Detective Harper Thorn mm/ff [Part 2 added]

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Detective Harper Thorn mm/ff [Part 2 added]

Post by harper »

Part 1:

Harper Thorn waited silently in the side alley next to the Lapel Corporation headquarters, waiting for her partner to finish surveillance. She was extremely exhausted, but confident that today would be the day they finally caught Dr. Lapel. Harper, the youngest teen detective at the Gold Star Detectives Academy, was excited to prove to everyone that even though she was young, she could keep up with the rest. Harper was 5’5 with a very nice build and shoulder length light brown hair that curled a bit at the ends. She loved to use her smile, big hazel puppy eyes, and soothing voice to her advantage, whenever applicable. At 16 years old, Harper was two years younger than the age that GSDA usually accepts students, but she had caught the school’s eye by busting a huge drug trafficking scheme that had been going on for over a decade at her high school. Now, on the field with over half a year of professional detective training, she felt the rush of adrenaline that she had felt during her previous success. She and her partner had been following a lead for several days regarding a corrupt doctor who was about to release a vaccine to the public. The academy had been watching Dr. Lapel for several years and had a suspicion that this widespread vaccine was going to be used for evil purposes. Harper and her partner had been assigned to catch the doctor himself in the act.

Harper was clad in her usual white button up blouse, tucked into a pair a black jeans. What set her outfit apart from the traditional detective uniform was her high-top converse. She felt she needed a signature thing if she was going to be a stand out detective so she chose to wear her favorite pair of shoes, instead of those uncomfortable ankle high boots most detectives chose to wear. However, Harper’s outfit was a tad bit uncomfortable at the moment, as she had been in the field for almost 3 days now, camping out in her car and on the move, so she hadn’t been able to change since she’d started. Harper thought about how nice the bath would be when she finally caught Dr. Lapel in action but quickly stopped herself. She needed to stay focused.

Harper peered into one of the side windows of the building, trying to figure out how many people they would be dealing with if they got in. Luckily for her, she only spotted a half dozen employees. Before she could retreat to her car to think of a plan, she heard a rustling sound behind her. She turned around and almost yelped in surprise as a girl had appeared out of nowhere. The girl shot her hand over Harpers mouth to keep her from exposing their position. “Jesus Harper! It’s just me!” Abby whispered harshly at Harper who was still recovering from the startle. Abby Danger was Harper’s 19-year-old senior detective partner. She was a very experienced detective who Harper envied in almost every way. Her blonde hair was always tied back in a tight ponytail and she had fierce blue eyes that could make any villain confess to their crimes. On this mission, she wore a button up black blouse tucked into a short dark grey skirt, with a dark grey coat that matched. She wore crew high black socks along with her black Doc Martin boots. Somehow, after 3 days of constant surveillance and field work, she still managed to look stunning.

“Sorry.” Harper blushed. She knew she had almost given them away and getting caught would not look good on her resume. “We need to find a way in so that we can sneak into the back. Did you find anything on the other side of the warehouse?”

“No. The front door is the only way in. They sure keep this place secured so we know they’re hiding something big.”

Harper frowned. The building was so big she couldn’t believe that there was only one entrance so she knew Abby must right. Harper thought back to her training at the academy and suddenly had an idea.

“If the front entrance is the only way in, then we’re taking the front entrance.”

“How do you suggest we go that?” Abby questioned. “There are a couple security guards who I’m sure won’t just let us waltz in.

“Dr. Lapel’s vaccine has been getting a lot of media attention. People have been praising him and he feeds off of this praise. We pretend to be journalists who want to write a great report about his vaccine. We’ll get a tour and can set some bugs in building while we’re in!”

Abby nodded slowly. “You know, that might just work. Do you think they’d believe we’re journalists?”

Harper grinned. “Leave that to me.”

Harper and Abby walked up to the front of the building and were met by 2 men in suits.

The man on the left of the door stopped them. “Sorry, ladies. No one is allowed in the building without an appointment.”

Harper looked the man and stood as confidently as she could manage. “My name is Heather Simons, and this is Ava Stringer. We are journalists for the Washington Post and would love to write an article about Dr. Lapel and his genius vaccine. We would love to talk to him.”

The men looked at each other. “Aren’t you two a bit young to be journalists?”

