The Unlikely Savior (M+/F) - Chapter 6 - 04/24/23 - Story Completed

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Post by GreyLord »

laz wrote: 1 year agogreat chapter
Thank you, [mention]laz[/mention]. I am pleased that you continue to enjoy this fantasy.

JennyTied wrote: 1 year ago very smutty,
My dear [mention]JennyTied[/mention], hopefully it is enjoyable smut. And I hope that the story contains some of the elements that you had in mind when you made the request.

Tomorrow, new chapters of The Unlikely Savior and The Bandit Scout on Newhome.
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An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by JennyTied »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago
laz wrote: 1 year agogreat chapter
Thank you, @laz. I am pleased that you continue to enjoy this fantasy.

JennyTied wrote: 1 year ago very smutty,
My dear @JennyTied, hopefully it is enjoyable smut. And I hope that the story contains some of the elements that you had in mind when you made the request.

Tomorrow, new chapters of The Unlikely Savior and The Bandit Scout on Newhome.
Stop the Dear part.

Are pay phones still in existence?
I help write DiD stories on .
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Post by GreyLord »

JennyTied wrote: 1 year ago Stop the Dear part.
Oh beer, oh beer!
JennyTied wrote: 1 year ago Are pay phones still in existence?
At least in museums.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent third part :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Thank you, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Your approval means a lot to me.

Now, here is Chapter 4.


Chapter 4 - Miracles can happen.


After sleeping four hours, I got up to see what was happening. It was 9 am. Adam was still asleep. I would let him continue. He wasn't a big strong boy, but he had carried me for miles. I don't know how he did it.

As I expected, Dad was up. He was having a cup of coffee. I got a mug and a bowl of cereal and joined him at the table. After our morning greeting, I said, "I want to talk to you about Adam, Dad. We need to do something for him."

“I know, darling. I have been thinking about that. What do you have on mind?”

I answered, "First, let me give you some background." I explained how he had been in my classes and always around. I said that I thought he had a crush on me but that I had never responded by returning interest. Then I told him the details of my kidnapping off the street and what I later learned about Adam jumping on the van's ladder and holding on for the ride to the warehouse. I told him I had been tied up on the pole and later on the mattress. I related how Adam had hidden inside until Suit and Thug left. I explained that the Gentrys were poor and Adam had no cell phone. I told him how Adam freed me from the ropes and couldn't get me loose from the zip ties. And I went on in some detail about the impossible carry that he did to get me away from the warehouse.

Then I went on to tell him about Adam's interest in electronics and how much he knew about the subject. And I told him about his poorer grades and how that was holding him back. Dad listened intently, as he always does. I have never been a daughter to ask for a lot. But he knew I wanted something done for Adam. But I continued and told him how I now felt about Adam.

“Marjory, I know you are sincere in what you say and ask. I agree 100% that we must do something to help Adam. He has earned it. You already know enough psychology to know that emotional feelings forged in an intense experience like you just had may be situational. I'm not saying that there are, in this case. But they may be. There is clearly more to Adam than meets the eye at first glance. I ask you to give things enough time to settle before making any long-term commitments. In the meantime, I promise to see what I can do to provide him more immediate assistance. I will start this afternoon by giving him a tour of Nakamura Industries."

I kissed his cheek, smiling, and said, "Thank you, Dad."


Mr. Nakamura took me to his company that afternoon and gave me a tour. I knew the Nakamuras owned an electronic company. This was beyond anything that I could imagine. They had contracts with many different government agencies, and some of them were highly classified. They also had contracts with other countries. Mr. Nakamura told me that he suspected the kidnapping may have been espionage related to one of those contracts. The FBI and the Department of Defense Intelligence Agency were involved in finding who was behind the crime.

Time passed swiftly. Mr. Nakamura found me a summer job with his company. Graduation passed. I longed to see Marjory. Every day, either she called me or I called her. I thought that she wanted to see me too. I had to question why. Of course, she appreciated me for saving her. But I was still short, skinny, and poor. There was no way I could take care of Marjory in the way she deserved or had been brought up.

Before I started my summer job, the police and the FBI brought me in for questioning. My parents were amazed at the respectful way that they treated me. There was nothing that I could add to my story. My parents wanted to know why it had not been in the papers. I told them it might have national defense implications that helped keep it quiet. They nodded, but I could see they were skeptical. That wasn't the kind of thing that the Gentrys got involved with.

On Friday night, two weeks after I started my new job, Marjory called and told me she was picking me up in the morning. She said to wear blue jeans and a tee shirt. At 9 am, she pulled up in a sky blue Porche. Everybody came outside to admire the car. I could see that my parents admired the girl who drove it too. As we drove off, they were still standing there talking.

“Okay, where are we going?” I asked Marjory.

“I thought it was time we went over some old ground," she answered. I soon recognized the convenience store where Marjory called her dad and the road we came down by horseback. We pulled into the driveway of Kennison Stables. "I have rented two horses for us and brought a picnic. We walked up to the house, and she knocked. A lovely-looking middle-aged lady came to the door.

“Hello, you must be Miss Nakamura, and this is Mr. Gentry?" asked the lady. "I am Jean Kennison. The police and the FBI have been here and explained what happened. They searched the property for any indication the kidnappers were on it. It looks as if they were not. Let me add that we completely understand why you did not alert us that night. And we thank you for your good care of our animals. Normally I would show a new customer the barn, but I think you already know your way. But do let me know if you need anything or have any questions."

