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Post by ropeladygags »


My heart rate increased slightly. I wasn’t upset or scared. It was excited, but could not show it. My audience of coworkers would wonder why I was suddenly giddy amidst the banalities of office work. Nevertheless, my eyes continued to scan the email on my phone.

Please deposit $50 via Venmo to the following account. Further instructions will be sent upon payment.


I opened Venmo and sent the payment. Even though I knew the response wouldn’t be instantaneous, I spent the next ten minutes checking and rechecking my inbox. Up until my lunch break, I was utterly distracted and was unproductive. Being a loner, I walked to the lounge unaccompanied, carrying my lunch bag and keeping my eyes mostly on my phone screen.
My excitement grew again when I finally sat down to eat. A response awaited my retrieval. I read the details silently,

Thank you for your interest in my business. I am looking forward to meeting in person and providing you with the best experience possible.

Please arrive at the address below tonight at 7PM. Come in comfortable attire and with a list of requests. We will discuss safety when you arrive.

Until then,
John Smith

I read the address and realized it was only a couple of miles from my house. Thankfully I would have plenty of time to get ready when I returned home from work.

The rest of my workday felt like it was dragging on. My foot tapped impatiently, I was only half paying attention to my work, and I probably seemed short with my colleagues as I was wanting each conversation to end as soon as possible.

Following the directions from the email, I found myself pulling into the driveway of a rather unassuming home. The two level house screamed middle class America, and gave no impressions of what I was there, and had paid, to experience. I took the directions to dress comfortably to heart. Wearing black leggings and a loose-fitting t-shirt, I knew I at least wouldn’t be uncomfortable because of my attire.

My heart began to pound in my chest as I approached the front door. It was more out of excitement than nervousness. I had been waiting awhile for someone to provide me with this experience. Despite this, I hope I hadn’t fallen into a dangerous trap.

I pressed the doorbell and only had to wait about thirty seconds until I was greeted by a man about my age. We met eyes and he was the first to speak,

“Sonja?” He asked. I nodded and he opened the door wider for me to enter, gesturing with his hand in a welcoming manner. “Welcome. Please, come in.” As I entered he indicated the open hooks to the left of the door, “Fell free to hang anything there if you wish.” I wanted to keep my purse near me so I kindly declined.

The entryway was modest but open and light. The light brown tile was decorated by a seemingly immaculate dark blue rug. The walls and closet to my left wrapped around to the edge of the stairs and were painted in an eggshell color. The short staircase led up to a well coordinated living room with furniture and decor in varying earth tones. To my right, another longer staircase led to the lower level. Both staircases consisted of a well maintained oak. I don’t think I saw a single fleck of dust anywhere. This man put a lot of his time and energy into keeping his home presentable and clean.

“Thank you, Mr. Smith. You have a beautiful home.”

“Thank you,” he perked up a bit and then gestured toward the the downstairs, “shall we?” I followed him to the lower level of the house. At the bottom of the stairs, I was introduced to a large common room. The soft grey carpet squished under my stocking feet. I examined the room further.
To my right was a modest sitting room with a couch and love seat. A TV sat across with a black coffee table separating them. To my left was the unfinished side that only took up about a third of the space. I saw what one would normally see, such as laundry facilities, a utility sink and shelves of bins from floor to ceiling. The room wrapped around behind the staircase. Ahead of me was a long hallway with several doors. Mr. Smith gestured for me to follow him.

We stopped at the last door on the left which opened up to what I assumed he would have called his supply room. In the center of the room was a large table adorned with several items used in bondage. This was the reason I was here. He allowed me to walk in first.

On the wall opposite the table were three large frames containing lists. One was titled: SERVICES PROVIDED. The second read SCENARIOS and the last one said INTENSITY. This man had made a business out of bringing naughty pleasure to adults. This was the reason I contacted him. He had come with a great reputation and was known for delivering exactly what the client wanted while being very respectful of boundaries.

Mr. John Smith entered behind me and walked to the opposite side of the table.
“I just wanted to show you what some of the money for this service is covering. I was able to procure plenty of supplies for your session today. All of the things you see here are brand new for your safety and comfort. I will use them how you choose.”
I scanned the materials to see if they matched what I had hoped to see. I saw an unopened package of long zip ties, over a dozen bundles of nylon rope in the color black and white, six wide leather straps with buckles, ten rolls of different types of tape, a few packages of plastic cling wrap, about six different sized scarves and the same amount of bandanas. At the end of the table sat a brand new, unopened wand. I looked up at him and smirked,

“You are thorough and attentive to what your clients want. Thank you, Mr. Smith.”

“Call me John,” He smiled back and then indicated the lists hanging on the wall, “Now, I wanted to clarify what will be occurring during our session today. You purchased the deluxe service here,” he pointed to the description titled DELUXE. Under it read the following:

This package offers four separate scenarios, each lasting approximately an hour. The scenarios can be chosen from the next menu. The level of roleplay is at your discretion.

“On that note,” John said, “I need your authorization to complete the transaction and finish the sale, if you don’t mind. You already sent your downpayment, so if you could complete the full transaction of by depositing another $350 please?”

I pulled out my phone and opened the Venmo app. After a few taps, the transaction was complete.

“Thank you very much. Now, let’s finish personalizing the experience you will have today. Please choose four scenarios from the middle menu. For each scenario, you can decide the intensity. Based on the items you chose, I am assuming you won’t be going past level 3, is that correct? Keep in mind you can make changes to any scenario and any intensity at any point during your session.”

I scanned the last menu carefully. It ranged from LEVEL 1 which was described as simple bondage and being left to struggle all the way to LEVEL 6 which consisted of full penetration with other types of sex toys. Level 3 was exactly as he had described. It went as far as fondling, caressing and usage of a wand however the client wished. This is as far as I felt comfortable going. I was grateful that he was respectful of those boundaries. I nodded,

“You are correct. How would you like me to choose these?”
He handed me an iPad displaying the same menus from the wall and told me to make my selections.
“Please, take your time. Don’t feel you have to rush.”
After a few minutes I had chosen my four scenarios and informed him that I enjoyed roleplay, so I would be turning up the acting as well. He smiled,

“That’s wonderful. It makes the experience more worthwhile. Now, on to the safety part of the service. Much of the medical information has been covered with your application. I apologize for seeming like I am prying, but I want to make sure I won’t injure any of my clients when I am tying them up. So, thank you for doing that for me. However, I want to make sure you are feeling well today. Do you have any signs of sickness? More importantly, do your nostrils feel constricted at all? If I am going to be gagging you the way you requested, I want to make sure it won’t suffocate you.”

“Understood,” I said as I sniffed loudly in front of him, “all is well. No congestion.”

“Good. Finally, here are two devices that you will have to wear the entire time. This is only for your safety.” He showed me two rings, each with a small button on the side. “This is so you can alert me when you need me to stop. Wear one on each pointer finger, toward your palm.”

I took the rings from him and did as instructed. He led me out to the main sitting room and pointed to a square device on the ceiling near the stairs.

“Press the button on your left ring.”

As soon as I activated it, a green light illuminated. John pointed to it and continued to explain to me,

“This tells me that you need a break from what I am doing. I will back off until you press it again. Now, press both buttons on the rings at the same time.”

This time a red light illuminated.

“This tells me to abort completely and untie you. You do not have to give me a reason. I will respect your wishes and do as you ask. These lights are installed in every room on this level to assure safety.”

I nodded and smiled again. “You have such a great system here. Wow.” He nodded in appreciation.

“So, that completes the explanation. Do you have any questions for me?”

Shrugging, I chuckled, “When can we begin?”

