Private rehearsal (m/f)

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Private rehearsal (m/f)

Post by Isspong »

Hi! After some time I've managed to return to writing some more about the games I played with my partner Alice during our time in college and as yound adults. I was compiling the stories in one single topic but it must be buried by now :)

For those new or that want a bit more of context. Alice and me met just before college and quickly I introduced them to my love for bondage and tied up games with some silly roleplaying before the more intimate parts. At is a Alice is a medium height, fit, woman with a very expressive face and brownish-blonde hair, sometimes long, someties short. She enjoyed being tied up and playing hard to get, mostly when it was as a surprise or friendly prank that invited some roleplaying, and these are the parts I enjoy remembering and putting into words.

As usual, hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!

Private rehearsal (m/f)

During our time in college, Alice and I participated in some classical music programs. Nothing as big as a full orchestra, but there were yearly concerts and so on. The university counted with a building dedicated to concerts, and events… which counted with private rehearsal rooms. Rooms were reserved for hours, for free, and were partially soundproof and windowless.

One day Alice and I were practicing in one of these rooms. It was late in the day; the building was mostly empty, and we weren’t taking it very seriously. I was on the acoustic guitar while Alice was on the piano. She had more experience than me and practiced more, and she was showing off and teasing me a bit each time I fumbled or lost the rhythm.

Even in winter, the main problem in the rehearsal rooms was the temperature. We usually turned off the AC due to noise, and the soundproofing didn’t help to cool off the rooms. Due to a general rehearsal early that day, we were still wearing the official concert outfits, aggravating the heat problem. Mine consisted of a plain black suit and tie with a white shirt, and Alice's was similar but with a knee-length black skirt instead of pants.

We had taken off our coats, but sweating after a particularly silly mistake caused me to take off my jacket and tie.

“Are you going to blame the heat for your clumsiness?” Asked Alice, poking fun at me.

“Well, it isn’t helping.” I agreed. “But I’ll admit that it was mostly my fault.”

“Take it easy, I know not everyone can play as perfectly as me.” Said Alice, flipping her hair with a smug smile on her face. That day she wore her brownish-blonde hair loose past her shoulders, and it was clear that it wasn’t helping her with the heat.

“Is that so, huh? You don’t make mistakes?” I said playing along.

“Not once!” Alice straightened her back and started playing again.

“Want to bet on it?” I said from behind her.

She stopped playing, and turned to me, her eyes full of curiosity. “What are you thinking about?”

“How about a penalty for each mistake?” I said, already thinking of possible ideas that could be more entertaining than another hour of rehearsal.

“Ok” Alice agreed without much hesitation, her competitive spirit showing up. “And the first to three mistakes must concede a prize to the winner.” She added crossing her arms and full of confidence.

“Agreed! Let’s shake on it.”

We shook hands, staring into each other’s eyes, both full of determination. I already had a plan on mind, now I only needed to win the bet. Which was easier said than done.

On the first try, I rushed and lost the rhythm after a bit. Alice noticed instantly and stopped playing. She took a moment to joke at my expenses. Then she made me take off my shoes as “it would help me with the heat” Exited the room and returned after a while without them.

“You’ll have to find them after you lose the rest of the bet.” She added before sitting on the stool in front of the piano. “Ready to lose again?”

As an answer, I just nodded to her to start again, determined to not fail again. This time we continued for far longer. I managed to focus, and we almost reached the end before Alice suddenly stopped with an added “Dammit!”

She had my a mistake, and I have missed it completely, focused as I was on my part.

“Ha! Well, I commend your sincerity, but that isn’t going to help you to evade the penalty.” I said putting away the guitar.”

“Ok, do your worst!”

“Close your eyes first.” I demanded, and she obeyed without hesitation. I grabbed my tie, and approached Alice from behind. I used the tie as an improvised blindfold, covering her eyes with two loops and tying it up behind her head. “You can open them now.”

“Very funny. I don't think opening them is going to make much of a difference.” She said. She had noticed the blindfold immediately, and she was testing her vision waving her hands in front of her eyes.

“Can you see anything?” I said approaching my face to hers and grabbing her by her shoulders.

“No, I can’t see your stupid face.” Se sounded annoyed but she had a wide smile on her face. “You are a cheater, you know that? And still, I can play better than you, even blindfolded.”

