Men at Work (M+/M+) [conclusion added 9/15/21]

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Post by Volobond »

A thrilling interrogation and another wonderful humiliation for Alejandro! I love how his resistance crumbled from the gloved edging! So hot. Gotta admit, I hope the bondage-related humiliation keeps coming for him... :twisted:

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Something tells me that Alejandro is not going to advance very far up in rank! :D

Loved the edging, but really loved the humiliation of being strung up from the goal posts! :lol:
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Post by gag1195 »

Wouldn't have minded being part of that interrogation! Loved Alejandro's conflicted emotions, the gloved edging was great, and where we leave him is appropriately humiliating! It's just a shame that Santucci is out of town and won't get to see Alejandro's predicament first hand!

These crooks really know how to treat their captives! I need to see more of their bondage escapades, and I know Mike will enjoy his time with Cole when they hopefully meet up!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Who knew a leather gloved edging would be such an effective interrogation technique?! I wonder why we never see it in the myriad of cop/detective shows that flood our screens!

Alejandro has definitely had a very humiliating day, much to our enjoyment. I think he'll definitely be noticed by his superiors but maybe not for the right reasons.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by wataru14 »


Santucci took two beers from the fridge and walked into the living room. Alejandro sat nervously on the couch. He had been on edge the last few days since his release, and with good reason. The police department had received a call from the night custodian at the high school saying something weird was going on at the football field and that he wasn’t paid enough to go out and investigate. Jones took the call and drove out. The dispatcher almost ignored it when it came in. At first he thought it was just some teenagers getting drunk and didn’t want to tear anyone away from the search for the missing Alejandro, but then the chief got the feeling that it might be related somehow. And Alejandro was very happy his intuition proved right.

At first, Jones laughed out loud when he saw Alejandro, bound and gagged, hanging by his ankles. As Alejandro heard the siren approaching he started squirming and mmppphhhing for his unseen rescuer to cut him down, getting insistent when he realized whatever cop was out there was hesitating for some reason. After snapping a few choice photos, Jones lifted Alejandro up onto his shoulder and undid the ropes tethering the rookie’s ankles to the crossbar of the goalpost. Once that was undone, it was an easy matter to lower the rookie down face-first to the wet grass and remove the gag.

“You OK, kid?” Jones asked, kneeling next to him.

“I’m fine,” Alejandro said. “They didn’t hurt me.”

“I oughtta leave you like this for that damned stupid stunt you pulled,” Jones scolded. “Let some civvies find you.”

Alejandro’s eyes widened under his blindfold. Jones was just the type to make good on that threat.

“But I won’t,” Jones continued. “That would embarrass the department more than you. But you still need to learn a lesson about going off half-cocked by yourself.” Jones undid the ropes around Alejandro’s ankles and stood him up. “You’re riding back to the precinct just like this. So everyone can see what a fuckup you are.”

Alejandro started to plead, at least for a spare pair of pants, but Jones wouldn’t hear it. “Any more lip and that gag goes back in. Now march and take it like a man!”

Jones led Alejandro over to his squad car and sat him in the back like a perp. As they drove back, Jones radioed in that the missing officer had been found and that he was en route back to HQ. When they arrived at the intake garage, Jones removed Alejandro’s blindfold and paraded him into the precinct, still buck naked and with his hands and chest bound. After he was finally freed, given a pair of police-issue sweats to cover his nakedness, and allowed to wash the graffiti off his chest, there was a flurry of questions and statements. Alejandro was put on suspension for being a dumbass and going in alone. “That’s why we always call for backup first,” the chief said. “You’re damn lucky that all they did was tie you up and embarrass you.”

Santucci managed to smooth everything over when he came back from his vacation two days later. “Kid’s young and stupid,” he told the chief. “He learned his lesson. No need to end his career over this.” The chief reluctantly agreed and reinstated Alejandro, although he would be riding a desk for a while. Santucci made sure Gonzalez knew how much he owed him, but after that everyone in the precinct stopped treating him like a rookie and more like a fellow officer. He was grateful, and more than a little humbled.

“Thanks again for everything,” Alejandro said. “And thanks for agreeing to this.”

Santucci set the beer down on the table and sat in the armchair, putting his bare feet up on the table. The AC was on the fritz again and it was unseasonably warm, so Santucci was shirtless and wearing only a pair of police-issue athletic shorts. Alejandro was a little uncomfortable at his partner’s cavalier attitude about showing skin with company over, but that was Santucci.

“I gotta admit,” Santucci said, taking a sip. “It was a little weird, but considering what you’ve been through, I figured you might need it.” Alejandro looked down at the beer bottle on the table in front of him. “Drink up,” Santucci said. “It’ll take some of the edge off.”

“I’m not 21 for six more months, sir,” Alejandro said.

“Jesus fuck, rookie!” Santucci groaned. “Drink the goddamn beer!”

Alejandro shrugged and complied. Santucci relaxed a little. He picked up a can of dip from the table next to his armchair and threw a lip in. “So you want escape lessons,” he said.

“In the academy, they teach us how to restrain perps,” Alejandro said, “They make us practice on each other, but they don’t teach us how to get loose if we ever get taken hostage. They figure it will never happen. Well I learned firsthand that it does. That’s what I need to learn.”

“You came to the right guy, paisan,” Santucci said. “You’re looking at the only cop on the force who got free on his own during his Rookie Day. When they came to let me loose I was doing one-handed pushups and waving with the other hand.”

Alejandro laughed. “I know,” he said. “They still talk about that.”

“What can I say? I’m a muthafuckin’ ninja!” Santucci said. Alejandro smiled in spite of himself. Santucci downed the rest of his beer. “I guess we should get started.”

Alejandro stood up and helped Santucci move the coffee table to the edge of the apartment. The place was small and pretty ratty. “I guess it’s the best he can do on a cop’s salary,” Alejandro thought. He did notice that the TV, sound system, and gaming setup were all top-quality, though. “Guess he spends his money on the important stuff,” Alejandro chucked to himself as he put the table down and joined Santucci in the center of the room.