He smiled, “As soon as I get ready. Please make yourself comfortable and we will begin scenario 1.”


John had asked me to wait on the couch. It had been a good twenty minutes since he disappeared into one of the back rooms. I continued to look around the room, waiting patiently for the experience to begin. I noticed a tinted film over the windows, most likely to keep prying eyes from interrupting our fun. Standing from the couch, I wandered into the unfinished part of the room and scanned the bins on the shelves. The items held within were nowhere near as exciting as what John had showed me in the back room.

My explorations were interrupted as my arms were pulled behind me and my wrists crossed at the small of my back. Within seconds they were secured with zip ties and a gloved had clamped over my mouth.
“What the fmmmmpph!”
I felt warmth behind me as John pulled me against him and whispered in my ear. I whimpered as he said,
“Do everything I say and nothing bad will happen. Got it?”
Playing the part, I whimpered again and nodded. He pulled me back onto the carpeted part of the room and made me get on my knees. I saw a knotted scarf come into view as it was shoved between my teeth and over my tongue. I grunted in surprise and whimpered again, making gag talk as he worked. He tied it off tightly at the nape of my neck, making it impossible to spit out.
He began to loop cotton rope around my wrists, just above the zip ties, in a figure eight formation. This pulled them even closer together and made it even harder for me to move. By the time he was finished, there were a good eight layers of rope holding me strong. The zip ties were clipped off, leaving me in an attempt to free myself from the rope cuffs. I was unsurprisingly unsuccessful.
A black bag went over my head, catching me by surprise. He chuckled menacingly and continued tying me. I felt ropes come across my midsection, below my breasts and then be fed through the loop behind me, under my arms. From there, the ropes went every which way. I felt them loop around my elbows, back around my front and back again, this time over my arms and pinning them to my sides. Four more loops later, he had gone over my left shoulder and fed it under the ropes under my breasts, brought it back up around my right shoulder and secured it around my wrists. This man was an expert at how to secure a very tight chest harness.
More rope pulled my crossed wrists against my back and wrapped round my waist. I felt it do this about six times and then he spoke up,
“Spread your legs apart a bit.”
Timidly, I did as I was told and felt his hand reach down by my crotch as he fed the rope through my legs and pulled it up tightly, activating my sensitive spot.
“Mmmmmmmmph!” I said,
“What, you like that? Good.” He said.
The rope was brought up to one of the strands that crossed my back, looped through and pulled back down, through my legs to the front. He pulled even tighter this time, activating the sensation once more.
“Ommmmmmph mmmmmmph cmmmmmmmmd!” I shouted as I arched toward the ceiling. All he did was chuckle and continued to loop the last of the rope under my breasts and secure it tightly. The way he had secured the crotch rope was genius. Any small movement would activate my sensitive spot, no matter how small.
“Now for your legs, my dear.” He said. I was forced onto my butt, sending a wave of sensations through me. As I grunted, he moved me into a sitting position with my legs straight out in front of me. I felt my ankles being pushed together and then more rope. The revolutions continued. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight before it was shoved between my legs and wrapped vertically around the strands and cinched. The sensation moved to my knees. He performed the same actions above and below them with plenty of rope embracing my limbs. Finally, he wrapped several strands around my thighs, making it feel like I was wrapped from my waist to my knees before he finally said,
“Looking good, kid.”
I began to struggle against the bonds encircling the many areas of my body. Grunting and mumbling into my gag only seemed to entertain him further. The bag was pulled from my head. Seconds later I heard him starting a roll of duct tape behind me.
“Nooph. Youth donph hash tph dooph thppt” I said over the scarf, my voice laced with worry. He chucked again as I felt him walk up behind me and press his legs against my back.
“Nice try, sweetheart. Now, close your lips over the knot in the scarf.”
Closing my eyes tight, I whimpered and did as I told. It was then that I felt the sticky side of the tape covering my mouth and pulling very tightly around the back of my head.
“Mmmmmmmmph!” I protested, but he kept going. The tape came around the left side of my face and back over the already secured band there, even tighter than before. 
“One, two, three, four,” he counted the revolutions as he secured my mouth and jaw in a tight vice of tape. After round four, he tore off the end and smoothed it at the back of my head. I shook my head side to side, as if that would loosen it for some reason.
“Mmmmmmmph! Mmmm mmmm mmmmmph! Lmmmmm mmmmmm gmmmmmph!” I shouted over and over.
“Oh, I’m not done yet, darlin.” He said as the black bag was pulled over my head again. The tape was started once more and I felt the bag push against my eyes while tape tightened around my head. Three revolutions and he smoothed the tape over my eyes leaving me completely blind to all that happened.
I grunted more and more into my gag, causing me to breathe more heavily through my nose. John moved away from me, allowing me to continue struggling against the ropes and tape.
I fell onto my side and eventually moved onto my stomach. Rocking back and forth did nothing to loosen my bonds. I pulled my shoulders back, trying to loosen the chest harness and was rewarded with the crotch rope sending a euphoric wave of pleasure through my vagina. I groaned with pleasure and repeated the step a few times. Soon I felt an amazing orgasm begin to brew in my nether region. I continued rocking back, increasing the feeling bit by bit. Before I knew it, a tremendous wave of electricity travelled all over my body, causing me to make the loudest groan into my gag I had ever heard myself make.
John approached me and said into my ear, “You want more, huh?” I nodded vigorously
“Mmmmmm hmmmmm. Ymmmmmmms plmmmmmmz.”
I was moved onto my side. John grabbed the rope at my back and my front and pulled hard upward, making the sensation ten times stronger. He did it in intervals, trusting and letting go over the next half hour.

We were only halfway through this scenario and I continued to struggle on the floor. The gag was getting wet and had pulled away from my lips.
“Hey, John. New gag.” I said.
Within seconds, I could feel the tape around my eyes loosening. The bag was pulled away and I squinted from the light that flooded in. John pushed a pair of scissors between the tape and my skin, snipped it and pulled it off. No pain was felt, as my sweat had loosened the glue. The knot in the scarf was untied and it pulled from my mouth. I moved my tongue around, rewetting my mouth and getting ready for the next round. Exercising my jaw helped relax some of the muscles.
“Ready for the new gag?” He asked. I nodded and was immediately answered with a balled up bandana shoved into my mouth. “Close your lips over the bandana, please.” As soon as the cloth disappeared behind my lips, he wasted no time wrapping the tape back around my mouth, just as tight as the last time. This time, however, he didn’t skimp on the layers and moved much faster. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, all of them creating a nice, smooth band of grey material that covered the lower half of my face.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmph! Hmmmmmmmmlp! Hmmmmmmmmmmlp!” I tested the effectiveness of the gag and it proved to hold in most of the sound coming from my mouth.

I laid back on my bound wrists and arms, squirming against the ropes that held fast. My squirming reignited the hot sensation in my nether region, making me moan with pleasure. John came into view at my left and we met eyes.

“Do you like that?”

I closed my eyes and nodded, making another moan.

“I can make it better, if you’d like. It would require me to go a bit above the intensity you asked for your first scenario. Are you okay with that?”

I locked eyes with him again and nodded vigorously.

“Ymmmmmmms plmmmmmmz.”

Looking down, I could now see the intricate web of ropes covering my torso. The harness had not budged in the slightest despite all of my movement. If anything, it felt tighter around my body.
I saw John’s hand moving toward my crotch. He extended his pointer and middle finger and shoved them between my thighs. Then I felt the tips of his fingers dig into my vagina and rub against my sensitive spot. He moved them up and down slowly, causing me to arch backward,


The movement of his hand increased, making the activation of the orgasm even stronger. I arched my back even more and groaned loudly into my gag. After awhile he could see I was beginning to breathe too quickly and stopped so I could catch my breath. Once my breathing normalized, I could tell he was moving on to the next phase of the scenario.

