Getting my just Comeuppance! (F/M) later (F/FM)

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Getting my just Comeuppance! (F/M) later (F/FM)

Post by LunaDog »

Thank you for welcoming me to this Forum, I've actually being reading some of the stories here for some time. And many of them are truly magnificent, thoroughly enjoyable! I had actually written several stories myself, purely for my own enjoyment as it were, featuring my own bondage fantasy, that is to be tied, or cuffed, to a bed by a sexy lady, put into stockings and suspenders by her, as if to demonstrate that she has captured me for SEX and nothing else, and for her to remove my power of sight by blindfolding me. And if that situation will never happen in reality, and i'm now in my sixties, then, well it can in my imagination. Anyway I thought i'd post one of them here, to see if any of you enjoy it. Please bear in mind the actual bondage action is far lower than many of the tales here, but by the end of my tale, there is NO doubt that I, or rather the character i play because this IS pure fiction, with nobody in it based on any real person, am definitely held by a female captor who has plans for me that don't include seeking my permission! If any of you enjoy reading it then great, but also feel free to comment if you don't, I'm a big boy now and honest criticism, especially if constructive, is always welcome. After all how can one improve if nobody points out where, in their opinion, you are going wrong. Anyway, here goes, hope you enjoy.


Immediately after our eyes had met her lips formed into a welcoming smile. It was Saturday night, as usual I was down the Railwayman’s Arms in the centre of town, a large pub complete with dance floor, a known “pulling venue.” The girl who flashed that smile in my direction was attractive if not stunningly gorgeous and I gladly returned her facial gesture, then walked over to the table she was sitting at. Introducing myself I offered to buy her a drink, she accepted and told me her name, Hanna. And so our brief relationship started, we chatted for a long period of time and exchanged phone numbers and addresses before parting. Hanna clearly wasn’t a “sex on first date” type of girl, and I wasn’t going to push anything on that score tonight. I quite liked her and wanted to see her again, sex could wait for later.

We went for another drink together a couple of days later, and the next Saturday evening we abandoned the Railwayman’s as we dined at the very good Indian restaurant close to where I lived. And I noticed that Hanna was “dressed to kill” tonight, it was clear that sex was VERY much on her agenda this time, the clothes she wore made it perfectly clear that she had bedroom action in mind. Not that I was going to dis-appoint her on that score. She wore a beautiful leather suit that clung to her figure perfectly, complete with a tight leather skirt. And her legs were covered in VERY sheer nylon, that clearly were NOT tights! Oh yes, she was dressed to give an undisputed message “I’m UP for it!” Which made the King Prawn Madras taste even better than normal!

Because Hanna made NO objection when I suggested her staying the night at my house roughly five minutes’ walk from the Raj Tandoori. And when we arrived in my bedroom she lost NO time in removing her clothes to reveal that I’d been totally correct about the stockings, and they were held up by a beautiful lacy and VERY sexy suspender belt! Oh yes, we were talking about REAL quality here, complete with the classy “tie at the sides” knickers that didn’t stay on too long at all! Although she seemed reluctant, finally she did agree to walk up and down the room as if on the “catwalk,” with myself becoming more and more turned on by the sight of her wearing such gorgeous attire and hoping her abilities in bed were of the same level.

Unfortunately that night proved to be very much a case of “all the gear, no idea!” Hanna didn’t have a clue, she was clearly sexually inexperienced and didn’t appear to be either able or willing, almost certainly due to nothing more than sheer nervousness, to respond to the considerable efforts that I put in to make it a memorable night. Instead it become a deeply disappointing one, and clearly Hanna had to go. Now I could have continued the relationship, tried to guide her and use my knowledge to teach her with quite a reasonable chance of success, but quite frankly I just couldn’t be bothered. There were plenty more girls out there, and ones who WOULD be able to turn me on completely.

Yes, yes, I know. You see in those days I was far too self-centred to act responsibly and do the “right thing.” I really believed that I was the centre of the world, and that everything should revolve around me. I was the spoilt only child of VERY rich parents, they’d paid the FULL deposit on the house I owned, and I had a well-paid job in my father’s Company. I DID know how to work hard, I’d done so at both school and university getting a First-Class Honours Degree in Electrical Engineering, and I DID earn that money at Dad’s Electronics Firm doing my job extremely well. But as far as women were concerned they were just simply objects to satisfy MY sexual desires, I never really considered their feelings and emotions at all. I was extremely good looking and rich, so could attract the opposite sex without much difficulty. Naturally I became totally conceited, and therefore poor Hanna didn’t stand a chance.

And the one thing that would have led to myself making an effort to help her never occurred. As I said before, although she was good looking and attractive she wasn’t stunning in the “looks” department. So none of the “lads” drooled over her, sure they all accepted her as my, temporary, girlfriend but none of them lusted after her or were jealous of me going out with her. So, as I say, she had to go. Although it should be said I wasn’t cruel or intentionally evil. I took NO pleasure in breaking Hanna’s heart and I did have the decency to at least tell her she was “dumped” to her face rather than just ringing or ignoring her. But as I alluded to earlier, having her as my girlfriend didn’t “turn heads” or do great things for my “street credibility” so I just let her go and moved on. As I tell you this and recall my attitudes at that time of my life I’m hanging my head in shame, yes, I really WAS that shallow in those days!

Anyway a few weeks later there I was, back at the Railwayman’s, yes it was almost next to the Railway Station, when I again caught the eye of a woman who also flashed a smile, a REALLY provocative one this time, in my direction. Actually I hadn’t clocked her at first, it was one of the “lads” who spotted her and pointed her out to me, and he clearly realised that it was I who she seemed to be interested in. She was somewhat older than us, I was in my early twenties at the time and she appeared to be around forty. But that didn’t stop her from appearing VERY glamorous, she was clearly a woman of REAL style and oozed sex appeal in spades. Again she’d dressed almost as if she intended to turn me on, another stylish leather suit with tight skirt with legs covered in VERY sheer nylon. I don’t think that the term “cougar” was in common use in those times, but this woman was almost a perfect definition of the word and I’d always fancied a dalliance with such a female. This one in particular promised a sexual experience that would compensate for the dis-appointment that Hanna had proved to be, so yes, I was ready to respond to her obvious overtures. Especially as once the “lads” had worked out what was happening, they all indicated approval for me checking her out for a possible “older woman one night stand.”

As luck would have it the D.J. had just switched to the “slow smooching” type of music as I approached her. So my question of “would you like a drink?” was met with the reply of “no thank you, but I would like a dance with you.” Therefore we joined the other couples on the dance floor to the tune of Harry Nilsson’s classic “Without You.” And MY GOD, this woman’s dance could have induced a “hard on” from a snowman! She rubbed the leather of her skirt against me in a manner that left NO doubt as to her intentions, and suggested, unlike Hanna, the ability to perform them! Then she bent her head to my left ear and confirmed exactly what I’d guessed and hoped for. “Don’t drink any more Darling, I’m going to take you home where I’m going to tie you securely to my bed and shag you ALL night!” As she did so her hand grabbed my balls and by now TOTALLY erect penis and she clearly liked what she felt as she continued, “and I can see that you’re in NO mood to deny me! You’re going to be the helpless sex slave of Laura and there’s NOTHING you can do to stop me!”

Of course I could have physically done so, I COULD have stopped her, but no, Laura had taken hold of my dick both literally and metaphorically, I was completely and utterly under her spell, so she was right, I wasn’t about to halt her plans. When the dance ended I hurried over to the “lads” telling them that I was leaving straight away, letting them know that I was going right now for some “sexual action” in a voice a little louder than I should have, because although I didn’t know it yet, Laura had heard me telling them. I didn’t even stop to finish my pint, but left enough money to pay for “my round” despite the fact that I wouldn’t be there. I might have been uncaring and thoughtless towards women but I didn’t betray my “mates” EVER. Who all slapped me on my back and “wished me luck!” And I believe there WERE some jealous mutterings and looks, which of course, only turned me on even more!

We took the bus to Laura’s house, I had offered to pay for a cab, but she insisted saying a bus was due shortly. And she was right, one turned up less than five minutes later, and roughly a quarter of an hour afterwards we left the bus at a stop only a few hundred yards away from her home. Upon entering said dwelling Laura grabbed hold of my head and initiated a long and TOTALLY passionate kiss that completely took my breath away and promised a REAL “night to remember!” She then indicated her bathroom, ordering me to perform all the necessary bodily functions, to empty both the bladder and bowels, throwing me a flannel and towel she told me to wash myself, then to make my way to her bedroom absolutely NAKED! Naturally I was only too ready to comply with these reasonable instructions and did so willingly.

When I did enter her “domain” at first I could see no sign of her. It was only when I’d walked in deeper that I sensed movement behind me, the next thing I became aware of was the door slamming shut and then being locked! Obviously by Laura herself, and the sight of her caused my heart to leap even further, and if possible my penis to become even MORE erect! For there she was wearing the most SEXY basque I had EVER seen, into the top of which she placed the key of the door lock. And the suspenders at the bottom of the basque were attached to those VERY sheer stockings that I’d clocked earlier.

“Just making sure we WON’T be disturbed at all, as I said, you’re going to be here ALL night. Right, ON THE BED! NOW!” I hastened to obey, delighting in the feel of the black satin that her bed was covered in on my back. I placed myself centrally and laid my head on the, also black satin covered, single pillow while Laura climbed on top of me and sat on my chest. As she reached under the pillow I received another command, “STRETCH OUT YOUR ARMS!” I again complied noticing that Laura’s hands now contained two silk ties. My bonds to be!

Starting with my left arm, she looped the tie around that wrist and expertly tied it securely, then tied that firmly and inescapably to the outer bed post of the solid and secure bed frame. Just as a “belt and braces” gesture she then looped and tied my hand with the remainder of the tie, before firmly tying that back around the bed-post. Now that’s what I call bondage, there was NO chance of me slipping out from that. Roughly a minute later she had repeated the process with my right arm, and now her earlier statement was correct, from this point onwards there WAS NOTHING I could do to stop her. I now belonged entirely to her bed, and therefore to her, and I was going to remain here until SHE chose otherwise, which clearly wasn’t going to be for some time! Yes, now I was the helpless sex slave of Laura, and I was delighted to be so. But not for long as it turned out, for my “Mistress” was about to reveal a fact that changed the situation completely!

The first indication that things weren’t QUITE what they seemed to be was when Laura, after climbing off the bed went to a chest of drawers, opened one withdrawing some more ties and then tied one of my ankles to the lower bed-frame. You see she had tied my arms totally securely, giving a sense of permanence to the bondage, but this bond of my ankle wasn’t utterly secure, it almost felt temporary as if she INTENDED to undo it at some stage. And it was now that I discovered her REAL identity and the REAL reason she had seduced and captured me. For my captor, for that is EXACTLY what she was now, returned to the same drawer and this time, to my horror, withdrew a suspender belt and two more stockings that I thought I’d seen before! Because I had. “And now my Darling,” that word being said in a VERY sarcastic manner, “it’s time for you to be placed in the clothes of sex!”

“BLOODY HELL, LAURA! There’s NO WAY I’m letting you put me into those!” I almost screamed at her.

“Oh really? And precisely how do you think you’re going to stop me then?” Now I realised the point of her putting that first leg into bondage, if not in a completely secure way. If I tried to resist I would be able to only thrash ONE leg about, which would make it far easier to complete her desired task. And now it was time for me to discover exactly WHY it was her desire to do so!

Two cold, hard eyes bored right into mine as Laura continued, holding the stockings and suspender belt in her hands while she approached the bed. “Recognise them do you? You should! You’ve seen them before Darling, on the legs of MY DAUGHTER as you made her prance up and down your bedroom, before taking what you wanted from her and then breaking her heart!”

OH MY GOD!!! How could I have been so stupid, how could my ego have never allowed me to question WHY it was that this woman had SPECIFICALLY have targeted me? As usual said ego had just assumed that she couldn’t resist my mesmerizing charms! LAURA WAS HANNA’S MOTHER FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!!! And now I had delivered myself right into her TOTAL hands and power! What the hell was she going to do to me now I was completely at her mercy? Well the first thing she planned was to fulfil that promise and put me into Hanna’s stockings and suspenders. Laura climbed back onto the bed, knelt on my “free” leg, which hurt, sliding the belt over my foot which she then covered in nylon, moving the stocking to just over my ankle. Then using a tie she bound that limb to the lower bed-post, but this time the bond was tight and secure! “Laura please, you’re right, I can’t stop you and I won’t try to IF you don’t kneel on my leg,” I muttered in a rather pathetic, submissive voice.

“Very well. But if you DO try to resist you’ll know exactly what I’ll do, don’t you?” I nodded, again submissively. After all I was hers now, hers to do with what SHE wanted! With NO resistance from me she then released my other leg, slid it over so she could slip the belt over that foot. Whilst my legs were still together she slid the belt into position around my waist, moved the leg back over to “its” side of the bed, put the stocking over that foot and ankle, before completing my spread-eagled bondage to her bed.

Laura returned to the task of fitting “my” stockings, slowly they inched up my legs, with my captor constantly playing with my balls and my, despite what I’d just learned, totally erect penis. But to my mounting frustration never to the point of no return! However eventually stocking met suspender and my “dressing up,” just like my bondage was complete. What was going to happen now I wondered?

Laura climbed back onto the bed, knelt down between my nylon covered legs and grabbed my balls in her hands. “So I guess you’re now wondering just what I’m going to do to you to punish you for what you did to Hanna?”

“Laura, I apologise unreservedly! I NEVER intended or set out to hurt Hanna.”

“Maybe not, I’m actually willing to believe that, but you DID hurt her. Anyway, I’m NOT interested in your apologies, it’s too late for that! I’m ONLY interested in your punishment and MY PLEASURE! And yes, I heard you bragging to your mates about the “sexual action” you were going to indulge in with me. Well you’re NOT going to be dis-appointed in that regard, oh yes you’re facing a FULL night of purely SEX! SEX! and more SEX! You see, I’m right in the mood for that, it’s been quite a while since I had some bedroom fun, you are a good looking guy so I’m going to indulge myself at your expense. I must admit that when Hanna pointed you out to me the other day, after which I planned what’s occurred tonight, a plan you fell for “hook, line and sinker” just as I KNEW you would by the way, that I REALLY did fancy you. I UTTERLY WANTED YOU TO BE TOTALLY HELPLESS IN MY BONDAGE! I WANT TO SHAG YOU!”

As you can imagine any satisfaction that my ego had not, after all, been COMPLETELY wrong were totally negated by the situation that she had subjected me to of course!

“So you find yourself, just as I told you would happen, as the COMPLETE SEX SLAVE OF LAURA! Because, make NO mistake, you are now totally in MY power, utterly in MY hands and completely under MY control. I CAN and I WILL do exactly WHAT I want, HOW I want and for AS LONG as I want to you and, as I said right at the beginning, there’s NOTHING you can do to stop me. So from now until I decide otherwise your world and the only reason for your existence will be to provide me with COLD, HARD, RAW SEX! I’m going to keep you at it, shagging you absolutely senseless, again and again and again! Until, and be assured it WILL happen, when you can take NO more and beg me to stop and for mercy! After what you did to Hanna, guess how much of that I intend to show you? None at all of course, I’ll simply laugh in your face, demand even more SEX from you as I shag you yet again. You entered my house expecting SEX and by God you’re going to get SEX, but on MY terms and not yours! You used Hanna for SEX so now I’m going to use you to feed MY considerable sexual appetite!” Giving my balls a not too gentle squeeze each time her lips uttered the word “SEX!”

