Headmistress : Danielle and me again (F/F)

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Headmistress : Danielle and me again (F/F)

Post by Barefoot99 »

As most of you know I have been getting tied up by my stepmother for a long time now and I have many more stories to share about her. However, today I have a recent one which I will share with you now.

Danielle had called me last week and asked me to come to lunch with her at our old house. My father was away on a trip with a male friend of his and I think Danielle must have been feeling lonely because she called me and asked me to come over for lunch. I said yes immediately as we had always stayed close even after I had moved out and I have always enjoyed talking to her - we have met up a lot of times, so this was nothing unusual. She and I actually have a great deal in common as well as the tie-up games and we could always talk for hours once we got going. It was a lovely but cold and foggy morning when I went to visit her. I was wearing a light blue faux leather jacket, a tight white T-shirt and dark blue jeans over high-heeled brown leather boots. When she opened the door, I was very pleased to see her because I hadn't seen her for roughly six months. She still looked as beautiful as ever to me. I had always considered her attractive and still do.

She still had her light-coloured hair, but she had let it grow a few inches, so it was down to mid-back length and not shoulder length and she had changed the colour to a kind of very pale champagne brown, so it looked like fresh-poured champagne. However, while it was a drastic change, I really liked the new hair colour. She was wearing jeans like mine, but with flat-heeled ankle-length black boots under them and a misty blue knit jumper, which was only a few shades darker than my jacket. The first thing she did was hug me and I smelled her familiar perfume. Like me, she had put on makeup, but I only had plum lipstick and some foundation on while she had put on lighter pink lip gloss and very dark mascara.

I have to admit it was really nice being back at home and when I went in, she had already laid out my favourite lunch - sandwiches. "You remembered my favourites." "Of course I did - you used to eat them all the time," she said with a smile. We sat there in the kitchen for a while, eating the sandwiches and chatting. I told her all about Sondra and how we constantly play tie-up games. Danielle was really interested as she hadn't heard of Sondra before and asked me quite a few questions about her and how we had both gotten into it. After I had told her about Sondra, Danielle commented that she sounded a lot like my old school friend, Serena. I agreed that this was true. Danielle said, "You always had a knack for getting your little friends into tie-up games, sweetie. You got tied up quite a few times with Serena, didn't you?" I nodded. "And you were always good at getting me to tie you up as well." "Yep. In fact, I kept a journal of them." Danielle looked surprised. "You did? What did you write?"

Danielle had always known that I enjoyed writing and am still a fan of it, but I had never told her that I had written about her. I could tell she was really curious now, so I said, "Yes, I wrote about you a lot." "What did you say?" "I wrote about the things that sparked them off and the things we used to say to each other and all the details, so I wouldn't forget them." "Do you miss them?" Her question caught me by surprise and I said, "Well, yes, actually. I still have that journal and I sometimes read it again." Danielle smiled, which was the same smile that she had always used to do - teasing and sadistic at the same time. "I bet I could tie you up right now. Sorry, sweetie, but you were always a little thing and you're still skinny. Bet I wouldn't have any trouble tying you up and gagging you...if I really wanted to."

"Are you kidding. I've grown tall and I could escape quite easily after all my past experience," I bragged. "I bet you that you can't. In fact, I bet you $50." I paused to consider. The truth was that I considered myself experienced and thought I could escape, but I also remembered that her ties had always been inescapable. However, I can never resist a challenge, so I said, "Alright, you're on. Let's do it!"

I was considering the bet at this time and I said, "You know what, Danielle. Why don't we make it a bit harder and make this whole thing a challenge to see who gets tied up today." "What do you mean?" "Well, Sondra and I have tie-up challenges all the time. This is what I propose. We tie each other up three times each - three for me and three for you and the person who escapes the most times within the time limit gets to be the tier today. Eventually, if the loser can escape from the winner's tie, then they get the 50 dollars. Does that sound fair?" "Yes, it sounds fair, but I'm going to win, anyway." I smiled, "Not so fast - the rules here are that we're only allowed to use three pieces of rope in total and we have to tie each other a different way each time - plus we cannot copy a tie that the other person has already used." Danielle paused and said, "That does make it interesting, sweetie. All right, let's do it, but you're really going to get it when I win." "We'll see."

