Tied to my Mother-in-Law's Bed ( F/M )

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Tied to my Mother-in-Law's Bed ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »

Ladies and Gentlemen, another 'mother-in-law story,' but somewhat darker than my previous one. For this time, her daughter's husband most certainly does NOT want wish to be in her bed, or to indulge in any sort of sexual relationship with her. Not that this utterly selfish woman has any intention of considering or respecting his wishes at all.


Once the effect of the drug that I’d been subjected to wore off enough, and I came to, I realised that I was in quite deep trouble and events had taken a turn very much for the worse. Firstly, as my head began to clear, although I had not been placed into any sort of blindfold at all, I was completely in the dark, in a strange and unfamiliar bedroom. It was utterly devoid of illumination of any kind within, the heavy, expensive, velvet curtains not allowing the merest light whatsoever to penetrate from the outside. Not that made too much difference anyway, for by now day had completely turned to night.

As I attempted to do two things, the fact hit me that I could do neither. Firstly, I tried to move, to discover that it was basically impossible, I had, very effectively, been tied to something. Both my arms and legs had been fastened to hold my body in a spread-eagled form to what I guessed, correctly, were the firm bedposts of a solid, and therefore secure, bed. One that had been covered in a delicious satin sheet before my actual confinement to it. Not that the gorgeous feel of that material against my bare skin, apart from some female lingerie items, in the form of a lacy and sexy suspender belt and some very sheer nylon stockings having been placed upon my legs, I was completely naked, compensated for the predicament I had found myself subjected to. Where was I? And whose bed was this, even more importantly why had whoever had taken my body and imprisoned it, done this to me?

My other discovery? When I tried to speak, to possibly call out, again like movement, I found the power of speech denied to me, by the placing of a set of, very heavily scented by some unknown woman’s sexual juices, female satin panties within my mouth. Tied into place and held there with a silk dressing gown belt, several more of those forming the bonds that held my limbs within a state of firm bondage to this large, and clearly, luxurious bed.

My efforts to communicate did however alert the other person within the room as to my condition of having awoken. I sensed, rather than saw, as I say the room was pitch black, this person, who I couldn’t identify but whom I knew was female, climb onto the bed and lie down beside me. As one of her hands reached down to wander over my balls and rapidly stiffening cock, something her deft touch took away any chance of me preventing despite the very real fact that was the last thing I desired, a gentle voice started to whisper into one of my ears. Which did at least identify to my rapidly recovering brain just who the woman, obviously my captor now, was. “Sssssh, Darling. Not a sound now, we don’t want to attract any unwanted attention here, do we? You’ve no idea how much I’ve longed for, yes even prayed for, this moment to arrive, have you Darling? You totally, utterly and completely belong to me now! YOU ARE MINE!”

Be thankful for small mercies they say, so at least I knew exactly who my tormentor was. Claire. My wife’s mother. But all of those small matters existing within in her capture of my body, such as her placing my legs in the very sheer nylon of her stockings, became dwarfed by one major factor here. As the last remnants of the drug used to enable my descent into her hands to so effortlessly occur began to wear off, one overwhelming thought engulfed me. She couldn’t have described the situation any better, now, as she had correctly informed me, I WAS HERS! I had now found myself, totally securely and in an undoubted completely inescapable manner, tied to my mother-in-law’s bed!
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Post by LunaDog »

Now, any reasonable person could have made a case that it was entirely my own fault that I now found myself as Claire’s complete carnal captive. Why? Because I had, with the very best of intentions, please believe me about that, interfered. Where I really shouldn’t have, despite, as I say, my aims being for the best. After all this wasn’t MY blood family, we were talking about here.

You see Lucy, my wife, despised her mother to the point where, if she didn’t want any actual harm to come to her mum, Lucy wasn’t vindictive at all, she just wanted no contact with her. With good reason. Claire was very manipulative, selfish, devious, conniving and extremely haughty. After several years of marriage and having produced a child in the form of Lucy, Claire had decided the Derek, Lucy’s father, wasn’t good enough for her. Meaning, not rich or stylish to the degree needed to satisfy her inflated ego. Being stunningly beautiful, Claire began to cast her beady eye around for somebody whom she considered to be a more suitable partner for her, please bear in mind that it would be extremely difficult to find someone more decent, honest and thoroughly pleasant than the husband she planned to desert.

Funnily enough the man she latched on to was also a decent chap, and no, she hadn’t told him she was already married when she, successfully, set out to seduce him. Peter Beauchamp was a rich and very intelligent businessman, he’d established himself very well, and by now owned his own, highly successful, company. But he fell, absolutely, for the scheming Claire’s charms, and believe me, she could turn on the charm alright. Not to mention her stunningly sexy looks and allure.

He’d fallen ‘head over heels’ for Claire before he discovered that she was in fact married to Lucy’s father. Actually, it was only when he proposed marriage to Claire himself that he did, indeed, become aware of her status as Derek’s spouse. But now he showed his decency, as he insisted that Derek be allowed to retain the marital home, and, with himself so under Claire’s spell by now, not have to pay any alimony to her at all. Thankfully then, Derek was able to escape from Claire’s clutches relatively unscathed financially. As for Claire herself, by now she’d moved in with Peter, freely spending his money, and living a grand life, all at his expense. However, there was another dimension to this equation. Having been lied to, when Peter finally did marry Claire, much to her disgust and disappointment, he’d insisted on her signing a ‘pre-nuptial’ agreement, which would ensure, that if she continued to play her games, and they did split up, she’d leave with virtually nothing. A wise precaution, as we shall see later.

Lucy’s distain for her mother hadn’t really grabbed hold of her just yet, for she liked and respected the kind and decent Peter. So, during this period she still continued to keep in contact with her and her new husband. Incidentally, being sixteen at the time of the break-up, she’d chosen to stay living with her father, much to Claire’s delight. Being utterly selfish the last thing she wanted was a teenage daughter around, cramping her style!

This was still the situation regarding her mother a few years later when I entered the equation, with Lucy and I starting to date. It soon became crystal clear to me that if my, then girlfriend, disliked her mother, well she absolutely doted on her father. To me it was completely obvious why almost immediately. I quickly became aware of Derek’s nature, this was a man who was a completely ‘good egg,’ kind, totally honest, hardworking and thoroughly decent. And with something in common with me, just like myself Derek was an engineer, although his calling was mostly mechanical, whereas my degree and employment was more within the field of electrics and electronics.

