RAG Week Fundraiser Mischief - MM/F

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RAG Week Fundraiser Mischief - MM/F

Post by barrabas »

35 years is a long time. 35 years in TV is even longer. From being seen and not heard as a continuity announcer in her-mid 20s, Jane Ford had now co-hosted a major daytime television show for two decades. Her name and face were recognisable across the country. Celebrity had found her, whether she was looking for it or not. Intelligent and authoritative with a playful sense of humour Jane was seen by the nation as a mother figure. Tall, lean, with strong muscles and firm, substantial curves even at 61 years of age, Jane was also seen by the nation as a top-drawer MILF.

Jane worked in London, and spent most of her time there, but she lived one county over. Her life was in London though, her current hometown was just a place she went back to at the end of the day. Nonetheless, that smaller city considered her to be a local celebrity, and she was usually happy to make an appearance at a charity event or two if she was asked. But she didn't keep track of local goings, which in this case, was going to be an unfortunate oversight.

The town university's RAG Week was in full swing. A week of Raising And Giving, students doing everything under the sun to raise money and awareness for a variety of chosen charities. Two of these students, a couple of first year boys, 18 years old and full of the cockiness that comes with living away from home for the first time, were looking to make a name for themselves. They were well aware of Jane's local and national fame and were planning on capitalising on it. They knew Jane wasn't working today, she wouldn't be expected on the nation's TV screen until tomorrow. And if she wasn't there? Well, that surprise absence from the show would draw a lot of attention, and therefore hopefully a lot of money for a good cause.

Jane was having a good day. She'd risen early and got a good workout in at the gym, focusing on resistance training, trying to maintain her personal bests for at least another year. She had met some friends for a posh lunch and was now walking home, where she would have the house to herself for the rest of the day, while her husband worked late. Jane had dressed up a little for lunch, tucking a snug white top into some tight high rise jeans, paired with a brown leather belt. She wore a tailored blazer over her top, to keep off the early autumn wind, and was wearing gloss tights under her jeans, to help sculpt her legs and meaty buttocks. Her nude heels clacked along the pavement.

Zack and Kevin sat patiently in their SUV, driving up and down the suburban streets near to Jane's address. They'd done their homework, knew that she liked to walk to and from the town centre, and knew the routes that would likely be quickest. This part of town was pretty quiet right now, kids were all in school, parents either working or running errands. A few cars came and went, a few cyclists sped by. Some coloured streamers hung from a tree, the remnants of some other RAG week stunt. It looked like the week after Halloween, where little signs of past mischief still linger here and there. They were in costume, suitably stupid. Kevin had gone cowboy, Zack pirate. Their faces were unmasked and so they could read the nervousness and latent adrenaline building on each others faces. An hour of eagle-eyed patrolling went by, with no results.

Jane continued her brisk walk along Maple Drive, as brisk as her heels would allow her, wanting to keep her heart rate a little raised at least. She enjoyed how quiet these green roads were in the afternoon, but didn't mind nodding a hello to the rare person she walked past. Her gaze turned to some bright streamers, still on the tree, after being left their days ago. As she watched the bits of paper ripple in the wind, she heard the familiar sound of an SUV rumble down the road in her direction. The yummy mummies in their people carrying mini-vans, driving to and from places they could probably walk to. Strangely, this one was slowing down to a crawl as it got closer to where she was walking. Maybe it was someone she knew.

They had spotted her, marching along the pavement, her shortish blonde hair undisturbed by the breeze, the sun showing off a tasteful fake tan on her face. The light reflected a little off the tops of her feet showing through her heels, highlighting the gloss of what must be nylons. Kevin slowed down the car, his heart pumping a mile a minute, as Zack moved to the back and prepared to swing open the boot of the vehicle. They noticed Jane, or Mrs Ford to them, turn to look at their car.
"Shit, she's seen us," Kevin hissed.
"It's OK," reassured Jack, "she's still walking. As soon as she gets past the boot, we go for it."

The SUV rolled slowly past, but as Jane looked in the drivers side window, she saw it was just some kid in a silly hat. Turning her attention back to her walk, she began to pick up her pace again, before the boot of the SUV swung open and a colourful pirate, complete with headscarf, eyepatch and rubber parrot leapt out and began charging towards her. Instinctively she took a step back and bumped into someone else, turning her head over her shoulder to see a the fresh faced hat wearing cowboy from the car. Before she could let out a "hey", the cowboy had manoeuvred a long arm in-between her back and her own upper arms, pulling them behind her and holding them in place. His other arm wrapped under her ample chest, holding her around the abdomen below her ample bosom and above her belt buckle.
"Oi, get off! What are you doing?" she sputtered, still in a state on confusion. The pirate advanced on her as the cowboy began to drag her backwards. She lashed out the eye-patch wearing boy with a heeled foot, her strong legs putting a lot of force behind the kick.

