When Markus met Peter (M+/M+)(New Chapter 05/20/24)

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Marcus keeps it safe, sane and consensual whilst having an awful lot of fun with his captive hunk. Eddie found a good guy to have his first bondage experience with even if Marcus was a bit sneaky with the socks!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by gag1195 »

@Guardianbound I love it! I knew that picture of Eddie would excite more than just Markus! You're right though, Markus and Eddie seem to be getting along great, so how do things end up leading towards Peter... Also, you are bang on the money! Orange flavored for an orange ascot cleave gag!

@DeeperThanRed Markus is always a giving partner! And a bit of a chameleon! Gotta adapt to all your partner's needs and desires!

@Volobond It's certainly a different experience to what Liam had for his first time with bondage! And of course, we should all be so lucky to find our own Markus!

@Pup Wingletang Of course! It's Markus, so he knows how to have a safe and consensual and sexy bondage time! But he's still got a playful side right? And the best sock gags are the ones you aren't expecting/anticipating!

Thanks for the comments everyone! I really enjoyed writing this recent chapter, so thanks for voting the way you did! Look for the next chapter, highlighting the rest of Peter's night, sometime towards the end of the week!
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Post by lowlowlow »

Amazing stories
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Post by gag1195 »

@lowlowlow thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying this little universe of stories!

Also, everyone, enjoy this next update! It's a bit shorter than the previous update, because unlike Markus and Eddie, Peter had a much less fun night. I really appreciate the continued support, and especially all these great comments! And look forward to the next update, where our favorite couple might have another chance meeting!

Part 4: Heart of Glass


Disco Night truly was the worst thing to ever happen, Peter decided. He stopped in the middle of the dance floor, awkwardly watching Markus rush towards the exit. He considered going after him, part of the chase, but the jostling of the surrounding dancers shoved him aside, blocking a clear path after his bar crush. His shoulders slumped and he picked his way back to the bar. Liam waited, hopefully watching his best friend.

“No luck?” He asked, thrusting another glass of water into Peter’s hands.

“I hate to admit it”, Peter sighed, taking a long sip, “I think the game is over.”

Liam put his hand on Peter’s shoulder. It was a quiet, sympathetic gesture, which Liam immediately undercut. “When was the last time you struck out this bad?”

Peter shoved his friend away. “Fuck you. I hate Disco Night.”

“And it clearly hates you!” Liam shot back, shimmying to the music. His phone dinged, and Peter saw Liam’s brow furrow. “Hey, Pete. I gotta go.” He held up his screen. “Richard is home, wondering where I am. You going to be okay?”

Peter rolled his eyes, but nodded. “I’ll be fine. I’ll catch an Uber or something.” His frustration at this shitty night was getting the best of him. “Not sure what’s worse, going home to Hunter, or going home to Dickard…”

Liam shook his head. “Drink some more water, asshole. Text me when you get home.” And this his red suit too disappeared into the throng of gyrating dancers. Heart of Glass came on over the club’s speakers and Peter groaned. That song always came on in the gym during his workouts, and it always got stuck in his head.

The Drag Queen had finished her set, did too many bows as she stomped offstage, and the club returned to its normal blaring of songs, the lights dimming even more without the spotlights and the performer’s reflective sequined dress. Peter sat and watched Disco Night continue, his frustration increasing with each syncopated beat. He spotted the blue jumpsuit guy, his competition, rushing past him and out of the club. Wonder if he’s going to see Markus… Peter raised his glass in toast to the winner. Peter was clearly the loser tonight. He held out some small hope that the bearded man would text or call him, but it seemed increasingly unlikely.

Peter finished the last of his water, arranged an uber, said his slurred goodbyes to Kyle, and stumbled his way outside to wait. The cool night air hit Peter like a truck. The club had been so siffling and sweaty, almost humid, that the colder early autumn breeze felt like stepping out into another world.

As buzzed as Peter had been throughout the night, he was quickly sobering up. And not just because of the water and the refreshing air. Markus actively running from him had stung. I’ve never been this unlucky before. I’m a fucking catch! I don’t know what Markus’ problem is.

He tried to hype himself up as he waited for the Uber. He looked around again, taking in the sights of all the attractive men walking into and out of the bar. Peter smiled. He could take any of these guys home right now, if he wanted. His smile faltered. But he didn’t want to. He wanted to take Markus home, and that clearly wasn’t happening tonight. A dingy minivan pulled up and his Uber, a perky blonde soccer mom, ferried him back to his apartment. Couldn’t even get a hot Uber guy to look at.

Half an hour later, after being stuck in the Friday night nightlife traffic, Peter stepped off the elevator on the seventh floor of his building. He carefully picked his way down the hall, fighting against the alcohol and the universe’s attempts to sober him up. Without even thinking about it, he began humming that stupid song. “Once had love…. It was a gaaasss… soon turned out… was a heart of glass… something… hhmm mmm hmmm huuh hahh… a pain in the ass…” He fished his phone out of his pocket and texted a selfie of himself at his door to Liam.

