One Good Turn Deserves Another ( F/M )

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One Good Turn Deserves Another ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »

And so, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's back to a story from my own mind. Hope you all enjoy.


My stunningly beautiful female companion’s lips closed in on my own, meeting them as she kissed me with a passion and desire that I’d NEVER tasted before, hardly surprising as at this point in time I was quite sexually inexperienced, actually as far as ‘full blown sex’ was concerned I was very much still a virgin. But it appeared that situation was about to change, after all I was utterly naked, lying on my back, delighting in the feel of the black satin sheet that she’d covered her bed with, this VERY sexy lady sitting on my chest, wearing nothing more than a lacy suspender belt and extremely sheer nylon stockings!

As I responded to her kiss by closing my eyes, she decided that THIS was the moment to strike, and when she did so, it was with the ruthlessness and speed of a cobra! Having spread out my arms, actually thinking back, THAT part of her plan was performed gently, suddenly her left hand left my right arm, transversing swiftly to my left wrist, having grabbed a pair of solid steel handcuffs on said ‘journey,’ that had been placed under the single, also satin covered, pillow upon which my head rested.

I suddenly became aware of a ‘click, click, click’ sound as a ring of steel closed around my left wrist, then feeling my arm moved, before another series of ‘clicks’ announced my wrist becoming TOTALLY securely attached to her bed, as she fastened the other cuff of the pair, linked by a solid chain, around the outer bedpost of the bedframe.

And she’d achieved ALL of this, completely catching me by surprise, before I’d been able to react in ANY way at all. So, when she withdrew a second pair of cuffs, although I had recovered my wits by now, she possessed a major advantage over any attempt by myself to thwart her intentions. For she had full use of both of her arms, whereas one of mine was inescapably bound to her bedpost, and completely ‘out of action,’ as it were!

I screamed, “what the hell do you think you’re doing, Sherelle?” She took NO notice, issuing NO verbal reply to my question as she continued my capture. Soon my right wrist also sported a steel ring ‘bracelet,’ and I KNEW that I couldn’t allow her to fasten the other cuff around the co-responding bedpost, for if she succeeded then I’d be firmly held in HER hands! So, I tried with all of my strength to resist her moving my wrist close enough to the bedpost to achieve her aim.

But, of course, it was a very much uneven contest, and shortly a single ‘click’ signified her victory, as she’d succeeded in ‘shutting’ the cuff around the solid bedpost, even if not to a complete degree. Sherelle paused, as if to catch her breath, and smiled, a smile of complete, utter and total triumph! “That’s better, now your lesson can REALLY begin!” Having paused, she now ‘finished the job,’ fastening that cuff properly around the post of her bed.

Now she withdrew a small key from the top of one of her stockings, with which Sherelle ‘double-locked’ all four of the cuffs, comprising of the two sets. For these weren’t of the cheap ‘toy’ like cuff sets, often sold. Oh no, these were quality items, what Sherelle was doing was securing the rachets shut, in a condition where neither of my arms could escape their steel grip, but now the cuffs could NOT tighten any further, and so endanger the blood circulation flowing to my respective hands. By that as it may, of course, it didn’t alter in any way the undeniable fact that she had fully captured me, I was now inescapably chained to her king size bed and wouldn’t be able to ‘depart’ from her furniture without her ‘say so.’ I WAS NOW UTTERLY HERS!

Now of course, no doubt ALL of you are asking just who this Sherelle was, and how, not to mention why, had she managed to capture me and make my body the undeniable ‘prisoner’ of her bedroom furniture? Perhaps to answer THAT question fully, I need to go back a few hours before my descent into her captivity.

‘DAMN’ I thought to myself, WHY on a Friday afternoon, of all times? An urgent task had just come through, one that could NOT wait, and I now knew that I faced an annoying choice. For this task would NEED to be completed NOW, so I’d either have to stay on after ‘knocking off’ time today, thereby kissing goodbye to my normal Friday evening down the pub or come in on the Saturday morning! As I said to myself, DAMN!’

For you see, this was my first employment since I’d graduated with my ‘first’ degree from university, and I couldn’t afford to appear ‘unwilling’ in regard to ‘pulling my weight.’ And IF I did give up some of my own time and complete this job, I’d gain a fair degree of ‘kudos’ for my efforts, the other side of this particular ‘coin.’ Not wanting to go to bed with having to finish up hanging over me that night, I chose the first of those two options. And did succeed, finishing the assigned task and doing so VERY well. So far, so good!

But by the time I did so it was virtually ten thirty, meaning when I eventually reached the pub, I’d only have time for ONE pint! And that was if I went straight there in the car, there most certainly NO time to drop the car off and walk. But then, having consumed NO alcohol at all for several days I knew that I could drink that ONE pint without worrying about getting ‘nicked’ for drink-driving. I’d still be comfortably under the limit.

As it turned out I didn’t even get to drink that single beer. For having parked up, as I walked through the pub garden to the building itself, I noticed a girl, who I knew and liked, in a state of TOTAL inebriation. Kelly Williams was a young lady who I’d spent many years at school with, including the two of the ‘sixth form’ where we’d both studied for our ‘A’ levels, prior to university. Stunningly gorgeous and sexy, I’d always considered her well ‘out of my league,’ so had never had the courage to ‘ask her out,’ being content to have a ‘just good friends’ relationship with her, one that she seemed to fully accept, and we got on very well.

However, her female companions, also drunk to a very large degree, informed me that she was now single, her boyfriend had chosen this very night to ‘dump’ her in a public and humiliating manner. I sighed in resignation, none of her so-called ‘friends’ seemed capable of seeing her home safely, and I realised that I’d just have to drive her there myself. And NO, her safety and welfare were my SOLE concern here, I most definitely was NOT crass enough to try to take advantage of her condition in ANY way. Thankfully one of Kelly’s friends knew me well enough to accept this and was able to inform me of her home address. Fortunately, I was fully aware of how to reach said house.

Now, what normally would have been a ten-minute journey, became one of over twice that duration, as I had to stop frequently in order to prevent Kelly ‘throwing up’ in my car, and generally I had to try and ‘keep an eye’ on her. But eventually we reached her home, and I parked up in the driveway of the large, detached house, in the ‘posh’ area of town, where she resided.

However, that wasn’t the end of my troubles because the drunken Kelly wasn’t exactly ‘quiet’ as I gently guided her out of my car and towards the front door of her home. And I realised that I now had another problem, where were her keys? Oh God, would I have to try and search through her handbag or pockets in order to find them, and would anybody see me do this and jump to the wrong conclusions?

Thankfully as it turned out I was spared from that situation, for Kelly’s ‘noise’ had attracted the attentions of the home’s other occupant. The door opened and it was now that I obtained my first ever glimpse of Sherelle Williams. They say that first impressions count, and mine was a VERY favourable one, the thought ‘so THAT is just where Kelly gets her stunningly sexy looks from’ floated around my head.

But if my feelings towards her were positive, hers towards myself couldn’t have been more different. “Just what the hell do you think you’re playing at, bringing my daughter home in THIS state, young man?” Oh yes, sorry about that Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d forgotten to tell you earlier that Sherelle was almost twice my age, I being in my early twenties at this time in my life, with her having recently turned forty-two.

Obviously, she had clearly identified me as the person responsible for Kelly’s condition, and YES, this really DID annoy me! I mean, I’d given up my last chance of a drink on this Friday evening, in order to protect my friend. And was now being blamed, totally unfairly for her state. “Excuse me Ma’am,” in a rather cold and determined voice, “but it’s most certainly NOT me who has rendered her into this state. But I do know your Kelly and couldn’t allow her to have to try to find her own way home, for as I’m sure you’ll agree, she’s in NO condition to have done so. Actually, I don’t care what you think of me, but at least I have the knowledge that’s she’s now home safe and sound. If you’ll just help her inside, then I’ll be on my way and I’ll trouble you no more. Let’s face it, IF I WAS guilty of what you believe me to be, wouldn’t I be pissed myself, and I’m sure you can quickly and clearly tell that I’m stone cold sober?”
And Kelly herself backed me up, as a VERY slurred and drunken voice announced, “he’s right mum, it isn’t HIS fault I’m like this.”

To give her mother her due, my words DID hit home, and Sherelle calmed down immediately. “Yes, I can see that you’re completely correct. I’m really sorry, please excuse me for leaping to assumptions, I’ve put two and two together and wrongly reached five! And may I ask you to help me get Kelly upstairs into her bedroom?”
“Gladly, Ma’am.”
“Sherelle, please. After all, as you’ve rightly pointed out, you ARE here because you looked after my girl, so no need to call me ‘Ma’am,’ Darling.”
“Let’s get her inside then, Sherelle.”

With her help, I gently assisted Kelly inside of the house, up the stairs and to her large bedroom, where I placed her onto her bed. Turning to Sherelle I simply said, “well I’ll be off then.”
She took hold of my hands. “Do you need to rush off? Because firstly I am TRULY sorry for accusing you beforehand and I REALLY want to apologize for that. And naturally I want to thank you too, REALLY thank you. Please, if you could wait downstairs while I undress my daughter and put her to bed, then I’d like to do both of those things. Properly.”
“No, I’ve no need to, as you put it, ‘rush off.’ So, I’ll stick around and wait for you downstairs, if that’s what you wish.”
“Thank you. Make yourself at home in my living room and I’ll see you in a few minutes then.” And she kissed me on my cheek, which did send a ‘spark’ flowing throughout my form!

Sitting down on a very luxurious sofa it did occur to me as I waited that Sherelle was taking some time to undress her daughter, and I thought I sensed that she had ‘moved rooms’ upstairs, as it turned out those deductions were in fact correct as I would discover later. But eventually she did come to join me, a large, welcoming smile on her face and holding a, clearly classy and expensive, bottle of red wine, with TWO glasses, in her hands.

