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Post by GreyLord »

Go Brendan, go!
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great part, I enjoyed that a lot. Brendan might have gone about things in a slightly questionable way, but it gave Julie a taste of her own medicine. It's telling that she assumes there must be a catch to Brendan's offer, so we'll see what it takes for her to look past that.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Causality (F/M) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9909
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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 11 of 15]

May 6, 2022

Julie was a little shocked and incredulous of the offer being presented before her.

Julie: You’d be willing to let ME tie YOU up again?

Brendan: Perhaps.

Julie: And torment you? Have my way with you?

Brendan: I don’t see why not.

Julie: You don’t see why not? Because you’ve led me to believe that the last time that I had you tied up was the most traumatic night of your life.

Brendan: That’s fair. Not most traumatic. Maybe second most. When I was 9 my mom’s car got hit by a drunk driver one night and for a couple hours we couldn’t get proper updates on her health. I was worried that she might die. But it ended up being cracked ribs, a broken leg, and a concussion. I still have my mom. She’s fine now. That was probably more traumatic. So…second most traumatic night of my life.

Julie: And you’d be willing to relive that again?

Brendan: No. I really hope I wouldn’t have to relive all of it. I would hope that you’ve learned some lessons on what I consider OK and not OK. And of course there would be rules.

Julie: Rules? What kind of rules?

Brendan: I’d have some ground rules. Probably five of them that I can immediately think of off the top of my head. And you’d be allowed to have your own entirely different set of rules. Whatever makes you feel safe.

Julie considered the possibilities. She wanted to know how much these rules might hamper what she wanted to do.

Julie: What sorts of rules were you thinking about?

Brendan: OK. Here are the five that I can immediately think of. I might have a few more. Number one. All tie ups will be agreed upon and at will. You can’t jump me and overpower me or drug me or get some friends or hired toughs to restrain me. You have to ask me to let you tie me up and I have to agree. All tie ups will be AT WILL.

Julie: Of course. That’s only reasonable.

Brendan: I know. But that wasn’t the case last time. I just want to make sure that it is going forward.

Julie: Definitely.

Brendan: Second. All of our little bondage adventures will be private. You. Me. That’s all. No friends, enemies, or strangers will be present or privy to them without my direct say so. If you want to invite one of your sorority sisters for some fun…you ask me first. And you ask me while I’m UNTIED. No rule breaches may be agreed to by me once I’m already in restraints.

Julie: Got it. I’ll be having that rule also. For sure.

Brendan: It’s not going to bother you that you can’t humiliate me in front of everybody? You can’t run me undressed and restrained around campus for people to gawk at?

Julie: No. I’ll make sure you get all the humiliation that we both need with just the two of us.

Brendan: Three. No permanent harm or anything that could be overtly dangerous. You can’t do anything that’s going to leave me with scars or long lasting marks. You can’t cut my hair or shave my eyebrows. No breath play. We’re not there yet.

Julie: That’s fine. I can still cause pain though, right? Just so long as it’s temporary.

Brendan: Do you want to cause pain?

Julie felt like she was walking into a trap. But the answer was easy. So she plowed right through.

Julie: Yes.

Brendan: Then cause pain. We’ll see what I can handle. But we’ll know that if you push too far…I might not say Yes the next time. That’s the value of this all being AT WILL.

Julie: Understood.

Brendan: And all tie ups end at midnight. I don’t want to set a time limit. You clearly like not letting me know how long I’ll be restrained for. So do I. But I’m a person with things to do. And I don’t want to have to risk that you might get carried away. You said you were going to keep me tied up for 48 hours before.

Julie: It was NEVER going to be 48 hours. I just wanted to scare you.

Brendan: And scare me you did. So I’m proposing that I’m always going to have an outer limit. You can ask me to tie me up in the morning. And I can decide based on what I have to do that day. But you’ll always untie me by midnight. No rolling things over.

Julie: Fine. Those are all fair. Is there anything else?

Brendan: There will be one more thing. I want you to have an understanding of how I feel. So I’m going to have one more task for you that I want you to complete. I’m going to let you go now. I’m going to let you shower and get all of that sugary gunk and massage oil of you. I’m going to let you get dressed. And then I’m going to tie you up one more time. Just for a little bit. And then I’m going to issue you a challenge. If you successfully complete the challenge. You get to tie me up again. If not, we’re probably not on the same page about things.

Julie was intrigued. A challenge?

Julie: OK. I’m interested. And by tying you up again that means that you get to tie me up again.

Brendan: Presumably. But not necessarily.

Julie was a little confused now.

Julie: I don’t have to let you tie me up if I tie you up?

Brendan: Neither of us HAVE to do anything. It will be AT WILL. You’ll ask to tie me up. I might say Yes. Then I’ll ask to tie you up. You might say No. We’ll keep offering. If I say Yes three times in a row and you say No five times in a row…will I be incentivized to keep saying Yes? I don’t know. We’ll see how it works. All that I ask is that you be open to the possibility. I’m willing to let you tie me up again. I’m going to ask to tie you up again. We’ll see how the arrangement works out.

Julie could feel Brendan beginning to untie her elbows. He was freeing her. The hard part appeared to be over. She was going to get to shower and she’d have a chance to consider this intriguing new deal that he was offering. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it. But it certainly was an offer. She’d been tied up now. She knew what the baseline was. She thought she could handle it. And being able to endure it would deliver something to her that she REALLY wanted. She weighed the pros and cons in her mind as Brendan continued to untie her. Once he’d freed her wrists, she began to help him with her legs in order to expedite the process.

Brendan: Feel free to shower and change. I have a fresh towel for you in there. I apologize that your underwear is still going to be quite sticky. I don’t think that the one pair of women’s underwear that I have here. The bottom half of which you’re quite acquainted with, will fit you.

Julie: Ha Ha. Yuck it up, buddy. I’ll be fine. But a shower is BADLY needed.

Brendan: Take as long as you want. But only ten minutes of it will count towards our agreement. I promised at let you go at a certain time. But you don’t get to burn all that time in the shower. I still have you for 45 minutes once you’re out and dressed.

Julie: Fine. Fair is fair.

Julie rubbed her sore legs as she was now finally free of the ropes. She stood up and walked towards the bathroom gathering her clothes from where Brendan had placed them along the way. She saw a neatly folded towel on the bathroom vanity. She closed the door behind her and turned on the water. It got to an appropriate level of heat and pressure quickly. Better than her shower in the Delta Gamma house. She’d only ever lived in freshman dorms. She’d had to share a communal bathroom. This one was small, but not too shabby. She slipped out of her sticky, oily bra and thong and let them drop to the floor of the bathroom. She then stepped into the shower and let the warm soothing water cascade over her. It felt fucking glorious. She scrubbed herself down and felt all of the detritus of her life wash away with the mess on her skin. She also took some time to work herself back up. She hadn’t let Brendan “finish her off”. And she wasn’t going to do it here either. She was going to wait until she was back at Delta Gamma and had what she wanted to do it right. But she teased herself up. And as she closed her eyes and rubbed her clitoris she thought of Brendan.

She thought about him on Red Letter Night. She thought about the way that he whimpered when she attached the clover clamps to her nipples. She thought about how he’d squealed in horror as she ran a running vibrator across his bare butt, afraid of where it might be going or what she might do with it. Just teasing. Just trying to scare him. And succeeding. She thought about the little pained yelps he’d given as she’d shown a little aggression towards his exposed genitals as she’d worked his hardened cock over with her hand. She let the deliciousness of his terrified reactions wash over her just like the water was doing. And for the first time in almost two weeks…she felt MUCH less guilty about it. Guilt was no longer holding her back. The last several hours had not been comfortable. But she’d left some demons behind. Brendan was the perfect captive. She wanted him at her mercy again. And she knew instinctively right there in that shower that it would be absolutely fine for her to spend a little more time hogtied and gagged in order to have him again.

She spent twenty minutes in the shower. She knew that the timer had stopped after ten but she needed the rest. She needed the soothing water’s touch. Eventually she turned it off and got out. She dried herself off and then started to get dressed. She slipped on the sugary, oily thong. She’d change it when she got home. But she wasn’t going to bottomless in her jeans. The bra she’d forego and just carry on her way home. She slid on the jeans and buckled her leather belt. The light blue T-Shirt was pulled back over her bare torso followed by the thick white hoodie. Once she had her socks and sneakers back on she whipped her wet hair back, let it fall down her back, and walked out of the bathroom to see what Brendan had in store for her now.

