Girlfriend to the Rescue (F/m) (f/f) (F/f) Part 20 Added

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by harveygasson »

Amazing work so far
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Post by crow3467 »

Really nice as always. I wonder if Damon will try to help Hannah out now
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Post by banshee »

[mention]crow3467[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Blackfox74077[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] Thanks for the kind comments! Enjoy part 7!

Part 7

Hannah didn’t know how much time had passed when she saw that Chloe was attempting something. It took her some time to realize what was that she was trying to do but she understood as soon as Chloe began to see some results in her endeavour. She was trying to remove her gag.
By rubbing her face against the mattress Chloe had managed to somewhat move the gag off her mouth, but she was still pretty much gagged, her progress being absolutely minimal when it came to her ability to talk.

Then, for the first time since they had been put together there, Chloe looked deliberately at Hannah in the eyes, which took her fellow prisoner by surprise. She mumbled something through her gag which Chloe did not manage to understand, or at least not the first but after some time the ‘mpghg mphg’ Chloe was continuously uttering became a ‘help me’.

How she could do so was hard to guess and Chloe’s muffled moans didn’t gave her any hint. With her hands tied up and her mouth gagged there was little Hannah could do help Chloe ungag herself, and she didn’t felt particularly inclined to help her.

Since Hannah remained so unmoved by her plan, Chloe decided to take matters in her own hands, and without any warning whatsoever she began to rub her gag against Hannah’s face.

“Mpghg!” Hannah complained as she felt Chloe’s touch.

But tied up as she was there wasn’t much Hannah could do stop Chloe, looking away was only a solution for a brief time because she either had to bury her face in the mattress which not only disgusted her but also prevented her from breathing, or awkwardly look up, knowing very well that in a matter of seconds the muscles on her neck would be begging her to stop.

And so Chloe kept rubbing her gag against Hannah’s face, and despite she trying her best to keep the saliva soaked knot out of Hannah’s face with the little mobility she had there wasn’t much she could do, so Hannah had to bare with the wet feeling of the knot rubbing against her face in more than one occasion.

After managing to hook the gag on Hannah’s nose Chloe managed to pull her gag down, and after shaking her head and rubbing it against the mattress for a few seconds she finally did it, she was no longer gagged, all that remained of the gag was the cloth hanging around her neck.
“Thank you Hannah” Chloe spoke after letting out a long sigh of relief.

Seeing how Chloe was no free to use her mouth Hannah was quite sure that she would have much less trouble ungagging her, all that she had to do was bite down her gag and pull it down, with her only fear about that process being that Chloe might end up accidentally biting her.

“I’ll ungag you” Chloe said much to Hannah’s relief “But first you have to listen to me”

“Mpghg!” Hannah moaned as she felt betrayed yet again by Chloe.

“I know that you want to be ungagged but it is the only way I can have you listening to me” Chloe replied.

The fact that Chloe thought of her as someone who could only be spoken to when gagged made Hannah even more angry with Chloe, but deep inside her she knew that if she were to be ungagged the first thing she would do would be throw some insults at the traitor.

“I won’t ask you to forgive me, all I want to do is explain things to you, because I don’t think my mother has told you the full story” Chloe said, begging for Hannah to stop complaining.

Seeing how all her complains wouldn’t have any effect, Hannah reluctantly accepted her situation and went silent, laying her head on the mattress and waiting for whatever Chloe had to say to be spoke, already very sure that it wouldn’t change her mind.

“I did betray you Hannah, and I was terribly wrong in doing that” Chloe began “I feel really sorry about it but in the moment I was to afraid of what my mother would do to me if we failed, so I gave in to her persuasion and allowed her to capture you”

Hannah appeared to be dozing off, but was instead listening very attentively, she just thought that what Chloe was saying didn’t mattered because whether she felt sorry or not, they were still tied up at the mercy of Catherine.

“Now I know that I should have trusted you, but I understand if you still don’t want to forgive me” Chloe concluded “All I want you to know is that if you need my help in escaping, when the opportunity presents itself I will help you”

Hannah sighed, Chloe’s help meant very little to her after how it had turned out the first and last time she had received it. But despite her feelings towards her Hannah was still pleasantly surprised when Chloe ungagged her by pulling down her gag with her mouth.

“I don’t think I can forgive you Chloe” Hannah said after stretching her jaw for a few seconds “You landed me in this situation and apart from that I don’t know if you’re sorry because you really feel bad about what you did or because you are mad at your mom turning against you”
“My mom tricked me” Chloe replied quickly “I didn’t know this was going to happen”

Chloe looked down at her and therefore at Hannah, like signaling at what she meant when she said ‘this’.

“Would you have been okay if it was only me the one who ended up like this?” Hannah asked.

Chloe went silent, she didn’t knew the answer to that question.

“That’s what I thought” Hannah concluded to herself.

Chloe tried to think of how ti respond, but her thoughts were interrupted by the door being opened loudly, and through it entered her mother.
“Well well, it seems my two prisoners are being quite naughty” She said as walked towards the two girls “Removing your gags? I am somewhat surprised that you managed to do it, but it is inadmissible”

“Fuck you! Let me go!” Hannah let her anger out as she looked at her captress “I don’t want to take part in this game of yours, let me out!”
“Such foul mouth and such ludocrists demands for a prisoner to make, It seems your mouth needs to stay silent a bit more” Catherine said as she showed the girls something that she was hiding behind her back until the.

There were a pair of ballgags with a red ball and black leather straps. It was the first time for Hannah seeing one in person, but that didn’t meant that she didn’t knew what those were used for, she knew very well where that red ball was going.

Hannah didn’t posed any resistance against having the ball shoved inside her mouth and behind her teeth, but her eyes remained as aggressive as they were before, glaring at Catherine with all the fear she felt yesterday turned in anger.

But after she was gagged Hannah noticed a detail she had missed when Catherine first showed them the gags, they were linked. A tiny chain linked the balls together, and Hannah quickly realized how that would end up looking once Chloe was gagged.

“Please mom, you don’t have to do this!” Chloe said, her pleads sounding like angry demands because of her anger “She has nothing to do with...!”

Her mother interrupted Chloe by forcefully shoving the ball inside her mouth and tightly buckling it behind her head. All of the many complaints that Chloe uttered only made her mother feel happier.

“Lunch will be ready in a few hours, until then you have to remain like this which hopefully will teach you how to behave” Catherine said before walking away from the girls.

After Catherine closed the door behind her the girls were left alone again, this time with stricter and less comfortable gags than before that on top of that forced their faces together to an extremely unconformable extent, almost making them wish that they never had ungagged each other in the first place.

Despite knowing very well that they will remain tied up the whole time, Hannah and Chloe welcomed very gladly being untied to be taken to have lunch. Like they expected they were tied to the chairs and despite their ballgags being unlinked they still had them in their mouths, which made them drool a lot until they were finally ungagged to eat.

Amy fed Hannah while Silvia did the same Chloe, both girls asked for a lot of water after having drooling so much which they had to drink at the grueling slow pace of the lunch, but at least they managed to get their thirst satiated.

Once they were done with the food the gags went back on again, and their captors kept using the ballgags which made them internally miss the knotted cleave gags. And after a brief but apparently mandatory bathroom visit they were untied from the chairs and walked upstairs, then they were separated.

Silvia took Chloe to her room and Amy did the same with Hannah. Amy forced her captive to sit on the chair she had been tied to first day. Amy moved Hannah’s arms behind the backrest and then wove rope around her waist to pin her in place.

“Is it too tight?” Amy asked after she was done with the knot.

Although that random act of kindness came off as a surprise for Hannah, it still came off as condescending and teasing considering that it came from one of her captors, and especially one she had committed the mistake of trusting.

Seeing how the only answer she was receiving was an angry look from her captive, Amy went back to work and tied Hannah’s knees and ankles together, with the later ones being also tied to her hands for extra security and extra pain and discomfort for Hannah, who had to bare with her feet hanging a few centimeters above the floor and painfully pulling down her hands.

“I hope you’re not too uncomfortable, I did the best I could while still obeying my sister’s orders”

Again she received no response other than the angry look Hannah had fixed on her, and so Amy had to leave the room, hoping that her prisoner hadn’t been left in too much pain.

