Game captives (mm/FFF)

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Game captives (mm/FFF)

Post by arbamanre »

Mr. and Mrs. Harris were returning Saturday night from a weekend camp in the forest, coming back a day earlier than expected because this event for teachers resulted disappointing, so they returned with their children at home. When they open the door noticed strange noises, it sounded like strange and weak moans of women, they walk quickly towards the living room and open wide their eyes in surprise to see three women tied in hogtied, blindfolded and gagged! moaning and struggling in underwear; tied up with several ropes, on their ankles, their thighs below the knees, their thighs above the knees, the wrists, the arms attached to the torso.

Due to the bandanas covering their mouths and eyes, at first they didn't know who they were, but slowly they recognized them: the one struggling in despair and wearing white underwear was Julie, the babysitter in charge, a brown-haired woman , 19 years old; the calmest one, wearing red underwear was Chelsea, the daughter of some old close friends, a young blonde, 20-year-old; and the one in black underwear who was struggling furiously was Millie, her former babysitter, a 19-year-old woman with dark straight hair. Suddenly, their two sons, Richard and Bryan, ages 13 and 12, appear and their jaws drop when they saw their parents; Mrs. Harris burst into anger:

"What's going on here!"

"Mom, it's just a game"

"This looks like a game to you!"

"We can explain it"

"Silence! Go to your room!" And Mrs. Harris lead them to their rooms to continue the reprimand. While Mr. Harris was mesmerized by the movements and gagged moans of the three young beautiful women, he was totally entranced by the astonishing spectacle; until his wife came back and yelled at him:

“What the hell are you doing standing there!? We have to untie them!”

"Oh yes! Sorry "


“And while we untie you, you will tell us how the hell this happened! Julie, you were in charge! How did you allow this!?”


“Please ladies, tell the whole truth, you used to have our full and absolute trust; we want to understand precisely how this could have happened” Mr. Harris added.

The Harris decided to start untying Julie, who was the one who looked the most scared, besides, being the babysitter in charge, she was directly responsible for this situation. For which they both began by removing the bandanas as blindfold and removing the elaborate gag, because under the bandana over his mouth she had several pieces of duct tape over her lips, then another bandana that surrounded hers head but passed between her teeth and at the end a rolled handkerchief inside her mouth.

“Mmmph… ahh! Please some water! And please let me go! I don't want to be tied down anymore!"

“Yes, calm down, we are untying you now, take a deep breath..."

"Ok... thank you"

"And meanwhile, tell us in detail, how did you allow them to tie you up, did they ask you or attack you? It’s the first time? How did it all start? Say it as calmly as you can."

-Julie's story:

Well, I've been working here for 4 months, and since day one the boys asked me to let them tie me up to play to “the captors”, but I always said no, I never understood why their obsession. Richard and Bryan seemed like nice boys to me, but they have a lot of energy and also they like to make a lot of noise with their guitar and drums; I admit they are not bad, but after a while the noise becomes very annoying. So one noisy day I was tired and I negotiated that for the only time I would be tied up for 15 minutes and in return they would do a quieter activity afterwards.

They agreed, and they tied me up, but it was really inoffensive, they just wrapped rope around my wrists in front with very loose knots and a bandana over my mouth, I realized that I could speak perfectly and that it was literally harder to prevent the rope from falling off my wrists than it was to untie myself; so I just pretended to be tied up for 15 minutes and after that they calmed down a lot; So, from that day on I thought that agreeing to be "tied" in exchange for things that I asked for was a good deal.

As the weeks passed, the way of tying me up gradually changed, for example they began to tie me with my hands behind my back, began to tie my ankles, and they passed the bandana between my teeth; but I never felt that too restrictive, even once the phone rang and without too much effort I was able to remove the rope and the gag to answer it; also always they faithfully kept their promise of just 15 minutes, so I had confidence with they in this game... until today.

