as his accomplice's and shut his mouth well.

The boy who stepped in front was dressed in the same kinky old-fashioned schoolboy costume as Danny was. This in itself was rather quaint, but Graham was struck by the head swathed in white tape, only leaving the boy’s eyes and nose visible. That’s why he was unable to talk.

Greg stepped in front of Scott with chains and padlocks. He cuffed the wrist bracelets that Scott already had on with a foot of thin chain. He added a few links that went from the middle to a leather girdle wrapped around his waist, under the shirt and jacket.

Graham stood still on his knees, with Walter’s hands keeping him quiet and stable. It had been less than a minute since the kitchen door had opened, and the idea of joining Danny in his remote countryside place was turning into something completely different.

Scott had big blue eyes, and Graham picked up some sympathy from the looks they exchanged.

“I’ll say, Scott, you’re all set for your next challenge. Go ahead.”

The schoolboy went in front of Danny and kneeled at his feet. He moved a little to the side, casting a glance to see if Graham could see his hand rubbing the satiny grey shorts. He fondled Danny’s crotch with his fettered hands.

“Scott is to milk Danny, Graham. He’s got to score as many squirts as possible while we welcome you among us,” Walter explained.

“And a proper way to do so is to bind you and gag you in a worthy manner.”


“Hush, Graham, it’s not because Danny’s making a racket that you should follow his lead.”

“I’ll get what we need to show our new student how we enforce the silence rule.”

Greg went to pick up something on a counter that was behind the kneeling boy. Graham heard the ‘thump’ of a sports bag hitting the floor at his side.

“Let me start by making sure you can’t fool around when we gag you.”

Graham felt skilled little fingers adding leather bracelets to his arms. Greg slid a thin rope in the D-rings between his arms and tightened it, pulling his elbows almost together before knotting them off tight. He did the same around his thighs, and linked the ends to the chain pinning his wings together.

Chapter 2 – Getting off to a flying start

“Now, my lad,” Greg told Graham, “you’re going to get your first lesson at Greg and Walter’s Academy for Naughty Boys: how a proper gag should work. We’re not going to bore you with long experiments that prove that just a strip of tape over the lips is a totally ineffective way to silence someone; this is only common sense. You know it already. Still, you’re going to experience various degrees of tightness and more or less filling wads. You’d better behave and do exactly as you’re told, otherwise there will be consequences.”

Graham’s mind was reeling; he couldn’t help staring forward, looking at the silhouette of Danny squirming at the pace Scott’s caresses set. Then, there were these two cute teens, if not tweens, who revelled in explaining how they were going to make him their silent prisoner.

Judging from what he saw, Scott and Danny had already fallen prey to the two little devils.

“I’ll remove your hand so you can open big and take in the sock Greg has for you.”

“It’s Danny’s, but he has worn it for two days only.”

Still stunned, Graham opened his mouth slowly when the hand left his face. Greg slid the balled-up sock in swiftly and then prodded the ball to make it fit better. “Close your mouth.”

The sock wasn’t big, so Graham could do it easily; Walter renewed his handgag.

“Greg is going to add a cleave. We use neck-ties for this between your lips, hence the name.”

Greg picked up a grey silk neck-tie; it had a big knot in the middle, which he set over the sock once Walter allowed access, and ordered Graham to open his mouth again.

Greg pulled the ends and gave them to his cousin; he had his hands over Graham’s lower face, which he held tightly while Walter knotted the tie over Graham’s neck.

“This is a good start. There’s some wadding in your mouth and you can’t spit it out.”


“Still some noise coming through the mouth, Greg.”

“Yup, but nothing that a little surgical tape can’t make airtight.”

“I’ll let you show our new friend how a swim cap and tape may improve on a gag. See Scott, Graham? You’ll look just like him!”

Walter stood by, casting glances now and then to Scott and Danny, the former moving and wiggling while the latter moaned ceaselessly.

Greg spread the silicone swim cap over Graham’s hair the first time. Putting his hands in the cap in a praying position, he opened the headgear and slid it over Graham’s mid-long hair, tucking strands here and there, making sure the tension was proper and giving his ears all the needed space.

The mummification in white, silk-like surgical tape that ensued subdued Graham yet further. By now, he knew he had been abducted. Feeling his restraints, he knew only the two little blighters would get him out of the ruthless tie-up they’d put him in.

They laid strip of tape after strip of tape, long ones that encircled his whole head. Each new angle trapped the sock inside his mouth further, locking his jaw and letting him utter a mere wail that echoed Danny’s a few feet away.

Scott had managed to get his first orgasm from Danny, and the high-pitched moan was unmistakable to the cousins.

As for their latest captive, he was purring from the face massage resulting from the careful gagging.

“We make sure this sticks well, lad, so we don’t have to worry about it for the three or four hours you’ll have to keep this gag on,” Greg said.

There was a vague, inquisitive ‘Mmmh?’

“At the Academy, pupils, especially new ones, must stay quiet and listen. We have ways to get information from them. Our little Danny doesn’t spend all his time shooting his load, and though he’s spoken very little since he arrived a week ago, we’ve learned a few things on his tastes. But we thought having him milked while we subdued you would be a fun way to get you reunited. Of course, he’ll undergo penalties for creaming his nice grey shorts. You like them, Graham, don’t you?”

The older teen nodded slightly in the hands that were still smoothing the silky adhesive over his face and skull.

“We thought so. Let me look at your face,” Walter said, taking a few steps back and flashing his camera to document their tape work. “We love taking pictures, and both Danny and Scott have been docile models. Say ‘cheese’!”

Graham looked at the camera wide-eyed and managed only the faintest of sounds from behind his gag.

“Perfect. So far, you haven’t made a mistake. We may even reward you with some closer look at Danny’s crotch.”

Walter set the camera aside and gave Greg a hand; they picked Graham under his armpits and dragged him until the boy’s face was close enough to Danny that he could smell the pungent spunk.

Scott was wiping the shorts with a mauve silk scarf. He began by sticking it inside, collecting as much juice as he could, but he eventually unbuttoned the shorts and slid the zipper down, letting Danny’s still turgid cock hang out.

There was no underwear, and to Graham’s surprise, not a single hair either. The smell, nevertheless, was nothing like a little boy’s willie.

Scott’s ministrations were soon over. He carefully tucked the cock inside the shorts, closing delicately the zip and buttoning it.

Walter saw Graham staring intensely at his friend’s pelvis, so he put his hand on Graham’s skull.

“Lean into it, I’m sure you’ve longed for Danny’s shorts. Enjoy the sight.”

Scott got his hands out of the way, and Graham’s nose plunged onto the bound boy’s shorts. He rubbed his gagged face against the soft material that contained the member, which soon began inflating again. Even through the layers of tape, he felt the flesh swelling and tenting the fabric. Graham sniffed deeply, drunk with the fresh smell of sex.

“That’s enough,” Walter declared; he pulled Graham away. “This gives me an idea, though. You'll get to please lusty little Danny, since you seem eager to rub his shorts. Get a hold of yourself for now. We're even going to make easier for you lads.”

Greg was waiting for his cue.

“We could remove your gag, but we can't tell if you're tamed enough. You're literally going to give your friend head.”

Walter had a small square of tape. He rolled it into a loop and stuck it on Graham's lips, on the tape, just under his nose. Greg picked a large, glimmering scarf, which he folded in a five-inch wide bandage. Kneeling behind the older boy, he used the light blue scarf as an over the mouth and nose layer.

“A very smooth and soft layer on top,” he whispered in Graham's ear. Pulling on both ends to remove the slack, the blond cutie tightened the grip over the captive's lower face. The small piece of tape meant the scarf wouldn't slide easily.

“You enjoy sniffing Danny's groin, and Danny gets very hard from having you kneeling at his feet. Let's see if you can knock our friend off his feet just using your head. Any part may do. What matters is to get Danny to squirt his load. We'll have you wipe him off clean, not to worry, but for now you're required to have him mess his shorts.”

Graham didn't move.

“Get to it,” Greg chirped. “Have him cum!”

Graham felt his own prick twitch inside his Speedos; he couldn't help it, being under the control of depraved angel-faced boys made him horny.

He leaned forward; the thin material over his nostrils filtered the air but it didn't block the wonderful scent. Using his nose, he titillated the hard, twitching member. His gagged lower face glided over the shorts effortlessly. His little strokes added to the tension, with the eager member rising inside its gleaming prison and tenting them fully. The shorts did provide some space for male genitals to grow, which Graham enjoyed.

He tried various angles and adjusted the pressure with his head. He gave full strokes with his cheeks and even bowed to stimulate his friend with his tape-wrapped head.

“Looks like our new pupil has some experience in pleasuring other boys,” Walter said to his cousin.

Danny ground his hips in response to the facial caress. He was cursed with a priapic response to what happened to him; as he came closer to orgasm, he added little moans, probably thanking Graham and begging him to stroke harder at the same time.

The moans became a continuous tone; they rose in pitch until spasms took hold of Danny.

“Keep going, lad, the more you get Danny to leak, the easier we'll go on you.”

Graham went on; he'd have done so without a prompt, relishing the feel of the cock ejaculating and inhaling the fresh semen scent.

“Three minutes! This is some feat,” Walter exclaimed, “I don't know about you, Greg, but wouldn't mind trying out our friend's skills for myself.”

“He seems to have a peculiar technique. Let me change his scarf.”

He removed the bandage, folded it into a pad, which he crammed inside Danny's shorts.

“It'll get him dry, eventually. Let me put a clean one on.”

The brushing of the fresh silk scarf over his face renewed Graham's lustful thoughts. The cousins turned him around, keeping him kneeling and ready to have another crotch to attend to.

Walter was first. The gleaming nylon of his shorts didn't poke out as much as Danny's. Graham found out when first touching it that Walter wore underwear, probably polyamide too, like Speedos. There was a distinct manly smell; it wasn't much stronger, but it had kept a horny young cock wrapped for more than a day.

Poking with his nose, Graham kneaded the swelling flesh.

“Just like this, Gee, put a little pressure on the tip… Yeah… Good… Now move your head sideways...”

The flow of instructions didn't last long. Graham groaned softly, hoping the vibrations would enhance the massage. The gasps increased. The vibrations and the seeping liquid preceded the final moan of pleasure of the mischievous black-haired boy.

Graham didn't get much time to rest. As soon as he stepped aside, his blond cousin took his place. He patted their guest's head.

“You look like a good boy. If you have me cum in less than three minutes, I'll think of giving you a reward.”

Graham tackled this new challenge. He could triumph over another erect cock filling a nylon pouch. He no longer could discern a distinct smell, but Walter hadn't had him smear his ejaculate with his gagged mouth.

Greg looked daintier and more sophisticated, but he was a rowdy little beast too. He kept some level of control; it was almost four minutes when he started filling the front of his shorts with jizz. He grabbed his massager's hair and used his head to collect as much of the semen as he could. Graham was overwhelmed.

He wasn't the only one; the show had caused Danny to grow a new boner; Walter removed the scarf they'd stuck in his shorts and wiped most of the liquid.

“Let Scott have another go at the wanking challenge. Danny seems poised to break a new record.”

The kneeling boy stood straight; he'd witnessed the sexy times while being denied any stimulation himself, aroused by the smells, sounds and sights next to him. His gloved hands softly caressed the satiny shorts, bringing the coiling snake underneath out of its slumber.

Chapter 3 – A Warm Welcome

Danny was writhing in the throes of the orgasm Scott’s careful ministrations had caused.

“Your boyfriend is a horny little pet,” Greg commented to the newcomer, “I hope it doesn’t make you jealous.”

Graham couldn’t get his eyes off Danny’s fascinating predicament.

“You’d better not be, that’s for sure! Actually, all students at our Academy have to get along, and fun sexy time together is mandatory.”

“It makes the group stick together better.”

“Through thick and thin!”

Graham didn’t bother figuring out the sexual innuendoes. His gaze remained glued on the relentless wank Danny was getting from Scott. He knew his black-haired friend was vigorous, but this was something else; he hadn't exhausted him with what had appeared to be a grade A orgasm.

Graham thanked his Lycra outfit for keeping his own cock in check as he felt his boner spreading outside his Speedos. If only he could use his hands or have Scott take care of him…

There were more wails from both lovers as Scott’s magic hand got Danny to climax again. Walter crouched next to Graham, as if he’d read his mind.

“What about our little newbie?”

The boy’s hand ran down the young biker’s chest, made little circles over his stomach, and soon found the throbbing knob.

“You’re a bit tense, aren’t you,” the mischievous boy said, fingering the pulsating glans. He brought his finger to his nose.

“You’re leaking already. You’d like me to go all the way, wouldn’t you?”

Graham replied with an energetic nod, being highly turned on by Walter’s red lips curling into a smile.

“All right.”

The hand, with a life of its own, grabbed his member through the Lycra and adjusted its grip. Once Walter had a good hold on the well-sized rod, he started pumping.

The little wrist motions he added overcame the helpless Graham quite fast, and this time, it was he who wailed a long call of distress. He discharged in four main loads, the whitish liquid spreading around the Lycra and slipping through the nylon mesh. His brain filled with a fireworks display, the relieved boy groaned in content through the gag.

Walter frowned.

“We can’t have our pupils make a mess,” he said, wiping Graham’s crotch with a red silk handkerchief. “They clean it up themselves at some point anyway. So enjoy me giving you a hand.”

Walter twisted the deflated prick through the Lycra; the cycling shorts prevented inside access but he could mop up the liquid anyway. Of course, once dry, the continuing motion had the effect of growing the boner again .

“A pupil who'll benefit from the strict lessons we teach at the academy,” Walter commented as he patted the quickly expanding hard-on.

“We should give him yet another test, Walt. We need to assess his abilities better.”

The two cousins whispered to each other; in a few seconds, Greg told of his idea, which brought a wide grin to his cousin's lips. They grabbed the kneeling boy under his armpits and got him on his feet.

“Greg thought of another trial. We'll see how you react to your boyfriend's body.”

They untied his legs and had him stand behind Danny. They first wove a chest and shoulders harness with a long piece of cotton rope, leaving the ends hanging down his back. They kneeled and tackled his legs, binding his ankles outside Danny's.

Greg stood briefly to throw the ends of the harness rope over the beam above the captive couple's head. He pulled it taut before knotting them, forcing Graham to remain standing just behind Danny. The blond captive's twitching member brushed against the pair of soft buttocks.

The further binding of his legs to his friend's got him closer yet. It locked him against the lean and supple body. His legs brushed against Danny's smooth, shaved limbs.”

“We'll see if you are as naughty as Danny or Scott. We have means to curb lack of control, if it's an issue for you.”

The cousins were standing again, turning around the bound pair.”

You can't move much, but even limited movement allows naughty little boys to get their kicks out of each other.”

Walter reached for Danny's tented shorts, squeezing the glans once he'd pinched with his thumb and index finger.


The kidnapped babysitter ground his hips in defence, and his behind moved along, making Graham's boner throb.

“You're reluctant to be touched, young Danny? We haven't told you enough times you were to remain still when we inspected you? Greg, please, punish his friend.”



Greg was behind Graham, planting his feet on the ground; Walter went on.

“Don't whine, ladies. We're happy to keep the good old whipping boy tradition alive at the academy. See, in old times, princes couldn't be punished by lower classes such as their maids or nannies, so there was boy who got the punishment for them. The prince had to suffer, knowing his bad deeds had gotten someone into trouble. You'll be Danny's whipping boy!”


Greg's hand landed over Graham's shorted derrière, causing a stinging feeling and getting the whipped boy to squirm; Graham was as hard as ever, and his move felt great; he enjoyed the rubbing over the soft, smooth shorts.

“Let me test Danny's control.” Walter used a clean black scarf to blindfold Danny. “You can't see me, but you have to remain still.”

A faint groan confirmed the tortured boy's understanding. It wasn't easy for him; Walter pinched his nipples, squeezed his balls and dicks, tickled his belly, knowing full well the soft spots for such an endeavour.

Three attacks out of four yielded an unwanted move from Danny, which was followed by a sharp spank delivered by Greg. The two cousins knew their audience, and the repeated abuse got the masochistic pair to swoon. One boy squirming caused the other one to writhe; Graham's muffled grunts and cries told of some coming apex; he wriggled within the bonds more and more, until a sharp little yelp told the cousins they'd succeeded.

Walter slid his hand between the two bound bodies. He reached where Graham's cock end was. It felt damp; Walter brought his fingers to his nose and frowned.

“Rubbing against his boyfriend is enough to get Graham to leak.”

“Maybe he enjoys being spanked too?”

“He does, or maybe he gets his kicks out of being spanked while bound to Danny. It doesn't really matter. We've won and he's lost.”

Walter loosened some of the ropes binding the captives' legs together. Graham could move further.

“I won't be cruel, and since I won, I'll grant you the right to go all the way with Danny…”

Graham seized the opportunity. He started grinding against Danny, who was moaning unintelligible words. His ampler hip motions made the task easier; feeling Danny's body against his had Graham lose control and spurt his load, which soon seeped through his cycling shorts, flooding Danny's butt crack.

Greg released Graham from Danny, keeping his hands bound behind his back and hobbling his knees. He wiped the cummy leaks.

“The wank fest is over, for now,” Walter said, “The test is conclusive. Now, Greg, we have found our third trainee for the rest of Danny’s stay. He is very receptive to the treatments our pupils must undergo, so he should complement our team well.”

“His looks make him a desirable actor for Danny’s film-making projects.”

Danny heard them from behind a fog; Scott’s fingers had mastered the technique of getting him to cum. His moans seemed more in response to his kneeling massager’s caresses than any concern for Graham’s predicament.

“We have put together an impressive cast, with super-sexy models. Could you go and get his bags, Greg? I’m impatient to see if he brought all he said he would.”

Graham then realized he’d exchanged with the cousins over the past days, not Danny. But considering what had happened upon his arrival, the ice was broken anyway and he didn’t feel any shame or guilt; he just was taken over by a sense of helplessness. He was in the hands of two young abductors; he was theirs.

Greg was back from the entrance hall. He set the large bags where everyone could see them. Danny was squirting his second load when Greg came back into the kitchen.

“You may take a quick break and stand, Scott,” Walter instructed, “and so can you, Graham. Now Danny is all relieved and possibly more aware of your presence, you may kiss him hello.”

The brown-haired boy helped Graham to his feet. He had him hop until he was almost face to face with Danny.

“Aren’t you happy to have your boyfriend visiting, Danny. You’ve got good taste, little stinker; this blond boy sure looks charming. I’ll say the tape hides his sexy mouth, but it also enhances his blue eyes, and his little upturned nose.”

Walter caressed Graham’s nostrils with the soiled silk hankie, leaving enough of his own semen for the boy to sniff upon.

“Now you may peck him on the cheek.”

The two teens groaned as their cheeks made contact; they felt silly but duly complied with the orders.

“Now you’ve been properly reunited, let’s see what your bags hold.”

The first one was full of clothes: polyamide and Lycra of various colours, thicknesses and makes. Shorts were well represented in Graham’s trousseau, but so were Speedos and other shiny pieces of swimwear. He had socks, stockings that weren’t boys’, tracksuit pants, flashy cycling jackets and shorts, and a couple pair of sneakers.

“Nice clothes! We won’t throw them away, though we have all we need here to keep you dressed up throughout your stay. They could even be used as props in Danny’s film. Let’s see what’s in the other bag.”

Greg and Walter feigned surprise as they took the items out one by one.

“Five coils of cotton rope, this makes for some severe trussing-up! And look at all the scarves!”

There were chains, padlocks, and dog collars that could be used as cuffs…

“Surgical tape on top of duct tape; this means we have someone who’s concerned not to get a rash when his face is taped up for a whole day! Look, Walt, he’s also brought balloons.”

“And condoms, though I wonder if they’re to be used for a mouth filling or for their original purpose.”

“I bet both!”

Walter laughed. “Of course! This will make it easier to have Graham join our club. He can’t deny he’s a bondage fiend, and we won’t have to test him out as we did with Danny,” he said, looking Graham into his eyes. “We can get shooting the film straight away then!”

Chapter 4 – The cat is out of the bag

“There are still a few formalities to perform, Walt. We need to get Graham’s consent. I suggest we take a little walk around the mansion and the estate with our pupils, to have our newcomer discover our facilities and the nice spots where we may shoot our video. We’ll tell him of the rules and of our binding agreement at the end.”

“I’ll clue you in about the story while we get the boys ready,” Walter said, starting with Scott, whose hands he uncuffed. “You’ll be in charge of Danny. Greg will help you to free his hands from the lacing bar to bind his wrists behind his back.”

Walter oversaw the group, helping here and there. He spoke of the film script in such a passionate manner that the other boys worked faster so they could get started.

“We keep our pupils busy, as we said,” Walter addressed the newcomer “It’s not all wanking all the time here. We’ve trained your friends to wait on us and do our chores — always restrained and gagged, of course. It turns out Scott and Danny come up with great kidnapping stories. You are perfectly able to tell things in writing while bound and gagged, and we’ll show you our special classroom. Danny made up a story that’s really cool and that we may turn into a film. We needed one more actor, though, and here you are.”

Greg was taking care of Graham, adding cuffs around his limbs and straightening his outfit.

“So it starts with Greg as Hans Von Knebel. He’s the son of a German villain who’s overtaken Lord Montague’s estate. We won’t see the lord, because he’s kept captive deep in the bowels of the mansion —and we don’t have an adult actor to play him. Hans’ father is a gang leader who has set up a counterfeiting operation in the estate. On a sunny afternoon, after a walk around the park, Hans returns to the hunting lodge where the money-printing equipment is. He catches an intruder — Danny, who’s a pilferer or a poacher, and who’s visited the estate for years. Hans has no choice but neutralizing the delinquent with the ropes he always has with him.”

This coincided with the moment Greg grabbed the cotton ropes in Graham’s bag and started weaving them around his captive’s body, using the various fixtures already harnessing him to build a net that ensured his docility during the walking.

“He interrogates him before applying a thick gag; Danny claims he hasn’t seen anything suspect, yet he doesn’t tell them about his friend waiting for him outside the park. Hans decides to hide his catch from his father and moves the prisoner around frequently, wanting to keep the captive for himself. Danny proves out to be a feisty captive and attempts escaping a few times, only to be caught back and submitted to an even more severe tie-up.”

Graham and Danny were ready; both had their arms pinned solidly against the small of their back with ropes holding their arms close to their trunks. They were hobbled at the knees.

“Keep still, lads, we’ll prepare Scott and then we may go,” Walter ordered. “I’ll tell you of the scenes we’re going to shoot. First, we’ll have Danny come in and snoop around the hunting lodge. He comes close to a window and gets nabbed from behind by Greg and Scott. Yes, this is another reason we needed you. “

Scott moaned as his arms were put into a reverse prayer position.

“Don’t be a wuss, Scott. I hate it when you interrupt me,” Walter chided, before returning to his tale, “There are quite a few characters, so our actors will have multiple roles. Scott is going to be disguised as the old Lord Montague, filmed bound and gagged in the deep dungeon. If you behave well enough, you might land a role as one of Hans’ goons who does the tie-up. This is why we require complete loyalty from our pupils. You will be under stringent rules while rid of bonds. You’ve seen how docile Scott has been. He helped us subdue you and then get Danny to break rule number six, without any false move. You’ll be expected to follow the same standards.”

“He doesn’t know what rule number six is yet,” Greg intervened, without bothering to explain. “It would be great if Graham played one of my goons. He’s blond, he’s got blue eyes, a cute nose and a hint of freckles who could make him into a proper German cousin helping Hans out.”

“You’re right. You see, Danny is bound in many uncomfortable positions. It doesn’t get any better when your character comes to his rescue and gets taken too. We have some two-person predicaments in mind. We’ve tested some on Scott and Danny, and they can be quite impressive, so it would add risk value to the film. It needs to show boys who’ve fallen prey to evil villains, so we must make sure that the props and the tie-up convey the harshness of the captives’ condition.”

Graham would have gulped had he not had his mouth full of sock. He’d been there for less than one hour and his prospects were now to be a video guy in distress, in a setting that was totally fit for the long-term kidnapping narrative. The binding of his arms, for instance –though not the dreaded reverse prayer one– kept his wings completely clipped, with no hope of releasing them. The strict hold kept his forearms linked together and pulled against his back so no motion was possible. The turns of duct tape around his fingers even kept his digits stuck to his arms.

“So the next three days will be quite busy. Scarves and leashes, Greg, and we can be on our way.”

“The red one is for Scott, the blue one for Danny, and Graham will get the lavender one.”

They had matching sets of silk scarves and leashes in the three colours that had been announced. The neckpieces were three inches wide, and featured a chrome D-ring in front, and three small buckles in the back.

The scarves were folded in a two-inch wide strip. As the mauve fabric approach his head, Graham spotted the stains. He identified the smell just before it made contact with the tape gag: this was the piece of fabric Walter had used to wipe Danny’s crotch. It slowly tightened over his lower face as Greg pulled the scarf taut, knotted it at the nape of his neck and pulled little by little to remove any slack and ensure stability. It tickled, in a good way, Graham thought. The touch of the silk over the white surgical tape tingled and had his boner at its hardest since he’d arrived. The smell of Danny’s spunk drove him wild.

“Here, we’ll clip the leashes and we can be on our way.”

The procession started. Greg had Danny and Graham in tow, with Walter, who led Scott, following them. They went out the kitchen door and headed towards the large entrance, but they steered to the right a few feet before reaching it.

There was another large door that yielded into a long corridor. They walked across, with windows on the left that weren’t visible from the entrance and doors to several rooms on the right, some of them ajar and showing the luxury furniture of the smoking or the billiard room.

They reached another smaller hall. Greg fiddled with the wall’s wood panels until a ‘click’ triggered a mechanism that reverberated through the paved hall. Greg pulled a panel open. A secret passage! Graham’s boner felt another pang of lust at the prospect of being taken into a hidden room, a dungeon even.

The glow of yellow bulbs revealed a stone staircase that turned once.

“I’ll have an eye on you to catch your fall if you lose your balance, but you’re bigger and heavier than I am, Lavender. It’s rather steep so the safest way is to be cautious.”

“Good idea, Greg. Let’s call our pupils Red, Blue and Lavender and see if they’re able to remember their names without failing.”

The descent into the mansion’s underground went fine. Graham’s hobbles allowed him to walk down the stairs almost unhampered, just like his fellow-students who seemed to have learned to navigate stairs while restrained.

Greg opened a door at the bottom of the staircase, revealing an old-fashioned classroom. A bright and warm illuminated the big room, which featured stone pillars here and there, desks, and a teacher desk over a small podium overlooking them. There were cupboards, chests a pommel horse, lacing bars, a wardrobe and doors that could open on more storage space.

“The heart of Greg and Walter’s Academy for Naughty Boys, Lavender,” the blond cousin proudly announced.

“The inner sanctum,” Walter added, “where we have our pupils toil over stories.”

“And where they can sign an oath. We’ll make a quick stop here, Lavender, to clean you up a bit and have you wear the school uniform. You must feel a bit out of place dressed as a cyclist and tagging along smart and well-dressed lads like Red and Blue. You two sit at your desks while we take Lavender to the bathroom. Any of you need to relieve your bladder? No? Good. We’ll be back quickly,” he grinned.