We thanked her and headed to the barn stopping by the car to get Marjory's backpack. In the barn, we saw our two old friends. In the daylight and with the lights on, we could see their names, Sammy and Patty, on the stall doors. Marjory showed me how to put a bridle and saddle on Sammy. Then she assisted me as much as needed while I got Patty ready.

Marjory pulled a map from her backpack and pointed out her plan. "We will ride a mile along this long field. We will go through a gate and into this neck of the national forest. You carried me through that after the kidnapping." I noticed she had no sign of emotional distress talking about it. "Here is a stream that we crossed. I was hoping you wouldn't drop me in it. Not far upstream from where we crossed is a waterfall. Jean said that it would be a nice place for us to have lunch."


We started our ride, walking as before. I asked Adam about his new job. He said, "As you know, I am just a gofer at my experience level. But everything that I see and hear is amazing. The people working there are incredible. I will be told to take some parts to someone. When I deliver, I will be asked questions. It is not casual questions but deep questions about the component and how it can be used. A few times, I have known how to answer. But most of the time, I am out of my depth. But no one ever seems disappointed in me. They just offer new information and encouragement. I didn't think jobs like this existed. Thank your dad for making this summer possible for me."

“You have made this possible for yourself, Adam. What you did with the kidnapping certainly got his attention. But it was all of the work and study that you did on your own that really made this possible. Could I change the subject? We talked every day. But for two weeks, I have stayed away from you. I thought you might want to know why."

Adam answered, “I have been thinking about that, Marjory. I assumed that you were spending time with your regular friends.”

“No, I haven't been with anyone. Dad pointed out something that I knew to be true. It is hard to go through an experience like my kidnapping without having a lot of emotional transference. I told Dad I had developed feelings for you, and he said I needed to ensure they were real and not just a reaction to the kidnapping. So I have been giving myself time to sort out my feeling. You are a real hero, you know."

“It doesn't seem that way to me," Adam said. "I just knew that I had to do something, and what happened, happened. You solved the problem of keeping me going when I was at the point of giving up. I will remember touching your breasts and more as long as I live. So you became my hero. I was weak and exhausted, and you gave me the strength and determination to continue. I am not a fool; I know there is no way that you can love me. It doesn't matter. I will treasure every moment that I was carrying you and every moment that you let my hands and eyes feast on your body. And now, I will treasure this horseback ride with you too."

“Adam, I haven't finished telling you what I have been doing these last two weeks. In analyzing my feelings toward you, I have talked to a psychologist. Dad has always insisted that I check in with our family shrink occasionally. He says my life is far more stressful than most. In a nutshell, I overlooked you in school, and I am profoundly sorry for that. Our experience with the kidnapping has shown me what a fine person you are. I can't promise where our relationship will go because I don't know. I know I want to have a relationship with you if you are willing. By the way, I have also been talking to my mom. She is the most amazing woman ever. She and my dad are fans of you and are rooting for you. I want you to know that they are among the elite but not elitist."

There was silence. I looked at Jack and could tell that he was thinking. “Jack, it’s your turn to say something now.”

“My summer job is a dream come true," I told Marjory. My memories of the kidnapping night are also a dream, although I am sorry it was so stressful for you. Now, you are offering me another dream. Of course, I want a relationship with you. But I have to think about you too. You have great parents. If you start spending time seeing me, it will disappoint them."

“There is more that I haven't told you. My mother is the most wonderful person. She is as great as Dad. I have been having a lot of conversations with her about this. To talk about this, I am going to tell you a secret. I'm not even going to ask you to keep it confidential. I already know you well enough to know that you will. After you went home, Mom had a long talk with me. She wanted to know how I reacted to being tied up. It came out very quickly that I had gotten sexually stimulated by it. Then she dropped a bombshell on me. She is submissive to Dad and gets tied up all the time.

“We talked about how I felt when the Thugs and Suite molested me. Then she got the whole story from me about how I kept your hands warm and how that turned into the key to keeping you going. Mom said that would not have been enough to keep you going unless you already had deep feelings for me. That is true, isn't it? You do have deep feelings for me?"

He admitted, "Yes, Marjory. I have had intense feelings for you for a long time."

“It worried me that I liked being tied up by you. I came to your room and tested my BDSM reaction with you the night you spent in our house. I have talked to the shrink and my mom in depth about this. And I have given it a lot of hard thought. Okay, you like to tie me up, and I like to be tied up by you. Then that is what we will do."

By now, we had passed out of the field and were in the woods at the stream. I led the way upstream, and after a few more minutes, we came to the waterfall. It was a beautiful place to have a picnic. We tethered the horses, and Adam helped me spread the blanket on the grass. I pulled barbeque ribs, salad, fruit, and iced tea from my backpack. It wouldn't be so heavy going back.

“I have one more thing to tell you while we eat. I have been talking to Dad too. I will tell you that he is very impressed with you. Not because you saved me but because of who you are. Next week is going to be a very different week for you. Dad asked me not to tell you the details, and you know by now that I follow their advice. But get a good night's sleep Sunday. I want you at your best Monday morning. Okay?"

“If you say so,” he said. “This is damn good chicken. Better than KFC.”

I cleaned up the paper plates and trash in a plastic bag to throw away. Then I dumped the rest f the backpack onto the blanket. While Jack stared at the pile of ropes and things, I shucked out of my clothes. "If you aren't in the mood for this, that will be okay. I will just wade under the waterfall to cool off. But if you would like to tie me up again, I have three scenarios that I have been thinking about. You can pick one. To me, each one of them sounds fine. First, you can hogtie me on this blanket. I watched some bondage sex on the internet, and if you tie my ankles at right angles, that will open my knees and give you easy access to my pussy. The next option is for you to tie me to a tree, like the pole tie that Suit and the Thugs put me in. Pulling my legs behind the tree will also open my mons for your access. I will admit that option is kind of heavy because I still think about those Thugs tying me to the post. Do either of those sound interesting to you?"