Now, remember earlier how I’d described myself as sexually ‘inexperienced?’ I’d NEVER been confident or knowledgeable when it came to girls in general, considering myself unworthy of any female attention. And here was an example of the latter. For you see, although I wasn’t certain, the thought ran through my mind as Sherelle re-emerged, ‘I don’t remember her wearing tights before.’ And I was correct here, she hadn’t been, before she came downstairs her legs had been bare, whereas now they were covered in sheer nylon. And THIS is how naïve I was, for she STILL wasn’t wearing tights, no, I’m sure you can ALL work out just in what form this ‘nylon’ took, although the very classy satin dressing gown she wore concealed that fact! Because if her first impression of me wasn’t pleasant, by now she’d changed her mind and very much had plans for me. Not that I realised this in ANY way, of course.

“As you said Darling, you are completely sober, so I wonder if you’d like to join me in a little drinkie? Do you like wine at all, or are you one of those blokes who just drinks beer?”
“No Sherelle, I do very much like wine, and I can see that you have a very decent bottle there. But I can only have one small glass, as I need to drive home after that.”
“Do you? You could stay here, as you can surely gather, I’m certain you’ll get a good night’s sleep on that very comfortable sofa.” Although she planned for me NOT to be sleeping down here, but like I say I had NO idea of this.
“Ok Sherelle, yes I’ll gladly join you in sharing that bottle.” And I meant it, while I had NO idea of what she wanted from me and wouldn’t have believed that such a gorgeous woman would fancy me even IF the thought had occurred to me, I did enjoy the prospect of spending time ‘chatting’ to her, of being in her company.

Sherelle poured a very ‘generous’ glass for both of us and having ‘chinked’ our glasses together I took a sip. Wow, yes, this was a VERY classy and tasty wine, almost as good as the sexy looks of my companion! The small talk started, her asking me how I knew Kelly, etc. But as the wine descended down our throats, the conversation started to become more intimate.

“So how come a lovely lad like you hasn’t a girlfriend in their life? For, believe me I’d be absolutely delighted if my Kelly had selected someone as decent as yourself to be her ‘man’ instead of that piece of offal who did what he did to her tonight.”
“Come on Sherelle, just what sort of gorgeous girl like your Kelly is going to fancy me?”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re firstly, clearly a REAL ‘Gentleman,’ and yes, there’s NOTHING wrong with the way you look. Believe me, I’m REALLY beginning to wish I was young again. I’d be MORE than willing take you to my bed!” Was that a hint?

By now the wine HAD reduced some of my inhibitions, and I opened up honestly to her. “But Sherelle, unfortunately I have a small problem. For you see, I’ve NO confidence when it comes to members of the opposite sex, and I was always busy during my studies to pay too much attention to them. So, I’ve never really been with one, and yes, when it comes to sex, I’m still a virgin. You mentioned Kelly just then, talking hypothetically of course, just say that her and I ended up in bed together? Wouldn’t she expect me to KNOW just what I was doing, and wouldn’t she be completely pissed off when it became clear, as it would, that I did NOT?”

Sherelle’s eyes had utterly widened upon my revelation that I’d NEVER had sex before. “I see. Yes, I can understand that fear. Therefore, I have a suggestion for you Darling, and an offer!”
“What have you got in mind, Sherelle?”
“What you need is a lesson with a sexually experienced woman, one with no ‘strings’ attached. She could then guide you, teach you, so when you DO meet a girl who you fancy, and take her to bed, you will know, as you put it, ‘what you are doing,’ won’t you?”
I looked at Sherelle and saw two things. The dirty, suggestive smile on her face AND the look of pure LUST in her eyes. And then I KNEW that she was ‘volunteering’ herself for this ‘mission.’ One I was NOT going to refuse!

“Yes Sherelle, that’s a great idea.” I decided to tease her a little, or actually, was it was more of a case that I STILL couldn’t believe that she fancied me? “Have you anyone in mind?”
“How about present company?” She stood, took my hands again, pulled me to my feet and then kissed me PASSIONATELY! She then undid the belt of her dressing gown, allowing it to fall to the ground, revealing that all she now wore was the suspender belt and stockings that I mentioned beforehand. Not even any panties! “Like what you see, Darling?”

DID I? But the delicious sight in front of me had rendered me utterly speechless, all I could do was nod my head frantically to confirm my affirmative answer!

“Right then, what you’re going to do is go to my bathroom. There you WILL remove ALL of your clothes, use the toilet to empty yourself at both ends, we don’t want the need to go to the loo interrupting your ‘lesson’ do we, and then give yourself a good clean. I’ve placed a blue flannel and toothbrush in there for you to use.” So, she HAD made preparations, those ‘noises’ of movement by her upstairs I’d heard earlier WERE real. But, despite this, I was in NO mode to refuse what she was offering, but I still struggled to believe that she WANTED me!

I carried out my ‘orders’ to the letter then entered her bedroom. It wasn’t long before she placed me onto her bed, incidentally when I’d entered her house it hadn’t been covered in the black satin that it was now. Sherelle put me onto my back and sat herself down on my chest. And then, just as I described earlier, you all KNOW exactly what happened next!
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Post by milagros317 »

Rats, this never happened to me when I arrived at college as an 18-year-old virgin.
Looking forward to part two.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by LunaDog »

milagros317 wrote: 7 months ago Rats, this never happened to me when I arrived at college as an 18-year-old virgin.
Looking forward to part two.
Unfortunately it never happened to me either. This is PURELY from my imagination, what i WANTED to happen, rather than what actually did!

And now Sexy Sherelle has my character firmly in her carnal grip, how does she intend to use that power? We'll find out soon, i promise you!
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Now this is an intriguing story! Do continue, my good man! :D
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Post by LunaDog »

And so @Switcher1313 and @milagros317 , THIS is how Sherelle takes her captive's cherry!

But although Sherelle now had my arms chained to her bed and therefore my body firmly under HER control, she hadn’t finished with her preparations for me just yet. My legs were still free, and she wasn’t going to allow THAT state of affairs to last any longer than it took her to reach underneath the bed at the foot end, pull out two more sets of cuffs, and fasten my ankles to the outer bedposts of the equally solid lower bedframe.

Having achieved her objectives, Sherelle, who was now my captor of course, climbed back onto her bed, knelt between my bound legs and cupped my captured balls in her hands. “Now then Darling, you asked me a question earlier, and I’ve haven’t yet given you the common courtesy of an answer. For as you are fully aware, I’ve been quite busy in the last few minutes. Well, the point is,” giving said balls a, not so gentle, squeeze, “that these, and the ‘implement’ take accompanies them are now MINE! For me to do with exactly WHAT I want, HOW I want and for AS LONG as I want, with there being NOTHING you can do about it! I’ll be totally honest with you Darling, I fancied doing this to you from the very first moment I saw you, and therefore, as you’ve probably worked out for yourself, I laid all these plans after tucking Kelly in. For you see, since my late husband died, money hasn’t been a problem at all, he was WELL insured, but I DO miss bedroom action. And then, when I found out that you were a virgin, my goodness Darling did THAT turn me on or what? I feel like an artist, setting out to create a ‘Masterpiece’ with a COMPLETELY fresh canvas! How exciting is that? Remember I made you a promise to teach you about the ‘pleasures of the flesh,’ and THAT Darling is a promise that I FULLY intend to KEEP. And,” stroking my TOTALLY erect cock, “it appears that I have some utterly delicious ‘raw material’ to work with. So, lie back Darling, and simply allow yourself to be subjected to ‘Sherelle’s SEXUAL SKILLS,’ which I believe that you’ll have the real pleasure of discovering are right out of the ‘top drawer.’ You’re handing over your ‘cherry’ to a complete ‘sexpert,’ of that I can most certainly assure you!”

A boast that I had NO difficulty in believing. I mean, why not simply enjoy just what Sherelle intended, after all it’s not as if I had ANY choice in the matter, did I? “You win Sherelle, I can’t escape what you have planned for me, so, as you suggest I intend to thoroughly relish it! Go on, do you worst, take me to places I can’t even DREAM of at this moment, let alone have EVER tasted before! Make me NEVER want to leave this bed and being helpless in your hands and power!” I challenged her.

The utterly delicious, yes, I do believe THAT is the correct word to describe it, smile I received in return made my cock even harder, IF that was possible. And left me in NO doubt it was a challenge that she had every intention of meeting, with the undoubted ability to fully do so.

Therefore, my night of ‘education’ began. Sherelle moved herself forwards, as her lips surrounded one of my breast nipples. “Such a shame that you men don’t have tits, don’t you agree Darling? But I can still chew and suck on these for a while.” Which she proceeded to do, one by one, whilst one of her hands still ‘played with my ‘tools.’

After some period of this ‘foreplay’ Sherelle moved forward again, as her lips again ‘assaulted’ mine, so for the first time in its twenty years plus long life, my cock entered into the glorious territory of a woman’s pussy! And not just ANY woman, but a stunningly beautiful and extremely sexy one! WOW! Her vaginal muscles did their ‘job’ as they grabbed hold of my ‘tool,’ whilst Sherelle began the ‘motion of sex,’ gently and slowly at first, but it wasn’t long before she began to accelerate the ‘action.’

When I look back, I realised just how lucky I’d been to have lost my ‘cherry’ to somebody as experienced and skilled as Sherelle. I mean, had my first time been with a young girl, a virgin herself perhaps, then no doubt it would have of consisted of plenty of fumbling about, neither of us knowing what we were doing, and would probably have resulted in deep disappointment for both of us. But there was NO chance of THAT happening in whilst my body was completely subject to being held in the stunning Sherelle’s hands!

For this highly skilled sexual ‘operator’ soon had events moving along VERY nicely! Under her control I felt a fantastic pressure building within my balls as she kept ‘pumping’ herself upon my cock, and being the knowledgeable woman that she was, she knew I was fast approaching THAT point. As was she.

Therefore, when I soon ‘sexperienced’ my first EVER climax, under the guidance of the utterly gorgeous Sherelle it was EVERYTHING I’d wished for and then some more for good measure! My balls seemed to literally explode, shooting their ‘load’ up into my cock, and henceforth into the waiting pussy of the lady who had induced ALL of this joy! I shot this load into Sherelle with an intensity that I really would NOT have believed to be physically possible, and as I did so, screamed out with ALL my voice!

