CJ's True Stories (m+/m+) Part 4 is up

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CJ's True Stories (m+/m+) Part 4 is up

Post by cj2125 »

Hello everyone! CJ here! As with most people in this site, I’ve been interested in tie up games since I can remember; I always found a certain fascination in seeing characters in movies and TV getting the ropes treatment; during my life, I’ve had my own share of innocent experiences (and a bunch of not so innocent but those I’d rather keep for myself) involving ropes and other restraints. They probably aren’t as rich or interesting as those of other luckier board members yet they still were fun for me (even thought at that time some of them might not seemed so fun). So, I’m going to use this topic to tell you my truth but greatly embellished stories.

Before starting, I want to make a disclaimer that all names are made up for obvious reasons and, although the stories are based on true events, I had fill in the voids of some details that I had forgotten through the years or that I fell would make the story more appealing so, in the spirit of honesty, I must say hat my stories are around 90% true

The Captured Spy

Growing up as an only child (for the moment at least) with both parents working meant that I had to spend a lot time on my own. Of course, my parents would never leave a child unsupervised so they would drop me by my aunt’s house (my father’s sister), she also worked all day my grandma lived with her so she could look after me and my cousin.

My cousin, whom I’ll refer as Louis for the story, was a few years older than me but still we got alone pretty well, me seeing him as an older brother and with plenty of time on our own, we would device our own role-playing games like cops and robbers, cowboys or re-enacting our favorite scenes from movies.

This afternoon my grandmother was resting upstairs while we were playing on the living room. I would be probably 5 at the time and Louis would be 8 or 9. I don’t recall the exact series of events that lead us here but we were playing spies, shooting at each other with toy guns and running around the house.

Eventually, Louis got me with his gun and decided to interrogate me. Being the obedient prisoner, I let him lead me at gunpoint towards the dining room where he asked me to sit on a chair. He instructed me to wait and rushed to his room. I obediently sat on the chair, swinging my legs. Of course, I could have escape right there but I was genuinely curious of what he was planning to do. You could imagine my surprise when he came back holding to jump ropes he owned.

They weren’t your usual jump ropes, they were covered with plastic so we wouldn’t burn ourselves playing with them, in retrospect they would probably be terrible tools for bondage but at that age I didn’t care about it; I remember watching excitedly as he untangled them, announcing that he would have to tie me up in order to prevent me from escaping.

I didn’t offer any resistance, I just eagerly watched as he set out to work. He used the first rope on my upper body, he had me rest my hands on the sides of the chair and tied each one separately to the furniture, then he used the remaining rope to pin my torso to the chair, tying up the knot behind my back. Next, he used the second rope for my legs. He started with my left leg, around my ankle and then went up all the way to my lap, before returning down my right leg so each one ended tied to the legs of the chair even though my feet could barely touch the floor!

I thought he was done but boy I was wrong! He ran to the kitchen and came back holding a rag that would be use to wipe the counters. I obediently opened my mouth and let him tie the rag between my teeth, honestly it wasn’t that bad, a little dry but not disgusting at all!

“Can you get out?” he asked stepping back to see the result, perhaps with enough struggle I would have been able to escape but I didn’t feel the need for it, instead I wiggled in my place, letting soft grunts through the gag while Louis chuckled. I remember liking the situation I was in, the feeling of being trapped, of perhaps being kidnapped by an evil spy was truly exhilarating and to be honest I didn’t want it to finish.

Louis smiled, pleased with his work as I squirmed on the chair; of course, he had his own fun too, teasing my inability to escape and going as far as to tickle my tummy and ribs. I chuckled biting down the gag and trashed around trying to get away from his prying fingers to no avail. After a while though, he let me catch a breath and headed to his room, leaving me trapped to ponder my fate.

I struggled and grunted in to my gag (never dared to scream in case someone actually thought I was in trouble) pretending that I had been kidnapped for real, being held in some abandonned warehouse by some dastardly characters, alone and helpless! I must say tht I loved every part of it!