Both of us obviously wanted to go first with the tying to take advantage of the "no copying rule," so I suggested that we play a game to decide who got to be the first tier. Danielle said she had the game Clue, so I said we could play that. We set up the board and pieces and started playing. Danielle and I had played this game before and she had always been bad at it as she usually gave away whichever cards she was holding by her movements in the game, so it was only about twenty minutes before I came up with the solution and won the game.

Danielle said, "I guess you get to go first." "Yeah." I packed away the game and then said, "Where's the rope?" "In the garage." I headed there and found three good pieces of rope - soft, white rope that were about 20 to 30 feet in length each and not too thin or too thick for binding. We agreed that our time limit for each tie would be about 25 minutes each to be fair. I was trying to think of three individual ties that would be somewhat original without using the same method again. I decided to go with a hands in front method that I had seen before in a video. I tied Danielle's ankles together first in front of her and then told her to sit on the floor, then tied her hands crossed together in front of her. Danielle looked quite surprised when I did this and she said, "Hands in front is a bit amateurish, don't you think?" "Wait for me to finish." When I had tied her hands together, I had left a long piece about ten feet long hanging off her wrists. I then took the third piece of rope and tied her arms together to her sides above and below her breasts and cinched those bindings. Then I took the long end on her wrists and bought them down to her ankles and tied them off there, so she was in a sort of front hogtie with her wrists and ankles tied together. However, I then rolled her over onto her side and took the dangling ends from her ankles and tied it off tightly to the back of her breast harness at her back, so the knot was now located behind her and she couldn't untie it. I watched Danielle struggle and roll around on the carpet for a couple of minutes, but she was now tied into a ball and couldn't untie her wrists or ankles. She struggled and swore a couple of times after no success. "Told you that I was good." "You just wait, sweetie. You just wait."

I eventually untied her after her time was up and she said, "You're for it now." I sat down on the floor cross-legged as she told me to do and waited. She took the first piece of rope and draped it around my neck, so the two ends dangled down in front of me. She then told me to hold my arms out from my sides, so I did and she wound one of the dangling ends around my arm in loops all the way down to my wrist and then did the same with the other arm. She then crossed my wrists behind my back and I was kicking myself because I knew that this was a Chinese tie-up method - Sondra had used it on me more than once and I had never been able to escape. I had also planned to use this tie next, but I couldn't now. After crossing my wrists together she crossed the two dangling ends over both wrists several times to bind them together and then tied them off with two tight knots before pushing my arms up high into my back, so my arms were crossed at about mid back height and tied the dangling ends off to the rope at the top of the back of my neck before bringing it under my arms and the back up again, so my arms were tied together and resting on this loop of rope. She tied it off again at the top of my neck and then tied my feet together into their crossed-leg position. The third rope ended up being a crotch rope, which was tied off at the waist, looped through my legs, then tied off at the back and bought back through my legs to the front, but it was then tied to my ankles, so I couldn't stand up.

I was expecting to struggle, but to my surprise, Danielle left the room and came back with a roll of black tape and something I didn't like the look of - a pair of her underwear. "What's that?" "Gorilla tape. I don't want to listen to you complaining for the next 25 minutes. Suddenly, it struck me. You were planning to ask me for this all along, weren't you?" "Actually, sweetie, I have one or two friends that I play tie-ups with from time to time. Not as many as you, of course, but one or two indulge me from time to time." Now I was interested. "Who?" The only people I could think of were Danielle's sisters, but Danielle had told me ages ago that Alex was the only one of her sisters who was still interested in that kind of stuff and the others had grown out of it ages ago. "Just friends, sweetie." "Is it Alex?" "No, actually it's not." I was now running through all of Danielle's friends in my mind and trying to think of possibilities, which was hard as she had a lot of friends. "Open up." "No, I want to talk ab..." I was cut off because she crammed her panties into my mouth at that instant and then held my mouth shut while she sealed my lips with a piece of gorilla tape and then smoothed it over before adding a few more pieces. I instantly tried to open my mouth, but the tape held my lips closed and I was surprised at how strong it was.