He pulled out his keys, and immediately dropped them. “Shit…” He pounded his fist against the door as he struggled to lower himself down to retrieve his keys. “SHIT!” He repeated as the door swung open. Peter collapsed into the apartment, right at the feet of his roommate, Hunter.

“God, Peter, you good dude?” Hunter bent down to pull up his not-quite-sober roommate. “Looks like you had fun tonight.” He helped Peter over to the couch before collecting the discarded keys and closing the door.

“Hardly.” Peter groaned, laying back on the sofa. He watched Hunter fetch another glass of water. The skinny guy was wearing what he usually wore, a rock t-shirt and cut up jeans. Hunter styled himself as “punk” in his wardrobe, but his black hair was always neat and styled. He certainly wasn’t bad looking, Peter observed. If he wasn’t so clingy, I’d probably be more into him… Maybe he would be good for Liam. Hell, a one legged geriatric cat would be better for Liam than Dicky Ricky…


Hunter returned with two glasses of water. “I’m surprised to see you back here tonight!” Hunter joked as he flopped down on the couch, scooting close to Peter. “Thought you’d be some hottie’s place, some guy lucky enough to to spend the night with you.”

“Heh, not for lack of trying…” Peter groaned and nursed his glass of water. “Almost went home with this guy, some teacher, but he ended up having a massive stick up his ass, so it’s whatever.” Peter lied, to himself and to Hunter, trying to will Markus’ rejection as the bearded man’s fault and not his own.

“Well, fuck that guy. He doesn’t know what he’s missing!” Hunter cheered, patting Peter’s thigh. He kept his hand there, and Peter felt its warmth spreading. His cock twitched. Fuck, he was horny. And frustrated. And just drunk enough not to care about the consequences.

He grabbed Hunter’s hand and pulled his roommate towards his waiting crotch. “What the-” Hunter said before his face mashed into Peter’s zipper. “Come on Pete! You’re drunk!”

But Peter didn’t care. He set his water down and looked at Hunter. “Don’t you want this? Come on, it's just a blowie…”

“Ugh, fine.” Hunter growled, quickly undoing Peter’s pants and pulling them off. He tossed them onto the couch and sat on his knees for a moment, admiring Peter’s tight blue boxer briefs. He slowly pulled the underwear down, trying to savor this rare moment. Soon, Peter’s underwear joined his pants, and his erection was free. Peter sat on their couch, half naked, as Hunter got to work.

“Mmmmmm….” Hunter moaned as he took Peter into his mouth and started sucking.

“Uhhhhhh..” Peter winced. Hunter was cute enough, but he was all teeth with his blowjob. Whatever. It’s all I’m getting tonight… “Watch the teeth…” He winced, and Hunter slowed down, trying to listen to Peter’s complaints.

Peter loosened the orange ascot and struggled out of his shirt, trying not to jostle around too much. As much as he didn’t care about Hunter, right now, all he cared about was getting his so-so blowjob. He now sat fully naked on their couch, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. He felt Hunter’s tongue awkwardly lap at his balls in between sucking on his cock. Peter did his best to imagine Markus instead, sure that the confident, bearded man could perform better than his inexperienced roommate. Peter began pinching his own nipple to build his arousal, groaning again.

Hunter took this as an invitation, and his hands began roaming all over Peter’s exposed skin. Hunter rubbed Peter’s stomach, trying to outline the ab muscles, before dropping down to cup Peter’s balls. Hands moved up and down Peter’s impressive legs, sending shivers all over the blonde. When one of Hunter’s hands moved up to his other nipple, Peter swatted it away.

“Don’t touch. Just suck.” Peter commanded, trying to sink back into his aroused state.

Hunter listened… for a moment. But sure enough, his curious and eager hands returned to their roaming as Peter continued to moan softly. He smacked them away again.

“Dude! Enough!” Peter bellowed. He pushed Hunter away.

“Sorry, you’re just so hot…” Hunter apologized, still kneeling in front of his roommate.

Peter smirked. “Doesn’t matter. I said don’t touch.” He stood up, leering over his roommate whom he outranked in weight and height. “Stay here. If you want this, you won’t move.”

Peter didn’t wait for a response, but heard a small sigh from Hunter as he strode over to his bedroom. Their apartment was decently sized, all things considered. Hunter had claimed the master bedroom, and had turned the walk in closet to his “office”. He worked freelance and hosted a few podcasts, so he had worked to soundproof the small box of a room. Hunter’s room was down the hall at the far end of the apartment. Peter’s room was just off the living room, closer to any noise. Peter was fine with the arrangement, since he spent most nights bed hopping between conquests, or came back so late that boring Hunter was already asleep.

