Saphira : 02 - The Past and Present (F/M, fict)

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Saphira : 02 - The Past and Present (F/M, fict)

Post by Canuck100 »

Saphira's stories
02 - The Past and Present
Story index at the bottom

By Saphira

Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:28 pm

"Well, well, well..." I smirked as I paced back and forth at the end of the bed, gazing at my captured prisoner. There he lay, each bed post occupied by a tied limb so that he was in a very vulnerable spreadeagle position. Hardened wax filled with encrusted sand coated his legs; chocolate was thinly smeared across his chest; and pine needles were scattered throughout his shaggy blonde hair. I chuckled to myself as I looked at his forlorn state. Upon hearing my laugh, he let out a groan and closed his eyes, mentally preparing himself for whatever torture I had in stock for him next.

I stopped my pacing for a moment, and turned to face him, hands on my hips, and one eyebrow teasingly raised. I grabbed his bare feet with my hands, and gave each of them a gentle squeeze. Even with hardly any applied pressure, his body still lifted off the bed, and the posts creaked against the pull of his weight as the tickle activated his nerves. I smiled and then strolled up the side of the bed, my fingers outlining the left side of his body. He attempted to pull away again, but didn't succeed as the knots just tightened themselves harder around his wrists and ankles.

I sat down on the bed, and curled myself into his left side. I cuddled his head in my arms, and he turned to look at me. His eyes displayed a sense of weariness and defeat. Feeling slightly abashed at all that I had put him through recently, I gave him a quick peck on the lips, and a sorry shrug of my shoulders. He closed his eyes again, and exhaled through his nose as he turned his face towards the ceiling. I smiled to myself as I placed my cheek against his collarbone. My fingers absentmindedly swirled patterns in the chocolate on his chest, and he let out a sigh, but I didn't know if it was out of pleasure or anxiety.

I continued to trace the contours of the body that I now knew so well as I remembered the events that had all led up to this point in time...


Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:19 pm


The leaves were just starting to change colors as I drove west. There wasn't a cloud in sight, and cool air flowed in through my driver's side window. I smiled to myself and took a deep, refreshing breath. The heat had been nearly unbearable during the summer, and it was nice having to consider throwing on a sweater before stepping outside now.

My mind turned once again to what lay ahead of me. Though we had been close before he changed jobs, we hadn't spoken all summer. He was busy settling into his new life, and I was preoccupied with family vacations and an unrelenting work schedule. I had called him a few days ago in order to catch up when he had asked if I had plans this weekend. I stated that I didn't, and he suggested a getaway to his family's cabin up in the mountains. The invitation had taken me by surprise. We had frequently gone on day-long trips when he was still in town, but never for a entire weekend, and especially not when we hadn't seen each other in months. However, I warily agreed due to the fact that I missed him, and that it would be nice to put a pause on the fast pace of life at the moment.

While packing, I wasn't sure what to expect, so I threw together a variety of clothing items, ranging from scarves and sweaters to a bikini (although I adamantly hoped that the temperature wouldn't rise high enough to need it), and wished for the best. He had given me directions and had asked me to meet him there. In case of a late arrival on his behalf, he told me where the spare key was kept so that I could let myself in and make myself comfortable.

I arrived in the late afternoon, and found that I was indeed the first one there. I gathered my belongings, and stepped out to view the surroundings. The house itself was made of logs, and looked cozy enough for two people. There was a hiking trail off to one side with a painted sign that read "Lake" nailed on to a tree. I was intrigued as to how big of a lake could fit between the mountains, so I began to meander down the path. Leaves crunched under my feet as I walked, and I passed a few pine trees with jaggedly chopped stumps around the edges. I wondered if they spent the holidays up here, and as I thought about this, I rounded a bend and came upon the lake. While it wasn't very large, I was still rather impressed. A nice stretch of sand, complete with a fire pit, reached out for a few feet, ending in the crystal clear water. A small wooden dock entered a few feet out into the water as well, and a makeshift diving board was at the very end. I took all of this in for a few moments, taking in a few deep breath of fresh air, and then began my walk back.

Upon my return, I found him waiting for me. He was leaning up against his car with his head thrown back and his eyes closed, clearing enjoying the environment as much as I was. He hadn't heard me approach, so I snuck around until I was a few feet from him, then lunged, letting out a scream of glee in the process. This startled him, and he stood up very quickly, but not before I was able to wrap him in a huge bear hug. He rolled his eyes at my childish happiness, patted me on the back, and then swung me up and around in his own variation of a hug. We both laughed and smiled at each other after our greetings came to an end, and then took up some small talk as we made our way inside.

Once everything was put away (he had brought some groceries, among them s'mores ingredients which would put the fire pit to good use), he gave me a tour. The house had only five rooms. The front door opened up into the living room, which included a very comfortable couch, other various chairs, and a flat screen TV hanging from the wall. This room led into the kitchen, and while it held only basic appliances, it still had a very homey feel from all of the family photos and decorations that lined the walls. I took my time looking at the pictures, and giggled as I saw a younger him dressed in his sister's pink ballet tutu and nothing else. He threw me a sheepish grin as we walked into the master bedroom. There was one very large bed occupying most of the space, and the walls were lined with dressers and a desk. As we made our way through the room, he lit a few scented candles in order to rid the air of the smell of must. The master bathroom held a nice Jacuzzi tub, and a shower built for two people. Upon witnessing this, I raised a playful eyebrow at him, and he threw out one of his common egotistical remarks, saying that he'd try not to undress in my presence in case I got too hot and felt the need to shower with him. It was my turn to roll my eyes then, and I gave him a shove out onto the sun porch, which was connected to the bedroom. He lounged on one of the chairs as I stood and admired the view.

