Her Game [F/F]

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Her Game [F/F]

Post by rose »

My discovery for my thrill for being tied up can be attributed back to nearly ten years ago wherein I was visiting my best friend’s house. Let’s call her Fawn.

It seemed like any other day where I would come over and we would play with dolls, listen to music and just hang out together. This time, however, was different. Bored with playing with Barbies for the millionth time, Fawn threw her doll on the ground.

“Want to play a different game?” she asked me.
The answer to this was of course, yes. Not that I wasn’t enjoying playing with the dolls but after all, this was her house and I didn’t want to kick up a fuss. I was not to be anything other than the compliant guest.

Once I agreed, I didn’t have a clue what I was letting myself in for. I thought maybe we’d play with the Tamagotchis for a change. To my surprise, however, Fawn brought a chair to her wardrobe and stood on it. She bunched up a selection of scarfs into her fists and then stepped down. She smiled at me expectantly, assuming I knew what she meant.

I didn’t. I thought she was crazy - it was the middle of a heatwave and she wanted us to wear scarfs? Granted, they were thin, but that was the only conclusion my mind could jump to.

“You’re going to tie my wrists and feet together,” she instructed me, handing a couple of scarfs to me. “I’m going to be lying on the bed and you’re going to come in the door and torture me.”

I arched my eyebrow. “Torture you?”

“You know, tickle my feet,” she clarified. “It’ll be fun.”

Looking back in hindsight, to any other kid this must have seemed like a strange request. But in the moment, I was compliant and didn’t see any issue with it. So I did as I was told, being the guest and all.

Fawn lay down on the bed, practically shivering with excitement. I tied her feet first, trying my best to tie a secure knot without hurting her too much. I double-knotted her feet together and asked her if that was OK. Eager, she nodded and then gestured towards her wrists. I secured her wrists together above her head, double knotting again. I asked her if that was OK and she nodded.

“Now the gag,” she commanded.

I stared at her blankly.

“Grab another scarf and tie it around my mouth so I can’t yell out for help.”

I was beginning to feel a bit nervous. “Are you sure that’s ok?”

She nodded. “Yeah. It’s how it is in all the movies. You’re not going to get away with your evil plan if you let me scream the house down, are you?”

She had a point. Even though tying someone up and tickling them didn’t have much substance as an evil plan, I decided she knew what she was talking about.

Before I could wrap the gag around her mouth she said, “After you’ve gagged me, go wait outside the door for a few seconds. Then walk in, close the door and you can start.”

I agreed to the plan and proceeded to wrap the scarf around her mouth. I placed the fabric between her teeth and then tied it securely. She let out a few muffles to check it was on properly, and she seemed rather satisfied. I walked outside of her room.

When trying to close the door after leaving, I realised her door wouldn’t shut all the way. It remained open ajar and gradually grew wider. This added a potential danger to our plan. Fawn’s mother was downstairs watching TV and would often check on us to see how we were doing. What’s more is that Fawn’s little sister was only in the next room. I could see it happen now. One of them was going to walk in and then we were in trouble.

I peered my head through the door. “Fawn, this door won’t quite close—”

I was interrupted by an array of muffle whimpers and squeals. Every time I tried to explain, she grew louder and her glaring eyes told me to play along. It was clear that the game at begun and no amount of slightly open bedroom doors was going to interfere with that.

Playing along, I crept towards the end of her bed where her feet lay. I reached in and tickled them and she rolled around hysterically. She was always so insanely ticklish and never failed to jump out of her skin when I would try to tickle her in the past. She used to always slap me away and seem visibly angry, but now the tables had turned and she was letting me have free reign. It was quite funny to me watching her roll around like that. The way she was reacting was like she was being electrocuted. The more I tickled her, the more we laughed. We were laughing so much my ribs began to ache and we had to stop. There was also the danger of her mother investigating what was going on. I quickly untied her and removed the gag and we sat side by side together on the carpet floor for a few moments, calming ourselves down.

With a mischievous smile, she turned to me and said, “Now, it’s your turn.”