I wasn’t alone for too long since my grandmother soon showed up, drowning a yawn as she made her way across the dining room. She had to make a double take, clearly not expecting to find her youngest grandson bound and gagged on the middle of the dinning room, still she didn’t seem alarmed of my state, perhaps the grin I was spotting clued her of the nature of my predicament

“Louis did this to you?” she asked resting her hands on her hips, I sheepishly nodded “Did you let him do this?” once again I nodded, I saw no point in getting my cousin in trouble. She let out a sigh and called upon Louis. She wasn’t mad at him since clearly, I had been on board with it, still that didn’t stop her for lecturing him about not leaving me alone like that since it could be dangerous, finally, a to my dismay, asking him to untie me since I probably ha been tied long enough (she mentioned something about nerve damage but I didn’t pay much attention to it at the moment)

As Louis started undoing the knots, I pushed the gag with my tongue (to give you an idea of how lousy my bondage was) and asked to tie him up. Needless to say, he didn’t seem too keen on the idea “But it’s my turn!” I demanded as I felt the ropes around my chest giving up

“But I’m stronger than you! I won’t let you tie me up!” he replied, playfully tapping my head, still I had a trump card

“Grandma! Louis won’t let me tie him up!” Grandma peered her head from the kitchen and told Louis that since I agree to do it, it was fair for him to let me turn the tables. Unwilling to go against grandma’s wishes, my cousin reluctantly agreed and as soon as I got out, he sat on the chair.

I wasted no time in tying him up the same way he tied me, arms to his sides and legs spread although it was harder than I thought, he even had to guide me on how to tie knots. I finally stepped back looking at my work, now as an adult I can tell it was probably a terrible job but at that age I was quite proud with myself. Louis could probably easily escape but he humored me by putting up show as he struggled “I can’t get out CJ!”

I was more than thrilled! I had managed to capture my older cousin! “Oh right! Your gag!” I exclaimed picking untying the rag that still hanged loosely around my neck

“Oh, come one! That has been in your mouth!” Louis complained but still, opened his mouth letting me tie it between his teeth. I enjoyed the next minutes teasing Louis, tickling his ribs (unfortunately he only giggled a little bit) and watching him struggle. I even called grandma to show her my job!

Unfortunately, I had the attention span of a 7-year-old and soon got bored and left Louis bound the chair while I went to his room to read some comics, ignoring his muffled protests. I don’t know if grandma let him go or he got out on his own but about five minutes later he joined me carrying the now neatly coiled ropes, he wasn’t mad, in fact he admitted having fun and suggested we try it again before picking up another comic and joining me.

Unfortunately, we never got to repeat that game and it ended being an isolated event, I honestly don’t think he enjoyed it as much as I did but that wasn’t the end of my adventures, I would never get a stable TUGs buddy but I do have a few more stories involving friends and family that I will eventually share with you
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story!
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Post by LK3869 »

A nice sweet story, and your writting makes it very lively and enjoyable.
The children games dynamics is precisely depicted and all those kids thoughts :)
Guess it will bring back nice memories to a lot of guys here...
Waiting for more.
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Post by MaxRoper »

First Time stories are always fun and this one is very well told. Like many of us, I had similar experiences and can certainly relate to the feelings expressed.

Thanks for posting! I look forward to any more you wish to share.
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Post by cj2125 »

The Taped Hostages

During my childhood, there were a few kids around my neighborhood with whom I could play. One of this was Patrick, the kid next-door. He was a year younger than me, skinny and small for his age with long black hair. We grew up together, riding our bikes, skating, sharing our toys and playing different games. One of the games we liked to play was cowboys, we would be rivals, running around the cul-de-sac we lived in, trying to kill each other with made up guns.

Sometimes, I would insist on capturing him instead of killing him (it was always me the one capturing him, don’t recall if we ever switched places); since at that young age I already knew my preference for ropes, I would ask to tie him up and he would reluctantly agree.

