Paying the Penalty (F/M)

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Paying the Penalty (F/M)

Post by LunaDog »

Now before I start this, my latest tale I first need to issue some VERY grateful thanks and an acknowledgement. For you see the main female character of the below story, the 'F' part of the 'F/M' equation, isn't the product of my own mind, but from that of a fellow member here, the utterly superb author, [mention]Caesar73[/mention] . The Lady in question appears in the latest of his absolutely magnificent 'The Files of' series, and as i say his third entry 'Anna Romanova and the Cross of Romanov' story. (btw this character doesn't feature in the two other tales.) Now, IF any of you haven't yet sampled any of these tales, well, i REALLY can't recommend reading them enough, they ALL are from the very 'TOP DRAWER' and i guarantee that you will NOT be dis-appointed. And i'm certain that anyone who HAS read the 'Cross of Romanov' tale, and seen my comments within, will have NO difficulty in guessing the identity of the Lady in question, who Caesar73 has very graciously granted me the very real privilege of 'borrowing' to include in this tale. It also is a bit of a sequel to one of my previous tales, featuring a female K.G.B. officer, who uses and abuses her position to seduce an Englishman working in the British Embassy in Moscow during the Soviet Union period of Russia's history. The 'M' character is actually her nephew, and she does have a bit of a 'cameo' role in this tale. Although not essential at all, if anybody wishes to check out my earlier story, it's entitled 'Sex, Soviet Style.' Once again, a MASSIVE thank you to Caeser73, i only hope i've done your creation justice.

Just for the record, time wise the events of this story occur before Caeser73's 'Cross of Romanov' muse.


And so it began, the longest and loneliest walk of my entire life so far. Well, when I say longest, obviously it wasn’t in pure distance terms, we’re only talking about from the centre circle of a football pitch to the penalty spot before one of the two goals. But it felt like it, make no mistake.

Because the pressure upon me could not have been higher. This was it, miss and the match would be lost. What match, you ask? Only the Champions League Final! For this, the penalty shot that I was about to take was the tenth and final one of the first part of the deciding ‘shoot-out,’ the previous nine all successfully converted. If I scored, then the ‘sudden death’ part of the equation would begin, miss however and the contest would be over, with the team I played for, Chelsea, having been defeated.

Placing the ball on the spot, I attempted to ‘out-stare’ both the opposition goalkeeper and the crowd of Bayern Munich fans behind the goal he sought to defend. For as usual the odds were against him and supposed to be in MY favour. Place the ball correctly and he’s beaten, penalties are scored far more often than saved or missed.

None of this counted at this precise moment of course, it was him against me. I stepped backwards, to begin my run up, I knew where I was going to direct the ball. But just before I reached it however, my left foot slipped on the grass, resulting in my right foot hitting the ball slightly lower than I’d intended, and it rose far higher than I’d wanted or planned, sailing about two feet (0.6M) over the goal frame crossbar. I’d MISSED!

As I sunk to the ground in despair, the German ’keeper was busy jumping for joy, as were his countrymen behind him, all emitting sounds of pure ecstasy, I realised that I’d be defined for the moment for ever. I’d be remembered as the man who lost the Champions League Final, denying Chelsea the chance to have THEIR name engraved on the famous trophy. It wouldn’t matter that I’d just played the match of my life, as a central defender I’d played an absolute blinder, breaking up attack after attack, winning the ball from almost all of the direct Bayern ‘set pieces,’ and was almost solely responsible for the scores being level in the first place, after the normal match and extra time. For my side HAD been totally outplayed, and it’s certain that without myself playing so well we’d have lost the match. But now, NOBODY would remember that, for ever I’d now be the man who had cost us this game!

Bitterly dis-appointed though they’d be, I knew my team-mates WOULD understand. As would the manager and back-room staff. And the majority of OUR fans, THEY would ALL fully appreciate the role I’d played in the main game itself. After all, some of the chances, many of which my play had initiated, had been squandered. If just ONE of them had been taken, if just one had gone in, then maybe it wouldn’t have come to this?

Some of said team-mates did approach me, NONE speaking with ANY malice or ill feeling, as I knew would happen, they all DID appreciate the level of performance that I’d displayed during the match itself. As did the manager, who was full of praise for said display. But I also knew there’d be ONE person for whom my match heroics would be totally forgotten, and who would blame me sorely for this loss. Chelsea’s Russian owner, Boris Oblomov.

I wasn’t wrong. Winning this most prestigious trophy in European Club Football had been an obsession to him ever since he’d purchased Chelsea in 2003. And clearly, in his mind if nowhere else, I had cost him his deserved prize. To even further compound my ‘error’ the match had been played within his native Russia, Moscow in fact, and possibly it was this fact that caused him the most pain. In his mind I’d humiliated him in his own ‘back yard.’ As he scowled and started cursing my name, a VERY beautiful dark-haired woman, with high cheekbones and piercing grey eyes, sitting right next to him in the Director’s Box, began to whisper in his ear.

“That English fool needs to be taught to show you the appropriate respect, Sir. And I know just the method and the person to do precisely that.”
“Yes, I can’t argue with you there Natasha, he needs to be shown a lesson, about that you are totally correct. What have you in mind, and I assume you’re about to volunteer yourself for this ‘mission,’ aren’t you? Well out with it, I’m interested in what you have planned for him.”
“Shall we see if he’s quite so disrespectful after a good few hours tied to my bed and subject to my sexual desires? You’ve planned to have the Chelsea team invited to your home in a couple of days’ time, have you not? Let me have him for the night, I’ll teach him a lesson he won’t forget in a hurry!”
“Yes Natasha, I DO believe that you WILL! Yes, for that night you CAN have him. Show him NO mercy!”
“I have absolutely NO intention of showing ANY of that Sir, I can fully assure you there!”

