Swim Team Down (M/FF)

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Swim Team Down (M/FF)

Post by Driverman »

(Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional from the mind of the author, physical character templates may be based on real people, but the characters themselves and story are all fictional, and any resemblance to real life situations or people are purely coincidental.)

Ashley stood in front of the hotel room mirror, brushing her hair, and mumbling to herself how Shannon always takes so damn much time in the shower. The two best friends and swim team members were in Seattle with their team for the 18-19 age group championships, their team being one of 8 involved, and a heavy favorite to win. Ashley and Shannon were the strongest swimmers of the group, they complimented each other perfectly, Shannon was lithe and quick and moved through the water like a torpedo, while Ashley, while not quite as strong or fast of a swimmer as Shannon, had incredible endurance, she was just as strong at the end of her set of laps as at the beginning, never seeming to tire. Together, they were the backbone of the state's, and possibly the nation's (as they hoped to find out), relay team. It didn't hurt their chemistry that they had been friends since kindergarten.

Satisfied that her slightly below shoulder length blonde hair looked good, Ashley blew herself a kiss in the mirror, her full lips puckered in a duck face, her strikingly deep blue eyes squinting as she smiled. She admired her figure in her clingy navy blue one-piece, she was the more curvy of the pair, but wore those curves well. Ashley glanced towards the bathroom door, having heard the shower finally turn off, and yelled at Shannon to hurry up. Then she heard the blow dryer start, and realized it was going to be awhile, still. She sighed, and was about to slip into her track pants over her suit when there was a rapping at the hotel door. The team had been split into pairs to share rooms, and they were to meet in about an hour to go down to the bus, and while Ashley was not expecting anyone to stop by, it wasn't too surprising that one of their teammates or a coach might want to drop in and have a word with the two popular girls.


Shannon stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel and drying off, then wiping the steam from the mirror before she put on her swimsuit (identical, of course, to Ashley's.) She let the shoulder straps settle into place as the snug fitting suit conformed to her body, and much as her best friend did, she took a moment to admire herself in the mirror as she turned on the blow dryer, ignoring Ashley's request for her to hurry. They had been best friends for too long, and she knew Ashley would expect no different.

In contrast to blonde-haired blue-eyed all-American looking Ashley, Shannon was a unique mix of Filipino and Italian, her skin have a light brown smooth complexion, her brown eyes set over high cheekbones, her long dark brown hair cascading over her shoulders as she used the blow dryer on a low setting. She struck a model pose or two, her exotic look pairing with Ashley's to always grab sets of eyes in their direction. Of course, it didn't hurt that both girls were beauties as well.


Ashley had gone to answer the door, and didn't bother looking into the peep hole as she undid the chain and turned the handle. The moment the door had opened about an inch, it all of a sudden flew into Ashley, who was stunned and yelped as she lost her balance and stumbled backwards, falling to the floor. Her eyes widened as a man in a black hoodie and black jeans, with the hood pulled tightly to conceal all but his sunglass covered eyes, stepped into the door, slamming it shut, and pointing a gun at her.

"Where's the other one?" he demanded, calm but urgent at the same time.

Ashley froze, her breathing going from calm to rapid as she stared at the sunglasses, too frightened to say a word.

"Where's the other girl?" This time he raised his voice and motioned with the gun.

Ashley pointed to the bathroom and the man's adrenaline began to settle a little and he heard the blowdryer going.

"Stand up," he ordered, and when Ashley hesitated, he barked out an angry "NOW!" and that got her moving, she got to her feet, her hands up.

"Wh... what do you want?" she managed to eke out, and the man motioned again with the gun.

"Turn around, your friend needs to see right away that she has no alternative but to cooperate when she comes out."

Ashley turned, facing the bathroom door as the man indicated, and he stepped up behind her, taking her figure in and admiring her curves before he reached around and put the gun gently against her neck, in plain view of the bathroom.

"Relax, sweetie, I am not going to hurt you unless I have to, we just need your friend to have the proper impression when she comes out."

Ashley stiffened, breathing heavily, but the gun had the desired effect as she stood pat, her arms at her sides.


Shannon finished drying her hair, almost anyway, she never let it get completely dry from the blow dryer, preferring it to dry naturally, and called out to Ashley that she would be out in a minute. She was a little surprised she got no response, but didn't think too much about it. Until she opened the bathroom door.

"Hey Ash, how much ti..." she stopped abruptly, the sight before her causing her mouth to remain open, her feet to remain planted where she stopped, and her breathing to increase.

"What the fuck..." was all she could muster under her breath.
Last edited by Driverman 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 1665

Post by Deleted User 1665 »

Good start! Keep it up!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Another great story! Hope to see more of this as well!
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Post by brashieel »

Great first chapter!
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Post by bondagefreak »

See? I knew this one would be a hit ;) I'm glad you decided to follow up on that story request even after all that silly drama. It's nice seeing more stuff from you. Btw, don't forget to gender-tag this one. Would also be good if you added it to the Story Catalog section.

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Post by Driverman »

I realized about an hour after I posted this (at the park with my dog) that I forgot to gender tag it. Fixed! And thanks everyone!