Amy’s words lingered on Hannah’s head for a few minutes a source for her anger, the little compassion she apparently wanted to show felt like an utter insult when she had betrayed them and was now actively taking part in their imprisonment.

But Hannah didn’t had much time to be angry at Amy because a few minutes after her departure Silvia came into the room, and Hannah felt herself in the liberty to think that no matter how bad Amy was, Silvia was far worse.

The maid said no words as she entered the room and walked towards Hannah. While she was encircled by the maid who looked at her in great detail Hannah wondered what she was doing, but she received that answer when she began touching the ropes restraining her body.

She was inspecting them.

Silvia tightened all knots and redid the link between her feet and hands completely, leaving her feet hanging above the floor even higher. The tightness was still not enough to harm Hannah but for her it certainly felt like she was being harmed.

After having secured all of the knots holding Hannah prisoner Silvia walked out of the room in the same silence she had came into. Hannah screamed at her through her gag but Silvia didn’t even looked back at her and just closed the door behind her, leaving Hannah alone, bound and gagged in her room.

With her anger having been resurfacing the whole day Hannah speant a great deal of time struggling and screaming into her gag. She was no longer unbelieving of her situation, she had realized that she was pretty much stuck in it and she wanted out by all means possible.

But when all of the means she had to get out was senselessly wasting her energy in futile struggles Hannah was quick to convince herself that if she was going to get out, it wasn’t going to be like that.

Exhausted of her struggles but still angry, Hannah laid her head on the chair’s backrests and stared at the ceiling fro a while, angrily biting down the red ball inside her mouth which was already causing her pain in her jaw as a means to let her anger out.

At least Hannah had some way of knowing how much time she had been there, although a very vague one. The window of the room had been left open, so Hannah could see the outside slowly becoming darker as time went by at a gruelingly slow pace, a very minor improvement from the previous time she had been tied up.

But after what had happened Hannah didn’t really knew what she was waiting for. Catherine hadn’t told her for how long she intended to keep her like that and the only safe assumption she could make was that she wanted to have her until the vacations ended, which didn’t brought any relief to Hannah.

The only thing Hannah could wait for were the small bathroom breaks Catherine gave them, those were the only times she was allowed to be free of restraints and frankly the only moments worth waiting for.

It was already getting dark outside, which considering that it was winter didn’t meant much and a large pool of saliva had formed on Hannah’s lap because of the ballgag when someone entered her room.

It was Catherine, her curvaceous figure showing itself clearly against the light that came from outside the dark room. She walked in and turned on the light, illuminating herself and making Hannah squit her eyes because of much time she had spent in the darkness.

Surprisingly, Catherine did not gloat over her captive and instead was quick to roll the office chair in front of her, sitting on it and crossing her legs after doing so while looking at Hannah with a serious expression.

“You Hannah, I already have you” Catherine broke the silence as she made herself comfortable in the chair “You are bound and gagged, with no way to escape and nobody looking for you, you may not like it but at this moment you are completely at my mercy.”

Of course Hannah did not like to hear it, she became angry and it showed, which greatly pleased Catherine who began to subtly smile as she heard the low and muffled groans of anger of her prisoner.

“But it was too easy” Catherine spoke again “In a matter of minutes I had captured you and my daughter and now, like I said, I already have you at tied up at my mercy for as long as I want to”

“Mpghg!” Hannah could no longer hold back her complaints.

“Its safe to assume that such thing wasn’t very fun for you, but you may be surprised to know that it has also been boring for me” Catherine said, which indeed surprised er captive “So I have an offer for you”

Hannah nodded, wanting Catherine to continue. She did not care much for what she had to say but she had been in darkness and silence for so long that even Catherine’s sultry voice was welcomed.

“Its kind of an invitation to a game and I don’t want you to take part on it against your will, although if you do this will certainly become more fun for me, and who knows, maybe even for you too” Catherine began to explain.

The captive wondered what could make Catherine say that, she didn’t had high expectations, but deep inside her she wanted to hope for something that would indeed make her have fun in her abysmally boring situation.

“If you partake on this game you will remain here as my prisoner, but if you manage to get out of the property by escaping, you and whoever else has gone there with are allowed to leave freely, we will even take you back to your house” Catherine explained “You are allowed to do anything to escape unless it risk harming you, the other prisoners or us, I’ll even give you a list of people you can call if you think they could be of help”

Catherine made a brief pause to look down at Hannah, making sure that she was still very interested in what she was saying.

“Are you interested or do I just offer you the alternative?”

Hannah nodded, so far Catherine’s proposal, despite the obvious and massive downside, offered her much that she could win.

“Good, if you accept you can expect your bondage to become more varied and some ocasional events where you will be given a chance to escape” Catherine could see the Illusion building up inside Hannah “But keep in mind that I will still want to keep you and the others captive, and if your escape attempts fail you can expect to be punished is that clear?”

Hannah nodded, as Catherine explained her proposal more and more she went from not caring at all to being very interested in the proposal, but she didn’t had much time to think it through before Catherine explained to her the alternative.

“Since it wouldn’t be fair not to offer you the alternative, I want you to know that if you don’t accept the invitation we will return you to your house, but Chloe and Damon will remain here” Catherine explained.

Hannah looked down as she pondered the two options, both had clear good and bad parts. If she accepted to take part in the game she would again have the chance to rescue her boyfriend, but whether she could do it or not she couldn’t be certain about, and deep inside her she was inclined to believe that such thing was impossible.

On the other side, she was being offered an easy way of this hell, she would be back home untied and free to do whatever she wished, but she would have failed in having rescuing Damon and she would still have to spend her vacations alone.

“I’ll give you time to think about it until tomorrow morning, then I will ask you again and you will give your definitive answer” Catherine said as she stood up “Now I’m going to untie you, Dinner will be ready in a few minutes”
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Post by harveygasson »

Dangling the game in front of Hannah seems to be exactly what Catherine planned the moment she caught them both. Definitely interested to see how she gets on
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Post by crow3467 »

Interesting turn of events. I can't wait to see what Catherine is up to
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Post by Caesar73 »

Interessting. That Hannah feels betrayed by Chloe is clearly understandable. Catherine´s proposal? I don´t think it is genuine. She is clearly trying to manipulating Hannah, knowing fully well, that the latter will not leave without Damon. So the Alternative is no Alternative it is some kind of ploy. Catherine is pretty sure, that Hannah will accept her proposal. Fits Catherine´s chararcter as we have seen her so far. And I think, Hannah sees through this charade.

Amy seems to regret what she has to do, while Silvia obviously enjoys what she is doing.

And honestly I doubt, that Catherine will give Hannah a real chance for escaping. She does not fight with open vizor, it is all about her whims.

It will be interesting to see, if Hannah finds a way to escape.

Good chapter [mention]banshee[/mention] !
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Post by banshee »

[mention]crow3467[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] Thanks for the kind comments! Enjoy part 8!

Excuse the short chapter, I hope you don't mind.

Part 8

After Dinner Hannah was put to sleep just like yesterday, with her hands tied above her head to the bed’s headrest and her ankles tied together at the end of the bed.

Since Hannah hadn’t gotten as tired as yesterday she ended up finding falling asleep harder than before. When tired it was easy for her to fall asleep even when tied up but now that she still had some energy left, she found falling asleep to be a hell of a task.

She wanted to roll over, to turn the pillow to its cold side, to cover herself more with the blankets, but of course she couldn’t do any of those things. All she could do was stare at the ceiling and close her eyes, hoping that eventually she’ll fall asleep.

When Hannah woke up, or better said, was woken up by Silvia, she had forgotten how hard it had been for her to fall asleep in the first place, she had larger issues. Mainly how Silvia had decided to wake her up.

As much as Hannah had hated to be waken up by Catherine, she had to admit that Catherine was gentle, she woke her by caressing her face and waiting until she was awake, which didn’t amend the fact that she was tied up, but Hannah came to appreciate it when she was waken up by Silvia, who shook her body and loudly clapped her hands once until Hannah simply could no longer sleep.

Hannah had no way of telling Silvia her displeasure considering that she had slept with a knotted cleave gag in her mouth, but even if she had been able to she doubted whether she would have done it or not because she knew very well how bad that could go for her.