But even my ‘full volume’ cries seemed fairly quiet compared to those of my ‘companion!’ Sherelle beat me to climax, but only by fractions of a second. She arched her back, as ecstasy FULLY claimed her, and as I say, she also screamed, at a higher pitch than mine, and with even more level of sound!

It took us both a few seconds before ecstasy released us, and she almost collapsed onto my captured form. Some more time elapsed before either of us was able to speak. “Wow, Sherelle, is it always THAT good?”
“It is with me Darling; IT IS WITH ME!”

I believed her. And funnily enough, now I was grateful that she’d captured me and subjected me to everything being done HER way and being forced to ‘dance’ to HER tune! For I now knew that she was correct, without me being able to ‘interfere’ with proceedings in any way, she HAD made the event SO enjoyable and memorable!

But, of course, that wasn’t the end of the night, not by ANY means! Using ALL of her considerable skill and ability Sherelle subjected me to climax after climax, enjoying a good few herself at the same time. I really DID believe for a moment that I had died and gone to HEAVEN! I distinctly remember after one of them screaming out her name as she took me up into the skies. “Oh god, SHERELLE! SHERELLE! SHERELLE! SHEERREELLLLEEEEE!”
She really had been THAT good! Remember that challenge I’d issued her with, where I told her I wanted her to make me wish for her NOT to release me and keep me chained to her bed, held in her hands FOREVER! Well, she had FULLY succeeded.

However, after keeping me there and ‘at it’ for over two hours, sheer nature entered the equation, for by now Sherelle was completely spent. Bear in mind that it was HER doing most of the ‘work’ here, and that she was considerable older than me too. So, reluctantly, for BOTH of us, she was forced to call a halt to proceedings. However, although she did release me from her bed, she used one of the pairs of her cuffs to chain my arms behind my back. “WOW! I’m now keeping you here ALL weekend, Darling!” And I wasn’t complaining, I WANTED that!

Because it was becoming crystal clear to me that I was falling completely under Sherelle’s spell. Which was confirmed as, after we’d both been to the bathroom, myself needing her help of course with my arms bound behind me, we settled on the bed to sleep. With Sherelle being SO exhausted, she drifted off into that state immediately, but I was far too excited and stoked up for that. So, I manoeuvred myself into the position where I could look at her body, deep in slumber and KNEW that I wanted to be with her, or more accurately I wished to be helpless IN HER HANDS, for the rest of my days. My body, heart, life AND especially my COCK now utterly BELONGED to this stunningly sexy lady!

Eventually I drifted off to sleep myself, and a good few hours later it was Sherelle who awoke first. And she didn’t allow me to remain in slumber for long. For once she’d been to the loo, returning to the bed, I felt her undo one cuff from one of my wrists, but only so she could then transfer it to a bedpost and lock it around that! EXACTLY as I had hoped for of course, so I didn’t resist her in ANY way, pretending to still be asleep! Then ‘waking up’ once I’d been fully captured by her, back chained, spread-eagled, to her bed.

“Good morning, Darling! Sleep well?”
“Yes, thank you, Sherelle. What a really delightful way to wake up, back where I truly belong. UTTERLY HELPLESS IN YOUR HANDS! I take it that I’m now going to be shagged?”
“Count on it Darling, COUNT ON IT!” Commencing today’s sex session with a passionate snog! “Let’s face it,” as she placed her pussy over my TOTALLY erect cock, “you are NOTHING now except SHERELLE’S SEX SLUT!” As she began her motions, she looked me straight into my eyes and asked, “just what are you now?”
I completely entered into the spirit of this. After all I KNEW just where she was going here and, of course, it WAS completely true. “I AM SHERELLE’S SEX SLUT!” As the said Sherelle began to ‘pump me’ VERY vigorously, whilst resuming her ‘oral attack’ upon my lips!

However, once Sherelle had used her outstanding skill level to once more bring us both to an almost simultaneous FANTASTIC climax, the sound of sustained coughing, not to mention ‘reaching,’ from the room next door reminded us that we weren’t alone in the house.
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Oho! Kelly to the rescue...or do I anticipate a double-team? :o :lol: :twisted:
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

Absolutely wonderful! Excited to see what happens next!
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Great story! The setup for the next part reads as promising!
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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you all for your very kind comments here. Next part shouldn't be too long. As for Kelly, well before she can think about just what games her mother is playing, she has the 'hangover from hell' to contend with!
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Post by LunaDog »

Well, @tiedinbluetights , @Tie_me_up91 and @Switcher1313 ; shall we find out what Sherelle plans next?

Sherelle climbed off the bed, turning to me, “don’t go ANYWHERE, Darling!” As if I COULD Sherelle? She covered herself with her dressing gown and quickly proceeded to her daughter’s room, leaving both doors open so I could hear their conversation.

“God mum, what the hell happened? My head is POUNDING! And how the hell did I get home? All I CAN remember is that bastard dumping me in front of EVERYONE!”
“A very kind GENTLEMAN, and he IS that, bought you home last night.”
“Oh yes, I vaguely remember that. I must thank him when I see him next.”
“Be sure to do that. Now, I think you should take a shower and try to freshen up. Come on, into the bathroom with you.”
I heard Sherelle guide Kelly into the bathroom and thanked my lucky stars that the ‘layout’ of the house meant that they didn’t pass by Sherelle’s bedroom! So, to my IMMENSE relief, Kelly didn’t see me chained to her mother’s bed! However, once the initial shock at that prospect had worn off, I began to question whether I WAS, in fact, relieved?

Sherelle returned to her bedroom once Kelly had switched on the shower and entered it. “Well then Darling, shall I bring Kelly in here once she’s finished? Or shall we keep it as our secret?”

Because, as I alluded to, here’s the daft thing. There WAS a part of me, a LARGE part, that actually WANTED that! I know, but the thought of Kelly seeing me as I was then, the UTTER SEX SLUT of her mother REALLY turned me on! But I felt it wasn’t MY decision, Kelly and Sherelle were the one’s related here.

“Sherelle, Kelly is your daughter, and she’s no relation of mine. So, I don’t feel it’s up to me to decide that. I’m afraid that you’ll just have to make that decision for yourself.”
Sherelle laughed loudly. “Nice ‘cop-out’ Darling. And I CAN see that at least part of you WANTS her to see you like this, cuffed to my bed. But you are right, so I think we should keep this to ourselves for now. But I do have another decision to make in that case. Can I trust you, or do I need to gag you, so you can’t cry out and alert Kelly to your presence here?”
“Em, just what do intend to use as a gag, Sherelle?”

She’d undone her dressing gown and placed a set of satin panties over her pussy. “I was thinking, maybe I should ‘play with myself’ and when I’ve cum in these, employ them to silence you. What do you think?”
“Sherelle, if you DON’T do that, I’m going to scream my bloody head off!” KNOWING I’d sealed my fate, I was going to have my mouth dominated by my Mistress’s sexual juices and, believe me I WANTED that!

“So be it then Darling, DON’T say I didn’t warn you!” Thankfully it didn’t take her TOO long to bring herself to a climax, a mild one admittedly, but it WOULD do! IN THEY WENT! To be held in place by a silk bondage tie that Sherelle just happened to have ‘lying around!’

We heard the shower stop. Just in time, eh? “Now then Darling, Kelly is supposed to be going to one of her friends for the weekend, that’s all been arranged. I’ll need to take her to the railway station, as you can imagine she’s NOT in a state to get there herself. So, I’ll have to run her there. But then, it won’t take me long, and when I get back, we’ll have the house to ourselves for the ENTIRE weekend. Which you WILL be spending in MY bondage. Make NO mistake about that, remember you ARE still simply Sherelle’s sex slut!”

Of course, I couldn’t answer directly, so I just nodded. Now Sherelle got up, left the room, and I could hear her locking the door once she’d passed through it! Talk about ‘belt AND braces!’

So, there I was, spread-eagled and VERY securely handcuffed to the bed of a woman, basically twice my age whom I’d only known for less than twenty-four hours, a pair of her silky panties COVERED in her sexual juices trapped in my mouth, her scent therefore DOMINATING my entire senses, locked in her bedroom and now utterly ALONE. Eagerly awaiting the return of this sexy woman who had now taken over my ENTIRE being!

It took about thirty minutes for Sherelle to come back home, but to my trapped mind that seemed like thirty years! At last, I heard the key turn in the door of her bedroom, and she stepped inside. “Oh, Darling, I AM touched, you’ll still here, and didn’t leave! Thank you.” Smiling in a VERY sarcastic manner at that ‘speech’ of hers! “Well, as you’re still here, I guess I’m just going to have to shag you then, aren’t I?”

Sherelle undressed just down to her stockings and suspenders and climbed onto her bed and on top of my helpless, captured body. She moved a hand to undo the bondage tie holding her soiled panties inside my mouth, and then appeared to change her mind somewhat. “Actually Darling, let’s leave those in there, eh?” To be totally honest, I wasn’t sure whether I wanted her to take them out, or not.

This did mean one complete downside though, no snogging, which was a real shame as Sherelle was exceptional skilled at that, but, as she once again placed her pussy over my rampantly erect cock, my senses of smell and taste were still utterly dominated by her sexual juices. Which only became heightened as she worked her magic upon me, getting faster and faster in her pumping of my cock. Resulting in the same fantastic conclusion as before, but THIS time there was NO contest regarding the volume of our respective ‘cries’ of pure pleasure!

Sherelle now took me completely by surprise by what she did next. For she reached into the top of the stocking covering her right leg and withdrew the little key to the cuffs holding me to her bed. “I’m hungry Darling, and for once I’m talking about food! And I guess that you are too.” I realised that she was right, I was. “Let’s go downstairs and have some breakfast. We still have the best part of two days available to feed the ‘other’ form of hunger!” She undid the cuffs, leaving me to remove my gag, myself. Sherelle handed me another of her satin dressing gowns to wear, and we descended the stairs to her luxurious kitchen.