“First lesson is rope,” Santucci said, grabbing a bale of clothesline from the floor. “Hands are the most important part. The rest will be easy once those are loose. The trick is to make your hands look like they’re close together, when they’re really not. Give yourself some slack but not make it look like you are.” He handed the rope to Alejandro. “Tie my hands and I’ll show you. We’ll do it in front for now so you can see.”

Santucci made two fists and put them together in front of him, wrists together. Then he rotated his wrists slightly so that the lower bones of his thumbs were touching, making his hands take an inverted V position. “See, it looks like my wrists are still flush together,” he said. “Now do ‘em up.”

Alejandro went to work, and didn’t skimp on the details. Having been bound by rope countless times in his life, he knew how to secure the knots and thread the loops firmly enough to keep anyone tied. His brothers had taught him that much, at least. Or so he thought.

When the ropes were tied, Santucci squirmed a little. “Tight,” he said. “Good job. If you go easy on me then the lesson ain’t worth shit. Now watch this.” Santucci rotated his wrists back to their original position parallel to each other. “See how much slack opened up?” he grinned. “It’s not a huge fucking amount, but it’s more than I’d have if I kept them flush when you tied me. Now this is what you do.” Santucci started rubbing his wrists in an in-and-out in a sawing motion. With each pass, he managed to loosen the ropes a little more. After a minute or two, he successfully slipped his hands free of the bonds. “See?” he said. “Easy.”

Alejandro took it all in intently. “But your hands were in front,” he said. “You have much more range of motion that way.”

“Exactly right,” Santucci said. “No kidnapper in his right mind would ever tie you in front. If they do, they’re idiots and deserve for you to get loose and kick their ass. But the concept works even behind your back, it’s just a little harder. Now it’s your turn. We’ll practice in front first.”

Alejandro held his wrists out in front of him and swiveled them just the way Santucci did. He felt the ropes biting into his wrists and being pulled tight. When Santucci was finished, Alejandro’s hands were secured expertly. If he hadn’t prepared, he’d have been stuck good.

“OK,” Santucci said. “Go at it.” Copying the veteran officer’s movements, Alejandro started to churn his wrists in and out. The friction from the ropes chafed, and he got a little frustrated when the bulge from his lower thumb bones got stuck in the loop. “Don’t rush it,” Santucci said. “All that’s gonna do is dislocate your thumb. Slow and thorough. You’ll get it. Get the technique first, then work on speed.” Alejandro nodded and continued his sawing motion. Eventually he felt the ropes loosen enough for him to slip his hand out.

“I did it!” he cheered.

“Nice work, kid,” Santucci said. “We’ll try it behind a few times and see how that works.”

For the next hour or two, Santucci coached Alejandro in how to escape from rope bonds behind his back. How to hold his wrists when being tied to maximize wiggle room, whether crossed or parallel. He taught him how to expand his chest when the rope was going on by taking big breaths (“That way when you let the air out, the rope is looser,” Santucci said) and how to remove blindfolds by pushing them up onto your forehead instead of down over your nose. His hands were bound in several different patterns, but Santucci's technique worked each time. Alejandro felt some of his old confidence return as his escape time decreased with each test. Finally it was time for the “final exam.”

“We’re going to see how you use everything you’ve learned all at once,” Santucci said, gathering up all the rope. Alejandro readied himself for what was to come, but even he wasn’t prepared for the ferocity with which Santucci began roping him. He almost didn’t have time to prepare his wrists and take a deep breath. At first he didn’t understand why Santucci was being so aggressive, but then he realized that in a real situation his captors wouldn’t be gentle. Classroom conditions can only get you so far.

Ropes flew back and forth across his body furiously. Wrists. Biceps. Chest. Lap. Knees. Ankles. Then came the dreaded hogtie. “We didn’t practice THAT!” Alejandro thought. “But no big. With what I learned so far, I can do it.” Santucci knelt down and stuffed a balled-up pair of gym socks into Alejandro’s mouth. “Yeuch!” Alejandro thought, his face wincing from the sour sweaty taste. “Must be his workout socks! Relax, Alejandro, it’s just a psychout. Don’t let it throw you.” He felt the duct tape being plastered across his lips and wrapped around his head multiple times. He let out a few muted mmpppppggghss to test the gag’s effectiveness, but he knew it would be foolproof. Finally he closed his eyes as Santucci wound more duct tape over them. Once everything was complete, Santucci started the timer on his phone.

“You have five minutes. Starting when I say,” Santucci said. “If you can’t get fully loose, that’s fine. I want to see how far you can get in that time. Ready? GO!”

Alejandro resisted the urge to frantically squirm and thought of his training. “Hands first,” he remembered. He swiveled his wrists into position and started the sawing motion. It wasn’t easy with his arms lashed to his sides and his feet hogtied, but he was doing it. Even with the decreased mobility from the bow position his body was contorted into, he still managed to make headway. He freed his hands just after the clock counted past three minutes.

“OK,” Alejandro thought. “The big part is done. I have to get out of this hogtie or I won’t be able to reach any of the other knots. Alejandro rolled onto his side and strained his arms back until he managed to grab the rope connecting his feet to his chest. Even though his hands were free, his arms were still tethered to his sides, greatly reducing his dexterity. But still, he found the knot and went to work with his fingers. He got it undone when the clock reached 1:30.

Feeling around blindly, he managed to reach the knot of the rope around his ankles. The binding job was far more complex than he had anticipated and he stumbled a few times. He lost it more than once, but found it again and kept going. He managed to get it undone as the clock hit 15 seconds. Alejandro knew he wasn’t going to make it in time, but he wasn’t going to give up. He kept on going and just managed to slip out of the ankle ropes when Santucci called “TIME.”

“Not bad!” Santucci said, impressed. “I didn’t hold back and you got through a pretty good chunk of it.” He bent down and started to untie the remaining ropes binding Alejandro. “Another three or four minutes and you’d have gotten it. I was thinking of giving you 10 instead of 5, but I wanted to push you.”

Rubbing his wrists, Alejandro got up and removed the tape from his mouth and eyes. He spat out the sweaty ball of socks and threw it at Santucci with a laugh. It bounced off his bare chest and rolled away on the floor. “Jesus, those were rank!” he laughed.

Santucci playfully punched Alejandro in the arm. “We’ll try cable ties next time and then work up to handcuffs,” he said. “Those are a bitch, so we’ll save them for last.” Alejandro nodded. “So how you feel?”

