Men at Work (M+/M+) [conclusion added 9/15/21]

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Post by george_bound »

I'm thinking Mike knew what we all wanted because he's secretly one of us too, haha... perhaps the cocky officer found some bondage gear in Mike's bedroom in addition to the bong, maybe even Mike had some pics of bound officers stashed away that Alejandro found... if I were Mike, I wouldn't want to miss the show I was about the watch right in front of me, just saying 8-)
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Post by wataru14 »

PART THREE – Stockholm Ain’t Just a City in Sweden

I gave an almost imperceptible nod to the thug in the doorway, who nodded back in response. He switched his grip on his gun, holding the butt like a club. Creeping silently closer.

The rookie knelt down facing me and started trying to remove my gag, his back to the door. Dumb mistake. “Let’s get this off of you,” he whispered “and you can tell me how many there are and how well armed. Then I can…”

He didn’t get to finish that sentence. The thug raised his arm in a high arc and brought the gun down hard on the back of the rookie cop’s head. I saw the lights go out in his eyes as he slumped to the floor and fell on his face, unconscious at my feet. His breathing was slow, but even. He’d have a hell of a bump in the morning, but was otherwise OK.

The thug stepped over him and looked down at me with an appraising look. Then his expression changed to pleased and I could see him smile through the mouth slit of his ski mask. “Thanks, pal,” he said to me, then shouted out the door. “Hey, boss! We got trouble in here!”

In seconds flat, the other three robbers appeared at the door, guns drawn and ready. They stopped in surprise at the sight of the knocked-out cop on the floor.

“What the fuck is this?” the hulking one asked.

“What does it look like?” the clubber replied. “A fucking cop!”

“Just the one?”

“Looks like. But I dunno. Didn’t see any more.”

“Well, let’s be sure,” another said. “You two, come with me to scout outside and make sure he’s alone. You, tie the cop up. Good and tight. We’ll have a talk with him when he wakes up. But after we check we need to keep loading the goods. We’ll be done soon.”

The other robbers nodded and then the group split up. I watched with smug satisfaction as the thug pulled another chair over, hoisted the cop up, and sat him down in it. He grabbed the cop’s own handcuffs from his belt holster and used them to lock his hands tightly behind the back of the chair in proper arrest position. Once the prisoner was stable and wouldn’t slump off the chair, the thug removed the cop’s duty belt and radio, along with the contents of his pockets, placing them on the table next to my things. Then he came over to me.

“You could’ve warned him,” he said. “But you didn’t. Thanks for that. I owe you one.”

I grunted “no problem” through my gag but it just came out as “nnnmmm mppggmmm.”

With a small laugh, the thug dove into the duffel bag and grabbed some more rope. I watched with fascinated curiosity as he went to work, binding the cop tightly to the chair exactly same way he had done to me. This guy was an expert at this. It made me wonder how much practice he had. How many other guys he had done this to.

Then the thought hit me like a MacGregor punch. Wait, did I really just do that? Did I betray a cop and help out a gang of criminals? Criminals who tied me to a chair and were holding me hostage, I might add? Yeah, it looks like I did. And the weird thing is, I didn’t feel bad about it. Like not at all. In a weird way I think I was beginning to bond with these guys.

Now I had never been into bondage. I knew it existed as a kink, but I never really felt the urge to participate, myself. But as I sat here, tightly roped and gagged, I began to understand. The snug confinement made me feel almost safe and protected, in a weird way. The power dynamic between captor and captive was intoxicating. Being a pretty tough guy like I was, giving control over to someone else and being submissive was a new feeling, and one I found I kinda liked. I was actually beginning to enjoy being bound up. Quite a bit. Despite the physical discomfort. And watching the cop get slowly and conscientiously roped up next to me made it even hotter. I felt a swelling in my jeans as the rope encircled the sleeping cop’s chest and pulled painfully taut. It got thicker as his ankles and knees were bound and pulled into the suspended position mine were also in.

The thug rummaged through the bag again but came up empty. “Shit!” he said. “We only counted on one worker. Didn’t bring enough for another gag.” I guess they watched Jimmy leave and waited to strike until he was safely away. Smart move.

I started grunting to get his attention and started waving my head in the direction of the lockers. The thug saw one with a name label that matched the one on my work shirt, partially visible between the right ropes binding my chest, and opened it. Inside was a pile of extra work bandanas I was saving up to bring home for the laundry. The thug grabbed them and came back over.

“Thanks, buddy,” he said, undoing the knots on a few of them. “You helped me out again. You know what, you’re all right.”

He got to work stuffing the cop’s mouth with one of my dirty spare bandanas and used two more to triple gag him like I was. Then he came over and knelt down in front of me. “Sorry about all this,” he said. “It’s nothing personal, like I said. It’s just something we had to do. You take hostages, you tie them up. That’s the way it’s done. And since this is a big job, we needed to make sure you stayed put for a while. That’s why it’s so tight. Tell you what. After all this is over, if I ever see you on the outside, I’m gonna buy you a beer.” He patted my shoulder and headed out of the room. I just stared in rapt attention at the tightly bound and helpless cop sitting just feet away from me. Did I make the right choice? Would he be OK? I wanted to see him knocked down a few pegs, but I didn’t wish any real harm on him. He was just a punk kid. These guys didn’t hurt me, they wouldn’t hurt him, right?

Officer Gonzalez (I could read his name plate through the ropes across his chest) came to about 15 minutes later. By that time the sounds of loading from the warehouse had resumed. He groggily opened his eyes and blinked a few times, no doubt feeling the effects of a bad headache. He tried to reach up and rub the bump on his head, but… then came that tense moment where he realized his predicament. He started to struggle and grunt loudly, shaking the chair violently. I frantically shook my head “no” but he kept on doing it for a few more seconds, then realized it was pointless and slumped back down in his seat, panting and seething with anger. I felt the bulge in my pants straining and fidgeted to get some relief, but no dice. Then the cop pushed me over the edge. He tried talking to me through the gag. Whether he was trying to reassure me or whether he was asking me questions (knowing him it was probably the second one), I’ll never know. All I know is that at that moment his muffled grunting was the hottest sound I had ever heard in my life. I exploded inside my jeans right then and there.

The cop didn’t seem to notice, but soon realized the mouth stuffing made talking impossible and gave up trying to communicate altogether after one last frustrated howl. He just sat back in his chair, totally defeated. I could see the machismo melt away, and the fear and uncertainty growing in him, and started to get hard again. We sat in silence for a while and then the sounds of unloading from the warehouse stopped. Shortly after that the four robbers entered the room.

“Well, Mr. Cop,” the one who seemed to be the leader said. “We have some questions for you.” He grabbed the cop by the face and held his head facing forward. The cop shook his head free and stared at him angrily. There was something weird about his voice. I noticed it before, but it didn't click until now. It was almost like he was trying to disguise it. Again, smart move. We couldn't tell what he looked like through the mask, but it's possible he could be identified through his voice.

Officer Gonzalez tried to look defiant but he wasn’t selling it too well. He had a natural bravado but was too green to make it convincing while he was helpless and at the mercy of four armed men. The leader gave him a quick slap across the face with his leather-gloved hand to show him who’s boss and leaned in close.

“I’m going to take that gag out and you are going to answer my questions,” he said. “If you refuse, or even hesitate, or if I think you’re lying…” he snapped his fingers. The robber who tied us up took out his gun and shot me a quick wink just out of Gonzalez’s vision. Then he put the gun to my head. I winced and squirmed convincingly, adding a few terrified grunts for emphasis.

The officer quickly nodded and the leader started to remove the gag. He pulled the wide band down and let it hang limply around the officer’s neck like a cowboy’s neckerchief. Then he reached around the back of the cop’s head and undid the cleave. He held out his gloved hand and Officer Gonzalez spit out the stuffing. He licked his lips a few times to get saliva flowing again, then looked up at his captor.

“How many of you are here?” the boss asked.

“Just me. No one else.”

“Does the precinct know you’re here?”


“You came here by yourself and didn’t even radio in? What the fuck is that about?”