Before letting her free into the bathroom Silvia made sure to remind her of the protocol, basically that she couldn’t, or she shouldn’t try to escape while she had this chance, and not being fully awaken Hannah had no intention of not complying with those orders.

As she showered Hannah asked herself once again if all of what she was going through was really happening, and since it was pretty clear that it was she moved to ask herself how she had ended up like that, because as much as she had been processing it during the previous day during which she was a prisoner at all times, it all still seemed like a strange fever dream, although maybe a fever nightmare would have been a more appropriate term.

As she dried herself up once she had left the shower, Hannah took notice of the clothes she had been given, they were the same clothes she had arrived in. Her jeans, white shirt, blue jacket, all neatly folded and perfectly clean. But what surprised Hannah the most was that her shoes were there too, which she came to appreciate far more after she had to spend all of the previous day barefoot.

Once she was out of the bathroom Hannah looked up at Silvia, ever since she had showed up back at the house she seemed to look her with an especial kind of anger, which was understandable considering what she and Chloe had done to her, but knowing that she was being looked at like that only made Hannah more angry about the fact that she had to allow that woman to tie her up.

With tightness that seemed unnecessary Silvia bound Hannah’s wrists behind her back and then began to walk her down the stairs. Once they had arrived Hannah saw the breakfast already in the table, and nobody else there.

Hannah was not fond of having breakfast with the sole company of Silvia, especially when it was her who had to feed her because, like she expected, she had been tied to the chair in the manner that was already becoming usual to her.

The only good thing about being fed by Silvia was that she wasn’t as slow as Catherine, which allowed Hannah to saciate her anger a bit faster, but the maid lacked Catherine’s consideration of asking what Hannah wanted to drink or eat, so all things considering Hannah ended up missing her other captors, as humiliating as that felt for her.

When Silvia was done feeding Hannah she took away the plates and quickly began to wash them. Hannah wondered if she intended to leave her like that until she was done, but Catherine quickly came into the room, apparently having just showered since her hair seemed wet.

Catherine was wearing a turtleneck black sweater, tight jeans and leather boots that were only a bit shorter than the ones she was wearing yesterday. She smiled at Hannah but didn’t sat on the table with her, and she wasn’t carrying any ropes with her, which gave some relief to Hannah which was already expecting to be at least gagged.

“Is she ready?” Catherine asked.

“Yes” Silvia replied briefly.

Catherine then began to untie Hannah from the chair, and like always leaving her hands tied behind her back

“Can you slip your hands in front of you?” Catherine asked before Hannah stood up from the chair.

Hannah could do it, in fact she was hoping that sometime she would be left alone with just her hands tied behind her back so she could slip them in front and escape, never did she expected that such thing would be asked for her by her captors.

Since she didn’t knew the meaning of that request Hannah only obeyed with reluctance when she realized that she hadn’t been asked anything, she had been ordered to do something. So without much trouble Hannah slipped her hands below her feet and in front of her.

“Good, come with me” Catherine said as she grabbed Hannah by the arm.

Hannah wasn’t sure of where she expected to be taken, but she never expected to be taken outside and order by Catherine to get into her car, which was parked right in front of the mansion’s door.

On the driver’s seat Catherine had left some coils of rope and a roll of duct tape, for what purpose Hannah already knew. Hannah was ordered to seat on the co-driver seat and once her back was right against the seat’s Catherine got to work.

“What are you doing?” Hannah asked as Catherine began to run ropes around her chest.

“Tying you up of course” Catherine replied with a slight hint of sarcasm.

“No, I mean what is this? Why are you tying me inside the car?” Hannah asked, slightly annoyed by the purposeful misunderstanding of Catherine.

“It is a surprise I wouldn’t want to spoil for you” Catherine said as she tightened some knots behind the seat “Just be patient, we will be there very soon”

Catherine ended up tying Hannah to the seat tightly enough for her not to detach herself from the backrest, the ropes ran from up her waist to below her breasts, and they were very tight. To tie off the knots Catherine had to get into the backseats, but when she was over she quickly got into the driver’s seat and put on her seat belt and Hannah’s, which to the captive seemed somewhat redundant.

Since she had already seen that her questions would receive no answer Hannah stayed silent as Catherine drove through the propriety, the time it took her to get to the end of it, even at a rather slow speed, was very telling about its immense size.

Catherine stopped the car once they reached the entrance, the black gate of iron bars which opened itself as soon as it detected the car in front of it. Hannah looked beside her to guess some of Catherine’s intentions by looking at her face, but Catherine wasn’t being very expressive.
“I have come to realize that you I didn’t really give a choice yesterday” Catherine broke the silence “In the situation I had you in you couldn’t choose with the required care, so I’m going to ask you again”

Catherine grabbed a pair of scissors from the glove box, which initially scared Hannah, but she laid them right between Hannah’s hands, like if she was going to cut her free.

“If you choose to leave, I will cut this ropes and drive you home” Catherine said as she looked at Hannah in the eyes “But you are still free of choosing to stay”

Hannah gave some new thought to the question, she had come to her answer the previous night but being so close to freedom made her ask herself the same question again, but she quickly realized that it was to no avail, her answer wouldn’t change.

“I’ll stay” Hannah replied.

“Is that your final answer?” Catherine asked.

“Yes” Hannah replied firmly.

Even though her hear was rapidly beating after she uttered those words Hannah had no regrets, at least not at the moment. If she decided to leave she would be admitting defeat, basically letting go of the very thing she had come to get, so no matter how bad being Catherine’s captive was, she was determined to stay like that until she managed to escape and take her boyfriend with her.

“Then I won’t need you talking” Catherine said as she stuck a strip of duct tape over Hannah’s lips, to which she had no time to resist.
Catherine squeezed Hannah’s cheeks with her free hands to leave the duct tape as smooth over her face as possible, all Hannah could do was look at her captor, who seemed very happy about what she was doing.

“It is somewhat embarrassing to say this Hannah” Catherine said as she finished with the duct tape “But I’d like to thank you for taking that decision, you have just made things a lot more interesting”
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Post by crow3467 »

Great chapter! Even if it was short it made Hanna's purpose clear
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Post by harveygasson »

Love it as always
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Post by Blackfox74077 »

great work love everything bout this keep it up
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Hannah decides to take up Catherine on her offer. I am pretty sure, Catherine knew that Hannah would make that decision. She plays Hannah very cleverly - and Hannah sees through it. Not that does change anything at the moment. The question will be: Will Catherine hold her part of the bargain and offering Hannah a real chance of escape, or is that just another game for her. I would not be surprised at all if Catherine has no intention at all to give Hannah a real chance.
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Post by banshee »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Blackfox74077[/mention] [mention]Harvey[/mention] [mention]crow3467[/mention] thanks for the comment! Enjoy part 9!

Part 9

The drive back to the house was much quicker than the one out of it, it was clear that Catherine was much more eager to keep Hannah with her than to let her go, but the fact that she had still given her a chance to get out made Hannah think somewhat better of her captress.

Upon arriving she was given news by Catherine, who spoke to her loud and clear as soon as she had unwrapped her from the seat and helped her out of the car.

“Today you will face your punishment for helping Chloe ungag herself yesterday” She explained “Considering the game we are playing, you can take this without complaining and your treatment will get better, or you can take it as an opportunity to escape and see how it goes”

Since Hannah was still gagged she thought about what she would do in silence, she allowed Catherine o walk her into the house without any issue as she mused about the question.

On one hand, taking the punishment without any complaint would make her future treatment better, which would most likely create better chances for her escape, but she couldn’t be certain about her ability to take the punishment without an issue.

How feasible was to consider being punished an opportunity to escape became clear when she saw who exactly was going to be the one punishing her. Hannah had been internally praying not to be paired with Silvia, and apparently her prayers were heard, Amy was the one waiting for her inside the house.

“Take her to the basement, and for her punishment do what you deem appropriate” Catherine ordered her sister as she transferred control of her prisoner to her.

Hannah wondered what that place would be, she had been tied up in plenty of basements up to that point but something told her that Catherine’s was going to be special, and she was right.

After being walked down a wide set of stone stairs which appeared to be the oldest part of all the house. The door at the end of the staircase was opened to reveal a vast dark room which lit up after Amy turned on a series of switches next to the door.