“Oh, yes? Then let’s SEE it.” I turned her around by her shoulders positioning her on the stool in front of the piano and helping her to sit down.

“Ugh, no, please, do whatever you want to me but don't start with your stupid puns.” She said testing the piano keys until she found the starting position.

This time, Alice made the signal to start playing, as she couldn’t see mine. To my surprise, she managed to play for a bit blindfolded, just by muscle memory and practice, but it didn’t took much longer until she fumbled a note. She let her arms fall with an exasperated sigh.

I gave her small applause to cheer her up. “I recognize that you’ve lasted longer than I expected.”

“Thanks, it was fun. For a moment I really though I could do it.” She said turning to where she thought I was. “So, what’s your second and, I'm sure, completely reasonable penalty?”

“Hmmm.” I feigned thinking about it for a second. “I’m going to need your tie.”

“Of course you do.” She said, taking it off, with difficulty with her eyes covered. “Something tells me that I’m not going to win the next round.”

She offered her tie with one hand extended in front of her. I grabbed her and turned her around on the stool. Gently, I grabbed both of her wrists and crossed them behind her. She let me continue without struggling, we were both enjoying the moment. I looped the tie around her wrists, crossing the loops horizontally, then vertically, and ended with two knots above her wrists, as far from her fingers as I could.

Once I finished, she didn’t waste any time and started testing her bonds. She tugged and twisted her wrists, but they held her wrists together well enough. Once she was sure that she wasn't going to escape without more fierce struggling, she stopped and tried to look at me over her shoulders. “If I win like this, you should retire from playing.” She said laughing.

“If you win like this,” I said, as I unbuttoned the first two buttons of her shirt from behind her. In part to help her with the heat but mostly for my enjoyment. “I’ll eat my shoes.”

First she tried to reach the piano keys from the normal position, but she could only reach up to her sides with her hands tied. Then, she turned around on the stool, her back against the piano, and tried to play leaning forward and raising her hands. She could reach the keys but with difficulty and one by one. After some more effort we both started laughing.

“I don’t think I can even start playing like this.”

“Maybe standing up?” I offered. I helped her to her feet, put away the stool, and guided her by the waist, back against the piano. I tried to kiss her, taking advantage of the moment, but she felt it comming and even could barely dodge me.

Standing up, she could reach the keys better, though playing chords was out of the question, but she could play the single notes of one hand. She was so focused, she had her lips pressed, her eyebrows furrowed (as much as I could see them behind the tie), and she tugged or struggled in frustration after every mistake. After all the effort, her shirt was starting to come out of her skirt, and loose hairs, not pressed by the blindfold, were tickling her face.

“Enjoying yourself?” I asked after a while watching her.

She stopped and flipped her head to put away her hair from her face as best as she could. “Yeah, but not much as you, I’m sure. Ready to begin?”

“Of course!” I grabbed the guitar. She nodded as a signal, and we started playing. We had to slow the rhythm, and she was only playing part of the notes, but we both were enjoying the moment, until she bursted out laughing after the nth note fumbled.

“Ok, ok, you win.” She said recovering, with a hand on the piano for balance.

“Yeah, I don’t know if you noticed, but you’ve made some mistakes.”

She gasped theatrically, oppening her mouth wide in disbelief. “Impossible! Perhaps I’m too tired to continue playing?.”

“I think you, that you are too TIED to continue playing.” I retorted. The pun garnered a deep sigh from Alice, followed by a smile and she turning around and flipping me off with both hands.

“You’re the worst, but, you’ve won. I should have guessed what you were thinking. So, what price do you want? I can tell you where you can find your shoes.” She said turning around again to face mostly in mine direction.

“Hmmm no thanks, I think I can make you tell me anyway.” I said walinkg slowly towards her.

“Don’t you dare…!” She started walking backwards, but she stumbled against the stool and lost balance. She left out a shocked "AH!" but I managed to grab her soon by the shoulders, and she recovered quick. She tried to shake me off, protesting. “Let me go! I will never talk!”

I pressed her down by the shoulders, until she was sitting on the floor. She put some resistance, but mostly just for show. Once on the floor she scooted a bit until she reached a wall. She leaned her back against it and layed her legs together at one side, waiting for me to approach.

