Men at Work (M+/M+) [conclusion added 9/15/21]

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Post by Red86 »

I agree, I hope Mike makes the right choice. Jones seems like he's at the point he just wants to eliminate all lose ends including Mike, Cole & Craig, so I wouldn't trust a word he says.

Heck of a little cliffhanger you've left us on!!
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Post by Volobond »

Ooof, such a cliffhanger! What will Mike choose? And most importantly, does this all end with him and Cole together and Alejandro tied up again???

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Post by george_bound »

Intensity abounds!... And hopefully a couple pigs still find themselves bound, hehe :?
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Holy Sh#t, [mention]wataru14[/mention], you have thrown us all for a loop.

This chapter was EPIC!!!! :o :o :o :o
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] you really have an amazing talent. You're spinning us a thrilling cop drama with heapings of bondage on the side.

Loved the shop heist with Mike getting more than a little carried away with the the clerk. It seemed like a pretty good day at the office for him in the end. Slightly disappointed in Cole for springing it on Mike but it was nice to see them take their relationship to a new level afterwards. I'm glad Cole is not just stringing him along.

Like some of the other readers I was expecting Santucci to turn out to be the Boss so you definitely subverted our expectations there. Jones seems to be a very nasty piece of work. Mike's had quite a lot of tough decisions to make in this story so I hope he makes the right one now and remains loyal to his friends rather than running out on them.

Love the increase in font size. It does make it a lot easier to read.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by blackbound »

You can hit Ctrl-+ in your browser to increase the font size for the entire site, too.

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Post by wataru14 »

Part 16: Living With Myself

Alejandro gave a surprised shout as the taser prongs fired… and hit Jones square in the chest. In the split second before the juice hit him he gave me a look of pure fury. Then he collapsed in a twitching and writing mass on the floor of the cell. In half a second, Gonzalez was on him. With blinding speed the cuffs came out. Jones’s hands were pulled behind his back so hard I thought they would wrench out of their sockets. Jones howled threats and curses as Alejandro cinched the cuffs tighter and tighter. He tossed me his handcuff keys as he removed Jones' duty belt.

“Hurry up while I’m still feeling generous,” he barked. I didn’t wait for him to change his mind and bolted from the cell. Santucci hobbled in, cradling his ribs, as I knelt down and uncuffed Cole. He looked like hell, but he was alive. And reasonably OK. He leaned against the wall for support as Alejandro exited the cell and locked Jones inside. When Cole was freed he jumped up and gave me the longest kiss I’d ever seen before taking the keys and freeing Craig.

“I heard everything,” Santucci said. “You saved our lives.”

“You’d do it for me,” I said. Santucci smiled. “So what happens now?”

“Now?” Santucci said, holding up his hand to stop Gonzalez from speaking. “Now you all go on your merry way. All three of you. Catching a dirty cop mastermind is much better than a few two-bit thugs, don’t you think, Gonzalez?”

Alejandro was torn. I could see the indecision playing on his face. On the one hand, he owed us (me, in particular) his life. On the other, letting us go violated everything he believed in. “I guess so,” he finally said.

The three of us cautiously started moving to the door. “We can’t grab our shit from storage,” Cole said. “There isn’t time.” He looked at Santucci. “Will you give us an hour head start so we can collect our things before we leave town?”

“I was planning on giving you more than that,” Santucci said. “Jones cut the cameras, so no need for cloak and dagger right now. My story’s going to be that you were escaping when I got here and I managed to snag Jones. The rest of you somehow got away.” Cole smiled and shook Santucci’s hand.

“Wait,” Gonzalez said, as we started heading out, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. “You can’t just leave!”

“Come on, kid,” Santucci said. “Let this one go. No matter what they did before this, they earned it.”

“No, you big dumb Guido,” Gonzalez laughed. “What I mean is, ‘You can’t just leave… you’ll need hostages.’” There was a moment of stunned disbelief from everyone as Alejandro put his hands behind his back. “Hey! Am I gonna have to cuff myself over here? You, too, Santucci!”

Santucci gave a hearty laugh. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing,” he said. Santucci mirrored his partner and put his hands behind his back. I walked over to Santucci and fished the cuffs out of his belt holster. “Hey, hey,” he joked. “Easy, tiger. I heard about how much you like this stuff. Keep your mitts off the goods while you got my hands cuffed up, eh?” He winked as I positioned his hands and clapped the cuffs on him.