As I said on the request post, Bondagefreak, turn a negative into a positive and then we all win!
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Post by Driverman »

Clint was a hitman. A hired killer. He justified it by only taking jobs where the target had done something so egregious that they deserved to die. It was this moral ambiguity that let him sleep at night. But that was not why he was here today.

He had taken this job because the money was right. He didn't know why his client wanted the girls team to lose, and he didn't care. He was not going to kill either of them and had no desire to even hurt them. His job was to kidnap them just before the meet was to take place. And keep them until he was told otherwise. After seeing their photos, he decided it would be nice to have some eye candy around for a few days, or however long his client wanted them out of the way. So here he was, an hour before their bus was supposed to pick them up, and he knew he had to work fast.

Ashley stared at Shannon, terrified of the gun at her neck, afraid to even breathe, yet her breaths came out in rapid succession.

Shannon stood in the doorway of the bathroom, also scared to make a move unless this creep would kill her best friend.

"Ok Angel, move over to the bed, slowly, keep your hands where I can see them, and your little friend here won't find out what the business end of my little friend can do," Clint said, his shade covered eyes watching Shannon's eyes more than anything else, after, of course, drinking in her figure as well.

Shannon slowly stepped towards the bed, keeping her hands raised. "What do you want from us? We don't have much money or anything, just please take that gun off her throat. We will cooperate, I promise." Her voice was shaky but she tried to remain calm.

Once Shannon was by the end of the bed, Clint took the gun from her neck and shoved Ashley towards her. Ashley and Shannon held onto each other, looking at Clint, who still had the gun trained on them.

"Ok, ladies, here's the deal. I don't want to hurt you, but I will do what I have to do to earn my money. I am being paid handsomely to see to it that the two of you don't go anywhere near the swim meet this weekend. As long as you behave, you will come out of this unhurt. Misbehave, and I will do what I have to do to keep you under control. Got it?"

They both nodded, clinging to each other tightly, Ashley on the verge of losing it, Shannon trying hard to stay strong for the both of them, but she was a wreck on the inside.

"Wh... Why?" stammered Shannon, not able to comprehend who would have it out for them or their team.

"We can talk later, you are both expected to be at your bus in about an hour, I know this, so we are going to move quickly. You," he said, using the gun to gesture at Shannon, "lie down on the bed, facedown. You," he now gestured to Ashley, as he used his free hand to reach into his back pocket, producing two sets of handcuffs and tossing them towards Ashley, who cringed and let them fall at her feet. "Once she is on the bed, cuff her ankles together, and do it securely, I will be checking, then take the other set of cuffs and attach the chain of to the footboard."

Ashley hesitated and Clint marched quickly and suddenly towards her, gun pointed at her face. "NOW!"

Again, Ashley sprang into action. Shannon had done as she was told, laying on the bed facedown, looking back at Clint. "Can't you see you are scaring her? Please just put the damn gun down, we know you have it!"

Ashley softly said she was sorry to Shannon as she circled the first cuff around her and ratcheted it securely, then followed with her right, linking her ankles together.

"Keep going," intoned an increasingly impatient Clint, ignoring Shannon's request and keeping the gun on Ashley.

Ashley attached the second set of handcuffs around the chain of the first, as instructed, and secured Shannon to the bed by attaching it to one of the wooden slats of the footboard.

"WIll you please at least let us put some clothes on?" pleaded Shannon, testing the cuffs around her ankles and finding she was not going anywhere.

Clint actually chuckled. "No, I think I like you two in your cute little swimsuits. Now place your hands behind you. Blondie, here," he took a plastic ziptie out of another pocket. "Put this around her wrists, and you did a good job with the ankle cuffs, so make me happy with this, too, and I might go easy on you."

Shannon crossed her wrists behind her and Ashley leaned down and kissed her cheeck, tears forming in her eyes, and told her she was so sorry.

"Hurry up, Blondie!" yelled Clint, and Ashley jumped and shouted "OK!", and proceeded to put the zip tie around Shannon's wrists, securing them just tightly enough. He came over to check her handiwork, and nodded his approval.

"Good job, sweetheart, one more thing and we can move." Clint went into Shannon's luggage and dug around for a moment, pulling out two knee high socks. "These will work." He went over to Shannon, and pointing the gun at Ashley, who was standing by the foot of the bed shaking, told her to open her mouth.

"Wait, no..." said Shannon, but a cock of the gun, and she closed her eyes and opened her mouth. One of the knee high socks was balled up and forced into her mouth, muffling her, and Clint took the other one and tied it around her mouth, holding the first in place.

Satisfied that Ashley was too scared to try anything and that Shannon was secure, her muffled "Mmmphh's" demonstrating the gags effectiveness, Clint went over to the nightstand and pulled the phone cord out of the landline phone. He then found each of their cell phones, and powered them down and pocketed them.

Shannon was testing her bonds on the bed, while Clint went over to Ashley and grabbed her arm, even as she shrank away from him.

"What are your names?" he demanded.