Both of his hands touched my hips and squeezed, making me feel an indescribable bliss. He moved them inward, pushing one of his hands between my thighs and completely grabbing me. With a squeeze, I felt another rushing orgasm hit me, causing me to moan loudly

“Mmmmmmmm mmmm gmmmmmd. Plmmmmmmz dmmmmmmmt stmmmmmmp!!!!”

This signaled him to spread his fingers out amongst the skin of my pussy and squeeze even harder. I moaned again and arched my back. His hands travelled upward, flat against my abdomen. Slowly he reached my ribs and then cupped my breasts in each of his hands. With a light squeeze, I felt another rush and groaned.
John moved to my side and, pushing his hand under my shoulders, hoisted me up into a sitting position. The crotch rope did its work, making me flinch slightly until I was leaning back against him. He reached his left arm around me like a seatbelt and caressed me tightly. His other hand joined in and began to fondle me in several places like my hips, my ribs and my breasts. I moaned with pleasure and let my head fall limply against his shoulder as he continued. The gag talk I was making was mostly intelligible at that point. I was so lost in the amazing orgasm he was creating for me that I didn’t really care what he did.
His left hand moved back to my breasts again while his right came up and covered the tape on my mouth, smoothing it down in a back and forth motion. I pretended to try to open my mouth, making the tape pull at the skin under my nose and above my chin.

“You have about ten more minutes left in this scenario. Want me to continue with the pleasuring?”

“Mmmmmmm hmmmm. Plmmmmmmmz dmmmmmmt stmmmmmmp.” I said as I closed my eyes.

He backed up and lowered me to the floor. I was scared he was going to end the scenario early until he rolled me into my stomach. I tried to look back at him frantically, but my upper body was so locked in position by the ropes that I couldn’t. Suddenly, I felt his hand work its way between my thighs and caress the skin of my perineum until he once again had a hold of my vagina. That’s when the vigorous rubbing started. He moved his hand up and down between my legs and I almost screamed into the gag with utter bliss. This continued for the last ten minutes of the scenario until I was utterly out of breath and the gag began to loosen again.

By the time it had ended, I just laid there and let him work on slowly untying me. I went completely limp and felt him moving me this way and that, getting the ropes and tape off of my body.

“Please lie still for a moment and catch your breath, Sonja. I will begin to prepare for scenario 2 as you regain your composure. Would you like some water? Do you need a bathroom break?” John asked as he stood over me. He had a genuine look of concern on his face as I looked groggily back at him and nodded,

“Yeah, some water would be great, thanks so much.” Before he could walk away, I grabbed the ankle of his pants. He stopped and turned back to me, “holy shit that was fucking amazing.”

He smiled, “I am glad to hear it, but that was only the beginning. Just you wait.” He winked and walked away.

Scenario 2 coming soon…
Last edited by ropeladygags 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
Centennial Club
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Post by laz »

great chapter, well written. Looking forward to the next scenario
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Post by GreyLord »

That was excellent, [mention]ropeladygags[/mention]. You have clear and descriptive writing. I'm looking forward to Scenario 2.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by ropeladygags »

Note: the tape used in this part of the story is basically meant to be like duct tape but with the texture of bondage tape. It has adhesive but is shiny and almost like latex/spandex. Anyone know if this type of tape actually exists?


In an attempt to help me calm down and not over exert myself, we both agreed that the next scenario would be much less intense. John instructed me to go to the last room on the right. When I opened the door, I saw a nicely made bed with white side tables on either side. The bedframe was carved from dark stained oak at the head and the foot. A puzzle book sat in the middle of the bed and I took it gladly and started to page through it.

The puzzles were easy to solve and I had gotten through about ten pages. At that point I had made myself very comfortable by lying on my stomach, propping myself up on my elbows as I read.

The door opened and I turned to look, but was scolded,

“No! Turn away now or you’ll be sorry!” John warned. “Get up and place the book on the side table slowly.” I carefully moved myself off the bed and put the book down where he had instructed. With my hands up, I kept my eyes facing foreword, looking at the wall.

“Lie face down on the bed and place your hands behind your back.”
My heart began to race, knowing that I was heading for more pleasurable sensations. I climbed back on the bed, laid across the sheets and crossed my wrists behind me.

I heard John approach me and then felt the bed move as he climbed on next to me. But I dared not move my head for fear of punishment.
He pulled a tape end off the roll, but it made a sound that resembled a high pitch squeak. It must have been a newer kind with which I was unfamiliar.

The sticky sensation came to the skin of my hands and wrists and again, it was new. The tape didn’t have the same plastic-like material to it, but was more leathery and much more sticky. It also felt like the band was much wider, as it covered me from the bottom of my hands to well above my wrists with just one pass. It made minimal noise and came off the roll easily. He whipped it around my wrists at lightning speed and, before I knew it had wrapped it ten times. Once he ripped it from the roll and secured it, I tested its strength. It was more rubbery and moved with me, making it impossible to rip through or wiggle out of.

My legs were hanging partially off the end of the bed, from my calves down. John told me to press my ankles together and then quickly trussed them up with the same roll. He could have stopped there and I would have been plenty secure, but John didn’t skimp.
A tightening sensation covered my legs as the tape was wrapped from mid calf to mid thigh.

“Alright, you’re gonna have to stand up for this part.” John pulled me off the bed and helped me to stand and face him. This is when I was able to get a good look at the tape roll. It was black and shiny, much like spandex found on a catsuit. The band itself was about another inch or so wider than regular duct tape. I looked down at my legs and could see that the it behaved more like a tight second skin than tape. It conformed to whatever it was adhering to, which made it that much harder to move.
“Look at me,” John’s voice was firm and forceful. When we met eyes, he pulled the end away from the roll again and lifted it to my face. “Lips together,” he said.

I pressed my mouth into a line and the tape was pressed forcefully against my face. The zipping sound of it coming off the roll surrounded me as I watched it go around and around several times. The intense stickiness took me off guard a bit at first as I felt the leathery sensation conform to the bottom half of my face. With each revolution, he tightened the strand, like he was shrink wrapping my mouth.
“Mmmmmmmph lmmmmmmmt mmmmmmmm gmmmmmmm.” I tested its effectiveness and was surprised how little sound escaped. My jaw was cemented in place, as if the tape itself had melted and sealed my lips together.

John turned me to face the wall again. I felt a tight pulling at the top of my head. Within seconds I saw the pantyhose John was wrenching over my head and pulling down to my waist little by little.
“Wmmmmmmmm??!!! Wmmmmmmt armmmmmmmm ymmmmmm dmmmmmg??!!” I protested.
“You’re going to be in your very own cocoon this time. No wiggling or writhing around for you.”
The pantyhose were pulled all the way down past my crossed and bound wrists, just below my hips. Very little slack was left at the top of my head and I felt like my body was being constricted.

The tape came over my head from behind like John was playing jump rope with me. He started the end and pulled the long strand across my chest, just above my breasts. The roll made several revolutions around my torso. I lost count of how many times he wrapped me, but he eventually ripped it off and secured it just above my bound wrists, leaving me covered in tape from shoulders to waist. I tried wiggling and found myself in a losing battle.

