The Photo Shoot (F/M)

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The Photo Shoot (F/M)

Post by mrjones2009 »

Rachel Monroe slid the large handbag over the chair before taking off her down, quilted jacket and hanging that over the back of the same chair. A quick glance at her watch told Rachel that she was running a bit late and didn’t have that much time to set up. If on schedule her appointment would arrive shortly. A quick rummage through her bag, followed by a smile confirmed that she had everything that she needed, well from a personal perspective. Now, to check the professional equipment, the camera, lenses, lighting and background that she would be using for today’s shoot. Rachel was a professional photographer whose main source of income was from conducting fashion shoots for sportwear firms, mail order catalogues and other similar industries. Not what she had dreamt of doing at the start of her career but it paid the bills and gave her time, funds and opportunities to explore her other area of interest. As she walked across to check the equipment, she turned on the radio.

“This city is going downhill fast. Sin is everywhere and the authorities are not doing enough to prevent it. We will soon be in the position of Sodom and Gomorrah where not even my prayers will be enough to save us from…" Rachel cut off the Reverend Remington Boone in full flow by shutting off the radio. The man was a blowhard.

As Rachel was almost finished setting up there was a buzz on the intercom. That would be her model for today’s shoot. “Right on time,” Rachel commented, “I do like people who are punctual.” As she strode over to the intercom Rachel ran her fingers through her shoulder length brown hair before smoothing down any wrinkles on her tight-fitting v necked blue jumper. She had picked this jumper on purpose as it accentuated her cleavage and was just low cut enough to give anyone that cared to glance a tease of flesh. Jeans, a patterned silk scarf around her neck and a pair of trainers completed her wardrobe for today. She would usually dress a bit more stylishly but for she had planned this was more practical. Rachel picked up the handset. “Hello.”

“Miss Monroe?” a male voice asked.


“It’s Tom here for the shoot. The agency sent me.”

“Of course,” Rachel replied and pressed the button to release the door. “Lift to the fifth floor.” Not long afterwards the lift arrived and the doors opened. Tom strode out and Rachel looked him up and down. Late twenties, around five foot ten tall, lean with dark blond hair and blue eyes. Ideal. “A pleasure to meet you, Tom.” Rachel approached the young man extending a hand. Tom seemed taken aback for a second, Rachel knew this was her looks, it happened regularly to men, they weren’t expecting the photographer to be better looking than the models.

“Thanks Miss Monroe,” Tom replied taking the outstretched hand.

“No need for formality. Please call me Rachel.” She put on her most welcoming smile. Tom looked around the studio.

“Impressive set up.” Rachel nodded. “Oh, I just want to say thanks again. I haven’t had many jobs recently and the agency said that you requested me.”

“That’s correct Tom. You have just the look that I want for this shoot.” Tom smiled at the compliment “Now Tom, shall we get started. I like to work quickly and give the client as many images to choose from as possible.” Rachel began. “Did the agency explain what today’s shoot was for?”

“Yes,” Tom replied nodding. “Winter sports fashion or something like that.”

“Oh, it is something like that….” Rachel said softly whilst trying to keep a devilish smile from playing across her lips. “The changing room is through there,” she said pointing off in the direction of the back of the studio, “the client dropped off the clothes yesterday. Why don’t you go and put something on whilst I finish getting set up?” Tom nodded and headed off. “They are heavily marketing their down suits so let’s start with one of those.” As Tom turned around and gave her a thumbs up Rachel could hardly contain her excitement as she turned away and headed toward where she had set up the background, camera and the lighting rigs for the shoot. On a small table next to her tripod sat a laptop. Rachel flicked it open and activated the application that showed the various security cameras that she had installed around the studio and other areas of the building. Instantly she picked the camera that showed the changing room and made it full screen.

‘This photographer is unreal looking mate’ Tom texted his friend. ‘Will try and get a photograph to show you later.’ He slipped the phone back into his pocket as he entered the changing area. Closing the door behind him he noted that there were a couple of racks of clothing, The one on the to his left was just ordinary street clothing like jeans, shirts and jackets. The rail to the right was full of winter clothing, heavy jumpers, big, puffy down jackets and at the end were a couple of down suits. “I guess this is what Rachel was talking about,” Tom said as he grabbed the last item off the rail. He was surprised how heavy it was, expecting down clothing to be light. “Must be heavily stuffed in. It is certainly big and puffy enough.” He shrugged and started to strip off his own clothes which he piled carefully onto a chair.