"Ash... Ashley... and she's Sh...Sh... Shannon," a trembling Ashley responded.

"Ok, this is how this is going to work. I need to get you to a holding spot, quickly, and then I am going to come back and get her. If either of you think you are going to try anything, think again. If I come back here, Shannon, and you are not nice and comfy on the bed just as you are now, then Ashley will be hurt, and bad. And Ashley, if you decide to try any bullshit and not be cooperative for our little ride, then I come back here and Shannon, all tied up here, will be an easy target. Got it?"

Shannon moaned under her gag and Ashley, in a panicky voice, pleaded "Please don't hurt us."

"Cooperate and I won't have to. So we are going to walk out nice and calm to the blue Buick parked in the first spot outside the room here, you are going to get in the driver's seat and I am going to climb into the back behind you, and you are going to follow my directions and drive. Any deviation from that, and I head right back in here and your pretty little trussed up friend becomes my plaything. Let's go."

Glancing back at Shannon, Ashley mouths another "I'm sorry" and heads to the door, Clint close behind her. Being that there is an outdoor pool nearby, Ashley knew being seen out in her swimsuit would not be unusual or draw attention. Clint pocketed the gun and pulled the hood back some, not revealing his entire face but looking less suspicious. He put the gun in his waistband behind him, and gave Ashley a little shove towards the door. She stepped out, squinting in the sun, and walked as inconspicuously as she could towards the car, finding the door unlocked and climbing in the driver's seat. She was too scared to glance around for help. Clint quickly climbed in the back, and reached around, dropping the keys in her lap. She noticed the tag that indicated this was a rental car.

"Drive, pull out of the hotel and take a right," he instructed, and as Ashley started the car, she felt something wrap around her waist. She looked down and saw a chain, and felt it tighten, attaching her to the car seat.

"Just so you don't get any ideas about jumping out. And remember, the moment you do escape, I go back and Shannon has herself a really bad day. With the way you tied her up, she can't even defend herself," he teased. "So think about her before you try anything."

Ashley put the car in gear and pulled out, following his instructions for the short ride to where he had his personal van parked.

Deleted User 2162

Post by Deleted User 2162 »

This is SO good! You are quickly becoming my favorite writer!
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Post by Driverman »

The moment the door closed, Shannon began to struggle furiously. She knew with her ankles cuffed together and then the chain cuffed to the bed, she was unlikely to be able to escape, but she would cross that bridge when she got to it. Her first line of business was to try to free her wrists. She twisted them, tried pulling them, but the ziptie held securely.

"MMMPPHH!" she exclaimed through her gag, frustration sinking in after about 5 minutes. The zip tie was not tight enough to cut off her circulation but struggling against it made it bite into her skin a little. She decided next to try to work on her gag.

She first tried to push the sock in her mouth out forcefully with her tongue, grunting and groaning as she wriggled on the bed, but he tied the other sock around her mouth twice, and very tightly, and she only made a little bit of progress. Her next attempt was to move her head up and down, trying to loosen the cleave gag, and she felt a little give, but again, not enough.

"MMMPPHHH!" she cried out, hoping to get someone's attention, hoping someone would walk by the door and hear her muffled pleas. But Clint had remembered to put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door and the one person that heard her moans shook their head in disgust and hurried their children along before they asked any questions.

After about 10 minutes of struggling, Shannon decided to rest and try to reserve her strength, her thoughts drifting to Ashley and hoping their kidnapper wasn't lying when he said no harm would come to them.


Chained by the waist to the driver's seat and still acutely aware of the presence of the gun, Ashley drove exactly as he specified, keeping it around the speed limit and driving as calmly as the situation allowed her. Her thoughts raced to every possibility, slamming on the brakes, driving off the road, honking the horn wildly, trying to get someone's attention at a stoplight; but as every one of those thoughts crossed her mind, her eyes would meet his in the rearview mirror and he would menacingly shake his head no as if he was reading her mind.

She also kept hearing his threat in her head, and even if she did attempt and was successful at escaping, if she did not also guarantee crippling him, then he would be back at the hotel and Shannon, tied up and gagged on the bed, would be at his mercy. Something about his eyes made her shudder, he had promised not to hurt them, but she had an instinct that could change if they crossed him enough. Her fear for her friend kept her in line.

He directed Ashley to pull into an industrial complex, and drive around to what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. She put the car in park and turned the key, and she felt the chain around her waist loosen, then be removed. However, in the next instant, the gun reappeared, pressed into her side, making her gasp and freeze.

"Relax, just reminding you not to do anything stupid," Clint said from behind her. "Listen close and do exactly what I say. You are going to step out of the car, close the door, and get in the back of the van. The back door is unlocked. You are going to lie down on the blanket on the floor, and put your hands behind you. I am going to be with you the entire time, and so is my friend here. Move fast. Now repeat to me what you are going to do."

Ashley took a deep breath, her nerves were frayed almost completely. "I... I am going to get out, close the door, and get in the back of the van and lay down and put my hands behind me."

"Good girl," replied Clint. "And they say blondes are idiots. Ok, let's go."