Danielle laughed and then walked out of the room. For the next 25 minutes I grunted and struggled, but the gag didn't come off. I made no progress and was exhausted by the time she came back to untie me and after she had untied me, she ungagged me. "It's 1 to 1 now." "We still have two more turns each, sweetie."

decided to get Danielle good this time and got her to bend her legs so that she was kneeling and her feet touched her thighs. I used the first two pieces of rope to tie both of her legs into that position, so she was in a frog tie from the waist down and then asked her to put her hands together behind her back palm to palm. When she did, I tied her wrists together with the rope and then looped them around her wrists before cinching and tying them off at the top, I then continued looping and cinching her arms together all the way up to her elbows, so the rope formed a kind of laddered pattern all the way from her wrists to the top of her arms and tied the final knot just above her elbows. As revenge for her gagging me without my permission, I took off my boots to reveal the white socks I had been wearing. She made a disgusted face, but I shoved the socks into her mouth, anyway and used the gorilla tape to seal them in. I decided to eat something while she had her turn, but after about fifteen minutes had passed, I was shocked to see Danielle walk into the kitchen. "How did you..." "I was able to untie my feet as you left the knots close to my fingers and cut the wrist ropes off with scissors after walking into the other room. I felt like kicking myself as I had tied her leg ropes off at her thighs, so she would have been able to touch them without too much of a problem. Now I had to go and get another piece of rope to replace the cut one. I went off for it while Danielle waited for me.

As you have all probably guessed, there was plenty of rope in the house, so finding a piece to replace the one that Danielle had cut was no bother. I easily found one the same size and length and bought it back.

Danielle said to me, "Good, now you have to lie on the floor. I did as she instructed, which was to lie on the floor facedown and cross my wrists behind my back. She tied those together into that position with the first piece of rope by looping and cinching them together tightly and then tied my ankles together into a crossed position with the second piece by looping the rope and cinching it between my ankles before tying it off. She then took the last piece of rope and made a slipknot around my chest at my back - it went around my upper arms and under my breasts. After tightening it, she ran it down to my ankles, went in between them and back up to the slip knot where she tied it off. I barely had any time to say anything before she shoved the wet socks back into my mouth and taped them back in. The socks were getting quite wet now and tasted gross, but I couldn't very well spit them out. She went off while I struggled.

I think Danielle must have been getting overconfident because she hadn't knotted the slip knot or cinched it - just looped it around me, so by wriggling around a bit and bringing my legs back as far as they would go, I was able to ease my arms out from under it. With them not pinned down to my sides, I was able to reach backwards and untie the knots around my ankles by reaching under the loop where the slipknot had gone around my ankles. When they were free, I shrugged off the slipknot and then bought my wrists under my bottom, around my ankles and to the front where I peeled off the gag and used my teeth to untie the knots. When I walked into the lounge where Danielle was waiting, she looked shocked. "It's 1-1, now Danielle. You should be getting worried.

"We still have one more turn." I was determined to get her this time, so I spent a few minutes pondering about what tie I should do next. Finally, I thought I had a good one. I went to the kitchen and bought back a wooden chair. "Sit down in this, will you?" She sat down and I carefully took her arms and set them behind the chair, so they both hung straight down behind her, but were not positioned together. The back of the chair was made of horizontal wooden slats set into a square frame. I took the first piece of rope and looped it around her left wrist and around one of the slats on the chair before cinching the rope between her wrist and the slat of the chair. From there, I carefully wound it above and below where the slat met the frame of the chair, so she couldn't move her wrist up or down before tying it off with a double knot. I then bought the rope across to where her right wrist was and did the same thing to it, so Danielle's wrists were now tied behind her separately to either side of the slat and each wrist was tied individually to the frame, so she couldn't bring her hands together. After tying her right wrist to the right side of the chair, I bought the rope up to the very top slat of the chair and tied it around there before using several knots to secure it. Danielle had no way of reaching the top slat as her wrists were now tied to the bottom slat. I noticed her looking a bit worried and squirming a bit.

I took her ankles next and used the second rope to tie them in basically the same way as her wrists, but her ankles were tied to the left and tight legs of the chair with a line of rope running between them. After tying off the rope at her right ankle and around her boot, she said, "I don't think I can escape this" with a nervous laugh. "That's the idea." I took the third rope and used it to secure her chest to the chair above and below her breasts and tied it off at the back of the chair.

Finally, I decided to gag her with a pair of her dirty panties pinched from the washing basket and the gorilla tape. I went into the lounge to wait. Every now and then, I heard the chair legs thumping gently against the floor, so I guessed she was trying to move it around. After 25 minutes, I returned to find an exhausted Danielle still in the chair where I had left her. I untied her and took the gag off. "You're really going to get it now." "Can't wait."