This is my first full weekend as a babysitter, and today early in the morning they started practicing with their instruments, which made me get up a little upset; in fact, I didn't think about it until later, that I should have dressed before, because I was only wearing my white negligee:

“A pause for the cause!”

"Hello Julie! Are you going to make us breakfast?"

"Come on guys! So early and with those instruments?"

“So? what do you think we should be doing?”

"Well, I don't know, maybe... sleep!"

“No, I want to practice guitar”

“And me with my drums, Richard continues improving more than me”

“Just wait a bit longer please! It's too early for noise. Why don’t you eat cereal and watch TV for a while?"

“Right now I don't feel like that… but... if we play to the captors?"

"Yeah! What do you think Julie? "

“Ugh! So soon!? Fine! But after the 15 minutes I'll go to sleep while you do something quiet."


Everything seemed normal, but I began to feel them a little more excited than usual, and this time they tied me up like never before, their skill with the ropes was greater than what I had seen them, the ties were too firm and precise; they tied me with my wrists crossed, then my arms and torso together by passing another rope up and under my breasts, then tied my thighs above the knees, my calves below the knees and finally my ankles together; to add later a bandana with a knot in the middle inside my mouth, and another bandana over my mouth to cover it.

I was very surprised, they had never tied me up like this before; I had noticed some improvements the last few times, that even I was starting to doubt if I could still untie me by myself, but this time was another level, I was totally sure that I would never be able to escape. And when I was tied up, someone rang the doorbell, it sounded like a delivery man; I got very nervous because I thought that he could see me tied up like that. They attended him a later they came to tell me that it just was a mistake, and at that moment I believed them. And after finishing the 15 minutes they untied me as always, but this time I did not stay calmed because everything was too strange; but in the end I fulfilled my mission, they calmed down and I was able to go back to sleep.

After sleeping a bit more, I woke up and dressed in my black sport pants and a beige tank top, and started to clean the house a bit; everything was normal until they asked me to play to "the captors" again. I completely refused, but they negotiated that they were bored and if I accept they would finish the cleaning and even will make dinner, and they had behaved so well that I only saw it as a little extra effort in exchange for being able to rest and be able to do some pending work on my laptop, so I agreed but on the condition that my hands would be tied up in front, thinking that this way I wouldn't be so restrained… but I was wrong.

I sat on the couch and the boys tied me up too well, they tied my hands together but also my thighs and then used a rope to attach my thighs to my hands, so I couldn't move too much, then tied up my ankles together, and later used a rope over my torso underneath of my bust.

Then they did something that I couldn’t imagine, they took a new small box, and from there they quickly took out a red plastic ball with some straps. I opened wide my eyes in surprise, but without letting me react or say anything, they put that ball in my mouth and fastened it behind my head, while I moaned in surprise; then, from that box, they took a leather mask for the eyes and put it on me to prevent I could see. I got very nervous, I didn't know what to think, not being able to see and also having that ball filling my mouth, that tasted like new plastic and that wouldn't let me speak, made me feel very anxious.

At first I tried to keep calm, but with the time I began to get scared and really tried to free myself, and through my gag I tried to ask them to release me but they ignored me; several minutes passed until I was more than sure that the 15 minutes were over, so I started trying to yell at them loud. They arrived and took off the leather thing that covered my eyes, I saw them very intimidating, with a satisfied smile, and they told me:

"You want us to let you go, right? Well, that won't happen."


“We planned this for a long time and, although we seriously wanted to hold you captive, you are not our main objective”

“Mmph ummph!”

I growled and writhed to claim them but even they seemed to enjoy it, I was very scared, I had never saw them like this, I was afraid of what they would be able to do. Then Bryan took a handkerchief and rolled it up, while Richard cut off pieces of duct tape that I hadn't realized they had it on the floor next to them. They said “We're going to need this”, and took out the ball away from my mouth but immediately put the rolled up handkerchief inside and taped my lips with the pieces of tape. They said "Wow, this is wet" and they cleaned it up to leave it on the floor along with that leather mask to the eyes.