Since we didn’t have any access to ropes, he would merely cross his hands behind his back, cross his ankles and lay on the floor pretending to struggle, sometimes he would follow my command and press his lips together, pretending to be gagged too. Unfortunately, he never seemed to be a fun of it, escaping quickly enough and refusing to be captured again (imaginary ropes are terrible if you want to hold someone down I must tell you). Eventually I came to realize that he didn’t particularly enjoyed that aspect of our games so I reluctantly dropped it.

One day, I would be 6 years old since my mother was heavily pregnant at the time with my future brother, my parents were vacating a room they used for storage in order to made a nursery for the upcoming baby, hence my dad had to pack plenty of stuff in cardboard boxes and take them to the attic.

Me and Patrick were playing outside as usual but after a while we got bored and went inside to see what my parents were doing. Dad was finishing sealing the boxes with brown packing tape. We took an interest on the tape and, while my father wasn’t looking, we took it and rushed outside to play with it. It basically consisted on ripping small pieces of tape and applying them to our bodies, then ripping them off. At one point, Patrick ripped a piece and plastered it over my mouth, using his fingers to smooth it over my lips

“I actually like you better quiet!” he chuckled, I squinted at him and snatched the tape from his hands, ripping my own piece and pressing it over his mouth too. So now you had two kids running around, loudly “mmpphhing” at each other. Perhaps our screams were too loud for the caught my dad’s attention. He peeked outside to make sure we weren’t being murdered and was quite surprised to see two kids smiling at him with brown tape over the mouths.

“Hey! You look like you’ve been kidnapped” he chuckled, without even thinking I happily nodded my head, Patrick followed my lead nodding too, dad smiled “But you can take it off with your hands” once more without any afterthought, I hand him the tape and held my hands together in front of me. Dad laughed and asked us to go inside.

I followed his instructions and sat at the bottom of the stairs, my dad ripped a piece of tape and wrapped it around my wrists, he did the same with my ankles and stepped back “You okay?” he asked; I inspected my bonds, testing them to see if I could break free and was pleasantly surprised to see I couldn’t (apparently 6 year-olds don’t have too much strength on their arms!), the tape was really snug and slightly pulled the hairs of my arm when I writhed my wrists yet I didn’t seem to mind, I was enjoying it too much to really care about a minor discomfort!

Dad turned around and noticed Patrick, looking at me half longingly and half apprehensively “Do you want to be kidnapped too?” he asked, Patrick seemed to hesitate for a moment before nodding and sitting besides me, offering dad his hands to be tied up. Soon he was bound just like me, sheepishly inspecting his wrists

“Ghn nhh gmt hht?” I asked him, he chuckled and shook his head, apparently hearing me try to talk with my mouth taped shut was hilarious! Dad merely left us to struggle and kept packing up their stuff. We remained sitting down on the staircase, testing our bonds and trying to talk to each other. This was the first time I ever considered tape as a form of restrain and I realized how amazing it felt! It was smooth and firm, not bulging as much as we squirmed, not to mention we must have looked adorable playing the hostages

It was also the first time (and unfortunately the only one for a long time) that I got tied with another person and it was wonderful, the two of us mmmpping at each other, squirming together, playing into our fantasy of being kidnapped kids; things even got better when Patrick started rocking his body back and forth until he gained enough momentum to get up, I watched him with interest while my friend, resting his hands on his legs, started bunny hopping around.

I quickly followed him and we spent the next hour bouncing around my house, “crying” for help or basically fooling around; at one point my dad warned us that if we kept hopping like that he would tape us back to back! I sincerely wanted him to do that but unfortunately, he never followed on his threat. Still it was really fun, bouncing against each other, trying to communicated with gag talk and in general trying to do things that would be really easy had our hands been free. I wished it could last forever!

Unfortunately, Patrick seemed to have other ideas. After a while I noticed he was starting to get bored until finally he used his fingers to pull the tape from his mouth (our hands were taped in front after all) and used his teeth to rip the tape from his wrists “Why are you still tied up?” he asked me, I gave him a confused look and showed him my bound hands

“I’m not letting you go” he grinned “I wanna ride my bike, see you outside!” he waved and hurried away, leaving me on my own. Now I could have merely play the hostage on my own but at that age, no matter how much I enjoyed being a prisoner, the idea of playing with other kids my age was far more appealing so I followed his example and released myself before rushing after him.