Harper faltered. She forgot they were way younger than the average reporter and realized how unbelievable her statement had been. Thankfully, Abby was quick to respond.

“Technically, we are interning, and this article can be the one that gets our journalism careers started. We couldn’t think of a better first article than Dr. Lapels amazing vaccine.”

The men didn’t look very convince. “As I said before, no is allowed in the building without an appointment.”

Harper was about to argue when the doors behind the men swung open. Harper and Abby looked in shock as Dr. Lapel himself, clad in a white lab coat, stood in front of them.

“Excuse my eavesdropping but it seems like these lovely young ladies have taken an interest in my work.”

Harper was so stunned to be face to face with the man she had been following the last 3 days that she couldn’t collect her thoughts. Luckily for her, Abby was yet again ready with a response.

“Oh yes doctor! Your work is so inspirational and we would love to see the vaccine you’re working on! It would make a great article and people should see how amazing you are!”

This seemed to satisfy Dr. Lapel. “Well, I would love to give you two the grand tour of my laboratory. Come right in!”

He turned around and began walking swiftly into the building. Harper and Abby looked at each other, shrugged, and followed him in.

The building was surprisingly big on the inside, considering how small it looked from outside. Harper looked around in awe as she saw many crazy looking gadgets that made modern technology look ancient. There were robots zooming around delivering things to different locations in the building and pressing various buttons on the various machines. Dr. Lapel would stop every once and a while and explain what these various machines did. Harper and Abby wrote down everything he said, but their minds were fixed on their mission. After about half an hour of showing them all the gadgets on the first floor, he led them to the elevator in the middle of the room.

“You two have been such good listeners and have made me feel so much pride in my work again. Because of this, I would like to invite you to my private lab to see the vaccine itself!”

“Wow!” Harper exclaimed. “We would be honored too!”

The three of them stood in the elevator as it began to ascend the many levels. After a while, the elevator finally stopped. They were on the 6th and highest floor. When the elevator opened, they were met with what looked like a warehouse. Two men stood on either side of the elevator doors.

“Ladies, these are my most trusted employees. They make sure my lab remains secure at all time. Don’t mind them.” He then began to lead them through the warehouse, and Harper noticed that the men were following them. They stopped once they came across door with a heavy lock on the front.

“Here we are” Lapel said. “This is where all the magic happens. However, I do have one tiny inconvenience that I hope won’t be too bothersome.”

“What’s wrong?” Abby asked, glancing nervously at the guards.

“Well you see, my laboratory is a sealed room with a certain level of oxygen. That being said, there will only be enough oxygen for 2 people so one of you will have to stay behind.”

“I’ll go in!” Both girls exclaimed, then looked at each other. Abby gave Harper a look that said “This could be dangerous, let me go,” but Harper wanted this to be her shining moment. All she had to do was wait for Dr. Lapel to look away and she would plant the bug.

“Woah now, no need to fight over me!” Dr. Lapel said. He looked at both girls then his eyes fixed on Harper. “You, come with me. You were the first to speak up at the entrance so I’m assuming you’re the one in charge. Your colleague can wait out here with Jerry and Gabe.”

Abby glared at Harper and was about to argue but Harper interrupted. “A good observation doctor. Let’s see this miracle vaccine!”

The laboratory was a lot less impressive looking than the entrance of the building. The fact that it was just a normal looking lab was very underwhelming to Harper after seeing all the contraptions during her tour. Still, this was the moment she had been waiting for. Doctor Lapel walked her to a table with multiple vials of red liquid in them.

“These my dear, are going to save the world!”

Harper didn’t think they looked very impressive but she kept her act going.

“Wow doctor! These are the vaccines? What exactly will they help cure?”

“They will cure and prevent any disease that effects the brain. Alzheimer’s, amnesia, sleep apnea, the list goes on.”

He turned and walked while explaining the complicated science behind it. Harper took her chance. While the doctor wasn’t facing her, she took the little metal bug from her pocket and placed it inside a little crack in the side of one of the experiment counters. She hoped it was well hidden.

Dr. Lapel turned around to see if she was listening just as Harper had composed herself. He looked at her for a moment, and Harper was scared her cover had been blow, but he just grinned and said, “Any more questions.”