“And now, for the finale,” John’s voice sounded menacing and I began to feel a bit nervous about what was next. “Let’s make sure that head is nice and secure,” he remarked as the roll of tape appeared in front of me once more.
I had no chance to protest. The sensation of compression overcame my mouth again as the tape was pulled back against it. This time he did not hold back on the revolutions.
“WMMMMMMMMT???!!!!” I screamed into the ever growing gag in utter shock as John kept wrapping. At one point the roll disappeared behind my head, was pulled tightly to the left and then covered my eyes as it went back around. “OMMMMM MMMMMM GMMMMMD NMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!” I screamed. Seven times it had gone around my eyes. Unfortunately he wasn’t satisfied yet. He looped the tape under my chin and up over the top of my head this time. After a few more rounds, he had my head almost completely mummified save my nose.

John rolled me onto my back. The sounds of his footsteps moved to the foot of the bed. I continued to struggle against the tightness of the tape around my body. I tried moving my hands around in circles, but the spandex texture of the tape held them fast. Moving to my legs, I made an attempt to get some give out of the tape that wrapped from my hips to above my knees and then from below my knees to mid calf. I pushed one leg down and pulled with the other and then alternated. Usually, with regular duct tape, there was some give when I did this and I could get some movement. There was just something different about this tape and I got absolutely no movement. My legs felt cemented together.
“Hard to wiggle isn’t it?”

John’s voice startled me a bit and I whimpered with fear. I turned my face toward the sound, but with my eyes covered in pantyhose and tape, I was blind and had no idea what I was “looking” at. The air was going in and coming out of my nose a bit faster, indicating the increase in heart rate due to excitement. Every time I exhaled, I let out a tiny whimper, increasing my adrenaline

“This is a special kind of tape. I have introduced it to my last three clients and all of them highly enjoyed it. So, I assumed you would.”

The footsteps moved back to the left, near where why feet hung over the side of the bed. He grabbed my ankles and, lifting my legs, began to move me to the right, straightening me across the mattress so my head was just below the pillows. He moved around to the other side of the bed and clamped his hand over my mouth, squeezing slightly, causing me to gasp and moan.

“Do you like it? Is it a kind of tape you would want to keep using?” His voice entered my right ear. I nodded
“Hmmm mmmmm. Mmmmmmts gmmmmmmmd.”
After a moment of silence and some ruffling through his pockets, I felt a pinch at my nose. John pulled the pantyhose away from my face slightly,
“Hold absolutely still.”
The sound of metal rubbing together hit my ears as the pantyhose material was cut near my nostrils. It pulled away and I felt like I could take a deeper breath.

“There. I left you an air hole. Now, I have one more thing to do with the tape and then I will be back at the end of this scenario. I leave you here to do what you will while taped and gagged. Enjoy, Sonja.”
I listened as his footsteps walked to the left. The sound of rustling ended with him ripping more tape from the roll. Suddenly I felt it wrapping around my feet, starting at the middle and then moving to my toes. He came back down and wrapped until it was just below my ankles. After that the door opened and closed, leaving me in silence.

I lied there and listened closely. There was no indication that anyone was around. I heard no birds or wind from outside either. The only sound was that of my heart pounding and my heavy breathing through my nostrils. I decided to turn up the acting at this point, hoping to activate another orgasm.


With my head wrapped in tape, I could see nothing. I did my best to make myself aware of what I was feeling physically. The stickiness and rubbery texture of the tape seemed to pull tighter and tighter with each second. It embraced me from my breasts to my waist, pulling my bound hands against my back in an uncomfortable angle. I tried wiggling them free, moving my hands in circles, but the elasticity of the tape just bounced back to its original tightness. Next, I attempted to push my elbows outward, trying to get my makeshift tape corset to move. It didn’t budge a single millimeter. Trying to pull my legs apart in any way was impossible. Moving my jaw back and forth didn’t work either. I was very much stuck in a tape cocoon.

I decided to use the time to just play the part further. So, I made up a story in my head that I had been taken from my house at night, tied up and gagged this way in a van and left in this room. I called out relentlessly through the thick layers of tape. I feigned sobbing and writhed back and forth, as if I were trying to get free.


Bringing my knees up toward my midsection, I managed to roll over onto my side. The weight release from my hands allowed me to try and reach up behind and work away at the tape. I clawed at it, pulled at it and tried separating my wrists. It was then that I noticed a tiny tear in one of the tape strands and my heart began to pound with excitement. I rolled onto my stomach, making excited gag talk as I did.


That’s when I started to feel another blissful orgasm beginning to brew between my legs. There were only a couple of ways to keep it going to full ecstatic tingles and one of them had left the room several minutes ago.

“Mmmmmmmm mmmmmm gmmmmmmmmd.” I grunted and groaned behind the layers of tape as I began to thrust my hips forward into the mattress. The sensation gradually increased with each movement. In a last ditch effort to activate the orgasm I moved the thrust to a higher speed and grunted loudly. Like tendrils of a vine, the electric jolts traveled through my nether region and up my pelvic area. My breathing increased as did the pounding of my heart.

“MMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!! OOOOOMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM GMMMMMMD!!!” I screamed loudly and squeezed my eyes tight as the orgasm completely overtook me. My limbs and body went limp. I lied there and waited for the scenario to end, my eyes closed, my breathing slowed and I groaned into the thick gag that had not budged since it was fastened.

Between twenty and thirty minutes later, I heard the door open and someone approach the bed. John’s voice pierced the silence,
“I hope you enjoyed this scenario, Sonja. Let’s get you untied so you can take a short break before moving on to the next one. Get some coffee, or water, take a bathroom break and stretch out a bit. We don’t want you to have pulled muscles or too much soreness tomorrow.”

It took almost fifteen minutes to remove all of the tape and the pantyhose. After I was finally free, I stood up and stretched my arms out.

“Are you feeling satisfied with the service so far, Sonja?”

“Absolutely. Very satisfied.” I smiled. He nodded and smiled back. He led me to the upstairs of the house and into the living room. On the coffee table, someone had set up a selection of refreshments such as coffee, water, soda and snacks.

I took a seat at the sofa as a young woman approached me with her hand outstretched.

“Hello, Sonja, my name is Mercedes. I am John’s wife and assistant. How has your experience been for you?”

I took her hand and shook it. Her grip was strong and her presence confident. My eyes lit up,

“Very satisfied. Thank you.”

“I am so happy to hear that. Please, enjoy a refreshment before moving to your next scenario.”

I took a bottle of water from the table as well as a handful of almonds. The last part of her statement took me a bit by surprise.

“So how involved in the business are you, Mercedes? I know you said you were John’s assistant. But what does that entail?” I asked. She nodded and smiled,

“Yeah, I help with the inventory and finances side of the business. I have also stepped in to assist him with some scenarios that may require two people to complete.”

“Which brings me to the question I wanted to ask you next, Sonja,” John said, appearing at the top of the stairs. I took a bite of the almonds as I gave him my full attention. “Your next two scenarios will be set to intensity 3. I was going to offer that we turn up the role-play and I ask my wife to join in on the tying and gagging. Does that sound alright to you?”

Nodding, I responded, “Yes. That would be great.”

The three of us spent the next twenty minutes planning out the role play for my next scenario. Once we all felt comfortable with our roles, I took a quick bathroom break and then walked back downstairs to the sitting area, awaiting my fate.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Nice start. If this is only intensity 3 then I fear for those that choose the higher intensities!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Excellent first two scenes, this promises to be a fantastic and I hope long running tale, as there’s so much opportunity to expand the number of clients and requests, keep going, it’s a great read
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Post by ropeladygags »


Only ten minutes had passed by the time I saw John and Mercedes storming down the stairs dressed head to toe in black. Each of them had black beanies on their heads and had painted some kind of black paint on the upper part of their faces. They looked like burglars in a big heist movie. In their hands, they carried guns, fake ones of course, but still looked real.

As soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs, staring me down as I stood in the middle of the room, they pointed the guns at me and John said,

“You, don’t move! Put your hands up!”

I gasped in surprise and I raised my hands,

“Please don’t hurt me!” I said, sounding genuinely scared.

“Turn around and put your hands on the back of your head. Move slowly.” Mercedes demanded. My breath caught in my throat. Trembling, I followed her orders. As soon as I had my back to them, she continued, “Walk slowly to the second door on your right. Open the door and walk into the room. You will see a support beam in there. Stop in front of it.”

I began to take small steps forward.

“What are you going to do to me?” I asked, my voice shaking.

John snickered, “Let’s just say, when we are done with ‘what we’re going to do with you,’ you won’t be able to move or speak.”

I gasped, “Oh my God. Please don’t hurt me.” I begged.

“Honey, do what we say, and we won’t. Now keep walking.” Mercedes ordered.

I had made it to the second door on the right. I reached out slowly with my hand, turned the knob and pushed the door open. Inside, I saw the support beam in the middle of the room. Behind it was a table set up with all kinds of tools. As I crossed the threshold and stopped in front of the beam, I took a better look at what tools were there. I could see a few rolls of tape, several leather straps with buckles and a few bundles of rope. John entered the room to my right and then I heard Mercedes speaking behind me,

“Keep your hands where they are. Turn around and put your back up against the pole.”

I turned to face her and put my back up against the pole. As soon as I did this, she put her gun in her belt and then several things happened at once.

In a flash, John had grabbed my hands from behind and pulled them back around the beam. Mercedes went back to join him, grabbing my wrists and holding the together in an iron grip. The rope was wrapped tightly around my wrists in several loops. I had lost count by the time I felt John pulling them between my arms a few times and cinching the ends together.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” I said out loud, in a panicked voice. “You’re going to tie me up and leave me here, aren’t you? Oh god.”

My words were ignored. More rope began to wrap around my arms, just above my elbows. To my surprise, I saw the rope ends come around the front as Mercedes helped John quickly make revolutions with it around my midsection, just below my breasts. With each pass of the rope, I felt myself being pulled tighter against the support beam. John knotted the ends between my arms and I began to try to move in my bonds.

“She can move her legs still. Let’s tie them up, quickly!” John said.

“No! No, don’t!” I yelled.

“Shut her up while I get her legs started!” John yelled. I didn’t really listen to his orders and continued to try to fight the ropes. Mercedes appeared before me with a long scarf in her hands, knotted in the middle. “What is that? What are you dommmmmmmph!” She shoved the knot into my mouth and then, walking behind me, pulled the ends of the scarf around it and tied it tight. I was now gagged and my head immobilized enough that I couldn’t see what they were doing to the rest of my body. I could only guess based on what I felt from this moment forward.
“That will hold you over until we put on the real gag.” Mercedes said, her face inches from mine. As my eyes widened in fear, a menacing laugh escaped her mouth and she went back to helping John with tying me up.

By the time she was done tying my gag, John had finished trussing my ankles tightly with several loops of rope. I could feel it up to the middle of my calf on both legs.

I closed my eyes, mostly in defeat and just let it all happen. The sensation of tightening came around my thighs this time. It went fast too. The two of them worked well as a team. In a flash the rope was finished off and I was effectively tied to the beam.
Both of my captors went back to the table to fetch a few more items. I heard a tinkling of metal and wondered what the hell was coming next.
The first leather strap was held by Mercedes who stood in front of me. She took the ends of the strap and fed them under my armpits while John took hold of them behind me and pulled hard. The sensation of compression engulfed me around my breasts as the buckle was fastened behind. I grunted in discomfort and squeezed my eyes shut. The sensation repeated around my hips and knees, effectively strapping me in nice and tight. I felt like I was being mummified by rope and leather.

Finally, the last strap came into view and I wasn’t excited about where it was going. I made grunting sounds of protest into the scarf gag but was ignored. Mercedes spread the leather straps over my forehead and fed the ends back to John again. Tightness engulfed my head, completely paralyzing me. Once that was buckled in, I knew I was going absolutely nowhere. I could not move an inch.

My eyes searched frantically. Mercedes disappeared behind me and began to undo the gag. When it was pulled from my mouth, I started to try to bargain.
“Okay, okay. You’ve had your fun. Can you please let me go now?”

“Let you go? We’ve only just gotten started my dear!” John teased. “Now, to properly silence you.” His last statement put me into a panic. Mercedes appeared with a roll of black duct tape and something else in her hands.

“Oh god, no, please. You don’t have to gag me. I won’t talk, I promise. Please don’t…”

Shaking her head, Mercedes showed me a small sponge ball in between her thumb and pointer finger, “Open wide,” she instructed. I continued to beg them not to gag me until Mercedes forcefully grabbed my chin, “stop it. Open up your mouth on your own or I will force it in.” She said firmly. I stared at her in shock, my eyes going wide. She brought the ball to my lips and I relented by parting them enough for her to shove it between my teeth. I made a sound of surprise which morphed into a scream,

“NMMMMMMMMMMPH!!! PLMMMMMMZ!” Mercedes yanked the end off of the roll of tape to about a foot in length. Suddenly she came at me while smoothing the tape over my mouth and then passing the roll back to John. He pulled it back, the zipping sound of the tape filling the room, and smoothed it over the pole while passing it back to Mercedes. They did this merry go round action several times as the layers added over my lips and cheeks, holding my jaw in a vice grip.


By the time John tore the tape off the roll and smoothed it down, my mouth was so tightly covered with tape that the skin of my cheeks was bulging out. My eyes were wide in shock by this point, frantically looking for and escape, even though I knew there was no way I was getting out of this. My breathing was heavy through my nose and I began to make whimpering noises with every exhale.

“Now for the fun part.” John said. His hands appeared from behind me, holding a long strand of dark fabric. I made a lot of gag talk and then he covered my eyes with it and secured it behind the beam with a tight knot. At this point I was protesting loudly behind the tape, but it was not coming out as threatening as I wanted.

The world was now dark and the intensity was picking up. Seconds after blindfolding me, John cupped my midsection in his hands and began to massage me there. My protests slowly turned into groans of pleasure. His hands moved to my breasts and gave a good squeeze. Again, I moaned.

“I think she likes it, honey. Why don’t you turn it up a notch?” Mercedes suggested.

“Good idea!” His hand immediately grabbed between my legs, cupping me and massaging me vigorously. He moved his hand up and down and then wiggled his fingers in a circular motion just enough to stimulate my clit. I moaned loudly.

“Now for the real big toys.” Mercedes said. I was unsure of what that meant at first. There was a pause in the action and John took his hands away. Then I felt something round being shoved between my thighs and pushed up against my vagina.

“WMMMMMMT RRRMMMMM YMMMMMM DMMMMMMG??!” I gagged talked, asking what was happening. A buzzing sound came to my ears and my clit was suddenly awoken with a vibrating sensation sending electric jolts all through my pelvis. “OOOOOOMMMM MMMMMMM GMMMMMMD!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!”

“Ooooh she likes it, Mercedes! Turn up the heat!” John exclaimed.

Suddenly the vibrations increased in intensity and I shouted more into my thick gag. The sensation in my vagina was so blissful my brain kept demanding more. Unconsciously I started to try to thrust my hips toward the vibrator, but the rope and straps held me fast.