“I wanted to make a big bust by myself. To show them that I can do it. The other guys treat me like…”

His speech was cut short by another quick slap to the face. “I don’t want to hear your fucking life story. Shut up. So you were going to take out all four of us by yourself? Is that it?”

“That was the plan.”

“Well, if that's not total bullshit, it was a terrible fucking plan. Look where it got you.” The officer had no answer for that.

“Look, I’m a cop. Doing this will get you in even more trouble than you’re already in. If you let me go then…”

I noticed he said “me” and not “us.” That told me a lot about how much he had learned. Not that I think he was abandoning me, just that it didn't even register with him that I was even there. The last lingering regrets about my decision to help the thugs melted away.

The leader took this opportunity to stuff the soggy bandana back in the officer’s open mouth. He grunted and cursed as the cleave was put back in and the band was retied over his face. “Now,” he said, addressing us both. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I don’t know if I believe this piglet’s story, so you two are both coming along with us as hostages.” He looked at me. “At least until we’re safely away. After that we haven’t decided yet.”

Right on cue, the cop started bucking and fighting, but he wasn’t going anywhere. So the thugs let him thrash for a while to get it out of his system. I just hoped that they made sure the security cameras saw them taking me so I wouldn’t get fired for job abandonment. Jimmy was screwed. Once this was all over and the security footage was reviewed, management would know he skipped out early and give him the axe. Sucks for you, dude. But I couldn’t worry about that right now.

One of the thugs grabbed another bandana from my locker and folded it into another wide band. They plastered it over the cop’s eyes and tied it tight behind his head, completely blindfolding him. Hulko held him down while the ropes around his chest and suspending his feet were undone, then the big guy scooped him up, threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and walked off through the warehouse.

“You’re not going to embarrass yourself by struggling like that, I hope?” the leader said. I shook my head as a negative.

“Hey boss,” interrupted the thug I had helped out. “I’ll handle this one. He’ll be a good boy. Won’t give us any trouble. You get the truck locked down and I’ll bring him.”

The boss gave me a quick look, then nodded and left with the other guy.

“Just a little longer and all this will be over,” the lone remaining thug said as he mercifully released my suspended legs. My boots hit the floor with a thud. It would take a minute or two for circulation to return. He realized this and let me sit and relax for a minute. He grabbed my cigarettes from the table and took one out. Seeing my pleading face behind the gag, he smiled. He pulled the stuffing out of my mouth, pulled the band and cleave down under my chin, and lit one for me, too.

“So I have to ask you,” he said. “Why did you help me out before? If you’d have alerted that cop he’d have probably taken me out. Between you and me, these guns aren’t loaded. But don’t you dare let anyone know I told you that. You could have been home free and we’d be on a one-way trip to the slammer.”

“I dunno,” I said. “Part of it was that I have dealt with that guy before and wanted to see him get taken down a notch. He’s a real ballbuster. But besides that…” I paused to think for a minute. “Like you said, I’m just a working stiff. Stuck in a shitty job. My boss is a rich asshole and doesn’t give two shits about guys like me. You guys… and I know how screwed up this sounds… but you guys actually treated me like a human being. All things considered.” I wriggled my bound arms for emphasis, which made him chuckle.

“Don’t pretend you’re not enjoying it,” he said, looking down at my growing bulge. “You’re getting turned on by this whole business, I see.”

I should have been embarrassed, but fuck it. I’m owning this. “Yeah, well, whatcha gonna do?” I shrugged. “But besides all that. You guys are living the dream. Taking what you want. Sticking it to the man. Not giving a fuck. Being real cowboys, ya know? Deep down every man wants to be an outlaw, I think. Let out his inner badass. I kinda envy you and, in a weird way, I want to see you guys win.”

He didn’t say anything, but let my words sink in. I could see him deep in thought. After a second, he took my nearly-spent cigarette and crushed it out in the ashtray on the table. “OK, you’re coming with us, but we’re going to go easier on you. Your hands are staying tied behind your back, that much is non-negotiable, but the rest isn’t really necessary, is it?”

“No,” I said. “Not really.”

“Good,” he said, coming around behind me. He started loosening the ropes around my chest and removed them. “You can call me Cole, by the way.”

“Cole it is,” I said. “I’d shake your hand, but… you know.”

Cole laughed and slapped me on the shoulder. “I like you,” he said. “In other circumstances we’d be bros. Say, I got an idea. You say you want to see that piglet humbled, right? Well, I think we can give you a hand with that. Just play along. You seem like a smart dude, I think you’ll figure out what to do.”

When the ropes securing my ankles and knees were undone, Cole helped me to my feet and took me by the arm. Making sure I was steady, he grabbed the duffel bag and walked me through the warehouse to where the truck was waiting. I noticed that the entire recent shipment of high-end goods was loaded inside, as well as several other premium items. These guys knew their stuff. All of it was high-demand and would resell for mega bucks on the black market. They had left all the cheap stuff and knockoffs. The other robbers were surprised to see me only lightly bound and not gagged, but Cole waved away their concerns. The others seemed to trust his judgement and shrugged in acceptance.

Inside the back of the truck, lying on his stomach between the boxes, was the gagged and blindfolded rookie officer. His legs had been pulled back into a cruelly strict bend and secured to the ropes around his chest. He squirmed in his thorough hogtie, but Hulko’s size 16 combat boot pressed against his back if he got too feisty. Cole walked me up the ramp and sat me down on the tire well next to him. With a rattling clank, the ramp was retracted and the back door of the van was closed. The other two robbers hopped into the cab, and the truck slowly shuddered to life. With a slow rumble, we started driving off into the night.

Coming Soon: Part Four – Party in the Barrio
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Post by Volobond »

Ooooh! Love how Officer Gonzalez didn't even know how, er, excited Mike got! Hope they end up keeping the officer for a long, long while to make sure he learns his lesson. As for Mike, I'm excited to see what Cole's plan for him is!

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

All I know is that at that moment his muffled grunting was the hottest sound I had ever heard in my life. I exploded inside my jeans right then and there.
Officer Gonzalez had me going right then, too. :D

Oh! Mike...what has he gotten himself into! :twisted:

Brilliant update, [mention]wataru14[/mention]
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Post by gag1195 »

Officer Gonzalez is definitely going to get taught a lesson! And oh boy, Mike... I don't he realizes exactly what he's getting himself into. Although I love this developing relationship between him an Cole, I don't see things ending well for him! Definitely looking forward to more!
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Post by squirrel »

Oh man, the story is absolutely amazing! I love how Cole gets a little more friendly with the hostage... :)

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Post by harukatsukino »

Please continue, I hope the police got you know, tortured even more, with ropes and all lol
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Post by wataru14 »

PART FOUR – Party in the Barrio

Ajejandro’s arms felt like they were going to be wrenched out of their sockets and his back ached from the tightness of the hogtie. He tried to squirm and find some slack in the ropes, or at least a little relief from his discomfort, but every time he tried, he felt a giant booted foot press against his neck. Eventually he gave up and tried to get his bearings. If they were taking him somewhere, he needed to try to concentrate and figure out how far and in which direction.

“Shit!” he thought. “This is bad. I gotta be smart or I won’t make it out of this alive. And what happened to the other guy? The warehouse worker? I don’t hear him. They must have knocked him out. Good, that’ll keep him out of my hair.” Alejandro tied to get acclimated as the van moved, but the rumbling and shaking of the vehicle made it impossible to keep his sense of direction. And the robbers stayed completely silent. With no other options, he decided to conserve his strength and laid still.

This wasn’t the first time Alejandro had been in this position. Growing up the youngest of four boys meant you were going to be the punching bag of the family. As a kid he would often try to tag along when his brothers were off on some mischief or other, but since he was the “good boy” and would tattle to Mom immediately, they had to make sure he stayed out of their way. He would often catch them sneaking out of their crowded barrio apartment at night, but would end up hogtied on his bed or tied to a chair while they climbed out the window of the room they all shared and down the fire escape.