A few moments later, suddenly we heard that someone opened the door and quickly entered as if were his house; the three of us stood still in surprise, I thought at first that maybe were about you, but I was wrong, she was this blonde woman tied to my side; she was wearing denim shorts, tennis shoes and a green T-shirt. I tried to beg her to stop this… but the opposite would happen.

"He… hello! What!? Wow, you sure are some naughty boys! Hahaha. Are you playing?"


“He-hello Chelsea! Yes… Yes! That's right, she has a challenge to escape, but she is losing”


"W-What brings you here? I didn't know you had a key."

"Oh yes, well it's a copy that your parents gave to mine, they told me that your parents would go out all weekend and they told me that I had to pick up some printed shirts"

"Printed shirts? They didn't tell us anything, but I'll go look in their room" And Brayan ran off to search, while Richard was nervous talking to her:

"So… have you ever played something like this?"



“Oh! …Are you serious?”

“Yes. And I think is too fun! Although there are people who do not understand it; I am glad to see that you do"

"Really? I had no idea. So by now I guess you're an expert at escaping."

“I wouldn't say an ‘expert’, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, haha. Although I actually like the part when you can't perceive what's going on around you, it’s too exciting… but… anyway. Hey, I came here walking, please could you give me a glass of water?”

"Sure, I'll be right back" and Richard also left the living room, then she just came up close to me:

“Hello, you must be the babysitter. Funny game, huh?"


I tried to beg her to remove my gag to explain her the situation, but she ignored me! she just inspected my restraints very closely. Then I saw that she curiously bent down and took the red ball and looked at it with a smiling face.

“Wow, all this looks too enjoyable, you wouldn't mind if I join, right? Just for a moment"


I shook my head to tell her I disapproved it, but to my surprise she secured that ball on herself! I thought everything just would get even worse by now.


Mr. and Mrs. Harris finished untying Julie; they didn't know what to think about all this. It was hard for them to think that her actual babysitter, the daughter of their old friends that they had known since she was baby and, even worse, their own sons! they were all involved in something like this; and still had to see the situation with the former babysitter.

"Julie, go to get dressed, you will finish telling us your version later"

"Yes Mr. Harris" And she got up sheepishly towards the guest room to get dressed.

"What do you think dear?"

“I don't know what to think… but we have to free them anyway. Now we go with you Chelsea”


Then the Harris removed the bandana over her mouth, the tape over her lips, the bandana between her teeth, and took the rolled handkerchief out of her mouth, and also took off her blindfold. Chelsea was calmed but also looked tired:

“Ha!…well… h… hi uncles!”

"Can you explain to us why you gagged yourself? And what happened next?" They ask for her story while begin to untie her.

-Chelsea's story:

Well, I was at home making plans to hang out when my parents asked me to get here to search for the shirts, because they have to do some deliver tomorrow or something like that; and supposedly you were out and uncommunicated. I got mad because they ruined my plans and I wasn't even sure that I was going to find something or somebody in here, so we argued. I came walking so that my courage would go away, and I even thought about staying for a while to watch TV to relax for a while; but I was surprised when I saw that Richy and Bray had their brown haired babysitter tied up.

I confess that I really like tying up games, I really enjoy them, especially with my boyfriends, but finding someone who also enjoys this has been complicated for me; and when I saw that they had such a good quality ballgag lying in floor I was very surprised, I never thought that those boys had something like that. So when I was left alone with the babysitter I was excited and I couldn't resist the temptation to try the gag on myself, I also saw a fine blindfold aside and I also put it on myself to test it, and that's when Richy returned with my glass of water:

"What are you doing?"

"Nommphing" I immediately took off the blindfold and tried to take off the gag, but I couldn't because of my haste, but he stopped me.

"Do you want to play too?"

