My Bondage Academia (A MHA illustrated gid story) (M+/M+) - Chapter 10 update 10/21/23

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My Bondage Academia (A MHA illustrated gid story) (M+/M+) - Chapter 10 update 10/21/23

Post by Carnath »

Hi everyone,

I began the project of writing a new "guys in distress/kidnapping/bondage story" set in the my hero academia universe. I wondered if this story might have his place here, but then I noticed @Stoutland395 and some others have already posted mha related stories, so I decided to try posting it here too.

Like all my stories, it will be illustrated by Bowen12a.

And like all my stories, an extensive knowledge of the universe should not be required to enjoy it. Even if basic knowledge of the universe can help, I really try to write so that everybody can understand the story, actions and characters. Those who are familiar with the manga or the anime may notice more easter eggs or references, though.

Hope you'll like it :)
Last edited by Carnath 8 months ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 0.1

The afternoon was still young when the door of the first boys’ locker room for class 1-A at UA high school opened on the fly. Eijiro Kirishima, closely followed by his classmates Denki Kaminari and Izuku Midoriya, entered the room. They were all clad in their hero suits, still sweating lightly, obviously coming back from their daily hero practical training course.

“Man”, Kaminari said, “These training sessions go harder and harder”.

“Makes sense”, Kirishima added, “The Provisional Hero License Exam is very close now. We’ll have to give everything!”

“But on the other hand, they released us really early today. And just our group, apparently. What does that mean?” Midoriya wondered as he began removing his green suit.

“You overthink it”, the redhead said as he was unlocking the armored wheels he had been wearing on his shoulder. “It’s probably to give us a little bit more time to review for the big math test tomorrow”.

Hearing that, Kaminari stopped dead, his half-removed black jacket dangling from his left arm.

“Oh shit! Is it TOMORROW?”

“Yes!” Kirishima shrugged. “Hero’s training’s though, but regular scholarship doesn’t stop for that”.

“But why just us? I mean… my marks weren’t that bad at the last exam”, Midoriya said, still thoughtful - a very common attitude of his.

“Not just us!” Kirishima said. “I think I saw Todoroki, Mashirao and Bakugo behind us - their stuff is in the other locker room. Since we worked in small groups today, they’re just sending us back as and when”.

“And speak for yourself, Midoriya! I’m really not prepared for this! And didn’t Ectoplasm state it’s gonna be extra-hard this time?” the blonde asked, now almost panicked.

“Huh…” Midoriya said as he hung his hero suit in his locker, grabbing his casual attire - black shirt and blue shorts. “Maybe indeed…”

“Please, please, Midoriya! Can we do some review together? You’re far better than me, and those equations look like Chinese to me right now”.

“Sure!” the greenhead eagerly replied. “Will be nice. You join us too, Kirishima?”

“No thanks”, Kirishima answered as he grabbed his UA blue gymsuit from his locker. “I’m gonna train a little bit more by myself. My endurance’s fine now, but I still have to work on my flexibility”.

“You sure?” Midoriya asked, perplexed. “I mean… I don’t want to be harsh or something but… since summer camp, we all know that Kaminari and you are not exactly the best in math…”

“I’ll be fine”, Kirishima said, putting on the pants of the gymsuit. “Bakugo and I planned to do some review after lunch. Plus, I didn’t forget about the test” he added, smiling and winking at Kaminari.

His light taunt to his blonde friend fell on def ears as he was still processing the first piece of information.

“Waaaaiiiiit”, he exclaimed as he was removing his costume brown boots, leaving him white-socked. “You say Bakugo is giving you particular lessons? Our Bakugo? Katsuki Bakugo? This one?”

“What’s the matter about it?” Kirishima said, grabbing his high-top dark red shoes. “He’s one of the best in our class, everyone knows that”.

Kaminari just bursted out laughing. His light mood was contagious, as Midoriya started to smile too - he didn’t really know why.

“I’m glad you get along well with Kacchan”, he said. “He doesn’t open up easily”.

“I remember,” Kaminari said, still laughing, “at the last litterature test, I heard him mumbling toward his sheet. I thought he was thinking out loud… until I realized he was just muttering “Die! Die! Die!” each time he was writing a line!”.

The three boys cheerfully laughed too. It was so Bakugo.

“Truth is”, Midoriya said, as he was grabbing his iconic bright red high-top sneakers, “I can’t really picture Kacchan as a patient teacher”.

“You bet he’s not!” Kaminari added. Then, he put one of his feet on the bench Midoriya was sitting on, spreaded his arms in a theatrical effect, and said with an exaggerated hoarse voice: “What’s wrong with this equation? Just attack it! Punch it in the face! Die, you stupid theorem! DIIIIIIEE!”

His impersonation made them laugh again.

“Oh come on guys, he’s not like that!” Kirishima finally said, as he took his gymsuit jacket and started to pass it on.

Truth is, Bakugo is quite a harsh teacher, and his teaching methods often implied slapping him on the head when he was making a mistake. But it was okay. Kirishima knew he couldn’t harm him this way due to his hardening quirk, and so did Bakugo. They had befriended quite some time ago now, and he’d already helped him to pass the final test exam. It’s true they had become even closer since Kamino, though.

Lost in his mind, Kirishima did not notice the locker room door coming slightly ajar, nor the hand swiftly throwing something on the floor. Neither did Kaminari or Midoriya, who resumed light chatting as the latter was finishing lacing his sneakers.

That’s only when it brushed past his own shoe, as he was zipping up his suit, that Kirishima noticed the small gray canister rolling on the ground.


“What the hell is that? A soda can? But what’s this odd thing on the top…”, he wondered as he crouched in order to pick it.

That’s when a thick white smoke suddenly started erupting from the can, along with a now very noticeable hissing sound.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 0.2

The sudden spray of white smoke hit Kirishima right in the face. He took a whiff of it in surprise, only to discover that the sharp smell was burning as it made his way through his nose and his throat. As a reflex, he tried to catch some air, only to breathe another whiff of the fume, which instantly made him cough and he was feeling it in his lungs too. Still coughing, he fell on his knees from his crouching position without even really realizing it, as he felt a sudden wave of weakness going through his muscles.

His loud cough and sudden move alarmed his two mates.

“Kirishima? What the…? Oh shit” Kaminari exclaimed, as he saw his distressed friend, then only noticed the gas can and the smoke coming from it.

“Don’t breathe it!” said Midoriya, before he pressed his hand over his own mouth and pinched his nose as a reflex.


It was already too late for the redhead though. As he was desperately searching for fresh air, he inhaled more and more of the smoke, and the numbness on his muscles just increased. Within seconds, he didn’t have enough strength at all and ended up on the floor. His vision became blurred, colors melting to one another, as well as his other senses shutting down. Whatever was in that smoke was acting fast. In a surge of will, he tried to stand up and to activate his quirk, but discovered it wasn’t responding either - and what use could it be anyway in his situation?

His eyelids were closing, and the last thing he vaguely felt before losing total consciousness was a hand pressing over his shoulder…


The green-haired boy tried on instinct to help his friend. But he discovered in horror that Kirishima wasn’t responsive at all; after just a few coughs, he had collapsed on the floor - Midoriya just caught a faint glimpse in his closing eyes before he went totally limp.

“Kamaniri!” he called, his voice muffled behind his hand. “Help me, quick! We have to carry him outisde!”

“Midoriya… I… <cough>”.

Kaminari’s voice was faint as he spoke. He let out another cough, took a step forward, and stumbled, almost crashing himself on the bench. “I’m sorry…” he added, “I don’t feel too well”.

“Shit, don’t breathe it! KAMINARI”, Midoriya yelled. Doing so, in spite of his hand serving as a fortune gasmask, he did catch a breath of the drug too. He realized that the white smoke was now a mist invading the whole room - and that the can was still hissing, meaning it was still releasing his content.

“I’m… sorry”, the blond said again, now falling flat over the bench. His voice was faint, and his eyes veiled, like when he uses his quirk for too long. Then, after a faint whine, his eyes closed too and he stopped moving.

“Crap”, Midoriya thought. He had to think fast. He was good at analyzing the situation, but the suddenness of the assault had given him too many questions to solve. What was this attack? Too serious and sophisticated to be a prank, but could the league of villains have launched an attack in the heart of UA? That seemed crazy.

Midoriya tried to get rid of these thoughts. He could clearly not save Kirishima and Denki being alone; he had to get out of here. But how? The respirator of his hero suit! It could protect him!

He took a step to his locker, but then realized he had already breathed too much of the fumes. Not only did he feel it going through his throat, leaving a painful burn wherever it passed, but he also realized he had trouble walking normally, as if his legs were made of cotton. He tried to shake his head, but realized his ears were whistling.

His vision started to blur. He tried to think, but he felt like his mind had been stuffed with cotton too. With difficulty, he determined he had no more time and started to head straight for the exit. That’s when his legs began to wobble, and he too crumpled to the floor. During the fall, the hand left his face and he took a deep breath in reflex. That’s when he knew he was doomed, as the drug filled his lungs and his brain anew.

He tried to stand up, but his arms were now so weak he felt like he had a mountain on his shoulders. He tried to call the One for All, but only managed to produce a faint green spark.

Still on the verge of consciousness though, he started to crawl towards the exit. Kirishima was lying in front of him, and stepping over him seemed like an impossible task. Midoriya’s eyes were watery, his vision started to fade, and he realized he wouldn't make it when the door opened. His confused and foggy mind managed to acknowledge the black silhouette now standing before him.


“But… this… doesn’t make… sense. Why… ?” were his last thoughts before his mind finally gave in and darkness swallowed him too.
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Post by HogtiedSenpai »

A very interesting start! I’d like to see more!
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Post by Paris_bondage »

Very promising. I cannot wait to read more.
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Post by Carnath »

Thanks! Here is the next chapter.

Chapter 0.3

Hitoshi Shinso considered himself a survivor. Twice, he had tried to fulfill his dreams and join the UA Heroic department. Twice he had failed. First at the entrance exam, where he had ranked just a few places behind the mark, thus ending up in the General department. And then during the sports festival, where Izuku Midoriya had inexplicably managed to break off his mental control quirk and defeated him at the first round of the fighting tournament.

He had almost given up the idea of being even transferred after that. So when Shota Aizawa, the homeroom teacher of class 1-A offered to give him particular training, it was a miracle he hadn’t been expecting anymore.

Aizawa was a tough teacher. He’d trained him in the late afternoon or even the evening, not to mention the week-ends. As he had to catch up to the level of the other heroic students, he knew it would be intense and he’d accepted it. It gave him less time to socialize, but Shinso was fine with that; he never had much interest in making friends anyway.
It’d been two months since he’d started to train intensely, and the first results were already visible. Aizawa had trained him to use his capturing weapon, and he was at least starting to understand how to throw it properly - but he was still far from actually capturing someone with it, let alone mastering it like his teacher. Still, some of his classmates did notice that he had bulked up during the last weeks.

Spending so much time with his particular teacher had made Shinso pretty close to him. From time to time, when Aizawa needed help with something, like setting up a new course or a new trial for his students, he didn’t hesitate to ask him for assistance.

So when he asked him to meet right after his daily courses, Shinso didn’t hesitate. He put on his PE suit and his sneakers and went right to him. But after his mentor had finish explaining to him what he had in store for his pupils, Shinso stood astonished - a state he didn’t often experience, being of a rather calm nature.

“Woah!”, he finally exclaimed. “Isn’t that a bit… extreme, for battle training?”

“If you look at it from the general department point of view, yes, maybe. If you remember that a pro hero constantly deals with violent villains and may put his life at risk everyday, do you really think it’s such a big deal?”


“Last year, one of the training I set up was about a surprise rescue trial in a collapsing building. The provisional license hero exam already had some similar setups. I want to push them out of their comfort zone, and yes, that implies to sometimes destabilize them”. A silence. “So, can I count on you?”

Shinzo only needed a few seconds before displaying a faint yet determined smile. “Sure!”

And so he was there, standing next to class 1-A locker room, his prototype mask acting like a respirator over his lower face, a smoke grenade full of sleeping gas in his hand. Aizawa was standing on the other side of the corridor.

The teacher signaled him to take action. Shinso slightly nodded and, with perfect synchronization, they pulled the pin of their grenade out and made them roll through the slightly ajar doors. A loud hissing sound ensued, very shortly followed by several outbursts:

“What the …?”

“Go away. I’ll make it burn!”

“NO! What if *cough* it’s inflammable?”

“Then *cough cough* freeze it, Icy-Hot!”

“What good…?”

“Guys *cough* I…”

More coughing ensues. Within fifteen seconds though, it started becoming fainter and fainter, until everything became calm again.

