My Greatest Escape (FFF/FFFF)

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My Greatest Escape (FFF/FFFF)

Post by AlexUSA3 »


My Greatest Escape (FFF/FFFF)

My first summer home from college, I knew it was inevitable. I slowly began leaving more and more of my things at friend’s houses by “mistake” until I was down to just one suitcase of clothes in my bedroom. My bedroom was a joke, for real; I had no bed besides a mattress on the floor. I had no dresser. No nightstand. No lamp. My sheets were older than I was.

I was sick of being physically, emotionally, verbally, and sexually abused. That cloudy Saturday morning, I was cleaning the bathroom by choice when one of my brothers came into the bathroom and used the toilet, intentionally peeing on the back of it after I had just cleaned it and doing so without asking me to leave or anything.

“Oops, I made a mess,” my brother spoke sarcastically.
“I'm surprised a coward like you doesn't squat to pee,” I glared into his eyes.
“F-ck you, b-tch!” he grabbed me by the boobs and shoved me into the wall.
“Why you!” I finally snapped, and I punched him, “C-nt!”
“What the hell is going on here?!” Gordon entered the room with a bowl of chips.
“He intentionally pissed on the toilet after I cleaned it and grabbed by womanhood, so I slugged him, Gordy!” I snarled.
“Why you wh-re!” he pinned me against the wall and crushed the bowl on my right shoulder.
“EEEEEEK!” I screeched like a murder victim as the bowl crashed to pieces.
“I’ll make sure you suffer!” he picked up the larger pieces and forced them to crunch off me.

It was then typical: poorly bound and gagged, spanked, and fondled while being verbally abused. He then forced me to clean the chips, bits, and shards off the floor while he watched. I did all of it–dustpan and vacuum–to his satisfaction before he untied my wrists and allowed me to remove the gag. I quietly went to my room and grabbed my backpacks, one of which had become my dresser, and my car keys. As I walked by my mother, I could tell she was crying; our eyes met. Without a word, I walked through the door of that house for the last time ever.

I drove down the street about a quarter mile before I pulled over. Taking the little flip phone that my parents let me use, I broke the thing over my thighs, stomped it in the road, and kicked it into the storm drain. A tear rolled down my cheek as I thought of my mother and my sister. In hope for the latter, I took out my other phone, the one I had received from my friend Joy’s family, and made a difficult phone call to St. Louis, Missouri.

“Hi, Claire. It's finally come,” I said calmly, “I walked out.”

Claire was the source of all my problems, actually. She was involved in real gangs at as young as 16 and got arrested twice without serving any time. Once she graduated high school, my dad threw her out of the house and immediately decided that since I was a girl I would automatically end up like her and cut off everything. I had to wear the clothes she left behind because she didn't get to take anything except the clothes on her back and that's where I got my present outfit. She had her first child that year, marrying a different guy in the process. At 20 she was divorced; at 22 she remarried; at 23 she had her second child. Now, she was happy, and the phone I just smashed to bitty pieces had been hers.

I told her everything. All she knew before was that I had it worse at home than she had. It was difficult opening up because I had never opened up to anyone before like this. Mrs. Fredericks and Mrs. Kristensen only knew I was abused, but not how. To actually tell someone is very different and very painful. I remained strong and didn't cry; I simply told her the facts. Details had to wait for someone I trusted more. As I hung up the phone, I dragged my bags and myself to the front door of Joy's home. In navy blue trainers, pink t-shirt, and a navy bandana headband with white crew socks and black canvas sneakers on my feet, I knocked on the door as a homeless girl.

“Hey, Nichole, come on in,” Joy answered the door, “What's wrong?”
“Is your mom home?” I asked curtly.
“She'll be home before dinner.”
“Call Jenny, Casey, and, hell, Hannah too. Tell them it's important and that there will be TUGs. Get Zoe if she is able to come down. Close the blinds.”
“Nichole, what's wrong?!” Joy started shaking a little, “Zoe will be home in an hour or so.”
“May I use the piano for a little bit?”

I was no prodigy, but I was damned good. I wasn't going to ever play super fancy stuff, but I could get through 90% of what was put before and even play by ear a few regular songs. I had started at 5, and when I was 15 my father one day “punished” me by selling our digital piano. Thankfully, my two besties still had one each, and for a brief time Jenny’s parents even secretly paid for my lessons to continue.