In his bedroom, a nicely decorated space that looked like one of those IKEA displays, was small, but it worked for Peter. He made a beeline for his nightstand, where his important tools were kept. He brushed aside the bottles of lube and condoms, finally finding just the thing to keep handsy Hunter under control. Fuzzy pink handcuffs, a gag gift he’d received years ago. They were always fun to bring out when a guy least expected, adding a kinky element to their evening. Their fuzzy feeling and girly color helped ease those guys into using them, since they weren’t intimidating or “real” like regular handcuffs.

He returned to the living room and found Hunter still kneeling in the same spot. He walked over to his roommate and forcefully wrenched his arms behind his back. There was no way little Hunter could break free of Peter’s grip, the former college jock was just too strong. He clicked the handcuffs around Hunter’s wrists and then playfully shoved his head. Then Peter sat back down on the couch and waited.

Hunter shrugged and leaned back in to continue his blowjob. He doesn’t care. As long as he gets to suck my cock, I think I could do anything to him… Peter kept that thought in the back of his mind, finally starting to enjoy Hunter’s job.

He was more lucid now, and as Hunter performed his somewhat average job, Peter grabbed his phone. I bet I can find this Marcus guy. Peter reasoned, beginning his investigation. The blonde thought for a moment, and realized that he had very little information. Just a first name and a profession. Markus, teacher. It wasn’t much, but it should be enough. He pulled up the school district website and began looking through the directory. Marcus…? Markus…? Fuck how does he spell his name? He scrolled through page after page. There! Markus Kent! He scanned the rest of the directory just to make sure there were no other Markus, Marcus, or Mark on the list, but there was none. He’d struck gold. Finally, something goes right tonight.

He went to Instagram, looking for his bearded crush. It took a bit of searching before he found the right profile, but eventually, he found Markus’ face staring back at him on the phone screen. @Historysbeard, full of pictures of Markus at museums, pictures of his classroom, some projects his students had created, old buildings found throughout the city, sporadic food pictures, and even a few selfies of Markus, apparently documenting his fitness journey. Damn, those arms are looking nice. Peter moaned, again trying to imagine that it was Markus handcuffed and kneeling before him. As he moved closer and closer to climax, Peter couldn’t help himself. He wasn’t proud of it, but he went on a liking binge of all of Markus’ gym selfies, before sheepishly following the bearded, academic hunk. He examined the latest gym selfie closely. His eyes lit up. Is that… Fuck it is! All Inclusive! Looks like Markus and I have more in common than he thinks! He couldn’t help but smile. Heh, the game isn’t over yet…

He was close, and both of them felt Peter shuddering. He pulled out of Hunter’s mouth, ignoring his bound roommate’s whining. “Open up, Hunty!” Peter laughed.

Hunter obeyed, opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tongue. Peter took over, stroking his impressive member, and holding Hunter’s hair with his other hand. It didn’t take long until white ropes of cum erupted from Peter and all over Hunter’s waiting face. A good amount landed in the open mouth, but more than enough fell onto Hunter’s chin and cheeks. How hot would Markus look with his beard covered in my cum…

“Fuck….” Peter exhaled, barely a whisper. He beat his still twitching cock against Hunter’s face. “That was pretty good.”

“Thanks.” Hunter said, trying to lick the tip of Peter’s head, and lap up the cum on his face. “Think you can let me out now?” He pulled against the handcuffs, the chain jingling behind him.

Peter considered his roommate’s request, but pushed Hunter back towards his crotch. “Maybe later. Think you’ve got another round in you?” As Hunter sighed and began sucking on Peter’s cock again, the blonde looked down at the cum stained face. “Hey, Hunter? Ever thought about growing a beard?”
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Post by blackbound »

Peter's kind of a piece of shit here, isn't he?

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Post by Guardianbound »

The same gym... All inclusive hmmmmm. I predict a red head incoming. And if Peter doesn't want Hunter can I have him HAHA. Can't wait for Markus' second humbling of Peter. Let historybeard use the fuzzy cuffs on the hunky blonde!
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Post by Volobond »

Honestly, poor Hunter. Peter may be the drunk one, but it was him who got coerced into stuff. Hope that Hunter's future involves a very cute dom that will care for him, and that Peter will start being... re-educated.

And also of course Markus has a superhero last name. And has an adorable social media about history. I'm swooning...

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

I agree, hunter needs to find a dom, and we need all the juicy details once it happens
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Post by gag1195 »

@blackbound Peter's definitely not in his best light right now. Like I said, he and Markus were different people before they got together. We're just seeing Peter without Markus' influence.

@Guardianbound All roads lead back to Connor's gym! We will definitely see our hunky redhead in the next chapter! And we may begin to see some of that humbling Peter is in desperate need of. But please, Markus has much better equipment to use on the cocky blonde!

@Volobond There are definitely interesting plans in store for Hunter... we'll just have to keep reading to find out... And of course Markus is nothing if not adorkable. It's a shame Markus is destined to end up with Peter, or else I'm sure you'd try and scoop up the sexy teacher for yourself!