Ashley followed the instruction to a T, stepping out, glancing around quickly hoping for some random person to be wandering around, but no such luck. She climbed into the van, seeing it was windowless, and she could see a blanket covering most of the floor. She also noticed a few coils of rope and a roll of duct tape next to the blanket.
She lay down and placed her hands in the small of her back.

"You... you don't have to tie me up, ok?" She pleaded, looking back at him as he climbed in, closing the door, leaving them in the small amount of light the windshield offered. "I know if I try anything you will hurt Shannon, so since I am trusting you not to hurt her, or me, can you please trust me not to try anything? She is my best friend, I promise I wouldn't..."

"Shutup," barked Clint. "This is not a negotiable situation for you, so save your breath."

Clint took an admiring look at her body in her clingy one piece suit again as she lay there, then grabbed the first coil of rope and began to tie her wrists, looping the rope around each one before cinching it in the middle. Ashley was immediately testing it, and found it secure. Next, he took another coil of rope and wound it around her ankles first, tying it off, then bought it up and looped it a few times below and then above her knees before tying it off, too. Ashley squirmed a little, feeling her legs tightly pressed together. Clint rolled Ashley on her side and then sat her up, and wrapped another coil of rope around her tied wrists and her waist, tying it off then extending the rest of it up around her arms up to her breasts and tied it off there.

"Isn't this a little excessive?" she complained as she tried to move her arms, finding them pinned tightly to her body. He clearly had done this before.

Clint pulled a little bottle out of his pocket, and shook two pills out of it into his hand. "Open up."

Ashley shook her head. "No, please, don't make me take any pills, I've been good!"

"Calm down, this is just a sleep inducer, it's an over the counter product, I just want to make sure I don't have to torture Shannon. You'l just be asleep for a bit."

"You've got me completely tied up! What could I possibly do?" she asked, panic rising in her voice.

"This gives me peace of mind. Are you going to swallow these or do I have to shove them down your throat? I don't have much time, you have 5 seconds to decide."

Ashley hesitated, instinctively struggling against the ropes holding her, and suddenly Clint yelled "FOUR!"

"OK!" Ashley conceded, and closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly. Clint, losing patience quickly, grabbed her face with one hand and squeezed her cheeks, causing her to cry out, and he pushed the pills onto her tongue, then closed her mouth and put his hand over it.

"Swallow!" he barked, and Ashley forced the sour tasting pills down with an "MMPH!"

He forced her mouth open again, and inspected it, even using his finger to probe her cheeks for the pills, making her protest and squirm. Satisfied that she swallowed them, he grabbed the roll of duct tape.

"Close your lips Blondie, and don't make me wait this time."

Ashley swallowed again and took a deep breath, released it, and closed her lips. Predictably, Clint ripped off a piece of tape and sealed them closed. Then he took the roll of tape and wound it around her head, sealing her lips further.

Ashley started to feel woozy already as he lowered her down by the arms, onto her stomach. He gently smacked her ass, eliciting an irritated "MMMPPHH!" out of her.

"Be good, let the pills take hold, and I'll be back with your friend so you will have some company. Remember, if I get back here with her and you are not lying here peacefully exactly as you are now, Shannon gets hurt. Bad."

Clint closed the door and quickly got back in the Buick to go get Shannon. He was a few minutes behind schedule and needed to get her out of the hotel before it was time for the team to meet up.

Groaning through the tape with effort, Ashley tried squirming, wriggling around, anything, before the pills took effect. Things were already getting hazy for her. She rolled onto her side with an "Mmmpph!" and began to try to find the knot on her wrists with her fingers. She found her legs hopelessly pinned together, and saw he had tied the rope around her waist off in front of her, making it impossible for her to get to that knot even if she could free her wrists. Still, it was her only hope. She had to work fast, she was becoming quickly more woozy.

Just as she found what she thought might be the knot and tried to start to work on it, the first wave of near sleep hit her hard. She moaned loudly, and tried to force herself to stay awake, her fingers going back to the knot, but then another wave of unconsciousness hit her and despite her battling it, her eyelids fluttered for a moment before they closed and her head slumped down.

Deleted User 2162

Post by Deleted User 2162 »

So close but so far....

Very cool idea with the sleep pill.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hojojutsutengu wrote: 5 years ago So close but so far....

Very cool idea with the sleep pill.
I thought that too :D I like both of your Stories [mention]Driverman[/mention] each is very good in its own way!
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Post by OkDokey »

Really good writing! Cant wait to see what's next!
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Post by Driverman »

Only about 25 minutes had passed, but with her hands ziptied behind her, her ankles cuffed and then those cuffs attached to the bedframe, and her gag, Shannon felt like hours had passed when she finally heard the keycard open the door. After her initial struggles and attempted cries for help, she lay silent and still, trying to focus her mind on what she had to do to make sure Ashley was safe, as well as how they can get out of this situation. She made a conscious effort not to let her mind dwell into what-if's and other negative outcomes.

