The Legacy Continues: f/f

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The Legacy Continues: f/f

Post by Amy »

Hi all. I forget whether or not I posted anything on the predecessor of this board. I have been sharing a few of my stories on the internet and I thought this would be a good place to add one. My user name here is Amy. That is what most of you probably heard me referred to in the stories from my sister. Apparently, she was quite a legend in her day. Jennifer has retired from writing officially now. But, I thought maybe I should take a turn at it.

When she started writing I was helped her out by proofreading until she found a more professional one. She introduced me to him online and he agreed to help me put a few of my own experiences together for the net. As most of you can guess, Amy isn't my real name. My sister always changed our names in the stories to keep us somewhat anonymous. So, since that is what she called me in her stories. Then that is what I will call myself. That way anybody transitioning from her stories into mine will have some cohesion in the process.

I thought I would start out with something simple and see how the community here reacts to my writings. This story took place when I was 11 or 12. I don't remember which it was, but it was a week in early January. Jennifer was home from college for Christmas break after the holiday and my parents were out at some gathering. So, it was just us girls at home for the evening. I leave the rest of the introduction aside and jump into the story.

"So, how's it going in there? Any luck getting out yet?" The voice echoed from the kitchen into our living room.

I gave my wrists a couple of more twists and jerks. The ropes didn't give to my struggles. I worked my arms back and forth across the small of my back trying to gain some leverage against the situation. Well, at least to the limits of what the ropes allowed me to do. I really couldn't shift them up or down. So, that left me with a rather limited side to side motion. Overall, it was just a useless gesture in futility it seemed. But at that age, I hadn't tired myself out yet, so I continued with my struggles.

"Nope, nothing yet. It's only been a few minutes. I need more time silly." I replied back.

I heard the dull hum of the electric motor turn on in the kitchen. A couple of minutes later I began to hear the short thuds followed by a chorus of them as the popcorn emptied into the pot. Jennifer was getting a large batch of popcorn together for a movie for us to share. She was doing it the old fashion way with an air popper into a 5-quart pot my mother used to boil corn during the summer. I know most people use the microwave now, but there is just something special in the taste when you do it from scratch.

I was lying face down on the floor of the living room on my stomach. My shoulders and head were propped up on a large end pillow from our family sofa. My hands were crossed in an X pattern and tied in the small of my back. Jennifer had used a piece of rope about 20 feet in length to accomplish the task. My hands were wrapped horizontally several times and then tightened up with some verticle cinches the other way to keep them snug. There was also a wrap patter around the who figure to keep it snugged together. The remaining 6 feet of rope after my hands were bound made its way around my waist twice. There it was knotted off against my tummy with a good snug knot out of the reach of my bound hands.

Binding my wrists to my waist limited how much I could move them around behind my back. It also meant I couldn't work my legs through and get them in front to attack the bindings with my teeth. I was dressed in some two-piece medium blue cotton ski pajamas. They were the long leg and long sleeve type with the little-ribbed cuffs on the wrists and ankles. The cuffs were and kneck collar were both a soft dull yellow. I had the bottom of the shirt tucked into the elastic waist on the pants. Technically they were boy pajamas, but they were my size and when I saw them at the store I wanted them. I was also wearing some white socks on my feet. My legs were not restrained at this point in the story.

I gave my hands a few more tugs as I heard the microwave go ding. That meant the butter was finished melting. A moment later, I could hear my sister shaking the pot up after putting the lid on. This would more evenly distribute the butter and salt. Afterward, I heard Jennifer dump the pot into a paper grocery bag before starting another popping. We had a two-hour movie ahead of us and normally we made pigs of ourselves during it. Once the second go-round of popcorn was started my sister came into the living room to check on me. She didn't like leaving me alone for an extended period when I was tied. Upon seeing her approach I rolled onto my side.

"Normally a trainer catches a Pikachu, not the other way around," I commented looking up at her. Both of us laughed.

"You holding up ok out here?" Jennifer asked. I nodded.

My sister was in her Pikachu onesie with the matching slippers. It had Pikachu's face on the top of the hood and even an attached tail. Her slippers were the closed back type with the little plush heads on the front. I had a matching pair of slippers on my feet as well. My mother had gotten them for both of us about two years prior for Christmas. Although, I didn't have the sleep suit like my sister did. She had gotten that when she was out at college and my mother had not come across one in my size. Rolling onto side revealed the front of my pajamas. They had a white background with a screen print of Ash and Pikachu on them along with the Pokemon logo. Both Jennifer and I were heavily into the video game. With that settled Jennifer returned to the kitchen to finish up the popcorn and I returned my attention to trying to free myself.

. . . . . . . . . . .

About 10 minutes later, Jennifer returned from the kitchen holding the grocery bag full of popcorn. She also had a 2 liter of pop and a couple of cups in her other hand. I rolled onto my side once again and then worked my way into upwards using my legs. I ended sitting with my legs crossed in front of me facing my sister. Jennifer sat the food down on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Then she made her way over and checked on the ropes binding my hands. I hadn't made much progress since she had tied me about half an hour earlier.