The place indeed looked old, maybe in previous time it was cellar or something of the sort, but at the moment Hannah could only think of one thing when she saw the vast stone room decorated with red velvet carpets and illuminated by yellow lights, it looked like a dungeon.

And it was definitively equipped to be one, just like the rest of the house it had a great deal of rope littered around the floor, but it had much more than that. On the shelves that once seemed to have held bottles of wine were now not only ropes, but also leather straps like the ones Hannah had applied on her back when she first met Amy. And from the walls hung a few chains, some of which even ended in manacles, Hannah had trouble believing those were real, there had to be some sort of trick to all of that, but if there was she couldn’t see it.

All around the room were different sorts of contraptions which appeared to be something one could be tied to, crosses, boards, beds, things that Hannah had only seen in movies were now just a few meters away from her.

“First of all, I want you to know that none of this is mine” Amy explained “If I had my sister’s money I guarantee you I’d put it to better use”
Hannah didn’t paid too much attention to what Amy had to say until she gave her orders.

“I want you to lay here”

Amy said that after they stopped in front of some type of board, which despite being well cushioned in leather was too tall be called a bed, and was obviously meant for a different purpose judging from the leather restraints it had attached at its sides.

With her hands still tied up Hannah had to be helped by Amy to get on top of the board, once she laid on it she realized that it was surprisingly comfortable for something which looked like a torture device, but she suspected that such comfort wouldn’t last very long.

“I assume my sister told you that when I untie you shouldn’t move and all of that” Amy safely assumed, to which Hannah nodded in reply.

Amy’s attitude was making Hannah believe that she could use her to her advantage, even though she was still mad at her for letting Silvia go, she could see that Amy was very unlike her other two captors, and that maybe she could be convinced to switch sides and help her.

But to that she needed to at leas be able to talk to her, and with a piece of duct tape stuck over her lips that wasn’t exactly possible.

Before untying Hannah’s hands, Amy forced them above her head and wrapped one of the leather straps at the edges of the table around one of her wrists, and then she did the proper with the straps at the end of the board with both of her feet.

Only when Hannah was so secure she undid the restraints around her hands, only to strap her only free hand to the opposite edge of the table, leaving her spread eagled on the board with all of her limbs almost fully spread apart.

“Now, my sister tells me that you should be punished because you helped Chloe remove her gag, and as you should know you don’t have that right as her prisoner” Amy spoke as she looked down at the bound Hannah “Is that correct?”

“Mpghg” Hannah replied, without nodding nor shaking her head.

“Oh, do you have something to tell me?” Amy asked.

This time Hannah nodded.

Surprisingly Amy was quick to remove the tape from over Hannah’s lips and allowed her to talk without hesitance, requesting her to make her case.

“Why are you doing this?” Hannah asked, trying to set her plan in motion.

But she quickly realized that she had been too blunt as after she heard the question Amy’s expression became tired and she visibly lost interest in whatever her prisoner had to say. She walked away from the board and to a nearby table which Hannah knew very well what it had on.

“Wait! I’m asking it sincerely!” Hannah shouted

“You know very well that it doesn’t work that way” Amy replied as she turned back with a gag “I know I seem kinder than my sister and her maid, and to some extent I like to think that I am, but don’t take advantage of that”

Amy extended the gag above Hannah’s face as she stared down at her, it was a black piece of flat leather equipped with two straps to secure around the captive’s head, a panel gag.

“Because if you do that might end up badly for you” Amy leaned closer to Hannah’s ear and whispered “And for me”

The surprise allowed Amy to shove the gag inside of her captive’s mouth, effectively saving her the trouble of having to do it by force. It was an effective gag, Hannah had something to bite on while the straps secured the panel over her lips and below her chin.

Hannah did not have time to think about how everything had gone, how miserably her plan of trying to persuade Amy to help her was, she had larger issues, mainly, that whatever her punishment was, it was about to begin.

“Catherine ordered me to find out if you’re ticklish” Those words uttered by Amy sent chills down Hannah’s spine “And something tells me that you are”

Hannah didn’t knew what about her was making it so obvious, but apparently it was out of her control, no matter how hard she tried to remain stoic and appear careless Amy had already find out the answer to the question she had posed without even setting a finger on Hannah.

Amy began by running her index finger along one of Hannah’s sides, right when her armpit ended and down to her hips. Hannah tried to control herself but she couldn’t do much, by the time Amy’s finger had reached her waits she began to futilely struggle to get out of Amy’s reach and she was almost panting by the time she was done with her finger.

“Apparently your sides are a weak spot” Amy said, giving some seconds to Hannah to catch her breath “And I don’t think there’s a need to check your armpits”

Those words came as a great relief to Hannah, who didn’t knew what would be of her if her armpits were tickled without her being able to do anything about it.

“What about your belly?” Amy asked as she lifted Hannah’s shirt up to her breasts.

Due to her position Hannah’s stomach looked flat and since it was soft and extremely exposing it felt very inviting for Amy, who didn’t wasted any second before laying her fingers on Hannah’s stomach.

“Mpghghg!” Hannah screamed as she relentlessly shook her body, fighting the black leather straps holding her prisoner to no avail.

Amy was done tickling her a few seconds after, but for Hannah those mere seconds felt like an eternity, and it was an eternity of suffering.
Never before had she thought of how tortuous being tickled could be, now all she could do was being thankful that Amy didn’t kept going.

“So, you’re also extremely ticklish in the stomach, Catherine will love to know that”

As Hannah rested her head on its side she managed to see that Amy was actually taking notes of her findings, actually writing down all of the points where she was ticklish apparently to give it to her sister, and what she was going to do with that information Hannah could only wonder.
“How about your... neck?”

Hannah didn’t remembered being ticklish on the neck nor on the clavicle, so when Amy began her attack she made basically the same finding as her. She was extremely ticklish there, whether she was more or less ticklish there than in her stomach, sides or armpits she didn’t knew, she couldn’t think straight when under such torture.

“Heh, at this point it wouldn’t surprise if you were ticklish on your knees” Amy chuckled “Well, maybe not your knees, but what about behind them?”

And so Hannah was forced to find out that she was also ticklish in that part of her body of which she didn’t even knew the exact name of, and she had to find out in the worst way possible. Amy was audible laughing at her, she clearly found the fact that her captive was so ticklish to be extremely funny for some reason. Needless to say, being laughed at while she suffered didn’t made Hannah exactly happy, in fact, had it not been for the laughter and tears on her face, her expression would have been one of pure anger.

“And finally...” Amy allowed her silence to build up tension between them, just to quickly break it when she removed Hannah’s shoes “Your feet”

Amy had not laid a finger on her and Hannah had already began to struggle, she felt like she’d had enough of whatever that punishment was, she was even beginning to regret accepting taking part in Catherine’s game though she would have never admitted it. She knew very well her feet were by far her most ticklish spot, and being tickled there was something she didn’t wanted to go through.

“I’ll take that as a yes” Amy chuckled as she sat beside Hannah on the board “I think you’ve had enough anyway”

Hannah’s breath remained uneven as she looked up at Amy in disbelief, there had to be some sort of catch, she expected her to be joking, but as seconds passed by and all that Amy did was stroke Hannah’s hair to calm her down, Hannah began to think that Amy actually meant what she had said.

“Calm down, I’m not going to tickle you anymore” Amy said as she saw how Hannah hadn’t calmed down because of her words “With what you have already given me my sister should have more than enough”

Slowly Hannah began to calm down, despite having just been tortured by Amy, something about her soft strokes on her hair did wonders to calm her down and for a while she even thought that she could have fallen asleep on that board, tied up and gagged as she was.

“So, I think you had something to say” Amy said as she saw a more calm Hannah below her “Still want to say it”

Brought back to reality by those words, Hannah nodded in response still surprised by Amy’s sudden kindness, although kindness didn’t meant much when she had her in such position.

“They may call me upstairs at any time so you should make this quick” Amy said as she removed Hannah’s gag.

Having heard that, Hannah lost no time to getting used to using her mouth again and tried to enact her plan of persuasion, again.

“I wanted to know why you’re doing this” Hannah stated again “You don’t seem like your sister, even you acknowledge that, so why help her with this?”

“Oh you wouldn’t get it” Amy replied “I would have to explain almost our whole life for you to begin to get it”

“You can tell me!” Hannah argued, felling like she had nothing better to say “Its not like I can do anything about it” She tried to joke, hoping that her humor would be enough of a persuasion for her captress.

