THE DOLLMAKER (M/M+) - Halloween Story, COMPLETE

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THE DOLLMAKER (M/M+) - Halloween Story, COMPLETE

Post by DeeperThanRed »

This is my first Halloween story and it may be a bit darker than usual. I will be posting the second part at Halloween if I can so in the meantime, enjoy!



Nicholas had a complicated relationship with Halloween, all things considered. As silly as the celebrations could get, he liked the decorations and cheesy costumes, especially if they come with cute guys in cosplay that barely doesn’t count as indecent exposure. Being a professional photographer, he never regretted doing spooky season shoots. At 26 years old, he felt like he outgrew Halloween but it still was a festive time.

On the other hand, his nephew was born on October 31, meaning Nicholas always had to make time for him over hanging out at theme parties. Which he didn’t have a problem with under normal situations. He loved his sister’s family and was more than willing to spend time with them on holidays. However, Nicholas had a terrible memory with dates and despite all the Grimsville adorned with pumpkins and witch stickers, he realized he didn’t have a present for Johnny two hours before the party.

So that’s why he had to drive all around the town, looking for any gift shop where he could get a suitable present for a teenager too cool to hang out with his uncle anymore. But just his luck, nowhere sold anything but Halloween products, all shops eager to get the monster merchandise out of hand before the Christmas season comes. After getting turned away from the last gift shop with empty hands, Nicholas fell to his car’s driver seat with a sigh.

“You can’t even get a kid a birthday present,” he chuckled at his face’s reflection in the rearview mirror. He had to admit, at least, for all his faults, it was a nice face. There were no blemishes in his clean shaved, sharp features including a strong jaw and high cheekbones, and copper skin. He wore his hair in dreadlocks that barely fell to his forehead and shaved sides. People always told Nicholas his most striking trait was his eyes, which could look a reddish brown or a cold gray depending on the light. “But at least I’m a hot uncle.”

As Nicholas thought about whether he could get away with gifting Johnny another framed photo one more year, something in the mirror caught his eye. It was an old building, looking more antiquated than a lot of the places he saw downtown. The old-school, carnival-like banners and a big wooden signboard announced this place as “The Dollmaker’s Emporium” in a rather flamboyant manner. Despite this, and living in Grimsville for his entire life, Nicholas couldn’t remember going by this place ever.

“This place would fit well into that creepy manor out of town,” he thought but it’s not like he had a lot of options. Johnny was in high school but maybe he could find a toy that grabbed his attention, something that would make a nice paperweight, maybe.

Reinvigorated by his unexpected discovery, Nicholas parked his car near the toy shop, fixed his leather jacket, and entered inside, trying to not make eye contact with all the dolls on the display window which almost appeared to be watching him.

“I watch too many horror movies,” he snorted. Inside the shop was surprisingly modern, almost disorientingly so. There were a lot of old toys, along with the new ones but also a sliding door that lead to the back of the building, a laptop on the counter, and a few security cameras. “No retro cash register with a bell?” Nicholas asked out loud.

There was a bell on the door, however, and before long, someone came from the backroom, wiping his hands on his apron.
The newcomer, no doubt the owner of the shop, was a middle-aged, white guy, in admittedly good form with long, blond hair that was beginning to gray. He wore weird goggles that resembled the ones clockmakers wore and as he got close to the counter, Nicholas was surprised by how tall he was. He was 6’2’’ himself and this guy could stare him down with ease.

“Good evening,” the man spoke with a cracked tenor. He seemed more interested in the crisp October sky that peaked through the windows than his customer but a quick look at Nicholas’s face changed that. “A potential buyer! How exciting! Welcome to the Dollmaker’s Emporium. I’m the titular Dollmaker himself: Dr. Thaddeus Brundle!” The man gestured to the packed interior with a grand gesture and stared at Nicholas, alternating between his face and the tight fit of his white shirt and jeans.

An eccentric guy perving on him was the least of Nicholas’s worries, as long as it got him that gift. Plus, this Brundle guy seemed harmless, on top of being kinda handsome. He was probably some old queen feeling lonely in this secluded shop. Why not play along to get this done quickly?

“Hi, I’m Nicholas,” he put on his best business smile. “I’m looking for a special present for my nephew. He’s a high school senior but is still interested in action figures and collectible models so I was hoping maybe you have something for him.”