I eyed her carefully.

“It’s your turn to be tied up,” she told me.

I shuffled around nervously.

“What’s the matter? Don’t be embarrassed. It’s fun.”

I had to admit, it did look fun. Watching her struggle away like that, it made me kind of wish it was me in her place.

She looked visibly disappointed. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, by the way. We can always play something else.”

“No, I don’t mind,” I jumped in quickly.

The light returned in her eyes. “Wait, really?”

“Yeah, I want you to tie me up,” I said. I could feel my cheeks redden. I didn’t know why I felt embarrassed to admit that.

“You do?” she grinned. She bounced up and down excitedly where she sat. “All right! But this time,” her voice lowered to an almost threatening whisper, “we’re going to do it properly. Are you OK with that?”

I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by “properly” but I knew I was about to find out. It had gotten her so excited so I nodded.

“Good,” she snarled, the persona of the evil villain dawning on her. She lept to her feet. “I’m just going to get a drink from downstairs. Stay here.”

Not thinking anything of it, I watched as she walked out the room. I sat back on the bed and glanced at the collection of scarfs she had. She had so many. Some of them were ones I’d seen her wear a dozen times before, others I had never seen before and looked rather old though she had kept them. Some of them had the small knots scattered through them. I tried to untie one of them but it was way too small. I wondered what happened to get it in such a state.

Before I could ponder further, a hand clamped around my mouth and I was pulled backwards. I glanced up and was looking at Fawn, her upside down mouth grinning in pure delight. “I’ve got you now!” she declared. The game had begun.

She grabbed one of the scarfs I had been looking at and briefly removed her hand from my mouth to only place the scarf between my teeth. I let out a cry of faux terror as she aggressively tied it behind my head. The cry itself was muffled and I was rather shocked at how it had restricted my ability to speak. Already, I was feeling humiliated - but I kind of relished in it.

Next, she grabbed my wrists and tied them over and over behind my back. Although I struggled, she was stronger than I thought she was and I was caught.

She threw me down on the bed and pulled my feet towards her. In my last act of defiance, I began kicking at her. This was to no use as she decided to cheat the game and began tickling my feet. I cried out at her about how it wasn’t fair because we agreed we could only tickle each other after we’ve re-entered the room. Half of the syllables were lost in the gag but she shushed me regardless. “There’s no use trying to escape. You’re mine.”

She tied my feet together and patted my leg triumphantly, rather proud of herself I tried to call out beneath the gag but it was pointless. As she left the room, I started to try and pry my wrists apart and kicked my legs to no avail. She was good at this, really good. She had tied me up exactly like a super villain would, with no wriggle room and no chance of escape. I knew, even before she re-entered the room, that I was in her grasp. She was right. I was hers.

A few seconds went by and she hadn’t re-entered the room yet. I wriggled around, nervous as to what she was doing. Perhaps she enjoyed to increase the tension by lingering outside for as long as possible. Perhaps this was also part of the torture. I gaped at the door, imagining up situations in which we would be caught. The horror if her mother or little sister walked in. How humiliated I would feel. There was a certain amount of danger to it which I realised added to the game. It made it feel like there was a real threat of being caught. I kind of enjoyed that.

Just as I was about to try and lift myself from the compromising position, Fawn appeared from the foot of the bed and attacked my feet with merciless tickles. I was laughing so much I could barely breathe, the surprise of her being there all along only assuring me for a nanosecond.

“Got you!” she cried out. “Real villains don’t make their entrances so obvious. They attack when their victims least expect it.”

She had crawled in discreetly without me seeing and positioned herself beyond my range of sight. I had to give it to her, it was a good plan. I felt reassured knowing my kidnapper was a rather intelligent and thorough one.

Gradually, she began to inch closer to me. I could feel my heart rate getting faster. Her fingertips danced around my leg until they sunk under my knees, tickling violently. I kicked my legs over and over, much to her scheming pleasure.

Then her fingers jumped to my hips. Oh, no, I thought. She wouldn’t.