“Not my type, paisan” I said, patting him on the back. “Besides, I got a man who likes it as much as I do. Why would I go looking elsewhere?” Nearby, Craig was cuffing up Alejandro and Cole was collecting the torn shirt scraps. I watched him fold two of them into bands and use them to blindfold our two hostages. Santucci said Jones called in a fake shooting on the other side of the city, so everyone in the precinct but them was out and would be gone for hours. So we’d be completely unobstructed while we made our escape.

Once they were secured, we hurried out of the precinct and into the garage. With five of us, we could barely fit into Alejandro’s sedan. Santucci’s truck stood out too much. Thank god Alejandro had tinted windows. It would have been awkward for cars stopped next to us at red lights to see three shirtless men in jail scrubs riding with two handcuffed and blindfolded cops! Maybe we could have passed it off as a Youtube prank? Anyway…

We stopped at Craig and Cole’s place first. I sat with the cops in the car while my partners ran into their apartment to grab the essentials and change.

“You’re really going to let us go?” I asked Santucci. He turned his face to look at me, which was difficult with the blindfold still on.

“Yeah,” he said. “You guys can’t ever come back to this city, though. If you do, all bets are off. I assume those two are going to continue doing what they do wherever you go and that you’re throwing in with them?”

“Looks like,” I said. Alejandro grimaced but didn’t say anything.

“Well, you can still call me up to bullshit,” Santucci said. “Just don’t say anything about work. I can only overlook so much, ya know? Hell, if I’m ever in your neck of the woods maybe we can grab a beer?”

“I’d like that,” I said. “You’d be invited, too, Alejandro.”

He was about to say “no way,” but stopped himself. “As long as I’m over 21,” he laughed. When he wasn’t being an obnoxious hardass, Gonzalez was actually kind of likeable. Maybe the rookie wasn’t such a bad guy after all.

Craig and Cole came back after about 15 minutes and we stopped quickly at my place, which was a few blocks away. It only took a minute to grab the important things. Photo albums, my high school wrestling trophy. And a few changes of clothes. It felt weird leaving it all behind, but I had a new life now. No sense in keeping stuff from the old one. I came down and tossed my bags in the trunk, then got into the back seat next to Santucci.

“Where are we taking the prisoners?” I asked. I had made it a point to refer to Gonzalez and Santucci as “prisoners” or “hostages,” since that’s what they were. The rookie didn’t seem to appreciate the joke but Santucci got a kick out of it.

“Back to the old hideout,” Cole said. “We’ll let the cops know where they are after we’re gone. Craig’s going to steal us a car, though. Can’t leave in this one. It’ll be all over the news.”

“Hey,” I said. “At least I get to see where it is this time. These two yahoos are blindfolded, not me.” We pulled over and dropped Craig off in a small roadside town on the Interstate, then drove about five miles further up and pulled off into the woods. After hiding Gonzalez’ car under brush, Cole and I sat in the woods with Santucci and Alejandro (both still cuffed and blindfolded). Craig came back about a half hour later driving a black SUV. After assuring Alejandro that his car would be fine where it was for now, we piled everyone and everything into the new ride and drove on. Eventually we pulled off the road and down a dirt path through the woods that came to a beat-up old abandoned house. We helped the two out of the car and up into the living room, which I remembered vividly.

It would be a while before the heat died down enough for us to make our escape, so we released the two hostages from their bonds so they could relax a bit. But we had something to do first. I grabbed Santucci's phone and dialed the chief, then handed it to him. Santucci put on one hell of a performance! "Chief!" he grunted. "The three perps escaped. Jones was in on it and let them out! I managed to take him down but they got me. Gonzalez, too! They got us tied up in..."

I snatched the phone away and held it up to my lips, "You got our boss, but we got two of yours. You ever want to see these two pigs alive again you'll sit tight and wait for instructions." I hung up. "That should keep anyone from letting Jones out of his cell and should keep the cops out of our hair until we can leave." I powered Santucci's phone down and put it on the table as he took his dip can from his back pocket. "Nice acting," I teased.