“And by the way, I’ve another surprise for you. Whilst I’m taking exactly what I WANT from you, in the manner of MY choosing, you will be able to see precisely NOTHING.” Laura reached under the pillow again, withdrawing a blindfold, which she placed onto my head, although not yet over my eyes. She moved to lay on top of my body, her lips found mine and she commenced the night’s proceedings by initiating another long and utterly passionate kiss. During which she moved the blindfold into place, reducing my world, just as she had stated, to TOTAL darkness. “And so Darling, prepare yourself to be getting your just come-uppance in the form of a...” pausing to kiss me again, then continuing as the kiss finished,


Let the games begin!
Last edited by LunaDog 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ak610 »

LunaDog wrote: 2 years ago Thank you for welcoming me to this Forum, I've actually being reading some of the stories here for some time. And many of them are truly magnificent, thoroughly enjoyable! I had actually written several stories myself, purely for my own enjoyment as it were, featuring my own bondage fantasy, that is to be tied, or cuffed, to a bed by a sexy lady, put into stockings and suspenders by her, as if to demonstrate that she has captured me for SEX and nothing else, and for her to remove my power of sight by blindfolding me. And if that situation will never happen in reality, and i'm now in my sixties, then, well it can in my imagination. Anyway I thought i'd post one of them here, to see if any of you enjoy it. Please bear in mind the actual bondage action is far lower than many of the tales here, but by the end of my tale, there is NO doubt that I, or rather the character i play because this IS pure fiction, with nobody in it based on any real person, am definitely held by a female captor who has plans for me that don't include seeking my permission! If any of you enjoy reading it then great, but also feel free to comment if you don't, I'm a big boy now and honest criticism, especially if constructive, is always welcome. After all how can one improve if nobody points out where, in their opinion, you are going wrong. Anyway, here goes, hope you enjoy.

Immediately after our eyes had met her lips formed into a welcoming smile. It was Saturday night, as usual I was down the Railwayman’s Arms in the centre of town, a large pub complete with dance floor, a known “pulling venue.” The girl who flashed that smile in my direction was attractive if not stunningly gorgeous and I gladly returned her facial gesture, then walked over to the table she was sitting at. Introducing myself I offered to buy her a drink, she accepted and told me her name, Hanna. And so our brief relationship started, we chatted for a long period of time and exchanged phone numbers and addresses before parting. Hanna clearly wasn’t a “sex on first date” type of girl, and I wasn’t going to push anything on that score tonight. I quite liked her and wanted to see her again, sex could wait for later.

We went for another drink together a couple of days later, and the next Saturday evening we abandoned the Railwayman’s as we dined at the very good Indian restaurant close to where I lived. And I noticed that Hanna was “dressed to kill” tonight, it was clear that sex was VERY much on her agenda this time, the clothes she wore made it perfectly clear that she had bedroom action in mind. Not that I was going to dis-appoint her on that score. She wore a beautiful leather suit that clung to her figure perfectly, complete with a tight leather skirt. And her legs were covered in VERY sheer nylon, that clearly were NOT tights! Oh yes, she was dressed to give an undisputed message “I’m UP for it!” Which made the King Prawn Madras taste even better than normal!

Because Hanna made NO objection when I suggested her staying the night at my house roughly five minutes’ walk from the Raj Tandoori. And when we arrived in my bedroom she lost NO time in removing her clothes to reveal that I’d been totally correct about the stockings, and they were held up by a beautiful lacy and VERY sexy suspender belt! Oh yes, we were talking about REAL quality here, complete with the classy “tie at the sides” knickers that didn’t stay on too long at all! Although she seemed reluctant, finally she did agree to walk up and down the room as if on the “catwalk,” with myself becoming more and more turned on by the sight of her wearing such gorgeous attire and hoping her abilities in bed were of the same level.

Unfortunately that night proved to be very much a case of “all the gear, no idea!” Hanna didn’t have a clue, she was clearly sexually inexperienced and didn’t appear to be either able or willing, almost certainly due to nothing more than sheer nervousness, to respond to the considerable efforts that I put in to make it a memorable night. Instead it become a deeply disappointing one, and clearly Hanna had to go. Now I could have continued the relationship, tried to guide her and use my knowledge to teach her with quite a reasonable chance of success, but quite frankly I just couldn’t be bothered. There were plenty more girls out there, and ones who WOULD be able to turn me on completely.

Yes, yes, I know. You see in those days I was far too self-centred to act responsibly and do the “right thing.” I really believed that I was the centre of the world, and that everything should revolve around me. I was the spoilt only child of VERY rich parents, they’d paid the FULL deposit on the house I owned, and I had a well-paid job in my father’s Company. I DID know how to work hard, I’d done so at both school and university getting a First-Class Honours Degree in Electrical Engineering, and I DID earn that money at Dad’s Electronics Firm doing my job extremely well. But as far as women were concerned they were just simply objects to satisfy MY sexual desires, I never really considered their feelings and emotions at all. I was extremely good looking and rich, so could attract the opposite sex without much difficulty. Naturally I became totally conceited, and therefore poor Hanna didn’t stand a chance.

And the one thing that would have led to myself making an effort to help her never occurred. As I said before, although she was good looking and attractive she wasn’t stunning in the “looks” department. So none of the “lads” drooled over her, sure they all accepted her as my, temporary, girlfriend but none of them lusted after her or were jealous of me going out with her. So, as I say, she had to go. Although it should be said I wasn’t cruel or intentionally evil. I took NO pleasure in breaking Hanna’s heart and I did have the decency to at least tell her she was “dumped” to her face rather than just ringing or ignoring her. But as I alluded to earlier, having her as my girlfriend didn’t “turn heads” or do great things for my “street credibility” so I just let her go and moved on. As I tell you this and recall my attitudes at that time of my life I’m hanging my head in shame, yes, I really WAS that shallow in those days!

Anyway a few weeks later there I was, back at the Railwayman’s, yes it was almost next to the Railway Station, when I again caught the eye of a woman who also flashed a smile, a REALLY provocative one this time, in my direction. Actually I hadn’t clocked her at first, it was one of the “lads” who spotted her and pointed her out to me, and he clearly realised that it was I who she seemed to be interested in. She was somewhat older than us, I was in my early twenties at the time and she appeared to be around forty. But that didn’t stop her from appearing VERY glamorous, she was clearly a woman of REAL style and oozed sex appeal in spades. Again she’d dressed almost as if she intended to turn me on, another stylish leather suit with tight skirt with legs covered in VERY sheer nylon. I don’t think that the term “cougar” was in common use in those times, but this woman was almost a perfect definition of the word and I’d always fancied a dalliance with such a female. This one in particular promised a sexual experience that would compensate for the dis-appointment that Hanna had proved to be, so yes, I was ready to respond to her obvious overtures. Especially as once the “lads” had worked out what was happening, they all indicated approval for me checking her out for a possible “older woman one night stand.”

As luck would have it the D.J. had just switched to the “slow smooching” type of music as I approached her. So my question of “would you like a drink?” was met with the reply of “no thank you, but I would like a dance with you.” Therefore we joined the other couples on the dance floor to the tune of Harry Nilsson’s classic “Without You.” And MY GOD, this woman’s dance could have induced a “hard on” from a snowman! She rubbed the leather of her skirt against me in a manner that left NO doubt as to her intentions, and suggested, unlike Hanna, the ability to perform them! Then she bent her head to my left ear and confirmed exactly what I’d guessed and hoped for. “Don’t drink any more Darling, I’m going to take you home where I’m going to tie you securely to my bed and shag you ALL night!” As she did so her hand grabbed my balls and by now TOTALLY erect penis and she clearly liked what she felt as she continued, “and I can see that you’re in NO mood to deny me! You’re going to be the helpless sex slave of Laura and there’s NOTHING you can do to stop me!”

Of course I could have physically done so, I COULD have stopped her, but no, Laura had taken hold of my dick both literally and metaphorically, I was completely and utterly under her spell, so she was right, I wasn’t about to halt her plans. When the dance ended I hurried over to the “lads” telling them that I was leaving straight away, letting them know that I was going right now for some “sexual action” in a voice a little louder than I should have, because although I didn’t know it yet, Laura had heard me telling them. I didn’t even stop to finish my pint, but left enough money to pay for “my round” despite the fact that I wouldn’t be there. I might have been uncaring and thoughtless towards women but I didn’t betray my “mates” EVER. Who all slapped me on my back and “wished me luck!” And I believe there WERE some jealous mutterings and looks, which of course, only turned me on even more!

We took the bus to Laura’s house, I had offered to pay for a cab, but she insisted saying a bus was due shortly. And she was right, one turned up less than five minutes later, and roughly a quarter of an hour afterwards we left the bus at a stop only a few hundred yards away from her home. Upon entering said dwelling Laura grabbed hold of my head and initiated a long and TOTALLY passionate kiss that completely took my breath away and promised a REAL “night to remember!” She then indicated her bathroom, ordering me to perform all the necessary bodily functions, to empty both the bladder and bowels, throwing me a flannel and towel she told me to wash myself, then to make my way to her bedroom absolutely NAKED! Naturally I was only too ready to comply with these reasonable instructions and did so willingly.

When I did enter her “domain” at first I could see no sign of her. It was only when I’d walked in deeper that I sensed movement behind me, the next thing I became aware of was the door slamming shut and then being locked! Obviously by Laura herself, and the sight of her caused my heart to leap even further, and if possible my penis to become even MORE erect! For there she was wearing the most SEXY basque I had EVER seen, into the top of which she placed the key of the door lock. And the suspenders at the bottom of the basque were attached to those VERY sheer stockings that I’d clocked earlier.

“Just making sure we WON’T be disturbed at all, as I said, you’re going to be here ALL night. Right, ON THE BED! NOW!” I hastened to obey, delighting in the feel of the black satin that her bed was covered in on my back. I placed myself centrally and laid my head on the, also black satin covered, single pillow while Laura climbed on top of me and sat on my chest. As she reached under the pillow I received another command, “STRETCH OUT YOUR ARMS!” I again complied noticing that Laura’s hands now contained two silk ties. My bonds to be!

Starting with my left arm, she looped the tie around that wrist and expertly tied it securely, then tied that firmly and inescapably to the outer bed post of the solid and secure bed frame. Just as a “belt and braces” gesture she then looped and tied my hand with the remainder of the tie, before firmly tying that back around the bed-post. Now that’s what I call bondage, there was NO chance of me slipping out from that. Roughly a minute later she had repeated the process with my right arm, and now her earlier statement was correct, from this point onwards there WAS NOTHING I could do to stop her. I now belonged entirely to her bed, and therefore to her, and I was going to remain here until SHE chose otherwise, which clearly wasn’t going to be for some time! Yes, now I was the helpless sex slave of Laura, and I was delighted to be so. But not for long as it turned out, for my “Mistress” was about to reveal a fact that changed the situation completely!

The first indication that things weren’t QUITE what they seemed to be was when Laura, after climbing off the bed went to a chest of drawers, opened one withdrawing some more ties and then tied one of my ankles to the lower bed-frame. You see she had tied my arms totally securely, giving a sense of permanence to the bondage, but this bond of my ankle wasn’t utterly secure, it almost felt temporary as if she INTENDED to undo it at some stage. And it was now that I discovered her REAL identity and the REAL reason she had seduced and captured me. For my captor, for that is EXACTLY what she was now, returned to the same drawer and this time, to my horror, withdrew a suspender belt and two more stockings that I thought I’d seen before! Because I had. “And now my Darling,” that word being said in a VERY sarcastic manner, “it’s time for you to be placed in the clothes of sex!”

“BLOODY HELL, LAURA! There’s NO WAY I’m letting you put me into those!” I almost screamed at her.

“Oh really? And precisely how do you think you’re going to stop me then?” Now I realised the point of her putting that first leg into bondage, if not in a completely secure way. If I tried to resist I would be able to only thrash ONE leg about, which would make it far easier to complete her desired task. And now it was time for me to discover exactly WHY it was her desire to do so!

Two cold, hard eyes bored right into mine as Laura continued, holding the stockings and suspender belt in her hands while she approached the bed. “Recognise them do you? You should! You’ve seen them before Darling, on the legs of MY DAUGHTER as you made her prance up and down your bedroom, before taking what you wanted from her and then breaking her heart!”

OH MY GOD!!! How could I have been so stupid, how could my ego have never allowed me to question WHY it was that this woman had SPECIFICALLY have targeted me? As usual said ego had just assumed that she couldn’t resist my mesmerizing charms! LAURA WAS HANNA’S MOTHER FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!!! And now I had delivered myself right into her TOTAL hands and power! What the hell was she going to do to me now I was completely at her mercy? Well the first thing she planned was to fulfil that promise and put me into Hanna’s stockings and suspenders. Laura climbed back onto the bed, knelt on my “free” leg, which hurt, sliding the belt over my foot which she then covered in nylon, moving the stocking to just over my ankle. Then using a tie she bound that limb to the lower bed-post, but this time the bond was tight and secure! “Laura please, you’re right, I can’t stop you and I won’t try to IF you don’t kneel on my leg,” I muttered in a rather pathetic, submissive voice.

“Very well. But if you DO try to resist you’ll know exactly what I’ll do, don’t you?” I nodded, again submissively. After all I was hers now, hers to do with what SHE wanted! With NO resistance from me she then released my other leg, slid it over so she could slip the belt over that foot. Whilst my legs were still together she slid the belt into position around my waist, moved the leg back over to “its” side of the bed, put the stocking over that foot and ankle, before completing my spread-eagled bondage to her bed.

Laura returned to the task of fitting “my” stockings, slowly they inched up my legs, with my captor constantly playing with my balls and my, despite what I’d just learned, totally erect penis. But to my mounting frustration never to the point of no return! However eventually stocking met suspender and my “dressing up,” just like my bondage was complete. What was going to happen now I wondered?

Laura climbed back onto the bed, knelt down between my nylon covered legs and grabbed my balls in her hands. “So I guess you’re now wondering just what I’m going to do to you to punish you for what you did to Hanna?”

“Laura, I apologise unreservedly! I NEVER intended or set out to hurt Hanna.”

“Maybe not, I’m actually willing to believe that, but you DID hurt her. Anyway, I’m NOT interested in your apologies, it’s too late for that! I’m ONLY interested in your punishment and MY PLEASURE! And yes, I heard you bragging to your mates about the “sexual action” you were going to indulge in with me. Well you’re NOT going to be dis-appointed in that regard, oh yes you’re facing a FULL night of purely SEX! SEX! and more SEX! You see, I’m right in the mood for that, it’s been quite a while since I had some bedroom fun, you are a good looking guy so I’m going to indulge myself at your expense. I must admit that when Hanna pointed you out to me the other day, after which I planned what’s occurred tonight, a plan you fell for “hook, line and sinker” just as I KNEW you would by the way, that I REALLY did fancy you. I UTTERLY WANTED YOU TO BE TOTALLY HELPLESS IN MY BONDAGE! I WANT TO SHAG YOU!”

As you can imagine any satisfaction that my ego had not, after all, been COMPLETELY wrong were totally negated by the situation that she had subjected me to of course!

“So you find yourself, just as I told you would happen, as the COMPLETE SEX SLAVE OF LAURA! Because, make NO mistake, you are now totally in MY power, utterly in MY hands and completely under MY control. I CAN and I WILL do exactly WHAT I want, HOW I want and for AS LONG as I want to you and, as I said right at the beginning, there’s NOTHING you can do to stop me. So from now until I decide otherwise your world and the only reason for your existence will be to provide me with COLD, HARD, RAW SEX! I’m going to keep you at it, shagging you absolutely senseless, again and again and again! Until, and be assured it WILL happen, when you can take NO more and beg me to stop and for mercy! After what you did to Hanna, guess how much of that I intend to show you? None at all of course, I’ll simply laugh in your face, demand even more SEX from you as I shag you yet again. You entered my house expecting SEX and by God you’re going to get SEX, but on MY terms and not yours! You used Hanna for SEX so now I’m going to use you to feed MY considerable sexual appetite!” Giving my balls a not too gentle squeeze each time her lips uttered the word “SEX!”

“And by the way, I’ve another surprise for you. Whilst I’m taking exactly what I WANT from you, in the manner of MY choosing, you will be able to see precisely NOTHING.” Laura reached under the pillow again, withdrawing a blindfold, which she placed onto my head, although not yet over my eyes. She moved to lay on top of my body, her lips found mine and she commenced the night’s proceedings by initiating another long and utterly passionate kiss. During which she moved the blindfold into place, reducing my world, just as she had stated, to TOTAL darkness. “And so Darling, prepare yourself to be getting your just come-uppance in the form of a...” pausing to kiss me again, then continuing as the kiss finished,


Let the games begin!
Amazing Story 🔥🔥
Please continue it.
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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you for those kind words, friend. And yes, I have already written two sequels to this story that I'll gladly share with you. Please bear in mind though, that I had written ALL of these tales a while ago, before I discovered this excellent forum, and again like the above tale, the bondage is quite mild. Just like my first tale, these two "follow-ups" are more of a story about how my character becomes captured by a female, rather than details of the actual bondage, unlike most of the superb stories here, that brilliantly contain far more bondage then this series of mine. And, just like a series of novels by the same author with the same central character(s), so that they can be read WITHOUT having the previous tales, there is a little repetition of those previous entries, just to enable anybody unaware of the past to grasp the main story-line. Please bear all this in mind when you read them.