That was my only adventure with Patrick, we went to different schools so we grew apart as we got older until eventually, he moved away from the neighborhood and I lost contact with him. Still, that day I learned two important aspects of my fascination with bondage. First my love for tape as a way to gag and restrain a prisoner and second, my fascination for several people bound together. As for my other adventures, I wouldn’t get tied up again until my preteen years when my awareness of what bondage really meant had significantly developed but that should be for another story
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Post by FelixSH »

These are really sweet. Thanks for sharing your memories. :)

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Post by LK3869 »

Still so well told...
And all hails to 3M or whoever invented sticky tape :lol: ( will check that...)
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Post by cj2125 »

[mention]LK3869[/mention] indeed! We all have to thank 3M for changing our lives and the way we do TUGs
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Post by LK3869 »

cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago @LK3869 indeed! We all have to thank 3M for changing our lives and the way we do TUGs
Had the idea very late, used almost everything else before seeing the light :) Tying for dummies, fast and easy... and that sound :twisted:
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Post by cj2125 »

[mention]LK3869[/mention] ALL HAIL THE WONDERS OF TAPE!
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Post by LK3869 »

The net says :
"invented in 1942, by Johnson and Johnson for the Army, name comes from dutch word for "fabric" that sounds like "duck", got mixed up by popular culture in US with "duct" and then back to Duck tape when a popular brand used a duck with a cap logo. " ductape" came later... Now our dear 3M owns the market...

Formerly predominantly white, black or that so ugly brown you used in your story and that makes you look like a box of french fries, sexy silver light grey started in the seventies..."

Completely off topic but will make that site look waay more serious :lol:
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Post by cj2125 »

The Movie

By the time I was 12 years old, a few things had changed in my live. First of all, internet had entered my life and that of other kids my age. Now, I went to an all-male school, and at that age, many of us were making the transition towards teenagehood, discovering new things about ourselves and our bodies. And of course, there were kids who liked to act “grownup” (of course no 12-year old really understood what grownup meant), which, in their minds, meant displaying a lot of knowledge about the more intimate aspects of the female species.

That, plus the advent of the internet meant that our conversations soon moved on to discuss “adult sites”. Not wanting to be left behind, I started frequenting those sites. One time, innocently I typed the word “tied up” into the search engine of one of said sites and a new world was opened to me. To make a story short, I learned two things during that time. First, that I got more joy from watching men tied up than women, and second, that my love for bondage, as I learned it was called, wasn’t something common or publicly accepted and, being an insecure boy wanting to fit in, I decided to try my best to hide that part of me from my peers.

That take us to our English project. We were paired in groups of four to make a short movie with an open subject. I paired up with a friend and two other boys from my classroom. I must point that during that time, certain TV show, 24, was at the peak of its popularity along with other media of the spy/counterterrorist genre. It wasn’t a surprise that our group decided to make an action movie, involving “terrorists” and a hostage situation.

That’s were my insecurities kicked in, when I found out that the hostage would be tied up, I would have loved to play him! Yet my fear of being seen too eager, not to mention that my whole class would watch me tied up and gagged made me stay quite when they asked who wanted to play the hostage, instead, another boy, Frank, volunteered for it. I ended being the guard whom the hero would kill in order to save his friend.

So, when the day of shooting that scene arrived, we moved to a garage that would serve as the villain’s lair, a chair was set in the middle where the hostage must wait for his savior. Frank sat on the chair and pulled his hands behind his back. A (clean) soccer sock was tied between his teeth working as a gag. We were about to start filming when he let out a muffled grunt before pulling the sock from his mouth

“Actually, tie my hands, that way this will look better” someone else suggested we tie his legs too and he agreed. I couldn’t believe it! Here I had a, admittingly cute, guy willingly asking to be tied up! They got a couple of old chords that they used to tie his hands behind his back and ankles together! Then came the shots of the “helpless” hostage.