With just a little over 20 minutes to get her out of the hotel room and on the road, Clint had a little cushion but not much. He didn't anticipate any roadblocks but one thing he had learned over the years, especially in the killing business, is to expect the unexpected. That seemed to him that it would translate well over to the kidnapping business, too. So far, it had almost gone too easy, and opening the door to the hotel room, he half expected to see an empty bed. But there she was, tied up exactly as he had left her, the pretty swimmer on the bed, and to his amusement, shooting daggers at him as she turned her head to glare when the door opened up. Clint made a mental note that this one was a little more feisty, the other a little more compliant, and realized he might be able to use that information later.

Clint came over to the bed, and pulled out the gun, and laid it on the bed next to Shannon's head. She stared at it, immediately alarmed by what he meant by the action. He saw her fear, which was exactly what he wanted, and allayed her panic.

"Relax. I just wanted to remind you, before I take your gag out, that I am not travelling alone. My friend here loves coming out of his hiding place. So please, for the sake of Ashley, who is comfortable and feeling about as helpless as you do right now, don't do anything stupid. I would hate to have to hurt your pretty blonde friend."

The glare from Shannon continued, fear replaced by anger as he threatened her best friend.

"I am going to take your gag out now, scream, and I knock you out, then go give Ashley the worst day of her life."

Clint reached down and untied the sock from around her head, then let Shannon spit out the sock stuffed in her mouth on her own. She took a few deep breaths in before she spoke.

"You better not have touched her."

Clint smirked at her. "I love how protective you are of her. But we have to move quickly, so I need you to cooperate. I haven't hurt her at all, and I won't as long as you do exactly what I say. Vary one tiny little bit or make me suspicious at all, and I ditch you and she pays the price. Are we clear on that? Not one variation from what I say."

Shannon nodded. Clint took out the keys to the handcuffs on her ankles and released the pair from the bed, then released her ankles, and started to grab her legs to help her sit up, but she kicked at him, firmly but not to strike at him.

"I can sit up on my own."

Clint shrugged and spoke as she proceeded to do just that. "Suit yourself, just trying to help. Here is what's next, and remember, we have to move quickly. I am going to free your hands. We are then going to walk out to the blue Buick parked right outside the door, you are going to get in the driver's seat while I climb in behind you, and you will follow my directions. Simple as pie."

He gestured, and Shannon turned her back to him, extending her wrists, while he pulled out a pocket knife and cut the ziptie off, pocketing it to ensure he was not leaving any evidence behind. Shannon turned back to him and rubbed her wrists a little.

"Two things, can I please have a drink of water? And can I please put some clothes on, at least some pants?" She gestured to hers and Ashley's track pants that they were both about to put on when he came into their lives.

Clint smiled that amused smile that Shannon was quickly getting sick of.

"Yes, and no. I'll go with you into the bathroom and you can have a quick drink of water. But I like you two in your cute little swimsuits, plus it makes you a little less comfortable and that works to my advantage. Plus, and do not think I am planning on raping either of you, because that is not what I do, but you both are really attractive and I don't mind having some eye candy."

Shannon rolled her eyes. "You really are a fucking asshole, you know that?"

Clint narrowed his eyes at her. "Listen, kid, I love your spirit, I really do, but you better dial your attitude back a notch, or I might lose my patience or my temper. Get your fucking drink of water and let's go."

Shannon held her ground with her demeanor, but acquiesed to his demand and headed to the bathroom, Clint right behind her, admiring her figure as she walked, and she took a dixie cup and managed two drinks before he took out the gun, tapped it on the doorframe, and said "Enough. Remember, you walk straight to my car, get in the driver's seat, and close the door and put on your seatbelt, I will be in the backseat with your instructions."

Shannon nodded, and proceeded towards the hotel room door, stepping out into the sunshine, causing her to squint a little. She hesitated for a split second, but Clint gave her a gentle shove. She looked back at him a little irritated, but the reasonableness he had exhibited in the hotel room had given way to a cold blooded seriousness, and she started to walk towards the blue car. A couple girls in bikini's walked past them on their way to the nearby pool, making her suit not look out of place.

"Hey, Shannon! Where you headed?"

Alarmed, Shannon looked over and saw her coach and an assistant coach conferring outside of his hotel room, and he waved to her to come over. She heard Clint cuss at her, and turned to him, her breathing getting rapid, not sure what to do. This could be her escape, but what would he do to Ashley? The cold look in his eyes remained, and it frightened her.

"Fuck. Ok, go over there, make up an excuse to be going somewhere with me, and get your ass back here within 3 minutes. If I even see that fucking coach look over here with any amount of suspicion in his eyes, I torture Ashley and while I won't kill her, I will make her wish she was dead. And it will all be on you. Go, and fucking hurry up, I will be in the car."

Clint headed to the car and climbed in the front passenger seat, watching every move, motion, and gesture Shannon and her coaches made.

Shannon took a deep breath, tried to compose herself, and did her best job to smile as she approached them.

"Whos' that?" asked her coach as he glanced at Clint, who actually smiled and waved as he got in the car. Her coach waved back hesitatingly.

"Oh, um, that's Ashley's uncle, he lives in the area and is here to support us at the tournament."