After a moment, I felt his gaze upon me. I turned to look at him, and saw the desire deep within his eyes. He got up and wrapped his arms around me, incessantly twirling my hair around his fingers in the process. Once he had a decent lock on my head, he held me there. He had always been an attractive man, but now, being so close to him after all this time, I could truly begin to appreciate it.

I felt a shudder run through his body, and as I was about to ask why, he roughly placed his mouth against mine, and gave me a long, hard kiss. Emotionally, I wasn't sure what was going on, and physically, I didn't want the kiss to end. After a few minutes, he pulled away and gazed at me again. We both smiled at exactly the same time, and it was then that I knew it was going to be one amazing weekend.


Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:55 pm


I sighed happily as I remembered that kiss. Though it had been a surprise at first, a kiss like that was nothing unusual now. We had greatly explored each others bodies over the past few days, and I had come to enjoy every second of it. Though the end of our trip was fast approaching, I hoped that we would meet again one day. I grimaced at the thought that this might be the last time I would ever see him.

He felt my face cringe, and turned to face me again. He grasped my fingers from his chest, and curled them up in his fist, quickly releasing them, however, due to the chocolate that now covered them. He clenched and unclenched his fingers a few times, attempting to lessen the stickiness, but then decided that it was a futile effort.

"Time for a shower?" he hopefully questioned. I thought about that for a second or two, and then smiled and agreed. We both sat up and I laughed at the current state of the sheets. A chocolate residue was left at the top, while loose sand completely covered the bottom half. He sighed and gave me a look, and I sheepishly started to strip the bed while he gathered towels. I threw the comforter near the washing machine, but then decided that the sheet could stand one final use.

I crept up to the bathroom door, and peeked inside. He was turned away from me, and I managed to capture a quick glance at his lovely derriere before he felt my presence. As he turned to face me, I lunged towards him with the sheet stretched between my arms. His eyes widened, but he made no move to escape as he instinctively reached out to catch me and break my fall. Big mistake, I triumphantly thought to myself. I collided with his chest, and we both tumbled to the floor. I quickly latched my legs around his thighs, and managed to lock his head inside my arms. I flipped both of us over, and then got on top of his back so that his stomach was now on the ground. I yanked both of his arms towards me, and began to tightly wrap them in the sheet. He began to writhe and buck around in an attempt to throw me off, but he underestimated my strength. After his arms were immobile, I reached back to hog-tie his legs as well. I locked one, and then the other inside of the sheet, and finally stepped back to view my handiwork. He was thoroughly maddened at the turn of events, and I smiled sweetly at him.

"You didn't really think that all of my fun ended last night, did you?" I winked, and then stepped towards him. I reached under both of his armpits, and hauled him into the shower. I set him up so that he was on his knees, facing the front, and his arms and legs were tied behind him. I retrieved some soap and a scrub brush from the side ledge, and began to clean. I grabbed the removable shower head, and turned the water to a comfortable temperature. I held it up to his head, and began to run my fingers through his hair to get rid of the pine needles. I started massaging his head and the back of his neck in the process, and he leaned back in relaxation. I chuckled to myself and decided to take some of that comfort away.

I reached for the brush, and started to gently run it up and down the sides of his torso. His eyes quickly opened, and he started to squirm, seeing how he was quite ticklish. He winced as his movements caused him to hit the shower walls a few times, and I laughed at how captive he was with me. He began to moan as I moved the brush with a greater frequency. Deciding that the chocolate was washing away a little too quickly for my taste, however, I made the water quite a bit colder. He yelped as he felt it hit his chest, and moved to try and position himself in the warmer air. I easily followed him with the shower head though, and he gave up after a few moments. He continued to grimace, and I then gave him a quick reprieve. I turned the water off, and went over his cold chest with my warm lips. I kissed around most of his upper body, and felt his heavy breathing and fast heart rate. He shivered as I traveled up his neck, and nipped his ear. I looked at him, and his eyes showed a wide range of emotions from wild lust, to slight pain.

It was time to take on his sandy legs. I turned the water back to a warmer degree, and set the brush aside for now. My fingers gently traveled across his legs towards his inner thighs, and he started to twist again, whether out of desire or simple nerve reactions, I didn't know. I brushed a majority of the sand away, but the wax still retained a good amount. I considered my options: I could turn the water up to a hotter degree, and let it melt off, but that would burn him; or I could viciously scrub with the brush, but that would also cause a great deal of pain and redness. I hoped that a combination might do the trick. The temperature went up slightly, and I scrubbed once again. He gasped at frequent intervals, and cussed once or twice, but I finally got the job done.

The shower head and brush went back to their respective places, and then I went to untie him. His legs were a dark shade of pink, and his eyes crinkled as I touched them. I kissed his lips, and apologized for putting him through such stress, but that was only met with one of his glares. I reached behind him, and maneuvered the sheet off of his limbs. I then left him to recover as I went to go hang the sheet to dry and ponder what would come next.


Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:54 pm


Surprisingly, even after that forceful kiss, we didn't immediately tear at each other's clothes and vertically wrestle towards the bed. It was almost a calm aftermath. It felt like we needed to get some of the angst out of our systems, and once it was gone, we were content. We spent the rest of the afternoon amicably chatting about anything and everything. As the day passed, it seemed like we only got more energetic. A smile never left my face, and he even had a slight spring in his step. He confessed that he hadn't been up here too often, and it was nice to not have to deal with any constraints for a while.