I'm already beginning to form in my mind the start of a story that WILL contain far more bondage action than my "Laura" trilogy, so hopefully i'll be posting this in the future. And, again I'd gladly accept any feedback, even if it is negative. For I've been coming here long enough to know that there is the proper respect here for ANYBODY who "puts their head over the parapet" as it were, and even if feedback is negative, it's ALWAYS given as constructive, with the idea of helpful suggestions to the author instead of cruel "slagging off." So ANY hints and suggestions as to how i can improve my writing will be VERY gratefully received.

Incidentally, I do have a dog, a Bernese Mountain Dog, and I imagine that you can ALL guess what's she's called!

Anyway, this is the second part of the "Laura" trilogy, and as you can see from its title, Hanna comes back into the picture. Hope you all enjoy.


I could hear, but not see as I was still blindfolded, the key turning in the door lock as Laura finally left me alone to sleep after hours of tormenting me, but also exciting me tremendously at the same time, with an UTTERLY mind-blowing sex session; which had now gone long beyond the point of enjoyment and into the realms of exhaustion. I was therefore “locked by in Laura,” within her bedroom of the house she owned and lived in. In reality Laura had locked the door totally un-necessarily, she’d done it purely symbolically, leaving me in NO doubt that I was still firmly in her hands and power, and that she hadn’t finished with me yet. Because at the beginning of said session she had tied my wrists and ankles in TOTALLY secure spread-eagled bondage to the solid bed-frame of her bed; a position I was still subject to. Although just before she had left she had untied each limb one by one, exercising them singly before returning them to bondage to her bed posts, also emptying my bladder using a “hospital bottle” that she’d bought home from her work at a nursing home. Not only that, apart from the aforementioned blindfold she had also dressed my legs in what she described as, “the clothes of sex.” In other words, stockings and suspenders. Which didn’t actually belong to Laura herself, but instead to her daughter, Hanna.

You see it was Laura’s perceived mistreatment of her daughter by me that had led to my current predicament. A few weeks earlier I had met Hanna at my local “pulling venue,” a large pub in the centre of town, complete with a disco. We’d chatted, and dated a couple of times before going back to my place for sex. Which had been very dis-appointing, despite Hanna looking great in the very lingerie items now fitted to MY body, and me having made her pace up and down wearing them, hence Laura’s determination to put them onto MY legs. And because the “lads” weren’t jealous of my relationship with her, and I simply couldn’t be bothered to guide and teach her in bed as I could and SHOULD have done, I’d just “dumped” her, although I did have the decency to, at least, tell her to her face, instead of cowardly doing it by phone.

Nevertheless, when Hanna had pointed me out to her mother, Laura, deciding that she DID fancy me, had come up with her plan to ensnare me and make me her sex slave, partially as a punishment for what I’d done to Hanna, in addition to having some sexual pleasure using my bound body for herself. So she’d attended the Railwayman’s Arms herself “dressed to kill,” in a beautiful leather suit with her legs within VERY sheer nylon, making her interest in me completely clear. And my rampant ego NEVER questioned as to WHY a woman, unknown to and considerably older than myself would seek me out SO specifically. Of course said ego just simply believed that she was unable to resist my charms. When I approached her, she pulled me to the dance floor, a smoochy number was being played at the time, and whispered into my ear that she wanted to take me back to her place, tie me to her bed and shag me ALL night! Again my ego should have but didn’t ask itself, why?

Once back in her bedroom, after Laura had tied my arms to her bed, securely and inescapably, now was the point in time when she revealed that she was, in fact, Hanna’s mother! And promised that the sex I’d bragged to the “lads” that I’d be getting when I had left the pub with Laura was INDEED going to happen, after putting me into Hanna’s lingerie, an action that I was powerless to resist. But that sex would be entirely to HER tune, she informed me that she was going to, as she put it, “keep me at it” again and again, in fact to the point when I could take NO more and begged her to stop. Which, as part of my punishment for abusing Hanna, would be a plea that she had stated that she would COMPLETELY ignore.

And that is precisely what occurred that night. At first the sex was utterly enjoyable, despite being nearly twice my age, Laura was highly skilled in the “pleasures of the flesh,” she used that skill brilliantly so the sex was, as I said earlier, mind-blowing! Obviously she was putting in all this effort for HER benefit, to satisfy HER sexual desires and not mine, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the experience. But, of course, exhaustion DID start to creep into the equation, Laura in fact stopped shagging me herself, just wanking me off as her strength began to become tested, meaning she could rest whereas I could not, she was still putting me through it. I realised that I was going to have to beg her, clearly her intention from the VERY start, knowing by now that she wasn’t even going to entertain the idea of stopping until I did so.

So I swallowed my pride. “Laura, please. Laura, I’m begging you, please stop. I can’t take ANY more Laura!” My blindfold became lifted, not removed note. And a cold hard pair of eyes once again bore into mine, as they had earlier at the time I had discovered her REAL identity. “What did I tell you would happen? Didn’t I tell you I’d show NO mercy whatsoever! And I’m not going to, but I must admit, I’m no spring chicken anymore, so after just one more shag which I believe I can manage, I will let you sleep. But only because I NEED TO! Make no mistake, once I’ve rested and regained my strength through sleep, I’m going to subject you to yet more SEX! And while you sleep you WILL remain in bondage to my bed! And be locked within this room, I know strictly speaking I don’t need to lock the door but it will remind and signify to you that you are still UTTERLY in my hands and power, that you still TOTALLY belong to Laura! While I sleep you’ll be “LOCKED IN BY LAURA!” And I’ll take THAT sleep in Hanna’s bed.”

So that is where we were as I heard her lock me in her room after she had left it. And she did leave me alone for several hours, which did allow me to catch some sleep, as I guessed, correctly, she was also doing. But that state of affairs was clearly destined to finish at some point, and after a period of some hours I was awoken by the sound of the key turning in the lock, my refreshed captor entering the room, then shutting the door and locking it again. Before the sex recommenced however, Laura again released, exercised and re-captured my limbs one by one, to reduce the possibility of cramp, and emptied my bladder once more.

But none of that is why she had returned to my “cell” of course, and soon she was back on top of my bound body, subjecting me to her high level of sexual skills and desire again. With both of us re-charged, as it were, the sex returned to the high excitement mode, in particular the second climax that she brilliantly bought us both to. Using the words of Michael Douglas from the film “Basic Instinct” it was simply the “Shag of the Century!” As Laura began to scream with TOTAL ecstasy, her body shaking uncontrollably, I felt an intensity that I’d NEVER experienced before and I couldn’t control myself as while I pumped spunk into her body I also screamed out, “OH, LAURA! LAURA! LAURA! GOOD GOD, LAURRRRAAAAAA!!!!” As we lay there afterwards still in the grip of the high that I don’t think either of us had EVER been to previously, I actually felt that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this woman, impossible obviously, but for those few seconds I wanted nobody else in my world! And just for that brief time I had the feeling that Laura also wanted to be with me permanently too, as she clung to me with REAL passion! And then proceeded to kiss me with an excitement that our VERY high level previous kisses didn’t even come close to matching! If only we had met in different circumstances?

But now that’s when the situation changed yet again. For shortly afterwards we heard the front door opening and somebody entering the house. That person ascended the stairs, went to their own room, retreating straight out of said room immediately, coming the door of “ours” and knocked on the locked door. It was Hanna of course. After sleeping in it, Laura had forgotten to re-make her daughter’s bed, so that’s why Hanna was knocking on her mother’s door. “Mum, are you in there Mum, what’s going on?” Probably referring to the state of her bed.

“Hanna, Sweetheart, just one minute!” Laura leapt off her own bed, picked up the key to unlock the door and allow her daughter in. “Come in Sweetheart, I’ve a little surprise for you in here, I’ve been teaching a certain somebody a lesson he will NEVER forget! While thoroughly enjoying myself as well of course!” I felt my ex-girlfriend enter, remember I couldn’t see anything, the blindfold was still in place.

“Well, well, how the mighty have fallen? Oh, how are enjoying wearing MY stockings, the ones you made me pace up and down in remember? You might as well keep them and take them home with you, I don’t EVER want to wear THEM again, and I’ve bought some new ones anyway.” Turning to her mother she continued, “I see you have well and truly captured this “Gentleman” Mum, I hope you’re giving him EXACTLY what for!”

“Oh don’t you worry about that Daughter, I’ve already had him beg for mercy once before now. This is in fact part two of my utterly senseless shagging of him, and, believe me, I’ve NOT finished with him yet, not by a long chalk! I’ll soon be putting him through it again VERY shortly!” Laura paused for a moment and then, as if having just considered it said, “unless of course you fancy a go!”

“Yes, you know what, yes I DO fancy that, Mum. And with your help there is something I’d like to try, a sexual fantasy of mine to be honest. Why shouldn’t I use him to get WHAT I WANT?”

“Why not indeed Sweetheart, what do you have in mind? I’ll gladly help you, and quite frankly I’ve just had a REALLY great shag, I’m not so young anymore and this would be a good place for me to stop, and for you to take over.” Almost as if she wanted to go out on a REAL “HIGH,” like a Sports Champion retiring at the very top of their game. And I, extremely reluctantly I will admit because I naturally wished to continue the action with Laura herself, accepted her decision. Because, after all the MAIN reason Laura had captured me in the first place was to teach me a lesson, an aim she had succeeded in achieving, because I now completely acknowledged that I HAD treated Hanna in a VERY poor manner. And now it seemed the possibility might exist that I would be presented with a chance to, at least to some degree, make amends. And I was only too glad to take it, hoping that I could do just that.

“What I want you to do, is untie his hands, I’m going to lay down on top of him, and then I want you to tie us including our hands, together! Then I’m going to show him EXACTLY what he threw away and he is now missing! It was simply because I was so nervous and anxious to please him that I couldn’t perform to his “satisfaction” that last time but do you honestly think I give a shit for his feelings now? No, I’ll be TOTALLY free to just enjoy myself, and subject this “Gentleman” to purely COLD, HARD RAW SEX! Whilst he is in my hands, and both of us under YOUR control! Will you help me?”

“Gladly Sweetheart. What an excellent idea. Now go and get undressed.” Notice how they had discussed me as if I wasn’t even present! That’s something in life that normally winds me up completely, but of course, here I was in NO position to complain. And I DID like the sound of what Hanna had suggested, I really fancied having her tied to me!

Hanna shortly returned, just wearing her new stockings and suspenders, and upon her mother’s guidance laid down on top of my body, still in bondage to Laura’s bed, although she had untied my hands as her daughter was getting ready. “Mum, do you have another blindfold, although I AM going to shag him, I not sure that I actually want to see him! And let him watch as you tie me to him, put him back into darkness once we are ready to shag.” Laura was only TOO pleased to meet Hanna’s request, soon I could see her, and the fact that she now wore a blindfold identical to mine. So I saw Laura tie loops around Hanna’s ankles, then tying her legs outside of and to mine. She then tied loops around her daughter’s wrists, binding them to mine. With the tie released from my hands Laura tied our hands together having intertwined our figures. To complete this bondage of our bodies completely together, Laura then undid the front suspenders attached to “my” stockings and fitted them to Hanna’s and vice versa. Thus pulling our mid-rifts together. So now Hanna and I were totally bound to each other, as I was to the bed, neither of us could escape from said bed or each other. Which meant that now, as per Hanna’s instructions, I was placed back into darkness.

Laura then took over, having been appointed the “Mistress of Ceremonies” by Hanna just a bit earlier. “Right, Darling,” that word now said without any sarcasm at all unlike earlier, “you now only exist to service my daughter’s sexual appetite instead of mine. Which doesn’t mean that you can relax by any means, you will remain in bondage to my bed until you have COMPLETELY satisfied HER desires. Just like I was, she’s looking for nothing else other than SEX! SEX! and more SEX! And it’s YOUR job to provide that for her, do you understand? You belong to her, your WHOLE world now revolves around HER, and I’m going to make sure you do her best for her and provide her with the quality shagging that she’s looking for! And make NO mistake I won’t even CONSIDER releasing you until I’m satisfied that she is. So you’d best get started!”

“Laura, could you please lift both of our blindfolds, I want say something to Hanna, and look her in the eyes as I do so?”

“Yes Mum, I’m interested to know what he has to say to me. Please let us see each other, if only for a few seconds.” So Laura obliged and Hanna and I looked into each other’s eyes, with hers in a “questionable” mode as she waited to hear what I was to say to her. “Hanna, I apologise completely for the way I treated you. I was “bang out of order” I totally accept that. And I’m going to do my VERY best to shag you to the greatest level that I can, and try my hardest to satisfy you. As I did indeed with Laura.”

“Yes Darling,” her mother chirped in, “I have to admit you did do just that, your performance has been FAR higher than I expected! Perform with my daughter at the same level as you did with me and that will do just fine!”

After Laura had replaced the blindfolds over our eyes Hanna immediately initiated a long and passionate kiss, that almost matched the level displayed by her mother from beforehand. And then told me, “I fully accept your apology, I do believe that Mum has taught you some, well overdue, decency! But like she said, you’re “not out of the woods” just yet, now you’ve been given your “lesson from Laura,” you are now about to be subject to...” pausing as she kissed me again, then continued,


Let the games begin!

And to save me having to post again, here is the third part. Now, again, like in some novels, this tale will move between time periods. All of the first two stories, and the majority of this third one are based in the early 1980s. But some of this third tale will be told in the present time, nearly 40 years later, as the characters, some of whom weren't alive when those earlier events were described, are recalling said earlier events. All of the part form the 2020s will be in ltalics.


Hanna let out a moan, one of joy however which soon transformed into a scream of ecstasy as she approached climax. At almost the same time my ejaculation occurred as I too became captive of the state of sexual excitement. As we both shuddered and shook, unable to escape from each other, our bodies bound together and to the bed of the other person present in the room, Hanna’s mother, Laura. How the hell had I come to be in this position?

A few weeks earlier I had dated Hanna, then cruelly dumped her when she’d, through nothing more than sheer nerves, been dis-appointing in bed. Laura decided that I needed to be taught a lesson in humility, despite being nearly twice my age, she’d succeeded in seducing me and tying me to her bed. That’s when she revealed her identity, and had promised to shag me utterly senseless until I begged her for mercy and to stop. A successful aim as I’d been forced by the awesome power of her sexuality to do precisely that. After a few hours’ sleep for the pair of us with myself still bound to her bed, Laura resumed the shagging and we’d enjoyed one particular climax together. Clinging to each other afterwards it was becoming clear that feelings were developing between Laura and I that went far beyond the, admittedly mind-blowing, sex that we’d enjoyed. At that time I KNEW that I wanted to spend my life with this woman, but told myself it could NEVER happen, that age difference being just one possible problem. As for Laura, she also felt awkward with what her heart was telling her, and her hopes of a distraction from those feelings were answered shortly afterwards when Hanna appeared on the scene.

So when Hanna offered to take over the shagging of myself Laura readily agreed, including Hanna’s request to be tied to my bound body. As for me, my initial dis-appointment at not continuing to share the “pleasures of the flesh” with Laura, the woman I was falling in love with; was tempered by the fact that I was been given an opportunity to make amends to Hanna to at least some degree. Laura’s initial aim of “teaching me a lesson” had worked, I now totally accepted that I had treated Hanna abysmally.