The fondling and vibing continued back and forth for awhile. I kept making my moans into the layers of tape cementing my lips shut. Then, the two of them decided to add something new to the list of actions. Amidst the jostling of my hips and nether region, I suddenly felt a rhythmic weight against my pelvis and made the deduction that they were taking turns dry humping me.

In the middle of the chaos, I felt I had to activate the ring on my left hand. I was in need of a chance to catch my breath. The tape encircling the bottom half of my face was making it harder to breathe. Hopefully I could communicate that I was in need of them to remove the gag.

The green light illuminated and both John and Mercedes backed off immediately.

“We will give you a moment. Just hit the button again to let us know when you’re ready.”

I tried to get the message across by talking, but it came out as a mumbled mess.
“PLMMMMMMMMMMZ TMMMMMMMMMK MMMMMMMFFFF THMMMMMMMMMM GMMMMMMMMMG.” I said. My breathing heavily through my nostrils was showing I was in slight distress.

“Do you need us to remove something?”

“MMMMMMM HMMMMM.” I mumbled.

“The gag?” Mercedes asked.

“MMMMMMM HMMMMM.” I mumbled.

Without hesitation, I felt the gag give way as one of them cut the tape between the support beam and my face. Slowly peeling it away, I took a deep breath as soon as my mouth was free of the sponge.

“Please take your time. Let us know when you are ready. You have about twenty minutes left of this scenario. We can abandon the scenario, continue gag free or we can continue where we left off by gagging you again and upping the stimulation.”

In between my catching my breath, I said, “Please continue. Gag me the same or more if you want. This has been amazing.”

Within five minutes my breathing had normalized. In that time, John and Mercedes made sure to tighten all of the straps. This also included wrapping strands of tape from my breasts to my waist until it ran out. I was close to being mummified at this point.
One of them walked behind the pole to the table and grabbed a few items. One was a new roll of tape which I deduced by the sound of the end coming off the roll. I wetted my mouth a bit and then said, “Okay, I’m ready.” Since I was still blindfolded, I couldn’t tell when the gagging would begin.

Someone lifted something soft to my lips and I opened my mouth. This particular sponge was bigger and filled my mouth much more. My cheeks were stretching slightly, but that was counteracted with what came text.
Only a second after hearing more tape pulling off the roll did I feel the sticky band pressed very tightly against my lips. The roll was brought around my head, covering my mouth with layer after layer of the sticky stuff. My moans grew stronger and stronger as I continued to count the wraps. After the fifteenth go around, the strands moved from my mouth to around my eyes. I made a sound of surprise that was effectively muffled. As a safety precaution to not squish my eyes, whomever was taping me only did three go arounds.
Then the role play started again,
“Now that you’re good and gagged, let’s get back to the play,” John said.

They did not hold back with the fondling. John reached around from behind and grabbed my taped breasts and squeezed hard. His hands moved up my shoulders and to my neck where he fanned his fingers out against my jaw while his other hand smoothed over the tape back and forth. Then his other hand joined it, pressing against it on either sides as if to make sure it was secured.
“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. Hmmmmmmmmmmmph.” I moaned.

Mercedes shoved the vibrator between my legs and turned it on full blast. I felt a strong shaking sensation against my vagina and groaned into the gag. She then pulled it away only to push it in hard again. This rhythmic vibing continued as John kept fondling my upper body for the last twenty minutes of the scenario.

After that time, the bonds and tape were slowly removed. John and Mercedes helped me into a chair where I sat and caught my breath. A thin layer of sweat covered my brow. John handed me a towel to wipe myself off.

A conversation started and details the final scenario came up. We had decided that Mercedes would join us for that one as well. We also agreed that intensity could be increased to level 6. This meant that the role play would be turned up and that any cries for help would be ignored unless I initiated the ring buttons. My last three experiences confirmed for me that I was willing to go further. Little did I know that the last scenario would push me out of my comfort zone.
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Post by gaggedrock29 »

This was excellent!
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Post by ropeladygags »

Aaaaand we are about to take quite a turn. *evil laughter*

Being provided a wardrobe was not something I expected. A strange feeling bubbled up in my gut, wondering if I was about to push my luck with this. Then, a weird question flashed before my eyes. They wouldn’t hurt me, would they? No. Would they? The metal of the rings around each of my pointer fingers reminded me that they had a fail-safe in place. I had used it once already and both John and Mercedes had shown they were taking it seriously. Trying to put the idea aside, I took the black tank top and shorts from the small table next to the sink. After releasing me from the support pole, we had walked across the hall to a small bathroom. My captors had instructed me to put these on, but to strip myself of all other clothing before doing so, including my undergarments. They wanted total control.
Once the shorts were up to my hips, I noticed a strange difference in them that I had not encountered in other similar garments worn before. I sat on the toilet and spread my legs. Pulling the shorts down to my knees I noticed that the crotch of them had been cut open and reinforced on each side of the cut with more thread. My entire nether region was exposed with these on. I felt my heart go into my throat as I began to doubt moving forward. Was intensity 6 going to be too much for me?
Standing from the toilet, I pulled the shorts back up and adjusted the tank top. I looked into the small mirror above the sink and felt very exposed. My shoulders, neck and arms were more exposed than I was accustomed to. Looking down, I could see that the outline of my breasts showed through the black material, my nipples firm.