Now I made yet another pleasant discovery regarding this exceptional lady, she was almost as skilled in the kitchen as she was in the bedroom! Within about fifteen minutes a plate containing a full, classic English Breakfast was placed in front of me, and now I DID realise just how hungry I was. For the ‘action’ with the utterly gorgeous Sherelle HAD distracted my mind somewhat, but with only ONE bite I fully appreciated her considerable culinary ability. Good food that was washed down with fresh orange juice and coffee.

We chatted for a bit, to allow the food and drink to settle, because just as Sherelle had pointed out at the beginning of last night’s ‘sexathon,’ needing to go to the toilet does NOT assist in sessions of bondage sex. But it gave her a chance to discuss some aspects of the shagging that WOULD follow in this day. Firstly, she informed me that when we DID go back up to her bedroom I was destined to be TIED to her bed, instead of her using the handcuffs that she’d employed before now. Because she’d utilised THEM, certainly on the event of my first ‘capture’ by her, as she didn’t at THAT stage know if I was willing to be ‘taken’ by her. And cuffs are far easier and quicker to use then ‘ties.’ And let’s face it, she’d got that one utterly correct, at THAT time, if you remember, I did NOT want to be her captive. Of course, I now felt rather differently regarding being in her bondage, and I agreed with her, being TIED to her bed seemed slightly more ‘romantic’ than being chained. NO, I CAN’T explain why!

After some time, and a bathroom visit by both of us, separately, to wash as well as emptying our bladders and bowels, it was back to Sherelle’s bedroom, and for my bondage to her lovely large, black satin covered bed to resume. I laid myself in a central position, looked at her with my eyes wide open and a smile on my face. “Take me Sherelle, tie me securely to your bed! Make me ‘Sherelle’s Sex Slut’ once more!” I now proceeded to assume the spread-eagled form to enable her to do precisely that.

Rewarding my ‘request’ with her ‘trademark’ deliciously dirty smile, a clutch of pure silk bondage ties in her hands, Sherelle sat herself down on the corner of the bed, right next to where my left hand lay. Picking up my arm, she wrapped the first of those ties, leaving the others on the bed, around my wrist. Tying a half knot on my palm side, she then looped the rest of the tie to the other side of my limb, where she now completed an utterly secure FULL knot! My capture had commenced. Swiftly she moved my wrist right next to the outer solid bedpost, and within seconds she’d looped the ties around that, using the same full loop, half knot, half loop, FULL knot routine. A VERY secure and inescapable bond, believe me, one I would NOT be able to remove myself from. Well not with THAT hand, anyway. And talking about hands, Sherelle wasn’t finished yet, whilst not really necessary, she also looped and tied my left hand to her bedpost too! Just to emphasise that I was going to be totally HERS!

She rose, picked up the bunch of ties left and walked around the bed in a really provocative manner, sitting herself down beside my right arm, and carried out exactly the same procedure with that limb. So, here I was then, TIED to her bed and captured again. Although, with my legs free still, clearly a situation that Sherelle would NOT permit to remain. But she now had a little surprise in store for me!

Sherelle went to one of her drawers within a chest of those, withdrawing a delicious black, satin basque. “Do you like this, Darling? Would you like to see your Mistress wearing this?” I nodded my consent, little realising the significance of her removing the suspender belt just yet. Off it came, complete with the stockings it had held up. To be replaced by a fresh set of those and that utterly sexy basque. She was now ‘dressed for sex.’

It was now that I ‘twigged’ just what she planned to do with the discarded lingerie. After all, what did she call me, her ‘sex slut,’ wasn’t it? And what do sex sluts wear? Stockings and suspenders, don’t they? “You can’t be serious, Sherelle?” I almost screamed at her!

SHE WAS! “Oh yes Darling, aren’t these simply the ‘clothes of sex?’ And just what have I captured you for, eh? SEX! You asked me to make you my ‘slut,’ didn’t you? Therefore, I AM going to dress you as MY SLUT! And just how do you intend to stop me? And my little Darling SLUT, not only am I going to dress you in these but remember they have been worn by ME!”

Yet again she was right, I wouldn’t really be able to thwart what she wanted. Maybe I could make it difficult for her, but what would be the point? Eventually she’d succeed. Anyway, so far EVERYTHING this woman had subjected me to had worked out being very pleasurable despite any of my initial inhibitions. Perhaps this would be NO exception, after all didn’t I just LOVE the feel when Sherelle had rubbed my legs with her own, nylon coated, ones?

The previously worn suspender belt found its way up my, currently together legs, up into its correct position around my waist. Now Sherelle covered my left foot in sheer nylon, and now I KNEW that yet again she’d been right and I wrong! I could tell immediately that those sheer nylon stockings were going to feel ABSOLUTELY delicious!

However, having covered my foot and ankle in nylon, Sherelle stopped. Purely so she could grab one of her ties, with which she securely looped my ‘nyloned’ ankle, and then fastened it to the outer lower bedpost. Three out of four limbs ‘taken’ then. It wasn’t long before that became four out of four, my capture complete, therefore. But not my ‘dressing up, Sherelle still had to complete the ‘fitting’ of my stockings.

But boy, didn’t she set about this particular ‘task’ in a fully teasing manner? Kneeling on the bed, between my bound legs, firstly Sherelle moved the nylon up the first on my ‘pins’ by a few inches, then moving her attentions to the other leg. Then she paused the upward movement of the stockings to spend a little time tormenting me with frustration, playing with my balls and TOTALLY erect cock, but ALWAYS stopping before she reached THAT point. Then repeating the cycle, some more inches upwards and some more teasing of my cock and balls, but ALWAYS being VERY careful to stop in time. Eventually, with me basically shaking in frustration as much as her bondage allowed, stocking met suspender, and this very effective torture came to, for me anyway, a very welcome end.

Sherelle now climbed off the bed to fetch her final surprise for me, again reaching into one of her chest of drawers, withdrawing something which she was very careful to prevent me seeing. Holding this item out of my sight behind her back, she approached the bed, stopping at the lower bedframe as her eyes took in the results of her ‘handiwork.’

“Well then Darling, you look absolutely DIVINE tied to my bed, sheer nylon on your legs. Good enough to SHAG! Oh yes, you’re no longer just ‘Sherelle’s Sex Slut!’ You are now ‘SHERELLE’S SEX SLUT IN STOCKINGS!’ By God, Darling, I’m now going to SHAG YOU INTO THE MIDDLE OF NEXT WEEK! But although you’re going to HEAR your Mistress Sherelle, FEEL your Mistress Sherelle, SMELL your Mistress Sherelle and even TASTE your Mistress Sherelle, while she is shagging you to within an inch of your life, you will NOT SEE your Mistress Sherelle!” Now she showed me what she’d fetched for me, and the fact that I hadn’t seen it was quite appropriate, for it was an item that would mean that the gift of sight would soon be completely denied to me. A blindfold.

And once Sherelle had placed it over my eyes, I realised that, like ALL her gear, this was a quality item, one that prevented ANY light to penetrate, unlike some of the cheaper variants. Shutting me away in a TOTALLY sightless world, as my other senses attempted to heighten as if to try to inform me just where Sherelle now was, and just what she was going to do to me.

And they made a poor job of trying to keep track of her. However, she didn’t help out at all, as her hands and tongue kept moving about my bound form, licking and stroking at random! However, after a few minutes of this, I heard her delicious, sexy voice in one of my ears. “That’s enough ‘play’ for now Darling. Time for the REAL reason why I’ve tied you to my bed. SHAGGING!” She placed herself on top of me, as her lips found mine, her pussy also found its way ‘home,’ onto my erect cock. And so, IT BEGAN!

By resting as much as she could in-between the FANTASTIC climaxes that Sherelle so skilfully bought us both to while my batteries ‘re-charged,’ Sherelle managed to keep going, keeping me firmly in the awesome power of her sexuality, for over three hours! Three hours of SHEER heaven, hours I will NEVER forget until my dying day! Again, during several of those memorable moments of pure ECSTASY, I couldn’t stop myself calling out her name, this turning her on SO much! But eventually she did run out of steam, and she, VERY reluctantly I could fully tell, did bring proceedings to a halt.

In fact, she was SO shattered that she virtually collapsed upon my body, leaving me still tied up. But aware that she was beginning to drift off to sleep, Sherelle did manage to rouse herself enough in order to release me, before we both drifted off. Sure, I hadn’t ‘worked’ quite as hard as her, and I was younger than her, but this ‘sexathon’ had taken it out of me too.

Several hours later, when we both woke up, Sherelle and I had sex for the first time with me free and able to move. And THIS time we didn’t SHAG, we made love. Nowhere near as exciting of course, but possibly even more fulfilling. She looked into my eyes and said those three DEADLY words! “I LOVE YOU!”
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Post by LunaDog »

Actually, Ladies and Gentlemen, i believe that this is a better 'end point' for today.

And I KNEW two things. That she meant EVERY one of those words. And that this ‘love’ wasn’t ‘one-way traffic.’ I took her hand in mine and replied with TOTAL honesty, “as I do you, Sherelle. I love you with ALL of my heart!”

We cuddled and held each other, speech completely un-necessary before she broke the silence. “Doesn’t mean I won’t be tying you up again though. In fact, it just signifies that you are “Sherelle’s Sex Slut” for the REST of your life, Darling.”

“Actually, that’s NOT quite right Sherelle!”
“Yes, YOU are! Make NO mistake about that, I’ll be keeping you in bondage alright!”
“I know. But you left something out! I’ll be ‘Sherelle’s Sex Slut IN STOCKINGS’ now! You were completely correct about the delights for me of having my legs covered by them.” Which I was still wearing, just in case anybody was wondering!