He eagerly wanted to swim in the lake, and I promised that we would later, but as our stomachs growled, we knew that we had more pressing needs to care for first. We began to set up the kitchen for dinner, and as he boiled some pasta, I asked him what kind of sauce he was going to add to it. He looked slightly dumbfounded for a second, and I joked at how little his cooking skill had grown since we last met, so I glanced in the fridge, found some basic ingredients, and began to prepare my signature fettuccine sauce. Before that was even done however, he was on the hunt for something in the freezer. I asked him what he was searching for, and he pulled out a box that I must have missed seeing when we were unpacking earlier: popsicles. He tossed one to me before opening an orange one himself. I held it in my hand for a second, and then, remembering how averse I was to putting on my bikini yet again, thought of a wicked bet. I turned to him with my face set in a mischievous grin.

"Do you still want to go down to the lake after dinner?" I asked. He nodded his assent. "Well, you see, I'm not really in the mood to change right now. The sun's going down, and that will only lead to colder air and water." He voiced his complaint saying that I had given my word we would travel there, but I stopped him short with a raised finger. "But a guy wouldn't understand the cold like a girl would. You have much more fabric to cover up your body, where as we sometimes have next to nothing". His eyes seemed to widen (at the thought of me in less material) and roll (due to him thinking I was being a baby about it) at the same time. I smiled at him. "If you think I'm being difficult about it, and it's really not like that at all, I'll make you a deal. If I can't turn you on by eating this, then I'll surely get you going by skinny dipping. However, if I can, you'll have to take a turn in the bikini, which will only make it that much better for me if you're already in a heightened state." His eyes narrowed as he considered the pros and cons of my bet. His eyes moved back and forth from the popsicle in my hand to my face. He took one hard look straight into my eyes and said, "Deal".

My smile widened. I grabbed one of my scarves from my bag, and made him sit in a chair. I tied his hands behind his back so that he wouldn't be able to run away, and sat in his lap in order to see and feel everything that he was going through. Before I began to eat, I unwrapped the popsicle very carefully, almost teasingly, each piece of plastic being pulled down with deliberate slowness. He simply stared and was armed with an emotionless poker face. I took the very tip of my tongue and dragged it up the popsicle, melting the ice crystals in the process. My tongue swirled in a corkscrew motion around the entire treat, and that finally made him close his eyes for a few seconds. His legs became restless underneath me, and he shifted around trying to become more comfortable. I took the popsicle in my mouth and forcefully sucked on it for a few seconds before he began to loudly inhale and exhale out of his nose, trying to calm himself down. Knowing that I almost had him, I took two of my fingers and slid them up the side, amassing a decent amount of sticky juice on each one. I put one of the fingers in my mouth and tauntingly pulled it out very slowly. As for the other, I wiped it across his lips, and then took my time amorously sucking all of the juice off.

That pushed him over the edge, and I finally felt what I desired. I smiled at him with a triumphant gleam in my eyes, and he threw his head back and let out a long moan. I chuckled and winked at him, then, leaning up against his chest, I untied my scarf and re-wrapped it around his neck. I pulled the ends, and therefore his head, closer to myself and gave him the same kind of passionate kiss that he had given me earlier. Finally, after a few minutes of that, I got off of his lap and pointed towards the bedroom, where my suitcase was hidden in the closet. With an agonizingly slow speed, he lifted himself off of the chair, and shuffled off to meet his end of the bet. I smiled with pride at what I had accomplished, and waited for what was sure to be one amazing fashion show.


Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:24 am


As I walked towards the washing machine to finally take care of the sheet, I passed my bikini, covered in sand, in a lump on the floor. I chuckled as I recalled the haste with which I had pulled it off of him last night. It had been an intense 24 hours thus far, and I fervently hoped that tonight would keep the pace. We would both be going our separate ways in the morning, and I wanted to make this last night memorable, to say the least.

I started a load of laundry, and then went back to check and see how his legs were doing. I entered the bedroom to find him changing into a comfortable pair of clothes, and he suggested we go into town. It was about a 2 mile walk, so it'd be nice to get some fresh air and talk some more. I agreed and went to put on one of my old sundresses that I knew he loved so much. As I slid it over my head, I felt him watching me and smiled, hoping that he was still up for some physical treatment.

A little while later, after I had curled my hair, and he had cleaned out the shower, we set off. It was another gorgeous day, and walking along the road on the side of a cliff, I looked down to see an entire forest brilliantly shining with many different autumn colors. Though nature was beginning to show her seasonal beauty, I looked to my other side and was just as, if not more, stunned. The afternoon sun gleamed off of his blonde hair, and his slightly tanned arms looked quite muscular in his T-shirt. He caught me staring, and gave me a playful shove, and an all-knowing look. I smiled back and knocked my body into his which caused us both to laugh.

When we reached the town, our first stop was to obtain some water. He got his plain, and I put a slice of lemon in mine, which earned me another eye roll for my tasteful ways. We continued around, and finally came upon a well-known outlet store. Upon entering, the saleslady immediately regaled him with all of the sales going on in the men's department, and I humorously watched as he tried to escape the conversation. He grabbed a few things to appease her, and then made his way back to me. I actually liked a few of the pieces that he had chosen, so he went to go find a dressing room and try them on. A moment or two later, after selecting a few items for myself, I made my way back there as well. I knocked on his door to see how we was coming along, and when he opened it, I couldn't contain myself anymore; he looked so good. I forcefully pushed him back into the room, and didn't give him a chance to breathe as I continued to kiss him. I slowly slid my hands under his shirt and up his chest to feel his stomach, when suddenly, we heard the saleslady approach. I wasn't about to give him up that easily, so I jumped and wrapped my legs tightly around his waist for support. When she knocked and asked how he was doing, I simply moved my lips across his jaw and then down on to his neck so that he could answer her. He cleared his throat, and breathlessly stated that he was fine. She must have caught something in his tone though because she paused for a second, but then continued on her way. It was back to his lips in that same moment, and I moaned his name a few times. Teasingly though, I stopped shortly afterward, and held him back so that he couldn't finish what I had started. Our clothes were rumpled as we exited the room, and I purchased a few of my things before we left the store.

