Bank Robbery Game (f/mm)

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Bank Robbery Game (f/mm)

Post by Detective-Gag »

My sister and I had recently played a tie up game where I had pretended to rob a bank vault; and she had played the part of a bank teller taken hostage.

At the end of that game; she had expressed that she wanted to play that game again sometime, with us switching roles…her as the robber; and myself as a security guard or bank manager.

Since our time ran short that afternoon to continue playing, we had to pick another day to follow up…but as luck would have it, later that week, not only did my sister and I have the house to ourselves; my friend Mike was also around.

Me and Mike were playing video games in the basement when my sister joined us; and upon finishing our current level, I decided to casually ask if my sister wanted to continued our bank robbery game from the other day.

My sister, eager for payback, grinned wickedly and said, “You better believe it!” and went running over to the basement storage area, where we had set aside the materials from our previous session.

My friend Mike, curious as to what had gotten my sister so energized, asked what we were talking about.

“We played a game where I robbed a bank,” I explained to him. “My sister worked at the bank, and she got taken hostage and tied up while I cracked the vault. Now she wants to play the robber.”

“Can I play?” Mike asked, since it was clear that our video game would be on pause for the moment.

“Yeah,” I told him. “I was going to be a bank manager or security guard anyway; so you can pick which one you want.”

“Does the security guard get to use a gun?” Mike asked. “I’d want to be a guard, then.”

“Alright,” I agreed, thinking over how we’d play that out. “Gimme a second,” I said, and ran upstairs to my room while my sister prepared in the basement.

I grabbed some Nerf guns from my closet, and arms filled with the plastic weapons, carefully made my way back downstairs, where my sister was laying out the duffel bag filled with the rope, tape & bandanas from our previous game.

“Here,” I said, and handed out the Nerf guns. I gave my sister one of those Nerf guns that had about 80 darts loaded into them…the equivalent of a machine gun…since she was the bad guy, and that seemed like the appropriate choice for that.

Mike got the standard Nerf rifle that had about 10 darts. “So how does this go?” he asked once he had his weapon.

“I’m going to barge into the bank; and then I’m going to take my brother hostage,” my sister answered.

“Mike’s going to be the security guard,” I told my sister. “After you tie me up, he’ll try and stop you; but he also has to keep the hostage safe.”

“My brother has the vault combination,” my sister added, remembering our previous game.

Mike listened to the rules. “Alright,” he said, ready to go.

“Go stand around the corner and wait until my sister calls,” I said.

My sister went up the basement stairs; and Mike went around the corner.

Started the countdown for the game. “10, 9, 8…” I yelled, and went through the sequence.

“Nobody move…!” my sister shouted gleefully, brandishing her Nerf gun. She fired off a few rounds randomly into the ceiling. I raised my hands and got down on my knees. “What’s the meaning of this?!” I cried.

She ran over to me. “This is a robbery!” she exclaimed, taking out a pair of the fake handcuffs. “Hands behind your back!”

I put my hands behind me, and my sister cuffed my wrists. Then she took out a bandana from the duffel bag she had slung over her shoulder, and tied it over my mouth. “Somebody get securit…MMPH!” I started to say, as the gag was tied into place by my sister.

“No talking!” she barked, having fun being the bad guy this time around. Then she got out the roll of silver duct tape, and wrapped it a few times around my jeans, taping my ankles together.

I sat on the ground, rocking back-and-forth as I was now stuck, and going “Mmmmph!” into the gag.

“Alright, you can come out now!” my sister called to Mike.

Mike came barreling around the corner, firing the Nerf rifle at my sister, who ducked behind the couch for cover. The two yelled like maniacs as they exchanged fire; but Mike ran out of ammo way before my sister did, who ended up overwhelming him with darts.

“I’m out!” Mike hollered.

“Come out now, or else the hostage gets it!” my sister demanded, and pointed it my way.

“Srrndrmph!” I mumbled.


Mike tossed down his weapon, putting his hands up. “What now?” he asked.

“Now we take TWO hostages!” my sister said. “Get over here!”

Mike did as he was told, and marched his way over to where me and my sister stood, his hands in the air. My sister rummaged through the duffel bag and brought out another pair of fake handcuffs, and secured Mike’s hands behind his back. Then, my sister took another bandana…this one pink (her choice)…and tied it over Mike’s mouth.

“…mmph?” he said through the cloth after a second, testing how the gag actually worked.

“Wmph cmmph tlkmph nmph,” I explained through my own gag. “Wvmph bmmn gmphd!”

[We can’t talk now. We’ve been gagged!”

“Mmph!” Mike tried again, this time with more enthusiasm.

“Shaddup, you two!” my sister yelled, apparently enjoying being the aggressive hostage-taker this time around. “We’re going to the vault now!”

My sister helped me off the floor, since my feet were still taped together. “Take us there!” she commanded me, prodding me with her Nerf rifle.