On one particular night about five years ago, his parents had gone back to Puerto Rico for a family funeral, but the boys had to stay home because they couldn’t afford to bring everyone. These things were usually multi-day affairs and no one would blame his parents for not bringing four rowdy teenagers. The second night they were gone, his brothers decided to have a little party, but Alejandro wouldn’t hear of it. “You know what Mama said,” he warned. “No parties. She doesn’t like the crowd you’ve been hanging around with and there’s no way she’d allow people like that in this house.”

His brothers had been chilling with some pretty rough dudes recently. Alejandro knew them from the neighborhood and they were bad news. His two oldest brothers, were already full-fledged gang members. His third brother was a just a prospect but would soon get jumped in himself. Employment opportunities in this part of the city were slim, and the lure of fast cash and excitement that the gang offered was too great for them to resist. Only Alejandro stayed apart from that life. His parents had come to the mainland to escape the crime and the gangs back home, and it would have killed them if they found out their sons were getting involved in it here. Alejandro knew that, so he bit his lip and kept his brothers’ secret. For better or worse. Dad was a city bus driver and Mom was a cleaning lady at a ritzy hotel and with four boys in the house, money was tight. They were a little suspicious when extra cash started flowing in, but it helped the family so much, no one questioned where it was coming from.

His oldest brother, 19-year-old Ramon, was sitting on the kitchen table with his feet up and drinking one of their father’s beers, openly wearing his gang colors. He wouldn’t dare do that if Dad was home, but with them gone he could flex a bit. Fifteen-year-old Alejandro sat across from him, finishing his dinner. “I know what Mama said,” Ramon answered. “But she’s not going to find out. It’s just going to be a few people. Some really bangin’ chicas. I mean muy caliente. Susanna has a sister your age that’s been asking on you, hermano. I could invite her, too. Maybe we can finally make a man out of you tonight, eh homie?” The fact that Alejandro was still a virgin was a constant source of ribbing from his brothers.


“No way!” Alejandro said. “Mama said no and that means no.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but I can’t say I’m surprised,” Ramon said. He put down his beer and gave a whistle. In half a second, his brothers Carlos and Enrique appeared in the kitchen out of nowhere and dove onto Alejandro. The chair tumbled over and soon all three brothers were piled on Alejandro, grabbing and holding him down. The boys often roughhoused like this, and Alejandro had become pretty tough and strong as a result. He fought bravely, but was no match for all three of them at once. Soon he was on his back on the kitchen floor with Carlos’ hand plastered firmly over his mouth and Enrique and Ramon holding his arms. They lifted him off the floor like a ragdoll. Alejandro kicked out at them, but Ramon grabbed his legs in midair and that was that. They had him caught.



Alejandro thrashed and grunted through the handgag as they carried him down the hall into the bedroom because he knew what was going to happen next. Just as it had a hundred times before. He could already see the rope and knotted socks laid out on Carlos’ bed for him. He squirmed and wriggled like mad, but caught in the grip of his three tough brothers, there was no chance for escape. He was tossed face-first down on the bed and held down by Enrique and Ramon. Carlos snatched up a length of rope and skillfully wrapped it around Alejandro’s wrists, pulling it tight and secure. Unbeknownst to Alejandro, his brothers had done this to more than one store clerk during robberies with their new gang friends, and had gotten quite good at it.

Once Alejandro’s hands were immobilized, Ramon reached over and grabbed the straps of the white ribbed tank top that the tightly bound teenager was wearing. He tore it into shreds and pulled the scraps from his brother’s body. He handed the rags to Enrique, who released his grip on Alejandro’s mouth just long enough to stuff them in before he could shout. His screams now muffled and silenced, Alejandro could only squirm impotently as Enrique grabbed a pair of socks, already tied together in a big thick knot, ready and waiting for him, and tightly sealed his mouth with them.

After the gag was in, Enrique joined Ramon in holding Alejandro down on the bed. Ramon pulled off Alejandro’s shoes and socks, then grabbed the waistband of Alejandro’s jeans and pulled them off him, as well. “You be good for the rest of this and we’ll leave you your boxers, homie,” he taunted. Alejandro settled right down. He knew his brothers would follow through on their threat and had no desire to be trussed up naked.

“Smart boy,” Ramon chuckled. “Doesn’t want the ladies to see his tiny little polla. It’s probably all shriveled up from not being used.”

“Homeboy could have plunged it into some prime Boriqua snatch tonight, but he decided he was gonna be a Mama’s boy and rat us out,” Carlos said. “So now he’s getting bound up like a bitch instead of fucking bitches like his big bros.”

Alejandro realized he was defeated and didn’t further resist as Ramon grabbed more rope and bound his ankles and knees. When his three brothers were done trussing him up, they flipped him over on to his back. Alejandro grunted a few weak curses, but was too well tied to do any more than that. “The ladies will be here soon,” Enrique said. “Let’s get him stashed.”

The three hoisted Alejandro up off the bed and carried them to the hall closet, where they deposited him on the floor. “You better behave yourself,” Ramon warned. “Stay quiet and we’ll untie you in the morning. If the ladies find out you’re in here, then you’re staying tied until Mama and Papa come home.”

Alejandro nodded in understanding and then the closet door was closed on him. He obediently remained quiet the whole night, internally seething at the indignity and fuming at the smell of weed and sounds of sex coming from inside the apartment. At least he was grateful that his brothers didn’t decide to humiliate him further by letting their dates see him in this state when they were all high enough to find it funny. But, true to their word, his brothers released him in the morning. He didn’t say anything about the incident when his parents returned home three days later.

All three of his brothers were in jail now. They all fell in with the gang full-time over the next few years and were serving long sentences for armed robbery and drug dealing. It crushed his parents. When Enrique finally got locked up, and it was just the three of them at home, the family moved out of the city and into the small suburb where Alejandro now worked so he could finish high school away from the crime of their old neighborhood. The memories were too painful for his parents. That’s when Alejandro decided to become a cop. He wanted to restore some honor to his family. Maybe that’s why he was so zealous and overeager, he thought. He wanted to be the best cop possible to wipe some of the dirt off his family’s name. He laughed to himself. “All that eagerness isn’t serving me too well right now,” he thought. “If I had convinced someone to come along as backup we’d be celebrating a huge bust right now. But I had to be a hero and do it alone. Well, now I’ll be lucky to get out of this alive.”


Nobody said anything on the entire ride. I guess they didn’t want to risk giving away any details about themselves that the cop might hear. Smart. I just fidgeted a little. My arms were cramping a little and my wrists were getting a bit raw. Not too bad for being tied up for several hours, I guess. I assumed the cop thought I was still gagged and thoroughly bound as he was somewhere in the truck, so I made sure to stay quiet. To not let him know I was getting preferential treatment by our captors. After a while, the truck came to a stop and the back opened.

Outside was an empty parking lot of some kind. I had no idea where, but it must have been outside of town. I saw the leader adjusting his mask and then signal to Cole. “You two are going to take the two hostages back to the safe house and hold them there,” he said. “We’re gonna unload the goods and we’ll meet back up with you later to decide what to do with them. Keep an eye on them until we get back.”

“You got it, boss,” Cole said. He looked over at Hulko. “You take the piglet and I’ll handle Joe Workman here.” The massive robber hopped out and grabbed Officer Gonzalez by his bound feet, dragging him backwards towards the tailgate. He scooped the cop up, still bound and twisted up like a pretzel, and carried him over to a waiting car nearby. I had stood up and walked to the edge just in time to see Hulko callously deposit the cop in the trunk and close the door on him. Cole helped me hop down, guided me over, and slid me into the passenger seat. The boss closed the back door of the truck and drove away with his partner. It occurred to me that I hadn’t heard that one say anything yet. The only one, in fact.

Before we started off, Cole gave me an apologetic look and held up a bandana. I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth, but he shook his head. Instead of gagging me, he covered my eyes with it and tied it behind my head. So they didn’t want me seeing where we were going. Made sense. Hulko squeezed into the back seat and we drove off.

After a minute or two of driving in silence, Cole turned on the radio. Quiet enough for me to still hear him, but loud enough so that anyone who just happened to be in the trunk couldn’t. “I’m really sorry about all this,” he said. “It must suck to be tied up and kidnapped by a bunch of strangers. But it’s really nothing personal. I know I keep saying that, but it’s true. You seem like a really cool guy and I hate to do this to you.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said. “I’m actually kinda enjoying the rest. And, anyway, it’s better than work.”