Brundle (no, Nicholas wasn’t going to call him “Dr.”) rapped his fingers on the aged mahogany counter. “Your boy is older than my usual clientele but fear not, I have dolls for all ages. Nick… can I call you Nick?”


“Nick, you’d be surprised how many grown-up people visit here every week. This store’s name is not coincidental. If you want a doll, I can make it!”

This didn’t fill Nicholas with confidence but he had to admit that there were a lot of options.

“Maybe one of these would be appealing for a teenage boy?” Brundle pointed towards a shelf at the corner, filled with figurines of busty ladies that made Nicholas why adults visited here regularly.

“Um, that may be a bit too much,” he stammered, “plus, Johnny is not really interested in girls if you catch my drift.”

That piece of information seemed to make the older salesman very interested. “Oh, absolutely! I may be an old-fashioned man but I have no judgments in that regard. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree, I presume?” He asked with a curious glint.

Nicholas coughed at his fist. This was getting a bit annoying but he had to admit, there was something disarming about this man. If only he could keep his focus and help out Nicholas to pick something. He checked his watch and was relieved that he could spend half an hour choosing and still make it to the party.
Thankfully, Nicholas’s face must have shown his impatience because Brundle hurriedly got behind the counter, tapping a few keys on his laptop, and remotely opened the door to the backside of the store.

“Please, Nick, let me show you my private collection. I’m sure we can find something that suits your fancy.”

Nicholas followed him to a room that looked very much like the store but with a lot of machinery scattered around. The workshop was bigger than what he predicted the building’s size to be and he didn’t know what over half of the stuff inside was supposed to be.

The other thing that caught his attention was the doll sitting on a table covered with books and dirty mugs. Rather than a ragdoll or a wooden puppet, it appeared to be something more akin to Ken dolls his sister played with as a kid.

It was shaped like a man dressed in short running shorts, a mesh tank top, and sneakers, all in pastel pinks and blues. With most of the doll being visible, Nicholas could see that impressive detailing on its torso and limbs, muscular like the fitness models he sometimes works with. The joints were barely visible and smooth.

This is no mere Ken doll, Nicholas thought, checking out its also very detailed and pretty handsome face. Rather than having no facial hair, the doll’s blond stubble was carefully painted on and matched with his coiffed undercut. The hair also was glossy and made him want to run his fingers through it.

An odd choice to leave his eyes closed though, he noted. You’d think a runner would have open eyes. Another odd detail was the nipples that poke through the see-through material of the doll’s shirt, something most toys would omit. Shooting a glance at the other dolls in the workshop, Nicholas noticed that each doll was modeled after men and supported an indistinct but obvious bulge at the front of their pants with no small amount of discomfort.

“Did he catch your eye?” Brundle asked suddenly, startling Nicholas. “That’s one of the favorites, Jax the Jogger. He’s one of my latest toys in the ‘Bro-bie’ line. I’m still trying to get it trademarked.”

Nicholas withheld the snide remarks he could make about the terrible name and focused on the other toys. “I’m looking for something less sports-oriented. Johnny isn’t much for outdoor activities.”

Brundle passed by several toys, dressed like a beefy butler, a scruffy businessman, and a pretty young baseball player. Nicholas wondered whether this guy made all these toys by himself.

Also, just how lonely a man could be? It felt like every new toy was dressed skimpier than before and as painful as it was Nicholas had to admit that he was supporting a semi from all the life-like hunks surrounding him. He adjusted himself in his tight jeans, hoping that the old perv didn’t see him.

“How about Sam the Sleuth?” The dollmaker offered. This doll, along with the rest of the ones on the shelf, had props, unlike the others. Nicholas looked at the toy, a ginger man designed to look like a private investigator from the Roaring 20s, albeit with a pastel-colored one. He remembered Johnny liking crime thrillers but there was a problem.

“Why is he bound to a chair like this?” Sam the Sleuth was underdressed like the others with an unbuttoned shirt that showed off his slim yet fit chest and slacks that hung low around his ankles. The unusual thing was how his hands and legs were tied to the miniature chair with an amount of string that seemed overkill to Nicholas. The way the ropes were wrapped around his bare chest would be painful if he was alive, he winced.

