Duct Taping My Sister, And The Family Fall Out (m/f)

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Duct Taping My Sister, And The Family Fall Out (m/f)

Post by SoTired »

Hi all, this is my first crack at a story on here, I hope its okay. (Adding this at the end of the edit - I didn't realise how long this got. I can assure you all that this is completely real, and every detail is correct as best as I can remember. Hope you all enjoy.)

This is the story of my one "proper" TUG, which ultimately resulted in a fracture in my family (since repaired). It was an experience that I regret immensley based on the aftermath. From a TUG perspective, its the only tie up I've had using tape ever, my favourite material. I remember just about every detail, as we both spent a lot of time planning it, and due to the magnitude of what followed this has been burned into my mind as both an incredible experience of trust from my sister, but also the reason I got into the most trouble I've ever been in. This TUG did damage to my family relationships that took four years and the death of my mother to sort. It caused an irreprible shift in the relationship between myself and my parents, of which I think will at least be present in the back of our minds forever.

My parents were devout Christians, and our upbringing was very strict as a consequence. Both my sisters were taken out of school to be shielded from the "terrors" that happedned there on a daily basis. Some would argue that some parts of our development as people was massively delayed because of it, I can only imagine the relationships I may have been able to form had I more freedom in my teenage years.

My sister, Izzy, was 16 at the time, I was 17. Our family lived in a quiet house in the country, one with a bit of land and some farm gear, so various items which could be fashioned as TUG materials were always close by. The barn always had duct tape, zip ties and silage wrap (think wide cling-film) lying around. Also in the house there was always packing supplies for boxes due to my parents' side business - namely different types of packing tape.

I'd had a couple of "mini" TUG experiences when I was younger with some friends with handcuffs (story for another time), but after two group-mates taped their mouths during a group project in primary school, I knew I had found my favourite material. Something about the simplicity and commonality of tape just makes is so good! This then went on to a saga of me and a friend having "mouth taping" sessions over video calls (saga coming to a story soon as well), but I'd never had the opportunity to use tape to actually tie someone up with.

I should take a moment to say that tie ups, gags, and the like have always been non-sexual for me. Even to this day my goals are to tie people up for the fun of being restrained and trying to escape, not that there has been opportunity since this fateful day. Just to make myself clear ahead of a story involving siblings - this very point was the crux of the whole parent induced fall-out that happened afterwards.

Izzy was always up for new things. After my video call sessions with my best friend, I finally plucked up the courage to try something with my sibling. My friend was skittish to seeing me in person (she had an overzealous boyfriend, meeting me was just asking for trouble), so it was the best route forwards. Prior to this day, I'd taped her mouth on a couple of occasions, the first time with Sellotape (just a single piece) as a prize for beating her in our Mario Kart tournament, the second with a piece of clear packing tape, this time after a chat about how a wider piece could make it more difficult to remove (it was hard to tell, a single piece didn't really do much).
After this second time, Izzy brought it up when having one of her many chats with Mother, just as a part of conversation, not seeing anything wrong with it. You see, my parents were both very conservative religious types, and would overreact to just about anything. As such, I got pulled aside one day and told that my mouth taping escapades were unacceptable, and must never happen again. Izzy was none the wiser to this telling off, and she was totally cool with the game, even seeming a little invested in the most recent one. Well, curiosity killed the cat didn't it.....

Izzy and I spoke about what we could try next, and I floated the idea of a tie up, like was seen on various Youtube escape challenges of the time. I would tie her up with tape, see if she could escape, and if she could we'd try a more difficult scenario. She was excited to try it, and I couldn't resist the prospect, despite my parent's warning. Izzy really was up for anything - we decided that our scenario would be far more difficult than the usual Youtube challenge by its end, as making something difficult to impossible to escape was the goal, as an oppose to something which could be timed.
Over the next week I stashed a few bits and pieces when I could: a couple of rolls of black duct tape (my own, from various self bondage "investigations" in the past, along with a new one of the same variety I purchased for the occasion), one of the rolls of clear packing tape, some silage film and some new socks.