Amy let out a small chuckle which made Hannah think that she had gotten what she wanted, but she quickly killed those illusions when she leaned forward and got her face almost exactly over Hannah’s.

“Why don’t you tell me what you want me to do?” Amy asked “I know very well the game my sister has gotten you into, and I know very well how you can win, so why don’t you tell me what you really want from me?”

And just like that Amy showed herself to be far more insightful than Hannah expected, seeing right through her persuasion and making her think that she even knew what she wanted to say from the beginning.

Hannah was searching for words, she wasn’t ready to be caught red handed in her persuasion so quickly and so easily, so it was a hard task to do all of a sudden, but her efforts were interrupted by the door of the basement being opened by Silvia.

“Catherine wants you upstairs, you can leave the prisoner here” Silvia barked without even entering the room.

“Got it, I’ll be there in a minute”

After hearing that Silvia closed the door behind her and left Amy and Hannah alone. Amy was quick to grab the gag again, fully intending to leave her prisoner gagged during the whole time Catherine wanted her upstairs.

“You must already know but...” Hannah spoke with the best words she had managed to find during the brief time she had been given to think by Silvia “I want you to help me”

That sincerity seemed to genuinely surprise Amy, who was left silenced for a few seconds before going back to what she was doing, gagging her prisoner. To that Hannah did not oppose much resistance, both because she was surprised and because she hoped that maybe her compliance could earn her Amy’s help, or at least prevent her from snitching what she had said to Catherine, who clearly wouldn’t take it kindly.

“I’ll think about it”

Hannah had to wait for what seemed like hours, strapped down in that leather padded board that held her so securely and made her feel so exposed that she felt vulnerable even when she was alone.

She had time to look at her surroundings and think about all that had happened up to that point, still giving thought to the last words Amy told her. Of course saying that she would think about it was probably the best answer she could get, but it was so vague that Hannah couldn’t help but think that there was some darker meaning to those words.

At least those thoughts prevented her from getting bored despite being left tied up and gagged down there for hours, but by the time she was released she silently welcomed being untied, because as much she could distract herself she knew that eventually boredom would overtake her.
Hannah was untied by Amy, who didn’t said a single word to her as she removed the straps and retied her hands behind her back. Hannah wanted to know what she had to say, whether she had thought about it or not, but gagged as she was she couldn’t really press Amy to speak.

“Good news for you, these gags have to stay here so I’ll ungag you” Amy said as she grabbed Hannah’s gag.

Since Amy had left the gag so tight Hannah was glad about getting it removed, the gag even left some marks red marks on her cheeks.

“Did you think about it?” Hannah asked as soon as she was able too.

“Shh” Amy said as she covered Hannah’s mouth with her hand “You don’t want them to hear us don’t you?”

Hannah looked at Amy with confusion, she was still trying to understand to what degree she was working with Silvia and Catherine since when she said things like those she appeared to be just as afraid of them as Hannah herself was.

“I’ll tell you what I have to say, don’t worry” Amy continued “But I’ll do it when the time comes, for now I have to gag you again, so don’t struggle”

This time Hannah was gagged with a knotted cleave gag, she didn’t liked to be gagged again in such a short amount of time but since the gag was much more comfortable than the leather panel gag and she was still trying to get Amy to help her, she allowed herself to be gagged without any resistance.

Hannah had lost perception of time, being left surprised by seeing the food laid on the table for lunch when they arrived at the kitchen, telling her that it should be at least midday.

Chloe was already there, tied to a chair and gagged with a knotted cleave gag just like hers. Behind her was Silvia, and at the head seat of the table was Catherine, with her characteristic smile drawn on her face.

Like they were becoming used to, both girls were fed by their captors, Hannah by Amy and Chloe by Silvia, something that became less annoying as it happened more often.

“You two have already taken your well deserved punishment for ungagging each other during your punishment” Catherine spoke after they were done with the food “But there is something that you two are still unpunished for”

Chloe and Hannah gave a dirty look to Catherine, wondering what excuse she had thought about just to make them suffer.

“As I understand it, you two tied up Silvia and left her like when she tried to stop you after you had done the same to Amy” Catherine explained “That warrants a punishment to ensure it doesn’t repeat itself”

Despite hearing that, Chloe and Hannah still had no regrets about what they had done to Silvia, to them she deserved it and nothing could change that. If anything they were mad at Amy for letting her go, but Hannah couldn’t afford to be mad at the woman from whom she wanted help.

“But I wasn’t the one who had to suffer being left bound to a chair by the two of you, so I don’t feel like it is appropriate for me to punish you for that” Catherine continued, giving the two prisoners an idea that they already disliked “So I think the one doing the punishment should be the one who had to suffer because of what you did, don’t you think Silvia?”
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Post by Caesar73 »

There are good and bad things happening in this chapter: Hannah´s Punishment could have been worse, and that Amy seems at least to contemplate helping Hannah is also good. The really bad stuff is happening at the end, ore more precisely the promise of bad stuff: That Silvia will show any leniency is not to be expected. It is a sure thing to asume that her punishment will be cruel. Nice cliffhanger by the way :)
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Post by Trammel »

banshee wrote: 2 years ago @Caesar73 @crow3467 Thanks for the comments, enjoy part 6!

Part 6

Damon briefly looked over his shoulder before going back to look down to the dishes. He tried not to think about what was being done to his girlfriend, but he find it impossible. Every thought circled back at her, at how she tried to save him, how she failed and whatever torture that had landed her on, and what was going to come of their relationship after they were released once the vacations were over.
I am really loving this story. Great descriptions. Forgive me if I missed it but how old are Damon, Chloe, and Hannah. I am assuming around 16?
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Trammel wrote: 2 years ago
banshee wrote: 2 years ago @Caesar73 @crow3467 Thanks for the comments, enjoy part 6!

Part 6

Damon briefly looked over his shoulder before going back to look down to the dishes. He tried not to think about what was being done to his girlfriend, but he find it impossible. Every thought circled back at her, at how she tried to save him, how she failed and whatever torture that had landed her on, and what was going to come of their relationship after they were released once the vacations were over.
I am really loving this story. Great descriptions. Forgive me if I missed it but how old are Damon, Chloe, and Hannah. I am assuming around 16?
Yeah around that age, 16/17
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Post by Trammel »

I am liking this story so much I have read it to the end to date. Darn you, I had other things to do today but this story is just too good. The descriptions of Hanna's bondage and feelings and thoughts are wonderful and insightful. Bravo. Looking forward to more. :lol:
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Post by banshee »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Blackfox74077[/mention] [mention]Harvey[/mention] [mention]crow3467[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] thanks for the comment! Enjoy part 10!

Part 10

Silvia looked quite pleased when she heard the news, apparently they came as a surprise for her too. But obviously Hannah and Chloe were far from pleased, being at the hands of Amy had been bad enough, but they didn’t wanted to get even the slightest taste of what being punished by Silvia would be.

But it wasn’t like they could choose.

When they were allowed to visit the bathroom after lunch both girls heavily considered escaping, but they both knew that it wasn’t a very smart idea. With Silvia on the other side of the door and Amy and Catherine downstairs all they could archive by trying to escape would be landing themselves in an even worse situation if that was even possible.

“Where will you take them?” Catherine asked out of mere curiosity as Silvia readied the two captives.

“They have already seen the basement, so I’ll get more creative” Silvia replied “Maybe the attic would be a good place”

“I like your idea, and it also leaves the basement free for me” Catherine said as she looked at Hannah, who replied in a muffled grunt through her gag as she instantly understood what Catherine meant.

“Lets get moving you two”

With that said Silvia tugged the two prisoners by their arms and began walking them upstairs, a task that kept feeling unsafe to do with her hands tied behind her back for Hannah, so she wasn’t very pleased to see that she had to walk yet another set of stairs when they arrived at the second floor.

The attic was, like the rest of the house, big, but noticeably dusty and unused, although the ropes on the floor told her that at least it got some use.

“Amy tells me that you are quite ticklish” Silvia said as she looked at Hannah “You have that in common with Chloe, which will make things quite fun for my revenge”

“Mpghg” Both girls grunted at unison, angered and terrified by the news.