“Marjory, seeing you naked is already giving me an erection. Talking about tying you up is beyond anything I imagined for this horseback ride. Actually tying you would be another dream."

“I have also considered a third option unrelated to the kidnapping bondage. But I saw examples of it on the internet, and it looked exciting. The thought of you doing any of this to me gives me strong erotic feelings. My third option is called a strappado. To do that, you – "

Adam interrupted, "I know what a strappado is, Marjory. Bondage has fascinated me for years, even if I haven't had much chance to practice it. A strappado can be hard on the sub. Are you sure that you want that to happen? I care for you very much and don’t want to see you hurt.”

I didn’t hesitate, “Adam, if I felt like it was too much and asked you to let me loose, you would, wouldn’t you?”

“Of course, I would. You wouldn't let yourself be hurt thinking that was what I wanted, would you?" I am countered.

“No, we haven't had much time together, but I think we must be honest. I think we have been so far. Let's keep it that way, okay?" I said. When you get me rigged, would you spend a long time petting me before you gag me? No, I said that wrong. I would like you to do that, but only if it pleases you. I am showing you that I can be submissive to you. I shouldn't top from the bottom."


This outing with Marjory has given me a load to think about. I was going to have to do a lot of thinking before going to work Monday about the Nakamuras knowing I was kinky with Marjory. That was a heavy load. Then learning that Marjory wants to keep practicing bondage kink floors me completely. Not so much that I won't participate.

With Marjory naked and asking me something, there wasn't much I would refuse her. God, she was a fantastically looking woman. She turned around and gave me her arms behind her back. I looped a rope around her forearms with some slack which I removed by cinching the loops between her arms. Moving up to her elbows, I tied them closer than I thought possible.

Marjory told me, "I think you are doing a good job. I don't feel any give."

That tells me she is okay. I didn't go too far. There was a sturdy, low-hanging branch right over our heads. I threw a rope over it and tied one end to Marjory's wrist bindings before slowly hoisting her hands higher and higher. Marjory was amazingly supple. Her arms were at right angles to her shoulders, and she had not bent her waist yet. I continue lifting her hand upward. Soon, she was bent at the waist and said, "Now you are getting with the program, Adam. Do you like the way this makes my tits dangle? They sway when I move, don't they?"

“Oh, yes. I do, and your tits do. You are going to tell me if this starts hurting, right?" I said.

“I will,” she answered.

I stood directly behind her and leaned over until my head rested on her back and pushed against her arms. I reached around and filled my hands with her breasts. I pulled them up, down, and to the side. I twisted them. I exercised her nipples between my thumbs and forefinger. I pinched and pulled her nipples until she gasped.

“Too much,” I asked.

“No, no, just right. Don't stop, please," Marjory begged.

I don't know how long I continued. It was like I was in a trance from which I slowly awoke. I lifted myself off Marjory's back and walked around her, touching and feeling as I moved. When I got in front of her, she lifted her head and looked at my face as I looked at hers. "Your hair is touching the ground." I made a couple of big loops with it over her neck. "Your hair is long enough to tie you up with it," I said.

Marjory answered, "If that is what you want to do, you should."

“Another time," I said. Why would I assume that I would have another repeat of this? I have already received, and am now accepting, a reward beyond any I deserve for the little I did to save Marjory. I kept moving, so I was standing behind her again. I reached for her pussy, but her legs were close together. I knew how to fix that. I tied a rope to her left ankle and pulled that leg to the left, connecting it to a nearby tree. The same to her right leg spread her legs and gave me the access I was after. My fingers between her labia walls told me Marjory enjoyed my ministrations. I didn't need my erection to inform me that I was too. It had gotten uncomfortable, so I shed my pants and skivvies. I went ahead and got as naked as she was, except for the condom that I put on. I didn't delay but inserted my dick between Marjory's labia. After a couple of long slow strokes, I slammed my hips against her butt, burying myself as deep in her vagina as possible.

“Oh, that is good. Adam, you didn’t gag me. Did I do something wrong?”

“No, Marjory. I am just caught up in the moment. Is this okay?”

“I am sure it will be if you just keep slamming me like that," she said. And I did.

The ending came with a long scream from Marjory. I had a screamer on my hands. Then, it hit me, and I joined her with my own wail. It was a good thing that we were a long way from anyone.

Resting on her back and stroking her boobs, I finally got the strength to stand up and untie the rope holding her in the strappado. As her arms came down, she stood straight again. I gave her a long kiss that I hoped would tell her what I felt. Then I untied the ropes holding her legs spread.

Marjory presented her arms to be untied. "If you ask me to, I will. But I never got around to gagging you. I see that you brought that fine two-and-a-quarter-inch ball with you. Would you like to wear it for a while, or would you rather I turn you loose now?"

Marjory squatted down beside our blanket and picked up the ballgag. That was exciting to watch because her arms were still tied behind her back. She gave me the gag and waited for me to put it in her mouth. I knew it was a tight fit, and getting it behind her teeth took some effort. After it was buckled in place, I tied a firm chest harness on her. A crotch rope was next. After circling her hips, I started the crotch rope down from the back, bringing it forward and inserting it into her cunt very carefully. Then I brought the rope up and over her hip loop and back down between her legs again. Instead of tying it off on the hip loop, I brought it up between her back and wrists and draped it over the cinches between her wrists. Then I told her to lie down on the blanket. She did, and I tied her legs at the thighs and ankles before I rolled her face down. I made a noose between her ankle ropes and chest harness and leveraged her feet further back. Marjory's ankles were high on her butt, and her knees had come off the blanket. Her shoulders were also off the blanket, and her tits would have been too if they hadn't been the size they were.