With myself totally oblivious to that conversation of course, my teammates and I reported to Oblomov’s home for the planned ‘party’ with myself slightly fearful, quite naturally. But, accompanied by Natasha, whom I didn’t know at this stage, he surprised me by greeting me warmly. “Please do not feel responsible,” he pretended to assure me, “somebody has, quite correctly, informed me that you played VERY well during the match itself, and it was largely YOU who was responsible for us not losing in the actual play itself. So, you are welcome here.” He even offered me his hand, which I took. “Anyway, I must ‘mingle’ as I believe it’s called, so I’ll leave you with the lovely Natasha here, who has promised to me that she’ll ‘look after’ you!” He actually winked at me as he left the gorgeous Lady in my company.

Natasha Bolgonskaya, adorned in a delightful low cut blue dress that fitted her shapely torso perfectly, with her long legs coated in VERY sheer nylon, looked me straight into my eyes, her own I noted, being a truly luscious shade of grey. “A promise that I FULLY intend to keep, Sweetheart. You played SO well the other night, I completely agree that you were correctly granted the ‘Man of the Match’ award.”
“Thank you, eh, Natasha. Please believe me I was SO gutted when I missed that penalty.”
“But you had the courage to at least volunteer to take it. You MUST accept that you are NOT responsible for the loss of the game. Far from it! Anyway, I intend to take your mind far away from football tonight!” And she smiled at me, which was precisely the point where my mind lost control of the situation and my cock took over.

For we were talking about an absolutely, stunningly sexy woman here, as she fully knew. When those eyes of hers stared right into mine, she just KNEW I was HERS for the taking! She leaned forward and, quite deliberately, allowed her lips to make contact with mine.

It wasn’t any sort of ‘snog’ at all, just a very brief meeting of lips which only lasted for about a second, but it sent a jolt of electricity flowing throughout my whole body as excitement and sexual anticipation completely took over. And then her mouth was by one of my ears, as her delicious voice made its presence heard. “Sweetheart, do you wish to remain here all night, or would you like to accompany me to somewhere a little more private?” As one of her hands ‘wandered’ towards a certain part of my anatomy and found just it was looking and hoping for. An uncontrollable and raging boner!

What, you think I WANTED to refuse? Although, part of me wasn’t sure, I mean would I be missed from the party? “Are you sure Natasha, won’t Mr Oblomov object to the two of us simply ‘dis-appearing?’ Won’t he think it a little dis-respectful?”
“Oh, don’t you worry yourself about that. Boris knows EXACTLY what I intend here and has given me his FULL blessing!” A true statement in fact, but of course he KNEW just what Natasha had planned for me, whereas at this point in time I didn’t!
“In case then, lead on please, Ma’am!” Miss Bolgonskaya responded by taking hold of my hand and leading me out of the large reception room.

Boris Oblomov’s Russian home complex was huge and it took a few minutes before we reached Natasha’s own quarters. She opened the door, almost pulling me through over the threshold, before releasing her grip on my hand, shutting the door and locking it. “Now we will NOT be disturbed Sweetheart!” Before kissing me again, and this time it was a PROPER kiss, one that seemed to last for ever! The ‘fly’ had now well and truly entered into the ‘spider’s web,’ be in NO doubt about that!

Now interestingly enough, those who suggest that ‘history repeats itself’ were being given a case here in order to fully justify that claim. For I was not the first member of the family to have been seduced by a Russian beauty. You see my mother, Lisa, had a brother who I’d never met, back in the Soviet Union era he’d worked at the British Embassy in Moscow. Apparently, he had been due to marry a Russian girl named Anastacia Petrova but found himself seduced by a high ranking female K.G.B. officer named Svetlana Dementieva instead. And he’d never left Russia after that. A shame because as mum explained to me, he was a big football fan. Especially of the team from the city of both his and my birth, Leicester City.

Because my career as a professional footballer started with the ‘Foxes,’ as I passed through their youth academy, and worked my way up into Leicester’s first team. Where my uncle would have delighted to have been able to see a member of his family play for his favourite team.

I played for the Foxes for several seasons before, having been bought by Boris Oblomov, Chelsea came calling. Therefore, I swapped one blue shirt for another, and with Chelsea being one of the ‘big’ teams, my collection of Trophy Winning Medals began to build up quite nicely. Several Premier League winning ones, a few F.A. Cup wins, but the one I REALLY wanted, the Champions League, still evaded me. And now of course, possibly my last chance had gone. For, with myself having passed into my ‘thirties,’ my career was being to approach its ‘twilight’ years. Would I get another shot at winning this Trophy, the one above all that Oblomov also wanted to ‘win’ too?

At least with this game having taken place in Russia I DID mange to meet my relations for the first time in my life. For I had managed to contact my uncle and aunt, obtaining for them a pair of tickets for the final. And so, in the evening after the match, I finally met Uncle Robert and Aunt Svetlana. Several things were quite clear almost immediately. Firstly, although fast approaching her seventieth birthday, Svetlana was utterly beautiful still. Sure, her advanced age had diminished her looks somewhat, but it was totally obvious that when, many years earlier, she’d seduced my mother’s brother, she must have been stunningly sexy and completely gorgeous. And, despite wearing a delicious leather skirt on this occasion, it was unarguable that it was her who ‘wore the trousers’ in their relationship, I knew that I was looking at a submissive male and dominant female. But what was also utterly abundant was that this suited the pair of them very well, if my uncle was firmly under the control of his wife, he showed NO sign of resenting that position. In fact, he displayed all the hallmarks of actually WANTING to be ‘under her thumb.’ And who am I to argue about it IF he was happy to be so?

But what I didn’t know was that Svetlana had booked a room at the same luxury hotel where the Chelsea squad were staying, and after I’d left the dining room, the three of us having shared a lovely meal together, she led my uncle up to their room. Incidentally, she could comfortably afford to pay for it. Like most high ranking K.G.B. officers, including her father who’d been a full General, when the Soviet Union had collapsed in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Svetlana had carefully managed to hold on to her, well compared to the ‘ordinary’ Soviet Citizen, considerable wealth and power. Because, make no mistake, she was a very smart ‘cookie,’ so Russia actually becoming ‘free’ enabled her to cement an extremely comfortable life for herself and her ‘captive’ husband.