“Better,” Alejandro said. “Thanks. This really helped.”

“Glad to be of service. Anything else you need? I was gonna sit and watch the Metro City Cosmopolitans game but you’re welcome to stay if you want.”

“That sounds great,” Alejandro said. “Got any more beer?”

Coming Soon: Part 9 – I’ll Buy the First Round
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Glad to see Santucci is playing a bigger part in the story. He seems to be the guiding hand that Alejandro needed. And perhaps he'll teach Alejandro not be such a penis with ears, as well as getting tight knots loose!

The real test for Alejandro, however, will be when he next finds himself witnessing a crime in progress:

A. Will he call for backup?

B. Will he be held as hostage again, and will he remember all that he learned?

That may "knot" be! :D
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Post by Volobond »

Santucci's a good mentor, but I'm still hoping his teaching doesn't stick :twisted: I also really like Santucci's home attire and priorities in furnishing :D

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Nice to see Santucci taking Alejandro under his wing and in to his ropes. Yay for broken AC units! Good that he didn't hold back for the final test.

Hopefully he'll be given the chance to put his training into practice in the real world nice and soon!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by gag1195 »

You know me, I'm a sucker for a good ropework mentor! Love me some Santucci! Although, like others mentioned, I can't help but hope that the training doesn't stick and Alejandro spends more time in the ropes! A great chapter! these characters keep getting better and better!

But I'm also really looking forward to the next chapter, and more of our gentleman thief and our working joe!
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 9: I’ll Buy the First Round

I sat at my normal table at the bar, holding the folded paper with Cole’s number in my hand. I had been thinking about nothing else for three days, ever since I made it back to town. When I got in, first thing I did was stumble into the police precinct and gave my statement about the warehouse robbery. I gave as many details as I thought I needed to, but deliberately played dumb. I couldn’t outright lie since there was security camera footage, but I could pretend to be so traumatized that I became forgetful. It worked. The cops were less interested in my story than they were with getting any information about their missing comrade. But that’s to be expected, I guess.

A few hours later I was home, with instructions to call immediately if I remembered anything else important. I threw out the card with the precinct phone number as soon as I got in the door. As far as I'm concerned, my involvement in that particular investigation was over. Which brings me back to the phone number in my hand. Was I really considering this? No. I should rip it up and throw it away. I’ll do it right now!

I can’t do it.

Don’t ask me why. Everything in my mind says to tear that paper into a million pieces, but my fingers just won’t obey. Fuck! I downed the rest of my beer and turned the paper over in my hands a few times. A million thoughts flew through my brain and if I realized that if I kept thinking about it I would go nuts! Thankfully, my agony was cut short when I was snapped back to reality by a shout from the door.

“First round’s on me!”

I looked up to see my former coworker Jimmy. I smiled as he plopped down into the empty seat across from me. He greeted the waitress who brought our drinks over with a hug that lasted a bit too long. “I get off in two hours,” she whispered into his ear.

“That you will, beautiful,” he said back, giving her a wink. As she sauntered away he noticed the paper in my hand.

“Whatcha got there, fuckface?” he said and snapped the paper out of my hand before I could react. “Ooh, a phone number! ‘Looking for action?’ Whoa! Is she hot?”

“Not really my type,” I said. “But I’m considering the offer.”

Jimmy handed the paper back to me and I stuffed it back in my jeans pocket. “Offer?” he said, grabbing his beer bottle and popping the cap off against the table. “Tell me it’s butt stuff. Dude, you gotta hit that!”

“Not quite,” I laughed. “But I’m trying not to think about that right now. And what’s with you? If I just got fired I’d be a lot less chipper.”

“Yeah, well,” Jimmy said, “that job sucked anyway.” He reached up and took his pack of cigarettes out of his front pocket. I noticed that he was wearing an expensive new computer watch. One exactly like the ones in one of the crates we got delivered the night of the robbery. He didn’t seem to catch on that I noticed as we both lit up. He signaled the bartender and ordered and extremely expensive bottle of whiskey and left a gigantic tip. For a guy with no job, he was spending money like water.

“Yo, man,” I said. “I haven’t seen you since everything went down. “What did you do that night after you left work?”

I saw the glimmer of an “oh shit!” moment pass through his eyes. “Me?” he stammered. “I went home for a bit to change and then went to see one of my bitches.” He made a lewd gesture and laughed. Jimmy did always have a sea of loose women following him around. So his story made sense. It was plausible, but I’m not an idiot. I know what really happened. "Better night than you had, bro," he chuckled. "I mean, I got tied up, too, but that was to a smokin hot cougar's bedposts. Not to one of those old-ass chairs in the break room."

I decided not to press him any farther. Jimmy isn’t too terribly bright, but I didn’t want to spook him. We played some pool and finished off half the bottle of whiskey before he left with the waitress. I stayed back a little longer and played some darts, but as I was getting ready to leave I noticed a fresh beer bottle on the table where I had been sitting. My hardhat was still on the table, so I know no one took the seat when I got up to play darts. So where did that come from?

I looked around at the people still in the bar, but it was mostly all regulars. No one paying me any unusual attention. I headed over and asked the bartender and he said that it was bought for me by "that guy over there." I looked over my shoulder and saw a scruffy dude in casual clothes in a secluded booth in the corner. I must have missed him when I scanned the room before. I picked up the bottle and took a sip as I walked over to the booth and sat down.

“What's up, Cole?”


Jimmy was startled awake by cold water being splashed in his face. He tried to open his eyes but they were covered by some kind of cloth. He tried to shout, but his mouth was stuffed with a dishtowel, rolled into a thick band and knotted behind his head. His hands were held in place behind the back of the kitchen chair with what felt like some kind of electrical wire and his feet were tightly secured to the chair legs with more power cords. They were stiff and tight and cut painfully into his wrists. He tried to remember what happened to him.

He and the waitress had walked back to his place. He finished off the rest of the whiskey on the way, so it’s more like he staggered back to his place. They had dropped down onto the couch as soon as they got in. His shirt had been discarded on the floor and he had gotten to at least first base, but then she started getting flaky. After a few minutes of making out, the waitress got up and fixed her clothes. “Sorry, Jimmy,” she said. “Not tonight. You’re too drunk. I don’t want to go any further if you’re just going to pass out on me. Maybe this weekend.”