This better not give him any flashbacks to his ex, who sometimes tied Nicholas up with fuzzy handcuffs while they had sex and Nicholas could never quite admit that he wouldn’t mind something harder to escape. It didn’t help that Sam had an old phone tied to his crotch, which would supposedly act like a vibrator when it rang.

Brundle caressed the doll’s face with his thumb, which was supporting a scared expression where it wasn’t covered by a tie wrapped around his mouth. “He’s a sleuth captured by criminals, of course! These toys are for boys! Boys crave adventure and thrill! Some pretty boy in trendy clothes isn’t exciting but a hero stuck in a perilous situation? That’s something all young lads can enjoy!”

Nicholas was sure that no sensible parent would get their children anywhere near these fetish-like toys but he didn’t say anything and just let the salesman introduce him to more toys, weirdly enamored by the idea behind the collection. Maybe he could buy a doll that wouldn’t make his sister kill him and get something for himself, too.

“Peter the Poolboy,” Brundle introduced the next doll, a pale brunette twink. His ankles were roped to his tights and his arms were tied behind him, to a diminutive raft made of small pool noodles. Since his legs were forced as far as possible, Nicholas could make the tent in front of his powder blue speedo, which was larger than a boyish doll like this had any right to have.

Pointing to the swimming cap tied between the boy’s pink lips, the toy maker added. “He’s captured by robbers in a pool party.” There was even an inflatable pool under him, filled predictably with clear plastic. The “water” had a straight line running through it, tautly attaching the bottom of it with the strict crotch rope around Peter’s speedo.

The next plastic hunk with a paper-thin excuse for bondage was “Chad the Cook.” He was a swarthy guy with longish hair, a short beard, and a beefy body adorned with dark, painted hair from head to toe. Apparently, he screwed up a meal order or something, which got him hogtied brutally on a small oven tray.

It wasn’t easy to see but behind the pink apron that barely covered his bouncy chest, Nicholas was sure he was going commando. A chick chef’s hat and an apple stuck in his mouth. Not only that, but he also had a thick radish stuffed between his furry ass cheeks! The desperate expression depicted on the face was so authentic that Nicholas could swear he heard a muffled grunt.

“And this handsome here,” Brundle snapped his fingers to get Nicholas’s attention. “is named Gary the Geek. He’s going through some rough hazing right now.” Nicholas looked at the doll, which was an Indian-looking young man with a gym-goer’s body, the only thing indicating his geek status being the thick glasses and the video game-themed socks and crop top he wore, all painted pink and white.

The tape around him was similar to white electrical tape, holding him fast over a locker room bench. The jockstrap he was clad in apparently did nothing to stop his hazers because there were decorated with little, reddish handprints that stood out against his nut-brown ass. Despite Gary’s jaw being covered with rounds and rounds of tape, they were so tight that Nicholas could make out the shape of his lips and beard. The jock he wore also had a similar texture in its pouch as if there was something hard and small around Gary’s dick.

How these toys were real?

“Don the Doctor!” nearly hollered Brundle, proud as a peacock from his creations. “You can’t believe how hard he was to capture.”

Nicholas blinked. “To what?” He asked, woozy from all these alliterations

“It was very hard to capture the face but I’m proud of it,” Brundle dismissed him. Nicholas frowned. There was something wrong going about this place…. And he was getting less and less comfortable with the older man ogling him. He’d better wrap this up fast.

Though he had to give it to Brundle, this toy was smoking hot. Although the position was quite questionable (the toy was strapped to a medical gurney in a straitjacket), the face and body were impeccable, convincing Nicholas that the toy maker commissioned real models as a baseline. Don the Doctor was a silver fox, close to his creator in age than the other toys, with short, gray hair and tights that could be used as a nutcracker.

The Ken daddy doll’s upper torso was stuffed into a fabric straitjacket which barely seemed to contain his brawny body judging by how it left his lower abdomen and the graying treasure trail open despite the crotch straps holding on for their life. Don’s face was nigh invisible due to the leather-like, jaw-hugging muzzle-blindfold combo that must have taken weeks to sew at such a small scale. Nicholas figured that he was going to be needed to silenced pretty well, as the electrodes sticking under his strained tightie whities looked painful.

His gaze was so glued to the toy that he was sure he didn’t imagine it this time. When Brundle turned his back to Nicholas for getting a small crate under a table, Don the Doctor toy moved!

It was a small twitch Nicholas was sure that he saw a twitch in the doll’s crossed arms and a push against the strap that holds his forehead down.

