Nina (f/m) - updated 02-12-2022 Ch. 3

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Nina (f/m) - updated 02-12-2022 Ch. 3

Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 1 - Nina

Peter met her the day his life ended. It was the single most humiliating day of his life and he hid deep in the research stacks in the campus library. He slunk to the floor and pulled his knees up to his chest letting his dirty blond hair shield him from the rest of the world. So absorbed in his own despair he did not know anyone was there until she spoke.

“Having a tough day.” Her voice was feminine and delicate.

Peter jerked in surprise and quickly swiped an arm across his eyes, swiping at unshed tears. A long sleeve gray sweater clung to her waist and a Halloween-patterned skirt spread out over her hips stopping a few inches above her knees. It flowed around her thighs which were encased in dark hosiery and ended in a pair of simple white tennis shoes. Her waist was so narrow even with the added thickness of the sweater she would make an hourglass jealous. “Oh sorry,” Peter said, his normal high baritone much lower due to his throat clogged with sorrow.

The young woman gracefully crossed her legs and dipped into a sitting position beside him, carefully arranging her skirt across her knees. The movement created a gentle flow of air filled with the subtle scent of peaches, probably from her shampoo or perfume. Peter had trouble meeting her eyes and focused on the ghosts sprinkled among the fall leaves comprising the pattern of her skirt. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Peter shook his head and wondered where there was a better place to hide than the library on a Saturday night on a college campus. “I can’t, sorry.”

A hand touched his arm. The coolness of her fingers penetrated beneath the sleeve of his black athletic shirt which he wore beneath a black cotton T-shirt. The gentle touch froze his limbs. “I don’t know you, you don’t know me. It’s pretty safe.”

Peter met her eyes. The liquid brown pools had gold swirls around the outer iris, her lips were shockingly red and full parted in a gentle smile. Her hair danced across her shoulders in shiny brown curls. “It’s embarrassing, my life is over.”

“Ok, but sometimes sharing it with someone can bring a bit of perspective.” The young woman urged.

Peter’s chest heaved in a sniff and a chuckle escaped his lips. “That’s the problem, I shared it already and now I’m sure my whole dorm knows, the whole school.” Peter looked up as another person walked by the row of shelves where they sat talking.

Nina noticed the look and stood up. “My name is Nina, why don’t you follow me to a small test taking room where we can talk more privately.”

Peter hesitated as Nina walked away, her skater-length skirt swaying back and forth as she moved toward the end of the stacks. “Come on, you need to talk about this.” Her voice was forceful and Peter found himself combing his fingers through his hair and following before his mind had a chance to ask what he was doing.

Nina led him to an empty room filled with small cubicles where students could work without any danger of their neighbors peeking. Two chairs were positioned near the door and she sat down holding out a hand toward the other. Peter closed the door and sat down. “Alright then, can we start with your name?” Nina asked.


“Alright Peter, why don’t you tell me what happened? Why is your life over?”

Peter took a deep breath and shrugged. “You’ll think I’m a freak.”

“Did you do something illegal?” Nina responded.

“No.” Peter said immediately.

“Immoral?” Nina responded.

“Depends on who you ask?” Peter said with a shrug

“Dangerous?” Nina continued.

“Probably if you’re not careful.” Peter answered and then sighed. It was obvious she was going to persist until he simply told everything. “Look I’ll tell but you’ll either laugh or back out of the room slowly.”

“Try me.” Nina said her voice lowering in a way that sounded more irritated than patient.

Peter took a deep breath. “My roommate planned to be out of town this weekend so I thought I had the dorm to myself.” Another deep breath. “Ever since I was a kid I’ve always enjoyed tying myself up, so that’s what I did tonight.”

“You tied yourself up?” Nina asked.

Peter nodded.

“How?” Nina asked.


“Why?” Nina said.

Peter shrugged. “I don’t know really but I love the feeling of helplessness even when it’s an illusion. My mind breaks free and my imagination runs wild.”

“And it excites you sexually,” Nina said in a matter-of-fact way that was barely a question.

“Well, I suppose, at least since puberty,” Peter admitted. “But I can’t really alleviate that particular need while bound if you know what I’s complicated. Also, sex at this age get’s mixed into everything.”

“And your roommate came home and found you?” Nina said.

Peter nodded. “I was tied face down to my bed with my wrists bound to my ankles. I heard him opening the door and I couldn’t even get the blindfold off before he saw me.”

“You were blindfolded?” Nina clarified.

“And gagged,” Peter added.

“Gagged, really?” Nina said with a bit of surprise.

“Yeah, a damp cloth and some wrapping,” Peter answered.

“What did your roommate do?” Nina asked.

“He looked at me and ran out of the room. By the time he was back with the R.A. [resident assistant], I had managed to get my hands free. Panic can be a powerful motivator. I got dressed and fled, eventually ending up here.”

“Wait a second, you got dressed? Were you naked?” Nina asked.

“No, to prevent rope burns I wear this.” Peter lifted his arm and slid a finger across the tight material of the shirt he wore beneath his T-shirt and pulled his jeans up to show the same material covering his legs. “It’s just a runner’s shirt and tights.”

Nina nodded. “I noticed the tights in the hall, that explains it.”

“So you see, my life is over.” Peter finished.

“What did you tell the R.A.?” Nina asked.

“Nothing. I just bolted past him.”

“Hmm…” Nina said, tapping one finger against her ruby red lips. “What dorm are you in?”

“Collins Hall, second floor, why?”

“Derek Moorehead is the R.A.?” Nina asked.

“Yeah, but why?”

“Promise me something,” Nina said.

Peter scrunched his face in confusion. “Promise what?”

“I think I can fix this situation but you have to stay right here, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“What could you possibly do?” Peter asked.

“I have a plan if you’re willing to try it?” Nina said.

“My plan was to drop out of school and work fast food for the rest of my life, is it better than that?” Peter asked.

“Oh, I can definitely beat that, but you have to stay here.”

Nina left, closing the door behind her leaving Peter to pace around the small room listening to the odd sounds of the old library. He picked up an old chemistry textbook and was flipping through the pages when Nina snuck back in. “Alright, Derek will be here in a few seconds...”

“What?” Peter exclaimed. “How is that helping?”

“Trust me, I don’t have time to explain my whole idea but just let me do the talking. You aren’t against a few white lies to get you out of this?”

Peter shook his head, his mouth suddenly dry from fear. “Nina, you don’t know me.”

“True, but you trusted me with some intimate information so I figured I should try and help. I make no promises…” There was a knock on the door.

Nina opened the door and a bearded man a couple of years older than Peter was waiting on the other side. He glanced at Peter with a look of concern.

“You’re Derek?” Nina said.

Derek nodded and pointed. “Nina?”

Nina nodded. “I think you deserve an explanation about what happened tonight with Peter?”

Derek’s eyes popped. “You were involved?”

Nina nodded and Peter had to use every ounce of willpower to keep his mouth from dropping open in surprise. “Yeah, it was a dare between us and I intended to come back and set him free but… well you know what happened.”

“So are you two together?” Derek asked.

Nina shrugged. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes we’re friends.” Nina paused with a coy glance toward Peter. “Close friends.”

“Why did you let her tie you up? Just a dare?”

Peter looked away. “Well, she’s beautiful and said I would never escape. I thought she would have to touch me…”

“Stop, stop, I get it. We thought it was some kind of robbery, but when you ran out we thought…” Derek paused and looked at the floor. “Well, other things. Why did you run?”

“I freaked out and was pretty embarrassed, and you would never have believed I had a girl in my room,” Peter said.

Derek laughed. “That’s true.”

Nina put her hands on her hips and glared at Derek. “Are you satisfied?”

“I suppose, I better go throw some water on the rumor fire that is starting. Don’t do things like that again.” Derek said, looking at Peter with disapproval.

“Well, she left me alone,” Peter said with downcast eyes while indicating Nina.

“If you weren’t being such an arrogant twit,” Nina responded. “I can get out of anything.” She said in a sing-song sarcastic imitation of Peter’s voice.

Derek waved both his hands at them. “Alright, I’m glad it was just a mistake. I’ll see you back at the dorm.”

Derek left and closed the door behind him.

Peter looked back to Nina who was smiling while holding out her arms in a ‘Am I good or what’ way.

“Amazing, you saved my life. Thank you so much.”

“No problem, happy to help,” Nina responded.

“Trouble is, people are going to think you and I are involved now.” Peter’s voice dropped and he sagged. “You’ll have to tell them the truth, and then the story won’t make sense.”

“Don’t worry,” Nina said, waving her arms toward him. “I’m a senior and live off-campus. None of my friends are even remotely attached to the rumors here.”

Peter perked up. “Alright, if you’re sure.”

“Positive, here give me your phone,” Nina asked.

Peter handed over his phone and Nina quickly ran her hands across the screen. “There, I just texted myself so we have each other’s numbers. If you have any more problems, or just want to talk.”

Peter looked at the number and went back to Nina. “Why?”

“Why did I give you my number?” Nina asked.

“No, why did you help me?” Peter clarified.

“I told you earlier, you trusted me with some really private information which I really pushed you to divulge. I figured I owed you.”

“Wow, you are something,” Peter said with a smile.

“Ahh, thanks.” She squeezed his shoulder and left the room.

* * *

The teasing he got for getting tied up and abandoned by a girl died down in a few days mostly because he felt kind of proud of Nina’s lie. Being tied to a bed by a beautiful girl was pretty awesome and all the guys knew it.