I stopped excited, because that was my intention since I thought they were playing, to be tied up for a while; and I thought that they would release me a short time later along with the babysitter. So without thinking about the consequences I just nodded my head happily:

“Mmm phmm”

"All right! Put your hands behind your back." Richy began to tie my hands behind my back in a double column; when Bray returned

"I found nothing! Hey! What is happening?"

“Chelsea joins to the game”

"Well... Great!" Richy was tying up my arms to my torso, under my boobs, which I admit got a little thrilling for me, then Bray said:

"I know! I'll bring two chairs from the dining room."

“Okay Bryan… Very good Chelsea, you will have your escape challenge, but we will make it very difficult to you, also we will not let you perceive anything as extra difficulty”


I admit that I was very enthusiastic and willingly cooperated so that they tied me up well. When Bray brought the chairs they led me to one and sat me down; they tied my wrists to one of the backrest boards and then they took a long rope to fix me to the chair, tying it over my torso under my breasts; I realized that they were very good tying up and that excited me more. Then they took off my tennis shoes and my socks, they tied each ankle on the outside to each of the front legs of the chair, just at the intersection between the leg of the chair and the horizontal board that joins the legs, leaving me with my feet flexed and legs open.

I start to test my restraints and realized that it would be too difficult to escape, and I thought it would be a lot of fun. Suddenly the babysitter began to let out some desperate grunts and they told her "Okay, we'll continue with you" so they took the babysitter and sat her in the other chair while she struggled and moaned in protest, which began to seem too strange to me since I thought that everything was just a game.

They untied her hands in front of her, and her torso, and she tried hard to fight to get free, but each boy hold a different hand from her; I was actually amazed at how strong they were, I know they have always had a lot of energy and swimming has been a great exercise, but still I did not expect it; and from a box that they had nearby they took out some handcuffs, it surprised me a lot, even I had not seen a real ones before; and I don't think they did either, because Bryan said “Let's find how these things work”. And with a lot of effort they took her hands behind the back of the chair and handcuffed her like that, then they took a rope and tied her torso to the chair to secure her to it completely; next they took a rope and began to tie her hands with it, to later release her from her handcuffs and keep her tied only with rope. But what surprised me and gave me a bad feeling was when the boys gave each other knowing looks, and nodded, then they took off her tennis shoes and socks and began to untie her thighs and ankles, and after that, they began to undress her from her pants leaving her in panties! while she kicked and growled trying to avoid it; I looked all this while I felt incredulous and a little regretful.

Next they tied each ankle on the outside to each front leg of the chair, leaving her ankles flexed and her legs open, just like they did with me; then they took a bandana and blindfolded her. Already at this point I saw the babysitter very scared and desperate, while they were as if nothing happened; and they did another weird thing, they took a cell phone and put the babysitter's thumb on it to unlocking it and started to search or write something in it, it was all too weird. So they came back to me:

"Alright Chelsea, we'll finish your ties"

“Ammrph ermmph!” I refused a bit worried after all I saw

“Hahaha, relax. This is an additional thing that we have with her, this does not involve you in anything bad; Just keep the secret, okay? Besides, isn't that something exciting to go along with her in your challenge?"

I started to breathe deeply trying to calm down, I didn't want to think badly of them, I wanted to convince myself that all this was just a game, besides, at this point and tied up like that, I had no choice, so I nodded for them to continue. Then they took a long bandana and blindfolded me just like her, and then they took off my ballgag:

"Ahh… guys… all this is weird, I don't understand what's going on; for a moment I thought that you would leave me gagged all the time"

"We will do, It’s part of the game, just wait a minute"

"Seriously guys, this situation has been very strange, your babysitter doesn't seem like she's playing"


"Don't worry about it, it's just an extra that we have with her, just focus on yourself, okay?"

"Well… okay"

"Besides, you will not be able to know what is really happening, unless you free yourself, of course"

"What are you going to do?"