Brendan was sitting at his desk reading. He looked up when she emerged. She was interested to see what this final challenge was. He only had about 45 minutes left of her being his captive. It would probably take almost twenty minutes to tie her up effectively. So it wasn’t like he was going to be able to do too much. She’d been through the worst of it. She wasn’t particularly worried. But Brendan looked her over admiringly and addressed her with an eager grin.

Brendan: Are you ready for your final trial?

Julie: I think I’m ready. I’m interested to see what it is.

Brendan: I’ll apologize in advance, but I don’t think that you’re going to care for it very much.

Brendan produced a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Julie’s left wrist.

Julie: Handcuffs? Interesting. Are these things the real deal?

Brendan: As real as handcuffs get. No release latch. You’ll need the key to get out of them.

Brendan gently guided her wrist behind her back. He stepped behind her and she craned her neck to try and see what he was doing. He braced her with his arm, not fully allowing her to turn around. But she could see that he had opened the other cuff and was threading it through one of the back beltloops of her jeans. He snaked the straightened out cuff through the loop and then pulled it behind her thick leather belt and back around. He then threaded it again through the next belt loop. Finally she felt him take her right wrist and pull it behind her. Then she felt the other cuff close tightly around her right wrist. Her hands were now cuffed behind her back. Furthermore they were cuffed to her jeans. The amount of chain and the spacing of the loops ensured that she could not pull them away from her butt without ripping the belt loops off her jeans. And even if she did rip them off, because with enough force and enough attempts she could probably rip through the stitching…they were also cuffed around her belt. So she still wouldn’t be able to move her hands more than a couple of inches from her waist without fully removing her pants. She tested out the restraint. It was pretty good. It gave her hands very little range of motion.

Julie: Intriguing. This doesn’t seem so bad though. At least they’re in a sustainably comfortable position.

Her optimism faded a little bit when he saw what Brendan was pulling out of a bag now. A ball gag. A large one. It was bright red with black straps. She was obviously familiar with ball gags. She’d used one before. There was a guy that she was seeing for a while freshman year that she would make wear one. But she’d never had one in HER mouth before. And this one looked a little intimidating.

Brendan: Does THIS look sustainably comfortable?

Julie smirked at him. He wasn’t going to intimidate her. She could handle it. The ball wasn’t THAT big. It would surely keep her jaw pressed open, but it would fit in her mouth. And they didn’t have long until he had to free her. Per his agreement. She guessed that he maybe had 45 minutes left until she needed to be released. She felt confident that she could handle it for that long. And she decided to tell him so.

Julie: I’m assuming that you’re a man of your word. Which means that I’m no longer your captive in less than an hour. I think I can deal with it for that long. I’m not some soft little delicate flower. I can tough it out.

Brendan: Good. And I am a man of my word. You should be free in about a half an hour. Hell, you won’t even be my prisoner in ten minutes.

Wait? What? Julie wasn’t sure that she understood.

Julie: Wait? What do you mean?

Brendan: I’m going to let you go. In just a second. I’m going to stick this gag in your mouth and then you’re welcome to head on home. Our session will be over.

Julie felt the pit of her stomach drop out. Surely he wasn’t serious. He wouldn’t. It was still light outside. Campus would be crawling with people. She’d be humiliated.

Julie: Brendan!! No!! Please. Don’t!!

Brendan: Don’t what?

Julie: Don’t let people see me like this?

Brendan: Like this. You’re fully dressed. You’re decent.

Julie: I understand the point that you’re trying to prove. I get it. I know that public humiliation was a bridge too far. I don’t need to learn that lesson the hard way. Please. Let me go.

Brendan: You know, Julie. I hated being humiliated. But there really isn’t a proper substitute for this lesson other than experiencing it yourself. I hope I never have to do it again. But I think that you’re selling yourself short if you don’t try it at least once. I promise you…it will be an adrenaline rush.

Julie: Brendan. Please. No. It’s still light out. There are people everywhere. I’ll be a freak.

Brendan: Like you made me a freak?

Julie: I’m sorry. I’ll say it 1000 times if I need to. But this is different. I’ll beg. Do I need to beg?

Brendan: Dozens of people saw me. Many of them were people that I know. Several asked me about it later. I’ll make this a little more discreet. I believe in you. I bet that only a single digit number of spectators will even notice. But that’s going to depend on you.

Julie: Brendan. Please don’t make me….

She closed her mouth mid sentence. He was holding the ball gag up to her mouth. She could feel him gently rubbing the smooth polymer ball against her tightly pressed lips. She wasn’t going to open her mouth. She couldn’t let him gag her.

Brendan: Come on. Open that pretty little mouth of yours.

Julie: Nuh. Uh.

She had responded with her lips and teeth still clenched firmly together. She was hoping that she could convey with pleading eyes that this was a fate that she was desperately hoping to avoid. He’d been so accommodating earlier. He’d let her keep her underwear on. He’d showed leniency in some aspects of his ties. He had a heart. He had mercy and she NEEDED it now. But she wasn’t seeing mercy in his eyes. She saw a little flash and then a sinister little smirk began to form on his lips.

Brendan: Open up, Julie. I like to think that I’m a good negotiator and you look like a reasonable, obedient girl.

Damn him. He knew just what to say. She was most impressed with the fact that he’d gotten the words “exactly” right. Clearly they were seared into his head the way that they were into hers. That night. That exchange. Everything about it was just as clear to him as it was to her. She’d said that to him. She’d seen the desperate look in his eyes. Knowing that he didn’t want to be gagged. And she’d let Robin batter him until he opened his mouth and she could stuff it full. She was sure that her pleading eyes probably looked the same right now as his did then. She was absolutely dreading what was to come. But she probably just had to accept her fate. She slowly opened her mouth and allowed him to slide the ball inside. It felt weird. It felt wrong. But it fit better than she thought it would. Her mouth was stretched wide open. But he was able to get in behind her teeth as she wrapped her lips around the sizeable ball. Brendan proceeded to buckle it tightly into her mouth. The strap pressed down firmly into her cheeks and she could already feel her salivatory glands going into overdrive. Holy shit. This was going to be the most embarrassing endeavor of her entire life. And it wasn’t going to be close.

Brendan: Alright. Do you want to see yourself?

She didn’t. She really didn’t. She could definitely go without seeing how much of a tool she looked like. But she didn’t voice any negative stance on the matter because she had even less desire to hear the way her voice sounded with this ridiculous ball suppressing her ability to speak clearly. So Brendan just calmly took her by the shoulders and perp walked her into the bathroom. Then she saw herself in the mirror and she wanted to cry. She looked ridiculous. She looked helpless and pathetic. But most importantly. She looked like a spectacle. The bright red ball stuffed firmly into her mouth was quite a sight. It drew the eye to it immediately. And she could already see little spittle bubbles of drool starting to form between the ball and her bottom lip. How the hell did Brendan think that nobody was going to notice her?!?!?! This was not discreet. She was VERY eye catching. She could feel the panic began to set in and was worried that her eyes were starting to well up. She couldn’t go through with this. She had a reputation. She’d be a laughing stock. She thought she could handle this. She couldn’t. He had to relent. She began to whine into her gag. It was pathetic. But it was probably her only shot.

Julie: Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmpppphhh hhhhmmmppphhh hhhmmmmpppphhhh hhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmmmmmm.

Brendan: Oh. You sound so sad. It’ll all be alright.

Julie: Nnnnnmmmmppppphhhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhh mmmmppppphhhhh nnnnmmmmppppphhh.

She shook her head. In the mirror she could see her face growing redder. Not red enough to match the bright candy red ball gag in her mouth. But her face was definitely flushed with shame. Anybody looking at her wouldn’t even be looking at a girl being able to effectively own her own predicament. They’d be looking at somebody who knew that they were devoid of dignity. She let out another desperate groan.

Julie: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhh hhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhh.

Brendan now looked at her with what she thought might be a little bit of compassion. Was he going to abandon this ill-advised scheme? Was he going to let her go? She hoped so. Instead he took the hood of her hoodie and pulled it over her head. He then took the drawstring of the hoodie and began to tighten it. He didn’t abruptly or violently tighten it. He just pulled it so that the hood started to constrict a little bit around her head.