She laughed! “Silly me, of course you will.” Next her face formed into that dirty smile again. “Spread them, Darling. Time for your next lesson!” Within five minutes I was back in tight bondage to her bed, blindfolded and she started on me again. For only about two hours THIS time! And slightly less frantic than our first session of the day.

And that was the end of the sex for this day. She now released me from her bed, and downstairs for something to eat we went. Again, Sherelle displayed her skill in the kitchen, knocking up a superb prawn chilli masala curry with mushroom rice, which we accompanied by a lovely chilled white wine this time. Afterwards it WAS back to bed, but purely to sleep this time.

So, that was Saturday completed then. Meaning that there was still Sunday to come, hadn’t Sherelle promised to keep me for the entire weekend? Yes, she had. And that was a promise that she kept, on that second day, in almost a repeat of the first day, I spent two ‘stints’ of a couple of hours each, SECURELY bound to her bed and subjected to her outstanding sexual skills. My God, did this fantastic lady deliver or what? Without a shadow of doubt, it had been the most thrilling and enjoyable weekend of my ENTIRE life! Thank you, Sherelle!

Late on the Sunday evening I returned home, shattered but with a massive smile on my face. Would I be seeing Sherelle again? You bet your life I would be! For the next weekend she had planned to visit her good friend Virginia, or Ginny as she was known, who had a place out in the sticks. And she wouldn’t be going alone, although Sherelle had warned me that if I thought that she, herself, was a bit ‘kinky,’ that was NOTHING compared to her good friend!

That week at work seemed to last for five years instead of merely five days, the prospect of being back into sexual slavery to the utterly delicious Sherelle tormenting me endlessly. And just what was that comment about her friend Ginny being even more kinky than my lady herself all about? God, just what had I got myself into here?
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Loved it, and the bonus part too! I love how he is no longer even thinking of the inexperienced Kelly. And no wonder his 5-day workweek would appear to be 5 years long! Back when I was his age and had his stamina, the prospect of having not just one, but two much wiser and experienced ladies play with me all weekend would have motivated me to ensure my bosses would never have weekend work for me for the next 261 consecutive workweeks!
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

Oh man are we gonna get a story with sherelle and Ginny?😁
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Post by LunaDog »

Tie_me_up91 wrote: 7 months ago Oh man are we gonna get a story with sherelle and Ginny?😁
Well i certainly hope that these two do manage to 'entertain' your good self, and everybody else too! Oh, even if she doesn't feature here and now, no, we haven't seen the last of Kelly. She will re-appear, but not for a while.

Finally, Friday afternoon arrived, and thankfully there were NO work tasks THIS week to take me beyond half past four. Crickey, was it only ONE week ago that I’d still been a ‘single’ man and also a sexual virgin? I went home, showered, putting myself into the suspender belt, sheer stockings and satin female panties that Sherelle had given me when I’d left her place last Sunday. And yes, I KNOW I’m male, but YES, I HAD washed them! Putting some normal ‘male’ clothes over them I left my small house, jumped into my car, and with excitement coursing itself around my entire body, drove to Sherelle’s house, and my fate.

We weren’t due to travel to Ginny’s until the Saturday morning, so I guess it will come as NO surprise to ANY of you to learn I spent some time on that Friday evening being securely tied to Sherelle’s bed, as she shagged me backwards, forwards and any other direction that you care to think of. But not for TOO long, she assured me that both of us would need ALL of our strength and stamina to cope with what Ginny was likely to put us through! Which left me guessing, and FERVENTLY hoping, that Sherelle and I were extremely likely to become helplessly bound together!

Having breakfasted we set off, in my car with me driving. It took about an hour to reach Ginny’s farmhouse, which, just as Sherelle had informed me, was very isolated. I parked up next to our host’s own vehicle, an open top Jeep that had a solid and secure ‘roll bar’ just behind the rear passenger seats. Which I noticed Sherelle taking a good look at, without me realising the significance of that at this stage.

Ginny emerged from the house just wearing a satin dressing gown, suspender belt, stockings, and satin panties, to greet us, again this was a VERY sexy lady, and I felt her eyes examining me, and seeming to approve of her friend’s choice. For yes, if I had been so unwilling to accept that I WAS worthy of women finding me attractive beforehand, Sherelle had removed such modesty from me to a very large degree. “Sherelle, you LUCKY GIRL! Yes, you’ve hit the JACKPOT here!” Ginny came up to me, kissing me on my cheek and said, “thank you Sweetheart, for giving my lovely friend her ‘sparkle’ back! You are VERY welcome here!”

Ginny led us into her house and when we’d entered her home, she wasted no time in getting down to ‘business.’ Once more she ‘appraised’ me, but naturally she wanted a closer ‘examination’ of her friend’s acquisition. She looked me in the eyes and uttered one single word. “STRIP!”

I looked at Sherelle, who nodded her agreement to Ginny’s command. Although she added an amendment to said order. “Leave your lingerie on though, Darling.” So, I obeyed, just removing my male outer clothing, leaving me suspender clad, and I’d been careful to have fed them UNDER my panties. But as I proceeded to remove those, Sherelle stopped me. “No Darling, leave those on for now.”

Sherelle smiled as Ginny now circled my body, gently touching me in places. “WOW! As I say Sherelle, you are one hell of a LUCKY girl. As are you, young man, I can see just how happy you are to be Sherelle’s sex slut. Do you want to take him to bed right now?”

“Actually no, not just yet Ginny. Something on your car has given me an idea, that is REALLY turning me on! Is that farm shop and its café down the road still open?”
“Yes, it is. What’s on your mind, you little vixen?”
“Fetch me a leather collar, several single leather cuffs, padlocks and some length of chains, one long and one short, and then I’ll explain ALL!”

With me wondering just what Sherelle had planned and notice that the two females had discussed matters without involving me in the conversation, although clearly the subject of said talk was about my immediate fate, Ginny rushed off to fetch the items suggested. Returning shortly. Sherelle fitted the collar, which had secure ‘D’ rings at both the front and rear, around my neck, and once she’d fastened the buckle shut, she grabbed a small padlock from a whole bunch that Ginny provided to make sure it remained that way. Now, one arm each, the two women put a leather cuff around each of my wrists. Again, once buckled shut more small padlocks ensured they stayed that way. Once more working as a team, my ankles also found themselves surrounded by leather, again the buckles padlocked closed. Now Sherelle took the longer length of chain, padlocked one end to the rear ‘D’ ring of my collar, before feeding it through the equivalent rings of my wrist cuffs, before pulling it back to the collar, where another padlock secured it in a sort of ‘circuit.’ Meaning my arms were now secured behind my back.

Sherelle turned to her good friend. “I think you’d better get dressed, Ginny. Why not just like the way I am?” For my Mistress had adorned herself in a beautiful and VERY stylish leather suit, complete with a skirt that only just concealed the fact that the sheer nylon on her legs were in the form of stockings and not tights. With a lovely blue satin blouse in-between her basque and the leather jacket of her suit.

Shortly after Ginny had disappeared upstairs, she emerged in almost identical clothing to Sherelle, although her blouse was in a shade of dark red. “Shall we go?” And the three of us left the house, with me in-between the two women, almost in the manner of a prisoner under escort. Which in a way, I guess I was!

When we reached Ginny’s jeep, I needed assistance to ‘climb aboard’ the rear section with my arms bound behind me. And then I realised just what Sherelle had clocked, now understanding what she planned for me. For that roll bar had several small loops welded onto it, their normal purpose being to hold the ‘soft top’ covering for use if the weather was inclement. But no, the sun was smiling brightly today, Sherelle was going to use them to hold something else entirely. My lingerie clad body!

The roll bar was roughly the height of my torso, and now the use of the shorter chain became clear. For there was a loop right in the centre of the roll bar, and my Mistress used that to connect said bar to the front ‘D’ ring of my collar. Now between them, the women stretched out my legs, using more padlocks to secure my ankle cuffs to loops welded at the bottom of the roll bar. Nearly there! It was now that Sherelle removed the chain holding my arms, but only so that the two ladies could stretch out my arms, pulling them to the upper corners of the roll bar, where the conveniently located loops enabled them to padlock the ‘D’ rings of my wrist cuffs there. Meaning I was inescapably chained, spread-eagled, to Ginny’s jeep, just wearing stockings, suspenders and VERY skimpy female panties! Which were REALLY struggling to contain a certain ‘organ’ of my body, because apart from when Sherelle placed me in captivity to her bed in order to shag me, I had NEVER been so turned on in my ENTIRE life!

However, as Ginny jumped into the driver’s seat, just as she grabbed hold of the ignition key, in order to start the engine, Sherelle stopped her. “Not just yet, I’ve one more job to perform!” She stood up, reached under her leather skirt, and her hand emerged with her panties! Just like me, she’d be careful to place them OVER her suspenders it seemed. Yes, you’ve guessed it, into my mouth they went! To be held there with a bondage tie that Sherelle just ‘happened’ to have in her jacket pocket. And believe me, although unlike before she hadn’t ‘cum’ in them, they FULLY tasted of Sherelle’s sexual excitement, for you can just imagine how ‘turned on’ she’d become with all of this activity. Yes, her pussy was SOAKING wet!

Now Sherelle did NOT interfere when Ginny turned the key, and off we set. Now, there’s something about Sherelle that I haven’t mentioned before, something that was VERY important and one MAJOR reason why I wanted to be hers SO much. For as well as fancying her and loving her, it was an undeniable fact that I KNEW I could fully TRUST her. Oh yes, she’d subjected me completely to her sexual games, but she was ALWAYS very careful to look after my safety and welfare as she did so. And here she demonstrated that quality once again, as she said to Ginny, “don’t drive too fast please, I know it’s a lovely sunny and hot day, but we don’t want any ‘windchill’ to affect our ‘passenger.’ Remember he’s basically naked.” Sound advice that Ginny totally understood and adhered to, not driving above roughly thirty miles an hour.

