Neighbours (M/Ff)

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KP Presents
Centennial Club
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Neighbours (M/Ff)

Post by KP Presents »

Living in a caravan park means sometimes we have neighbours we know nothing about – and more and more these days, it tends to be people we have little or nothing in common with. But last week, I found myself with the rest of my family getting to know the family in the caravan next door in a very, very different way…

I live here with my three kids – Chloe is ten, Bobby eight and Suzie five. We were placed here by the council when we had to leave home in a hurry, and for reasons that were not important we kept a low profile – I worked as a cleaner and managed to make enough for us to live on.

The woman and her daughter in the next caravan had arrived a week or so before – the daughter looked to be a few years older than Chloe, and they had talked a few times, but her mother kept herself very much to herself. She was a Muslim – she always wore some sort of scarf over her head – and when I tried to talk to her one day, she just shook her head and turned away.

But as I said, Chloe was getting to know her daughter – which is how I and the rest of the family got involved that day…

We were sitting round the table having breakfast when I saw them leave the caravan at about ten am – Yasmin, the daughter, was wearing a black and white jumper and dark jeans, tucked into knee length black leather boots with a short heel. Her mother was wearing a purple tope under a black cardigan, and jeans tucked into her own knee length black leather boots, a purple scarf wrapped over her head and body.

I watched them walk down the road and then looked at my own children. Chloe and Suzie were both wearing long sleeved blue denim tops and floral leggings with short boots – Chloe was wearing mid-calf black leather ones, and Suzie shorter dark blue ones with a silver band round the ankle. She had her blonde hair in pigtails, and Chloe had her reddish hair hanging loose.

Bobby was wearing a red hooded top, blue jeans and a pair of brown laced boots, while I had on a red round necked t-shirt and my own jeans, tucked into a pair of high black riding boots with a tan top.

I had the day off, so I asked hem what they wanted to do when we had finished - but Chloe said she was going to help Yasmin with something when they got back, which left me with Bobby and Suzie. So when they both said they just wanted to do some crafts with me, I was more than happy with that – so I got the crafts box out and washed up the dishes while Chloe was helping to sort things out.

It was about eleven thirty when Chloe looked out of the window to see that Yasmin and her mother had come back and were going in – so she asked if she could go over, and I nodded in agreement. I also said I’d need her back at own for lunch, so I watched as she walked over knocked and then went inside, before I went back to what the others were making between themselves.

So, when it was getting close to one, I made some sandwiches while Bobby cleared things away, and then set them down for others to eat – but when I looked over, there was no sign of Chloe coming to join us. That was unlike her, so I opened the door and looked over, before I told Bobby and Suzie I would be back in a few minutes and went over knocking on the caravan door.

There was no reply, but I could hear voices inside, so I opened the door and went in, asking Chloe why she had not come over – before I saw why she had not been able to.

Chloe and Yasmin were sitting next to each other on a double seat – but they both had their hands behind their backs, and bands of rope were holding their arms against their sides, their legs together below their knees, and their ankles, so that they could only stare at me. They could not even talk – there were strips of silver tape over their mouths stopping them from saying very much.

I stood, speechless, staring at them until I was grabbed and a gloved hand pressed down over my mouth. I then heard moaning from the side and turned my head to see her mother standing there with a second man, who was doing something to her wrists behind her back, silver tape covering her mouth as well.

The man was wearing a black balaclava over his head as he looked at me and told me not to raise the alarm. I wasn’t going to do anything, but I was wondering what was going to happen – and then Bobby walked in, saw what was happening, and opened his mouth to scream.

The man who was holding me let me go – and then one behind my neighbour pointed a gun at me as Bobby was scooped up and a gloved hand pressed down over his mouth.

“Any more kids,” the armed man said, and I nodded as I explained my youngest daughter was still in the caravan. I saw his smile as he told me to go and bring her over - and not to say anything or do anything, because if I did, it would not be me who was hurt.

Chleo and Yasmin just stared at Bobby, and then at me, before I swallowed and said if they promised not to hurt anyone, I would go and get my daughter. He just nodded as I looked at #Bobby, and told him not to be afraid, while I walked over and asked Suzie to come with me. I was trembling inside, but held her hand and told her we were all going to have to do something a little scary, but we would all be doing it – so I closed and locked the caravan door, and we went in as I told Suzie not to say anything, the door closing behind us.

She saw the two masked men, and then Bobby, before she gasped and gripped my hand more tightly, but I knelt down and hugged her, telling her that I wasn’t going to get her hurt. The man who had been holding Bobby was now making sure his hands stayed behind his back and had already pressed silver tape down over his mouth, as the second man came over and told me to tie Suzie’s wrists tightly together behind her back.

Chloe and Yasmin were now sitting with Yasmin’s mother between them on the seat, as I stroked Suzie’s hair away from her face and told her I wasn’t going to hurt her. She nodded as I gently turned her round and took her hands behind her back, putting her hands together before I took the rope the masked man was holding. It felt soft, so I told her to tell me if it hurt as I made sure her wrists were tied together, as he told me what to do.

I looked over her shoulder at the other three – the bands of rope that held their arms to their sides framed their chests, as I asked the older woman if she knew what was going on. She nodded slowly, and said something through the tape, and then I heard Yasmin say something like “Whrrhshshrrhhhe.”

“They have guns – it’s not your fault,” I said quietly as I tied the rope off, and asked Suzie if she was all right. She nodded as she started crying, so I promised her she would be with me whatever happened, as the man handed me a longer rope and told me to tie it round Suzie in the same way as the others – which now included Bobby, as the second man had pulled his arms against this sides with two bands of rope as well.