Graham was deeply enjoying the feeling of complete helplessness. His captors removed ropes and cuffs only to add more, making it impossible for him to rebel and strike back. The mastery they displayed when removing his jersey and cycling shorts was the stake through his willpower’s heart. He gave up and just relished the feel of the eager hands over his body. Somehow, they always had time to knead or grab a sensitive spot and cause another bout of lustful thought.

He was made to sit on the toilet, and relieve himself. He didn’t balk at any of his captors’ gestures and barely felt uneasy at being accompanied in his most intimate physiological needs. The cousins smiled to each other, quite satisfied with another docile masochist.

Scott and Danny weren’t chained to their desks, but they sat very still and perfectly upright when the young teachers came back with the naked lad – if you don’t count a gag as a garment, which the boys possibly did.

Walter set up two video cameras, both pointing to Graham.

“We’ll record the next stage of our new pupil’s preparation. Our young Lavender here is all cleaned up, but you lads see what little issue he has?”

Graham stood five feet away from the boys’ desks with his crotch at eye level. It was hairy, and they knew that the cousins would frown upon this. They both nodded at the same time.

“We can’t have sweet Lavender keep such a thick bush. Our little pupils have no nasty, sweaty hair under their pristine shorts.”

Danny had a smooth pubis, but his shorts were far from pristine. He saw Walter approach Graham with a pair of hair clippers; Greg carried a basin, a small towel and a can.

Graham stayed still through the procedure, no matter how hard Walter tugged on his junk while running the clippers and removing large tufts of hair. He didn’t make a sound when Greg applied the hair removal cream that burned his skin. Thankfully, the boy wiped it off soon, leaving his crotch as hairless as a little kid’s.

The captors then turned to his back and his butt cheeks and crack. They had him spin on his heel so Scott and Danny could be witness to their expertise at beauty care. The two fleshy globes were rid of the stubble and became smooth as a baby’s once the two lads were done.

“And now, Lavender, before we have you don the Academy costume, we’re going to plug you up.”

“Mmmph?” he let out, a rookie mistake.

“What is it? You dare question us? You had behaved so well. The medium one it is, then.”

Walter put rubber gloves on and grinned as he set a dollop of Vaseline over his middle finger. He stepped behind Graham, who felt the oiled digit lube up his hairless derrière. It smeared the grease all around, poking inside and out, releasing the sphincter; the student patiently stood still, even when the two-inch silicone plug replaced the middle finger, pulling the muscle open and closing down on the smaller part. It would stay lodged there, doing what it was meant to.

“All plugged up, sweet Lavender; let this remind you your arse is ours and that we will do what we want with it.”

Chapter 5 – Binding Agreement

Walter picked up the pair of shorts intended for Graham made of the same grey satin as Danny and Scott’s. He had the blond 15-year-old lift his heels one by one and put his feet in the legs of the shorts. A new boner grew as the inside lining caressed his smooth, hairless legs.

“Let’s wrap you up quickly,” Walter said, pulling the garment over the genitals. “These shorts have a front pouch meant to display hard-ons. It’s particular useful when we put our disobedient pupils under the chastity rule.”

Walter was adjusting the grey garment; it felt tailor-made to Graham, who’d seldom worn clothing that hugged him so closely with such a silky touch over his semi-erect prick.

Greg helped his cousin with the rest of their new prisoner’s uniform: the nylon jersey and the satin jacket. They also felt cut to his size and so comfortable that Graham almost forgot about his wrists restrained behind his back and his mouth severely gagged with a sock and layers of ape.

“What do you think, lads,” Greg asked, turning towards Danny and Scott, “does he look like a proper pupil of our prestigious Academy?”

The restrained pupils’ gaze had been glued to the preparations. Graham now looked like them: a kinky schoolboy showing bare legs and a boner that contrasted with short trousers that screamed “little boy.”

“He’s got the Academy looks alright,” Walter said “Let’s get rid of the boring administrative stuff and have him sign the agreement. Then we’ll just need to harness Scott and Danny and we can be on our way. Sit next to Blue, Lav, I’ll get the contract.”

Greg freed Graham’s right arm and gave him a ball pen. Walter stuck a sheet under his nose. The heading said ‘Agreement of the Pupil’ and contained many clauses but there wasn’t time to read it all.

“Sign!” Walter ordered before Graham even had a glance Greg took the piece of paper back once Graham had drawn his monogram at the bottom.

“Very well. Now you’ve officially joined the Academy; we’ll remind you of the rules you’ve agreed to follow as we go. Let’s get you good-looking lads ready for a visit of the estate.”

“There’s one thing, though,” Walter hinted at Graham’s crotch. “His boner is a bit too enthusiastic,” he said and felt the hard-on through the shorts, which made it twitch.

“He’s not the only one, for that matter,” Greg said, also feeling the extent of Graham’s fellow-students’ erection under the desks. “We should do something about it before we get out; we know the best way to get their cocks back to a more reasonable size, don’t we? Come over here, scoundrels.”

They stood and minced to the front of the desks.

For Graham, sitting and standing was really arousing as it brought silky caresses to his warmed up libido. To make matters worse, Walter grabbed a scarf and lowered the bound boy’s shorts, releasing the growing piece of flesh. Carefully, he began encasing the shaft with several layers of thin and gliding silk.

Danny had to endure the same procedure; Walter’s nimble fingers folded and wrapped the glimmering fabric around the ascending manhood. Small rubber bands locked the silk in a tight and caressing embrace.

When Scott got his own penile silk sheath, the newcomer couldn’t help but notice that the colours of the scarves didn’t match the rest of the outfits: Scott had the purple one, Graham’s boner was smothered in blue silk and Danny’s in red.

Graham’s mind clicked: they would certainly match once used as over-the-mouth layers to complete yet another provocatively smelly gag.

“For a friendly release intended as a quick break for our pupils, we have a tradition designed to have them bond, the Circle Jerk! Get the Circle Jerk Pole, Greg.”

Greg fetched a metal pole fixed to a cast iron base and set it between the boys trio. It wasn’t very big; the chrome steel tube was a little over a foot high with a one-foot plastic object screwed over the top. It was a magic wand, a vibrating sex toy to mechanize the reward.

The captives exchanged glances as their captors gathered them around the object and bound their legs together. The tormentors used a two-foot spreader bar for Graham, to lower him, as he was a bit taller than the other penis-waving boys.

Eventually, the vigorously erect rods rested over the wand’s round top. With the push of a button, the buzzing device began softly caressing the boys’ silk-trapped glans.

The moans coming from the cruelly gagged mouths sounded like a choir of angels to Greg and Walter, who grinned at the show. The three submissive pupils ground their hips and made back and forth motion to get the most out of the vibrator. It specially drove them wild when their penises touched.

Walter grabbed his camera and recorded the boys’ torment. The gagged moans weren’t random or overlapping but rather like a subtle game of calls and responses.

Eight minutes later, the moans increased in pitch. The trio was caught in a whirlwind of lust and ecstasy. Grunts became shouting. A last simultaneous cry informed the captors their cute prisoners had flooded the silk at more or less the same time.

Walter quickly reviewed in his viewfinder the sequence of gagged squeaks, great hip and ass moves, and looks of desire cast at each other. There were some close-ups of Graham saying things to Danny, who tried with all his might to answer back with indistinct noises and misty-eyed looks.

“Well played, lads. Let’s get your shorts back on,” Walter announced. “The day is young yet and there are plenty of things to do; we believe in restraint, so we’re going to keep your genitals in check. The scarves stay on. We’ll tape them up a bit to be sure you don’t leak.”

Graham could see first-hand that this was an understatement: Walter used a thin roll of surgical tape to turn his cock into silk sausage. He tore the tape and laid the end of the roll just under his navel, unravelling down the length of the shaft, sticking the moist silk sheath over the pubis.

The intensity of the orgasm had left Graham soft in its aftermath; Walter used this to his advantage. He pulled the tape, bending the deflated prick and following underneath. Once the shorts were out of the way, he unrolled more tape, plastering over the scrotum and leaving one ball on each side. He pulled the roll from behind, leaving tape in its trail that went between his legs and buttocks. In the end, Graham was left with a sticky wedgie.

Walter repeated the whole manoeuvre twice, further sticking the block of fabric and encasing his genitals in it. Graham’s cock ended up trapped in a prison of silk and tape.

Walter pulled up his prisoner’s shorts and tucked his shirt in. The mass of the silk filled the pouch, though it no longer displayed the obscene swollen flesh.

“Don’t they look just spiffy,” Walter said, high-fiving Greg when all three boys had been wedgied. “You know what? We haven’t really explained the rules; I mean, Graham got to read the agreement, so he saw the rules, but maybe he focused on the first ones only.”

“Hmmmmph?” Graham wondered aloud, not aware in the least.

“He didn’t reach rule number six when we had him read the contract,” the blond boy sniggered.

“Or he didn’t understand what ‘master of his domain’ mean?”

“Let’s clear it up, then. It means that our pupils shouldn’t squirt seminal fluid.”



“They shouldn’t orgasm,” Walter concluded, “And you shouldn’t yield to temptation, however strong it is.”

“Graham did, though. Several times. And so did his new friends. In their case, it’s inadmissible. They’ve been lectured quite a bit about rule number six. They’ve earned enough penalty points because of that breach of contract.”

Greg could see the surprise in Danny’s and Scott’s eyes as he lowered his voice in a sneer for his last sentence.



“Just stay quiet, lads,” Walter ordered. “We told you we’d have a little welcome party; we never said any of the rules were off. So, Graham, it’s two-thousand penalty points per time you squirted.”

“Four thousand total. You’ll buy off penalty points by working for us hard and tending to all our needs. We’re getting used to having obedient and effective staff. Scott and Danny have learned to be our valets. I’m sure you’ll learn from them quickly.”

“There’s always a riding crop available in case you don’t show enough heart. Now, the same applies for shooting Danny’s film. You’ll have to show you’re a motivated actor. If you don’t, then we’ll have to give you some incentives. Anything you want to add, Greg?”

“I don’t think so; let’s get them fully ready to take them outside. You’d like to take a walk and breathe some fresh air, wouldn’t you boys?”

They nodded strongly, too tired to grunt. Greg and Walter had them all putty in their hands and now further subdued by the imprisoning of their cocks and balls. Putting the finishing touch to their outfit went like a breeze.

Greg grabbed a mauve leather harness that matched the leash and over-the-mouth scarf. The five horizontal straps plus the shoulder and crotch ones fit snugly on the boy; he fastened the leather bands, imprisoning Graham within the sewn belts’ confine.

Greg and Walter assisted the trio in standing; they had red and blue harnesses for Scott and Danny. Walter grabbed Graham’s leash and Greg took the two other students in tow.

They climbed the stairs and turned to the left, towards the back of the building. Graham didn’t feel much comfort walking with his genitals thus packed and taped. Nevertheless, he paid attention to his surroundings. It was a beautiful, well-tended mansion.

When he followed Walter into the garden, he could see the same was true for the outside. The lawn was uniformly green, short and dense, the alleys were devoid of weed, as were the flowerbeds with their brightly coloured blossoms, resplendent in the spring sun.

Graham’s attention didn’t linger on the vegetation, though; the noon light showed off the sheen of Walter’s curves three steps ahead. There was the little matter of having his penis folded and stuck, unable to unfold, forcing him to take small steps so his genitals would remain unhurt.

The alley got wider as they entered some woods; his fellow captives caught up with him and they walked on a line, with Greg now next to Walter, which meant two satin-shorted behinds to ogle.

The alley bended to the right and Graham saw a large wooden hut.

“The Hunting lodge,” Walter confirmed, casting a glance over his shoulder at the pupil he kept in tow. “This is where we’ll shoot the scenes at the end of Danny’s script.”

Chapter 6 – The Cabin in the Woods

Walter unlocked the massive wooden door at the front of the cabin. Once they were inside, he gave Greg the mauve leash to hold while he switched the lights on and opened the shutters.

Even though it looked like a rustic cabin, high-tech equipment was all over the place: two video cameras, a laptop on a small desk, and bags full of gear. Sturdy wooden beams held the building, with hooks and rings in the carpentry. There was some furniture: a wardrobe, two chests, benches, chairs, stools, and even a cot, which upon scrutiny served as a restraining fixture, judging by all the straps it featured.

“We should be here for the afternoon, lads, and possibly longer if you don’t follow our instructions. Lavender and Blue, you’ll give us your best efforts at acting. You too, Red, and you’ll also learn to shoot video like a pro.”

“I’ve learned my lines, so I don’t want my Hans performance to be marred by a poor acting partner,” Greg said, stepping in front of Graham and Danny while addressing Scott. “Let me sum up what’s going on in today’s scenes: Lavender’s character got caught trying to free Blue’s from Hans. They now are together, held in a cabin in the woods. Blue eventually manages to set himself free from the ropes he’s in…”

“This is fiction, of course, considering he hasn’t come close to escaping in a week!”

“Yes, Walt, it is a film,” Greg rolled his eyes “So, Blue gets his hands free, starts working at the knots binding Lavender and that’s when Hans and his goon, played by Red, come in and thwart the escape attempt. Then harsh positions are enacted on the reluctant prisoners as a punishment.”

“This seems simple enough, but of course we’ll need many shots to tell the story properly,” Walter explained.

“Yes, and to show Hans is no joker, we have to show his victims in distressing positions. This means there’ll be ball-ties, and then…”

His cousin raised his hand.

“Don’t spoil the story, Greg. One benefit of having gagged actors is that they don’t need to be told what the scene is about, so they can really act surprised.”

“You’re right, Walt. Let’s get going, then. I’ll need to get into my costume. And our little Red too!”

Greg went through the room’s wardrobe and chests, gathering clothes and accessories.

“As my accomplice, Scott’s wearing the same outfit I do — our villain uniforms. We got some costumes just in time, they were delivered yesterday. We’re going to be Bavarian bad guys…”

“Bavarian? Don’t you mean Tyrolian?”

“Whatever. Krauts who show off their legs.”

He held a pair of lederhosen. One could tell just from looking that it was fine leather, not the dull suede of the traditional onesie worn in the German Alps. It was darker and shone with the unmistakable gloss of high-range patent leather.

Scott’s harness was off in a jiffy, and so were his shorts and blouse.

Greg picked up the lederhosen and showed them to the two waiting actors. They gasped seeing the leather plug inside, fixed to the back and ready to impale the wearer.

“I’m showing the butt plug there is on your special shorts, Red. You won’t mind playing the scene with your bum filled up, will you?”

Scott shook his head to indicate he wouldn’t make any difficulty being fit with the rectal probe, which Greg next showed him.

“I’m sure he’ll actually love it, the little sex fiend. Bend over, Red,” Walter demanded, “I’ll get some grease over your arsehole to make the thing go in easier.”

The brown-haired scamp smeared a small amount of lube with a Q-tip; then he helped Greg with pulling up the new shorts, guiding the rubber insert inside his destination. The cousins pulled and adjusted the thin leather, which stopped at the top of Scott’s thighs, and soon the mauve package was tucked inside. They pulled the shoulder straps on, leaving Scott’s torso bare. It looked like a singlet more than lederhosen without the rest of the traditional costume.

Greg undressed to put his costume on, not in the least shy about his nudity. He let Graham feast his eyes upon his turgid cock and the tuft of hair surrounding it; he even turned sideways so the new guest could catch a glance of his ass’ perfect curve

He put on the shirt that went along, and he even had a little forest green felt hat with its little feather that made him more Tyrolian.

“My shorts don’t have a plug as yours do, Red, but they still make me look good, don’t they?”

Greg shook his booty, turning to the audience. Graham’s cock twitched inside its prison, the leather wrapping Greg’s luscious body made the sight irresistible.

While Greg teased the helpless captives, Walter was going over the cameras and the laptop

“We’re all ready to shoot. If Red can’t film because he has an acting part, I’ll just change the cameras to have lots of angles.”

“I’ll trust you to make the most of it, Walt. Now, Red, we’re going to start with you and me binding our newbie in a ball-tie on the floor. Lavender, you just act as you’re a reluctant prisoner and fight back. Not completely, of course, but you should twist around and squirm. Make noise into your gag too. You might even call us names or insult us, if it helps you to play your part.”

Greg approached Scott and untied the scarf over his mouth before removing his gag. He had a small towel to wipe his hair once he’d removed the silicone swim cap.

“Let’s make you look good. Let me see… No, no tape marks. Don’t forget, Red, the silence rule is on; the only words you’re allowed to utter are those in the script. I hope you’ve memorized them well enough.”

Danny was on his own, at the back of the lodge; he watched Scott and Walter first replace Graham’s purple harness and then free his legs.

The shooting could start.

“So, ruffian,” Greg squeaked with his best possible German accent as he grabbed Graham’s arm. “We’re going to teach you a lesson. Vee don’t like Houdini wannabes.”

“Yes, boss,” Scott approved and placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder, “Let’s get him in a ball-tie.”

“Good idea, Helmut! This’ll show him!”

Danny was surprised at hearing Scott’s voice. It sounded manly, and he was a more credible villain than Greg.

His moves were good when it came to binding too. The two lederhosen-wearing fiends got their prisoner to lie face down on the wood floor and tackled the trussing up with rope.

Now and again, Walter had them stop to move the camera and start over a gesture. He directed them and told them of where to stay. Scott and Greg had to redo their bonds and knots several times.

Graham squirmed and moaned credibly enough. His loverboy Danny found him an amazing display, in his uniform, subdued by two hot boys in leather. Scott knew his knots well, and he seemed to relish restraining Graham. Ankles, knees, thighs, arms, they all secured them in coils of taut and well laid rope, immobilizing him more and more. They pressed his legs towards him, his knees against his chest, and they used more rope to keep them folded there.

They then untied his wrists and set Graham on his back. They redid it a few times for Walter before pulling his arms to the front. With the ends left from the ropes binding his legs, they trapped wrists, elbows and arms, turning Graham into an actual ball.

A few more coils of white cotton rope were used to tidy up the package and anchor Graham down through rings in the wooden floor.

“You see, little brat, vee don’t tolerate any rebellion, and vee have vays to get it across!”

“Well said, boss,” Scott snarled. “We can go get his little friend; this one won’t be going anywhere.”

Greg and Scott stepped out of the cameras’ view; Graham was left struggling. They’d done a good job, and try as he might, not much was achieved. He grunted, snorted and moaned, louder and louder but the ropes didn’t give. The four other boys watched for several minutes.

“Cut! Good scene in the box, boys. Red, you mangled a line. It was ‘take care of his silly little friend’ you should have said. Watch out. Don’t screw up in the next scene.”

Danny’s turn had come.

“We’ll have Blue brought next to his friend by the bad guys, who will leave them locked in the old cabin in the woods for the evening. A hogtie, gentlemen?”

Scott merely nodded, but Greg replied with a cheerful ‘yes!’ while gathering more white cotton rope to get their former babysitter in as tight a bundle as his boyfriend.

They prepared Danny, removing his harness and binding his hands with rope. He felt the boys close, and Greg didn’t hide from rubbing himself against Danny’s fleshiest part to have his captive feel the special touch of hard cock under the thin layer of kid leather.

Once they were happy with their charge, Walter called the beginning of the scene. Scott and Greg seized Danny and dragged him next to Graham, who could see the trio towering over him.

“You didn’t manage to get very far, nosy kid. Now you’re going to see what happens to little blighters, too curious for their own good, who stick their nose into our business and try to interfere in an unpleasant manner.”

“Vee get them trussed up!” Scott said with still as much fortitude. “And you’re going to join your accomplice!”

They forced Danny to his knees in front of Graham and started their job with the legs; they also folded them at the knees, coiling rope around ankles and thighs. They worked fast, and once the pair of legs was turned into a block, they reinforced the bonds imprisoning his arms.

“All right, Helmut, let me see you weave a proper head harness. I hope you’ve practiced and will make me proud.”

“I vill, Boss. I’ll bind good knots if so is your will.”

Scott kneeled next to Danny, with thin rope in his hands. He undertook sitting him upright.

“I’ll give you a hand,” Greg offered.

Danny was kneeling, his legs folded and welded under him. Scott could work crouching or kneeling when needed. He set busy, very self-aware of Greg and Walter watching and the video cameras recording his performance.

The head harness was a subtle thing to weave. Scott started with a loop cupping his chin and then wove the two long threads around his head, laying out a network that had been tried out before. Ropes circled his forehead, his mouth, his chin, his neck, all connecting in an ensnaring net that locked the lower jaw and offered many potential anchoring points.

Danny could feel the skill and mastery, wondering about Scott’s experience as a binder. The result seemed to be visually agreeable.

“Goot tchob, Helmut. Let me check.”

Greg tested the resistance of the woven ropes. A lack of symmetry or a poorly tightened loop could mean the whole piece could fall apart easily. His fingers couldn’t find a flaw; when he threaded his index in the loop Scott had managed to create at the top of the skull, he had total control of Danny’s head. Pulling and tugging annoyed the wearer but didn’t loosen the grip of the whole apparatus.

“Ferry goot tchob. Our little snoop won’t try anything funny.”

“And… Cut!” Walter announced.

Chapter 7 – Hard at Work Team

“Except for saying ‘well’ instead of ‘vell’, Red, you didn’t botch the dialogue.,” Walter said. “While we’re here, I wondered if we couldn’t do an alternate of the scene? Our young Red turns out to be a rather mean knot tier, so I thought having him hogtie Danny all by himself could be cool.”

“Yes, Hans tests Helmut’s henchman skills. This would make for another good scene. I could be heard, not seen in this one. I’ll give my goon advice and let him know of the consequences if he doesn’t do his very best.”

“That would work; Helmut will reply either ‘very vell, Boss’, ‘I vill do vis, Boss’ or ‘is it OK, Boss,’ depending on me showing one, two or three fingers,” Walter explained, demonstrating with his hand making the signs quite clear and obvious, “No lines to memorize, this time.”

They set up for shooting the scene anew. Danny’s head harness was left on, but the ropes were almost all removed except for a couple binding his arms.

They had him standing and brought Danny to join his friend.

“Vell, Helmut, you vill demonstrate how you master the art of binding young men. Get the scallyvag in a hogtie that vill keep him in check.”

Walter had his thumb and index finger up.

“I vill do vis, Boss.”

With Danny laid over his belly, ‘Helmut’ started showing his skills off. He caught the ankles and lifted them, then held them under his armpits while he wrapped rope. He added three more coils, below and above the knees and then at mid-thigh.

All the while, the little banter between the master and his apprentice went on, with Helmut having a tendency to use a limited range of phrases. His expression changed according to context, though, which Danny found rather good. The feel of Scott’s hands was great. He made it quite tight, but the ropes never bit or dug cruelly into his skin.

Danny couldn’t see much; when he lifted his eyes, all he could spot in front was Graham’s shorted derrière two feet ahead.

Scott worked fast on his arms, adding coils and arranging the limbs so the backs of his hands touched. This meant he’d have his elbows close, even probably touching as he’d had some practice over the preceding week.

“Goot, Helmut, clip our little bird’s wings! He von’t fly away.”

“Very vell, Boss.”

Scott tightened the intricate set of ropes he’d woven around Danny’s arms. It brought them almost together, and the many turns that now covered half his arms’ skin would hinder any attempt at moving.

This looked more like a talent show rather than a movie. Scott loved being the main character, one that showed impressive skills. Danny felt the range of his moves, the control and pace he gave to his actions.

Scott had both sets of limbs carefully wrapped in rope. Walter displayed three fingers.

“Is it OK, Boss?”

“Ja, Helmut, you now can arch him a little by bringing his ankles over our gefangener’s bum. He’s got a nice little fanny, our prisoner,” Greg ad-libbed to explain his use of German.

He wasn’t the only one. Scott was getting into character too. His gestures were those of a harsh captor, as he pulled the bound ankles up in the air and threaded a lark’s head around the turns already wrapping them.

As the procedure went on, there were small “Ja!” or “Quiet”, which weren’t those Walter had allowed.

The director didn’t cut off the scene, though. The weaving of ropes imprisoned Danny further in the demanding position as the knots tightened and added to the complex network putting tension over all of his limbs

Eventually, he was done, with a final piece of rope threaded through the loop at the top of his head and linked to his wrists. The gradual tension had Danny raise his head, until it was tied off, preventing much head motion. They dragged Danny, seizing him under his armpits, so his nose would be an inch away from Graham’s shorted bum.

Another small piece was threaded through the same ring; Scott wrapped its ends around Graham’s thighs; Danny could no longer get away from the raised behind.

The tormentors went off-screen, and Walter shot for another two or three minutes before he called the cut.

“This will be a very good scene, I think. One little issue, Red, with your dialogue. You added lines towards the end. It fits your character, so I don’t think it will ruin the story, but you weren’t instructed to improvise your dialogue. Rather than having more penalty points added to your already large tally, we’ll have you pay straight away.”

“What do you have in mind, Walt? A whipping?”

“No, during our lunch break he could stay tied to a pole. I feel like trussing up someone real tight.”

“But I…”

“Hush,” Greg said, setting his raised index finger across his lips, “We still may add penalty points on top.”

This brought Scott’s protests to a halt.

“We’ll have you safely put away while we go and get lunch. Now, Lavender, this is going to be a demonstration. And if Red manages to escape before we’re back, he will get five thousand penalty points off. Just an incentive to give us a good show; my cameras keep watching you.”

They tackled their task with a malleable Scott at their mercy.

Danny could only guess what happened from sound; his sight was forcefully set Graham’s two fleshy mounds distending the shorts because of the strict ball-tie. Graham could turn his head a little, and he saw the whole procedure taking place six feet to his left.

Graham was mesmerized by the cousins’ moves: coiling and threading the ropes, tying knots here and there. The two young knot-tiers uniting Scott to the square wood beam seemed like a whirling ballet that caught Graham’s eye never to let go.

The leather-shorted captive ended up solidly welded to the robust beam. No joint had been forgotten, no slack was allowed, and only a miracle threatened to let the captive escape.

“You’ve behaved, Red. We won’t gag you too thickly, it’ll be just one of my ankle socks,” Greg said, removing his sneaker and peeling the small grey piece of mixed fabrics off his right foot – known to be the smellier of the two.

Scott pleaded with his eyes, but a frown got him to open wide and have the worn garment stuffed inside his mouth. Two turns of the wide surgical tape around his head and over his lips was deemed acceptable enough.

“We’ll be off, then. Do try to get free; this will make for a better show.”

“Bye, lads, don’t get into trouble!”

The door slammed behind the two gaolers.

The cotton white rope that wrapped the limbs of all three captives didn’t stretch; no mistake had been made and all their experiments at finding a way to loosen the nets that trapped them were completely in vain.

There was only minimal movement and sporadic grunts in the remote cabin. The time passed slowly; the prisoners all had something pleasant to watch, but it soon got boring; in Danny’s case, he was having horny thoughts that the silk and tape cage prevented to develop to the extent of his stimulated imagination.

The two others looked at each other; Scott made small head moves and Graham replied with moans.

The door opened. At last! Danny was starting to be hungry. His back was to the door; the first clue of something wrong happening came from Scott’s long and pleading wail.


What could Greg and Walter show him to have him shout so desperately?