Anyway, our destination was fairly close, so even at this reduced speed it only took us about ten minutes to reach the farm shop. Ten minutes during which I was utterly turned on, almost relishing the pointed arms and stares of anybody we passed on this route. For you see, I was PROUD to belong to Sherelle, DELIGHTED to be her ‘sex slut,’ and I wanted the whole world to KNOW that! I guess this feeling had begun when I’d discovered that I had WANTED Kelly to enter her mother’s boudoir and see me chained to Sherelle’s bed. Something that I believed Sherelle WOULD have allowed, no enforced, IF Kelly hadn’t been so hung-over at that point.

But as you can well imagine the attention that we attracted during the drive was NOTHING compared to the level reached once Ginny had parked her car in the shop’s car park! Especially when the two leather clad ladies left the Jeep, with me still chained to it, and went into the shop itself! Most of the people present there were female, and I became even more aroused by the ‘girlie’ giggles and general merriment my situation induced. But there was at least ONE male, walking back to his own vehicle along with his wife, he couldn’t keep his eyes off the sight of my legs covered in delicious sheer nylon!

Something SHE, and she was quite sexy I noticed, had clocked. “Well then Honey, as he seems to turn you on SO much, let’s go home NOW! Because then I’m going to PUT you into some of MY stockings, TIE you to OUR bed and subject you to MY desires for the rest of the day!” I even had the grace to WINK at them, of course I’d have wished them luck, but Sherelle’s panties residing in my mouth rather prevented that. It pleased me that I’d appeared to have done my ‘good deed for the day’ in inspiring them, and to this very day I sometimes wonder just how much they enjoyed themselves, with the ‘spark’ I’d obviously lit for them! Because he most certainly did NOT seem to argue with his wife’s suggestion.

(I wonder if i should write a short 'spin-off' story about these two? Or if any of you fancy doing that, let me know.)

However, those giggles turned somewhat into jealous mutterings, as after about twenty minutes my leather clad companions returned to the scene, they’d spent that time in the shop’s café, having a coffee. Especially when Sherelle, quite deliberately I’m certain, placed her hand momentarily upon the ‘bulge’ showing through the pair of her satin panties that I was wearing. As if to send the message to ALL of the other women present, “THIS IS MINE! AND I’M SOON GOING TO BE, VERY MUCH, ENJOYING IT!”

The two of them jumped into the front seats, once again Ginny started the engine, blimey just IMAGINE if it HADN’T fired, and off on the return journey we set, Ginny keeping the speed down as before. With Sherelle VERY lustfully looking at me for the entire journey. But perhaps she should have been paying a little bit more, NO A LOT MORE, attention to the expressions on the face of her friend?

For if there was ONE thing in life that Ginny dis-liked, one thing that could REALLY get to her, and wind her up; it was appearing to be ‘OUT-KINKED!’ And, with her suggestion of fastening my body to the roll bar of the Jeep, Sherelle had, VERY MUCH, just achieved that!

Now, don’t get me wrong here, Ginny was FULL of respect for Sherelle’s scheme, after all she’d fully assisted in achieving it. But, make NO mistake about it, said respect had been granted most begrudgingly! Ever since Sherelle had revealed the idea, Ginny’s mind had searched for something that would ‘upstage’ it, and in the meantime whilst dressing herself before we’d left, she’d taken a precaution which would give her a good shot at achieving just what her UTTERLY devious, TOTALLY kinky and COMPLETELY depraved mind came up with. Because like I say, if Sherelle HAD been paying attention to her friend’s facial expression, she might have noticed the wry smile that emerged on Ginny’s visage, as said mind came up with the answer she was looking for, during that journey home!
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

What a great predicament he’s gotten in to! I did forget about Kelley i do hope she makes an appearance!

A spin off of the couple would be great! Especially is he was little apprehensive and his wife coerces him into it.
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

A lovely continuation! Awaiting Ginny's execution of whatever plan She devised with anticipation! And I second @Tie_me_up91: a spin-off story penned by your skilful hands @LunaDog about that couple would certainty be welcomed :!:
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Post by LunaDog »

Well then my good friends, i accept that 'your wish is MY command!' Although you might need to be a little patient, i need to finish THIS story first!

However, i am already beginning to form ideas of just how i'll tell this 'spin-off' tale.
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

No rush at all! I always enjoy your stories!!
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Post by LunaDog »

Tie_me_up91 wrote: 7 months ago No rush at all! I always enjoy your stories!!
Pleased to bring you enjoyment, my friend. And your positive feedback is VERY welcome. Won't be able to post or comment until the weekend for now though, something called WORK keeps getting in the way!
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Post by LunaDog »

Well then, @tiedinbluetights and @Tie_me_up91 , shall we find out just what Ginny's extremely KINKY mind has come up with?

Having turned off the main road, onto the side road that leads to Ginny’s farmhouse, and ONLY to said property, one passes through a small clump of trees, which at THAT point in the lane prevents anybody from seeing the house itself. And there is the ‘official’ border of Ginny’s property, signified by a gate, that can be closed, blocking the route to her house. And it was here that she gave the first hint that she had something planned, not that either Sherelle or I grasped the implications of what happened just after we’d passed by this gate. For Ginny stopped the car, shut said gate, then LOCKED it shut! For she wanted NOBODY to be able to drive to her home, her planned revenge was going to happen in the open air and NOT inside the main house itself. And her idea was PURE GENIUS, yes, she was going to utterly succeed in comfortably ‘out-kinking’ Sherelle!

For once having parked up, where the Jeep had been before, adjacent to my car, Ginny told Sherelle to climb onto the back, over the seats until she faced my bound form, where Ginny told her that she’d be handed the key in order to release me. But no such release was in Ginny’s mind, the fact that Sherelle again wasn’t paying proper attention, by gazing lustfully into my eyes, just helped her considerably. For, just as Sherelle had done so brilliantly, when she’d used steel handcuffs to first capture me and fasten me to her bed, eight days ago now although it seemed far longer than that, Ginny quickly struck and used a pair of those herself, to chain one of Sherelle’s wrists to the roll bar that held me! Yes, having a pair of those in her jacket pocket had been the aforementioned precaution!

“Sorry Sherelle but I’m afraid that your idea was far kinkier than any of plans I had for the two of you this weekend, and you KNOW me well enough to realise that I just CANNOT have that. So, said plans have just been amended. I’m afraid you’ll both have to spare me for a few moments while I just fetch the required ‘equipment.’ Ciao!”

Off she dashed, running with the excitement that what she’d come up with had generated. “Well Darling,” Sherelle addressed me with, once she’d gone, “I did warn you that her level of ‘kink’ was greater than mine! You know I really DID believe I’d trumped her today, but I think I now know what she plans for us. She’s going to make us shag while we’re both chained to this Jeep. NOW I understand WHY she LOCKED the gate. Got to admit I’m BLOODY IMPRESSED!”

Ginny returned as fast as she possibly could, carrying a rucksack type bag. And it didn’t take long for us to see that Sherelle had guessed correctly. Firstly, Ginny removed Sherelle’s jacket and blouse from her ‘free’ arm, slapping a leather cuff from within said sack, around the now naked wrist, padlocking it safely shut, naturally! And swiftly using another padlock to fasten said cuff’s ‘D’ ring to the same welded loop which held my corresponding wrist cuff. Meaning we could actually hold hands, which with our fate utterly clear to us now, we did. Ginny now totally removed the steel cuffs from the equation, throwing them onto the ground, and wasn’t long before she’d removed Sherelle’s jacket and blouse completely, before cuffing her second arm in exactly the same manner as her first. She was now inescapably chained to this car too.

But Ginny hadn’t finished with her yet. Sherelle’s leather skirt came down, her legs were spread out as mine had been, and more leather cuffs secured her ankles to the same loops that imprisoned mine. Then, just as I was, Sherelle was ‘collared’ and a small chain fastened between said collar’s front ‘D’ ring and the same loop that held the similar short chain attached to my own collar. Just one more thing to go. I was gagged, and as the roll bar between our heads would make the meeting of our lips difficult, if not totally impossible, so Ginny decided that Sherelle would also shag me, basically, in silence too. But just what was she going to gag my lady with?

After all she had a few options available to her. A pair of fresh, clean panties for example. Of maybe she could cut off the ones I wore, she was going to have to cut them off me at some stage, after all. OH NO, Ginny’s utterly kinky mind came up with the PERFECT solution! Bearing in mind that she was enjoying the execution of the product of her depravity SO much, it was almost as if a river was flowing within her pussy, and her own panties had become SOAKED. She asked herself IF she really needed to wear them anymore and computed the answer as a firm ‘NO!’ Therefore, well, why not? Into Sherelle’s orifice they went, being tied into place with a silk bondage tie. Almost time for the ‘fun’ to begin!

Another reason why Ginny had left MY panties in place until now, is that it prevented my cock from ‘going home,’ i.e. into Sherelle’s pussy, until she, Ginny, gave permission for that. Which was obviously now forthcoming, a quick few ‘snips’ and the panties fell away. Ginny took the opportunity to give my cock, which had NEVER FELT SO HARD before, a quick stroke, sorry Sherelle there was NOTHING I could do about that to stop her, before gently guiding it into Sherelle’s absolutely SOAKING WET pussy! DELICIOUS!

Suddenly Ginny’s voice rang out in the form of a short but clear command.


As if either Sherelle or I NEEDED a second invitation! And we set about each other with TOTAL relish and enthusiasm!

Now here’s an interesting fact. Apart from that time when Sherelle and I had ‘made love’ instead of ‘shagging,’ which had been very gentle and not RAW anyway, I’d spent EVERY one of my ‘couplings’ with her lying on my back, either tied or chained to her bed. And therefore, I’d never been able to really ‘thrust’ my cock into her pussy, our shagging, absolutely GREAT though it was, had effectively consisted of her ‘pumping’ herself upon said cock. But, although her body wasn’t ‘supported’ as it would be if she had been lying on a bed herself here, for the FIRST time I COULD! So, of course, therefore, I DID!