So they put a rolled handkerchief in my mouth and put many pieces of duct tape to seal my lips, I cooperated all time and, although I was still a little nervous, but little by little I relaxed and enthusiastically I focus on to feel my restraints, until finally I completely let myself go in the ‘game’; then I felt how they put those bluetooth headphones on my ears and started to play random music loud enough so that I couldn't clearly hear what was happening around, at the time I thought it was thrilling.

I began to try to free myself, but after struggling intensely for several minutes without any progress, I gave up and let myself flow with the situation, I relaxed forgetting everything and focus in my own thoughts and feelings, just enjoying bein restrained and waiting for them to untie me at some point; and although at first I found it really exciting, after a long while I did start to get a uneasy with the uncertainty of what these guys were really planning and why they were taking so long to untie me.


The Harris finished untying Chelsea, and now had more questions than answers; They were surprised with how naturally Chelsea admitted that she liked being tied up, she was always very open with them and they've known her since she was a baby, so listening how she likes to be involved in that kind of game sounded unreal to them.

"Okay Chelsea, go to get dressed."

“Thank you, aunt; and about the shirts…”

"Your uncle forgot to give them to your father, I told him a thousand times but he forgot it anyway"

“That’s because first you forgot give it to them in the reunion of the last weekend, I wouldn’t… well, it’s not moment for this. The shirts are in my car, when I take you home I will give them to you”

"Okay... well, I'll go to the bathroom with my clothes to get dress."

"Okay Chelsea… So, now we come with you, Millie"


“You were our babysitter for a year and you did a great job, you did well when you recommended Julie to us when you could no longer take care of the kids; and now we found you like this!? You even shouldn't be here! How did you get into all of this? Do you know what happened after Chelsea was tied up in the chair?” Mrs. Harris claimed to her while they removed the gags she had on.

Millie looked very embarrassed, she wanted to hide her face; she seems very different from the always confident lady, who even looked a bit ruthless with that slightly gothic look she likes to wear. On the other hand, Mr. Harris noticed a torn piece of clothing in the corner, as if it was cut out, it looked like a gray T-shirt, a black skirt, black tights, and on top there were black heeled ankle boots; he realized that it was the clothes Millie came home with, but seeing the tense situation he decided to keep quiet about it for now, and told her with a firm but calmed voice.

"Millie, just tell us everything"

So she takes a resigned sigh and begins to tell the story while Mr. and Mrs. Harris begin to untie her.

-Millie's story:

Well, actually I was the one who taught Richard and Bryan how to tie someone up, in fact I consider myself very good at it, even though I had never been tied up…until today.

It all started a day when we were watching TV and appeared a classic damsel in distress scene, they said that they want tie me up like that, and I told them that if they don't even know how to tie someone, much less they could tie me up; and after asking me if I knew how to tie, they asked me to teach them. And in several sessions I taught them a lot, I also noticed that they began to look for extra things on the internet by themselves. And after a few months they wanted to surprise me to tie me up, but they failed and I even managed to tie them up back as punishment; and these frustrated surprise attempts went on and on. According to them, they would not rest until they finally could tie me up, but I never saw it possible because they couldn't take me with guard down, although they were already very skilled at tying. In fact, listening to Julie's story, I'm sure they pretended not to know how to tie her to make her feel confident, because they have known how to do it pretty well since a long time ago.

Anyway, the last time I was here as a babysitter, they tried one last time but no one won, they managed to tie my feet but it wasn't enough. I told them that this was the proof that they still can't tie anyone, that today would also be my last time as their babysitter and that the next babysitter was a friend of mine and I know that she would never let anyone tie her up; and I knew it well because when I came up with that kind of themes with Julie, I could see clearly that she hated the very idea. I remember the disappointed faces of them saying “are you serious?” "I am, I won't be able to be with you again, and if your new babysitter could be tied up I would have enjoyed doing it long time ago" which was true.