One day, when my parents were both out taking our other sister to one of her many clubs, I decided it was time to enact the plan. Izzy had been at dance class earlier on in the day, and was still wearing her leggings. She had a purple long sleeve top on as it was as it always was, cold in our house. Her hair was still up in a ponytail, somewhat curly from being in a bun earlier. I grabbed the supplies and knocked on her bedroom door.

"Izzy?" I called through her door.
"Yeah?" she replied. She opened the door and saw what I was carrying. "Oh great! I take it its time for this challenge then".
"Only if you want to, and are happy to", I responded. It was and still is an absolute must for all my TUGs that the participant was completely willing, and had an out whenever they wanted.
"Oh absolutely! I've been waiting for this" she said, and came out of her room. We went through to the living room, and both sat on the couch.

"So, what's first then?" She asked. We'd spoken about a simple tie first, to see how she found it, and how able I was at restraining someone else.
"I think to begin with I'll do your wrists in front of you, and your ankles, just to take it easy." I said, and Izzy nodded.
"I think that'll be far too easy" she responded. We'd discussed what the "difficult" scenario would entail, and this was a far cry from that.
"I want to make sure you are OK with this in practise" I replied. "I don't want to go straight to the end game and have you find out you're claustophobic while completely tied up". She agreed, and so we began the first tie.

She put her hands together in front of her, I grabbed the roll of duct tape, and wrapped it three times around her wrists, creating a basic binding.
"How's that?" I asked.
"All fine, I think I'll break right out of it though" she said.

I then grabbed the silage film. We agreed that her leggings should be covered by something first so that the tape wouldn't damage them. I wrapped the film once around each leg, at her ankles. She then put her feet together, and I tied her ankles with three rounds of tape.

"Can I put some on your mouth?" I asked.
"Yeah, but can we do something not too sticky first" she asked. "We can try others later"
I went and found the roll of Sellotape in the office, and brought it back through.
"Close your mouth"
Izzy pursed her lips as instructed, and I placed three pieces of Sellotape on her mouth, one next to the other so that it was equivalent to one strip of wider tape.
"How's that?" I asked.
"Mmm hmm" she muffled, while nodding her head.
"Okay, see what you make of it" I said.

Izzy had a quick test of the tape, twisting her wrists and testing the motion of her arms and legs. As her arms were in front of her she could move them just about everywhere, same with her legs. After a minute of testing, she pulled her arms apart and broke the tape on her wrists, then did the same with her ankles. She then opened her mouth, and the tape came straight off - Sellotape really doesn't do much when placed on as strips.

"Nice job, you made that look easy" I praised.
"It was, I spent almost all that time living with the sensation, escaping took me less than ten seconds."
"So, what are you thinking now, do you want to stop, have a break, or keep going?" I gave her all the options. "We could try one in the middle of this and what we've discussed if you'd like". We had planned quite the situation, I was wary going straight into it might be a bit much.
"Nah let's do it, the whole thing as we spoke about, I enjoyed that, but want the challenge!"
"Are you really sure?" I asked "It's going to be a heck of a lot less comfortable than what you've just done". I really didn't want any nasty surprises for her. We had discussed this at length the week beforehand though, she knew what the plan was, she'd even got me to help her practise the positioning for it so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable.
"Yeah lets do it, I'll let you know if I want to stop" she cofirmed. We had spoken about and agreed on safewords, and what she was to do if she couldn't speak too while I was tying her legs the last time.
"Okay then, lets do this. What should we start with?" I asked.
"Lets do legs first, as arms are gonna be the most uncomfortable" she replied.
"Sure, we'll do that. And what am I doing with your mouth this time?" We had discussed using multiple strips of duct tape or a wrap gag, and possibly even using a sock as stuffing, but it was going to be her first time trying duct tape, so I thought it was best to ask.
"You can duct tape my mouth, but lets try stuffing separately after" I was happy with her decision, it reduced the risk, and added a bonus element to look forward to after.