What was I going to say? Joy and Zoe knew the basics of the situation; Casey and my dear Jenny, however, knew nothing. Casey wouldn't be shocked, but Jenny would be absolutely devastated. I was going to rock the world of a girl who thought there were no secrets between us with the one and only thing I ever kept from her. Cute, lovable, innocent, small, spunky Jenny was getting a rude surprise.

I lost track of time, but it was lunchtime when I had left. I went through 3 of my most favorite Beethoven sonatas, 8, 17, and 27. I had to somehow get my life under control before I talked to those girls out there. When I was done with that, I hit a couple short and shmaltzy pieces to conclude my grieving. As soon as I closed the lid of the piano, I heard a small applause and turned and saw each person I wanted to be here. Without a word, I stripped off my clothes so that every bruise, on my back, my butt, and my chest, could be seen.

“What happened?!” Jenny’s eyes grew wide with fear.
“Jenny, my daddy regularly beats me,” I forgot about the others.
“He what?!” she lost her blissful innocence forever at that moment, “Sis, no!”
“This explains a lot,” Casey leaned back in her position, “I’m sorry, Gangsta Queen.”
“Nichole…,” Jenny’s lower lip trembled a little, and she started crying.
“Quiet,” I stopped her, “Bestie, sis, it's time for you to know the truth. Hannah, Joy, you figure out to tie up me, my sister, and this gorgeous little Gangsta Friend. You’ll gag us safely, take us somewhere to be alone, abandon us, and give us time to escape.”

I stared at the tiny girl, just 5’1”, who was sitting there in red trainers, a brown tank top, a red bandana headband, and a pink scrunchie that held her gorgeous blonde hair in a braid, as she became increasingly distressed at what I said. Bursting into tears, she ran into my arms, and I instinctively embraced her. I had just ruined her life. She had never had such a cruel encounter with reality before now. I explained my life, but not what had happened today.

Sitting on the sofa, I clutched my bestie, my sister from another mother, and couldn't bring myself to let go of the bitterly sobbing girl. Jenny was a naturally weepy soul, but I had never seen her cry like this. I looked around to see that there wasn't a dry eye in the room except my own. Jenny Danielle Kristensen was more than a friend to me; she was my sister, my sidekick, my security blanket, my confidante…

Casey Clark was a calm, firmly anchored boat during the storms of life. The blonde, standing at 5’4” and still suffering the after-effects of a stroke that nearly ended her life, had the face of a girl much younger than her 19 years despite the slight sag on the right side of her face. A bright pink kerchief bandana hid her scar from the world and was accompanied by trainers of a similar color and a black hoodie.

Joy Fredericks was my oasis in the desert. Here, I could be honest that my life was awful even if, until Bluelight Special Part 1, she was an unexpected partaker of the secret. Every so often, I would come over here and ask to be tied up shirtless and sleep the night while being cuddled by Joy or Zoe. I’ll talk about it another time, but let it suffice that the Fredericks girls knew everything and kindly treated me as one of their own. The naturally dominant girl hadn’t transformed into the modest and pious girl we know and wore purple leggings, a pink v-neck t-shirt, and a brown bandana headband.

“Nichole, if you’d rather stay here, you know you’re welcome to spend the night here.”
“Thanks,” I said, “But it’s over, Joy. I’m not going back there. I’m 19. I don’t have to be beaten and have that man touching my breasts and lower lips because she won’t let him touch hers.”
“You’re still bloody back here,” Hannah said, “Please, Nichole, let someone bandage you up.”
“I can help,” a less familiar voice came out from the stairwell.
“Who’s this again?” I pointed to the slightly olive-skinned girl with wild dark hair and glasses.
“That’s Mary-Ann Voisin, my podmate.”

Podmate? Why? Are you dolphins? Regardless, before me stood a girl with much curlier hair than my own and a strange friendliness that made me feel like I was a long lost, beloved younger sibling. In this girl’s eyes, I was special and needed care simply because she was there and I was here, and being Hannah’s friend made me all the more deserving in her eyes. The smile was only slight, but the friendly glow was incredible. She was wearing tight black shorts and a soft pink t-shirt with a curved neck. A high bun and a pink bandana headband helped contain the chaos; I guess my love of bandanas spread like a disease to Hannah’s new friends as well.