Once they’d stepped inside, Svetlana made a point of locking the door. “Now then Darling, I think you know just what I want from you now. Don’t you?”
“Yes ’Lana.” My uncle started to remove his clothing even without an order from his wife, he’d been living under her command for well over thirty years by now, fully knowing that he was facing a night of being shagged by her whilst tied to the hotel bed. Not that he was unwilling at all, he WANTED this as much as she did.

Less than five minutes later that’s exactly where he found himself, and as usual with Svetlana doing the tying, there was NO possibility of escape for him. However, he wasn’t bound too tightly or in any danger of reduced circulation at all. Over the years, remember, she’d had plenty of practice after all! “Comfortable, Darling?”
“Very much so, ’Lana, comfortable and ready for YOU!”
“Good!” Replied his wife as she removed his ability to see her by placing a blindfold over his eyes. And then began to work her ‘magic’ on his helpless and bound body.

With her own ‘pussy’ already fully wet, simply because of the anticipation of her planned night, Svetlana began proceedings by ‘playing’ with her captives ‘tools,’ his cock FULLY erect by now, as you can well imagine. And then she guided said ‘organ’ into her vagina, descended very slowly onto it, and FULLY savouring EVERY moment! Up and down, she began to move herself upon his cock, up and down. Slowly at first before she began to accelerate the process. Although, due to the pair of them being nearly seventy years old, it took a little longer than it would have done back when they first met, soon ‘THAT’ point was rapidly approaching! Suddenly Svetlana’s climax arrived, arching her older but still beautiful body she screamed uncontrollably as ecstasy FULLY claimed her. Obviously, her ‘pumping’ action upon her bound spouse ended, but she’d done enough by now as he also cried out loudly while his seed shot into his wife’s pussy!

Once the pair of them calmed down enough, and her husband’s cock became hard again, Svetlana resumed the ‘action’ bringing the pair of them to FULL climax again. And once more, the third occasion of the ‘session’ before she called a halt to the proceedings.

For while neither of them had quite reached the stage where it would ‘take ALL night what they USED to DO ALL night,’ they weren’t ‘spring chickens’ anymore. And there were other ways in which the defining parameters of their relationship had altered since those earlier days. For if Svetlana still ruled my uncle with a ‘rod of iron’ as it were, it was as if said implement was now covered in some sort of ‘soft, cushioning’ material. You see, if when she’d effectively ‘captured’ him back in the mid 1980’s, her desire for him was TOTALLY driven by sheer ‘lust’ and the wish to completely control him, by now she HAD mellowed and actually developed feelings of TRUE love, possibly even respect for him. After all, he’d been utterly loyal to her throughout all of those years, and bondage sex sessions, that they’d shared together.

Once Svetlana had released him from the bed, the pair of them settled down to sleep. And when they awoke, many hours later when the sun was well and truly risen, they coupled again, but this time my uncle was fully free to move, and their sex was now in the form of gentle ‘making love’ as opposed to the relatively frantic ‘action’ from the night before. It was while they lay in each other’s arm’s afterwards that Svetlana expressed her very real, fears for me.

“Darling, I’m worried for your young nephew, I’ve got to be totally honest. For I know Boris Oblomov, the owner of Chelsea, the football club he plays for, and he’s a nasty piece of work, make NO mistake. I understand he wants to win the Champions League above everything else, and it’s my belief that he’ll blame your young man for losing it, totally ignoring his brilliant play during the match itself. Oblomov once asked me to become his ‘Security Chief,’ thankfully I was able to refuse without occurring his real wrath or resentment. But the young Lady who DID take the position, Natasha Bolgonskaya, is an almost ‘carbon copy’ of myself in terms of ruthlessness when I was her age, in fact I did once regard her as the daughter I never actually had. I’m serious Darling, your nephew is in for a VERY torrid time if he is unfortunate enough to fall into HER hands..…”
Last edited by LunaDog 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Lovely set up here. Can't wait for the follow up.

Also, I shall second that recommendation of [mention]Caesar73[/mention] tales. Superb stuff and a must read on this site.
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Post by LunaDog »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago Lovely set up here. Can't wait for the follow up.

Also, I shall second that recommendation of @Caesar73 tales. Superb stuff and a must read on this site.
Thank you for your kind words Sir. Got to say i am a little nervous with THIS one, it won't be just myself i'll be letting down here if i get it wrong. Bad enough if i disappoint Caesar, but the thought of finding myself in Natasha's 'bad books' FILLS me with dread! But i believe i WILL give her what she deserves, i'll certainly try my best.

And make NO mistake, i have absolutely NO hesitation in thoroughly recommending YOUR utterly magnificent works. They are also a 'must read!'
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]LunaDog[/mention] that is a hot and gripping tale you share with us.I like the scenario very much: Boris Oblomov, owner of Chelsea United? Fantastic Idea. And what you did with my character was outstanding!

Natasha Bolgonskaya by the way sends her greetings he is impressed too!

Very fluently written, no word too much. Every sentence where it should be!

And my heartfelt thanks for the praise you heaped on my so lavishly - I am not at all sure I deserve it.

I know this is a stand alone story - but I can imagine other stories of Natasha´s past - from your pen.
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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you for those very kind words, Sir. I'm glad that both yourself and Natasha are enjoying this muse.

And some of the above are based on events from the REAL world. For between 2003 and last year, Chelsea were in fact owned by a REAL Russian oligarch, named Roman Abramovich. And in 2008 they DID lose a Champions League Final, following a penalty 'shoot-out,' and also played in Moscow.

And, i'll be totally honest with you, making this story take place within Russia, gave me a chance to re-visit my own Russian creation, possibly my favourite of ANY girl i've included in any of my stories, whom your Natasha inspired me to invent. Now former, K.G.B. Colonel Svetlana Dementieva. Just couldn't resist, i hope you understand.