Brendan: Julie, shrug your shoulders a bit and tilt your head forward.

She did as he said.

Brendan: Now look in the mirror.
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Post by charliesmith »

It was a very good update. The interaction between Julie and Brandon, along with the bondage part was perfection!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Oh what a great story, I really can't wait for it to continue!
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Post by GreyLord »

Your wonderful story continues. Brendan comes through in the end. Well done. Well told.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

Brendan takes this a step further. I find it interesting how their relationship began and how it developed over time. This look back at the beginning is excellent. Julie´s feelings are discribed so well [mention]Fandango[/mention] !
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Post by Rtj65 »

An excellent continuation, I like how Brendan is keeping Julie on her toes throughout and giving her a taste of her own medicine. The descriptions were fantastic as always; you conveyed Julie's nerves and embarrassment at her appearance especially well, I could picture it all very clearly. This chapter also works so well from Julie's point of view - even though we know that Brendan is a pretty reasonable guy from what we've seen of him, from Julie's perspective she still can't predict what he'll do next.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

My stories
Causality (F/M) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9909
A Grey Area (M/F) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=12604
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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 12 of 15]

May 6, 2022

She pulled her eyes up a little to look at her reflection in the mirror. Interesting. As long as she kept her head tilted down with the hood pulled around…the gag was hidden to the naked eye. She couldn’t see it. She lifted her head a little bit and saw the straps and ball sneak back into view. She dropped her gaze again and the gag recessed back behind the cover of her hood. So this was how he thought that she could make her way across campus. By hiding the gag within her hoodie. She supposed that the handcuffs probably weren’t super visible either. The hoodie had long sleeves and she could possibly pass for somebody just walking with their hands behind their back if she kept her distance and tried to look natural. But she was still going to be cuffed and gagged when she got back to the Delta Gamma house. She’d have to reveal her plight to somebody at some point. She wasn’t going to be able to get out of this by herself. Eventually somebody was going to have to see her cuffed and gagged. That was going to be humiliating. And depending upon who it was…she was going to be at THEIR mercy. They would be able to decide whether the situation would turn even more embarrassing. Brendan pulled the hood back down off of her face and she again got a good look in the mirror at her tightly gagged face.

Brendan: See. You’ll be able to make it back without making too much of a scene. But I’m confident that you’ll get the same thrill that you gave me. I can ASSURE you that it will open up your senses and really make you focus. What an adrenaline rush, right? What a gift I’m giving you.

Julie: Nnnnmmmmppppppphhhhh mmmmmmpppphhhh hhhmmmppphhhh nnnnnnmmmmmpppphhhhhh.

Julie moaned dramatically into the enormous ball that was stuffing up her oral cavity. She knew that Brendan was patronizing her. This was going to be a disaster. Surely he had to see that.

Brendan: I’m guessing that you’re wondering how you’re going to get out once your home. Is that right?

Julie: Mmmmmpppphhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!

Brendan: Don’t worry. I’m going to give you the key. I’m sure you can count on your friends at Delta Gamma to let you go.

Julie wasn’t sure that she could count on them to do so without having a little bit of fun with her first. But if she had the key then she could try and uncuff herself when she got to a private, discreet location. She might need to be a little bit dexterous to do it herself, but she thought she might be able to get it done. As if reading her mind, Brendan pulled out the key and showed it to her.

Brendan: Now. Where to put it? Should I just put it in your hand?

Julie: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh hhhhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhhh.

Brendan: Nah! I wouldn’t want you to drop it. It could also fall out of your pocket. I want to make sure that it’s safe.

Julie: Hhhhhmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhh????

Brendan: I know.

Brendan picked up a roll of duct tape that he’d brought in with him and set on the bathroom sink. He took the tape and ripped off a moderately sized strip. The ripping sound of the tape frightened her. She wasn’t quite sure what Brendan was going to do. Brendan took the strip of tape in one hand and pushed her back towards the wall with the hand that held the key. Then he brought his hand down to her waist and maneuvered his hand inside of her hoodie and T-Shirt. She squealed as he snaked his hand up her torso, pulling the clothes with it and settled over her left breast.

Julie: Mmmmmmmmmmmmppppphhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmppppppppphhhhh!!!!!!!!

Julie could feel him pressing the small metal key against her left nipple. He then reached his other hand up underneath her shirt and she felt him press the tape firmly over the key. He had just taped the handcuff key to her breast. His unyielding, powerful hand pressed the tape down and firmly smoothed the tape down to Julie’s breast. Ensuring that the tape would not simply fall off.

Brendan: There we go.

Julie: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Nnnnmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Julie yelped angry, unintelligible protests through the gag at Brendan. She sent him a stare that she hoped implied that he’d be a dead man if he sent her out like this into the wild of their campus. He simply dropped the hems of her shirt and hoodie and straightened them out.

Brendan: OK. It’s a 20 minute walk to the Delta Gamma house. 12-15 minutes if you run. But that might not be the most discreet solution. So we’ll allot 20 minutes. Just let your sorority sisters know where the key is and then you’ll be free in 20 minutes. Earlier than I promised. What a deal for you, Julie!

Julie: Mmmmppppphhhhhmmmmmmmm.

Julie let out a defeated whimper. This was going to be humiliating. She was only a sophomore and she was almost certainly going to be teased about this by her sorority sisters for the next two years. This is what she got for trying to set things right. She was learning her lesson alright. It probably just wasn’t the one that Brendan was hoping.

Brendan: What’s that? You don’t want your sorority sisters to find you like this?

Was he asking her? Was he really willing to negotiate? Of course she didn’t want her sisters to see her in this state!! She made it emphatically clear that this was the case.

Julie: Nnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhh mmmmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!

Brendan: Yeah. I wouldn’t want those pack of psychos to have me in restraints either. Trust me, it’s not as fun as it might have looked to an outside observer. So I’ll cut you a deal. I’ll text any one person that you want and trust to come find you. I’ll tell them to meet you by the Anchor statue off in the corner of your yard. Away from the main house. I’ll give you a discreet meeting place. Does that sound better?

Julie thought about it. That did sound better than what she currently had. It wasn’t ideal. Ideal would be letting her go and saving her from this humiliating plight. But she had to take what she could get. She sadly nodded her head and assented to his offer.

Julie: Mmmmppphhhh hhhhmmmpppppphhhhhh.

Brendan: OK. Who do you want me to text? Mia? You two are thick as thieves, right?

Julie’s eyes shot wide. That was the very LAST person that she wanted Brendan to text. Julie loved Mia. She was good to Julie. She had been her sorority big sister. She was somewhat of a mentor to her. And they got along really well. But Mia was devious. And Julie knew this. Mia loved being in charge and she had a tendency to glow in the misfortune of others. She’d have a lot of fun with Julie. And Julie would probably NOT have a lot of fun while Mia was having fun. She did not want Mia to be the text, but she didn’t want to be so emphatic in her denial that Brendan got the devious idea that Mia SHOULD be the one he texted.

Julie: Nnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhh.

Julie tried to be casual in her negative response but she thought that Brendan could see the terror and desperation in her eyes. She REALLY hoped that he wouldn’t text Mia. She’d never live it down. There was a 0% chance that Mia wouldn’t parade her handcuffed and gagged self through the halls of Delta Gamma for everybody to see. Much to her relief, Brendan appeared to be going through other options in her phone whose names he recognized.

Brendan: Who then? Robin? Emily? Trish? Piper?

Julie thought through those options. Definitely not Robin. She and Robin didn’t get along all that well. Robin was a senior. And a bit of a bully. They were sisters. They’d had fun together on Red Letter Night, but if you weren’t an upperclassmen then Robin didn’t really respect you. She’d get treated better than Robin had treated Brendan. But it wouldn’t be pleasant. Emily was a lot of fun. She was one of Julie’s absolutely favorite sisters. They had a really fun camaraderie and natural report. But Emily was also mischievous and Julie knew that there would be some residual humiliation in store for her if she chose Emily. Trish and Piper were also good friends of hers but she was still questioning how they’d respond if they were called to release their cuffed and gagged sorority sister out on the lawn. They’d probably show her off to at least a couple other girls and the story of Julie getting her comeuppance by the boy that they’d hazed would be the talk of the house by nightfall.