@Wedgieboy69 Again, Hunter will be pretty involved in this story, and we'll for sure get some nice juicy details... but that's all I can say for now!
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Post by Volobond »

gag1195 wrote: 1 year ago
[mention]Volobond[/mention] There are definitely interesting plans in store for Hunter... we'll just have to keep reading to find out... And of course Markus is nothing if not adorkable. It's a shame Markus is destined to end up with Peter, or else I'm sure you'd try and scoop up the sexy teacher for yourself!
Oh, absolutely! I'm desperately in love with him, but he works so well with Peter, I couldn't try and take him away from him! ;)

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Post by Guardianbound »

Fingers crossed for more Markus and Peter tied together scenes. Connor can provide their first couple bondage experience
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Looks like Marcus has got himself a stalker! I'm sure Marcus will introduce Peter to something a bit better than furry handcuffs. And I definitely want to see more of cute little Hunter - preferably with less clothes and more rope!

And that beard has definitely made an impression!
Last edited by Pup Wingletang 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by AznSwimmer »

Yikes, the difference in how Markus treats Eddie versus how Peter treats Hunter is stark. Definitely will be interesting to see how Peter grows as a person.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Guardianbound Your wish is my command! There will definitely be some couple bondage later in this story, you'll just have to be patient!

@Pup Wingletang Stalker seems a bit harsh. I'm sure we're all guilty of a little social media snooping of crushes... Though you don't have to worry. Markus has plenty of supplies for Peter that are much better than his fuzzy handcuffs. As for seeing more of Hunter... well... who knows what the rest of the story holds...

@AznSwimmer We will soon see the metamorphosis of Peter with Markus' guiding hand, but right now, yeah, Peter is definitely a bit rough right now.

Again, thanks for the great comments everyone! I hope to have the next chapter up early next week!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Ah! Come on, Peter...

Don't be a PWE!!! :evil:
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Post by gag1195 »

Hope everyone enjoys the next part! Not as much bondage in this chapter, but a lot of important set up! Also the Return? Introduction? of a familiar face!

Part 5: Macho Man


Markus adjusted his glasses as he sat up in bed, centering the wide, half rimmed spectacles on the bridge of his nose. He scrolled through his various news apps on his iPad, enjoying the relative quiet of the late Saturday morning. He looked over at Eddie, still slumbering. The curly haired man gently breathed in and out, his lips barely moving. Markus smiled. It was rare for him to be the first one up. The bearded teacher slept long and hard most nights, a lump, or a log, or even comparable to a corpse. There’d been quite a few mornings, when Markus was still with Connor, that he’ wake up in some form of restraint and the hunky redhead eagerly waiting.

As Markus watched Eddie sleep, he couldn’t say that he wasn’t tempted to attempt something like that himself, a little wake up surprise. He decided against it. Eddie was still new to all of this, and had exhausted himself out the night before. Not that Markus was surprised. They’d gone hard, and Eddie strained against the ropes for hours. That sort of fun was always draining. No, he decided to let his guest sleep as long as he wanted.

Markus skimmed through as much news as he could handle, then noticed the notifications from Instagram. Some likes on his gym selfies and a new follower alert. Curious, Markus investigated. All the notifications were from the same account, @WilsonPeterModel. Fuck me sideways. Am I being stalked now?

He should block the blonde creep, immediately. And yet, he didn’t… Curiosity? Lust? Confusion? All took over, and Markus found himself going to Peter’s own page. He wasn’t sure what to expect, beyond a million shirtless pictures, but Markus was mildly surprised at what he found. There were, in fact, plenty of sexy shirtless pictures of the blonde model. He clearly took care of his physique, and Markus felt his crotch stirring. But he also saw lots of professional looking pictures from photo shoots and ads, a video or two of the model on a runway somewhere. Damn he looks good in a suit… he probably looks good in most things… and he would definitely look amazing in my ropes… Fuck. Still, he kept scrolling. He saw lots of pictures of Peter and his friends at bars and clubs, and Markus recognized the cute Asian man from the night before featured in a lot of those photographs. That man also appeared to be the subject of what looked like a recurring post, “pranking my best friend/cubicle mate” featuring plenty of mostly harmless pranks clearly stolen from The Office.

He should block Peter, shouldn’t he? But he didn’t. He didn’t follow back, but he didn’t block the model either. And he was careful not to like any posts. But, giving in to his growing erection, Markus did bookmark Peter’s profile before closing the app. Just in time too, as Eddie began to stir next to him.

“Mmmmm…. Morning, Sir…” Eddie sighed as he turned to face Markus. “Damn, you even look sexy like this.” He blinked a few times and leaned up to kiss the bearded man. “You are really cute in those glasses. Like an adorable Superman.”

Markus chuckled. “Is now a good time to tell you that my last name is Kent?”