And it seemed that I had also tasted success in my aims, as once the effects of that climax had calmed down Hanna spoke to her mother in a relaxed tone. “Mum I think this has gone on long enough. Please untie us, yes both of us, and remove the blindfolds. I’ve something to say to both of you. Thank you Mum.” That last part of her speech occurred as Laura did indeed step forward and restore our sight by taking off the blindfolds, she then started untying the bonds that held us. “Well I can say that I’m completely satisfied,” Hanna continued, “and my self-belief in bed has been totally restored. I’m now confident again.” And then she looked me directly into my eyes. “Thank you for that, yes it might have been you that forced me to question myself, but you’ve put EVERYTHING you have into making me believe again, so thank you once more. And you’ve done that despite the fact that you are utterly in love with somebody else!”

I knew immediately that Hanna was referring to Laura, she’d tapped into the warmth between her mother and myself, but Laura still seemed to be in denial. Turning to me she started, “You mean you came back here with me when you’re..”

“SHUT UP MUM!” Hanna cut straight across her mother. “He wasn’t in love with ANYBODY when he entered this house last night, the person he loves is in this very room right now.”

“You mean me?”

“Of course I mean you Mum, and YOU KNOW IT!”

“Oh, and what leads you to that conclusion, pray?”

“Well hearing “LAURA! LAURA! LAURRRRAAAAAA!” being screamed out at full volume was a bit of a giveaway, you should have checked your bedroom window isn’t open before indulging in full-blown sex!” she laughed. “But it was the dis-appointment on his face that he wasn’t carrying on with you when I took over. It WASN’T that he didn’t want to be with me, as I said he’s given his all to me, but that he wasn’t going to be with you! And you kept looking at him with warmth in your eyes. And I know you well enough to know when you are trying to avoid answering questions in your own mind.”

“She’s right Darling. I know that I love you with all my heart Laura.” Looking directly at her as I said so and at that point she stopped fighting against her heart as she looked into my eyes. “Yes, I truly believe you do, and yes, I do feel the same.”

“Right Mum, there’s NO way I’m going to stand in the way of your happiness. So finish untying us, and I’ll bugger off leaving you two together.”

She was as good as her word, Laura and I clung to each other, allowing the emotion of love to flow over the pair of us without needing any speech at all. We stayed together for hours just being with each other, both of us in a state of relaxed and complete contentment. There was some more sex between us that day, but now it was in the form of gentle love-making as opposed to the frantic raw sex that had taken place during the night. Just before I left to return home, Laura took my hand, looked me in the eyes and asked, “Did you mean it? About loving me with ALL your heart?”

“Laura Darling. I have NEVER meant ANYTHING more in my ENTIRE life!” And that was the second most honest and truthful statement I’d ever made in my life, just a few hours after I’d made the first.

“Blimey Grandad, you and Nana Laura didn’t do things by halves did you? That’s just got to be the most unorthodox start of a relationship that has EVER occurred! So you’re saying that you dated Mum, dumped her because she wasn’t good in bed and your mates weren’t jealous of you being with her.”

“One of those “lads” being your Dad, by the way, Wayne. And yes, the way I treated your Mum was disgusting and I’m NOT proud of that.” Wayne was my grandson, or strictly speaking my step-grandson, he was here with his mother Hanna, his sister Emma, and Greg, my friend who had married Hanna and was the father of my “grandchildren.”

“But Nana Laura decided that she wasn’t going to let you get away with it, didn’t she? So she trapped you by tying you to her bed to teach you a lesson.”

“And she DID fancy me, I wasn’t a bad looking lad in those days. But yes, her main aim was to, as you say “teach me a lesson.” However she wanted some bedroom fun for herself at the same time. She intended to simply use me for her sexual pleasure.”

“And while you two were shagging each other you both realised that feelings were developing between you?”

“That’s about the long and short of it, yes. Let’s face it there was NOTHING normal about Laura and I. But as you can imagine we had to face all sorts of doubts and questions, in our OWN minds as well as those of others, not least because Laura was old enough to be MY mother as well as the mother of yours. But as you know, what we had between us was strong enough to answer all of those doubts, we had nearly forty wonderful years together, most of them as Man and Wife. And one thing I can tell you is that I NEVER betrayed her, I NEVER took another woman to bed, ALL of the time I was with Laura.And as you also know, your Dad was my Best Man, and your Mum the Chief Bridesmaid. So in this case those jokes about the Best Man and Bridesmaid being “next in line” were true, our wedding is when your Mum and Dad started their relationship.”

We had gathered together a few days after my beloved wife’s funeral, when Laura had passed away peacefully in her early eighties. As I explained, we all needed to remember that whilst Hanna, Greg and myself had been born in the “swinging sixties” where society was starting to relax in regard to matters of sex and love, Laura had been born roughly twenty years earlier, in the early 1940s while the country was engaged in a major war. Her upbringing was far stricter than ours, so she was a little embarrassed by the method of our “getting together” and could never bring herself to tell her grandchildren the full story. But she had wanted them to know the truth, and so made the three of us promise to explain that what had happened that day in 1984 WOULD be told to them once she had died. And, of course, they were no longer children but young adults by now, and ready to accept the story of how Laura and myself became Life Partners.

Later that week I again found myself in Laura’s house but this time not in her bedroom. It was a few days after THAT memorable day, and we both knew that we just HAD to start addressing some of the questions that our relationship posed, not least the age difference. “Darling,” taking my hand “we both know that I’m MUCH older than you. You might fancy me now, as I’ve still much of my looks remaining but what about in twenty years’ time? Will you still fancy me then?”

“Laura, Sweetheart, what I feel for you are feelings I’ve NEVER felt before with ANY woman! Take tonight for example, how do think any of my previous “conquests” telling me that there will be no sex tonight would have been received? I’d have been STRAIGHT out of the door, no mistake. But, while yes I fancy you completely, there’s something ELSE present too! I just want to BE HERE with you, what I feel for you isn’t dependent of purely sex. If you need me I want to help you, I want to hold you, comfort you and support you, in ways I’ve NEVER felt before with anybody else. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you Laura, I’ll ALWAYS cherish your love without relying on sex. But you’re right to be cautious, I’m not suggesting that we visit the local Church or Registry Office straight away, let’s enjoy the company of each other and see where life takes us? With you I’m more interested in what I can GIVE as opposed to what I can TAKE.”

“I believe EVERY word you say, but how will you cope with the inevitable questioning from those who know you?”

“Laura, like I say I’m experiencing different feelings with you than before. I no longer care what the “lads” think, I’m going to listen to my HEART and not my ego now!”

“But what about your parents? Surely they matter, and I guess that they won’t be too amused that their son’s new girlfriend is almost the same age as them?”

“Fair enough Laura, they ARE a consideration, true enough. But at the end of the day what they REALLY want is for me to be truly happy, and when they see the effect that being with you has on me, they’ll soon come to realise that being with you makes me just that. We just may have to give them some time to accept you, but no matter what they think I WILL love you. And on your part, are you concerned about your family, how will THEY feel? Although we both know that Hanna is totally at ease with us being with each other.”

“Yes she is. And to be honest SHE is the only one whom I REALLY care how they think of us, and as you say, she not only accepts us but was the one who pushed us into enjoying our feelings for each other.”

“And I might be able to help her, to truly thank her for what she did for us. Is that Mini outside with the “L” plates hers?”

“Yes it is, but she’s struggling to afford driving lessons. And I never learnt how to drive myself, so I can’t teach her. But I see what you mean, I guess you can, you drive yourself obviously,” my car was also parked outside. “Oh would you? It would be a great help to her.”

“Of course Darling, yes that’s exactly what I meant. Get her to put me as a named driver on her insurance, I’ll pay for that although sometimes Insurance Companies put the price of premiums down by clients putting experienced drivers on a policy. Then I can drive her somewhere less busy to practise if she’s worried about the traffic levels around here.”

“Yes I’ve heard that. I’ll get her to do that tomorrow. Oh, thank you Darling!”

“It’ll be a pleasure Laura. Like I say we owe her BIG TIME! And when she passes her test, then maybe you’d like to learn how to drive.”

“So that’s how Mum passed her driving test, she said you were a good teacher. Although Nana never learnt did she?” Emma asked, joining in the conversation.

“No Darling, Laura was great at many things in life, but unfortunately driving wasn’t one of them, not from ANY lack of effort on my part. Just goes to show that NO relationship is perfect, ours was bloody good, but driving cars nearly “drove” us apart!”

“Very funny! But, changing the subject somewhat didn’t you say that Mum and yourself had been tied together to shag each other. Didn’t you and Nana ever have any jealousy over that?”

“No, because your Mum came to the rescue of that particular situation!”

“Darling please. No sex for us tonight, I’m too tired and you have to get up early for work tomorrow. But, I REALLY fancy you, so what about the weekend?”

“Oh yeah Laura, you just TRY stopping me getting hold of you! And to be honest with you, at the moment Hanna has one “over us,” she and I have been tied together, but you and I haven’t! We can’t have that can we?”


“Why don’t you come over to mine on Friday evening, I’ll come and get you. We can go for an Indian, there’s a great restaurant around the corner from my place.”

“Yes, Hanna said the food there was really good.”

“We can spend the night in my bed, and then if Hanna is available and willing, we can come back here where she can tie US together and to your bed. Do you think she’ll help us?”

“I’m sure she will.”

And Hanna was both willing and able to do just that. So having enjoyed another smashing Indian meal at the Raj Tandoori, it was round to mine, where Laura and I cemented our love in my bed, but not TOO strenuously as we both knew we had a long day ahead of us in Hanna’s hands and bondage! And having had a light breakfast at my home, it was back to Laura’s house for our “confinement” to begin!

Hanna had dressed herself for the occasion in a leather “dominatrix style” catsuit that she had borrowed, she made it IMMEDIATELY clear that SHE was in charge today. Ordering Laura and I to enter her mother’s bedroom, her next command was that that we undress each other, one item of clothing at a time until we were both completely naked. Not that we would stay in that state for long, once again Hanna had decided that both of us would be dressed in the “clothes of sex,” the pair of us were to become suspender clad, with me again being placed in the stockings and suspenders that I had “inherited” from Hanna herself! And naturally, I was to place Laura’s legs in nylon while she was directed to do the same to me!

Once we had “dressed” each other, Hanna tied my arms together behind my back and ordered me to stand in the corner of the room facing the wall. As I obeyed she led her mother to the lower bed frame and tied her wrists to the outer posts, facing the bed. So she had the perfect view as Hanna summoned me over, untied my wrists and commanded me to take the all too familiar position, lying on Laura’s bed with my arms and legs in a spread-eagled form. And with the delicious feeling of Laura’s satin bed sheets against my skin once more. Very shortly, again in a situation I’d been in before, she skilfully tied all four of my limbs to the bed-posts, once again I was tied to Laura’s bed and would be going NOWHERE until others decided otherwise. But this time neither would Laura be able to escape from the bed!

For just before untying her mother from the lower bed frame, Hanna covered her eyes with a blindfold. Now Laura could see NOTHING. Although I could, Hanna had placed a blindfold on my head, but didn’t cover my eyes just yet. Obviously she was going to at some stage but she wanted me to give Laura a “running commentary” as we were to be tied together. Having released the blinded Laura, her daughter guided her to the bed, and on top of my already bound body. And so I obeyed my order from Hanna, and described just how Hanna secured her mother’s limbs to mine. Starting with our legs, soon the loops around Laura’s ankles were tied around mine. Then, as Laura had done to her, Hanna undid my front suspenders from my stockings, fastening them to Laura’s and vice versa.

Now Hanna turned her attentions to our upper body. Starting on my left hand side, she’d looped a tie completely securely to her mother’s right wrist, then tied it to my left. Using the remaining tie, she soon had our respective hands bound together, figure interlocked. Then, as there was still some tie left she tied that back around the bed-post. Now THAT’S what I called bondage, there was absolutely NO WAY that Laura or I could escape from her daughter’s handiwork, and ALL three of us knew it. Minutes afterwards Hanna had bound our other arms in exactly the same manner. Laura and I were captured, with NO possibility of escape whatsoever, we totally and utterly belonged to the bed and to our captor, Hanna.

Who, now we were helpless in her hands, lifted her mother’s blindfold, as she had something to say to us, and wanted us to look at her while she spoke. But Laura and I made her wait as we frantically started kissing each other, but she was patient and allowed us some time with our lips together! When we finally finished we turned our heads towards our leather clad “Mistress.”

“I’m pleased to see that you two can, eventually, spare me some of your time! But listen to me now and listen good! I am the Mistress NOW, I RULE this bedroom and ALL within it! Today Laura,” notice how she addressed her mother by her name and NOT her title, “I AM YOUR MISTRESS and NOT your daughter! Both of you will OBEY MY EVERY COMMAND, and give me EXACTLY what I WANT from you, or you will NEVER be freed from that bed or each other! So what is it that I want from you? Simple answer, SEX! SEX! and more SEX! I want to see spunk being pumped, I want to hear Laura’s name being screamed again, from now until I decide otherwise you have one, and ONE ONLY, purpose in your lives, to provide me with the sight of you engaging in NOTHING else other than COLD, HARD, RAW SEX! I’m going to keep you at it again and again and again, keeping you shagging each other senseless until you’ve NOTHING left and you’ve given ALL you can! Remember you are both utterly in MY hands, totally in MY power and completely under MY control! Don’t forget it! Your hearts already belong to each other, I want to see your bodies do the same!”

Now Hanna plunged both Laura and myself into absolute darkness as she placed both of our blindfolds into position over our eyes, as we started frantically kissing, meanwhile by moving her mid-rift Laura guided my penis into her soaking wet vagina, and we obeyed as Hanna shouted “Right GET SHAGGING! For this is all...” pausing for a second or two, then continuing,


Let the games begin!
Last edited by LunaDog 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ak610 »

LunaDog wrote: 2 years ago Thank you for those kind words, friend. And yes, I have already written two sequels to this story that I'll gladly share with you. Please bear in mind though, that I had written ALL of these tales a while ago, before I discovered this excellent forum, and again like the above tale, the bondage is quite mild. Just like my first tale, these two "follow-ups" are more of a story about how my character becomes captured by a female, rather than details of the actual bondage, unlike most of the superb stories here, that brilliantly contain far more bondage then this series of mine. And, just like a series of novels by the same author with the same central character(s), so that they can be read WITHOUT having the previous tales, there is a little repetition of those previous entries, just to enable anybody unaware of the past to grasp the main story-line. Please bear all this in mind when you read them.

I'm already beginning to form in my mind the start of a story that WILL contain far more bondage action than my "Laura" trilogy, so hopefully i'll be posting this in the future. And, again I'd gladly accept any feedback, even if it is negative. For I've been coming here long enough to know that there is the proper respect here for ANYBODY who "puts their head over the parapet" as it were, and even if feedback is negative, it's ALWAYS given as constructive, with the idea of helpful suggestions to the author instead of cruel "slagging off." So ANY hints and suggestions as to how i can improve my writing will be VERY gratefully received.

Incidentally, I do have a dog, a Bernese Mountain Dog, and I imagine that you can ALL guess what's she's called!

Anyway, this is the second part of the "Laura" trilogy, and as you can see from its title, Hanna comes back into the picture. Hope you all enjoy.

I could hear, but not see as I was still blindfolded, the key turning in the door lock as Laura finally left me alone to sleep after hours of tormenting me, but also exciting me tremendously at the same time, with an UTTERLY mind-blowing sex session; which had now gone long beyond the point of enjoyment and into the realms of exhaustion. I was therefore “locked by in Laura,” within her bedroom of the house she owned and lived in. In reality Laura had locked the door totally un-necessarily, she’d done it purely symbolically, leaving me in NO doubt that I was still firmly in her hands and power, and that she hadn’t finished with me yet. Because at the beginning of said session she had tied my wrists and ankles in TOTALLY secure spread-eagled bondage to the solid bed-frame of her bed; a position I was still subject to. Although just before she had left she had untied each limb one by one, exercising them singly before returning them to bondage to her bed posts, also emptying my bladder using a “hospital bottle” that she’d bought home from her work at a nursing home. Not only that, apart from the aforementioned blindfold she had also dressed my legs in what she described as, “the clothes of sex.” In other words, stockings and suspenders. Which didn’t actually belong to Laura herself, but instead to her daughter, Hanna.