“Good boy,” Rachel commented as she watched the screen. Shutting down the feed she concentrated on setting up the lighting for the shoot.
Just as Rachel was starting to get impatient Tom wandered back out from the changing room wearing the large, blue down suit with built in mittens and boots. “This is a bit odd,” Tom commented as he made his way across to where Rachel had set up her camera, lights and other equipment. The sound of the fabric as Tom walked gave Rachel a thrill. “This is very puffy,” Tom commented as he looked down at the suit and raised his arms. “Plus, these weird big, padded gloves mean that I can’t get the zip up.” Rachel smile as she approached Tom, grabbed the zip put it all the way up. Rachel had got the suit especially made. She had the idea from the television series about that whole international criminal who liked to kidnap people and put them in sleeping bags. Rachel’s mind wandered for second. That Hayley King would look good in this suit. Would look better out of the suit…

“That is because it is an Expedition Suit, only for the most inhospitable conditions and low temperatures.” Rachel took a step back. “There, that’s you nice and snug.” A surge of electricity ran through Rachel’s body as she patted Tom on the shoulder and ran her hands down the smooth shell of the suit’s external fabric. “Now, get over there and strut your stuff.” Rachel was pointing toward the background that had been set up. It was snow topped mountains on a screen with some other winter props scattered around. Rachel made her way behind the camera and looked through the lens. “Give me happy! Remember you are on holiday!” Tom waved before starting to pose. Over the next fifteen minutes Rachel had Tom move around and take several different stances, use different props as she snapped away. “Let’s take a break there,” Rachel eventually offered. “You have been great by the way. I am sure that the client will be pleased. These images are very good.”

“Great, this is starting to get a bit warm,” Tom relied and started pawing at the zip with his mittened hands. “Can’t even pull the zip down for some air.”

“Just a couple more shots with that and then you can get changed into something else,” Rachel called over her shoulder as she walked toward her bag. “Client has some specific images that we need to get. Take a seat on one of those crates and I will get you some water.” Rachel reached her bag and glanced around to see what Tom was doing. He was sitting slumped on a crate looking the other way. She took a large pad and a small bottle from her bag. The pad was something that she had made herself, cannibalizing an old down jacket to make several large squares of down filled, smooth nylon covered goodness. On one side of the square shaped pad, she had put a large pad of cotton wool. This was where she now poured the liquid from the bottle, recoiling a little as she caught a bit of the liquid’s odour. Satisfied that she had administered enough of the liquid she put the top back on the bottle and stored it back in her bag. Concealing the hand holding the thick pad behind her back she casually made her way across to where Tom was sitting. There was no reaction from Tom as she approached, nothing from his body language said that he knew she was there. Rachel stopped a couple of paces away, took a couple of deep breathes then stamped her foot. Tom looked off to his right but didn’t turn around, she pounced when Tom was distracted and wrapped an arm around his body, pulling him in close to her own body so that his head was against her cleavage before using her other hand to press the thick pad over the lower half of his face. She pressed it firmly over his nose and mouth, shutting off fresh air, forcing him to inhale the sweet-smelling soporific vapours from the chloroform that she had applied earlier. It took a second for Tom to realise what was going on, then he started to struggle against her grip but Rachel held on. She was tall and strong for a woman and she had the advantage of surprise and leverage with Tom being seated. Also, the puffy down suit that he worn softened any blow that he landed with his elbows and the mittens made his fingers useless for getting a grip or scratching. The sensation of the man’s struggles in the down suit against her body were wonderful but she knew that these wouldn’t last long, at least not at this level of intensity. The greater his struggles the more that he would have to inhale, it was a vicious cycle when being chloroformed into unconsciousness. “Just relax and let the chloroform do its work,” Rachel cooed into Tom’s ear.