I watched mesmerized as Frank struggled and moaned for the camera. Looking at the lenses with pleading eyes, his chest growing as he heavily breathed, alternating between trying to ask for help and shaking his head in fear.
Next scene. Me and my fellow bad guy stepped in with toy guns; we proceeded to threaten Frank, roughing him up, I even got to pat his cheek while saying some cliché thing like “no one will save you!” the defiant glare he gave me was utterly adorable!

After that came the final scene, the hero had already disposed of the bad guys and now had to barge into the room and rescue the hostage. But as he burst in and announced his lines, Frank burst out laughing
“Cut” yelled our “director” rolling his eyes “Frank! You aren’t supposed to laugh!”

“Sogghy” Frank chuckled and tried to regain his serious expression but the moment the hero burst again, the laughter resumed. By the third attempt, Frank was having a full-on laughing attack, much to everyone’s annoyance (except mine, he really looked good laughing while gagged!)

“That’s it! We are leaving you here until you stop laughing!” Frank tried to protest but his laughter prevented him from doing that. And so, the three of us left the room (reluctantly in my case since I would have loved to keep watching Frank’s struggles) and went to the kitchen for something to eat.

When we got back, about 30 minutes later, Frank was still tied to the chair and his laughter had subsided, being replaced by a frown “Feeling better?”

Frank glared at, biting into his gag us and nodded. This time, the scene went smoothly, the hero barged in assuring Frank of his safety, removed the gag so the hostage could thank him and then untied his hands and legs. What caught my attention was that it only took a gentle tug at the cord to release his hands, Frank could have easily escape if he wanted! Which meant that he willingly stayed tied to a chair all that time!

My mind almost went crazy with the hypothesis that Frank might have been enjoying that more than he let; my hyperactive imagination went as far as develop different scenarios where I could tie up Frank again, or have him tie me up, or even better! Have both of us tied! Of course, those scenarios just stayed as crazy plans, I wasn’t even a friend of Frank so I never got to gather enough courage to ask him, not that I regret it since probably he was just having fun for the moment.

The movie was done and showed up to our whole class along the projects of other groups. That’s when I got another surprise! Apparently, we weren’t the only ones with that idea! Three other groups presented movies with similar premises! I got to watch a short boy having his hands tied and a bag over his head before being thrown into a car! Another kid was handgagged by the villain and later his friends found him in a closet, hands behind his back and mouth covered in tape! Two more “spies” were captured by the bad guys and tied to a tree! In many of those cases the bondage was lackluster but it was till nice seeing my classmates at least pretending to be “tied” and moaning!

It was a fun experience in general although I still wonder about what might have happened had I volunteer to be the victim; I won’t claim that I learn a valuable lesson about being myself, but it was one of the first in a series of experiences that eventually led me to realize to stop carying of what others might think and just do stuff that made me happy, including a couple of fun “innocent” bondage experiences in college (although I’m going ahead, there are still a couple more experiences before my college years)
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Post by FelixSH »

Oh dear, I can emphasize with this way too much. :lol: I can nearly feel the urge to volunteer for being tied up, while lacking the courage to do so, and the frustration to have someone else actually do it.

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Post by cj2125 »

Trapped in Self-Bondage

So, it’s clear that growing up, I had a fascination with being tied up. As a kid I remember imagining scenarios where I would end tied up, perhaps I was kidnapped, perhaps me and my classmates were being held hostage, perhaps I a pair of robbers had broken into my house and had left me bound and gagged. I remember going as far as to draw those fantasies or act them up, closing the doors of my room and sitting down when no one was near, crossing my ankles and placing my hands behind my back and pretending to be captured, some times I would wrap myself on a blanket or wrap the curtain cord around my wrists, pretending that my arms were tied to the ceiling above.