“I think I’ve got enough information to write a brilliant article doctor! Thank you so much for letting me tour your lab.”

“Of course, Harper. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He replied.

They began to walk back towards the laboratory door.

“After you,” he said, allowing Harper to open the door.

As approached and moved the heavy metal latch that locked the door, she realized something strange. Dr. Lapel had called her Harper. She had introduced herself as Heather. A cold feeling crept down her spine as she swung the laboratory door open, then gasped in shock at what met her at the door.
Last edited by harper 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Qwerty123 »

I got to say I loved the build up to this with Harper realizing the doctor knew her name so she and her partner are definitely in trouble.
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Post by harper »

Part 2

Harper knew she was in trouble the moment the door opened. On the floor, about 10 feet away from her, Abby was bound and gagged, struggling furiously. Her wrists were tied tightly behind her back, and more rope was wound tightly around her shoulders and stomach. More rope was wrapped tightly above and below her knees and around her ankles. Harper noticed her left foot was bare, and the shoe that should be on it was laying a couple feet away like it had been tossed aside. When Abby saw them, her teary eyes widened and she tried to call to Harper. Unfortunately, Abby’s mouth had been wrapped from just below her nose to her chin with what looked like dozens of layers of silver duct tape. Her cheeks bulged and above the tape, right under her nose, Harper notices part of a black cloth pushed up against her nostrils. Harpers heart dropped when she realized what foul cloth was shoved in her mouth.

Harper ran to her bound partner but before she could reach her, a bunch arms grabbed her shoulders. She struggled and screamed but she knew she couldn’t get away. The henchmen forced her arms behind her and zip tied them to keep them secure.

Dr. Lapels voice came from behind her “It’s been a while since I’ve been visited by the Academy.” The guards turned Harper to face the doctor, who was now grinning widely.

Harper tried to play dumb. “The academy? What are you talking about? Is this how you treat all your journalist guests?”

“Don’t play dumb with me Harper Thorn. I know exactly who you and your partner, Abby Danger are, and we’ve been watching you as long as you thought you were watching me.
He pulled out a remote and a screen behind him turned on. On the screen were multiple security camera recordings that showed Abby and her looking into the building, sneaking around outside, and camped out in their car. “Damnit!” Harper thought. How had they not noticed any cameras! Of course, a place as secure as Lapel Corporation would have state of art security.

“It looks like your partner here put up quite the fight,” Lapel said and Harper noticed that the henchmen were covered in bruises.

“Anything to report to me?” Lapel asked his guards.

“As soon as you sealed the lab, we did as you said and grabbed her, but she fought back. She is a very quick and light on her feet and was able to get a few hits off, but she couldn’t take both of us. As you can see, she is very secured and quiet. You were right to separate them.”

“I’m always right” Dr Lapel laughed. He glanced at Abby’s bare left foot. “I see you made sure to punish her for the little shenanigans she tried to pull. How’s that sock taste dear?”

“Mmmph mm mmmphhh!” Abby grunted angrily in her gag. Harper knew it definitely didn’t taste pleasant.

Abby screamed at Lapel through her gag and tried to roll towards him, but a henchman planted his foot on her side, halting her movement.

“So, the vaccine is a trap!” Harper was so angry she wanted to rush the doctor, but his guards held her strong.”

“I wouldn’t say a trap, but I’ve got my plans.” He said with an evil confidence.

“You won’t get away with this! Our Academy knows where we are and they’ll send backup if we aren’t back by today!” Harper tried to sound confident, but her voice was shaky.

Dr. Lapel nodded at one of his guards who grabbed something from his pocket. Before Harper could react, a thick oily rag was shoved into her mouth. She gagged and tried to spit it out but he held it in with his fingers.
“Don’t even think about spitting that out, unless you want the same treatment as your friend.” Harper believed him and kept the rag in her mouth.

Dr. Lapel dropped a small metal object in front of her and she realized it was the bug she had planted. Lapel stepped on it and it sparked, then died. “Unfortunately for you, we were able to steal the connection to all your devices because you parked your car so close to our building. We have digitally copied all your previous texts, calls and data to compile enough information to make digital clones of you two. Your little detective academy will continue to receive messages from you two, and shouldn’t notice anything strange for a while. Luckily for me, this gives me the time to take care of you two little snoops. Now if you don’t mind, I have some work to attend to. Guards, please make sure this one is extra secure while I think of a way to dispose of them.”