“mmmppphhh, mmmppphhh,” Tom mumbled into the thick pad that had been thrust over the lower half of his face. A spilt second of shock gave way to panic as an arm wrapped around his torso, pulling him back against a firm body. “mmmpppffhhh!," Tom screamed as the soft, thick pad is pressed even tighter over his nose and mouth. Tom tries to wriggle free but the grip is strong and it is difficult to get leverage against a standing opponent whilst in a sitting position, plus the suit and think mittens don’t help. Tom starts to wonder what is going on, what this person has planned when suddenly he gets a hit of a strong sweet-smelling vapor at the back of his nostrils. "mmmppphh, hhaarruupphh!" Tom screams into the pad as he realizes that there is something on it and panics. In trying to escape the strong grip of his attacker he is forced to inhale more and more of the fumes from the soft, thick pad. Tom grinds and twists his body in an attempt to get free but it doesn’t do any good. Shortly his head starts to feel fuzzy and he coughs a couple of times into the pad....then his arms start to feel weak and his struggles lose all co-ordination...."mmpphh!" Tom screams again but along with his actions his vocal protests are becoming weaker and any noise is muffled effectively by the thick pad being held over his mouth. "mmmoooohhh," Tom moans into the pad as his arms fall by his side and his head becomes muddled. He suddenly feels confused and so tired but doesn’t know why. His eyelids start to close and he tries to fight the overwhelming desire to close them but he can't, then his strength evaporates and Tom slumps into his attacker’s arms. The fight is over now it is just a matter of time. There is a darkness closing in at the edge of his vision. Then with one last moan his eyes close and it's lights out.

“That’s it deep breathes and close those blue eyes.” Rachel felt Tom sag and after making him take another couple of breathes of the chloroform removed the pad and carefully lowered him down onto the carpet. She went to grab her bag and returned back to where the slumbering form of Tom was lying. Delving into her bag she took out several items and laid them on the floor. One was a zip-lock bag where she placed the chloroform laced pad, sealed it up and put it back into her bag. Rachel then picked up some socks and a pair of her best silk underwear. Sizing things up she took the socks and wrapped them in the underwear, using one hand to pinch Tom’s cheeks to force his mouth open she used the other hand to stuff the wad of cloth into the poor man’s mouth. It was a large amount and it just about fit with a bit of prodding from her slender fingers. The unconscious Tom didn’t flinch as Rachel worked. “Good lad. Pretty full but I am sure that you will get used to it. She next picked up a roll of silver duct tape. Rachel was very particular about how her captive looked when bound, including the bindings themselves. They have to be neat and if possible, aesthetically pleasing. Anything else was just sloppy. Rachel took great care with when wrapping the duct tape around Tom’s head and over his mouth a dozen time before tearing the roll off. She had been careful to change the route of the tape over Tom’s mouth on each occasion to ensure coverage. Then Rachel took off the patterned silk scarf that she was wearing, folded it into a band and tied that over the tape, tightly knotting it at the back of Tom’s head. Now, the chloroform should keep the man unconscious for a while yet but there was no point taking any chances of him alerting the neighbours by calling for help. “Not much of a chance gagged like that.” Rachel lifted Tom’s head and pulled the hood of the down suit up and over his head. There were two flaps with Velcro on the ends that she pulled together and secured over Tom’s gagged mouth. That only left his nose and the area around his eyes visible. Closing an eye and tilting her head Rachel considered something before picking the roll of silver duct tape up again. Then she began to wrap the tape around the section of the puffy hood that was over Tom’s mouth, compressing and squeezing the material as much as she could. Once again it was her usually dozen wraps. “That should keep quiet. We can discuss slightly lighter gags if you behave like a good boy.” Rachel laughed quietly to herself when she said this. “Who am I kidding?” With her new plaything gagged Rachel quickly secured his wrists and ankles with zip-ties before returning to her computer.

With the security application still running Rachel played with the setting, deleting the footage from the server from just before Tom entered and then setting the recording to start again in ten minutes. Then she selected her e-mail application and sent an e-mail to the agency asking when the model hadn’t appeared for the session. Grabbing her down coat she slipped it on and then put her bag over one shoulder. She turned off the computer and turned off all of the lights. There was still enough natural light for her to operate. Moving back to where the unconscious man lay bound and gagged Rachel bent down and hefted Tom up by his armpits, glad that she had been working out regularly in the gym recently and dragged him toward the back wall and depositing him carefully back on the floor. There were several large drapes hanging from the ceiling and Rachel pulled one of them back to reveal an elevator. “Ta-da!” she said. Pushing the call button, she hefted Tom back up and when the lift car arrived and the door opened Rachel dragged him inside. “Going down.” The goods lift only went from Rachel’s studio to the basement, all the other entrances had been bricked up years ago when the building was refurbished from a warehouse to flats and spaces for small businesses.
As the lift descended Rachel whistled to herself and let mind drift to what she had in store for her new captive. “Oh, you are going to enjoy yourself Tom,” she said whilst giving the top of his head a pat. When the lift arrived at the basement level the doors opened and Rachel dragged Tom out into the middle of the floor. The lift doors closed and the area was plunged into darkness. This was not an issue for Rachel as she could have found her way to the light switch blindfolded. Putting on the lights illuminated the area. It was a basement spilt into two areas. The area that they were in just now she called the chill-out area, the other one she liked to call the fun area. The fun area was full of toys and other things that she could use to play with her captive but now it was time to get Tom comfortable and secure. Using a small key form her pocket Rachel opened a large walk-in cupboard. Inside she spent a second deciding what to use. “I think that Tom needs to be very comfortable and secure.” She picked three large sleeping bags and carried them out of the room. The size and weight of the sleeping bags meant that even this took a lot of effort. After laying them out on the floor she returns to the cupboard and picked up some more silver duct tape and a pile of silky black rope. The bags had been another order following her viewing of the television series featuring he delectable Hayley King. Concentrate woman.