Her coach looked at her appraisingly. "You all right? And where is Ashley, I don't know that I have ever seen one of you without the other closeby."

"Oh, she's uh, she's in the shower, you know her, she has to look just perfect all the time, getting ready takes her um, a little while." Shannon smiled again, forcing it and hoping he didn't notice.

Coach smiled. "That is exactly what she says about you."
The assistant coach spoke up. "So where are you going? We are meeting at the buses in 15 minutes."

Shannon started to get nervous, she was dying to just blurt out what was happening, but that look in his eyes and his threats to her best friend stayed at the forefront of her mind. "Oh, um, her uncle is hungry, we are just going to run to get him something to eat before we have to be at the buses, we won't be long, don't worry, we won't be late."

"In your suit?"

Shannon sighed, now she was getting impatient with them. "We're just, uh, going to the drive-thru, you know, my suit it like a second skin to me." Forced smile number three, and she felt for sure they knew she was lying.

"Why did he get in the passenger seat?" Coach again, and at this point, Shannon's nerves were about frayed.

She hesitated, her forced smile wavering. She swallowed, trying to hide it, her mouth suddenly dry again. "It's, that's his new car, he said I could drive it, I've never driven a brand new car before. But anyway, if we are going to make it and back I gotta get going, so I'll see you guys at the buses, ok?"

The assistant backed off, and her head coach gave her that appraising look once more. "You sure everything's ok, Shannon? You girls are family to me, if anything is up, you can tell me."

Shannon hesitated again, too long, but she took a breath and smiled her most convincing phony smile yet. "No, we're good coach, as long as Ashley actually is out of the damn shower before we get back."

He nodded. "All right. Hurry up, I don't need my two stars to be setting a bad example of tardiness." He smiled and nodded in Clint's direction again, and Clint raised his hand to acknowledge it.

The coaches watched Shannon go, looking at each other once she got in the car willingly.

"Something seem a little off to you?" the head coach asked.

"Could be nerves, Shannon and Ashley both always tend to be a little nervous before big meets, before they hit the water and blow everyone away," the assistant replied.

Coach nodded. "Could be. Still. Take down this license plate number." He relayed the number on the Buick as it pulled away, and the assistant wrote it down. "If they are two minutes late, we check their room first, then we call the cops."


Shannon climbed into the driver's seat, breathed a deep sigh of relief, and look at Clint.

"Good job, just fyi, if I see we are being followed, you get shoved out of a moving car and I go find Ashley's pain thresholds and push her miles past them." Clint has the gun in his lap, pointed at her.

"I didn't tell them anything," Shannon says as she pulls out of the parking lot.

She follows his instructions and he has her pull into a parking lot a few blocks away. He tells her to cut the engine and give him the keys, but stay put, and he slides in behind her and she feels the same chain that attached Ashley to the driver's seat slip around her waist and get tightened. Clint climbs back into the passenger seat and instructs her to start the engine and they drive to the abandoned warehouse where Ashley lays asleep in the van. As they approach, Clint sees the van door is slightly ajar, and tells Shannon to kill the engine. He quickly handcuffs her wrists around the steering wheel, pulls his gun out, and looks at her menacingly.

"If your little blonde friend is not in there, trussed up like I left her, then I will be back and you will suffer. Don't do anything stupid, because if she is in there, then you will be fine. Hope for the best."

Deleted User 1665

Post by Deleted User 1665 »

Nice development! Please continue...
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Post by OkDokey »

Cant wait for what's next!
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Post by Driverman »

As Shannon and Clint were on their way to the van where Ashley was lying tied up, gagged, and asleep, two junkies emerged from the shadows, making their way on their usual rounds through the more abandoned areas of Seattle, hoping for a score or a hit, or anything that would either get them their next fix, or money towards it.

"Hey, what's this?" asked Earl as they both noticed the van at the same time.

"Dunno, ain't seen anyone parked back here in a long time. This area been out of business for a year at least." replied Trevor.

They both stopped, and thought about what this meant for a moment, both coming to the same conclusion at almost the same time.

"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" asked Trevor.

"Sure looks like a drop off and pick up kinda situation to me. That usually means something illegal," said Earl.

"Yup, that's what I was thinkin'. Probably either guns or drugs. Or both," came back Trevor.

"I ain't got too much use for a bunch of guns," smiled a mostly toothless Earl, "but that there van could sure hold a lot of drugs. Of any kind. This could be our lotto, man. Sell half and keep half for ourselves. This could be our break."

Trevor returned his smile. "You still good at picking locks?"

Earl pulled out a little swiss army knife from his frayed jeans pocket. "Like riding a bike."

The two men went over to the van, cautiously looking all around, peering inside the front windows and seeing the cab empty. The lack of windows in the back part of the van gave them hope something valuable was hidden. Trevor took the watch as Earl went to work on the back door. A few minutes later, they both heard a clicking sound.

"Bingo!" said Earl happily under his breath, and he opened the door handle and pulled the rear doors open. Both men looked inside and took a quick step back.