Nina was also right, he rarely saw her on campus closer than a wave, but the following Saturday after the incident he sat down on the bed and shot her a text. “Just wanted to thank you again for saving my life last Saturday.” He hit send and laid back on the bed imagining what it would be like if their little bit of fiction had been real.

His phone chirped with a response. “You better come over, I won’t be in the library tonight to rescue you.” She ended the note with a winking face emoji.

Peter was about to ask where she lived but before he could finish an address popped up on the phone with a question? “Do you have a car?”

After a quick map search, he responded. “Yes, be there in 15 minutes.”

It was closer to ten since Peter was so excited. Nina was outside swinging on the porch of a surprisingly large house when he pulled up. Dusk had settled and the porch light made an amber halo of her dark curls.

“Hey Peter, how’d you manage your week?” Nina asked.

Peter noticed she wore a similar ensemble as last time. A short flowing skirt that did not cover her knees, this time with a stars and galaxies print, a white T-shirt with a Supergirl emblem on the front peeking from between the buttons of a gray long-sleeved sweater. Peter wondered if his fingers would touch if he grabbed her by the waist. “Really well, thanks to you. Was there any fallout for you?”

“No, no one said anything. Like I said, our circles don’t intersect.” Nina said.

“What are you studying?” Peter asked

“Dentistry,” Nina said.

“Wow, do you like it?”

“Yeah, though I’m going to specialize in the surgical side. More school, but there are fewer emergencies, so better hours. What about you?”

“Culinary Arts,” Peter said.

“Oh a chef,” Nina said with what seemed to be genuine excitement.

“I hope so, someday.”

“You’ll have to cook something for my aunt and me,” Nina said.

“You’re aunt?” Peter said.

“Oh yeah, this is her house, I get to stay here rent-free if I help her with chores and cooking and other stuff.”

“Wow, that's a good deal. Does she not like guys, is that why we’re out here?”

“Oh no, I just really like the fall weather, it will be too cold to sit outside soon enough. Come on, I'll introduce you.”

When Peter heard the word ‘aunt’ he expected someone old or perhaps using a cane, but Nina’s aunt could not have been much past the age of forty. She was standing at the sink in a pair of exercise leggings that were a vibrant shade of purple and highlighted an extremely well-toned backside. A T-shirt tied into a knot about her waist was loose enough to show a matching sports bra beneath.

“Aunt Penny,” Nina called but the woman continued to sing along to the music entering her ears through white earbuds. Her blond hair waved back and forth to her movements. Nina finally stepped close enough to tap her on the shoulder. “Oh Nina, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.”

“That’s ok, I just wanted to introduce a friend I met at the library last week. This is Peter.”

Peter stepped forward and extended his hand. “Nice to meet you Aunt Penny.”

“Oh just Penny, and it’s nice to meet you too. You’re in school too.”

Peter nodded at the same time that Nina said. “Culinary school.”

“Ohh, a chef. I hope you’ll cook for us, neither Nina nor I are all that good around the kitchen.”

“I would love to, do you have a favorite dish?”

“Oh, my husband used to make the best lasagna before he died. I would love to taste homemade lasagna again.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Peter said.

Nina waved off the statement. “It’s been years, but thank you,” Penny answered.

“I can make lasagna if you’re willing to let me use your kitchen for most of an afternoon, it’s quite involved.”

Penny laughed. “Sure you can, saints know I don’t use it.”

“When would you like me to come over?”

“Sooner the better, I can’t wait. What do you think, Nina?” Penny said with an excited smile.

“Tomorrow is Sunday, that works for me. What about you?” Nina said, looking back and forth between Peter and Penny.

Peter must have looked surprised because both Nina and Penny started to assure him that he did not have to cook for them. “No no, I’ll be happy to cook but there are some ingredients…”

“If you’re willing to cook I’m more than willing to go shopping tomorrow morning,” Penny said. “But really you don’t have to.”

“No it’s no trouble, I’ll just give a list to Nina before I leave,” Peter said, looking at the smiling brunette.

“That will be fine, now don’t let me intrude upon your evening, I’m going to go shower and head to bed. It’s so nice to meet you, Peter.”

Nina stepped closer. “I’m sorry this happened so suddenly.”

“I like to cook, it’s no trouble.”

“If you’re sure,” Nina said.

“I’m sure.”

“Do you want some ice cream? My aunt always keeps a good selection in the freezer.”

“Sounds good.”

Peter looked around the kitchen while Nina got bowls and spoons. It was a relatively modern kitchen and it would be good to cook for someone who was not paid to find all his mistakes. “Chunky Monkey? It’s my favorite.”

“Oh yeah, love that,” Peter answered.

They sat down at the bar which surrounded a large sink. “So how are you feeling?”

“A little shell shocked,” Peter said but quickly held up his hand when Nina began to speak. “And not about cooking tomorrow.”

“What about?”

“Well a week ago I was sitting on the floor of the library contemplating my own death and now I’m eating ice cream with a gorgeous girl, it’s quite a trip.”

“I’m hardly gorgeous,” Nina said.

Peter sat his spoon down and looked at Nina intensely until she finally returned his stare. “I’m trying to decide if you are one of those people who likes to downplay their attractiveness because they want people to disagree, or if you really believe you aren’t beautiful.”

Nina blushed. “Well I can be a little intense sometimes, and that’s a turn-off for most guys.”

“Intense?” Peter asked.

“Assertive, argumentative, decisive. I know what I want.”

Her answer was quick. It was obvious she had heard those words before. He thought back to his experience with her in the library and how she took charge so quickly. “Well it sure has its advantages, you saved my life.”

“You keep saying that. You weren’t really suicidal?” Nina asked.

“Not suicidal, but I’ve always wanted to be a chef, and if I had to leave culinary school…” Peter let his voice trail off.

“I get it.” Nina nodded.

They ate in silence for a few minutes until Nina spoke. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

Peter laughed. “What more could you want to know that would be more personal than what I already told you.”

“Just a question then?” Nina clarified.

“Sure, I’m pretty sure I can be honest with you.”

“Have you tied yourself up since?”

“Nope, no privacy,” Peter answered, not really surprised by the question.

“If you did have privacy, would you have?” Nina asked.

“I don’t know, maybe, though I never did it more than a couple of times a month back home.”

“Any idea what you like about it?” Nina continued.

Peter shrugged. “It’s hard to articulate. The idea of being helpless is exciting to me and actually being helpless is pretty relaxing. Maybe it’s the fact that I can’t control the outcome, nothing to do so my mind just lets go.”

“That makes some sense, I guess.” Nina nodded.

“And you know what else, I started running when I was probably twelve or thirteen because I wanted to wear running tights. I love the feeling of compression on my body and that feeling seems to be all wrapped up together with the ropes and tape and whatever else I use.”

“So you like tights?”

“Yes, they are a pretty big draw for me.”

“Like what my aunt was wearing?” Nina smiled.

“I noticed, sure, sorry if you caught me staring, but liking a nice set of legs in tights is more normal than all the bondage stuff.”

“Bondage. That’s a pretty loaded word.” Nina said.

“I suppose, but it fits pretty well.”

“What about the other letters in B.D.S.M.?” Nina asked.

Peter looked at her with some surprise. Everybody seemed to know about that particular scene these days. “I was into it before I’d ever heard of that acronym and I’m not into giving or receiving pain. As for discipline, I really don’t know what it means other than spanking which seems to be related to the other two.”

“And you’ve never had a partner?”

“Nope, when I was young my friends and I tied each other up, but that was it, and well before puberty.”

There was another long silence broken up only by the clinking of spoons against bowls. “I’m sorry if this freaks you out,” Peter said, interpreting Nina’s silence as discomfort.

“No, it doesn’t bother me. I’m just curious. We all have our own quirks. I did invite you over here, remember. If it bothered me, I wouldn’t have.”

Peter nodded. “Ok, let me get you that list of ingredients.” Using a recipe on his phone he wrote out the list and slid the paper across the table. “There you go, it’s getting late and I want some good sleep so I don’t screw up the lasagna tomorrow.”

“Yup looking forward to it,” Nina walked him to the door and paused by the porch swing. “What about handcuffs?” She blurted after Peter had begun to walk through the fallen leaves that covered the lawn.

Peter shook his head in surprise, not expecting the previous conversation to continue. “What about them?”

“Have you ever used them?” Nina asked.

Peter chuckled. “Sure in the past, but I don’t like them. They can really hurt, even with clothing to protect your skin.”

Nina nodded. “That makes sense. How do you tie yourself up so that you can’t get free?”

“That’s just it, for me, it’s always been an illusion. I’ve never been truly helpless.”

“How do you know if you like it?” Nina asked with a puzzled expression. “I mean maybe if you were really stuck you’d freak out and panic.”

“Well I’ve had a few close calls, but I suppose you’re right, I don’t really know,” Peter answered.

“That seems like something you should know,” Nina said quietly.

Peter shrugged. “I suppose so.”

Nina was quiet for a long time and when Peter turned toward his car again Nina spoke. “I could do it.”

Peter stopped walking, his breath catching in his throat as blood rose into his cheeks. He tried to speak but could not think of anything to say. “I mean…” Nina continued. “I could learn, I really don’t know how.”

Peter turned back toward her and waited for a long time before finally speaking. “Where?”

Nina let out a breath she had obviously been holding. “We’d have to do it here.”

“You’re aunt…” Peter said.