Cool as he was, we all realized it was best not to make any plans where Santucci (and especially Alejandro) could hear, so we sat and just bullshitted like old pals (even Gonzalez!). It was weird. Two cops and two (and a half) thugs just chilling like BFFs. It was weird, but nice. After a few hours, though, it was time to go.

“OK boys,” Cole said, in mock menace and cracking his knuckles. “Here’s how it’s gonna go. First things first is both of you are gonna lose those uniforms.”

“Again?” Alejandro moaned.

“We got one for me already,” Cole said. “Now we’re gonna get one for Mike and one for Craig. And those two you got on look like they’ll fit them well enough.”

Santucci rolled his eyes as he started taking off his duty belt and unbuttoning his shirt. “A trio of industrious robbers could get a lot of use out of them, true,” he said. Alejandro grudgingly got up and did the same. Cole collected the uniforms and stuffed them in a nearby gear bag, along with all the accessories, badges, tools, yadda yadda. We did leave them all their personal belongings, though, placed carefully on a nearby table. I thought to myself how hot Cole would look wearing the uniform while he cuffed me up…

“You OK over there?” Santucci said, snapping his fingers. “You spaced out for a second.” I blinked a few times, and blinked again as I saw Santucci standing before me in his half-dressed state. My eyes traveled up his body from his black ankle-socked feet, over his bulging legs, past his tight black jockey shorts, and onto the white ribbed tank top that hugged his gym-toned body like a second skin and showed off the intricate ink work running down his arm. “Yo! My eyes are up here, paisan,” he laughed, flashing me the hot guy half smile that drove all the ladies in town to distraction.

“OK, prisoners,” I said, pointing to the floor. “Have a seat and we’ll get you two tied up.”

Santucci lowered himself to a sitting position on the floor and signaled for Alejandro to join him. The rookie was shirtless, wearing only ankle socks and white boxers. “No escape tricks on this one, rookie,” he said. “Let them find us here. It’ll give these stunods more time to escape.” Alejandro agreed, but I could tell he didn’t like it. Too bad!

Cole tapped me on the shoulder. “Let’s see how good you are,” he said. “You do the meathead and I’ll check your work.” With a smile I approached Santucci with several bales of rope in my hands. I positioned his wrists just right and began to loop the rope around both of them. Once I had a few good circles, I pulled it taut, leaving no slack or wiggle room. He accommodated me by not doing his wrist-swivel or tensing/flexing tricks. He was letting me do him up for keeps.

“Nfff,” Santucci grunted as the ropes tightened around his wrists. “That’s pretty good!” I then took the ends of the rope and made a small single knot, then turned the rope crossways and looped it around vertically, over and under. By the time I reached the ends and secured the final double-knot, his wrists were completely trapped. No escape.

Cole leaned in to check. “Damn near perfect!” he said. “You’re a natural.”

I smiled proudly as I began roping up Santucci’s ankles in the same manner as his wrists. Snug, but not painfully tight. I thought of how I’d like to be tied and copied that. Again, Cole congratulated me. “You can finish on your own while I do up Alejandro over there,” he said.

“Great,” Alejandro said flatly as he held his hands behind him in preparation.

Grabbing more rope, I went to work on Santucci’s knees, pressing his legs firmly together before thoroughly immobilizing him. He wriggled a little, but there was no give and we both knew it. He was secured until rescue came. But I wasn’t done yet. I took a full bale, not yet cut into smaller pieces, and started looping it around his chest, pressing his arms tight to his sides. I made sure to wrap the bands both above and below his pecs, framing them nicely. He grunted as the ropes went around and were pulled tight and cinched off behind him. Taking a few more pieces, I threaded them between his arms and ribs and used them to pinch off the chest bands on both sides. His chest was encircled in a three-loop figure-eight, making it impossible for him to slip out of the bands around his chest. I patted him on the leg. “That oughta hold you, you mug,” I smirked. Like a gangster in a 1930’s movie.

“Yup,” he said, squirming vainly and smiling. “That it will.”

Shortly after, Alejandro was immobilized in the same manner and seated side-by-side on the floor with Santucci. “So now what?” Cole said. “We can’t just leave them like that. Hogties?”

“No,” I said. “Not while no one is here to make sure they don’t choke. Back to back.”

“I like the way you think,” Cole grinned and gave me another quick kiss.

