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Bound and gagged in my pajama by an intruder M/M

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:27 pm
by pogolsky
I had just settled into bed, wearing my trusty blue long-sleeved button-down pajamas, and was ready to drift into a peaceful slumber in my quiet Willowbrook neighborhood. The soft glow of the moon seeped through my curtains, casting an ethereal ambiance in my room. I never could have foreseen the events that would transpire on this seemingly ordinary night.
Suddenly, a sound sliced through the silence, a harsh scrape of a window being pried open. Panic surged through my veins as I realized that an intruder had infiltrated my sanctuary. My heart pounded, and my breath quickened. I tried to sit up, but before I could react, a figure emerged from the shadows.
With a gloved hand, the intruder clamped down on my mouth, preventing any scream from escaping. Fear surged through me as I met the masked eyes of my assailant. My efforts to resist were futile, and I felt utterly powerless.
"Stay quiet," he hissed menacingly. "Cooperate, and you won't get hurt."
"MMMMP. MMMMMMH" was the only sound I could make to show him I would fully cooperate.
"Turn on your belly! Do it! Now!
As the intruder made me turn face-down on my own bed, I felt a wave of helplessness wash over me. I couldn't make out his face, but his presence was suffocating. He tied my wrists together, the rough material chafing against my skin. The room was eerily silent, save for the occasional rustle of fabric and the pounding of my heart.
"And now open wide!" I did I was told to do and a piece of cloth was stuffed into my mouth and fixed with an other piece of cloth behind my neck.
"MMMMMMMF" I moaned desperately into my gag.
"Shut up. Just behave and nothing will happen to you, hero!" Then I felt my ankles being tied up tightly, too.
"Good boy," he whispered as he had finished tying me up. "Now just get your cash and no harm will come to you."
Then he got away from me and started to ransack my room.
My eyes darted around the room, my mind racing with a torrent of thoughts. Who was this intruder, and what did they want from me? I had always been a man who avoided conflict, opting for the path of least resistance. My heart ached with fear as I realized that every struggling and trying to free myself would only invite danger.
I could only nod to show my complete submission and surrender, the gag in my mouth rendering me mute. My eyes met his for a moment, and in that gaze, I conveyed my compliance and an unspoken plea for mercy. The intruder seemed to understand, and he proceeded to search through my drawers, presumably for valuables.
I watched helplessly as he emptied the contents of my cash drawer into his bag, a sense of violation washing over me. It was hard to reconcile this surreal moment with the peaceful life I had known just hours before. My sense of security shattered, and I couldn't shake the feeling that my world had irrevocably changed.
Then it seemed he had got everything he was searchin for.
"Well hero, for this time it's good, but make sure you have everytime enough cash in your drawers. I might come back again. And don't think the police might help you. I know where you live and can get you everywhere, at every time? We understand each other, hero? Buye. See you, sissy!
Eventually, the intruder retreated into the night, leaving me bound and gagged in my pajamas, my sanctuary forever tainted by this harrowing ordeal. As I lay there, I couldn't help but wonder about the motivations and circumstances that had led this intruder to my doorstep, and how the experience had changed me, a man who had always preferred peace over conflict.