“ gone a lot and doesn’t ever come into my room.” Nina finished.

“Are you sure?” Peter asked.

“Yes, but I won’t be very good.” Nina looked at the ground and then up at the sky while beginning to pace. “I should be able to find some resources online without getting into all the porn stuff, I mean those folks had to learn it somewhere, and it’s becoming more mainstream. You could probably show me the basics, right?” Nina was talking fast and kicking her feet through the fallen leaves. “And supplies, is the rope special, or will any kind work?”

Peter tried to answer but Nina went on. “Uh…”

“I’ll check online for that too, if I can’t figure something out you’ll just have to show me what you know and we’ll go from there.” Nina finished and was sounding a bit out of breath. “How’s that sound?”

“Fine, it sounds fine.” Peter was beginning to wonder if she was more than just curious. “Let me know when you're ready to practice, and I’ll be your dummy.”

Nina smiled and stepped closer. “Sorry I got a bit carried away, I’m sort of like that. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Sure thing, just don’t forget to give your aunt that list.”

* * *

Peter watched carefully as Aunt Penny took her first bite of the lasagna. The dish with all the trimmings had cost him the afternoon but Peter knew it tasted good, what self-respecting chef serves food he hasn’t tasted. Yet he was being tested against Aunt Penny’s memory of her husband’s dish, and memories are hard to live up to. Nina watched as well and smiled when her aunt’s eyes grew wide and her jaw muscles slowed to savor the taste. “Oh, Peter, thank you so much, such a lovely flavor. And my husband never made the pasta from scratch, delicious.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Peter said, releasing a breath he had not realized he was holding.

“Try the garlic bread,” Nina said. “It’s so light and crispy.”

“Yes, everything is so wonderful. I’m putting you on my list next time I entertain. You wouldn’t mind some work as a chef would you?” Penny said.

“Oh that sounds great and it would make an important addition to my resume,” Peter answered with real excitement. A first-time gig as a chef no matter how small was a big deal.

The conversation for the remainder of the meal revolved around the food and the manner in which it was prepared and served. Peter had no secrets and was happy to explain the process, he knew that a good chef did not rely on the secrecy of his recipes but in the genuine love of the ingredients and the process of putting them together.

“I hope ice cream is good enough for a dessert after such a lovely meal.” Aunt Penny said.

“Can’t beat Chunky Monkey, no matter the occasion,” Nina said.

“I hate to eat and run but I have a small get-together tonight with some friends. You can just leave the dishes and I’ll get them later.” Penny said.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll clean them. There’s not a lot of mess in the kitchen anyway.” Nina said, smiling at Peter.

“Clean as you go. It’s the only way to run a kitchen.” Peter smiled.

“Alright, don’t expect me back ‘til late.” Penny tossed her napkin on the table and left the room in a swirl of perfume that reminded him of his mother. She was dressed in a black cocktail dress well suited to a night out with friends.

Nina leaped up and hauled the dishes to the kitchen in two quick trips. Peter wondered if the pair of black leggings she wore beneath the sweatshirt had anything to do with his admission to Nina that he enjoyed Aunt Penny’s clothing the day before. Peter carefully packed the leftovers into the fridge and in just a few minutes the counters were clean and the dishwasher was humming away beneath the sink. A glance at the clock showed it to be still early in the evening with the last rays of the sunset shining through the large windows overlooking the backyard. “So Peter, are you ready to be my dummy?”

Peter shook his head at the words. “Already? You only suggested the idea yesterday.”

“Well…” Nina said. “I couldn’t get my brain to shut off last night so I did a bit of research and I went out shopping for supplies today.”

“I don’t know if you can do it just by reading or watching stuff online,” Peter said. “But I’ll let you try.”

“Instead of distracting you with conversation while you cooked this afternoon, I practiced on my own legs. I’m keen to try if you are willing.”

Peter shrugged trying to mask his own excitement. “Lead the way.”

“Come on.” Nina led Peter to the stairs. “Now don’t be staring at my ass.”

“Sorry, can’t help myself,” Peter answered.

Nina smiled but took the stairs one at a time while Peter enjoyed the shine of the material and the movement of the compressed skin that was at eye level as he ascended. At the top Nina pointed to an open door. “That’s the bathroom, and right across from it is my room.”

“Where does your aunt sleep?” Peter asked.

“Downstairs in the master bedroom,” Nina answered as she opened the door to her bedroom.

The room was decorated in pastel colors with a single-sized bed along one side covered with a peach bedspread with a white crosshatch pattern. Opposite from the bed was a white chest of drawers standing next to a set of large windows with curtains that matched the bedspread overlooking the backyard. Nina walked directly to the chest of drawers and pulled out a small pile of black and blue material. “Here go change in the bathroom.”

Peter looked at the clothing in her hands. “What’s that?”

“Tights and a leotard, to protect your arms and legs from the ropes,” Nina said simply.

“Oh that’s not necessary, I don’t always protect my skin.”

“I noticed in my practice today that the cotton rope I bought slides more easily over the skin if it’s covered by this material. So go on, I don’t want to suck at this just because you’ll be a little self-conscious.” Nina said.

“I’ll wear the tights but not the leotard.”

“I have a pink one if you don’t stop arguing. Now go on, I won’t laugh at you. I promise.” Nina said, pointing toward the bathroom.

Peter stared at the clothing and then back at Nina who simply arched one eyebrow before pressing the clothes into his chest forcing Peter to hold onto them. “Fine, but if you laugh, I’m leaving.”

Peter stomped into the bathroom and stripped out of the clothes. The shiny black tights had a loop of material that went around his heels and rose to a high waist. He assumed they were Nina’s and with all her extra curves he did not expect them to fit as well as they did.

The blue leotard on the other hand took some figuring out. It was long-sleeved but the back had four straps that crossed over each other which made figuring out how to put his legs through the neck opening a bit challenging since the straps seemed to constantly interfere. This fact left him unaware of the thong cut of the leotard until he had pushed his arms into the sleeves and adjusted the fit over his shoulders. Only then did he feel the too narrow material attempt to push the tights between his butt cheeks. “This is ridiculous.” He stuck his head out the bathroom door. “Nina, this leotard is a thong.”

Nina’s head appeared in the doorway from across the hall holding a coil of rope in her hand. “Yes I know, it’s the only one I have, I always wear a skirt with it. The pink leotard has a fuller cut if you would rather have that one.”

“Is this necessary?” Peter whined.

“Stop thinking about it as anything other than protection for your skin. It’s something you told me was important.”

“I wasn’t wearing girl’s clothes.”

“Come on, you're about to let me tie you up, what difference does it make what you’re wearing?” Nina said.

Peter rolled his eyes and opened the door revealing his spandex encased body. “Fine, I dare you to laugh.”

Peter watched her face closely for any trace of a smile or chuckle, but she only made a single comment. “Looks good on you, come on I’m ready.” With a shake of his head, he walked into the room. “Alright, I’m going to keep it simple to start, if you think I’m doing something wrong let me know.”

Peter looked around the room and saw a neat pile of cut ropes with their ends taped to prevent fraying and several rolls of red and blue self-adhering bandage. “Wow, you’ve been busy.”

“Yeah, I got really into it,” Nina admitted. “Turn your back and give me your wrists.” Peter felt Nina’s cool fingers against his wrists as she pulled his arms behind his back. She tugged on his elbows, “Tell me when it hurts, I want to see how flexible you are.” Peter pushed out his chest as Nina pulled on his arms. “That’s about as far as I can go.”

“Several inches still between your elbows, I saw plenty of pictures of people with their elbows touching behind their backs.”

“Females, I’d wager,” Peter answered.

“Sure, but flexibility can be trained. Now before I start, every article I read mentioned the need for a safe word, but since you’re going to be gagged, I figured we would just go with ‘Shave and Haircut’ if you get in trouble, just hum it or knock on something if you’re able. You know that tune?”

Peter demonstrated that he knew it.

“If anything happens that you don’t like then make that sound and I’ll release you as fast as possible,” Nina said.

“I’m impressed, you’ve really done your homework,” Peter said.

“Yep, hands together behind your back palm to palm,” Nina ordered.

Peter expected her to be clumsy with the ropes but she folded the rope in half and pulled the loose ends through the loop created by the fold before encircling his wrists and pulling the rope taught. After a few circuits of his wrists, she pulled the trailing ends crosswise in a firm cinch. “Wow, you have been practicing.”

“Yes, the site I read calls it a two-column tie and it’s pretty universal, the hard part is remembering to keep it loose until you cinch it. This next part is something I could only read about, your upper body.” She selected a much longer rope and repeated the folding process pulling his elbows as close as was comfortable. It took a lot more rope since they were further apart. She threaded the loose ends of this larger rope beneath his armpit, around the back of his neck, and back through his other armpit before it joined the rope between his elbows which ensured the rope would not slip downward. Another length went around his waist and over his bound arms with the cinching rope between his arms and back. “There, that should work. Go ahead and lay face down on my bed. It makes a lot more sense now that I've tried it.”

Peter tugged at his arms a bit to test her work and realized that he may actually be stuck. Following Nina’s instructions, he got onto the bed with his knees and eased himself down onto the soft coverlet by rolling onto his side and then onto his stomach. Nina immediately began wrapping his ankles and knees in rope in the same way she had done his arms; wrap first then cinch between. “Alright, now I’m going to make sure you don’t just hop away,” Nina said. She attached a rope to his bound ankles and threaded it through the rope behind his neck pulling his legs toward his wrists in the most restrictive hogtie Peter had ever experienced. “There, that should keep you on the bed.”

