Escape - by Kyle(?)

If you are having trouble finding an old story and remember the title, author, and/or a description someone might be able to help track it down!

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Escape - by Kyle(?)

Post by DesertFox »

Hey y’all,

Looking for an old story that originally was on this forum, several years ago. It catalyzed my whole “well damn, I’m actually a switch” realization.

It’s a short, one-shot story written in first person where the kidnapped individual (whose gender/description is never specified) is tied to a chair in a warehouse, or some kind of hideout for the “bad guys” who are keeping him tied up. He manages to escape his bonds by getting into some drawers and cutting the rope on his wrists, then removing his stuffed tape gag and creeping to the door, past a sleeping guard. However, when he is ALMOST out of the front door, the other kidnappers/people holding him catch him and drag him back to the original room, where they tie him (or her) much tighter and more throughly so that they won’t escape again.

A big draw was it was genderless - it was written as though the person who was kidnapped and almost escaped was the 1st person character but allowed a reader to put themselves in that place.

I’d love it if I could find it. Thanks!
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Post by Monty »

Hope this surfaces, sounds really interesting
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Post by Kyle »

Yeah, that sounds like one I wrote years ago. It was inspired by a commercial I saw on Youtube with a woman trying to escape, but I did purposely write it to be gender-neutral. It was pretty short and simple and I'm surprised people remember it.

Unfortunately, I don't think I have it anymore. That was written at least 3 computers ago. I do have some old files so maybe it's still around, but I don't think so. I'll have to remember to check later when I get a chance.
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Post by Zek_ »

Kyle - Escape

Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:55 pm

The ropes around my wrists and ankles dug painfully into my skin as I struggled against them. The sides of the chair jammed into my armpits as I struggled didn't feel good either. But I had to take this opportunity. The kidnapper in the chair across the room had fallen asleep, and I doubted I would get another chance like this to escape. But after 10 minutes of the ropes around my wrists that were tied together behind the chair I was seated in digging into me from writhing to get free, I wasn't any closer to escaping them.

I stopped and breathed heavily into my gag. The cloth jammed into my mouth sealed shut with a strip of duct tape meant I had to breathe through my nose. I stopped fighting my bonds and looked around the room. Over my shoulder to the left there was a wooden desk. If I could get to it and pull a drawer open, maybe I could find something inside to free myself with. But how could I get there? It was only about 6 feet away but that was a distance for someone in my position. I looked down at my ankles. They were tied tightly together, but not to the chair or anything else. One rope connected me to the chair at the waist so I couldn't get out of the chair. Could I scoot the chair over to it across the floor? I doubted it. It was a wooden chair with 4 legs and even if I could it would probably make a lot of noise.

Then I thought about hopping over to the desk. Maybe I could do that. It would be risky and I'd be very off-balance with the chair tied to me and my ankles tied together. But I didn't have another choice. I had to take the chance.

I leaned forward as far as possible until I was standing up. Then I carefully hopped backwards several inches. I stopped cold when my feet hit the floor. I'd made some noise. The kidnapper slept on though. I waited several seconds and then hopped as far backwards as I dared without tipping over. I repeated this a few times. I was almost at the desk.

Suddenly the kidnapper moved. I stopped dead in my tracks. He shifted around in his sleep and didn't move again. I sighed in relief through the gag and looked behind me. One more hop and I should be there.

I waited about 10 more seconds to see if he'd move again. When he didn't, I hopped backwards once more. One of the chair legs bumped the desk and I stopped. The kidnapper didn't move. He must be a heavy sleeper because it made a pretty good bit of noise. Thank you God I thought to myself.

I carefully leaned backwards until the chair was on the floor. I was careful to not slam it down and make a lot of noise. I looked behind me. The desk was right there. The three drawers were within reach. Well, two of them looked to be. I wasn't going to be able to reach the lowest one. I hoped I could find something in the top two drawers.

I reached back behind me and felt the handle for the top drawer. I carefully pulled it open. Thankfully it didn't make much noise. I couldn't really see it behind me so I felt around with my fingers. Nothing. It was empty. I pushed it shut again and reached down for the second drawer. This one was harder to reach. I had to stretch to reach it. I grunted into the gag a little as it was a little painful to reach with the chair jamming into my armpits again, but I managed to slowly pull it open. But I couldn't really reach down to feel what was inside of it good. "Mmmmmph" I frustratingly grunted into the gag. This didn't work out as I'd hoped it would.

I sat there for about a minute wondering what to do. Then it hit me. Why not use the desk itself to free myself? The edge was pretty sharp. I could rub the ropes on it and cut myself free. I decided to try it. At this point, what else did I have to lose?

