Dad Bound & Gagged (Request) (MF/Mmf)

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Dad Bound & Gagged (Request) (MF/Mmf)

Post by Detective-Gag »

Kurt Anderson made a decent living working at a banking office. Married, and a father of two children, he had little to complain about…their family owned a well-furnished house in a nice neighborhood; and he kept himself in good health.

He’d pulled a short shift at the office that day; and decided to come home a bit earlier than usual. Pulling his vehicle into the driveway, Kurt got out of the car: standing a little under 6ft tall, he was well-muscled, clean-shaven, with black hair cut professionally short, and brown eyes. Wearing black pants, freshly-polished shoes, a dark blue button-up shirt & black tie; Kurt Anderson was the very picture of an office worker.

Striding up to the front door, Kurt produced his keys & began unlocking the front door of his home. He hadn’t seen his wife’s vehicle in the driveway, indicating that she was still at her job…and neither of the kids were home from school yet; so Kurt didn’t bother with a greeting as he entered the house.

He immediately headed for his office on the main level to deposit his briefcase…when he noticed that one of the doors was ajar. Frowning, he made his way over to it, not recalling leaving it open when he’d left that morning. He passed through the threshold, entering the room filled with bookshelves, his desk, and office chair…

…as well as two unknown visitors; clad all in black, wearing black balaclavas over their faces!

Startled, Kurt paused in the doorway; as the one in front of him whirled around, his hand resting on the handle of a pistol, holstered at his side. The other figure…who Kurt identified as female from her figure…was rummaging around in his desk drawers, a brown ponytail poking out from under her mask.

“Whoah…!” Kurt bellowed at the armed intruder, raising both his hands in the air; one of them still clutching his briefcase. “Take it easy!”

“Crap; he’s home early!” said the masked woman; her facial features obscured, save for her eyes peering out through the narrow slit of the balaclava.

“Get him in here!” her partner ordered, drawing the pistol; but leaving it aimed down at the floor to avoid mishap.

“What is the meaning of this!?” Kurt asked, his hands still raised as the woman came out from behind his desk and approached, closing the office door behind him and gently pulling him further into his office.

“We were planning on robbing this place before you got back,” the male intruder explained, keeping his handgun ready in case Kurt decided to mount any resistance. “Break in, take some valuables, and get out quietly…nothing complicated.”

“Until you decide to leave work early, apparently!” sighed the female intruder, who took Kurt’s briefcase from his left hand, setting it down on the floor.

“So you’re burglars,” Kurt summarized, keeping his hands raised. “You planning on shooting me, then?”

The man snorted. “Don’t be foolish,” he responded, gesturing with his firearm. “We aren’t killers; and we don’t plan on being one’s today…so long as you cooperate.” He nodded to his partner. “Get him tied up.”

“We had a contingency plan in case someone decided to show up,” the lady explained, as she picked up a coil of white rope that had been left on one of Kurt’s bookshelves. She took his arms, one by one, and guided them behind his back.

“Get his watch, too,” the masked man commanded; and Kurt felt the woman unclasp his silver watch from his right hand. With the man’s gun still a concern; Kurt allowed the female burglar to pocket the timekeeper. Following this, he felt the white rope encircle his wrists over the folded blue cuffs of his shirt; as she secured his wrists tightly together.

“There we go,” the woman stated, as she then proceeded to loop more of the ropes around his arms, expertly pinning them to his sides with an intricate knot that also coiled around his shoulders as well.

“So now you’re holding me hostage?” Kurt grunted, as he felt the binding constrict around his chest, incapacitating him.

“Only until we grab enough valuables,” the man elaborated, holstering his weapon now that Kurt couldn’t fight back.

“My wife and kids might return soon,” Kurt interjected. “I don’t want them getting involved in this!”

“Nobody is going to hurt anybody,” the male burglar said firmly. “We’ll make sure of that…but since you ARE here; you might as well give us the combination to your office safe.”

Kurt cast a sidelong glance over at the painting on the wall hanging opposite from his desk…or rather, the one that had been removed from the wall, revealing a sturdy-looking safe embedded in the woodwork.