Cole laughed, “That is muthafuckin’ true, my friend. I used to be a custodian. Craig back there used to work construction. So we know what it’s like to be working men.”

“His name’s Craig?” I said. “I was calling him Hulko.”

From the back seat, Craig let out a horse laugh. “Hulko? I like that. Think I’ll use it from now on.”

“Well, it fits,” I said. “So how’d two regular Joes like you get into this line of work? Big jump from honest labor.”

“Well, that’s an interesting story,” Cole said.

“Shit, I got time,” I joked. “Doesn’t look like I’m going anywhere soon.”

“That is true, my friend,” Cole said. “OK, I’ll tell you.”

Coming Soon: Part 5 – Cole’s Story
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

They must have knocked him out. Good, that’ll keep him out of my hair.”
Alejandro needs to stop thinking about himself, or he'll never make a good LEO.

Really like the Stockholm angle with Mike's relationship to Cole and, now, Hulko!
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Post by bondagefreak »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago
As I add more parts of this story, I ask that readers do not click the left and right arrows on the pictures.
There must be a way to post them individually, @wataru14.

Someone on the Board, I'm sure, could help.
I'm putting this story in my "to-read" list for when my vacation ends next week, but just briefly for now, I strongly suggest using Flick from a computer or laptop. The site's mobile version isn't exactly the same as its standard one.

Photos only appear as they're appearing here if they were posted from mobile or incorrectly posted.
[mention]wataru14[/mention] Try going on Flickr with your pc.

1: Open up the photo you want to post
2: Click on the downward-pointing "Download this photo" arrow.
3: You'll be shown different photo sizes. Ignore all of them and click on "Show all sizes"
4: The photo will be opened to its max resolution. Right-click on it and select "Copy Image Link".
5: Paste the link in the IMG code here...and voilà!

I'll be returning here to drop a proper review once I get back to reading.

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Post by Volobond »

I'm glad to see the relationship between Cole and Craig and Mike develop. I'm seeing the start of a beautiful Stockholm syndrome ;)

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Post by gag1195 »

Another great addition! It's great seeing more of Alejandro's past. You'd think someone who's been roped up so much before would try to find some enjoyment now, but oh well. I'm sure he'll start enjoying it eventually :twisted:

Mike is still in way over his head, but I love the dynamic he and Cole are developing. Not sure how this is going to play out, but I'm excited!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Love the way this story is developing. All the little back stories are doing a really good job of developing the characters, explaining the relationships between them and why they are behaving the way they are. Mike is probably making a mistake in helping the robbers but you can totally see why he didn't want to help Alejandro. And whilst Alejandro initially seemed like a bit of a cock you can see he's actually trying to do the right thing if maybe not in quite the right way.

Still it's nice to see Alejandro maintaining his role of getting tied up for trying to be the good boy! I'm very much enjoying Mike's developing relationship with his captors and of course his growing excitement at the situation he finds himself in.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by wataru14 »

PART 5: Cole’s Story

The stuff before doesn’t matter, but I was a custodian at one of those big banks downtown. Marble floors, conference rooms, the whole deal. Full of self-entitled pricks that thought that just because they worked with money that they were better than the guy slinging the mop. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and they talked to me (when they bothered to talk to me at all), like I was Forrest Gump or something.

The manager was the worst. Thought he was the hottest of hot shit. He was screwing several of the tellers (women and men) and promising them promotions and bonuses and all that. Stringing them along for kicks and never following through. The ones he wasn’t sleeping with he treated like garbage. Me included. I should have punched him in his stupid face and quit, but the fact that I was working there in the first place told you how good the job market was. So I took it and smiled back.

Craig here was by buddy from high school and we still were close. Shared an apartment downtown. Well one night we were at Mulcahy’s in the city after work for a few rounds when these guys tore in to the place with guns in the air. This kinda thing happens all the time out there, so we stayed cool and handed over our wallets like they said. Not like there was much in them anyway. They were nervous about the whole thing, though. Clearly not experienced. So it was better not to piss them off. Never know how guys like that will react if challenged. After they had pocketed the wallets and the register, they told everyone to get on the floor and put our hands behind our backs. I knew what was coming, so I rolled up my sleeves and waited. Next thing I knew I heard a clicking sound and felt my hands being ziptied. Then my feet.

They weren’t too tight about it, but it was snug enough. Wasn't going to get loose without help, at least. Craig was next to me and they did him up next. They couldn’t zip his wrists together since he’s a big gorilla and isn’t flexible enough, so they used one on each wrist and connected them with a third. His they cinched pretty tight, but I guess they wanted to take extra care with a dude his size. Regular person could have slipped them under the butt to the front easy, but he’s too bulky for that. So it was pretty effective. Anyway, there were only two other customers, plus the bartender, so it didn’t take them any time at all to zip us all up. We were all laying face down on the floor shoulder-to-shoulder in a line, then they grabbed the manager and dragged him into the office to empty the safe while one stayed with us as a guard. While we laid there I got to thinking. These guys were going to get a sweet batch of cash. Tax free. For about 10 minutes of work. Meanwhile I’m breaking my back for barely enough to keep the lights on.

Long story short, they zipped the manager to a chair in the office and left. Craig popped the zip ties about two seconds later and freed the rest of us. They used thick plastic ones, but not military-grade like we do, so breaking them isn't too hard. Police came. Statements. Yadda yadda yadda. The next morning the news was talking about the robbery and how the guys had been arrested fleeing the scene. One of them was a former employee who got fired the week before. And that’s when it fully clicked. I said to Craig at breakfast, “Look how easy it was. Sure, they got caught, but that’s because they were stupid. They parked the getaway car right under a street camera and drove too fast. No wonder they got popped. It seems to me like a smarter man could do what they did and get away with it. Easy.”

“So what are you saying?” Craig laughed. “You think you’re gonna try that stunt at the bank?”

“Not me,” I said. “Us.”

But Craig wouldn’t hear any more talk about it, so I let it drop. Then about a month later he came home from the jobsite with bad news. His company lost their bid on a new project and he got laid off. It would be months before he could work again. With no source of money coming in, the only option he had left was my plan. Otherwise he couldn’t make his share of the rent and we’d be out on the street. I certainly couldn’t afford to cover his half of city rent! It took him another week to finally realize it and give in, but he finally did. And then we got to strategizing. And it wasn’t just me making the plans. People look at Craig and think he’s dumb cause of his size, but that is a very dangerous mistake.

So, a few weeks later, the schedule lined up so that I was working an evening shift the same night the manager was staying late, too. He said it was to go over inventory reports, but he was really giving it to the head teller after everyone else left for the night. Once she left and he got to his real work, we executed the plan.

I went into the office and grabbed his trash. He pretended not to notice me like usual. So I said, “Hey, boss. The garbage is full so I’m gonna store it up in the slop sink and dump it in the morning.”

“Do it now,” he said, not looking up from his papers.

“Now?” I said. “After hours? I thought we weren’t supposed to leave the building after closing. That’s a major no-no with security, ain’t it?”

He looked down at the condom wrapper in the trash and said, “Just do it now.”

“OK, sure, boss. Whatever you say.” Auditors from corporate were coming tomorrow morning and I guess he didn’t want to risk anyone finding the evidence before I could dispose of it. They've been known to open trash bags to find receipts.

So I went out back to where Craig was hiding behind the dumpster. I knew where all the cameras were so I told him where to park the car and how to move up to the building without being seen. When I was done with the garbage I turned to go back in and whistled. That was his cue. Craig masked up and jumped out and grabbed me from behind, putting his gun in my back so the camera could see it. I had to make it look like I wasn’t involved, you see.

He shoved me against the wall and zip tied my hands behind my back. Made it look real good for the cameras. Made ‘em real tight. Hey, Craig, how long did I have those welts on my wrists after that?

(“Three days,” Craig said. “Sorry about that.”)