Marjory's eyes closed, and she was saying, "Hmmmph, hmmph, hmmmph."

“You can't ask me to let you go. Can you snap your fingers?" Marjory answered by making her fingers give a loud snap. "Okay, if you do that again, I will free you. Otherwise, I am not finished with this tie yet." Her hands rested on her butt, and her ankles arched several inches above her arms. I tied her hands to her ankles, lifting her hand off her butt. As the last step, I took the loose end of the crotch rope hanging over the top of her wrists, pulled it tight, and tied it to her ankles. Now, any movement she tried with her legs would translate to more excitement for her clit.

I watched her struggle and played with her body for the next hour. She occasionally was able to flip over to her side. I would use that opportunity to fondle whichever side was facing me. Then I would move her face down again. Occasionally, I had her snap her fingers to be sure she could still do it. She was an excellent finger snapper. Then finally, she looked at me and gave her fingers a snap. I worked as fast as I could to untie her. I don't think she meant for me to hear, but when the hogtie was released, and she stretched out her legs, she made a soft groan.

I got the ballgag out of her mouth and asked, "Did I keep you hogtied too long?" while I untied her elbows and hands. I helped her bring her hands up to her shoulders. When her legs were free, I undid the crotch rope. She said, "No, Adam, That was
not too long. This was the most fun that I have ever had. The sex was out of sight. You tie a wicked hogtie! I can't wait to do it again."

"You want me to tie you up again?" I asked.

She said, "Don't you dare think about withholding something this good from me!"

Among the goodies that Marjory had brought was a small bottle of oil. I used it to massage her, paying attention to the rope marks. She surprised me again by pulling sweatpants and a sweatshirt from her pack. "I thought that I might need to cover some rope marks.

The horses were happy with the grass they had found within reach of their tether. We tightened the saddles and headed back to the barn.


A List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior at
Spy Task Force at
Tale of an Archer at
The Bandit Scout on Newhome at
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by laz »

excellent well written chapter
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Millennial Club
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Location: Southern USA

Post by GreyLord »

Thanks [mention]laz[/mention]. Your continued comments mean a lot to me.

Below, we continue with Chapter 5. You will see that in the case of Marjory, the apple has not fallen far from the tree.


Chapter 5 - The World Opens


It was late afternoon after our ride and the unforgettable experience Marjory bestowed on me at the waterfall. The sun was still not low because of daylight savings time. Marjory asked me if I would like to drive. Would I like to drive a Porche? That just proves that even brilliant people can have a loose screw. Not that anything was loose about her when we were screwing this afternoon.

Going into the house, Marjory's mom saw us and gave Marjory a big hug. Then, to my surprise, she gave me one too. A full-on hug with her breasts pressed against my chest. She said, "Marjory, you have twenty-five minutes to change for dinner. Adam, you are dressed just fine. Mr. Nakamura is in his study and would like to see you. Would you follow me?"

I followed Mrs. Nakamura, and Marjory went up the stairs to change. Mr. Nakamura stood when Mrs. Nakamura opened the study door. "Come in, Adam, and have a seat."

Mrs. Nakamura told him, “You have twenty-five minutes.”

She shut the door behind her, and I took the seat the boss of my boss's boss pointed out to me. In most companies that size, as I understood, there would be many more layers of management. But Mr. Nakamura kept things lean, preferring to spend his money on talent instead of administrators.

“Adam, starting Monday, I have arranged for you to have a series of tests. Depending on how well you do, the testing may well take days. Try to get a good night's sleep Sunday. I want you to be at your best."

“Can you tell me what the tests are for?” I asked.

“In general, it is an extensive evaluation. You have some knowledge of electronics that clearly extends into the college level and possibly beyond in a few discussions we have had. But, it is also obvious that you do not have the general background knowledge that is normally expected to go with that level of expertise. These tests will tell us exactly what you know and where we must remediate."

I admitted, "I let some things slide to learn more about electronic circuitry. I can see that it is hurting me now. But at the same time, I would begrudge any bit of my electronics that I had failed to learn. I don't see any way to compensate for what I lost."

Mr. Nakamura said, “You should not worry about that right now. The important thing is for you to do as well as you can on these tests. When I get the results, we will talk. It is time for dinner now.”


I wore black tights and a yellow long-sleeved silk top. Some of my rope marks were starting to fade. My outfit looked good, showing my curves while hiding any rope marks. After our dinner, the main dish was grilled salmon, I took Adam home and got to meet his parents. They both seemed very friendly, hard-working people. They were obviously intelligent. I saw that life is not always fair. They had worked hard and played by the rules. But they had gotten nowhere. No, that's not true. They had Adam, so they had produced something very worthwhile.


I closed the door after seeing Marjory and Adam off. She would be a couple of hours at least. I took Masutatsu by the hand and walked with him up the stairs and into our room. In our room, I shut and locked the door and started removing my clothing. "We have at least two hours; I would like to play if that would suit you."

Masutatsu replied, “When have I ever not been ready to play with you, Johanna? Lead the way.”

Down to my red bikini bottoms, I took his hand and entered our walk-in closet. I slid some of Masutatsu's suits to the side to make us a passage to the back wall. There was a very cleverly disguised door that looked like a wall panel. Pressing on both top corners of the 'panel' simultaneously caused it to slide open without making a sound. We stepped through the door into our secret playroom.