The voice Danny heard let him know the newcomer was neither Greg nor Walter. This was the voice of a much older boy, well in his teens. The voice had a metallic, harsh tone.

“What have we got there? Have you boys been playing games together?”

He crouched next to Danny, who felt the rope keeping his head up loosen.

He had never seen him, but he was a handsome young man with a long, thin face. His dark eyebrows and his small mouth, with their thin red lips gave him a feral appeal.

“It seems those who got you trussed up knew what they were doing. It’s my luck to come across such a fine bundle as I take a walk in the park. Let me introduce myself, gentlemen. My name is Maxim. I’d ask yours, but it seems you’ve been gagged too well. Could you wait for me a couple minutes? I’ll go get my friends, I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of seeing you like this.”

His steps receded and he stepped out, softly shutting the door. The three captives all got into a frenzy, desperately grunting and moaning; the frustration at being unable to communicate was at its peak. They squirmed too; if the stranger posed any threats, they had to be able to defend themselves.

However, the ropes and knots were too good and the attempts were crushed as intended. The adrenalin-fuelled struggle didn’t last long: Maxim was back soon.

“You’re making some noise, lads. Not that it can be heard much from the outside,” Maxim said and came closer.

He wasn’t alone. The group of intruders reached a spot where all three immobilized boys could see them. Standing by Maxim’s side, two leather-clad teenagers stood in high-end bondage costumes, with their arms tightly restrained behind their backs. Kid-leather hoods wrapped their skulls and covered their mouths, and footwear of the same make adorned their legs.

“See what happens to those boys who mess with Greg and Walter? Now you understand why I kept you out of their claws,” Maxim addressed his escorts.

The boys watched the captives at their feet first, with the hogtied one sniffing the ball-tied captive’s shorted bum. The newcomers traded looks with the prisoners; Danny craned his neck to take in all the sexiness of these unexpected guests.

They spun on their heel to look at the ruthlessly pole-tied Scott, but the leader didn’t leave them much time to take in the details of Scott’s elaborate tie-up.

“Boys, since I took you for a walk, you might have thought I had plans to store you in some new place,” Maxim said to his two prisoners. “And make no mistakes; you will be tied up, but only with responsibilities.”

Maxim undertook removing the smaller of the two boys’ single glove, then his hood.

“OK, William, take care of Lester. I’ll entertain these fine-looking fellows in the meantime.”

Maxim kneeled next to Danny’s head and patted it condescendingly; he then made contact with Graham’s bum, running his fingers along the crack and kneading the flesh, assessing its tenderness.


Danny couldn’t help but protest at the violation of his friend’s intimacy.

“Hush, now, Danny. I’ve longed to feel Graham’s round and nicely developed buttocks. The same is true for you,” he said, touching Danny’s shorts, “but the hogtie makes it difficult to enjoy them fully.”

Graham got further attention from Maxim’s fingers. He squirmed when the newcomer found his ticklish spot just above his hip.

The tortured boy and his mate grunted in protest, which made Maxim chuckle. Danny craned his neck: there were two other people laughing at them: Maxim’s two captives were now free from restraints, wearing leather shorts and boots only.

Without their hoods, Danny could see they both had black hair, but the similarities stopped there. The sexy teens were his age, possibly a bit older. They looked familiar, but it took a few minutes for the kidnapped babysitter to pin down where he knew them from.

Graham had recognized them immediately from videos they had posted online of their tie-up games. Every true tugs lover knew them. The footage popped up regularly on many forums and boards for the last two years. They were known as Lester and William, and the kidnapping serials they’d shot in their big house were legendary. Maxim sounded like their leader.

The blond boy really wished he weren’t gagged so he could ask what was going on, but all he could do was wait.

“You’re done, lads? Good, I can give you your assignment: you need to get these lads out of ropes and into leather; you may explore the storage, there’s everything you need. You may set up the video cameras as you want. Make it fun, play some nasty abductors. I love it when you play the kidnappers duo.”

Chapter 8 – Mesmerizing Newcomers

“I’m Lester,” the taller of the two said, looking intently at the victims at his feet, “and this is William. We love playing the villains.”

“Yes,” the shorter boy grinned, “We work great as a team when it comes to trussing up boys… And tormenting them!”

No grunt was uttered in reply.

“Silence is consent, but you’ll have to wait until we’ve seen what gear’s at hand here.”

Lester and William explored the wardrobe and chests, retrieving gear.

“Look, they even have BDCs! We should have tons of fun.”

Their spree yielded handfuls of leather pieces that they set on a nearby table.

They undertook releasing Graham from his ball-tie, then Danny. The boys stood, unsure of their balance after the taxing tie-up; they could look at each other.

“We’ll leave your hands and feet bound for now, so don’t try anything funny if you don’t want your behinds spanked crimson.”

The two friends kept immobile as the duo next handled Scott; Maxim sat on a chair a few feet away, keeping a close eye but not saying anything.

The caretakers untied Scott’s chest, torso and arms but left his legs stringently tied and linked to the beam. Graham stood still, mesmerized once again by the work of their fetish-loving abductors, whose sexy leather shorts seemed the latest fashion in this estate. They wrapped Scott’s forearms behind his back in a large piece of calfskin.

“We were told you lads are a special bunch of naughty boys; this single glove will prevent you from touching yourself, from caressing each other or even from trying to fight us, for that matter. We’ll tighten it further once we’ve released your legs.”

They spun Scott around once his lower body was freed from the pole. The two attendants tightened the lace closing the glove, bringing his forearms and elbows together. His fellow-captives marvelled at how fitting this single glove was. The name was also, for once it was properly laced and its various straps wrapping shoulders and chest tightened, it did look like Scott had only one limb.

There was no reason to be jealous of their friend. Lester and William came to attend Danny and Graham, with similar gloves tailored to their measurements. Their moves were swift but cautious and soon the three lads had their forearms welded behind them.

Maxim helped to adjust the cameras before they could shoot the scene they had planned. The gloves forced the captives to puff up their chests; their forearms closely united behind them did make rebellion impossible. Their fingers were trapped in some pointy pouch and kept tightly together too, which increased the helplessness.

“You thought it smart to come snoop in our secret club cabin? Too bad, scoundrels, we don’t take it too kindly to having our privacy invaded. And it seems some of our very special tugs equipment will help you remember the message,” William sniggered.

Lester was walking around the group, checking all the details, making sure the buckles held fast. He turned to his friend, pointing to his palm with his other hand’s fingers and calling a time out.

“This makes for a good dressing-up scene, Will. What should we do next?”

After a short hushed discussion between the two accomplices, they turned to the prisoners and looked at them with mischievous, lustful eyes.

“The dressing-up scene isn’t complete if we don’t have your whole outfit changed for one of these wonderful costumes that were designed for you. We’ve seen you glance at our shorts; they do look good, and we’d love to have you share this exclusive secret with us, prisoners. This is a huge privilege, don’t abuse it.”

Maxim filmed the whole scene eagerly. He wouldn’t miss this amazing scene for the world. William playing the young master never ceased to entertain him.

“To start with, let’s take care of your cocks. They’re too enthusiastic, and we can’t have you soil the fine clothing we’re providing you with.”

This meant their sexes were rid of their tape and silk prisons, causing grunts in the gags.

Lester and William didn’t intend to leave the three flopping sausages fly around freely for too long, and they fitted plastic cock cages.

They tried using cold wet cloth to deflate the pricks, which was no small feat. But it took too long, so Lester and William resorted to a tried and true method to solve erection issues: a milking.

“Time to spank the monkeys, before we spank their butts!”

They wanked the boys one by one, having them squirt their juice in the scarves that had already gathered some semen. Four hands were no competition for the horny trio, and they spurted copious amounts of jizz.

In the post-orgasm stage, Lester and William had no trouble slipping the chastity devices over the drained rods, locking cock and balls inside a very limited space.

The two bondage fiends went on with the next piece of the costumes: leather shorts of the kinkiest kind, featuring a mounted plug in the seat.

There was no resistance, not even a sudden bolt when Danny and Scott had the dildo fitted inside them.

Graham was a tad more reluctant, but a few slaps over his naked buttocks convinced him to let them pull the shorts up, if only to get protection from spanks and slaps.

“Nicely gloved and properly shorted. This will certainly make you compliant, lads. Let’s have you into the footwear that will make you into our complete leather slaves!”

Danny remembered the videos he’d wanked to vividly: Lester bound and gagged William super tight and implied there would be naughty fun just before the video cut off. In most of them, William was tied up and muzzled, and there were close-ups of his face, so Danny had basked in the boy’s good looks. He was older than in the video, about his age. He hadn’t lost his cuteness growing up, and his sharper features made him a very convincing villain.

The kidnapped babysitter got another thrill from being shorn into knee-high boots. The silk stockings underneath were just his size, with satiny material lining the inside. The lacing that wrapped his calves tightly had Danny go wild; Graham didn’t fare much better. He cooed with lustful calls.

“This is very fine footwear you’re wearing, boys. Notice it isn’t uncomfortable, so we hope you will be grateful and behave. We hope you do just as we say, or else we’ll have to tighten some of the things you’ve got on. Now, the cherry on top.”

Danny was the first to get one of the Gwen hoods Lester set on the table. After William removed the various layers gagging him and plucked the wadding out, Danny swallowed fresh water from a bottle Lester stuck between his lips.

As soon as he downed the whole litre, William pounced and slid the blue soiled scarf rolled in a slimy ball between Danny’s lips.

“You’ll have to suck up on your boyfriend’s juices. The purple one is your boyfriend’s, isn’t he?”

William’s look was comforting; he sounded harsh, but Danny couldn’t feel any malice, like he’d sometime felt at the hands of Walter and Greg. He let his fingers adjust the ball inside. It tasted strongly of Graham.

Lester taped up his mouth with just an X made of two rather long and wide strips of tape.

Their touch felt much different from Greg and Walter’s. They slid the hood and laced it with confident and firm hands as though they were casting a spell on him. His friends received the same treatment, and the captives were swiftly fitted with this most peculiar headwear.

“Don’t we have a prissy trio, Les!”

The two outfitters turned around, scrutinizing their models, taking in the perfection of the tailor-made costumes.

“They look stunning. I’m sure they’ll catch a high price at the auction. This is valuable merchandise.”

William approached Graham, caught his elbow and dragged him towards Danny.

“What do you think your little boyfriend is worth? One million? Two million pounds? Oh yes, you lads will be the coveted boy toys our wealthy clients crave for. Especially if they buy you along with the wardrobe and the equipment to play with, just like expensive and exclusive dolls.”

On cue, the two hooded boys cast wide-eyed glances at each other while they moaned in despair. They had to act well to come close to William’s amazing performance.

William had them walk in a circle a few feet in diameter so they could see each other’s gloves, shorts, and calves wrapped in thin, polished leather.

The modelling captives could only take small steps. Their handlers cheered and coaxed them from the side.

“Walk pretty for us, ladies!”

The whole outfit didn’t really convey masculinity; there were no frills, nonetheless, and the way the cleverly designed suits cupped their masculine parts didn’t really look girly.

. The two handlers stood on the side, taking in the merry-go round boy show. Then Danny saw a plastic box appear in William’s hand. The three boys cast inquisitive looks at their tormentor’s device.

“You’ve noticed the controller for the BDCs, lads? It also works on the BADs, the Boy Anal Dominators that you have up your butts. I’ll start with those, actually.”

He pushed a button and the boys immediately felt a faint vibration in their rectums. The plugs had taken a life of their own. That’s when they realized the plugs were sized perfectly to rub their prostates.

“Keep on walking, act like if nothing happened,” Lester commented. “Of course something is happening, and I’m sure you don’t mind. I fancy it’d be more pleasant without the BDCs, Boy Decency Controllers, to keep the horniest prisoners in check.”

The vibration up Danny’s bum stopped. A weird, disturbing feeling of doom overpowered him. Then vibrations seized his loins.

The cock cage was shaped to accommodate his balls and leave some room to his at-rest penis. But there were vibrators on all edges, which were electronically activated so there was a soft and relentless tingling at his balls and around his rod. His knob was surrounded by small probes that provided the strangest caresses, adding in intensity as his engorged manhood tried to expand.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Four more chapters of Danny and pals...

Chapter 9 – Plotting and treachery

“Keep on walking, boys, and don’t you dare slip! You’ve got to learn to prance for your masters elegantly under all circumstances.”

Lester and William had a knack for speaking like true villains, which didn’t calm their charges down.

Once again, William triggered some new program by pushing a switch on the remote control, which sent waves of lustful feeling to the walking boys.

What saved them must have been the glances they could exchange the two times they had to turn around; they conveyed empathy and made resistance easier — they couldn’t crack down in front of their friends.

Graham was especially moved. He’d done some sex stuff, and fantasized about bondage. Yet, this was very strange. The outfitting and the resulting adventures, plus seeing Danny thus wrapped in gleaming leather… He’d have pinched himself to check he wasn’t dreaming if he could.

The three boys took tiny steps, breathing hard through their noses, overwhelmed by the confusing stimulation of the devious contraptions.

It lasted a little over five minutes, yet it felt like a lifetime. The buzzing stopped eventually.

“Good, you’re done walking, stand in a line.”

The boys complied. Scott and Danny framed Graham, facing their tormentors.

The door opened suddenly; Greg and Walter walked in, completely unpreoccupied about the intruders.

“Hey Maxim! Hey Les and Will!” they greeted.

“You’re coming just after their little exercise,” William said. “They’ve got the BDCs and the BADs on, and I’ve tried the highest settings, so they might have to recover a bit.”

“Sure, I’d like to see what a BDC does to our boys. We’ve had the hardest time trying to get them to follow our infamous rule number six commanding chastity.”

Walter and Greg came closer, their nostrils twitching.

“Our pupils look spiffy, I love it! My nose tells me they’re horny, but both Red and Blue have managed to impress me with control at times. I’m less sure about Lavender. He’s our latest recruit.”

“Let’s check them out, then.”

Lester kneeled in front of Graham, unbuckled his shorts and lowered the zipper, which allowed full access to his trapped genitals.

Greg and Walter gathered at his sides and bent over to watch Graham’s crotch up close. Greg slid a finger over the tip of the cock cage and brought it to his lips, sniffing eagerly before he sucked on his digit.

“It’s merely wet. Maybe Lavender is better at keeping control than our pair of misfits.”

“Why don’t we see for ourselves?” William offered.

He undertook baring Danny’s groin. Walter prodded with his index finger.

“This is wet indeed.”

He brought his finger up in front of Danny’s eyes; it gleamed with pre-cum.

“I can’t believe it, Blue…”


“You may plead all you want, rascal, we’ll decide when rule number six is off. You don’t want to dirty the fine clothing our friends have lent you, do you? Let’s check how Red fared.”

Lester took care of getting the third boy ready for inspection. Greg checked for wetness, and his kneading on and around the chastity device soon brought the same outcome.

“That’s cum indeed, and another breach of rule number six!”

The indignant tone got Lester and William to chuckle.

“We’ll take it you endorse our treatment and have some rules for these naughty boys in place.”

“Yes, we do. Rule number six is the one Red and Blue have a hard time following. This features in a few scenes of the motion picture we asked you to help us with,” Walter said, suddenly becoming a full-fledged movie director. Modesty wasn’t among his salient traits.

“The scenes we just shot might not fit into your project, but I think we can give you a hand with the script you emailed us.”

Lester and William stood in front of Danny.

“We’ve read your story with much interest, Danny, or should I say Blue?” William said winking at Walter. “The first few scenes you shot are promising. I think we might have to use your creativity again to come up with more where other characters appear. I wouldn’t mind playing a captive myself, as I’d imagine this good man Von Knebel wouldn’t be too lenient with meddlers snooping around, searching for their missing friends…”

Danny nodded enthusiastically to William’s suggestion.

“If we are to help with your feature,” Lester said, “we’d better not dawdle, there’s some work involved. I’d say let’s shoot the scenes in which the pilferer and his hapless friend are bound together and tortured to teach them a lesson after an escape attempt. This will make for a good try-out; this hunting lodge is the perfect setting.”

“Yes, you’ve got a great place to shoot movies,” William said.

“I know, you don’t have to be jealous.”

Danny hadn’t seen all the videos, so he’d missed those in which Lester and William used all the locations available to them for the movie, with intricate plots full of events that triggered the kidnappers into escaping and taking their captive from one hideout to the next.

There were attics, cellars, outdoor lush landscapes; they also shot domestic scenes in two large houses; the second one was a bit more rustic than the first one.

“Mr. Kendall has got great places to play tugs at. This is no small part of our success. It made it possible for us to make up great plots, as we’ve got lots of settings to use.”

Lester was growing impatient. “Greg is wearing his costume, so can we start shooting already?”

What about the prisoners?” Greg asked. “They’re not dressed as we left them.”

“We recorded their dressing-up,” William said.

“But then it’s not Greg and Red putting them in these fancy leather outfits,” Walter remarked.

Lester had been confronted to this kind of issue over the two years he’d made tie-up videos with William. His mind was used to finding workarounds quickly.

“Right on, Walter. We could always take shots of the captors putting the outfits on when we change them back into their school uniforms. This could be the costumes they’ve got to wear to be punished after their escape attempt. We just need to put Red back into his lederhosen.”

Walter acquiesced.

“Great idea, then we may film great shots of the flogging of their leather-clad bottoms. Aren’t you glad to have trusted your script with true experts, Danny?”

The idea of a flogging, of which he wasn’t the recipient when he’d written the scene, didn’t really thrill Danny. But he shyly nodded, not wanting to antagonize Walter.

“It’s all settled then, let’s get moving. And call him Blue, it’s his nickname for the day. This one is Red, and our blond newbie is Lavender.”

Feeding the three bound and gagged actors did not seem to be in the plans. Scott was rid of the thin layer of leather, to be replaced with the bizarre leather onesie, but even with his mouth free from the semen-soaked silk scarf, Scott remained quiet and didn’t ask.

Graham and Danny stood still; the rest of the troop got busy setting up the scene.

“We’ll start by having them in strappado. Look at the beams,” William pointed, “We’ll have them bend at the waist and we’ll strap their wrists to them.”

Graham had trouble visualizing the position, but his fellow-actors soon got him to experience it.

“You wanted to show us a clean pair of heels, meddler. You’re going to see how a Von Knebel handles insubordinate guests.”

Greg laid a hand between Graham’s shoulder blades and Scott grabbed his waist. They had Graham bend over and move closer to the beam until Greg grabbed the end of the glove and clipped a D-ring from a loop of leather, which he strapped around the pole. Scott pushed Graham’s ankles until they were a little less than a foot from the beam; he kept them there with a similar cuff with wider rings.

“Fery goot, Helmut. Our prisoner’s bum is ready for the vipping.”

Scott knew better than to reply unprompted. He looked at Greg, who pointed to the implements they’d prepared on a small table that was off-camera. He took a few steps and got outside the scope for half a second, reappearing with a thin leather riding crop which he handed Greg ceremoniously.

“Vee vill haf his friend witness what happens to unruly boys.”

With Maxim and Walter both following the move with different cameras, on top of the shots by the two static ones, the two Bavarian fiends caught Danny under his armpits and got them a few feet away from the bent Graham.

The position was severe, yet the visual result felt stunning to Danny. He’d admired Graham’s bum before, but the leather shorts and the stringent bending over made it look bigger and fleshier.

“Cut!” Lester called. “It’s good but it really feels weird that Helmut doesn’t say a thing. He should approve of his boss more.”

“Maybe,” Walter replied, “though he’s under the silence rule. If there’s dialogue for him, he needs to stick to every word.”

“Don’t you trust him to improvise? I mean, you can still discipline him for a poor performance, or for saying things that aren’t in character.”

Walter paused for a moment.

“We may try. Shall we do over the part where they bring Blue to watch Lavender’s ordeal?”

They reached a consensus. Lester explained Scott what he could say and they did it again, with Scott saying things as “Ja, boss,” or “You can vip his buttocks red, Boss,” as he handed the riding crop to Greg.

There was another short break to move the cameras and get interesting angles on Danny’s face as he witnessed his friend’s torture. The tortured boy’s impressive behind was also the object of close-ups. Greg stood at his mark.

“Vee vill be kind and vip you vith only fifty cuts of my faissful riding crop.”

Greg started delivering the flogging; the crop reaching its target at full force sounded like powerful firecrackers.

After five blows, Graham began moaning from behind his gag. After ten, Danny joined the chorus of gagged pleas, squirming around; he was genuinely concerned about his friend’s suffering.

“Ruhe, Gefangener,” Greg said putting a finger over his lips and looking straight into Danny’s eyes.

“Your turn vill come,” Scott added.

Danny remained quiet for the rest of the punishment, but Graham’s moans grew in volume and intensity.

“Fünfzig!” Greg counted as he finished the spanking. “Next!” he said, turning to Danny, who did moan this time, seeing Walter’s cue to give a gagged reply.


“Ja, vee’ll have you join your vriend.”

Greg and Scott folded Danny in two; they fixed him to the beam the way they had attached Graham, with his wrists pinned to the wood and his feet hobbled with twenty centimetres of leather strap. Danny wasn’t sure he could hold the strict position for long.

He turned to watch Graham; they were next to each other, their feet drawing a straight angle. His friend’s eyes were wet. Graham braced for the ordeal.

It stung. The leather protected him, but it stung. Greg gave the tens in German, but it lasted forever for the poor teenage boy who felt the cuts of the crop falling on various spots and at different angles, maximizing the area that would be sore afterwards.

There were no further silence instructions; Danny yelped into his gag, and as the volume grew, Graham started pleading for his friend, to no avail as the crew was bent on finishing the scene.

Eventually, the count was reached.

“Ich hope you learned a lesson, jungen. Now vee’re going to let you here for the night so you can meditate on your mistake. See you in the morning .”

“Vee haf fings planned for you tomorrow, so get ein bisschen rest,” Scott added in a creepy tone.

They left; Greg even walked to the door, opened it and slammed it shut.

“Cut!” Walter announced. “Excellent! What do you think?” he asked the newcomers.

Chapter 10 – On with the Show

“We’ve got a scene in the can. Your acting was amazing, Greg. You too, Red. It’s very important to have good actors. I must say these two didn’t do too bad,” he said, patting Danny’s bum, before kneading Graham’s. “They really sounded like they were in distress. Let’s take a few shots of their ‘night’, then we’re done with the scene.”

The filming crew spent another ten minutes turning around the two bent-over boys, making the most of the unique position and their exposed behinds. Finally, Graham and Danny were freed from the dreadful position.

They stretched as long as they could; wearing single gloves for a long time took its toll.

“What’s next on schedule,” Walter asked. “Should we do the morning after scene when they’ve just been freed and they’re taken to Von Knebel’s underground hideout to be kept captives for weeks?”

“Wait, Walt,” Greg interrupted, “there was more punishment in Blue’s script.”

Danny remembered it all too well. He’d pictured Scott as the victim of the ordeal he’d written about; it was based on the torture they’d both been submitted to the morning they met, when Greg and Walter’s sadistic tendencies had been set in plain sight. Yet Scott would be on the giving end.

Walter beamed, remembering their kidnapped babysitter’s plot.

“Yes, the poor lad and his meddling friend are made to stay in uncomfortable positions with their foot in the air, and if they lower it, it triggers the squeezing of each other’s ball sack!”

“Blue’s not too imaginative, Walt, that’s is what we did to him and Red. But if he feels like re-enacting it …”

Greg grinned; he saw Scott’s smug look as he crossed eyes with Danny. Their boarding-school fag wasn’t just a masochist; he also relished putting others through strenuous situations.

“OK, Scott, we’ll have our boys stand in front of each other, with their right foot two feet in the air.”

Scott nodded, trying not to display too much enthusiasm.

“Can we relieve Red of the silence rule?” Maxim asked. “It’ll help to talk with him about the video. He might have ideas too.”

“Yes, we may suspend it for a couple hours,” William approved.

“All right,” Walter magnanimously agreed, “but then he can only speak when he’s spoken to.”

“That’s a reasonable compromise,” Maxim concluded. “Tell me, Red, what do you think of this scenario?”

“Having someone keep his balance with a foot in the air is demanding, but making his friend pay for his mistakes is truly wicked. I know that when Danny and I…”

“His name is Blue! That’s one thousand Penalty Points,” Walter growled.

“Sorry. When Blue and I had to play the crane, keeping our thighs parallel to the floor, I found it really harsh. I was glad that the rings around our ball sacks were actually loosened; when Da… Blue could no longer hold, I was really afraid I’d have my balls torn out.”

“We can’t use this trick again, can we? I see your concern,” Maxim agreed, “and thanks to our great electronic devices, we may enact this scene in total safety. We’ll have them lift their foot above a stool where the remote control for the BDC and BAD sits. When they let go, it triggers the mechanism. We’ll just add sound effects in the final edit and pretend they’re being shocked with electricity.”

Lester and William deemed this a good idea, so the crew got busy preparing the scene. The two friends faced each other, with Scott and Greg at their sides.

“Ve veel test out your endurance, meine jungen.”

Greg took a stool and laid it between the bound boys.

“Hilf me, Helmut, vee’re gonna see vhich of the mettling kids cares the most about his little loferboy!”

Scott and Greg grabbed two long lengths of white rope and threaded one end through one of the many hooks in the beams above them. Then they looped it around the right thigh of the boys they were to torture.

Danny thought it didn’t make much sense, if pulling on the rope no longer caused for tension around a body part. But threading, pulling and knotting sturdy white rope would look good in the movie, he thought.

The ropes were pulled so their legs stayed up in the air.

“Goot, mine little freunds. It is comfortable, nine? Vell, it von’t last long if you’re vimps.”

Scott slid the remotes in line with the feet above.

“If your foot touches the svitch, then your vriend gets a shock. Ach! Ach! Ach!”

Scott and Greg loosened the ropes that were tied around the pole and let the feet go down. Danny and Graham lifted their legs and didn’t feel much pressure.

Greg turned around, making comments on the boys’ stamina.

“Wie geht’s, mein liebchen? You brace yourselves to safe face in front of your liebchen, your lofer, don’t you? You’re fery brafe!”

The taunts went on. Even Scott made comments, usually approving of Von Knebel’s words. After three or four minutes, it started being difficult to keep their foot up. They had enough slack to pull their thighs up, touching their bellies. Getting them up there helped for a moment, but soon this position got tough to keep too.

Danny lost first, and triggered the devices up Graham’s arse and around his genitals. This, in turn, triggered failure from Graham, whose foot touched the switch in reaction to the vibrations. They exaggerated their squirming and moans to give the illusion they were shocked with electricity.

Lost in defeat, they couldn’t notice Walter filming Scott and looking at him with severe eyes that left no ambiguity about the test he was to endure.

The plug in Scott’s shorts was a BAD too and it started vibrating. Scott saw the cameras pointed at him, and Walter’s stern look, which meant he wasn’t to make a fuss and ruin the scene. They hadn’t put a chastity device on him to shoot; the stimulation he received as Graham stepped on the switch caused him to fill the lederhosen’s front pouch.

Walter shot a close-up of the boy’s concerned face. The programme had a long and increasing vibration followed by some pulses, before the cycle started over. It felt like every new sequence had the vibrations increase.