We headed towards a park so that we could rest for a bit, but that was the last thing that I had on my mind. I secretly felt inside my bag for the few belts that I had gotten, and smiled. We reached a secluded picnic table, and sat down on the same side, facing out. We relaxed in silence for a bit, but my hand found its way over to his leg eventually, and it started again. I firmly pushed his back down onto the long wooden seat, and crawled on top of him. As I held him down with my weight, I reached into my bag for 2 belts. With the first one, I managed to pull his hands down under the bench, and securely belt them together. And with the second, I slid down his body, making sure that my hands touched as much of him as possible, and did the same with his legs. He now resembled a hog tied around a stick above a fire, and couldn't move anywhere unless I wanted to rotate him.

We were still in public, however, and I knew that any sounds he made would draw attention to us, so I fished the lemon slice out of the bottom of my water and stuck it in his mouth. He cringed and puckered at the sour taste, but was unable to spit it out. I looked around at what I had bought, and chose my third and final belt to do my bidding. It was very modern looking, seeing as how it was made out of chain links. I removed his shirt, and undid the button on his jeans and slid them down as far as they would go, so only his boxers covered his lower half. His legs were still a light pink shade as I manipulated the belt under his left thigh so that one end was between his legs, and one end was on the outside. His body arched off of the bench as he felt the cool metal, but the belts held him down very nicely. I slowly began to roll it up and down underneath him, and when he started to jerk again, I clasped the two ends together so that the belt was now in a tight circle. As I raised it higher and higher, he began to moan and muffle words that I couldn't interpret. His head lifted up for a few seconds to see what I was doing, but he couldn't hold it up for long. I kept the rolling up for another minute, then moved it out from under his leg. I took one end and whipped it against his hip bone, which made him cry out in pain. I whooshed it down on to his skin in a variety of different places: his upper arm, his stomach, his sides, and I even managed to roll him over enough to strike at his bottom. Though it wasn't hard enough to cause true pain, it did leave marks wherever it struck, and his eyes started to water as well. I decided that enough was enough, so I put the belt away, and got some ice out of my drink to cool him down.

I took a piece and began to drag it all over his body, starting at his legs and working up. I lingered on the red marks, and he whimpered when it was left there for too long. I went three pieces of melted ice before his body was sufficiently covered in water, then I slid his jeans back up and unbelted his arms and legs. He took the lemon and out of his mouth, and gagged for a second or two before he recovered. He held his head in his hands, and I went to kiss the back of his neck. He looked up at me, and I thought he would storm away at first. But then, much to my delight, he grabbed my head and forcefully pushed me down to kiss me. We happily encompassed each other's mouths for a while, and at the very end, I thought to myself that this was indeed going to be a very pleasant end to our stay together.


Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:28 am


As he was changing, I collected the s'mores ingredients and a tablecloth to take down to the lake with us. I hoped the sticks would be dry enough to carry a decent fire as well.

I sat down on the couch, and waited anxiously for him to walk through the bedroom door. Finally, after what felt like ages, he was ready. The door creaked open, and he stepped out. I didn't know whether to laugh, smile or just stare, so I emoted a combination of all three. The top was slightly loose on his frame, but most of my time wasn't spent on that half of his body anyway. My string bikini bottom allowed very little coverage for me, and his manhood only accentuated the problem for him. I teased that he should be a bathing suit model more often, and his face blushed into a lovely pink color. I gathered everything up into one arm, and then stood up to join him. On our way out the door, I made sure to grab him from behind because I couldn't resist milking the outfit for all that it was worth.

We strolled down to the lake in a leisurely fashion, and once we got there, he almost didn't seem to mind that he was wearing the bikini at all. He immediately ran for the diving board and did a flip into the water. When he broke the surface, he let out a euphoric yell and shook the hair out of his eyes before settling into a few freestyle laps. I laid everything down on the sand, and went to collect sticks for the fire as I watched him swim. I would've enjoyed seeing his youthful swim meets for he was a truly graceful athlete. His strong shoulders rose above the water, and his legs powered him through at a quick pace. By the time he was done, a nicely sized fire was roaring, and a few marshmallows were just beginning to toast. He did his best to shake his wet hair all over me, which caused me to cry out, but he seemed satisfied at causing me at least a little discomfort. So in retaliation, as he stepped over me in order to grab some food, I latched on to his ankle and pulled him down on to the sand. Before he could get up, I threw a load of sand all over his legs so that they were completely covered, and no skin was visible. I decided that he shouldn't be allowed to go wash it off either, so I yanked the tablecloth up and off of the ground, and hog-tied him into immobility.

He quickly learned that writhing around in an attempt to free himself would only cause more sand to stick to him, so he sat up on his knees and stayed in that position for a few moments. He muttered that he'd had enough of this to last him a long time, but before he could fully finish his thought, I stuffed a few marshmallows into his mouth and made him mute. He now had a large set of chipmunk cheeks, and I patted both of them to emphasize it.

Since we hadn't actually had much of a dinner earlier, our stomachs growled once again. I created a s'more for myself, and then ate it all right in front of him. He glared at me, and then turned his head away so he didn't have to watch. I noticed that the chocolate was beginning to melt, and I created a way to make good use of it before it was just a puddle. I took a bar out of the package, and went to sit on his lap again. I wrapped my legs around his waist so that i could face him as he sat on his knees with his tied limbs behind him. I took the marshmallows out of his mouth. I placed a piece of the chocolate on my tongue, and held it out for him to retrieve. He quickly latched on to my train of thought as he leaned forward to use that skilled tongue he possessed. As he attempted to obtain as much of the chocolate as possible, I stuck my hand down between our two bodies, and below the waistband of the bikini. He loudly moaned as I rubbed up and down, and I took the opportunity to pull away and tell him that I hadn't even gone in the lake yet but I was already wet.