“Seriously?” he groaned.

The burglars shrugged. “Seriously,” the woman said, finishing the final knot on his back. “Down on the floor!”

Kurt let out a sigh…he’d kept about $5,000 in that safe as a precaution. But if it got these crooks out of the house before the kids got home…

“Fine,” he murmured, and relayed the safe combination to the duo, as the female gently nudged him onto his knees on the carpet. The man went over to safe to test out the numbers; and the safe door creaked open with the dull, metallic “thunk”.

The man whistled. “Yeah; that’s a worthwhile haul,” he said, taking the stack of bills from inside the safe.

“There goes the vacation funding,” lamented Kurt.

“Just how it goes, sometimes,” the man told Kurt, pocketing the cash. “Go ahead and gag him.”

“Hang on!” Kurt stammered, fidgeting against the ropes. “You don’t need to gag…GMPH!”

“Hush,” the woman said, as she took a rag from her pocket and pushed it into his mouth. “It’s just to keep you quiet while we work.”

“Itsmph rntirlymph unnsmsrmph!” Kurt mumbled, unable to form clear words past the stuffing. The male then tossed a roll of white duct tape to his partner; and she tore off a piece, and smoothed it over his lips to seal the wad inside.

“Mmmph!” Kurt said indignantly.

“Just a bit more…perfect!” the woman said, as she tore off two more strips of tape, and added them over the first, inspecting the gag. “That should do for now.”

Kurt glared up at her, above the duct tape that now covered his mouth. “Hmmph!” he glowered, shifting side-to-side from his kneeling position.

"Nothing personal," the female burglar crooned down at him, stifling a giggle.

"Quit yer teasing, and let's take him out to the living room where you can keep an eye on him," the male partner said to her. "We'll make sure he can't wriggle free; and you can keep a lookout for anybody else who might come home, while I search the rest of the house."

"Gmph omph mmph mmph hmvph!" Kurt mumbled through the gag, as the woman brought him to his feet, and began nudging him out of the office. "Ymph wmph gmt awmph wmph thmph...!"

Together, the three of them entered the living room; and Kurt was sat down on the couch. From there, the woman began tying his legs together with additional ropes.

“Keep at that, while I go upstairs,” the man told his partner, after she’d secured Kurt’s feet together. The male intruder headed up the staircase, while the woman looped more ropes above & below Kurt’s knees.

“Think you can get out of that?” the masked woman asked him, once she’d finished.

“Mmmph!” Kurt said through his gag, rocking against the ropes on the couch cushion. He couldn’t move his arms, nor separate his legs now; only managing to kick outward with his polished shoes.

“Good,” the female burglar appraised, satisfied that Kurt could not get free. She began moving from window to window, peering out behind the curtains to make sure nobody on the outside would accidentally glimpse what was transpiring indoors.

Kurt followed her with his gaze silently, not able to speak, while occasionally struggling against his bonds, in the vain hope that they might loosen.

After some time passed, the male burglar returned from the upper levels of the home; a sack filled with various valuables Kurt presumed he had gotten from their bedrooms.

“The wife had some jewelry tucked away,” he told his partner, while Kurt shot him an irritated look, grumbling beneath the duct tape covering his mouth.

“How’s he doing?” the man asked, turning towards Kurt’s spot on the couch.

“Behaving himself, mostly,” the woman answered; to which Kurt twisted against the ropes in frustration.


“I think that might do it, then,” the man said. “We’ll leave the man here, and will…”

There came the hissing sound of a large vehicle suddenly parking somewhere outside the front of the house.

“Crap,” the man hissed, running to the front of the house, while his partner stayed with Kurt.

Looking out the window, the male intruder saw a school bus parked down the driveway at the curb; as two children exited the vehicle: both had dark hair like their father, but the girl wore hers long with a hairband, while the boy seemed like a miniature version of Kurt, in casual athletic wear.

“Bad news; the kids are home,” the masked man said, returning to the living room.

“What!?” the lady whispered fiercely, looking over at the tied & gagged Kurt; who most certainly would cause the children to raise the alarm.