Julie knew immediately who she would call if this was taking place a couple weeks ago. She’d call Kylie. No questions asked. Kylie was her ride or die best friend. Kylie would laugh about it. Sure. But she’d never push the humiliation for Julie. She’d never share the story without Julie’s permission. And she’d let Julie go IMMEDIATELY. Kylie was her rock. Kylie was the one friend that Julie knew that she could count on 100%. But there was no way that she could call Kylie now. Kylie was making light progress in leaving her house. And asking her to come to the aid of her bound and gagged best friend would certainly be a triggering event. Texting Kylie was absolutely off the table. Then the answer hit her. There was another person that she knew had her back. Her sister Lexi. She and Lexi were VERY different. But they had a good relationship and she knew that Lexi wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. And public humiliation certainly fell into the category of “letting something bad happen to her”. For all of their differences and sibling prankery she knew that she could count on Lexi.

Julie: Mmmmppphhhmmmmmmm.

God. This ballgag was no joke. It was pushing her tongue into an untenable position. And one definitely needed the tongue to make an L sound. There was no way that Brendan had understood her. And his wicked smile confirmed it.

Brendan: I’m sorry. I didn’t quite catch that. Enunciate, sweetheart.

Julie: Mmmmmppphhhhrrrrmmmppppphhhhh!!!!!

Julie grunted a protest at his condescending tone but composed herself and decided to try and say “sister”.

Julie: Pphhhhmmmmphhh – pphhhhhrrrrrrrrrr.

Brendan: Come again?

Julie scowled at him. That one was more intelligible. She might have a huge ball in her mouth but she thought that he knew what she was saying and now he was just teasing her so that he could make a helpless girl give him more gag talk. She couldn’t really blame him. She’d be doing the exact same thing. She’d done the exact same thing to other guys before. But it definitely felt pretty annoying on this side of the gag. Maybe that’s why she liked doing it so much. Julie glared at him at repeated her answer in a loud growl.

Julie: Pphhhhmmmmphhh – pphhhhhrrrrrrrrrr!!

Brendan: Sister?

Julie: Mmmmmppppphhhhh hhhhmmmppppphhhhh!!!!

Brendan: Not a sorority sister?

Julie: Nnnnmmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!

Julie shook her head No.

Brendan: Your real blood sister.

Julie nodded her head.

Julie: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhmmmmppppphhhhh!!!

Brendan: OK. I remember our little chat. Her name is Alexis.

Brendan started scrolling through her phone contacts. Her sister wasn’t under Alexis. She was going to have to use more theatrics to let Brendan know which entry was her sister.

Brendan: There isn’t an Alexis in this phone. But you call her Lexi, right?

Julie: Nnnnmmmmpppphhhhh. Hhhhmmmmpppphhhhrrrmmmmmpppphhhhh!!!

Brendan continued to scroll. He wasn’t going to find her under Lexi either. It was no use. He’d almost have to take out her gag. She used a cheeky family nickname for Lexi in her phone.

Brendan: Hhhmmmmmmmm. No Lexi. No Sis or Sister. What letter is it? A?

Julie: Nnnnmmmppppphhhh.

Brendan: B?

Oh God. This could take forever. Luckily it was only D.

Julie: Nnnmmmpppphhhhh.

Brendan: C?

Julie: Nnnnnmmmppppphhhh!!

Brendan: This could take forever. I’m not running through all 26 letters.

Fuck!! Now you stop, you douchebag. You were almost there.

Julie: Mmmmmmmmppppphhhhh!!!!!! Hhhmmmmppppphhhhhhmmmmmmrrrmmmmpppphhhh!!!!!!!!

Brendan laughed at her audible and wild frustration. She was not amused by his buffoonery and his belittling of her. But clearly he was amused by it. He was VERY amused by it.

Brendan: OK. OK. D?

Julie: Mmmmmmpppphhhh hhhhmmmmppppppphhhhh!!!!

Julie nodded vigorously. Brendan looked through the Ds.

Brendan: Docksta?

Julie: Nnnmmmmppppphhhhh!!!!

Julie had forgotten about Docksta. She could probably remove that one from her phone. It was some lady on Craigslist who she’d met up with to get her Docksta IKEA table for her room. She probably needed to clean out her contacts more often.

Brendan: Dumbass?

Julie: Nnnnmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!

That was her cousin Henry.

Brendan: Daughter?

Julie: Mmmmmmmmppppphhhhhhh hhhhhmmmmmppppphhhh!!!!

Brendan: Interesting. You’ll have to explain that one to me when you have the capacity for speech back again. You want me to text Daughter to come meet you and release you?

Julie: Mmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmmpppphhhhhh.

Brendan: OK. Here goes.

Brendan began to type on her phone. This was a whole separate level of Hell for Julie. Not only was he in her phone but he was using it to text her family about her plight. Once he was done, he began to dictate his text for her.

Brendan: Hey Sis. Are you free? I’m in a really tight spot and could REEEAAALLLLYYY use your help. How soon can you be at the Delta Gamma house?

Julie heard the trademark send “Whoosh” sound and the text went out. That wasn’t how she’d talk to her sister. So Lexi would probably think that something was weird. But that wasn’t really her concern. What if Lexi wasn’t free? What if Lexi was working? Would she have to choose somebody new? Would Brendan send her out anyway? She started to panic a little bit when her phone dinged. Thank God, Lexi. You beautiful, responsive little nerd.

Brendan: I can be there in 15 minutes. I’m off tonight. What’s up? Anything serious? Are you OK?

Brendan began typing back to her. Again he read the text aloud once he had completed it.

Brendan: I’m fine. I just got myself into an embarrassing situation and I need you to help a sister out. Please meet me at the DG House by the Anchor statue. I’ll be there in 20 minutes. Thanks. I’m really counting on you. I’ll owe you BIG. Like BIG, BIG. A HUGE favor.

Julie heard the send sound again. Was that last part really necessary on Brendan’s part? Before she could complain about Brendan offering up favors on her behalf though, Brendan held the phone up to her face. Fuck. He was going to take a picture. Julie had time to feel her face flush and her eyes go wide as she saw him snap a head shot of her gagged face.

Brendan: Here’s my dilemma, Sis.

Oh shit. He was attaching the photo. He was showing Lexi exactly what this was all about.

Julie: Nnnnnmmmmpmpppphhhhhhh!!!! HHhhmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!!!

Brendan: I’d think you’d want her to expect it so that she was time to process. She’s going to see you like this anyway. And she’ll be in every position to have photographic evidence if she wants it.

He was right. He was absolutely right. But the shock of the embarrassment still was rippling through her. She heard her phone ding multiple times in succession as Brendan slid it into her jeans pocket. That was almost certainly Lexi with questions. Lots of questions. All of the questions. They’d likely go unanswered for now.

Brendan: Listen. I had a great time. I know you probably didn’t. But my offer stands. I think after this we’ll understand each other. And I’ll be willing to let you have your revenge on me. You’ll have earned it. You really are one of a kind, Julie Huff. When you get to DG, have your sister send me a picture of you still cuffed and gagged on the DG lawn. If I receive that photo…you’re welcome to tie me up again per our agreement. Got it?

Julie didn’t answer. She just glared at him. She’d obey his rules. But she was REALLY going to let him have it when she got him back in ropes. And this time…she’d have earned it. He was going to rue the day that he pulled this shit. A little smile crossed his lips. He clearly had no clue of the terrible things that she was planning for him.

Brendan: I bet you’ve got some sinister revenge plans brewing in there. I’ll be looking forward to them.

Julie was sure that the look of shock on her face could be easily read. Was he reading her mind? She’d make sure that he wasn’t going to be looking forward to them when she was done with him. But she couldn’t help soften a little bit. Brendan stepped up to her and gave her a warm, chaste kiss on the forehead. It was condescending. It was degrading. And yet it sent a shiver down her spine. A good shiver. A welcome shiver. She could feel butterflies in her stomach. She wanted to hate Brendan. But she didn’t. Not even a little. He was fascinating. He was charming. But he was definitely in for some punishment very soon. Brendan pulled the hoodie hood up tightly around her face. She looked in the mirror. As long as she kept her eyes down towards the floor, the ball gag dipped below the cloth of the hood. It couldn’t be seen.