“Are you done?” Peter said as his fingers began questing for knots.

“Not yet, just lie still,” Nina said. “Here are a couple of options for a gag, I can either stuff your mouth with this scarf,” She laid out a green and pink paisley print scarf. “Or these,” She sat two pairs of pink underwear that appeared to be made of silk and were undeniably feminine. “These options were the best I could come up with on such short notice.”

“Uh, obviously the scarf,” Peter answered. “Though a gag is hardly necessary for the first time.”

“You’ll hardly be helpless if you can talk, so the panties it is.”

“Hey, I said…” Peter exclaimed but his voice was cut off as Nina pressed the two pairs of feminine undergarments into his protesting mouth.

“I heard what you said,” Nina said as she pulled the thickest part of the paisley silk scarf between his lips to keep him from dislodging the underwear. “But part of being helpless is not getting what you want, right?”

Peter mumbled something unintelligible and tried to glare at her. “And that look reminds me why you need to be blindfolded too.” She took a thinner scarf and pulled it across his eyes, knotting it firmly behind his head.

“Last year I got a fancy goodie bag from a convention I attended. It was a simple drawstring bag made of dark blue satin.” Peter felt something slide over his head and narrow around his neck “That should keep you from rubbing your head on the bed and slipping that gag or blindfold off. I’m pretty impressed with that idea if I do say so myself.”

Peter was a bit stunned by the sudden development. Either Nina was really good at research and managed to find excellent resources or she was running a scam on him. If the latter, it was too late because he doubted he would be able to escape. When he felt Nina touching his hands with the familiar feel of self-adhesive bandages and forcing his fingers into fists, he doubted he would ever escape.

“Alright there Peter, I think I’m done. Let’s see how long it takes you to get out, I’ve started a timer, though if you are too wild I may have to attach you to the bed to keep you from falling off.”

Peter knew that wild panic was a poor strategy for escaping from knots so he kept his movement controlled with his first job to get the wrapping off his fingers. He began to rub them together hoping to break through the tough bandage but with no luck after several minutes.

“Are you really trying to escape?” Nina asked from somewhere nearby. “I mean you confessed to enjoying the experience. How do I know you are making a genuine attempt?”

Peter again tried to speak but nothing came out from behind the wads of feminine cloth distending his cheeks and depressing his tongue. He rubbed his hands together again and if there was progress it did not result in any additional movement from his fingers.

“Alright let’s try this.” Peter felt movement on the bed and something soft and slightly warm draped over his feet. “I just placed my clothes across your feet. If you would like to see my nearly naked body you just have to get free. Don’t you want to see it?”

Peter felt a rush of heat run through his body and suddenly the already compressed crotch of the leotard was even more restrictive. He tried to bounce on the bed while furiously rubbing his head against the bed trying to dislodge the satin sack pulled over his head. Nothing worked and nothing changed except the sound of Nina’s laughter in the room.

“Well then, maybe you are stuck.” Nina smiled and slipped her hand across Peter’s buttocks, sliding her fingers between the leotard and tights where the thong dipped between his legs. Peter froze and moaned at the touch. His mind in a blitz of overwhelming sensation that combined with his immobility to heighten the experience beyond anything he thought possible.

The mattress compressed on one side as Nina got onto the bed. “Ok, then, just to make sure, off with the bra.” There was more movement on the bed before Peter felt Nina’s body close to his. “There we go, panties next.” More movement before Peter’s left side was awash in warm softness. “Alright Peter, seems like now would be a good time to get free.”

Her lips had to be less than an inch from his face and he could feel her breath through the layers of thin cloth. So close, but he might as well be back in his dorm for all he would be able to see of her. Agonized groans escaped his lips and he dropped his head in defeat. It was too much, he was helpless and more than anything he wished he were free.

“Is it all you expected, dear Peter?” Nina whispered, running her fingers over his satin-encased head. “True helplessness, it’s what you wanted.” Peter slowed his breathing. Her fingers continued to slide everywhere along his body ignoring the knots and giving him no hope for freedom. “I’m tired. I stayed up way too late last night learning how to tie knots and it took so much practice. Time for a nap.”

Peter’s mind would often drift when he tied himself but this was different. In his imagination, he saw Nina curled next to his body with her naked thighs pressed against his as her beautiful brown hair covered one cheek. Relaxation warred with arousal and he simply existed, like a tree in the forest, he just was. No goals, no ambitions, no worries, just contentment. Time slowed and his rapidly aching body seemed to numb.

Time slipped by until finally Nina shifted, her movements rousing Peter from the blissful fog. The bed shook and soon knots began to loosen and his legs fell back. Blood flowed into cramping muscles and the numbness turned to brief but acute pain, a reminder that all good things must end. The satin bag was removed, the gag pulled from between parched lips, his eyes were freed to blink at the dim light. “Drink some water.”

Peter looked at Nina who again wore the same black leggings and sweater she had worn before. The only difference now was the triumphant grin on her face. Peter drank the glass and stretched his arms. “No way was that your first time.”

Nina shrugged. “Believe what you will, but I’m a quick study. Ask anyone.”

Peter shook his head. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You’re welcome.” Nina kissed him on the forehead.
Last edited by volatiledesire 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by milagros317 »

Fine story! I envy him! I hope that you will write a sequel. :mrgreen:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by TightsBound »

Excellent story! Very detailed and well written with great characters, bondage and tights. I would love to see more with these characters. Thanks for writing!
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Post by Killua »

Great start and well described. I'm curious how it goes on.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Killua wrote: 2 years ago Great start and well described. I'm curious how it goes on.
TightsBound wrote: 2 years ago Excellent story! Very detailed and well written with great characters, bondage and tights. I would love to see more with these characters. Thanks for writing!
Thanks guys, this story is something I had to write due to a block writing my other story. Thanks for all the good vibes.
milagros317 wrote: 2 years ago Fine story! I envy him! I hope that you will write a sequel. :mrgreen:
I think I can manage a sequel. Now that all the intro is done, a quicker step into the action is in order.
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Post by Damsel-Dilara-Dee »

This was a marvelous, charming, and sexy story! I love the ramp-up and introduction, and the characterization was great. Nina is quite a surprising character, but I do want to see more of her! :D
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Post by crow3467 »

One of the best I've read so far, I'd love to read more of these two again please :)
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Post by tickletied84 »

Excellent story, love the character of Nina - and feel there’s more to her story that we don’t know yet!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Such a lovely story. Who wouldn’t like to meet a Nina in real life? And you writing style is stellar. Well done, and looking forward to a sequel if you are inspired!
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Post by Eroticabound »

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Post by harveygasson »

That was a really great story!
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Post by Mtlaw11 »

Excellent story. Thank you for writing
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Great story! Loved it!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
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Post by MaxRoper »

I enjoyed every bit of this: Peter's dismay at being discovered, Nina's quick thinking, the description of why Peter likes self-bondage, his supposed reasons for wearing tights (no rope burn) versus his actual reason for liking tights (the way they feel against his skin), the descriptions of how Nina tied him, and of course her little striptease to give him incentive to struggle. It's a story of a couple delightful people learning the ropes. Just the sort of thing I look for here.

It's perfect just like it is, although I certainly wouldn't complain if more appeared. Thank you for sharing this excellent tale!
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Post by JulieG »

Excellent stpry. Slow build up with intrigue, very descriptive and a real.underlying story. Most notable: " Chapter 1"!
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Chapter 02 - Nina Is a bit Miffed

The following week was a lesson in distraction. Peter’s thoughts were constantly drifting back to the night with Nina. Had she actually taken off her clothes? He had been too stunned at the time to interrogate her about what happened and now he only wondered if it had been the product of a drug-fueled dream. His mind was in a constant state of battle between the desire to talk to her and concern she might have lost interest.

Thursday evening after returning from the shower his phone chirped on the bed. Knowing it was Nina from the custom alert, he dropped his towel and jumped onto the bed with a lunge.
”Nina” wrote: I have this idea. Come over tomorrow night?
”Peter” wrote: Love to
”Nina” wrote: After 6, c u then
”Peter” wrote: Sounds good
Peter was now distracted for a whole new reason and the time slowed to a crawl. Maybe this was just cooking for his aunt? Why would she not say so if it were? What kind of an idea? The questions rolled through his head again and he couldn’t help himself, he picked up his phone?
”Peter” wrote: I’m dying here. What kind of idea?”
”Nina” wrote:Ha! You’ll just have to wait and see.
Two hours before six found Peter pacing in his bedroom trying to figure out how time could actually stop. Luckily his roommate arrived back and challenged him to a video game. He still arrived at Aunt Penny’s house fifteen minutes early and he would have simply waited in the car if Nina had not been rocking on the porch swing in front of the house once again.

“Hey Peter, how was your week?”

Peter kicked through the leaves and almost forgot to answer when he saw Nina wearing a tight blue dress that stopped at mid-thigh shining with the characteristic sparkle of spandex in the light of the porchlight. To add fire to the flame of his desire her legs too were covered in black tights. “Uh, was a good week.”

Nina patted the spot next to her on the swing. “Like my dress.”

Peter swallowed and took a seat on the gently rocking swing. “You have no idea, you look amazing.”

“I thought you might.” Nina paused. “Aunt Penny is gone for the weekend. Would you like me to tie you up?” Nina said with the bluntness of a lead pipe striking Peter squarely on the forehead.