As well as getting on very well together regarding our respective occupations then, Derek and I shared another passion, one that the two Ladies of our lives, Derek had married again a lovely Lady by the name of Gemma, also delighted in, motorbikes. All four of us had a full motorcycle licence, and all four owned a ’bike themselves. Believe me the two girls looked great in leather, and the four of us participated in many a good ride together, no I’m talking about on the roads not in bed, including the annual ride to Silverstone for the British Moto Grand Prix.

Now, of course, in Britain with motorcycling very much being frowned upon by the ‘respectable’ classes, this was another wedge that soon became apparent between Claire and her former husband and daughter. Not that it bothered any of us at all.

By the time I’d raised enough courage to ask Lucy to take my hand in marriage, which to my great joy and relief she accepted, the rifts in Peter and Claire’s relationship had very much begun to appear and become clear to all. To a large extent he’d started to see through her lies and deception. And above all he’d begun to rein in her spending of his money, and I’m sure you can all imagine just how well THAT went down? In many ways, Lucy’s and my wedding was the final straw, Derek, Lucy and I insisted, that although Claire was welcome to attend, it would be Gemma sitting alongside Derek on the top table. As Lucy informed her, whilst she still considered Claire to be her mother, Mother Nature had determined that, Gemma was the woman she called MUM. Peter, naturally, agreed without any fuss and by now Claire’s virtual hold on him had been broken. Publicly she screamed abuse at him, accusing him of betrayal and other such nonsense. He’d had enough of her by now.

Again, her roving eye started to scan around and this time she courted an almost male version of herself, a man named Graeme Duckworth, who was as devious, conniving and downright selfish as her. Naturally they ‘fell’ for each other, and this is where Peter’s ‘pre-nup’ came into play, boy, was that a smart move on his part, or what? Not that the selfish Claire seemed to mind, Graeme was even richer than Peter, and as long as the very sexy Claire kept him happy in bed, which she was able to do with considerable ease, he allowed her full access to his substantial wealth. Incidentally, Derek, Gemma, Lucy and I still see Peter on a fairly regular basis as a good friend, and I’m delighted to say he’s met and married a Lady far more suitable for him than the utterly self-centred Claire.

But this is where I, very much, went wrong and my interfering occurred. It was now that Lucy made her mind up to completely blank her mother out of our lives. So, when the invitation to Claire and Graeme’s wedding arrived in our post, Lucy was all for simply throwing it into the waste bin. Which, and isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing, I should have agreed to and allowed her to do. But NO, like a total pratt, I persuaded her to accept and inform them that she and I would gladly attend. Which, we did.

And this is when the seeds leading to my body becoming confined to her bed were sown. Unbeknown to me, Claire spotted me looking very closely at her nylon coated legs, which were totally gorgeous, and that was the moment where she decided, that once she’d taken me prisoner by tying me to her bed, she’d put my legs into nylon. THOSE nylons, yes when I awoke to find them covering my legs, it had been the very stockings and suspenders that she worn on her wedding day! For it was also the moment that she decided that she ‘wanted’ me and started to lay her plans for my capture. Her husband? Being as bad as her, he decided that he quite fancied a ‘piece’ of Lucy, he’d do to her precisely what his utterly conniving bride planned to subject me to, agreeing to take full part in Claire’s devious schemes.

So, before we left the wedding scene, both Claire and Graeme approached us and invited Lucy and I to attend their home for a Saturday afternoon and night, a few weeks later, where she’d cook a ‘special’ meal for us, and the wine would flow. Again, I interfered and answered in the affirmative, without asking Lucy first. Because she would most definitely have refused. But I had now effectively committed us.

However, when my wife and I first arrived, well both Claire and Graeme couldn’t have been more welcoming and friendly. The small talk started, they invited us into their very spacious living room, inviting us to sit, telling Lucy and I that they were just going to check how the dinner was coming along, within the kitchen.

When they returned, each was carrying two nearly full glasses of white wine, Chardonnay we were informed. Which, no doubt it was. But here was the point, the glasses given to my wife and I contained a little something extra, within these two Claire had placed a portion of a powerful, if almost tasteless, knockout drug.

Thus, as Lucy and I joined in her mother’s ‘toast’ we suspected nothing. And it wasn’t until we had downed the full glass that either of us began to realise that we had been duped. Suddenly my head seemed to become very light, my mind began to swim, and my legs turned to jelly. Just before I passed out myself, my wife tumbled to the floor in a state of total unconsciousness, and I knew that Lucy and I had delivered ourselves right into the devious Claire’s hands!

Mind you she and Graeme still had some work to do. Between them they carried my body to their main bedroom, stripped me of all my clothing, placing my form centrally on their marital bed. It was now that Claire tied both of my arms, by the wrists and hands to the outer bedposts of the very solid and secure upper bedframe. With myself in a condition where even if I did ‘come to’ earlier than expected, I was now effectively captured, so they left me there to turn their attentions to my wife, also Claire’s daughter of course, Lucy.

She too was carried upstairs, placed onto a double bed in their spare room, and again stripped naked. Claire placed her daughter’s legs into stockings just as she would do to me, they stretched her out in a spread-eagled form, and then tied Lucy’s limbs to the bedposts, in a manner that meant escape for Lucy was now utterly impossible. There Claire left Graeme to wait for Lucy to awake, returning to my ‘room.’

She now finished the ‘job’ of my capture. Placing my legs now into those wedding day stockings and suspender belt, which no, she, quite deliberately, hadn’t washed, followed by completing my bondage by firmly tying my ankles to the posts of the lower bedframe. But, as explained earlier she hadn’t quite finished just yet. For now, she grabbed a vibrator, and bought herself to climax, a mild one admittedly, but it had coated the satin panties she was still adorned in with her sexual juices. Into my mouth they went, to be tied in place there, presenting me with no chance of ejecting them. And then, having closed the curtains ensuring the room was basically pitch black, just like her husband, she sat down to wait for the effect of the drug they’d used on us to wear off.