He protested, but she knew better. After a quick kiss on the forehead, she was gone. Shortly after she left, Jimmy proved her right and slumped back on the couch, fast asleep. That was the last thing he remembered. Wait… what was that?

Jimmy heard the sounds of heavy footsteps in the room. He wasn’t alone! Whoever did this to him was still here. But who was it? Did someone notice the money he was throwing around and follow him home, looking for a quick score? His speculation was cut short as the cloth was yanked from his eyes. As his vision grew accustomed to the light, he saw himself staring into the face of Craig.

“Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy,” he said. “Someone isn’t sticking to the plan.”

Craig reached up and removed the towel from Jimmy’s mouth, letting it hang limply around his neck.

“Craig!” Jimmy gasped. “Shit! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

Craig clamped his giant hand over Jimmy’s mouth. It covered nearly half his whole face. “Shhhh,” Craig said. “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” Jimmy’s eyes grew wide as the boss stepped into the kitchen from the hallway.

“Jimmy,” the boss said in a cool, measured tone. “When I brought you in on this job, you assured me you would be cool. Does drawing attention to yourself by flashing money and stolen goods around in front of someone who can link you to the crime sound ‘cool’ to you? You're making me look bad in front of my partners and I definitely do not appreciate that.”

“Don’t get all high and mighty with me,” Jimmy said. Maybe it was the booze talking, but he wasn’t going to let someone talk down to him like that. Even if he was tied to a chair by two burly dudes. “If it wasn’t for my inside info, you couldn’t even have done the job in the first place!”

“Very true,” the boss said and nodded to Craig. The giant moved behind Jimmy and put him in a tight headlock from behind. Jimmy struggled to get air into his lungs. “Now listen to me, dipshit,” the boss continued. “Your stupid ass is drawing a lot of attention our way. Attention we don’t want.” Jimmy struggled furiously against his bonds. The chair scraped against the tile floor of the kitchen as Craig held on tightly. “You think people aren't going to notice that an unemployed jerkoff is walking around with high-end tech and pissing cash away? Here’s what’s going to happen. You are going to behave yourself and keep the spending under wraps. You’re going to need to because you’re cut off. No more jobs for you. At least not with us. You’re not professional enough.”

Craig gave Jimmy a quick respite of air, and then resumed the hold.

“With no legit work and no under-the-table work, you’re gonna need to make your cut last as long as possible. And we’ll be watching. You keep up the Daddy Warbucks routine and you’ll be back in the cell where we met for at least 20. That’s what you get for grand larceny and kidnapping, you know.”

Jimmy desperately grunted through Craig's chokehold. The wire around his wrists was cutting in with each movement he made. He hadn't broken skin yet, but that would happen soon if he kept this up. “I’ll take all you fuckers down with me… They’ll be MUCH more interested in you than me…”

“Wrong answer, buddy,” the boss said. “You keep talking like that and I’ll have Craig take you with us, chair and all. I know some bad hombres from South America who are always looking for workers for their coca farms. The kind of workers who don’t get paid, if you catch my meaning. Make a nobody like you permanently disappear real quick.”

Jimmy bucked with fright. Did the boss really have connections like that? He seemed to know everybody. “Oh fuck!” Jimmy thought.

“So, are you going to play ball or are you going to have to brush up on your Spanish? We got a shipping crate that would fit you perfectly.”

Craig released Jimmy’s head and he gasped for air. “Yes!” he blurted between breaths. “I’ll keep my head down.”

“I have a better idea,” the boss said. “You told me you have a sister in Cleveland. I hear it’s lovely this time of year. Good place for a recently unemployed man like yourself to make a new start. You got me?”

“I got you,” Jimmy said.

“Good,” the boss said. “Do whatever you want out there, but if I hear of you even saying "hello" to a cop then you'll be taped up and boxed up for transport south of the border by that night. It was a pleasure knowing you, Jimmy. Hope it all works out for you.” He put a razor blade on the kitchen table for Jimmy to use to free himself, and then he and Craig left without another word.


In the car ride back from Jimmy’s, Craig turned to the boss and said, “South America? Really?”

“Hey,” the boss said. “It worked, didn’t it? As long as he believed it, right? Anyway, after tying up that loose end I think we’ll all be able to sleep a little easier.”

“And it eliminates one more obstacle in the way of us getting Mike,” Craig said. “You really think he’s got what it takes?”

“Definitely,” the boss said as he drove. “Just got to apply a little more heat. Cole should be making some progress in that area as we speak.”

“And what about the rookie cop?” Craig asked. “You heard what he said. He might know more than he let on.”

“Don’t worry about him,” the boss said. “I’ll handle him myself.”

Coming Soon: part 10 – Lighting a Fire
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Okay, I really like the twists in the story...

But is Cole merely stringing Mike along to entangle him with the Gang?

The answer may be obvious, but I hope Cole really likes Mike and wants to entangle him in more romantic ways!

[mention]wataru14[/mention], you're very skillful in your writing. The dialogue is very real.
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Post by Volobond »

And the plot thickens! How interesting to meet the Boss for the first time and experience the cool menace he brings. And interesting to know that Mike is still in their sights, as well as Alejandro. I look forward to seeing the Boss get involved more directly.

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Post by gag1195 »

Twists and turns, twists and turns! I love it! Now I'm even more nervous for Mike! I definitely feel he is getting in over his head. I really really hope that Cole has some good intentions with Mike, and there is something deeper than just trying to recruit him/use him.

And the hope of a confrontation between the boss and Alejandro is exciting! I have no doubt that we'll see some more excellent bondage for that encounter!

Looking forward to Mike and Cole connecting and bonding!
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Post by Red86 »

Even though these guys are thieves (which I can't stand in real life), I like the Robinhood theme behind it. Stealing from big corporations but not from the working guy. And atleast their not out to harm anyone while doing their illegal activities.