No big. It worked, didn’t it? Anyway, then he put me in a headlock and dragged me inside up to the manager’s office. I wriggled and cursed him out real good for the cameras. When we got to the office, Craig kicked the door in and pointed his gun straight at the manager. He could have pointed it at me, but that wouldn’t have had any effect on that trust-fund prick of a manager. Piece of shit. Asshole nearly pissed himself when he looked up and saw us. But who can blame him? I know if a guy Craig’s size burst in with a gun pointed at me I’d shit a brick!

Manager gave up right away and shot his hands straight up in the air. Started begging and pleading like the little bitch he was. Craig didn't even get to use any of the cool one-liners we came up with! So with his hands on his head, he led us to the vault. When he opened the safe inside, Craig knocked him on his ass. Zzzzzzip! Click click click! Craig grabbed his hands and locked ‘em tight behind his back. Wrinkled the hell out of that expensive suit, too. Zzzzip! Click click! Next came his ankles. Craig laid me on the ground next to him and zipped my ankles, too. Then he hogtied us both. And these weren’t the cheap-ass zip ties you use to group computer wires. These were the heavy-duty construction-grade ones. He got ‘em from the jobsite months ago, but you can get them at any home goods place. Untraceable. Once we were out of the way, Craig looted the safe. I had been in the vault enough times cleaning, and had chatted with the tellers on break enough times, to know where the funny money was. So I told Craig what to avoid and he performed perfectly.

He left the safe boxes and the coins, but grabbed everything else. Even the singles. But every piece of bait money and every dye pack was left untouched. Once he cleaned the safe out, Craig grabbed some industrial packing tape from a cabinet and wound it around both of our mouths like a million times. Then he closed the vault door and left with the cash. Got home scot free. But I wasn’t done yet. You see, getting the money was only part one of the plan.

While the manager and I laid there, he tried like mad to get free, but wasn’t making any progress. I half-assed it to make him think I was trying, but in reality I wanted us both to stay just like we were. But then the manager did something that I didn’t expect that almost ruined the whole thing. He opened a cabinet with his feet and knocked a pair of big scissors on the floor. Fuck! They used those to open the cash bags on shipment day! If he cut the zip ties with them then the whole plan was fucked!

But he couldn’t use them with his hands zipped behind him, so he grabbed them in his fingers and then crawled back-to-back with me. At first I thought he was going to try to cut my zipties with them, but the selfish cocksucker wasn’t about to do that. Instead he put them in my hands and grunted for me to cut his. Was this guy for real? I rolled into position to do that, but then got “butterfingers” and dropped them. When I rolled over to grab them where they landed, I “accidentally” knocked them under the safe. Far back against the wall where there was no chance of reaching them.

He was fucking furious! I could see his face get red and he started screaming at me through the tapegag. He’s lucky my hands were ziptied behind my back or I would have rearranged his face. But after that he knew we were fucked and just laid back whining.

Ten hours later, the morning crew came in with the auditors and when they opened the vault, man did they get a surprise! But that was phase two of the plan. When the staff cut us loose and the police came, that’s when everything fell into place. Corporate, of course, wanted to know what happened. Why I went out after hours in clear violation of the company’s security policies. I was all too happy to tell them that I knew I should have waited until morning, but was told to do it anyway by my boss. Of course, he denied saying that, but everyone knew he was lying. And the others jumped on the opportunity to rat him out for his abusive behavior. I got a pink slip for my troubles (which I knew was gonna happen), but due to negligence over making me go outside and for the sheer volume of money stolen as a result, fuck-o got canned, too. Right on the spot! I congratulated the AM on her new promotion, cleaned out my locker, and drove home feeling like a million bucks.

Which brings me to the money. I’m not gonna say how much we got, but it was a LOT. Enough for both of us to continue living in the way we were accustomed and then some, even with no legit income coming in. Due to how exact the theft was, how the robber knew what to take and what not to take, the cops realized it was an inside job. But they never suspected me. There was a massive investigation surrounding the ex-manager and he got dragged down to the FBI more than once. All the other employees got questioned, too. But they never figured out it was me. Of course they questioned me, too, but no one seems to get suspicious when a working man plays dumb.

So the money lasted us about a year and a half, but both Craig and I realized that doing what we did was a fucking rush. And we both wanted more. So I planned more heists and we carried them out. Nothing as big as the bank, but profitable enough. Made mad money for not much work. We started making a small name for ourselves in the criminal underworld and made some connections. Got recruited for some bigger jobs with established crews. I met the boss a few months later through the fence I worked with. He had been running heists for years and was looking for a new crew. Former welder who lost his job after doing some time in jail. The three of us formed a tight and profitable partnership. The boss finds us places to hit and manages, I do the planning and brainwork, and Craig is the muscle. Works like a fucking dream. The fourth guy changes from job to job, but they’re all acquaintances of the boss’. The guy from this job… what was his name again? Fuck it, I don’t remember… he’s new to all this, but the boss vouched for him. He seems to be pulling his weight, though. So that’s my story. Whaddaya think?


I sat in silence for a second. Cole must really trust me if he’d risk telling me all that. I also had the feeling he was using everyone’s real names. “That’s fucking incredible!” I said.

Cole chuckled. “Yeah, well, maybe it’s true and maybe it ain’t. I’ll leave it up to you to decide,” he said. “But for now, story time is over. We’re here. Now, let me tell you something. No matter what the boss may say to you two, we never hurt nobody and never would. Especially regular Joes like you. It’s all for show. Do you trust me?”

That question took me by surprise. Did I? I had absolutely no reason to, but… yeah. I did. I told Cole that and he seemed pleased. Even a little touched. The car slowed to a halt and Cole got out. He came around to my side, unbuckled the seatbelt, and helped me out. We had another quick smoke and then he said “OK, let’s get inside. ‘Hulko,’ you wait a few and then get the cop, I’ll take this one.”

“Grrrrr, HULKO!!!!” Craig growled with a smile.

“Come on, Mike,” Cole said. “Let’s get you inside and tied up better. I want to paint a picture for the officer that he won’t forget.”

Coming Soon: Part 6 – Alone Together
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Another great backstory regardless of whether or not it's 100% true! You've got to admire Cole's enterprising spirit - he spotted a gap in the market for intelligent criminals! Love that he figured out a way to get the money and screw his boss at the same time. He even got some extended bondage into the bargain. Looking forward to the artwork he is about to create.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Volobond »

Love the masterful Cole's planning and ingenuity for making mad money and binding bad bosses! I thought it was adorable when Craig/Hulko chimed in mid-story, and I'm excited for the next part of his plot! I wonder, with the classic four-man job system they have going, will there be an eventual spot for Mike as well?

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »


This is what I like about this story and "The Abominable Dr. Calamity:" You create...for lack of another word escaping me...a tension in the story between the ordinary guy trying to get by and the buttholes of the world who are out for Numero Uno and screw everyone else to get to the top. The ordinary guys are (in this story) Mike, Cole, and "Hulko." Their counterparts in "Dr. Calamity" are Dr. Calamity and Diesel. In that story, they're trying to get an arch-villain and as a junior, crimefighting superhero. They're up against a butthole mayor and a butthole super-villain. Calamity is still a good guy...wants to do right by his crew. Diesel's only downfall is that he falls in love with a bad guy...but a bad guy who's a decent guy.

And here we have Mike. He just wants to get his job. He's come across a butthole cop. Mike finds himself in a tight situation -- finds himself in a robbery and taken hostage, but he likes getting tied up, likes seeing other guys tied up, and he understands the robbers. He's not Diesel. He's a bit like Dr. Calamity. So is Cole. Cole gets the buttholes...Officer Gonzalez and the bank manager.