Scott looked at Greg, then at the moaning gagged victims. At least they could squirm and shout all they wanted; he had to keep complete control while undergoing a similar stimulation. He gathered all his strength to put up with this new trial. He tried picturing ugly sights.

In the end, though, the vibrating plug got the better of the boy’s endurance. His cock twitched, but this wasn’t what got him caught. Feeling desire build up in his loins had him gasp first; the sighs followed, getting heavier until he cooed, which was definitely not in character for Helmut.

“Cut!” Walter called. “Red can’t help it, he lets himself get distracted by a small plug.”

“But, Walt…” Scott tried to explain.

“And he speaks without being spoken to. This is getting better and better.”

Greg was already at Scott’s side, handgagging him.

“Sorry guys,” the blond cousin said to their guest, “we thought he’d been trained well enough, but it seems we still have much work to do.”

“We’ve found out over the last two years that when Red misbehaves, it’s best to punish him straight away.”


Scott still tried to apologize. He made noise behind Greg’s hand, casting glances at the guests, hoping someone would speak for him and call for mercy. “Don’t apologize for him,” Maxim said. “I know the type. You’ve done a good job giving them rules and means, but there will be relapses into their old whiny ways. I like your philosophy, Walter, acting straight away on an unruly behaviour yields the best results. The riding crop’s still warm, isn’t it?”

The cousins grinned, but Scott audibly begged for mercy.

“Come on, Red,” Greg encouraged him in a paternalistic tone, “don’t add insult to injury. You’ve brought it all upon your head!”

Maxim turned to Lester and William.

“You should give Greg and Walter a hand. Or rather, give them one of your stockings, Les, and your underwear, William.”

The boys knew exactly what their undergarments would be used for. They peeled the long sock and the tiny satiny briefs off and handed them to Walter.

He caught a whiff of the worn clothing, beaming.

“Precisely the fragrances that drive Red wild: musky crotch aroma and sweaty feet bouquet.”

There was no turning back; Scott had to take it like a man.

He opened his mouth wide, in complete silence when Greg removed his handgag. Walter stuck the pair of briefs rolled in a ball inside Scott’s gob, and Greg grabbed the long silk stocking to cleave-gag the unruly Helmut.

“Nice start. What should we complete the gag with?”

A Gwen hood was first suggested, but Walter thought it was too fancy.

“What really works and is an actual punishment is to mummify your prisoner’s head in Coban wrap. This stuff is amazing. You can reuse it and even gauge the harshness by tightening it more or less. I’d say we tighten it more for Red.”

The two cousins were happy to have an audience for their sadistic games. As they fastened each turn of the rubbery crepe, Scott felt the material grab his head in an ever tightening vice.

“Good job, lads,” Maxim commented, “With just his nose and eyes visible, your little Red can’t draw attention to himself too much. This’ll teach him humility on top of obedience.”

“I’d say, to mark the moment and make it memorable, a good spanking is a must,” Walter said, holding Scott’s arm and turning him towards the beam. Greg grabbed the other arm, and they wrapped leather cuffs around the wrists and snapped the D-rings through hooks on each side of the beam, trapping his hands a foot above his head.

“Come and check Red out, my friends.”

Greg did the first demonstration; he patted the lederhosen’s back, feeling the two globes of muscle rolling underneath. Lester and William didn’t mind caressing leather-clad bums. They explored and assessed; Maxim followed.

“He’s all fit for a stinging session. Rejoice, Red, it’s supposed to make your butt firmer. I’m sure you’ll appreciate how it improves your looks.”


Walter waited patiently, riding crop in hand, waving it around and cutting through the air with a whistling sound. The brown-haired boy’s grin meant mischief.

Maxim stepped aside and Walter struck a first time. Greg had set a baseline in terms of volume; his cousin equalled it, or maybe made even more noise. Scott’s gagged gurgles followed the fifth hit; he’d managed to take it without making a sound at first, but the repeated blows landing over his leather-covered bottom got to him.

The riding crop changed hands after the tenth blow; Lester picked it up, and showed what he considered the most impressive manner. His gestures were wide, and the cracking sound had a high pitch; yet he didn’t get much out of Scott’s gagged mouth.

“It’s all for the screen, so what matters isn’t the pain you inflict, but the pain you seem to be inflicting.”

When it was William’s turn to wield the magic wand, he went for the opposite effect.

“Now, listen how I’ll get him to shout. My trick is to land at a perfect angle, and get the same blow delivered to both buttocks at exactly the same time.”

Poor Scott had to admit William’s strikes were masterful; he no longer refrained himself from making noise through his filled mouth. What bothered him was how hard his boner grew. The blows had him squirm; his cock brushing against the beam felt good, whereas his backside was growing warmer and warmer.

Maxim took his turn, but he went easy on him, or at least that’s how it felt to Scott. The flogging stopped at last. Scott was grateful not to receive further pain, but also to be saved from another rule six breach.

“We’ll let him ponder on obedience, then,” Max said, handing the riding crop back to Walter. “And the BAD is the perfect tool to make this meditation moment even more effective.”

Maxim pushed the switch, smiling as the faint buzzing sound grew.

Chapter 11 – Decisions

“Let’s go take a break outside and enjoy some fresh air. We need to talk about what we’re going to do with these three.”

They left, with Graham and Danny still standing, looking at Scott writhing in the throes of lust.

They tried mental encouragement, but they needed psychic powers if Scott was to be saved from squirting his load inside the fiendish lederhosen.

Graham and Danny had both feet on the ground, since their captors had rid them of the mechanism keeping their legs up during the shooting. The stimulating devices were not off, though.

The vibrators came back to life when the cousins disappeared. Maximal swooning and moaning ensued, all recorded in HD video without the boys knowing. The intermittent working of the various devices gave a pace to the motions and the desperate groans of the horny trio.

Outside, the five captors sat on the lawn, in the early summer afternoon warmth, in the shade of a tree and far away from unwanted ears.

The cousins exposed their plan for Graham, his fast-track initiation to have him play in their video. Lester praised them for their clever use of Danny’s phone to lure him there, and the many signs that did not lie confirmed that Graham seemed quite fit to join the little gang.

“You shouldn’t shorten his initiation, it’ll make for a better film a couple weeks from now,” William suggested. “We need to start planning for more shooting time.”

“I’m not sure we can keep Graham for over three days without someone coming to ring the bell here, asking about him.”

“Sure, but you should have your actors sign more agreements. You can amend the existing ones so they commit for weekends or for more time this coming summer. Even if there’s no movie, you’ll enjoy having them spend time at your service, won’t you. Plus I’m sure they all have holes in their schedule their parents will love seeing filled…”

Walter couldn’t help himself.

“They sure will have their holes filled,” he laughed.

“No, I mean his parents won’t mind seeing the back of them,” he said seriously. Walter’s grin got through.

“Well, yes, they’ll get their holes filled, if this is what Blue’s script requires.”

“There’s some in his original story, but we have some suggestions and edits, especially if it gives us more time to acquire gear for the film. Man, this is an awesome project. It’s been such fun having Scott and Danny under our care,” Greg rejoiced. “They’re demanding but worth the time invested.”

Lester and William nodded approvingly. Spending time playing with the dozens of boy they had met through their videos had always been a joy. Having managed to convince their parents the school choir required them to be away several weekends a month at times, they had lots of slots in their timetable to play tie-up games in sleepovers or at Mr. Kendall’s hunting lodge.

“Let’s do it, then. See to that our little captive friends try out some of the gear,” Walter decided, “and make sure they’ll be back for a shooting another time. I’d advise we still film their predicament and get them to model all the fine accessories in store for them.”

He lowered his voice in a conspiratorial tone.

“We’ll release them from their chastity devices, so we may have a competition ourselves. He who gets most orgasms from captives wins. We might fit them with sheaths or stuff if we’ve got to save them from leaking inside the leather ware. Having them break rule number six is a pastime that never gets old.”

“Right on, challenge accepted,” Lester said, going over his upper lip with the tip of his tongue. “But whoever loses gets tied up by the winner.”

“Deal!” Greg chirped, smacking inside Lester’s hand.

They discussed a bit further, wondering how they could entertain their guests over the afternoon. The council was leisurely, but it was effective and came up with a plan after twenty minutes of brainstorming.

Maxim had remained on the sidelines all the way through, keeping as quiet as the captives did. It was all going just as in the guidelines, so the less he did, the better it was. The group got to their feet and headed back to the hunting lodge, eager to see how their bound guests were doing.

The bound, gagged and stimulated boys inside the cabin created a very peculiar atmosphere. It smelled of boys, and of boy sex.

“Let’s see how naughty they got,” Walter said, coming close to Graham and leaning into his groin. The inspection of the various layers covering his and the other bound boys’ midsections all yielded the same result: the vibrators stimulated them enough to trigger firm, leaking boners.

“I’ll add this to their tallies,” Walter said, pulling out his little notebook and pencil. He went on speaking while he scribbled in it. “So that’s another 2,000 points each. It seems we don’t have to worry about finding household staff in the years to come; these three have accumulated enough penalties to serve us until we go to university.”

He turned to his cousin, who picked up his cue.

“We’re going to be quite nice; Lester and William convinced us we might spend more time initiating Lavender into our little group. His arrival coincides with a major delivery from the fine house that makes all these costumes you’ve tried on, Red and Blue.”

He turned to William.

“You’re lucky to have Greg and Walter take care of you, lads,” the short, mischievous black-haired boy said. “Especially you, Lavender,” he came near the boy who looked at him warily. “As you will be the focus of the next trial, our young friends Red and Blue will perform. They’re going to bind you in turns and the best binder gets 2,000 penalty points off. It is high time Red and Blue pull in their weight when it came to using rope. Red has done a bit so far, but if we keep on attracting new guests, we’ll need more captors to assist us. Having you pupils help out is only fair, isn’t it?”

Scott and Danny nodded. They were being stripped of their bonds, keeping only their gag and their wrists locked behind their backs. Lester and Greg used towels to wipe most of the liquid that had seeped inside the shorts or leatherwear.

“We just need you to have your hands cuffed in front, and you may give it a try. We’ll start with Blue.”

They prepared the kidnapped babysitter so he’d fulfil his binding assistant role.

“It might be fun to have you bind your friend while you’ve got your hands behind your back, but we’ll try this when I’m sure you can go for the advanced skills training. Let’s see first how you can manage with rope. We’ve never had you practise knots much, but we’ve often advised you to observe what we did so you would have some basic knowledge. I hope you’re a clever boy.”

Danny had learned to bind six different knots on his own. He’d played a few games before –not enough to his taste– when he’d had to restrain other boys.

Since he had been trussed up to trees, beams and poles countless times within the last days, he’d gotten the gist of trussing someone up standing. He knew the knees and the shoulders had to be tied with care to make loosening bonds more difficult.

There were plenty of materials available for Danny. But gagged and cuffed, under the scrutiny and the taunts of the wild little bunch, he felt pressure growing upon his broadening shoulders. He picked a rope and approached Graham; he grabbed his shoulder and led him to the pole facing the one Scott was bound to. At least, his brother-in-ordeals would have something to watch.

He got help from Greg, Walter and their new friends. Even Maxim came to give him a hand in securing the shoulders so Graham’s shirt would stretch with a nice hold.

Danny felt proud not to mess up his knots; Greg and Walter checked every single one, always approving in a non-committal tone.

“Let me see… this one is OK. Well… Do proceed.”

The net of ropes wrapped Graham fully. His friend went on tightening all the loops one by one, removing any slack there still could be. Walter found some slack in his check, and pulled to remove it; he didn’t say a word, but Danny understood the look of a young master eager to catch a fault.

He then had to weave a final rope to reinforce the whole set-up —easier said than done with hands cuffed. Lester helped him, holding the ends. Soon the black-haired boy had his fair-haired friend immobilized, and the entire procedure had been recorded by multiple cameras.

“Will you pose next to the wild animal you brought back from the jungle, Boy Hunter?” Walter requested. Danny complied and stood next to Scott, keeping his hands crossed over his groin.

“Hands up, we’ve got to see your soiled shorts, naughty little boy. Put your pinkies in your navel.”

Danny crossed his hands over his belly, becoming the centre of attention; even Maxim interrupted his silence.

“Not only did he break your rule, but he’s now acting shy, in denial of his fault. What a shame!”

The young man came to inspect the rope work, casting threatening glances at Danny. He couldn’t find a flaw, apparently, since he soon stepped aside, snorting and mumbling unhappy words.

“You’ve got twenty minutes to escape, Lavender,” William stated, smirking at the trussed up young man. Without any experience, Graham’s chances were slim, but he wasn’t one to start beaten. He pumped his muscles and flexed his limbs, knowing even some loosening could lead to pulling a wrist or an ankle out of the rope work and have it all crumble.

His friend’s skills overpowered him, probably boosted by their tormentors’ supervision and advice. He couldn’t feel any slack obtained from his moves.

Their guests were busy too; Lester and William had grabbed Danny and fixed his wrists to his chest.

“Let’s keep you company while your boyfriend tests the strength of your bonds.”

They framed him, and each had a hand to hold him, and another one to knead, feel and touch him all over his body. The hands soon focused on his groin and they didn’t need long to have him squirt.

Danny couldn’t resist seeing Graham writhe in the ropes he’d trussed him up in or the knowledgeable touch of his two torturers.

“We’ll have to find a plumber next time we have our friends as guests,” William joked. “There are lots of leaky faucets to handle around these parts.”

Danny moaned softly, slightly humiliated by William’s remark.

Lester took care of the wiping. He was a competitive lad, and there was no way he couldn’t win the competition. Lester made a move, which got Greg and Walter out of their contemplative state. The game was on, and there were two other boys to entice into breaking the dreaded rule number six.

He loosened the bonds keeping Scott pinned face to the beam.

“I’m sure your leather-shorted pupil will love a little reward, Walter,” Lester told the impish abductor, “and I wouldn’t be surprised if Lavender enjoyed some caresses. I can’t tell whether he’s trying to escape or just grinding his hips like a horny little pup.”

Lester went to check on Graham with the intent to score; the thin layer trapping the boy’s genitals twitched when he made contact. Some rubbing caused the rubber dildo to move. Lester held the remote and triggered the vibrations.

He kneaded the well-filled leather pouch, and Graham, in a desperate and sorry groan, yielded into temptation.

“This is so much fun,” Lester said with a grin.

The captors all scored at the expense of the captives within the following ten minutes. After wiping and cleaning up the messy prisoners, they doled out the required scolding and made the usual threats. This time together allowed a quick, informal council to decide what to do next.

Chapter 12 – More Challenges, Further Fittings

“It appears young Lavender hasn’t managed to escape his bonds. I’d be of mind to give him an extra hour to try,” William suggested, “We could have Blue perform the hooding of his lover, too, since you wanted to teach your boys how to take care of each other.”

The boy released Danny’s wrists, who would have to suffer the indignity of remaining gagged while hooding his friend.

Lester fiddled with Graham’s gag, removing layers to alleviate the tension, considering what was to come. He left the lips taped shut with wadding still filling his mouth.

The captors gathered around the pair to watch Danny’s performance. Aware of the onlookers, the captive pupil made measured, soft and slow moves, hypnotizing his audience.

He opened up the large leather headwear and brought it down slowly over Graham’s head. The boy tied to the pole didn’t move when it came into sight. The gleaming material slid downwards slowly, revealing the shape of the head underneath, until the triangle opening accommodating his nose and eyes fitted perfectly.

Danny’s soft, gloved hands rubbed the leather, stretching and adjusting for perfect symmetry while Graham crooned constantly behind his gag. Once satisfied with the result, he started lacing up the hood.

This renewed his captive’s relentless libido, which was obvious to all attending the scene. The wager was on, and it didn’t take long before Walter stood in and tried his luck.

Lester used the remote control and triggered a new bout of dildo vibrations. Graham’s fate was sealed; such overwhelming sensations could only result in an explosion from his penis.

Walter was on the wiping immediately after the ejaculation; Graham caught a glance of the scarf he used through his orgasmic haze. Their colour code was still in use. His best friend was just getting done with the lacing; wearing the hood was a whole new experience, feeling his head held so tightly, with his jaws locked the pressure spread evenly. It almost felt good.

Once the hood lacer was done, Greg saw it fit to reward him for his efforts. He brought Blue’s wrists behind his back and linked the D-rings protruding from the wrist cuffs with a padlock.

“A fine job if I say so myself,” the blond tormentor remarked, as he surveyed Danny’s job, pushing the boy in front of him while cupping his genitals.

Danny took the sight in; the make of the hood was flawless, and he couldn’t believe how horny he was seeing his friend’s head thus enhanced by the wonderful accessory. Greg’s hand didn’t help him much to keep control, and its expert caresses got the babysitter to flood his shorts quickly.

The need to keep up with the scores got William to pounce on Scott. Whispering in his ear, he got the boy conditioned. William knew of the places to touch and brush to work up the horny ‘pupil’ so he’d shoot his load, scoring another point.

Once they all had their counter incremented, William summoned Scott to bind Graham to the pole. ‘Red’ got released and took Graham to the bathroom, with strict recommendations on not touching his gag, ‘or else’.

Scott came back with their trainee in tow, cleaned up and changed; he had the wicked shorts on, a fresh blouse and a leather harness on top. He wore arm-length gloves that stopped midway between elbow and shoulder, with his wrists simply cuffed behind his back.

Scott hobbled him and left him standing. He wrapped ropes around the pole he was to use as a display of his talent: eight coils around the beam at heights matching his model’s joints and body parts.

He guided Graham to stand against the pole and his rigging gig was on. The poor boy was like a fly caught inside a spider’s web, with each rope a silky thread adding to his final immobility.

The twenty minutes it took Scott to bind Graham to his pole correctly saw some respite for the others from being milked repeatedly, as the captors were busy assessing the rope web.

To Danny’s dismay, it seemed Scott’s handiwork resulted in a pleasant sight. The binding wasn’t rigorously identical to his, but it was close... ‘Red’ could be more talented, or better trained, but Danny’s eyes told him he’d lost the challenge.

Scott was ordered to change Graham’s gag and give him a snack. He packed and taped his mouth back before hooding him, which would finish the test.

Danny watched his companion’s masterful and seamless moves in dread. Graham was all putty in his hands; he reacted to the slightest commanding touch as if remote-controlled, just like the butt plugs.

The test was over, with notes taken for a final deliberation, and William decided to celebrate with Danny, giving him one of the special and close hugs that were all the rage in the hunting lodge. His victim was quite worked up by Scott’s great hooding, so the child actor had no real challenge scoring his point. He made Danny mewl in the process, to everyone’s delight.

The many orgasms were taking a toll on the captive trio; it now took longer to get them to squirt. Teamwork was required, with pairs uniting to win and share a point. Greg and Lester rivalled Walter and William, ‘the Ws’ as they christened themselves. As a pair, one wanked the prisoner while the other caressed him and got him aroused with soft touches or dirty words.

Once the new round had been won, Walter reminded everyone of their duties.

“Let’s take a break, I think our friends will have to reciprocate the tender gestures, I’m quite tense down there,” he said, pointing to his inflated shorts.

Walter’s desire to get some relief was shared by the other boys, and the prisoners got a quick lesson in giving a wank with your hands cuffed behind the back. The leather gloves made the task easier, and allowed for soft, effective caresses on the captors who thrust their hips forward in turn.

Spent, the captors sat on the floor as they pondered what to do next.

“We should have them sign the agreement to continue the film shooting over weekends to come, and commit to a two-week stay this summer,” William said.

“This way,” Lester added, “we can use Mr. Kendall’s facilities. I’m sure Danny won’t mind getting even better sets for his film.”

Danny shook his head; having experts such as William and Lester would make the project even better.

This time again, there was no pompous ceremony for signing the contracts. Papers were set on a pulpit and the three prisoners had to go sign them much as they’d have to put socks on or go to the bathroom.

The final preparation consisted in putting them back in harnesses and on leashes, for safe transportation. The lads gathered some of the stuff, which Walter got all into a large duffle bag. He addressed the group.

“We’ll move back to the mansion, so no funny stuff, pupils! You’d better show your best behaviour in front of our guests. We’ve postponed our little movie so we may spend time with you. We thought Lavender deserved a better initiation.”

The trio behaved like tamed cattle, their guards organized and methodical. The following ninety minutes flew by, and the pupils walked out of two of the mansion’s bathrooms, dressed up for the evening.

“We’ll have you wait on us for dinner. If all goes well, we’ll have a screening of one of Lester and William’s film, so we may discuss how we tackle Danny’s project in the months to come. This may be huge, lads, I don’t know if you’ve seen some of their latest releases, they’re amazing.”

“Thanks, Walter. It would be a pleasure to have a screening. I like the idea you’ve had of proper evening wear for your boys,” William grinned.

Danny had trouble finding it funny; they now were dressed in very kinky, fetish clothing. The Ws had made fun of his face when he’d first seen the shorts he had to wear in front of his peers, after the enema and cleaning up. They were blue, of course, close fitting and super sexy; Danny loved how they felt.

The fabric was very glossy, similar to boxing shorts’, shining brightly and giving a soft touch. The cut was special though: two seams at the sides only, but made from one piece. It was a marvel of tailoring, because the pouch, or rather penile sheath featured in front was fixed with an almost invisible seam. Danny couldn’t feel it anyway.

The hem of the shorts’ legs followed the crease between buttocks and thighs; pulled properly up, it reached an inch or two below his navel, slightly tightening his waist, with a wide elastic band keeping them close to his skin, showing his lower abs.

He got a better idea of the obscene silhouette he displayed when he met his fellow-trainees. Their gleaming, hugging and cock-displaying shorts highlighted their manhood and brought all focus on it.

“Why? Don’t you like it?” Walter giggled, “It is handmade and suits you perfectly.”

“Like a glove.”

The comparison was apt. The front pouch was just like a glove’s finger, only cut to host his fully developed cock and balls. All three prisoners used the full space despite having their rectum empty – so far.

Chained, they had to prepare dinner and wait on their betters at the table. Much mirth came from the protruding members. All the standing and waiting didn’t get any boy deflated. Plus, the guests felt the urge to act upon the satin-clad boners and disgorge them, casually grabbing a sheathed dick within reach and shaking it around until the pressure burst out.

The three restrained waiters granted two points each to the competitors, with their captors getting more and more imaginative in stimulating them, always amazed they never were actually drained of seminal fluid.

Soon the conversation turned to the movies the guests made; Lester and William replied genially to Walter’s questions. Danny and Graham realized they’d seen only a few excerpts of the entire filmography.

“The key to our success was Mr. Kendall. He found us funders to buy costumes and better video equipment.”

“Your great acting helps,” Greg fawned on William, who smiled back.

“Good actors help. Your little trio has potential, I see a few pointers to give them. Let’s have a workshop tomorrow morning. For now, what about going to watch the movie we’ve brought? I’m sure I can get one of these three very happy again.”

There were groans, as penises were getting sore and chafed. There was some respite during the ten minutes it took to climb up to the secret attic.

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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 13 – Entertainment in the Evening

There were two LCD screens hanging on each side of the attic. In the middle, the Circle Jerk Pole waited patiently for them.

“This special treat is made possible by Lester and William, lads, and you will have a circle jerk while you watch their feature.”

“This is a good way to watch it,” William commented with a smile.

He accompanied the captive trio to the pole. It was set at the same height as the time before, which meant there would be one more device stimulating the cleaned up, dried up rods that waited for a spark to grow them again.

William and Lester bound their ankles in leather cuffs, which they chained to the pole. The boys could trade looks, being so close to each other.

The young actors then fitted the three bound boys with additional sheaths. They were Lycra tubes, and they rubbed in perfect harmony against the shorts’ attachment.

From the corner of his eye, Danny caught Greg and Walter fumbling in the piles of garments. He identified the silk scarves that had been used extensively to wipe boy cream throughout the afternoon and evening.

“We just need to spruce up their gags a little, and then we can watch the film. I’m sure despite being unable to talk, we’ll have ways to assess whether they enjoy our friends’ performance.”

Danny got a bluish silk scarf bound over his lower face first. It was all gooey and the smell was overwhelming. Walter didn’t linger on; each captive had to get his own creamy layer to go along with the evening’s entertainment.

While Lester fired up a laptop, the other boys added a final detail to the standing captives’ predicament, which implied a lowering of the shorts. The pole prisoners felt the rubbing of a greasy matter along their butt crack, preceding the feel of an object pushed inside; they were smaller plugs than had been used before, yet their ends felt firmly held inside the anal rings.

Their costume assistants covered the boys’ modesty again, if one can call modesty having your erect penis sticking in front inside a sheath, a kinky attachment to the satiny shorts already enhancing the your backsides.

It was super smooth and taut. There had to be several very thin layers, judging from the peculiar glide they provided. A final set of ribbons held the cock heads together over the smooth surface of the huge vibrating wand topping the pole.

Their captors sat down in the three armchairs lined up facing the screens; Lester and William didn’t mind sharing their seat. They all held various devices, some of them being remote controls…

Lester launched the film. They had set up a decent audio system along with the screens, and a piano tune started, invading the perched loft.

There was a fade from black and William could be seen walking in the countryside. The music turned to a pounding drum and bass, accompanying the steady and resolved progression of the boy throughout various outdoors landscapes. It clashed with the pastoral sights of what had to be a costume piece, no doubt: the boy was wearing a costume that no boy had worn since WWI, with little flannel shorts, a crisp white shirt and a straw hat.

The patent leather shoes added to the ‘posh kid from another era’ look. The shots didn’t last, and they showed William from various angles, while a voiceover narrated his thoughts.

“So there’s a gang of smugglers living nearby…”

The music faded, and William began walking in a forest path, tiptoeing and going from tree to tree.

“One that a proper boy detective needs to defeat!”

There were shots of William lying in the grass in his ridiculous costume, using binoculars to watch a large farm building. They showed his bum, made very round by the tightness of the grey shorts.

The boy detective clichés came one after another: William behind a tree, William around the corner of a large brick wall, and William leaning over to watch some footprint with a magnifying glass.

“And when an investigation is complete and the guilty ones have been identified, it’s time to act.”

William then effortlessly jumped over a six-foot high brick wall, which made for another interesting bum shot.

The camera followed William through the woods. It was handheld now, and shots were really short, telling of some coming action. William entered a barn, poking his head through the gate first. The image got darker once he was inside. William inspected the warehouse, looked at objects on the bench, picking them up and looking at them.

“Well, well, well, what have we got here,” Lester’s voice boomed behind him. William jumped and turned towards his antagonist with a horrified look on his face.

Lester, all dressed in black held a gun and snarled at the intruder. Two henchmen framed him; they were young men, with big muscles and constant growling even though they never spoke a line of dialogue. They just looked at their leader, admiring –or fearing– him.

“Mr. Goody Two-Shoes boy detective! What a surprise! I’m afraid we’ll have to deal with this little meddler.”

“Please, Sir, don’t hurt me! I haven’t seen anything! I don’t know anything! I won’t say anything!”

“We’ll make sure of that. Catch!”

Lester threw a pair of handcuffs he’d collected from one of the pockets of his black burglar suit.

“Hands behind your back!”

There was a close-up of William snapping the handcuffs around his wrists at the small of his back.

This was the moment the vibrating devices booted in, coming from their still slumber to their stimulating working state.