I suspected Jimmy being involved from earlier chapters. With the introduction of the boss man, even though we don't know who he is yet, I'm wondering if it is indeed someone we already know or atleast someone we know of 🤔

I always enjoy a story with a few twists and turns. So let's see if Mike joins the ranks of the group.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

This plot has more twists than a mountain road! So Mike is being groomed for a life of crime. As others have already said I hope there is more behind Cole's actions than just that.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by wataru14 »

Again, thanks everyone for the praise. I'm still fairly new at this so it's nice to know I have some loyal fans out there.

[mention]Red86[/mention], the identity of the mysterious boss will be revealed in a few more chapters. But that's all I'm saying about that.

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention], if you've read my other works, you'll see that I like to add some mystery to my stories. There's usually a twist or two. And there are a few more to come in this one, as well.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago @Pup Wingletang, if you've read my other works, you'll see that I like to add some mystery to my stories. There's usually a twist or two. And there are a few more to come in this one, as well.
I've only read 'A Viking's Prize' so far but your other works are on my to-read list.

To extend the mountain road analogy - the more twists and turns the better and the greater the satisfaction when you finally get to the top, admire the view and look back over the way you came. I'm hooked!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 10: Lighting a Fire

“This seat taken?” I said. Cole looked up with a smile motioned for me to sit. He lit up a smoke and so did I. “So I take it Jimmy was the fourth member of your crew that night,” I said. “That’s how you knew about the shipment and what stuff to take. He was in on it.”

“I knew you’d figure that out soon enough,” Cole said. “He’s being sloppy. Too sloppy.”

“You following me?” I asked with a slightly accusing tone. "Afraid I'll talk?"

“Following him is more like it,” Cole said. “He’s being too free with his earnings and that will bring the law down on us. So we’ve been keeping an eye on him. Craig and the boss will be having a little chat with him later tonight. Of course, he won’t be doing too much chatting as he’ll be tied up and gagged, but you know what I mean.”

“Tonight?” I said. “Didn’t he go home with that waitress? Are they going to rough him up with her there? They wouldn’t hurt her, would they? She’s just a regular person. Or is she in on it, too?”

“Calm down, man! Her? No. They’re gonna wait till she’s gone and he’s alone. No need to get her involved. Getting a working girl (and not in THAT way) swept up in gangsta shit isn’t fair to her. Besides, the way he was knocking that bottle back, their meeting should be over before it starts, anyway.”

I felt a lot better. I didn't want to see a nice girl like her get traumatized. As for Jimmy... as much as I liked him, he did kinda deserve what’s coming to him. You don’t get far mixing with thugs if you’re that careless. I know if I was… stop it right there, brain!

“So what’s this about?” I said, holding up the paper with Cole’s number.

“Just what it says,” Cole said. “I… and the other guys… like you, Mike. We think you’re a cool guy. If we didn’t meet like we did, I think we’d be best buds. And besides, who doesn’t need a little extra cash? With Jimmy getting dropped from the roster, we have an opening for a fourth partner. One that I think you’d fit nicely.”

“Come on, man,” I said. “That’s not who I am. I’ve never done anything like that in my life.”

“I used to think that way, too,” Cole said. “But don’t play so innocent. You have a record,” Cole said smugly. “We checked.”

“A few drunken fights with time served and a burglary (that was really just trespassing) when I was 15,” I said. “Don’t make me look like Al Capone over here.”

“So then, what was all that talk about ‘every man secretly wants to be an outlaw’ when we had you tied up? You meant it. Deep down. I can tell. Your life is boring, no offense. We’re offering some excitement. It’s a risk, but it’s worth it. But that’s all I’m going to say right now. I don’t want to pressure you. I’m leaving it entirely in your court. If you want in, you got it. If not, you can always call me up and we’ll just chill.”

“You know I’m good friends with a cop, right?” I said. “Santucci. He’s that rookie’s mentor, actually. He acts like a dumb Guido but he’s sharp. You’re not worried that he’ll sniff something out?”

“You’re smart enough to cover your tracks,” Cole said. “That much is obvious. And you’re no rat. Even if you were, that little stunt you pulled at the warehouse that let me get the drop on the baby cop would land you behind bars, too. As an accessory. But don’t take that as a threat. It’s not meant that way. Just stating facts.”

I had no answer for that.

“I’m hungry,” Cole said, finishing his cigarette. “You hungry?”

“Yeah, actually I am.”

“Then let’s go,” he said. “I know a place that makes the best tacos.” Cole paid his tab and led me out to his car. It wasn’t the same one I had been transported in, but he did say he was going to dump that one. We drove and bullshitted a while. Like old bros.

“Where is this place?” I asked after we had been driving for a while.

“Just a little further,” Cole said. “But I need to make a stop first. I’m almost out of smokes.” We pulled into a 7-Eleven parking lot. There was just one car parked off to the side. Probably the clerk’s. Cole hopped out, leaving the engine running. “Come on in and grab a six-pack. I’ll buy.”

“OK,” I said and followed him inside. “I know you’re good for it.”

The clerk was engrossed in his phone and didn’t look up when we entered. He just robotically said “hello” as the little tone sounded. I walked over to the cooler as Cole looked at the snacks in the aisle nearby. I passed up the cheap stuff and grabbed some premium. Hey, if he’s buying! After I selected one and closed the door, I noticed Cole was right up near me. With a wicked smile on his face he handed me a folded-up bandana and a pair of gloves.

“What’s all this for?” I asked.

Cole didn’t say anything, but reached under his shirt and pulled a bandana of his own from around his neck, hidden by his clothes, up over his face.

“No! No way!” I said in a heavy whisper, but Cole had already taken his gun out of his waistband and was halfway down the aisle already. “Fuck me!” I said, putting the beer down and quickly masking up.

“You!” Cole shouted as he approached the counter, gun drawn. “This is a stickup. Open the drawer and step back with your hands up! Real slow.” The clerk was a college kid, bored out of his mind and never expecting something like this in a million years. He immediately did as he was told, dropping his phone on the counter with a confused look frozen on his face.

My heart was beating out of my chest as I approached the counter, slipping my gloves on and trying to keep a low profile. This wasn’t happening! I should kick Cole’s ass for dragging me into this. Was this his plan all along? No. It seemed to me he just came up with this hairbrained scheme on the spot. I should be furious at him. But I wasn’t. I was terrified, but it was a fucking rush at the same time. It made me feel powerful. Like a real badass. Looking at my masked face reflected in the counter glass, I looked and felt like a real outlaw. I was actually enjoying this!

