A Captive on the Cattle Drive: An Australian Story (M+/F)

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A Captive on the Cattle Drive: An Australian Story (M+/F)

Post by TayDay95 »

Before I start this tale I just wanna give credit where credit is due, I was inspired to create this historical fiction piece by two stories:

bondagefreaks "Captured by Vikings: Memoirs of a Prisoner" https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=17328

And Caesar73s "Hunt For the Weinstein-Collection" https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=13456

@bondagefreak Your attention to historical detail (right down to the kind of socks Vikings wore) and the way you capture the ordeals and emotions of your characters makes them so believable. It's like we're experiencing the story along with them in another time and place. 😁

@Caesar73 the way you represent Germany's culture, history and geography in the Weinstein-Collection really makes me wanna do the same for my country too, so basically I just wanted to thank you both for inspiring me 😁

Now all that being said I hope everyone enjoys this story!


Australia, 1905.
"Oh there they leave him standin',
A-shoutin' for all hands!
Whilst all around him,
Every shooter stands!

His eyes are on the cask,
Which now is lowerin' fast
He works hard and he plays hard
And he goes to Hell at last!

Click go the Shears, Boys
Click! Click! Click!
Wide is his blow
And his hands move quick!

The ringer looks around
As he's beaten by a blow!
Curses the old snagger
With the bare-bellied yoe!"
The voice of an ashen-haired, square-jawed and well-built
Australian stockman named Harry Buxton carried across the dry orange plains of the Simpson Desert. Along with the thundering hooves of two thousand head of Murray Grey cattle.

Harry and four of his fellow stockmen; Gregory Brown, Peter Paulson, Charlie Payne and Robert Gillingham working for the John Andrews & Sons Cattle Company had been tasked with driving the giant herd of beasts to the coastal town of Port Jenkins, a journey of over a thousand miles. At the end of this long ride, the experienced and hardy drovers had been promised a sale of 200 pounds a head. A handsome payday by any mans account.

"That song, you a bloody sheep-shearer now Harry?" Robert, aka Robbo mocked the thirty-year-old drover from afar.

"Thinkin' about it mate, thought I'd practice on you first, your bottoms about as hairy as a sheep's don't ya know?" Harry teased Robbo back all in good spirits, the Outback could be a lonely, harsh, unforgiving place even with good company, so it was important to keep spirits high, and none understood this better than Old Man Greg Brown, the lead stockman on the drive. A visibly aging but still lean and strong man who could ride a horse and crack a whip with the best of them.

"Careful Robbo, he'll be askin' ya to dinner in Port Jenkins by the time we get there hahaha!" The husky-voiced older stockman chortled over the rumbling of the herd, his instincts immediately kicking in as he saw a few stray cows moving too far to the right of the rest of the herd. He galloped to the flank of the less intelligent beasts, spurs rattling and his brown leather duster coat flowing. With a loud, sharp crack of his bull whip he frightened the Murray Greys back on track. Until soon more and more of the animals started to dart about, to and fro like chickens with their heads cut off.

"Strewth somethin's got 'em spooked!" Harry thought.

Moving as a team to prevent the entire herd from scattering, the expert drovers coordinated their riding to encourage the cattle to firstly, all move in the same direction, and secondly, move in the right direction. The herd would strive to avoid the riders, bunching up tightly together to avoid being attacked if they saw their drovers as predators, a natural survival instinct ingrained in cows for thousands of years.

But even as the professional horsemen ushered the herd together, something else was motivating them to move apart again...

There was something moving slowly amongst the cattle as they trudged and milled about.

"Pfuuuuuuiiiitt! Oi, Greg you seein' this mate?" Harry whistled loudly and called out to the aging rider.

They laid eyes on what was disturbing the herd.

A woman, just casually walking through a huge herd of Cattle, in the middle of the desert... Her loose, long red hair billowed in the wind along with her long blue dress covered in small white polka dots...

And blood.

On her dirt-stained, blank face, in her matted hair, on her tattered dress, the woman was covered in a truly terrifying amount of blood.