Peter chuckled. He couldn’t help it: the directness of the proposal, her intoxicating presence, and the sexy outfit had buckled all his defenses and he could only laugh at the situation. “Wow…”

“I’m sorry, was it not enough small talk,” Nina said

“No, no. It’s refreshing. I’m game.” Peter let his hand slide over her knee.

Nina quickly glanced at his hand. “Someone’s feeling brave.” Nina smiled.

Peter jerked his hand back as if from a hot stove. “Sorry, it’s just…”

“Well I did wear it to get your attention, but it’s obvious you need something to remind you to keep your
hands to yourself. I have just the thing.” Nina said and stood from the swing. “Come along.”

Once again Peter was gifted with the singular pleasure of following Nina up the stairs and into her bedroom. “I bought you something special,” Nina said and handed him a folded square of silver cloth.

Peter took the item from her hand and the smooth fabric slipped through his fingers. With a quick grab, he held up a full-length unitard of shining silver fabric that looked a size too small. “Hey, I brought my own clothes this time.” He hooked a thumb to indicate the strap of the backpack slung over one shoulder. “I’ll just wear those.”

Nina turned and her eyes narrowed at the words, her brows lowered and a glint of steel flashed from her eyes and traveled through her posture. Peter stepped back. “I don’t think you take this seriously,” Nina said and with a single step snatched the silver garment from his hand. “I will not argue with you about this every time. Find your own way out.”

“But Nina...I just…” Peter stammered. This beautiful creature with her hands resting on hips that would make an hourglass jealous, both beautiful and terrible to behold, was obviously serious. “I’ll wear it, I will.”

“Go Peter. Now!” Nina yelled and took a step forward, pointing toward the door.

Peter fled. His thoughts churned as he ran toward his car and sped off down the street. He parked in the abandoned lot of a nearby store and rested his head on the steering wheel. “How?” He muttered. “Why?” One second she was a seductress leading him toward unspeakable pleasure and the next a hell hound chasing him from the premises. “What did I do?” Peter muttered, but he knew exactly what he had done and after his heart rate was finally at a manageable rate he had to accept the truth. “I argued with her.”

A blast of wind rocked the car and a swirl of leaves rolled across the parking lot. Low clouds scurried across the half-moon playing tricks with shadows that grabbed Peter’s attention. He sat up straight and slammed his hand into the steering wheel. “Idiot. You’ve been tying yourself up alone for years and now when fate offers up your greatest desire on a silver platter you let your own ego get in the way.”

Peter shook his head, “I’ve got to fix this.” He grabbed his phone.
”Peter” wrote:I screwed up, I will do anything to fix this.
Peter stared at the phone as the minutes ticked by try to use his mind to force Nina to answer. With a heavy sigh, he started his car and drove back toward campus, the excited anticipation of the last week melting into a shower of self-loathing.

The buzz of Nina’s custom notification sent twin flares of hope and fear through his mind just as he pulled into the college parking lot.
”Nina” wrote:I’ll be waiting on the bench behind my aunt’s house at 2 pm tomorrow. Don’t be late.
Peter did a fist pump in the air and his thoughts immediately began to plan what he would do to correct the damage his earlier reticence had done. A moment later he was interrupted by a second text from Nina.
”Nina” wrote: ...or early
* * *

Peter glanced at his phone. He slept little that night and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes as weariness fogged his brain. It was 1:56 pm the next day. The wind from the previous evening scattered a fresh layer of leaves across the lawn of Aunt Penny’s house. Peter had seen the backyard of the house through the windows in the kitchen and was not sure if there was a gate. One thing for certain, he would climb the fence if he had to. Peter approached the house and walked passed the garage where a small path of regularly placed stones gave him hope. Luck was with him and he slowly entered the backyard checking his phone to make sure he arrived precisely on time as he could manage. He ducked his head around the edge of the house to see Nina sitting on the bench beneath the spreading branches of a large maple still hanging on to a good portion of its leaves. Her head was nose down in a book. Gone were the sexy clothes of his previous meetings, now she wore a simple pair of matte black leggings paired with matching flats and an oversized green sweatshirt showing the logo of the college across the front.

After a final check of his phone and he walked toward Nina with the crunch of fallen leaves announcing his arrival as clearly as a fanfare. Peter knew what he needed to do, he had played this scene in his head over and over during the early hours of the morning when sleep eluded him. He had to demonstrate by his actions that he had his ego in check. So when Nina continued to read her book as if he were not present, he dropped to his knees within easy reach of her hand and waited, keeping his eyes on her shoes.

Peter was prepared to wait for as long as it took, a car drove by giving his mind something else to contemplate as he feared it might be Aunt Penny but soon only the gentle rustle of the leaves remained. The seconds ticked by and Nina said nothing and barely moved. He kept his head down reminding himself that this was the consequence of arguing. Finally, Nina stood. Peter remained, waiting for her instructions. He decided he would wait until dark before giving up on her. Luckily he did not have to wait so long.

“Come along then,” Nina said after she was halfway to the door.

Peter rose quickly to his feet and nearly fell back as his muscles had stiffened while he knelt. With a brief stumble, he fell in behind Nina who had neither slowed nor looked back. She walked through the house, up the stairs, and into her bedroom. She turned and looked at him as if there was never any doubt Peter would be following. There was a small white paper sack lying on the bed and Nina pointed to it. “You’ve got ten minutes.”

He knew this would happen and grabbed the bag holding in a resigned sigh until the bathroom door was closed behind his back. Peter pulled out the long sleeve unitard, and as it tumbled down in a cascade of shiny silver another garment fell to the floor. It was a pair of tights but transparent enough to be considered hosiery. They were a nude color with what appeared to be white hearts sprinkled in a regular pattern. “Of course it would be more. She’s testing me.”

Peter quickly stripped out of his clothes including his underwear not willing to risk Nina getting upset at him wearing something other than what was in the bag. Peter carefully pulled the heart-patterned tights up his legs taking extra time with the more delicate material. Next, he put on the silver unitard, the metallic sheen bright in the light of the bathroom. The end of the long sleeves had a small loop designed for his finger and the feet had a loop to pass across the bottom of his heel. So little of the tights were actually visible they could be nothing other than a test of his willingness to follow her instructions. The neckline was close-fitting about his throat with a small keyhole closure in the back which Peter could only manage by looking in the mirror over his shoulder. After one final inspection and a brief moment to enjoy the tight feeling of the silver suit, he opened the door and stepped into Nina’s bedroom.

Nina looked up from where she was sitting on the bed. She scanned his body for several moments and then twirled one finger in the air, an obvious request to turn around. “Was that so bad?” Her voice was tranquil and soft once again containing obvious pleasure.

Peter swallowed. “No, it’s not so bad.”

Nina smiled. “Good, now hold out your hands.”

Peter held out each of his hands toward her and could not help but smile himself at the change in Nina’s demeanor, it was like nothing had happened. She grabbed a roll of pink self-adhering bandage. “This vet wrap is perfect for what I have in mind.”

“Vet wrap?” Peter asked. “Like for veterinarians?”

“I suppose, it’s used in lots of medical situations for holding bandages on wounds, but I also saw it used during my research for this.” Nina placed the end of the wrap on Peter’s hand and wrapped it into a tight pink fist. “Now the other.” She repeated the process with his other hand. “I doubt you could get out of that. Peter immediately knew he could but did not want to anger her by saying so, though his silence made it obvious. “Go on, speak up, you think you can get out?”

“I would just use my teeth,” Peter said.

Nina smiled widely. “Of course,” and she quickly stepped to her chest of drawers and retrieved a pair of white socks and two very familiar pairs of pink silk underwear. “Choose.”

Peter looked at her cautiously remembering the last time he had been given this choice. “For real?”

Nina only shrugged.

Peter pointed to the pink underwear continuing his attempts to get back into Nina’s good graces. He figured they had been in his mouth already so no big deal.

“Ok, panties it is.” Nina smiled and began to roll them into a ball. “Open up.”

Peter closed his eyes briefly and opened his mouth. Nothing happened and when Peter finally opened his eyes, Nina was standing so close he could smell the peach scent of her shampoo. He had never noticed before how they were almost exactly the same height. “Any last words?”

“Well…” Peter began.

Nina did not let him finish and pushed the two wads of silky material in his mouth with a widening smile. “Your mouth will just get you in trouble.”

Peter rolled his eyes as Nina packed the material into his mouth before stretching the pink wrap between his lips and encircling his head several times so that the entire lower half of his face was covered in the pink wrap. Nina stepped back and looked him over. “I suppose after a while you could work out how to get that off.” Peter lifted his hands to his face looking for the end of the wrap with the pink stumps of his hands while Nina watched but after several moments he made little progress. “Anyway, follow me please.”

Nina left the room and descended the stairs taking the opposite direction from the kitchen. This was a part of the house Peter had yet to see. At the end of a short hallway was a set of double doors that swung inward to reveal a massive bedroom dominated by a large four-post bed made of dark oak. From the top of each post draped a white translucent material which arced between each post except at the head where a large headboard dominated the entire wall. This headboard contained a bookcase bookended by small ornate statuary. The room had a vaulted ceiling and a large window looking out onto the backyard. Currently, the vertical blinds were closed and the drapes, which matched the bedspread, were tied back. A small table and a chest of drawers made of a matching dark oak seemed small in the massive space which left room enough for a couch and easy chair gathered around a wall-mounted television. An archway led to a bathroom that looked to be about the size of Nina’s bedroom.