“You’re ripped up pretty badly, but we can close it up with some stirry-strips.”
“Why did you come?” I asked the girl I vaguely recalled seeing during a video chat with Hannah.
“Because Hannah was distressed about Joy’s tone, and we were out to lunch at the moment.”
“Nichole…,” Jenny clung to me like a scared child to its mother and kept crying, “Why didn’t you ever tell me?! My dad and Casey’s dad work for the police system!”
“Because you were happy and innocent and not ready to handle it. Oooh, that stings.”
“I barely know you, but I have a lot of experience with helping suffering souls,” Mary-Ann was as comforting and maternal as Joy but with a better handle on the ugly side than in the kitchen.

Hannah had certainly suffered enough in prison. I didn’t know the details, but I knew then that she had suffered both in prison and after prison and that only three or four months before she had finally gotten things under control. That’s why I asked her to come; I knew she could hear all the ugly details of my life and sympathize. I turned 18 while she was still in prison and had visited her as many times as my schedule allowed. Now, my friend in the orange athletic shorts (Man, I really controlled the flow of fashion, didn’t I), a white t-shirt, and an orange kerchief bandana sat in Joy’s house for just the second time. I was glad to have a second opportunity to call her one of my friends, and I could tell she appreciated the honor of being called out here for this occasion.

Mary-Ann applied creams and wrapped bandages around my shoulder many times to hold it all in place and to ensure I didn’t bleed again, but my shirt was a bloody mess. I gave the new girl a hug of gratitude, and she seemed unsure how to respond and awkwardly hugged me back. I then walked back out to the living room where my friends Casey, Joy, and Hannah, awaited our return from the bathroom. Zoe had joined us as well and was the only one not wearing a bandana in a refreshing break from the Club symbols of gym shorts and head scarves!

“Mary-Ann, I do not know you at all. Are you, um, familiar with us?” I asked her awkwardly.
“I work as a bondage model alongside Hannah and host TUG parties for my friends. Is that adequate?” she asked with a smile.
“Yes, it is. Want to play a game with us? Be tied up alongside us?”
“Are you…,” Joy seemed uncomfortable with this, “Inviting a stranger into our Club?”
“Ummm… I trust this one. I trust Hannah, and I can see that she and this one have transformed from common convicts into good people of the same caliber as us. You wear a crucifix. Are you Catholic?”
“Thanks for noticing,” Mary-Ann took a step back with her arms clasped behind her back.

Hannah walked over to her, and I noticed they stood in the same way, straight and tall with one hand clasping the other hand or wrist. I recognized that from my prison visits to see Hannah. I turned to my other friends and saw caution on Zoe’s face, fear on Joy’s, and confidence on both Jenny and Casey’s. Casey explicitly trusted this girl; Jenny figured it was safe since Mary-Ann was Hannah’s friend; Zoe was OK because Mary-Ann was agreeing to be tied; Joy didn’t want to even give her a chance.

“How about I get tied up first? Will that make you feel safe around a girl who only boosted cars to get back into juvenile detention because it was a better and more dependable life than foster care? Oh, you think I’m so bad for being a convict, don’t you? You see a girl who spent 80% of her life from when she was 12 in prison? It was better than being kidnapped by a foster family’s enemies or getting beaten or being physically and/or emotionally abused by other foster families. Or do you wish I leave under your self-righteous condemnation? As if you’re not looking at me and lusting after my boobs?”

It was no secret that Joy was into girls as well as boys after an incident during spring semester where she’d been caught necking with one of the girls in the school TUG sorority, of which Zoe was president. It was all too obvious to Mary-Ann after spending so much time with Hannah, who was also bisexual and even currently shacked up with her current girlfriend. Now, Joy was in the corner and looked around the room hoping for an escape from her cruel judgment of a girl to whom I clearly had taken a natural liking.

“Look, I am going to ask for something terrible before the main game begins,” I said with a sigh, “Any girl with a cruel streak is welcome to come. That means no Jenny or Casey for sure. Any of the rest of you may come. Joy will come.”
“Nichole, I’m staying back. I think you should take the other three,” Zoe said.
“Well, thank you! I just met most of you, and most of you are very sweet!” our new girl smiled.
“All right, all right,” Hannah jumped up, “I’ve told Nichole want I can do with a TV audience.”
“Nichole,” Jenny interrupted us as I opened the basement stairwell, “I… I love you.”

No one could say that with as much feeling as Jenny. My group had unwittingly grown from 5 to 7, but I didn’t mind. Jenny didn’t mind, and neither did Casey. Zoe was used to facing strange new girls from her sorority, I guess, but Joy followed with fear. I led my friends into a room that had exposed, stable rafters for a reason; I handed my bag to Hannah.