“They just got off the bus,” the man elaborated. “Here’s what we gotta do…”

Henry & Abby both stepped off the bus; and listened as the vehicle’s engine kicked back to life, continuing on down the street.

“Food first, then homework?” Abby inquired with her brother.

“Please,” Henry sighed. “I don’t have the energy for studying right now.”

The siblings nodded in agreement, before trudging up their driveway. “Hey; looks like Dad’s home early,” Abby said, noticing their father’s car parked in the driveway.

They walked up to to the front door of their house, finding it already unlocked. “Hey, Dad!” the daughter yelled. “We’re back!”

Instead of a greeting back, the two kids were perplexed to hear a strange sound emanating from further inside. “Mmmmmmm…!!”

“That was weird,” Henry said. “What was that supposed to be?”

“Dad, you playing a prank on us again?” Abby asked loudly. “Stop being odd!”


“C’mon, I guess,” Henry said to his sister, and the two of them went to investigate the noise.

Both kids were surprised when they walked into the living room; and they their Dad standing there…but someone was standing next to him.

Moreover, something was off…the children looked and saw that ropes encircled their father’s arms & legs, tucked over his blue business shirt & pants, his hands behind his back. Most notably, they saw that white tape was covering his mouth; and that the noise they’d heard when they entered the house had been him mumbling through the gag.

“Mmmph! Kdsmph!” their Dad repeated, the tape gag moving slightly as he spoke to them.

A man held their father in place as he wobbled where he stood…he was dressed all in black; and had a black mask that only showed his eyes. “Don’t worry, kids…your father is okay,” the masked man said.

“What’s going on?” Abby asked, as her father continued his mumbling.

“This is a burglary; and your father came home early & surprised us,” the man explained to them.

“So we had to tie him up & gag him,” came a woman’s voice from behind the two kids.

Surprised, both children turned to see that a lady had snuck up behind them, and how rested her hands gently-yet-firmly on their shoulders. Like the other man, she wore a black mask, with a brown ponytail protruding from underneath.

“You…kidnapped our dad?” Henry asked her.

“More like we’re just holding him hostage for a bit,” she specified. “We don’t plan on taking him with us when we go.”

“But we can’t just leave him here; now that you two have shown up,” the man added, their father shaking his head at them, unable to talk.

“So you’re…going to tie us up, too?” Abby asked slowly.

“Unfortunately, yes,” the woman sighed. “If you’ll follow me, children, and have a seat on the couch…”

The two siblings plopped down on the sofa, looking over at their father still in the clutches of the masked man. Their dad had gone silent; apparently relieved that the two intruders didn’t plan on hurting his kids…but warily eyeing the female burglar as she went into the other room, and brought a chair into the center of the living space. The dad was then hopped over to the chair, and sat down in it: the woman then took some rope they’d piled on the coffee table, and began tying Kurt to the back of the chair.

“Mmph!” Kurt mumbled, as he felt himself fixed against the seat. “Gmph!”

“Why are you doing that?” Henry asked from the couch.

“So he can’t hop away,” the masked lady answered, and then started tying their father’s bound feet to one of the front chair legs.

“Alright; get two more chairs,” the masked man said to his partner.

“Hang on,” the woman said, and produced a light blue handkerchief she’d “borrowed” from one of the bedrooms she’d ransacked. She folded the cloth into a band; and tightly pulled the handkerchief over the father’s taped mouth, knotting it behind his head.


“I’ve seen that before on TV,” Abby remarked, after the woman had tied the OTM gag in place.

“It helps keep a hostage “extra” quiet,” the female burglar told the daughter, with a wink. “Especially with the tape underneath.”

“Grmph!” Kurt grunted at her, as she went to fetch the two other chairs for the kids.

When she returned, the two seats were placed on either side next to Kurt. “The two of you stand up, now,” she instructed them. “Then cross your wrists behind your backs.”

Apprehensively, the two children did as they were told, and walked over to the two masked burglars, putting their hands behind them. Their father twisted in the chair as he watched his daughter & son be bound with rope.

Once their hands were tied, the woman grabbed the roll of duct tape she’d used on Kurt.

“You’re going to gag us, too?” Abby asked.