I passed her the roll of silage film (I'm gonna refer to it as cling flm from now on, as its basically just that but wider) and she wrapped each of her legs, again to protect her clothes, but this time she wrapped from the top of her thighs to her ankles. After tearing the film completing her second leg, she looked to me, ready to proceed.
I grabbed a new roll of duct tape, and pulled the end. To say I was experiencing butterflies right now was a bit of an understatement. I'd wanted to try this for a long time, and now I was getting to fully tie someone up, not least with their blessing and full cooperation.
I crossed Izzy's ankles, as theres a gap if you have them side by side, and began wrapping them. I made sure that the tape was tight, she assisted by lifting her legs as I went under. Six wraps later I tore the tape, then moved to just below her knees. I added another six wraps, before securing above her knees too. I got her to lie on her back so I could wrap her thighs. I then came back, and added three wraps between her ankle and knee binding, then added a couple of wraps for good luck around her feet.

"How are you feeling? That's not too tight is it?" I checked in.
"No all fine, keep going. It is tight, but that's the point isn't it."
"Well yes, but I don't want you to be in pain or anything".
"No I'm not, you're all good"
"Okay, arms next, are you still wanting to do as we planned?"
"Heck yeah" (swearing was banned in our house) "I've practised this bit, I'm not putting it to waste"
I smiled "I love the enthusiasm, lets get you rolled onto your tummy".

She rolled over, and moved her hands behind her back. I grabbed two socks, and placed one over each of her hands. I then grabbed the packing tape, and wrapped it around each wrist. I taped from the sock to the sleeve of her top, so that her hand was stuck in a fist, but also so that no tape would go on her skin.
I then guided her arms together behind her, and gently pulled her elbows together. She grunted at this, so I made sure to check in.
"Too much?" I asked "I really don't want to hurt you".
"No its fine, its just a bit of an ache at the start, but its okay, keep going!"

I picked up the duct tape, and got to work on the part which would make this one all the more difficult.
I began wrapping tape around her elbows, pinning them together. This was the main part we discussed, as she pointed out due to her flexibility she'd simply be able to move her hands over her feet if it was just her wrists that were taped. Six wraps went on in total. I was working quickly now, as I didn't want her to be like this for much longer than she had to be. I asked if she was okay after every new restraint was added, which she kept encouraging me on. She even mentioned that she was having fun.

I next wrapped her wrists, again with six wraps, before moving to her upper arms, placing three wraps above her elbows. I finally returned to her forearms, and placed a couple of wraps between her wrist and elbow bindings.
After making sure all was well, I progressed to the next stage. With some assistance, she sat up, and I wrapped tape around her stomach and her arms, securing them to her. I added one more set of wraps at the base of her ribs.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" I asked, she looked completely stuck, and her arms were certainly at an angle I couldn't manage.
"Yep fine", she said, though a bit strained. "Do my mouth and give me a couple of minutes, but I think you'll need to cut me out."

I tore off a strip of duct tape, and held it in front of her. She closed her mouth, and I smoothed it over her lips. The tape made a really good lip print, it seemed to be sticking rather well. I tore off a few more pieces, placing one above and below her lips, so that there was tape from below her nose to the tip of her chin. I tore off two more pieces and told her to look up. She tilted her head, and I smoothed both pieces under her chin. I finally tore one more piece off and placed it over the first on her lips. Her mouth was completely sealed, with duct tape going from just under her nose, all the way down her face, under her chin so that it ended at the top of her neck. The pieces under her chin acted as a crude kind of muzzle, preventing her jaw from opening. It went all the way to her ears, there was no chance of her talking.

"Alright Izzy" I said, "you're incredible for doing all this. Are you still doing okay?"
"Mmmph hmmph" she muffled through her gag, while nodding.

I moved her so that she was lying on her stomach again, with her legs out behind her. We had agreed on photos for analysis afterwards, so I took those on my phone, then let her get on with struggling. She began to test her bonds, but all she could to was tense her arms, and lift her legs up. She was well and truly stuck. She rolled onto her back, then back onto her front again, she tried to open her mouth, but it was all no use. After five minutes of struggling I stepped in, and brought things to a close.

"I think that's long enough Iz, your arms will be hurting"
She grunted, but didn't stop trying to escape.
"Keep still, I'm going to free your arms"
She mumbled what I could only decipher as "okay" and relaxed.
I took a pair of scissors, and cut the tape securing her upper arms, working my way down to her wrists. Once her arms were free, I cut the tape securing the socks to her hands. She began taking them off and working on her mouth while I peeled the tape from around her middle.