“Girls, I want my hands tied in front, and I want to be gagged. Whoever dares will feel me up and spank me, but not too much. Anything more is for Chris to do first if I marry him someday. After that’s done, we’ll play the regular game.”
“Just… um… why?” Hannah asked with concern, “Facing trauma head-on?”
“Exactly. I have my own kinks because of my trauma… spanking and fondling while tied up.”
“It’s strange how your experiences affect your sexuality and what excites you,” Mary-Ann reflected.
“Mary-Ann, would you do it as the tallest one of us? Joy, tie up my legs well. Hannah, gag me.”
“Only if it will help you,” Joy took my hand, “I owe you for what you’ve done for me.”

Mary-Ann grabbed a chair and tied my crossed wrists in front of me while Joy tied my ankles. I bit my lower lip as my arms were hoisted into the hair, but Hannah found the rubber balls that I had been given by the TUG sorority and naturally figured out that a handkerchief should go into the holes and shoved it into my mouth before knotting. Joy was now tying my thighs together, and I realized how vulnerable I was without a shirt while Mary-Ann knotted the rope far out of reach.

“You asked for it,” Mary-Ann gently reached in front of me and grasped my breasts, “Ready?”
“Mmm hmm,” I nodded, and she squeezed me with a strange kindness.
“Is that good?” she asked me, and now I could tell Mary-Ann was as straight as me.
“Uh huh,” I nodded with more confidence.
“And this?” she gave me a swat on the buttocks, SMACK!
“Mmmm!” I nodded and saw Joy finally seemed to relax.

The bandage through my armpit and around my chest was a bit restrictive, and I could tell now just how badly my shoulder had been bruised and hacked. This was a grave task, but Mary-Ann was up to the task. Joy seemed to step back and be unsure, and Hannah cockily smiled and left as her own way of mentally dominating me. Once Joy screwed up her face in thought, I knew I had finally won her over on the “new” girl.

Mary-Ann wasn’t a bullsh-tter, for lack of a better word. She was honest to a fault, if anything, and she was helping me quite a bit. Each squeeze of my breasts was like an electric impulse in my body, and I liked how it felt when it was done in this friendlier context. The spanking made me jump in surprise, and she even tickled me a little to force me to laugh and smile. Mary-Ann, like Joy, genuinely enjoyed domination, but right now she was focused on my comfort. When in a spot like mine, nothing is more comforting than a girl who practices excellent self-control and is able to take more pleasure in your happiness than in exploring their curiosities about you.

My captor is gentle yet confident and full of experience and concern. Joy joined the fray to my increased comfort and continued fondling me, especially my breasts, in an extremely cautious way. Both girls are careful because they do not know if I will be “triggered” in any way. Joy’s hands “feel me up” with a different flavor that amplifies my feelings of helplessness, and Mary-Ann spanked me with a decidedly strong mix of backhand and regular slaps. In an instant, I was overloaded.

“Mmm mmm mmm mmm mm,!” I grunted five times and snapped my fingers too.
“Untie her. Now. She's upset.
“On it!” Mary-Ann jumped on the chair like a professional rigger.
Joy unknotted the gag, “What's wrong?”
“I hit my limit. No more,” I groaned, “Save it for Mary-Ann.”

I had gone from fantasy to nightmare in a flash. Reality was hitting me hard. My dad boned my mother to purposefully create, and he did all this to me not just one time but at least 125 times over the past 7 years. Me? His younger daughter? One reaches the breaking point inevitably, and mine has come. I burst into tears, ram into the finished side of the basement, and knelt on the floor in what felt like defeat.

Then, I see a quartet round the corner. Jenny and Casey have bound torsos and are on a lead rope held by Zoe. Casey and Jenny have bare feet, so I know where their socks are. Hannah drops to one knee beside me, wraps an arm around me, and gently fluffs my hair with the other hand. She is crying too.

“Hannah…,” I whined, “I don't understand why even though I know why.”
“My girlfriend… I met her inside. Her daddy hurt her so badly, she shot him so that it would end. Your dad is as much of a monster as hers. I am so proud of you for taking the higher road, taking your things, and leaving.”
“Thanks, I think,” I started to dry my tears.
“Hey, now,” Hannah took off her bandana to dry the tears for me, “You need to just lie down on your tummy for a few minutes.”
“All right,” I shimmied to the sofa and crawled on it, “Now what?”
“I’m going to take care of things,” she took a deep breath, “Mary-Ann, it's time!”