Will Mike and Cole fall for each other by the end of the tale? Now, that would be a great twist on the Stockholm Syndrome! :D
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Post by gag1195 »

Cole certainly paints an alluring picture of his criminal exploits. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend some time with a bound and gagged attractive executive? I really appreciate Cole's robin hood-esque "looking out for the little guy" persona he's presenting. I have a feeling Mike is being drawn further in. The dynamic between the pair is so great. I just hope Mike ends this tale happy, be that with Cole, as an aspiring criminal, or at the very least with a nice bonus from his job for his hardships!
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Post by wataru14 »

PART 6: Alone Together

Cole walked me up into a building and helped me up a short flight of stairs. He was slow about it, making sure I didn’t trip up the steps while I was blindfolded. This told me that he wasn’t concerned about any neighbors seeing him leading a bound and blindfolded man inside. Wherever we were, it had to be remote. When he took the blindfold off me, I could see we were in some sort of derelict house. Probably condemned for years and abandoned to time. There was some ratty old secondhand furniture and holes in the walls. Exactly what you’d expect a robbery gang’s hideout to look like.

“Home away from home,” Cole joked and led me to the basement stairs. When we got to the bottom I saw that the room was solid concrete all around. All the windows had been boarded up and insulated. The only features of the room were a set of workbenches along one wall and two heavy support pillars in the center. Cole gingerly untied my hands.

“How’s that feel?” he said.

“It’s a relief, that’s for sure,” I replied, rubbing my wrists. “How’d you get so good at that?”

“Lots of practice,” Cole joked. “It’s a necessity in my line of work. You can use the bathroom if you’re quick about it. But leave the door open. I trust you not to try anything, but… you know.”

“No offense taken” I said. I hurried into the small bathroom in the back and quickly relieved myself, then came back out. “So what happens now?” I looked the pillars up and down. “I’m guessing it has something to do with those?”

“You got it!” Cole said. “We’re going to stash you both down here until the others get back. Let you sweat it out. And I kinda mean that literally. The oil burner’s down here and it gets hot as fuck, especially with the windows insulated like that. You might want to lose the shirt. It’ll make it a little more comfortable while you're tied.”

I could already feel the heat in the room, so I unbuttoned my dirty work shirt and slid it off, along with the sleeveless T-shirt I wore underneath. I put them both on the workbench nearby.

“Now pick a pillar,” Cole said. “Sit down on the floor and put your hands behind it.”

I chose the one on the right and slid down to the floor. The metal was warm against my bare back. Cole reached into the duffel bag and took out the cop’s duty belt. Opening the belt pouch, he took out a spare pair of handcuffs and twirled them around his finger with a smile. I just chuckled and said “dumbass.” Understanding what was going to happen, I placed my hands behind the post and Cole locked them up in the handcuffs. He didn’t do it crazy tight like the rookie cop had done to me back then, but it wasn’t just for show, either. Had to make it so I couldn’t slip out if the cop decided to try and coordinate an escape plan.

“That OK?,” he asked. “Not too tight?”

“It’s fine,” I said. “More comfortable than the ropes, at least.”

“Funny you should mention that,” Cole said, grabbing some rope from the bag. He did up my ankles and knees, so my legs stuck straight out in front, and looped it around my bare chest, pressing me tight against the pole. When he was done, he took two bandanas and gagged me. One as stuffing and one as a band. Not three like before, and not very tightly. I realized that he did this because he wanted it to be able to come off easily. After that he headed upstairs and returned a minute later, followed by the cop and a gun-toting Craig.

Officer Gonzalez tried to keep up his machismo, but I could tell he was about to piss himself with fear. All the rope and the blindfold had been removed from him, leaving only the cuffs on his wrists and the gag. When they reached the floor, Craig gave him a little shove and he stumbled into the open area.

“Now, piglet,” Craig said. “This is what’s gonna happen. That uniform of yours looks like it will fit my partner perfect, and we could get a lot of mileage outta a real authentic cop suit. So you’re gonna take it off. All of it. Real slow. And if you try anything. Anything at all…”

Cole came up to me and put his gun against my head. I winced and squirmed, even though I knew the guns weren’t loaded. Gonzalez gritted his teeth and nodded in acceptance. Craig stepped in behind him and undid the cuffs, then stepped back with his gun aimed. “OK, cop,” he said. “Time to give us a show.”

The officer scowled, and then started to unbutton his uniform shirt. Taking Craig’s instructions to heart, he did it slowly, taking his time with each button. “Ah ah ah!” Craig said. “I told you to give us a show. Let’s see those moves.” With a look of dumbfounded horror, Gonzalez stood there frozen. A slight lift in the barrel of Craig’s gun, however, snapped him back to reality. Dumb bastard hadn’t realized the guns weren’t loaded! With a look of utter humiliation, Gonzalez started to slowly grind and gyrate his hips as he stripped his uniform shirt off.

When he had it off, Craig snatched it up and placed it over his shoulders like a towel. The cop grabbed the hem of his white T-shirt and slowly lifted it up, letting it travel over his abs and chest before pulling it up over his head. I know it’s a trend among cops to get massively muscled (I know Santucci is well on his way), and this rookie looked like he was taking that route, too. His abs were beginning to pop and his pecs and biceps were nice and firm. No ink on him anywhere, though. That would change if Santucci had anything to say about it, I’m sure, but for now he was a clean canvas.

Cole and Craig hooted and catcalled the young officer, demanding certain dance moves as he stripped off his clothes. I almost felt bad for the kid officer, but I knew he deserved a little humbling. Cole and Craig were just going to tear him down a little. Nothing more than that.

After Craig took the T-shirt, the cop stepped out of his black work shoes. He was going to leave his socks on, but another slight lift in Craig’s gun made it clear that those were meant to come off, too. With a scowl, the cop did as he was instructed, then began to unbuckle his belt. Finally, his face beet red, the cop undid his pants and unzipped the fly. He teasingly slid his uniform pants down to his ankles, his face red with shame, and stepped out of them. When he was standing there, wearing only a tight-fitting pair of black jockey shorts that left nothing to the imagination, he put his hands on his head. Craig collected all the discarded clothing while Cole applauded and whistled. Then he came up to the cop and led him over to the other pole.

Needing no instruction, the cop sat down with his back against the pole and slid down to the floor. With a wicked smile only I could see, Cole grabbed Gonzalez’ hands and locked the cuffs on him. I heard them ratchet a few more times than mine had, so they must have been incredibly tight. The cop winced as Cole tied his legs and chest like mine.

“Now you two play nice down here,” Cole said. “Once the others get here and we decide what to do with you, we’ll be back.” He and Craig laughed and headed upstairs with the confiscated uniform, locking the door behind them.

As soon as we were alone, the cop started struggling and wringing his hands, trying to slip the cuffs. But no dice. I played along and did the same, but only half-assed it. His strained moaning and the jangling of the handcuffs was making me hard again. When Gonzalez realized trying to escape was pointless, he started rubbing his gag against his shoulder and grunting. I felt my pulse quicken again, but kept my cool. After a moment, he started to make some headway and the band slipped down around his neck. Taking my cue, I started to do the same to mine, and in a few minutes, both of us had freed our mouths.

“Are you OK?” he asked in a tense whisper.

“Yeah,” I said. “I think so. These guys are pretty rough but they haven’t hurt me… yet.”

“What happened at the warehouse?” he asked. I started to relay my story, leaving out a few details and embellishing others, making our captors seem a lot more cruel and dangerous than they really were. “They said something about a ransom,” I lied, “but I don’t have any money. What do they want with us?”

“Can you get out of those ropes around your wrists?” Alejandro asked, straining against the bonds that held his chest. “They really did a number on me. If you can get free maybe there’s some tools around you can use to break my cuffs.”

“No good,” I said. “They didn’t tie my hands with rope this time. They used a spare set of your handcuffs. I’m just as stuck as you.” I twisted my position and raised my cuffed hands so he could see them.

“Shit!” Alejandro thought for a moment. “Why did they take you, anyway?” he said. “They already had me as a hostage. And I’m much more valuable. They could have just left you at the warehouse. Why go through all the extra effort? If they were going to kill us to eliminate witnesses they would have done it already.”

God, what an asshole. Talking like that in front of a civilian hostage. Santucci would have tore him a new one for that.

“How the fuck should I know?” I said. “Look, twinkle toes, I’m tied up same as you. I have no idea why they took me. You’re used to dealing with criminals. I’m not. Heh. It looks like you didn’t learn anything about being an asshole, after all.”