“Well, how else are they going to keep us from yelling for help?” Henry reminded his sister.

“Your brother has it right,” the male burglar confirmed, as he guided to two siblings to their seats: Abby to the left of her father, and Henry to the right. The woman then peeled more strips of the white tape from the roll, and pressed them firmly over their mouths, using several strips for both.

“Mmph!” Abby said, her eyes going wide as she was gagged.

“Gmph!” Henry emphasized, as the same was done to him.

“Sorry about this, kids,” the man apologized, once the lady applied the duct tape. “Can’t take any chances.”

Neither of the two kids seemed too troubled by it; as they both exchanged glances with each other, finding their appearances curious; as their father looked worriedly on.

The two intruders then proceeded to secured the two kids to the chairs further; wrapping more rope around their arms & the back of the chair, as well as over their laps & under the seat. Constricted, the pair of thieves then tied to two children’s legs together at the ankles & the knees…until finally, both siblings found themselves bound fully to the seats.

The kidnappers inspected the family. “Looks like they won’t be able to go anywhere,” the man said approvingly.

“The wife shouldn’t be home for a bit,” the lady guessed. “Gives us time to get far away from here.”

The female burglar thought for a moment, then grabbed two more handkerchiefs from her bag: a dark green one, and a white one.

She folded the fabrics into bands again, and strode over to the two siblings, tying the cloths over the taped mouths of the brother & sister; using the white handkerchief for Abby, and the dark green one for Henry.

“That really necessary?” the male thief asked his partner.

“I wanted them to match their father,” the lady responded. “Plus, you can’t be too careful.”

“Mmn dnmph mndf,” Abby said through her gag, nodding in agreement from her position.

“Hlmph!” Henry tried to yell through the duct tape & OTM gag, and finding his voice adequately muffled.

“See?” the female thief gestured. “Now nobody can hear them.”

“Alright; we’ve wasted too much time already,” the male partner replied gruffly. “Let’s go!”

“No hard feelings!” the female partner said in farewell, as she and masked man grabbed the sacks of loot and walked out the front door; locking it behind them & leaving the captive trio alone on the living room, trapped.

Immediately, Kurt Anderson fought furiously against his bindings; the chair rocking slightly from his exertions…but as the seat creaked from the pressure, it became clear that he couldn’t muster enough leverage to slip loose.

“Rmm ymph twmph alrmnf?” the father asked his children, speaking to them through his gag to make sure they were unhurt.

“Mmf fnph, Dmnd!” Abby mumbled in reply, nose crinkling as she tried to speak through both the duct tape & the cloth gag adding additional pressure to the adhesive.

“Mumf wlmf svm umf whmph shmf gmts hmph,” Henry added, indicating that their mother would return eventually to release them.

The father slumped in his chair…Laura would be home around dinner time, true; but that would be several hours at least!

The delivery truck pulled up to the Anderson residence about an hour or so later. Carrying a package for Mrs. Anderson, the delivery driver took the brown parcel and walked up to the front door; giving two sharp knocks, followed by a buzz from the doorbell.

“Delivery!” the driver said loudly, though without shouting. “Anybody there…?”

Inside, the three hostages were all trying very hard to make themselves heard to the delivery driver, as they struggled in their chairs, projecting a chorus of muffled voices.

“Wrm in hrmph…!!” yelled the father, head bobbing up and down as he tried to loosen the gag tied over his mouth.

“Wmv bmn kdnmppd…!” exclaimed Abby, shaking her head so that her hair whipped about as she stomped her feet on the carpet.

“Plnms hlmp usmph!!” Henry pleaded dramatically, grunting against the ropes holding him to the seat.

The driver waited patiently at the front entrance, checking his wristwatch. Their policy was to wait for about a minute for a response before leaving the package.

The man in the uniform knocked one more time. “Package delivery!” he repeated, peeking through the narrow window for any signs of movement.

He could swear he heard voices somewhere inside…so at least somebody was home. Perhaps they just couldn’t answer the door at that moment!