This then, was the situation I found myself when, as described earlier, the drug began to lose its effect, and I slowly regained consciousness. Utterly helpless, in a condition of complete capture, my body now the full property and plaything of the scheming, devious and totally untrustworthy Claire. Who was as delighted to have me in her hands and power as I was absolutely frightened to be there! Oh, why had I interfered, just look at where it had got me now?
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Narrator finds him in quite the bind :) Claire has him and his betrothed in her clutches firmly :) Excellent Part!
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

As Always great writing!
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 months ago The Narrator finds him in quite the bind :) Claire has him and his betrothed in her clutches firmly :) Excellent Part!
Literally in a 'bind!' In the hands of an utterly self-centred captor, not a comfortable place at all! What does the devious Claire have in mind for him? SHE fully intends to enjoy herself, that's crystal clear!
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Post by LunaDog »

Tie_me_up91 wrote: 3 months ago As Always great writing!
And also as always, your kind support is very much appreciated. Thank you.
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Post by Jaaaake »

Love this story so far. Fun to read how each of them got put into strict bondage. I really wish I was the one being put into those stockings.
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Post by LunaDog »

Jaaaake wrote: 3 months ago I really wish I was the one being put into those stockings.
True. But it might have nicer if Claire had washed them!
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Post by LunaDog »

I like to think of myself as a good husband, so, despite discovering the extent of my predicament as Claire’s complete carnal captive, my thoughts soon remembered that I’d come here with Lucy and began to wonder just where she was. In fact, although I’m sure it made no sense at all, I began to try to say, ‘where’s Lucy?’ And whilst that possibly came out as something like “wwhheeeerreeee’sss Llluuuccccyyy” it did the trick, as Claire did seem to understand. I guess that she probably anticipated the question, not that thinking of somebody else other than herself was a natural reaction for her, of course.

“Do you promise not to shout out?” I nodded my affirmative reply. “Ok, I’m going to remove the gag, but any disobedience from you, and it goes straight back in! Understand?” Another nod, which Claire did clock, despite the darkness of the room.

She was as good as her word, and it was a blessed relief to take a good, hard, deep breath of fresh air after my mouth had been dominated by her scent for so long. “So Darling, you want to know just where Lucy is, do you?”

“Yes please, Claire! What have you done to her?”
“Firstly, that’s Mistress Claire now, Darling!”
This was no time to argue. “Please Mistress Claire, where is my wife?”
“Oh, how romantic? Well, I can assure you that’s she’s safe and well. Just like you, Lucy is ‘confined’ to bed. Where, something that is well overdue, she’s going to get to know her new stepfather much better. And he has promised me that she will come to no harm. A promise that I’ll ensure he keeps, provided you give me precisely what I’m looking for from you!”
“And just what is that, then?”
“In the form of one word Darling, SEX!”

I should have guessed. Because let me make one thing very clear here, Ladies and Gentlemen, despite being in her late forties by now, Claire was still stunningly beautiful, and possessed sex appeal in spades. She was slim, the classic ‘hourglass’ figure, her flowing golden hair cascading over her head, and surrounding her utterly flawless face, containing the most beautiful lips and piecing blue eyes. She delighted in using those looks to thoroughly enjoy the ‘pleasures of the flesh.’ And, because of her sexual allure, she wasn’t used to being refused. Well, Claire, this is ONE time when you won’t get your own way. Or so I thought. Remember I was tied securely to her bed, so she could simply have forced her will onto me. But no, she was far smarter than that.

“I’ve captured you so I can damn well SHAG you, Darling! Yes, what I want you for is simply SEX! SEX! and yet more SEX! And no gentle ‘making love’ nonsense either. No, I’m going to now use your body and this...” grabbing hold of my, despite the situation, totally erect cock, “is now until I decide otherwise my ‘living dildo!’ Oh, yes, for the next few hours I’m going to enjoy myself at your expense, as I help myself to a great dollop of simply cold, hard and above all, RAW SEX! I’ve fancied shagging you half to death almost from the first time that I clocked eyes on you, and now, believe me, it’s finally going to happen!”

Claire’s luscious lips now met mine, but I kept my mouth firmly closed. Her response? To grab hold of my balls, and not only squeeze hard, but also twist. As the resulting pain shot throughout my body, and I went to cry out, so my mouth opened. Well, she was completely ready for that. Now her lips attacked mine, and with a level of passion that I’d never been subjected to, not even by Lucy at her most ‘turned on!’ Good Lord, was I facing a night of sex, at a level that I’d never had to endure before, in Claire’s firm grip?

It appeared so. Because, again with the light being almost non-existent, although I couldn’t see Claire’s eyes, I could virtually feel them as they bored into mine! “Don’t try to resist me again Darling! Because remember that I promised you that Lucy will come to no harm? Well, that will NOT apply if this futile attempt to deny me continues. In order to guarantee your wife’s safety, I demand your complete and utter co-operation in this bed with me. I want SEX from you, and, by God, I’m going to get SEX! Or Lucy ‘cops it!’ Is that clear enough for you, Darling?”

What a total bitch, eh? I mean, just what sort of mother would threaten their own child in such a callous manner just to force somebody, their own son-in-law for goodness’ sake, into betraying said daughter and indulge in sexual games with them? As I’m sure you can all imagine, at this moment in time I wanted nothing more than to kill her. Slowly and painfully! But she did speak the truth, however distasteful it was. I was completely helpless in HER hands, not her in mine. With Lucy also within the total grip of Claire and her new husband it began to dawn on me that I was utterly powerless, I would just have to give in to her demands. “Claire,” I started, “if you give me your word that Lucy will NOT be harmed, then I will totally surrender my body to you! To do with as you wish, and with my full co-operation.”

“That’s better Darling, now that wasn’t so hard, was it? Of course, if you do as I ask you, then Lucy will come to no harm, I willingly give my word about that. So then, just to show me that those were not empty words, I’m going to kiss you again. Let’s have a REAL snog, eh? Make it a good one, then I’ll overlook and forget that you just failed to address me in the correct manner. As Mistress Claire.”

Just as she had told me, now her lips assaulted mine again, and this time I ‘joined in.’ To be utterly rewarded and then some more! It was a kiss that was as full of passion and sexual skill as I’m sure it is possible to be, a real sign of things to come. What’s more, during this fantastic meeting of her lips and mine, Claire manoeuvred her body so that her, soaking wet, pussy descended onto my totally erect and rampant cock. Delicious!

So, when she finally broke off the kiss, she looked into my eyes, difficult to see that as it was so dark admittedly, and simply asked. “Are you ready for me, Darling?”

In no position to argue, remember her very real threat to hurt Lucy, I answered. “Yes, Mistress Claire, I’m ready to do whatever you want me to do. I’ll try my absolute best to satisfy you.”
“I know you will, Darling. And I believe that you’ll very much enjoy doing so.” She was right there; I did believe it. And so, it proved. Claire started to move up and down on my cock, very slowly, but totally seductively at first, but gradually accelerating her actions to produce the maximum feeling of contentment within said sexual organ of mine. Soon she was pumping me for all I was worth, the excitement level within my body ramping up to become almost uncontrollable. And, then IT happened! My balls seemed to contract, as they shot their load, via the route of my cock that had been ‘conditioned’ so skilfully by my captor, into her waiting pussy. Screaming out in sheer pleasure as the most intense orgasm that I’d EVER been subjected to, took hold of me in sheer ecstasy!