The two cops were slid against each other in seated positions, their legs sticking straight out in front. I grabbed some duct tape and told both prisoners to ball their fists. After that, I individually encased their hands completely in duct tape, almost like mittens. “Now they can’t untie each other,” I said. I positioned the two prisoners together so that Gonzalez’ bare back was flush against Santucci’s. Unwinding one last long bale of rope, I encircled both of their chests and pulled it tight so that there was no space between them. Their bound hands were only inches away from each other, but the duct tape encasing them made fiddling with the other’s bonds impossible. I took a few more ropes and secured their individual chest restraints to the bands holding them together so they couldn’t slip out.

My work was done. Two beefy policemen sat on the floor at my feet, helplessly bound back-to-back. I looked down at them both fruitlessly wriggling against their bonds. Craig grinned took out his phone.

“Pictures?” Santucci groaned. “Really?”

“Cole’s already been doing that,” Craig chuckled, pointing at his friend, who was happily recording the two prisoners’ predicament. Gonzalez rolled his eyes while Santucci grinned at the camera like it was Disney World. “This is something else,” Craig said. He fiddled with some keys and then placed the phone on the table next to Santucci’s wallet. “All the texts from Jones are on that phone. Plans and orders. For all the hits you knew about. And even some you didn’t. Should be all the evidence you need to put him away for good.”

Santucci nodded as I knelt down next to him, bandanas in hand. “Gonna have to gag you now,” I said. “You know how it goes.” Santucci nodded as I balled up a bandana and stuffed it into his waiting opened mouth. “I’m gonna miss you, bro. And I’m holding you to that promise. You’re buying the first round when we see each other again.” Santucci grunted an affirmative as I tied the cleave behind his head and secured it with a third bandana to cover it all over. I looked over and Cole had done the same to Alejandro.

Cole took out his phone for one last recording. The two bound prisoners squirmed and frantically grunted for the camera. It was hot as fuck. Cole and I would have to watch that later... in private. Craig gathered up the uniforms and left to get the car started. With one last look back, Cole and I followed after, leaving the two helplessly bound cops to struggle against each other until rescue arrived several hours later.


One week later we were on the West Coast with new names and identities. Craig knew a guy that gave us fake drivers’ licenses, birth certificates, and anything else we needed to become different people. We rented a two-bedroom apartment near the airport with Cole and I sharing the big room. All three of us had gotten day jobs to tide us over until our real careers could get off the ground and we spent our spare time getting me trained up so I could carry my own weight on heists. Cole and I had a lot of fun doing rope drills, let me tell you!

My particular gig was as a night security guard at a jewelry warehouse. I carefully memorized staff patterns, delivery schedules, and camera locations as I worked, and after three months, it was just about time for all of my research to finally pay off. On the night after a particularly valuable shipment I was sitting in the break room with my partner, Guillermo. At this place we couldn’t get away with the “skip out early” trick that Jimmy and I used to do, so it looks like Guillermo would be joining me as a hostage this evening, although he didn’t know it yet. I couldn’t stop thinking about how nice the white ropes would look over his tight black uniform shirt and how well the red bandana gag would contrast with his smooth Brazilian skin tone. We were only a three-man crew, so Craig and Cole would be handling all the muscle on this one. But hey, we were always looking for good help. Guillermo was a cool guy. Maybe we could recruit him eventually? But that was something to be left for later.

“I’m gonna go out for a smoke,” I said, getting up. “Be right back.” Guillermo nodded without saying anything and went back to watching the soccer game on TV. I walked through the maintenance area outside to the yard where Craig and Cole were be hidden, waiting to take me prisoner. With me as a “hostage,” Guillermo would be easy pickings and they had more than enough supplies to thoroughly bind and gag us both until morning. I almost felt sorry for the guy. Almost. Outside I had a quick smoke with Cole where the cameras couldn’t see and when we were finished I put my hands up in “surrender.”

“OK boys,” I said with a smile. “Let’s make some muthafuckin’ money.”