“But it seems like your weak spots are different, so that will make things even better” Silvia said with a smile on her face.

Silvia uncovered one of the four beds that the room had, which under the dusty white blanket above was a pretty unremarkable piece of furniture with an uncovered mattress. Hannah was promptly thrown on it by Silvia, who lost no time ordering her to remain still or else.

Chloe got a different treatment, she was also told to stay still like Hannah but she remained standing right in front of the bed. Silvia grabbed some of the many ropes which were laying on the floor and with surprising dexterity she threw a particularly long one over one of the beams, tying one end to the foot of one of the beds while the other was left hanging over Chloe.

“Put your hands in front of you” Silvia ordered as she looked at Chloe.

While Hannah was intrigued by what Silvia was doing, Chloe knew very well what was about to happen to her and she didn’t liked it, but tied up as she was all she could do was comply and hope that it wouldn’t be that bad. She gracefully moved her bound hands below her feet, it was something she had become used to do in her many escape attempts and also something that her mother soon learned that she could used to her advantage.

Using the rope which was left hanging above them, Silvia tied Chloe’s already bound hands to the ceiling, leaving her arms stretched over her head and her so called ´weak spots´extremely exposed. Once her arms were taken care of, Silvia knelt down and moved to Chloe’s legs, tying together her knees and ankles, making her position even less stable.

“That’s enough, don’t you think?” Silvia asked sarcastically as she stood up and walked away from Chloe, who gave her the angry look she was expecting.

When Silvia looked down at Hannah, who was sitting down on the bed and had attentively watch how Chloe had been tied, she immediately knew that it was her turn.

“Your turn” Silvia said, like if Hannah needed any type of confirmation.

Silvia proceeded to grab Hannah by the ankles, to which she opposed no resistance. Silvia laid her ankles over the metal beam at the end of the bed and then the rope came into play. She began by tying her right foot, after encircling her ankle many times she tied it to the end of the bed leaving it firmly fixed into that place, something that quickly came to her left foot, which was tied a few centimeters away from her right one.

By that time she should have been over, but Hannah couldn’t really say that she was surprised when she saw her pull more rope from below the bed. The purpose this rope would serve she learned quickly when Silvia began to run it around her chest, right below her breasts to pin her arms to her sides.

Those ropes around her chest were then tied at the end of the bed, to the same beam that her ankles had been tied to. That way Hannah could no longer lay on the bed and was forced to remain sitting, and since there was so little slack on the ropes she could lay on her sides neither.
“I’m not done yet” Silvia said as she saw Hannah testing the newly added restraint.

“Mpghg?” Hannah wondered what else could be added to her bondage.

She soon felt Silvia behind her, wounding rope between her bound wrists which were pulled uncomfortably behind her, Hannah though that if Silvia kept pulling she could break her arms but thankfully she stopped when it was uncomfortable, but not unbearably painful. Her hands were then tied to the headrest of the bed, leaving her in such a way that she couldn’t bow forward because of the ropes tying her from behind and neither she could lay on her back because of the ropes tying her from the front, truly a less than comfortable position.

“Finally” Silvia sighed as she walked between her two prisoners “You two already know why you’re here, so I wont waste any time reminding you of it”

Chloe kept glaring at Silvia like if they were lifelong enemies, a few minutes before Hannah’s expression had nothing to envy that of Chloe’s but as she realized that her actual punishment was nigh fear was beginning to overcome anger within her, and despite her wanting to hide it, it showed in her face.

“I think we should start with you Chloe” Silvia said as she grabbed the girl by her sides, immediately causing her to squirm in a way that would have made her fall had she not been tied to the ceiling “After all, you were the one who fought me”

“Mpghg!” Chloe tried to spit at her captress, but nothing but the muffled sound of her complaint got through her gag.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about your friend” Silvia replied as she looked at Hannah over her shoulder “She was the one who tied me up after all”

Hannah’s skin crawled when she heard Chloe’s reaction to being tickled by Silvia. She was being relentlessly tickled on her armpits and tied up as she was there was nothing she could do about it. With her legs tied together and being almost hanging from the ceiling, Chloe dangled every time she tried to get away from Silvia, who seemed to really enjoy Chloe’s suffering.

“You’re being too loud” Silvia said as she stopped tickling her victim for a bit.

Chloe was left to catch her breath, exhausted enough not to care about what Silvia was saying.

“But I know exactly how to fix that” Silvia said she turned to look at Hannah, making her extremely afraid of what those words could mean.
Silvia removed Hannah’s socks which made her fear for her feet, but she was relieved when Silvia walked away from her and back towards Chloe, which told her that her feet would be safe for a least a few more more minutes. The maid began to ball up one of the socks and once she was face to face with Chloe she laid one of her fingers on her gag, ready to pull it down.

“You know the drill, I take this out, you open your mouth and stay quiet” Silvia said before pulling down the knotted cleave gag on Chloe’s mouth.

“When we get out of this we will tie you even tighter” Chloe said as soon as she had her gag removed.

“I’d love to see you try” Silvia replied.

Chloe didn’t had anything else to say so she didn’t offered much resistance when Silvia pushed the sock she had taken from Hannah into her mouth and her gag back into place, which she tightened again to make sure Chloe had no chance of spitting out the sock.

Hannah couldn’t help but be somewhat surprised by the fact that Chloe talked about ‘we’, she was even more surprised about that than about the fact that she considered that escape was possible. Hannah hadn’t yet forgive Chloe for betraying her, but it seemed like Chloe still thought of them as being in this whole ordeal together.

“That should be better” Silvia said as she prepared to resume her torture.

The gag worked just like Silvia expected. Chloe’s complaints were greatly muffled but they were still loud because no matter how humiliating Chloe thought that it was, she couldn’t hold back her screams. And she had to scream for quite a while, because other than that she couldn’t do anything, she couldn’t cover herself, she couldn’t move away, even when she tried to face the other way Silvia grabbed her with painful firmness and fixed her in place until she stopped trying.

Even Hannah, who wasn’t the one being tickled, felt like Chloe was being tickled for too long, so long that it made her fear for herself, because Chloe may have been ticklish, but she was undeniably tough, she exercised and had a very toned body because of it and knew how to fight on top of that, not that it was doing much for her in her current situation but still, that set her miles apart from Hannah, who doubted her ability to run for a decently long amount of time and was quite conscious about the fact that she didn’t had much in the matter of muscle in her body.

Whether all those things would make things better or worse for her she didn’t knew, but she realized that she was soon to find out when she stopped hearing Chloe’s muffed screams.

Once Silvia was no longer tickling her Chloe was almost hanging from her wrists, her breath was slow and deep, clearly denoting that she had been left exhausted by the tickling. She was looking down and not even raising her gaze to look up to Silvia or Hannah, and seeing her like that, so utterly defeated, filled her fellow prisoner with fear.

“If you have learned at least something from your friend you wont resist this” Silvia said as she balled up the other sock.

Hannah had indeed learned, and even if she hadn’t, in the position Silvia had tied her in there wasn’t much she could do about it, she couldn’t move away nor she could dodge her hand, which came holding the sock and ready to put in inside her mouth.

Hannah was weirdly relieved to find out that the sock didn’t tasted as bad as she expected, the mere fact of having them in her mouth was already disgusting enough for her though, especially considering how long she had been barefoot, but soon the socks inside her mouth would become the last of her concerns and she knew it.

After putting the knotted cleave gag back into place Silvia cracked her knuckles and looked down at Hannah’s feet. Se was already curling her toes instinctively because she knew what was coming, but she also knew how little she could do to stop it and that only made her more afraid of it.

“I think you’re already regretting getting into all of this” Silvia said as she readied herself “But sadly for you, its too late for that now”
Immediately after that Silvia began her torture, she tickled the soles of Hannah’s feet relentlessly but Hannah already felt that she couldn’t take it any longer when Silvia first started. And just like she expected all she could do was wait.

Her feet were so securely fixed into place that Silvia never had no trouble tickling her, the movements Hannah could perform with her feet were not even a problem for her. And the restraints holding her chest made were made painfully tight by her struggles, every time she bowed forward her arms were painfully pulled backwards and every time she tried to lay back the ropes around her chest tightened themselves to a painful degree.