You see it was Laura’s perceived mistreatment of her daughter by me that had led to my current predicament. A few weeks earlier I had met Hanna at my local “pulling venue,” a large pub in the centre of town, complete with a disco. We’d chatted, and dated a couple of times before going back to my place for sex. Which had been very dis-appointing, despite Hanna looking great in the very lingerie items now fitted to MY body, and me having made her pace up and down wearing them, hence Laura’s determination to put them onto MY legs. And because the “lads” weren’t jealous of my relationship with her, and I simply couldn’t be bothered to guide and teach her in bed as I could and SHOULD have done, I’d just “dumped” her, although I did have the decency to, at least, tell her to her face, instead of cowardly doing it by phone.

Nevertheless, when Hanna had pointed me out to her mother, Laura, deciding that she DID fancy me, had come up with her plan to ensnare me and make me her sex slave, partially as a punishment for what I’d done to Hanna, in addition to having some sexual pleasure using my bound body for herself. So she’d attended the Railwayman’s Arms herself “dressed to kill,” in a beautiful leather suit with her legs within VERY sheer nylon, making her interest in me completely clear. And my rampant ego NEVER questioned as to WHY a woman, unknown to and considerably older than myself would seek me out SO specifically. Of course said ego just simply believed that she was unable to resist my charms. When I approached her, she pulled me to the dance floor, a smoochy number was being played at the time, and whispered into my ear that she wanted to take me back to her place, tie me to her bed and shag me ALL night! Again my ego should have but didn’t ask itself, why?

Once back in her bedroom, after Laura had tied my arms to her bed, securely and inescapably, now was the point in time when she revealed that she was, in fact, Hanna’s mother! And promised that the sex I’d bragged to the “lads” that I’d be getting when I had left the pub with Laura was INDEED going to happen, after putting me into Hanna’s lingerie, an action that I was powerless to resist. But that sex would be entirely to HER tune, she informed me that she was going to, as she put it, “keep me at it” again and again, in fact to the point when I could take NO more and begged her to stop. Which, as part of my punishment for abusing Hanna, would be a plea that she had stated that she would COMPLETELY ignore.

And that is precisely what occurred that night. At first the sex was utterly enjoyable, despite being nearly twice my age, Laura was highly skilled in the “pleasures of the flesh,” she used that skill brilliantly so the sex was, as I said earlier, mind-blowing! Obviously she was putting in all this effort for HER benefit, to satisfy HER sexual desires and not mine, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the experience. But, of course, exhaustion DID start to creep into the equation, Laura in fact stopped shagging me herself, just wanking me off as her strength began to become tested, meaning she could rest whereas I could not, she was still putting me through it. I realised that I was going to have to beg her, clearly her intention from the VERY start, knowing by now that she wasn’t even going to entertain the idea of stopping until I did so.

So I swallowed my pride. “Laura, please. Laura, I’m begging you, please stop. I can’t take ANY more Laura!” My blindfold became lifted, not removed note. And a cold hard pair of eyes once again bore into mine, as they had earlier at the time I had discovered her REAL identity. “What did I tell you would happen? Didn’t I tell you I’d show NO mercy whatsoever! And I’m not going to, but I must admit, I’m no spring chicken anymore, so after just one more shag which I believe I can manage, I will let you sleep. But only because I NEED TO! Make no mistake, once I’ve rested and regained my strength through sleep, I’m going to subject you to yet more SEX! And while you sleep you WILL remain in bondage to my bed! And be locked within this room, I know strictly speaking I don’t need to lock the door but it will remind and signify to you that you are still UTTERLY in my hands and power, that you still TOTALLY belong to Laura! While I sleep you’ll be “LOCKED IN BY LAURA!” And I’ll take THAT sleep in Hanna’s bed.”

So that is where we were as I heard her lock me in her room after she had left it. And she did leave me alone for several hours, which did allow me to catch some sleep, as I guessed, correctly, she was also doing. But that state of affairs was clearly destined to finish at some point, and after a period of some hours I was awoken by the sound of the key turning in the lock, my refreshed captor entering the room, then shutting the door and locking it again. Before the sex recommenced however, Laura again released, exercised and re-captured my limbs one by one, to reduce the possibility of cramp, and emptied my bladder once more.

But none of that is why she had returned to my “cell” of course, and soon she was back on top of my bound body, subjecting me to her high level of sexual skills and desire again. With both of us re-charged, as it were, the sex returned to the high excitement mode, in particular the second climax that she brilliantly bought us both to. Using the words of Michael Douglas from the film “Basic Instinct” it was simply the “Shag of the Century!” As Laura began to scream with TOTAL ecstasy, her body shaking uncontrollably, I felt an intensity that I’d NEVER experienced before and I couldn’t control myself as while I pumped spunk into her body I also screamed out, “OH, LAURA! LAURA! LAURA! GOOD GOD, LAURRRRAAAAAA!!!!” As we lay there afterwards still in the grip of the high that I don’t think either of us had EVER been to previously, I actually felt that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this woman, impossible obviously, but for those few seconds I wanted nobody else in my world! And just for that brief time I had the feeling that Laura also wanted to be with me permanently too, as she clung to me with REAL passion! And then proceeded to kiss me with an excitement that our VERY high level previous kisses didn’t even come close to matching! If only we had met in different circumstances?

But now that’s when the situation changed yet again. For shortly afterwards we heard the front door opening and somebody entering the house. That person ascended the stairs, went to their own room, retreating straight out of said room immediately, coming the door of “ours” and knocked on the locked door. It was Hanna of course. After sleeping in it, Laura had forgotten to re-make her daughter’s bed, so that’s why Hanna was knocking on her mother’s door. “Mum, are you in there Mum, what’s going on?” Probably referring to the state of her bed.

“Hanna, Sweetheart, just one minute!” Laura leapt off her own bed, picked up the key to unlock the door and allow her daughter in. “Come in Sweetheart, I’ve a little surprise for you in here, I’ve been teaching a certain somebody a lesson he will NEVER forget! While thoroughly enjoying myself as well of course!” I felt my ex-girlfriend enter, remember I couldn’t see anything, the blindfold was still in place.

“Well, well, how the mighty have fallen? Oh, how are enjoying wearing MY stockings, the ones you made me pace up and down in remember? You might as well keep them and take them home with you, I don’t EVER want to wear THEM again, and I’ve bought some new ones anyway.” Turning to her mother she continued, “I see you have well and truly captured this “Gentleman” Mum, I hope you’re giving him EXACTLY what for!”

“Oh don’t you worry about that Daughter, I’ve already had him beg for mercy once before now. This is in fact part two of my utterly senseless shagging of him, and, believe me, I’ve NOT finished with him yet, not by a long chalk! I’ll soon be putting him through it again VERY shortly!” Laura paused for a moment and then, as if having just considered it said, “unless of course you fancy a go!”

“Yes, you know what, yes I DO fancy that, Mum. And with your help there is something I’d like to try, a sexual fantasy of mine to be honest. Why shouldn’t I use him to get WHAT I WANT?”

“Why not indeed Sweetheart, what do you have in mind? I’ll gladly help you, and quite frankly I’ve just had a REALLY great shag, I’m not so young anymore and this would be a good place for me to stop, and for you to take over.” Almost as if she wanted to go out on a REAL “HIGH,” like a Sports Champion retiring at the very top of their game. And I, extremely reluctantly I will admit because I naturally wished to continue the action with Laura herself, accepted her decision. Because, after all the MAIN reason Laura had captured me in the first place was to teach me a lesson, an aim she had succeeded in achieving, because I now completely acknowledged that I HAD treated Hanna in a VERY poor manner. And now it seemed the possibility might exist that I would be presented with a chance to, at least to some degree, make amends. And I was only too glad to take it, hoping that I could do just that.

“What I want you to do, is untie his hands, I’m going to lay down on top of him, and then I want you to tie us including our hands, together! Then I’m going to show him EXACTLY what he threw away and he is now missing! It was simply because I was so nervous and anxious to please him that I couldn’t perform to his “satisfaction” that last time but do you honestly think I give a shit for his feelings now? No, I’ll be TOTALLY free to just enjoy myself, and subject this “Gentleman” to purely COLD, HARD RAW SEX! Whilst he is in my hands, and both of us under YOUR control! Will you help me?”

“Gladly Sweetheart. What an excellent idea. Now go and get undressed.” Notice how they had discussed me as if I wasn’t even present! That’s something in life that normally winds me up completely, but of course, here I was in NO position to complain. And I DID like the sound of what Hanna had suggested, I really fancied having her tied to me!

Hanna shortly returned, just wearing her new stockings and suspenders, and upon her mother’s guidance laid down on top of my body, still in bondage to Laura’s bed, although she had untied my hands as her daughter was getting ready. “Mum, do you have another blindfold, although I AM going to shag him, I not sure that I actually want to see him! And let him watch as you tie me to him, put him back into darkness once we are ready to shag.” Laura was only TOO pleased to meet Hanna’s request, soon I could see her, and the fact that she now wore a blindfold identical to mine. So I saw Laura tie loops around Hanna’s ankles, then tying her legs outside of and to mine. She then tied loops around her daughter’s wrists, binding them to mine. With the tie released from my hands Laura tied our hands together having intertwined our figures. To complete this bondage of our bodies completely together, Laura then undid the front suspenders attached to “my” stockings and fitted them to Hanna’s and vice versa. Thus pulling our mid-rifts together. So now Hanna and I were totally bound to each other, as I was to the bed, neither of us could escape from said bed or each other. Which meant that now, as per Hanna’s instructions, I was placed back into darkness.

Laura then took over, having been appointed the “Mistress of Ceremonies” by Hanna just a bit earlier. “Right, Darling,” that word now said without any sarcasm at all unlike earlier, “you now only exist to service my daughter’s sexual appetite instead of mine. Which doesn’t mean that you can relax by any means, you will remain in bondage to my bed until you have COMPLETELY satisfied HER desires. Just like I was, she’s looking for nothing else other than SEX! SEX! and more SEX! And it’s YOUR job to provide that for her, do you understand? You belong to her, your WHOLE world now revolves around HER, and I’m going to make sure you do her best for her and provide her with the quality shagging that she’s looking for! And make NO mistake I won’t even CONSIDER releasing you until I’m satisfied that she is. So you’d best get started!”

“Laura, could you please lift both of our blindfolds, I want say something to Hanna, and look her in the eyes as I do so?”

“Yes Mum, I’m interested to know what he has to say to me. Please let us see each other, if only for a few seconds.” So Laura obliged and Hanna and I looked into each other’s eyes, with hers in a “questionable” mode as she waited to hear what I was to say to her. “Hanna, I apologise completely for the way I treated you. I was “bang out of order” I totally accept that. And I’m going to do my VERY best to shag you to the greatest level that I can, and try my hardest to satisfy you. As I did indeed with Laura.”

“Yes Darling,” her mother chirped in, “I have to admit you did do just that, your performance has been FAR higher than I expected! Perform with my daughter at the same level as you did with me and that will do just fine!”

After Laura had replaced the blindfolds over our eyes Hanna immediately initiated a long and passionate kiss, that almost matched the level displayed by her mother from beforehand. And then told me, “I fully accept your apology, I do believe that Mum has taught you some, well overdue, decency! But like she said, you’re “not out of the woods” just yet, now you’ve been given your “lesson from Laura,” you are now about to be subject to...” pausing as she kissed me again, then continued,


Let the games begin!

And to save me having to post again, here is the third part. Now, again, like in some novels, this tale will move between time periods. All of the first two stories, and the majority of this third one are based in the early 1980s. But some of this third tale will be told in the present time, nearly 40 years later, as the characters, some of whom weren't alive when those earlier events were described, are recalling said earlier events. All of the part form the 2020s will be in ltalics.

Hanna let out a moan, one of joy however which soon transformed into a scream of ecstasy as she approached climax. At almost the same time my ejaculation occurred as I too became captive of the state of sexual excitement. As we both shuddered and shook, unable to escape from each other, our bodies bound together and to the bed of the other person present in the room, Hanna’s mother, Laura. How the hell had I come to be in this position?

A few weeks earlier I had dated Hanna, then cruelly dumped her when she’d, through nothing more than sheer nerves, been dis-appointing in bed. Laura decided that I needed to be taught a lesson in humility, despite being nearly twice my age, she’d succeeded in seducing me and tying me to her bed. That’s when she revealed her identity, and had promised to shag me utterly senseless until I begged her for mercy and to stop. A successful aim as I’d been forced by the awesome power of her sexuality to do precisely that. After a few hours’ sleep for the pair of us with myself still bound to her bed, Laura resumed the shagging and we’d enjoyed one particular climax together. Clinging to each other afterwards it was becoming clear that feelings were developing between Laura and I that went far beyond the, admittedly mind-blowing, sex that we’d enjoyed. At that time I KNEW that I wanted to spend my life with this woman, but told myself it could NEVER happen, that age difference being just one possible problem. As for Laura, she also felt awkward with what her heart was telling her, and her hopes of a distraction from those feelings were answered shortly afterwards when Hanna appeared on the scene.

So when Hanna offered to take over the shagging of myself Laura readily agreed, including Hanna’s request to be tied to my bound body. As for me, my initial dis-appointment at not continuing to share the “pleasures of the flesh” with Laura, the woman I was falling in love with; was tempered by the fact that I was been given an opportunity to make amends to Hanna to at least some degree. Laura’s initial aim of “teaching me a lesson” had worked, I now totally accepted that I had treated Hanna abysmally.

And it seemed that I had also tasted success in my aims, as once the effects of that climax had calmed down Hanna spoke to her mother in a relaxed tone. “Mum I think this has gone on long enough. Please untie us, yes both of us, and remove the blindfolds. I’ve something to say to both of you. Thank you Mum.” That last part of her speech occurred as Laura did indeed step forward and restore our sight by taking off the blindfolds, she then started untying the bonds that held us. “Well I can say that I’m completely satisfied,” Hanna continued, “and my self-belief in bed has been totally restored. I’m now confident again.” And then she looked me directly into my eyes. “Thank you for that, yes it might have been you that forced me to question myself, but you’ve put EVERYTHING you have into making me believe again, so thank you once more. And you’ve done that despite the fact that you are utterly in love with somebody else!”

I knew immediately that Hanna was referring to Laura, she’d tapped into the warmth between her mother and myself, but Laura still seemed to be in denial. Turning to me she started, “You mean you came back here with me when you’re..”

“SHUT UP MUM!” Hanna cut straight across her mother. “He wasn’t in love with ANYBODY when he entered this house last night, the person he loves is in this very room right now.”

“You mean me?”

“Of course I mean you Mum, and YOU KNOW IT!”

“Oh, and what leads you to that conclusion, pray?”

“Well hearing “LAURA! LAURA! LAURRRRAAAAAA!” being screamed out at full volume was a bit of a giveaway, you should have checked your bedroom window isn’t open before indulging in full-blown sex!” she laughed. “But it was the dis-appointment on his face that he wasn’t carrying on with you when I took over. It WASN’T that he didn’t want to be with me, as I said he’s given his all to me, but that he wasn’t going to be with you! And you kept looking at him with warmth in your eyes. And I know you well enough to know when you are trying to avoid answering questions in your own mind.”

“She’s right Darling. I know that I love you with all my heart Laura.” Looking directly at her as I said so and at that point she stopped fighting against her heart as she looked into my eyes. “Yes, I truly believe you do, and yes, I do feel the same.”

“Right Mum, there’s NO way I’m going to stand in the way of your happiness. So finish untying us, and I’ll bugger off leaving you two together.”

She was as good as her word, Laura and I clung to each other, allowing the emotion of love to flow over the pair of us without needing any speech at all. We stayed together for hours just being with each other, both of us in a state of relaxed and complete contentment. There was some more sex between us that day, but now it was in the form of gentle love-making as opposed to the frantic raw sex that had taken place during the night. Just before I left to return home, Laura took my hand, looked me in the eyes and asked, “Did you mean it? About loving me with ALL your heart?”

“Laura Darling. I have NEVER meant ANYTHING more in my ENTIRE life!” And that was the second most honest and truthful statement I’d ever made in my life, just a few hours after I’d made the first.