Brendan: OK. I’m going to let you out into the hallway. Every door out of this building from here to the entrance can be pushed open with your body. You shouldn’t need any help getting out. Be careful. Especially on the stairs. Please don’t trip and fall.

Julie: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh.

Brendan walked her out of the bathroom and towards his door. He opened it and they both looked both ways down the hall. It was mercifully empty.

Brendan: Alright. Good luck, kid.

He gave her a brisk little shove into the hallway and quickly closed the door behind her. She was out in the world now. Fuck. The adventure had begun.
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Post by GreyLord »

What a wonderful device to get Lexi involved with this arc. Well done, indeed.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Interesting turn of events, Brandon really is making the best for Kylie out of this situation :D
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Post by Rtj65 »

Nice update, I was wondering when things would connect back to Lexi. She seems like a safe enough pick for Julie, but knowing what we know about Lexi, I'm sure that the interaction between the sisters will be an interesting one. Seeing the 'daughter' nickname appear again was funny, that would be a difficult to explain even without the gag. I like seeing the callbacks and connections to the chapters, it brings the story together nicely.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by charliesmith »

It was a fun update. It was a nice callback to see the name ‘daughter’ appearing again. It’s going to be super fun to read the interaction between Lexi and Julie :D
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Quite the interesting chapter again [mention]Fandango[/mention] - so Julie has to make her walk of shame :)
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Post by Fandango »

I figured I'd respond to some comments before I head into the final batch of Chapter 6. Part 13 will post tomorrow evening.
FabianStr2016 wrote: 1 year ago Oh what a great story, I really can't wait for it to continue!
Thank you very much. I'm glad that you're enjoying it.
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Brendan takes this a step further. I find it interesting how their relationship began and how it developed over time. This look back at the beginning is excellent. Julie´s feelings are discribed so well [mention]Fandango[/mention] !
Thanks. This is the only chapter that will employ flashbacks, but I felt it was a necessary step. If I showed Julie and Brendan dating after the way that their first meeting went and tried to explain it through just explanations within a character's inner monologue...I don't think it would have worked. I certainly wouldn't buy it without seeing it develop.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago An excellent continuation, I like how Brendan is keeping Julie on her toes throughout and giving her a taste of her own medicine. The descriptions were fantastic as always; you conveyed Julie's nerves and embarrassment at her appearance especially well, I could picture it all very clearly. This chapter also works so well from Julie's point of view - even though we know that Brendan is a pretty reasonable guy from what we've seen of him, from Julie's perspective she still can't predict what he'll do next.
I did go back and forth on which chapters should be from which points of view. I storyboarded all 12 chapters before I started writing and shifting things around a little bit. I knew I wanted a chapter that dealt heavily with guilt and initially thought that I might do the diamond heist from Kinkaide's POV. But I decided that that chapter had to be Kylie. And Red Letter Night should really be Brendan. It doesn't work as well if it's Julie or Mia or one of the other girls. Which meant that this chapter HAD to be Julie and I could do a guilt focused chapter that way. I think I like the POV that I chose for each chapter. There are some threads that I might have had to drop, but I'm happy with the outcome.
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago What a wonderful device to get Lexi involved with this arc. Well done, indeed.
Thanks. We're at that point in the narrative where it's time to start stringing the stories together.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Nice update, I was wondering when things would connect back to Lexi. She seems like a safe enough pick for Julie, but knowing what we know about Lexi, I'm sure that the interaction between the sisters will be an interesting one. Seeing the 'daughter' nickname appear again was funny, that would be a difficult to explain even without the gag. I like seeing the callbacks and connections to the chapters, it brings the story together nicely.
I appreciate it. The story will definitely start folding back in on itself. You'll see Drew and Mia and Kylie and Greg again. You might see Wes or Piper or Darren or Hard Place or Monty. We'll go back inside Lunatic's Lair and No Proscenium before everything is said and done. Dozens of characters make multiple appearances. But only the four main characters (Brendan, Lexi, Julie, and the titular character of Chapter 7 [though not the POV]) will appear in 6 out of 12 chapters each. So it's time to start bringing them together.
charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago It was a fun update. It was a nice callback to see the name ‘daughter’ appearing again. It’s going to be super fun to read the interaction between Lexi and Julie :D
I hope it lives up to the expectation. They're very different people but they are family.
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago Quite the interesting chapter again [mention]Fandango[/mention] - so Julie has to make her walk of shame :)
Yeah. I think that was always the way that it had to be. Brendan can take it easy on her in certain regards. But I just that this was a lesson that she really HAD to experience. Humiliation is a very interesting aspect of kink for me. It's something that I don't know that I totally understand and that I do enjoy exploring. It's certainly a tool that people use and I see it used often like a hammer. Characters will just go scorched earth and fully level humiliation on other characters. And when that other character is a friend or lover or family member...I'm supposed to believe that they have normal dinners together a week later. I want to see shame used like a chisel a little more often. I like a little subtlety.

Thank you very much to everybody who is reading and commenting. It means a lot.
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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 13 of 15]

May 6, 2022

The door had barely just closed and Julie could already feel her heart beating out of her chest. Brendan was certainly right on one front. This was quite an experience. But it was an experience that she didn’t want to tint her college experience. It was going to require quite the explanation if people that she knew saw her running around campus with her hands cuffed to her jeans and a large ball gag in her mouth. She took advantage of the empty hallway and scurried down Brendan’s hallway to the stairwell. The door was not a push door as he had implied but it was propped open and it had been last time she had been here. That must just be something that people know. She didn’t want to risk tripping as she descended the stairs. So she pushed her back up against the wall and held onto the rail with her cuffed hands as she slowly shuffled down the stairs. Luckily nobody else entered the stairwell while she was shuffling down, looking like a lunatic. At the next floor down she pressed her shoulder into the push door and began to walk down the hallway.

Halfway down the first floor hallway there was somebody talking to a friend in a doorway. His back was to Julie. She just kept her head down and breezed by him. To her knowledge he didn’t turn to look at her. But she grew even more worried after she walked past him, knowing that her cuffed wrists were now within easy line of sight if he did turn to look. She passed the first floor common room where somebody was watching Ted Lasso on the television and two other men were engaged in an aggressive game of one on one foosball. She prayed they wouldn’t pay her any mind as she shuffled past. She didn’t hear anything as she pressed her body into the push bar on the door out into the lobby.

The lobby was littered with people talking and hanging around. She just kept her eyes down and her gagged face hidden. One girl looked up at her but her gaze didn’t linger as she turned back towards the RA desk. Julie tried to look as normal as possible as she strode across the lobby with her hands behind her back and her hoodie encompassing most of her face. Nobody said anything, and before she knew it she was at the door. She again pressed into it with her body and it swung out onto main campus. She slowly and gingerly descended the steps down onto the campus lawn that was in front of Brendan’s dorm. The hardest part was over. Now it was just about getting back to Delta Gamma without being seen by too many people.
She had to head due West to get to the Delta Gamma house. She scurried out of the open while she thought about the least populated path that she could take. She was getting an idea of how Brendan might have felt a couple of weeks ago. She hated her current predicament. But she had to admit that he was right. It was certainly creating empathy. So this was how he had felt. And he’d been half naked. Bondage was so stigmatized. She’d love for it to just be no big deal if her friends and classmates saw her like this. But she doubted that they’d just shrug it off. It would imprint on them and how they thought of her for the rest of their time together. And that was not something that she wanted. She didn’t know why she should feel ashamed. But she just did. The public opinion on kink existed and she couldn’t help but be ensnared by it’s judgmental grasp. She needed to be discreet.

Unfortunately it was already early dinner time and the campus food options stood between her and her house. There was no route that she could take around them that wouldn’t make Lexi wait for her longer than she was comfortable with. She walked slowly and purposely down the campus Greenspace. Nobody seemed to be paying her any mind. She was just a girl walking across campus with her hoodie pulled up tight and her hands held behind her back. Nothing to see here. As she neared Epic Wings and Trujillo’s Tacos and Starbucks the density of students increased. Some passed her and came within seven to eight feet of her. She shifted down towards Thirst Trap since it closed at 4:00 and wouldn’t be drawing a crowd. She cut through the Food Court area and made her way down towards Montezuma Road. She didn’t want to stay on the main road for too long, but this was probably her most direct route. She walked hurriedly with a purpose. But not fast enough to draw too much attention. She was now entering the edge of the Greek housing section of campus. She was passing by the Alpha Chi Omega house and certainly didn’t want to be seen here. She probably only knew one in every 40 students on campus. But she probably knew 3 out of 4 Alpha Chi Omega girls. These were Greeks. These were her people.