Which funnily enough, seemed to have more effect upon HER than me, it looked as if she would reach climax BEFORE me. However, Sherelle wasn’t the only female ‘sexpert’ in the vicinity; Ginny must have sensed this ‘in-balance’ and therefore her hands started to tickle and ‘play’ with my tools in order to address this. And didn’t she just succeed, and in an utterly BRILLIANT manner! For once again, as was completely normal with Sherelle and I, we reached climax almost simultaneous! And, OH MY GOD, JUST WHAT A CLIMAX!

Now, as you all know Sherelle’s sexual skills are completely from the VERY top drawer, and so it’s NOT as if we hadn’t enjoyed some absolutely FANTASTIC orgasms since we met and started shagging. Some that were TRULY memorable, not to mention enjoyable! But none, NONE, of those, great though they WERE, could quite match the intensity, the sheer passion and excitement that THIS particular climax induced! But why?

Several factors could possibly have explained it. Sherelle being as ‘captured’ and helpless as me? Although still within bondage, being able to move far more than when I found myself ‘confined’ to a bed? The extremely ‘unusual’ position that we had been placed into, chained to the roll bar of an open top car, not exactly the ‘normal’ location for a good shag? The sheer element of REAL surprise that Ginny had totally taken both of us completely unexpectedly by?

The fact that with both of us being gagged, with female sexual juices DOMINATING our senses of smell and taste; that meant we were both utterly prevented from orally crying out as ecstasy FULLY claimed BOTH of us?

But to my mind, the strongest factor was the fact that there was an element of ‘danger’ involved. Danger of being observed doing what we were doing, of being ‘caught,’ as opposed to any actual risk of injury that is. For we were ‘outside’ in CLEAR view of anybody who happened to be ‘passing,’ although Ginny’s closing and locking of her gate DID render THAT possibility rather remote. Not to mention the ‘view’ to any low flying aircraft! Although, with hindsight WHAT I REALLY believe had caused THIS climax to have been SO outstanding was the combination of ALL the above possible reasons.

Now I’d only discovered the joys of sex recently, so I was still relatively inexperienced in the art. So, maybe it wasn’t TOO much of a surprise that THIS had been my most memorable climax EVER. But Sherelle was far from inexperienced, so it did surprise me somewhat when she informed me later, and I completely believed her, that it had also been the best of her entire life too. YES, IT REALLY HAD BEEN THAT GOOD!

Whatever, Ginny had been absolutely DELIGHTED by the outstanding result of her kinky idea, fully enjoying the ‘show’ Sherelle and I rewarded her with. It had turned her on SO much, that once ecstasy had released us both enough to actually think of other factors other than SHEER pleasure, we heard a command from the side of the car. “LOOK AT ME!” Once we’d obeyed, she stripped herself out of her skirt, then Ginny used her own fingers to bring herself to climax, even if NOTHING like the degree of intensity of the one we’d just enjoyed!

But I, and NO doubt Sherelle as well, didn’t begrudge her some pleasure in ANY way. For if Ginny rising to the challenge of proving herself to be the kinkiest of the three of us would ALWAYS conclude in SUCH a manner, then I just hoped and prayed that her imagination would be ‘stretched’ yet again. She really HAD ‘delivered the bacon!’

Ginny later told us both that she HAD considered making us shag again whilst chained to the roll bar of her Jeep, but without that element of spontaneity, that second shag could NEVER have produced the same truly, outstanding result, so she decided against it. And prepared to take the pair of us back to her home, where we were going to end up joined together as well as to her own, massive, satin covered bed. With our collars and ankles still ‘attached’ to the bar, one by one, Ginny released our arms from the car’s roll bar, and using a long length of chain, binding our arms behind our respective back, exactly in the manner I had been bound when bought out from the house to the Jeep in the first place. Then she could, and did, release us completely from her vehicle, and assisting us, again one by one, to climb down from it.

Once safely back on ‘terra firma,’ Ginny lined us up, with Sherelle in front and me behind. She used another long length of chain, to ‘link’ us, padlocking it to the front ‘D’ ring of my collar, and Sherelle’s rear one. Once she’d gathered all of the discarded clothing etc, putting it into her large bag, she now fitted a ‘dog lead’ to the front of Sherelle’s collar, followed by her pulling us into her house, up the stairs and into her main bedroom. Pointing to her bed, she ordered, “take a GOOD look at that piece of furniture. For be in NO doubt, the pair of you are going to be spending the majority of your time here with me, secured to each other, and to HER. This bed will RULE your lives, you will both perform to your VERY best to satisfy HER! Get it?” Of course, we were still gagged, so it was a purely rhetorical statement.
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

An great continuation, with promises of more fun kinky times!
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Post by LunaDog »

“Um,” our captor continued, “who’s going onto my bed first? Well, as you’ve told me Sherelle, it’s normally you on top, isn’t it? How about you try things the other way around, with your Gentleman lying on top of you?”

We were still gagged, but Sherelle nodded her assent, much to my pleasure, as I REALLY fancied giving this orientation a go! Now I was clearly destined to be submissive in my ‘relationship’ with her, but here it was clear that we’d both be in captivity, so it was a chance for me to try being ‘on top,’ but still be held in bondage. And I wasn’t going to turn it down. Not that I was going to be able to choose at all you all understand, no I was going to end up just where GINNY decided.

Now, said Ginny had some preparations to perform to achieve her desired aim, although she’d already done some of those. All four of the solid corner bedposts featured a leather cuff, complete with an open length of chain locked to the cuff’s ‘D’ ring, Sherelle and I noticed. But of course, Ginny had far more ‘work’ to do.

Firstly, she removed the chain linking our two collars together. Now freed from each other Sherelle was gently guided onto the bed, wherein Ginny released her arms from the collar by removing the chain that bound them to it. Strictly speaking Sherelle, with her arms effectively free, COULD have resisted to a degree here, but two facts prevented that occurring. One was simply that both Sherelle and I WANTED Ginny to capture us, but as if ‘playing a game’ Ginny locked Sherelle’s legs together, padlocking her ankle cuffs to one another, which basically took that unwanted option away.

Anyway now, with Sherelle having willingly spread her arms out, Ginny now released my arms from my collar. With me standing very close to one of the upper bedframe corner bedposts, Ginny fed that open ended chain fitted to the cuff there through the ‘D’ ring of Sherelle’s wrist cuff, then padlocking it to the equivalent ‘D’ of my wrist cuff. Meaning that, if not in any sort of ‘final’ form, Sherelle and I were now held to each other and Ginny’s bed. We could NOT escape her plans now, even IF we had wanted to, of course!

Having undone Sherelle’s legs from themselves, Ginny ordered me to climb ‘on board’ and naturally I obeyed, being VERY careful not to hurt Sherelle as I did so, of course. Now Ginny ‘travelled’ around the other three corners of her bed, stopping at each one to perform exactly the same routine as she’d employed at the first, feeding the chain of the ‘bedpost cuff’ though Sherelle’s ‘D’ ring and locking it to mine.

“NO, NOT YET!” Ginny’s voice was the response to the fact that Sherelle and I were trying between us to feed my cock, go on guess what condition THAT was in, inside of Sherelle’s pussy! “You DO NOT get to shag until I say so!”

Ginny now removed both of our gags, please Ginny, if we’re not allowed to shag yet, may we kiss? In fact, we did so anyway, without waiting for our Mistress’s permission and she raised no objection. She was too busy fetching our blindfolds! Which she placed onto our heads, over our eyes meaning that Sherelle and I could not see each other until Ginny said so. One thing she DID say though, is that now we COULD commence! As if we were going to say ‘NO?’

And shagging with me on top meant that I could REALLY ‘thrust’ my cock into the bound Sherelle, with the bed ‘supporting’ her that’s just what I did, slowly at first, as she’d always done to me. But here was where my complete inexperience utterly showed, whereas Sherelle’s skill allowed her to ALWAYS gauge just where BOTH of us were with regard to climax, I hadn’t yet learned just how to time things to bring us both there more or less together. Once more, I’d rushed things, taking Sherelle far faster towards that delicious destination then I had myself, and once more Ginny’s sexy fingers had to intervene!

But she, sensing EXACTLY was occurring was NOT found wanting, and restored parity! So, my first ever climax whilst on top of Sherelle occurred, and whilst it might not have quite matched the one from when we were chained to the Jeep, it was still BLOODY FANTASTIC!

Once we had calmed down, I listened, paying FULL attention to the VERY constructive criticism that both of the two ladies issued to me. Which very soon started to pay off, as towards the end of the three-hour stint that Ginny subjected the pair of us to, I’d finally ‘got it’ allowing me to time events properly myself, without the need for Ginny to intercede. Meaning, that for the final few shags she was free from any ‘responsibility’ and therefore, stripped down to just lingerie herself, during each one of those, she took the opportunity to ‘pleasure’ herself with a vibrator as she enjoyed watching us shag each other half to death!

Ginny finally allowed us to cease, with myself absolutely spent, remember THIS time it was ME doing the majority of the ‘work!’ But, although totally ‘cream crackered’ the smile upon my face WAS massive, I’d LOVED what Sherelle and I had been subjected to by Ginny today.
Both Sherelle and I were SO grateful, what a TRUE friend she had been.

So much so, that as we lay in bed together several hours later, having been released by Ginny and sharing a lovely meal, complete with good wine, with our host; although I’d been reluctant at first, we agreed that tomorrow Sherelle would ‘loan’ me to her so Ginny could enjoy some sexual action for herself. Oh, and that reluctance was purely because of the fact that I didn’t want to ‘betray’ Sherelle, not because I felt that there anything ‘wrong’ with Ginny, by the way. As to the question of bondage, we also decided to let Ginny choose for herself just how THAT would enter into the equation, if at all. Cue some more gentle ‘making love’ between Sherelle and myself.
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Post by LunaDog »

“NO! Absolutely NOT Sherelle, HE IS YOURS!” The answer we received when the suggestion was raised at breakfast once the three of us had risen on that Sunday morning. But, as I knew by now, Sherelle can be VERY persuasive, and I allowed her to do ALL the talking. It took some time but eventually Ginny accepted that this offer was down to sheer gratitude, a reward from us to her, because of just how much we’d THOROUGHLY enjoyed what she’d given us.