Shinzo had recognized the three voices he heard. Katsuki Bakugo’s was unmistakable. Shinso remembered him from the festival - like everyone, he had been as mesmerized by his skills as put off by his violence and aggressive behavior.

He’d also recognized the voice of Mashirao Ojiro - the tailed boy had served him as a carrier during the cavalry battle, but his chivalry attitude when he’d withdrawn after it had drawn some unwanted attention to his quirk. Plus, he was certain that he’d told Midoriya about it before their fight.

The last voice had been Shoto Todoroki’s. While everyone knew who Endeavor's son was, Shinzo hadn’t really had the opportunity to talk to him. But everyone knew he’s one of the most powerful students in UA - if not of his generation.

Shinzo waited then seconds from the end of the outburst before entering the locker room. The hissing sound was still audible, as the can was discharging the last bit of its gas. Through the white fog, Shinzo saw the limp form of his comrades.

Todoroki was sitting against the lockers, his back resting against the wall. Ojiro was lying across the bench, his massive tail resting flat on the bench. As for Bakugo…

Shinzo lowered his eyes. Bakugo was on the floor, but against all odds, he’d managed to remain conscious. Obviously he had taken some whiffs of the anesthetic gas ha had spread, as he seemed to struggle even to remain on his hands and knees, but he was still slowly progressing towards the entrance door while retaining his breath.

Of course, Shinzo had no intention to let him pass through. He was standing right in front of him, and in his semi-drugged state, there was no way Bakugo could overpower him, even if he tried to use his quirk. Plus, he wouldn’t be able to hold his breath indefinitely. Still, this was a loss of time.
“Still fighting? You know it’s no use, right? You’re just as powerless as a quirkless little boy now!” he taunted the angry blonde boy through his mask.

“Shut up, you…” he hissed between his teeth.

Bakugo’s eyes widened as he realized who he was talking to, but it was too late to correct his mistake. Shinzo needed nothing more. He pushed into Bakugo’s mind; a veil fell over the blonde’s eyes as his opponent instantly took full control.

Depending on what he asks and the subject force of will, Shinzo knew he could meet some resistance. He always won at the end, but the process could take some time, or the order needed to be repeated.

But what he was asking here was so simple and so natural after an apnea that he didn’t expect any resistance.

Breathe deep.

Bakugo’s body urged to complain. His nostrils flared, taking a deep breath of the toxic fumes filling the room. His eyes rolled back, the muscles of his arms had a final spasm, and then he collapsed on the ground, finally vanquished.

Shinzo contemplated his three unconscious comrades, with a mix of satisfaction and disbelief as he realized even the best students in heroics could be easily overpowered with the right tools and settings.

« Time to get to work now », he thought as he grabbed the three pair of handcuffs Aizawa had given him.
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Post by HogtiedSenpai »

Love the contiunation! Keep it up! :D
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Post by Carnath »

Thanks [mention]HogtiedSenpai[/mention] :) Here is the next one!

Chapter 0.4

Shinzo wasted no time. Crouching, he seized Bakugo’s limp arms and quickly snapped the steel handcuffs around his gloved wrists, making sure they were locked particularly tight - the brat well deserved it and his gloves protected his wrists anyway. Plus, Aizawa would have been mad at him if he’d managed to escape before the start of his test. The cuffs themselves were stronger than a regular device model; the two steel bracelets were not linked by a chain but by a rigid piece. It contained electronics which allowed one to control the cuffs remotely, but the rigidity of it impaired movements far more than regular chain-linked cuffs.

When the blonde’s arms were securely locked, Shinzo seized him by his armpits and dragged him against the lockers, his white-socked feet sliding on the floor, positioning him against Todoroki, who was already positioned here - the boy obviously understood what had been happening and managed to control his fall before being completely knocked out. Shinzo swiftly handcuffed him as well, giving him no more slack than Bakugo. Todoroki was way more calmer than Bakugo, so many people may underestimate him, but Shinzo remembered the tournament and the almost unbelievable power he could hold when unleashing it.

Ojiro was the final one, lying flat on the bench - he clearly had tried to catch it during his fall, but the gas had taken his consciousness away just after that. Applying the cuffs was no trouble, but Shinzo had difficulties putting him sitting against his two comrades - his massive tail was getting in the way, and he had to twitch it several times to finally make him sit straight. “It’s surprisingly soft”, he couldn't help thinking as his hand held the tuft at the end of it. “Does he shampoo it or something?”

Shinzo got rid of these thoughts, as he still had work to do. He quickly went back to the corridor and returned with the remaining stuff Aizawa had given him. In his left hand, he was just carrying three balled-up discarded clothes and a roll of silver matte duct tape; but in his right one, he was holding a far more menacing looking injection gun.

He put it down on the bench and turned to the three unconscious boys. Starting with Ojiro, he gently opened his mouth pressing on his lower lip, then stuffed the cloth in his mouth, making sure his tongue was trapped below. He then closed his jaw and sealed the gag by pressing a piece of the strong duct tape over his lips. The unconscious tailed boy did not emit a sound during the process.

Todoroki’s gag was applied just the same. Shinzo knew a stuffing and a single piece of tape, even a strong one, won’t be enough to keep them gagged for long. But Aizawa explained to him he just wanted them not to shout out loud when they would wake up just before the beginning of the test.

As he was opening Bakugo’s mouth, Shinzo noticed the blonde teen was slightly humming. Shinzo slightly recoiled and looked around him. The white gas was still filling the room. He couldn’t be awake. It was physically, chemically impossible. Shinzo looked better at him, closing his face up to his. He can see movement below his eyelids, and his breathing was hot, saccaded. He was indeed unconscious, but evidently was experiencing a vivid dream. In which he probably was beating some villains up.

“Amazing”, Shinzo thought as he stuffed his last rag in his mouth. “Even in his sleep, he thinks of fighting”. He began to understand why his classmates admired him despite his toxic behavior. He put the piece of tape over his lips too, taking care of making it stick well by pressing over his mouth after applying the gag - this time a little less gently than necessary.

Final step. The purple-haired boy took the injection gun and moved towards Ojiro. The process was unusual but his task was easy. Sticking the tiny needle in his shoulder, he pressed the trigger. That’s all.

He repeated the operation on his comrades when Aizawa entered the room.

“Aren’t you done yet?” he asked, in his usual slightly-annoyed tone, his voice distorted by the gas mask he was wearing.
“Almost, sensei”, Shinzo replied as he gave Bakugo the final injection.

“Good. Then help me with the other ones. Already shoved Midoriya and Kaminari in the van, but we’ll be faster together”.

Sinzo followed him to the other locker room. As the teacher said, only Kirishima remained, of course still unconscious. His hands were locked in cuffs behind his back and he had been tapegagged too, just like Shinzo had been instructed to.

“Take his arms, I’ll grab the ankles”.


They carried the redhead through the corridor, Shinzo holding him by his armpits while Aizawa held his feets. The distance was short through the exit, but Shinzo knew Aizawa would have made sure that the other students were still busy somewhere else, so that they wouldn't risk bumping into anyone. He never left nothing to chance.

“Still having second thoughts?” Aizawa asked his apprentice.

“Well… I get it for the surprise thing and all, but still, the sleeping gas and now the quirk-suppressing drug you made me give them…”

“Both are perfectly safe”, Aizawa explained, still in his monotone voice. “The sleeping gas is derived from what Midnight produces, and she’s already used it on students many times. Especially on Bakugo. I guess you remember how the sports festival ended, right?”

Shinzo nodded. Indeed, Bakugo had to be knocked out by Midnight, since he was starting to beat Todoroki up.

“As for the drug, it works just like my quirk. Preventing access to the victim’s quirk for a limited time, but without impairing it in any way. In a few hours, the effects would have completely vanished”.

“Still. Where does that come from?”

“Police forces have developed it in secret for quite some time now. But they decided not to use it unless dire necessity, as they don’t want this formula to fall into the villain's hands - they fear it could turn against the heroes and thus decided that status quo was preferable. I asked my contact in the police to have access to it for… pedagogical purposes. Since they don’t know what to do with their stock, he kindly obliged”.

“I heard that they are some drugs in the black market… even one that, on the contrary, boost anyone’s quirk .''

“That is some real shit, though. Dependency effets, and the risk to damage your quirk permanently. Do not ever try some stuff like that!” Aizawa said, now more concerned and serious.

“Yes, sensei”, Shinzo replied. The conversation was coming to an end anyway, as they reached the small van the teacher had parked just in front of the gym’s entrance. As he opened the rear door, Shinzo saw that Midoriya and Kaminari were indeed already lying there unconscious, cuffed and tapegagged. He noticed their legs had been taped up too.
Shinzo helped his mentor drop off their captive alongside them.

“Three done, three to go”, he commented as he wrapped some tape around Kirishima’s ankles.

“Shall we carry them on the training ground after that?” Shinzo asked him as they headed back to the locker room.

“No. I programmed the robots to do so, so I won’t need you after that anymore”.

“In that case, Sensei…” Shinzo asked. “Can I stay with you and monitor the exercise? It looks like… an interesting trial”.

“Want to get an eyeful of your comrades being tormented? Isn’t that enough?” he asked as he opened the door to the second locker room, pointing at the still unconscious and bound students.

“I didn’t mean…”

“Anyway, the answer’s no. You’re expected to do your regular homework. Remember our deal? I’ll train you, but that should not distract you from your studies. It’s the condition for you to pass in heroics next year”.

“Yeah…” he said as he took hold of Bakugo’s ankles, not hiding his disappointment.

He probably put on a pitiful face during the next trip to the van, since Aizawa finally added: “If the results are interesting, maybe we’ll debrief them together another day”.

Shinzo’s grin returned. “Thanks, Sir!”.
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Post by HogtiedSenpai »

Very nice! Keep it up! :)
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Post by Chris12 »

Nice! Can't have enough Deku in distress! :D
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 0.5

Izuku Midoriya woke up with a start. He had just had a nightmare, in which he had watched all of his friends being held by villains, and had tried to rescue them, but he was quirkless again, and had realized he couldn’t move…

He opened his eyes with a deep breath, but remained utterly confused. His eyelids were heavy, his mouth was furry. And everything felt wrong.

What he felt first was that instead of his soft sheets, he was sitting on a very hard surface. He opened his eyes, to discover he was not in his room, but sitting on the concrete floor of a large and dark hall. On one side, the walls were bare, and cracked; some narrow windows were visible on the opposite wall. Midoriya tried to turn around, but his arms didn’t follow his movement; his wrists had been locked in place, and he felt instead the harsh bite of something tight and cold around his wrists.

“Handcuffs”, he realized. He tried to move again, more carefully. His wrists couldn’t move apart indeed, and he now clearly felt the metal cuffs around them, but there was more. He couldn’t lift his arms either, as if the cuffs were tethered to the floor.

Although the boy was confused about this bondage, he felt confident. There is no metal that could restrain him; he just had to charge the One for all to 5% in his arms, then…


Something was wrong.

Something was VERY wrong.

Midoriya could feel the power of the One for All inside him, mentally picturing it as a burning flame. He could still feel it, but it was… unresponsive. No surge of power, no sparks, no nothing. It was definitely there, but he didn’t manage to call its power, as if something was blocking it despite his attempts.

Panic started to seize the green-haired student. Being unable to use his quirk immediately reminds him of the not-so-distant time before UA, when he was quirkless, when he had to grow up powerless and to endure the mocking of his comrades who developed awesome quirks… especially Kacchan.

He tried to rationalize and to calm down, taking deep breaths. But something was wrong here too. As he tried to inhale through his mouth, he realized that it wouldn’t open; something had been glued over his lips. As he tried to check them with his tongue, he found out that the furry sensation in his mouth was due to the fact it was actually stuffed with something cottony, filling his whole oral cavity and impeding his tongue too.

He was gagged as well.

There was an itching sensation at the bottom of his legs too. Wide-eyed, Midoriya discovered that his legs had been tied up too, as several turns of tapes were linking his ankles together, just above his bright red sneakers.

But how did he end up like that? And who…

The recollection hit him like a flashback. He was in the locker room. With Kirishima and Kaminari. Then something hissed, there was an odd sweet gas spreading in the room, Kirishima coughed, Kaminari fell over the bench, and he was feeling very, very strange…

But before blacking out, Midoriya remembered he saw someone. And it was… it was… his homeroom teacher.

Realizing the implication, Midoriya started to relax a little bit. Aizawa would never harm them, and the league of villains couldn't by any means abduct them in UA in plain day. The only logical conclusion to all of this was a sort of test. Maybe they want to test their escape skill?

Looking around him, the boy realized that the building he was sitting in was probably part of the beta training ground, where they had their very first hero training course. Where else in the area could there be such large empty buildings anyway? In the corner of his eyes, the student also caught up a pile of cloth folded on the floor. Looking at it more carefully, he realized this was his green hero suit, with his white gloves.