Bile rose from Nicholas’s throat. What the hell? Was there a mechanism that moved these toys or something? Did these ones have batteries inside them or something? No, the jerk he witnessed wasn’t artificial. There was really something dangerous about this toy store and he needed to leave. Now!

Last edited by DeeperThanRed 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by blackbound »

Uh oh, that doesn't sound good for Nicholas. On the other hand, sounds like I'd want to buy him in doll form.

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Post by gag1195 »

Somehow... and I'm just guessing here... but I think Nick is going to miss the birthday party!
What a fun concept for this spooky story! I'm interested to see what sort of Bro-bie Nick gets turned into!
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Post by privateandrews »

what a great start , i am looking forward to reading more.
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Post by Volobond »

Uh oh... Nick might be looking far more closely at the toymaking process than previously anticipated!

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Post by Yaru »

hmmm the perfect start for a story and a perfect cliffhanger, looking forward for see how this end~
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Post by Bradstick »

That was a fantastic start! I really hope you choose to continue this. This story is absolutely incredible already!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Brilliant concept [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention]!

From the jogger and the snooping detective to the Pool Boy, the Geek, and the Good does the the Dollmaker obtain the materials for his creations!!! ;) ;)

Nick will soon find out, firsthand! :o :o

You've already sent chills down my spine with this Halloween tale of tricks and treats!!! :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Thanks for all the comments, people! The final part of the spooky story should be out in a few hours!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by blackbound »

I've been pondering what position Mr. Killmonger will end up in, but all the classics are already taken!

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Post by DeeperThanRed »


Nicholas checked his watch in panic and discovered that it was stuck at 10.00 pm. He opened his phone to find no reaction from the touch screen. There must have been something inside the store that stopped electronic devices!

“Are you in a hurry, Nick?” A voice right behind his ear made Nicholas jump. Brundle was grinning at him like the Cheshire cat. “I was right about the show you the special collection of mine.” Nicholas tried to calm himself down. He was younger and despite the height disadvantage, likely stronger due to all the Crossfit he did. He could take this guy. He just needed a clear line to the exit.

“I was right about to decide,” Nicholas answered as calmly as he could. “I think that doctor one looked nice. Just the unethical asylum vibes you’d like for Halloween, right? Just pack it up for me and I’ll leave.”

Brundle’s smirk widened. “Oh, the good old Dr. Donovan? There must be a misunderstanding, he’s not for sale. I wanted to show him because he’s one of my best pieces but it was hard enough to get rid of him for good. I can’t allow him to escape with the first cutie who asks nicely.”

Nicholas felt his stomach drop. “So… all these toys… are they all real people?”

Brundle clapped. “Bravo, Nick! You hit the nail right on the head!” Of course, some of these are merely made from clones and don’t require any restraints to keep them docile. The rest, however…”

That was enough for Nicholas. While the mad toy maker lost himself in his monologue, he measured the distance between them and stroke - swinging his left hook to his jaw with all the strength he could muster.

Apparently, Brundle wasn’t used to his victims resisting but he was also more agile than his age made him look. He lifted the big box in his hands as a reflex, which absorbed Nicholas’s punch and hit him right in the face.

Brundle fell with a pained grunt and Nicholas rubbed his knuckles. “Damn, that hurt.” He didn’t have any intentions of fooling around but he couldn’t help but notice the figurines that fell from the opened box.

There was only a single toy inside as Brundle’s “private collection”: a youngish Asian man wearing fruity briefs and an intricate set of ropes. What set him apart was how he struggled against his bonds with vigor and pleaded help against the chunky cleave gag inside his mouth in his thin, muffled voices… and Nicholas knew him!

He was Yuki, a model he photographed a few times in the previous year but fell off the grid without any warnings a few weeks ago. Nicholas would never dream of meeting with him here! Even if it wasn’t the time or place, he couldn’t help but think how handsome the guy was in this state, pale body contrasting his restraints, white-dyed hair tousled from the scuffle, and brown eyes pleading.

Nicholas felt like he should at least help this doll- oops, man since they knew each other. He could get help for the others but for now, he needed to get the hell out of there.