Going back to today, I was in my stuff when I got a message from Julie, or at least from her cell phone, telling me that she had an emergency and I have to come alone at Harris’s house as fast as possible. I was surprised to read that, I wrote to her asking for details but she no longer answered me, so I got worried; I didn't know if it was an emergency of our web project or if it was something much more serious, so I decided to go immediately. Once here I rang the bell and Bryan opened the door:

"Hello Millie! Nice to see you again"

"Hello Bryan, nice to see you too. I come to see Julie"

"Of course that's why you come. She's in the living room. Come in! "

The way he received me seemed strange to me, as if he knew that I was coming, I also felt that he was hiding something; and when I got to the room I was shocked to see Julie and a young blonde sitting on some chairs, bound, gagged and blindfolded; both squirming and moaning hard through their gags.

"Now you see that at the end she did let herself to be tied up"

"Yes... I see it"


"What do you think ‘sensei’?"

I approached curious to inspect the ties and I saw that were excellent; and I especially stopped to see Julie because, to be honest, I had always wanted to keep her tied up for a while, I don't know exactly why, maybe for fun, or maybe because she's a bit conceited and I wanted to see her bound and quiet for once, or I don't know, maybe something else.

"Why don't she have pants?"

"Well... it's part of the game"

“Ha! Sure… Well… my respects young disciples, you managed to do something interesting” And I started to annoy Julie a little while she was complaining, not knowing who I was at that moment.

However, I saw the boys very proud of themselves, but looked to me that they saw me as if they were now better and more expert in this than me, so I wanted to show them otherwise:

“Alright newbies, now we are going to take this to another level”

"Another level?"

"How many times have you make a ‘hogtied’?"

"Well... none"

"Okay, I'll teach you once and you'll do the next"

So I untied Julie's ankles from the chair and since she wouldn't stop struggling I asked the boys to help me to join them together so we could tie them up together, then we tied her calves below the knees and then the thighs above the knees. Then we untied her torso and hands and we laid her to the ground and I took off her tank top exposing her bra, leaving her just in her white underwear, while she growled through her gag; next we tied her hands behind, we secure her arms to her torso passing the rope above and below her breasts; and I did the final part of taking a rope and tying her wrists to her ankles to finish the hogtied:


"And that's how it's done boys, you'll decide how long you leave the rope to have it more or less restricted"

"That’s cool!"

"Okay, I'll let you practice with her" and I took the headphones off from the blonde’s ears

"With Chelsea?"


"What? Are you afraid of your own prisoner?"


"Uh... No, we're not afraid, right Bryan?"

"No, it's okay... we'll do it"

"Excellent, I'll help you take off her clothes and tie her up like you helped me with Julie"



"I order you! Or are you cowards?” At that moment Richard said a lot of things to Bryan in secret, they looked at each other and nodded, so they told me very confidently:

"Of course we aren’t! We’ll do it"

This situation was very exciting, for some reason I really like to tie people up, and also I like that people obeyed me, so I just let myself go; I think I felt so strong and dominant that I didn't think much about the consequences. So, first we untied Chelsea's ankles and took off her denim shorts, and was interesting to me that she was complaining through her gag but she didn't resist at all, there were even moments that I felt that she was cooperating; then we untied her torso and wrists to remove her shirt and then we tied her wrists together behind her, and we tied her torso and arms just like Julie's, leaving her face down on the floor only in her red underwear.

Was interesting that it was so much easier with her than with Julie because she didn't resist, she only made wiggles that seemed more like of being enjoying it than resisting. I thought that maybe she was the type to enjoy this things; also, I could notice the wondering eyes of the boys.

Then Bryan got up, grabbed a rope and began tying her feet at the wrists to do the hogtied to her.


"Good. That’s it guys, this is how it's done"

"Great! Sensei. Well... I'm going to the bathroom!"

“Bryan! Oh, well. Sensei, I'm going to... my room, I'll be right back" And they left me alone with them while I just release a soft laughter.