I told Masutatsu, “I have not been one to keep secrets from my husband. But tonight, I have a secret. Do you think that you can make me tell it to you?”

He replied, "I know that if you had wanted to keep the secret, you would not have mentioned it to me. I conclude that you want some rough play before you divulge it to me. Will you cooperate while I tie you up, or must I work for that too?"

“We will play by our standard rules. I will completely cooperate while you are tying me up. Where do you want me?”

Masutatsu said, “With you in this mood, I pick the bondage chair.”

I went to the chair and took my seat. Masutatsu put a single-column tie on my right ankle and then pulled it to the side and the back of the chair, tying it off on a D-ring on the right-hand rear side. After fixing my left leg the same way, my butt was being pulled against the narrow back of the chair by my legs. He asked me to hold my hands behind my neck. I knew that this was to give him free access to my torso to bind it to the back of the chair, which was highly polished and waxed. The back was a two-by-six oak board with corners rounded and smoothed. He fixed me to the backboard with rope loops above and below my tits. Then, because he liked how it made me look, he crisscrossed rope between my breasts. That put extra pressure on my tits, but it was well worth it for the pleasure it gave my husband.

Masutatsu was standing behind the chair and took my hands and lowered them before pulling them behind me and the chair. Typically, he would tie my hands next. Tonight he tied my elbows first with rope just above my joints. He pulled it tight so my elbows pushed together and my forearms touched along their length. I said, "Oh, you are not playing around tonight. Do you think that will help you get my secret?"

“It may take a little while," he said. "But I think that we will get there." He was looping the rope around and around my forearms, a little lower each time until they were fastened tightly together down to my wrists. Masutatsu was always careful about my circulation. Tonight, not so much. I would have to carefully monitor how my hands and fingers felt and let him know if there was a problem. We had many years of bondage experience with each other and knew how to care for ourselves. Sometimes I was the top. But I liked being Masutatsu's submissive and was almost always the bottom.

He went to a drawer and selected a gag for me. I noticed that he picked a black panel gag to match my panties. I also noticed that he chose the one with the largest insert for my mouth that we had. I really did not like to be gagged with anything that large. In our play, I would expect to be gagged with something that size for a few minutes only. But I was holding out on him, so I guessed I would have that penis gag forcing my jaws apart until I was ready to talk. We would just have to see how well I could hold out. Keeping with our rules. I obediently opened my mouth to receive his gift.

“You have been a very good girl," he told me after closing the buckle behind my neck. He had not been gentle. The straps pulled the penis deep into my mouth and pulled against the corners of my mouth. He added, "You can start your struggles now if you wish, but I don't think you can free yourself until I untie you." I did not have any doubt that he was correct. Masutatsu tenderly caressed my boobs and stroked my nipples before any roughness, as he always did. I turned my face to kiss him, but he was beyond my reach.

We had some instruments for our play hanging on hooks on the walls. Again, Masutatsu selected the one I liked the least. It was a finely crafted single-tale whip. I might be ready to tell him my secret sooner than I thought I would. Because he knows my secret involves Marjory, he plans to show me his displeasure. He is correct to do so. But I have started down this path. I will follow it wherever it leads.

Ouch, that hurts. The only sounds I could make were, "Hmmmph, mmmph, hmmph!" as he stroked the whip back and forth across my body. First on the ribs, then the belly above my navel, then across the top of my panties. Then he focused on my tits. He was hitting me hard enough to leave red stripes on my breasts. The whip struck the tops, the bottoms, and the sides of my breasts. Finally, he let me have it four or five times right on my nipples. "Hmmmph!" Damn, that hurt. My body, as it always did when we played rough, contradicted me with a rushing tingle in my cunt.

“Shake your head, yes, if you are ready to talk.” I shook my head no.

“Then you are not yet uncomfortable enough. I twisted my neck to watch as Masutatsu went behind the chair and reached up to a cable with a hook at the end. He pulled it down and hooked it to the ropes at the bottom of my arms. I knew what was coming. The cable was connected to a hand crank fixed to the wall. There were several like this around the room. Masutatsu said he wanted a hand crank instead of a motorized system because it gave him better control. When he started turning the crank, it started lifting my hand, at first, up. I could only get a little bend in my elbows so quickly my hands were going out behind me. I wanted to bend forward, but the ropes lashing me to the chair kept me up straight. Yoga and other exercise kept me very flexible. He stopped cranking when my arms were parallel to the floor and pointing straight back from the chair. As always, his judgment of what I could handle was pretty good. My tits were stinging, and now my shoulders were burning. But all were within limits that I could take. But I knew that I would give up sooner than usual.

I didn't see him get it off the wall, but I knew he had the heavy flogger when it struck my tits. For minutes he wielded the flogger. He got my legs, my abdomen, and my boobs. The chair's design had my legs spread and gave him access between my legs with the whip or the flogger. Many blows came right on my pussy. All of the impacts hurt, but the strikes to my cunt or my tits caused the most pain. And also caused my cunt to throb and want more. "Hmmmph, hmmmph!" I had had enough; I would talk. I snapped my fingers, and Masutatsu immediately stopped flogging me.

“Are you ready to talk now?" I shook my head in a yes. He went to the wench and lowered my arms from their ninety-degree angle to a relatively comfortable sixty degrees. Next, he unbuckled the gag and freed my mouth. He opened a bottle of water from the small fridge and let me sip. He felt me between my legs. "You are responding as usual. I was afraid that I was being too hard. You held out a long time for that level of intensity. Are you alright?"