Mind you, those cries of mine became totally outclassed, as Claire had so brilliantly bought herself to climax at almost the same time as I enjoyed mine. Her body ‘froze,’ as ecstasy claimed her too, and despite being subject to the same state myself, I could tell that she’d, very much, enjoyed it.

Now Lucy is a very sexy woman herself, her and my sex life was extremely good, we gelled very well and had both enjoyed some extremely memorable sex sessions together. But, despite Lucy’s truly fantastic sexual ability, I had never been subjected to such a climax as the one her mother had just taken me too. If Lucy was good, and she WAS, very good, then I’d just discovered that Claire was simply the BEST! Be that as it may however, I was here unwillingly and by blackmail; fantastic Claire might well be, but I still didn’t want to be with her, I wished to be in bed with her daughter instead. And not just ‘in’ it!

For there was one thing I had fully realised here. It was my first ever time in bondage, but I now knew that simply adored being tied up and then subjected to sex in a manner where I had no choice in the matter. I just wanted Lucy to be my captor instead of Claire, even if her skills weren’t quite as good. Or was that the case here? Maybe things had been so exhilarating because of the bondage I’d been placed in, and not so much just because Claire was so skilled? Besides, if I could imagine that I was in Lucy’s hands and power instead of those of her mother, it would help me get through this, because it was absolutely clear that Claire was far from finished with me. To help me with this ‘deception’ I needed Claire to blindfold me, even though the light was at such a low level within the room. But how? I needed to make it appear to be her own idea, as if SHE wanted it, not me.

“Mistress Claire, THAT was utterly superb, you really are the best!” Nothing like a bit of flattery is there? “But what could make it even better, is if you took away my power of sight. I know the light here is poor, but just think how excited you’ll feel if I have no idea where you are, or what you’re about to do to me. You can tickle, feel your way over my body, and nylon covered legs, and I’ll have NO idea what your plans are. How does that appeal?”

It appeared that I’d hit the jackpot, for I sensed a massive smile form on her face. Confirmed as she actually switched on the light within the room. Now I could see that it was indeed very luxurious, a large room well-furnished even if the stylish bed rather dominated. And that the satin of the sheets, and pillow where my head rested, delighted in being an almost pure white in colour. As was ‘my’ lingerie, remember these items had formed part of her wedding outfit. What of my companion, I hear you ask? Well, her own stockings and suspender belt were of the hue of utter black. Together then, these items almost represented ‘good and evil,’ not a bad analogy of just what the situation within this bedroom was, I’m sure you can all agree.

Not that I was allowed my power of sight for very long. Mind you, I had seen enough to know that the bonds that Claire had subjected my four limbs to, were completely secure and utterly inescapable. I was going to remain on this bed for as long as Claire wished for, me having NO say in the matter at all. However, just as I had hoped for, she withdrew a blindfold from her lingerie ‘store.’ Again, in pure white, not that the colour mattered because it was one of those expensive, ‘proper’ items that allowed no light to penetrate whatsoever. Just as I found out when Claire placed it over my eyes, reducing my world, just as I had wanted, to complete, utter and total darkness and sightlessness. Meaning, despite Claire now leaving the light still switched on, I could not see her at all, and could now to try to convince myself that Claire was indeed Lucy.

And I’d need to, for Claire almost immediately climbed back onto the bed, resuming her actions. My cock was beginning to spring into ‘life’ again, no doubt greatly assisted by Claire’s hands gently stroking and caressing both it and the balls that it was attached to. As her, nylon coated, legs rubbed against mine, causing a form of electricity to flow throughout my entire body. She was really turning me on again, in an utterly skilful manner.

Once more she started slowly, gradually increasing the pace of her enticement until she was pumping me at a furious rate again. With the same delicious result. Claire now took the pair of us to ‘heaven’ again, excelling at using her considerable sexual skill level to take me somewhere fantastic, a high I’d never quite reached before in my life, despite Lucy’s own considerable skill level with regard to the ‘pleasures of the flesh.’ However, to a large degree I did manage to convince myself that I was in fact, held within the hands of my wife instead of her mother.

As I did again, where for the third time that evening Claire used her outstanding ability to give us both another climax to remember, as ecstasy fully claimed us both. But now any illusions I had with regard to the identity of my ‘lover’ were about to become absolutely shattered. For Claire’s utter selfishness entered the equation and now took over. Which meant my mind was confronted by the complete reality that it was Claire, not Lucy, who had me helpless in their power.

You see, although her actions had produced some real excitement and enjoyment for me, that hadn’t been her major aim here. As usual with Claire it was all about HER. And she began to resent the twenty minutes or so that it took my sexual organs to ‘re-charge’ after every time that they had ejaculated, and I had cum. What she wanted was my cock to remain permanently hard, where I would be denied any release and stay in a condition where she could bring herself to climax after climax almost immediately, without the annoying wait in-between them occurring, for me to recover.

So, unseen by me for Claire had left the blindfold in place, when she skilfully caused my tool to become hard again, she now grabbed another stocking and used this to tie around my balls and the base of my totally erect cock. I knew exactly what this meant, despite not being able to see her actions at all. That I would be denied the pleasure of being able to cum at all, again from this point until she, and only SHE, decided, the excitement of the sexual action would only be in her favour now. So much for me trying to convince myself that I was subject to Lucy’s imprisonment instead, as you can all imagine, my wife would never have treated me in such a callous and selfish manner.

Claire kept me tied to her bed and in a position where she could indeed exist in an almost simultaneous state of ecstasy for over two hours more. Until she herself was virtually spent. I could do nothing to stop her, of course, returning to the mental desire to end her life, there and then. But at least before she did stop and having taken an effective break to enable her to regain some of her strength, she did release my cock and balls from their tie. Meaning that for the final shag of this night I was again bought to a state of complete and utter ecstasy.

Now Claire was finally satisfied, not that she had any intention of releasing me at all. “This has been a truly fantastic night, Darling. And you’ve kept your word to give me everything you have and truly induce a sex session that I’ve really enjoyed. And, although I really need to stop now, for you’ve completely exhausted me, the good news is that we’ve going to simply take this up again in the morning. So, ciao for now, but I’m sure that you can’t wait to be mine again! Which you will be, I can fully assure you of that!”