By the time Hannah was on the verge of tears her muffled moans became mixed with those of Chloe, but it took some time for both Hannah and Silvia to take notice of that. What was Chloe complaining for? Her torture had ended! Hannah and Silvia thought.

Even though Hannah had a slight hope that Chloe would be able to distract Silvia that wasn’t the case, and the tickling went on and on, no matter how much Chloe moaned and struggled from behind Silvia to make herself noticed.

When Silvia was done getting her revenge Hannah was all sweated, her legs were shaking, her face still had traces of tears and he was sure that underneath her clothes her skin was riddled with rope marks.

“That should teach you not to mess with me again” Silvia sighed as she stood up and looked at her two captives “If it doesn’t, I’m more than willing to teach this lesson again”

The two girls were too tired to reply in any of the few ways that they could.

“You seemed weirdly worried for her” Silvia said as she turned towards Chloe “That is weird coming from you, you never seemed to care for Damon”

Chloe looked up, not necessarily at Silvia but more at Hannah, but she was still looking down.

“Maybe I should reward you for showing some empathy” Silvia said as she reached to Chloe’s gag and pulled it down “And it seems like you need to take some air anyway, so I think I’ll give you two some time to talk”

Having their gags removed didn’t seemed especially kind for the girls after what they had been put through by Silvia, who left the room after removing their gags and annoyingly telling them to stay where they were like they could go anywhere. But they still would take that small chance to talk.

“I’m sorry for getting you into this Hannah” Chloe sighed “I know that I already said that, but I am”

“Don’t be” Hannah replied “Its also my fault”

“Don’t say that” Chloe said, clearly not understanding what Hannah was talking about “You didn’t knew what you were getting into, and I betrayed you...”

“I agreed to this” Hannah interjected.

Chloe was left baffled and was completely silenced by Hannah’s words, so she could keep talking and explain herself without any issue.

“This morning your mom offered me to release me or play a ‘game’” Hannah began to explain “I know that getting released seems tempting, but if I picked that option all of this would have been for nothing”

Hannah made a pause and looked up to Chloe to make sure that she was following her, and seeing how surprised she looked she guessed that she still needed to explain some details, or maybe she was just to surprised about someone choosing staying over getting released.

“I still don’t know how to feel about you, but I wasn’t going to leave Damon behind” Hannah explained “And your mom told me that she’d even give me some opportunities to escape, whatever that means”

“I’ve been playing this game forever and don’t remember winning” Chloe finally spoke “But you can count with me”

“Sure, and get myself captured by your mother again” Hannah replied sardonically.

“I get that you’re mad at me, but I’m really trying to help you!” Chloe argued.

“I’m sorry but i think you gave me some very compelling reasons not to trust you” Hannah said, getting slightly angry.

“Well, if you want to see if you can trust me you just have to take my advice” Chloe said, her tone going in the same direction as Hannah’s “After all I want to escape just as much as you”

“Oh yeah? And what is your piece of wisdom miss ‘I have never escaped my mom’? Hannah replied, her words getting more and more annoying as she spoke them.

“If you seem to be in too good of a situation to escape, don’t escape” Chloe said confidently, like if she didn’t realized how her words sounded.

“Ha! And you say that you want to escape just as much as me” Hannah chuckled “Don’t expect me to get you out once I escape”

Chloe was about to reply with some sort of insult, but she bit her lip and decided go for a simpler response instead.

“Lets see where that takes you”
Last edited by banshee 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Trammel »

This story keeps getting better. At least there are some typos, grammar issues, and spacing issues or I would have to call it perfect. Anyone who skips reading this story is skipping, in my opinion, one of the best if not the best story on this site, with apologies to others running a close second.

Poor Hanna and Chloe are in quite a bind and it's so fun to read how it all progresses! ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Sybil is really scary - to be on her mercy is not something you want. The punishment she chose for Chloe and Hannah was as devious as it was clever [mention]banshee[/mention] - she knew exactly how inflict maximum effect on both girls. Also the dialogue between Hannah and Chloe was a good one: It made clear the motivation of Hannah, why she stayed. And even if Hannah did not like it: The advice Chloe gives her, might be worth considering it.

At the moment the chances of Hannah to escape seem not very good - and I still doubt, that Catherine intends to give Hannah a real chance to escape. I still think, this is all a ploy to lure Hannah in and have some fun on the latters expense.

If Amy will help Hannah? Also doubtful. Will Amy risk the wrath of her sister?

So all in all bleak prospects.
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Post by Blackfox74077 »

cant wait see what happens next
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Post by starinski »

Ah, finally a good sock gag :p
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Post by slackywacky »

A very nice read indeed. Thank you, [mention]banshee[/mention]
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by crow3467 »

Great chapter! It's one of the best stories I have read in this site. Keep it up
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Post by banshee »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Blackfox74077[/mention] [mention]Harvey[/mention] [mention]crow3467[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]SupermanFan5220[/mention] [mention]starinski[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] thanks for the comment! Enjoy part 11!

Part 11

“Damon, Damon, Damon” Catherine sighed as she walked up to her stepson, who was being firmly held by the arms by Silvia “I almost thought that you had finally submitted”

Damon also thought that, he had no intentions of trying anything to escape during his captivity but when her girlfriend got involved and was captured by Catherine he could no longer stay like he was and do nothing to help her, because in the end he felt like he was to blame for what was happening to Hannah.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Catherine asked as she looked down on Damon, who didn’t dared look up at her.

His hands were no longer tied behind his back, he had managed to untie them and with them free his feet were not difficult to untie, but he was being held so strongly by Silvia that he knew that he couldn’t even try to escape, all he could hope for was making Catherine even more angry.

“What were you trying to do Damon?” Catherine asked “It is because of your girlfriend isn’t it?”

Without looking up Damon nodded, there was no point in denying it, maybe if he did he could get himself interrogated by Catherine herself, which would come with tickling, spanking, or whatever other devious method she could think of in the moment.

“Did you really think you could save her? Don’t make me laugh, if anything you are more fit for the role of the damsel in distress” She mocked her stepson.

“What do we do with him?” Silvia asked

“Hm...” Catherine mused as she scratched her chin “Take him to the attic and tie him to the chair for now, I will decide his punishment later”

“Understood” Silvia replied

Before Silvia left with him, Catherine grabbed Damon by the jaw and forced him to look at her, which he had been clearly avoiding this whole time. She got uncomfortably close to his face to talk to him like she liked to do, and like Damon hated.

“Before you go Damon, I want to say a few things to you” Catherine spoke “While you are bound up there, every time you feel your restraints are too tight, every time that you feel like your gag is draining all of your saliva and every time you think you can’t take it anymore, I want you to remember, all of this could have been avoided if you were a little more complaint with your captivity”

Catherine snapped her fingers and Silvia instantly departed with Damon.

“Tie him nice and tight, and use the ballgag!” Catherine ordered as Silvia left with her stepson.

What was Chloe thinking? Giving her that type of advice like it would help her, Hannah thought to herself as she was taken downstairs by Amy. She didn’t spent much time talking with Chloe as their conversation quickly fell silent after their disagreement, and not to long after that the two lackeys of Catherine were there to pick them up and take them to their rooms.

Being tied to her bed, with her hands together to the headrest and her foot to the end like when she was put to sleep was a nice surprise to have after their torture in the basement, Hannah might have even considering sleeping, but she wasn’t tired enough so all she could do was look up until something came to be.

Of course she tested the ropes, after all Catherine had promised her that she was going to give her an opportunities to escape and so far she had seen none, but she didn’t expected Catherine to tell them when she had an opportunity before her.

Boredom was becoming Hannah’s greatest enemy during her time as Catherine’s prisoner, sure being tortured was bad, but it only lasted for a few minutes and after it was done she could easily forget about it. Most of the time she had to spend it tied up and gagged, unable to do anything to distract herself with, and that could be considered worse than being relentlessly tickled by Amy and Silvia.

After hours and when the outside was getting darker, which since it was winter didn’t meant much, Silvia suddenly entered her room, somewhat scaring Hannah, who tried to sit down only to remember that she was tied up.

“Catherine wants to see you” Silvia said before beginning to untie Hannah.

Hannah was surprised, wondering why would Catherine want to see her and hoping that it wasn’t for anything bad for her, but in the end she was just glad that something had happened and that she was being untied, at least for some time she wouldn’t have to worry about being so utterly bored.