Anyway, let's see just what Natasha intends to do, now she's 'reeled in' the English footballer like a fish, and has him well and truly within her 'lair?'
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Post by LunaDog »

Back in Natasha’s bedroom, as she finally ended THAT kiss, she gently whispered “stay right there, Sweetheart. Why don’t we spice things up a little? I’m going to take away your ‘power of sight’ as I entice you which, believe me, will completely enhance the ‘sexperience’ I’m about to unleash upon you. Would you like that?”
“Anything you say Natasha.” With me totally under her ‘spell’ by now, ALL resistance to her completely gone.

She fetched a blindfold which she placed over my eyes, and just as she had promised, robbed me completely of my ability to see ANYTHING! Because THIS was a ‘proper’ item that totally sealed itself over my eyes and allowed NO light whatsoever inside. Plunging myself into a state of total darkness! And also, within a state of utter dependence on my gorgeous ‘playmate.’

“Now then, don’t you think you’re a little ‘overdressed?’ I suggest we get you out of those clothes, and don’t worry. I know you can’t see, so I’ll help you.” Natasha was as good as her word, as items of my clothing dis-appeared from my body. And as the last few clothes were discarded then her hands were making contact with my bare skin, resulting in sparks of excitement making themselves known within my form. It wasn’t long before I was completely naked, as one of my partner’s hands found itself wrapped around my cock, which had possibly NEVER been harder or more erect before. “And just what do we have here, hey? I think THIS is looking for some action with me, is it not?”
“Please Natasha. Very much so, yes please.”
“Stay there a minute then Sweetheart. MY clothes need to also come off in that case.” I could hear, but obviously couldn’t see as this beautiful woman removed that lovely blue dress, pulling it over her head and throwing it aside. Remember here that, completely unbeknown to and unlike me of course, Natasha had planned and prepared for this event. Therefore, she’d stopped undressing once she was just wearing her satin basque and VERY sheer nylon stockings. Because THOSE items were very much staying on! Also staying on were her very skimpy panties, worn over her suspenders. Because, although they would be removed at a later stage, she had plans for them which required her pussy to remain inside of them. For now.

As I soon discovered. Natasha took hold of my body, and as her lips attacked mine yet again, she proceeded to stroke her nylon coated legs against mine, teasing and tantalising, stoking up my desire for her to an almost unbelievable degree! Now she guided me onto the satin covered bed, until both of us were laying on top of it, more passionate kissing occurring as we ‘rolled’ around together. For Natasha was displaying a large degree of patience here, she KNEW just what she’d planned, whereas of course, I did not!

Eventually though, she worked my body into the position she wanted it to be, lying on my back with my head resting upon the single, centrally placed pillow. Now she sat herself on top of my chest, pinning my body firmly onto the bed. She took hold of both of my arms, stretching them outwards, towards the two corner bedposts of the solid and secure bedframe. Kneeling upon my arms and grabbing a silk bondage tie near to the left-hand corner, unseen by the blindfolded myself of course, suddenly she struck, and when she did so it was with the speed of a cobra!

Within seconds my right wrist had been tied to said bedpost! Now, it must be said that this was NOT a totally secure or inescapable bond, almost immediately I could feel a, very limited admittedly, degree of movement which could possibly have been ‘worked loose’ and escaped from. I naturally started to attempt just that, at the same time shouting out “what the hell do you think you’re doing, Natasha?”

My adversary uttered no reply, as she continued working on her task. For you see, Natasha was fully aware that her first bond wasn’t secure at all, but it wasn’t necessarily intended to be. What it DID do is buy her some time to PROPERLY capture my other arm. And naturally that is precisely just what she did.

I sensed that Natasha was tying a completely different form of bond with my second arm, and I began to work out just why. Soon she’d securely, and I DO mean SECURELY, looped my wrist, which she pulled right to the bedpost. It only took her a few seconds to loop and tie my limb to said post. Now it was fully and inescapably held. However, as I still had failed in my frantic attempts to release my other arm, her bond still held if clearly not permanently, Natasha used that time and the considerable length of tie remaining, to steadfastly fasten my hand to the post of her bed too.

By now I was almost clear of her original bond holding my other arm, however Natasha simply relieved me of that task, as she undid it herself. But, with my second arm now ‘dealt with,’ only to re-attach that arm to her bed in the same secure manner as its ‘companion.’ I WAS NOW UTTERLY HERS!

Yes, my Aunt Svetlana’s real fears for me had well and truly occurred. I now BELONGED to the ‘Bed of Bolgonskava,’ it was NO longer possible for me to leave it of my own volition. Still Natasha said nothing, instead she moved to the foot of her bed, and it wasn’t long before she had completed my ‘spread-eagled’ capture to her bedroom furniture, by looping my ankles with some more silk bondage ties and fastening these to the outer bedposts of the lower bedframe.

After Natasha had climbed on top of my bound body, she finally removed the blindfold from my head. Meaning that those piecing grey eyes now stared into mine, FULL of menace and almost pure lust! “You asked me a question a little while ago. I’m sorry that I didn’t reply immediately, but, as you can now appreciate, I have been a little busy in the past minute or so.”
“One way of putting it, I guess Natasha. But why? What’s with the bondage, you could have at least asked? You know, I might have even said yes!”
“That I very much doubt Sweetheart! And a certain somebody DEMANDS that you be punished! Do you realise just how much Boris wanted HIS club to win the Champions League? How he dreamed of holding THAT trophy? And YOU failed him! YOU took that dream from him! So, he’s given you to me tonight, and once I’ve finished with you, then you’ll NEVER show such dis-respect towards him again!”
“That’s utter bullshit Natasha, and BOTH of you KNOW it! You both said so earlier tonight, for goodness’ sake! I played a bloody good game; I KEPT us in the contest!”