This caused him to moan again, and he squirmed to get his hands loose. I decided that a dip in the lake probably wouldn't be too bad, and it would clear my head for the time being, so I stood up and stripped in front of him. I watched as his eyes widened when I shimmied out of my shorts, and as I took my shirt off nice and slowly, revealing little by little. I went over and turned my back towards him, and asked if he would help take my bra off. His teeth managed to separate the hooks, and when I turned around, the fire is his eyes was burning brighter than ever. With my back still turned towards him, I removed my final piece of lingerie, and threw him a sexy glance over my shoulder before bounding into the water. It was indeed a bit cold, but it felt refreshing too. I floated on my back for a second, and rubbed my hands all the way down my body since I knew he would be watching, and then submerged again.

As I waded back to the beach, he was still staring at me, and I saw that his wrists were red from trying to escape, but I had tied him too well. I wanted a taste of more chocolate, so I snapped off another section, and went back to his lap. It started to melt in my hands, so I layered it all over his chest until he was almost completely brown. I teasingly licked the rest off all of my fingers but one, and I let him suck on that one since he was being such a good captive.

Even though he was covered with sand and chocolate, I couldn't help but want him. So I decided to take our night back to the house where we could more comfortable play around. I extinguished the fire in a hasty manner, and decided that I would come back for my clothes tomorrow. All the while, he watched me, wondering what I would do next, and I smiled, knowing that by the end of the night, his messy skin was going to be the least of his worries.


Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:52 pm


As we traveled back to the house, he winced every few steps. His hands kept going to his sides, and he'd hold them there for a few seconds before dropping them again. Maybe I had gone a little too far this time, and I worried if I should continue this the rest of the trip. I was perfectly content with normal physical contact, but he seemed to bring out a wild side that I'd never felt before. It was very freeing, and it made my previous relationships look tame in comparison.

I went to go comfort him, but as I moved towards him, he jerked away from me. I held up both of my hands in an innocent gesture, but he just glared and sped up his pace. Oh great, I thought, I took a good thing too far and ruined it. We didn't talk the rest of the way back, and when we arrived, he went to go lay out on the sun porch with his back facing me and his head buried in pillows. I stood in the doorway for a second, wondering what I should do. I remembered the clothes left on the beach, and I decided that I might as well recover those and let him be for a while.

The walk to the beach was slightly saddening, and I trudged along with a heavy weight on my mind as I tried to think of how I could remedy my actions. I reached the beach, and saw our footsteps from last night, which left me with mixed feelings yet again. The taste of last night still lingered in my memory, and I felt a pull of desire coming from my navel. I sighed and went to collect my strewn garments from the sand.

As I began to fold them into a neater pile, I felt yet another emotion, but this wasn't any of the ones I had experienced recently. It was ingrained in the very core of our animal selves, a raw sense that we had carried with us throughout the ages. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and prickled; something was watching me. I whipped my head around and quickly scanned the forest. I went through a mental list of all the wild beasts that I knew resided in the mountains. I couldn't think of one that would put me in any great, immediate danger, but the feeling was still there. I couldn't tell where it was coming from until I saw a gray blur in the corner of my eye. I turned in that direction, and inhaled enough to let out a decent scream when I recognized a jack rabbit bounding away in the distance. I ordered my heart to stop pounding. I could feel the pulse in my ears, and I needed to settle out of this fight-or-flight mode. When I was calm enough, I warily turned my back to the trees as I started to fold in a more rapid manner. A few seconds later, the sense heightened to a much larger amount, but I didn't have time to respond. My legs flew out from underneath me as something covered my eyes, but before I hit the ground, I was moving. I kicked and squealed as I tried to view what was carrying me, but my sense of touch figured it out before my eyes got the chance. The things covering my eyes was warm, and it had separate parts at the end.. Fingers?.. A hand?

I barely had time to comprehend this, however, for at the next moment, my body was free, and all I could see was blue. I couldn't catch my breath before I hit the water, and I inhaled sharply as I registered the cold temperature. I broke the surface, coughing and sputtering, and I wiped my eyes in time to see a light, gleaming object retreat back into the trees. Blonde hair. Oh, he was going to get it...

I paddled back to shore, still trying to rid my lungs of the water, and I waded out with my dress clinging to my body as I shivered slightly. I wound my hair into a tight pony tail as I took off down the trail. I had a longer stride than he did, but he had a much greater head start. I saw the house after a short amount of time, and I sprinted for the front door. As I prepared to shove it open, I reached for the handle, and my shoulder collided with the wooden frame causing me to yelp in pain. The momentum of my run carried my body into the ground, and I fell with a thud. I winced again, and slowly stood back up. I tried the handle again only to find that it was locked. Damn him, I scowled. He thought he was being funny.

I ground my teeth together as I went to find another point of entry. I had been worrying myself for the past hour for nothing. He hadn't really been upset with me at all. I tried the sun porch door, and it too was locked shut. I stood there with my hands on my hips. All of the windows had curtains thrown over them, so I couldn't see inside, but I knew that he was most likely watching my frustration and laughing in the process. I circled the house to no avail, even yanking at a few windows, but nothing gave in. I went back to the front, only to find the door ajar. I verbally growled. Oh, now he reallyy thought he was being funny. Well, I'd show him. I threw the door wide open, and entered the house. No lights were on, and the curtains only added to the darkness. I flipped switches as I strolled through, every sense alert for another surprise attack. I felt childishly stupid as I reverted to Hollywood-James-Bond type scenes of jumping around corners in case he was right there, but I always came up empty. I searched every room twice before I ended back at the front. I frowned, and wondered what he could be thinking. There weren't many places to hide in such a small dwelling, and in any case, I had looked through all of them.