I was just enjoying, I loved watching at this beautiful ladies struggling and releasing her moans through their gags; also I liked the contrast of Julie's desperate movements with the Chelsea's subtle and fluid movements. I sat next to them and began to playfully touch their restraints to contemplate how well done we did it, and I admit that I even told them "if you wanted to be tied so much you would have called me since the beginning" and I was enjoying myself like that for a few minutes; until I felt a tug on my hands!

I didn’t notice, but Richard and Bryan had sneaked up behind me, grabbed my hands from behind and handcuffed them before I could react, I didn't know they had handcuffs!

“What are you brats doing!?”

"You said we should do the next one, Bryan has already done his, it's my turn and only you are left to practice"

“What the hell are you talking about!? Let me go now!!!”

They had next to them a box that looked to me like something they ordered online, and from there they took out a red ballgag

"Ha! No! Don't even dream of it brats!"

"Open your mouth sensei"


Then they tried to put it on me by force, but I resisted with all my strength; they even laid me down on the floor while Richard sat on top of me to limit my movements a bit while Bryan kept pressing the ball against my mouth; but later they covered my nose and out of desperation I opened my mouth and they stuck the ballgag inside, then fastened it hard behind my head to secure it, while I demanded furiously to be released:


“It seems that the students surpassed the sensei”

"Finally! Things got settled and everything went well, not as planned, but it couldn't be better"

"It still hurts me to have spent our savings on this bondage gear, but we needed it against you, you turned out to be a very expensive captive"


"Well, we'll have to take you next to the other captives"

"Dommphyou daphmre!"

I shook my head angrily but only saw them get more excited. I was really furious, they betrayed me and restrained me, but the thing that really infuriated me most was the idea of admitting that for the first time in my life I was the submissive and not the one in command. I was so angry that I ignored that they are young boys and started kicking at them to get them away, but they are so skilled that one managed to get behind me and put the leather blindfold on me, preventing me from seeing where they were. And not knowing where to aim I stood still trying to hear them, but before I could notice they had caught my feet and tied them together; the only thing on my mind was to keep fighting until the end, so I shook my body with all my strength.

For a moment I thought that if they wanted to tie me up like the other two women they would want to take off my clothes first, so they would have to untie me, so I psyched myself up to take advantage of that opportunity; however I began to feel something metallic and cold in my stomach; they were scissors! They were cutting my clothes!


"I'm sorry about your clothes but is easier this way, later we'll see how we replace them, the important thing now is to fulfill our long-awaited goal with you"


They cut off my shirt, my skirt and my tights and took off my boots to leave me just in my black underwear, while I protested full of anger all the time, but to no avail. Then they took the ropes and began to tie me up just like we did with the other two, my thighs above the knees, my calves below my knees, then they tightened the bindings on my ankles, they secured my arms to my torso by tying them above and below my breasts and then they took off the handcuffs to tie my wrists only with rope; No matter how much I growled and struggled, I couldn't do anything and I got more and more frustrated.


"Richard, it's your turn!"

“Finally! The moment we set out to achieve” Then he took a rope and hogtied me like the other two women without I could do nothing to avoid it.

So that’s it, all the time I shook and grunted furiously, while you can listen how they laughed and congratulated each other. Then they took my blindfold off, I glared at them aggressively but they seemed to enjoy it and they dragged me next to the other two hogtied women. I felt more humiliated than I've ever been in my life, I never thought I'd ever be the one to have to be subdued to another one.

Later they took my ballgag off:

“Aammph… You wretched brats! You're going to regret this!"

"Finally we defeated you, even more, we tied you as we wanted"

"You're wrong Bryan, we tied her even better"

"This doesn't count, you cheated!"

"Cheat! As if that matters, all I know is that you are here at our mercy, and you are ours until further notice."

"You will regret it! You are seriously going to regret it!” Then Richard hold my chin and looked me to the eyes

“No, we won't. And now you are our submissive” I was shocked after hearing that.