Natasha’s chosen method of shutting me up was to cover my lips with hers and commence another passionate kiss! Which, despite my situation, I couldn’t prevent myself from being turned on by, God, just why did this girl have to be SO damn gorgeous AND sexy? My boner, that had started to diminish to some extent during the time when Natasha had firmly put me in a state of total imprisonment to herself, returned with a vengeance! But I had this rather awful feeling that things weren’t quite how they appeared, because my rampant cock wasn’t going to be permitted to go just where it WANTED to, inside of my captor’s pussy! For her satin panties still covered that desired destination, denying the aforementioned cock any access!

That didn’t stop her from placing her satin covered pussy on top of my erect cock though, moving herself upon it. And, having finished THAT kiss, also informing me between breaths. “There’s another reason why I’ve tied you up, Sweetheart. The very same reason that a dog licks its bollocks. Because it, and I, CAN!” A statement that appeared to turn her on even more as she accelerated the pace of her actions. Which after some time produced, well for her anyway, the desired result, as she bought herself to climax, albeit a very mild one. But she’d obtained just what she wanted; those panties were now covered in her sexual juices. And would you be at all surprised if I was to inform ALL of you that there’s NO prize for anybody correctly guessing just WHERE she intended to place them now?

Natasha had placed another two bondage ties within her reach. She used one of those to loop my head, tying the knot right by my mouth once she’d succeeded in ramming those panties of hers firmly inside my orifice. But I hadn’t made that particular task easy for her, I’m proud to say. I’d clamped my mouth firmly shut as she endeavoured to place them inside, but the look in her eyes suggested that she welcomed the challenge. And she was patient. After all it was a contest that I stood NO chance of winning. Eventually Natasha clamped my nose shut, and when I was finally forced to open my mouth, in order to breathe, IN THEY WENT!

The other tie now found itself tightly wrapped around my balls and the base of my cock. And I just KNEW what that meant, NO cumming for me! By now, as you can all well imagine I had very real designs of killing my Russian tormentor! Impossible of course, because the true state of affairs signified that it was an undeniable fact, I was within her iron grip, not her in mine.

And her torture of my body hadn’t finished just yet. She climbed off the bed, went to a chest of drawers, opened one and withdrew a small box from within. “Do you know just what lovely delights I have in here?” She returned, opening the box so I could see its contents. NIPPLE CLAMPS! REALLY EVIL looking ones! Onto my nipples they went, accompanied by the loudest “Mmmpphhhhh,” that I could manage with my tormentor’s panties in my mouth!

Now it wouldn’t be long before I could neither see nor hear my captor. She now replaced the blindfold onto my head but didn’t place it into its correct position over my eyes just yet. No, Natasha force me to watch as she pulled out a pair of expanding ears plugs, gently working them inside of my oral channels, where they expanded, VERY effectively cutting off any power of hearing, rendering my world devoid of any external noise. Seconds later I’d lost my power of sight too, when Natasha DID place the blindfold covering my eyes.

Having reduced me into this sightless and soundless world, now she started to pump herself on my fully erect member. I could feel her muscles clamping onto my cock, but her tie did its job very effectively, preventing me from enjoying any release, but inducing the maximum degree of denial and REAL frustration. Suddenly her body seemed to freeze, as her climax struck home, but of course I could neither see nor hear the joy my cock had given her! I could just imagine, however if I HAD been able to hear her cries, then believe me I’d have been ‘treated’ to an earth-shattering SCREAM at FULL volume!

Natasha repeated her torture of me three more times, helping herself to a large ‘dose’ of ecstasy each time, before she sensed that the purpose of all this humiliation might be achievable. And then she could actually stop her cruelty towards me. Which, although I had NO idea of that at this precise point of time, is something that Natasha VERY much wanted to do.

Firstly, she removed my ear plugs making the world loud again, before asking, “had enough yet? Are you ready to apologise to Mr Oblomov for letting him down so badly?” She now also restored my sight, as the screen she switched on came to life, and as it did so, she gently whispered, “please, Sweetheart, please do precisely that. Then this nightmare can come to an end, and the way I WANT this night to play out can begin!” As she then undid the gag, removing her panties from my mouth. And she smiled at me in a way that DID possibly lessen the very real hatred I had for her at this moment.

Boris Oblomov’s face appeared in the screen, thankfully he appeared to be in some sort of private study, and none of my Chelsea team-mates seemed to be present with him. “Well, Natasha, have you taught this ‘failure’ any respect yet?”
“I believe so, Sir.” Looking directly at me. “HAVEN’T I?”

I didn’t like this at all. I mean I was being forced to apologise, well for what? For playing the match of my life, even though I’d missed a penalty in a ‘shoot-out?’ What about the strikers who’d failed to convert some of the chances they’d had? But sometimes in life you just have to swallow a bitter pill, and I did begin to feel the first, very small admittedly, signs that Natasha was possibly on my side a bit. And, let’s be honest, just what choice did I have?

So, let’s get it over with then! “Yes Mr Oblomov, I apologise unreservedly for missing that penalty. I realise that I robbed you of your dream, and I confirm that Miss Bolgonskava has been teaching me the error of my ways. Once again, I’m sorry Sir!”
“So, you bloody well should be! Ok Natasha, I do believe that you have shown him the value of humility. I’m satisfied with your efforts. You may do with him precisely what you wish, for the rest of the night.” With that he disappeared, as he clearly switched off the video link from his end, no doubt believing that his Security Chief would continue putting me through the wringer. Natasha switched off the link at this end and breathed a loud sigh of relief.
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Caesar73 wrote: 1 year agoI know this is a stand alone story - but I can imagine other stories of Natasha´s past - from your pen.
Now THERE'S a thought. Although at this moment i want to finish this story, and my 'Dinner Parties' one first, an idea is beginning to form in my head. I'll base it around the time when Natasha starts working for Boris. And as said above in this tale ( hope you don't mind ) she wasn't his first choice for the job. But it gives me another chance to include Svetlana, and if you have NO objections, then i'll make it an 'F/F' story between the two of them. With the pair of them taking turns at each side of the equation. I believe THAT could be fun!
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Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry that this one is a little 'short' but it FULLY explains why Natasha switches from being an 'ultra-bitch' that she had been, and allows the 'compassion' that our friend [mention]Caesar73[/mention] showed us in HIS story with this girl. And i've introduced another dimension to what she wants here, a rather more 'basic' human desire that isn't necessarily linked to her 'employment!' She also explains just WHY she'd been SO harsh beforehand.