"Nope, you're still pretty stuck." She commented looking down.

"The socks aren't helping. It's really hard to get out of this with them on." I protested.

"That's kind of the idea, you don't tie somebody up so that they can escape. The whole idea is to keep them from using their hands for anything." My sister explained.

There was a pair of wool socks over my hands tucked up under the sleeves of my pajamas. The offered an additional layer between the ropes and my skin. But, they also made it impossible for me to use my fingers to work any of the knots that bound me. That was kind of the whole point I suppose looking back at it now. My sister gave a few quick tugs on my ropes. She was satisfied they were in tact and not causing me any grief.

Afterward, she got a bowl of popcorn for me out of the bag and set it down next to the pillow. She also opened up one of the cups and filled it from the 2 liter with pop. My sister put one of those sippy cup lids like you would use for a 3-year-old on top of it and pushed a straw through the opening. It was a little insulting given my age. But, it meant I wouldn't be washing the carpet if it accidentally got knocked over. Next, she fixed herself a glass of pop and a bowl of popcorn. Finally, Jennifer seated herself on the couch and pushed the play button on the remote for the VCR to start the movie.

I don't remember what we were watching. It was something animated, probably a Disney film. But, it's really not relevant to the story. I layed back down on my stomach and got comfortable looking up at the television as the film started to play. Eating popcorn with your hands tied behind your back is a feat. But, it was one that Jennifer had pioneered and I had mastered. I was basically reduced to shifting a little bit and grabbing a few kernels with my mouth. Much like a family pet eating something out of a dish. It was kind of silly, but it added some excitement to the situation. It took me about 15 minutes to work my way through my first bowl of popcorn and drink the soda with the straw my sister provided. About 20 minutes into the movie she paused it and replenished my snacks.

I made short work of the second bowl. Jennifer provided a third, but the movie was reaching it the good point in the story. It wasn't worth the effort to consume the third quickly so I ended up slowing down. I laid there kicking my feet up and down a little. I shifted back and forth and spent some time testing the ropes. A little over an hour into the movie Jennifer paused it again. I shifted myself onto my side and then up onto my back looking up at her. I was only a third of the way through my latest bowl of popcorn. So, I didn't need another snack. She put the remote on the couch and got up without a word.

Then she headed into the kitchen and towards the main hallway that connected to the bedrooms. I figured at first she was going to use the bathroom. It was common when there just a few of us watching a movie if one of us needed a break. Then they would pause it and come back when their business was completed. I rolled back onto my stomach and waited for the sound of the toilet flushing to signal my sister's return. I got another bite of popcorn and took another sip from my soda. However, the sound of the toilet never came. I looked back over my shoulder suddenly when I realized that Jennifer was kneeling down behind me.

My sister had another piece of rope in her hands. It was uncoiled and about 15 feet in length or so. She was reaching towards me with it. I shifted towards my side facing her and pulled away instinctively.

"No, I don't want to be hog-tied." I put the matter out clearly.

"I wasn't planning on it," Jennifer replied. "I just thought I should tie your ankles so you would quit kicking your one foot against the floor and keeping me from hearing the movie." She explained.

I took a second and debated the situation. Then I took my sister's comment at face value. She normally didn't lie to me. Besides, she was older than me and my hands were already tied. So, if this came to a wrestling match I was going to lose. I decided it was better not to put of a fight and risk getting all hot and sweaty. I pushed my legs back towards Jennifer and let her go to work. She wrapped my ankles about 8 or 9 times with the rope and then cinched it off in the middle. She took the last few feet of rope and tied them around the middle of my feet over my slippers.

"There no maybe we can watch the movie in a little more peace and quiet," Jennifer explained.

She took the pause as an opportunity to finish topping off my popcorn and soda as well. With the second set of rope on my ankles, my options for movement became a lot less. I laid there mostly on my stomach and worked on the remainder of my popcorn. We watched the movie to its conclusion without another break. When it was over, Jennifer got up and pulled the tape from the VCR. She set it into one of those rewinder boxes and set it going back to the beginning. For those of you too young to know, they were a separate unit you used to rewind tapes to save on the wear and tear on the VHS head in a VCR.

With that done, she collected the bowls and cups before heading into the kitchen. I could hear the sink turn on as my sister started working on the dishes. I took that time as a moment to see what I could do about my predicament. I was still bound hand and foot. Jennifer had not made any effort to free me. I rolled onto my back and worked my way sideways over towards the coffee table. With its help, I finally managed to sit up. It was a lot more difficult to move around with my feet tied together. The position my hands were restrained meant I couldn't use them to push myself up at all. Up to that point, I had been pretty reliant on my legs. Having my ankles tied limited my options considerably.