She noticed the expression on my face. My head was shaking violently and my eyes pleaded no. This only pushed her to go through with her evil plan.

She tickled both sides of my hips at once, leading me to practically jump out of my skin. “II HAAAGHHT OOOH,” I cried out through my hysterical laughter. The gag stole my words again but she knew what I was saying.

“What was that? You want more?”

I cried out again. She knew that’s not what I said! I shook my head but that one action seemed to be her command. She tickled me again and I jolted once more.

She shuffled towards my head. Thinking the game to be over, my assumption was that she was coming over to untie my wrists and remove the gag. I should have known better by then.

Instead, her fingers zapped towards my neck and tickled me before I could block her by moving my chin. When my chin dropped down, trapping her fingers motionless there, she used her other hand to tickle the other side of my neck. I kicked and yelled out. “I HAAAAGHHH OOOH” was my response once more.

“Tell me,” she said. “Do you want me to stop?”

“ESSSS,” I told her.

“Do you want me to untie you?”

I considered the question for a moment. The rationalist in me said yes. But a stronger part of me enjoyed being tied down, completely powerless. It was sort of liberating. I felt like it had changed me.

“I said - do you want me to untie you?” she bellowed. I had never seen her look so commanding before. It was kind of impressive.

I nodded desperately. I thought it would have been weird if I had said no. It would be breaking the rules of the game or something.

“Well, tough!” she yelled. “You’re my prisoner and you will never walk free!”


“No buts! We will commence further torture after I have had my snack! Farewell.”

Then she quickly sauntered out of the room, slamming the door behind her. It did naturally creek open again a second later. There I lay, a completely helpless prisoner, bound and gagged. I didn’t know how much longer I was going to be like this or whether she planned another sneak attack like last time. This time, I was more prepared. Even excited for it.

This did not end up happening as she walked in a few moments later, an excited look about her face. She was no longer an Evil Supervillain but my regular friend Fawn. She removed the gag from my mouth and began to untie my wrists and then my feet. It took her much longer to untie her knots than it took me to untie hers. I supposed she didn’t really care whether she hurt me, she wanted me to suffer, or rather the Evil Villain did.

Both of us shared a few moments of laughter together before her mother called us down for dinner. We ate and we didn’t mention it at all, it was so much more fun than it was our little secret game. Fawn told her mother that we were just playing with our dolls. She didn’t doubt us.

Fawn tied me up several times since that day but I suppose one day we grew out of it - or rather, she grew out of it - and we didn’t play it again. I felt embarrassed bringing it up myself so always just patiently waited and hoped that she would suggest we play it.

As we grew older together, she kept a lot of the scarfs she used to tie me up. I would often see them still placed on top of that wardrobe or when she would wear them. Whenever she did wear them, I would silently be reminded of those special times we shared together. I would never bring them up to her of course, as I still felt kind of ashamed by it all. I felt like I enjoyed being tied up a little too much. I feared that if I brought the past up she would say that she didn’t remember, whether out of genuine insignificant the game was to her that she didn’t retain the memories or that she, too, was embarrassed about the time we spent together playing that silly game. We had fun though. I’ll always be grateful to her for sharing those times with me.
Last edited by rose 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good story, well written, thank you :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I really like it!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by rash357 »

Great story! Super cute and innocent - you had a very good friend!
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Post by Deleted User 1591 »

Thanks for sharing this fun experience!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story, rose!
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Post by Cleavegagger »

Nice story, great way to get into the hobby ;)
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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Post by TightsBound »

This was great! Very well written. Thank you for sharing!
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Post by fungirlkatie »

I really enjoyed the story
Still here, still really like using scarves for bondage
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Post by Gaggedgeekgirl »

Very nice story and very descriptive. I like the way you describe your feelings. Did you ever tie Fawn up again?
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Post by Nexus »

Great story and well written. Thanks for sharing!
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Post by Sheriff »

Great story. I love it when one person suggests a game where they're tied up and then the tables are turned!
Hands behind your back....

See what I'm up to on my blog! http://www.sheriffofknots.com/
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