Cole reached into the pocket of his jacket and handed me a roll of duct tape. “You take him in the back and do him up while I get the goods,” he said. “I’ll be along in a minute.” I was sweating bullets but pumped at the same time. Cole slid behind the counter and started stuffing cash and cigarettes in a plastic bag. I stood there like an idiot for a second before Cole shouted “NOW!” and snapped me out of it.

Without saying a word, I grabbed the clerk by the arm and walked him down the short hallway past the bathrooms and into the back room. He was stiff, but didn’t fight back or resist. I don’t know what I would have done if he did, but thankfully it was a moot point. The room was your standard break room. Table and chairs. Sink and fridge. Cabinets. Slop sink. And a computer console hooked up to some video equipment. I moved the clerk to the middle of the room. “Chair or floor?” I asked, trying to disguise my voice. I faked a ridiculous Southern accent.

He looked around dumbly. “Um… chair, I guess,” he gulped.

I sat him down in an ancient metal chair with a cracked red nylon seatcushion. Compared to what I was tied to, it was a goddamn throne. “Hands behind,” I said, trying to sound menacing. I didn’t have a gun, so I had to intimidate the hostage (did I really just think that?) in other ways. The clerk slowly put his hands behind the back of the chair. With a squelching sound, I pulled some tape away from the roll and plastered one end across the clerk’s crossed wrists. The sound of the tape peeling off the roll echoed through the room as I wound layer after layer around the clerk’s wrists. After eight or nine passes, I tore the end off and smoothed the edges down.

Still no Cole, yet. Knowing him, he’d want me to be thorough, so I slapped some more tape over the clerk’s mouth and wound it around. He mumbled and mmmpppggghhhed as tape was plastered across his face again and again. His hair was kinda shaggy and some got caught up in the tape as it went around. I felt bad for him, as it would probably hurt when he took it off. But I was new at this, after all. Hadn't developed a technique like Cole had. When I was satisfied his mouth was completely sealed, I looked for Cole. Still not there. So I decided to go all out.

“Sorry about this, uh… partnah,” I said in my fake drawl. “Nothing personal. You’re just a working stuff like me. That isn’t your money out there.” That’s the kind of line the boss used on me in the warehouse. It resonated with me and I hoped it would with this kid, too. I pulled the end of the tape out and stuck it to his chest, right over his nameplate, then started wrapping it around his torso. Again and again the tape encircled his body, going halfway down his waist, pressing him into the chair with a sickening squelch sound. Finally I taped his feet individually to the chair legs and stepped back to admire my handiwork. He wasn’t going anywhere. I mean, he hadn’t moved since Cole announced the robbery, but still.

“Jesus Christ!” Cole said as he entered the room. “I said ‘do him up,’ not ‘turn him into a goddamn tape mummy.’” Cole chuckled as he went over to the ancient security system in the corner and removed the videotape that the cameras recorded onto. “And there goes the camera feed.” He walked over to the bound clerk. “Your boss really should invest in a system from this century.”

The clerk nodded and grunted in agreement. “Sounds like you’ve told him that before,” Cole said. “Smart man. Maybe now he’ll see you were right.” Cole reached into his wallet and took out a $100 bill, which he stuffed into the kid’s pants pocket. “For your troubles,” he said with a smile. Of course, it didn’t go as smooth as all that. With the amount of tape I had put on the poor kid, Cole had to work to get the bill in. It almost looked like he was being frisky. Hmmmm...

“I guess I got a little carried away,” I said.

“No big,” Cole said. “At least he won’t be able to call the cops for a while. But he wouldn’t until we’re long gone, even if he could get free, right kid?” The clerk nodded vigorously. Cole slapped me in the chest and said, “Let’s go.”

Cole and I headed through the door and poked our heads through. We didn’t hear the front door open while we were working, but had to make sure no other customers had wandered in. We were about to step through and leave when my jaw hit the floor.

“Fuck me,” I said.

A police car was pulling in. No lights, no sirens. Nothing like that. It looks like they were just making a coffee run. Of all the shitty luck! But it got worse, much worse. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Santucci and Gonzalez get out of the car.

“Change of plans,” Cole said and dragged me with him into the back room. The bound clerk looked up at us confused.

“Oh fuck!” I said. “What do we do now? The security door?”

“No,” Cole said. “It will sound an alarm if it’s opened. Then they’ll know something’s up. Come on, bro, you know that!”

“Sorry, sorry,” I said. “We’re fucked. We’re SO fucked!”

“Not necessarily,” Cole said. He looked around the room and then a wicked smile came to his eyes (we were both still masked so I couldn’t see his face).

“What are we gonna do?” I asked.

“We improvise.”

Coming Soon: Part 11 – Spur of the Moment
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Post by Volobond »

Oh snap! Impromptu heist???? Well, at least a cute boy was tied up. I'll keep him if no one has any objections! ;)

Cole's smarter than this, and there's something suspicious about how out of the way they drove for tacos... I wonder what the real plan is.

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Post by Red86 »

Yeah, something is very suspicious about them driving way out of the way for tacos and a 7-11, like maybe this wasn't a spur of the moment plan. Not to mention these guys don't seem like a convenience store hold-up type of group. Also very convenient the cops just happened to role up just as they were finishing.
wataru14 wrote: 2 years agothe identity of the mysterious boss will be revealed in a few more chapters. But that's all I'm saying about that.
No worries, I wasn't expecting a spoiler. This latest chapter only adds to my suspicion of who the mystery boss may be. I'm also not going any further then that, as (A) I could be wrong, (B) I don't wanna ruin it for the others if I'm correct. I guess we'll find out soon enough!
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Post by cj2125 »

Finally got the chance to read the full story and have to say is brilliant! I love where this is heading and how the characters are all likeable in their own ways. It's telling that I want to see more.of Jimmy and the college kid! XD

As for the last chapter, loved how Mike was basically dragged into this and it's telling how quickly he adapted while remaining nervous (also, do I have to say again how much I loved the college kid's attitude during all this?). But I have to agree with the other comments. Either this os a big coincidence or there's something fishy going on
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Another nice twist, [mention]wataru14[/mention]...