Moans and coos echoed the devices. As on the screen the action went on.

Lester’s villain character was caught unprepared, and he bound the meddling kid on a chair before deciding how to handle the situation. His henchmen could have done it, but they stood watching, as Lester seemed to relish undertaking this particular duty himself.

The chair tie was filmed with three standing cameras and had been thoroughly edited. Lester came out of the quick montage as an efficient and knowledgeable knot binder, and the helpless little boy was in high distress. His feet were bound behind the chair, so his calves lay along the seat. His groin was highly visible, in the middle of his milky thighs spread out. Lester checked the six ropes he’d used to cruelly restrain the young intruder.

One of the boy’s protests was one too much; Lester clamped his sexy gloved hands over his friend’s mouth.

The three bound watchers had their eyes glued to the screens, and their three erect pricks reacted to the show and the remote stimulation by rising as high as they could. Any move of the boners could be felt by the other two, so they remained aware of the audience’s reaction to a sexy shot or an evocative dialogue thanks to the ribbon holding them.

There was a lot of turmoil around the magic wand; the boys stood on tiptoe to save themselves from being in contact with it; if only it could save them from getting really aroused. Graham didn’t think it was possible, but he felt super horny again, and what happened on screen wouldn’t soothe his lustful expectations.

The gagging scene went smoothly, with short and explicit shots depicting the various layers Lester used on William. He’d set the hat on the side, showing his friend’s dark, well-combed mane.

He didn’t speak much, except to utter details of the materials he was using to gag the meddling kid.

“Don’t make a fuss and open big! This is the finest silk and it’s clean!”

William reluctantly obliged; there was a concerned look in his eye but it was too late to try anything. A cleave-gag was laid out, and Lester bound a neck-tie that went between his teeth in the shape of a big knot, pushing the reasonable wadding further and making William’s big cheeks bulge. The tension not only made it more difficult to spit the wadding out, but it was a first, constricting layer to build the subsequent gagging upon.

This was enough to get the submissive trio all worked up. Walter could feel the captive audience stimulated by the vibrating devices that made their loins sensitive to desire. He wouldn’t let machines triumph over good old human touch.

He stealthily moved closer to his target in the semi-darkness of the screening. He touched the throbbing members, lowering them a bit. The pole was a bit low, and they managed to get their dicks off its arousing surface.

Walter set his index finger and thumb over the ribbons linking the sheathed boners; he pressed down softly until he could feel the three glans touching the magic wand. Keeping his hand over the ribbon, he spun his finger around the ribbon circle, brushing against the satin-covered cock heads and keeping them in light but relentless contact with the vibrator.

The device had gone in yet another mode, alternating short pulses and longer rising jolts. Walter’s manual assistance did short work of having large gobs of semen spurt out while William was getting gagged on the large monitors.

The film was well paced, and the shots were long enough that you could see what was going on, but it sure went faster than in real life: it took all of fifteen seconds to trap the cleave gag under an X of Elastoplast and two silk scarves, tightly and tautly pulled over his lower face.

“Three points,” Walter muttered to himself. He went back to sit and watch the film, rubbing his own boner through his shorts.

The film went on. William’s character had graduated from ‘being kept incommunicado while things cool down’ to ‘being a long-term guest of Lester’s sadism.’

Danny was recovering from the gagging scene and Walter’s ministrations when the real-life William appeared at his side, willing to mimic Walter’s behaviour…

The ninety minutes of the film saw a steady stream of company to the standing audience; the five captors took turns and assisted the pupils in experiencing the film fully. The further indignities endured by William, the transportation in a crate, the one in the back of a car, the many outdoors shots, they all kept the fellow-trainees on their toes.

Greg actually rubbed himself against Danny first, but he moved to Graham to finish the job. He then caressed the prisoners throughout the ball-tie scene that featured an impressive laying-out of a crotch rope.

The strappado scene also got orgasms from everyone, and Lester was responsible for both what took place onscreen and what happened to the audience. When the words The End appeared, the boys were in a high state of turmoil.

“I hope a fun time was had by all,” William smiled. “I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit spent. No doubt our horny little runts also are. I can’t believe the stamina these little blighters have in store!”

“The video was top notch, so I won’t really blame them,” Walter said. “How lucky is the kid in this film? He falls into the claws of a villain who loves dressing his prisoners up!”

William wore truly stunning fetish wear throughout the movie. He kept his little boy outfit for the first fifteen minutes before he was left in the silk bloomers that he wore underneath. Lester then made fun of him and put him in a manlier apparel. He ended up wearing the single glove, the Gwen hood and the boots just as the boys did.

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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 14 – Time for Rest

The boys talked. Lester switched the vibrators off, hoping it would also turn off the humming sound coming from the boys’ gags. It took a few tens of seconds, but it brought some quiet back.

The discussion went on between the film critics.

“So, when you move the crate and put it on a train, was William really in it?”

The roller coaster of kidnapping adventures got the boys to talk for a while longer. The conversation died down gradually, and everyone turned to William’s previous suggestion. Walter said Scott and Danny would give him a hand getting what they needed to spend the night in this protective and comfortable attic.

The boys were released from the Circle Jerk Pole, and their semen-filled sheaths were cautiously removed so they could be stuffed in a plastic bag that Greg sealed airtight. A little liquid seeped off the tips of their dicks, which although not standing as proud as before, were sizeable chunks of sausage wobbling all wrapped up in the smooth, gleaming fabric in the pupils’ designated colour.

The three boys had their arms freed and left to recover circulation. It didn’t last.

Greg and Walter did the hobbling with chains and cuffs. Their arms were cuffed in front, not with cuffs at the wrists only; three other sets with chains restrained their elbows, knees and ankles as well. The length was enough for effective motion, but thwarted any attempt at escape or rebellion.

The maids’ trip to the bedrooms was hazy; they were still recovering from their cinematographic experience and from the discipline crack-down of being put in chains. The flights of steep stairs spiralling to the ground, the crossing of wide, dark halls and the climbing of the main staircase to the bedrooms on the first floor, Scott and Danny moved on as hypnotized.

Walter had them stick their cuffed hands in front and started loading their arms with rolled foam rubber mattresses and blankets.

There had been no discussion of the arrangements for the night in front of the captives, so it was a bit of a surprise to them — they could actually be allowed to sleep!

They made a bathroom stop. Lester and William were already there, almost done taking care of Graham. They had him in his pyjamas, which clung to his cleaned-up body tightly. He was still Gwen-hooded, yet merely cuffed behind his back.

Greg and Walter waited for their turn. It took a little longer cleaning up Graham’s genitals once he was relieved. Scott and Danny waited patiently with their arms full; Walter picked up their loads and set them outside.

“I’m sure Greg won’t mind having you pee before you go to bed.”

“Not at all. Come over here pupils, time for a wee-wee.”

Of course, it was time for much more. After emptying their bladders, Greg brought them in front of the sink to clean them up.

It started as a genuine hygiene act, but the blond heartthrob was up to mischief. His fingers got lighter, then stronger, and he heard a gasp coming from Danny. He started massaging him with soap and lukewarm water, which he lathered up until he closed his fingers over the slippery member. The sink soon collected Danny’s seminal emissions.

Scott seemed eager to follow his friend’s lead and wagged his tail at his master; this wasn’t lost on Greg, who got busy with this second customer. After four minutes, Greg had won two more points, which he asked Walter to log.

Rid of their hobbles, the boys were put in their spandex-like pyjamas.

The procession started over, with Danny and Scott carrying the bedding for the evening.

They unrolled the mattresses first. The thin layer of rubber foam didn’t provide much softness, but there was no princess sensitive enough in this crowd to get bruises from a pea underneath.

This time, rope harnesses were used to keep them with their arms trapped along their sides. There even were mittens of matching colour for each of the pupils. Their captors put them on and trapped their fingers against their thighs, thwarting any hope of reaching a boner for relief. If one still could sprout from such solicited members, that is.

The sleeping bags were opened wide before the boys lied on them. The captors added straps to their legs before they zipped the fold back to cover them.

The hoods and gags were removed and replaced by big squares of surgical tape.

“We’d rather you not choke on us. This tape won’t hold much against coughing or wetting it in case of emergency; that’s its purpose. Yet, it’s a tactile aid in reminding you of the silence rule,” Walter declared, wagging his finger at Scott and Danny, then turning to Graham, “so we’d better not find this fine tape removed or tampered with tomorrow morning without an excellent excuse.”

There were submissive nods in response, and the squares of tape were laid over the three lower faces. Graham wondered if he could really remove it in case of emergency, for it didn’t feel flimsy, but he knew he’d better not try.

William made discrete gestures to his accomplices to call for a small time-off. The group of torturers stood aside, whispering among themselves.

“What’s the score for the challenge, Walt?”

“You lead, William. You’ve got ten points, Greg and I have only nine. You’re behind, Les, you’ve got just eight.”

“Darn, this challenge is hard. What about tonight? Shall we go on playing? How do we log the points?”

There was no desire for an overnight competition so late in the evening A truce was called so everyone could get a reasonable amount of sleep. There would be plenty of occasions to resume the competition in the morning.

“Until noon, then we can make the tally! And the loser suffers the consequences,” William said, grinning at Lester.

“Let’s hit the sack, then,” Maxim summed up, having remained silent for so long.

They got back to their charges.

“There’s some space between you, it’s for us. It’s always wise to be close to your prisoners during the night. You want to wake up if they try to escape,” Lester asserted.

“I’ll let you play the cowboy guarding his cattle, Les. I’ll sleep on the couch,” William grinned.

There were seven boys sleeping across the wood floor, which didn’t leave much space. Greg switched the light off once the captors had laid down with their own sleeping bags.

A final outburst interrupted the silence when Walter shouted, “Keep to yourself, Red!” There was no response, though it got some chuckles from other captors. The silence soon fell back over the improvised dorm, for good this time.

The next morning, a hand woke Danny up, shaking him. It pulled him out of a vivid dream in which he kneeled in front of Walter, sitting on a throne. When he wanted to beg, he realized he was gagged, and when he tried to plead joining his hands as if praying, he realized his arms were kept behind him in a single glove.

The kidnapped babysitter came to his senses. Despite the psychedelic setting of the dream and the moving quality of its plot, the predicament it featured drew on his current state. William’s joyful face was not the worst sight he could have caught upon opening his eyes.

“Rise and shine, Blue,” William said. “You slept in while we took care of the others; we’ll have to get you ready fast for breakfast.”

Greg had come to help, and they unzipped the sleeping bag to get Danny to stand.

“When I said ‘rise and shine,’ I was talking about you, not your cock!”

The bulge in the spandex pyjamas was unmistakable. Greg gave it the test of wetness with his index finger.

“It’s moist, not wet. It’ll pass, maybe poor Blue can’t control his raging hormones, and he can’t help leaking when he sleeps.”

After this expert diagnosis, which gave Danny some relief, they unstrapped his legs and stood him up.

They walked downstairs, with Greg in front and looking out for a prisoner fall. The time at the bathroom was effective. In fifteen minutes, Danny was ready to wear the morning’s outfit, all cleaned and plugged up.

At first, he thought they were putting back on the shorts he’d worn the previous evening. He then noticed it was a new pair.

They had the same basic design, with the sheath in front and the seamless cut; they rose a bit more over his waist, though, and the soft elastic band was replaced by a tighter belt.

“This is a girdle,” William explained. “It adds to the shorts’ magic. Your bum seems much rounder and bigger this way. See for yourself.”

William put his arm across Danny’s shoulders and guided him to the full-length mirror standing in the corner. He had him spin around to see his butt encased in the shimmering fabric.

He sure looked lovely, but Danny was slightly afraid at how willing he was to try new things out while in the hands of the two mischievous cousins. Greg took him out of his reverie.

“Haven’t I praised your fanny ever since we got you here? I still love your cycling shorts, but these… Man, they’re something else. Let’s go and see how Red and Lavender look in them.”

In the kitchen, a hobbled Scott was preparing breakfast. Walter and Lester were holding Graham, about to have him sit in one of the eight kitchen chairs around the table.

“You’ve got Blue,” Lester remarked, winking at Danny. He let go of Graham to inspect the newcomer.

Danny saw lust in his eyes; the way the nostrils flared went with the boy sniffing him. Lester looked from behind, and even patted to feel his buttocks underneath.

Danny’s eyes were drawn to Graham. He was showing his side, and the tailor-made shorts enhanced his silhouette tremendously. His boner stood at a forty-five-degree angle.

Once the new clothes had all been inspected and praised, necessity stroke. All the boys were quite hungry, and the captors were vocal about it. The maids, who still had tape over their mouths, complied with the instructions to wait on their teaching staff.

Their waiters were made to stand from one to the other, the captors having resumed their challenge. They all rolled down Lycra tubes matching the shorts’ colours, and proceeded to nibble on a scone with one hand and titillate a throbbing boner with the other.

Points were awarded and tubes were replaced. Greg put them in the same plastic bag that held the previous evening’s output.

The team of slavers guzzled down orange juice, tea, scones and scrambled eggs for half an hour.

They had their waiters sit facing the leftovers

“We’ll be feeding you all three at the same time. This is an experiment to see if we can relax the rules,” Walter announced, standing at the end of the table, “and you’d better not fail. The silence rule is on, so don’t even think the words ‘funny stuff,’ understood?”

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Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 15 – Morning Script

There were shy nods in reply. The breakfast was short, yet very welcome by the grumbling stomachs. The silence rule didn’t apply to the captors, who openly discussed the morning’s schedule.

“I’ll say we get some nice shots of our pupils in these amazing shorts. Should we fictionalize some event?” Lester asked.

“Huh?” Greg wondered.

“Should we make up a little story that makes good use of the shorts?”

The boys racked their brains for a while.

“They’re being blackmailed by a neighbour,” Walter offered.

“They’re part of a circus act that needs such a costume,” William suggested.

The brainstorming session went on. Eventually, the captors settled on a school that punished a trio of dunces by putting them in these shorts before stringently binding and gagging them for detention. The miscreants are put on display to show other pupils of lower forms that discipline isn’t to be messed with. The younger kids make fun of them, reminding them of past misdeeds, and leave them to pay for their mistakes for a very long time, extending the detention, which causes some gagged indignation.

This was a nifty plot allowing shooting just a few scenes. The setting was perfect for Greg and Walter’s underground classroom.

“This will make for a very nice morning class,” William grinned. “It seems there’s no longer any food for them, so, a blindfold, a gag, some hobbles and we may be off.”

They first put satin masks over their eyes, which held with a ribbon laced behind their skull. This wasn’t standard procedure, and Danny smelled a rat. Soon, he identified that no rodent was nearby, but the penile sheaths that had collected their semen were.

He heard a gasp coming from Scott.

“That’s making noise, Red. Five hundred points for you. Will you gentlemen open your gobs, so we stuff them properly?”

The three mouths opened wide, and a little Lycra sausage was pushed inside each of them. A wide strip of Elastoplast sealed their lips and held their lower faces tight. The blindfolds were removed. With the Gwen hoods slid down and laced, the wadding was in to stay.

“We’ll have a little quiz on your gags,” Walter said, “You’ll have to identify whose sock is wrapped in whose cock tube. Yes! One of our socks is inside the sheaths you creamed last night. We’ll ask you when we get to the classroom. Now, if you gentlemen will be kind enough and stand up…”

The hobbling that ensued was rather severe, and the climbing down the stairs was consequently slow; but they soon were all gathered in the classroom, the three pupils standing in a line, perched on the little space of the platform the teacher desk sat on.

Lester, William and even Maxim beamed in the kinky classroom set-up. The pommel horse, the poles, the desks suggested great pedagogical possibilities.

Lester called on Walter to set up the video cameras. They worked together, casting an eye on the three prisoners while they locked the tripod and screwed the camera on it. The three punished dunces stood proudly, a foot above the floor on the platform. Their genitalia were hidden from view by a tight layer of polyamide, but fully revealed by the way it clung and showed every ridge and crease underneath.

While Walter and Lester hurried setting up the equipment, Greg and William discussed enemas, looking at the gear in the small adjacent bathroom.

When they came out of the lavatory, Lester and Walter bore wide grins; the three captives’ dripping penises said it all. Walter raised two fingers in a V, which stood for Scott and Danny, as Lester raised his thumb, meaning he had caused Graham to orgasm.

“Hey! We were away! That’s not fair!”

William’s complaint was met with laughter. He stepped in front of the trio, with his nose at the semi-hard pricks’ height.

“We’ll have to dry you up a bit, won’t we?”

William undertook changing their sheaths, rubbing off most of the cum in the process, and storing the soiled Lycra in the customary plastic bag. The layer underneath was almost free from liquid; a new, matching sheath replaced it immediately.

William wasn’t one to stop in the middle of a rewarding endeavour; he spoke to Danny’s cock, softly blowing on it, and touching it with his fingertips. His snake charmer routine worked magic on Danny, who soon stood in a freshly drenched sheath, with big drops crashing to the floor occasionally.

He’d been faster than Greg, who was still coaxing Scott into a sexual apex. He beat him by less than a minute, but he had the aroused Graham at his mercy.

William loved how group activities energized the participants. In large groups playing bondage games, being in the prisoners’ camp could be very arousing, as what happened to peers usually was arousing to other participants. This dynamic was at work with the three boys they entertained.

They let the prisoners perched on the platform and added cuffs at ankles and knees, and ropes around their elbows got them to puff their chests and have their sheathed penises jut out in front.

“It is high time you’re quizzed on what you’ve been sucking on for a while now; one point for the sock, one point for the cummy sheath. I’ll be kind, there can be multiple winners. What really matters is who will the loser be? He will be the one playing the flogging scene.”

His accomplices looked at him funny.

“Being flogged, of course, and have his backside reddened by various implements.”

“The only way to manage a credible result,” Lester intervened, “is to actually go for it. Adding make-up might enhance the spanked bottom, but it won’t pass for it.”

Walter listened with interest, taking over after the expert advice.

“So, Red, whose sock is in your mouth? William’s?”

The audience closely followed Walter’s interrogation. The litany of names got binary responses as Walter tried to trick the contestants by varying his tone from enthusiastic to dubitative.

Eventually, the quiz was over. Scott and Danny correctly identified the garments.

“I’m proud of you, Red and Blue. Unfortunately” Walter said in his most professorial tone, turning to Graham, “you Lavender didn’t identify your own cum and you mistook William’s sock for mine. I guess I’ll have to schedule some lessons in the weeks to come so you catch up with the other excellent pupils.”

Greg and Walter didn’t mind playing the abusive teachers who would be handling the poorly performing students; Greg would put on his Von Knebel costume he loved so much just so they could use scenes or shots in their film later on.

There had to be different punishments, which would show off either the front or the back of the shorts, with possibly views from the side. They would have Lavender whipped first, with his friends really close watching and learning from the culprit’s punishment.

Once they decided on a basic outline, the main actors went to change. William, Lester and Maxim stood behind a camera, ready to record Greg, Walter and their three students.

The boys were just in front of the desk, but the platform extended a bit to the right, with enough room for Walter to stand at Scott’s immediate side. Walter wore his professorial gown and cap, with glasses to look serious. He spoke, holding a riding crop.

“So, young scoundrels, you’re already regretting not studying harder and cramming late at night, aren’t you? Our philosophy when it comes to detention is that it should be unpleasant enough that no-gooders are deterred from repeating their mistakes. Hence the shorts. Don’t they look nifty? All snug and tight, keeping you decent. Your bums are well covered, so are your naughty little cocks, aren’t they?”

The sarcasm was obvious, and fully in character with the devious teacher Walter played. He stepped down from the platform, approached each penis with a quizzical look.

“I’m afraid displaying huge erections and leaking sex juice isn’t the best way to convince us to alleviate your punishment. What do you think, Greg?”

Greg had been sitting in the large armchair He turned to have a glance at them, caught his breath and launched in his tirade.

“We could have them do more homework, but it’s what they screwed up in the first place. In line with our philosophy, I suggest we restrain them further and let the lower forms handle their punishment. This could be a good lesson for the younger ones also.”

He paused reflectively.

“They’ve been required to wear the shorts of shame today, so it is important to restrain them in such a manner that they’re fully seen. Red will be laid across the pommel horse, and the other two will be restrained in a standing spread-eagle.”

The high-pitched voice carried a distinct threat, and Scott didn’t resist when they had him hop down the platform.

The videographers called ‘Cut!’ so they could change the cameras to film the punishment scene.

The cousins set Scott over the pommel horse, adjusting the length of the legs so his behind would stick out.

With the scene in the can, it was action time for the two other bound and gagged actors. Greg and William picked them up and put them down on the floor. As their ankles were strapped together, both prisoners hopped until each stood at one side of the pommel horse.

Ropes hung down from a beam above. Walter climbed on a stool, showing off his shorted bottom to the camera, and undertook threading a rope through the wrist cuffs’ D-rings and knot it around the beam.

The two naughty boys soon stood with their arms in a Y over their head. The ropes were taut, pulling on their arms strictly.

Greg and Walter also took care of their legs with ropes, trapping their knees and pressing their thighs together.

“Look at Red, lads, this’ll be a good shot!” Lester grinned.

Lester and Walter praised the great display, recording the pupils’ mild predicament.

Greg came with a riding crop in hand, which he waved around to make swooshing sounds. The digital cameras caught the full glory of the flesh quivering under the close-fitting shorts.

Scott’s grunts sounded like a response to pain; the crop smacked his behind with a loud crack each time, but Greg didn’t weaken his striking. He provided five slowly delivered cuts on the quaking bottom.

“No messing around,” the blond boy concluded.

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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 16 – Endurance Ordeal

There were no intentions to warm up Scott’s behind further, yet. The videos were checked briefly; Lester deemed it good enough to move on. Already, the boys were busy thinking of further plans to abuse the captives.

There’s only a limited number of options for competitive activities to keep bound and gagged boys busy. Thankfully, the cousins were resourceful.

“It seems Lavender and Blue fidget quite a bit. We should test their ability at keeping still,” Walter grinned. He ran to a cupboard, coming back with weights and a roll of fishing line.

He got busy setting up his gear under Graham and Danny’s worried eyes; five minutes later he was ready for Lester’s camera to roll.

“So here you are, my feisty pupils, you’ve been left to meditate all afternoon on humility and good manners, but you’re still waving your cumbersome sausages around. I see you squirming and writhing, and I can’t tell for sure, but I’d be of a mind to believe you grind your hips on purpose. You relish this arousal in your loins, don’t you?”

The two gagged pupils shook their head vehemently, denying such a misdeed with all their heart, which gave out wonderful nasal sounds.

“I have to leave you here for two hours or three, but no more than four, don’t worry. But since I can’t have you lads fidget and try anything funny, I have to make sure that you remain absolutely still.”

Walter took a weight, brought it to the camera and then knotted the fishing line to the ring on top. It was a pound.

“Now lads, you’ve failed at the first part of your detention, you’d better not disappoint us again. Stand straight.”

The boys did their best with their arms stretched above their heads, pulled at opposite angles, and their legs linked to a ring in the wooden floor.

Walter then set a weight on top of each head. He took a step aside, turning to Danny. He started a number for the camera.

“You see, our young men here have been fidgety and teachers have complained they don’t seem to be able to focus. That’s exactly the kind of issues I enjoy dealing with in detention. Now, you may see they stand quite still. They have a one-pound lead weight on their heads, and if they don’t move, there’s no reason for it to go anywhere.”

Danny saw Lester from quite close, since the boy was following the fishing line trail coming down his head and threaded in a D-ring sewn in a belt strapped around his chest. Walter’s index finger followed the invisible thread down to the throbbing blue boner.

“A final knot just around the crown of our rascal’s naughty willie and we’re in business. If he drops the weight, well… I’d better not even think about it.”

Walter grabbed the weight on Danny’s head and mimicked the fall, accompanying the weight down until it was at Danny’s knees, tugging over his dick that didn’t really need help to stick upwards.

“Let me see,” he said, leaving the weight hang, causing Danny to protest vehemently.

“What an ungrateful little git! This is what we have to deal with nowadays, moaning and whining little boys, who’re never satisfied and can’t wait for one second.”

He held a cushion and a belt.

“It turns out this is for your safety, little one. I don’t intend to kneecap you.”

He set the cushion to cover Danny’s knees, pinning it solidly in place with the strap, which he buckled tightly. He picked the weight back up and set it on Danny’s head. He went to check on Graham and padded his knees, keeping his head out of the way in case the boy fell.

“No funny stuff, Lavender, this time you need not to make the least mistake.”

Graham stood still; the cousins seemed good at spotting motion, and they were monitoring him closely.

“I’ll let the three of you think about the reasons you’re here, and you’d better be able to prove you’ve mended your ways when I’m back.”

He stepped away, going out of frame. The videographers kept on filming Graham and Danny’s predicament. Scott had a mainly decorative role, pointing out his pair of buttocks while straddled over the pommel horse.

Lester and William went on filming the very still trio.

“Cut!” Lester eventually shouted. They went to the actors and picked up the weights; Walter had tested the set-up before filming, and it wouldn’t maim the boys, but the producers didn’t have a reason to punish their acting crew.

Walter joined them.

“The props,” he said, handing them two weights made of rubber foam with a large marble stuffed inside to ensure an adequate drop. Yet they were the tenth of the mass of the real weights.

“Now, lads, we’ll film your ordeal. This is strict, and if it really lasted four hours, it would be quite dire.”

“Scott has stayed like this for longer,” Walter muttered.

“No doubt, but was he under the threat of having his cock ripped off?”

Greg and Walter traded looks and laughed.

“There was something else involved, and we’ll be glad to tell you the story; there are quite a few involving Scott, our boarding school fag, but please go on explaining our actors what they’ve got to do.”

Graham and Danny were told to moan and move very slowly until the weight dropped.

“You may remain still, but if you do so, we’ll convince you to move, don’t worry…”

That’s when they were to really shout at the top of their lungs despite the gag, ‘for dramatic effect.’ Danny had no doubt he’d scream his head off if the weight ripped his cock off.

Lester set the fake weights on the worried boys’ heads.

With all the crew at their position, the shooting resumed. Walter had grabbed one of the hand-held cameras, to snap up great close-ups of the captives.

The actors initially stood still, but Lester had a trick up his sleeves. Both Graham and Danny had ABCs on, and he reached for the remote in his pocket. Following the director’s move, Graham and Danny got some jolt from feeling the plugs vibrate again; Scott played along, grinding his hips and shaking his booty.

Eventually, the weights dropped — at the same time, to the actors’ credit — and the boys duly performed the wail of pain.

“Cut!” Walter shouted. “You did well, but I’m sure you can do better!”

They redid the scene a couple times, with Lester really getting into acting direction, pleased to see the two victims give very convincing performances when the weights fell down.

“They’re not bad, Les,” William reassured him, “and we’ll get even better acting when they’re not as strictly immobilized.”

The perfectionist director thanked his friend for bringing him back to his senses.

The captive boys were given some entertainment: Graham and Danny were all ears and all eyes to their surprising new friends.

“We’ll have to change for the next scene, Will. We’re the lower forms boys who come and taunt the naughty boys.”

It seemed perfectly natural to resort to old-fashioned schoolboy uniforms. Lester and William weren’t shy and they shucked off their clothes.