I hopped my way through the basement, while Mike walked behind me, his legs still freed, and my sister kept her “gun” trained on us. We reached the door to the back storage room we were using as the “vault”, and my sister slipped the white bandana off my mouth.

“Give is the combination to the vault,” she ordered me.

“You won’t get away with this,” I said instead, deciding to give my sister a bit of rebellion.

She poked me with the Nerf gun. “Start talking, or else!”

I sighed, and gave her some nonsense numbers for the combination sequence.

“Good,” she said gleefully, and got the roll of duct tape out of her bag. Tearing off a strip, she pressed it over my mouth. Mike watched as she put two more pieces of the tape over the first, gagging me again.

Mike decided to make some noise through his gag when he saw this. “Mmmmmmm…!” he hummed through the pink bandana, not really trying to form words.

My sister rolled her eyes. “What is it!?” my sister spat, and pulled the pink bandana off his face.

“He gave you the combination,” Mike said. “You can let us go now.”

“Ha!” my sister laughed evilly. “You two aren’t going anywhere!”

She tore off another strip of silver duct tape, and held it up to Mike’s mouth. She paused a moment to make sure he was alright with it…to which he nodded…and she smoothed it over his lips, adding two more afterwards like she had done with me.

The two of us eyed each other, shaking our heads and puffing out our cheeks against the tape, being silly.

“Now that you two can’t blab at me; let’s go inside!” she said gruffly, and opened the storage room door. Mike walked through, and I hopped after him, and the two of us stood in the center of the storage area. My sister had already pulled out two of the chairs from the corner stacks. “Both of you; sit down!”

I jumped over and took my seat; and Mike went to occupy the second chair to my right. When he sat down, my sister then taped his ankles together like mine; so if he tried to get away now, he would have to jump or crawl.

“Thanks for giving us the combination!” my sister said glibly, who finally grabbed some rope from the bag, and began tying us to the chairs around our arms & chest.

“Thmm cmps wlmph bmm hrmph snmp!” I spoke falteringly through the duct tape

“Ymph!” Mike added.

[The cops will be here soon!]


“They won’t try anything so long as we have hostages,” my sister shot back, and upon finishing tying us to our seats, she took the bandanas that were hanging around our necks, and re-tied them over our duct taped mouths.

“We’re locking you in the vault!” my sister declared, heading for the door. “Just stay here!”

Both me & Mike mumbled back at her through our gags, shifting in the chairs, and then my sister shut the door behind her as she left, leaving only the single yellow lightbulb to illuminate the back room of the basement.

Mike looked over at me. “Whdwmph dm nwmph?” he asked through the tape gag & the pink bandana, wondering what the next part of the game was.

[What do we do now?]

“Whmph wmmt frm thmm cmps to cmph,” I murmured back.

[We wait for the cops to come.]

Mike nodded, and we both sat in the dimly lit space, fidgeting against the bindings for a few minutes, grunting the occasional gag talk to each other.

Eventually, Mike had enough, and he pulled up his chin enough that the pink bandana fell off his mouth, leaving on the duct tape. Then he shook himself, and forced the ropes my sister had looped around him over the backside of the chair up over the back, sliding himself out from them. No longer tethered, I watched as Mike wobbled up from his stool, and jumped over to the storage room door.

“Wmph!” I mumbled after him. “Untmph mmph!”

[Wait! Untie me!]

Mike got the message; and hopped back over to me, and started untying the ropes holding me to the chair with his cuffed hands. Then we both hopped over to the closed door; and found that my sister had locked it from the outside.

“MMMMMPHH!” we both yelled through our gags, getting her attention to come and unlock the door.

We heard the sound of her running through the basement to the door, and turning the lock.

“Police!” she cried, once she opened the door. “We have two hostages in here!”

“Mmmmph!” both Mike and I responded, and my sister unlocked our handcuffs. We both then ripped the tape away from our ankles so we could stand without issue; and then we peeled the duct tape carefully from our mouths as we removed our gags.

“Did you get those bastards!?” Mike said angrily, having bought into the story.

“We’re in pursuit,” my sister answered. “C’mon!”

We transitioned back into another Nerf gun firefight after that; but it had been a good hostage game for that portion of the day.
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Post by thas2200 »

Nice sequel.
Maybe there will a third robery.
Sorry for my english, stupid french here ! :twisted:
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Post by redtogo »

Great story. I really enjoyed it.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story, hope you’ve all been multi-recidivists! 😛
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Post by harveygasson »

Very good story
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Canuck100 wrote: 1 year ago Great story, hope you’ve all been multi-recidivists! 😛
Well, I just learned a new word today…!

And yeah, there were a lot of games like that.
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Post by Hick »

Cute story
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Post by boundfunrp »

Nice story!
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Post by PaulsPerils »

This story was great! Thanks for sharing it!
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great story of sibling bondage play.
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Post by SweetSwitch »

Great story of a very funny game
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