But Ginny had conditions that she made clear that she would NOT accept ‘NO’ as an answer to. Firstly, and to her VERY importantly, both her and I would be blindfolded, if she was going to shag the male companion of her VERY best friend, she would NOT be looking into said male’s face as she did so. And Ginny actually took that further than normal.

For yes, she WANTED bondage for both of us, and it would be ME bound to the bed, with her, bound to me on top. But she would not be present as Sherelle used leather cuff sets to fasten me to the bed. Once Sherelle had done so, I would be blindfolded there and then, so wouldn’t be able to see that it was Ginny and not Sherelle herself whom I’d be shagging. Then Sherelle would leave me there and proceed to the other room where Ginny would be waiting. There, leather cuffs with open ended chains would be put around her wrists and ankles, with said open end being then locked to the ‘D’ rings of my cuffs when the time came, to firmly bind us.

But here was the matter where Ginny REALLY insisted her request would be FULLY granted. She would be blindfolded herself, INSIDE this other room, so when Sherelle guided her to the bed and myself, just as I wouldn’t be able to see her, so she could NOT ‘clock’ me. And then Sherelle would guide her onto the bed and fasten her to me. Oh, and when we’d finished together, Sherelle was to release her from me, and take her way out of the room BEFORE ANY blindfold was removed from either her or me!

Of course, THAT, to the letter, is EXACTLY what happened, or up until the last part anyway. Sherelle and I fully respected her VERY reasonable requests, which were a desire to protect OUR relationship and love for each other, after all.

I’m sure it will come as NO surprise to you that just as Sherelle was HIGHLY skilled in sexual matters so was Ginny. Using that skill, she induced both herself and me to a truly great climax. Once we’d calmed down, she asked Sherelle to release us, but my lady insisted on at least one more shag before she was going to do that. This was a REWARD after all.

And it was just after that second shag that Ginny’s TRULY kinky mind came up with an idea which would involve all THREE of us at the same time. In fact, Ginny was SO excited with her new plan that she forgot about her condition of her being taken out of the room before having her sight restored. “Sherelle,” her voice rung out FULL of excitement and passion, “unlock us now, I’ve had a GREAT idea!” Sherelle, and I for that matter, KNEW she’d again come up with something SPECIAL, so Sherelle immediately obeyed, and in her heightened state it was Ginny who’d ripped her blindfold off herself.

Once released I was put back onto the bed, but at ninety degrees to where I’d been up until now, so I was now ACROSS the bed, instead of along it. Yes, there was a point to all this, it meant my backside could be placed on the edge of the mattress, and without either the upper or lower bedframes getting in the way, my legs could ‘dangle’ down, with my feet resting on the floor. With my cock, limp at this precise moment because it had only just ‘delivered,’ able to ‘point up’ once it had re-charged.

It was fortunate that Ginny’s ‘collection’ of leather cuffs and chains was EXTENSIVE, with all types and variations available to us. For, do you imagine for ONE moment I’d be free to move at all. No, of course not, I mean do any of you believe I wanted that? No, single cuffs, padlocked shut OBVIOUSLY, found their way around my wrists and ankles, as well as all four corner bedposts, at the very bottom of the bed in the case of my legs. Now the two women used a combination of chains and padlocks to fasten me there, with my arms fully stretched, and my legs largely apart. I was back in captivity, eagerly awaiting what Ginny had planned for us.

Not that I could see, for back on went my blindfold, naturally. Would I have wanted it any other way? Well yes, maybe not once the ‘action’ started, but I wanted to gain some idea just what Ginny’s kinky mind had ‘invented.’ But I was to be FULLY denied that, and hindsight told me that it HAD been for the best, for it heightened my sense of anticipation greatly!

Now you see, the utter GENIUS of Ginny’s plan meant with me in this position that my cock and my mouth were held where both could be used simultaneously! So, both Ginny AND Sherelle could take full advantage of me together. One would ‘shag’ my cock, admittedly the one of them with THIS task would have to be standing up, but surely that wouldn’t be too much of an issue, would it? As for the other? Well, I was about to be introduced into the wonderful world of cunnilingus! Sounds quite straightforward, doesn’t it? Both girls able to use and abuse my body at the same time, whilst free to move themselves? Ah no, not the LAST suggestion here, that would NOT OCCUR, for this was GINNY we’re talking about here. And this is precisely where her kinkiness FULLY showed itself.

For the lady, bear in mind that Sherelle and Ginny would take ‘turns’ here, whose role it was to ‘look after’ my cock was going be find herself in FULL and inescapable bondage as she did so. Her arms would find themselves locked behind her back, with a pair of leather cuffs, buckles padlocked shut OF COURSE. And the ‘D’ rings of the cuffs surrounding her ankles would be padlocked to the chains holding MY ankles, in whatever position would be the most comfortable one regarding the position of her pussy relative to my, rapidly recovering, cock!

Now, unfortunately because there was only the three of us here, where was Kelly when we needed her, meaning here was where some degree of compromise became necessary. For somebody, had to, firstly, finish the bondage off, and then at some stage be able to begin the release process.

But Ginny had done the best she could in the circumstances. And her plan WOULD definitely require some degree of co-operation between the two ladies to achieve said release. For whilst it not necessarily completely impossible for the lady, whose pussy was going to be serviced by my tongue, to escape totally unaided normally, it WOULD be today! You see, Ginny produced a pair of steel handcuffs that featured those ‘latches’ that could activate release WITHOUT the need for a key, ones she used these for her regular ‘self-bondage’ sessions. But instead of a chain linking the two metal bracelets together, a solid bar performed this task, meaning the two wearer’s hands could NOT reach each other. Now, whilst the wearer COULD release herself unaided, Ginny had ground down those latches until it was ONLY possible with a wall mounted ‘hook’ which was not within this room. And, oh yes, Ginny HAD shut and locked the door, placing the key where it couldn’t be reached by somebody wearing THESE handcuffs.

However, another separate hand belonging to somebody else, even if the arm it formed part of was bound itself, COULD activate the latch. Thus, the requirement for the two girls to work together. Which they would need to do so without the gift of sight, oh yes, just like me, both Sherelle and Ginny would be blindfolded. As good a compromise as could be reasonably be expected, I’m sure you could agree. A FULL tribute to the degree of kinky deviousness of Ginny’s ‘twisted’ mind!

Now, one of the dis-advantages of these cuffs, was that, because of the solid bar instead of the chain, it wasn’t easy to place yourself INTO them, especially if alone and trying to confine your arms BEHIND you. However, it WAS possible, with practice. Which Sherelle needed, for it was HER whose pussy would taste my tongue first. Because, and Ginny FULLY accepted this, this would be the very FIRST time my tongue pleasured a pussy, and so, it just HAD to be Sherelle’s. But she DID, very much with Ginny’s guidance, manage it. After all, this just delayed matters but did NOT prevent them. And once Sherelle was confident, NOW was the time when Ginny was placed into her own planned bondage, right by the side of the bed, and my cock that waited for her. For she was NOT going to start until her friend was also in position.

Sherelle, having blindfolded herself, with one of her hands already surrounded by steel, placed her arms behind herself, and using the technique she’d just been shown by Ginny, used her leg to fasten the other cuff around her second wrist. SHE WAS READY, which she signified to her friend. They could now, and most assuredly DID, start upon me!

My tongue flicked out, finding Sherelle’s already soaking wet pussy, and in particular, her ‘clitty.’ And I began to ‘tease’ this, gently caressing and stroking it, as the gentle moans emitting from Sherelle’s mouth informed me. I was able to gradually accelerate the action, rewarded with an increase in both the volume AND intensity of Sherelle’s cries! But what you ALL must bear in mind was that I was being distracted while I performed this task!

AND HOW! Ginny had succeeded in placing her pussy over my cock and had commenced HER part of this equation! With her normal extremely HIGH level of competence! As it was though, Sherelle ‘came’ first out of three of us, her cries filling the room! Somehow, I managed to keep going with my cock, until the desired result hit both Ginny and me. And I believe that combined OUR screams out-did Sherelle’s solo effort! Ginny’s kinky mind had clearly come up with yet another WINNER!

We went again, once my cock had re-hardened, and then the two ladies ‘swapped’ places. And we went through the cycle twice more before we stopped for lunch! Reluctantly, well certainly for ME! I’d LOVED this latest idea of our host! God, was her mind just FULL of kink?

After that, it was back to Ginny’s bed, and Sherelle and my normal ‘orientation,’ me beneath her. But, and here was the point, she had never been bound to me at the same time before. And just for once, she couldn’t claim this particular ‘cherry’ for herself, no it had been taken by Ginny a few hours earlier. Didn’t stop it being fun though!

Ginny only allowed us two shags with Sherelle bound to my, already captured form. But she wasn’t being cruel, it was purely a true fact that time was moving on. Sherelle and I needed to, VERY reluctantly, depart and return to her home. But, make NO mistake, they WERE two very high quality and enjoyable shags. A fine way to finish a MAGNIFICENT weekend!

We cuddled Ginny, thanking her profusely for such a GREAT time, and I drove Sherelle home. Yes, I did enter said home with her, but didn’t stay long, I needed to return to my own house, to prepare for the working week ahead. However, while I was there, we logged on to Sherelle’s personal computer, found a website that sold quality bondage gear and ordered leather cuffs of ALL types, double sets, single ones and various lengths of chain. Oh, and a whole host of small padlocks! Ginny had taught us quite a bit during her time at her place, be in NO doubt there!
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

An excellent continuation, as always!
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Post by LunaDog »

tiedinbluetights wrote: 6 months ago An excellent continuation, as always!
Thank you for those kind words. And in the next post, Kelly re-appears. Oh and btw, my 'spin-off' is coming along very nicely, getting near to the end of THIS one, and i'll start posting when i have finished here.
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