They slipped in their hand-made uniforms swiftly to get into the role of the younger kids. Their underwear was rather tight and kept them from displaying their manhood as obviously as the punished students did. Danny and Graham didn’t lose one second of the show.

“You’ve got Lavender and Blue ogling you,” Walter snitched. “It’s all set for the cameras, ready to roll.”

Greg sat at the teacher’s desk, Lester and William went behind the desks, waiting for their cue.

“I hope you’re not getting bored, pupils,” Greg said in an unctuous tone, “because your punishment is far from over. But I hear someone coming.”

Lester slammed the door shut for sound effect and he and William advanced in the classroom until they were under the cameras’ eye.

“Welcome lads, I’ve heard you’re new here.”

“Yes, Sir,” William replied shyly, while casting an eye on the worrying show of the punished trio.

“Then it’s better for you to know how to behave. These boys didn’t behave,” the blond boy said, pointing at the pommel horse. “Do you behave, boys?”

“Yes, Sir,” they both replied in low, modest voices.

“Then go and have a good look at what happens to those who break the rules.”

Lester and William approached the group of bound and gagged boys.

“Is it the regular punishment in this school, Sir?” William asked.

“There are many punishments, but being made to wear the punishment shorts is for our worst pupils, those who run in the hallway or chat during class; people with poor grades also, as you can see. Why don’t you ask our little band of thugs to tell you more about what got them here in the first place? I’ve got to go to the main office, so I’ll leave you boys to get acquainted and learn how we run things here.”

“But sir…”

“Yes, lad?”

“They can’t talk, they’re gagged!”

“They can shake their head or nod; this should be enough for you to find out what happened to them. Answer frankly to the youngsters’ questions, boys, I’ll be back soon.”

Grégory exited the stage by opening and slamming the door shut.

“Say Will, they’ve got to wear some funny shorts.”

“Tell me about it. It shows their wieners. It seems they’re wrapped in an extra layer too. You’ve got to wear punishment shorts?” he asked Danny.

The older teen nodded in response. Lester asked the next question.

“Why did you get punished? Uh, yes, did you cheat?”

Danny shook his head, while William now interrogated Graham.

“Have you been a chatterbox and got caught talking in class?”

The boys went on with a list of possible crimes, getting negative answers throughout. No food fight in the cafeteria, no bullying of lower form boys, no egging of the headmaster’s car…

“So, is it just that you are dunces and don’t study enough?”

Fully aware of their roles, the naughty boys nodded, with Scott approving through grunts.

“Say, Lester, will we have such big wee-wees when we grow up?” William said, flicking the purple-satin containing Graham’s inflated member with his index finger. He got a grunt. “The headmaster said you should behave.”

Stepping in front, his accomplice answered his question.

“No, it’s just that they have boners. They might be excited seeing you, you’ve got a lovely bum after all.”

William laughed wholeheartedly.

“Don’t be silly, Les.”

“Want to see?”

Lester approached Danny, whose hard-on was at full mast since the ‘school boys’ began their interrogation.

“You shake his hard boner, like this…”

There were questioning moans from the handjob recipient. Was he supposed to cum or not?

“Hush, lad, I’m doing you a favour, don’t whine…”

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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 17 – Discipline Roleplay

Greg watched the show; he knew Danny well enough to realize he had to get to his mark for his next intervention: he was supposed to get back right after the leaking.

As the wail of the miscreant indicated he was close to orgasm, and then that he reached it, Greg burst in, using the door as an audio cue again. He walked confidently up to the pupils and paused as he came into the cameras’ range.

“What’s this?” he said, pointing angrily at the slightly deflated cock, the end of which seeped drops of semen from its tip.

“I don’t know, Sir,” Lester answered. “We were just watching, and the one dressed in blue started writhing and then he shouted something in his gag and he’s leaked just afterwards.”

“My, my, my, Blue, you’re really asking for it. Just seeing boys from lower forms gets you this worked up…”

“Mmmmp! Grrmmbbllmmph!”

Danny’s protests were made in vain.

“I hope you aren’t shocked by this pupil’s indecent behaviour lads.”

“No, headmaster,” Lester replied ruefully.

“Good, because I just came to tell you I’d be a bit longer, so if you could keep an eye on your fellow-pupils, I would be most grateful. And change the penile sheaths; soiled and wet ones aren’t to be worn in public.”

“Sure, headmaster, we’ll watch them,” William said.

“We’ll clean them up, headmaster,” Lester added in his most deferent tone.

Left alone again with the prisoners, Lester and William undertook ‘cleaning up’ Danny. His penis was dried and wrapped in clean Lycra again.

The ‘young pupils’ turned their attention to Graham.

“I’ll do this one, Les. He’s got quite a huge hot dog in his shorts!”

No squirming and bucking could allow Graham to escape the little hand that wrapped itself around the turgid member and went for its usual action.

Graham moaned; they’d been milked countless times now, yet he couldn’t help but feel aroused as the first time.

“Shake faster and stronger,” Lester advised.

William’s hand adapted its grip and pace.

“Like this?”

“Yup, it should work.”

Graham wasn’t any less vocal than his friend was; he had a role to play after all. It wasn’t only a movie he was shooting; he shot his load too and filled the front of the kinky satin shorts with five spurts of semen.

This was the cue for Greg to come back ‘on stage’. He used the door trick again, and came to inspect the group of boys.

“So, our second pupil has also failed to keep control? What happened, lads?” he asked William.

“I don’t know, headmaster. We were just asking them about classes and the one in mauve started shaking and then his penis started leaking.”

“I can’t believe it. They’re in detention, and they still manage to break rules. They’re a very bad example, boys. I’ll show you what happens to those who can’t handle themselves in polite society.”

He went to the desk, leaping back with a riding crop in hand.

“And this is how we deal with such poor behaviour.”

He took his stand behind Danny first. The crop swished through the air before it made contact with Danny’s buttocks, causing him to squirm and shout in his gag more frantically with each of the five blows.

It was Graham’s turn. Wide-eyed and moaning throughout, the newbie got an equal number of strokes. The riding crop stung, but it wasn’t too bad, especially since it was over quickly.

“Did this one behave?” Greg asked, letting the tip of the crop run over Scott’s backside.

“Yes, headmaster, he hasn’t moved.”

Greg slid a hand between Scott’s legs, feeling his groin.


“In a spirit of fairness, I think he could share the punishment with his friends, considering he deemed acceptable to wet his fancy shorts also.”

The whip landed four more times, which made Scott contort and wail into his gag.

“Now we’ve meted out the immediate punishment, I may tell you that you’ve earned an extra two hours being on display for other boys. I hope this is enough to mend your devious ways.”

‘Shall we keep an eye on them, headmaster?” William offered with his most angelic grin.

“Good idea, my child,” Greg said, patting the boy’s head. “You may give me a full report on their behaviour. Clean them up too, their nice punishment shorts should look tidier than this,” he said pointing at Graham’s flaccid, dripping member.

Lester and William approved with coy glances. Greg exited the stage.

“It seems the headmaster didn’t suspect anything,” Lester taunted Graham while changing the Lycra sheath.

William caressed Danny’s ropes, assessing their solidity. “This’ll teach you to behave better, that’s for sure! Look at their boners, Les…”

The schoolboys marvelled as a series of cock flicking sent drops of liquid crashing to the floor. Graham felt desire rise up in his loins.

“Let us have a look at your straddled friend.”

“Or at his bum, rather.”

Carefully standing on each side of Scott’s bent over form, they let the cameras record his satin-clad behind being examined by two mischievous pupils. They weren’t content with watching. William patted the derriere to feel if it remained warm from the whipping.

Scott’s legs being spread a couple feet apart, there was space between his legs for Lester to let his fingers glide in search of the satin sleeve containing the prisoner’s cock and balls.

“Poor lad! His position prevents him from developing his boner. Not that he doesn’t want to, he’s filled his sheath well.”

William believed his friend, but he checked for himself.

“He has. Poor boy, being punished for being a dunce seems quite harsh at the school.”

William wasn’t one to surrender easily. He felt, touched, and fumbled with his hand until he had the best possible grip. Then he started masturbating Scott tenderly.

His little finger went for Scott’s scrotum, rubbing it softly. Combined with the young masochist’s predicament, and the overall atmosphere in this ‘classroom’, it made his blood boil. William’s true skills were about speed, though.

Greg knew Scott well enough; the nasal wails told him Scott was really about to cum, if he wasn’t already. It was his mark for the final scene in the skit.

The door slammed shut and Greg’s steps resounded in the classroom. This time, William was caught red-handed, or, well, whitish-handed for that matter, as he had kept pumping the dick to get all the juice out.

“What is going on?” Greg asked as angrily as he could, even though a high-pitched voice that betrayed his puberty came out. He delivered his lines with heart nonetheless: “I will have to deal with you two! If you really want to be in these miscreants’ company, I will make sure you behave even then.”

Lester and William pleaded with an apologetic tone as Greg watched them sternly.

Walter called the cut.

“Let’s have a short break,” Lester said, breaking from his apologetic little boy stance. “I can’t believe how good you are, Greg.”

Walter ran upstairs to get refreshments and snacks for the group while his cousin received praise. Maxim, who had kept away from the shooting, followed him, offering to help.

Downstairs, Lester and William were releasing Danny and Graham from their standing position, cuffing their wrists behind their backs.

“I told them about your idea, Walt, and we’re going to have Red and Blue bind the naughty schoolboys before they’re caned,” Maxim said as they returned with a tray of bottles, biscuits, and chocolate. “That will be part of their punishment, being the headmaster’s servants.”

There was an agreement on the plot’s quality, and Greg received advice from his fellow-filmmakers on what to say, how to move…

Scott was released too. The three boys had soiled shorts, so some cleaning was in order first. Walter got a hair-dryer from the bathroom; they all gathered to watch as he started drying Graham’s penis inside his sleeve. Was public humiliation what triggered it for Graham? Or was it the caress of the lukewarm air? His junk grew slowly, filling the sheath.

The experiment went on with the two other captives, and it proved to work equally well on both, to the captors’ great joy.

“Man, we’re the kings at exciting naughty boys!”

“And punishing them if they can’t keep control!”

Eventually they guzzled down the drinks and swallowed cereal bars. The students got their share too.

“Chew well, Blue,” Walter commanded. “So, lads, you two will show us you’ve learned a thing or two at our academy. You will take care of Lester and William, an honour. You guys decided on who will bind who and how?”

“Your cousin proposed Blue handles me and Red does Lester,” William answered. “How should they do it? Let’s have a creativity contest with chair ties. I mean, you could even grade this for your academic work too. Like some extra-curricular activity that earns you credits.”

“Yes, the winner gets three hundred penalty points off,” Walter conceded.

There was no reminder of the tally, considering Walter kept a close count of the squirts that meant two thousand penalty points each.

Identical gags muzzled the pupils less than three minutes after their mouths had been freed.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to free them completely. The kinky headmaster might keep them gagged while unbound, to make sure they don’t conspire. I would,” Walter explained.

“Your choice,” William shrugged.

The toiling resumed, with Scott and Danny getting instructions and props. They still had to rack their brains for an entertaining and original chair-tie.

Danny had William stand at the back of the piece of furniture, with his legs bound to the chair’s and slightly spread open.

Danny experimented with the reverse prayer position, which was well received by the audience. They remained silent, but he saw a thumb up from Walter.

He then folded the boy in two at the waist, using ropes coming from the chest harness he’d woven to keep William from standing.

Scott had Lester sit facing the back and he worked from there. He couldn’t be outperformed by Danny, so he went for a tight reverse prayer, which caused the cruelly bound victim to gasp.

They were freed quickly so the scene could be shot with speaking actors. They rid Scott and Danny of their gagging apparatus.

“You don’t have written dialogues, but you could answer all their taunts. What do you think, Walt?”

“Yes, they should stress out Les and Walt are lower forms, and they put them back into place with some remarks.”

“Unheard by the headmaster,” Greg suggested, “and with the captives protesting to no end.”

“Comment on your knots if you don’t know what to say. After all, you’re teaching the young ones a lesson…”

Greg and Walter removed their gags and then handed them water bottles. The two fellow-students tackled their acting gig.

Danny spoke in a raspy voice; he’d been under the silence rule for what seemed like ages. He still managed to recover quickly, and with his mouth thus freed, he could become the nasty older boy who relished the young one’s punishment.

Greg and Walter winked, noticing their babysitter’s involvement in the scene. Danny even spanked William’s butt under the pretext he’d moved.

“It’s not so fun being on the receiving end, is it? Should we also give you a spanking?”

He fondled William before undertaking the reverse prayer position.

“This is a bit tender, but a few strokes of my hand should toughen your rear up, lad.”

The repetition of the scene made for smoother moves and a more determined Danny. He felt great when he heard: “Cut!”

“Good job, Blue. Come here.”

Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Another episode of our kidnapped babysitter's adventures...

Chapter 18 – Academy Rules

Danny stepped in front of Walter, who stuck a dummy in his mouth. It was like a baby’s, but sized for much older boys, the bulb being in some foam rubber that could somewhat adapt to its container. The pacifier filled his mouth, trapping his tongue underneath.

Danny stood with his arms along his sides while Walter on tiptoes knotted the silk ribbon over his neck. He tightened it and the dummy was in to stay.

“It’ll help you follow the silence rule while Red makes his own little show.”

He called the second performer up.

“Blue’s set the bar rather high, so don’t screw up, Scott!”

Walter looked deep into his eyes. Scott knew it was no idle warning; his young tormentor had even used his real name to drive the point home.

He decided to weld Lester to the chair, still legs open wide and facing the back. Scott was a knot expert and told of the square knots and the lark’s heads he used to bind Lester to the seat.

“Now, boy, I hope the headmaster will approve of my bonds, because you’re to stay in these ropes and on this chair for the rest of detention time. You may try and escape, but if I catch you, then you’re in for a much nastier punishment.”

Scott’s hand rubbed Lester’s back, feeling the ropes running across it and the skin underneath through the cotton. He patted the prisoner’s bottom.

“I could spank you, but I know even worse tortures…”

“Cut! Darn, Red, why don’t you just stick to doing what we tell you to?” Walter burst out. “It was fine until the end when you started making these threats. It’s the headmaster who handles discipline in the story!”

“Uh… Sorry.”

Scott seemed upset.

“What if we use that idea for a next scene,” Greg offered. “I come in, find Red fooling around, and have another punishment to mete out.”

“It doesn’t seem to take the story too much off-track,” Lester stated.

Walter seemed convinced. “You may start over and I’ll let you improvise, then,” he conceded.

They redid the scene; Danny watched and found Lester quite gracious and patient with all the rope coiling and preparation each take required.

This time, a mean Scott happily bullied poor Lester, who was soon gagged so he couldn’t whine.

Scott then targeted Lester’s member, sliding his hand under his butt and grabbing him, lifting his bum lightly.

“What have we got here, lad? Are you hiding a weapon in here? This feels really hard…”

Lester writhed and made noise through his gag, but Scott’s hand remained firm. He soiled his shorts after a couple minutes of a rising orgasm.

Greg concluded the scene by barging in on the guilty pupils. “What’s going on? It seems that you lads can’t be left on your own without running into trouble. We’ll have to fix this…”

Applause filled the room when the scene was over. It had gone smoothly, the rope weaving was masterful and Scott had performed his smutty role with all his heart to please his audience.

Walter hadn’t managed to get him gagged as a punishment; yet he was in ambush right at the end of the take, and he had a dummy to offer to Scott’s lips. His was red, of course.

“We’ve got to discuss,” Walter announced and addressed the pupils, “hands over your necks while you wait, fingers crossed!”

The captors gathered around the teacher’s desk.

“That’s about it for our scenario, unless we extend the story as Greg suggested,” Walter started.

“If I may,” Maxim said, “you’ve really got something going with this academy of yours. Even your pupils know the drill, as they’ve just proved. I’d say, go for more schoolboys vs. headmaster adventures.”

The lanky young man receded in the shadow once he’d spoken. Greg and Walter beamed with pride

Their two original prisoners stood at attention; Scott and Danny looked down at their feet, blushing. They still didn’t show any intent to rebel against their abductors, much like when they had the occasion before.

“I’d love to go on with Lester and William playing little boys. It’s a lot of fun filming them, and it’s good having Red and Blue prove a bit useful for once. I’m getting hungry, though; let’s go upstairs and talk it over lunch. Red, Blue, free our guests.”

The routine was well oiled; Lester and William soon were free of their bonds. The former went to wipe his shorts in the bathroom, and the latter cuffed and shackled the actors; Scott, Danny and Graham had to be fully outfitted for fixing and serving lunch. William fastened the strap keeping their dummies inside their mouths.

The ‘shorts of shame’ made for great entertainment at the table; they allowed grabbing the butlers and causing them to break rule number six easily, which didn’t grow old, especially with the wager at hand. There was a healthy sense of competition keeping the minders observant and thorough.

“No whining, Lavender, and stand still,” Walter ordered. “I’ll shake this joystick of yours to see whether you can keep control.”

The waiting staff were all made to cream their kinky shorts as the meal went on; they wondered how many Lycra tubes their captors had. The ritual was enacted again, having their slightly less hard rods swathed in clean and dry Lycra.

Danny tried to make a tally of all the wanks he’d gotten, but he soon got dizzy trying to relive the whole day at the hands of teasing and expert hands.

“Here is how I think we should go on,” Greg whispered to his accomplices in a conspiratorial tone. “We should have Red and Blue handle Lester and William further. I was a bit reluctant to release them so they can act, but so far, they’ve behaved better than expected.”

“They’re quite at ease in front of the camera,” Walter added, “and they deliver their lines well. No misbehaving when allowed to talk.”

Scott and Danny pretended not to hear, yet their chests puffed up.

“They do break your chastity rule quite often,” Maxim said, his fingers clamped over Graham’s dick and having the young man gasp behind his dummy. “And this one is squirting again, write it down, Walter!”

The sitting audience laughed. Maxim picked up a flyswatter and delivered five strokes on the rule-breaker’s mauve shorts.

“In the next scene, they could get a part where they have more freedom: they’re left to babysit us, and they turn out to abuse the headmaster’s trust by doing nasty stuff to our bums and our willies.”

“That’s our William all right!” Maxim chuckled.

“It is. I usually like his ideas, and this is yet another good one,” Lester added. “The walls have ears, though; let’s keep some suspense for our actors, since it’s worked so far.”

He stood up and grabbed Scott’s head, sliding foam ear plugs which he topped with a small piece of tape. Greg and Walter had Scott and Danny covered, and the waiting staff started clearing the table without knowing what the little group of deviants had in store for the next scene.

Instructions were gestured, and while the staff tidied the kitchen, they were victims of more fondling and masturbatory endeavours by the talking assembly, whose words remained unclear due to the muffling foam.

They’d been instructed to make themselves sandwiches they would eat only after the kitchen was spotless.

Their ear canals got freed after being fed, but it coincided with having the dummies stuck back inside their gobs.

“We’ve got scenes to get in the can,” Walter stated, “let’s get back to work.”

The procession moved at a slow pace; Maxim hobbled the captives, leaving less than a foot of slack between their ankles. They soon stood on a line in front of their desks, facing the teacher’s podium.

Greg, who was in charge of the announcement, sat on the teacher’s desk and looked at them.

“You’ve been fed and watered, so you should be in full gear this afternoon. Red and Blue, you play the role of some devious pupils who abuse younger kids whenever they can. You’ll start by getting Lavender over the pommel horse, considering you’ve been tasked with keeping an eye over the other boys. You get his bum up and sticking to give him a spanking. You like bums and spanking, so you’d better make up fitting dialogues. You’d also better make the most of having your gags removed, as that won’t happen too often with us in charge. You need to act as a devious little duo, I’m sure you may think of role models,” the blond beauty grinned.

Maxim got his to his observation post, the armchair on the side. He watched the four pairs of hands removing Scott and Danny’s bonds. Being left in their strange shorts, they didn’t look fully normal, yet the absence of restraints instantly granted them authority over the restrained Graham.

“We will film you trussing us back to our chairs,” Lester explained, “and it’s very important that you copy the first tie-up faithfully. I hope you remember what you did this morning…”

Lacking proper authorization to speak, the boys remained mum.

“Let me go over the setting again,” Walter followed. “You’ve been tasked by Greg –– your headmaster –– to watch the boys. Lester and William are on chairs and you release Graham from his standing tie-up to have him bend over the pommel horse for a nice spanking.”

Scott and Danny got busy putting Lester and William back in the exact same positions they’d held in the morning.

“You may warm up your voice, Red and Blue. I want to hear some convincing bullying of the lower form boys,” Walter ordered.

Speaking aloud still felt a little difficult after so many hours gagged. Danny commented on his knots keeping Lester straddling the chair, while Scott taunted the younger boy.

“After I’m done tightening this rope holding your ankle you won’t be able to move an inch.”

“So you’ve misbehaved and you got in trouble with the headmaster? Let’s make sure you remember your punishment.”

They adjusted the ropes and picked up the soggy scarves they’d used in the morning. Lester and William tried to protest and offered some token resistance, which only caused the young actors to feel the part even more. Danny grabbed a handful of Lester’s hair and hissed into his ear: “You don’t want to upset me, silly sod. Open big and fast!”

The taping and laying of an additional scarf were identical to the morning’s gags. Walter came to have a look when they were done.

“You did better than I thought. I can’t tell a difference. What about you, Les and Will? Does it feel the same?”

They both nodded, their grunts approving of the tie-ups.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 19 – Playing a New Role

“You passed this test, then,” Walter went on. “Time to get on with more serious stuff. You may take a few minutes to discuss the scene together.”

At last they were able to speak, but with six other boys listening.

“We could keep his arms bound behind, strappado,” Danny suggested. “It’ll show his butt better.”

“Yes, and we can goad him with the flyswatter.”

Looking at his fellow-captive while discussing Graham’s ordeal was an eerie experience for Danny. His friend looked at him, silent behind his dummy. He had to enjoy himself as much as he and Scott did.

The talking had gotten the actors all pumped up for their performance. Walter set up the cameras, got everything and everyone ready and gave the start.

Greg sat at his desk, addressing Scott and Danny.

“Considering these lower form students misbehaved, your detention is suspended. I have an important meeting and I need someone to watch over the miscreants. It might last all day, so it’ll be a test for you.”

“Yes, headmaster,” Scott replied in a little voice. Danny merely nodded.

“Your classmate here,” he said pointing to Graham, “is just bound hand and foot. See to it that he doesn’t fool around and do stupid stuff. There are ropes in case he really misbehaves. It’s a great honour to be left unrestrained, and you’d better not abuse it.”

Greg stood from the desk, a haughty look on his face as he turned his back to the crowd two feet below. He stepped down from the platform and exited the room.

“Here we are, Danny,” Scott exclaimed triumphantly. “We fooled the old man and now we can have our fun with these boys.”

He walked around the chair-bound lads, brushing their limbs with his fingers, feeling the ropes as well as the skin or fabric it covered. Danny joined him, making sure to stand on one of the tape marks Walter had put on the floor.

“They’re well trussed up,” he said happily, “so they won’t be able to do anything to resist us. What kind of torture should we put them through?”

“I’m sure if we get them to soil their briefs, they’ll be in hot water. The headmaster doesn’t take too kindly to the boys who dirty their underwear.”

While delivering his improvised lines, Scott moved towards Graham with little steps.

“But before we get to punish the little boys, we should make sure Graham is safely bound. He’s such a goody-two-shoes, he might try and stop us having our fun with the little blighters.”

“Yes,” Danny smiled, “Let’s secure him so he won’t be a bother.” He put his hand over Graham’s shoulder, and let it glide down along his spine. “Our friend has some interesting assets.”

“He sure has an interesting ass!” Scott laughed, noticing that some rump patting was taking place.

“You’re right, such a pleasant behind needs to be put on display. Let’s get him to the pommel horse, I’ll show you.”

Danny was taking the lead; Scott was happy to follow. They started binding his ankles to the pommel horse’s legs, but Danny proposed trying with his legs bound together. They redid the job, with ropes at ankles and knees; the result looked better.

“His butt is higher, and sticks out more,” the black-haired teen stated.

His hands were bound with rope behind his back. Another rope was threaded through the original and thrown over the rafter above.

Graham let them do their job rather passively. A quick cut was called for.

“Not too bad, lads,” Walter commented, but Lavender should be a bit feistier,” he said, turning to Graham, “That’s fine, boy, you didn’t make it too difficult for your friends, but now I need some more action for my lens and I need to see you writhing and trying to get out of this trap with all your might.”

“And make more noise with your mouth,” Greg advised, “Gagged grunts go well with fighting and showing you aren’t too happy about the situation.”

They all took their marks to start over.

“You’ve got a great arse, Graham,” Danny said, “These punishment shorts really show off how muscular it is. It shines to reveal how it moves. We’ll stimulate these two round buns a bit to get them to squirm, scoundrel…”

Danny picked a switch from the teacher desk; the swooshing sound ended in a crashing sound. Graham followed the guidelines, and he squirmed, twisting his hips and shoulders as much as the bonds allowed. He also reacted verbally; his grunt was as loud a reaction to pain as he could manage.

“Good job, Dan,” Scott approved, “It’s a nice little dance he’s performing for us.”

Danny whipped the satin-clad bottom to get more motions from the sinewy legs and the tight, perk bottom at the top of the legs. The strappado forced the extension of his limbs; the hip-grinding and leg twisting was recorded in full HD by Walter’s camera.

“Indeed, Scotty, this is a great rear-end.” He turned to the two lower-form pupils, still bound to their chairs. “Wouldn’t you want to have a closer look at Graham’s bum?”

The two boys nodded enthusiastically, at least at the prospect of being released from their slightly uncomfortable positions, especially for Lester; bending over the back of the chair in his straddling position started feeling painful.

Danny and Scott displayed much mastery over the sequence of events that ensued; they mimicked their captors’ gestures, becoming natural with the handling of other boys. They’d soaked in all the principles involved with the use of fetters and hobbles throughout the procedure, and Lester and William had been in competent hands, leaving them no opportunity for rebellion.

They ended up both bound the same way, with their wrists cuffed behind them, and a short length of chain linking two cuffs around their arms, just above their elbows. Once their knees were hobbled, they couldn’t even fight back and had to follow their handlers docilely.

“You needed to stretch a bit, boys, didn’t you?”

“They sure did, Danny. It seems we have another pair of boys who stretch their underwear when being bound and gagged.”

Scott didn’t just remark verbally. He reached for the two packages tenting the grey satin shorts. There were indignant muffled protests.

“Ha! Ha! They love having you fondle them, Scott, they’re even begging for more.”

Scott grabbed William’s shoulder.

“Come with me, little pervert, it’s not me who’s going to get you to spill your seed.” Scott pushed the younger boy until he stood behind Graham. “Here you go, have your fun wanking against your fellow-prisoner’s butt!”

Scott reached for William’s own behind with his hand; he made William stand on tiptoe, and rub his tented shorts against Graham’s. The bound boy mewled behind his gag.

“Yes, you like it, little Willy,” Danny snarled, “though if we let you go all the way, you might get in trouble with the headmaster.”

Scott removed his hand, but William remained on his toes, grinding his hips, eyes closed and a soft moan coming from behind his gag. Scott picked up the switch on the desk.