Midoriya’s mind went to his analytical mode. His gag prevented him to mumble as he was used to, but the cogs in his brain started turning: there is some sort of test, he’s expected to escape his bondage, then probably rescue other civilians held hostage, or maybe capture the staged-up villains… and they had been drugged to see how they would react to an unpredictable situation. It was harsh, but he knew, like his classmates, that they should expect anything from Aizawa’s training.

The loss of his quirk was still bothering him, but In any case, he was not expected to just stay here bound and gagged. He still couldn’t figure out how to get rid of the handcuffs without his quirk, but he started to tackle the gag. Maybe someone was within earshot?

It wasn’t that easy. Whatever had been stuffed in his mouth was quite big. But after two or three minutes, using his jaw muscles to their maximum, he finally managed to peel a corner of the tape off. From there, he managed to slip out his tongue a little bit, enough to unglue the rest and, finally, managed to remove it and spit up the wad gagging him. Completely soaked with his saliva, it landed on the ground with a spongy, slightly disgusting sound.

Midoriya moved his jaws a little bit more, savoring his retrieved ability to speak. As he still had no idea how to deal with the handcuffs, the logical move now was trying to call for help. So he started screaming at the top of his lungs:


He stopped at once as he saw a small device he didn’t notice before apparently activating on the ground. A small ray of light was coming vertically from it with a buzzing sound, and one second later, the hologram of his homeroom teacher appeared.

“So”, Aizawa’s image said, “you should all be awake now. Let’s begin then”

“Sensei!” Midoriya interjected. “What’s going…”

“No need to talk or protest, this is a pre-recorded message. As you should have guessed by now, you are in ground beta. Sorry about the knock out gas and stuff, but the aim of the exercise is to test your reactions and ability to fight after a disorientating situation. And as you have noticed, your quirk isn’t working too.”

Midoriya gulped. Overall, he guessed right but… did he mention a fighting exercise?

“Don’t worry”, the hologram continued, “this is of course temporary and your quirk will work again just fine in three or four hours, just like when I used my quirk on you. We realized that students in heroics have the tendency to rely too much on their quirks, and thus neglecting their physical condition. But there are scenarios where your quirk won’t help you - because something’s suppressing it or simply because it’s not adapted to your situation. Hence this little exercise training…
“... You are currently six in the training ground. The exercise is simple: you have two hours to search and capture each of your opponents. Your hero suit should be next to you and you’ll also find three coils of rope and a small roll of tape. For being considered captured, your opponent shall be tied up using all the three coils of ropes, and gagged as well. Some extra items, such as handcuffs or a supplement of tape, or other stuff for you to discover - are hidden in some marked buildings in the area, but take care while exploring them.

You are free to form temporary alliances, but at the end of the clock, there shall be only one victor. He will get two extra points for the trimester, and the last to have been captured would get one. However, if two or more of you are still free, this will be a collective failure.

There will be a signal each time a player is captured. But if he got loose, you won’t know it and he’s allowed to come back in the game, so make sure your knots are secured.

Your handcuffs will automatically unlock at the end of the message. As for the tapegag, it was to indicate you not to yell out your position. If you didn’t get the hint, tough luck, you'd better suit up and move quickly”.

Midoriya winced. That part was for him.

“This test will last two hours, starting… NOW!”

A loud horn resounded across the area as the holographic device shutted down. Midoriya then heard a clicking in his back. Simultaneously, the cold pressure on his wrists relieved itself. With a sigh of relief, he pulled his arms out of the opened handcuffs and rubbed his sore wrists. He started thinking analytically as he pulled off what remained of his tapegag and removed the tape binding his ankles. His outburst had certainly given his location, so he better hurry, like Aizawa had suggested.

He quickly suited up, taking off his sneakers, passing on his green pants, then his green tracksuit jacket, with his hood dangling in his neck. He almost never used it, but he liked it - its design reminded him of his idol All Might. In a hurry, he put on his red reinforced boots, his white gloves, and finished by putting on the reinforcements pieces in their slots. Fortunately, he was trained to suit up extra quickly in case of emergency. Unfortunately, all his classmates were trained the same.

He finally collected and hung to his belt the three coils of rope and the roll of duct tape - this one was black rather than gray and looked extra sticky. Aizawa didn’t lie though, the roll was almost depleted, it won’t be possible to completely bind anyone with it. “They really want to test our skill with ropes and knots then”, Midoriya thought. “Would still be good gagging material”.

He tried to seize the handcuffs that had been restraining him, but realized in a blink it was no use: they were securely passed in a steel ring bolted on the ground, and there was no way he could force it without his quirk. “Would have been too easy to have them. Plus, he said there are some disseminated on the battleground”, the greenie reflected.

He finally exited the building. Judging by the sun, it was still afternoon, and only one hour had passed since his abduction.

Despite his blunder before the start, he felt quite confident in this trial. He had been quirkless for 15 years, and he was just starting to master the One for All, so he was perfectly trained to fight without using it. After all, this was exactly the location of their very first training, where he had defeated Kacchan without using any quirk, just using his mind and physical training. And at the time, Kacchan had been relying on his explosions, and now they were inhibited too, so they were equals in arms.

Midoriya arrived at a corner and looked to his right. There was a large straight street, with a footbridge going over there. All was calm and apparently deserted. Confident, yet concentrated, he walked in with determined steps.

“He said we’re six”, he still reflected. “Two of them must be Kirishima and Kaminari, as we were abducted at the same time. And he recalled Kirishima saying in the locker room that he saw Todoroki, Mashirao and Kacchan going out of their training too, so that must be the other three. None of them can use their quirks, which means they can’t really move undetected - Mashirao can’t use his tail, Todoroki his ice drift, and Kacchan his explosions to propel himself. So, I must take care of corners and dark rooms if I go inside a building, but no need to watch the sky…”

As he was passing below the footbridge, lost in his thoughts, he didn’t realize the obvious flaw of his reasoning.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 6

Midoriya never saw it coming. Or more exactly, what he saw was a sudden shadow over him, but his brain didn’t have enough time to register it before a heavy mass knocked him down on the ground. Half knocked out, he was still wondering what had hit him when he felt his hands being firmly grabbed and forced in his back. He tried to roll on his side, but a firm hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder, forcing him to remain pinned on the ground.

At the same moment, Midoriya felt a coil of rope suddenly tightening around his wrists. It seemed impossibly tight - he felt the bite of the rope despite his protective white gloves. He tried to turn his head as much as he could, which wasn’t much. But from the corner of his eyes, he could have a glance at the hand pinning him down. It was gloved, in a thick rubberish glove, dark green on the outside, red on the inside.

He knew that hand.

“There! Gotcha, damn nerd!”

“Kacchan?!?” Midorya exclaimed.

Bakugo did not reply, keeping his focus on the ropes. He had prepared one coil to make tight rope cuffs and was just finishing tying the final knot to it after winding it several times around the greenette’s wrists.

“Kacchan, wait!”. Midoriya tried to think of something, realizing he was doomed as long as the rope cuffs trapped him. “We can… uh… still cooperate”.

“Stupid Deku”, Bakugo replied while grabbing the other rope that was dangling from his belt. “Didn’t you hear the old man? It’s a one versus all fight. Which is totally fine for me!” He turned around, now facing Deku’s feet.

“You think you’re a nerd, but you’re not so smart after all, huh, shitty Deku?” he continued, now wrapping his rope around Midoriya’s ankles, above his bright red boots. “Calling out loud just before the start wasn’t a very smart move, huh?”

“But you… aw!” Izuku yelped in surprise as he felt the rope brutally binding his ankles. Bakugo was as brutal as usual, taking absolutely no precautions. But it wasn’t messy for all that. While he was finishing with his ankles and cinching the rope before doing the knot, Midoriya tried to check his wrist; The rope was snug and the knot beyond reach of his fingers - he gloves didn’t help either, they weren’t conceived for precision work. Things looked bad. He tried to lift his shoulder a little…

“HEY! Stay still”, Bakugo commanded as he again pressed his hand between his shoulder blades, which pinned him again on the ground instantly. The move was so brutal that it dislodged Midoriya’s protection mask.

Midoriya realized he was done. Taken down before even he had a chance to fight. Despite his brutality, Kacchan knew what he was doing with the knots. Now that his ankles had been tied up as well, Midoriya tried to assess his options, but his mind was running circles. He was just out of plan.

Bakugo leaned and unlocked the ropes Midoriya was himself carrying at his belt. “Looting the loser. Of course…”, Midoriya thought. Bakugo stood up. For the first time, Izuku had a chance to see his face. Bakugo was displaying his usual victory broad grin, full with pride. It was as radiant as Deku’s distress was apparent.

But then, Midoriya’s eyes widened as he saw Bakugo unfolding the rope he had just looted.

“Uh… Kacchan? I think I’m already tied up good there! You don’t need…

“Shut up!” Bakugo barked as he leaned forward again. He then seized Midoriya’s hair and pulled them brutally - as a result, the greenette let out a cry of pain, but Bakugo wasn’t being gratuitously brutal: while Midoriya’s shoulders went up, he wrapped the rope around his chest, then brutally knotted it back.

“What… what are you doing?” Midoriya asked, more and more distressed.

“Not taking any chances with you sneaky nerd”, Bakugo hissed. “When I’ve finished, you won’t be able to move an inch, trust me!”

“It’s no use, Kacchan! You’ll just waste some rope and… ow”

“Just shut up already!” he barked again, while tightening the chest rope, knotting it in Deku’s back. He then used the free coil - still quite long - to link it to his bound wrists, forcing them upwards, and his victim’s forearms in a parallel position. This triggered another yelp from the green-haired boy, this time more of pain than surprise, as the bondage became more and more uncomfortable.

Another few turns of rope and Deku realized that Kacchan was right: his whole upper body was now completely immobilized, his arms locked folded in his back.

“One more”, Bakugo grunted.

Midoriya felt him working on his legs again. They were brutally fused together as another coil was wrapped over his knees. Thankfully, it was over his legs' protection, so that the rope at least didn’t bite as severely as the one binding his arms and chest.

“Really, Katchan, I told you, I give up…”

“As if! I won’t stop now, I’m having way too much fun!” Bakugo bragged. “This is how things were supposed to be”, he added, more to himself than to his victim. “From the very beginning ”, he added, brutally cinching the final knot.

Deku realized in horror he had now no more freedom of movement than a pitiful worm. Which is probably the result Bakugo wanted to achieve.

“Now the final touch”, he added.

“What? What are you doing now?” Midoriya asked in disbelief. His four limbs were already immobilized, he didn’t see how he could be bound more. Then he felt Bakugo fiddling with the rope binding his ankles.

“Kacchan, I really…. AWWWW!” he cried out loud of real pain, as Bakugo forcibly lifted his feet. The sudden move caused him a sore and unexpected cramp in one of his thighs. He tried to sit up straight as a reflex, but Bakugo’s boot crashed over his shoulder blade, forcing him to stay face on the ground again, adding to the sore pain.
“Will you ever shut up, stupid nerd? You’ll attract the other extras” he aggressively barked again.

“You’re hurting me!” Midoriya whined.

“As if I care”, Bakugo added, while pulling brutally at the rope he linked to the boy’s ankles. He then pulled it to the one binding his chest, and pulled very tightly, until Deku’s booted ankles were almost touching his butt. Finally satisfied, he knotted it tight, leaving his prey in a very tight hogtie.

Midoriya had never been tied up before. He had never even conceived it, until this very moment where he experienced it for the first time. He had thought he was completely helpless one moment ago, but this was far worse. He couldn’t even roll on himself with his feet lifted up. In fact, he couldn’t move an inch. Just like Bakugo had promised minutes ago.

“There. Hope you didn’t forget the rules, nerd!”, Bakugo said, as he crouched just at the side of Midoriya’s face. “Open wide!”

“What..?” Midoriya exclaimed as he saw Bakugo holding a thick rag in his hands and approaching his face with it. “He wants to gag me! What’s that…?”

He didn’t have time to push up his reflection, as Bakugo swiftly grabbed his hair again and pulled at it. Midoriya again let out a yelp of pain and surprise. Nothing much, but that was enough for Bakugo to lodge the thick rag in his open mouth. Deku tried to reject it with his tongue - it was almost the last thing he could move - but Bakugo pressed at it, even sliding two fingers inside his mouth, until the thick rag filled it and blocked Deku’s tongue below it.

The rag was huge - the brutal stuffing even made Midoriya’s cheeks bulge like a chipmunk. As Bakugo withdrew his hands, he tried again to spit it out, but Bakugo almost immediately clamped his gloved hand over his mouth, effectively handgagging him.