Now Claire at least released my limbs, one by one, moving them around to offset cramp, and used a hospital ‘bottle’ to enable me to empty my bladder. Her final preparation for me? Back into my mouth went her soiled panties! And then she left, switching out the light again, not that I could tell, of course. Oh, and locking the door of her bedroom, as if my body being firmly tied to her bed wasn’t enough to prevent any escape from her plans for me.
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Post by Caesar73 »

A hot one :) Claire holds all the Cards. We can only imagine what happens to Lucy right now. Claire is as honest as one can about intentions. Might we learn something more about Luciy´s Predicament?
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 months ago A hot one :) Claire holds all the Cards. We can only imagine what happens to Lucy right now. Claire is as honest as one can about intentions. Might we learn something more about Lucy´s Predicament?
Now that, Sir, is a brilliant suggestion. I must admit i hadn't planned to include Lucy's ordeal in Claire's hubby's hands at all, but now you're mentioned it i'll gladly do so! Thank you!

You're utterly right about Claire's honesty. Not that one little piece of 'white' can atone for ALL of her 'black' though!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[quote=LunaDog post_id=174452 time=1708768809 user_id=70622
You're utterly right about Claire's honesty. Not that one little piece of 'white' can atone for ALL of her 'black' though!

No, it cannot :) And if I could be of Service? I am always happy if I can help out a fellow Writer.
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 months ago And if I could be of Service? I am always happy if I can help out a fellow Writer.
That, my good friend, is a VERY kind offer, that i greatly appreciate. And i KNOW it's fully genuine and meant. But, this being a Saturday, and therefore NO work added to the fact that it's raining heavily so cutting down on any distractions, i'm already on it myself. However, as I don’t want there to be more than one narrator within this muse, I’m going to do so in the following manner.

We’ve already seen, after some ‘preparations’ towards her captive, Claire leaves him still very much bound to her bed, as she seeks to ‘retire’ for the night herself. And with Graeme being so filthy rich and their martial home huge, as you can all imagine there are far more bedrooms available to her, than the mere two that Lucy and her husband are currently confined within. She proceeds to one of these other rooms, to sleep with her own spouse there.

After a ‘quicky’ they then start to discuss the day’s events between themselves. And it’s within this conversation, told in the ‘third’ person, that just what Graeme has subjected Lucy to, in his hands and power, will be told.
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Thank you once again @Caesar73 for your excellent suggestion to bring, even if i'd done so slightly indirectly, Claire's husband Graeme's abuse of Lucy into the equation.

Having left her own bedroom, with myself very much confined within, Claire, went straight to a bathroom to prepare herself for sleep, then proceeding to another bedroom, there were plenty of them in this house after all, where she planned to sleep with Graeme for the night. He was already there, settled in the large bed, but he hadn’t drifted off to sleep just yet. “Hello gorgeous,” he stated as he gently kissed his wife’s lips, “I know by the look on your face that you’ve had a GREAT night, but have you got anything left in the tank for me?”

“Not much to be honest, but for you my Darling, I’m sure I can find something. However, let’s make it just a ‘quicky’ my love, enough to remind me that no matter how skilled my son-in-law is in the sack, YOU are well and truly still my number one! I’ve used a good deal of my stamina with him, and we’ve still got tomorrow to come, or should that be cum?”
“Fair enough, sounds reasonable to me. Come here then!”

Claire and Graeme then coupled, but she was totally serious in her reasoning, so it was just the once, and a rather ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’ sort of affair. Not that neither of them hadn’t enjoyed it, mind.

“Thank you for that, as I say although I have very much been entertained by my son-in-law, it is YOU that is my husband, and the love of my life! But those who claim ‘a change is sometimes as good as a rest’ are, to a large degree correct. With that in mind then, my love, just how did you get on with my precious daughter?”

“Well Sweetheart, one thing is absolutely clear. Not only has she inherited much of your utter beauty, but also a large degree of her mother’s sexual skills and sheer ability between the sheets! She’s quite exceptional! Mind you, I had to coax it out of her, she actually had the nerve to try and resist me. I had to threaten to hurt her bloody husband before she’d let me have my way with her.”

“Funnily enough exactly the same happened to me. It wasn’t until I told him to that I’d make sure that Lucy came into harm’s way that he capitulated to my demands.” Claire laughed. “And to think they say that romance is dead! How touching! So, just what did you two get up to once all that was out of the way?”

“Let’s just say your girl has wonderful tits, just like you, my love. And you know how much I utterly adore yours, so I started there. Chewing on one nipple, then moving across to its ‘sister.’ And, just like you, I could tell it was getting her all worked up and really turned on! So, she was already soaking wet, the first time I put my cock into her pussy. Which, just like yours was an almost perfect fit! Got to admit, that first time was over a little bit too fast for my liking, but she had turned me on SO much! So, I hadn’t given her a climax but sod it! We didn’t capture the pair of them for THEIR pleasure, did we? And, after twenty minutes or so, once I was hard again, we went for round two, and this time she did cum! Quite a show I will admit, if not quite as intense as your climaxes, Darling. But I did enjoy myself, and clearly so did she, even if she didn’t want to.”

“So, what did you get up to then? I know, from bitter experience, that it takes the at least twenty minutes for you males to ‘re-charge’ as it were.”

“True enough Claire. So, I started to play with her instead. Once more turning my attentions to her tits, having a good suck on those nipples, just as I do with you, Sweetheart, when you are waiting for me to become hard again! And then, again like we do, lying beside her, as my mouth ‘serviced’ her tits, so my fingers started on her pussy. Boy, did she respond or what, it was a real joy to watch and hear I can assure you!”

Pausing to kiss Claire on her lips, he then continued. “Her cries were loud, and they were intense. Very much a case of ‘like mother, like daughter!’ Seriously, she really takes after you, not surprising as she’s clearly learnt from the VERY best!” Another kiss, quite a long one this time, as if Graeme was also trying to reassure Claire that despite of his joy derived from abusing her daughter, the mother was still his number one woman in life.

“Anyway, by now I was beginning to turn hard again, and so I left all this ‘finger work’ behind, and once more stuck my cock just where it should be! And gave her another good shagging, which I guess she enjoyed, but more to the point I certainly did!” Bear in mind this is a man who is full of his own importance, considering himself to be ‘God’s gift’ to womanhood. With Claire sensible enough to continually feed this ego, doing precisely that was after all, her access to his massive wealth.

“Well, obviously with gaps while I had to wait to get hard again, I kept her at it, just like you must have done with her husband. And once I’d finally had enough, I did remember as you suggested, untying her limbs, one by one, moving them around to prevent cramp setting in before retying them. And, with a bedpan, allowing her to toilet. As I sure you can imagine, that wasn’t the most enjoyable part of the evening, but you’re right. It needed to be done. But all that aside, you know overall, what a perfect solution you came up with here, Sweetheart.”