“No way!” Eddie sat up and kissed Markus again. “A sexy nerd who likes disco, and is apparently a rope master, something I didn’t even know I was looking for, I really hit the jackpot.”

“You’ve spent the night with me, no need to continue the flattery…” Markus jokingly pushed Eddie away. “Besides, I don’t care how hot you are, stop kissing me with that morning breath!”

Eddie ignored Markus’ request, collapsing on top of the bearded man, peppering Markus’ face and neck with breathy kisses. “If you want me to stop, you’ll have to make me…”

“Don’t make me regret texting you…” Markus said, shoving the lean man off of him and jumping out of bed. “Why don’t we get cleaned up. Then maybe some breakfast?”

Eddie raised his eyebrows at the implication, and eagerly followed Markus into the bathroom.


“And you can cook…” Eddie mused, savoring the pepper and mushroom omelet Markus had whipped up. “Where have you been hiding?” The brown haired man sat only in his underwear, having only his jumpsuit to change into. It would certainly be an interesting Walk of Shame outfit, and Markus silently prayed that none of his neighbors would notice the blue sequined hottie leaving his house. Markus was still shirtless, but was wearing a pair of dark gray sweatpants.

“It’s just omelets.” Markus tried to remain humble, but Eddie’s compliments were definitely buttering him up.

Over breakfast, the pair talked, really for the first time. At the bar, all their conversation had been flirting and innuendo, and later, their communication had been mostly moaning, gasping, and the shouting of names, and of course Eddie’s muffled cries of ecstasy. Markus learned that Eddie and his fellow ABBA friends were all lab technicians or research assistants for a pharmaceutical and cosmetics company, and Markus even got an invite to the quartet’s next escape room night.

“So, I guess this question is already answered, but… are we seeing each other again?” Markus asked.

“Are you kidding?” Eddie surged forward and planted his lips on Markus’. “Absolutely yes. My schedule is pretty crazy right now, so I’m not exactly sure when I’m free, but I want to see you again. I know a good thing when I’ve found it.” He kissed Markus again. “Besides, I’m already dreaming about being back in your ropes, Sir. Maybe you can use that ball gag on me…”

“Fuck me…” Markus moaned. “I wish I didn’t have to help my friend pack her apartment today… I’d much rather keep you here.”

“Me too, but I’m spoken for today too. Besides, I think I need to make an appearance, so my friends know for sure that you didn’t kidnap or murder me. Rain check? I’ll text you.”

“You better.” Markus commanded, watching Eddie shimmy into his blue jumpsuit. They chatted for a bit longer until his ride made it to Markus’ house. “See you soon, Sir!”

Markus waved goodbye, still swooning. He was already picturing Eddie, ball gagged and hogtied on his bed. How long until that comes true? But as he closed the door, that lovely image switched. It was no longer the cute, brown haired and lean Eddie bound and gagged in his mind. The bulkier, more defined musculature and straight blonde locks of Peter now filled his dream bed, his impressive body rendered useless against Markus’ expert knots. And again, Markus’ member throbbed and pushed against the gray sweatpants. What is wrong with me? Eddie… Eddie… Eddie… Markus tried to will the image of Eddie to return, but every attempted ended the same, with puppy dog-eyed Peter gazing up at him, drool spilling from his ball gagged mouth.

He cursed his stupid mind, but allowed himself to rub his crotch to the vision of Peter. Then his phone rang. Thankful for the distraction, Markus cleared his mind of Peter and Eddie, and picked up the annoying ringtone that Lauren had selected for herself.

“How’d things go last night?” She happily screamed. “Who’d you call? Tell me it was the Scooby Doo Guy!”

“Fuck no!” Markus grimaced, trying and failing to convince himself he wasn’t interested. “It was Eddie, the ABBA guy. Fuck, Lauren, it was amazing.”

“Well, get your ass over here, Lover Boy! I’ve got a mountain of clothes and boxes waiting for you. And listening to your filthy escapades will make the work fly by.”

“Have you ever considered that you might be a little too vulgar?” Markus rolled his eyes at his best friend’s crass comment.

“Yes, but I don’t see that changing anytime soon.” Markus knew she was beaming, even through the phone. “Oh, and Marky-Mark, don’t forget coffee!”


Markus’ week continued as normal. He and Eddie texted every day, and the lean lab tech was right. His schedule was jam packed. Late nights finishing some research or another, a day spent writing grant proposals, set in stone plans with friends. Not that Markus could complain. The only night Eddie was free, Markus had a long staff meeting after school and then a mountain of papers to grade. It wasn’t ideal, but neither were too upset, especially with their sexts back and forth. Markus tentatively suggested different bondage positions to try out on Eddie, if only to judge the inexperienced man’s limits. But Eddie seemingly didn’t have one. Every suggestion was met with an eager “Yes Sir” or “Wow” or simply, “Hell Yes”!