The moment of quiet was very abruptly interrupted. The door burst open and John and Mercedes forced their way in. John immediately took my arms behind me with his left hand and arm between them and my back, pulling them close to his body. His right hand clamped hard over my mouth and pulled my head back so my ear was close to his lips.
“Prepare to be broken.” He said menacingly. My reflection showed utter terror. Mercedes smirked and walked up to my left side. In her hands was a black leather strap that was widened at the middle. On either side were attached leather buckled straps. Protruding from the middle section was some kind of rubber probe. From my angle it appeared to be a small balloon. John took his hand away as she lifted this leather strap and probe to my lips. He wrapped his fingers under my chin and pinched my cheeks, making me open my mouth. The probe was inserted and I tasted the strong flavor of rubber over my tongue. The straps were brought behind my head and fastened tightly. I was unaware of what kind of gag this was, but it definitely did the job. The widened section covered my mouth from just below my nose to right above my chin, like a thick strand of tape.
“Let’s go, darling,” Mercedes said as she grabbed my knees and lifted me off the floor. The two of them carried me out into the hall and entered another room a couple doors down. With my back to the inside of the room, I couldn’t see what the setup was. I tried fighting against them, but they were too strong together.
Next I knew I was looking at the ceiling with my back against a slab of wood about a little more than a foot wide. The slab held me up on sturdy legs and I deduced it to be a bench.
They wasted no time beginning to bind me. Mercedes went to work on my ankles and I felt the cotton rope wrapping around them several times. As she did that, John pulled my hands under the bench and crossed my wrists there. Within a minute I was very securely tied at my hands and feet. Since my hands were secured under the bench, I could not sit up. Before I could bring my legs up to my waist, a leather belt was fastened around my ankles on top of the rope and buckled under the bench. I grunted behind the leather strap covering my mouth and tried to wiggle free, but they had trussed me up tightly.
John and Mercedes remained silent as the binding continued. Another leather strap, this one about four inches wide, encircled my torso just below my breasts. I felt the leathery texture of the straps against my arms while John’s hands fiddled with he buckle. After feeding the prong through the buckle holes, he had fastened it tightly around my midsection and my arms underneath the wood slab. After it was buckled, Mercedes added another one around my forehead.
The action slowed for a minute as my two captors disappeared from my view. I heard them rustling with some items off to the right and waited anxiously for what would come next. Mercedes’ face came into view, her face looking mischievous. She had two items in her hands and began to explain to me what was about to happen, likely to build up the adrenaline.
“This, is to complete your gag, my dear,” she held up a rubber bulb with a narrow hose attached to its end. It looked similar to one would see on a blood pressure cuff, “you see this,” she pointed to the end of the hose where a metal bracket was attached, “goes here.” She placed the metal bracket over the leather strap covering my mouth. She quickly screwed it into place and let it hang to the side and brush against my right cheek.
“You’re probably wondering what the hell this is, aren’t you?” My eyes must have told them yes. “Well, every time Mercedes squeezes that bulb…” Mercedes grabbed the bulb and gave it a good squeeze. To my surprise, the rubber balloon over my tongue increased in size slightly. My eyes went wide as I realized what was about to happen. “You feel it don’t you?” I closed my eyes tightly. Mercedes and John chuckled and to my horror I heard her squeezing more air into the gag. I groaned and tried to protest, but with each puff the rubber balloon got bigger. Soon the balloon was completely filling the inside of my mouth, conforming to the shape of my tongue and teeth. Any sounds I made were very much muffled.
“We needed a good, effective gag because the next part will push you past your comfort zone.” Mercedes said, showing me the second object. A curved plastic object came into view. It appeared like a very small cucumber, but purple in color. The object itself was about four inches long and maybe an inch or so thick at its widest part. My brow furrowed in confusion until it suddenly dawned on me. It was a small insertable wand. The modified shorts now made sense.
“I think she’s made a realization, honey. Let’s just get her set up, huh?”
Mercedes nodded and then both of them disappeared from view again. With my head strapped down, I couldn’t watch what they were doing.
My breathing increased as I felt John’s hands grab my knees and pull them apart as far as they could go. I felt pressure at my ankles and winced.
“Here we go!” Mercedes said playfully. What happened next took me completely off guard. The wand was inserted part way into my vagina, like a tampon, and left hanging out slightly. If I hadn’t been strapped down I would have arched my back as I screamed. I continued to scream as loudly as I could while both my captors continued fastening me to the bench. I was so distracted by the feeling in my nether region that, I hadn’t paid attention to how well they had been tying me. Three more leather belts held me. One at my hips, another around my thighs, and the last over my shins. I tested the bonds and realized quickly that I was well secured. I could barely move.
“And now, for the next layer.” John exclaimed.
Next layer? There was more?
He appeared in my field of vision holding a roll of plastic cling wrap.
“MMMMMMMMMM NMMMMMMMMMMM PLMMMMMMMMZ.” I tried to beg but my gag was too effective.
“I’m sorry, what’s as that? I can’t hear you.” John mocked. When he disappeared again and I heard them start the cling roll, the pressure at my lower legs increased. The cling wrap was encircling me little by little as they moved toward my head. When they reappeared, I saw one on either side of me, passing the roll back and forth over and under the bench, effectively securing me. I thought it would stop when they reached my shoulders, but no. The wrapping continued past them, and then came up around my mouth and over the gag. They wrapped the cling wrap around my mouth about three times before going under the bench again and around my forehead. I was surprised they hadn’t tried to cover my eyes.
“We want you to see what’s happening for this one,” John said, as if reading my mind.
To my horror, Mercedes appeared, this time holding two rolls of the same black, spandex looking tape John had used in the second scenario.
“Last layer.” She said. She tossed the second one to John who immediately pulled the end off and pressed it against my forehead, over the cling wrap. That’s when the winding started. I watched him as he moved with incredible speed. Around and around, moving down toward my feet. The tightness around my head, mouth, shoulders and torso increased as he kept going. Mercedes moved up from the other end and soon I was completely cocooned to this bench. Never had I been so heavily bound.

After placing all of their tools back on the table to my right, John appeared and straddled me at my hips.
“There you are, now. Let’s get started with the fun shall we?”
I looked him in the eyes, mine wide with concern as I whimpered into the gag. John leaned forward and began stroking my torso. It was almost impossible to hold back my moans of pleasure. The feeling was great, but the way that I was practically mummified made me vulnerable in a way I wasn’t ready for. He continued to move his hands up and down my torso until he stopped and my breasts. His hands cupped them and then squeezed, causing a moan to escape me.
“Mmmmmmmmmmph. Mmmmmmmmmmph!” He continued this action, and then switched back to my torso. Eventually he sat up straight, leaned back and started to thrust his hips forward on me. I bit down on the rubber balloon in my mouth and moaned even louder. Mercedes crawled under the bench. As John continued to thrust his hips, she reached up from below me and grabbed my breasts, fondling them hard. I moaned again, which just seemed to add fuel to the fire as it made them continue.
After a few minutes, John slowed a bit and Mercedes crawled back out from under the bench. She leaned over until her face was only centimeters from mine. Leaning down, she pressed her lips against the gag hard as if trying to kiss me. Then her lips moved to my cheeks and nose. Her tongue came out and dragged across my face, causing me to close my eyes tightly and groan.
Mercedes seemed disappointed by this reaction. I saw her hold up a small rectangular item. She brought into my field of vision. Five buttons were arranged in a line, each numbered.
“Let’s up the sensations a bit, shall we?” She said menacingly. Her thumb grazed the number 1 as she pressed it.
I screamed into my gag. The wand began to quiver in my vagina. More so than the vibrator in the last scenario, this wand aroused me in a way I couldn’t describe. Like tiny hands reaching up into my pelvis and tickling me, the waves of energy increased.
Biting down on the gag filling my mouth, I tried to focus on not giving them any more fuel. The more I reacted, the more they upped the ante. The vibrating was hard to ignore, but I did my best. I heard the buzzing sound amongst the silence and wondered if my captors had left. Opening my eyes, I almost jumped out of my skin. John and Mercedes hovered over me.
“Let’s gradually move it up.” Mercedes remarked, her finger now hovering over number 2. Before pressing it, John egged her on,
“Hell with that. Give her the full blast.”
She turned back and looked at him. There was a short pause between them. My eyes frantically searched them, moving back and forth as I breathed heavily through my nostrils.
“We want to get to the climax already?” She questioned. John tilted his head and looked straight through her.
“Let’s see if she can do it.” He responded.
Mercedes looked at me, my eyes wide with fear and anticipation.
“Mmmmmmmph. Wmmmmmmmmt rmmmmmmm ymmmmmm dmmmmmng?!” I mumbled.
My eyes watched as her finger moved to the number 5. As soon as she pressed it, the sensations in my vagina were almost impossible to bear. I screamed as loud as I could into the gag. This time it was loud enough to make enough noise that I could easily be heard. I wiggled ferociously against the bonds of rope, cling wrap and tape. Much to the surprise of John and Mercedes, I was able to make some of the wrappings move with me. Despite this, they did not give way.
Mercedes straddled me and began thrusting her hips, taking pleasure in the vibrations herself. The dry jumping stopped after a short time when John instructed her to get off of me.
They both stood and walked out of my field of vision.
“Let’s let her have some time alone with the wand, shall we?” John said. I couldn’t turn my head to face him, but mumbled,
“But there’s still half an hour left of her scenario. Think she can handle it?” Mercedes remarked
“Let’s find out. Have fun, Sonja.” The door opened and closed, leaving me alone with the emptiness of the room. The silence was filled with the buzzing of the wand, and my moans and heavy breathing.
Despite my outward appearance, I was enjoying every minute of this. It was pushing me out of my comfort zone, but I realized I could go farther and be comfortable.
I decided to continue with the role play and I writhed around under my bonds.
“HLLLLLLLLLLLLLMPH!! HLLLLLLLLLLLLLMPH!!!! HLLLLLLLLLLLLLMPH!!!!!!” I tried called for help, but the sounds came out a muffled mess from behind the inflatable gag, the cling wrap and the tape.
The wand was beginning to ignite a full-on orgasm. I could feel the tingling sensation against my clit increasing bit by bit. As I continued to try to sound like I was legitimately a hostage who had been bound and gagged, I was finding it harder to focus on anything but the waves of energy building in my uterus.
Then, as if like lightning bolts, I felt the most powerful orgasm overtake me as I moaned and my eyes rolled back with utter pleasure.