“Well, it does give us both the chance to be the one who does the tying up, doesn’t it? I’m perfectly happy to be tied up in your hands, yes, as you are in mine, but both of us know we prefer being the one on top of a bound captive. So, yes, this is a good idea, this way both of us can enjoy some time in the captor role as it were, without having to give too much of a shit for our captive’s feelings, so we can really indulge ourselves. First thing in the morning, take a few snaps of her tied up, as I will him. You’ve got her ’phone, haven’t you? Get her to give you the access into her e-mail account, and we’ll set up a link to all her contacts. Meaning, if we ‘invite’ them here again, which we WILL, and they refuse, she’ll almost certainly lose her job! Shame he left his ’phone at home, or I’d do the same with him. Oh, and by the way, I nicely solved this problem that you males have, when it takes you so long to ‘re-charge’ as it were, by tying his balls and the base of his cock, meaning he was permanently hard and not able to cum. So, I had my own private dildo to use, which I did, cumming myself again and again without the annoying wait. Not something I’ll ever do to you, Darling!”

Graeme took hold of Claire’s head again and kissed her hard and passionately. To be rewarded as her hand took hold of his cock, now fully hard and turned on. Once more they coupled, hard and fast! With both of them fully enjoying the climax that they both managed to skilfully, with Claire using her considerable ability to guide, as normal, to ensure their climaxes were virtually simultaneous.

However, she fully recognised that they had a busy day ahead and would need all of their strength available. Their captives were considerable younger than themselves, and it was the two of them who were doing most of the ‘work’ here. “Darling, I think we both need to settle down to sleep now. We’ve both had a long, hard day with another one in prospect tomorrow. So, yes, I know it’s hard to do because I love you so much, but let’s leave each other alone for now and purely rest. We both need it if we’re honest!”

“Yes, you’re right. It’s just that you are SO gorgeous, it is difficult to ignore your presence when you’re with me. But, as normal, you’re talking sense, so goodnight my love.”

“Goodnight Darling.”

With that Claire and Graeme did exactly what she’d suggested, turning away from each other, both drifting off. To be ready to resume the ‘action’ come the morning.
Last edited by LunaDog 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Claire and her Husband are cruel - doing that to your own flesh and blood .... makes me hoping Clair and her Husband get payed back in Spades at certain point. Ruining the Career of her Daughter? How devious.

Excellent continuation ....
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 months ago Claire and her Husband are cruel - doing that to your own flesh and blood .... makes me hoping Clair and her Husband get payed back in Spades at certain point. Ruining the Career of her Daughter? How devious.

Excellent continuation ....
Bit of a spoiler i know, but yes justice is coming their way. And, involving the Police means that i can re-visit a certain senior, female Police Officer, one of my really favourite characters, who has experience in 'sex' cases and already taken down another cruel 'Madam,' who is possibly even more evil than Claire, in this very forum.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bit of a spoiler i know, but yes justice is coming their way. And, involving the Police means that i can re-visit a certain senior, female Police Officer, one of my really favourite characters, who has experience in 'sex' cases and already taken down another cruel 'Madam,' who is possibly even more evil than Claire, in this very forum.
That prospect I do love! And you do not spoil too much :)
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Somehow, and to this day I’ve no idea as to how, I managed to obtain some sleep that night. And recover my strength, sure I hadn’t ‘worked’ as hard as Claire, and being about half her age I was much younger than her, but the session she had subjected me to had taken it out of me too. But I was fully recovered as I heard the key turning in the lock of her bedroom door, and I sensed Claire return to her bed and its complete captive. Me.

Before she actually attempted to even touch my body though, I sensed her taking picture after picture of my imprisoned state, I could clearly hear the ‘snap’ as the camera in her hands recorded my predicament. Knowing that she was attempting to ensure that this wouldn’t be our last ‘session’ together. After a few minutes she left again, returning quite quickly but without the camera this time.

Claire repeated her last action of the previous night, releasing my limbs one by one, again, to somewhat refresh them and prevent cramp from taking over. And once more allowed me to empty my bladder. Then I felt her climb back onto the bed and my bound body. And when she removed her, very effective gag, her lips once more attacked mine and the day’s activities began.

Strangely for her, I mean we’re not talking about her normal behaviour at all, she did seem to consider my feelings and enjoyment this time. For she made no attempt to deny me any climax at all, seeming totally happy to allow the time needed for me to recover between the states of ecstasy that she took me to, and didn’t make any attempt to tie my ‘tools’ in a position to prevent this. And, despite my utter hatred of her I can’t deny that I thoroughly enjoyed just what Claire did to me, she really did take me to ‘heaven’ again and again! Not that she didn’t gain any pleasure for herself of course, it was crystal clear that she most certainly did, as her cries of pure bliss and gratification made quite understood.

Again, after roughly two hours in her hands, Claire bought proceedings to a close. And this time, after removing the blindfold, she undid the bonds holding my legs to her bed. Now she removed the stockings from my pins, being very gentle about the process, as they were very sheer and easy to ladder. “Did you enjoy wearing these, Darling? After all, I’d clocking you looking at them so intently on my special day, that I thought you might fancy trying them for yourself? But, once I’ve washed them, away into safe storage they’ll go, I mean they are from my wedding day, after all. But don’t worry, when I take and tie you to my bed again, which I will Darling, I’ll have another set for you to enjoy!”

Thing is, I HAD enjoyed having my legs covered in sheer nylon, I couldn’t deny it! But that wasn’t the overwhelming factor here. For Claire had blazingly stated, without any hesitation at all, that I’d be back in bondage to her yet again at some point in the future. Just what I dreaded, and the very last thing I wanted, despite how exciting and exhilarating the whole experience of being subject to her outstanding sexuality had been.

But not for now, as she did indeed release my body completely from her clutches. Not before she’d warned me not to try to take any action against her, advice I heeded as I had no idea as to Lucy’s whereabouts. Claire, having placed herself within a satin dressing gown, invited me to dress myself in my own clothing, which I did. Then following her out of the bedroom, to return to the spacious living room.

For the first time in several hours I saw Lucy, herself back in the clothes she’d come here in. With a look of total despair on her face, it became clear that Graeme had used her in exactly the same manner as Claire had done to me.