“That boy has it bad.” Connor said as Markus finished telling his personal trainer about his past week, sparing some of the details. Markus wasn’t nearly as uncouth as Lauren. It was Thursday night, almost a full week since Disco Night, and Markus was halfway through his regular session with his redheaded friend.


Markus looked up at Connor, shifting the weights in his hands to finish his set. The red haired trainer looked as good as ever. His impressive muscles were on display, even through his workout clothes. “He’s certainly better than the douchebag who tried to pick me up instead.”

Connor smiled. “Poor little Markus surrounded by attractive men that want to fuck him. Certainly wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right now. Sounds like a nightmare…”

“Please, spare me, Connor. We both know your well hasn’t dried up.” Markus began another set of curls as the redhead watched his form. “And even you would’ve said no to this guy.”

But Connor scoffed. “Hardly. Been awhile since I’ve had a good hate-fuck. What made this guy so bad?” The redhead listened, but also absentmindedly began humming along to the playlist pumping out on the gym’s speakers. Macho Macho Man! I want to be a Macho Man!

“Overbearing, drunk as a skunk, full of himself. Confidence is one thing, but the man was so unbelievably cocky. And rude. Strutting around like an inebriated peacock. Oh, and clearly had no business being at Disco Night.” Markus huffed through his set. “Came dressed in a Fred Jones costume!”

“Isn’t that cartoon from the 70s?” Connor joked, enjoying the glare from his client. “Besides, if my memory is correct, wasn’t Freddie your childhood crush?”

“Not you too…” Markus returned the weights to their proper color coded spot before joining Connor at the leg press.

“Sorry, Markus. I’m just not seeing that much to be mad at.” He held up his hand to stop Markus from arguing back. “So the guy had a bit too much to drink… at a bar… and tried to put his best foot forward to flirt with you. If you’re not interested, that’s fine, but don’t paint him as some sort of villain. The way you were describing him made it seem like he tried to roofie you or something.”

Markus sat for a moment, considering his ex-boyfriend’s words as the redhead adjusted the weight on the machine. “I’m not like that, am I?”

“You mean, petty, judgemental, a little too prejudiced? Sorry Miss Bennett, but if the shoe fits…” Connor said matter-of-factly.

“I don’t think-”

“But I do. I’m the ex in this situation, remember? I don’t have to sugar coat anything. I love you Markus, but you’re kind of a bitch. And I think you know it. I’m glad things are going well for you and Eddie, but it wouldn’t hurt to broaden your horizons a little.”

“I can’t believe you used Pride and Prejudice against me.” Markus grumbled as he pushed against the machine.

“After you made me suffer through that book AND movie, it's forever burned into my brain, taking up valuable space.” Connor chuckled and changed the subject. “So, tell me more about Eddie. You two looking for a third?”

Markus didn’t respond, but did give Connor more details about his new man. Connor smiled and nodded, approving of this guy more and more. “Wow, he does sound pretty perfect for you.”

Markus blushed, but didn’t respond. Not that he had a chance to. Connor paused in setting more weight and jumped up, screaming. “PETER! SHIRT ON! WE TALKED ABOUT THIS! DON’T MAKE ME BAN YOU AGAIN!”

Oh no. Please be a different Peter. Please be anyone else except… Peter threw his hands up in mock confusion, but jammed his arms and head back through his shirt. Then he paused, noticing Markus for the first time, and his face lit up. He abandoned his weight bench and quickly walked over. Fuck me.

“Sorry, Connor! You know I didn’t mean anything by it!” Peter said as he approached. “Just working out!”

“Bullshit, Peter, and you know it.” Connor grabbed Peter in a bro-hug. “You know the rules. Shirts on at all times except in the locker rooms. We’re trying to encourage a body positive environment here at All Inclusive.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do too!” Peter complained, but he couldn’t keep a serious composure. “My body is very positive and deserves to be seen!”

“I know you’re hot, you know you’re hot. Everyone here knows you’re hot. But please keep your shirt on. Don’t intimidate those who aren’t quite at your level. Please, Macho Man, or I may have to suspend your membership… again.”

“Fine, fine. You’re the boss, Red.” Peter nodded, then looked down at Markus for the first time. Markus had remained completely still and silent, hoping Peter hadn’t noticed him. “Oh, hey Teach! Didn’t know you worked out here! Missed your text on Friday!”

Connor cackled. “Wait, this is the guy?”

Markus stood up from the leg press and stared down the blonde intruder. He couldn’t help but admire the curve of his muscles in his sleeveless workout shirt. Peter’s beautiful pecs pushed against the fabric. “Unfortunately.”

“Aw, Teach, you been talking about me? All good things, I hope.” Peter smiled, matching Markus’ gaze, allowing his eyes to take in Markus’ arms.

“I wouldn’t go that far.” Markus responded. "Now if you don’t mind, we’re in the middle of a session.” Markus gestured between himself and Connor, hoping the model would get the hint and leave them alone.