Midoriya realized whatever Bakugo had just stuffed in his mouth was not only big - it wasn’t clean either. In fact, it was already damp, and not from Deku’s saliva. It also had a strange, slightly sulfurish taste…

Deku’s eyes widened again as the cogs clicked together. They didn’t have any material when the game began, Bakugo jumped on him right away, so he hadn't had enough time to collect anything. That means he had this since the beginning of the game. That could only mean… it was the wad that had been gagging him before the trial started.

He was sucking Kachan’s drool!


The realization caused him to emit a snarl of disgust, immediately followed by a vain attempt to dislodge it again. But he could do nothing but faintly wriggling his head; Bakugo had no trouble maintaining the handgag.

Seconds later, his hand suddenly released its grasp and held Midoriya’s chin tight. Simultaneously, Bakugo used his other hand to plaster a wide strip of tape over his prey’s mouth.
Izuku expected that. What he didn’t expect though was that it was a completely different tape from the one he had been gagged with previously. This one was obviously extra strong, gluing his lips and forming a tight seal over them. He doubted he could dislodge it by brute force like he did minutes ago, it was just stuck too well.

He did try though. The thick rag was slightly deforming the tape, but it remained glued. Maybe with time…

“Not quite!” Bakugo snarled again, as if he had heard his thoughts.

His hand came back in Deku’s field of vision again, holding another strip of tape he plastered over his mouth. Then another. And another. Criss-crossed. One on top of the others. And then a strip under his chin, preventing Izuku from using his jaw muscles as well. By the time Bakgou was finished, Deku’s whole lower face had been covered with the shiny black material.
“Tch! Depleted already. The old man really was tight-fisted on this one”, Bakugo commented, as he finally stopped.

Izuku’s eyes started to water. That was just too much. It was supposed to be a trial just made for him. Instead, it didn’t last 10 minutes before he had been beaten up, tied up, hogtied, trampled and gagged by Kacchan. He didn’t have any chance.

A loud horn resounded through the battlefield.

“Hear that, damn nerd? That’s the sound of your defeat!” Bakugo said.

Midoriya quietly started to sob behind his gag. All-Might did tell him to fix his whiny side, but sucking on Kacchan’s drool was just impossible.

“What’s that, shitty Deku? Crying for your mom again?” Bakugo taunted him. Then he leaned against him, displaying his broad cocky victory smile. Seizing Midoriya’s chin, he forced him to look right in his eyes.


“You remember that place, Deku? It was where you fought me for the first time since we’re in UA. That exact building, just there. Now, I’ve finally repaired that aberration. You’re finally exactly how you belong. Quirkless. Helpless. Immobile. Submissive. And most of all: SILENT! ”.


“You know, at first I was really pissed off when I awoke handcuffed and gagged after being knocked out by that purple-haired bastard. But on second thoughts, I think I really like this after all. Too bad I can’t enjoy it more with you”, he said as he stood up. “But I need to take care of Half-n’-half and the other extras. Enjoy your two hours like that!”

“MMMPHHHH! KKMMMMAAAHHNNNN!!” Midoriya tried to plead. He wasn’t sure he expected anything, but Bakugo just ignored him. He followed him with his eyes, until he turned the next corner of the street, leaving him definitely alone.

Deku tried to move in his hogtie. He only managed to swing a little bit, his feet still pointing at the air. His gag won’t allow him to call for help from anyone who wasn’t in sight.

“This is a disaster”, he thought, realizing Bakugo was right: there was still almost two hours till the end of the trial.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 7

Izuku Midoriya wriggled in his hogtie. It was about five minutes after Bakugo had left him alone, completely helpless in his bonds. Or was it? The area had been quiet since the blonde angry boy had left, and Deku was already feeling he was losing all sense of time. The trial had just begun, so in the worst case scenario, he still had to spend 100 minutes like that.

He wasn’t sure he could make it. Bakugo had bound him incredibly tight, and the ropes made him suffer. Especially the hogtie part - he could almost touch his ankles with his gloved fingers.

The rope was sturdy - of course it wouldn’t be anything problematic if he had the One for All - but with his force quirk shut down, he definitely felt the bite of it. He had tried to reach the knots of course, but his gloves were hampering him, and Bakugo made sure they were out of his finger’s reach anyway.

“Where did Kacchan learn to tie up someone like that”? he wondered. Even in his current state, he couldn’t help feeling a bit admirative for his rival.

A fresh bead of sweat was forming on his forehead. He could feel he was on the verge of having a cramp in his leg. Yet calling for help wasn’t an option. He was gagged too well - maybe he could have weakened the gag like he did before, but this one was much more sturdy, and with Kacchan having stuffed his mouth like that and the numerous strips glued over his mouth, there was no chance.

Midoriya sucked on the cloth gagging him and pinning his tongue down. Bakugo scent was still present. Not that Izuku could do anything about it with his lips glued so tight… but after the initial shock, he even started to consider the flavor less unpleasant…

Something interrupted his thoughts. Some soft vibration on the ground. Then the faint sounds of steps. Someone was approaching. But the street in front of Midoriya was still deserted. Someone was approaching in his back, and he had no way to figure who it was - it would take him minutes and painful efforts to turn himself while hogtied.

“Whoa”, he heard a friendly voice coming from his side. Then, something swung before him at his eyes level. Something blonde. And furry.

“OOMMMPPHHHOO?” Midoriya muffled, as he recognized his tailed friend.

“Hi there, Midoriya!” he casually answered, standing now right in front of him, causing Deku to lift his eyes and his head in an uncomfortable position to see his face. “Heh, whoever snatched you really didn’t miss! Let me guess… Bakugo?”



Ojiro knelt, facing his friend.

“Wow, this tape really seems super sticky. He gagged you well, I can’t understand a single word!”

“PPPPMMMMEEEE”, Midoriya desperately tried to plead.

“He did use almost all of his roll, though… could be used better to trap hands”, Ojiro continued his inspection, like he wasn’t interrupted. “And the ropes are overkill too. He should have used all of his stash, plus yours… isn’t the hogtie too painful?”

“MMMPPPHHHHH!!!”, Midoriya “answered”, nodding frantically.

“Hold on”.

Ojiro quickly went behind Midoriya’s sight. Seconds later, he felt the pressure in his legs suddenly disappearing. Ojiro just undid the hogtie knot though.

“There. Should help you with the wait, and I get an extra coil!” he said, satisfyingly.


“Uh? what now?” Ojiro asked, quite puzzled as he saw Izuku wriggling to put himself in a sitting position.

“UUUUUMMMMMMAAAMMMM MMMMPPHHH MMMPHHEEZ!” the green-haired boy still mightily mumbled behind his gag.

Ojiro sighed. “Fine. But stay quiet, I don’t want anyone to locate us”

He then swiftly reached at the tapegag and pulled it. The sticky material hurt Midoriya’s cheek as it was quite brutally removed, but his cry of pain was still muffled by the inner stuffing.

“Wait, there’s something in your mouth, too? Hold on”, Ojiro said, surprised, before helping his friend to spit out the rag.

“GAH!”, Midoriya finally exclaimed as his tongue was freed.

“Yurk”, Ojiro kind of replied as he looked at the spit-soaked rag he was holding, before putting it back on the discarded tape on the ground.

“Ojiro!” Izuku hastily said. “Untie me! We should team up!”

“Uhh… what?” his blonde friend replied, quite puzzled. “Is that what you wanted to say? Midoriya, were you still out cold when Mr. Aizawa gave us the rules? This is not a rescue exercise…”

“I know! It’s every man for himself. But he also said that temporary alliances aren’t forbidden”.

“Maybe…” Ojiro said, skeptic, as he started folding the rope that had been hogtying Deku. “But with you out, I’m just one step closer to victory. I don’t need to take down everyone, just the last survivor”.

“I know, but our chances against Kirishima or Kacchan are higher if we can corner them together. Both are excellent close-combat fighters. Especially Kirishima!”


“I don’t know…” Ojiro said, still clearly unconvinced, his tail wiggling behind him like a pendulum.

“What about your tail?”, Izuku suddenly said, switching the subject.

“Uh? What about it?” Mashirao replied.

“Does this quirk inhibitor they gave us affect you? Since your quirk is a mutagenic-type and not activation-type…”

“Yes, it does. It’s not like it’s paralyzed or anything, but I definitely lack my usual strength in it. I can’t use it to fight or hang on something”.

“See? That’s what I mean! You’re at a disadvantage. Since Kirishima’s quirk is mostly defensive, he won’t be as disadvantaged as you are. And Kacchan…

At that moment, a loud horn resounded, cutting Midoriya in his speech.

“Another takedown? This is going quicker than I thought!” Ojiro said in disbelief.


The tailed-boy glanced at his helpless friend, then seemed to reach a decision.

“If I untie you, what guarantee do I have you will not ambush me as soon as I turn my back?”

“I’ve thought about it”, Midoriya said, enthusiastic as he always is when he explains a plan. “First, you can get all the rope you’ll collect on me. Minus one coil, to give me a chance. Second, we agree that after the fourth horn, we’ll walk in separate directions for three minutes before attempting to capture each other. Does that sound fair to you?”

Ojiro pondered it for five seconds, then reached Midoriya’s back and started to swiftly undo the knots locking the rope harness immobilizing his arms.

“We’ve got a deal!”, he confirmed, to Izuku’s greatest relief. He was back in the game!
Meanwhile, in a building three streets away.

Eijiro Kirishima was satisfied. Of course, the fact of waking up handcuffed and gagged in an empty building had upsetted him, but now that he had understood this was just a new trial, he was as motivated as ever. The truth is, his results so far were not that brillant, especially in classic courses - he really needed those extra points the teacher had promised them. Or at least, one of them…

He was quite confident. Even if his quirk had been disabled, his close-combat fighting style favored him. Without his hardening quirk, he just worried about his opponent’s blows more than usual, but he’s a manly tough guy, isn’t he? The only one problematic might be Bakugo; his neverending fighting spirit was quite concerning.

Minutes ago, he had passed in front of a building displaying the UA logo on its front wall. Aizawa had said there were some bonus items hidden in the testing ground, so he had deduced this was a clue. He had been right: inside an empty room was a coffer; and inside it, he found a shining silver pair of hinged handcuffs.

He took them with a satisfying smile when he heard a creaking behind him. He quickly stood up and faced the door. Bakugo was standing there, immediately adopting a fighting stance as he understood he had been spotted.

“Tch! So long for the surprise. Nevermind, prepare to die, shitty hair!” the blonde taunted him.

“Bakugo, WAIT!” Kirhsima exclaimed, waving his newly-found handcuffs in front of him. “Look what I found?”


“Huh?” Bakugo exclaimed. “What’s that? You think you can overpower me with those?”

“I’m not sure”, Kirishima answered. “That’s why we should team up”.

“As if! I don’t need anyone to win!”

“Yes, but…” Kirishima glanced at his friend’s belt. “You seem out of rope and tape already. While I have all my stash, plus those ones”, he said, looking at the cuffs.

“So what? Come and get me!” Bakugo angrily taunted.

“I can. And honestly, I don’t know who would win. You’re the best but I’m quite a tough guy too. You don’t have your explosions, but I still know how to fight, and I have the capture gear. My point is, either you or me are going to lose right now”. Kirishima took a step forward. “But if we team-up, there’s no one who could resist us. Remember, Midoriya and Todoroki are tough too…”

“Don’t worry for that shitty nerd”, Bakugo exclaimed with a smirk. “I already took care of him”.

“Oh? I guess that’s how your ropes were used then. Anyway…”

“And neither Pikachu or the one with a tail are worrying me!” Bakugo continued.

“There’s still Todoroki.”

“Hmpf”, Bakugo snuffled. The loud horn resounded at that moment.

“Let’s say we do that”, Bakugo finally said. “What do we do when we’re the last ones? You plan to tackle me in my back, huh?”

“On the contrary. I prefer a guaranteed extra point to my score than risking losing it right now. So, when we finish, I’ll let you capture me without resisting, you’ll be the winner and I’ll have my second place”.

“As if!” Bakugo barked again. “You just plan to stab me in my back!”

“I’m not! My word of honor as a man!” Kirshima solemnly declared, his fist over his heart.

“Lovely. What guarantee do I have?”

“This!” he said, tossing his handcuffs to Bakugo. He caught them on the fly, then looked at his catch, in disbelief.

“Wait… you’re stupid or something? You just gave me your main asset!”

Kirishima shuddered. “As I said, I don’t want to fight you. So…are we doing this or not? Team Bakugo coming back?” he said cheerfully, holding his hands into the air.