I pushed the second drawer closed and leaned back a little until my hands were against the edge of the desk. I started rubbing the rope up and down as fast as I could, all the while watching my kidnapper over across the room and praying he wouldn't wake up.

It took a couple of minutes but eventually I felt the rope starting to loosen as it frayed apart. I could feel it getting thinner and thinner. Between all the struggling and hopping I'd worked up a decent sweat that was starting to drip into my eyes. It wasn't a good feeling and burned liked crazy. But I had to keep working at it. I couldn't wipe it out of my eyes anyway until my hands were free.

Finally after a few minutes I felt the rope snap. I let it drop to the floor. The man across the room was still asleep. I wiped the sweat out of my eyes. I quickly untied the rope around my waist and then bent down to untie my feet. Once that was done I reached up and pulled the tape off my mouth. It pulled and hurt a little bit coming off but I got it off and spit out the cloth that was stuffed in my mouth. I wanted a drink and to stretch my arms and legs which were a little sore from being tied up in the same position for a while but I didn't have time. I had to get out of there.

I slowly tiptoed across the room to the door. I turned the knob and pulled but it didn't open. Then I realized why. A metal clamp was fastened to the door and it was locked with a steel padlock. I needed a key. I looked over at the sleeping kidnapper. A key ring hung from one of his belt loops. I had to get it off him without waking him up somehow.

I didn't want to come this far and give up, so I slowly inched over towards him. I got up next to him and slowly grabbed the key ring. I held my breath and as gently as I could I opened the latch that hooked it to his belt loop. After several tense seconds of working I finally got it off. Just as it came off he suddenly shifted around. I stopped dead in my tracks. I'm caught I thought to myself.

But I wasn't. I guess he just shifted around in his sleep again. I stood there barely breathing for a little while before I dared to move toward the door with the keys. I tiptoed back over and tried a key I thought went to the lock. It didn't work. The next key did however. I pulled it off as slowly as I could and gently placed it on the ground. I didn't want to wake him up dropping the heavy lock on the floor at this point. I slowly pulled the door open. As I did it groaned a little bit. I stopped and looked at the kidnapper. He didn't budge. I pushed the door open just enough so I could get out and stepped out of the room.

I wasn't free yet. I still had to find the way out of the building. I slowly moved down the hallway. There were a couple of rooms off to the side and then at the end of the hallway was the door out. I peeked into the first room. Nobody was there. I went down to the second room and looked around. Just around the corner there they were. Four other guys all sitting around a table playing cards. I looked at the door and decided now was the time to go. I moved past the room as fast as I could without making too much noise and reached the door. I reached out to turn the knob--and it opened in front of me. Standing in the doorway was a huge man, easily the biggest of all the guys I'd seen in the building.

"Where do you think you're going?" he said pretty loudly. At the same time he grabbed me and pinned my arms to my sides. I tried to scream "help" but he quickly clamped his hand down over my mouth and it came out as "h-mmmmph." I guess the other guys heard him because they were moving to help him. No I thought. I can't get caught this close to freedom.

But I was. Two of them grabbed my arms and they started pulling me back towards the room I'd been tied up in. All that work, the careful sneaking around, was ruined now as I was dragged back into the room. I tried to fight but there were too many of them and they were strong. The hand over my mouth ensured I couldn't shout for help.

The men dragged me back over to the chair I had been tied to earlier. They pulled it back closer to the center of the room and pushed me down into it. My hands were roughly pulled behind the chair and I felt rope circling my wrists again as another cloth was stuffed into my mouth to silence me. This was it, I'd tried to escape and failed.

Several minutes later I was tied back to the chair, once again struggling to free myself. This time however it was going to be much tougher. Besides being tied behind my back my hands were also tied directly to the frame of the chair. My ankles were now tied to the chair legs rather than simply being tied together. Several loops of rope ran around my arms and upper body pinning me to the chair. The stifling gag was back in place, only this time the tape ran around my head as well as over my mouth, so there was little chance I could get it off without my hands. I was now also blindfolded to keep from looking around. But that wasn't the worst thing. They had taken the time to bolt the chair to the floor now so I couldn't get up and move it around to find something to free myself with.

I struggled against all my new bindings, hoping to find a loose knot and another chance at escape. But as I fought the ropes and started into the blackness behind the blindfold, fighting unsuccessfully to free myself, I came to a chilling conclusion: this time, there would be no escape.
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Post by Kyle »

I'm glad you found this, since I completely forgot to look to see if I still have it. Hard to believe I wrote this 14 years ago.
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