I answered, "Yes, I will have to be careful what I wear for days. I must tell you that I am not the only one who has to be careful that way. Marjory has discovered the joy of bondage and is experimenting with Adam. You must not take any action against him because of this. They are of an age to make their own decisions. I was only 18 when I met you, remember."

“I do remember," he said, "You will have to excuse me while I process this. I did not get any hint of this from either my daughter or Adam. I thought that I was better at reading people than this indicates."

“That is because that is only one of the things that they are processing right now. It came to Marjory while kidnapped that her body liked being tied up even though she was embarrassed, afraid, near naked, and uncomfortable. Then later, Adam rescued her but could not get her out of the zip ties until he carried her to the barn and found a tool. With Adam carrying her, she became even more sexually stimulated. She is on the same path I followed to submissive land."

Masutatsu said, "It is wonderful that she confides in you so openly. But I see a powerful young woman who will be the alpha in any group she finds herself in. If, like you, it is her choice to be submissive to someone of her choice, we should not put any obstacles in her path. But observe to keep her safe while she learns her way."

“I concur, my husband. We have at least an hour left before Marjory returns. If you are willing, my tits need more of your attention. If you would put me on the massage table, hogtie me, and then turn me on my side, I would be in an excellent position for you to pay proper attention to my boobs. After your masterful wielding of the single-tail and the flogger, my tits need some, if not gentle, at least less traumatic play."

“As always, Johanna," Masutatsu answered, "your ideas are the best. There is no end to the delight that I take with your boobs. The rest of you is exquisite also, but you know what your breasts do to me." While unhooking her from the pulley and moving her to the table, he continued, "For your information, I have been discussing young Adam with the Electronic Engineering Department Head at MIT. We have arranged some special testing for Adam next week. I will do everything possible to make him worthy of our Marjory."


A List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior at
Spy Task Force at
Tale of an Archer at
The Bandit Scout on Newhome at
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An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Beaumains »

Indeed, the apple has not fallen far from the tree. I wonder how it was restricted...

So it seems like this story is expending a lot farther than I had initially expected.

Anyway, will Adam ace the tests? Considering his luck so far, nothing seems impossible.
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Post by laz »

another great chapter. Impressive writing, realistic bondage scenario. the way it is effectively written from different people's point of view so smooth, is pure genius. well done
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Post by GreyLord »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago Indeed, the apple has not fallen far from the tree. I wonder how it was restricted...

So it seems like this story is expending a lot farther than I had initially expected.
I have no plans, at the moment, for extending this story beyond Chapter 6. But I wanted to make the environment robust enough that I could add to it at a later date if so inclined. I want my tugs to believable within their fictional settings.
Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago Anyway, will Adam ace the tests? Considering his luck so far, nothing seems impossible.
Of course! Horatio Alger to the rescue.

Thank you so much for your comments, [mention]Beaumains[/mention]. I understand how busy you are and feel honored to get some of your attention.
laz wrote: 1 year ago another great chapter. Impressive writing, realistic bondage scenario. the way it is effectively written from different people's point of view so smooth, is pure genius. well done

That is high praise, [mention]laz[/mention], and I thank you very much.
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An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by GreyLord »

Chapter 6 – A New Life


The summer passed in a blur. It is hard to describe because things are so different. The testing that Mr. Nakamura sent me to was most intense, without question. A Nakamura Industries car drove me to the MIT campus each morning, dropping me off at Electronic Engineering at 8 am. Starting the first day, I was taken into a room and placed at a table in a comfortable chair. Someone would give me test instructions and make sure that I didn't have any questions. Then I would be left with the test. There was a cup of pencils, erasers, and a pencil sharpener. There was a pitcher of ice water and a glass. Some tests were short, but most were long. At noon, I was brought a plate of food. It was probably good food, but I was too focused on the tests to notice. Someone came in for a few tests, sat across the table from me, and asked questions. The testing continued for eight days. I was back at Nakamura Industries
for the week's two remaining work days.

I was told to report to Mr. Nakamura's office on Monday of the following week. He greeted me with a smile and pointed to a seat in front of his desk. "Adam, you must have been wondering what the testing was about. It is time to tell you since I received the results this morning. Subject-wise, I'm sure you know that you excelled in science and mathematics. Your depth of knowledge in differential equations was especially high. I expect that you learned on your own so that you could write and solve circuitry equations. Am I right?"

I answered, "Yes, sir."

Your worst subject is history. That does not surprise me. In my opinion, the teaching methods and material taught in our school systems are criminal in most subjects. You will require tutoring in history, and that will start next week. Your freshman year will be loaded with the so-called 'core' subjects you will not like but must master. These are necessary if you are to converse with adults and to be a good citizen. Am I right in assuming that you will undertake these tasks wholeheartedly?"

I answered, "Yes, sir." But in this case, I did not understand what he was talking about. I still had not been accepted anywhere except our local community college.

Mr. Nakamura continued, "Some of your tests were credit challenges for college courses. I have a package of papers to provide you with all the details. The end result of that is that once you get the core out of your way, over four years of college, you will be able to take some very advanced courses, likely at the graduate school level.

“Now, I am going to change the subject. Johanna and I know that Marjory is overboard in love with you." He could see me tensing up when he said that. "Let me put your mind at ease. Although we do not know if this is just a temporary reaction to your rescue, we do not have any objection to you as long as you treat our daughter as she should be treated and stay on a path to future personal success. Part of your testing was a psychological evaluation, and you are revealed as a normal young man with good character. Your testing was arranged with the help of a close personal friend, the Head of the Electronic Engineering Department at MIT. We discussed your test results over the weekend, and he wants you to be one of his students. He has arranged your admission to MIT with the help of the test results.