I knew he wouldn't be stupid enough to leave his phone on in such a hunt, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. Much to my surprise, it did ring, and the sound was coming from the bedroom. I immediately grew suspicious. He had been so thorough, and failing on such a small mistake as this would be laughable. I tiptoed toward the door and peeked inside. It was still the same way it had been the last two rounds. I looked back over my shoulder before quickly stepping into the room and closing the door behind me. This left only the bedroom and the bathroom as possibilities. I thought it over for a minute, and then decided to take my secret agent skills to the next level: I'd move forward slowly, keeping my back to a wall at all times so that he couldn't jump me again. I stealthily checked every corner of the room, and finally scowered the bathroom as well. I was very puzzled when my job was complete and he still wasn't visible at all. I tried his phone again, and I leaped up as the loud sound came from right behind me. I rumpled my eyebrows, and opened the top dresser drawer. There was his phone, ringing, and showing my name as the caller. I picked it up, and ended the call. But as I did so, I came upon a text message screen. Something had been typed, but not sent.
I read the words: "Hello, let's play a game...", and in the next second, everything went black.


Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:16 pm


In order for us to make a speedy getaway back to the house, I had to untie his feet so that he could run with me, but I kept his arms wrapped in the tablecloth, and one of my arms locked through them so that he couldn't escape. Seeing him out in the wild wearing a bikini bottom gave me a Tarzan-like idea, and as we passed the pine trees, I ripped two limbs of needles off for later use.

Nearing the house, I jumped on his back and forced him down to the ground. I quickly untied the top half of the suit, and rewound it around his head so that the two patches covered his eyes, rendering him blind. Sitting on his legs so that he couldn't fight me, I took the branches that I had snagged earlier and slowly slid them underneath the bottoms. He yelped as they scratched the top of his cock, and as I rubbed them up and down, he began to moan. I stuffed them all the way down into the suit and left them there as we got up off of the ground. He grimaced and jerked around for every time that his legs moved, the branches moved with them, and he complained that his balls were getting sore. I told him to stop being so whiny about it, and at least he'd smell nice for the duration of the night now.

We entered into the kitchen, and on the way back to the bedroom, I grabbed some potato bag clips from a drawer. I clamped them shut in a menacing way right next to his ear, and he jumped, not knowing what I held or how I would use it. Going through the bedroom door, I reached down into my suitcase to grab some more scarves, and roughly shoved him down on to the bed before I clambered on top of him. I maneuvered his hands out of the tablecloth only to place them on two separate bed posts and tie them up again. I accomplished the same task with his feet, and he was now lying in the very vulnerable spread-eagle position.

I told him that he was going to have to give me a wild ape man roar whenever I caused him pain, and if he didn't, his torture would only get worse. He groaned in response to that, so I set up my first punishment. I took the clips and placed them on both of his nipples. He let out out a yell of pain, but that wasn't good enough for me, so I pinched his inner thighs with my fingers and told him to remember the rule. He released a half-hearted roar mixed with pain, but that wasn't quite there. So I reached up with one of my hands and crushed the needles into his balls with my hands. He finally let out a worthy yell, which made me laugh. His face turned bright red, and he started whimpering again. I took a look at his outfit and decided that it needed to involve a bit more nature. I removed the clamps from his chest and placed them on his sensitive upper arm skin. He gasped to that, which soon tired me, so off came the bikini bottom and it went into his mouth. He was now blind, mute and completely naked, and we weren't even close to being done yet.

However, in order to accomplish the nature look, he needed to be pleasured. I tried to think of another way around it, but gave up and let him have a break. My mouth went down on to his cock, and I began to give sharp, powerful sucks. He cussed and yanked against his restraints, but he couldn't get loose. My tongue started to swirl, just like it had with the popsicle, and his breathing became faster and faster. I reached up to squeeze his balls a few times with one hand, and began to rub with another. I continued this sucking, swirling, and squeezing pattern until I felt him near the edge. I removed my mouth at that point, and strongly gripped his cock with both hands as I pulled him the rest of the way through. I caught his cum in my hands, and I then rubbed it all through his hair, making it nice and sticky. I sprinkled the pine needles throughout his hair afterward, and massaged them in until they stuck. I stopped and smiled at my wild man. He could have been running through the trees and skating down branches all day, and no one would have known differently.

He whimpered yet again as his stomach growled, and I decided to give him another "meal". I took the bikini bottoms out of his mouth and threw them into the corner of the room, and placed my hands over his mouth. I made him suck until they were completely clean, and after that, I sat my naked self right down on to his face. I took the clamps from his arms and told him to start licking, otherwise his balls would be in for it. He began to eat, and I threw my head back in pleasure. He sure had a way with his tongue. I had to concentrate after that, and I commanded him to go certain ways. Faster or slower, left or right, in a circle.. If he ever faltered, I reached down and placed a clamp on the side of his testicles, which caused him to arch his body out of pain. I kept this up for a few minutes until it was time for another break. As I got off of him, he moaned loudly, and his face was flushed. I chuckled as I went to find the candles that he had lit earlier. I discovered that they had all but melted into puddles of wax, and smiled as I knew that his face, as well as the rest of his body, was about to get a lot hotter.



Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:23 am


It was dark. Very dark.