At first Earl had just seen a pair of feet lying together, but as the light entered the van, both men spotted the rope around the ankles at the same time, and looking up, saw more rope circling what were undoubtedly a fine pair of female legs, and finally it was revealed, a lovely blonde girl, in a tight one piece swimsuit, all tied up in ropes with duct tape pressed tightly around her mouth and head.

The two men looked at her, then at each other, then back at her.

"Ain't only seen one dead body in my life before this," said an alarmed Trevor.

"She ain't dead, idiot, if she was dead, why would they have her tied up and her mouth taped up? Look, I think she's breathing."

Both men looked at Ashley's chest, really her breasts, and saw slight movement.

"What the hell we run into here?" asked Trevor.

"Sleeping beauty," replied Earl. Neither man had enjoyed the company of a woman who looked as good as Ashley in their lifetimes. Something sinister rose up in both of them.

Earl went on. "I don't know about you, but she looks lonely to me." He began to advance towards the van.

"What if whoever did this, or whoever is supposed to pick her up, shows up?" Trevor asked, the more nervous of the two.

"Then guess we got to share!" said a now determined Earl. "You coming in or you just going to stand there scared. If we do this right, we can have some fun with her and then get the hell outta here. I ain't seen no fine pussy like this in forever, and she's all tied up, like a present for us."

Trevor stood for a moment in place, more worried about being caught and killed than anything else, but finally he gave way to his libido, and followed Earl into the van, closing the door, not noticing that it didn't latch.

Ashley was still out from the sleeping pill and didn't stir as Earl knelt by her head, brushing a few strands of hair from her face. He bent down and licked her face, his hand going down to her cleavage and pressing down, watching her eyes.

"Damn, she's out cold. It's our lucky day."

Trevor moved in behind her, she was lying on her side, and started to carress her legs, and then her ass, gently at first, then getting a little rougher. Earl smelled her hair, then cupped both of her breasts in his hands, kneading them, before putting his face in her cleavage.

What neither of them realized was that just after they let the door close on it's own, not latching, a blue Buick pulled in and quietly came to a stop a little ways back.

The door suddenly swung open and Clint saw two junkies, one with his face buried in Ashley's cleavage and the other with one hand reaching under her suit on her ass while the other starting to reach between the front of her legs.

The two junkies sprung up when the door opened, and saw an enraged man dressed in black pointing a gun at them.

They both jumped to the back of the van, away from Ashley, with their hands raised.

"Wait a minute, we was just goin' to have a little fun with her, we wasn't about to damage her or nothin'," Earl yelled, panic hitting both of them, rendering Trevor speechless.

Clint lowered the gun, and smiled at them.

"Fun, huh? What kind of fun?"

Trevor was still terrified, but Earl was suddenly emboldened.

"Well come on now, you a red blooded man, I think you know what we was gonna do." He smiled, "in fact, we was just talking about how whenever you, whoever you is, got here, we'd be happy to let you join in on the fun." And then inspiration struck him. "Fact, you let us have our fun with this pretty little thing here, and we will just be on our way and forget about the whole thing, you won't have nothing to worry about."

Clint nodded. "So let me get this straight. If I let you two rape this girl, then you won't tell anyone what you saw here and I can take her and do whatever I was planning on doing with her, right?"

Earl nodded eagerly. "That's right! But rape is such a bad word, and with that tape over her mouth, she can't really say no, so maybe it ain't really rape. But we gonna have to untie her legs so we can get in there, though."

"Ok, so we are clear, I let you have sex with this helpless, tied up girl, and you won't rat me out."

"YES!" cried Earl, his gaze going back to Ashley, traveling from her face, to her breasts, and settling on her crotch.

"Deal." Said Clint. "just why don't you give me a couple minutes to reposition her, make it easier for you to get inside of her. Might even take a turn myself."

"Hell son, you can even go first," said Earl, practically drooling. Trevor was still nervous, but again, his libido won out. Clint stepped aside, and the two men came out of the back of the van, Trevor taking his turn to get a handful of Ashley's breasts while Earl put his hand on her crotch.

"Hey, hold on, let me get her ready," demanded Clint, Earl too busy getting himself ready to notice the change in his demeanor.

"Just getting her warmed up, son," smiled a gleeful Earl as he stepped out of the van.


Shannon tried tugging at handcuffs, twisting her wrists some, trying to find a way out, but she was trapped, and even if she got loose of them, she still had the chain around her waist strapping her to the chair. She watched helplessly as Clint opened the door, and after a minute, saw two dirty junkies step out.

"What the fuck..." she whispered to herself, terrified for Ashley, as the two dirty men, one of which was smiling ear to ear, stepped down from the van. But then she screamed, as she saw Clint draw his gun and put the two out of their misery.

She couldn't hear the gun blasts with the silencer in place, but she saw what happened, and by the time Clint got back to the car, Shannon was in hysterics, yanking at the handcuffs uselessly, trying to get away from Clint.

"PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" she cried out, as he calmly opened the back door and untied the chain from the back of her seat.

"Why would I hurt you?" he asked, then seeing her panic, realized why she was panicking. He was so numb to it, he forgot how it might effect her.