We might see if Alejandro puts his newfound skills to the test...

Or will Cole and Mike put the teacher and his pupil in knots that they have yet to learn to untie??? :D

Looking forward to the next chapter!
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Post by wataru14 »

Part 11: Spur of the Moment

Alejandro stepped up on the curb and waited for Santucci. They were about to go back to HQ and the veteran officer decided he wanted to make a quick pit stop before they headed in. The two had been talking shop about escape tactics all evening and Alejandro was eager to move onto cable ties when they had their next shared day off later in the week. He needed something to let him work off some tension. There hadn’t been any progress made in the warehouse robbery case, so it was being put on the back burner. It was still an active investigation, but with no suspects and no good leads, it looked like those assholes were going to get away with it. “File it under ‘F’ for “Fucked If I Know!” Santucci had said.

But things had been better at work. The other cops seemed to fully accept him now and Santucci had become a surrogate big brother to him. He hadn’t seen his own brothers in years and it felt good to have someone like him in your corner. He let Santucci go into the 7-Eleven first, showing deference to the veteran officer.

There was no one in the place when the two cops walked in. “Must be in the back,” Santucci said. “Go get the coffee. Someone will be along in a sec.”


Cole took off his jacket and grabbed a red vest from the rack on the wall. The nameplate said “Pete.” He wasn’t thinking of doing what I think he was, was he??? Sensing my anxiety, Cole looked me in the eye. “We got to get them out of here. If no one comes out to greet them, they’ll come back here looking. If it was just one, it’d be no sweat. We’d lure him in here, take him down, and cuff him up with this one. But we can’t handle two at once. We could let this kid loose and keep him covered while he serves them, but I don’t trust him to not break down. One of us has to go out there. They both know your face, but they don’t know mine. Just stay cool and keep him quiet and we’ll be golden. You got that?”

I nodded. Cole handed me the gun. “If this goes south, you’ll need it,” he said. What was he talking about? It wasn’t even loaded! But the kid didn’t know that. Now I see. Cole turned his back so the hostage couldn’t see him and took off his mask, stuffing it in his back pocket. “Just a second!” he called out, and stepped through the doorway, closing the door behind him.


“Oh, hello, officers,” Cole said with a cheery smile. “How are we doing this evening?”

“You’re new,” Santucci said. “Where’s Todd?”

“Todd? Not sure who that is,” Cole replied. “Kyle was working earlier but he went home sick. Boss called me in to cover.”

Santucci gave Cole an appraising look. There was a tense moment and then Santucci let out a deep laugh. “Sorry about testing you. Had to make sure Kyle isn’t tied up in the back somewhere.”

Cole chuckled. “You got me,” he joked and playfully raised his hands. “Kyle’s taped up to a chair as we speak and my partner is guarding him.” Santucci let out a belly laugh as Alejandro came up with the coffee from the station at the other end of the store.

“Did I miss something?” he asked. “What’s so funny?” He looked up at the empty section of the cigarette rack as he put the cups down and Cole lowered his hands. “What happened there?” Alejandro asked. “Have a run on Reds earlier?”

“Yeah,” Cole said, keeping completely in character. “We should be getting a delivery tomorrow. Your brand?”

“No,” Alejandro said, aghast. “I don’t… I just noticed the rack. Usually this place is fully stocked.”

“Stop bothering the man, Alex,” Santucci said. “Oh, I forgot how much you hate being called ‘Alex,’ don’t you, rookie?” There was no malice in his voice, just a good-natured ribbing. He turned back to Cole. “Just the coffees and a log of long cut,” he said, pointing at the dip rack.

“No charge,” Cole said. “It’s the least I can do.”


Inside the back room, I held my breath and didn’t dare move. Listening to the conversation on the other side intently at the same time. I heard Cole’s joke about the clerk being tied up and almost wet myself, but I breathed a lot easier when I heard Santucci laugh. But then I got curious. How did Cole know the clerk’s name? He probably saw it on the nameplate when he started the robbery, but I wanted to see what it was. To settle my own mind. Maybe I was getting paranoid, but I had to make sure he wasn’t some kind of patsy. Cole did say his crew usually worked with guys on the inside. It seemed a little unnecessary to have an inside man on a rinky-dink hit like this one, but I was unsure about a lot of things with Cole.

The clerk’s nameplate was completely covered in the tape binding him to the chair, so I needed to get his wallet and check his ID. I slowly reached my hand into the clerk’s hip pocket…

His eyes immediately got wide and he started to grunt. I clapped a gloved hand over his already tapegagged mouth and shot him a look that said “Keep quiet if you know what’s good for you” while I continued digging. When my fingers closed around his wallet, my hand brushed up against something. It was hard to tell through the leather gloves, but once I realized it, I smiled to myself. The clerk was fully erect. As I fished his wallet out of his pocket, I whispered in his ear. “Looks like you’re having a grand ole time, aren’t you?”

The clerk’s face turned beet red, a nice contrast to the silver duct tape gag over his lips. “Don’t worry,” I said. “No judgment here. You’re secret’s safe with me, my man. Truth be told, I was in your exact situation myself a week ago and I had the same reaction. True story.”

The embarrassment slowly drained from his face and he looked at me quizzically. “Your first time tied up like this?” I asked. The clerk nodded. “Feels good, don’t it?” I asked, right near his ear.

The clerk hesitated and then slowly nodded again. I had never really been into guys before. Not that I’m opposed to the idea, it just never jumped out at me. I was curious about Cole, but that was something else I had to think about. But right now, the feeling of dominating another man, having him completely helpless and at my mercy, was stirring something inside me. I looked at Kyle. Kid was having a real bad day and didn’t deserve it. Work sucks enough without having a couple of dudes bust in and tie you up. Least I could do was give him a little relief. Completely forgetting about finding out his name, I put his wallet down on the table.

Should I really do this? Was there time? The possibility of discovery and the thrill of danger just through the wall got my heart racing. What’s life without a little risk? Ignoring how dangerous that thinking was, I put my hand on the clerk’s crotch and gave a small squeeze. He tensed in his bonds, but not in a bad way. He mewled softly through the gag. He could have shouted. Made some kind of protest. But he didn’t. That was all the confirmation I needed. He didn’t resist me as I reached down and unbuttoned his jeans.