I was nervous as I knew for now we were tied, but I had a feeling I was going to get it. Danielle took a few minutes to think and I wondered what I was going to get. Finally, she said to me, "Can you put your hands into a reverse prayer position?" I tried, but couldn't quite get them into the right position, so she said she would push them upwards for me. She gently took hold of my wrists and helped me fold them together into an upwards position into a praying position behind my back. After I had assured her that it was comfortable, she took the first piece of rope and tied them together into that position before cinching and knotting it. The dangling end of the rope was wrapped and knotted around my chest, so my arms were now pressed into my back. She used the second piece of rope to bind my ankles together and then the third one was used to tie my thighs to my ankles, so I was stuck in a kneeling position. She must have had second ideas about using the socks again as she took them away and came back with a sponge ball, which is kind of like the kind you use for decorations in your bathroom or for cleaning sponges. "Don't worry. This one is new and I took it out of the package." She stuffed it into my mouth. The ball was large, so it made for a big mouthful. It was then taped in with several pieces of the tape.

After Danielle had made sure that the sponge was all taped in, she left the room. I struggled for quite a few minutes, but it soon become apparent to me that escaping was impossible. With my hands tied up so high, I couldn't undo my legs. I struggled with the wrist rope for quite a bit. Somehow, I managed to get partially loose, but only managed to slip the rope partway off my wrists, so my hands were now pointing downwards rather than upwards. However, I couldn't slip the chest rope off or untie my wrists, so by the time she came back my hands were pretty much still tied to my back. She released me and I said, "What now?" We were now at 1-1 and had no winner yet.

Danielle said, "We'll go again, but this time we'll make it a little bit harder. This time, we'll only use two pieces of rope each and the time limit will be 2o minutes. Best out of three?" I nodded. I went off to replace the three ropes we had used. I put them away and bought back two pieces that were a few feet longer than the three pieces that we had originally used. "I got longer ropes to make sure that it wasn't too easy to escape." I set down the pieces of rope and Danielle said, "I propose that we also add a blindfold." "All right." I went to Danielle's bedroom and chose a black scarf that was made out of a light wool.

When I returned, Danielle had already unwound the ropes and nodded her approval at my choice of scarf. We discussed it and decided she would go first this time as I had gone first last time. Danielle told me to sit down and paused while she thought. I was also doing my own thinking because we had both agreed to original ties, so I was trying to think of a few. Finally, she said, "I've got it. Follow me." I followed her into her bedroom where she opened her large walk in wardrobe and pushed some clothes aside to clear a space on the floor and she said, "Kneel here." I did and she asked me to reach up and hold onto the metal rod that was used for hanging clothes. I reached up and took hold of it gently in both hands. My lower legs - from knee to ankle were now perfectly flat on the floor with my upper body positioned straight up with my arms above my head. She took the rope and tied my wrists together above my head with the usual cinches and loops before tying them to the rail. I thought it would be quite simple to escape as the knot was right above me. But she wasn't done yet. She took the long trailing end of the rope that was left and bought it downwards in a diagonal behind me. To my shock, she expertly tied my ankles together with what was left of the rope and knotted the rope firmly. This was something else entirely. With my wrists above my head and tied to the rail and my ankles lying on the floor, there was no way I could reach the knot now. She had successfully tied me up with only one piece of rope.

The next thing I knew, she took the black scarf and tied it tightly behind my head. Next, the damp sponge ball went back into my mouth and was taped in, so all I could do was go..mmph..mmph. The next thing I felt was the rope being knotted around my chest. From the sequence it was going around my chest in, I guessed Danielle was doing a breast harness. Finally, I felt her knotting it in the middle of my chest and she said, "There." I heard her leave. Well, I struggled quite a bit, but I had no reach at all with the rope as my wrists were tied right next to the rail and the blindfold was too tight to get off, so I gave up after a few minutes.

Finally, Danielle came back and untied me. "It's 2-1 now, sweetie." "Not for long." I had already decided which tie that I would do and I said, "Get on the bed." "What?" "You didn't think I would go easy on you. Lie down." Danielle did as I said, but the expression on her face said that she had already guessed how I was going to tie her up.