“If you tell me where my shoes are." I said, approaching slowly. "This will go much easier for you."

She shook her head. “Do your worst. You've tricked me with the penalties and now you are going to torment a helpless young woman."

Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door and a voice from outside. “Everything ok there? We’ve heard some loud noise.” It was one of the receptionists. Without thinking, almost by reflex, I covered Alice’s mouth with my hand, garnering a surprised “Hmpf!” from her.

“Yeah, everything is perfect. I’ve just stumbled with the piano’s stool, but nothing serious.” I said while Alice laughed, silenced under my hand.

“Ok.” The receptionist added uninterested. “It’s late already, are you going to take much longer?”

I looked at Alice, trying to contain her amusement, letting out only muffled giggling. “No, we’ll be out in a moment, thank you!” The receptionist said goodbye, and after a momment the silence returned.

After a second, I noticed Alice licking my hand, which prompted me to remove it by reflex.

“So.” She started, licking her lips to take off the taste of my hand from her tongue. “What was that for? Did you think I was going to cry for help?” She said, amused. "Please, please, recepctionist. My evil boyfriend has tied me up and plans torture me." She said in her most overacted impression of a defenseless victim.

“Shut up." I said, half embarrased, half excited by the moment. "I’m going for my shoes. I'll close the door, and you'll stay here as the good damsel you are.”

“Make me.” She said, changing from defenseless to defiant, and leaning as close to me as she could. “Or do you want me to scream as soon you open the door? You are as bad a guitarist as a kidnapper.”

“And you are even more irritating as a hostage.” I started loosening her blindfold. Once she could see again, Alice winked at me, before showin me the tongue. I lowered the tie to her mouth, turned it around, so the knots were in front of her mouth, and retightened them, so they were stuffing her mouth.

“Thtf Bpftfr” She mumbled. The gag wasn’t the most effective, but she happily played along.

“Much better. Now, if you don’t have anything more to say…” I paused for her to hmpfed her complains for the joke “I’ll go for my shoes.”

I went for the door, gave her a thumbs up and she nodded in agreement. I opened the door, and took a peek at the corridor, no one was there, went outside and wave at her while closing the door. She returned the wave, poking her tied hands to her side.

It took me a bit to find the shoes, but the building was effectively empty, so no one asked why I was walking around without shoes. At last, there were behind the door of the women's bathroom. I put them on and returned to the rehearsal room after checking that the receptionist was in the lobby focusing on a computer and completely bored.

I opened the room and, to my surprise Alice was still as I had left her. She was trying to look at her tied hands and testing the bonds slightly, but she was very calm. When she saw me entering, she looked at my feet and clapped as best as she could with her hands while smiling with her stuffed mouth.

I saluted, drinking in the applause, and went to help her stand up and remove her gag. The tie was a bit wet so I untied it left it in a pocket in my coat and started helping Alice to fix her outfit.

“You took your time.” She said as I put her jacket straight and tucked her shirt into her skirt. “I thought the receptionist was going to return. He might be be pissed. We better start packing up” She continued as I put my coat on while nodding and agreeing with “aha, yup” from time to time. Maybe the wait had calmed her down, but I hadn’t finished the game yet. “We must be the last ones to leave. Could you untie me, please? It must be late” She said showing me her hands.

“Yeah,” I said absently. “But I have to take my prize first,” I said ignoring her hands, and grabbing her coat.

“Oh, ok. I don’t have anything on me.“ She said looking at herself and trying to reach the pockets of her jacket. “Can’t we let it for another time? You know I’m good for it.”

“I think you don’t understand.” I said putting the coat on her shoulders. It was a long beige coat, long enough to covering her tied hands. “I’m taking you as my prize.

She stopped for a moment, surprised. But soon she was looking at me with a devious smile. “You really are the worst. You’re taking advantage of me!”

“Tssss" I said putting covering her mouth with my hand and grabbing her head with my other hand from behind to fix the handgag. "And you’re a sore loser. Now, be calm while I pack our stutff and let’s take it easy until the car unless we need the receptionist to see you with a gag?”

I let her go from the handgag. She smiled, raised her chin, and straighten her back. “Ok, fair is fair. I’ll be a good captive… for now.”
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Post by slackywacky »

Thank you for posting that, it was a fun read.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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