Izzy grimaced as she began to peel the tape off her face, she slowly pulled it off, it staying in the shape of a mask once it was free.
"Whew! That was quite something, I quite enjoyed that." she smcked her lips and rubbed her cheeks, which were quite red from the adhesive. Meanwhile I moved on to cutting her legs free, the cling film coming off with the tape. Izzy looked rather tired, and was quite sweaty. I gave her a massive hug, and we both sat and chatted, while she put some moisturiser on her cheeks.

"That was quite something, I've never felt helpless like that." she said "I don't think I would've been particularly happy had I been with someone I didn't trust".
I was touched by the remark, as I always felt I was a "bad person" - social anxiety does that to you, even with your loved ones.

"I want to try one more thing"
"Are you sure Iz, you've done loads already?" I asked.
"Yeah, the strips of duct tape were one thing, but lets do that other one we spoke about". Izzy was referring to the conversations we'd had about movie damsels, who were gagged with a single, or even a couple strips of tape, and how useless it actually was as a gag. We'd spoken about wrapping the tape around the person's head, and how doubling that up with some stuffing should make it impossible to talk.
"I want to try a wrap, then we can tidy up."
"If you insist, but only if you're sure."
"I'm sure, lets do it."
"Okay, just wait there a second."

I went through into the kitchen and got the cling film. Izzy was protective of her hair, I was going to make sure she kept it tape free.
"Right, I'll place this behind your head if you hold your hair up, this will stop it going on the hair on the back of your neck."
She agreed, and so I picked up a sock.
"Open up" I asked.
Izzy opened her mouth, and I placed the sock in. I decided to leave it at that, though I do feel she could've managed a second one too. I didnt want to overdo it.
"Now grab your hair".
She lifted her ponytail up with one hand, and I draped a piece of cling film over the back of her neck. I then grabbed the packing tape (a nice clear one), peeled the end, then placed the end over her lips, which she kept slightly open this time.
"You ready?" I asked.
She nodded. And so I placed my hand over her mouth, then pulled the roll. I pulled it out so that it was beyond the back of her head, got her to switch hands that she was holding her hair with, them pulled the tape around the back of her head, keeping it tight. I then passed it round the front of her head, moving my hand from her mouth as it came around to complete the first wrap. I continued over the first, tilting her head down while going around the back, then tilting it back up by putting my hand under her chin as I passed over her mouth. I moved the tape up and down as I was wrapping, so that by the fifth wrap, tape covered from her nose to her chin. She looked rather funny, there's just something about clear tape gags that looks so cool, I think the way it smooshes the skin but still lets you see everything underneath. You could see a little bit of the white sock protruding between her lips too. I added one more wrap for luck, before I cut the tape with scissors, then rolled the end over into a tab and stuck it to the back of her head.

"Let me take a picture before you try anything, then you can try and get it off"
She nodded, and I took a couple of pictures of my work on my phone. We had spoken about wrapping the tape under her chin and up over her head, but I felt like she'd done enough so left it at that, even though I felt she would work it off with her jaw.
She began to move her mouth around, and sure enough, with the movement of her jaw she managed to get the tape to slip down, so that it was loosely around her neck. She spat the sock out.
"Pretty effective that, if you'd done under my chin or used the duct tape I think it would've been even harder."
"I think so too, but I felt like you've been through enough today, maybe next time."
"I wouldn't have minded! But yeah lets try that next time."

We spent the rest of the afternoon tidying up the tape by rolling it into balls, and discussing the activities.
Once it was all away in my bedroom, we spent the rest of the time talking and chilling until my parents got home. We continued to discuss our tie ups for the next month, scheming our next scenarios for when my parents were both out (which wasn't too often). We spoke about the next stage of the wrap gag, and had decided on a chair tie for next time, and incorporating the gag and the tie together, though without the stuffing for safety.

Our discussion continued for the next few weeks, until suddenly the subject became incredibly awkward to her, she said she no longer wanted to speak about it. I was confused, but said I'd respect her wishes. Things seemed a little off with her, like she was avoiding me. Whenever I asked her about it, she dodged the question.

