My Summer Job as a Lifeguard, The Summer Continues (M/M/f/f)

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AC Campbell
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My Summer Job as a Lifeguard, The Summer Continues (M/M/f/f)

Post by AC Campbell »

Over the summer Jesse would show up at the beach a couple times a week, as his time allowed. He tried to time his visits when the beach would be empty and it was just us. That usually meant when it was rainy. As the summer went on that would be pretty much every afternoon for 20-30 minutes. The rain would usually close the beach and we have some play time. I'm still surprised by how much I enjoyed our play. Jesse was not threatening and loved the bondage play. I certainly met girls there. It was quite a sexually adventureous summer.

This one afternoon when Jesse came by, we had the usual late afternoon rain. Two girls, who liked me, stuck around under the shelter while it rained. Carlin and Leslie, they lived close by. They were both nicely filled out, probably 15 since neither was driving yet. Leslie was blonde with short hair and big blue eyes. She was trim but busty. Carlin was shorter dark hair, more stocky with a big chest. I had made out and felt up both of them over the summer at different times. At first, I think the girls sticking around annoyed Jesse since we couldn't "play" as long as there was someone at the beach. Jesse got out of his car came over with beer in hand and started talking with us as we sat on towels under the shelter. Funny thing, the girls were both cute but, I don't think they interested Jesse at all. I was his interest. Over our play times he talked about having me exposed or seen bound by someone else. He thought that would be great. We had even gone on “rides” with me hogtied and gagged, nude on his back seat.

Anyway… as we talked with Jesse the conversation turned to playing games. Eventually, he asked had any of us ever tied up someone. I don’t remember their exact responses but, it wasn't negative. It was more like one of them thought it would be fun. The other went along with the idea. Of course, with their agreeing it would be fun the next thing out of his mouth was, "Well, Why don't we all tie up our cute lifeguard?" That was all they needed, I vividly remember both of the girls blurting out, "Oh, that would be so much fun. Let us tie you up!" I pushed back for a few minutes, with things like, “What if someone drives or up sees me?” but, eventually agreed. Jesse was quick to come up with, "I have some ropes and stuff in the car." I can recall being very timid and unsure about letting this happen but, they were all very excited about "the game." I know Jesse liked the idea they were into trying it. I put some caveats on what we were doing, if someone showed up they had to undo me and one or two more points I can't remember now. They agreed to everything and teased me about being a stick in the mud and worrying too much. The girls were both very excited about the idea of getting me in some rope.

Jesse came back with a brown paper bag. I got worried he was going to pull out the cuffs and ball gags, that would have been a bit much. Instead out came some very appropriate rope and a couple of rags. As he pulled the rope out of the bag, he asked, "Who wants to go first?" Both girls bounced up responding she was first. Jesse ended up being the director and gave them both a hunk of rope. He said, "Let's see how you do?" One of them tied my hands and the other my feet. I put my hands in front of me and Leslie quickly pushed back, "No AC, behind your back." Jesse made some quip about her liking to be in charge, to which she cutely smiled, “I do.” Jesse sat down on a towel and watched things unfold. Neither of the girls it seemed had seriously tied someone up before. Carlin did confess to being tied up by her brother and his friend, “a few times.” They had a great time wrapping my hands and feet only to be disappointed when I slid out. They had great attitudes and loved the game. They both giggled and laughed while discussing, each time would be “different,” or perhaps what they would do with me once the had me bound. It was really fun. They got very touchy with me if they thought they, “had me now!” Leslie patted my butt which opened the flood gates, Carlin then did the same and rubbed my chest and back. When they thought they had me where I coulda’t get out they’d smile at their work, when I’d escape the fake pouts would come out. This took a good long time. Finally, after many tries Jesse offered his services and assistance, “Let me show you how to do this.”