“This is Aunt Penny’s room, pretty nice huh?” Peter nodded and looked around still picking out details like the wall-sized landscape painting of a path through a dark forest which lent a splash of color to the otherwise black and white room. She dropped a bag that Peter knew contained more of the wrap she had been using and pulled out a second roll of pink having used up one roll on his hands and mouth. “Alright spread your legs a bit.”

Peter’s eyes widened at the suggestion which caused Nina to chuckle. “Hoping to get lucky?” Nina knelt down and slid her hands along his thighs pulling a groan from behind his packed mouth. Nina wrapped his upper thigh with several turns before taking one hand and using the self-adhering properties to wrap it to his upper leg. She then repeated this process with his other leg and hand. Peter gave his hands a few experimental tugs and with the amount of wrap she used it was unlikely he could escape without help.

“There we go.” Nina slid her hands across his spandex-covered chest. “Does that feel secure?”

Peter nodded.

“Good, don’t go anywhere.” Nina stepped over to the living area and pulled over a low stool which she pushed against the bedpost nearest to the door. “Alright stand up on the stool with your back to the post.”

Peter knew he was about to be tied to the post but was puzzled by the need for the stool. The bedpost was tall enough that it extended several inches above his head even after standing on the stool which was probably eighteen inches tall. Nina wasted little time pulling a third roll of wrap from her bag and wrapped it around each of his ankles individually before binding them together and finally wrapping them to the post finishing the roll. She repeated this both above and below his knees using two more rolls.

Peter glanced at the bag wondering just how much of the wrap she had. Nina obliged his curiosity by upending the bag on the floor near the stool to reveal a dozen more. His already bound hands were next to be wrapped to the post. Then each of his elbows were wrapped individually with several circuits before being bound to the post.

Nina climbed on the bed behind him to pull more wrap across his shoulder just below his neck forcing his back more tightly against the post. “Almost done,” Nina said as she removed the cellophane from another roll. This time the wrap was pulled across his already wrapped mouth forcing him to look straight forward. More was pulled across his forehead ensuring his head was as immobile as possible. “Nod your head,” Nina ordered.

Peter tried but his efforts only tugged at the skin around his eyes.

“Alright then, let’s see if this works.” Nina knelt down and grabbed the legs of the stool yanking it from beneath his nylon-covered feet.

Peter grunted in surprise but other than a slight downward shift the wrapping only tightened slightly across his body leaving his feet dangling in the air. He wiggled his feet as Nina stood before him where he could just see her eyes. Her fingers found his feet. Peter grunted more and tried to flinch away but nothing moved. “I’d say it worked. Does anything hurt?”

Peter found he could shake his head slightly as there was more give to the wrappings across his head in that direction.

“Good, only one thing left.” Peter felt more wrap wind around the middle of each foot before these two were pressed against the post leaving his feet pointed downward making his immobility complete. “There we go Jack, I’d say you’re pretty stuck. Do you want to a blindfold?”

Peter shook his head immediately still in a bit of shock by just how completely trapped he was. “Ok, I’m going to watch a show.” Nina disappeared from his line of sight, which was limited to the chest of drawers and the closed doors leading to the rest of the house.

Peter heard the television and could see light reflect off the doors but could not turn his head enough to see the screen. With Nina out of sight, his first attempt at freedom was to take slow deep breaths hoping the expansion of his chest would allow for some small amount of movement. However, it only caused him to slip down the post a fraction which in turn tightened up the wrapping again. Somehow being suspended from the post made escape so much more difficult. He was stuck until Nina decided otherwise.

With this realization, he tried to relax and dream but the droning voices from the television prevented this as his mind constantly tried to figure out what was going on from the snatches of words he could hear.

Time slipped by. There were no clocks in his view and if Nina checked on him she did it from outside his peripheral vision. His lack of sleep from the previous nights began to tell and his eyes eventually slipped closed.

The sound of the double doors opening brought him back to his senses. The light leaking from behind the blinds was gone leaving the room in darkness save for the flashing blue light from the television. The doors swung open to reveal the body of a woman in professional attire consisting of a short skirt and black tights with a long sleeve sweater pulling a wheeled suitcase behind her. Peter jerked but his muscles could make no change to his predicament. Aunt Penny stepped into the room and stopped. Her eyes widened as she stared looking him over from head to toe.
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Post by JulieG »

Lovely part two
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Post by Killua »

Really interesting part. It seems like she really likes him to be docile. I wonder what Aunt Penny will do/say.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really loving this story. Nina is quite a character, she really knows what she wants and how to get it! And now I'm curious to find out about aunt Penny's reaction to Pete's predicament.
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Post by Speedo »

Wow, I'm absolutely thrilled. What a perfect story about a boy in Lycrabondage.
Please keep writing. I'm so curious about how Nina manages it that Peter will wear that pink leotard for his next session.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Sorry these are taking so long to finish. I having the hardest time finding time to write. Now I'm going to switch back and work on Jack's Story. Here's the next chapter though.

Chapter 3 - Aunt Penny

“What’s going on here?” Aunt Penny stepped inside the room letting her suitcase remain at the threshold. She quickly touched the wall next to the door and light blossomed from some recessed areas in the ceiling. “Peter is that you?” His heart trip hammered as her glance swept the room. “Did you lose a bet?” She said quietly with a small smirk.

Peter grunted and shook his head as much as he was able, finally squeezing his eyes shut in hopes that this whole situation would just disappear. Aunt Penny scanned his body from top to bottom and shook her head. “You could not have done this to yourself, and the obvious culprit is dead to the world on the couch. Trust me, she can sleep through an apocalypse.” Penny placed her hand on the exposed silver spandex of his arm and stomach. “My goodness dear you’re going to hyperventilate if you don’t calm down, I am not going to hurt you, but this is my bedroom and I need to know what’s going on.”

Her cool fingers slid across the part of his stomach not covered by pink wrap. The muscles seemed to ripple and contract as if she had applied electric current which did nothing to slow his heart rate. Penny stepped back with her hands on her hips. The red cable-knit sweater was long-sleeved and tight at the neck resting beneath a set of pearls that glinted in the flickering light. “I doubt she could have forced you into this lovely suit, so that means…” She tapped one finger against her lips. “I have to get out of these heels.” She stepped into the bathroom and returned only in her stocking feet and an inch or two shorter. “You let her do this?”

Peter closed his eyes and made an affirmative grunting sound through the layers of wrapping.

“Should I release you?” Aunt Penny asked. “No, not yet,” she said, answering her own question. “It is beyond obvious you allowed this to happen so unless you are in serious pain…”

Peter shook his head and wondered at the mixture of both embarrassment and arousal that moved through his body. Many a fantasy involved being caught just like this and now that it happened, well he was glad he had little choice. If he were free he would have to decide whether to run for it or not, and it’s not like he could leave dressed in his current clothing.

“I suppose I better talk to Nina then, but first...” She pulled out her phone. “A little photographic proof, just in case.”

Peter shook his head violently and groaned through the gag in utter resignation. Moments later cool fingers were spread across his hips. “Don’t worry Peter, just some photographic evidence, I won’t show a soul.”

She disappeared from his sight. “Nina. Nina dear, wake up.”

Nina’s groggy voice could be heard before a sudden gasp. “Oh shit. Aunt Penny, you’re home.”

“Yes dear, and I’m going to need an explanation why Peter is wrapped to my bedpost. Is he a late birthday present?”

“Uh….” Nina began. “Well, you see…” Peter could hear the fear in her voice showing through her attempt to come up with some kind of logical explanation.

“I’m waiting, perhaps you should start with the truth since I doubt a lie would make any sense at all,” Penny suggested.

Nina sighed and though both women were out of Peter’s vision he could tell Nina was out of ideas. “Ok, to cut a long story short, I met Peter in the library at school. He was upset about getting caught tying himself to his bed. A couple of weeks go by and I do a little research and decide to help him out.”

“That story was a bit too short,” Penny said with obvious amusement. “He was tying himself up, you say?”

“Yes, he says it relaxes him,” Nina answered. “Been doing it for years.” Nina glanced at her watch. “It’s nearly seven o'clock. He's been there since three. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I better get him loose.”

“Not yet, I still have questions. But you could check him over.” Aunt Penny responded.

Nina appeared in front of Peter and began pressing his toes. “Can you feel that?”

Peter nodded and jerked his feet when she stuck her fingers against his soles.

“Is anything numb?”

Peter shrugged his shoulders and made a small shake of his head.

“Just a bit longer, sorry about this, I had no idea she would be home,” Nina said with an apologetic smile.

“Oh that’s true,” Penny confirmed. “My conference in Vale was canceled because of the weather and I spent the day with a friend. So is this the first time you’ve done this to Peter?”

Nina shook her head. “Last weekend, in my bedroom after he made you lasagna.”

Aunt Penny looked back and forth between Peter and Nina. “Alright I need more information but I kind of need him to talk. How did you ever come up with this?” Penny asked while waving her hands up and down Peter’s body.

“It was something I saw online and thought it would be interesting,” Nina answered.

“And who’s idea was it to do this in my room?” Aunt Penny asked.

“Mine, I wanted to watch television while I waited.”

“So you told Peter what was going to happen?” Penny asked while Nina found some scissors and cut the wrap away from his feet.

“No, once I had his hands tied I could pretty much do what I want, you know.” Nina pushed the stool back under Peter’s feet and began to cut through the wrapping. Both Penny and Nina helped him sit on the stool, neither one had yet to remove the gag or unwrap his hands.