I was finally able to get into a sitting up position with my back against the coffee table and my feet on the floor. After some more work and careful balance I actually managed to work my way upwards using the table as support. A minute later I was standing fully upright. I decided to make for the kitchen and see about getting myself out of the ropes. I took about 30 seconds to turn myself towards the kitchen door. Then I started forward taking small hops. I took my time. It was difficult to keep my balance and I had to navigate around an easy chair next to our sofa.

It took me about 7 minutes to reach the doorway leading into the kitchen. Jennifer was standing at the sink drying the dishes from making popcorn. She had the small television set we had in the kitchen on and was watching the news. I was within 10 feet of the island in the middle of the kitchen when she turned around and became aware of my presence.

"I knew I should have hogtied you," Jennifer explained jokingly. "You really should be up hopping around like that. It's quite dangerous. If you fell you couldn't catch yourself with your hands tied." She explained.

I stopped my advance. "My arms are getting sore, could you untie my hands?" I requested.

Jennifer held up a hand motioning for me to stop where I was. She crossed the kitchen and started releasing the knot from where the ends of the rope met on my tummy. Afterward , she unwound the ends of the bindings and about 2 minutes later I was able to pull my hands from the coils of rope. I took a few more hops over towards an extra dining room chair that was against the wall in our kitchen. Jennifer was less concerned as my hands were now free. I seated myself and slipped the socks off of my hands and began to massage my wrists.

After another 2 minutes of that, I began to turn my attention to getting my ankles out of their bindings. It took me another 10 minutes to completely free myself. Jennifer was faster at it than I was. I was still sore from the ropes, but it had been a fun experience none the less. Afterward Jennifer and I stayed up for a while and talked. I didn't get to see her as often as I did in the first decade of my life. Normally, my bed time was around 9:00. But, I was on winter break and my sister let me stay up way past that. Eventually, I got tired and went to bed.

That concludes my first story on this new board. I hope everyone reading it enjoyed it. I want to keep what I post here in the spirit of how my sister wrote originally. Casual and fun stories on the topic of TUGs. Comments and discussion are always welcome of course. If you folks enjoyed it I might write some more. Let me know.

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Post by Tieup1 »

That was an enjoyable read. A nice fun TUG between two sisters, I think you both had some pleasure playing that game. :lol:

I look forward to reading more of your stories. :)
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Post by Fordman »

Fun and well told, thank you so much. I look forward to more.
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Post by TightsBound »

Wonderful story! It was fun, detailed, and well written. And it’s great to see Jennifer’s legacy live on. Looking forward to more from you! :)
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Post by rash357 »

Great story! Your sister was a great author who posted some fun stories and looking forward to the same from you!
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Post by damsel »

That was really well written!
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Hallo Amy, Thank you for Story. I glad that now you start to write. But that was only a matter of time. I hope you know heiress you line up. :) But to be honestly your big brother hade make me wit his story possible to see at least near in age your really, my thought form as much younger as your are really.
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Post by Felinius »

A great story, and glad to see you writing here. You put some amazing detail into your stories.

Also, we had a rewinder as well, but only used it when we where queueing up another movie, and prepping a return to the grocery store we rented from!

A couple of questions. Did you ever try Jennifer’s straitjacket, thumbless mittens, or a sleeper like the one she had in one of her college stories?
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Post by batsiiii »

You are a great writer - just like your sister.

Thanks for sharing another story from your Family :)
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Yes her writing is great. I want hear form her.
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Post by Soraka »

Great story Amy, thanks for posting!
Your writing style is as good as your sisters ;)
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Post by Amy »

Felinius wrote: 6 years ago A great story, and glad to see you writing here. You put some amazing detail into your stories.

Also, we had a rewinder as well, but only used it when we where queueing up another movie, and prepping a return to the grocery store we rented from!

A couple of questions. Did you ever try Jennifer’s straitjacket, thumbless mittens, or a sleeper like the one she had in one of her college stories?
Sorry for taking so long to reply here. Yes, I had access to several of these on ocaasions. But, they didn't see a ton of use since my siblings were often absent during my childhood.
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Post by Amy »

Soraka wrote: 6 years ago Great story Amy, thanks for posting!
Your writing style is as good as your sisters ;)
We share the same proof reader and grammerly helps as well. Still, thank you for the compliment. I am glad you enjoy it.
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Amy wrote: 6 years ago Sorry for taking so long to reply here. Yes, I had access to several of these on ocaasions. But, they didn't see a ton of use since my siblings were often absent during my childhood.
Hallo Amy, must not excuse for any thing. I get used that I have wait. For good things I will wait til ones a months. Other question do you get sometime also blindfolded in tied up? I your and your sister stories because had childhood I wished I had.
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Post by jez »

that sounds like alot of fun I was kind of hoping you ended up hogtied. I wanna get hogtied with socks over my hands now that you mention it. generally I like being put in hogties but sometimes they begin to hurt my wrists, i'm thinking some socks that are thick enough would actually make it more enjoyable. Have you ever escaped with your hands covered in socks? I think I found my new secret weapon for my next captive thanks amy
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