Alejandro didn’t feel right. There was something about this clerk he didn’t like. Something that felt… familiar. But Santucci didn’t seem to think anything was off. “You got the key to the bathroom?” Alejandro asked, looking past Cole towards the back. He wanted to see the back room for himself. Just to settle his mind.

“Bathroom’s out of order,” Cole said without missing a beat.

“I don’t mind a wet floor,” Alejandro said. His frustration rising, he felt the urge to get authoritative. Demand access to the bathroom. And if this clerk gave him any lip, to go into full hardass mode and reinforce who was in charge here. Sometimes it was the only language civilians understood. But he had promised Santucci he wouldn’t do that anymore. Him mellowing out was one of the conditions of their training sessions and he didn’t want to jeopardize that. He was regretting that promise now.

“Ain’t just a wet floor,” Cole said. “When I said Kyle was sick, I meant it. All over. Wanted to run a mop over the room, but it’s just me so I can’t leave the front long enough to clean. So I locked it up. You want in so bad, have at it, but it’s a real horror show in there.”

Santucci collected his dip and handed Alejandro the coffee cups, saying, “What’s with you, kid? If you need to piss that bad I’m sure you can go out behind the dumpster.”

Alejandro frowned. Just then, as the conversation lulled, a barely audible sound came from somewhere in the store. Alejandro wasn’t sure he even heard it, but he swore it almost sounded like a muffled moan.

Seeing the rookie react, Cole picked up a half-eaten burrito from the counter. “Sorry,” he said, making a fanning gesture behind him. “Cheap garbage we sell does bad things to me.” Santucci burst out laughing. The tension defused, Alejandro chuckled, too, and relaxed.

“Well, break out the air freshener and try to enjoy the rest of your night,” Santucci said, and then he and Alejandro got back in their squad car and drove away.

Cole let out a sigh of relief and masked back up, then slipped into the hall and opened the door to the back. “What’s going on in here?” he asked as I zipped the clerk’s pants back up and patted him on the shoulder. But he already knew the answer.

“Just checking on the hostage,” I said with a smirk. “He’s good. Better than good, actually.” The happy look in the clerk’s eyes told me all I needed to know.

“Boys in blue are gone,” Cole said. “Let’s get outta here.”

“You stay put and keep quiet,” I said to the clerk. “Morning shift will be along in a few hours to find you.” He just gave a weird, but satisfied, mumble. I took another good look at him before we left. Seeing him sitting there, bound and gagged by tape – tape that I put on him – made my head swim. The feeling of power and authority gave me a head rush. Maybe this is why Gonzalez was such a douche. The feeling of dominating another guy, especially when he’s not a pansy himself, feels fuckin great!

If I did end up taking Cole’s offer, I think I could really get into that part of the job. “But,” my brain said, “we’re NOT taking that offer. That’s out of the question!” Damn it, brain, why do you always have to be right?

We kept our masks on as we left the store, in case the cops weren’t really gone. But they were. When we were completely sure it was clear, we got in the car and drove off.

Once we were safely away, we both pulled our masks down around our necks. “What the fuck was that about?” I shouted at Cole.

“Haha, just a little spur of the moment fun. So what did you think? You enjoy yourself?”

“Yes…. NO!” I said. “What are you saying? Do you realize what you just implicated me in? First you get me in ropes and now you’re trying to get me in handcuffs!”

“You’d look good in orange,” Cole joked. I just gave him a “not right now” look. “Jeeze, relax!,” he said. “I just wanted to see how you’d handle a little impromptu caper. Other than not being able to keep your hands to yourself, you did pretty good for not having a clue what you were doing.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that.

“Can’t say I blame you. But there’s a time and place to be handy with the hostages if you want,” Cole said. “Believe me, I’ve had to fight the urge myself more than once. But an in-and-out job like this isn’t that time. I’m sure you both enjoyed it, but you put us both at risk. One of the cops heard him.”

My blood froze. “Shit.”

“Don’t worry,” Cole said. “I covered it up. Good for you I can think on my feet. But I understand why you did it. Having someone at your mercy is intoxicating, isn’t it? When they’re totally helpless? I know that feeling.”

“Yeah,” I said. I could read between the lines and knew exactly what he was getting at, but chose not to take the bait. “It’s incredible.”

“You know that sort of thing happens all the time in our line of work,” Cole teased. “So now that you’ve gotten your first taste, did you catch the bug? Can you see yourself as part of our crew? I can.”

“I… need to think some more,” I said. “This is a big fucking decision. And I’m not going to make it still riding that high. Let me think it over some more.”

“Take all the time you need,” he said.

I needed to change the subject. He was really beginning to wear me down and I couldn’t have that. Not yet. “I’m glad you spotted the clerk’s nameplate before we tied him up, huh. If you hadn’t Santucci would have been on to you with that little name test.”

“Exactly,” Cole said. “You have to be constantly aware of what’s going on around you. But you’ll learn that with experience.”

“Maybe so, maybe not,” I said. “As of now I’m considering this a one-time deal. Yeah, it was exciting and fun, but that’s it. That may change, but not right now. But either way, never do that to me again, you asshole.” I punched him in the arm. “How much did we get, anyway?” I asked, taking two cartons of smokes out of the bag for myself and looking at the small pile of cash at the bottom.

“Not that much,” Cole said. “Hundred or two at most. These places mostly run on cards anyway. We’re moving towards a cashless society, sadly. That’s why we’ve been doing merchandise jobs. But this hit wasn’t about the money.” Cole put his hand on my lap. I looked down and smiled.

“Let’s grab some tacos,” I laughed as we drove off down the road.

Coming Soon: part 12 – The Net Closes
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Post by Volobond »

And now the plan makes sense! Get Mike to tie up a cute guy, be on the other side of the power; get him to live out his fantasy of Robin Hood outlaw antics and tempt him into the gang. I just know this won't be the last time Cole and Alejandro cross paths. We'll have to see on whose side Mike will end up!

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I really like the fact that Alejandro is still an arrogant pr*ck!

And he hasn't seen his brothers in a number of that a clue, [mention]wataru14[/mention]? :?
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