She now felt comfortable breaking into a little more of a jog. So she did so. She wanted to get back to Delta Gamma as quickly as possible. She was making better time, but to her horror the bounce of her jogging stride was loosening the drawstrings pull on her hood. Her hood was starting to open up. She could feel it unconstricting itself. Her cheeks and ball gagged mouth were now out in the open air. Anybody looking at her face would now clearly be able to see the gag. Shit. Fuck. Shit Fuck Shit. She decided to turn up to avoid exposure on Greek Row. She’d just go around the Women’s Center and Pride Center and then beeline back down onto Montezuma Road towards Delta Gamma.

She was now hustling around the Women’s Resource Center. Unfortunately she was hustling a little too quickly. She was still keeping her chin down, even though the hood was no longer closed tightly enough for that to matter. But she didn’t see a woman walking in cross traffic to her until it was too late. She was in mid jog when she slammed right into the young woman. She was holding a book and some papers that crashed to the ground. Lexi tumbled backwards, but caught herself before she fell over. However, the impact of the collision and the stumble to keep her balance resulted in her hood coming entirely off her face. She was absolutely powerless to adjust it or pull it back up. Her entire head was exposed. She turned and saw the agape mouth of the young woman that she’d crashed into. The girl was clearly a student like her. Bookish looking. Chestnut brown hair and thick glasses. She was wearing a pair of cute overalls. But she was staring at Julie like Julie had two heads.

Girl: What the Fuck?!?!?

Julie: Mmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Girl: Do you need help?!?!?

The girl’s question was going to remain unanswered. Julie took off in a full sprint towards Delta Gamma with her hood down and her face exposed. She turned the corner of the Women’s Resource Center building and prayed the girl wouldn’t follow her. She almost ran into another boy and girl, who she mercifully didn’t recognize, walking down the path. They stared at her awkwardly and she heard murmuring as she ran by. She thought she heard an awkward giggle from the girl. She didn’t dare look back at them. She just headed for Delta Gamma in a dead sprint. She was only about 300 yards away from the Delta Gamma lawn. She was running right towards her house with no means of cloaking her identity or situation. This was going to be SOOOOO humiliating. Even if Lexi was waiting for her at the Anchor…one of her sisters was bound to see her. As she saw her house coming into view she slowed down. She needed to try and time her sprint across the lawn to Lexi to optimize lack of exposure. And then she saw it. Parked on the street in front of the house. Lexi’s green Honda Accord. And it looked like Lexi was still sitting in it. Thank God. She ran up to the window. In her desperation to be let in and let go she actually tapped the ball of the ball gag against the window pane of the passenger side. It was entirely unnecessary. Lexi was already looking at her with confused consternation. Lexi opened the driver side door and ran around to Julie. Julie glared at her with pleading eyes. She wanted to be released. Lexi knew her sister well enough that she read this on her face immediately. Lexi quickly opened the passenger side door and hustled her sister down into the seat. Lexi then crouched down and fumbled with the strap of the large ball gag.

Lexi: What the fuck happened to you?

Julie: Mmmmmmpppppphhhh hhhhhmmmmmppppphhhh mmmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmmpppphhhrrmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

Lexi: One sec. I can’t understand a thing that you’re saying. Calm down. Calm down. I’m definitely going to get you out of this.

Julie felt her pulse starting to slow down a little bit. She was glad that Lexi had her back and wasn’t going to milk her humiliation like she had assumed that several of her friends might. She felt Lexi’s fingers thread the strap of the ball gag out of the buckle. She felt the gag tighten ever so momentarily to which she issued an annoyed squeal before it loosened and Lexi unbuckled it.

Julie: Mmmmppppphhhhh!!!!

Lexi: Sorry. I got you.

Lexi pulled the gag out of Julie’s mouth and a large glob of drool came with it and hit with a plop on Julie’s jeans. With her adrenaline fading Julie could now feel that her chin and neck were coated in a layer of her own drool. Lexi clearly noticed this also and took Julie’s hood and wiped it off of her chin.

Lexi: What happened? How did this happen?

Julie: I’m sorry, Sis. I didn’t mean to pull you away from whatever you were doing. You’re just the only one that I could trust. Please get me out of this. And please can we never speak of this again. No jokes. No teasing. No ribbing. Definitely no mentions to anybody.

Lexi: Ummm….OK. How the hell did you manage to text me?

Julie started to blush. Lexi couldn’t honestly think that she had texted.

Julie: I didn’t. Somebody else did.

Lexi: Somebody else?

Julie: The person who cuffed and gagged me.

Lexi: Does this person have a name?

Julie: Yes. But it’s not important.

Lexi: Do you like this sort of thing? Did you ask them to do this?

Julie: No. God No!! Absolutely not!

Lexi: Julie. We should go to the police. Or at least the campus administration. This is not a joke.

Uh oh. No. They couldn’t do that. Julie needed to talk her sister out of that line of thinking.

Julie: No. It’s fine. Just let me go. Everything will be fine.

Lexi scowled a little.

Lexi: Everything is not fine. You’re clearly shaken by this. You didn’t want this. Somebody was trying to humiliate you against your will. That’s not OK. I’m all for kinky fun. But it needs to be consensual. And you didn’t consent to this. This is not OK.

Julie felt herself blushing. Clearly she needed to come a little bit clean with Lexi or Lexi was not going to drop this. But she didn’t want to come too clean. She did value how her sister thought about her.

Julie: Ummm…you see…Sis…I kinda….DID consent to this.

Lexi: What? Why? You just told me that you hated it.

Julie: It was punishment for something bad that I did. I did something bad to a boy and this was me letting him get revenge.

Lexi: OK. That’s weird. This is clearly quite the punishment given your demeanor. I don’t like this. Not one bit. You don’t owe a guy revenge. What could you have possibly done to him that he thought that THIS was OK?

Lexi waved her hand over Julie’s body. Implying the cuffs and gag.

Julie: Oh boy. OK. I may have…sort of…tied him up. And gagged him. And made him run around campus half naked in that state.

Lexi’s face went blank. She was clearly processing what she just heard. Julie was having trouble getting a read on her.

Lexi: OK. Well. I guess the punishment certainly fits the crime. I guess I stand corrected. THIS is OK. But why did you do it?

Julie: It was a stupid hazing thing. I thought it would be fun.

Lexi: Was it?

Julie: Was it what?

Lexi: Was it fun?

Julie was caught off guard by the question. It had been. Admittedly. Dare she admit this to her sister? She looked into her sister’s eyes. Those piercing Huff blue eyes were looking into her soul. She could lie. But her sister already knew the truth.

Julie: Yes. It was fun. A LOT of fun.

Lexi: So you ARE into this sort of thing?

Julie pondered it. No. She wasn’t into being tied up. That wasn’t for her. Tying up Brendan. Absolutely.

Julie: Not THIS. But THAT. Yes.

Lexi: So you like to dominate guys?

Julie: It sounds so tawdry when YOU say it.

Lexi: No. Not at all. That’s cool.

Julie: Is it?

Lexi: Sure.

Julie: You don’t think I’m weird?

Lexi: On the contrary. I’ve never thought that you were more normal.

Julie: But people think that YOU'RE the weird one. So I don’t know how I should take that.

Despite the fact that she was still at her big, dorky sister’s mercy…she couldn’t help giving her a little jab.

Lexi: Alright. There might be some cause for concern then. But I think you’re fine.

Then Julie heard her name being called. By a familiar voice. Oh Fuck.

Piper: Hey, Jules! What’s up!?!?

Her sorority sisters Piper and Naomi were walking towards them. Her wrists were still cuffed. The ball gag was still in her sister’s hand. Luckily it was hidden from Piper and Naomi’s views by the car door. But they were quickly approaching. Julie pleadingly whispered to her sister.

Julie (whispered): Please hide the gag.

Without missing a beat Lexi tossed the ball gag into the glove compartment and shut it.