“Thank God, that’s over,” she was finally able to say after a short period of silence. “For, and I can understand IF you don’t believe me at the moment, but I did NOT enjoy doing all of that to you. And that pain I’ve had to inflict upon you comes to a stop NOW! Because from this point onward, I INTEND to bring you pleasure instead.”
“Well, you’re right about something Natasha, I AM struggling to believe you! IF what you say IS true, perhaps you could possibly explain just why you’ve treated me as you have, IF you expect me to believe you?”
“I understand Sweetheart. Well, maybe I can begin by removing THIS?” Reaching down and releasing my cock and balls from that tie she’d captured them with earlier. “And now Sweetheart you’ll be able to obtain release from your frustrations. Let me begin with ‘actions instead of words?’ Then I’ll FULLY give you the explanation that you DO deserve!”

With that Natasha climbed upon my still erect cock and began to work her ‘magic’ upon it. With myself in such a state of frustration I came almost immediately, with her nowhere near a climax herself. But then, of course, she’d already cum a few times already. “Right Sweetheart, now THAT’S out of the way, I’ll give you that explanation you’re SO entitled too.”

And once she’d kissed me again, she began to do precisely that. “It’s ALL to do with Boris and his temper, Sweetheart. Because ever since Chelsea qualified for the final he’d been ‘going on and on’ about just how he was going to enjoy winning that Trophy. Now, I KNOW just how he reacts when he doesn’t get his own way, and I KNEW he’d blame you, despite your great performance in the match itself, and want you punished. So, I ‘dived in’ IMMEDIATELY and persuaded him to leave your ‘punishment’ to me.”
“But did you have to treat me SO harshly? Why did you put me through what you did, if you expect me to believe you?”
“Because Boris is NO fool! I HAD to make it look realistic. Just picture WHAT he saw? You tied to my bed, clearly in my hands. Your cock and balls ‘trapped,’ painful nipple clamps on, oh sorry Sweetheart let’s get those off right now! Brace yourself, it could be painful.” Oh yes, that action most definitely WAS, bringing me a truly sincere apology from the Russian Lady. “But you see, he saw just what I WANTED him to see, he truly believes that I’ve punished you, and that I’m going to carry on doing so, your pain appeared TOTALLY real to him. So, now he’s satisfied, his anger towards you somewhat sated. Can you see that?”
“Actually yes, Natasha, you’re beginning to make sense. So, what now?”
“Well Sweetheart, if Boris forced me to take you to HELL, what I REALLY want now, is to take you to HEAVEN!” Cue another REALLY long and TOTALLY passionate kiss!

“Because one thing I willingly confess to you Sweetheart, is that I really ‘fancy the pants’ off of you! And why wouldn’t I? Yes, tonight might be the first time we’ve actually met, so I didn’t KNOW you, but I most definitely did KNOW OF you, I mean your ‘day job’ isn’t exactly ‘low profile,’ is it? And what I can tell you is that you’re even sexier ‘in the flesh’ as it were than on the T.V. for example! As a professional sportsman at the VERY top level of your chosen sport of football, that means that you’ve well and truly ‘looked after’ your gorgeous body and your general fitness level and physicality are right from the VERY top drawer! Giving you precisely the energy and stamina that you’re going to need to cope with my sexuality!” Time for another kiss, Natasha clearly decided, as I tried to absorb just what she’d said to me in her revelations. I mean I considered Natasha to be utterly stunning, so yes, this declaration of hers REALLY did mean something to me, after all I’m only human and therefore I DO have an ego! A bloody ‘well and truly’ swollen one now, believe me.
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Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago And my heartfelt thanks for the praise you heaped on my so lavishly - I am not at all sure I deserve it.
Shall we examine the evidence on this one? Nothing like a good 'court scene' is there?

Judge. "Could counsel for the defence introduce the first witness."

Counsel. "Certainly your Honour. Call Inspector Corner of the Yard!" ( An old joke i know, actually one from the 'Two Ronnies.' )

Court Usher. "Call Inspector Corner of the Yard."

Corner enters the court, takes his place in the witness box and takes the standard oath.

Counsel. "Now then Inspector, are you familiar with an excellent web-site called 'Stories of Tie Up Games?'"

Corner. "Yes Sir, i've had my eye on it for quite sometime."

Counsel. "And within this site, is there a member called [mention]Caesar73[/mention] ?"

Corner. "Yes Sir."

Counsel. "Am i correct in suggesting he is the author of a piece of work there, named 'The Files of Art inc, The Hunt for the Weinstein Collection?"

Corner. "Indeed he is Sir."

Counsel. "Isn't he just. Now, tell me how many 'views' has this story collected? No need for a totally accurate figure, just a rounded up one."

Corner. "Certainly Sir. At present the count is just short of 390000."

Counsel. "Good LORD! Nigh on 400 thousand!"

Corner. "That's correct Sir."

Counsel. "And how many pages does this story run for? 10? 20?"

Corner. "I believe the current figure is 42 Sir."

Counsel. "That's rather a lot, isn't it Inspector? What does that suggest to you?"

Corner. "Well the ONLY answer i can give to that question Sir, is that said Caesar73 MUST be an author from the VERY TOP DRAWER Sir. Able to create pieces of work to the VERY highest standard."

Counsel. "Yes. I'm inclined to agree. Are there any other members upon that site who also seem to share that view?"