But, unlike our tormentors, I had also clocked the look of steely resolve underneath this apparent surrender. I fully understood the hidden message that Lucy was sending me, ‘don’t do anything here and now, we’ll decide just how this pair will pay once we get away from here.’ I managed to also successfully convey the return message that I completely accepted her meaning and would hold my anger back.

Claire started to outline just how she saw the situation, utterly oblivious to these unseen signals passing between my wife and I. Believing Graeme and her in the position of holding the winning hand, she explained how they had tapped into Lucy’s ’phone, thankfully I’d left mine at home, her e-mail address and contacts. Any dis-obedience from either Lucy or I to her future demands would result in those compromising pictures of me, and Lucy herself she’d been subjected to the same treatment of being filmed tied to the bed, being ‘sprayed’ out to all of Lucy’s contacts, both business and personal.

“So then, when WE wish it, the pair of you will return here, where you’ll both be our sex slaves again. Because,” looking in my direction, “I really loved having you last night, and I want to, again.” Now looking at Lucy, “as my husband enjoyed himself with you and also wants seconds!” And now, although none of us knew it at this stage and wouldn’t become aware that it was an error on her part for some time, she made a major mistake. “And next time Darling, I’m fed up with you two ‘scrounging’ off of us, buy your own bloody stockings and suspenders, and damn well make sure that both of you are wearing them underneath your outer clothing when we summon you here again!”

With that we were allowed to leave, and almost as soon as we drove through the gate marking the boundary of their property, Lucy’s manner completely changed. Her ‘defeated’ look utterly vanished as she directed me. “Drive straight to the hospital, Sweetheart,” meaning the one where she worked as a senior nurse. “There’s almost certainly some trace of that drug that bitch used to trap us still within our blood. Once we have proof of that, we’ll have some evidence to present to the Police. Because there’s NO way that cow,” her own mother don’t forget, “and her new ‘beau’ are going to get away with this! They damn well RAPED us!” It seemed her determination for justice was even stronger than mine and believe me I WANTED it! Good, it was clear that Lucy and I were going to be ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’ here, and with this driven by a quiet, but total conviction! Something that we resolved to obtain for both Claire and her latest husband.

It was thankful that Lucy was such a popular figure at the hospital where she worked, for all of the tests performed regarding the drug we’d both been subjected to needed to be undertaken somewhat unofficially. As it was, said tests firmly established that we HAD been drugged, and also the substance used. It was the next day before the results were, in fact, confirmed, and once Lucy had possession of the print-out result it was time to present them to the Police.

We had a real stroke of luck, well overdue possibly, when we reported the crime to at our local station. For on duty that very day was an extremely experienced senior officer, one with considerable knowledge regarding ‘sex’ cases, who had taken down a very rich and powerful ‘Madam,’ by the name of Madeline Fortesque a few years previously. Detective Superintendent Sharon Greenhouse, she’d been a D.C.I. back at the time of Fortesque’s conviction, greeted us with warmth and professionalism when we were introduced to her. She praised Lucy for having the foresight of having our bodies tested for the presence of Claire’s drug, agreeing that it could prove to be a major piece of evidence. And generally suggesting, that for now we accept any demand that we received from Claire, and not to alert Lucy’s mother in any way that we had contacted the authorities, the Police in particular.
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Post by LunaDog »

Ladies and Gentlemen, if anybody is interested in the story when Sharon takes down Madeline Fortesque, it's here.

http://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php ... 94b7c590c0
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent Part! Lucy is real strong - and does the right thing. Claire is in for a surprise!
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Isn't she just, @Caesar73 , isn't she just!

Sharon’s eyes widened when, during the conversation, the fact that Claire had demanded that we both attend her next time she called, wearing stockings and suspenders that we had to purchase ourselves. “That could be very useful. The almost perfect place to hide a listening microphone. After all they can manufacture them so small nowadays. Please, buy some as soon as possible, and then drop them off here, marked for my express attention. This demand of your mother’s could present us with a real opportunity to nail her.” How ironic! Lucy and I simply couldn’t resist giving each other a wry smile.

Naturally, as soon as we could we followed Sharon’s instructions, purchasing two sets from a local ‘sex store,’ and dropping them at the Police Station ourselves, handing them over to Sharon personally. She promised to contact us once her team had worked out just what device to employ and where to conceal it.

Two days later, in the evening Sharon visited our own home, with devices having been placed within one of the clasps of both suspender belts. She asked us to place them onto our legs, then cover them with the clothes we would wear over them if Claire summoned us. Now, having dialled Lucy’s mobile phone, she left to sit in her car, parked down the road, as if she was sitting outside of Claire and Graeme’s home. Now she instructed us to talk, normally especially in terms of volume. Checking on just how clearly, she could both hear and record the conversation. She now instructed us to remove the outer clothes, to discover that the signal was far stronger. Therefore, as she returned to our home, she suggested that, if possible, when talking to Claire, with the aim of inducing her to incriminate herself, we did so with our ‘lingerie’ uncovered. I knew that by myself appealing to my mother-in-law’s ego, that would most definitely possible.

Now it was a case of simply waiting for Claire to make her demand. Funny how something we had been dreading now became wanted, for it should bring matters to a head, as it were. But Claire made us wait. Finally, after over three weeks since our combined rape, the call came through. We were required to visit Claire and Graeme on the next Saturday afternoon.

And we obeyed, dressed in lingerie as ordered. Trying not to appear too willing. As soon as Claire had opened her front door, she frantically kissed me. Right in front of Lucy. “Do you really have to rub my wife’s nose in it? Isn’t this humiliating enough for us?” Using this speech to remove my shirt and trousers without her noticing too much, meaning our conversation became audible to a larger degree.

“Oh, come on Darling. You both know why you’re here, and I’m delighted to see that you both have decided to be sensible. I WANT you!”
“But why Claire? Doesn’t Graeme satisfy you?” He hadn’t appeared yet. “Why did you need to drug me, and now blackmail me to force me to your bed? Why do you feel the urge to rape me? What’s wrong with you?”
“Force you? You seemed willing enough last time, after your initial reluctance.”
“You drugged me and then threatened to hurt Lucy if I didn’t, remember? Your own daughter!”
“Well now if you don’t agree to give me what are want, I’ll hurt her again. Reputationally that is.” Turning to her daughter. “Make no mistake, if your husband doesn’t surrender his body to me, all those compromising pictures WILL be sent! Can’t see you keeping you job if that happens, can you? Anyway, you stay here and wait for Graeme, he’s got some real plans for you today! While I tie your man here to my bed, and have my way, on my terms with him.” She took my hand. “Come on Darling, my bed awaits, she wants your body to belong to her, just like she enjoyed ‘entertaining’ you last time.