She was almost sobbing now as he opened the driver's side door. "Y... you killed them... please don't hurt me... is... is Ashley dead too?"

Clint didn't have time for this shit. He was tempted to just force Shannon to take a few of the sleeping pills and explain later, but he figured he would give her a chance. At least he could prove to her he wasn't the asshole she had accused him of being earlier. He holstered the gun and crouched down by the seat. She was trembling and leaning as far as the handcuffs would allow her away from him.

"Listen, Shannon, I don't have time to explain all of this, I understand your fear, I kill for a living, but only if someone has it coming. I usually do it only if I get paid. Those two fuckers were going to rape Ashley. Ashley is fine, I stopped it before they had their chance. But they were going to do worse things to her than I can even imagine. They were scum. Worthless. They were going to rape Ashley." He repeated that last part for emphasis.

"But... you... you killed them..."

He got impatient and took a firm hold of her arm, causing her to wince badly.

"Shannon! Pay fucking attention, I am not going to hurt you. Or Ashley, unless you make me. My job is to hold you two, not kill you, not hurt you, not damage you in any way. That only happens if you don't cooperate. So cooperate. Right now. I need you to calm the fuck down and go join your friend, who is unhurt, thanks to me."

Shannon's trust in Clint was shot, but at the sound of joining Ashley, calmed her slightly. At least she tried to force herself to be calm.

"I am going to trust you to walk to the van, ok? As a show of faith that I don't want to hurt you. I am going to remove the handcuffs. You are to walk to the van, and get inside. Ashley is in there, I gave her sleeping pills, she is going to be out cold but not dead when we get in there, ok? You have to hurry, I want to get on the road."

Shannon nodded, and he reached over and unlocked her handcuffs. Clint stepped back as Shannon exited the car, still trembling, and she made the mistake of glancing at the bodies near the van. Clint grabbed her head and pointed it forward, making her flinch, but she got the message.

Upon opening the door and seeing her unconscious friend tied up and gagged, Shannon cried "Ash!" and went over to her, petting her head and looking her over.

Clint follwed her into the van. "See? She's not hurt, she is breathing. Those two would have hurt her badly, and probably killed her after they raped her. They are not losses."

"You did not have to kill them," Shannon growled at him, protectively cradling Ashley's head.

Clint rolled his eyes. "We can have an argument on morals later. I did what I do. For free, no less. However, I am not holding the two of you for free, so we are going to get this show on the road. Lie down, face down, hands behind you."

"You don't have to tie me up, I promise I am not going to try anything, ok? You have me too scared," pleaded Shannon.

Clint's patience was gone. "LIE DOWN! Or I am going to seriously rethink the not hurting you policy."

Shannon pet Ashley's head once more and lay down on the blanket next to her, but laid her hands to her sides. Defiant to the end.

Clint didn't care at this point. He knelt down and roughly grabbed both of her wrists, pinning them firmly in the small of her back, ignoring her "OW!" He took the handcuffs and cuffed her hands behind her, then slid down and took the other set of handcuffs he had and cuffed her ankles together. He took one of the leftover coils of rope from Ashley's imprisonment and tied the two chains of the handcuffs together, creating a loose hogtie. He picked up the role of duct tape and moved to her head.

"No, wait, please don't gag me again," Shannon begged.

"Shut your lips, or I am just going to keep wrapping this tape around your head until the roll is gone and your entire face is covered. You choose."

Without hesitating, he started the role and bought it towards her face, and she reluctantly closed her lips just in time for the first strip to cover them. He took the roll and wrapped it around her head, taking care to go under her hair.

"Ashley should be up in a little while, you can keep each other company. I'll be back in a little bit, I have to take care of something."

Clint didn't like leaving them alone, but he figured the bodies by the van would discourage any other vagrants that might dwell in these parts. It was a calculated risk, but the rental place where he got the car, under an assumed identity, was only a few blocks away. He was in great shape and would be back in 15-20 minutes.

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Post by WyattW5 »

very nice story, I love how you added a small villain turns hero with protecting his captives from further harm. a charming touch keep up the good work.
Deleted User 1781

Post by Deleted User 1781 »

This is amazing :D
Deleted User 2162

Post by Deleted User 2162 »

Awwww their knight in shining uhhhh well anyways good job!
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Post by Driverman »

Hey all, I will have the next chapter for this story, as well as my other (Winning At Any Cost in the Fictional Stories for Adults ... with very adult themes, so 18+ only) up by tomorrow night! Thanks for your patience!
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Post by TripleZero »

Great story, just like your other one. Cant wait.
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Post by greg_faleeni »

Excellent story!
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Post by Driverman »

Hey, sorry this is just another update, my promised Sunday chapter was waylaid by an emergency veterinary trip for my dog. Once she is out of the woods, I will get back to writing on here. Sorry for the delay!
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Post by Driverman »

The next chapter of this and my other story (Adults only for that one!) http://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2085 will be posted by tomorrow night! Thanks for waiting!
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Post by Caesar73 »

No rush. Take your time :) I hope, your dog is well again?
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