A few days later, my parents asked to speak with me in private. It turns out they found out about our TUG, and were appalled. I don't know exactly how they found out, I assume it was because Izzy told them, as she wasn't aware that they had already been through this with me, or if they searched my bedroom - probably both. I was called a predator, someone who took advantage of a family member for a twisted desire, and was grounded. My parents didn't look at me the same way from then, they refused to believe that this whole thing was anything but sexual. They had spoken about the severity of what I'd done with Izzy, and told her that I was simply taking advantage of her for some gross fantasy. She believed them, as she always did, and so thought the whole subject was a front for me to take advantage of her. I was absolutely devastated.

This continued, I remained distant from both my parents and Izzy, well, as much as you can while living under the same roof. I spent most of my time in my room, and things stayed that way for the next four years. It took my mother being in her last month of life (terminal cancer), before I had the courage to put things right. I don't know what else it could be, but the illness was seemingly enough to make them listen, and they slowly came back around to the truth, that there was no ulterior motive. I finally got forgiveness, a week before my mother passed away.

Since then, my father has moved on and has not mentioned the subject since, meanwhile Izzy and I have had multiple discussions about it, and how she was misguided by what my parents thought the meaning behind it all was. While we were happy to be back on good terms, we agreed that due to all the heartache it had caused this was something we should put to bed. We are now the closest we've ever been, but at the cost of our mother.

I hope you enjoyed this essay, and if you've made it all the way to the end I appreciate your viewership - its brought back a lot of emotions I haven't felt for some time, reciting all this. If you do partake in TUGs with loved ones, make sure your parents are either on board, or are of a nature where they won't crucify you for it - I lost four years of my family, and never got to see my mother off properly before she died because of it.
Be safe - Tired.
Probably trying to sleep.

Enjoyer of tape and engineering difficult to escape scenarios. DMs open if anyone wants to chat!
Discord: sotired10

True stories:
Duct Taping My Sister, and the Famiy Fall Out (m/f)
Handcuffing the Girl Next Door (m/f)
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Post by Jeff K »

Wow, that was very well-told and honestly heartbreaking. Sorry you had to go through that, man. I also lost my mom as a young adult. It sucks big time.

I appreciate your willingness to share.
This conversation would go a lot smoother if you just gagged me already!
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Post by sweetvillain »

I also had in family experiences with my cousin but everything remained secret.
I'm sorry about your consequences. Living these passions is very complicated.
Surrender Princess. Your thin wrists behind back ...
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Post by TightsBound »

This was very well written, thank you for sharing. It’s not often that unfortunate consequences are discussed here, so thank you for bringing them up. I’m sorry it put a strain on your family, but it is nice to see you’ve reconciled. Hopefully it didn’t sour the idea of tape ups completely. And you’re a great writer, so hopefully we see more from you soon!
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Post by calebtras »

Nicely written, detailed, touching aftermath.
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Post by uemndlr »

Thank you for sharing this very well written, captivating story! From the way you went about this TUG, I say you're a very good person. All the time, you were very careful and looking out for the well-being of your sister. You did nothing wrong. Your parents handled it very badly and were unfair to you.
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Post by SoTired »

Thank you for the comments folks, I'm touched by the positive responses, and that it provided a slightly different viewpoint to the norm. It was a difficult story to write, as the emotions are still pretty strong to this day. It's something that still pops into my head when I'm around my sister from time to time and fills me with intense regret, likewise I still can see my father's disappointment.
Jeff K wrote: 1 month ago Wow, that was very well-told and honestly heartbreaking. Sorry you had to go through that, man. I also lost my mom as a young adult. It sucks big time.