Satisfied with that, he left the package on the doorstep; and went back to the delivery truck; before pulling away to the next house on his manifest…

Laura Anderson arrive at the home around 6:00pm; seeing her husbands car already in the driveway. The auburn-haired businesswoman stepped out from her car, heels clicking on the pavement as she approached her home. She saw the brown package on the doorstep & stooped over to pick it up, seeing that it was some of the food ingredients she’d ordered.

“Hey, you guys; you all missed a delivery here!” she called out, opening the front door and bringing the box inside. “This stuff is perishable, you know!”

“Mmmmmmmm…!!” came an unusual humming of several voices from somewhere inside the house.

Laura paused, confused by the sound, but heading for the kitchen with her box. “No reason to get worked up about it,” she replied, “just make sure you’re listening when the guy drops off the box at the door…what the…?”

Laura had set the package down on the counter; and from the kitchen, she looked into the living room to see a bewildering sight: her husband & her two kids sat in chairs arranged in a neat line, staring in her direction…they were bound with sections of ropes wrapped around their bodies, with multi-colored cloths covering their mouths.

“Goodness, what’s this all about?!” Laura said breathlessly, having not expected this display, as she walked over from the kitchen to stand before them.

“Lrumph!” her husband rumbled through the blue handkerchief, ropes pressing against his button-up shirt. “Gmt thm chrldrm frmph!”

“Playing a game with the children, hon?” Laura guessed, inspecting the trio. “I have to say…this is probably your most extreme example of “cops & robbers” yet!”

Her husband shook his head, looking tired. Her two kids squirmed up and down in their seats, making muffled noises through their gags in their mother’s direction.

Laura went over to Abby, and lifted a hand to the white handkerchief covering her mouth. “Well, I’m about to start dinner soon, so we’ll have to wrap this game up…huh…”

Laura pulled the cloth down from her daughter’s mouth, finding that someone had placed duct tape over her lips as well. “Guys, isn’t using duct tape a bit too much?” she chastised, moving over to her son to slip the green cloth off his mouth, finding the same tape underneath.

The three of them all mumbled in reply; clearly trying to tell her something. “Hang on,” she said, finally slipping the gag off her husbands face, and once more seeing tape further silencing him. “Just need to be careful…”

She slowly peeled the white tape from Kurt’s mouth, and was taken aback as he pushed out a wad of damp cloth from inside his mouth!

“Gah…! Honey!” he breathed, motioning to the ropes holding him to the chair. “I have some bad news for you…”

Laura blinked in surprise, as she quickly untied her husband…and he told her of the events that had taken place that afternoon…

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Post by Smythdean »

Absolutely brilliant story.
Love your work. This is the sort of thing I’d love to walk in on
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Fantastic Alpha male caught and humbled...yet so concerned for the safety of his family.

Thank you!
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Post by GopalKN »

This was very enjoyable. Loved the whole plot and your writing skills are great!

Hope more stories involving a dad in bondage comes up in this forum
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Post by Dpsiic »

Not really a fan of blokes being tied up but loved this story.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great family tied and gagged story.
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Post by harveygasson »

Great family tie up story
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Post by NabHer »

Stories such as this one revolve around the mother being tied up so it was refreshing to see a dad being on the receiving end of it.

Lowkey wish mom would assume that they were playing a game and would have kept them tied up until she was done with dinner or the robbers would get her aswell but overall it was a great story hope there's a part 2 in the works :) [mention]Detective-Gag[/mention]
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Post by Detective-Gag »

NabHer wrote: 10 months ago Stories such as this one revolve around the mother being tied up so it was refreshing to see a dad being on the receiving end of it.

Lowkey wish mom would assume that they were playing a game and would have kept them tied up until she was done with dinner or the robbers would get her aswell but overall it was a great story hope there's a part 2 in the works :) @Detective-Gag
Since this was a story request, I wasn’t planning on a part 2…if you wanted to make a request on “Story Requests for Everyone”, I might pick it up (provided it suits my style).

Thanks for the compliment!
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Post by gaboangi »

This story is truly wonderful, and extremely well written in my opinion. As a request, it's a gem, and the writer is fantastic. Bravo to them.
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Wow, thanks for the compliment!
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