Corner. "Why yes Sir. [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] has already given a statement to that effect to this court Sir. (In other words, said just that in this actual thread.)

Counsel. "Any others?"

Corner. "Well Sir, there are several other members who regularly post positive comments in another story of his in the 'Art inc' series. Called 'Anna Romanova and the Cross of Romanov' Sir. The reason why i specifically mention THAT tale, is because it contains the main Lady from THIS muse within it. Mr Caesar has very graciously allowed the author of THIS muse to 'borrow' this female creation of his. They include [mention]GreyLord[/mention] , [mention]Bandit666[/mention] , [mention]Fandango[/mention] , [mention]Nainur[/mention] , [mention]Beaumains[/mention] . And those Sir are just the regular ones, there are others too!

Counsel. "So when Caesar questions whether he is worthy of very high praise, you'd suggest that he VERY much is?"

Corner. "Yes Sir, i MOST definitely would."

Counsel. "Thank you Inspector. I think, Your Honour, here we very much have an example of 'CASE PROVEN!'"

Sir, if all of the above seems like i'm 'taking the mickey,' please believe me, i'm most certainly NOT! For you are clearly a decent, modest and honest man, somebody i'm proud to consider a friend, even if we only know each other here. Someone, who's possibly a little uncomfortable with high praise as i've found most people with REAL talent often are. But, please believe me, as ALL of the above would agree, you are TOTALLY worthy of it.
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“However, Sweetheart I’m NOT going to untie you and now you are aware of my REAL intentions I believe that you don’t actually WANT me to. I get this feeling that you’re quite submissive just like your uncle, although maybe nowhere near to the extent that he is. Oh and, you’re probably unaware of this but I HAVE encountered your Aunt Svetlana’s considerable bondage sexual skills before. Both ways, I’ve been helpless in her hands, just as she has also been subject to being in mine. Although, because it’s going to take some time before a certain ‘chappie’ is ready to ‘stand to attention’ again, what I am going to do is release your bonds, one by one, moving your arms and legs about for a bit. We don’t want any possibility of cramp creeping in and spoiling our fun, now do we?”
“I guess not Natasha. And, as you say, now I KNOW where you’re going with this, you’re absolutely correct! I don’t WANT you to release me, apart from what you’ve just described, which makes perfect sense.”

She proceeded to action her promise, and she had been right, it was necessary as things could have started to become a little ‘uncomfortable.’ But Natasha had ‘headed off’ any potential problem. Which had taken quite some time, so, by the time she’d finished her task my ‘batteries’ had nicely ‘recharged,’ a certain organ of my body was indeed ready to ‘report for duty’ again!

“I see that you are ready for me Sweetheart. Best I get started on you again.” Soon her beautiful body was back on top of mine, but, for a while anyway, I wasn’t going to be able to see it, as the blindfold found its way back over my eyes, plunging my world back into total darkness once more. Which only added to the excitement, as I couldn’t see just what Natasha had planned and now was going to execute upon my helpless form. As her lips assaulted mine, she slid her soaking wet pussy over my rampant cock, until she’d fully ‘swallowed’ its entire length.

When obviously she now pulled back out, and then in once more. And so, the ‘cycle’ began, slowly at first, but gradually she accelerated the whole process, with myself completely unable to determine anything. Not that I wanted to do at all, I was perfectly happy for Natasha to totally dictate affairs, because she was doing so very well, things didn’t take long to become almost unbearably hot ‘down there!’

But unlike that first ‘ejaculation’ since I’d become Natasha’s prisoner, THIS ‘cum’ was one to fully savour. For it wasn’t a simple ‘release of pressure’ as that earlier one had been, but a FULL orgasm, with ALL of the emotional and exhilarating physical ‘highs’ that accompany such a pleasurable ‘sexperience!’ And there was one more dimension to this beautiful moment, my Russian partner had managed to ‘time’ matters absolutely PERFECTLY, her own body ‘froze, in an arched position, her mouth also emitting screams of joy at a comparable level of volume if slightly higher pitch than my own, as sexual enjoyment made itself present within the ENTIRE form of said body!

When she became released from this glorious condition enough to be able to speak, “THAT Sweetheart is what a REALLY want from this night with you! Wow! You’re EVERYTHING I believed and wished that you would be. And, believe me, I’m FAR from finished with you, I’ve still a fair degree of energy and stamina left. Be a shame to waste it, would it not?”
“Yes, it would so we can’t! That would almost be criminal, to allow such ‘qualities’ to end up unused, Natasha. Although I have NO choice, but if I did have a say I couldn’t possibly permit such a travesty to occur!” By now, not only had I completely forgiven her for the earlier ‘rough’ treatment she’d subjected me to, fully understanding the reason why she’d felt compelled to do so, but I was firmly within a state of complete and utter sexual excitement and arousal that the prospect of what Natasha clearly intended for me now induced.

Roughly twenty minutes later she subjected me to ‘Round Two,’ with the same delightful result. But after that she announced a slight ‘chance in tack.’ Natasha took the blindfold from its position on my head, with it having covered MY eyes, and now placed it onto her own cranium, over her utterly delicious grey shaded optical organs! Meaning that although I could now obtain full view of her gorgeous suspender clad body, I couldn’t enjoy losing myself within those captivating pools of lustful delight.

“I believe Sweetheart, it’s time for me to have to purely ‘feel’ my way over your stunning form. After all, in order for me to completely understand and appreciate how you surely must have been thrilled at not being able to anticipate what I planned for you until I actually activated said plans, now I’ll have to guide myself without the use of sight. Think I might just enjoy this!”

It was actually quite amusing to observe the way my captor almost ‘fumbled’ her way into placing herself into the required position as she did once I’d become hard again. But, with Natasha unable to use her sight to direct her, it in NO way impeded her efforts to once again, as she herself had ‘put it,’ take me to Heaven. Directing the same successful path to said destination for her own body and mind too, of course.