I appreciate your willingness to share.
Cheers Jeff, my condolenses to you as well - losing a parent is one of the most difficult things you can go through, and it not being when you're a fully fledged adult is just not fair.
TightsBound wrote: 1 month ago This was very well written, thank you for sharing. It’s not often that unfortunate consequences are discussed here, so thank you for bringing them up. I’m sorry it put a strain on your family, but it is nice to see you’ve reconciled. Hopefully it didn’t sour the idea of tape ups completely. And you’re a great writer, so hopefully we see more from you soon!
I'm still very much game to have a tape up with someone, but it couldn't be my sister or anyone I know to be honest (even if she came up to me and expressed willingness, I couldn't do it). I unfortunately do pretty badly socially, so the potential participants list ain't looking so good (zero). Really appreciate your comment.
sweetvillain wrote: 1 month ago I also had in family experiences with my cousin but everything remained secret.
I'm sorry about your consequences. Living these passions is very complicated.
That's how I wish it could've stayed in hindsight, there likely would've been further TUGs to be had as well - we had schemed other things to try, I had gone as far as beginning to stockpile the next set of materials too.
calebtras wrote: 1 month ago Nicely written, detailed, touching aftermath.
Thank you <3
uemndlr wrote: 1 month ago Thank you for sharing this very well written, captivating story! From the way you went about this TUG, I say you're a very good person. All the time, you were very careful and looking out for the well-being of your sister. You did nothing wrong. Your parents handled it very badly and were unfair to you.
I can still see from their point of view how what I did was terrible, and that they couldn't see the innocent side of things (I've spoken about the premise of TUGs with others who cannot see them for anything but a sex-game). Based on that I don't really see a way how my parents would have been able to react any differently to be honest. I think in hindsight I read the situation wrong, and there being an instance where there were no ramifications was near zero.
Probably trying to sleep.

Enjoyer of tape and engineering difficult to escape scenarios. DMs open if anyone wants to chat!
Discord: sotired10

True stories:
Duct Taping My Sister, and the Famiy Fall Out (m/f)
Handcuffing the Girl Next Door (m/f)
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Post by uemndlr »

Oh, nonsexual TUGs are absolutely a thing, and I always love them, too! Just yesterday I enjoyed an evening of television, tied hands and feet, my head in my wife's lap, her stroking my hair... Side note, grunge speak for "staying home on Friday or Saturday night" is "bound and hagged", which came quite close to the truth yesterday. I digress...

I'm not religious, but I assume your family is. So even accepting the (imo erroneous) premise that what you did was wrong, suppose that a son does something predatory to his sister, what should a good Christian do? Punish him with love deprivation for four years? Is this what Jesus would do?

Good parents would talk to the son, explain the reasons why they think it's bad, perhaps look for counselling or therapy if needed. It's still your son, you need to guide him to the right path with positive examples.

Or even better, listen to him and his point of view. Perhaps even believe him if he says that it was just an innocent game, as this very board is full of similar innocent games, and of course he has absolutely no sexual interest at all in his sister!

I totally understand you cannot play TUGs with your sister anymore, there's too much trauma involved. And it's not quite easy to open up to someone about this, as we all know. I think your best bet might be to look for a shibari club or something like that. I would consider shibari a rather not-very-sexual form of bondage, too.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Thank you for sharing this experience, and I'm sorry to hear about the negative aftermath; it can't have been easy for you. At the very least, it sounds like you handled things as considerately and respectfully as possible with your sister, so it's a real shame about how it turned out for you. The interests we share on here can be difficult for other people to understand sometimes, but that doesn't mean that any wrongdoing is taking place. I don't think anyone was being taken advantage of here, so I'd say you've got a good head on your shoulders.

Thanks again for sharing, and don't worry about how long it was - it was a well-written, engaging read.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

My stories
Causality (F/M) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9909
A Grey Area (M/F) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=12604
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Thanks so much for sharing your heartfelt story. I'm not adding anything new by echoing the sentiments of every one whose commented already, in acknowledging that this was a very difficult aftermath to process. No wonder every detail is burned into to your mind. You write very well, and you've clearly described how any caring and trustworthy TUG *top* should handle any TUG, even the negative aftermath that followed.

I wish you well, and please continue writing and participating on this wonderful little forum.
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Post by SoTired »

I've decided that I'm going to write some of the planned situations as though they did actually happen, without the falling out occurring. Stay tuned to the fictional section. Thanks everyone for your kind words and feedback!
Probably trying to sleep.

Enjoyer of tape and engineering difficult to escape scenarios. DMs open if anyone wants to chat!
Discord: sotired10

True stories:
Duct Taping My Sister, and the Famiy Fall Out (m/f)
Handcuffing the Girl Next Door (m/f)
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