Julie: Hey, Piper! Hey, Naomi!

Piper: Is everything OK?

Julie wasn’t sure why Piper was worried but she had a worried look on her face. Did Julie still look disheveled or distressed? Was their still embarrassment on her face? Piper slowed as she and Naomi approached. Julie started to panic a little bit.

Julie: Everything’s good. This is my sister, Alexis. Just talking out some family stuff. I’ll be inside in a little while.

Piper: OK. Nice to meet you, Alexis. Jules, you want to hit the dining hall for dinner in thirty?

Julie: Sure. Sounds great.

Piper never questioned that Julie had her hands behind her back. She seemed not to give the whole awkward scenario another thought. She and Naomi just passed them and walked towards the house. Lexi waited for them to pass before addressing her sister.

Lexi: OK. So where is the key to those cuffs?

Julie: Ummmm…..

Lexi: You do have it, right?

Julie: Yes.

Lexi just stared at her imploring her to tell her.

Julie: It’s taped to my tit.

Lexi gave her a slight scowl.

Lexi: Was that consensual also?

Julie: I did worse to him.

Now Lexi seemed to perk up. Curiosity filled her face.

Lexi: Like what?

Julie thought about all of the things that she did to Brendan. Forced orgasms. Nipple clamps. Spanking. Uncouth threats and taunts. Shoving her panties in his mouth. Leading him on an aimless snipe hunt around campus. Allowing her sorority sister’s to do worse. She REALLY didn’t want to share any of this with Lexi.

Julie: I plead the fifth.

Lexi: Fine. Let’s get you out of here.

Then Julie remembered. Lexi couldn’t free her yet. She needed something. She’d come this far. She might as well claim her prize.

Julie: Wait!

Lexi: OK. For what?

Julie: You can’t uncuff me just yet. I need you to take a picture.

Lexi: A picture? Of what?

Julie: Of me.

Lexi: OK… Ummm…. A second ago I thought you wanted us to never talk about this again.

Julie: I don’t. But I was promised that if I had you take a picture of me still cuffed and gagged at the Anchor statue that he’d let me tie him up again.

Lexi: Oooohhhhh. Kinky. So you need a photo of yourself?

Julie: Yeah. At the Anchor statue. I’m going to need you to re-gag me also.

Lexi: You don’t have to ask me twice.

Oh God. Her sister was going to be enjoying this.

Julie: And could we PLEASE be discreet about it? Put my hood up. Don’t let anybody see.

Lexi: Of course. Of course. I’m a pillar of discretion.

Julie trusted her sister. But she certainly didn’t like just how excited she was looking about the whole thing. Lexi was beaming and grinning ear to ear. Lexi opened up the glove compartment and took the ball gag back out. Julie was already turning her head to look up and down the street. The coast was clear.

Lexi: Open up, Sis.
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Post by GreyLord »

Well done. The sisters are finally learning about each other. I expect Lexi will finally get the whole story. Excellent writing. You have expressed feeling that I expect a lot of us have. We do not think what we do is wrong. Yet, in our society, there is shame associated with it. I wonder if sites like this might do a little toward helping the public at large understand our kinks.
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Post by charliesmith »

I loved the interaction between Lexi and Julie. Those are a couple of kinky sisters! Enjoying it so far :D
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Post by Rtj65 »

Lexi comes across very well in this part, she was very understanding about the whole thing as expected, but didn't push Julie too much when she wasn't forthcoming about what had happened. I feel like she's going to milk this though, which is fair enough considering that she's doing Julie a huge favour here.

And you definitely conveyed the shame that can be associated with bondage very well - I thought that the description of Julie's dash across campus was really well written, it felt like a very accurate portrayal of what that kind of situation would feel like.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 6 - Cognitive Dissonance (Julie Huff's POV) F/M, M/F, F/F [Part 14 of 15]

May 6, 2022

Julie slowly and begrudgingly opened her mouth. As soon as it was open to the diameter of the ball, she felt Lexi push the polymer ball back into her mouth. Lexi used her finger to push Julie’s jaw open a tad wider and the ball slotted in behind her teeth. She felt her mouth fill with the polymer ball again. It had felt amazing to have it out for a little while. Hopefully it wouldn’t be in for long this time. Her jaw was sore. Lexi reached around her head and Julie could feel the strap of the ball gag being slid through the buckle. She then felt it being pulled TIGHT. It had been tight before. She couldn’t pop it out while she was running around campus. But somehow it felt like it was one notch tighter this time. The straps dug into her cheeks and the ball recessed itself deeper into her mouth.

Julie: Mmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnmmmpphhhh mmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!!

Julie grunted her displeasure to show her sister that she was none too happy about the vigor with which she’d fastened the gag. Her lips were firmly wrapped around the large ball and as soon as Lexi fastened the buckle she felt her salivatory glands going back into hyperactivation. She glared at her older sister as Lexi smiled playfully at her.

Lexi: Oh. What’s that look for? You look great.

Julie: Nnnnmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmmmppppphhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh mmmppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Lexi: I know. I know. I agreed to no teasing. And I’m not teasing. I mean it. Thoroughly. Honestly. Completely.

Julie felt herself begin to blush as shame washed over her. She averted her eyes from her sister’s gaze. Lexi gingerly took Julie’s chin in her hand though and gently guided Julie’s gaze back towards direct eye contact. Her sister had complete control. She was powerless. She REALLY hoped that she’d made the right call by trusting her.

Lexi: I’m sorry. If it seems like I’m enjoying this. I can tell that you are NOT. I just never in a million years thought that I’d have the chance to gag you. I don’t think that I’ll ever get it again. I’m not trying to be demeaning. I think you REALLY do look great. I mean…you always look great. Everybody knows it. It’s not like you have any trouble with boys. But you look really fetching like this. If it’s not for you, then it’s not for you. But I wish that I could sport a ball gag the way that your mouth just naturally does.

Julie: Hhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhhh?!?! Mmmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhmmmmmpppphhhhmmmmmmmmm?!?!

Was Julie hearing this right? Her sister WANTED to look hot in a gag? To have people gawk at her? To be a helpless object of sexual desire?

Lexi: Yeah. You might not like this. But I kind of do. So I’m altering our agreement a little bit.

Panic started to rise in Julie’s mind. “Altering our agreement”?!?! What did that mean? What was Lexi going to do with her?

Julie: Nnnnnmmmmmppppppphhhh!!!!! Nnmmpppphhh nnnnmmppphhhh!!!!!

Lexi looked at her with amused realization in her eyes.

Lexi: Relax. Relax. I’m still going to let you go as soon as we take this picture. I’m not going to let any of your sorority sisters see you. I’m still not going to mock you for this in the future or tell anybody about it. But you said we should “never speak of this again”. I’ll help you out and let you go. But I’m demanding that we speak of this again. You might not be into getting tied up. That’s fine. But I am. And you DO like to tie people up apparently. So do I. I like it both ways. And I have absolutely NOBODY that I can talk to about it openly. Strangers on the internet aren’t the same. I want somebody in my REAL LIFE that I can confide in and talk things through with. And here I find that my little sister was a kinkster right under my nose this whole time. So I want to have sister talk about this. I know you’re busy. I’m busy. All I want is fifteen minutes a month. We just sit down, share a drink, and talk about bondage. That’s my price. How does that sound?

Julie thought about it. It was such a small price to pay. How could she not agree? And she legitimately did feel bad that Lexi didn’t have anybody to talk to about this sort of thing. She had certainly never known that her big sister was into getting tied up. She hoped that Lexi felt comfortable trusting her with these things. Of course she’d support her sister. But then she considered that she felt embarrassed about her current situation. She didn’t want anybody to know about it. She’d only texted Lexi because it was her last resort. Her face grew hot as she assented to the girl talk sessions.

Julie: Mmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh.

Lexi: Great. Let’s get this picture. So you can get back at your kinky tie guy. And then we’ll be on our way.

Lexi pulled the hood up over Julie’s head. It felt good that Julie had cover again. Lexi helped her to step out of the passenger side of the Accord and closed the door behind her. They walked briskly towards the anchor statue. Lexi walked between Julie and the house’s main path so as to shield her from view as well as possible. It probably only took 30 seconds, but to Julie it felt like an eternity. She was out in the open. She was exposed. The potential for humiliation was everywhere. But Brendan was undeniably right. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. It was exhilarating. Not GOOD exhilarating. But exhilarating none the less. Finally they made it to the statue and Julie posed herself in front of it. Lexi took Julie’s phone and Julie turned to the side so that the cuffs were visible and turned her head so that the bright red ball gag could be seen in her mouth. Lexi quickly snapped a few pictures.