Aunt Penny slid her hands across his shoulder feeling the smooth spandex. “Was this his idea too?”

“Sort of, he mentioned in the library that he wore tight clothes to prevent rope burn and that he enjoyed the feel of tights, though he didn’t want to wear this outfit, not at first.”

Peter looked at Nina who smiled back briefly at the obvious understatement. Aunt Penny caught the brief look. “But you didn’t physically force him into the garment?”

“No,” Nina answered.

“Right then.” Aunt Penny began. “Let’s get his hands and mouth free and then we’ll talk some more.”

Nina carefully cut away the wrap and pulled out the sodden underwear from his mouth. “I hope those were clean,” Penny said with obvious surprise.

“Yes, of course. He could have chosen socks.” Nina said a bit defensively.

“Fetch him a drink of water and I’ll get his hands. I must say you did an incredibly thorough job of it. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.”

Nina shrugged and left the room while Aunt Penny unwrapped Peter’s hands. “Don’t try to talk yet. There’s plenty of time for that.”

Nina was back with a small cup of water which Peter greedily took. “I could really use the bathroom,” Peter said.

Aunt Penny walked towards the archway. “Come in here, dear.” She led him to her incredibly spacious bathroom with a tub the size of a jacuzzi. She pointed to a closed door. “Right in there. I’m going to change into something more comfortable, I’ll give a shout when I’m decent.” She pointed to a spacious walk-in closet that stood open next to a large tiled area which was the shower.

Peter opened the door to see a narrow space with a single toilet. “Can I get my clothes?” Peter asked.

“No, not yet,” Penny said in a tone that left no room for argument.

He was not comfortable walking around wearing the silver suit but it was possible to justify wearing the costume in his own mind when he was bound by Nina who insisted on it. Now though, it was just embarrassing. Worse than that, after he disrobed in the small space to finish his business he had to dress once again in the same outfit. “Just glad there are no mirrors in here.”

Moments after Peter was done, Aunt Penny’s voice echoed through the door. “We’re decent out here.”

Peter left the bathroom only to be greeted by Aunt Penny’s version of “something more comfortable,” which was in her case a red satin robe that fell to her ankles with long voluminous sleeves. The robe was tied loosely closed but left visible the matching red nightgown cut low enough for the light to play about her cleavage. Peter was momentarily stunned into stillness.

“You can make an old lady feel young again, Peter.”

Her words shook Peter from his enjoyment of the light reflecting from the shiny fabric that hung beautifully about her hips and breasts. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…”

“No, I’m flattered, really. I sent Nina for some wine.” Penny placed her hand about his shoulder leading him from the bathroom to the couch. “I think you could use a glass right now.” She sat on the left corner of the couch and indicated Peter to sit in the middle leaving room for Nina on the right. Nina stepped in moments later holding three wine glasses and a bottle of red, but what captured Peter’s attention was not the wine but the clothing Nina now wore. A black, spaghetti strap camisole with a pair of matching shorts both made of silk that gleamed in the light stretched over her breasts and hips.

“There now, Peter, we are all wearing outfits that aren’t fit to be seen in public.” Aunt Penny said. “You aren’t alone.” She grabbed the wine and filled a glass handing the first to Peter. “Drink up, I have questions and there’s nothing like a bit of liquid courage to get the lips moving.”

Peter took a sip enjoying the sweet flavor of the wine. Nina took her glass and sat next to him watching him over the rim. She had said few words since being discovered and she sat with a body posture that was not entirely comfortable in the revealing outfit. Peter looked back at Penny who was pouring her own glass of wine. “It’s not the same,” Peter said picking at his outfit.

Penny nodded. “I know, but in our culture, the nature of masculinity means that some clothes are going to be off-limits to men while nothing is really off-limits to women. I have several articles of menswear in my closet. I doubt the reverse is true,” Aunt Penny said.

“It’s self-imposed,” Nina said. “Men need to show a clear distinction between the genders or fear being seen as weak.”

“Perhaps,” Aunt Penny said. “But I’m not interested in debating the cultural significance of gender and clothing” Aunt Penny took another sip and turned toward Peter. “So is what Nina said true? Have you been tying yourself up for years?”

“Yes, though not as frequently as you make it sound, a half-dozen times per year, tops,” Peter answered.

Aunt Penny spun her finger in a horizontal motion. “Go on. Tell us why.”

Peter shrugged. “I don’t know why, I just like it.”

“I know why?” Nina said.

Peter rounded on her. “What? How could you possibly know why I like something?” He had not eaten the entire evening and perhaps the wine was making him speak with much more force than he had intended. “I mean, I don’t even know.”

“I’ve researched it,” Nina answered unbothered by his vehemence.

“Research isn’t...” Peter began to say more but suddenly a cool hand was placed over his mouth and his head was pulled gently into the cool softness of Penny’s silk-clad body.

“Shhh,” Penny said. “I want to hear what she has to say.”

Peter tried to raise his arms to pull her hand away but he could not, or at least his body would not. Her simple, direct action had triggered something deep inside him and an audible groan slipped from between Penny’s fingers. It was an intimate form of bondage. All the fantasies he had created in his mind over the years while bound had been an attempt to recreate the sensations and emotions currently sliding through his body and mind, his body felt limp as his body pressed into Aunt Penny.

This reaction had not gone unnoticed. “I think he likes this,” Penny said, the words echoing in his befuddled brain as if spoken in another room.

Nina nodded. “Yes, that’s pretty obvious.”

“Go on then.” Aunt Penny asked. “Tell me about your research.”

“In general, Peter is likely comforted by the feeling of being out of control. Many of the articles I read talk of a feeling of safety and contentment while bound. This is combined with the inherent risk that is associated with being unable to avoid whatever your partner wants to do. The result of that seeming contradiction is often a feeling of arousal.” Nina coughed and looked pointedly toward his lower body where the silver suit did little to hide the truth.

Peter was not so defeated by Aunt Penny’s hand that he could not see what their not-so-subtle conversation was referring to, and he quickly covered his private area with his hands. Of course, this meant surrendering any hope of physically removing Penny’s hands from his mouth. Aunt Penny chuckled at his actions, “I guess that makes some sense. But what about you, what made you so interested?”

Nina was watching Peter with an odd look on her face. “Curiosity I suppose.” The brevity of the response indicated she had either not spent much time thinking about it or did not want to talk.

“I find it odd,” Aunt Penny began. “That Peter is the first guy you’ve brought to my house in the nearly two years you’ve stayed with me. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, just a bit surprising. Honestly, until Peter showed up I thought you were just too busy for that aspect of your life.”

Peter struggled between his obvious delight in being pressed into the silk-covered softness of Aunt Penny’s body and his own interest in Nina’s answer to this question. Nina shrugged. “I’ve dated guys before, but they just don’t like me, at least not beyond the first date.”

“They don’t like you?” Aunt Penny prompted.

“I guess I’m intimidating,” Nina answered.

“Intelligent and ambitious women can be, so what’s different about Peter here?” Penny asked.

“I don’t really know other than he was fun to talk to and seemed to be fine with my quirks. I began knowing intimate details of his life, so maybe that made things smoother. I mean how many embarrassing secrets could be left.”

“So you just asked him if he wanted to be tied up?” Aunt Penny asked.

Nina paused and thought for several moments. Penny waited patiently for her to respond. “Yes, and he seemed enthusiastic about it.”

“Looks like you found something to like about it too,” Penny said looking at the detritus of pink wrapping still littering the floor.

“I suppose,” There was obviously more truth than her simple response would allow for, especially from her obvious enjoyment of the memory reflected in her reddening face.

“And you also like dressing him up in revealing, feminine clothes?”

“That’s on him, he told me he likes to wear tight clothes when being tied up.”

Peter mumbled between Penny’s fingers. “To avoid rope burns.” The words were muffled but understandable.

Aunt Penny shifted a bit. “Grab his feet there, his head is pressing uncomfortably into my ribs.” Nina lifted Peter’s feet from the ground causing his head to fall deeper into Penny’s lap. Her hands shifted a bit but remained in place over his mouth. Peter began to speak but Nina started to slowly massage his nylon-covered soles and the words already muffled by Penny’s hands became an indecipherable groan.

“So you say the hosiery and silver catsuit are all his idea.” Aunty Penny continued once Peter was settled into her lap, his vision mostly blocked by her breasts that nearly rested on his face.

“Well, the tight clothes were his idea, he kind of balked at the silver color, but I convinced him to wear it.”

“You forced him into it? That’s what you mean by ‘convinced’?” Penny asked shrewdly.

“Sort of,” Nina shrugged, still pressing her thumbs into Peter’s soles. “I told him to leave and not come back.”

Aunt Penny’s eyes widened. “I guess that worked otherwise he wouldn’t be here now.”

“He was begging for another chance within an hour,” Nina responded.

Aunt Penny laughed. “You know what I think?”

Nina shook her head, her hands were now massaging Peters’s calves.

“I think you like the way his ass looks in tight clothes.” Aunt Penny said with a smile.

Nina smiled and turned slightly pink. “I suppose. Don’t you? It’s very shapely.”

“Oh absolutely, I’ve rarely seen a nicer one, and never on a boy.” Aunt Penny said absently, patting Peter’s forehead. “Aside from his cooking, that’s what I like best about him.