I opened my eyes only to find that I still saw black. I tried to blink them a few times to determine if it could be fixed, but my eyelashes brushed a soft barrier. I attempted to touch it to figure out what it could be, but my hands were held captive above my head. I felt a rough rope dig into my wrists as I twisted them around, and I sighed. After the last 24 hours, it wasn't like I didn't deserve this. At almost the same time that I began to wonder where he was located, I heard a clang coming from the kitchen. it abruptly stopped, and then I heard fast-paced footsteps walking towards me. I kept my body completely still, trying to mask the fact that I was awake. I felt his presence right inside the doorway, but he didn't come closer. He stayed there for a few seconds, and then closed the door as he left. Hah, I thought. Amateur. I didn't know why he was confident enough in his tie-up methods to leave me unseen. Especially due to the fact that I had already thought of an escape.

My legs were tied to separate corners as well, but there was enough of the material to let me bend them back and forth a bit. I recalled that the bed posts weren't connected, so I should be able to slide my hands up and over the post if I put in enough effort. I bent my legs to give myself some leverage, and then pushed back closer to my hands while lifting them up at the same time. I didn't get it the first try, but I knew the post was short enough to accomplish my task. I kept my ears alert to the sound of another approach, and after a minute or two more, my hands came free. I lifted the blinder off of my eyes, and recognized one of the scarves that I had used earlier. I gazed around the room and saw a few new candles and matches on the bedside table. I rolled my eyes at his inability to be original. I had already done the hot wax torture last night.

The rope was tied around my wrists rather tightly, and after struggling to pull my hands out of the loops, a red indentation could easily be seen. I reached down to undo my legs, but then I heard another clamor. I froze. If he was coming back, I had only seconds before I was spotted. But I was so close to freedom, and I wouldn't get up that easily. I pulled and ripped at the scarves around my ankles, and as I began to loosen one, I realized that he should have entered the room by now. With the hope that he was still occupied, I quickly and silently freed both of my legs. I proudly stood up on the side of the bed, and reveled in the fact that no one could take me prisoner. But now what to do with him, I pondered. He'd have to be punished for his game.

I found my discarded bra in the corner of the room, and put that on, but left the rest of my clothes off. I went to go hide in the closet and wait for him. Not much time had passed before I heard him approach, and I smiled to myself as I thought of what he would find. The door opened, and I heard him take one step before stopping. I fought the urge to let out a laugh as I heard him curse under his breath. He analyzed the situation before walking towards the now empty bed, and passing my secret location. I burst out, and he barely had time to turn his head before I pounced. Our collision threw us down on to the mattress, and we wrestled for a second before I managed to flip him on to his stomach. I grabbed the rope that still lay there, and tied his hands around the same post that I had just vacated. When that was done, his legs also went to the same previous positions as mine. With his face in a pillow, I couldn't comprehend his mutterings, but I knew that they weren't positive.

I slid up his body and put my lips against his ear. "You've been bad tonight, haven't you?" I whispered. I reached down and smacked his ass to make sure he was listening. He yelped, and then moaned. "Do you know what happens to those who try and have their way with me?" I smacked down twice now, making each one sharp and fast. "They get punished." With a few more whips of my hand, and one very rough grab, his ass now shown a very bright red color. He kept moaning as I smothered his face in the pillow to make him stop. I held it there for a few seconds before letting him up for air. He gasped, but kept silent, so I got off of him for the moment.

I went to retrieve one of the candles that he had brought in earlier. I found a very long and slender one before returning. I grabbed his hair and forced him to face me. "What were you planning to do with this, exactly?" I asked. I put the candle in his line of sight, but he wouldn't answer me. Well, I thought placing myself between his legs, if he won't communicate, then I'll force him to talk.. Or scream. I smirked at that idea.

I gently slide the candle up between his ass cheeks. Since we had discussed this idea at an earlier time, he knew what was coming. He began to repeatedly yell "no", and twisted his body around to try to get away, but it was useless. I had him right where I wanted him. I mentioned the fact that if he lay still, it wouldn't be quite as bad, but he didn't seem to hear me. So I took the candle and placed it right up against his anus before slowly starting to push it in further. He cursed at a much more violent level, but did eventually learn that twisting around wasn't accomplishing anything, so he stopped. I went in and out at that level a few times before lengthening the amount inside of him. He began to whimper and cry out. He screamed at me to stop, but I wasn't done quite yet. The muscles throughout his body clenched every time I went deeper.

Before the finale, I removed the candle, and heard many sighs of relief. But I just smiled, and smacked his ass again to make the redness reappear. And then, all at once, I pushed more than halfway up the candle, and he screamed and cursed loud enough for me to feel the vibrations in his body. But I decided that his lower half had had enough for a while, so I removed the candle, and let his body relax into the bed. I moved back to his face, and saw that a few tears had left his eyes. He gave me a glare and then wiped them into the pillow. "Aw, baby" I cooed at him. I kissed the tip of his nose, and then left him lying there while I went to figure out my next move.


Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:39 pm


I grasped the two candles and took them back to the bedroom. His eyes were still covered, so he didn't know what I held, but he'd certainly feel it soon. I gazed at his body and tried to determine the best spots to wax him. His legs were covered with sand, so while I could still put some there, it wouldn't have the desired effect; and his smooth, sexy chest was smeared in chocolate, so that was a no-go as well. That pretty much left me with two locations.

I went to sit on the bed beside him, and started to brush his thighs. He sighed, already bracing himself for whatever I had planned next. I took one of the glass jar candles and poured a small amount on his upper inner legs. He gasped at the hot temperature, and he began to twitch as I poured more of it on him. I began to massage it down his body, and it quickly became sticky and hard. It crusted quite oddly with the sand, and I laughed at his current physical state. He scowled at that, but didn't say anything. I decided that it was time to start the hair removal.