"Bugger me!" Harry exclaimed, dismounting his chestnut Brumby to make his way on foot towards the mysterious young bird. "Fellas give us a hand here!"

She barely even reacted to Harrys presence until he took off his dark brown duster to place over her shoulders.

"Miss? Miss you alright? What happened?"

The Murray Greys were scattering to and fro, with Peter, Charlie and Robbo spurring their horses to keep the startled animals corralled whilst Old Greg rode up to Harry and his new charge.

"Bloody hell, where'd you come from?!" the aging stockmen hollered. "Check her for wounds Harry we need to stop, bloody herds losing their minds!"

Doing as instructed while Greg rode on to help slow down the thundering cattle, Harry did as instructed and patted the strange, blood-covered damsel down all over her body to see where the blood was coming from.

"Miss? What happened Miss? Speak to me what happened were you attacked?" he urged the mysterious redhead.

"I..." she finally spoke, in a soft voice, barely a whisper. "Yes, I was... Attacked yes I was..."

Harry looked all over her body, which felt wrong in itself as he didn't know this woman from Jack or June, but he kept reminding himself it was necessary to help.

But aside from some bruising on her face... And on her neck, she didn't appear to be bleeding from anywhere...

"Bloody hell." Harry thought, this had very quickly become anything but a typical Cattle Drive.

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Post by TayDay95 »

(An Hour Later)

The herd finally under control and grazing away at the dry plains grass, the stockmen had set up camp in a relatively shady spot under a golden wattyl tree. The poor young lady, who had given her name as Mary Hill, had barely uttered a word, spending much of her time staring into the distance. Once she was fed, given water and shade, and tucked into Peters swag Harry took Old Greg aside to talk in private.

"I don't like this boss, not a bloody bit, she hasn't got a wound on her, that's not her blood we just washed off. " Harry conveyed his concerns.
"Yeah but I ain't sure what we should do, still about eight hundred miles from Port Jenkins, and we don't reach the halfway stop at Lamumba for at least a couple more days... All me years of droving nothin' like this has ever happened. Stone the bloody crows Harry... " Greg shook his head in disbelief.

"Maybe she got attacked by dingoes, managed to fight em off?" Harry shrugged his broad shoulders, but even he was skeptical of the words as he uttered them.

"Come on mate take this seriously." the old codger backhanded Harry's chest.

"Yeah I know... Look maybe whatever she did was in self-defence, let's hear her out eh?"


Just then a horrible shriek came from the camp, Mary had stood up out of the swag and was now lashing at the three large drovers around her with what looked like a knife.

"Oi Harry, Greg, she's got me razor!" Peter yelled, trying to keep his distance.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME! GET BACK!" The scrawny redhead screamed, the stockmen all gathered around her in a circle.

"Hey hey simmer down love, nobody here's gonna do you harm." Old Greg tried to reason with the crazed woman.

"Why did you help me? Why? I don't want your help!" she started to sob hysterically, breathing heavily like a Brumby in the desert sun.

"Miss Hill please we're just working men, we've no quarrel with you!" Harry raised his hands peacefully.

"Just let me leave please, I don- Ahh!"

Suddenly, with a mighty snap, a bullwhip coiled rapidly around Mary's dress at about shin height, and with a sharp heave, Robbo had brought her crashing to the ground, dropping Peters cut-throat razor.

"No! Nooo! Get off me!" Mary screamed as the five men rushed in quickly to restrain her, each grabbing a limb whilst Robbo kept a tight grip on his whip, pulling it hard to keep the maddened ladys legs ensnared.

"Harry, get some bloody rope we'll hold her!" OldGreg shouted over Mary's shrieking and wailing.

"LET ME GO!!! STOP IT!!!" She cried to the heavens even as her face was pushed into the red outback dust. "NOOOO!!!"

"Stop strugglin' love we don't wanna hurt ya!" Charlie pinned Mary's hands behind her back.

Taking a long length of rope from his saddle bag which he would normally use to pitch his canvas tent, Harry rushed back over to where the struggle was taking place.