Silvia untied Hannah’s feet so she could walk and nothing more, her hands stayed tied up and like that she was walked downstairs into the living room, which had its fireplace lit, making it very cozy. On the small foot table which stood between all the couches was a tray with cookies, biscuits, cups and a pair of teapots, it seemed like Catherine was having tea.

“Sit her down” Catherine ordered her maid, who sat Hannah on a sofa in front of Catherine.

Silvia reminded Hannah of the protocol, which considering how much she had been told it came across as somewhat annoying, but she complied anyway and stayed perfectly docile when Silvia removed the ropes from around her wrists.

Hannah’s wrists were quickly bound again, this time with red leather straps which were strangely comfortable due to their padding on the insides. Another surprise that they held for Hannah was the great degree of movement that they allowed her. The cuffs were chained to the armrests of the sofa with a surprising amount of slack, if she wanted, she could even reach to her face to pull down her gag. But that didn’t meant that the straps weren’t secure, Silvia made sure to buckle them tightly and there was a tiny padlock that would prevent Hannah from unlocking them, and that was if she managed to reach the strap in the first place.

“Now her feet” Catherine ordered her maid.

Silvia gladly obeyed and with straps of the same type tied Hannah’s feet to the front of the sofa at the ankles, and unlike the ones around her ankles these left no slack for her, so even trying to stand up wasn’t an option.

“Remove her gag”

Silvia followed her mistress orders like usual and ungaged Hannah, who was happy about having the cloth removed from between her teeth.

“You can leave now”

Silvia nodded and left the room. Hannah was left alone with her main captress, at whom she looked with intrigue.

“Hannah” Catherine broke the silence as she served herself tea “It has come to my attention that despite you being my prisoner, I hardly know anything about you”

Catherine filled her cup and offered some to Hannah, who despite her previous experience with accepting things from Catherine, accepted the drink nonetheless. Hannah was able to grab the cup and even move it up to her face to drink thanks to the slack between her cuffs and the chains, but she had something to say before taking the first sip.

“Maybe you’d know a bit more if you didn’t keep me gagged all of the time” She said before sipping the tea, which was unsurprisingly hot.

“You should wait a bit before drinking that” Catherine chuckled as she noticed that had burned herself with the tea “And while you do, why don’t you tell me a few things about you”

“Is that what you want?” Hannah asked “Just to talk and learn things about me”

“Indeed” Catherine replied “Just a normal conversation like the one I would have with any of my daughter’s friends”

“Well its hard to pretend that it is normal when you have me chained to this sofa but okay, I guess this is better than being stuck in the bedroom” Hannah sighed.

“Oh I asked Silvia to tie you pretty lightly, just enough so you are not able to escape but you can eat on your own while tied like that, I assume you missed doing that”

Catherine’s assumption was correct, Hannah was beyond tired of being fed like a baby every time she had to eat so she was happy about being able to move her arms enough to do it herself.

“Why don’t we get started then?” Catherine asked “Tell me anything about you, and who knows, I might answer some of your questions if the conversation is entertaining enough”

“Then can I ask you at least one thing? Hannah asked.

“I think It is too soon for that now, but depending on your question I might give you an answer” Catherine replied.

“Why are you doing this?” Hannah asked “Not the whole kidnapping thing, but I’d also like to know that, I just want to know the reason behind this sudden” She had to search for the right word to use “Kindness...?”

“Oh, I think we can both agree in the fact that telling you why I kidnapped you would ruin the fun” Catherine chuckled “But sure, I can tell you why I want to have this talk with you”

Catherine made a pause to drink her tea, which Hannah couldn’t understand how she could do without getting burned, and then proceeded.

“You see, despite what Chloe or your boyfriend might have told you, they are much more than my prisoners” Catherine began “We do things together, I help them when they need it, you know, a more normal mother-child relationship”

Hannah had her doubts, but it also made sense that Damon didn’t told her of the times Catherine was just being a regular mom.

“That means we know each other very well, and that makes it so when they are my prisoners, things are more fun because I know very well who I have at my mercy” Catherine continued, already giving Hannah an idea of where she was going “Which brings me to this, up until now I just know you as Damon’s girlfriend, a very unpleasing way to be known if you ask me, so by having a more relaxed chat with you, I meant to get to know you a bit better, that way out little game can be more fun, do you understand?”

“I think I do...” Hannah replied, not exactly sure about how knowing someone makes having them bound and gagged any more fun.

“If you don’t think so I can call Silvia and order her to take you back to your room” Catherine said jokingly.

Although the fact that the joke could easily be considered a threat because of the ease with which Catherine could enact what she said, a small smile drew itself on Hannah’s lips, even that bit of humor was welcomed in the day she was having.

“Shall we begin?” Catherine asked.

The conversation began as awkwardly as it could. Hannah didn’t needed to be chained to where she was to think that just telling someone about herself was kinda weird, but the fact that she was chained didn’t helped at all.

She told Catherine about her studies, to which Catherine seemed pleased to know that she was doing very well and didn’t missed a chance to compare her to Chloe, who according to her was always avoiding studying as much as possible.

Initially Hannah had her reservations about telling Catherine about the truth of her relationship with Chloe, because Catherine apparently thought that they were friends when that could barely be said for a short time period between their escape from Silvia and their arrival at the mansion. But Catherine was surprisingly honeytongued, and as the conversation went on she made Hannah reveal more truth’s about her and Chloe without even realizing it.

“So you only became Chloe’s friend to rescue your boyfriend” Catherine said, making Hannah realize how much she had spilled without even realizing it “That is certainly interesting, but that just makes her betrayal of you a bit more understandable”

Those words prompted Hannah to look down at her body and see her bound wrists and ankles, reminding her that despite everything she was still Catherine’s prisoner.

But that feeling, although it resurfaced every time Hannah took notice of the fact that she was bound, faded away when she got into the conversation, she would have never expected Catherine to be so charismatic.

Time went by and the table began to empty, the teapots dried out and the plates were depleted of biscuits and cookies as Catherine and Hannah kept talking. Their conversation went from topic to topic very fluently, likes and dislikes, phobias and fantasies, movies, books, no matter what Hannah talked about Catherine always seemed able to cling to the conversation without any trouble.

And it was because of that ability that Catherine managed to archive her objective so easily. She learned a lot about Hannah, knowledge that didn’t really mattered when it came to up Hannah, but that in the end, made her more unique before her eyes, and tying up someone she knew at least something about will always be better than just tying the girl she knew as just ‘Damon’s girlfriend’.

“So, I think we can agree that this was a pleasant conversation to have” Catherine said as she laid her cup on the table.

Hannah nodded, even though she knew that she had to go back to being a prisoner, if she even stopped being one in the first place, having some break from either being tortured or being left to bore herself to death alone in her room was very nice.

“Can I ask you a question?” Hannah asked.

It wouldn’t be the first question Hannah asked Catherine, during their chat she had asked her captress many things but those questions were banal in nature, now there was something Hannah really wanted to know.

“Oh, that is already something bold to ask, and something tells me that the question you have for me will be even bolder” Catherine replied “But since you have behaved so nicely, I’ll allow you one question, then we can discuss what will be of you afterwards”

Even though that last note made Hannah a little nervous Hannah was quick to gather the courage to ask the question.

“Why are you doing this?” Hannah asked.

“You have already asked that question many times, even during this conversation” Catherine commented as a smile drew itself on her face “But I can infer that you really want to know the answer”

Hannah nodded slowly, thinking that she may have gotten too bold with her question.

“Well, I answer you” Catherine said to Hannah’s surprise “But not now”

Surprise overcame Hannah, both because Hannah couldn’t believe that Catherine had agreed to reply and because she didn’t understand why she wasn’t willing to tell her now.

“Why?” Hannah asked, more out of instinct than out of reason.

Without a warning, Catherine leaned onto Hannah and pinned her shackled hands to the sofa’s armrest, she deviously looked at Hannah in the eyes before answering:

“If I’m going to give you a long winded villainess explanation I want to have you tightly tied up and with a gag on your mouth, not loosely strapped to a sofa” Catherine said sternly, apparently really excited by the prospect she was setting up.

Hannah gulped, even though she still wanted to know her answer what Catherine had said had made her slightly reconsider.
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