The olive skinned girl smiled and let friendship win when Hannah tied her elbows in a piece of rough brown rope. Joy knelt down by me and massaged my sore muscles. A big dose of love went into her motions, and I saw Zoe working on Jenny and Casey’s bonds. We were finally having fun, I thought. Jenny turned to me for approval, and I smiled and let out a sigh of relief. It was over.

Joy gently tied my wrists and elbows in the way that only she could since my elbows could not touch like Jenny’s or Mary-Ann’s. I could see that both girls had the safe gag of a sock in a sock with the outer sock tied in a bandana. Jenny's gag had a black bandana, and Casey’s had a red one. Casey’s elbows were tied like mine, with lots and lots of cinching since they cannot touch, and her wrists were crossed; the rope was plain old clothesline. Jenny’s wrists and elbows touch, but she was bound with tough brown rope. Both had breast harnesses and waist ropes. Zoe had bound their ankles, knees, and thighs, and now she was binding their big toes with string. Jenny seems more interested in me,

I looked over and saw that Mary-Ann was now exposed with a tight breast harness not only pushing out her floppy boobs but also holding her shirt and bra out of the way. A jumbo stuffed cleave gag, featuring a beige bandana, wedged her mouth apart, and her waist rope included a crotch rope that ran over her clothes. She was struggling quite a lot while Hannah bound her ankles and occasionally spanked her to try to force her to submit. Loud groans emanated from her in her struggle, and I realized both Hannah’s and her own socks were in her mouth.

“You're just sore because you have floppy French titties, and the rest of us are firm.”
“Wow, Hannah, you know how to deliver a line,” I laughed at that.
“I tease her all the time,” the bondage professional roughly tied her friend.
“She's a competitor!” I responded and noticed Joy removing my sneakers and socks.
“Is she ever! She is the queen of arm wrestling too!”
“You girls are muscular!” Zoe observed.

Then I got the same gag as Mary-Ann for an awful stew, but my gag had Joy’s socks and a yellow bandana. Joy's socks tasted terrible, and she tied my toes with string as well. Jenny was now in an ankles to elbows hogtie, and Casey was ball tied. What an awful gag! A glance shows Jenny fearfully staring at me.

“If we bring them back to that unfinished room, we can tie Nichole to a chair and tie Mary-Ann up quite nicely.”
“Sure! Sounds fine to me!” Zoe’s eyes sparked at this.
“Have you ever seen a girl suspended?” Hannah asked us.
“Sorority girl. We do everything at some point.”
“Mary-Ann does work for a studio I won't touch, and she had me go with her one day and watch her get tied like a sausage.”
“Oh, you're offering to demonstrate!”

Mary-Ann shook her head, but there was no escape. When Hannah was done tying up Mary-Ann, her legs were tied in 4 places and her thighs in three. Her arms were tied up two more times, and her fingers were all strung to their companion from the other hand. String ties her big toes, too. Some rough spanks forced her to comply.

Joy hauled me up to standing and gave me a hard spank before ordering me to hop to my destination. I had never been tied up in just my underwear except, of course, by Jenny. Exhaustion was overcoming me, though, and hopping became a chore for me in a strange way. I looked at Joy and tried to explain with sad groans, and she at least understood something was wrong. Further back, Jenny is still staring at me.

“If you can't hop, I will exchange you five swats for it, OK?”
“Mmm,” I nodded; Joy wasn't the spanking queen then.
“All right!” I counted the… 1… 2… 3, 4… 5, and she then dragged me to the chair.
“Move it!” Zoe ordered our taller new friend and gleefully swatted her to force her along.
“Like this,” Hannah pinched a nipple in her fingers.
“Yeow!” Mary-Ann complied.

The others were brought, but I noticed Jenny has none of her usual energy. Happiness has been drained from her life by my revelations. She kept staring at me sadly, unable to make the transition from sorrow at my suffering to rejoicing in my new life. I try to smile under my gag, and she seems to get the message that I want her to have fun now and not to mourn.

Duct tape is amazing. Each of us got eight layers of black duct tape wrapped around our faces before Mary-Ann was hoisted into the air upside down and tied with her feet just inches from the rafters and her head a foot off the ground. Hannah removed her glasses and put them on the shelf. I was seated on a chair, but Joy forgot to secure me to it although she did expose my breasts!