“Sure, sure.” Peter said. “Just one quick thing. I wanted to apologize for how I acted Friday. I had too much, and I wasn’t at my best. I’m sorry if I ruined your night.”

Markus studied him for a long moment, trying to discern if this was truly sincere, or another ploy. It seems genuine…

“Well, uh, thanks. I guess I was a bit rude to you, so I guess, sorry as well.” Markus blushed, and quickly coughed to try and hide it.

“Well, now that that’s out of the way”, he held out his hand, “Peter Wilson. It’s nice to officially meet you.”

Markus hesitantly took Peter’s outstretched hand, immediately locked in a firm grip. “Markus Kent.”

“So, Markus, how about a date?” Peter asked, not letting go of the bearded man’s hand. “Haven’t been able to get you out of my head all week.”

Markus pulled his hand free, and forced a smile. “I’m flattered, but no. I’m newly involved with someone.”

“Exclusively involved?” Peter pressed. Damn, he’s persistent.

“Well, we haven’t really discussed it yet-”

“So… why not?”

“Because…” Markus was at a loss for words. Because of any number of things. You’re an arrogant douchebag, don’t take no for an answer, and seem to love your body over everything else… and… I’m doing it again, aren’t I? He looked over at Connor, who was watching this unfold, trying to suppress a laugh. Broaden my horizons… But Markus didn’t want to give in to Peter so easily. Then a thought popped into his head. Maybe he could get out of this yet…

“Ok. I’ll go on a date with you.” Markus finally responded. But he held up a hand to forestall any comment from Peter. “But, only if we play a little game first. Oh, and only if I talk with the guy I’m already seeing.”

“A game, eh? What sort of game?” Peter leaned in.

“A guessing game.” Markus leaned back. “I’m going to guess three things about you. If I get all three things correct, you walk away without a date. But if I don’t, then the date is on.”

Peter narrowed his eyes. “What sort of things?”

“Nothing like, 'You are blonde or in good shape'. Nothing I can easily see. It’s going to be deeper stuff.”


“Because I think I already know the type of guy you are. And if I’m right, I really don’t want to waste my time with you.”

“Oh, so I’m your type, eh Teach?” Peter smirked. “Alright then, go ahead with your first guess.”

Ugh, I hate him already. He’s already proving my point. Markus studied Peter. He looked the blonde up and down, noted the tight gym shorts over the man’s crotch, the dumb, yet sweet looking face. He mulled over Peter’s physique in detail. “Ok. First guess: You are a middle child.”

Peter nodded. “Correct! Second of four boys.”

“Thought so.” Said Markus. In his experience teaching, students that were middle children almost always acted one of two ways. Either they were so quiet, it’s like they weren’t even there, or they were the opposite, loud and boisterous, trying to take up as much space as they could. Peter was the latter.

“Alright, Teach. You got lucky. Next?” Peter egged Markus on.

Again, Markus thought about other guys like Peter, the guys he dated that were bros, or jocks… Fuck. Do I have a type? He looked at Connor, thought back to his college boyfriend, and looked at Peter. Maybe I do… But he also remembered a commonality all his jockier exes shared, something that always drove Markus insane. “Ok, guess number two: Die Hard is your favorite Christmas movie.”

“Fuck yeah! Die Hard!” Peter shouted, high fiving Connor. “Wait, fuck. That’s two. You’re good!”

Markus rolled his eyes. Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. But he had that argument with every boyfriend. They loved the action and explosions, something most other Christmas movies lacked. Just because it's an action movie set at Christmas time, it doesn’t mean it’s a Christmas movie. Markus replayed the debate he had every year, most recently with Connor.

“Ok, Teach, what’s your third guess?” Peter asked, nervousness creeping into his voice. Markus was almost free of this man for good. He was so close…

“Guess three… hmm…” Markus wracked his brain, trying to divine some bit of information about Peter, something not noticeably obvious. Peter was in amazing shape, so a guess about high school or college sports was strong. But would that be too on the nose? He thought about Peter’s costume, his drunken demeanor, the dance he was all-too-willing to do when the spotlight shined on him. “Okay. Guess three: You were the social chair for your fraternity.” Markus hoped to god his theory was correct. Peter had that frat-bro energy.

But Markus didn’t see Peter’s face fall, didn’t see the smile fade or shoulders slump in defeat. No. Peter stood straighter, and his smile only grew. “When should I pick you up, Teach?”

Connor collapsed into a fit of laughter, unable to contain himself any longer. Markus stood there, dumbfounded, watching Peter wiggle his eyebrows suggestively. “What? No- What?”

“Accounting Major.” Peter stated. “Chief Financial Officer for the SIgma Pi Tau Fraternity!” Peter was gloating now.

“Fuck…” Markus sighed.