Bakugo thought for two more seconds, then made a decision. He quickly hung the cuffs to his own belt and took a step forward, clasping his hand in Kirshima’s. Both were displaying a broad smile.

“Let’s have fun then!”

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Post by Tiddles »

Really enjoying this! You've done a great job setting up a fun and creative Tug event. Love the pics to go along with it, Midoriya makes for an adorable GID and Bakugo is so imposing and mean :twisted:. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. I should really watch the anime too :D
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Post by Carnath »

Thanks for your comment! It proves me the story is enjoyable even without being familiar with the manga or the anime.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 8

“So, we still have to deal with Kirishima, Kamniari, Todoroki and Kacchan… minus one, since we heard the horn when you released me, but no clue who it is… obviously Kacchan is the most powerful threat, but Kirishima’s combat style is hand to hand too, so it might be difficult to take him down…”

“Hey, Midoriya?”

The green-haired boy froze and slowly raised his head, as if he was emerging from a dream.

“Uuuh…. yeah, Ojiro?” he said, blinking.

“Don’t do that please!”

“Do what?”

“Mumble like this. It’s kinda creepy!”

“Oh, Sorry”, Izuku replied, smiling. “I tend to be over-analytical. Tenya often says that too”.

“Yeah, but right now, you just lower your attention and make some noise that would make us easily spottable”.

“You’re right…”

The two boys had been walking in the street for ten minutes since they had decided to team up, without encountering anyone. The streets were silent, and no horns had rang out since then either.

“Aizawa did say they were hidden items to find out, right?” Ojiro asked.

“I heard that too. But the ground is just too vast, there must be some clue about where to find them… wait, did you find any?”

“Precisely not”, the blonde boy replied, his tail swinging behind him at the rhythm of his steps. “Maybe we…”

“Ssshhh”, Midoriya suddenly stopped. “Do you hear that?”

Ojiro pricked up his ears. There was indeed a faint sporadic sound to be heard. “Hmmm… maybe some wind in the pipes?”

“Don’t think so, we’re not in ground gamma, there are not many pipes here…” Midoriya replied: “It comes from here!” he suddenly declared, as he turned the corner of a street.

“Wait! Whatever it is, it might be a trap!” Ojiro said, but still followed him.

The perpendicular street was as deserted as the previous one. But the sound was clearly getting louder as they progressed.

“I think it comes from this car” Izuku said, pointing to an old wrecked engine parked along the street.


He moved right away to it, Ojiro right on his heels. The sound was now more identifiable, it was an alternance of a muffled vocal and a metallic banging.

“There’s someone locked in the trunk”, Midoriya understood. “Help me open it”.

Ojiro scoped his surroundings. No one seemed to be in sight. “Okay, wait for me!”.

The trunk was heavier than expected, and covered in rust. But after some creaking, it finally opened, revealing a completely trussed up and gagged Denki, looking at them with wide opened eyes, mighty muffling behind a criss-crossed pattern of strong duct tape sealed over his mouth.


“Kaminari?!?” Izuku exclaimed, stunned by the sight of his friend’s predicament. Not only was Denki severely gagged but tight strong ropes were also wrapped around his chest at two different locations and his knees and ankles were tightly bound as well. The trunk was barely large enough for him though; even without his bondage, he wouldn't have had much room to move.

“MMPHMMMEEEEMMMMMPPPHH!”, the blonde boy “screamed” behind his gag, while he uselessly squirmed like a wormtail in his bondage.

Ojiro reacted first, as Midoriya was still stunned by his finding.

“Hold on, buddy”, he told his helpless friend, while seizing him by the shoulders and helping him to sit up. Deku eventually helped too, taking hold of his bound ankles and leading Denki’s legs out of the trunk. Soon enough, he was sitting on the edge of the car, still bound.

“Let’s take care of this”, Ojiro said, as he swiftly - yet brutally - ripped off the tape sealing Denki’s mouth, causing him to emit a vocal cry of pain!

“mmMMPPPPHHHAAAAAAAAA FUCK!” he exclaimed, as Ojiro pulled the tape away - causing the cloth that was stuffed in Denki’s mouth to come out with the gag, hurting the boy’s teeth in the process”

“IT DAMN HURTS, OJIRO!” he exclaimed.

“Sssshhh, Kaminari”, Deku swiftly whispered. “Be quiet. We don’t know where the others might be, we don’t want them to hear us”

“Yeah, but… it hurts. But thanks anyway! I’ve been locked up in here for ages”!

“How come?” Midoriya asked while Ojiro was still wondering, with a disgusted look, what to do with the tapegag and the saliva wet stuffing attached to it. “The last horn we heard was about 10 minutes ago!”


“Yeah, well…” Denki said, wriggling uncomfortably on the edge of the trunk. “When you’re tied up like that, it seems like a really long time!”

“Still… how Bakugo managed that after..”

“Bakugo? No no, you’re wrong, Todoroki captured me!”


“Yeah, and I almost had him!”

“Still, you’re the one tied up and gagged in the boot of the car!” Ojiro observed.

“Because he cheated!” Denki exclaimed.

“Hold on, what? Todoroki, cheating?” Deku asked, quite shocked.

“What if you told us the whole story?” Ojiro demanded, the gag still in his hand.

“Fine. I saw him walking in… - he quickly looked at his surroundings - a nearby street, I think. He did not see me, I was waiting in an alley - as he passed by me, I quickly grabbed him…”

“From behind, then?” Ojiro asked.

“Oh come on, I’m not Kirishima and his manly stuff - plus, I had to use all the advantages I had without my quirk. So, I did surprise him, and I had the upper hand for a while; I was ready to grab my ropes when he managed to get on top of me; then, he took something out of his pocket, it was some sort of cloth in a zipper bag. He opened it and pressed the rag over my face. It was damp. And it reeked."


“Chloroform?” asked Ojiro.

“Or the same drug they used in the locker room?” guessed Izuku.

“Anyway, I had no choice but to breathe in it, and after a few whiffs, I started to feel weak and dizzy… and soon enough, I lost consciousness. And when I came back, I was trussed up like that; it took me a moment to realize that Shoto was dragging me towards that trunk. I tried to yell but realized that my mouth was stuffed and taped.”


Denki sighed. “And you know the rest. Finally you found me”

“So… he indeed cheated”, mumbled Ojiro.

“I don’t think so!” Midoriya stated. “Remember that Mr. Aizawa said there will be extra items scattered all over the ground? I think it was just one of those bonus items, and Todoroki found it. It would make no sense for the teacher to favorize him, and knowing Todoroki, he wouldn’t have accepted that anyway”.

“Maybe you’re right”, Ojiro said.

“Anyway!” Denki exclaimed. “Now that you’ve rescued me and Todoroki has used his trump card, he has no chance against the three of us. Hurry up and untie me!”

“Uh, sure”, Izuku replied, taking a step forward and reaching his hand to the ropes binding Denki’s chest.

“Nah, I don’t think so”, Ojiro quickly interjected, interrupting Deku’s gesture by holding his arm. At the same time, his tail described an arc and bumped into Denki’s shoulder.

“What are you do-EEEEHHH?” the blonde boy asked as Ojiro’s knock tail made him fall again in the trunk.


“Sorry dude”, Ojiro replied as he seized Denki’s legs and pulled them back in the trunk.

“Ojiro, couldn’t we…” Izuku hesitantly began...

“No, we can’t”, the tailed boy firmly replied. “Look, Midroya, I already told you, this is not a rescue mission but a battle royale. Teaming up with you was already a bold move; adding Kaminari now would be absolute nonsense, as we’re only 6 players involved. Plus, if we free everyone we meet, we’ll be trapped by the clock”.

“Are you serious??!?” Denki protested, now squirming anew in his trunk against his bondage,the ropes still holding him tight.

“Yup”, Ojiro replied with a smirk. “Thanks for the intel though”, he said, grabbing his roll of tape.

“Midoriya!” Denki looked at him, panicked now. “Help me!”

“I’m sorry, Kamniari”, Deku said, embarrassed. “But he’s right”.

“You’ll find another guy to charge up your phone next time your battery’s depleted!” he replied angrily. “And you, Ojiro, next time your tail needs-MMMMPPHHH!!?!”

His curses were swiftly interrupted when Ojiro pushed again into Denki’s mouth the wet cloth that had already served to gag him. Ojiro immediately plastered a single piece of tape over the bound student’s mouth, which prevented him from spitting out his gag.

“MMMPPHRRRRMMMM!! PMMMHMMMMHHHHHHUUMMM!!” Denki furiously wriggled again.

“Hmm, a single piece might not be enough”, Ojiro muttered while tearing another piece of tape from his roll. Then another one. Then another. After 15 seconds, 4 pieces of tape had been glued, criss-crossed, over Denki’s lower face. Each time, Ojira had made sure to press it firmly over his classmate’s mouth in order to make it glue firmly. Midoriya could only watch both his friends with a sorry look.


“Sorry, Kaminari… uh… we’ll get you out as soon as the trial’s over” the green-haired meekly said.

“MMMPPPPHHHHHMMMP! RRRMMMPPHHRR!” “answered” Denki, still furiously squirming and twisting.

“Like he said!” lightly said Ojiro. “See you this evening!” he said, closing the trunk, thus muffling Denki even more. “Come on, Midoriya!”

The two of them left the car and continued on their way, while Denki resumed his faint banging against the trunk. Izuku glanced back, with a hint of guilt while leaving his friend in distress behind him. But Ojiro was right: it was the game.

“Say, Ojiro…”


“What was Kaminari saying about your tail? You know, just before you gagged him?”

“Oh, I think he was referring to the fact I sometimes let him massage the tip of it”

“I saw him do that but… why? It’s… a little disturbing”

“Not at all. When my fur gets a little tangled, he runs some light static electricity through it. It’s kinda enjoyable, and it helps detangle it”.

“Uuumm…” said Midoriya, quite bewildered.

“You’d understand if you had one!”

“Guess so”, he said, still uncomfortable with the turn of the conversation.

At the same moment, the loud horn resounded again.

“Second horn,” Ojiro noted.

“Yeah, that means only 4 people remain, including us” Midoriya noted.

“I feel the game will accelerate from now on. Be ready for anything!”.
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Post by Bradboi »

Been enjoying this story a lot, especially being a fan of the MHA series, it makes it all better !
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 9

And yet, Kirishima had been so confident.

He had spotted his target stealthily, and had readied his ropes, preparing a rope cuff to swiftly immobilize his opponent.

He had approached from behind. But his costume was made for close combat and the use of his hardening quirk, not for stealth assaults. His heavy boots couldn’t deaden the sounds of his steps. At the last second, Shoto had noticed him and had swiftly dodged Kirishima’s attempt to grab him.

Kirishima had thought it would be okay. Close combat was his bread and butter. Even quirkless, his muscles would have made the difference.

But Shoto also knew how to fight. And in real combat, he always had to dodge his own fireballs and ice spears. And so he had developed amazing agility and mobility skills.

Exactly what Kirishima lacked.

Shoto had dodged two of Kirishima's fist bumps before taking action. He had first given Kirishima a quick backhand on his ribs, taking him off guard, then had swiftly kicked his classmate's ankles with his booted feet. Before the Kirshima could even process he had a problem with gravity, he had fallen heavily on his back. The shock had sent his helmet flying off before landing a few feet away on the sidewalk.

The red haired had immediately tried to stand up, but Shoto had already straddled him, sitting over his legs and entangling his feet with Kirishima’s to prevent him from standing up and further reducing his mobility.

Kirishima was too low to try a headbutt. He had tried to reach for Shoto’s face or neck, but that had been a mistake. Kirishima had lost his ropes with Shoto’s first knock. And Shoto had noticed that.

When Kirishima had approached his hands, Shoto had already caught the prepared rope and only had to swiftly pass the loops over Kirishima’s hands to trap them.

Kirishima had felt his hands being quickly pulled together as the noose had tightly knotted itself over his wrists, effectively binding them together. He instinctively had tried to withdraw, but they had already been tied too tight and Shoto was holding the end coil too firmly.

“Fuck” Kirishima muttered.

“Got you now”, Shoto almost mumbled as he was tying more coils around Kirishima’s wrists.


The spiked red-haired boy was now lying under his opponent, his hands tied up, and struggling as Shoto fetched another length of rope to complete his bondage.

That was definitely NOT the plan.


Shoto was upset by the loss of his quirk. He rationally understood the purpose of this exercise, and indeed, being deprived of both his ice and fire really had made him realize how much he used to rely on them. Not that he had neglected his physical condition; his ice surfing abilities highly depended on his agility. But he was clearly not in 2-A top three when it came to brute force.

So when he had spotted Kirishima rushing to him, coils of rope in hands, he had been far from serene.