“What the fuck did you say to me?” Alejandro said incredulously.

“You heard me,” I said. “It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t recognize me, you pompous prick. Think back. About six months ago. You responded to a burglary. In a shitty neighborhood downtown. And you acted like you were too good to be bothered. Remember? I pissed you off and you decided to make an example of me by cuffing me up like a perp in front of my neighbors and parading me around like a criminal. RESPECT MUH AUTHORITYE!!”

“Son of a bitch!” Alejandro said.

“Yeah,” I said. “Santucci ripped you apart in front of everyone. He and I are tight, did you know that?”

Alejandro was livid. I could see the hairs on his arms standing up. He didn’t like that I saw him humbled with his dance before, but his public shame on the job really raised his hackles.

“Bet you were riding a desk for a while after that, eh coffee bitch?”

“If my hands weren’t cuffed behind my back right now I’d break your fucking face,” Alejandro said.

“But they are, pig,” I said. “They are cuffed behind your back. And your knees and ankles are tied with rope. And so’s your chest. You’re wrapped up like a Christmas present. And seeing you like that is making me all hot and bothered. Ay papi! I’m not gay but seeing you all trussed up after that dance routine is making me seriously question myself.”

Alejandro exploded with anger, yelling curses and straining against the ropes like a madman. Must have really touched a nerve there. Good.

Just then the door opened and three of our four captors came in. “You two playing nice in here?” the boss said. Alejandro settled down immediately, but neither of us answered his question. “Good news, warehouse boy. You’re going home.” He looked over at Cole and Craig. “Take him out of here and drop him off on the side of the road. Let him walk into town.”

Without saying a word, Cole and Craig grabbed me by the arms. Cole undid the rope around my chest and gathered it up. After tossing it on the floor, he went around back and unlocked my handcuffs. But my hands were only free for a second. As soon as I was loose, Craig pulled me forward and Cole relocked the cuffs on me. I grumbled and grunted, pretending to struggle, but it was all for show. Craig slapped duct tape over my mouth, but only did one piece and it didn’t go all the way around, either. Everything went dark as a pillowcase was pulled over my head and Craig hefted me up onto his shoulder.

“Someone’s excited,” he whispered low enough for only me to hear as he felt my erection pressed against his shoulder.

I was carried up the stairs and out of the house and deposited into the passenger seat of the car. My shirt was still down in the basement. Cole and Craig got in and we started off. After a few minutes, when we were safely away from the hideout, Cole said. “You OK? I heard what happened down there. Nice work, by the way. I knew you’d knock it out of the park.”

I had managed to work the duct tape off with my tongue, so I said (still under the pillowcase), “Thanks. It felt damn good. Nice touch with the dance part, Craig. Our boy in blue REALLY hated that.”

Craig laughed. “So what happens now?” I asked.

“Well, sadly, now is where we part ways,” Cole said. “We’re going to do what the boss said: drop you off on the road outside of town. But you’ll be able to make your way back. We can’t risk driving back in. We have to ditch this car.”

“What about the cop?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about him,” Craig said. “We got something special planned for him, but he’ll be sleeping in his own bed tomorrow night. He’ll be fine. His pride will be hurt, but he won’t be.”

“OK then,” I said. All things considered, I didn’t want anything seriously bad to happen to the kid. Just for him to learn his lesson.

The three of us bullshitted like old friends the rest of the way until the car finally pulled over. Craig got out and Cole pulled the pillowcase off my head. I stepped outside, still cuffed. We were on the side of the highway that led out of town. It was probably about a five-mile walk. Cole undid my cuffs and shook my hand.

“You did good, Mike,” he said. “And don’t forget what I said. If I see you on the outside, I’m gonna buy you a beer.”

He reached into the back seat and grabbed my things from out of the duffel bag. My wallet and phone and such. I guess he had saved them before we left the warehouse. I immediately lit up a smoke and Cole joined me. “Go straight to the cops,” he said. “If you do anything else it will look suspicious. They’ll grill you about what happened to the other one, of course, but you never saw our faces and have no idea where the safehouse is. We’re going to let him go as soon as it gets dark anyway.”

“Understood,” I said. Cole and Craig both shook my hand again and got back into the car. I stood watching them drive away before I started walking. When they were gone, I checked my phone. No new messages. I also checked my wallet, but I knew everything would be in there. They’re not gonna steal a few 20s from me when they’re going to get primo bucks for the electronics. Wait, what was this?

Inside my wallet was a folded-up paper that I didn’t remember being in there before. As I walked, I took it out and opened it up.

“If you’re ever looking for action, hit me up.

Coming Soon: Part Seven – A Hands-On Interrogation
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Post by Volobond »

Yaaaay for the striptease from Officer Odious! I'm very glad his humiliation won't be over. And very interesting to see how cool they all are with each other.

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Post by gag1195 »

the strip tease was great, Mike getting to tell the officer off while Alejandro couldn't do anything to stop him was very cathartic! I'm already imagining that plans our crooks have for Alejandro, and what plans Cole has for Mike, if Mike decides to call that number! So many fun possibilities!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

the strip tease was great,
[mention]gag1195[/mention] is right. I wonder how much of it came naturally to Alejandro! :D
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Great fun watching the humiliation of Office Alejandro and I particularly enjoyed the way Mike took the opportunity to goad him whilst they were both tied up. Mike definitely seems to be developing a taste for being tied up and watching others be tied up - the weirdo!

I doubt he will be able to resist ringing that number so it looks like there will be more fun on the horizon.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by stimle »

Fantastic story! Loved the twists and tie ups. The humiliation of Officer Alejandro was the cherry on top of the sundae. I love it when a cocky, smug, or just self-assured Alpha male gets taken down a peg like that. Kudos!!
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Post by wataru14 »

Part Seven: A Hands-On Interrogation

Alejandro was drenched with sweat. The furnace was cranking full-blast and the heat was taking its toll on him. He was feeling dehydration and fatigue kick in. It had been several hours since his captors had dragged away the warehouse worker… Mike, he vaguely remembered. Right after they had gone, the one who seemed to be the leader fed Alejandro a dollar-menu cheeseburger and gave him some water. Then he went upstairs and locked the door. That was the last contact he had with anyone and he was getting worried. Had they left him there to starve to death? After being cuffed and tied for nearly a full day, his arms were numb and his wrists were raw. His muscles ached from the strained position he was tied in.

“They must have noticed I didn’t report back to the precinct,” he thought. “Santucci is out of town, but Jones is on duty. He has to have noticed. They’ve probably found my squad car near the warehouse by now. Every cop in 50 miles must be out looking for me. They’ll find me here. I know it. Just gotta be patient and tough it out.”

Just then, the door at the top of the stairs creaked open and the boss tromped down in his heavy combat boots, ski-masked and gloved.

“What do you want?” Alejandro asked defiantly. “What are you going to do with me?”

“Well, that depends entirely on you,” the boss said. “How did you know we were there at the warehouse last night? Did somebody tip you off?”

“No,” Alejandro said. “The warehouse is in my territory and I came by to check every day. I had been seeing suspicious people in the area at night, but no one at HQ took me seriously when I reported it. I was there last night, alone, on my own initiative.”

“Well that was a piss-poor idea,” the boss said. His voice was gruff and a little hoarse, and Alejandro got the notion that he was purposely disguising it. “Sweet young thing like you can get into a lot of trouble messing around with gangsters without backup.”

“I grew up with tougher gangsters than you,” Alejandro spat. He instinctively squirmed in his handcuffs, but he knew he wasn’t going to get anywhere.

“Is that so?” the boss said, amused.

Alejandro looked up at his captor from his seated position on the floor. He was an imposing figure. While not as big as that one other thug, he was still quite an impressive specimen. Tall and thick. Alejandro could see that he was well-built, even under the baggy black combat pants and long-sleeved black pullover shirt he wore. His eyes were honey brown and striking and Alejandro could see a few days’ growth of stubble through the mouth slit of his ski mask.