“Well, girls, you get exactly 30 minutes to escape,” Zoe took a seat.
“Mmmmm!” Mary-Ann loudly protested.
“Jenny, Casey, try to have fun, please? Nichole wants us to forget the pain,” Hannah spoke for me.
“I think, since you two are friends, this should be Mary-Ann’s trial for potential Club membership. She's a good girl in the same style as Joy.”
“Too soon,” Hannah said and jerked on the crotch rope, “This isn't an escapable one, is it, Ma? Are your squishy French titties in distress?”
“She doesn't have to escape,” Joy shrugged.

I forgot my pain and couldn't accept Joy’s dismissing of Mary-Ann any longer. I had asked for this TUG so that we’d remember something good about today. I knew this would be hard for Jenny, who was now resolutely squirming and squeaking in her own lovable way, but Joy and Zoe already knew. Casey and Hannah had inklings without the details. I liked Mary-Ann; I saw her as a potential friend. Maybe Hannah had turned things up to 11, but she was playing within the bounds I had set. I threw myself off the chair and scrunched to join Jenny and Casey.

I cannot do Jenny justice. Squeaks, squirms… if it's a part of struggling while tied up, then Jenny is the most adorable person in the world at it, and Casey is a close second even if she is neither as energetic or talkative as Jenny. Both make the cutest sounds and have the best motions while tied up. Even when the goal is to escape, I can easily get occupied with watching them.

“Ggggggggggggg!” Mary-Ann cried at her upside down bondage.
“Stop misbehaving!” Hannah kept fondling Mary-Ann and spanking her.
“Oh, disappear!” Hannah uses Mary-Ann’s headband as a blindfold, “Enjoy.”
“Umm…,” Joy stood up and started squishing the captive, “She's like a sorority girl.”
“Yeah!” Zoe agreed, “Think of her like that!”

Jenny thrashed about like a maniac alongside the calm Casey. I pause the moment a little by freezing my eyes onto Jenny's. Hope can be seen in my eyes, and I almost enjoy being exposed harmlessly like this. I gag talk my way to being understood; I force ourselves to taste each other strongly in this manner.

It is a tight binding that makes it hard to even help each other escape, but I start on Jenny because I love her the most. Casey lets out a moan and tries to help untie other parts of Jenny’s bonds. Her hands are not what they used to be, and Gangsta Friend inches away to instead enjoy being tied up. To my surprise, Jenny prevents me from untying her and instead grabs my ropes to untie me! Jenny, the squirming squeezy toy bondage wonder, is in the house!

“Mmm mmm mmmmm!” Jenny yelled into her gag with regularity
“Mmm! Mmmmmm!” Casey’s were less frequent.
“Ugh!” my grunts were mostly situational expressions of my emotions.

The sounds of Mary-Ann’s shrieking filled the room, especially once Zoe pushed the pink bandana headband over the damsel’s eyes. While Joy and Zoe had experience from the sorority, this was their first opportunity to get someone in such tight quarters to really explore the reactions. The captive thrashed about madly despite dangling upside down from the beams above. Breast and crotch fondling, nose pinching, and spanking were the stars of the show, and Mary-Ann never once stopped her struggle.

Jenny, Casey, and I struggled together with Casey and I now working on each other's wrists while Jenny worked on my legs. With her tight elbow bondage, Jenny could not easily get to my wrist bonds, but Casey and I had crossed wrist bonds that were off the ground and gave our wrists more freedom. We were roiling on our gags, but we all were enchanted to be tied together like this.

Jenny was just happy to be tied up and wasn't too focused on escape. Casey was the only other one present who could stand to be tied up so long without any attention being cast on her, but even she enjoyed the quest to escape and sought to get out. Our dear Gangsta Princess, beloved Jenny, was a special part of our games indeed, and we all liked things a little differently and reacted in our own ways.

“Mmm!” Casey's wrists loosened.
“Mmmm!” I joined her excitement.
“Good job, girls!” Joy congratulated us, “But you still have a timer to beat!”

Casey could go only so fast, so she first untied my wrists while I laid on my stomach and then my elbows. I was able to then free her elbows from the heavy cinching even if they couldn't touch, and we flew through the rest of our quest for freedom. We then unwrapped our faces from the tape and unknotted the bandanas to pull out the socks.