Utilising his old man's lessons of hogtying pigs and sheep from horseback, Harry quickly looped the rope around Mary's wrists as Charlie held them up in the air, straining the crazed womans shoulders and back as he bent them backwards. Just as rapidly, Harry yanked the rope tight and encircled Mary's feet three times. The rope moved fluidly through his rough calloused hands as he yanked it tightly back up towards her wrists, looping and twisting it into a cinch before the five men could finally step back catching their breath.

Five incredibly fit men had had to use all their energy to secure one raging young woman who looked no bigger than a twig...

"Bloody hell..." Peter panted

"Strewth mate, I don't get fuckin' paid for this malarkey!" Robbo kicked up some dust onto Mary's face and back.

"Oi, there'll be none a' that!" Old Greg barked.

"This mad birds costin' me a pay day, probably snuffed some poor soul too, why should I care about her?" the youngest of the stockmen shrugged his shoulders.

"LET ME GO YOU ANIMALS!!!" Mary shrieked.

"Ah shut your trap ya harlot!" Robbo growled.

"Mr. Gillingham!" Old Greg's normally jovial voice boomed across the desert like a cannon shot.

"A word please!"

As Greg and Robert walked off to the side for a quiet scolding, Harry walked up to the struggling, sobbing young woman and knelt down beside her... She looked no older than twenty-three, and would be quite lovely if not for the bruises and grime marring her face. She rolled onto her back, struggling emphatically against her bonds, and looked up at Harry with tear-stained blue eyes.

It wasn't rage he saw, but pain, sadness...

Untying the black bandanna from around his neck, the black-haired stockmen did his best to wipe the muck from her face. She winced in pain as he touched the bruises on her cheek and above her eye.

"Sorry Miss." he sincerely apologised, he felt a strange sympathy for this woman who'd just threatened him with a deathly sharp blade.

"Gentlemen, come here if ya please!" Greg called upon his team.

Standing up without a word, Harry left the hogtied lady panting and sweating in the dirt, her tattered blue dress becoming one with the dusty desert floor.

It was soon agreed upon that the team would have to bring Mary with them, not an easy responsibility whilst also burdened with driving such a large herd. But they had little choice.

There wasn't a policeman for miles and miles in this wild, barren stretch of land, nothing but dust, grass, kangaroos, insects and reptiles.

And so, it was agreed that they would each carry her on the back of their horse in rotating two-hour shifts. Her presence would make food and water rationing even more strict, but it would be inhumane to leave her to the desert.

With their plan decided, the team saddled up and got the herd moving again, with Harry taking the first shift slinging Mary onto the hind quarters of his chestnut Brumby, using more rope to secure her to the saddle. He put a thin blanket over her so she wouldn't get sunburnt, and like that, the team set off once more.


*Author's notes

Brumby = an Australian breed of wild horse, sometimes tamed by stockmen.
Strewth = an Australian curse word that's an abbreviation of "God's Truth".
Swag = a large thick canvas bag that was a precursor to the modern sleeping bag. Homeless wanderers in olden times were referred to as swagmen.
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Post by Nainur »

I think it's an intriguing start! Hope there's not too cruel story behind it, but happy to finding out...

(good job to provide an explanation concerning Down Under - vocabulary!)
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Post by TayDay95 »

Nainur wrote: 2 years ago I think it's an intriguing start! Hope there's not too cruel story behind it, but happy to finding out...

(good job to provide an explanation concerning Down Under - vocabulary!)
Hey thanks for commenting mate, I wouldn't say Mary's backstory is cruel, but rather, tragic. I hope that can assuage some of your concerns 🙂
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Post by Dpsiic »

As @Nainur says intriguing, looking forward to seeing where this is going.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention] thank you for your kind Words - and I am looking forward to learn more about your homeland :) And the first two Chapters set the Stage nicely. Please continue the way you started!
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Post by TayDay95 »

Dpsiic wrote: 2 years ago As @Nainur says intriguing, looking forward to seeing where this is going.
Thanks I look forward to showing you! 😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago @TayDay95 thank you for your kind Words - and I am looking forward to learn more about your homeland :) And the first two Chapters set the Stage nicely. Please continue the way you started!
Sounds Good Caesar thanks for commenting as always my friend 😊
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