Last edited by wataru14 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dwild »

This story has had me hooked! The twists & turns were amazing. The decisions to be made - will he, won't he? The characters & their backstories. And so much more. I kind of sad it has ended!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Another great story. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Thank you, [mention]wataru14[/mention]👏🏻👏🏻
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Post by wataru14 »

dwild wrote: 2 years ago This story has had me hooked! The twists & turns were amazing. The decisions to be made - will he, won't he? The characters & their backstories. And so much more. I kind of sad it has ended!
Thank you! It's always great to get feedback from a new reader. When I write, I always have an ending in mind and work towards it, although sometimes that ending (or other events) changes based on reader comments. My next one will be more open-ended though.

Glad you enjoyed!
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Post by Red86 »

Glad to see Mike made the right decision. Given the career that Mike, Cole & Craig have chosen to remain with, I think you gave this story the best possible ending!! Everyone but Jones received a happy ending 😃

It's been a hell of story with the twists and turns. One that kept me hooked to the very end. Very well written too!!
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Post by george_bound »

Amazing conclusion [mention]wataru14[/mention], you gave us all exactly what we were wanting (well definitely what I was wanting)... two pigs tied up together back to back stripped of their uniforms for use later, even down to the detail of tape wrapping their balled up fists to incapacitate them (which is a detail I always love to see). You left us hanging regarding how Guillermo and Mike will be bound up and treated but I suppose that was intentional so we'd each use our own imaginations...which I most certainly did :twisted:
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Post by Volobond »

Mmmm, it's fantastic to get to see two hot beefy cops stripped and bound and gagged! Love how the story turned out and that our three favorite criminals escaped!

How is it that your writing is so good? Honestly, I think any one of your stories could be easily made into a great movie! ;) 8-)

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Post by wataru14 »

You guys are the best. If I could I'd call Craig, Cole, and Mike to pick up some "packages" to bring home for me.

I've also started work on my next story... about the boys of Tau Upsilon Gamma fraternity, so keep an eye out. That one will be largely interactive, the story progressing in accordance with readers comments. More info to follow.
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Post by gag1195 »

an amazing ending to this tale. The characters were all so wonderfully fleshed out, and the bondage was fantastic! Bravo!

But how dare you tease us with that sexy Guillermo as a future hostage, and then not show it! :D
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Post by socjuc »

I kind of missed this story and only recently began reading it. I found the twists and turns awesome and they pulled me in (and from the comments I have also read, others as well). Love the writing style and how the flow of the story worked. Especially how the ending comes full circle this time with the introduction of Mike to the crew. Very clever!

Several of the scenarios as mentioned by others peaked my curiosity and compelled me to read on. A particular fav of mine, how Craig captured unsuspecting Mike thinking he was getting Alejandro. :lol:

[mention]wataru14[/mention] Thoroughly enjoyed this tale, and thanks for your great work ;) !
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Great story. Great writing. Great characters. Great ending. Nice to see Mike make the right decision and take down the real bad guy of the piece. Love the fake kidnapping of the two coppers as a way to round things off and allow our three criminals to make their escape.

I love the fact that they've come up with a way to combine work and pleasure with Mike getting tied up as part of the plot. Such a shame he has to be tied up alongside such a hunky colleague.

Definitely looking forward to exploring your back catalogue and future stories.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Croup »

Thoroughly enjoyed this story as well. Missed the supernatural elements from your other works, but I'm sure they'll make a return some time down the road. My favorite part was chapter 7. Not only was the "interrogation" very erotic, but I thought in particular the way they left Alejandro hanging from the goalposts was so damn hot and humiliating. Even took selfies and gave him a spank before they left!

Like many of the commenters I was convinced the boss was Santucci, so it threw me for a loop when it was Jones instead. That just meant the hunky cop could be roped into some fun in the last chapter instead though. Very good stuff. It's been fun working my way through the backlog to reach your newer works.
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Post by wataru14 »

It actually was going to be Santucci for a while, but I decided to change it a little ways in. I figured I'd rather keep him on the good guys' side. He's too much fun to end up in jail and get taken out of the game. He plays a supporting role in TUG (and Alejandro pops up occasionally, as well).
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Post by Fidelis11 »

In my humble opinion this is waturu14's masterpiece. Hands down the best story have read on this site.
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Post by wataru14 »

Fidelis11 wrote: 2 months ago In my humble opinion this is waturu14's masterpiece. Hands down the best story have read on this site.
Wow! Thanks! I appreciate the accolade!
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