Swish… Crack!


The twisting of William grew more intense in response to the stimulus the thin piece of wood provided. Scott went on, going without any haste, and identifying the consequences of such a whipping; he’d experienced it before himself. The stinging feeling made William even more excited, and the twisting of the butt accompanied a growing feeling, pushing him towards the edge until he eventually groaned and shook his booty frantically, to make the orgasm even more pleasurable.

Scott grabbed him once he’d calmed down, spinning him around to show the front of his shorts to the camera.

“That’s some cumming,” Danny commented.

“Yes, I doubt the headmaster will miss such a tell-tale stain. Time to entertain his friend, he might start feeling lonely.”

They had William step aside and they brought Lester for a similar treatment. He didn’t need to stand on tiptoe, but this was the major difference with how his friend had been made to honour the captive in his strappado.

Graham could feel Lester’s eagerness through the satiny layers; his robust, growing sausage pushed through and lodged in his crack. The boy’s motions got him in a comfortable position; just a little back and forth would now have his cock pumped and milked.

Danny had taken the switch again and it landed over the shorted bottom, getting the horny teen to explode under the various stimuli after less than five minutes.

Scott and Danny both held Lester when they turned him around, once he’d come down and was no longer in the grip of the overwhelming orgasm.

“My, my, little ones, you’re really going to get into trouble. Do you think we should be kind and help them out, Scott?”

“I don’t know. Is there something in it for us?”

“Mainly they can return the favour another time. With our bossy headmaster, having allies could prove useful one day.”

“You’re right. Let’s take them to the bathroom and clean them up.”

There was a break, so the technical crew could change the cameras and film Scott and Danny taking care of their charges in the adjacent bathroom.

Walter admired in his viewfinder how motivated Scott and Danny were. They’d picked up on the master role, and they did a good job.

They relished displaying their bound and gagged ‘fellow-students’, getting them in the nude and having the intimate contacts they initiated recorded for posterity.

William and Lester knew how to best hold themselves too; the cleaning of the shorts’ front was a highlight, with towels stuffed inside their briefs to get most of the dampness out.

“Here we are, then, you’re all tidy, and in ten minutes, it’ll be all dry.”

“Let’s get them in ball-ties, Scott; with their knees to their chests, it’s unlikely the headmaster can spot any of their funny business.”

“You’re so kind, Danny. I’ll gather the ropes.”

There were some muffled protests, which Scott and Danny ignored, getting the two bound and gagged schoolboys to sit on the floor.

“Aren’t we just the sweetest,” Danny whispered, “to make sure you don’t get any punishment when you do deserve one?”

The squirming youngsters didn’t seem to agree, but whatever they were saying in their gags, it didn’t get Scott and Danny to flinch and deviate from their initial announcement.

A short technical break to set props at the right place and to move the cameras was called for. Walter said “lights, camera, action!” once everything was ready; his actors launched into a technical demonstration.

“I’ll keep him sitting while you take care of his knees,” Danny stated, kneeling behind William, legs spread open and keeping the bound boy against him. His screen partner didn’t make it easy for Danny; with his hands bound behind his back, he could fondle his captor.

The young performer wasn’t thrown out by such foul play and he kept giving advice to Scott so the legs would be kept together and out of mischief.

Danny had kept dry; nevertheless, his telling boner was on full display when he moved aside; Walter couldn’t miss the twitching dong, having timed his close-up at the perfect time. The cut of the shorts was pure magic; the turgid members became part of the show. The ‘bullies’, wonderfully characterized by their priapic displays, moved on to the next stage; Danny released William’s hands so they could be bound in front, under his thighs, while Scott wrapped his ankles in ropes, the ends of which he threaded under the boy’s buttocks, leaving them loosely over the floor.

He helped Danny fix the little boy’s elbows to the top of his thighs, before wrapping his wrists in rope to pin them between his knees. Care was given to knot the rope out of reach of the little fluttering fingers.

“We’re getting there,” Danny commented, “Let’s finish packing him up, then we still have his friend to take care of; the little blighter is squirming, he’s a feisty little number. Stay put, Lester, if you don’t want us to whack your behind again. And we won’t go for the mild sting of the switch next time.”

“Yes, we know where the headmaster hides the paddle.”

The two knot-binders finished weaving their rope cage around William, pulling his heels towards his butt and then wrapping ropes around him to secure his legs snugly against his torso.

Walter signalled a break; he shifted one of the cameras to a more adequate angle. The bullies waited until they were given the go to cocoon Lester in ropes.

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Post by mig137 »

I envy Danny and his rope mates. nice that you post this story again, I love it. Please do not be discouraged to send new chapters. Thank you :P
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Hey Mig137, thanks for the comment. This saga didn't get much comments, but it seems people do read Danny's (mis)adventures.

Chapter 20 – In the Limelight

“We’re doing a good job, Scott,” Danny claimed, “Lester’s going to be tightly folded just like his friend. I have an idea to make this a bonding experience.”

The exhilarated tugs enthusiast stood up, and went to the side of the room to pick up a curtain rod; or maybe it was a broom handle? It was made of wood, five feet in length and a couple inches in diameter.

“We’ll anchor our two friends together, a ball-tie needs to be perfected if you don’t want them rolling over the floor.”

Scott picked up quickly what his companion intended.

They got the bundled boys to face each other; as Lester and William lied on their back, with their knees under their chins; their buttocks actually faced each other.

The rod was laid on top, between their chins. There were rope ends that allowed for a couple turns to fix wrists and knees to the bar, making each boy the symmetrical image of the other, with their toes and behinds touching, and keeping them this way.

“Now, it’s much less likely they can do anything silly,” Danny commented, caressing his chin as the merely writhing bunch lay at his feet.

“They haven’t given up on trying to break free, but I think it’s not very reasonable to imagine escaping our knots. Let them try, we can check on Graham.”

They gathered around Danny’s friend, still in his uncomfortable strappado, with his ankles attached to the pommel horse’s legs.

“This one hasn’t been able to make the smallest progress,” Scott said, feeling the ropes with his fingers for any sign of looseness.

Danny held the switch, and he didn’t hesitate. He waved at Scott, pointing to the switch and the satiny bum. His accomplice didn’t need further explanation, and he moved his hand to let Danny take a swing and cut a stinging blow with the crop, which initiated a genuine cry of protest, which the gag kept enigmatic.

This was the signal of the end of the scene. Walter called it ‘cut’.

“Very good job, Red and Blue,” Walter praised admiringly. “I don’t regret removing your muzzles, you’ve given us some great lines. Where do you get your inspiration?” he grinned.

Scott and Danny knew it was a rhetorical question; they remained silent. Walter shot the twinned Lester and William from various angles.

“Great position, this was a good idea, Blue. Now, the final scene: you get caught by the headmaster.”

Walter made sure Lester and William could hold on for another half hour; he then gave Scott and Danny some instructions. They were to repeat the lower form boys’ feat, and rub against Graham’s bottom, but they had to do it at the same time.

They took their position, Walter patting their bums as an encouragement when everything was ready.

“… Action!”

Scott and Danny stood behind Graham, and came closer until their sticking boners caressed the buttocks. The satin sheaths were dry, but not for long. Precum oozed very soon. The gasps and the loud breathing got heavier. Without a gag, there were even short words, curse words to mark amazement mainly, which made the boys sound quite happy about their predicament.

They twisted around so not only they caressed the firm behind, but their pricks also glided against each other, like two swords mingling in an undecided fight.

Greg stood behind the door, which he kept ajar, waiting for the signal. Walter made an O with his thumb and index finger, but the cooing coming from Scott had put him on the lookout. This was the familiar sound of Red about to flood his underwear, when not gagged. It had been a while, but it had happened so many times at the boarding school that it felt a full part of the routine.

Greg came in, swinging the door open; Scott and Danny pretended they didn’t hear him. He took a few steps inside the classroom, until he was a few feet away from the squirting delinquents, who panted in the aftermath of their orgasm.

Greg coughed lightly. Scott and Danny froze, spinning on their heel like one man, hanging their faces in shame and fear as they realized they’d been busted.

“None of you lads can be trusted, it seems. I’m going to call my assistant; we won’t be too many to discipline all those very naughty boys.”

“But headmaster,” Scott said tentatively.

Greg raised a finger, imposing silence. Scott shut up, his eyes turning to his well-polished shoes and the reflections of the toes squirming inside.

The headmaster went past his pupils, climbed to the teacher desk and picked the phone hanging in the corner.

“Yes, assistant headmaster Walter? Yes... I need a hand with this situation. There are four very naughty pupils in need of a good lesson… Yes, I’ll get started.”

He hung up, turning to the boys – and the camera.

“You couldn’t help it, and you abused the power you had over these silly younger lads. I thought you’d learned to respect guidelines. Let’s see, you,” he said pointing at Scott, “will start making amends by binding your accomplice’s arms behind his back. There’s plenty of rope left, I see…”

Scott had trouble making the difference between the role in the boys’ feature and his real-life devotion and servitude to the cousins. He reacted quickly, picking up all he needed and guiding Danny’s wrists to the small of his back. The coils of cotton rope ensnared them together with his hands facing palm to palm; this meant the elbows were next.

Scott didn’t disappoint, pinning them together but also turning around his chest. Scott finished with a third, long rope used to unify the previous ones and weave a solid chest harness to keep his arms close to his body.

Greg stepped down from his pulpit to check on the tie-up job.

“At least you show you can tie a proper knot. This seems correct, but your little friend would better not prove me wrong by sliding out of these ropes. Gag your friend, then it’s your turn to get restrained.”

The gagging didn’t help Scott to postpone the moment he’d be in bonds again; it took less than thirty seconds to stick the large blue dummy inside Danny’s gob, including the tying of a neat bow-tie over the nape of his neck, which made the ribbon taut.

“Nice job, let me cut your wings too so you don’t fly away,” Greg said before he pinioned Scott’s forearms together over his spine, with his thumbs pressing against his shorted butt crack.

The handsome blond actor made short work of weaving an inescapable rope harness around his shoulders, chest, arms and waist. He inserted the red dummy to complete his job.

“You’ve been neutralized, so I may take a look at what you did to the little ones, while I wait for my assistant,” Greg said, turning to Walter, still standing behind his tripod. The black-haired cousin got the cue, he silently shuffled to the door.

Greg inspected the job, with comments about how the two penitents were made to experience each other’s solidarity. He even had them wiggle their bums a bit. His eventual silence and the little head move got Walter to act. He held the door ajar, and he slammed it shut.

“So headmaster, you’ve had to crack down on poor behaviour? You need me to help with some delinquents?” he asked, kneeling next to the ‘headmaster’ who was scrutinizing the bound pair kept bum to bum and toe to toe by the broom handle.

“Regardless of the instructions we give, bold and reckless ones always find it smart to test our limits. I suggest we test theirs,” he said, turning to the two standing captive boys.

The smile he cut Danny and Scott was telling. They were back in their real-life submissive role, and Greg sure had no trouble making them the victims of his taunts and ordeals again.

“We’ve given them many household duties classes, and we’ve trained these pupils to use any slack or leeway to move in their bonds.”

“They did take deportment classes while hobbled,” Walter commented, interested in the headmaster’s reasoning.

“Exactly. They should be able to prove useful waiting on their betters at the table, while restrained rather properly.”

There was a break, as Walter deemed the scene over.

He set the cameras for a final scene in the basement classroom.

Greg untied Lester and William from the handle to start with, and then he untied loop after loop that kept them all balled-up. Freeing them didn’t extend to their wrists, which were cuffed in leather at the small of their backs before their legs were unbound.

“Now that you stand, I can see your crotches; they seem wet.”

Greg kneeled, sniffing and bringing his nose closer to William’s shorts, then inspecting Lester’s.

“It seems dry, but the smell tells of another story. Did you orgasm, lads? No lies, you know we’ll find out the truth eventually.”

Lester and William shyly nodded.

“Did you masturbate your young fellow-students?” he asked Scott and Danny, sternly.

They shook their head; it wasn’t a lie, and that’s what Walter had told them to do.

“So your own instincts got you to get aroused? Our younger generation is incapable of self-control, apparently. And their elders do some clean-up to get them out of trouble… How sweet. This is something we’d better try to deal with also. Writing lines for a couple hours should tame our horny young men a little.”

The two culprits fidgeted and grunted, ill at ease with the prospect of the headmaster handling them in his strict ways.

The scene was over. Greg and Walter freed Lester and William, who were put in charge of dressing up Scott and Danny as bondage maids.

It took forty-five minutes to get all the required gear –and the bound and gagged boys– up to the kitchen where Scott and Danny’s next feat was to be shot.

“I’m glad I can get the tables turned around, Blue,” William said as he laced a corset around Danny’s waist, “Getting you in a tight and shiny layer of animal hide compensates for your acting as a bully. You did well, and I know it’s for the story. Yet, I can’t help imagining my revenge when I play the part of the poor school boy.”

Danny’s wrists were cuffed to a lacing bar keeping them lightly above his head, and spread apart. There was a large standing mirror in front, and he could see his waist turning into an hourglass figure. William tightened the laces in turns, with a sort of long needle to have more leverage.

His arms were wrapped in leather too; these were regular gloves, if kid opera gloves could be deemed regular when worn by a fifteen-year-old boy.

Boots followed. From the corner of his eye, Danny could see Scott’s metamorphosis at the hands of Lester and Greg.

“They wear their uniforms elegantly,” Greg said, looking at them once all the straps, laces and zippers had been properly knotted or fastened. The boots shone brightly and enhanced their calves. They came just under the knees, providing a second kid skin to their wearers. The flat heel kept them on the manly side, or tried to.

“This is a great make, Brightwell & Comfort apparels never disappoint,” Lester approved, “but is it the ideal outfit to perform household duties? What tasks are they supposed to perform?”

“You’ve got an idea, Lest,” Maxim said. He was busy dressing Graham up, revelling in adjusting and tightening the leather outfit to get Graham to look best.

“You may say this. I love their shorts, but won’t they hinder their moves? It’s nice that we can grab them when they come within reach, but if we restrain their elbows, which is the basic hindrance for such a game, I’m afraid our priapic pupils are going to be waving around their big sausages and it kills the classy effect.”

There was some talk; the shorts were popular, for their looks as well as for their convenience in making their wearers reach orgasm and flood the removable sheaths.

Maxim approved, and he showed the pair of shorts designed for Graham to his peers.

“I’ll say this final item will tie the whole thing together!”

There was earnest laughter at the joke.

“Patent leather, it’s just two pieces, and a third one with the codpiece. Would you give me a hand, Lester?”

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Post by mig137 »

Thank you for continuing, bondwriter. I mean that you are one of the best storywriters here.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Het Mig137! Thanks for the praise, this made me quite happy and proud! Danny has still more chapters to be posted, so he and his friends may experience further sophisticated and kinky tugs...

Chapter 21 – Another Try-Out

The two teens surrounded the unfortunate Graham, both on their knees, looking at the purple dong dangling, deflating from the threat of this new leather piece. Maxim removed the front tube from the nylon layer and the piece of flesh it contained.

The booted feet slid through the legs of the shorts one by one; Maxim slowly pulled the leather garment up, over his knees and thighs before he stood behind the blond twink, where he could tighten the belt the shorts featured easier.

Graham felt the long, cold and nervous fingers fiddling around with his genitals, and pushing them upwards. He felt a hole in the front of the shorts, which was what Maxim was aiming for. He pulled one hand out and picked up the nylon-wrapped cock head from the other side, having the developing boner glide through a hole meant just for this purpose. The hole wasn’t too small, the leather had some stretch in it and the fabric helped the sex to glide through; yet it took some effort to get the rod and then each ball in turn to go through the limited space.

If there was an issue with them waving their boners, Graham thought, it didn’t feel like this was much of a progress.

“And for the final touch, the codpiece.”

This time, Maxim kneeled in front. He pulled the flap running the waist over the front half and pulled it over the erect penis and the balls on each side. There were small clasps sewn along the sides, with counterparts on the piece he already wore.

He used a punch to get the fixtures together, and with each one properly fastened, his junk was kept in check.

Once done, Maxim went to give a hand to his friends who were covering Scott and Danny’s punishment shorts with an extra layer of glossy kid leather.

“Now you’ve got it all in check, you may tighten it a bit so they don’t look as obscene as they did. It makes for an entertaining show, but if we want to try their class out, we’d better be kind and give them a costume to play the part.”

“You may tell me if it’s OK, but I’d like to have their elbows kept behind them with five inches of slack, and four to hobble their knees.”

“This is a lot of slack,” William said, “Four and three should be enough.”

“There’s no boiling stuff to serve?” Lester wondered, having some memories of mishaps in such occasions which had miraculously not ended in drama, or in an emergency room.

Reassured by Greg, who said there were only sandwiches and beverages from plastic pitchers for their tea, Lester applied the pieces of chain and padlocks that restrained Scott’s moves.

Once the three maids had been outfitted in their uniforms, they had to stand on a line for a short photoshoot. The leather-clad trio underwent an inspection, with Lester and Maxim pointing the refinement of the costumes. The stitches were totally hidden, and the cut thinned the waists and made their bottoms appear ampler. This additional kid layer turned the three little devils into kinky pieces of art.

“They look good indeed,” Greg interrupted, “Yet they’ve got a trial to undergo. I suggest an incentive: our young miscreants have soiled satin sheaths, throughout the times we’ve spent with them. I’ve got a bag full of them. This would make for good wadding. What if one of them doesn’t fulfil the requirements? We can provide him with a soiled snack for the rest of the evening. With a Gwen hood on top.”

The ‘teachers’ sat around the table and the waiting staff inspection began. They looked closely at the contestants, and made requests the hobbled boys tried to fulfil as well as they could.

They had to twist around to use their hands, and they barely could see them. The corsets and the tightness of the outfit didn’t help.

The audience had a pleasant show to watch. With the boys’ motions, the costumes looked even more enticing. The captors got food and drinks served to them and it was quite a copious tea overall.

Alas, none of the three boys got a perfect score. Scott spilled a few drops of orange juice, Danny brought Greg’s cone too late, and Graham served Maxim from the wrong side.

“Go back to stand on a line,’ Walter ordered once they’d brought the food and dishes back to the kitchen. “We’ve got to deliberate on the contest results. Decide who wins.”

“Or who loses!” Greg smirked.

There was guffawing from the rest of the squad. Maxim wasn’t the last to share this point of view with Greg.

“Punishing losers is what it’s all about!”

The waiters went to post themselves where they’d stood before, and their keepers discussed in low voices.

The discussion was about the latest movie William and Lester had shot. The three contestants had lost, it was clear to everyone around the table, but they all enjoyed pulling the captives’ legs. Their charade went on for over five minutes.

“Time to feed our pupils,” Greg said in a much louder voice.

“And announce the results,” Walter added.

Their staff waited patiently; Maxim and Greg pulled them closer to the table.

“We’ll keep you standing, your meal is going to be short anyway,” the blond captor explained, “Silence rule is on, considering we don’t have time to waste and we’re going take care of the three of you at the same time.”

Numerical superiority allowed for such leniency. There was little risk of a successful call for help anyway, but the captives kept on feeling the pressure, with the captors on all sides ready to catch any unwanted move. Danny was held by William, who partnered with Walter on feeding and watering the abducted babysitter.

They both wore gloves, William’s being black rubber. He could make an airtight seal over Danny’s lips while he chewed the morsels of bread he was given by the cousin, whose hands were covered in brown leather.

Maxim and Greg were busy with Graham, which left Scott to Lester.

Some final gulps could be heard as the boys got a last drink and the gloved hands set sealing their lips again.

“Now they’ve all been generously fed, it’s only fair to give them a nice dessert to chew on, considering they all managed to fail their waiting staff exam!”

The tight grip over their mouths convinced the pupils to wait patiently for what this implied; soiled penile sheaths weren’t a scarce resource, but was it all they’d have to suffer?

“We’ve got enough so each of them can taste his friends’ cummy undies and his own,” Greg triumphed, the plastic bag containing the hazardous material in hand.

The hold over the captives grew subtly stronger, with the captors bracing for any attempt at rebellion that would make this gagging session more unpleasant than necessary. Greg and Walter actually loved gagging the submissive or bullied boys in their claws.

There was no issue this time; the leather-clad prisoners felt the vibe this group bent on controlling them exuded. Accepting the semen-stained accessories wouldn’t be object to negotiation, and there was a strong determination not to let them even try.

By now, even Graham had picked up on the words ‘if you know what’s best for you,’ which had been uttered a couple times and he had to admit, his abductors weren’t too harsh when he obeyed.

Danny opened his mouth as wide as he could when William removed his hand. Walter slid the crusty satiny sheaths one by one, spreading and pushing them to fill his whole mouth, behind his teeth once he’d bring his jaws together.

Walter picked up an extra two sheaths from Greg’s bag, not satisfied with the volume the first three occupied.

“Let’s make it a mouthful, Blue,” Walter grinned, “so you’ve got some stuff to lick on while we keep on having our fun with you.”

The smell of the latest items and his masochistic leanings got Danny to become aware of the codpiece. It was actually quite ample, though pulled tightly over his genitals. The penile sheath helped a bit too; his package took a consequential volume and with the leather’s gloss, it might be as revealing as the openly obscene punishment shorts underneath.

William clamped his hand over his mouth while Walter was preparing a wide strip of Elastoplast. Danny had his lower face swathed in the white tape soon enough, the knitted fabric and its underpinning layer of incredibly sticky material gripping his jaws and sealing his lips irremediably.

The Gwen hood followed, and Danny’s fellow-students received theirs just a little bit earlier. Walter learned how to use the lace-puller to tighten the hood, patiently from the top of the skull down to the neck.

The pressure the thin leather exerted over Danny’s skull was big; he felt his cheeks bulge under his eyes; he could be thankful they were left free from the dreadful grip of kid leather. His chin and jaws were captive of the kinky accessory.

He could see how knowingly they’d put the hoods on by looking at his friends. Then, he saw himself in the mirror, as they were taken to the classroom again.

His heart was pumping blood after the jolt he got finding himself so attractive in this helpless situation; the cousins’ games and their endless supply of clothing and accessories had lured him into enjoying these treatments; his cock said it all, and at the bottom of the stairs, someone noticed.

“Blue’s hard,” William announced before he got Danny to enter the room, following Walter who’d opened the door.

They checked for Scott and Graham’s erectile state of.

“Lavender is quite stiff down there,” Greg confirmed, as Lester testified to Scott equally tenting the leather.

“Some things take time to change,” Maxim said.

“We have plenty ahead; with all the penalty points these three racked up, they’re under our control for some time to come,” Greg replied, “This includes the next thirty minutes, and the scene in which they’re back on their perch, with Lester and William writing lines as a penance.”

Maxim assisted the blond teen to fasten all straps and buckles around Lester and William’s limbs. They would stay at their desks, unless they could muster enough strength to tear off the thick, solid leather. The gear had so far proved resistant enough to prevent such a fiasco.

They lifted the two other prisoners at the waist and got them over the low platform one by one.

Walter looked into his viewfinder, telling his accomplices to move the ‘props’ so they would be at equal distance from each other and the group would look tidy. There was much kneading of the thighs, and a tactile appreciation for the way the boots made the calves plump and firm.

Maxim got back into the shadow, whereas the cousins got ready. Walter stood behind his camera, Greg prepared for an entrance.

The cry launching the scene got the headmaster to burst into the room and rush to the bottom of the platform to see it the boys had moved. He used a ruler to check their position hadn’t changed. Only then did he turn towards the pair sitting at their desks and copying lines.

“Our penitents didn’t move, which is good, especially for them. Now, my little lambs,” he said rubbing his hands and grinning at Lester and William, “I hope you’ve focused on the task at hand, and that you wrote all the lines you were supposed to.”

The irate blond boy picked up a paper from William’s desk.

“I will not caress my classmates’ willies without the teacher’s authorization… Let me count, though, I’ll see if you have dawdled. I’ve learned to check our daring pupils’ homework closely.”

He frowned, looking closely at the paper, his lips moving as he counted the lines.

“For hundred and ninety-eight isn’t five hundred. Let me see if your fellow renegade did any better…”

From their perch, Graham, Scott and Danny looked at the scene; their lustful thoughts got them to tent and tighten the layers of leather wrapped around them.

“The lad hasn’t even gotten close to five hundred,” Greg said, slapping the sheets back in front of Lester, “Some remedial actions are in order. To start with, I think you two lads will stay at your desks for a couple more hours, with a new sentence to copy. What about ‘I will do as the headmaster tells me since he knows what’s best for me’?”

The duo of sitting pupils mewled their approval through the thick wadding inside their mouths.

“Glad you like it. I’m afraid you’ll miss on the evening fun, you’d better get down to it, you’ll have to copy it one thousand times, so there’s no time to dawdle.”

Greg went on inspecting the troops under the camera’s scrutiny. The three standing and the platform stayed immobile, and the two dark-haired students at their desks focused on writing their lines properly.

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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 22 – Different Venue

Eventually, Walter eventually called an end to the scene.

“Cut! This wraps it up for our scenes down here for today.”

Maxim stepped next to the sitting pupils; he undertook removing their gags, while the two cousins released the straps keeping them stuck to their desks.

Lester and William jumped to their feet once they were rid of all their restraints.

“This was fun,” William piped, “But I sure won’t mind moving around a bit,” he claimed, stretching his arms and shaking his booty.

“You bet,” Lester approved, “I’m really glad to help you boys out with this little trio you’re training. You’ve got to impress them for this last stretch.”

The boy lost no time reaching for Danny’s groin, assessing how inflated it was.

“They’re pleased to see us too,” he said, prodding Graham and Scott’s state of inflation, which hadn’t grown any softer.

“This is a good thing,” Walter commented, “but I feel safer with you helping us, because I’m not sure they will remain happy campers all evening.”

The bound trio didn’t move, but eyeballs rolled in their sockets, with the three boys inspecting their kidnappers’ faces, searching for a clue of a trial to come. Sadly, this didn’t yield any result; their captors didn’t feel like talking and explaining, but they sure acted like they had a plan.

The mastery and control softened any will to resist and the three captives were under their minders’ spell. They loosened the hobbles restraining their legs and picked them up one by one to have them step down from the platform.

Collars and leashes finished the job.

“I’m sure you’ll enjoy getting some exercise after standing still; there are still places you’ve got to visit, Red and Blue, believe it or not.”

The three boys were put in a line, with Graham standing in front and the others tethered to him by their leashes. William held the leash of the first mount, and he followed Walter and Greg when they sent the signal to get started.

They climbed the spiral staircase in no time. The line of obedient school boys moved forward, and stepped outside through the front door, following their young shepherd and surrounded by the gang of minders.

William seemed familiar with his surroundings, he knew where he was taking the troop. They stepped inside the wooded areas they had played in before, and they passed the hunting lodge where Maxim had found the trio the day before.

Danny hadn’t visited this part of the estate; they walked for another ten minutes along a sinewy path, which went downhill through the woods. They reached a clearing, limited by a high wall at its end. In the middle, there was a small house. It looked much more recent than the other buildings, with its white painted concrete walls and its flat roof.

William turned to his charges after he unlocked the front door.