“Now, let’s get you properly tied up.” Rachel comments as she looks down at Tom. After using some small snips to remove the zip-ties from his wrists and ankles Rachel lays his wrists on his stomach and picks up a short, well relatively short, length of the black rope and begins to loop the rope around Tom’s wrists. She ties his wrists tightly in front of him, wrapping the black rope around his wrists on more occasions than was probably necessary before cinching off the ropes. She didn’t want him to be able to slip his hands out of those padded mitts, now there was no chance of that happening. Next Rachel moved onto Tom’s legs. Taking another length of rope Rachel performed the same routine and secured Tom’s ankles. Happy with that job Rachel starting to move up his legs. Another rope went around Tom’s calves and when Rachel had finished wrapping the rope and cinching it off around Tom’s calves, she repeated the process just below his knees. Rachel worked silently and methodically, smashing her captive’s knees together with each new pass of the rope, but the down suite would keep Tom from feeling too much discomfort. Rachel had finished cinching off the rope and was now adding even more just above the knees, the shiny black nylon of the rope stood out against the bright blue suit. The last length of rope went around Tom’s thighs and was again pressed tightly and knotted securely. “Hope I didn’t crush anything.” Picking up the silver duct tape Rachel proceeded to wrap several layers of the tape in the spaces between the rope until the only visible section of the original blue suit were the knees. “Need to allow you some movement, well attempted movement.” Happy with the work in Tom’s legs she moved on to applying similarly tight ropes to his torso. Rachel took a longer length of the black rope and began wrapping it around Tom’s chest and arms, she was making the passes quite tight, the black rope sinking into the shiny blue nylon of the suit and making quite the deep divot in the soft material. Rachel eventually made fifteen laps with the rope and tied it tightly, then took a smaller rope and ran it in the narrow space between Tom’s left arm and torso. She started to wrap it around the ropes binding the young man’s chest, intensifying the tightness of the chest rope even further. Satisfied with that Rachel took a final piece of rope and tied one end to the ropes around Tom’s wrists. Rachel smile grew even wider as she began wrapping that rope around Tom’s stomach and his forearms, pressing his bound wrists and forearms into his stomach, locking them in place. “That should hold him.”
Tom knew something wasn't right even before his eyes opened. He felt confined and his head was pounding. There was a tightness surrounding his body that he couldn't understand. And his head felt as though it had been packed with cotton; his thoughts were so sluggish. He tried to speak but all that emerged was a low, moan, and the sound was strangely muffled. Keeping his eyes closed Tom tried to clear his head. Then he found the most recent memory, the strange smelling pad clamped over his nose and mouth, the sensation of feeling powerless about going to sleep. “mmmpppfffhhh….mmmpppfffhhh,” Tom mumbled as his eyes went wide. He seemed to be lying on a concrete floor and tried to move but found that he couldn’t. With his head pounding it took a concerted effort just to move his head into a position where he could look at his own body. Shifting uncomfortably, he quickly realised that his arms seemed to be welded to his torso and that his wrists were tied together and secured tightly to his stomach, there was no give. As he began to pull against his bindings, he discovered his legs had been bound as well. That unmistakable sensation just above his thighs, knees, calves and ankles, wrapped, knotted and cinched tight. A quick glance told him what the issue was, black rope wrapped in all those locations. There also tape between the wraps of black rope around his legs, they were practically locked together. “mmmooohh,” Tom moaned and then turned his attention to his mouth. It seemed to be fully packed with fabric, he couldn’t really move his tongue but the sensation against it was smooth. These was also something wrapped tightly around the lower half of his face, squeezing and compressing it tightly. Also, the hood of the suit had been flipped up and the bottom half of that was pressing down around his head, reinforcing his disorientation and his gag. Suddenly a sense of panic at his current situation engulfed him like a wave. He rolled and thrashed, but his bonds were so tight he could barely move at all. Even with the thick down filled suit between him and the rope, Tom could appreciate the tightness of the rope tightly squeezing him all around. What alerted him to the someone else presence was the faint noise of an electrical mechanism working. Tom stopped and lay still.