“Blimey Grandad, you and Nana Laura didn’t do things by halves did you? That’s just got to be the most unorthodox start of a relationship that has EVER occurred! So you’re saying that you dated Mum, dumped her because she wasn’t good in bed and your mates weren’t jealous of you being with her.”

“One of those “lads” being your Dad, by the way, Wayne. And yes, the way I treated your Mum was disgusting and I’m NOT proud of that.” Wayne was my grandson, or strictly speaking my step-grandson, he was here with his mother Hanna, his sister Emma, and Greg, my friend who had married Hanna and was the father of my “grandchildren.”

“But Nana Laura decided that she wasn’t going to let you get away with it, didn’t she? So she trapped you by tying you to her bed to teach you a lesson.”

“And she DID fancy me, I wasn’t a bad looking lad in those days. But yes, her main aim was to, as you say “teach me a lesson.” However she wanted some bedroom fun for herself at the same time. She intended to simply use me for her sexual pleasure.”

“And while you two were shagging each other you both realised that feelings were developing between you?”

“That’s about the long and short of it, yes. Let’s face it there was NOTHING normal about Laura and I. But as you can imagine we had to face all sorts of doubts and questions, in our OWN minds as well as those of others, not least because Laura was old enough to be MY mother as well as the mother of yours. But as you know, what we had between us was strong enough to answer all of those doubts, we had nearly forty wonderful years together, most of them as Man and Wife. And one thing I can tell you is that I NEVER betrayed her, I NEVER took another woman to bed, ALL of the time I was with Laura.And as you also know, your Dad was my Best Man, and your Mum the Chief Bridesmaid. So in this case those jokes about the Best Man and Bridesmaid being “next in line” were true, our wedding is when your Mum and Dad started their relationship.”

We had gathered together a few days after my beloved wife’s funeral, when Laura had passed away peacefully in her early eighties. As I explained, we all needed to remember that whilst Hanna, Greg and myself had been born in the “swinging sixties” where society was starting to relax in regard to matters of sex and love, Laura had been born roughly twenty years earlier, in the early 1940s while the country was engaged in a major war. Her upbringing was far stricter than ours, so she was a little embarrassed by the method of our “getting together” and could never bring herself to tell her grandchildren the full story. But she had wanted them to know the truth, and so made the three of us promise to explain that what had happened that day in 1984 WOULD be told to them once she had died. And, of course, they were no longer children but young adults by now, and ready to accept the story of how Laura and myself became Life Partners.

Later that week I again found myself in Laura’s house but this time not in her bedroom. It was a few days after THAT memorable day, and we both knew that we just HAD to start addressing some of the questions that our relationship posed, not least the age difference. “Darling,” taking my hand “we both know that I’m MUCH older than you. You might fancy me now, as I’ve still much of my looks remaining but what about in twenty years’ time? Will you still fancy me then?”

“Laura, Sweetheart, what I feel for you are feelings I’ve NEVER felt before with ANY woman! Take tonight for example, how do think any of my previous “conquests” telling me that there will be no sex tonight would have been received? I’d have been STRAIGHT out of the door, no mistake. But, while yes I fancy you completely, there’s something ELSE present too! I just want to BE HERE with you, what I feel for you isn’t dependent of purely sex. If you need me I want to help you, I want to hold you, comfort you and support you, in ways I’ve NEVER felt before with anybody else. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you Laura, I’ll ALWAYS cherish your love without relying on sex. But you’re right to be cautious, I’m not suggesting that we visit the local Church or Registry Office straight away, let’s enjoy the company of each other and see where life takes us? With you I’m more interested in what I can GIVE as opposed to what I can TAKE.”

“I believe EVERY word you say, but how will you cope with the inevitable questioning from those who know you?”

“Laura, like I say I’m experiencing different feelings with you than before. I no longer care what the “lads” think, I’m going to listen to my HEART and not my ego now!”

“But what about your parents? Surely they matter, and I guess that they won’t be too amused that their son’s new girlfriend is almost the same age as them?”

“Fair enough Laura, they ARE a consideration, true enough. But at the end of the day what they REALLY want is for me to be truly happy, and when they see the effect that being with you has on me, they’ll soon come to realise that being with you makes me just that. We just may have to give them some time to accept you, but no matter what they think I WILL love you. And on your part, are you concerned about your family, how will THEY feel? Although we both know that Hanna is totally at ease with us being with each other.”

“Yes she is. And to be honest SHE is the only one whom I REALLY care how they think of us, and as you say, she not only accepts us but was the one who pushed us into enjoying our feelings for each other.”

“And I might be able to help her, to truly thank her for what she did for us. Is that Mini outside with the “L” plates hers?”

“Yes it is, but she’s struggling to afford driving lessons. And I never learnt how to drive myself, so I can’t teach her. But I see what you mean, I guess you can, you drive yourself obviously,” my car was also parked outside. “Oh would you? It would be a great help to her.”

“Of course Darling, yes that’s exactly what I meant. Get her to put me as a named driver on her insurance, I’ll pay for that although sometimes Insurance Companies put the price of premiums down by clients putting experienced drivers on a policy. Then I can drive her somewhere less busy to practise if she’s worried about the traffic levels around here.”

“Yes I’ve heard that. I’ll get her to do that tomorrow. Oh, thank you Darling!”

“It’ll be a pleasure Laura. Like I say we owe her BIG TIME! And when she passes her test, then maybe you’d like to learn how to drive.”

“So that’s how Mum passed her driving test, she said you were a good teacher. Although Nana never learnt did she?” Emma asked, joining in the conversation.

“No Darling, Laura was great at many things in life, but unfortunately driving wasn’t one of them, not from ANY lack of effort on my part. Just goes to show that NO relationship is perfect, ours was bloody good, but driving cars nearly “drove” us apart!”

“Very funny! But, changing the subject somewhat didn’t you say that Mum and yourself had been tied together to shag each other. Didn’t you and Nana ever have any jealousy over that?”

“No, because your Mum came to the rescue of that particular situation!”

“Darling please. No sex for us tonight, I’m too tired and you have to get up early for work tomorrow. But, I REALLY fancy you, so what about the weekend?”

“Oh yeah Laura, you just TRY stopping me getting hold of you! And to be honest with you, at the moment Hanna has one “over us,” she and I have been tied together, but you and I haven’t! We can’t have that can we?”


“Why don’t you come over to mine on Friday evening, I’ll come and get you. We can go for an Indian, there’s a great restaurant around the corner from my place.”

“Yes, Hanna said the food there was really good.”

“We can spend the night in my bed, and then if Hanna is available and willing, we can come back here where she can tie US together and to your bed. Do you think she’ll help us?”

“I’m sure she will.”

And Hanna was both willing and able to do just that. So having enjoyed another smashing Indian meal at the Raj Tandoori, it was round to mine, where Laura and I cemented our love in my bed, but not TOO strenuously as we both knew we had a long day ahead of us in Hanna’s hands and bondage! And having had a light breakfast at my home, it was back to Laura’s house for our “confinement” to begin!

Hanna had dressed herself for the occasion in a leather “dominatrix style” catsuit that she had borrowed, she made it IMMEDIATELY clear that SHE was in charge today. Ordering Laura and I to enter her mother’s bedroom, her next command was that that we undress each other, one item of clothing at a time until we were both completely naked. Not that we would stay in that state for long, once again Hanna had decided that both of us would be dressed in the “clothes of sex,” the pair of us were to become suspender clad, with me again being placed in the stockings and suspenders that I had “inherited” from Hanna herself! And naturally, I was to place Laura’s legs in nylon while she was directed to do the same to me!

Once we had “dressed” each other, Hanna tied my arms together behind my back and ordered me to stand in the corner of the room facing the wall. As I obeyed she led her mother to the lower bed frame and tied her wrists to the outer posts, facing the bed. So she had the perfect view as Hanna summoned me over, untied my wrists and commanded me to take the all too familiar position, lying on Laura’s bed with my arms and legs in a spread-eagled form. And with the delicious feeling of Laura’s satin bed sheets against my skin once more. Very shortly, again in a situation I’d been in before, she skilfully tied all four of my limbs to the bed-posts, once again I was tied to Laura’s bed and would be going NOWHERE until others decided otherwise. But this time neither would Laura be able to escape from the bed!

For just before untying her mother from the lower bed frame, Hanna covered her eyes with a blindfold. Now Laura could see NOTHING. Although I could, Hanna had placed a blindfold on my head, but didn’t cover my eyes just yet. Obviously she was going to at some stage but she wanted me to give Laura a “running commentary” as we were to be tied together. Having released the blinded Laura, her daughter guided her to the bed, and on top of my already bound body. And so I obeyed my order from Hanna, and described just how Hanna secured her mother’s limbs to mine. Starting with our legs, soon the loops around Laura’s ankles were tied around mine. Then, as Laura had done to her, Hanna undid my front suspenders from my stockings, fastening them to Laura’s and vice versa.

Now Hanna turned her attentions to our upper body. Starting on my left hand side, she’d looped a tie completely securely to her mother’s right wrist, then tied it to my left. Using the remaining tie, she soon had our respective hands bound together, figure interlocked. Then, as there was still some tie left she tied that back around the bed-post. Now THAT’S what I called bondage, there was absolutely NO WAY that Laura or I could escape from her daughter’s handiwork, and ALL three of us knew it. Minutes afterwards Hanna had bound our other arms in exactly the same manner. Laura and I were captured, with NO possibility of escape whatsoever, we totally and utterly belonged to the bed and to our captor, Hanna.

Who, now we were helpless in her hands, lifted her mother’s blindfold, as she had something to say to us, and wanted us to look at her while she spoke. But Laura and I made her wait as we frantically started kissing each other, but she was patient and allowed us some time with our lips together! When we finally finished we turned our heads towards our leather clad “Mistress.”

“I’m pleased to see that you two can, eventually, spare me some of your time! But listen to me now and listen good! I am the Mistress NOW, I RULE this bedroom and ALL within it! Today Laura,” notice how she addressed her mother by her name and NOT her title, “I AM YOUR MISTRESS and NOT your daughter! Both of you will OBEY MY EVERY COMMAND, and give me EXACTLY what I WANT from you, or you will NEVER be freed from that bed or each other! So what is it that I want from you? Simple answer, SEX! SEX! and more SEX! I want to see spunk being pumped, I want to hear Laura’s name being screamed again, from now until I decide otherwise you have one, and ONE ONLY, purpose in your lives, to provide me with the sight of you engaging in NOTHING else other than COLD, HARD, RAW SEX! I’m going to keep you at it again and again and again, keeping you shagging each other senseless until you’ve NOTHING left and you’ve given ALL you can! Remember you are both utterly in MY hands, totally in MY power and completely under MY control! Don’t forget it! Your hearts already belong to each other, I want to see your bodies do the same!”

Now Hanna plunged both Laura and myself into absolute darkness as she placed both of our blindfolds into position over our eyes, as we started frantically kissing, meanwhile by moving her mid-rift Laura guided my penis into her soaking wet vagina, and we obeyed as Hanna shouted “Right GET SHAGGING! For this is all...” pausing for a second or two, then continuing,


Let the games begin!
Great Story
Really Loved it. 😈🔥🔥
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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you again. I am thinking about re-writing some of this, but from LAURA's perspective.
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Centennial Club
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Post by LunaDog »

And here it is, this is the story :


You know it takes a hell of a lot to make me angry. REALLY angry! You know the sort of anger that makes your blood boil. Like I say it hasn’t occurred very often in my life, but there was one occasion when it most definitely DID!

I came home from work one day, to hear my daughter, Hanna, sobbing her heart out. It was THAT loud, that I could hear her despite the fact that the door to her bedroom was closed. Something, or someone had clearly REALLY hurt her! And whilst yes, this was precisely what would lead to that aforementioned REAL anger, at first the emotion that took hold of me was concern, I needed to know what had happened that had caused Hanna such distress, and I needed to be with her to comfort and reassure her. So, I ran up those stairs as fast as I possibly could.

Now there were two ways, I figured in which Hanna could have been hurt. It could be physical; she could have been attacked or had some sort of accident. As I burst through her bedroom door, it took only a few seconds for me to establish that this was NOT the case, there was no blood at all, and she looked completely alright from the purely physical aspect.

Therefore, I concluded this must be emotional pain, whatever had caused this anguish had targeted her heart, not her body. I rushed to her, took her in my arms and cuddled her, as the sobs still came out of her heavily. It was clear she was far too upset to be able to speak immediately, so I just held her, letting her release her pain, sooner or later she’d calm down enough to enable her to let me know what, or who, had done this to her.

As I waited, I began to try to guess for myself, and as it turned out I got it completely right. She’d told me that she’d met some Guy a couple of weeks ago, having been attracted to him down the “Railwayman’s Arms,” a large pub in town, very close to the Railway Station. It’s where many of the town’s youngsters are to be found, especially on Friday and Saturday nights, and has a reputation as a “pulling venue.” Well, he’d clearly pulled her!

Eventually Hanna’s sobs began to subside, and become less in both frequency and intensity, enough to allow her to begin to speak. And yes, it had been this bastard who’d hurt her SO much. He’d taken her out to an Indian meal. Then it had been back to his place, he had his own house, for sex. Which she HAD wanted this wasn’t rape in any form, she really fancied him, and had made a REAL effort, dressing herself in some lovely lingerie. Problem was that she froze, sheer nerves preventing her from enjoying the night, she wanted him TOO much, and as often the case, tried TOO hard, with those nerves getting the better of her and stopping her from being able to be her, meaning, in his eyes I guess, that she failed to “deliver.”

So, he simply “dumped” her! Just like that! I suppose you could argue that he had shown enough decency to at least tell her to her face instead of just phoning, or even worse simply ignoring her, but NO, that wasn’t going to be factor as far as I was concerned. As Hanna began to compose herself, that initial emotion of concern within me also began to diminish, to be replaced by the aforementioned anger, now starting to build.

But what REALLY pushed me over “the edge” was when Hanna told me that this bugger had made her pace up and down his bedroom, like a “cat-walk,” just wearing her stockings and suspenders. HOW DARE HE!!!! Like I say, it takes a lot to make my blood boil, but hearing this did precisely that!

A couple of days later I was in town with Hanna, when she pointed him out to me. To give you an idea of what sort of person we’re talking about here, he’d parked his car, an almost brand new B.M.W. Three Series, which didn’t mean much to me as I know nothing about cars, but I understood from others meant he had money, on double yellow lines as he was taking some cash from one of those machines outside of a major bank. As if the rules of society didn’t apply to the likes of him. As yes, he had that smug, conceited and arrogant look on his face, as if the WHOLE world should be made to fit around HIM!

As you can imagine my anger again rose inside of me, but the sight of him also triggered another emotion, one I wasn’t proud of, certainly at the time! For he was UTTERLY gorgeous, extremely good looking, and I’m ashamed to say my heart actually fluttered! And then a plan began to form in my mind, one that would enable me to punish and humiliate him, while also allowing me to have a little, well overdue, bedroom fun for myself!

You see it had been a few years since my husband, Hanna’s father, had passed away, and I’d not been to bed with another man since. We’d enjoyed a good and active sex life together, and just before he’d died, we’d begun to dabble in bondage. He’d tied me to our bed and then shagged me good and hard, with me TOTALLY unable to prevent him from doing just what he wanted to, which included dressing me in stockings and blindfolding me. And I’d LOVED EVERY minute! I quite fancied reversing the positions, so he’d be in MY hands, and he’d agreed, but his fateful heart attack had put a stop to that!

Naturally bondage sex, or quite frankly sex of ANY sort, became far less of a priority or desire for some time. And one of the reason’s that I was SO protective of Hanna is because without HER I’m not even sure I’d have survived this very difficult period in my life. She HAD been there for me when I needed support, yes of course that went both ways, but I was eternally grateful.

But time, as they say, is a great healer, and I was beginning to feel that I can do with some fun in bed with a man. And I still had that fervent desire to tie one of them to my bed and have MY way with him. And well, could there be a more suitable candidate?