“Walt and Greg allowed us to stay here, I hope you’ll like this place too. There’s all we need to entertain our prisoners in all sorts of ways.”

There were sniggers of approval from the cousins, and the whole group entered the house.

There was white tile on the floor and walls of the small entrance hall. It led to a large room that was brightly lit, with a huge window through which the sun poured its last rays of the day.

It was a large bathroom, or so it seemed. It took the captives a few glances to figure out what the furniture was for, or what was stacked over the shelves lined against the wall.

The two tables were changing tables, with a plastic-covered mattress decorated with blue and pink animals. And there were all the accessories required to get boys into nappies. Disposable nappies, of course, but the rubber pants to cover them also and piles of folded cloth ones.

“You’ve behaved poorly,” Walter announced, “so you will have to be treated like naughty little boys. A night in the nursery should help us to get it through your pretty little heads that you owe us total obedience.”

This wasn’t a message the captives hadn’t heard before. Lester and Greg removed the tethers keeping the schoolboys together; Graham was to be first to be changed. Scott and Danny’s ankle cuffs were padlocked together so they had to stand and watch their fellow-prisoner’s handling.

Graham’s wrists were cuffed in front over his chest, and padlocked to his collar.

“Get up on the table,” William ordered, patting the fluffy foam mattress waiting for the ‘babies’.

Lester and Greg got him to turn his back to the four-foot high table and hop to land on his bum. They pushed him backward so he lied over his back. They pulled straps from slots on the table’s sides, which were much like seat belts; one went over the blond boy’s chest and the other over his stomach, pinning him down and preventing any standing or rolling around.

“Thanks, guys,” Lester said, “Let’s remove his shorts.

He teamed up with William to remove Graham’s shoes and socks.

“Darn, it doesn’t take long for his feet to develop its cheesy smells!”

“Let’s hope his dick doesn’t smell as strong.”

The gagged wail of protest caused a round of chuckles from the crowd surrounding Graham.

Walter took care of the shorts, removing the belt and unbuttoning them; he zipped the fly open slowly, gliding over the underlying erection with his knuckles.

“Nice undies, they’re all yours, Will,” he said, having revealed the sexy silk briefs distorted by Graham’s bulging boner.

The black-haired boy needed to tug over the waistband to shuck off the underwear.

“This is quite an advanced baby boy,” he smiled, flicking the rising boner that was no longer constrained by the fabric. “Let’s see if his butt is clean.”

He caught Graham’s right ankle; Walter helped him by grabbing the left one; they pulled them up, toward the boy’s head, lifting his behind and showing his crack to the audience.

“It looks clean from here,” Greg commented.

“We’ll have a closer look,” Walter said, fastening his charge’s ankle a few inches above his shoulder with a piece of chain linked to the table. William secured the other foot. Both attendants went back to watch Graham’s behind sticking up in the air. They put on rubber gloves to undertake the next part of their inspection.

“Let’s wipe him off anyway.”

Walter picked a baby wipe and undertook cleaning Graham up. Once he’d realized there wasn’t much to wipe, they could move on to the next stage. Baby powder was sprinkled liberally over Graham’s groin.

Fingers rubbed the wagging boner so it’d be fully covered by the thin white powder. The grasp William had over the throbbing piece of meat tightened; a wail of despair came from behind the gag. The blond captive realized that his horniness was being exploited again.

William’s masterful touch ceased a few seconds before he squirted his load. There was another moan from behind the muzzle, betraying some disappointment this time.

“Baby wants some caresses, but too many would spoil him.”

“Let’s get the nappies on.”

Walter had a large nappy ready. He slid it under Graham’s bottom and he pulled it over the boy’s member, trapping it against the boy’s stomach. He pulled the waist tight with William’s help and they fixed it shut with the sticky tabs.

They weren’t done and they repeated the sequence with a second thick nappy.

“This is a big baby with a big wee-wee, we’d better make sure he doesn’t leak.”

Graham could feel the additional layer; his mid-section was now fully trapped under two inches of cellulose. His prick was squeezed by the tight layers.

His two fellow-captives watched in awe. Walter released Graham’s ankles and they let his legs get back to normal.

William put small woollen booties over his feet; they were mauve.

Walter loosened the straps keeping the ‘infant’ over the table; they pulled him down and stood him on his booted feet.

William had the plastic pants at hand; he slid them up the smooth legs.

The dressing up finished with the temporary release of the baby’s arms, so a purple onesie could be put on him. It buttoned at the groin and over the shoulders, so they could have done their job without freeing his upper limbs. But they could thus restrain his hands behind his back.

“And for the final touch,” Walter said removing the muzzle’s straps, “I’ll let you handle it, Will.”

William had a large silicone dummy in his hand; it matched the rest of the outfit and the large bulb slid inside Graham’s mouth as soon as Walter pulled the muzzle off.

“Nice boy,” William congratulated, “suck on your dummy nicely and you will get warm milk soon. Now, who’s up?”

Lester and Greg brought Danny forward. They handled him just like his friend, invading his intimacy and mocking his irresistible lust.

“Our little Blue sure is enthusiastic!”

Like his friend, he felt the tight embrace of the nappies around his crotch, keeping his renowned enthusiasm in check.

Soon, the three ‘babies’ stood together, hands behind their backs, their mouths filled with the big coloured silicone bulbs, the plates pulling over their lips thanks to the ribbons their captors knotted over the nape of their necks.

“They did behave, so we should feed them. There’s all they need in the nursery,” Walter announced, taking the lead to move on. “We should get them in the baby reins so we may control them better when we need to move around.”

This was a bit of wisdom all his friends agreed on. Lester headed to a cupboard and brought three sets of baby reins. They were, of course, mauve, red and blue.

There were shoulder straps linked to a wide belt going around their chest, with a wide chest plate in front. Smaller straps headed down, linked to another large belt around their charges’ waists. Thinner straps yet headed down in a V on each side of his groin, and pulled the nappy up in the back.

The babysitters fastened all the buckles; a few small padlocks clicked shut to prevent an unwanted removal of the restraints.

“Now their hands and knees so they may crawl like pros,” Lester said, taking the knee pads and the mittens Maxim had taken out from the large cupboard where they stored their baby accessories.

Lester headed towards Danny. Greg freed his blue-clad captive’s wrists and brought them to the front, so his new friend could slide the mittens on.

These were actual gloves, the helpless boy noticed, though the padding around it and the thick, shiny satin made them look like mittens. But each of his fingers was held in a leather finger, all of them sewn together at the end, and with his thumb tucked inside his palm. Danny slid his hands in the sheath and they were trapped.

“This way, baby can’t fiddle around with stuff, like his friends’ bonds or even his own,” Lester explained, while adding a little padlock around the cuffs, which added some more difficulty to get rid of the hand restraints.

He then set kneepads, which were held by ribbons above and below the knees.

His accomplices had done the same to Scott and Graham; the minders got the ‘babies’ to get down on all fours to crawl in a nice line. Leashes were added, attached to a D-ring linked to the back of the chest strap.

“Get your booty up, Lavender, and wiggle it a bit, I’m sure Blue’s happy to see it.”

The procession started off, with Graham in the lead, William holding his leash. Lester lead Danny and Scott was under Greg’s hold. They crawled back to the hall and crossed it, feeling the cold of the tiles under them. Greg opened the door at the back; he let them enter a room where there was bright yellow carpeting. It was thick and soft, and even with the mittens, the babified teens could feel the relief of the welcoming floor-covering.

Six cage beds waited for them, split in two rows. The mattress was not even a foot above the ground, but the frame was big and the heavy iron bars rose to over five feet in the air. A few cupboards and chests spread around the room; they no doubt contained more gear for the cousins’ kinky endeavours.

The captors took the babies to the left row of beds, one for each of them. They opened the gates at the side, which allowed for easy entry. They had them crawl inside the cages.

From there, the three babies had to lie on their back, and watch their tormentors pull out the short chains linked to the bed bars.

Busy hands got the three prisoners’ limbs cuffed to the cage bed one by one, keeping them with their arms neatly folded, wrists at shoulder levels and their ankles hobbled to the cage on its sides. These weren’t very tight or stringent bonds, but they were inescapable nonetheless.

The little band of caregivers moved on to the next part of the routine; the babies were not to go to bed on empty stomachs. They proceded to some basic but efficient feeding. Baby food that could be warmed up in a microwave. They made baby bottles with milk and baby formula, which they relished giving their charges.

“Coochie coo, baby Blue,” William said, sticking the tit in Danny’s mouth.

The drinking of the baby bottles entertained the group; once the ‘babies’ had finished, their minders stuck dummies in their mouths, which was the cherry on top. They fastened and knotted the ribbons so the large bulbs would stay in.

“Are Red and Blue all tucked in bed nicely?” Walter asked. “Lavender is all set for some entertainment before we tuck them in for the night. Are your little ones ready too?”

They had their three babies safely lying in their cots; the entertainment could begin.

The slave
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Post by The slave »

I'm really too impatient to read more I really love this story too much
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Post by Bondwriter »

Glad you shared your enjoyment, the Slave. Danny has gotten few comments so far, but it appears people read it nonetheless.

Fun with Danny, Scott and Graham

Chapter 23 – Rock a Bye, Baby

Walter picked a remote control. Their uncle had given them access to the nursery, which he used to welcome some like-minded guests. Greg and Walter hadn’t asked much about what their relative did there, but they’d made notes of all the features, and they knew of the video-projector that could display films over the ceiling of the nursery.

The three teens in their cots saw the picture come to life, with an image of William, a couple years younger than he was, wearing a schoolboy uniform and jumping over a wall inside an orchard.

There were close-ups of his climbing that highlighted the seat of his grey flannel shorts and the fleshy bottom it covered. Then he picked an apple and there was a close-up of his mouth as he took a bite in the piece of fruit.

He ran around, playing around in the property he’d broken in, until a lanky teenager ––who happened to be Maxim in a fancy silk tail coat and figure-enhancing trousers–– found out the intruder. There was a chase, which ended with Maxim tackling the shorter boy down. The older teen sat over his back.

“Now, now, scoundrel, don’t even start whining; you’ve brought it all upon your head. The headmaster is growing tired of the pilferers who come and pick our fruit. I agree with him, and you’re going to get a lesson in respecting private property.

The smaller boy squirmed and twisted, but Maxim held fast and the boy couldn’t move at all. From his pants’ pocket, he took a piece of rope and gathered his catch’s wrists before he secured them in rope cuffs, which the boy under him complained was too tight.

“Well, young man, you sound feisty. This won’t do, and you lost any right to whine when you jumped over the wall. You entered my realm, and within my realm I’m the king, and decide I can do whatever I want with my subjects. You’ve just become one of them.”

Maxim had more ropes in his pockets, since he pulled more out to truss up the wiggling naughty boy under him. He bound his ankles and knees while the school boy profusely apologized.

“Please, Sir, don’t be mean, let me go, it was just an apple.”

“It’s a bit late to feel sorry, lad. But I’m going to make sure you don’t forget this misadventure, and let me finish tying you up so you can’t kick or do anything unpleasant.

William lied face down; Maxim’s overwhelming assault got his prey subdued. The prefect held his arms with one hand, binding his wrists with the other. The elegant kid-gloved hands were the object of a close-up to show their grace and skills.

“You’re one of the lower forms boy. As a prefect, I have to show you the errors of your way, and climbing walls to get in the orchard and pick apples on top of it is something that has to be acted on.”

Maxim stood William up and undertook binding his elbows short of touching each other.

“I’ll take you to my office; I’ve got everything I need so you may think on your naughty behaviour.”

“Please, Sir, don’t be too harsh! I’ve never misbehaved, and I get good grmmmprrmmbllMMM!”

Maxim’s hand was big enough to encompass all of William’s lower face, enhancing his wide-eyed look in reaction to the handgag.

“If there is something I can’t stand, it’s a whiny pupil. You’ve never been caught by your teachers or other prefects? Maybe you were just sly enough to get away with other malicious acts. In any case, I have no intention listening to your sorry apologies. I’ve long learned an effective way to handle discipline situations.”

He lifted his hand, bringing a large ball of fabric to William’s mouth. The lad tried to protest, but one syllable was all he could utter.

“Helmmmmrrph! Mmmrmmm…”

“Let me push it all the way in. Yes, now that your mouth is packed, let’s get something to keep it in.”

He held his grip over the boy’s jaws with one hand, and undid his neck tie with the other. He fiddled with the strip of silk; he grabbed both ends, pulling them tight and knotting it at the nape of the boy’s neck.

“This should make things easier. And just to make sure.”

He folded a large silk square into a wide strip, which he used to top the gag, enhancing William’s round face. He then wrapped a rope belt around his waist.

“Now, off to my office so we may settle your little problem.”

There were several shots of them crossing the estate, with William hopping, Maxim holding his leash and turning towards his charge to tell him to hurry every now and then. This was an impressive set, as the lawns were tidy, and the landscape was gorgeous.

They reached a wide stone manor, which they entered. They went through a long hall. Maxim opened the door to his office.

William had followed docilely. The sight of the pommel horse, or possibly spanking bench, as well as the rack with different corporal punishment implements got a strong reaction from him.

“Mmmmph! Mmmmrph!”

“What did you think? Your behind is going to feel the consequences.”

It cut from Maxim’s smirk to a back view of William straddled over the pommel horse, his wrists and ankles cuffed and chained to its legs.

“You’re in the perfect position to get a whipping, little one, but you’ll have to wait a little to get your reward. I still have a few things to do and I can’t have scoundrels get me out of my duties. Use this time alone to ponder on your mistakes.”

William made a faint grunt through the wadding.

Maxim was outside the building again. The shots shifted from him walking around the estate to Lester, wearing the same uniform as William. He was walking in some woods. Soon he met Maxim.

“What are you doing, here, lad? The coppices are out of bounds for pupils! You know what breaking the rule entails?”

Lester stood, looking at his feet. Then, all of a sudden, he started running. The chase was short; it allowed the previous scenario to repeat, with Lester being caught and restrained just as his friend had been.

“This was a very silly move, but as you see, I know how to handle problem boys like you. Ropes and gags help to keep unruly pupils out of trouble. Let’s get going, you’ll get you derriere whipped too, and quit moaning, this is pitiful.”

The trip back inside went faster than for William; soon there was a shot of the two shorted bums, with Lester’s right thigh bound to William’s right one. Maxim paced around, riding crop in hand.

“I’ll handle both of you at the same time; at least, you waste less of my time this way. I expect you to show some bravery, so no moaning, crying or shouting, understood?”

Faint gagged affirmative replies came from behind the horse.

Maxim dealt ten whacks over each behind. They used a sound effect, which made the riding crop sound like a long leather whip. It did the job, the audience felt for Lester and William whose bottoms were thus warmed up to stinging feelings.

There were very small gasps, and very little motion. Maxim struck irregularly, taking his breath and moving leisurely, trying to find an angle that gave a better aim. He stopped after counting the final blow he’d given to Lester’s buttocks.

“… and ten! Are your bums sizzling, lads? No? Too bad, I’ll have to strike harder next time, then. This was a very mild whipping; you’d better not whine if you don’t want me to demonstrate a real, manly butt whacking!”

Maxim kept turning around the boys, who were still seen from behind; the camera was just at their behinds’ level. The buttocks could be seen quivering under the thin shorts. Maxim let his gloved hand rest over William’s bottom; a close-up showed the hand sliding along the butt crack, and sliding between the slightly parted thighs.

“My, my, we’ve got one lad who is being very naughty. Let’s see, what about your fellow-pupil? Do I have two unruly lads?”

He prodded between Lester’s legs and smiled evilly.

“It seems I do. You two lads show no amount of self-control. It seems a spanking gets your willy growing.”

The gagged protests were stronger.

“This phenomenon happens to some boys. I’ll need to run more tests to see whether you belong to this sorry category.”

The following shots showed shots of Lester and William chair-tied, pole-tied and spread-eagled, wearing flimsy underwear that revealed the sizable boners Maxim’s ministrations caused. The prefect was seen kneading, feeling and touching, making notes and bringing the young boys close to orgasm.

This montage ended in what looked like an attic, with both boys strictly trussed up to beams. They were fully dressed in their uniforms, which were very tidy. The camera documented the tie-up with shots turning around the captives; the rope work looked real.

“Your shorts fill up when you’re bound or spanked. This is a most interesting disposition. I’m curious to know whether this is a temporary phase. The best way would be to go on with the experiment and see what happens over a few days.”



He got protests in response.

“Glad you agree. I’ll go arrange the details of your stay, don’t go anywhere!”

Lester and William squirmed and twisted in their ropes, but they held and they couldn’t loosen a single piece of rope. There were several shots, taken from different angles; it seemed their wait didn’t end.

Maxim came back.

“I’ll get you settled for the evening and the night. Everything works out fine with the headmaster, by the way. He’s allowed me to tutor you.”

The concerned captives’ faces were the object of close-ups. Maxim paced back and forth.

“I am going to teach you a few things, lads.”

He came closer to William. His hand fondled the boy’s shorts, outlining the erect boner with the tip of his gloved fingers. William grunted and wailed, to Maxim’s great delight.

“You want me to go on? Faster? Stronger? What unnatural urges for a well-behaved boy.”

The protest turned into a plea. The camera remained focused on the groin, and Maxim got what he was after; a stain developed in the front of the grey shorts, as William shook inside his rope cocoon and bellowed behind his gag.

“You’re quite the little devil! Prone to let your boy juice out. Let’s see how your fellow-pupil fares.”

The same cause got the same consequences, and after five minutes of film, Lester was overwhelmed by the climax that got him to make high-pitched gagged noises that got a reaction from the audience.

“I have two incontinent lads on my hands. This is most interesting. Of course the experiment is still on. For now, I’ll let you reflect further.”

There was more of William and Lester squirming and making sounds through their nose. The various angles and the change in the noises they made informed the viewer that time was flowing. At last, their captor was back.

“You haven’t gone anywhere. This was the final test. I wanted to see whether you had any ability to thwart my rope work, but you’re hopeless.”

The boys’ concerned mugs were focused on Maxim speaking.

“It’s time I tell you, lads. This isn’t only a well-deserved punishment for pilfering and loitering, but with appetites such as yours, you will have devotees who will be glad to share your company.”

The boys listened intently with serious faces.

“There are wealthy men who will pay a dear price for keeping you as their guests.”

He caused surprised gagged pleas and wide eyes.

“It could have been a mere spanking, but I’ll have to let you in on my little secret. I’m a poor orphan, and I know these wealthy men from my time there. I’m going to keep you my captives for a few days, and probably train you a bit, and then I’ll take you to your new owner.”

This final sentence provoked gurgling protests and major head shaking.

Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 24 – Lulled into Submission

On their cots, the three boys watching the movie for the first time were enraptured by the twist. The rest of the video was much more in the montage spirit of a previous sequence: there were many different shots from different locations; the two young actors were shown under angles that revealed their shapes.

The costumes varied, and there were many accessories: the pommel horse, but some trestles too, chairs featuring butt plugs sticking out of the seat, chairs with straps screwed everywhere, and which allowed to stretch the youthful bodies in many different positions.

The video was edited at a rather fast pace, and discovering each new situation got Danny to feel a pang of lust strike his loins.

William sat on a stool next to Danny’s cot, so the abducted teenager had the real life boy about to torment him while his fictional counterpart was shown immobilized and silenced, the victim of the ruthless prefect. Danny saw his fellow prisoners also taken over by Greg and Walter. William’s hand slid inside his nappy, and felt for his cock.

“You like these adventures, don’t you?” he whispered into the babysitter’s ear.

Danny’s eyes kept riveted to the ceiling; it was now Lester’s turn to be manhandled. He hung suspended in a rope harness inside a closet. Then there was a long sequence where Maxim fed him, and the detailed and exhaustive sequence of the gagging that ensued.

The plot and dialogues had been forgotten in this second half, but the quality video work and the sequences they’d caught on tape kept the audience’s attention. Having William fiddle about with his genitals didn’t distract Danny from the show; it accompanied it rather well. The hand made its nest, getting some space to move around. Danny couldn’t escape the logical conclusion to these combined factors of visual and manual stimulation.

His dick pulsated, and he spurt out his cream in the thick bulk of cellulose. It sounded like his companions shared his fate. He was left panting, while the final scene took place. Maxim put the lads inside crates; these were filmed in detail, as they made for interesting props. They were padded and featured rings fixed throughout to attach cuffs or rings and immobilize a boy in a balled-up position inside.

The boys resisted, but Maxim got them crated up in turn after improving on their restraints and gags. Burly men came to pick up the crate that they set over a horse cart. The final shot was one of the crates being opened, with a strange, metallic voice saying ‘welcome, lads’ in a rather creepy manner. The boys’ panicked faces were the final shot as the screen turned to black.

William, the real life one, leaned over Danny and smiled, looking into his eyes.

“It seems you might become one of our fans too. Or one of our partners, we’ve seen what you’re capable of, and it sure pleases us.”

“This one liked it too,” Lester said, speaking of Graham, whose cock had spat its gobs.

“Not to worry, Scott needed his nappy too,” Walter snitched.

“They’re motivated,” Maxim said in a quiet and determined voice, “Which means with time and work they should be of value to projects such as the one we’ve shown them.”

It was strange having the villain from the movie reprise his role in real life.

“This requires commitment, dedication and relentless efforts. Do you think your three pupils can manage as much?”

“Yes, of course they can,” Greg answered proudly. “We’ve got great footage of them already. I’m sure that if they get help from professionals as you guys, they will manage to become stars just like you.”

Danny wondered about a career as a gay bondage porn star. It hadn’t been a calling he’d had before. This last week of turmoil at the hands of the two cousins –and now of their fellow-club members or whoever Lester and William were– had him ponder the pros and cons of such a choice.

“I’m quite eager for some project together,” Maxim said, “Having more actors, or crew for that matter, will make for more varied stories. And having hands to help out with the light or the sound also add to production value.”

Maxim sounded serious. Greg replied with a similar tone.

“Red, Blue and Lavender will be at your service. They’ve been taught how to help out while restrained, if this may help.”

“It might. For one thing, they might be technical crew and acting crew at the same time. This could be convenient.”

“This is fine,” William intervened, “why don’t we talk about it tomorrow. I feel tired after such an active day.”

“Sure, there are beds in the dorm next door,” Walter explained, pointing to the end of the room.

“I think I’ll sleep in here,” William grinned, “To keep an eye on the prisoners. Who knows, maybe they’re plotting for a break-out?”

William’s concern got his friends to chuckle; Lester and Walter volunteered for the other captives’ close monitoring. They brought mattresses and sleeping bags and prepared for the night. There was some unrest, but twenty minutes later, it was dark and quiet inside the large room .

Danny fell asleep rather fast. He felt tired and the comfort he was in made it easy to drift into slumber.

He started dreaming soon. He was now a free boy roaming the countryside. He was lightly dressed, and it was warm, so this had to be summer. He walked into woods that looked just like these near his grandmother’s; when he got in the familiar clearing where he’d played countless times as a child, he spotted the most interesting show he’d ever witnessed there.

Leaning against a tree, a cute twelve-year old boy looked at him with desperate eyes. The round face and black hair were unmistakable. Young William was thoroughly trussed up in the most intricate of rope network. There was some scarf covering his lower face, and the boy tried to get Danny’s attention so the passer-by would untie the thick scarf and let him speak. In his dream, though, Danny grinned and came closer.

“It seems whoever tied you up didn’t want you to call out for help or plead to someone who’d find you. I’m not for spoiling other people’s fun,” Danny cooed, patting the imaginary William’s black mop of hair, “So don’t hope that I’ll release you.”

This made for a very sweet fantasy; the dream wasn’t over. Various scenes faded into each other; Danny shifted places and settings, with his new companion in tow. He relished the mastery he had over the boy. In his fancy, he searched for a place to keep his captive and get his way with his bum, but he never seemed to find a place proper enough.

The waking up was brutal. Two bodies landed at his sides, and knees struck his hips, pulling the straps and tightening the set-up keeping him pinned down to the mattress.

“It’s me, Blue,” the real life William whispered, “Walter and I wonder if you need a change. Maybe you’re a peaceful little baby and you didn’t need to wee yet, but we’d better check.”

“We don’t want your cute bottom to get a nasty nappy rash,” Walter completed.

They loosened the straps a few notches, releasing his knees and ankles completely. William picked up his feet and raised them; Walter shucked the rubber pants off, before he removed the sticky tabs and opened the nappy.

“He’s not wet if you want to know if he peed. But there’s a smell that lets me know we’ve got another breach of rule number six on our hands.”

“He’s quite the cum fountain,” William stated pensively, “I can’t believe he really gets his kicks out of being kept in a cage bed.”

William reached for the white cellulose.

“This is fresh, so he did break your rule just lying there and sleeping.”

“Wrap a couple turns of rope around his wrists and handgag him, and Blue is in heaven and ready to shoot a porn movie. That’s why rule number six is the one he has most trouble with.”

“I know of others like him.”

The two attendants had found their space on the bed to handle their charge. Walter picked a first object from the items he’d brought before waking Danny up.

The first was a butt plug, a medium-sized one that Danny had never seen. He didn’t get to contemplate it for long; Walter soon aimed its pointed end to its final destination, between Danny’s buttocks that his raised hips made accessible.

“Hold him tight, Will, it’s going in.”

Danny felt the tip of the cone knock at his back door. Walter pushed and turned it, so it would penetrate gradually The young fiend had greased it up for it didn’t stick to his anal ring and found its place rather easily.

“Get his feet down, but make sure his bum lands on the nappy, we don’t want to dirty the sheets,” Walter advised. William lowered Danny’s legs, revealing what came as a surprise to no one.

“He’s got another boner, Will, here is a device that could help to teach him once and for all that he’s expected to retain control.”

The device in question was a bullet vibrator, held in a double loop of rubber bands glued together, one wrapped around its length and the other ready to be slid over a tube. Danny knew where it would go to, considering his experience with such items; he got the pleasure to feel William’s lively fingers sliding the rubber ring down his shaft, almost to his scrotum.

“All done, let’s get him nappied again.”

They spread his legs open, pulled the flap of the nappy and folded it over his loins, the waistband reaching just below his navel. The rubber pants were back on soon, as well as the various restraints, which the now standing handlers made possibly tighter than the first time around.

William picked a little black box from the desk.

“I’ll say, little Blue, you’re back in your cradle and ready to take up my challenge. If you fail to pass the test, then we’ll have you sign a paper tomorrow morning. We need some contract, poor Greg and Walter can no longer keep tally for all your breakings of rule number six.”

“We’ll keep the rule anyway,” Walter said. The boys seemed in agreement; no doubt Greg and William had conspired intensely to enslave him. “But what is your challenge for Blue?”

“That’s simple to explain. If he doesn’t cum within half an hour, he wins.”

William looked at the surprised captive. He brandished the box and pressed a button. The remote control activated not only the vibrator stuck along his turgid pole; the one in his backside vibrated also!


“We’re not allowed to touch you, but I don’t think it matters. Timer is on, and it’s only twenty-nine minutes and forty-two seconds to keep control !”

Walter laughed wholeheartedly at Danny’s predicament.

“Poor Blue! He’s always prepared to fall into our traps. I’ll go start on Lavender, because it’s not like we have only one problem child on our hands. Let me see how he did.”

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