I tied both of her wrists to the left and right posts of her bed in the same way that I had tied her to the chair - by running the rope from one wrist to other. After I had secured both of her wrists, I made sure to tie the rope to the left lower leg of the bed where she couldn't get at it. I then tied both of her feet together and tied that rope off to the lower legs of the bed. I decided to gag her with something else and stuffed a pair of her stockings into her mouth - they were beige and came from her underwear drawer, so I knew they were clean and tied them into place with a pair of black ones. Finally, I knotted the black scarf over her eyes and left her to struggle. I stayed for a few minutes to watch her struggle. Danielle really gave it her all. She threw herself about on the bed for a minute or so, but to no avail. She also tried pulling her feet up, but again that was to no avail. I finally left her to struggle and mmmph while I went to wait. After 20 minutes I went back to find Danielle exactly where I had left her and still nicely trussed up.

I untied her and said, "It's 2 to 2 now."

Danielle had obviously struggled quite a bit as I could see sweat on her skin and face. After she was all untied, she said to me, "I'm going to get you." Then truth was I couldn't wait. I had already made up my mind that I wanted to be tied up today and I planned to deliberately lose the next round and let her win. Hopefully, she wouldn't let me down. Danielle took a few minutes to think and she said, "I've got it." She led me into the lounge room where there was a large cushioned stool there - there were no legs on it - it was basically just a large pink cushion shaped like a cylinder that was about 2 feet tall and sat on four little wheels - we rarely used it and she told me to sit on the floor. I did so and then she asked me to lie my stomach against the cushion.

When I did, I was kneeling and she said. "Spread your legs and wrap them around the cushion in front of you." I repositioned myself and arranged my body, so my stomach was pressing against the cushions and my legs spread apart and wrapped around it in a circular shape. The cushion wasn't too big, so my feet met at the other end, which was quite comfortable. She told me to put my hands behind my back and when I did, she tied them tightly together - not crossed, but parallel to each other with my left hand holding onto my right elbow and vice versa. After she had tied them together, she created a harness around my chest above and below my breasts to keep my hands into place and then used the remaining ends of the rope to tie my chest to the cushion just below the harness. I felt her pulling the loops nice and tight before tying the knots off at the front of the cushion. The second piece of rope naturally tied my feet together, but she used the end of that rope to secure them to the cushion by crossing it over the top and bottom and under the wheels, so I couldn't slip out of it or stand up. She also tied that rope to the one around my chest to ensure I couldn't just shrug it off or slop away from the cushion. I knew she was making a real effort to secure me as she tied everything tightly and firmly. While it was still very comfortable, I could barely move an inch and she knew it. She didn't bother to blindfold me this time and I knew she knew that I wouldn't be able to escape.

When she was happy that I was secure, she decided to make things worse by gagging me with the same stockings that I had used on her for her bed tie. I was certain that she tied the stockings off more tightly than usual to give me no chance of talking. When she left, I started struggling as an experiment to see what play I had in the rope. It was quickly proved useless. The ropes going around the cushion stopped me from moving it or getting away from it and hampered my movements. I had been planning to lose anyway, so I didn't try very hard to get away. When Danielle returned, she looked pleased to see me still tied to the cushion and quickly ungagged me before she freed me.

"3 to two, sweetie." "I know." I had pretty much exhausted all my ideas for ties, but I did have one last one I wanted to do. I led Danielle over to one of the support beams in our house - this was a pole that was a few feet tall and sat in a corner of the house - there was a fair bit of space between the pole and the wall, so it was good for what I wanted to do. I told her to stand with her hands behind the pole and tied her wrists behind the pole before tying her ankles together and then to the pole. However, this time I tied the knot that bound her wrists down low and close to her hands. To ensure that she would be able to loosen them, I did a mediocre job of tightening the knot, so it was a little bit loose. To get revenge on her for using her old stockings on me, I regagged her with the same stockings that she had used on me, so it was the third time they had been used as a gag and tied her scarf back over her eyes. I went in the lounge to wait. It took ten minutes and I was starting to worry that Danielle wouldn't escape, but then she walked into the lounge room with a triumphant look on her face. "You lose, sweetie. Now, you are about to be trussed up really well."
Barefoot and cuffed. That's the only way to go.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Amazing story!
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Post by TomYi »

Such a shame that she never finished. I wonder why she deleted all of her stories?
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Post by mattjensen »

There were more stories from Headmistress about Danielle? Do you have any of them?
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Post by lauragagged »

Great story!
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