So, to use that phase spoken so brilliantly by the late Richard Burton, in the introduction to Jeff Wayne’s fantastic musically version of “War of the Worlds,” I drew my plans against him. Now I fully realised that what I wanted to do to him may not be easy, I’d just turned forty, and my “target” was my daughter’s age, in his early twenties. However, I’d been blessed with VERY good looks myself, at that age myself I’d been stunning sexy, and although time and age had diminished my appeal a little, I knew I had enough left in the “locker” to hopefully appeal to his ego and libido. For his ego was what I KNEW I’d have to target, I needed to make him think that “pulling” me would be seen as a “triumph” and that his “mates” would be jealous of him “achieving” that.

So, I dressed in my finest lingerie, a beautiful basque I’d had for some time, some VERY sheer nylons stockings that I had to be careful whilst fitting to make sure I didn’t ladder them, then a satin blouse and this VERY sexy leather suit that I had bought recently. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I was pleased to see this utterly sexy Lady looking back at me. Yes, I believed that I DID stand a chance or appealing to his ego, which would enable me to put my plans for him into action.

When I arrived at the “Railwayman’s” I sat myself on a stool at the bar, and ordered a simple orange juice, alcohol wasn’t in MY plans for the night. And there was my “prey” complete with a group of lads, and I was quite relieved to see that they hadn’t been there long, and so hadn’t drunk too much beer yet.

One of his “mates” glanced my way, and I made sure that I grabbed his attention. Once I’d done so, then I moved my eyes in a totally provocative manner in HIS direction, making it COMPLETELY clear that it was HIM that I was interested in. It didn’t work out that first time, but the lad looked at me again, and this time once I’d made my intentions known, he tapped my target on his arm, and pointed me out to him. Game on!

Well, my gut instinct that I WOULD appeal to his ego proved to be correct, as he rose from his chair and began to walk over to me. And then I was handed a very large slice of luck. For the D.J. had just switched to the “slow smooching” type of music as he approached me, therefore his question of “would you like a drink?” was met with the reply of “no thank you, but I would like a dance with you.” As we joined the other couples on the dance floor to the tune of Harry Nilsson’s classic “Without You,” it was time for me to make my move on him, I put EVERYTHING into that dance to appeal to his libido! I rubbed the leather of my skirt against him in a manner that left NO doubt as to both my intentions, AND the ability to perform them. Then I bent my head to his left ear and set my plan in motion. “Don’t drink any more Darling, I’m going to take you home where I’m going to tie you securely to my bed and shag you ALL night!” As I did so my hand grabbed his balls and by now TOTALLY erect penis and I clearly saw that my plan was working out VERY well as I continued, “and I can see that you’re in NO mood to deny me! You’re going to be the helpless sex slave of Laura and there’s NOTHING you can do to stop me!”

There, I’d made my “cast,” would the “bait” be taken? Oh YES, he took hold of my hand and started to lead me over to his “mates.” Leaving me standing a few feet from them, he then did something that REALLY wound me up, and I had to almost bite my lip to prevent me from showing my anger. He grabbed his jacket and said in a voice a louder than he’d probably have intended that he was leaving for some “sexual action” as he put it. Because I guess that he hadn’t wanted me to hear that boast, but it wasn’t that annoyed me. For no, he took some money out and laid it on the table, clearly for his “round” of drinks. I mean, he had NO difficulty in treating my daughter like a piece of dirt, but he couldn’t let his precious “mates” down now, could he? And they, in turn, also stoked my anger by slapping him on his back and “wishing him luck!” And I believe there WERE some jealous mutterings and looks, which of course actually played into MY hands, by only turning him on even more!

We took the bus to my house, he had offered to pay for a cab, but I insisted saying a bus was due shortly. And I was right, one turned up less than five minutes later, and roughly a quarter of an hour afterwards we left the bus at a stop only a few hundred yards away from my home. Upon entering said dwelling I grabbed hold of his head and initiated a long and TOTALLY passionate kiss that I hoped completely took his breath away and promised a REAL “night to remember!” I was fully aware that, although things were going VERY smoothly from my point of view, the job wasn’t finished at this point in time. He wasn’t tied to my bed yet, and at this moment he still could have left.

Having climbed my stairs, I then indicated my bathroom out to him, ordering him to perform all the necessary bodily functions, to empty both the bladder and bowels, throwing him a flannel and towel and told him to wash himself, then to make my way to my bedroom absolutely NAKED!

Meanwhile I went to my room myself to get ready. I too used the toilet of my “en-suite,” and then prepared myself. Removing my leather suit, I also took my knickers off, they were the “tie at the sides” variety, so I didn’t need to disturb my stockings at all. Now I stood behind the open door, so I’d be out of sight when he entered.

Which after a couple of minutes he did. Looking a little puzzled he walked in further, and when he’d completely cleared the door, I pushed it shut, locked it and placed the key into the top of my basque!

“Just making sure we WON’T be disturbed at all, as I said, you’re going to be here ALL night. Right, ON THE BED! NOW!” He quickly obeyed and seemed to delight in the feel of the black satin that I’d covered my bed in, on his back. He placed himself centrally and laid his head on the, also black satin covered, single pillow, while I climbed on top of him, sitting on his chest, thus pinning him to my bed. As I reached under the pillow I issued another command, “STRETCH OUT YOUR ARMS!” He again complied noticing that my hands now contained two silk ties. His bonds to be!

Starting with his left arm, I looped the tie around that wrist and expertly tied it securely, then tied that firmly and inescapably to the outer bed post of the solid and secure bed frame. Just as a “belt and braces” gesture I then looped and tied his hand with the remainder of the tie, before firmly tying that back around the bed-post. Now that’s what I call bondage, there was NO chance of him slipping out from that. Roughly a minute later I’d repeated the process with hi right arm, and now my earlier statement was correct, from this point onwards there WAS NOTHING he could do to stop me. He now belonged entirely to my bed, and therefore to ME, and he was going to remain here until I chose otherwise, which clearly wasn’t going to be for some time! But I’ll willingly admit a massive sense of relief flooded over me, my plans had worked PERFECTLY, HE WAS MINE! Yes, now he was the helpless sex slave of me, Laura, and seemed delighted to be so. But not for long as it turned out, for my I was about to make my BIG reveal, a fact that changed the situation completely!

The first indication, for him, that things weren’t QUITE what they seemed to be was when I, after climbing off the bed went to a chest of drawers, opened one withdrawing some more ties and then tied one of his ankles to the lower bed-frame. You see I had tied his arms totally securely, giving a sense of permanence to the bondage, but this bond of his ankle wasn’t utterly secure, it almost felt temporary as if I INTENDED to undo it at some stage, which of course, I DID! And it was now time for me to reveal and he to discover my REAL identity and the REAL reason I had seduced and captured him. For his captor, for that is EXACTLY what I was now, returned to the same drawer and this time, to my delight as I saw the look of outright horror form upon his face, withdrew a suspender belt and two more stockings. “And now my Darling,” that word being said in a VERY sarcastic manner, “it’s time for you to be placed in the clothes of sex!”

“BLOODY HELL, LAURA! There’s NO WAY I’m letting you put me into those!” he almost screamed at me.

“Oh really? And precisely how do you think you’re going to stop me then?” Now he realised the point of me putting that first leg into bondage, if not in a completely secure way. If he tried to resist he would be able to only thrash ONE leg about, which would make it far easier to complete my desired task. And now it was time for him to discover exactly WHY it was my desire to do so!

My two cold, hard eyes bored right into his as I continued, holding the stockings and suspender belt in my hands while I approached the bed. “Recognise them do you? You should! You’ve seen them before Darling, on the legs of MY DAUGHTER as you made her prance up and down your bedroom, before taking what you wanted from her and then breaking her heart!”

Well, the look of almost terror on his face almost matched the one of satisfaction on mine. Had it NEVER occurred to him to question just why, an older woman, who he didn’t even know had SPECIFICALLY have targeted him? I guessed that, as usual with conceited young men like him, his ego had just assumed that I couldn’t resist his mesmerizing charms! Yes, the full realisation hit him that this woman who had seduced and captured him, THIS LAURA, WAS HANNA’S MOTHER! And now he had delivered himself right into MY TOTAL hands and power! What the hell was I going to do to him now he was completely at my mercy? Well, the first thing I planned was to fulfil that promise and put him into Hanna’s stockings and suspenders. I climbed back onto the bed, knelt on his “free” leg, which I guess hurt him, I mean like I “CARED” about that, sliding the belt over his foot which I then covered in nylon, moving the stocking to just over his ankle. Then using a tie I bound that limb to the lower bed-post, but this time the bond was tight and secure! “Laura please, you’re right, I can’t stop you and I won’t try to IF you don’t kneel on my leg,” he muttered in a rather pathetic, submissive voice.

“Very well. But if you DO try to resist you’ll know exactly what I’ll do, don’t you?” He nodded, again submissively. After all he was MINE now, mine to do with what I wanted! With NO resistance from him I then released his other leg, slid it over so I could slip the belt over that foot. Whilst his legs were still together I slid the belt into position around his waist, moved the leg back over to “its” side of the bed, put the stocking over that foot and ankle, before completing his spread-eagled bondage to my bed.

I returned to the task of fitting “his” stockings, slowly they inched up his legs, with me constantly playing with his balls and his, despite what he’d just learned, totally erect penis. But to his mounting frustration and my pleasure, never to the point of no return! However eventually stocking met suspender and his “dressing up,” just like his bondage was complete. What was going to happen now he no doubt, wondered?

I climbed back onto the bed, knelt down between his nylon covered legs and cupped his balls in my hands. “So, I guess you’re now wondering just what I’m going to do to you to punish you for what you did to Hanna?”

“Laura, I apologise unreservedly! I NEVER intended or set out to hurt Hanna.”

“Maybe not, I’m actually willing to believe that,” and in fact I DID believe him on that score, “but you DID hurt her. Anyway, I’m NOT interested in your apologies, it’s too late for that! I’m ONLY interested in your punishment and MY PLEASURE! And yes, I heard you bragging to your mates about the “sexual action” you were going to indulge in with me. Well you’re NOT going to be dis-appointed in that regard, oh yes you’re facing a FULL night of purely SEX! SEX! and more SEX! You see, I’m right in the mood for that, it’s been quite a while since I had some bedroom fun, you are a good looking guy so I’m going to indulge myself at your expense. I must admit that when Hanna pointed you out to me the other day, after which I planned what’s occurred tonight, a plan you fell for “hook, line and sinker” just as I KNEW you would by the way, that I REALLY did fancy you. I UTTERLY WANTED YOU TO BE TOTALLY HELPLESS IN MY BONDAGE! I WANT TO SHAG YOU!

So, you find yourself, just as I told you would happen, as the COMPLETE SEX SLAVE OF LAURA! Because, make NO mistake, you are now totally in MY power, utterly in MY hands and completely under MY control. I CAN and I WILL do exactly WHAT I want, HOW I want and for AS LONG as I want to you and, as I said right at the beginning, there’s NOTHING you can do to stop me. So, from now until I decide otherwise your world and the only reason for your existence will be to provide me with COLD, HARD, RAW SEX! I’m going to keep you at it, shagging you absolutely senseless, again and again and again! Until, and be assured it WILL happen, when you can take NO more and beg me to stop and for mercy! After what you did to Hanna, guess how much of that I intend to show you? None at all of course, I’ll simply laugh in your face, demand even more SEX from you as I shag you yet again. You entered my house expecting SEX and by God you’re going to get SEX, but on MY terms and not yours! You used Hanna for SEX so now I’m going to use you to feed MY considerable sexual appetite!” And I damn well made sure that I gave his balls a “not too gentle squeeze” each time my lips uttered the word “SEX!”

“And by the way, I’ve another surprise for you. Whilst I’m taking exactly what I WANT from you, in the manner of MY choosing, you will be able to see precisely NOTHING.” I reached under the pillow again, withdrawing a blindfold, which I placed onto his head, although not yet over his eyes. I moved to lay on top of his body, my lips found his and I commenced the night’s proceedings by initiating another long and utterly passionate kiss. During which I moved the blindfold into place, reducing his world, just as I had stated, to TOTAL darkness. “And so Darling, prepare yourself to be getting your just come-uppance in the form of a…” pausing to kiss him again, then continuing as the kiss finished,


Thus, the serious sex started, for make NO mistake I intended to shag him HARD! But to my surprise he responded positively, despite being captured by me at soon became clear to me that he was quite prepared to give his ALL! And it also became clear that he was very skilled in bed, yes, he might have been a real “bragger,” but he had the ability to back up his claims. Therefore, the sex session became VERY pleasurable and enjoyable, as I said it was the first time in a good few years for me. And please believe me that very last thing I wish to do is “dish” my late husband, but I soon realised that this young man had greater abilities and stamina, and despite being in bondage he demonstrated REAL ability in the art of sex. I was REALLY enjoying myself.

Of course, the main reason I’d bothered to entice him here and then take him prisoner was to punish him for the despicable way in which he’d treated Hanna, even if I was thoroughly “entertained” I still wanted to teach him a lesson. One thing I was absolutely determined about was that I was NOT going to stop until he BEGGED me to. As I kept him going naturally the strength of both of us began to fail, it stopped being fun, as excitement passed into exhaustion. So much so, that I actually stopped shagging him, thereby preserving my strength, but kept him “at it” by simply giving him “handjob after handjob.”

I began to wonder just how long he could keep going, but finally I broke him. “Laura, please. Laura, I’m begging you, please stop. I can’t take ANY more Laura!” I lifted his blindfold, not removed it note. And again I bored into his eyes with my cold hard pair as they had earlier at the time I had informed him of my REAL identity. “What did I tell you would happen? Didn’t I tell you I’d show NO mercy whatsoever! And I’m not going to, but I must admit, I’m no spring chicken anymore, so after just one more shag which I believe I can manage, I will let you sleep. But only because I NEED TO! Make no mistake, once I’ve rested and regained my strength through sleep, I’m going to subject you to yet more SEX! And while you sleep you WILL remain in bondage to my bed! And be locked within this room, I know strictly speaking I don’t need to lock the door but it will remind and signify to you that you are still UTTERLY in my hands and power, that you still TOTALLY belong to Laura! While I sleep you’ll be “LOCKED IN BY LAURA!” And I’ll take THAT sleep in Hanna’s bed.”

I did manage that final promised shag, but before I left him I undid all of his limbs, one by one, moving them around to offset the possibility of cramp setting in, before returning them into the state of secure bondage. I’d bought home one of those “hospital” type bottles from work, and so also allowed him to empty his bladder. Before leaving the room, and as I said “symbolically” locking the door. Then went to settle down to sleep in Hanna’s bed.

I fell asleep almost immediately and stayed in that state for several hours, in fact light was beginning to creep through Hanna’s curtains when I awoke. But I was fully refreshed and my energy restored. Now I REALLY wanted to get back into “action,” with my young prisoner, and all thoughts of punishment had gone, I just wanted PLEASURE now! When I'd bought him back here last night I HATED him, my main priority was to teach him a lesson, but he’d earned my respect and almost admiration during that earlier session. This might sound totally daft, but I could feel myself becoming, well, fond of him!

I unlocked the door to his “cell,” entered and re-locked it. Before the sex recommenced however, I again released, exercised and re-captured his limbs one by one, to reduce the possibility of cramp, and emptied hi bladder once more.

But none of that is why I had returned, of course, and soon I was back on top of his bound body, subjecting him to my high level of sexual skills and desire again. With both of us re-charged, as it were, the sex returned to the high excitement mode, in particular the second climax that I brilliantly bought us both to. As I began to scream with TOTAL ecstasy, my body shaking uncontrollably, he couldn’t control himself as while he pumped spunk into my body he also screamed out my name with REAL intensity, “OH, LAURA! LAURA! LAURA! GOOD GOD, LAURRRRAAAAAA!!!!” As we lay there afterwards still in the grip of the high that I don’t think either of us had EVER been to previously, I actually felt that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this young man, impossible obviously, but for those few seconds I wanted nobody else in my world! And just for that brief time I had the feeling that he also wanted to be with me permanently too, as I clung to me with REAL passion! And then I proceeded to kiss him with an excitement that our VERY high level previous kisses didn’t even come close to matching!

However, this all set off a REAL conflict between my head and my heart! For while the latter wanted and was falling in love with him TOTALLY, the former was screaming “NOOOOO!” What the head began to wish for fervently was a distraction, something to take my mind away from what my heart was saying to me. And the head got just what it was looking for.