But most of those games were innocent in nature, around the time I was 12 I started realizing that my enjoyment of being tied up went far beyond mere fun (my discovery of adult pages only confirmed my suspicions) and so I decided to strip down to my briefs and tie myself up for real

I had pretended to be tied up in my underwear before as a kid, but usually for story purposes, either I was the cop whose uniform had been stolen, the kid kidnapped during a hot summer night or the jungle boy, captured by poachers. This was the first time I do it for no reason at all apart from feeling vulnerable.

My first attempt, wrapping some thread I found around my body was a failure, not only did I managed to easily escape, but the thread dug into my skin making it very uncomfortable. After discerned the thread as a material, I used cord. I cut two pieces, one was used to tie my ankles and the other was tied in a loop from where I could slip my hands. It made a better job keeping me tied while also allowing me to slip free when needed, unfortunately, the only way to untie the ropes around my ankles was cutting in, besides it still was thin enough to dig into my skin.

My experiments continued until I found the perfect material in my mother’s drawer. Her socks! Unlike me whose longest sock only reached for the ankles, my mom had a vast collection knee-high socks (and a couple of silk scarves that I wouldn’t find until much later) that I could use.

I remember that after locking myself in my room, I stripped to my underwear and set to work. First, I tied one sock between my teeth, then I used another for my ankles and one more for my knees. In a moment of genius, I grabbed my leather belt, buckled it around my chest and slipped my arms through it, pinning them to my torso, finally, I tied the last sock in a loop and with some effort, I managed to slip both hands behind my back.

It was great! The socks were tight yet didn’t hurt my skin, I could roll over my bed, hop around my room, quietly moan in my gag. I managed to open my closet and looked at myself in the large mirror, admiring how my body looked while tied up, how my face was forced into a grin by the gag; I was quite surprise to notice how visible my enjoyment was!

And so, my self-bondage journey started. The following years, I experimented with other materials and different positions: Hogtie, frogtie, spread eagle, to a chair, cleave gagged, stuffed gagged, tape gagged, blindfolded, I wanted to try everything! I even went as far as take pics and short videos of myself in bondage for my enjoyment (which I promptly deleted in case my parents found them), there were of course a couple close calls, moments were some family would knock the door asking why I had locked myself in but I managed to easily overcome them. Until that fateful day.

I was fourteen. My aunt and uncle had come to visit us bringing along their son, a kid the age of my younger brother. The two kids immediately started playing together while the adults talk in the dining room, leaving me to my own devices so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get tied up.

As always, I got into my room, lock the door and stripped to my boxers (I had already exchanged kid’s briefs for more comfortable boxers), this time I decided to do a chair tie. Normally I would use a wooden chair with vertical bars across the back where I could slide my arms through and tie my wrists together, this time though, I wanted to try something different. I used another type of chair, also wooden but with only a single horizontal panel for its back. Also, at that time I had gotten my hands on a cotton rope, it wasn’t that long but I wanted to try it for my legs instead of the usual socks. So I sat on the chair, put my legs together and wrapped the rope all the way from my ankles to my knees. Satisfied, I gagged myself as always, knotting a sock and pushing the knot inside my mouth, finally came the time to tie my hands.

Since I wanted to try something new, I started loosely tying one sock around the right side of the back’s frame so I could slip my hand later, then I ran my arms over the horizontal panel, resting my armpits on it and bend my arms below the panel, wrapping the around the frame. I tightly tied my left wrists to the chair and then I slid my right hand through the pre-tied sock and lay back, enjoying my state of helplessness

As usual, I went through my repertoire of innocent and not so innocent fantasies, slightly struggling in the chair and moaning through my gag, just enjoying the moment until finally, I decided to change position. I pulled my right hand up, in theory it should slip through the sock, but instead, my hand pushed the sock upwards. My body froze as a single thought crept my mind: No!

Frantically I pulled again and again but each time the sock tying me down merely slipped up along with my hand. Panic started setting in, my teeth dug into the sock I used as gag, I tugged at my left hand but it didn’t even move! I was really trapped! Stuck to that chair, lock in my room, helpless, with no way to escape.