I doubled it over and passed it round Suzie’s stomach, pulling tight and then taking it round her upper arms as well, making two bands as tight as I could before I secured the ends behind her back. She looked at me and said it was as if I was hugging her, and I kissed her forehead as Bobby was made to sit on the sea on the other side of the caravan.

“Mhmhmhwhtsghnnhhn” he mumbled as the tape crinkled over his mouth.

“I don’t know Bobby” I said quietly as I stood up and walked Suzie over to let her sit next to him, “but we’ll get through this together, all right?” I then took more rope and, at the insistence of the man, used it to tie Suzie’s ankles tightly together, and then another length to tie her legs together below her knees.

I looked up and smiled as she twisted her legs round and said, “what’s that funny noise mummy?”

“Well, I think it’s your boots when your legs rub together - Chloe, can you make the noise as well?” I looked over as I stood up, Chleo nodding as she twisted her legs, then Yasmin and her mother joining in as there were more squeaking sounds in the caravan.

I then felt someone pulling my hands behind my back, and the rope on my own wrists as one of the two men started to force my wrists together, the other one picking up a roll of silver tape and tearing a length off before he pressed it down over Suzie’s mouth. He told her to sit still and not to struggle, and I told her to as well before I felt more rape forcing my own arms against my sides.

It felt very strange, but I had to stay calm for Suzie and Bobby as Chloe said “Whchnnthrhnthlklhthtr, hlrht?” I watched as they both nodded while the ropes tightened round my body, and then the pressure against my back as the ropes were tied off.

“Sit there,” the masked man said as the others watched me sit down, leaning over and kissing Bobby and Suzie on their heads as the second man knelt down and I felt the ropes round my ankles, hearing the squeak again as the rope went round and between my limbs. I then watched him secure my own legs together below my knees, before more of the silver tape was pressed down over my mouth.

The funny thing? I still had no idea why they had done this – but then they proceeded to insult Yasmin and her mother, calling them – well, let us just say it was not very nice for anyone to hear, never mind the children. I could see Chloe was getting redder, but I mumbled something, and when she looked at me, I shook my head. I could see how upset my neighbours were, but I also did not want my daughter to hurt herself in any way.

The tape was pulling on the skin round my mouth, but I had to be strong – and I saw Yasmin’s mother look at me and nod, as if she knew what I was thinking and was agreeing with me. I then nudged Bobby and Suzie, and as they looked at me, I started to slowly lift my legs up and down and hummed a tune.

“Hnmhnwhtnthmhh, whntthmhahddh…”

They both started to hum along and swing their legs up and down as well as the two men ignored us, one of them then standing guard as the other own went to the back of the caravan. When he came back, the two of them left us in the darkness as they ran out, all of us hearing the caravan door slam.

“Whtddhwhdhhmhmmh,” Chloe mumbled as she looked at me, and I looked to my sides before saying “Lthhsskhststhhererfhrafhmhnnhtshndfhnhk.” Yasmin’s mother nodded in agreement as we all started to hum and swing our legs up and down, before I saw Suzie and Bobby close their eyes as their heads fell against my sides.

“Nwththtn,” I said quietly, ”duuhhffhnhknhfs?”

“Bththshnhk – wh,” Yasmin said.


They looked at each other and then shuffled forward don the seat, slowly managing to get to their feet and steadying themselves.

“Ghhd – mhfththhshnkhndshhhfhnhfuhchnchtthehiffeherhfhrhhh.”

They looked at me as I moved my head towards the kitchen area, and then they both started to take small jumpers, me looking at Yasmin’s mother and her at me as they made their way over, and then I watched as they looked at the side of the sink. Yasmin then turned her back and looked over her shoulder as she picked up a long knife and held it blade up in one hand, watching as Chloe turned herself round and then started to rub the rope round her wrists against the edge of the blade.

I could hear my other two snoring gently as they breathed in and out through their noses and looked over to the other woman.

“Hmmhhhshrrhrhnn – yhrenhhmm?”



She slowly nodded as we heard Chlore grunt, and looking over I saw she had managed to cut the rope away from her wrists, shaking them and bringing her arms round before she pulled the bands of rope slowly up her body and off. She then took the knife from Yasmin and carefully cut the rope from her wrists and arms, before they both pulled the tape from their mouths.

“Amma,” Yasmin said, “I will free you in a few minutes?” Her mother nodded as she took the knife from Chloe and carefully cut her legs and ankles free, then released my daughter before they both ran over and hugged us.

“You are a very brave girl,” I finally said as Chloe peeled the tape away from my mouth, “what happened?”

“I came in to find the two men threatening Yasmin and her mother,” she said as I watched Yasmin gently peel the tape from her mother’s mouth, and then start to untie her. “I had on choice – I’m just sorry the rest of you got caught up in it.”

“As am I – I am Hallaah,” Yasmin’s mother said as she rubbed her wrists, “go and call the authorities, my child – we will be safe until you return.”

“What were they after?”

“My – husband wanted to scare me back – divorce is not a word he recognises. But if you are willing to bear witness?”

“IT would have to be discrete – I too fled my husband.”

She nodded and said, “I should apologise for my rudeness towards you – had I known, we could have supported each other.”

“Perhaps,” I said as I brought my wrists round, seeing the red marks as I rubbed my wrists, “but let’s get them reported first. Chloe, free the other two – we’ll put the kettle on and have a talk…”

We’ve been friends ever since, a real support to each other, and we look after Yasmin and the others. After all, adversity can make the firmest of friends…
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