Zack narrowly avoided a 4 inch heel to the groin. Focusing on the thrust of her next kick, he nimbly side-stepped, then stepped forward quickly, grabbing Mrs Ford's leg just below the knee. She was off balance now, and he ducked low, collected up her other leg at the same point, and heaved her lower body upwards, straining his muscles to keep her legs held together. She was heavier than expected, her legs were all dense muscle, but he and Kevin moved fast, carrying her squirming, bucking body around the back of the SUV.
"Hey, what is this? Put me down! What the fuck is this?" Kevin took a step up, moving backwards, bundling Mrs Jones in with him, and Zack followed suit. As soon as her feet were inside, Zack freed one of his hands to pull down the rear door, shutting the 3 of them in their getaway vehicle.

Jane was switching back and forth between a state of complete incredulity and righteous rage. Who were these boys? She didn't recognise them, they weren't friends of her son, so this couldn't be a prank from them. They didn't look like any of the neighbourhood school kids either, just a little too old maybe. Then who were they and what the fuck was going on? The pirate had just loosened his grip on her legs to close the boot of the car, and she tried to get another kick off at him, but ended up losing her balance. She fell buttocks first to the car floor, bringing the cowboy with her, who unfortunately didn't loosen his grip on her arms enough for her to wrench free. Still, she had plenty of energy, and he seemed to be tiring, so she kept twisting her torso and trying to pull her arms free of his hold.

Mrs Ford was fighting like a warrior, and seemed to have the strength of a bear within that shapely figure. Zack dodged a few more sharp kicks, and looked up to see how much Kevin was struggling to keep her under control, especially with the extra leverage pushing against the car surfaces were giving her. Dodging another attack, he swung to the side of her legs, dropped to his knees, then flung his torso down over her calves, trying to pin them to the ground. With one arm trying to hold her calves together, (he could feel how rock solid they were under her jeans) he reached out across the floor to a big shiny roll of silver duct tape.

Jane switched her attention to her legs now, clocking what the pirate had just grabbed of the floor and tensing her powerful thighs in an attempt to free her legs. The pirate jolted, but repositioned himself and she heard the sharp ripping sound of strong duct taped being pulled of its roll.
"Get off me you little twerps," she shouted, to no avail. Who the fuck are these clowns?, she thought to herself, then shared that thought out loud.
"What the fuck do you clowns think you are doing?" The boys looked panicked, but determined, exchanging nervous glances but not letting up and their apparent capture attempt. She bent her knees, trying to wriggle free but then felt a tight pull around her ankles to accompany the ripping noise, as the tape was wound around and around, binding them securely together.

Having secured her ankles, Zack could still see plenty of movement in the rest of her legs, and began to shuffle up her shins to wrap more tape around her knees. The adhesive must be strong on this stuff, as it took a bit of effort to pull it off the roll. Feeling a new surge of adrenaline though, he powered onwards, wrapping one arm just below the knee and wrapping the shiny duct tape around and around and around again. Her legs were so solid, so strong, he didn't want to take any chances, making sure he got half a dozen wraps in before tearing off the tape and smoothing down the end.
"When I get my hands on you", she grumbled, a bit of the fight seeming to leave her, but just a bit. Zack wrapped both arms around some seriously Amazonian thighs, and putting his whole core into the pull, jerked them up and towards him enough to make some space underneath them. The tape zipped around those powerful muscles once, twice...

Straining with all the force she could muster, Jane tried to pull apart her upper legs. She gritted her teeth, her muscles bulged and then, 'rip' a slight tear appeared in the tape loop that had begun to bind her thighs together. She heard the pirate swear, and so she continued pulling, gradually widening the rip in the tape, and breaking its binding. Sadly for her, the pirate then went in to overdrive, wrapping layer after later after layer of tape over the rip, until it seemed he had used half the roll.
"You think you're going to get away with this?" She threatened, then cringed inwardly at the cliché.

Having finally secured Mrs Ford's legs, Zack stopped to take a breath. Even under all the tape, it still looked like she was going to hulk out and free herself. But no, in reality, nothing was getting out of that without some scissors.
"I'll keep hold of her wrists", Kevin panted, "You get that wound around her body." Zack gathered himself as Kevin moved both hands down Mrs Ford's upper arms, down her forearms until his hands closed around her wrists, he tensed his chest and pulled them together behind her, locking them against each other, the shuffled back to make room for Zack to get the tape around.