“If you accept it, Nakamura Industries will provide you with a full scholarship, meaning all expenses paid, with two provisions. You must maintain a B average, although I expect much higher performance from you. And you must work for Nakamura Industries during your summers, just as you are now. Do you need time to think about your answer?"

I stood. I could feel that blood had left my face. I started to answer, but my throat choked. What if Mr. Nakamura knew about my kinky activity with Marjory. That would sink me for sure. Do I have a moral responsibility to tell him? It was a minute before I replied, "Mr. Nakamura, going to MIT has been my dream for the last two years. But it was beyond the reach of my family and me. A second dream has been to work at a company like Nakamura Industries. Of course, I accept. But may I ask a question?"

“Go ahead,” Mr. Nakamura said.

“You didn't put in any conditions about Marjory and me. I am overwhelmed by your offer, but I would have expected personal conditions."

“Adam, you would be surprised how thoroughly we have investigated your character. We also believe in the character of our daughter. What future the two of you may or may not have together must be determined by the two of you. At this point, I do not offer you my blessings. I do offer you my goodwill. Your heroic rescue of Marjory puts you in a unique position with respect to her. It is going to be interesting to observe how this plays out. You have connected with our family in two ways: your interest in our daughter and electronics. My door is always open if you ever need to talk professionally or personally.

“One last question, sir. Does Marjory know about your MIT offer?"

“No, Adam, she does not. She knows that I have been seeking a way to appropriately reward you for saving her, but that is all.

“Oh, one last item. The FBI collected the Thugs. Suit has left the country, but the CIA and international agencies will continue the search for him. Marjory will always have to be careful, but it looks like that particular threat has ended."


I picked up Adam when he got off work today. Dad told me he had the testing result but wouldn't tell me anything about it, the stinker. He said that was Adam's business. I brought him shorts and a tee shirt so he would have to wear his business clothes where I was taking him. I had our dinner and other things in a big picnic basket in the back of the Porche. I could tell he was having difficulty organizing his thoughts to tell me what Dad had told him. I told him to relax and think about what he wanted to say. I pointed out the basket in the back, letting him know we could talk over lunch.

I had found a place to park just a pleasant walk from our waterfall. Now we didn't have to rent horses to get there. I could park the Porche out of sight of the road. Adam changed into the casual clothes I had for him and picked up the basket, and led him on the trail to the waterfall.

After spreading the blanket on the ground, I fixed our plates with fried chicken, potato salad, bread, and butter. I had grapes for dessert and a bottle of good wine. Yes, I know we are too young. But we were both old enough to join the Army or the Marine Corps and go get our asses shot. So I decided that we could enjoy this small bottle.

Sipping on the wine seemed to help Adam tell me about this morning. He reminded me of his dreams of attending MIT and becoming a great electronic engineer and scientist. Then the words just fell out of his mouth that he was going to MIT at the end of the summer. Bless my dad. And my mom, too, because I know she also had a hand in this. No one else could have pulled something off like this. MIT was close to Harvard. It would not be hard for us to continue dating. Adam was still choking up, trying to talk about this.

My mom's advice was very much on my mind. She told me it was alright to enjoy being tied up by the right person and enjoy sex while tied up. I had to make sure that anything done to me met my approval. She said my feeling toward Adam might change in time, or they could grow stronger or weaker.

For the rest of this afternoon, I had an agenda. I had worked through just about every part of my kidnapping but one. When I thought of being tied to a pole in the warehouse, I still felt a clutch of fear. It was time to deal with that.

“Adam, are you ready to play with me? If so, I have a special request. It is to help me overcome the one last thing from my kidnapping that is causing me fear and bad dreams."

He answered, "You know I will help you any way I can. What would you like me to do?"

I told Adam, "Suit and Thugs exposed me and tied me to that pole. They pulled my feet behind the pole, making the ropes hold me up. My feet weren't under me enough to be of any use. It is not that it was hurting me that much. It was uncomfortable, but the feeling of helplessness and being at their mercy gets to me. There are young trees all around that are about the same size as the pole in the warehouse. Will you tie me to one of them?"

“Marjory, you know how kinky I am. And I can't deny you anything that I have. I wager that you have all the necessary supplies in your basket," he answered.

“Bingo, Adam.” I stood and removed my clothes, folding them on the blanket. Adam retrieved the ropes from the basket. "What I have in mind is for you to tie my body to the tree from my shoulders to my hips, tightening the loops to support my weight. Then tie my hands and elbows behind the tree. Finish by tying a rope to each ankle and pulling my ankles as close to my hands as possible. I guess we can call that a standing tree hogtie. It will be harder on me than the Thugs were. I don't think I will worry about their silly pole tie if I handle this gracefully.


“WOW, it sounds exciting. You know anything you do is graceful, don't you? Which tree do you want?" I asked.

“You pick. It would be nice if I could watch the waterfall. When you start playing with my tits and my pussy, I don't think you can call my reaction graceful," Marjory said.

When I had her rigged the way she described, I watched her take several long slow breaths. "Good job, Adam. Even exhaling, I do not slip at all," she said.

The late afternoon sun was shining on her and on the waterfall. I wish I was a painter to capture this scene or just had a camera. She was still struggling to see if she could find her way to freedom. I didn't think she could, but seeing her boobs move as Marjory thrashed the little she could, was exciting. I knelt on the ground in front of her and spread her labia so that I could put my mouth on her clit. She cried a loud, "Ohhhhhhhh!"