Nicholas grabbed the bound, small man as he run for the exit, marveling at how warm and soft he was. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you out,” he panted as Yuki began squirming and moaning louder in his hold. “We’re almost there, just hold on for a bit-”

Something stopped Nicholas in his tracks and all the air left his lungs with a wheeze. As he fell, he tasted ozone and copper on his tongue. Shock traps, he grit his teeth, unable to feel his limbs. This must be why there were so many electronic doorframes! And the guy in his hands was trying to warn him!

Two polished shoes entered his field of vision. “I must say, Nick, you surprised me. Not even my archnemesis gave me so much trouble.”

Screw you, Nicholas tried to say but all he could do was sputter and drool on the floor. Brundle kicked his side lightly. “I knew there was something special about you the second you stepped inside my store. I think you will make a perfect addition to my private collection, along with Yuki you oh so miserably failed to rescue. Don’t worry though, I’ll make sure you never feel like leaving, Nick the Newcomer.”

Cackling to himself, Brundle stuffed Yuki inside his pants face-down and dragged Nicholas back to the workshop. “I had so many men walk into my store and find themselves as perfect toys but I rarely meet with ones like you.”

Nicholas wished the pervert would just shut up and lock him inside a cell or something but he kept going. “You pretty boys should know better than to enter the abode of a mad doctor. I guess they don’t make them hot and smart at the same time. Eh, no skin off my back. That just means more toys for me to play with.”

“You’re sick,” Nicholas mumbled with difficulty. Brundle just shrugged and began to cut the younger man’s clothes over his unresponsive limbs. After lowering the jeans over Nicholas’s sturdy tights with some difficulty, he whistled in appreciation upon seeing the tight-fitting, black bikini briefs the photographer wore.

“How naughty! You were going to visit your nephew with this slutty underwear? Luckily, I’ll give you somewhere more used to showing off your body.” Nicholas helplessly tried to get up as Brundle cut off his briefs, exposing his manscaped loins. “Would you look at that! Admittedly, your cock is nothing special, if a bit above average but you have a terrific ass! You can bounce a penny on these mounds!” He emphasized this with a stinging slap.

Nicholas grunted. He hated being treated like a piece of meat, as much as he took pride in his looks. “You’re never going to get away with this,” he growled, without believing it much. Like it or not, all signs showed that Brundle was going to get away with this.

“Dolls should be seen but not heard,” the mad doctor chastised Nicholas, before stuffing his briefs inside his mouth. Nicholas gagged from the salty taste of his precum, a bitter reminder of how aroused he was during the entire evening. Even now, his dick was getting hard on its own as Brundle put on a spandex H-harness on him in those blasted pinks again.

The devilish contraption was attached to a bright, thick collar around his neck while framing his smooth, defined chest. To add insult to injury, Brundle put more garish Ken clothes on him: white sneakers, white shin socks with pink accents, and a baby blue pair of briefs with pink waistband and straps which supported a circular opening in the back not unlike a jockstrap.

Of course, he didn’t skim inserting a rather large plug between Nicholas’s dark, accentuated ass cheeks with barely any preparation, as well as putting a cock and ball ring on him. As the man put on a few strips of tape in an X shape over his nipples, Nicholas began feeling like a sex toy.

At this point, Nicholas began to gain more control over his facial muscles so to prevent him from spitting the gag, Brundle buckled a glittery ball gag around his mouth. Nicholas was thankful that the ball didn’t seem very big but his joy was short-lived as he discovered the phallic plug inside the gag, pushing his briefs even deeper on his tongue while pressing it down.

“How does it feel, Nick the Newcomer? Are you ready for the conversion?”

“Hhhhmmmmppphh!” Nicholas protested. He couldn’t do that! Someone was going to find out where he was sooner or later! Also, despite the tough front, he put up, he was quite nervous about getting shrunk to 12 inches.

Just as he could lift himself from the ground and stand up, Nicholas was pushed inside a ceiling-long glass tube that shut behind him. “Mmmmhh!” Nicholas began beating the glass with his fists, not caring about being gagged. “Hmmm mmmnnn hhhnngg!”

Brundle merely pressed a few buttons on his keyboard. “Don’t worry, my lad. You won’t feel a thing.”

At least there was some truth in his words. Aside from a bright, green flash, Nicholas couldn’t sense anything. However, he could see that everything around him grew in size rapidly and his pounds on the glass became weaker and weaker.