Because now that’s when the situation changed yet again. For shortly afterwards we heard the front door opening and somebody entering the house. That person ascended the stairs, went to their own room, retreating straight out of said room immediately, coming the door of “ours” and knocked on the locked door. It was Hanna of course. After sleeping in it, I had forgotten to re-make my daughter’s bed, so that’s why Hanna was knocking on my bedroom door. “Mum, are you in there Mum, what’s going on?” Probably referring to the state of her bed.

“Hanna, Sweetheart, just one minute!” I leapt off the bed, picked up the key to unlock the door and allow my daughter in. “Come in Sweetheart, I’ve a little surprise for you in here, I’ve been teaching a certain somebody a lesson he will NEVER forget! While thoroughly enjoying myself as well of course!”

“Well, well, how the mighty have fallen? Oh, how are enjoying wearing MY stockings, the ones you made me pace up and down in remember? You might as well keep them and take them home with you, I don’t EVER want to wear THEM again, and I’ve bought some new ones anyway.” Turning to me she continued, “I see you have well and truly captured this “Gentleman” Mum, I hope you’re giving him EXACTLY what for!”

“Oh don’t you worry about that Daughter, I’ve already had him beg for mercy once before now. This is in fact part two of my utterly senseless shagging of him, and, believe me, I’ve NOT finished with him yet, not by a long chalk! I’ll soon be putting him through it again VERY shortly!” I paused for a moment and then, as if having just considered it said, “unless of course you fancy a go!”

“Yes, you know what, yes I DO fancy that, Mum. And with your help there is something I’d like to try, a sexual fantasy of mine to be honest. Why shouldn’t I use him to get WHAT I WANT?”

“Why not indeed Sweetheart, what do you have in mind? I’ll gladly help you, and quite frankly I’ve just had a REALLY great shag, I’m not so young anymore and this would be a good place for me to stop, and for you to take over.” Almost as if I wanted to go out on a REAL “HIGH,” like a Sports Champion retiring at the very top of their game.

“What I want you to do, is untie his hands, I’m going to lay down on top of him, and then I want you to tie us including our hands, together! Then I’m going to show him EXACTLY what he threw away and he is now missing! It was simply because I was so nervous and anxious to please him that I couldn’t perform to his “satisfaction” that last time but do you honestly think I give a shit for his feelings now? No, I’ll be TOTALLY free to just enjoy myself, and subject this “Gentleman” to purely COLD, HARD RAW SEX! Whilst he is in my hands, and both of us under YOUR control! Will you help me?”

“Gladly Sweetheart. What an excellent idea. Now go and get undressed.” Hanna shortly returned, just wearing her new stockings and suspenders, and upon my guidance laid down on top of his body, still in bondage to my bed, although I had untied his hands as my daughter was getting ready. “Mum, do you have another blindfold, although I AM going to shag him, I not sure that I actually want to see him! And let him watch as you tie me to him, put him back into darkness once we are ready to shag.” I was only TOO pleased to meet Hanna’s request, soon he could see her, and the fact that she now wore a blindfold identical to him. So he had to watch as I tied loops around Hanna’s ankles, then tying her legs outside of and to his. I then tied loops around my daughter’s wrists, binding them to his. With the tie released from his hands I tied their hands together having intertwined their figures. To complete this bondage of their bodies completely together, I then undid the front suspenders attached to “his” stockings and fitted them to Hanna’s and vice versa. Thus pulling their mid-rifts together. So now Hanna and her ex-boyfriend were totally bound to each other, as he was to my bed, neither of them could escape from said bed or each other. Which meant that now, as per Hanna’s instructions, I placed him back into darkness.

I now completely took over, having been appointed the “Mistress of Ceremonies” by Hanna just a bit earlier. “Right, Darling,” that word now said without any sarcasm at all unlike earlier, “you now only exist to service my daughter’s sexual appetite instead of mine. Which doesn’t mean that you can relax by any means, you will remain in bondage to my bed until you have COMPLETELY satisfied HER desires. Just like I was, she’s looking for nothing else other than SEX! SEX! and more SEX! And it’s YOUR job to provide that for her, do you understand? You belong to her, your WHOLE world now revolves around HER, and I’m going to make sure you do her best for her and provide her with the quality shagging that she’s looking for! And make NO mistake I won’t even CONSIDER releasing you until I’m satisfied that she is. So, you’d best get started!”

“Laura, could you please lift both of our blindfolds, I want say something to Hanna, and look her in the eyes as I do so?”

“Yes Mum, I’m interested to know what he has to say to me. Please let us see each other, if only for a few seconds.” So I obliged and he and Hanna looked into each other’s eyes, with hers in a “questionable” mode as she waited to hear what he was to say to her. “Hanna, I apologise completely for the way I treated you. I was “bang out of order” I totally accept that. And I’m going to do my VERY best to shag you to the greatest level that I can, and try my hardest to satisfy you. As I did indeed with Laura.”

“Yes Darling,” I chirped in, “I have to admit you did do just that, your performance has been FAR higher than I expected! Perform with my daughter at the same level as you did with me and that will do just fine!”

After I had replaced the blindfolds over their eyes Hanna immediately initiated a long and passionate kiss, that almost matched the level displayed by me from beforehand. And then she told him, “I fully accept your apology, I do believe that Mum has taught you some, well overdue, decency! But like she said, you’re “not out of the woods” just yet, now you’ve been given your “lesson from Laura,” you are now about to be subject to…” pausing as she kissed him again, then continued,


He was as good as his word, it did seem that I had succeeded in teaching him some humility, as he again gave EVERYTHING he had to please my daughter. They shagged each other a couple of times before Hanna herself bought matters to a close.

“Mum I think this has gone on long enough. Please untie us, yes both of us, and remove the blindfolds. I’ve something to say to both of you. Thank you Mum.” That last part of her speech occurred as I did indeed step forward and restored their sight by taking off the blindfolds, and then started untying the bonds that held them. “Well I can say that I’m completely satisfied,” Hanna continued, “and my self-belief in bed has been totally restored. I’m now confident again.” And then she looked him directly into his eyes. “Thank you for that, yes it might have been you that forced me to question myself, but you’ve put EVERYTHING you have into making me believe again, so thank you once more. And you’ve done that despite the fact that you are utterly in love with somebody else!”

I knew immediately that Hanna was referring to me, she’d tapped into the warmth between the young man and myself, but my head still wanted to be in denial. Turning to him I started, “You mean you came back here with me when you’re..”

“SHUT UP MUM!” Hanna cut straight across me. “He wasn’t in love with ANYBODY when he entered this house last night, the person he loves is in this very room right now.”

“You mean me?”

Yes she did! “Of course I mean you Mum, and YOU KNOW IT!”

“Oh, and what leads you to that conclusion, pray?”

“Well hearing “LAURA! LAURA! LAURRRRAAAAAA!” being screamed out at full volume was a bit of a giveaway, you should have checked your bedroom window isn’t open before indulging in full-blown sex!” she laughed. “But it was the dis-appointment on his face that he wasn’t carrying on with you when I took over. It WASN’T that he didn’t want to be with me, as I said he’s given his all to me, but that he wasn’t going to be with you! And you kept looking at him with warmth in your eyes. And I know you well enough to know when you are trying to avoid answering questions in your own mind.”

Now he entered the equation as he looked me straight in my eyes and said. “She’s right Darling. I know that I love you with all my heart Laura.” And that was the point when the battle raging inside of me was OVER, my head meekly surrendered, and my heart had triumphed. What I saw in his eyes was TRUE love for me and I now replied. “Yes, I truly believe you do, and yes, I do feel the same.”

“Right Mum, there’s NO way I’m going to stand in the way of your happiness. So, finish untying us, and I’ll bugger off leaving you two together.”

She was as good as her word, as he and I clung to each other, allowing the emotion of love to flow over the pair of us without needing any speech at all. We stayed together for hours just being with each other, both of us in a state of relaxed and complete contentment. There was some more sex between us that day, but now it was in the form of gentle love-making as opposed to the frantic raw sex that had taken place during the night. Just before he left to return home, I took his hand, looked him in the eyes and asked, “Did you mean it? About loving me with ALL your heart?”

“Laura Darling. I have NEVER meant ANYTHING more in my ENTIRE life!” And I just KNEW that was the second most honest and truthful statement he’d ever made in his life, just a few hours after he’d made the first.

Later that week he again found himself in my house but this time not in the bedroom. It was a few days after THAT memorable day, and we both knew that we just HAD to start addressing some of the questions that our relationship posed, not least the age difference. “Darling,” taking his hand “we both know that I’m MUCH older than you. You might fancy me now, as I’ve still much of my looks remaining but what about in twenty years’ time? Will you still fancy me then?”

“Laura, Sweetheart, what I feel for you are feelings I’ve NEVER felt before with ANY woman! Take tonight for example, how do think any of my previous “conquests” telling me that there will be no sex tonight would have been received? I’d have been STRAIGHT out of the door, no mistake. But, while yes I fancy you completely, there’s something ELSE present too! I just want to BE HERE with you, what I feel for you isn’t dependent of purely sex. If you need me I want to help you, I want to hold you, comfort you and support you, in ways I’ve NEVER felt before with anybody else. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you Laura, I’ll ALWAYS cherish your love without relying on sex. But you’re right to be cautious, I’m not suggesting that we visit the local Church or Registry Office straight away, let’s enjoy the company of each other and see where life takes us? With you I’m more interested in what I can GIVE as opposed to what I can TAKE.”

“I believe EVERY word you say, but how will you cope with the inevitable questioning from those who know you?”

“Laura, like I say I’m experiencing different feelings with you than before. I no longer care what the “lads” think, I’m going to listen to my HEART and not my ego now!”

“But what about your parents? Surely they matter, and I guess that they won’t be too amused that their son’s new girlfriend is almost the same age as them?”

“Fair enough Laura, they ARE a consideration, true enough. But at the end of the day what they REALLY want is for me to be truly happy, and when they see the effect that being with you has on me, they’ll soon come to realise that being with you makes me just that. We just may have to give them some time to accept you, but no matter what they think I WILL love you. And on your part, are you concerned about your family, how will THEY feel? Although we both know that Hanna is totally at ease with us being with each other.”

“Yes she is. And to be honest SHE is the only one whom I REALLY care how they think of us, and as you say, she not only accepts us but was the one who pushed us into enjoying our feelings for each other.”

“And I might be able to help her, to truly thank her for what she did for us. Is that Mini outside with the “L” plates hers?” It was. “Yes it is, but she’s struggling to afford driving lessons. And I never learnt how to drive myself, so I can’t teach her. But I see what you mean, I guess you can, you drive yourself obviously,” his car, that posh and expensive B.M.W. was also parked outside. “Oh would you? It would be a great help to her.”

“Of course Darling, yes that’s exactly what I meant. Get her to put me as a named driver on her insurance, I’ll pay for that although sometimes Insurance Companies put the price of premiums down by clients putting experienced drivers on a policy. Then I can drive her somewhere less busy to practise if she’s worried about the traffic levels around here.”

“Yes I’ve heard that. I’ll get her to do that tomorrow. Oh, thank you Darling!”

“It’ll be a pleasure Laura. Like I say we owe her BIG TIME! And when she passes her test, then maybe you’d like to learn how to drive.”

“Darling please. No sex for us tonight, I’m too tired and you have to get up early for work tomorrow. But, I REALLY fancy you, so what about the weekend?”

“Oh yeah Laura, you just TRY stopping me getting hold of you! And to be honest with you, at the moment Hanna has one “over us,” she and I have been tied together, but you and I haven’t! We can’t have that can we?”


“Why don’t you come over to mine on Friday evening, I’ll come and get you. We can go for an Indian, there’s a great restaurant around the corner from my place.”

“Yes, Hanna said the food there was really good.”

“We can spend the night in my bed, and then if Hanna is available and willing, we can come back here where she can tie US together and to your bed. Do you think she’ll help us?”

“I’m sure she will.”

And Hanna was both willing and able to do just that. So having enjoyed a smashing Indian meal at the Raj Tandoori, it was round to his place, where we cemented our love in his bed, but not TOO strenuously as we both knew we had a long day ahead of us in Hanna’s hands and bondage! And having had a light breakfast at his home, it was back to my house for our “confinement” to begin!

Hanna had dressed herself for the occasion in a leather “dominatrix style” catsuit that she had borrowed, she made it IMMEDIATELY clear that SHE was in charge today. Ordering us to enter her my bedroom, her next command was that that we undress each other, one item of clothing at a time until we were both completely naked. Not that we would stay in that state for long, once again Hanna had decided that both of us would be dressed in the “clothes of sex,” the pair of us were to become suspender clad, with him again being placed in the stockings and suspenders that he had “inherited” from Hanna herself! And naturally, I was to place his legs in nylon while he was directed to do the same to me!

Once we had “dressed” each other, Hanna tied his arms together behind his back and ordered him to stand in the corner of the room facing the wall. As he obeyed she led me to the lower bed frame and tied my wrists to the outer posts, facing the bed. So, I had the perfect view as Hanna summoned him over, untied his wrists and commanded him to take the all too familiar position, lying on my bed with his arms and legs in a spread-eagled form. She then skilfully tied all four of his limbs to the bed-posts, once again he was tied to my bed and would be going NOWHERE until others decided otherwise. But this time neither would I be able to escape from the bed!

For just before untying me from the lower bed frame, Hanna covered my eyes with a blindfold. Now I could see NOTHING. Although he could, Hanna had placed a blindfold on his head, but didn’t cover his eyes just yet. Obviously she was going to at some stage but she wanted him to give me a “running commentary” as we were to be tied together. Having released the me, still blinded, my daughter guided me to the bed, and on top of his already bound body. And so he obeyed his order from Hanna, and described just how Hanna secured my limbs to his. Starting with our legs, soon the loops around my ankles were tied around his. Then, as I had done to her, Hanna undid my front suspenders from my stockings, fastening them to his and vice versa.

Now Hanna turned her attentions to our upper body. Starting on my left hand side, she’d looped a tie completely securely to his right wrist, then tied it to my left. Using the remaining tie, she soon had our respective hands bound together, fingers interlocked. Then, as there was still some tie left she tied that back around the bed-post. Now THAT’S what I called bondage, there was absolutely NO WAY that he or I could escape from my daughter’s handiwork, and ALL three of us knew it. Minutes afterwards Hanna had bound our other arms in exactly the same manner. He and I were captured, with NO possibility of escape whatsoever, we totally and utterly belonged to the bed and to our captor, Hanna.

Who, now we were helpless in her hands, lifted her my blindfold, as she had something to say to us, and wanted us to look at her while she spoke. But the young man and I made her wait as we frantically started kissing each other, but she was patient and allowed us some time with our lips together! When we finally finished we turned our heads towards our leather clad “Mistress.”

“I’m pleased to see that you two can, eventually, spare me some of your time! But listen to me now and listen good! I am the Mistress NOW, I RULE this bedroom and ALL within it! Today Laura,” notice how she addressed me by my name and NOT my title, “I AM YOUR MISTRESS and NOT your daughter! Both of you will OBEY MY EVERY COMMAND, and give me EXACTLY what I WANT from you, or you will NEVER be freed from that bed or each other! So what is it that I want from you? Simple answer, SEX! SEX! and more SEX! I want to see spunk being pumped, I want to hear Laura’s name being screamed again, from now until I decide otherwise you have one, and ONE ONLY, purpose in your lives, to provide me with the sight of you engaging in NOTHING else other than COLD, HARD, RAW SEX! I’m going to keep you at it again and again and again, keeping you shagging each other senseless until you’ve NOTHING left and you’ve given ALL you can! Remember you are both utterly in MY hands, totally in MY power and completely under MY control! Don’t forget it! Your hearts already belong to each other, I want to see your bodies do the same!”

Now Hanna plunged both he and myself into absolute darkness as she placed both of our blindfolds into position over our eyes, as we started frantically kissing, meanwhile by moving her mid-rift I guided his penis into my soaking wet vagina, and we obeyed as Hanna shouted “Right GET SHAGGING! For this is all…” pausing for a second or two, then continuing,


Let the games begin!
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