He came over, had the girls sit on the towels so they could watch and turned me around with my back to them. He pulled my hands behind me and wrapped them up pretty quick. “Did you see how I did that?” he asked. “If you do it like this he won’t escape,” he directed. He had Leslie come over and undo my bindings and then she got to re-tie me. After a few tries I couldn’t get out. “Good job,” he said, “Now, let’s see if he can get out”. I was unable to escape this time. She literally beamed being very proud of her achievement. What should her reward be? Jesse suggested she take me for a walk down the beach. The rain had stopped now it was just overcast. As we were about to walk away he whispered in her ear. While we walked away, I could hear him and Carlin planning my next fate. Leslie held me by the arm (she was thoroughly enjoying the entire situation), we chatted and she asked me what I thought about this. We got to the end of the beach and she asked if I’d like to kiss her which I would. She pulled me against her and reached up to kiss me. As if I wasn’t tuned on enough the kiss was erotic as hell. It didn’t hurt that she pushed herself fully into me. It was obvious I had an interest. I had a crush on he since the beginning of the summer when I first saw her. She grabbed my butt and pulled it into her.

After a couple minutes Jesse called out, something about not forgetting to bring me back. We broke the kiss off, she pulled back and noticed my growth. She reached down and lightly stroked me and make a comment about how she could tell I was having fun. Carlin, I think feeling left out, strolled up, leaving Jesse alone in the shelter. I noticed she had a scarf in her hand. As she approached she said she needed a kiss too. Leslie begrudgingly let her have me. Carlin immediately noticed I had an erection. She wasn’t shy at all, she had to stand on her toes and pulled me down. I loved kissing both girls. Carlin held one hand behind my head and the other hand was on my dick and moved into my suit. I was ready to pop when Leslie came up. We were both out of breath. Carlin held me close to her and gave Leslie the rag in her hand. Evidently, Jesse had given them directions that they could kiss me but then I was to be gagged with this white cloth. At this point it got even more interesting. Leslie went behind me and the two of them put the cloth in my mouth and wrapped it around my head and tied it snuggly in place. They chatted me up and loved my gag talk back to them. They walked me down the beach, back to the shelter, one on each side of me and both made it a point to rub up against me or periodically rub me. It was a wonderful agony.

We walked up to the shelter where Jesse had made his devious plans. The girls were clearly having a lot of fun with their “prisoner”. i was to be re-tied with my hands over my head to the roof beams of the shelter. After I was secured, still gagged to the shelter rafters. He made some type of comment about like this they could tie my feet and my suit may slide right down my knees. Oh, they thought that was wonderful. They had me tied in a corner of the shelter so if someone did drive up I was hidden behind the small walls and not visible. Neither could I see if anyone was headed our way. I’m sure Jesse had planned this, thank God. The girls tied my feet and were so excited to consider pulling down my suit. I tried to talk the girls out of their plan. Jesse decided it was my fate and encouraged them. One on each side of me , they slide my suit down to my knees. I so wanted them to each be naked. Their hands rubbing me, it only took seconds for me to explode. That release felt so good. Carlin knelt down and licked my dick after I came. I started to come back to life. She’d obviously sucked a dick before. I have have no idea how long this lasted but it was broken up by Jesse asking, “Does anyone know that car?” Yes it was Carlin’s mom coming to pick up both girls. Oh, no. Thank God, I was not visible but, both girls were obviously not happy with the timing. Jesse told them to get their stuff. He had the foresight to have them say the lifeguard was in the bathroom if anyone asked. They left us with the plan that they would come ask not to have to leave right away but it was getting late. I knew that was not much of a choice. Jesse promised to undo me if they didn’t come back. Sure enough the car picked them up and drove off. Leaving me bound to the rafters with Jesse.

As they drove away, it was clear Jesse had loved to afternoons events as much as I had. He undid me from the rafters and retied may hands behind my back. We talked about what the girls were going to think or say about the afternoon with me still gagged and his hand rubbing my cock. He loved the idea the girls “had no idea” what HE was going to do with me. He hopped me over to his car with my regained erection. Once there, we went to the drivers side door. He opened it I knelt down, he removed the gag and replaced it with his dick. He kept his hands on my head and guided me as he spoke about how sexy it was for him. It didn’t take him long to reach his climax. He had me look up at him as he convulsed and came in my mouth and on my face. Completely out of breath, he told me, “what a hell of a day this was.” He stood me up and undid me finally. I had probably been trussed up in one way or another for a good 2 hours. Once again, he got in his car and drove away leaving me standing in the parking area nude as he headed out. I went down to the lake washed off and put my suit back on.

That day created quite a memory for me. I wish I had seen both girls more but they never come back down to the beach again. I believe school started for them the next Monday and one week later I was off to college.