I looked around thinking of a way to get out, there had to be a way! What if my parents found me like that? How could I explain it to them? Heck, how would they get into my room? I tried to move forwards but my feet merely slipped on the smooth floor, I tried to lean forwards but the chair was too heavy for me to carry without proper support, sweat was already falling from my forehead, my arms were aching, product of my struggles. Then there was a knock in the door

“CJ!” it was my uncle! I froze, with the gag in my mouth I wouldn’t be able to reply to him, being found by my parents was bad enough, but by my extended family? I was dead! “Is everything alright?” he asked.

Closing my eyes, I bit into my gag and moaned “Uh huh!” I managed to say, praying the e wouldn’t suspect anything

“Okay, just wanted to check on you”

Again, I let out a meek “Uh huh”, hoping that he wouldn’t ask anything else, thankfully he didn’t and left, allowing me to let out a sigh of relief.

After that close call, I got a renew determination to get out of that chair without anyone noticing it! After a second scan through my room, I noticed my desk and formulated a plan in my mind. If I could reach its edge, I could use it to hold the sock in place, allowing me to slip my hand free! The only problem would be reaching said desk. My attention turned to my legs.

They were still tied together, but I noticed that with the struggle, the ropes had gotten slightly loose. I quickly realized what I had to do and started rubbing my legs against each other. Slowly the ropes got even more loose until they fell down, allowing me to pull my legs free. Had I tied each ankle to the legs of the chair as I always do I would have remained trapped!

With my legs free, it was easier to get up, dragging the chair along with me. It was still uncomfortable, and the danger of falling down was always present yet I managed to walk to the desk. My plan worked perfectly! I managed to attach the sock to the edge of the desk and, after some more struggles, I pulled my hand free before collapsing exhausted.

It took me a couple minutes to recover my breath before setting on freeing the rest of my body, leaving the gag until the end. In the end everything ended well, my family didn’t suspect anything and the only inconvenient was that I had to wear long-sleeved t-shirts for a few weeks in order to hide the bruises on my arms.

That event didn’t stop my sessions of self-bondage but did helped me get off my thrill ride, becoming more careful and less… experimental with my job. Eventually I moved to college and bought my first proper gear, two coils of 65 feet of ropes and plenty rolls of duct tape, don’t like to brag but I managed to perfect the art of tying yourself up by practicing my knot tying skills on myself, in the end, the chair incident was the only truly close call I ever had and I’m grateful of that
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Post by FelixSH »

Nice one. That part where you got nearly stuck was pretty exciting. :)

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Post by MaxRoper »

I always enjoy self-bondage tales and this is a good one. You did an excellent job of sharing the terror of being found out. Amazing how the brain can come up with solutions when the chips are down. Well done!
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Post by LK3869 »

[mention]cj2125[/mention] Can't tell you how much similar experiences we had ( except for the net , 10 years too early ) and how connected I feel to those stories. Displaying them in chronological order adds to their impact, the exploring and discovering is so well told...
Personal fave is the third, always wondered about that invasion of kids' home-made movies over Youtube, with so much of them displaying TUG action. I did get a lot of them were classes projects, found that somehow ironical... Having an insight from someone who stared in one is precious.

So yeah, precious stories.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by cj2125 »

Thank you all for your comments!

[mention]MaxRoper[/mention] I was pretty freaked out at that moment and I'm glad I managed to express it in the story. You are right of course. It's amazaing how out of desperation you can come up with some creative ways of escaping! If something good came out of that experience was the exhilarating feeling of accomplishment I got once I escaped, it has (thankfully) been the only time I've been truly trapped and wanting to escape (even in my more restrictive bondage experiences later I always knew I would be eventually united), it was a truly fun experience in retrospect although of course I would never recomend anyone to try it

[mention]LK3869[/mention] Glad that you feel chonected, I start writting them to show my own personal experience getting into this world and how I ended were I'm now...

It's not my favorite but I understand why you liked the third one, I've also have always a fascination with the hime-made clips in youtube even today, specially with the behind-the-scenes ones. It's always interesting to see the people involved interacting with each other in a friendly, playful way while gettign tied up, without any script or "seriousness" about it
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