Then Bryan stood behind me and stuck a rolled handkerchief into my mouth by surprise, put a cleave gag between my teeth to attach it; but they didn't stop there, they cut several pieces of duct tape and put them over my lips, and at the end they put another bandana over my mouth, tying it hard behind my head, really and effectively silencing me. Later they took another bandana and blindfolded me. So I got desperate and I started to struggle and moan furiously, I really felt helpless and vulnerable, I was angry and scared.


"Oh! What an impressive sight!”

"Sure, but now we have to silence the others in the same way"

And although I couldn't see, I'm sure they gagged them the same way as me; first I could hear at the blond one, very calm but a bit agitated, she say to them when her former gag was removed:

“…Guys! think carefully about what you do, everything must have a limit. I can no longer take this as an innocent game, and you know it"

"We know”

“Trust us Chelsea, we didn’t planned anything of this for you, but for now you are our captive and you have no choice, sorry"

And then I heard how they gagged her; next I heard Julie when they removed her former gag:

"Ah! … Please! please! I beg you, untie me now! I promise I won't say anything and everything will be at peace between us. I beg you!"

"Sorry but…"

"We can't take it back now... just try to calm yourself, okay?"

“No! No! Please! Releammmph! Mmmph!”

And then they gagged her; to finally leaving the three of us on the floor struggling and moaning. It was so frustrating and humiliating; even I can't say for sure, but I thought I heard that they took photos and videos of us.

I lost track of time, I don't know how long we were tied up like this; I also did not know what the boys did during all this time, the only time they spoke to us was to tell us:

“Well… now we think you were right, we got ourselves in big trouble; we are very sorry"

"And even more sorry, because I think you will have to stay tied up until tomorrow, until we have thought of a plan to affront all this"


In that moment the three of us squirm hard and moan desperately though our gags, we felt like we couldn't take it anymore.

But fortunately you would arrive not much later.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris finished untying Millie, and Mrs. Harris took her to her room, lent her some clothes, and came out of the room to let her dress. She returns to the living room with her husband who was meditative, they looked into each other's eyes and remained in total silence; they were in disbelief at what a big mess this all was, a series of high pitched weird games going on right under their noses. They didn't know what to do, if they had to complain to the girls, if they had to apologize to them, if they had to talk to their parents, but what would they say? The only thing they were clear about was the great reprimand they would give their children.

In other side, the boys were locked in their room; and they already imagined the serious consequences that would come from their imprudence, but also they keep imagining and remembering that longed for scenario that they could finally witness, what their instincts demanded to see, even for one single time.

But even though you can't choose what you like, you can choose to do what's right, because there's a difference between having a taste and being held captive by the taste.

Last edited by arbamanre 1 year ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

That was very original. You left an exquisite conundrum for the parents.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
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Post by charliesmith »

Wonderful story. I hope you write more.
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by arbamanre »

Thank you for the support!
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Mmmmm, loved the story.
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Post by Alboreland »

Great story
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Post by arbamanre »

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Post by TightsBound »

Really enjoyed this one! It’s well written and has a nice mix of fun and hotness. The contrast between each captive, the fear, enjoyment and embarrassment is very unique, that’s something I rarely see. Thank you for writing, hopefully you write more! I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing these characters again. 😊
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Post by arbamanre »

TightsBound wrote: 1 year ago Really enjoyed this one! It’s well written and has a nice mix of fun and hotness. The contrast between each captive, the fear, enjoyment and embarrassment is very unique, that’s something I rarely see. Thank you for writing, hopefully you write more! I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing these characters again. 😊
Thank you so much.
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Post by Windrunner »

A fun story overall, but finding out that one of the babysitters was an unwitting accomplice-turned-captive, having taught them how to tie, made the story retain a naughty, but still playful tone.

Hope to see more from you! Or... might we perhaps find out how the boys might be punished for breaking what I'm certain was a large number of rules!
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Post by Natsu14 »

Such an amazing story!! I love the way you wrote it and especially the feelings and contrast between the „poor“ girls.
Keep up the great work!
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Post by TugLife »

I loved this story. That's for posting it.
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