Harper kicked and screamed into the rag as the henchmen pulled her away. Abby thrashed in her bonds as one of the guards lifted her over his shoulder. The last thing Harper heard before being dragged off to was Dr. Lapels evil laugh, echoing across the warehouse.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good second part, very dramatic! And nice binding sequence. I wonder what is in store for Harper. The ties of Abby seem pretty secure, and I wonder how they will Harper tie up even more secure :)
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Post by harper »

Part 3

Harper had never felt so defeated in her life. The guards took the girls to the basement of the building, then taken into a smaller closet where they patted down. The henchmen searched every inch of their bodies and came away with many gadgets that would have been helpful for their escape. Harper was then shoved to the ground as they fixed their eyes on Abby. Abby, still in her tight bonds, was then secured to a metal chair in the corner of the closet. More rounds of rope were tightly wound around her body and the back of the chair and her legs and the bottom of the chair. The henchman then grabbed a roll of duct tape and began wrapping various parts of her body with it, just to be even more secure. To add even more humiliation, a rope was maneuvered between her legs, than tied wrapped tightly to her wrists. Whenever Abby pulled her wrists, the rope would tighten and pull into her crotch, scrunching up her skirt and sending sensations throughout her body.

“That’s for the little fight you made upstairs,” He said with a nasty grin. Abby groaned and shook her head, as if trying to shake her gag off.

After securing Abby to the chair, the henchmen turned their attention to Harper, making sure to keep their bosses wish of “securing her extra.” They grabbed various coils of rope, rolls of duct tape and zip ties from the shelves of the closet. They clipped the zip ties from her wrists and began wrapping them with duct tape, enough to be inescapable. Then they zipped two thicker zip ties over the tape and wrapped more tape over the zip ties. Harper knew her wrists would not be freed without help. More tape and zip ties were applied to her elbows, above and below her knees and finally her ankles. While the henchmen were wrapping her upper body tightly with rope, she decided to at least try to get some information out of them.

“The vaccine is going to kill millions of people. Why is Dr. Lapel doing this?” she asked as she spit out the rag.

“Stupid girl, the vaccine won’t kill anyone. Lapel is creating an army. Maybe you two will be the first human tests.”

Harper grimaced. “Why does he need an army? What’s his endgame?”

“This isn’t a movie kid. The bad guys don’t spoil their plans to the little detectives, even if there is no hope for escape.” He laughed.

“Oh, don’t bet on getting away with this.” Harper said with false confidence. “We have many tricks up our sleeves.”

The henchmen finished wrapping rope above and below Harpers chest.

“As I said before, this isn’t the movies. You’re not getting away unless we want you to, and trust me, we’re going to have too much fun with you two to let you leave. Now, if you remember, I told you that you’d be sorry if you spit that rag out.”

The henchmen reached down and grabbed Harper’s converse and Harper instinctively kicked her ankles as hard as she could. She caught the guard right in the chest and sent him sprawling backwards.

“Stay away from me! We’re already in the basement, why do you need to keep us quiet? No one can hear us!”

“You’re going to regret that twerp,” the henchmen said. His silent partner grabbed Harper from around her stomach while he got up and held her legs down. He untied her signature converse and yanked them off, revealing her white over-ankle socks. Well, at least they were white when she had first put them on. The henchman’s nose flinched as he removed her shoes, the he started to laugh.

“Hey Jerry, this one’s even sweatier than the other one. She must’ve been doing all the work. Being on your feet for multiple days must make these bad boys ache huh?” Harper’s face burned red with embarrassment and anger, but she knew he was right. Her feet had been soaking in her converse for almost 3 days now, and she swore if she ever got out of this, she would bring multiple pairs of socks wherever she went. Abby growled from across the closet which made the henchmen laugh more.

The henchmen peeled off both of her socks and the scent of her feet began to fill the closet. The henchmen covered their noses and pretended to fake throw up, still laughing like idiots, and Harper burned even redder with embarrassment, cringing a bit at the smell of her own feet.

“I bet your friend over here would like to join the smelly party, would you?” The henchman said turning and walking over to Abby.