Things had gone well though. Kirishima was rough, but Shoto had watched him during training - as well as all of his classmates - and thus knew his weaknesses. After dodging his first charge, all he had to do was to swiftly lure him to the ground.

And now, he had the redhead at his mercy, pinned under him, wrists locked in rope cuffs.

“Stop struggling”, he hissed as he was searching for another coil of rope at his belt, while holding Kirishima’s bound hands with his other arm. “I’ve got you now”.

Kirishima winced and tried once again to buck him off, but he had not enough leverage and Shoto almost didn’t stagger. And then suddenly, he calmed down, apparently resigned.

“Oh, you really think you do?” he said with a little grin.

Shoto understood too late the meaning of this change of attitude. His instincts urged him to stand up and rush to a fighting stance; but before he had time to react, his arms were being violently pulled and held behind his back. No more than one second later, he felt the bite of a hemp rope circling and tightening around his wrists - he too had just been ropecuffed.

“What the…” he muttered before immediately trying to get himself out, but now his position was a disadvantage as he could not easily stand up without the use of his arms; plus, Kirishima decided to make things even more difficult and moved his feet in order to get in his way.

He was powerless to stop his assaillants winding more and more rope against his wrists, pulling his forearms horizontally in the process.

“Surprise, half’n’half!”, a hoarse, triumphant voice taunted him.

“Bakugo?!?”, Shoto replied, trying to look at his captor.

The blonde didn’t reply and resumed his tying. Contrary to Todoroki, he had chosen a long rope to tie up his prey’s wrists; now Bakugo was wounding the long coils around his parallel arms. He forced them to stretch in the process: Shoto’s left wrist was now cupping his right elbow, and vice-versa, creating the first step of a tight box-tie.

“That was your plan from the beginning? Teaming-up but let me think this would be a single combat? OWW!!!” He grimaced in pain as Bakugo brutally cinched the rope, causing him to chaff against his skin in the process. He then looked at Kirishima, still lying on the ground, facing him. “Very manly”, he ironically let out.

“Well…” Kirishima answered, “that wasn’t exactly the plan… I really wanted to take you down all by myself, but… you know…”. Kirishima struggled to find his words. He was in truth experiencing strong mixed feelings; he was disappointed to have been beaten under Bakugo’s eyes; on the other hand, impersonating the guy in distress being saved by his favorite hero wasn’t unpleasant either…

“Enough talk! You come here!” Bakugo curtly ordered Shoto as he pulled his bound arms in his back. As a result, Shoto was lifted from Kirishima’s body, but landed harshly,butt-first, on the concrete street, causing him to repress a grunt in pain.

“Hey, Bakugo. You untie me?” said Kirishima, as he sat up and presented his still bound wrists to his blonde friend.

“ ‘m busy here! Use your teeth! They’re sharp!” he said, panting as he tried to maintain Shoto still.

“Uuh… you know, they look like that because of my quirk, I usually let it slightly activate but now that it’s suppressed…”

“Deal with it!” he cut him off. “And you, stop struggling, I got you!” he barked at Shoto, who was indeed still squirming despite his forearms being now securely bound in his back.

Kirishima followed the advice and started to gnaw on his bonds. It was easier than he first thought; with his wrists bound in front, he had easy access to the knot cinching the rope cuffs. Clearly, this was just a first step before Shoto was fortunately interrupted - with his hands neutralized, his fighting option would have been severely limited.

Three minutes later, the redhead was free of his ropes. Standing, he noticed his broken helmet on the ground and grabbed it. He examined it with a worried look, spinning it in his hands, as if to examine each of its numerous cracks.

“I should really go to the support department and have the guys look through this…” he mumbled, “it is way too fragile, even though it does absorb the shocks…”

“HEY, stop whining and help me out!” Bakugo barked at him, as he was tightly cinching the rope binding Shoto’s chest, finishing to create a tight boxtie; his captive had now his arms locked behind his back in a tight embrace, his right hand cupping his left elbow and vice-versa. The strictness of the bondage didn’t talk him out of struggling and squirming though. “Tie up his feet!”

“Oh, sure”, Kirishima replied, leaving his damaged helmet and grabbing the short coil of rope Bakugo handed him, while trying to maintain Shoto still with his other arm.

Kirishima crouched before him and seized both of his ankles; Shoto could oppose only weak resistance; he tried to kick Kirishima though, but since he was holding his legs in a firm grip the blow didn’t have enough strength to achieve anything.

As Kirishima was starting to loop the rope around his ankles, Bakugo stopped him again.

“Not like that! Cross his ankles and bind them like that. Let’s have some fun!”, he added with a wicked smile.

“What are you doing?” Shoto angrily complained while Kirishima made him sit cross-legged.. “You have me tied up already, so what are you up to?”

“Shut up! Or rather, tell me who you captured before me. I heard the horn after I captured Deku, and I bet it was your doing. So who was it? Pikachu or monkey-boy?”

“Tch! That was Kaminari. I left him tied up in an old car trunk”.

“Oh, too bad!” Kirishima said as he finished tying his crossed ankles together, cinching the rope perpendicular to the main bindings. “I thought I could fight him. He owes me revenge since he beat me at street fighter 9 last week!”

“Who cares!” Bakugo interjected him again as he took a loose rope from Shoto’s chest tie and swiftly made it pass in front of him and linked him to his ankles, then back around his neck. That caused Shoto to bend forward uncomfortably and to further bring his legs to his body.

“Hey! That hurts! You don’t need to tie me up so strictly” Shoto whined as he felt himself being constricted into a ball.

“Shut up! That would repay me for what you did at the tournament!”

“You won our fight, what are you talking about?”

“You didn’t fight seriously! That was insulting!”

“Yeah, not very manly either!” Kirishima added. “How can you not recall of Bakugo being absolutely mad at you? He even had to be cuffed and muzzled during the award ceremony…”

“Just shut up too! Enough talk anyway”, he said, pressing his gloved hand over Shoto’s mouth, effectively handgagging him. “Time to gag him! Do you still have your stuffing?”

“Uh… what are you talking about?”

“When you woke up, weren’t you handcuffed and gagged?”

“Sure I was. Oh, I see, you meant the rag I was gagged with? I discarded it when the cuffs unlocked, but…”

“MMMMPPHHRR”, Shoto started to agitate in his handgag. He obviously didn’t like the turn of the conversation; plus, Bakugo’s glove was designed to let his sweat pass though, as it contained the explosive substance he would normally use in fight, so he was beginning to taste it.

“What did you do with yours?” Kirishima added after the interruption, with a touch of angst in his voice.

“Eh! Deku is chewing on it right now!” Bakugo replied with his broad evil smile.

“MMMMMMMMPPPPHHH!” Shoto interjected again, trying to struggle anew, squirming as much as his bondage let him - which was very little.

“Uh, dude, I agree, it’s gross!” Kirishima replied with an instinctive disgusted look. But he couldn’t refrain from thinking twice… chewing on Bakugo’s saliva, would it be like …?

“Nevermind”, Bakugo said, “we’ll figure out something else. Give me some of your rags!”

“My what?”

“The things dangling around your legs. You told me once these are replaceable scraps you use because your quirk rips up your clothes anyway. Tear a piece and give it to me!”

Kirishima obliged and handed a large piece to Bakugo, who caught it and started rolling it into a ball under Shoto’s eyes.

“Bakugo”, the captive started as the blonde boy lifted his hand from his face, “don’t you daAAMMMMMMMPHHHH”.

“That’s it!” Bakugo said almost exultant as he stuffed the balled-up rag into Shoto’s mouth, before handgagging him again. He then threw his roll of black duct tape to Kirishima, who caught him on flight.

“Use this to gag him!” Bakugo ordered.

He lifted his hand to let Kirishima apply the tape, but Shoto hadn’t worn out his fighting spirit and started to shake his head to prevent the gagging, as much as he was trying to spit out the stuffing. In response, Bakugo caught his hair to keep his head still, causing Shoto to emit a muffled grunt of pain.

“Just stay still, would you!” he barked at him again. “And you, just do it!” he said to Kirishima, who was holding a large piece of tape in front of him.


Three seconds later, the tape was glued over Shoto’s mouth.

“Don’t withdraw just yet”, Bakugo told the redhead. “Keep your hand pressed over the tape and smooth it, so it would stick better!”

“Oooh, thanks for the tip!” Kirishima enthusiastically said as he did so, causing Todoroki to grunt his frustration.

“And don’t use just one single piece!”

“You sure? We don’t have much tape, and it seems super-strong…”

“One single piece won’t hold on long term, and I like my gags and bonds to be inescapable”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed that”, Kirishima muttered.

“... and I caught his own piece anyway, it’s still half-full. Criss-cross two pieces over the first one, and then a final on top of it! And press each of them like you just did!”

One minute later, Todoroki could only meekly grunt under the four pieces of tape now plastered over his stuffed mouth. The loud horn resonated a few seconds later.

“There! Hear that?” Bakugo taunted him. “You’re officially cooked!”

“MMMMMMPPPHH” Shoto angrily mumbled as loud as his gag let him.

“Let’s go! We’re too exposed here, I don’t like that”, he said as he started vigorously walking on the sidewalk. Kirishima followed his heels, but cast a last friendly glance on Shoto.

“So long, Todoroki!”, he waved at him. “Don’t worry, we’ll release you as soon as we find the last one!”


Shoto’s eyes shot dagger at him, but he didn’t dignify him with another gagged moan this time.

“Hey, Bakugo!”Kirishima called him while he was catching up with his explosive friend. “The way you tied him was very elaborate! We didn’t even have to use the handcuffs”

“It’s called a shrimp tie!” Bakugo replied, without slowing or looking at him.

“How do you even know that?”

Bakugo just shrugged.

After a few more steps, Kirishima asked, slightly more timidly: “... would you teach me?”

This time, Bakugo looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

“I mean… I’m good at knocking the villains out, but I must know what to do once I’ve beaten them till the police arrive and…”

“Maybe later”, Bakugo cut him off. “But let’s finish this first! One to go! Shouldn’t take long!”

“Sure!” Kirishima replied with a broad smile!
Last edited by Carnath 11 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Chris12 »

That's cute ! Kirishima might have escaped the gag but Todoriko's quite the cute prisoner too.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 10

Midoriya and Ojiro walked for ten minutes without meeting anyone. They have left the area with the tall buildings, and were now in the residential area, filled with smaller houses. They had trained many times in ground beta before, and they knew they were approaching the wall surrounding it. Soon, they’ll be forced to go backwards.

Suddenly, they heard the loud horn, informing them that one of their opponents had just been taken down.

“Four to go, including us” Ojiro commented.

“Who do you think it could be? I don’t picture Kacchan not being in the last three, and Todoroki is really good in tactics. Must have been Kirishima? But he’s physically super strong too…” Midoriya muttered, half for himself.

“Don’t overthink it!” Ojiro replied. “We have no way to know it anyway. Not before encountering one of them. In fact, I’m probably not the strongest one now…”. His tail was dangling behind him, as if he felt quite uncomfortable. “On second thoughts, I think I’m glad we teamed-up!” he finally declared.

“Hey, thanks!” Midoriya replied, slightly blushing, like every time he was getting a compliment. “May I have one more coil of rope then?”

“Not quite!” Ojiro replied with a smile. “We have an agreement”.

“Don’t worry. I know!”, the green-haired student quickly replied, not wanting to let Ojiro think he would betray him.

Ojiro nodded. He knew Isuzu was faithful to his friends. That’s why he agreed to this alliance in the first place. Never would have he done that with Bakugo. Or even Kaminari. Kirishima, maybe, with all his manly stuff, but he wasn’t particularly close to him…

About Kaminari… Ojiro knew he would have an explanation with him after all that. Hopefully, he’ll understand that keeping him locked up was objectively the most logical move.

They walked in silence for five more minutes. They both knew chatting was a risk now; whoever was remaining in the game could try to take them by surprise.

Suddenly, Midoriya stopped in front of a little two-floored house.

“What’s up?” Ojiro asked.

“Say, Ojiro… Aisawa did say there were some hidden items to loot in the battlefield, right?”

“He did! Although I didn’t find anything. And one cannot search all these buildings…”

“But look at this!” Izuku said, pointing at the door’s house with his gloved-finger.

Ojiro squinted. “I don’t… oooh!” he exclaimed as he finally noticed the dark UA symbol painted on the door. “Nice catch, Midoriya! You think this is a hint?”

“It must be. Without such clues, one could never guess where the bonus items are located. But once you notice it, it’s obvious!” Deku enthusiastically explained. “I’d like to search it!”.

“Be quick then!” Ojiro replied. “I don’t like being static”.

“You don’t want to come with me?” Izuku asked, surprised.