Lexi: Alright. That ought to do it. Well, maybe one more.

Julie: Hhhmmmmppppphhhhhhh?!?!?!?!

Lexi approached Julie and put her arm around her sister’s shoulder. She shifted Julie’s camera mode so that it was using the front facing camera in selfie mode. She held the camera up to take a selfie of the two of them and Julie could see their faces centered perfectly in the frame. Lexi with a sparkle in her eye and a wicked, mischievous grin. And herself with a look of unrestrained terror in her eyes and a bright red ball gag buckled tightly into her mouth. Drool again starting to trickle down her chin. She looked ridiculous.

Julie: Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!! Nnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!

Lexi snapped three selfies in quick succession.

Lexi: Relax. Nobody ever sees these without your permission except for me. Sister’s Honor!!

Julie: Nnnmmpphhhmmmpppphhhhhhhmmmppppphhhhmmmmmrrrrrrmmmpppphhhhhhh.

Julie grumbled angrily at her sister. But she believed her. And she made a quick walk back towards Lexi’s car. When they arrived at the car, Lexi sat her back down in the passenger seat before unbuckling the ball gag. Julie sincerely hoped that it would never go back in her mouth again. She’d worn it enough already today to last a lifetime. Lexi proceeded to text herself the selfies. She was obviously doing this before she uncuffed Julie so that Julie couldn’t stop her. Lexi might be the older sister. But Julie was probably the stronger of the two. She could easily wrestle the phone away from Lexi once she was free.

Lexi: One more thing. I’m going to make a quick video to send to this guy that I want you to send with the picture.

Julie was panicking. Lexi was pushing this too far. Absolutely not!! Under no circumstances!!!

Julie: Lexi!!! No!!!! Absolutely not!!! I will not have video of me –

Lexi: The video isn’t of you. It’s of me. I want to send him a little message of my own. I won’t get you in it at all. But pipe down so you’re not recorded.

Lexi opened the video camera app on Julie’s phone and pointed it at her face. She then pressed the record button and began to monologue.

Lexi: Listen here, buddy. This is Julie Huff’s older sister. I see what you’ve done to my sister. She tells me that she deserved it. And based on what she’s said…I’m inclined to agree. But if you two are going to be playing games going forward…I’m going to expect that you treat her right. She clearly trusts you. I’m trusting you. And if you violate that trust…there will be consequences. Comprende? Good.

And with that Lexi stopped the recording.

Lexi: OK. I want you to send that with the picture. There is no mention of bondage at all in the video. You’re not in the video. But I want him to see it.

Julie: Fine. Ugh. Who do you think you are? Our father? Owwww!!!!

Lexi had been a little less than gentle when she removed the piece of duct tape from Julie’s left nipple. She pulled her hand out from under Julie’s hoodie and started to peel the key off of the tape.

Lexi: Sorry. No. I don’t think you want our father knowing ANYTHING about this. He’d be at that guy’s room with a shotgun already. I’m just doing a watered down version of his job for him. It’s important to have trust when you’re playing tie up games. I just want to make sure that he knows that there are penalties for violating that trust. It doesn’t sound like you know him all that well.

Lexi then took the key and pushed Julie to the side gently so that she could get to her hands. She turned the key in the lock on the right cuff and the cuff popped open. Julie pulled her wrist out. Free at last!! It felt so good. She was finally free. Lexi handed her the phone and she loaded the most “flattering” picture into the text field. She certainly thought that “flattering” was a stretch. And Lexi’s video. And sent them to Brendan.

Julie: I don’t know him that well. But this isn’t something that’s all that easy to broach with people. I want somebody who can be discreet.

Lexi: You call this discreet!?!?

Julie blushed.

Julie: No. This was punishment. For MY lack of discretion. But it’s not all that easy to find a guy who will just let you tie them up.

Lexi: I think you’ll find that for a girl like you…it’s not THAT hard.

Julie: A girl like me?

Lexi: A five alarm scorcher. A hottie hot hot.

Julie knew that she was beautiful. She enjoyed being beautiful. She appreciated the compliment. But she didn’t like that it came tinged with the implication that her sister wasn’t beautiful. Lexi had tremendous appeal. She just wished that she could see it.

Julie: Lexi. Stop it. You’re an alluring, desirable woman also.

Lexi: I’m sure I am. Thank you.

Julie: So if you need people to tie you up. And you hadn’t even let your own sister know until today that you were into bondage. How do you find bondage partners if you need absolute trust? Who ties you up?

Lexi looked a little uncomfortable and gave Julie a cheeky little look.

Lexi: So far. Only Drew. But I obviously trust him.

What?!?! Julie knew Drew. Drew was one of Lexi’s very good friends from high school. They even worked together now. Of course she knew Drew. He’d been at their house for dinner dozens of times. Possibly a hundred. He was practically family.

Julie: Drew Bannon!?!?! You two are bondage buddies? Are you two a couple now? Why didn’t you tell me? Is this like a relationship?!?!

Lexi: No. No. I’m easing into it. I wanted to try it out. So I convinced him to tie me up at work. As the Parker character. I also tie him up on occasion in character. We’ve built some bondage into the room?

Julie: What!?!?! Is dad OK with this?

Lexi: Dad doesn’t know yet. Please don’t say anything.

Julie: Wow! You are playing with fire, sis. He’s going to find out.

Lexi: I know. I know. But I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. It’s going great so far. Business is through the roof. We’re booked out almost a month.

Julie then thought back to Red Letter Night. Mia had said something about Brendan enjoying seeing a girl tied up in an escape room. Could it be? What were the odds? Was this something that was maybe more common than she thought? And then her phone dinged. She looked at it. It was a text from Brendan. She had her answer. She showed it to Lexi. It read: “Wait?!?! Your sister is ESCAPE ROOM GIRL?!?!” Lexi saw the text also.

Lexi: Woah!! He’s done the room.

Julie: Yes. And he’s seen you tied up.

Lexi: Really? We’ve only been doing that for about six weeks. He must have been one of our earliest.

Julie: He did it weeks ago. He went with some of his frat buddies.

Lexi: Sigma Alpha Epsilon?

Julie: Yes. How’d you know? How could you possibly know that?

Lexi: His name isn’t Wes, is it?

Julie was wondering where her sister was going with this. How did she know Wes? And God. No. It wasn’t Wes!!

Julie: No!! Christ, no!! Wes Marshall?!?! Absolutely not. I’d never let that creep get near with me with rope.

Lexi: Good. That guy was a creep. For sure.

Julie: He’s Brendan’s frat big brother though.

Lexi: Brendan? Brendan Drummond?

Julie was in shock now. Absolute shock.

Julie: Christ?!? How can you possibly know that?!?!

Lexi smiled.

Lexi: You never forget your first. That was the very first group we ever did it for. He’s an escape room power user. They were kind of our guinea pig group. That Wes guy was a creep. But Brendan seems like quite a little snack. Good job, Sis.

Julie: Oh God.

Lexi: I see why you made this deal now. He was insanely handsome. I’d love to have him tied up at my mercy.

Julie: Yeah. Well. We’ll see how it goes? If it doesn’t work out between us…maybe I’ll send him your way.
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Post by charliesmith »

Another great update. Thoroughly enjoyed the interactions between Julie and Lexi. It was also fun to read how Julie discovers that Brendan and Lexi have met already!
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Loving it. The characters coming full circle into each other's stories is fantastic.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by Rtj65 »

Seeing the different parts of this story connect to one another is what really makes this story brilliant, I think. After seeing so much of Julie and Lexi individually, it was great to see their dynamic when they are together. I'm sure the final part of this chapter won't be the last we see of them in these situations.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by GreyLord »

It is nice to see sisters growing closer. You are bringing the stories together very well. And doing so in a way to leave endless options for the future. Well done
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago It is nice to see sisters growing closer. You are bringing the stories together very well. And doing so in a way to leave endless options for the future. Well done
Perfectly put [mention]GreyLord[/mention] !
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