Thirty minutes of practically drowning in stimulated bliss brought me to a new level of pleasure. Sweat formed on my skin in all places. I had experienced orgasm and orgasm with the aid of the wand. By the time my captors returned I was so lost in my amazing sensations that I didn’t hear the door open. I was released from my synthetic compression prison and brought up to their living room to relax. That’s when I realized that something was not right. They had not yet offered me a chance to get changed back into my normal clothing. I sat on one of the armchairs near the stairs and made sure to keep my knees together.

Two strange men sat at the couch, all clad in black. They greeted me kindly, nodded and smiled. I wondered about their presence though.

“They are colleagues here to help with another client’s scenario.” John said. His voice quivered slightly and made me feel more suspicious.
“Do you offer these services through the night? It’s,“ I looked at my watch, “approaching 11. Is someone else coming after me?”

The hesitation and searching of faces made me feel even more uncomfortable. I searched my memory for the location of my purse and clothes. Both were downstairs. How could I sneak down there, change, grab my purse and get out of here without looking like I didn’t want to be here. The entire service had been phenomenal, and both John and Mercedes had delivered what was promised. The two strangers made me wonder what was going on.

Mercedes brought a folder up from downstairs and handed it to me, interrupting the moment of awkwardness. I noticed that she hadn’t bothered to bring my purse or clothing. I did my best to keep my face blank as she said,
“Here is your receipt for the services. Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you are interested. You have been a most pleasurable client.” She said with a mirthful smirk. I smiled nervously back and made my way to the stairs. I didn’t care if I had the shorts and tank top on. I was going to run down, grab my purse and get the hell out.

“Can we walk you out, M’am?” One of the men asked. I turned back, smiled and kindly declined,

“Oh, no, I’ll be fine. But thank you.”

Both men chuckled as o walked down the stairs, making my way toward the second set of stairs. It was then that I felt a beefy arm wrap around my torso, pinning my arms to my sides and making me drop the papers.

“Wait, what the fmmmmmph!!” A large hand clamped over my mouth and pulled my head back against his shoulder.

“You’re coming with us, darling.” His voice as laced with an unsettling tone. Even though I had just met this man, I could tell from the confidence in his words and his mannerisms that he had done this more than once. I tried to squirm but then felt another pair of hands grab me around my legs. I was turned around and brought back up to the living room. Both men laid me on the floor face down. I heard the unmistakable sound of duct tape ripping from the roll again and panicked.

My wrists were crossed at the small of my back and the two men worked at lightning speed. Within seconds my hands were secured behind me with a good eight layers of tape. I felt my feet being pushed together and raised up. Several more layers wrapped around my ankles, securing me tightly.
My perspective changed as the men turned me onto my back. They sat me up and effectively wrapped me with tape around my torso, around my shoulders, below my breasts and around my waist, further pinning my wrists to my back. The tape made its rounds at my thighs, above and below my knees and around my shins. Even though I was grunting and trying to push against them, I decided to play along this time,

“Oh I get it, this is still the scenario. Nice job, guys.” I was so hyper focused on trying to get free that I paid no attention to what else the men were doing. I made a muffled whimper as a sponge ball as shoved in my mouth and a long strand of tape was pushed hard against my lips. As soon as the men began to gag me, John came into my view from my right,

“This isn’t a scenario, dear,” my eyes widened as the tape made its way behind my head, “this is a real kidnapping.” I went into full survival mode and could only think to make as much noise as possible even though, in my mind, I knew it was futile.

“OMMMMMMMMM MMPPPPH GMMMMMMD NMMMMMMMMPH!!!! Nmmmmmmmmmmph!!! Plmmmmmmmmmmz nmmmmmmmmmph!!! Stmmmmmmmmmmmph!!!”

The two men continued with the revolutions of tape around my jaw, securing it in a vice grip of glue and plastic. My cries were more effectively muffled with each layer. I continued to scream, but was ignored. They weren’t only fast, but experts at this. Even in their haste, they had created a very smooth band over my mouth with no wrinkles whatsoever. This smooth band felt incredibly tight and I felt the edges of the tape digging into my cheeks and chin. I couldn’t even move my jaw left or right. Trying to open only made the glue of the tape pull against the skin of my face which made me wince.


A large canvas bag came into view and I could only imagine what it was for. One of the men fed it around my feet and all the way up to my chest. Then the wrapping started. They did another band of tape around my torso, hips, thighs and shins.

Then the world went dark as another canvas bag went over my head and stopped at my thighs. I felt tightness around my torso again as they wrapped me with even more tape. The tightness increased around my breasts, and at my shoulders. Then I felt another band pull against my mouth as they wrapped several bands of tape over the bag and around my jaw again. They weren’t finished there. The tightening sensation surrounded my eyes while they finished securing my head.

As soon as the tape binding was complete, I didn’t hold back writhing and wriggling. I moved as much as I possibly could and screamed into the intense gag as loudly as possible. The conversation around me was muffled. Two sets of arms lifted me off the floor and we started to move. I was blind, gagged and wrapped so tightly that I was powerless to fight against them. A few moments went by but it felt like an eternity. I heard the opening of metal doors and I was dragged over a hard, cold surface. After shuffling me around for a few minutes, the surface under me became warmer and softer. More tightness engulfed me at my shoulders, forehead, chest, waist, thighs, shins and ankles. The snapping of buckles told me that I was being strapped into something. The hands let go and I heard the doors open and close again. The tears burned my eyes but couldn’t fall. The whimpers and sobs were stopped by the thick tape gag. I continued all the same. I felt my environment moving as the vehicle pulled out of the driveway.


“HEY! HEY, SHUT UP BACK THERE!” I heard a voice overtaking me. Whoever owned this van had hooked up a speaker system to communicate with their hostages. Only because I was desperate to know what was going on, I stopped screaming and listened.
“You belong to us now, gorgeous.”

“FMMMMMMMMK YMMMMMMMM!” I cussed at them, even though I know they couldn’t hear me.

“John and Mercedes are great suppliers of ours.”

Suppliers? What the hell did that mean? Where were we going?

“You will soon see what purpose you will serve. Let’s just say that we are glad you enjoy being tied up and gagged. It’s going to be part of your every day experience moving forward…”

“WHMMMMMMMT???!!” I exclaimed behind the layers that gagged me.

“We have lots of clients interested in binding subjects. You have the great privilege of satisfying their needs to tie up and gag pretty victims like yourself. For now, have a nice nap.” The loud click of the speaker turning off left me in silence. Shortly after, a hissing sound reached my ears. Since my head and body were taped and strapped down, I couldn’t move in the slightest to try and investigate. The sudden feeling of fatigue overtook me and I soon lost consciousness.

So, friends, where do I take it from here? ;)
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Post by bound773 »

This story is incredible.
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

What a Twist at the End! The Reader does not if this is still the scenario or a real kidapping. Great job from start to finish. If asked for my humble point of view I would say, that it is much more fitting, we are still in the scenario. Making this kidnapping for Real would make this extraordinary story a coventional White Slavery Storx. As I say: My humble opinion 😀 My complements to the author!
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