“Not really” Ojiro said, crossing his arms. “I prefer watching the surroundings. If anyone sees us both entering the house, it would be easy to trap us inside or to tackle us when we exit it. And since you noticed the clue, it’s just fair you get the bonus, whatever it is. You need it more than me, since Bakugo stole all of your gear!”, he added, finishing with a friendly smile.

“Thanks! I’ll be right back!” Izuku replied as he hastened towards the door.


It was unlocked. Deku quickly went inside. He wasted no time, quickly inspecting the rooms on the first floor, not caring about the parquet floor creaking under his red boots. The three rooms were empty; no furniture, no nothing.

A little bit frustrated, Izuku climbed the narrow staircase leading to the first floor. It led directly to a large room, which contained nothing but an old, yet sturdy chair in a corner. He was about to leave empty-handed when he noticed a door in a corner of the room. It led to another room, far smaller, with only one window. Under it was lying a large chest with an imposing, yet unlocked golden lock.

“Yes!” Midoriya exclaimed as he lifted its top. It was quite heavy, and the student felt it’s weight despite all of his training.

He showed a disappointed face when he finally looked into the chest. He was picturing a stash full of ropes and roll of tapes, but it was mostly empty. There was only a small ziplock bag in the bottom.

He seized it nevertheless. As he grabbed it, he felt through his gloves that the bag was containing something else. Something quite thick but supple. Midoriya thought of a moist sponge. He inspected the bag further, and discovered an instruction sheet visible in its back. It reads:

==== Anesthetic solution ====

This pad is soaked with an anesthetic solution. Its dosage has been adapted for use against human enemies in combat situations.

Instruction of use:

Firmly apply the pad over the victim’s airways. It should cover both the nose and the mouth.
The average time for the anesthetic to kick in is 30 to 45 seconds. That may be longer if the victim manages to hold his breath or is of heavy constitution.
The victim will remain knocked out for at least five minutes. The effect can be extended if the pad is maintained, but won’t last more than 15 minutes due to its volatile nature.
For the same reason, the pad could only be used once. Use it immediately after opening its container.


“Nice!” Midoriya thought. “That should be the “chloroform” Kaminari related. That could be a huge advantage combined to the element of surprise. But should I tell Ojiro? He has all the gear and if this works, it would make that advantage useless… on the other hand, should I wait till the very end and not try to use it before on someone else…?”

His thoughts were brutally interrupted as he heard some louds cries coming directly from behind the window.
Ojiro was looking at the house, thinking. Maybe he shouldn’t have left Midoriya looking for stuff by himself, but he didn’t feel like the greenie was going to betray him. Midoriya was his friend, and he was known to be loyal to his word. In fact, he had never been comfortable with exercises involving fighting with his comrades, even for training purposes. Thinking of that, it’s not that surprising he ended up tied up first.

Ojiro was still unsure the pairing up was a good move. One thing was sure though, he would never have agreed to it if it wasn’t Midoriya. Bakugo was far too unpredictable and would likely have considered such an offer as an insult to his might anyway. Todoroki’s style is far more solo too. Denki was a nice friend, but he didn’t really have much to offer, and he could be a smartass too. Maybe Kirishima would have been relevant, with his manly stuff and…”

Lost in his thoughts, Ojiro didn’t understand he had an issue with gravity before it was too late and he fell down, face first on the floor. A bit stunned, he still wondered what could have happened when he felt a firm tugging on his tail, tightly constricting it near its tip. The tugging resumed, with enough strength to start dragging him backwards. Laying down on his belly, Ojiro couldn’t see what was happening, but quickly understood: someone had wound a rope around his tail. He fears were confirmed when he hard Kirishima’s ecstatic voice:

“Look! Bakugo! I got him!”

“The fuck!” Ojiro exclaimed, vainly trying to straighten up or to use his feet to block the tugging! “Let me down! Help!!!”


“Don’t let him stand up!”. That was Bakugo’s husky voice.

“The hell!” Ojiro exclaimed. “You two teamed up?”

“Why is everyone surprised about that?” Kirishima replied, still holding his rope.

Bakugo didn’t dignify him with an answer. Instead, as Ojiro was finally trying to stand up with his arms and to try to put up a fight, he felt Bakugo’s knees harshly landing on his back, definitely pinning him on the ground.

“Ooof”, Ojiro exclaimed as the sudden pressure of Bakugo’s knee emptied his lungs.

“Shut up! And gimme your hands!” the explosive boy just answered.

“What do you…?” Ojiro exclaimed, as Bakugo was seizing his right arm, then folded it behind his back in an armlock. “Ow, you’re hurting me!”

“Poor thing!” Bakugo mockingly replied. Then Ojiro felt a cold and tight bite around his wrist, it gripped around it much tighter as he heard the characteristic ratcheting sound.

“Where the hell did you get handcuffs? The ones we had at the beginning were locked, they weren’t supposed to be used!”

“That’s not the same pair!” Kirishima exclaimed. “I found this one in a chest in an old building where…”

“Would you stop blathering too?” Bakugo almost shouted at him. “And you”, addressing Ojiro, “give me your other hand!”.

“NO!” Ojiro replied, trying to wriggle under Bakugo. He rationally knew he had no chance, with his right wrist already in cuffs and his tail being still maintained by Kirishima’s rope, but the way he had been surprised was already very humiliating, and he wouldn’t make it worse with a quick surrender.

Of course, that didn’t please his blond foe.

“Your choice!” he just grunted, before he took the cuffs and used it as a leverage to put his already cuffed wrists in an armlock again. As he was twisting his arm, Ojiro cried out in pain. That catch was not dangerous in itself, but very painful. And Bakugo knew it. In combat training, it was his favorite to subdue villains. As long as he controlled his strength, Aizawa let him use it.

“Surrender!” he ordered him.

“Nnnngh… no!”

“I won’t wait all day”, he angrily commented, increasing his pressure a little more. “Let go or I’ll break your arm!”. He leaned forward, closing his mouth to Ojiro’s ear. “You know I would do it”, he whispered.

“Hey!” Kirishima exclaimed, disapprovingly.

But Bakugo’s move worked, as Ojiro felt a hint of primal fear in his guts. He knew Bakugo would get penalized if he hurt him too much, and he knew that an arm break is a common injury in UA, but the pain combined with the pressure and humiliation were too much. He slightly unwinded his arm, which Bakugo noticed immediately. He seized it, while Ojiro only opposed a symbolic resistance. Two seconds later, the second iron ring was being ratcheted around his left wrist, locking his arm in his back.

“Well done!” Kirishima exclaimed. “But you wouldn’t have broken his arm for real, right?”

“Probably not! I knew this little lizard would be too scared and would surrender before that.”

“Go to hell!” Ojiro muttered, slightly wriggling as he tested the cuffs.Those were hinged ones too. Which meant the fight’s really done. Unlike regular chained cuffs which just hobble the hands, and with which you can even strangle an enemy if you’re skilled, these ones are really immobilizing.

“How do we tie him up good, Bakugo?” Kirishima asked, finally releasing the pressure on the rope holding Ojiro’s tail. He looked like a disciple asking his mentor to teach him a new move. “I mean, whether we use a hogtie or a shrimp tie like Todoroki, his tail will get on the way…”

“Let me think…” Bakugo replied, gazing at the surroundings. “I think I know! Gimme your rope and put him on his feet”.

Kirishima did so, and held Ojiro by his shoulders as he was standing him up. The blonde boy wondered for a second if it was worth trying to escape, but decided not to: Kirishima had him quite strongly, and now Bakugo was pulling his tail backwards again, forcing him to stumble. Plus, what chance did he have two versus one plus being handcuffed?

As Bakugo dragged him a few more steps, he was fuming. His tail was strong and mighty, it was his strongest point; in his normal condition, he would have sent anyone trying to attack it flying. But with that quirk suppressant…

“Ouch!” Ojiro let out a little cry, more of surprise than pain, when his back came roughly in contact with a rigid wooden pole. Glancing up, he saw that this was the electric pole in front of the house. Bakugo’s plan became clear as he started wounding the rope linked to his tail around the pole, then around his torso.

“Oh, good plan!” Kirishima exclaimed. “So we can tie his tail behind it, so that he can't move from the pole even if he’s standing up”.

“Yup”, Bakugo simply added. “But take a rope and tie his ankles anyway. Together and around the pole! We have enough, he had a whole stack with him!”

Ojiro stood here helplessly as he felt more and more rope ensnaring him, linking him to the pole at his torso, while Kirishima was tying his ankles together, above his short boots. Bakugo then quickly unlocked one of his cuffs, just to immediately recuffed them behind the pole.

Ojiro’s eyes landed on the house. They made quite a ruckus but was Midoriya aware of the danger? At that stage, he definitely didn’t want Bakugo and Kirishima to win just by catching everyone by surprise…



The blonde explosive boy froze for a second as he heard him, then his face writhed in anger.

“Shut up, you stupid lizard”, he hissed, showing his teeth. Kirishima stayed still, focusing on knotting the rope binding Ojiro’s ankles. Deep down, he hoped that Bakugo wouldn't take it too seriously. Luring him into an alliance wasn’t easy, precisely because he tends to see any help offered as an insult to his might.

“Oh, did I touch a sore point?” Ojiro continued his taunting. But from the corner of his eyes, he saw Midroiya’s green uniform passing in front of the window. At least, his friend is aware of the situation now.

“YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! Hey, shitty hair, give me the tape… and gimme another piece of your rags”.

Kirishima couldn’t help but notice the way Bakugo addressed him because Bakugo hadn’t called him “shitty hair” for a while… since Kamino, in fact. Ojiro had really pissed him off. He hastened to oblige, knowing now what Bakugo wanted to do. He tore another piece from his wrappers, now indeed closed to be reduced to rags, balled it up and handed it to Bakugo with the roll of black tape.

Ojiro, on the other hand, was clueless as Bakugo approached his face with the rag.

“Uh, what are you dommmMMMMPHHH?” he began, as Bakugo took advantage of his confusion to harshly force the rag deep inside his gob.

“There!”, he said, as he was pressing his gloved palm over Ojiro’s mouth, handgagging him and preventing him from spitting out the rag as he was tearing a piece of tape with his teeth.

“Mnn nnn'ph hnfm phn nn phhnph! N nnnn'ph mmnn nph!” Ojiro tried to apologize. Of course, it was too late. Let alone Bakugo’s handgag, the cloth was large, completely stuffing his mouth and preventing his tongue from moving.

“Hmmmm… I think I’ve just got enough to do this!” Bakugo said, completely ignoring him.

“MMhnph nrm mnn nnnng?”

Bakugo quickly left his hand and immediately pressed the tape over Ojiro’s lips. Ojiro understood at that stage he was being tapegagged, just like the way Denki or Deku was, so he expected Bakugo to cut the tape right away. But instead, he was unrolling it all around the pole.

“Pmmnphm nnn'ph nn phhnph! N'm phnrrm!” Ojiro vainly pleaded, shaking his head as he understood Bakugo’s move. To no avail: Bakugo suddenly pressed his right hand over his forehead, forcing his head to come in contact with the pole, and completed the turn of tape with his left hand, passing over his mouth again, thus pinning Ojiro’s head to the pole. The roll became depleted just as he finished the second turn.

He then took Ojiro’s head behind his hands, not too gently slapping his cheeks over the tape.


“There! I would have gone with a regular gag but this one suits you better!” Bakugo mocked him, his face extremely close to his. “Now say again, who is afraid to lose?”

“N'm phnrrm, Hnhngn! N nnnn'ph mmnnph phn.” Ojiro replied behind his gag, with a defeated tone. As Kirishima finished knotting the last rope binding his legs just over the knees, he knew he was done. The ropes were pinning him and his tail to the pole; he couldn’t move his torso, his hands, his legs, and now his head. The gag was making his posture far more uncomfortable than before. And Bakugo just slapping him in the face was an utter humiliation.

He stopped ten seconds after though, when the loud horn resounded, sealing his defeat.

“You used all the tape?” Kirishima asked his friend.

“Why not?” Bakugo replied. “I took down Deku and Half’n’half took down Sparky, so it was just him left!”

“And us!” Kirishima remarked with a smile.

“Indeed!”. In a very swift move, Bakugo grasped Kirishima’s wrists and held it.

“Woah, Bakugo, what’s…”

“Come on here”, Bakugo replied, heading towards the house, almost dragging an unresisting Kirishima behind him. “We still have business to do, and I don’t want to waste my time!”


“O—okay!” Kirishima replied, trying to follow him without stumbling.