"This is all for a good cause, honest", Jane heard the cowboy say brightly behind her.
"What?" Jane replied as more tape was wound below her chest, around behind her arms and back around again. She felt her biceps being pinned behind her, holding her shoulders in place as a result.
"Yeah, you've never heard of a charity kidnap?" the pirate asked with genuine surprise.
"What? No!" she snapped, wriggling her torso and testing her new range of movement. There wasn't much to test.
"Yeah, we raise a lot of money for a lot of worthy causes" the cowboy explained, earnestly. She felt the grip on her wrists tighten as the pirate shuffled around to the side.
"Nearly done, I promise" he said.

Fuck she's strong, Kevin thought to himself. He'd admired her hourglass curves on TV for a while but didn't expect her to be so fit. Well, she was gorgeous in her 60s, so it makes sense she would be fit in her 60s as well. Either way, once her wrists are all wrapped up she's not going anywhere. There seemed to be some more resignation in her at this point. She twisted and tried to tug her hands free a little, but the tape was wrapped tightly around her wrists in no time. With one last move, Kevin put his hands under her arms, and smoothly pulled her back a few feet, so she was sitting upright against the wall of the SUV.

Jane glared at her captors, occasionally making a short strain against her bonds, but other wise sitting in bound fury.
"So what now?" She sneered at them? She was beyond furious, entering into a quiet, still rage. The bare-faced audacity of this stupid stunt astounded her. Was this some kind of daft tradition then? Unbelievable.
"We're going to hold you for ransom, get people to donate money for your release." The cowboy explained.
"What people?" she asked.
"The public, people from town. And the network."
"The network? What are you talking about, I need to be at work tomorrow!"
"You're not going to work tomorrow Mrs Ford, sorry. We'll raise a lot more money if this gets talked about on national TV. Pretty smart huh?"
"Smart? SMART? You cheeky little shits! This is completely unacceptable! Completely unacceptable! You scrawny little clowns are going to let me out of this ridiculous tape right now, or I swear I am going to krrrlllmMMMMMRRRMMMFFF!?!?!"
"Ok that's quite enough out of you Mrs Ford", the pirate said firmly, having whipped a length of tape over her mouth from behind, pulling it hard over her mouth.
"You're going to draw too much attention shouting like that, and frankly you being a bit rude?"
Jane could not believe what she was hearing? Was he being serious? Did he actually think she was the rude one here?

"It's for a good cause!" Kevin implored, winding the tape round and round her mouth and the back of her head, as she continued to make muffled rages from behind the layers. With every wrap she got a little quieter. After he felt her volume had been sufficiently reduced, he tore the tape off the roll and took a step back. He had wound it crazily tight around her raging face. Her cheeks were bulging over the top of the snug silver, and her chin jutted out at the bottom. Her eyes alternated between bulging in amazement at being gagged, and narrowing with seething fury.
"Mmrrrrffffllggllmmmrrmffmm." her thoroughly muted admonishments continued, unabated in frequency.
"I'll take that off when you feel you can be a bit more polite." He said.

Unbelievable, Jane thought to herself again. This is absolutely unbelievable. She strained against the tape binding her limbs again, but it wasn't going anywhere. She had a lot of choice words she wanted to say to these idiots, but the little fuckers had actually gagged her? Gagged her? Unbelievable. She let out another garbled tirade of expletives, lost behind the maniacally tight gag wrapped around her mouth.
"OK time to move" she heard the cowboy say from behind the wheel.
"Alright Mrs Ford, we've got to get the to safehouse. It'll be more comfortable there," the pirate said. "One last thing to do. Batcave stuff, sorry, location is a secret." Jane watched with ever growing disbelief as the pirate picked up the tape, tore off a wide strip, and leaned down towards her. She shook her head ferociously, but he moved with her and neatly stuck a band of the silver stuff over her beautiful scowling eyes.

"Time for a quick selfie", Zack said to himself, getting out his phone, putting an arm around Mrs Jones' squirming shoulder and smiling for the camera.
"Say cheese, Mrs J." He said, not able to completely hide the nervousness still in this voice.
"MMMMRRRFFFFFRRMMRRR!!!!" roared Mrs Jones, in a burst of primal rage so loud it almost made it's way through layers of industrial strength tape.
Last edited by barrabas 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

- Teacherknapping (MMMM/F) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=1497
- Teacherknapping II: Bigger Game (MMMM/FF) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=6223
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Intriguing [mention]barrabas[/mention] :) Is this the first Chapter with more to follow?
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Post by barrabas »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Intriguing @barrabas :) Is this the first Chapter with more to follow?
Yeah. This was going to be a one-and-done, an exercise in not overthinking a story. Still haven't finished the last one...
But I ended up choreographing the capture in a lot more detail than I thought I would. So yeah, there'll be another chapter.
Thanks for you interest!

- Teacherknapping (MMMM/F) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=1497
- Teacherknapping II: Bigger Game (MMMM/FF) https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?t=6223
Centennial Club
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

Really enjoyed this. I like the attention to detail. I’m intrigued what happens next :)
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