“We did it!” I jumped up just as the timer went off.
“Yes!” Casey hugged me, “I hope we made today special for you.”
“You all did in your own ways. I feel naked being seen like this, but it's fun too.”
Zoe hugged me too, “I don't have to worry about you anymore.”
“It's over!” I felt a rush of happiness, “He can't hurt me anymore!”
“Gangsta Queen!” Hannah took a turn at me, “Welcome to freedom.”
“AAUGGGGHHHHH!” Mary-Ann screeched as Joy forced her too far.

Mary-Ann, too, was a part of this now. I pulled Jenny off the floor, too. One by one I introduced Mary-Ann to each of my friends, the girls who were my life and my true family. After so much suffering, I had finally accepted that I had a biological family to whom I only owe one kind of love, but that I only owe this special kind of love to those who love me back.

Jenny was the one for me though. She's my everything even if I kept this all from her because I knew that she wouldn't be able to handle the heartbreak. As adults, it was now a new chapter in our friendship, and the hug she got was more meaningful than the hugs I gave the others. I kissed her on the cheek, and I requested that both she and Mary-Ann be brought to the finished side while I put my clothes back on.

With Casey and Zoe on my side, I took my first of what I knew would turn out to be many photos of Mary-Ann Voisin, the “olive skinned girl with squishy French titties.” Hannah had always been a Cool Girl who simply found her way back; Mary-Ann had made the transitions from a nightmarish childhood, to prison, to bondage modeling, to TUGs, and now to the Cool Girls’ Club. I had to censor the photo, but I didn't mind.

“Mary-Ann, you truly understand and live life by the model of our Club. Zoe, Casey, are you with me?”
“Heck yeah!” Zoe cheered us on.
“Of course!” Casey already knew this girl well enough to trust.
“Mary-Ann Voisin, the offer is yours to accept, membership in the Cool Girls’ Club.”
“Mmm!” Jenny nodded excitedly.
“She loves, she's a good friend, and she never would willfully harm a soul,” Hannah smiled at the thought, “Nichole, you’ve shown me qualities about her that I took for granted and made them larger than life. Mary-Ann, you truly represent all it means to be a Cool Girl.”

Mary-Ann had been the breakout star in what was so far the most difficult day of my life. I had never met her until today, and she’d never had her own chance to shine like she had during these events. With an embarrassed squirm and a nod of her head, she accepted my offer and became the latest member of the Cool Girls’ Club. As I found out later, she didn't even have a smartphone or any social media accounts or even own a tablet or computer! I stood up our newest member, squeezed the “squishy French titties,” and asked each girl who was able to greet our new member with a kiss, a hug, a butt spank, and a “tittie” squeeze, if they so desired.

Zoe eagerly did all of it. Casey skipped the naughty parts. Hannah too eagerly kissed her friend and molested her. The Joy slinked up from the back of the line. She looked down at the ground and then studied Mary-Ann's boobs. A wry smile formed on her lips, and she gave Mary-Ann a charged kiss despite the captive being straight as an arrow, but Mary-Ann’s reaction said she was used to such things.

“Mary-Ann, I’m sorry I judged you without even giving you a chance. I was scared when I heard you were one of Hannah’s prison pals, but I can see now that anybody can change for the better with the right people in their lives. Forgive me?”
“Mmm!” Mary-Ann smiled and winked at Joy.
“Great!” I clapped my hands together, “Now for Jenny's torture!”
“No!” Jenny squealed and started hopping away only to find Zoe blocking the way.
“Back you go!”
“Come here, sis! Girls, untie Mary-Ann and help me with this naughty Gangsta!”

A day that had started like normal and turned into a nightmare ended becoming a day that all of us remembered as one the shining moments of the power of the friendship that the Cool Girls’ Club had brought into our lives. Jenny, Hannah, Mary-Ann, Joy, Zoe, and Casey, I loved you then, and I love you even more now.

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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Some very heavy themes here, but a nice happy ending 😊
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by Caesar73 »

Incredible strong Story. As @Lucky Lottie wrotes, some heavy stuff to work through. Excellently done. Interesting choice of Sonatas I must say :) Op. 90 is one of the Sonatas which I don´t know that well :) Your Story is a good incentive to revisit it it @AlexUSA3
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Post by LunaDog »

Yes, i have to agree, some 'heavy stuff' to begin with, but it was important to your story. And you certainly didn't 'glorify' or try to justify any of that behaviour. Which, unfortunately, does occur in the 'real world.' But you handled it very skilfully.
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