“Please just leave us alone!” Harper yelled but his buddy just clamped his hand over Harper’s mouth. The henchman with Harper’s socks took them over to Abby, who began to struggle in her binds, but could do nothing as the man held Harper’s worn socks against her nose. Abby thrashed and mewed into her gag but was forced to inhale the scent of the socks. The henchmen roared with laughter as Harper watched her friend’s torture.

“Couldn’t let you get used to the smell of your own socks sweety, but now let’s get back to business.” He turned back to Harper, socks in hand, and Abby breathed loudly, finally able to get fresh (fresher) air. The henchmen took one of the dirty socks and kneeled in front of Harper as the guard holding her mouth released.

“Please, you don’t have to do this, I won’t scemmphh mmphhhh!” Harper pleaded but the sock was crammed into her mouth. Harper gagged and screamed into the sock. She had never had something so grotesque in her mouth. Her nostrils began to burn as the scent from the sock wafted upward. Both henchmen laughed at her humiliation.

“Looks like one sock is more than enough to fill your mouth so we’ll save this one.” He said, tossing the sock aside. He grabbed a roll of duct tape from a nearby shelf and began wrapping it around Harper’s mouth. She was so dizzy and disgusted; she just went limp and let it happen. She had given up hope of escaping. She realized now, as she tried to talk into the gag, that no one would hear or Abby, and that the two detectives had gotten in deeper than they could have imagined. After wrapping her mouth almost a dozen times, the henchman stepped back and admired his work. Harper was thoroughly bound, laying on the floor, and gagged with her own sweaty sock. She was roped, duct taped and zip tied, and knew that he was right; this wasn’t a movie, and there was no happy ending for them.

The henchman that bound Harper looked down at his watch. “Look at the time Jerry, we still have an hour to kill? Blondie over there looks about as secure as it gets, but I still think miss mouthy can still move too much. What do you say we have some more fun?” The other henchman grinned and nodded. Harper’s eyes went wide with terror. What more could they do? She could only wiggle on the ground and couldn’t udder a peep! The henchmen grabbed some more rope from the shelves and rolled her on her stomach. They bent her legs back so that her feet were nearly touching her bottom. This position made Harper groan in discomfort, which only seemed to get the henchmen more energized. They took the coil of rope and looped it around the tape and zip ties on her wrist and on her ankles, and after about five minutes of cinching and wrapping, she was effectively hogtied. They then grabbed one of the shoelaces from her discarded converse. She silently hoped they were going to hang her with it to put her out of her misery but of course she was wrong. The guard grabbed her sweaty feet in his hands and wrapped the lace around her big toes several times then knotted it. Now she couldn’t even wiggler her toes. Her body ached from the strain and she began to cry.

“Aw look at the poor detective. Maybe you should’ve stayed in school like the rest of the girls your age.” He laughed.

Harper noticed Abby lurch forward in her chair and toppled on top of guard. The guard yelped in surprise and Harper hoped Abby had somehow managed to free herself. Unfortunately, she had only managed to anger the guard. He righted the chair and looked at Abby with an evil glare. Abby glared back, but Harper could see she was scared. The man bent down and removed the Doc Martin boot that was still on Abby’s right foot. He then peeled off her long black crew sock.

“We’ve got other matters to attend to, but we’re not going to leave you all comfortable here after that little stunt you just pulled.” “Comfortable?” Harper thought, but she knew something bad was going to happen. The guard tossed Abby’s sock aside and walked her boot over to Harper. He grabbed a zip tie and bent down in front of where Harper was bound. Harper realized what was going to happen and tried to squirm but she knew it was pointless. The henchman forced the open part of the shoe over Harpers nose and secured it onto her face with 3 zip ties. Harper’s eyes and nose burned as a scent stronger than her own socks was now being forced into her nostrils. She screamed and writhed but knew there was nothing she could do. She felt so sick and dizzy and felt like she was going to black out. The henchman then took one of Harper’s converse and the remaining zip ties and gave Abby the same treatment. Abby writhed even more than Harper, and Harper knew that her converse probably smelled even worse. The henchmen laughed as they left the two detectives, wiggling and crying in the closet.
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Post by BearPlants »

Love the continuation, looking forward to the rest!
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Post by sweetvillain »

Wonderful, i loved...
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