Claire led my almost naked body away from my wife, her daughter, with no idea that our conversation had come out nice and clear within Sharon’s Police vehicle parked just down the road. All of it recorded, including Claire’s threats and basic admission that she’d blackmailed both of us. Effective rape. Just as Claire was guiding me to her bedroom, Sharon and her team were preparing to make their move.

So as Claire laid me down on her bed, covered in black satin this time, and having ordered me to spread myself out so she could securely tie my body to it, there was a loud knock on her front door. She simply ignored it, as Graeme had now made an appearance, and it was he who opened said door. To be confronted by a very attractive and sexy woman, but any feelings of desire he might have felt became dispelled immediately, as she produced a warrant card. And several uniformed Police officers were standing there, right behind her.

“Mr Graeme William Duckworth?” Sharon asked. He nodded. “In that case, Graeme William Duckworth, I’m arresting you for the rape of Mrs Lucy Claire Johnson. And other sexual offences. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand?”

Graeme almost staggered with shock. “What do you mean rape? What the hell are you talking about? I mean Lucy willingly allowed me to ravish her! Didn’t you.”

Lucy’s cold, hard voice completely displayed the total anger within her. “If you’re stupid enough to actually think anybody will believe that utter balderdash, then you’re even thicker than I thought. You RAPED me, just as that slut of your wife did so to my husband. And now the pair of you are going to pay for that! Thank you, Superintendent!”

Sharon turned to one of the male officers. “Accompany this ‘gentleman’ to allow him to dress himself, and then cuff him.” Turning to Graeme now, “where is your wife’s bedroom? I haven’t finished here yet!” He co-operated, explaining where his wife currently was.

Who had just completed my capture to her bed, tying the second of my legs to the lower bed frame, as the door burst open and Sharon, and two policemen strolled in. “Stand right where you are!” She commanded the aghast Claire.

“Just who the hell do think you are?” Claire asked once she’d recovered her composure somewhat. “What do you think you’re doing in my room?”

Sharon produced her warrant card. “I am Detective Superintendent Sharon Greenhouse, and I take it that you are Mrs Claire Imogen Jennifer Duckworth?”
“What’s it to you?” Claire retorted, still in a belligerent mood at her ‘pleasure’ being so, in her opinion anyway, rudely interrupted!
“JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!” Came the command in reply. Now quite shaken, Claire obeyed, to be arrested there and then by Sharon, who issued the same standard arrest caution as Graeme had received. And then it was suggested to her that, unless she wished to be taken into custody at the Police Station just wearing black stockings and suspender belt, she dressed herself.

Meanwhile Sharon addressed me, still adorned in precisely the same manner and tied to my former captor’s bed. “Now then Sir, do I understand that you find yourself in this position by duress? Did you give your willing consent to be placed within your present position?”

“I most certainly did not, Superintendent. This ‘lady’ whom you’ve just arrested had blackmailed me into this position, threatening to expose images that she took of myself, also my wife in the same situation, in precisely this position from a previous occasion. When I had been drugged into unconsciousness to awaken and find myself captured by her. Whereon she threatened my wife’s safety if I refused her demands for sexual pleasure.”

“Got all that down?” Sharon asked one of her team. “Now Sir, I’m going to leave you here for now, your wife will attend shortly to release you.” She turned and noticing that Claire had indeed put some clothes on, ordered her to be cuffed. And led her prisoner out of the room, together with all the other officers present. Leaving me there, still tied to Claire’s bed. But amused and utterly delighted to have seen my tormentor placed into custody herself, if not in a sexual manner as I had been, but in a purely legal sense. Believe me, THAT was one hell of a satisfying experience. Justice, it appeared, was about to be done.

It took some time for Lucy to enter the room to untie me. Because Sharon had allowed Graeme to contact their solicitor, arranging for him to meet Claire and himself at the station. And for some her officers to seize their computer, for it to be examined for those snaps of Lucy and I in her mother’s bondage. And for Claire to then agree to allow her daughter to remain and secure their home, as herself and her husband were led away.

Finally then, Lucy did to attend to me. “You know, you look utterly delicious and enticing just where you are now Darling! I’m tempted to leave you there for a while and give you a damn good shagging myself!”

“Well, I can’t stop you, if that’s what you want.” With the smile upon my face clearly displaying the fact that just what Lucy was suggesting was exactly what I WANTED her to do to me. She understood alright, grabbing the blindfold that Claire had intended to use upon me, and removing my power of sight from me!

But this time I didn’t need to imagine or pretend, as for the next two hours Lucy, my wife, kept me there, unleashing the full power of her considerable sexuality upon my utterly helpless and bound body. And proving herself to be just as skilled as her mother, giving me a ‘sexperience’ that I will fully treasure until my dying day. All the time, of course, with me being totally unable to refuse, deny or resist her actions, because I was still firmly and securely…..


"Attagirl!" Sharon exclaimed as the sounds of Lucy's activities with my bound body came over the listening device, although the Officer had switched off the recording part of this equation. Turning around from the passenger front seat so she was facing the handcuffed Claire. Who was in-between two more Police officers, Graeme being in another vehicle. "It appears that your crimes have, if anything, strengthened the bond, oops pardon the pun, between your daughter and her husband. They'll pull through this. As for you, well I gather that your husband and yourself like living in big houses. Good, because you'll no doubt be spending some time in one of His Majesty's such buildings. Although your own personal accommodation might not quite as luxurious as you'd been enjoying up to now!"

As they drove away from the house, the sound gradually became softer until it dis-appeared completely, reaching the limit of the signal.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I really loved this Finish especially the last Paragraphs! Very creative the placement of the listening devices @LunaDog
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 months ago I really loved this Finish especially the last Paragraphs! Very creative the placement of the listening devices @LunaDog
Thank you for your very kind words here, Sir. Although this IS the finish of this particular story, a sequel is starting to form in the dark recesses of my mind(?) For although it was great to have an opportunity to re-introduce Sharon into these pages, in this tale she didn't do anything outside of her day job. And we didn't meet her wife Celia at all. Maybe next time!

As for the microphone placement, well ALL of your know of my fetish for stockings! Couldn't resist, as simple as that.
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Post by harveygasson »

Binge-read this story today and wow! Really great work, two incredibly evil characters meet face to face with justice and our two protagonists get their deserved happy ending. Fantastic story.
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Thank you for those very kind words, and i'm glad that you enjoyed reading this. Oh, and pleased that you also checked out the sequel and enjoyed that too. Once again, thank you.
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