Peter was convinced they were teasing. Women rarely commented on the physical features of males, at least not in his hearing, and when they did it was usually muscles, not the shape of the buttocks. When he bought clothing it was always with the knowledge that his pants would be tight across his butt and loose at the waist.

Nina pulled something on his legs causing Peter to jerk in pain. “I thought the pantyhose would keep his hairs from poking through, but look.”

“You’ll have to shave his legs to fix that,” Penny said. Peter could not fail to notice she instructed Nina to have it done whether he wanted it or not.

“Well I’m a bit tired after my trip and it’s late. Peter should sleep in the guest bedroom tonight.” Aunt Penny removed her hands from his mouth and pushed Peter’s head up. He swung his feet to the floor and stood up.

“I…” Peter’s voice failed a bit after the incredibly stimulating experience. He still covered his crotch with both hands. “I can’t. The campus doesn’t allow students to stay off-campus without prior permission.”

“That’s true,” Nina confirmed.

“Don’t worry, we’ll clear that up later. Now both of you go, I need my beauty sleep.”

The door closed behind them and Nina grabbed Peter’s hand. “Come on, let’s get you set up in the spare bedroom.”

“Nina, just give me my clothes and I’ll drive back. It’s still early enough.”

“Aunt Penny said to sleep in the guest room. If you want to leave you will wear what you have on.” Nina said with a smile.

“I can’t walk through the campus wearing this,” Peter said with alarm.

“You should have thought of that before melting into my aunt like warm butter on hot toast,” Nina said and started walking toward the stairs forcing Peter to follow.

“She did that, I had nothing to do with it.”

“You enjoyed it, obviously,” Nina responded.

“You need to take that up with her. It’s not my fault you’re jealous.” Peter answered as he slowly ascended the stairs mindful of the slippery nylons as he walked on the carpet.

“If I’m jealous it’s your fault for reacting so…” Nina paused searching for the right word. “...horny. I mean good grief, it was like you were a cat being stroked behind the ears.”

Peter was out of words. “Fine, I’ll sleep here. I hope she can fix things with the college.” He walked into the spare bedroom.

Nina followed him into the room which contained a simple full-size bed with an off-white bedspread and sheets with a small nightstand and matching dresser. The single window overlooked the front yard which Peter quickly walked over to close the blinds. “I need to clean the outfit you are wearing,” Nina said.

“Alright get me my clothes and I’ll give them to you,” Peter responded.

“No, give them to me now. I’ll bring you something else to wear to bed.” Nina said, crossing her arms.

Peter saw a familiar look in her eye, the stubborn set of her jaw he failed to notice earlier when she had asked him to don the outfit in the first place. Not a stupid man, he learned from this mistake and immediately slid the tight spandex down his arms and off his hips until he was standing only in the hosiery. Nina took the silver garment from him and continued to wait with one eyebrow raised. With a sigh, he slid out of the hosiery as well leaving him naked. “I’m going to take a shower.” He walked past her out the door and entered the bathroom across the hall from her bedroom. He was sure Nina watched him the whole time.

Peter enjoyed a long hot shower, not simply to get the kinks out from his long bondage but also for the privacy. Both Aunt Penny and Nina seemed to see through him and knew exactly how to use his own deep desires for their own purposes. The only problem was that it was a massive turn-on for him. “I’m really stuck.”

Peter exited the shower and spent a couple of minutes looking at his own butt in the mirror. No one had ever commented on his physical appearance before and it was an odd experience for a boy who spent a lot of years enjoying the physical attributes of the women around him. He was not sure how to react to being the object of similar looks. With a quick shake of his head, he wrapped a towel around his waist and left the bathroom. Upon entering the spare bedroom he noticed a pair of shiny shorts in a pale peach color. They were obviously of feminine cut not unlike the sleep shorts that Nina had worn earlier. There was a small note attached.
”Nina” wrote:Peach shorts for a nice peach.
Peter shook his head at the note but left the feminine garment where it was and slipped beneath the cotton sheets of the bed. Just as he was about to drift off to sleep there came a quiet knock at the door.

“Peter. Are you decent?” Aunt Penny’s voice said from beyond the closed door.

He checked the covers were fully covering his nude body. “Yes, come in.”

“I was wondering if you could fix us breakfast in the morning. You are such an awesome cook, you can use whatever you can find in the fridge.” Aunt Penny said with only her head poking through the doorway.

“Uh sure, no problem,” Peter answered without thinking.

“Great, and really don’t worry about being off-campus. I can straighten out any issues.” Aunt Penny said and closed the door.

Peter sighed and then slapped his head with his forehead. “What am I going to wear to cook?”

Sleep took him just as he decided to use the sheets to create some sort of toga-like robe.

* * *

Peter woke to the feeling of the covers pressing tightly over his body. He was startled awake to see Nina sitting on the bed next to him. “Good morning, Peach.” She had lost the shiny black pajamas and now wore a pair of pants and cotton camisole

“Oh yeah, good morning,” Peter answered, still forcing the sleep from his mind.

“I guess Aunt Penny is not going to freak out or anything.” Nina chuckled. “Sorry for acting so irritated last night. The whole situation was insane and unexpected.”

Peter sat up making sure to keep the blankets tucked close around his waist. “Yeah, that’s for sure. It seems your aunt isn’t exactly a Sunday school teacher, if you know what I mean.”

“No kidding, ” Nina said

“I’m glad you’re not angry.” Peter said. “She obviously forced you into those sexy black pajamas.”

“Why do you say that?” Nina asked.

“You seemed kind of upset, I just figured it was what you were wearing.”

“Well I thought it was kind of silly to wear them, but mostly I was still nervous at being caught,” Nina said. “But after thinking about it overnight, I think I like having you to myself, and it sort of felt like she pushed in.”

“We were in her bedroom,” I stated the obvious.

“Yeah, but then you went all loopy when she put her hand over your mouth. I just kind of wished it was me, you know.”

“We’ll just have to be more careful. And for the record, I can’t explain the feeling of having her hand on my mouth, it was just…” Peter searched for the right word.

“Arousing?” Nina offered.

“Yes, but it was more than that, more intimate.”

Nina stood up. “Aunt Penny said you’d make us breakfast,”

“Yes, but I need my clothes,” Peter answered.

“I gave you some.”

“Nina, I can’t wear those. They are girl’s shorts, probably underwear,” I complained.

Nina shrugged. “You will wear them, my little peach, because if you don’t it will be a while before we have any more fun together. Though I suppose you have lots of more girls willing to tie you up and play with you?”

Peter lowered his head and decided that it was likely worth the embarrassment. “Alright, can you find me an apron, I was planning on a hot breakfast if your aunt has anything that will work?”

“I’m sure we do. See you down there.”

After the door clicked closed and Peter found the peach satin shorts lying on the opposite side of the bed. He quickly pulled them up to his hips and took a moment to enjoy the feeling of the smooth material before heading downstairs to the kitchen, bare-chested and barefoot.

He stepped inside and stopped to see Nina and her aunt having a conversation at the bar which abruptly died upon his arrival. Peter turned a deep shade of red despite knowing that this would likely be the outcome of his following Nina’s orders.

“Wow,” Aunt Penny said. “He is either desperate or in love.”

“Desperate. Here’s the apron.” Nina shrugged and held out a khaki-colored apron that was purely functional in appearance

“I don’t know, probably a bit of both,” Aunt Penny answered.

Peter hung the apron over his neck and tied it quickly in the back, normally he hated it when the apron wrapped fully around the body like a skirt but this time he wished he had one of those, as it was his peach-colored posterior was on full display whenever he turned around.

Peter found eggs and vegetables in the fridge enough to whip up three omelets which he served with a side of oatmeal and raisins. “My god Nina, I swear if you scare him away I’ll make you regret it,” Aunt Penny said with a mouthful of food and a touch of sarcasm, but only a touch. “This is so good.”

Nina nodded. “Yeah, really good.”

Peter picked at his omelet and hid behind the opposite side of the bar. “I probably ought to get back, any chance I can get my clothes back.”

“Yeah, you’ve tortured him enough for one weekend, Nina. And don’t forget that if you have any issues, just have someone give me a call.” Aunt Penny slid a card across the granite countertop. Peter picked it up. “Penelope Evers - CEO - Evers Apparel Company”

“CEO. Wow.” Peter said.

“My husband started the company and I try to hire the right people to keep it profitable without having to get too involved,” Penny answered.

“I appreciate this.” Peter flicked the card and turned toward Nina.

“Your clothes and phone are in my room,” Nina said.

A few minutes later Peter was back downstairs dressed once again in his jeans and T-shirt. Nina leaned against the door towards the front. “I hope I didn’t scare you away.”

“It wasn’t your fault Penny came home early.”

Nina shook her head. “No, but you know…” She stepped forward and kissed him swiftly and forcefully on the lips before dashing past.

“I’ll see you later,” Peter whispered with two fingers touching his lips where her warm lips had touched him.
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Post by LunaDog »

Oh yes! And to be honest IF i was fortunate enough to be in Peter's position, i'm not certain just who i'd rather be tied up by, Nina or Penny!
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Post by Killua »

That´s a great new part. Peter is really lucky to have found those two.
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Post by Speedo »

An very nice new part. It’s so lovely to read that not only Nina but also Penny are wrapping Peter around her little fingers.

I love the humiliating nickname Nina have given Peter, so it’s a pity she didn’t give him a feminine apron.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Glad to see this story continuing. I love the characters. Curious to see what the next chapters will bring!
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