I saved his most sensitive area for last, and I instead started on his beard. I readied the bed sheet, which I would use to pull on the hair, and started to drizzle the wax over his face. He cringed as it went on to his chin, and when he felt the pressure of the sheet, he realized what was coming next. He started to pull away, but with the wax already cooling, he ended up irritating his skin even more. I smiled, and started to count down from five. He gritted his teeth as I got to two, and I surprised him even more by ripping at one. He cussed quite loudly and began to moan as he felt his newly bare skin burn. I giggled at the mustache that I had left, and traced it with my index finger. He blushed a bit, but it didn't out shine the redness on his chin. I began to place some wax on his upper lip, and he, being wise and aware, tightened the muscles in his face so that the hair would tear out more easily than if he had been loose. After placing the sheet on top, I waited a few moments, keeping him in suspense. Then, without warning, off came the rest of his beard. He cried out and continued to moan. I kissed him on the lips, and though it was a different feeling, it was still just as wonderful. He kept scrunching his face around, trying to take the pain away, and while he was occupied with that part of his body, I reached my hand down and started to twirl the hair above his testicles. He froze as he felt me doing that, and started to scream out that I wouldn't dare mess with that part of his body. I chuckled, and he knew that I would, of course.

He struggled to break free of his restraints, but it didn't do him any good. I reached for the last candle and then settled myself so that I was sitting on his chest, facing his legs. In order for it to be a good waxing, I decided to pour a decently thick layer all over his final set of hair. He whimpered as he felt the heat, and tried to buck me off of him, but I held steady. I firmly pressed the sheet into position, and then grabbed his balls to squeeze them once or twice. He waited with a heavy, panting breath as I gripped the sheet tighter. This time, I counted down from three, and between each second, the room was deathly quiet. Right at zero, I yanked with all of my might. I heard a rip right before he started to scream again. The area quickly shone red, and as I attempted to soothe it with my hands, he begged me to leave it alone. I turned to face him, and his face was distorted in pain. Feeling a bit guilty, I reached up to take the bikini off of his eyes, and kiss him again. His eyes were watery and a little red themselves, and I patted his cheek before standing up and disposing of the candles.

As I turned to face him, I couldn't help but smile. He stared at me very wearily, and I went to stand in front of him at the end of the bed. I smirked....

"Well, well, well...."


Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:22 pm


As I walked into to the kitchen in order to dispose of the candles, I noticed the time: 2:23 AM. In just a few short hours, we'd be going our separate ways. This weekend had brought out the sadistic best in me, and I fervently hoped we would have a chance to meet again so I could further explore this side of myself.

While the night had been wild enough, I felt that I could squeeze in one final torture, but also make it something special to always keep with me. I went back into the bedroom, and found him with his eyes closed as he rejuvenated. I sat down beside him and kissed him awake. He slowly gazed up at me and let out a low moan. I told him that there was something I wanted to show him, so I undid his body from the bedposts, and threw him some sweatpants and a hoodie to wear. He gave me a quizzical look, but slowly began to dress. Even with baggy clothes, he could still pull it off and look great. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the front door, snagging my car keys on the way out. He still looked a bit groggy and confused as I opened up the passenger side door for him, but he'd figure it out eventually.

I began to drive even higher up the mountain, and we rode in silence, both occupied with our own thoughts. I reached a cliff overlook, and parked the car facing away from it. I got out and opened up the trunk, crawling inside and lowering the middle seats to reach him in the front. He turned his head as I began to pull him back with me. I pushed one of the side doors open, and placed the upper half of his body leaning out of the car so that he was going headfirst, and I sat on his legs. I tickled both of his sides, and he started to hysterically laugh and ask me to stop. Every time that he tried to lift himself up, I'd simply push him back down. I kept on going until he was nearly gasping for breath, and then let him have a break. His face was bright red as he adjusted to the irregular blood flow, but the tone evened out after a minute.

But I wasn't quite done yet. Next, I grabbed both of his knees and started to tickle them. He struggled to release my grip, but he couldn't muster up enough strength while he was laughing. His feet were after that, and he went crazy as I touched the bottoms. He began to kick and squirm, and he knocked his head into the side of the car from moving around so much. I laughed and slid up to kiss him. He smiled brightly at me, and then attempted to get the upper end as he tickled my neck. I shrieked and tried to force my out from under his hands. I wrapped my legs around his waist and managed to roll us so that he was on the bottom. I started on his neck after that, getting a few more side squeezes as well, and pretty soon both of our eyes were swimming from all of the tickle torture. I went all out on him for a couple of minutes, grabbing every part of his body that I could find until he was begging me to let him go. He panted heavily as I finished, and pulled me down beside him. He looked at me for a second, and brushed the hair out of my face before giving me a kiss.

We snuggled together for a few minutes until what I was waiting for had started. The sky slowly began to lighten from black to gray, and finally to a dull orange. We sat up and wrapped our arms around each other as the sun rose above the horizon. The trees below us began to glisten when the light hit the dewy leaves, and the autumn colors mixed perfectly with the now pink sky. It was a beautiful landscape, and I was captivated by it. But then I felt him looking at me, and turned to see something that I loved even more. The sun gleamed off of his blonde hair, and his eye color looked vivid. I grabbed his hair and pulled him down for a kiss, and we didn't stop until the sun had fully entered our line of view. We gazed out at it, and I had never felt more content than I was at that very moment. No matter if we continued on with our lives together or apart, we would always have this weekend, and this moment, to carry with us throughout the years. We would look back on the past with fondness. We would take on the present with full spirit. And we would look forward to every sunrise of our future, and all of the new beginnings that it would bring with it.

The End.

I hope that everyone enjoyed this story, and I'll start another one shortly. Thanks for reading!

Saphira's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Adults" section