And now, a new Poll: Where should Markus and Peter go for their date? Yes, there is a chance for some bondage fun!
Vote for your choice and let your voice be heard in the comments!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Hmmm does Eddie have some skeletons we've yet to find out about. He does seem overly eager...

Meanwhile. Maybe Markus subconsciously guessed wrongly, he does want to go on a date with with the hunky blonde. Either way it's a win for us.

Seems very history teacher of him to take Peter to a museum on a first date. Markus can explain it to himself that he'll bore Peter away. But I think Peter will find some way of surprising Markus on his home turf, handcuffs can't get through those metal detectors, but I'm sure plenty of materials do!

Can't wait for the first date, can't wait to see who gets tied up first. I know you won't disappoint
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

after the last chapter, I suspect the date will be at a theatrical version of pride and prejudice. either way I am willing to bet it will be somewhere boring and you would expect to be non romantic (not that they will keep it that way long).

I have the feeling no matter where it is, they will end up running into Eddie.
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Post by Volobond »

Awww, poor Eddie. I know I love Peter and Markus in the future, but it ain't Markus' job to Lizzie Bennet this Mr. Darcy. Let's just hope that Eddie won't turn out to be a Mr. Collins and that Hunter won't end up a Caroline Bingley.

Although... Liam and Connor make a wonderful Jane and Mr. Bingley. That enough Pride and Prejudice for ya? ;)

Well, who knows. Maybe Eddie in the future will get to be roped and rope Santiago, or maybe the hunky firefighter Dax! (Or even me, if you want him off your hands lol ;) ) In this case, I'm glad to see how the chips fall.

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

I just love all your characters and how natural and believable their interactions are. Plus lots of little comedy moments.

It's a shame that things won't work out with Eddie but it will be interesting to see how Marcus tames Peter and equally how Peter tames Marcus.

And I think they both need to get some fresh air and proper exercise so I went for picnic and hike.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Guardianbound Ha, who doesn't have skeletons lurking somewhere in their closets? You bring up a good point. Perhaps, deep down, Markus allowed himself to lose the challenge. Peter is pretty irresistible! Also, you're right, plenty of materials can be slipped past those pesky detectors...

@Wedgieboy69 Eddie making an appearance, eh? Its definitely a strong possibility, no matter what the poll outcome is!

@Volobond If he could, Markus would definitely give you some extra credit for that comment! Also, pretty spot on with your comparisons! It's also sweet to see the comments looking out for Eddie. Its touching to see this prequel character getting support, even knowing what is future with Markus is... Perhaps I should take some of these suggestions for poor Eddie and put them to use later!

@Pup Wingletang Thank you friend! I'm having a lot of fun writing more of the dialogue in this story! It's nice to see those efforts appreciated! Son't worry, the taming will begin soon! Also, I like your reasoning for your poll choice. I'll be honest, I expected the outdoors bondage option to get more support! This poll is shaping up to be interesting!

Thanks for taking the time to comment everyone! I really enjoyed reading them, and I'm happy to see Markus and Peter's date getting some support and speculation! Keep 'em coming!

Not sure when the next chapter will be out, nor when the poll will end! Got a busy couple of weeks ahead, so I'll leaving the poll up for a bit! So, don't worry! You still have time to vote or change your vote! And again, I'd love hear your thoughts in the comments if you haven't commented yet!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Good Lord! Peter is an arrogant, little brat, even if he's as fit and handsome as a Greek god!

I hope Markus takes him for a picnic and then a hike through mountainous terrain on a trail where he has a few traps and snares waiting to trap and ensnare Mr. Too Big For His Britches!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by AznSwimmer »

As cocky as Peter can be, there is definitely a certain charm with his persistence and confidence. The dialogue was standout in this chapter too. I agree that it seems so natural and really builds up Markus and Peter’s characters.

Voted for the museum too because I could see both Markus or Peter proposing that for the date spot given Markus’ profession, but maybe with different intentions in mind for each. :)
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Post by gag1195 »

@KidnappedCowboy Too be fair, I think most Greek gods could be classified as arrogant brats! :lol: I like your picnic idea, even if it looks like the votes won't swing that way! Again, I expected the outdoor bondage scenario to be more popular.

@AznSwimmer Charming and Cocky are definitely two sides of the same coin, and Peter is great a flipping between both! And I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about... Neither Markus nor Peter could ever be planning anything devious for this date!

Apologies everyone! I haven't forgotten about this story, just been busy- visiting friends, attending a wedding, and work, my October got very busy very fast! I am working on this chapter, based off the current lead in the poll. Not sure when I'll have it out. Just wanted to thank everyone for their patience!
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Post by socjuc »

Catching up on stories and have caught up on this one too.

Great story, loving the dynamics between the characters! Very well done!

You had me when Markus sockgagged Eddie who is in bondage :P :oops: The banter at the gym was great. Really like the aggressiveness of Peter. I wonder how Markus's date with him will pan out.....? Mind is churning... :lol:
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