“Please, don’t stop I was getting some good material there.”

“Wait! That sounds like the photographer from earlier.” Tom thought. Then he heard footsteps and he tried to twist and crane his neck so that he could get a good look at the person to confirm that initial thought. Then a knee appeared shortly followed by Rachel’s face. “I always like to watch you squirm for a bit before accepting your situation. I am sure that we can both agree how futile that was and they any future attempts would be a pointless waste of time and energy. Energy that you will need later.” Rachel taunted Tom by mimicking his pathetic attempts at making noise.

“MMMPPPHHH, MMMPPPHHH.” She stood and crossed her arms.

“Now, let’s get you properly secured for the evening.”

“Properly secured.” Tom thought. “What do you call this? I can hardly move!” Rachel moved away out of his line of sight. Tom’s mind whirred. “The photographer woman drugged and tied me up. Why would she do that?”
“What have we here,” Rachel said as she pulled one of the sleeping bags across and lined it up with Tom. All that Tom heard was a swich of fabric. When he rolled over, Tom saw the puffy sleeping bag lying open, as if beckoning him inside.
“mmmppphh! uummppff!” Tom startled when he saw the bag and guessed what was about to happen and started to struggle again as the panic really started to kick in.

“Stop turning me on with your gag talk,” Rachel said with a wicked smile. “I think that you like being gagged. Which is a good thing as you will be gagged for a quite a long time.” She opened up bag fully and once she had it positioned to her satisfaction Rachel grabbed Tom and started to shimmy and guide Tom across and onto the open bag. “Will you stop squirming!” Rachel ordered. “You are not making this as easy as it should be.” Eventually despite his struggles Rachel moved Tom until his bottom hit the middle of the sleeping bag. “Now, swing your legs into the box.”

“No chance I am helping you out you crazy bitch!” Tom thought to himself. “mmpphhff, mmpphh!”

“Stop this nonsense!” Rachel said sternly. “Where is it going to get you? Do you want the chloroform to come out again?” They were both still just staring at each other until Tom swallowed his pride and rather awkwardly moved his heavily bound legs to put his feet into the box of the sleeping bag. Now that Tom was laying on the bag Rachel quickly pulled the top over and fastened the zip before Tom could get out, it was a double zip and Rachel clipped them together with a small travel padlock. Tom was now encased in a down cocoon with no means of escape from inside. Rachel disappeared and Tom heard another swish of fabric and groaned. There was little that Tom could do to prevent what was about to happen. Tom could only lay on my back and squirm. This was worrying, and clearly this woman had more to add. The loft of the hood meant that Tom couldn’t see what was happening, the only sense that was of use to him at the moment was his hearing. And what that told him wasn’t encouraging. “Alright time for bag number two Tom.” Rachel face appeared over his vision from above. Tom mewed something intelligible. Rachel grabbed the shoulders of the bag and hoisted the down cocoon containing Tom partly onto the second bag, then she moved down and did the same with his legs. As Rachel worked to get Tom feet and the bottom of the fist bag into the box of the second Tom felt himself partly sink into the loft of the bags, it felt like being swallowed up by some strange device. Finally satisfied at what she had been doing Rachel flipped over both halves of the top of the bag, it had a central zip, and slowly began to zip it up, given the loft that took a bit of effort. When she reached the top of the bag Rachel locked eyes with Tom, clearly enjoying the helpless look that he gave her in return. Tom was now fully zipped into the second bag, and while Tom had slowly been heating up as a result of the layers of down in the suit and first sleeping bag, he was now really starting to feel the heat of his bondage increasing even though the second bag had just been applied. He was now fully zipped into two thick black mummy bags. “And now for something slightly different.” Rachel got up and headed away from Tom, back to her pile of equipment again, while Tom quietly moaned into the combined panties and sock gag in his mouth and tried to offer up some sort of struggle in his extreme, bizarre form of mummification.