While she again was forced to wait for my cock to become hard again, isn’t Mother Nature cruel sometimes, Natasha once again went through the ‘release my limbs one by one and move them about’ routine. As she said on the previous occasion when she’d done exactly this, ‘just in case.’ And why not, she had time on her hands?

But once my ‘tool’ had ‘reported for work’ again, finally I was able to gaze right into those sparkling grey eyes of my lover, as she, having started slowly and steadily, pounded my body into the mattress of her bed, once again firmly directing both of us onto the road towards ecstasy. And also, once again fully succeeding in taking us both there, skilfully ensuring as she achieved her aim of allowing us to reach there simultaneously! With the usual VERY loud verbal accompaniment!

After another few very high-quality shags over the next couple of hours it was becoming clear that exhaustion was beginning to creep into the equation, wisely Natasha decided it was time to ‘call it a day,’ and I wasn’t going to argue. But, BY GOD, what a complete, utter and totally fantastic ‘SEXPERIENCE’ the Russian beauty had served up to me, she’d promised to ‘take me to heaven,’ and she had DELIVERED, be in NO doubt WHATSOEVER!

Natasha undid her bonds, so for the first time for several hours I was able to move and leave her bed. But not for long, being a Gentleman I allowed her to visit the bathroom first, following after she’d finished in there; then it was back to her bed for the pair of us. But this time for the other purpose that they are designed for. Sleep.

Naturally that state arrived very quickly for us, and I fell into the condition with my body cuddled up to this beautiful, sexy and gorgeous Lady, who had thoroughly ‘entertained’ me for that memorable night, taking me places I’d NEVER been to before, making me feel emotions I’d NEVER felt before and granting me the most exciting and thrilling day of my life. I recalled the first time a became a Premier League Winning player, believing at the time I’d NEVER feel quite so thrilled or exhilarated again. Now I KNEW different!
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Come the morning there was still time for us to couple again before the Chelsea team were due to leave Oblomov’s home, and we shagged again, but this time it was in the form of gentle ‘making love’ as opposed to frantic ‘action.’ And then, kissing her for the last time, I was forced to tear myself away from this truly FANTASTIC Lady. Please believe me, I did so with the utmost reluctance, because I KNEW I’d fallen in love.

Somehow, I managed to re-join the rest of the lads without attracting too much attention, many of them being hungover which did help. There were a few ‘nudge-nudges’ because one or two HAD noticed me departing ‘hand in hand’ with Natasha on the previous evening, but I thought it best NOT to divulge ANY details until we were clear of Oblomov’s house.

Upon our return to England, I discovered that the Russian Oligarch hadn’t quite finished with me. For I was called into the manager’s office, where I was informed that my contract with the club had been cancelled with immediate effect, much to said manager's chagrin. But do you know what? I didn’t care to be honest, the way he’d treated me, even though it HAD turned out SO enjoyable and became the greatest night of my ENTIRE life, meant I had NO desire to play for him anymore.

Instead, I became a ‘Fox’ again, returning to the team where my career had begun, many years ago by now of course, Leicester City. And there were two spectators within the ‘King Power Stadium’ when the next season commenced, whom I’d arranged to be there.

For if his, let’s face it somewhat ‘unorthodox,’ courtship and marriage to Aunt Svetlana had prevented Uncle Bob from ever seeing Gary Lineker play for Leicester City, he DID have the joy of seeing a family member, ME, do so. And although I did commit a bit of a defensive blunder, leading to one of the two goals for our opponents that day, Sunderland, I made up for it by scoring one of the four that Leicester achieved, winning the ball with my head from one of our corners, and directing it past the despairing lunge of Sunderland’s ’keeper and into their net. So, as well as seeing me run onto the pitch wearing the Leicester shirt, he had the pleasure of seeing me score a goal in THOSE colours as well!

Because I hadn’t managed to sell my house in Surrey, and so hadn’t been able to have bought one in Leicestershire just yet, renting in a small flat in the meantime, they stayed with mum. Who was delighted to finally meet her brother after well over thirty years, and his wife for the very first time. Now Svetlana must have had a little ‘grey moment’ as they departed, because she left a bondage tie around one of the bed posts of the bed in mum’s spare room. Which of course, mum found when cleaning the room after they had returned to Russia!

And I must admit that I had to REALLY struggle to supress a laugh when I next met my mother who announced. “Well, I never knew my brother had such a ‘kinky’ side to him, he must have tied your Aunt Svetlana to the bed!” Actually no mum, I think you’ve got THAT one a little bit wrong! But I didn’t point out this ‘error’ to her and once I’d managed to turn my head away from her sight a MASSIVE smile emerged on my face as the mention of bondage allowed me to fondly recall my night of nookie with Natasha! No. I’ll NEVER forget my time…


Just a few closing notes. Once again my most sincere thanks to [mention]Caesar73[/mention] for allowing me to include Natasha in a story of mine. Sounds like she's going to be in a whole heap of trouble in his magnificent tale. If she needs to, and is able to, escape from Russia, there will ALWAYS be an 'open armed' welcome waiting for her in Leicestershire.

Like many of my characters here, i too was born in Leicester, and follow the Foxes. And the match i described above was the same score and opponents as the opening game of the GREATEST season of English football ( 2015/16 ) when, against ALL odds, somehow the Foxes won the Premier League. Had a bit of 'sore head' after that, as you can all imagine. Mainly because it was all SO unexpected, i mean the odds on it at the beginning of the season were 5000 : 1. I'm just imagining the 'rollocking' i'd have got from my wife, Diane, if i'd got drunk and put 20 quid on it! Wouldn't have been moaning later though! My only regret was that unfortunately dad passed away before it happened. For if motor-sport ( especially on 2 wheels ) is my REAL sporting passion, to him footie came first. By God how he would have LOVED it!

However, as any of you who follow English football will know, this season just finished ( 2022/23 ) has followed a rather different script for Leicester City. But this little bit of black, can NEVER erase that MASSIVE dose of white!
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