“Of course!” Ojiro thought as he watched them entering the house. “They don’t know that I’ve freed Midoriya. And they must have decided a way to decide the winner between each other. I hope they don’t intend to search the house first…”
Last edited by Carnath 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 11

Bakugo led Kirishima by his wrists inside the house. After casting a quick glance at the ground floor, he swiftly decided to head to the stairs.

“Huh, Bakugo? What do you intend to…” Kirishima began, still following up.

“Shut up. I want some privacy here. We don’t need to be seen by the lizard for our next business”.

“Oh, you’re right. Maybe we should have blindfolded him as well?”

“Tch. Didn’t think of that. But we just need to be a little remote” he stated, as he reached the top of the stairs. A wide room opened in front of him. It was bare, except for a sturdy wooden chair. “There, it will be perfect”.

He swiftly pushed Kirishima forward. The red spiked boy almost stumbled into the room. He turned back, facing Bakugo, who was standing in the door’s frame, cutting off his exit. He almost immediately adopted a fighting stance, fists in front, his feet firmly planted on the floor.

“Wait, Bakugo, what are you doing ?” Kirishima protested, taking a step back, his hands in front of him.

“What?” , Bakugo asked, quite in disbelief. “Didn’t you plan to try to take me down for the victory?”

“That wasn't the deal!” Kirishima protested. “I was proposing to assist you, and we agreed you’d have the final victory”.

“I didn’t expect you to fulfill such a dumb deal!” Bakugo answered.

“A deal is a deal! It’s a matter of honor!” he vehemently said.

“Okay then.” Bakugo shrugged. “Abandon all your ropes. Just toss them on the floor!”.

“Understood!” he quickly obliged. “What now? I guess you just have to… tie me up now”.

“On your knees!” Bakugo barked, ignoring him. “Drop your shoulder’s gear too! AAnd put your hands on your head”.

“Woah! Still not trusty, I see”.

“It’s an exercise, you dumbass. Let’s assume you’re a villain I need to arrest!”.

“Oh, I see!” Kirishima quickly let go of his gear, dropped to his knees and assumed the submissive position. In a few quick steps, Bakugo was on him, firmly planting his hand on his bare shoulder.

“Oh, and this is to prevent me from standing up while I’m not fully captured, I guess?”

“Yup,” Bakugo answered, while unbuckling his own coils of rope from his belt. “Hmmm…” he mumbled as he observed his stash dumped on the floor. “We still have quite a lot. Tail guy didn’t capture anyone so he still had his full stock”.


“You’re looking for a way to tie me up?”

“Shut up, you!. I'm Thinking!”

“You’ll have to gag me for that” he winked.

“In due time”, he replied, not noticing Kirishima’s taunt. “Don’t worry, I kinda like you being submissive but…”

“Yeah, me too!” Kirishima replied straight off.


“What? Uuuhh, no, nevermind!” the red-haired replied hastily, realizing what he had just been saying.

“Hm. Stand up and sit on that chair” Bakugo ordered him. He gazed at the obediently sitting Kirishima while grabbing a coil of rope and twisting it in his hands. Once the red haired had seated, the blond quickly moved behind the chair and quickly grabbed his friend’s wrists, not too gently.

“Woah, you… ow!” he exclaimed as the ropes almost instantly tightened around his wrists, trapping them together. “You really don’t mess around! How do you manage to tie this rope so quickly?”.

“You just have to prepare the rope beforehand. Make two loops cinched together with a slipping knot, and you’ll have rope cuffs ready to use”.

“Thanks for the tip!” Kirishima enthusiastically exclaimed.


“You wanted a roping lesson, didn’t you? So here you go!” he said’ while resuming looping the rope around his wrists. “After the initial cinching, the wrists are trapped but you can’t just tie the knot yet, a single coil would hurt the skin. You must loop in three or four times more. Then - he did so as he was speaking - wrap it two times perpendicularly, between the wrists. That’s what really tightens it”.

“I-I can feel that!” Kirishima gulped.

“Then the knot! You must make a non-slipping one and ALWAYS tie it upwards. Otherwise the villain will have access to it with his fingers and will easily get loose. This is the most important step!”

“Got it!” he said, then tested the rope. “You really did it well, Bakugo! I already can’t move!”

“What are you babbling? You can still stand up, then pass your wrists below your legs to keep them in front, and from that tackle the rope with your teeth or anything”.

“…. That’s right”.

“Don’t worry” Bakugo said, displaying his wicked smile for a moment as he grabbed another rope “When I’ll be finished with you, you won’t be able to move an inch!”.

“Woah” Kirishima thought as he felt Bakugo circling new ropes around his bare chest. “He’s really serious about it. It’s…” He couldn’t name the sensation. A little bit of fear - he had never been really tied up before, only for play and his quirk would have allowed him easy escape anyway. But tempered by a sense of trust and admiration - a private workshop with Bakugo was everything he wanted right now. And what was this sensation in his belly? Was this…?

He took a deep breath to soothe him as he felt Bakugo’s warm gloved palm on his chest - almost touching his nipple.

“Oy, don’t do that!” Bakugo suddenly barked at him.

“Huh? D-do what?”

“You think I’m a mug? You just breathe in to fill your chest! So that the ropes will loosen when you breathe out”

“Oh? Yeah, I was… totally doing that!”

“Empty your lungs, now! Kirishima did so and instantly felt the ropes tightening around his chest, two coils above and two coils below his pecs. “Like the hands, the final cinching is of most importance. For the arms, you do that with a knot between the chest and the arms.”

“Hey, it tickles a little!” Kirishima said, wriggling a little bit.

“Now you can’t separate your arms from your chest, and that greatly reduces your mobility. I’m not finished with the arms but once they are decently secured, you need to switch to…”

“I know!” Kirishima said “The legs, right?” he said, tapping the heel of his boot to the floor.

“Correct” Bakugo said,fetching another rope. “The problem with a chair tie is, even if you tie the ankle to the leg chair normally, the captive will still have leverage and could swing and break the chair. To avoid that…” he crouched behind him “… you may just do that”, he said, firmly seizing one of Kirishima’s ankles and pulling it backwards.

“Hey, Woah… what are you..? Kirishima protested in surprise as he felt Bakugo now pulling it up, to the maximum extent of his knee, before looping his rope around it. “Oh I see! If my feet don't touch the ground, I lose most of my strength”.

“That’s the idea!” Bakugo said, cinching his rope without releasing his ankle.

Kirishima briefly closed his eyes. This was all he could dream of. Being alone with Bakugo, and with him being far more talkative than usual. Was it because he feels in control? And having his hands going all around his body, it was so…

It’s when Bakugo seized Kirishima’s other ankle that the bound aspiring hero realized he had a serious problem.

As he pushed his second leg backwards, Kirishima realized his calves were now forced spread-opened on his seat… and that he had grown a massive boner, now clearly visible for anyone facing him.

Of course it wasn’t his first erection. He had discovered quite some time ago how he was attracted to strong and confident men. But even if he deeply admired Bakugo, he had never consciously fantasized about him or any of his comrades. Until now, at least. This situation was completely different. He was so close, touching him, rendering him more and more helpless… Yes, that was arousing.

And the ropes. The ropes were firmly constricting him, but yet quite supple, almost soft, almost sensual…

Kirishima shakened. He couldn’t keep arousing himself like that. Bakugo was still behind him, but he couldn’t let him notice it. What would he think? How would he react? Clearly, he’d look like a perv…

Full of mixed feelings, he let himself be surprised by Bakugo giving a tug on his ankles. That elected him a brief yet loud moan.

“Huh? What’s that? You have a cramp or something ?” Bakugo asked, dumbfounded.


“No. NO! It’s… it’s nothing! Everything’s good!” Kirishima replied, sounding more feverish than he wanted to.

“Hm” Bakugo replied, concentrating on his ropes. He gave a final tug to the rope binding Kirishima’s right ankle, holding his foot in the air. “There! Now you can’t move the chair at all! I got you completely now”

“R-right!”, Kirishima said. “Stop telling me such sexy things, damnit” he thought as he felt the sturdy canvas of his pants tensing even more against his crotch. And so grew his concern.

Fortunately, Bakugo kept behind him for now, grabbing another coil of rope.

“What? The hands again?” Kirishima asked as he felt Bakugo cinching another loop around his already bound wrists.

“Yep. You can still move them far too much” the blonde delinquent grinned. “I told you I was not finished with the upper body”.

Indeed, Kirishima felt him creating a complex web of ropes against his back. He then passed it in front again. And again, his hands brushed against his chest, his pecs. He felt his breath fastening when Bakugo passed the rope below his arms and behind his neck.

“You may start panicking now” Bakugo mockingly said, misinterpreting his embarrassment. “But it’s too late!”

“You… really don’t do things by halves. It’s amazing!” Kirishima replied.

“Never. Isn’t that why you’re always bugging around me?” he said. At that exact moment, Kirishima felt all the rope harness ensnaring his upper body tighten all of a sudden, and his wrists being forced upwards, keeping his forearms almost horizontally. The final cinching made sure they were to remain kept that way.

Kirishima’s cock literally twitched with contentment. “Oh my…”, he thought, growing more and more desperate.

“The final touch now!” Bakugo added.

“What now? I… think I’m pretty much helpless, am I not?”

“You still have a little too much slack on your legs. Some ropes on your calves and around the knees will fix that!”

“NOT THAT!” Kirishima almost yelled.

“Oh but yes! I don’t do things by halves, remember?”. Clearly, Bakugo was also enjoying that scene. But not in the same way…

Kirishima gulped as Bakugo, still from behind, wound rope around his right knee, above and below, forcing his leg to bend even more. It went fine, but when he passed to the right…

“Uh? What’s that hard thing? Is your quirk coming back or…?” Bakugo asked as his hands touched his rigid member by accident.

“Ugh!” Kirishima startled, panicking. “Eee it’s nothing, I…”

Bakugo passed in front of him as he wounded his final rope. “What’s the m…!”

He stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed the unmissable erection. Kirishima violently blushed, feeling overheated. He wanted to disappear deep down. At least he wanted to close his legs, to hide his embarrassment. But he couldn’t move an inch. Bakugo’s roping was a masterclass, and right now, he felt like a sacrificial lamb.

He expected Bakugo to explode in anger. Or to roar in laughter. But instead of that, he seemed… confused. That was a really unusual expression to see on his face.


“You’re jerking me around, right?” he asked, almost in a blank tone.

“I-I-I can explain everything!” Kirishima said, stuttering in panic. Despite the whole situation, he was still struggling between his arousal and his embarrassment.

“Let’s hear that”, Bakugo said, as he was refocusing on the rope, finishing tying Kirishima’s left leg up.

“It… it’s the whole setting. I mean, I was always admiring you, but… no, I mean, not in a sexual way, but… you see, you, and the ropes, and…”

“Oh, so you actually like being tied up?

“Yes! I mean, no! I mean, no, but with you it’s different… I… Oh, what am I saying?”

“Maybe you should just shut up now!” Bakugo said as he went to Kirishima's back again. The red-haired student had now been perfectly immobilized, so he lost eye contact with him.

“P-please! I’m sorry!”

“Sorry for what?”

“For… embarrassing you!”

“Feels to me you’re by far the most embarrassed one here!” Bakugo replied, a hint of mockery in his tone coming back.

“R-right… I’m sorMMMPHH?”

Kirishima’s pleas suddenly became unintelligible as he felt a wide piece of rolled-up cloth being forced in his mouth from behind. His cock twitched again, harder than ever, when he realized Bakugo was gagging him with a piece of his own cloth, just like he did with Shoto and Ojiro beforehand.

“I told you to shut up, and I mean it! You’re really digging yourself in deeper, you know that?”, Bakugo said, somehow retrieving his usual aggressive tone. He briefly handgagged Kirishima, then lifted his hands; but before he could even think of spitting the huge wadding out, he felt another band of his dark red clothing violently pressing over his mouth, gagging him over-the-mouth.


Bakugo adjusted the gag, making sure it didn’t smother him - his touch was almost gentle, at least way more delicate than usual - when he removed it from Kirishima’s nose. His usual firmness returned, however, when he securely knotted it in the nape of his neck.

Almost instantly, the loud horn resounded over the battlefield.

“Final opponent captured”, Bakugo commented, while returning in front of Kirishima. He then removed his mask, with a satisfied look on his face.

“I’m quite proud of my work, actually! Seeing the manly hero all trussed up like that is quite a pleasant view, I must admit that!”

“MMMGGMMMHHHH?” Kirishima mumbled behind his gag, both of arousment and stupefaction. If even Bakugo was taunting him like that now…


Bakugo then displayed his usual predatory smile.

“It would be a shame to untie you just right now. Let’s see if we can have a little bit more fun before the results are announced!”

Pics are slightly censored. Uncensored version and latest chapter are available on my Patreon (link in the signature).
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