Out of Tom’s line of sight Rachel collected a pile of black ratchet straps had been in the second sleeping bag. Grabbed the first of the ratchet straps Rachel lifted Tom’s legs and wrapped it around his ankles. Unlike most of the bondage process so far, Rachel ratcheted the strap down around his ankles very quickly. Even through the puffy loft of the bags Tom could feel the strap tighten around his ankles. The loft of the bags meant that Rachel had to put a lot of effort into getting the strap tight. Just as Tom thought Rachel had applied the strap to her liking, she heaved and found a way to tighten it even further, practically crushing Tom’s already inseparable legs further together. There was something about the feel of the ratchet straps, the weight they carried as it pertained to his bondage. The finality of essentially being locked permanently into the sleeping bag, until Rachel saw fit to release him. Grabbing more straps Rachel now methodically moved up Tom’s helpless, down encased form. The next two straps were fastened around Tom’s knees, above and below, with the same dedication to inescapable tightness as the first and the 4th strap was wound around his thighs. It truly was a weird feeling, slowly feeling the straps encircling, tightening, and ascending his mummified body. With every strap, a small moan attempted to escape Tom’s incredibly stuffed mouth, which caused Rachel to chuckle as he worked. “Sounds like you are beginning to enjoy this.” Tom grunted a reply. The final three straps made their way onto Tom’s down stuffed cocoon, around his wrists and waist, then just below his elbows, and finally around his shoulders and chest. “I don’t know about you but I need a rest after that effort.” Tom suddenly found Rachel sat down on his chest.

“mmooffhhh,” Tom moaned. Rachel just looked at him smiling and wiped away some sweat from her brow. Tom could feel the heat and sweat starting to build as well. After catching her breath, Rachel got off and grabbed the ratchet strap around Tom’s shoulders and chest and hoisted him up into a sitting position. This action made Tom feel even more helpless, this woman had complete control over him. He was completely at her mercy. Tom found himself looking at a reflection in the mirror. It took him a minute before he realised that it was him. It took a while for Tom to take it in. The sleeping bags were bulging out from under the ratchet straps, the bags puffed out so much between the straps that they practically disappeared into the bag.

“What do you think? Enough for you?” Tom made a distressed mewing sound that came from deep in his throat. He gave a showy wriggle, straining against all layers of his bondage, but it was useless. There was no movement. Rachel now let go of the strap holding, letting Tom’s helpless form drop back onto the floor. He landed with a whump sound, not even feeling the impact through the bags loft. He began to attempt to squirm again, but Tom barely even shifted at all. As he squirmed Rachel quickly snatched her camera and started to snap away. “This is good stuff Tom.” He quickly discovered that the addition of the sleeping bags meant he could no longer sit up, lift his legs, or even roll over. Tom could only lay on my back and squirm. Tom was confused, surely something like down filled sleeping bags shouldn’t do this to people.

The whirring of the camera operating stopped and a sense of dreed flooded over Tom. Something told him that there was something else that the woman had planned. “Meet the monster!” Rachel exclaimed as she grabbed the top ratchet strap again and pointed at a sleeping bag sitting on the floor next to Tom’s already massive down cocoon. Tom frantically shook his head no, the last thing he wanted was to be shoved into that beast. It was an absolutely monstrous sleeping bag. The mass of shiny black nylon was unbelievably puffy, tom had never seen anything like it. It made the puffy down suit and sleeping bags he was currently wearing practically look like nothing in comparison. Ton didn’t realise sleeping bags even came that thick, it looked so massively insulated. Rachel dropped Tom back down with another whump and pulled the bag onto the floor next to his already heavily bound captive and began slowly unzipping the bag, relishing in seeing Tom’s clear panic. Once the bag was unzipped it sat there ominously waiting to gobble up its soon-to-be occupant. “Had to get this specially made,” Rachel commented as she went about unzipping the bag and making sure that it was laid out perfectly to accept its unwilling occupant. “Made to measure size wise and a lot of extra down stuffing.” Rachel finished unzipping the massive bag, stood bag and left the bag lying open, awaiting its captive. Leaving Tom to mull over what was about to happen.
“It’s like she is teasing me,” Tom though. “mmmppphh,” in a whimpered was all that came out.
“Sorry, I can hardly her you.” Rachel replied. “Well, I did get some questions from the manufacturer but they soon stopped asking questions when I ordered four more.”
“How exactly was Rachel going to bundle him up into that bag?” Tom thought. The loud swishing of nylon echoed through the basement as Rachel moved around out of sight, Tom didn’t think he would ever be able to hear the sound of nylon without having a panic attack again. Tom laid on the floor and weakly squirmed, the young man couldn’t tell if Rachel was taking her time to let his fear build or if his misery was just making time artificially seem to drag. If she was going to do it then he hoped she would just get it over with. Tom’s thoughts were interrupted by Rachel hefting him and his down cocoon up and tossing it onto the awaiting mammoth sleeping bag. The bag was large enough that the down cocoon fit inside with relative ease.