I said, "That is why you brought a gag, right?" Looking in the basket, I did not see the big ballgag we usually used. Instead, there was a harness gag with a panel. On one side of the panel was a large plastic dildo to fill the inside of Marjory's mouth. Its diameter would keep her jaws wide apart. I was concerned it would reach the back of her throat and choke her. I would watch out for than while gagging her.

The harness was complicated. I said, "Let's work this in your mouth a little at a time." She opened wide for me, and I inserted about half of the dildo. "Hold that with your teeth," I said, slipping the harness over her head. "Are you ready to take this deeper?" She nodded yes and stretched her jaws wider again.

I pushed the plug further into her mouth and threaded the straps in the buckles. I wasn't pulling things tight yet. First, I ensured I had the right strap in the correct buckle, and everything was even. Next, I would finish inserting the dildo. When I did that, Marjory made a soft "ummmmm" sound. Her beautiful, oriental eyes were wide; I knew this was stressing her.

“This is supposed to be fun for both of us. Do you want to back off on this gag?" I asked. She shook her head no. "Do you want to pause here to get used to it before we continue?" After a short delay, she nodded yes. So I returned to my knees to pay more attention to her groin. I combed her bush with my fingers before again spreading her labia. This time, when I put my teeth on her clit, and she moaned, “Ohhhhhhhh!” it was a hushed and soft sound. I lost track of time playing with her beautiful mons before realizing I should finish the gag. Standing, I asked, "Are you ready?" When she nodded yes, I eased the panel against her lips and tightened the straps behind her neck. After tightening the rest of the straps, including the chin strap, I pulled her long black hair over her shoulder and let it fall over one breast and below her snatch. I made a flat hand under her hair and covered the tit. The other I took in my mouth and sucked hard. Again, I lost track of time. I don’t know how long I stood there worrying one boob with my mouth and the other with my hand. Sometime during the process, my other hand figured out on its own that it could play with her vagina. Again and again, Marjory moaned, “Ohhhhhhhh!, Ohhhhhhhh!, Ohhhhhhhh!”

Then, suddenly it seemed, the sun was no longer shining on Marjory. The sun was lower in the sky, and Marjory was in a shadow. I had been taking enormous pleasure from her body while time passed, and it sure seemed she was also enjoying things. But I wanted it all. I stripped and fitted a condom. My fingers told me I did not need to add lubricant to Marjory's vagina before impaling her. I moved in and out of her using my hips and, in part, my legs. I was never entirely out of her. When I moved in, I slammed hard enough that our collision made a slapping sound. With Marjory's limited movement options, she added her part to the energy of our coupling as much as she could. Then she made a lengthy "hmmmmmph" sound matched by an "Ohhhhhhhh" from me.

I leaned against her, holding her breasts tightly, partly for support but mainly because touching her for many minutes felt good. Our breathing slowly returned to normal, and I looked up at her face and saw that she was staring at me.


My mom is a brilliant woman, and I knew she thought my feelings for Adam might be temporary. I wouldn't get him to ask me to marry for a while. But there is no one on Earth I would willingly let do to me what Adam just did other than him. There is no question now, thanks to Dad's help. He is going to be somebody someday.

Before my kidnapping, I sadly didn’t pay much attention to him. I would have thought him to be the most unlikely savior. But he was the one who did save me under the most impossible odds. He is the one that my mind and my body want. Yes, an unlikely savior.


A List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior at
Spy Task Force at
Tale of an Archer at
The Bandit Scout on Newhome at
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Post by Bandit666 »

Damn how on earth did I miss this tale, from yourself [mention]GreyLord[/mention], I feel such a failure for not acknowledging your mastery of the story telling sooner, so much fun, so much entertainment, as is the case with all you do, and I admit a wonderful concept to see through from start to finish. Thank you once again for all your endeavours.
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Post by laz »

another great chapter and ending to a great story.
My favorite lines from this chapter: "After spreading the blanket on the ground, I fixed our plates with fried chicken, potato salad, bread, and butter. I had grapes for dessert and a bottle of good wine. Yes, I know we are too young. But we were both old enough to join the Army or the Marine Corps and go get our asses shot. So I decided that we could enjoy this small bottle."
Well done.
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Post by GreyLord »

Bandit666 wrote: 1 year ago Damn how on earth did I miss this tale, from yourself @GreyLord, I feel such a failure for not acknowledging your mastery of the story telling sooner, so much fun, so much entertainment, as is the case with all you do, and I admit a wonderful concept to see through from start to finish. Thank you once again for all your endeavours.
Do not be concerned, [mention]Bandit666[/mention]. I am glad you found it. I wrote this based on a request by [mention]JennyTied[/mention]. Because it is an experiment on my part and different from my main stories, I didn't tag anyone.

These accolades from you mean the world to me. Thank you so very much.

laz wrote: 1 year ago another great chapter and ending to a great story.
My favorite lines from this chapter: "After spreading the blanket on the ground, I fixed our plates with fried chicken, potato salad, bread, and butter. I had grapes for dessert and a bottle of good wine. Yes, I know we are too young. But we were both old enough to join the Army or the Marine Corps and go get our asses shot. So I decided that we could enjoy this small bottle."
Well done.
Thank you, [mention]laz[/mention]. That line may not have had anything to do with the story but I felt right putting it there.
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Post by Beaumains »

Ah, well the stars keep aligning themselves for Adam. One, arguably stupid, split-second decision changed his life. Truly from rags to riches.
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Thank you, @laz. That line may not have had anything to do with the story but I felt right putting it there.
I actually liked that line as well, but it actually has a lot to do with the story in my opinion. These kinds of offhand comments often say more about a character than some description. Whether it is your personal opinion or not does not matter as you re speaking through your character.
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