In mere seconds, Nicholas was reduced to the size of a children’s toy! He cowered in fear when the doll maker opened the case and grabbed him, his hand now as big as the photographer’s entire torso.

“Now, I think it’s about time I put on new Halloween decorations,” Brundle laughed. “Never too late to celebrate the best time of the year.” Nicholas felt like a damsel in distress carried by a giant gorilla as he helplessly beat the huge hand holding him but the mad doctor barely seemed to notice them.

As small as he is and still exhausted from the shock and the shrinking process, Nicholas was helpless as the doll maker put him on his work desk and strapped him to a small set piece, a toy tree now taller than he is.

Brundle wrapped Nicholas’s wrists with thin but sturdy cords that were shaped like wines, before securing them to the plastic branches. He did the same with the young man’s ankles, thankfully protected by the ridiculous socks this time. More cords were “decoratively” wrapped around his waist and tights, forcing him to stay with his legs open, arms spread to both sides and back pressed to the cold plastic.

As flimsy as the material should have been, Nicholas’s struggles proved that the doll maker knew what he was doing. There was no escape. He glared at the giant face of Brundle, snarling at him. “Nnnnggmm mmpphh!” Someone entering the store was bound to notice that something was wrong with him. Even if he couldn’t move a muscle (his limbs felt weirdly stiff and heavy as time went on), he still could express himself with his face.

Brundle rolled his eyes. “Oh, behave. I have plenty of boy toys that could replace him but I want people to see your beauty while passing through the store.” He slapped a few strips of tape (cut to very thin slices) over Nicholas’s jaw to keep the drool from his ballgag leaking. He then carried him to the showcase.

As he was brought there, Nicholas caught sight of Yuki. The poor guy was suspended upside down with a rope from a hook, his body taped to a vibrating wand that seemed to be working on the highest setting. Nicholas tried calling out to him, to reassure him that things were going to be alright but all he could produce were gag moans.

At the display case, a plastic pumpkin head was placed above his head but not before a sleeping mask for dolls was placed over his eyes catching one of his dreadlocks. In the darkness, Nicholas tested his bonds one last time and realized that there was no escape. Even if Brundle didn’t use his machine to give him a doll-like body like most other captives, he was still rendered powerless by some cheap holiday decorations.

“I should take care of some business,” Nicholas. heard the doll maker say. “But I’ll be back before long, Nick. You just stay there and look pretty. I’m sure the sight of a festive, gay pumpkin head will attract a lot of late-night customers, good-looking, naive men just like you.”

A giant finger caressed his chest and Nicholas whimpered as a thick nail grazed both of his nipples. “But you may just be the crown jewel of my collection. All the other mad doctors are going to be jealous of me, even that greenhorn hunchback.” Before he left, Brundle must have done something remotely, as the plug inserted snugly in his ass began to vibrate, making Nicholas wish he didn’t go so long without taking anything inside him.

With shrunk to a fun size, tied spreadeagle to a tree, dressed like a gay go-go boy, gagged with his briefs, plugged, blindfolded, and hooded with a pumpkin, Nicholas couldn’t feel more helpless and exposed.

He blinked away the tears under the sleeping mask and realized that he was never going to give Johnny his birthday present now. He could only hope that his nephew didn’t try and track his uncle down, lest he falls into the same hands as him.

“Good night and Happy Halloween, my handsome doll.”

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Post by gag1195 »

What a fate for poor Nick! I have to appreciate Brundle's creativity with his toy collection! And I loved the reference to a certain monster mashing scientist!

I know it says the end, but I certainly wouldn't mind more! Would love to see how Yuki, the handsome doctor, and the others met their diminutive demise!
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Post by blackbound »

I feel so bad for Nick. Still too much of a softie, I guess. I guess Igor defeating the Dollmaker and freeing the dolls will have to be my headcanon!

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Incredibly devilish tale!

Reminds me of an episode from "Lois and Clark."

For some reason, I'm not too sorry for Nick!

Cocky lads like him deserved to be toyed with!
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Post by Volobond »

A fitting and spooky end for the cocky Nicholas, who will be trapped in the Dollmaker's collection for eternity! Muahahah! *dramatic thunder noises*

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Post by Yaru »

perfect end, i like the creative doll collection, if were me would use less pastel colors for the clothes if were him, but who am i for question the sanity of a mad scientist?

also i noticed that reference to monster mash, rawr.
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