Rachel pulled Tom’s lower legs into the foot pocket of the bag then began zipping the bag closed. She was zipping the monster bag shut at a very slow pace, both for dramatics and because it was such a tight squeeze that she really had to force the zipper to keep moving. Tom moaned as he felt the fat mass of nylon and down squeeze him from all sides. The zipper was only up to his waist at this point, but he could already feel the heat and pressure of his situation magnifying greatly. Tom frantically shook his head no and tried to beg into his massive gag for mercy in one last frantic attempt to avoid this brutal mummification. His pleas came out as an unintelligible mix of moans and mumbles as the combination of socks, panties, tape and down hood did their job to almost perfection. The bag was nearly zipped closed now, and he could feel heat of his imprisonment continued to intensify. As he was squeezed uncomfortably on all sides by the thick wall of insulated nylon, he cursed his bad luck to find himself in this monstrosity of a sleeping bag. Once the bag was fully closed Rachel leaned over. “That’s us done. What? You almost look disappointed.” Rachel smiled at this comment. “I’ve got this time lock for the last bag. Just to keep me from being tempted to play with you earlier.” Tom heard a very muffled click as the padlock was threaded through the two zippers and locked closed. “Now, even I can’t get you out of there for twelve hours!” Tom moaned and whimpered as Rachel patted the monstrous cocoon of down with Tom at its centre. The camera whirred again as Rachel took some more shots. “These will look great on my website. Tom, you are going to be a star. I can tell.” After taking about a dozen shots Rachel was satisfied. “Don’t go anywhere and don’t exhaust yourself trying to struggle. You will need your strength for later. There is no escape.” Rachel laughed as she turned and walked away.

“Don’t go anywhere!” Tom screamed in his head. He could feel the heat start to build up and felt like he was going to hyperventilate when he heard the loud click of the lock snap shut. Tom knew there was absolutely no hope of escaping this quickly escalating agony for another twelve hours and his spirts sank. He whimpered softly into his gag as even then he knew nothing good awaited him once Rachel saw fit to free him from the shiny nylon prison in which he was now encased.
Tom just lay there on the floor, letting the cocoon tighten its grip as the down lofted up and pushed in all around him. The sensation was strange, almost like floating. He fought within the cocoon in spurts, running out of energy quicker each time with a layer of sweat pouring off him, ending surprised as the down, well that and the rope and tape severely restricted his movement. After each attempt it took Tom slightly longer to regain his breath and the pressure around him seemed to increase, holding him even tighter and more immobile. “One last try…” Tom started really struggling against his restraints; rolling back and forth and writhing violently, groaning and cursing around the gag filling my mouth. Finally, exhausted Tom just lay there. All he could do was like back and accept his situation and wonder what this crazed woman had in store.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Hi all. Hope that you enjoy the story.

Best Wishes to all for the Festive Season!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Wow!!!! :o :o
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Post by mrjones2009 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago Wow!!!! :o :o

Thanks for the positive feedback. Always appreciated!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

More feedback...

I love the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness at the end. He's not getting out until she decides to let him out. He's completely at her mercy!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago More feedback...

I love the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness at the end. He's not getting out until she decides to let him out. He's completely at her mercy!
[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] - Once again thanks for the comment!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Can't believe this little tale now has over 2,000 views!

Thanks to all of those that have taken the time to read and hopefully enjoyed.
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

love to read more about this, great story
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]jasonammzb4[/mention] Thanks for the positive comment. Very much appreciated.
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Post by lanadelgagged »

This was a great read, a very alluring premise with an even better execution <3
Bondage writer and graphic designer.
Put a sock in it!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

lanadelgagged wrote: 1 year ago This was a great read, a very alluring premise with an even better execution <3
Many thanks for the positive comment.

Glad that you enjoyed the story.
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