“Look, kid, we don’t want to hurt you,” the boss said. “You seem like a fine, upstanding officer. I just have a few questions for you. If you answer me truthfully, you’ll be out of here very soon. If not, then I might just have to get persuasive.” The boss cracked his knuckles. The leather of his tight gloves made an ominous creak.

Alejandro squared his shoulders but said nothing.

“How much do your boys know about the recent thefts in town?” the boss asked.

Alejandro was surprised. There had been an increase in burglaries and robberies recently. Even a home invasion, which was unheard of in a quiet town like this. If this guy was asking, that meant his crew was involved in more than just this one heist. “More than we did a minute ago,” Alejandro said smugly. “We thought they were all unrelated hits, but if you’re asking that, it must mean your crew is behind all of them.”

The boss paused, taken slightly aback, but recovered. “And who are your prime suspects?”

“I’m not telling you shit,” Alejandro said. "Beat me and torture me all you want. It's just more to talk about during your trial."

“Well then,” the boss said. “Time for the big guns. Beating and torturing isn't my style. But let's see about trying something you're not going to be too eager to talk about in court, eh?” He reached down and lightly brushed Alejandro’s right nipple, visible through a gap in the ropes across his bare chest, with his leather-gloved index finger. Alejandro shuddered as a wave rippled through his body.

“W… what the fuck are you doing?” he gasped.

“Advanced interrogation techniques,” the boss smiled. “Word of advice, kid. If you touch a woman there in the right way it gets her wet immediately. But I've found it also works on men.” He reached down and grabbed both nipples this time, giving each a light, teasing rub, followed by a slight pinch and twist. Alejandro made a soft mewling sound and gasped as he saw his dick swelling inside his jockey shorts. The feel of the leather against his bare skin made him involuntarily shudder with excitement. Was he actually enjoying this? Yes, he realized he was. But he couldn't let the boss continue to have his way with him like this! With his hands cuffed behind the pole he couldn’t fight back. But did he even want to? He wasn’t sure. “And it looks like it’s even more effective than I thought.”

“Fuck!” Alejandro whimpered, “Oh, fuck.” The boss noticed he didn’t say “stop.”

The captive cop tensed as the boss produced a hunting knife from a sheath on his belt and brought it towards his waist. Alejandro closed his eyes and braced for the worst, tensing his ab muscles to their limit, but breathed a sigh of relief when all he he felt was his underwear being cut from his body and tossed aside. Now free of its confinement, Alejandro’s rapidly growing cock swelled to full size. Alejandro was mortified at his arousal and turned his head away in shame, something that seemed to amuse his captor greatly.

“I'll ask again,” the boss said. “Do you have any suspects?” When Alejandro didn’t answer, he reached down with his gloved hand and started slowly stroking Alejandro’s engorged cock.

“Ugggghhh, mmmmmm,” Alejandro moaned, but otherwise remained silent. The boss gave a sinister grin and increased the speed of his strokes. The feel of the leather against his skin made all of Alejandro’s synapses fire at once. He had never felt anything like this before. His conscious mind railed against it, but deep down something in him was eager for more. He threw his head back and gasped as more vibrations rippled through his body. His eyes rolled back in his head. The boss refused to let up, however. As hard as he fought against it, Alejandro felt himself approaching the edge. He tried to resist with every fiber of his being, but couldn’t help himself. He strained his hips and…

The boss’ hand pulled back with lightning speed. Alejandro was right there, ready to shoot, but with the stimulation removed, he just couldn’t do it. He whimpered and desperately pumped his hips impotently in the air, as much as he could with the ropes binding his body, that is. The boss waited a few moments for this captive to cool down a bit and sink back from the edge of release, then went back to work. Alejandro gasped as the leather stroking sensation returned. Closer and closer he got, eager to explode, but just as he was about to…

Again, the boss’ hand retracted. “Aaaarrrggggggh!” Alejandro grunted in maddening frustration. “Let me finish, you sick fuck!”

“Not a chance, kid,” the boss said. “No release for you unless I get some useful information. If you don’t spill it, I’ll keep edging you until you pass out in frustration. Only way to get what you want is to give me what I want.”

Alejandro had to be strong and hold out. He tried to fight it, but each time the boss’ hand teased him to the point of release and pulled away, he felt his resolve weakening. For ten solid minutes this went on. Alejandro’s balls were swollen and sore. He was squirming and writhing against the ropes to no avail. He was in agony. He had to… hold on… Finally, he had no choice. Right before the boss took his hand away, Alejandro shouted, “We don’t have any suspects but we think they’re all… ugh!... INSIDE JOBS!”

With a pleased smile, the boss pulled his hand away, leaving Alejandro gasping. “Come on, man!” Alejandro begged. “Please! I told you what I know! Finish me off! I’m begging you!”

“That you did,” the boss said, basking in Alejandro’s debasement. “But there’s more, isn’t there?” He took some clothespins from the workbench and clipped them to Alejandro’s nipples. The rookie winced at the pain initially, but then moaned with pleasure. He felt a renewed vigor in his cock and continued to thrust vainly into the air, looking for anything to push him over the edge.

“We know there are always four,” he gasped. “Ugggghhhh. Three always fit the same general description, but the fourth is always different. But the… ugggghhhh… masks and baggy clothes make it impossible to be sure, but we’re positive the other three are the same crew. That’s all I know! Please…”

The boss slowly walked over. “That’s what I wanted to know,” he said. He reached down and gave a few more eager strokes, this time not pulling away. The captured cop was finally allowed to explode all over the concrete floor. He fell back against the pole, panting and sweating. Then, front the bottom of the stairs, Alejandro heard clapping and two familiar voices hooting and laughing. Looking up, he saw the other two robbers on either side of the boss. The smaller one was filming him on his phone.

“That was a great money shot,” he said, switching off the phone. “Looks like the interrogation went well.”

“I got what I wanted,” the boss said. “And so did he. Hahaha. How’s the other one?”

“Fine. Dropped him off on the road like you said,” the thug replied. “Left him loosely tied and said to count to 100 before trying to get loose. He should have gotten himself free and back to town by now.”

“Good,” the boss said. “He’s probably spilling his guts to the cops, but they won’t be able to find us here. We’ll let this one sit in his own mess until dark and then deliver him back to his pig friends.” He bent down and looked directly into Alejandro’s face. “Back off this case, kid, if you know what’s good for you,” he said. “Stick to parking tickets. It’s better for your health. And you better try to keep your partners off the case, too. Or else we might pay them a visit of their own.”

With a cruel laugh, the boss led his partners up the stairs and locked the door.


Hours later, when night finally fell, the gang returned, saying it was time for Alejandro to go home. He seethed internally, and swore he would see all three behind bars for this, but offered no resistance as the ropes were removed from his chest. He laid there compliantly as the remnants of his shredded underwear was stuffed in his mouth and sealed in with multiple layers of tape. His blindfold was reapplied and the big one effortlessly scooped him up off the floor. His exposed genitals pressed against the big man’s shoulder as he was carried up the stairs and dropped unceremoniously in the trunk of the car outside. “They aren’t even going to give me any clothes,” Alejandro realized. The thought of being found by anyone in this state did not sit well, but there was less than nothing he could do about it.

An hour later, Alejandro was hanging upside-down. His chest and knees were tightly bound with rope and his ankles were tethered to the crossbar of the visiting team goalpost on the high school football field. His still-exposed genitals hung down and flopped against his abs. “Leather Pig” had been scrawled on his chest in sharpie, upside-down so anyone seeing him could read it with no issues. With his blindfold on, he couldn’t see his captors taking selfies with him like he was a prize fish, but he heard their taunts, all right. Finally, he felt a hard slap on his ass from a meaty leather-gloved hand and then heard the car drive away. He tried to struggle free, but it was no use. He was completely drained from his “interrogation” and had little fight left in him. “Besides,” he thought, “even if I do manage to get my feet free, my hands are still cuffed. I’ll hit the ground and break my neck.” So he just hung there in his shame, hoping someone would find him soon.

“The boys from the precinct better find me before anyone else does,” he thought. “If a civilian sees me like this, my career is over before it starts. Those fuckers are going to pay for this.”

Coming Soon: part 8 – Lessons
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